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Yogi Bear Jellystone Park Feature
Expanded Family Fun Opportunities at Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park ™
Fall is all too quickly arriving on our doorstep but that doesn’t mean there aren’t great family activities to do. The Corn Maze at Jellystone Park™ has reinvented their maze to create an all day experience that is right for any family.

“We completed construction on our new Recreation Center this spring that allows us to expand our offerings during the corn maze season” said Ray Aljets, General Manager of the campground and corn maze complex. “We will continue to offer the same great maze experience including the area’s only jumping pillow and free mini-golf with your admission, but we’ve added a number of family friendly add-ons that can fill your whole day.”

An outdoor laser tag arena highlights the new addition with 16 state of the art laser tag guns and multiple game modes for all ages. There is also an expanded merchandise and snack
area, new restrooms and additional activities in the heated and cooled recreation center. Paint your own ceramic figurine, choosing from a wide variety of designs including the one and only Yogi Bear™ himself. They even have custom fall themed t-shirts that you can tie dye at the park.

“We feel like these new additions really add to the traditional corn maze experience and turn what was once a leisurely stroll through the corn field into a day of family entertainment,” Aljets said. The variety of packages and price points available mean there is an option for every family and budget.
If you are looking to get your camper out for one last weekend, be sure to check into the Halloween themed weekends through the end of September. There are magic pumpkin patches, site to site Trick-or-Treating, Halloween crafts and much more! Be sure to bring your Halloween costumes for a fun-filled weekend.
While pets are welcome in the campground, the corn maze has teamed with the Sioux Falls Area Humane Society to open the corn maze to pets for one day only. Bring your pet for a trip through the corn maze on Sunday, October 6th and 20% of your admission fee will go to the Humane Society!
For the last 28 years, Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park has focused on quality, family-focused entertainment. Speaking with park manager and part owner, Ray Aljets, I learned he is a 3rd generation owner operator of the park he co-owns and operates with his parents, Bruce and Donna, and his sister, Christina Lien. Built by his grandparents in 1989, the park continues its family focus employing extended family including three of Christina’s children and her son-in-law. Aljets says his seven-year-old son is a little young to put to work but maybe someday.

More info For a full schedule of Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park events and information about the corn maze, check out their websites: www.jellystonesiouxfalls.com and www.siouxfallscornmaze.com or call 605-332-2233 . Find us on Facebook too!