1 minute read

The Hope Front | Issue 1 | March 2021

The March Issue of The Hope Front is finally here!

Amidst the current situation, THP still aims to promote and ensure the normal growth of a child confined in a hospital setting. Let us help each other and #InspireHope during these trying times.


Be updated monthly on the latest happenings within the organization as we continue to spread #HopeFromHome by subscribing through this link, bit.ly/THP2021-THF-Subs and the newsletter will be delivered right through your emails.

If you want your organization or company to be featured in the newsletter, please contact us at thehopefront@gmail.com. For partnerships with the organization, send us an email at thehopeprojectupm@gmail.com. For queries, please message our official Facebook page @TheHopeProjectUPM

Always, in all ways #ForTheKids! #TheHopeFront #HopeFromHome

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