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Week of April 8, 2013 | Volume 67 | Issue 23

A model of his dreams Lee Staton, manager of IT communications and special projects, spends his spare time constructing space and rocket replicas. His replicas are currently displayed in museums around the globe.

Read more about Staton’s “weird hobby” on Page 6. The student voice of Indiana University Southeast

Students holster up in support of guns on campus By BRETT HANCOCK Staff brjhanco@ius.edu The group Students for Concealed Carry, with the help of an IU Southeast student, has scheduled an empty holster demonstration on Tuesday, April 11 to raise awareness for safety issues on campus. Drew Appel, criminal justice junior and the demonstration’s organizer, said the event is a chance to voice to students and the administration at IU Southeast how illequipped the people on campus would be if they had to defend themselves from an armed assailant, especially one who might be determined to take lives. “Having our university take the position of being a ‘gun-free zone,’ would grant violent criminals a peace of mind, should they decide to use our campus to execute their murderous rampage,” Appel said. Appel said he is one of many citizens across the country with a current belief the Second Amendment is in need of defending. “Here in Indiana I know that my home is my castle and can be defended as such,” he said. “The rights afforded to me by the Second Amendment allow me to walk down the street knowing that I will be able to meet violence with violence on a level playing field, should the need arise.” In order to obtain a permit to carry, he said, one would need to go to the local sheriff or police station and have a permit issued through the state police. A laundry list of requirements must also be satisfied, such as the individual being at least 21 years of age and maintaining a record free of violence or domestic charges. The group Students for Concealed Carry will lend support to the event, and actually suggested the idea of the empty holster demonstration. According to their website, http://www.concealedcampus.org, the group is a student-run, national, non-partisan organization. The group advocates for the legal and concealed carrying of firearms on college campuses in the United States as an effective means for selfdefense. While the date of the event is tentative and in its final stages of planning, the demonstration comes during a time when the Second Amendment has become a heavilydebated subject across the country and college campuses alike due to the proposition of Senate Bill 97. Indiana Sen. Jim Banks, a republican from Columbia City, wants to pass the bill, which would allow college students to carry guns around campus, because it, he said, would help protect women from sexual assault. Banks proposed Senate Bill 97 in January and it is currently under review by the Committee on Rules. The bill would prevent any stateleased property, such as a college or university, from controlling the possession or transportation of firearms, ammunition or firearm accessories. If approved, the bill could go into effect as early as July 2013. Appel said he has discussed the particulars of the demonstration with the Campus Life and has reSee DEMONSTRATION, page 2

Photos by Hanna Woods

Levi Groenewold, history junior, and Dwight Rosewood, biology senior, held an assembly April 3 in McCullough Plaza. The assembly was held to gain support for the Indiana University-wide strike that will take place on April 11 and 12 when the Board of Trustees meet in Bloomington, Ind. to discuss raising tuition rates.


Students rally to protest rise in tuition By APRILE RICKERT Staff apmricke@ius.edu

(Above) Levi Groenewold, history junior, and (below) Dwight Rosewood, biology senior, speak to students in McCullough Plaza about the strike set for April 11 and 12.

Since Dec. 2012, students at IU Bloomington and several other IU campuses —including IU Southeast— have been gearing up for a student strike that will come to a head in just a few days. The strike, which is based out of the Bloomington campus, was born largely out of some students’ frustrations with rising tuition costs, while programs continue to lose funding. It is set to happen April 11 and 12, when the IU Board of Trustees will meet in Bloomington. The chief concerns of the strikers are to stop the privatization and outsourcing of student services, such as the bookstore, the lack of diversity on IU campuses and a university budget that draws 51 percent of its support from rising student tuition, a number some students say is unacceptable for a public university. “I feel like the system is turning away from one that was originally set up to serve the people to educate,” Rebecca Donaldson, sociology senior said. “Things have shifted and now it’s on the backs of the students and it’s not sustainable.” See STRIKE, page 2

Rebecca Donaldson, sociology senior, talks to students who stopped in McCullough Plaza during a mass assembly held April 3. Donaldson, along with others, were raising awareness of the student and faculty strike planned for April 11 and 12.



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Week of April 8, 2013 | NEWS |



Students assemble to raise awareness of strike next week

March 31 at 12:42 a.m. IUS Police stopped a vehicle on campus for failing to use a turn signal and gave the driver a warning. March 31 at 5:03 a.m. An officer responded to a request for assistance needed from Floyd County Police Department on Charlestown Road. When the officer arrived, no assistance was needed. March 31 11:06 p.m. A noise complaint from Orchard Lodge was made, and IUS Police advised the students to keep the noise down. April 1 at 9:36 a.m. An officer was dispatched to take an injury report. The employee injured themselves while working in the service workshop. The officer took an injury report. April 1 at 10:50 a.m. IUS Police responded to a theft alert in Life Sciences. The officers checked and found no suspicious activity. April 1 at 7:17 p.m. While on a routine patrol, two officers observed Ryan Engle, 19, sitting inside a vehicle in Hickory Parking Lot smoking marijuana. Engle was arrested and given a citation for possession of marijuana under 30 grams and possession of paraphernalia. Engle was also given a trespass warning. April 2 at 2:27 p.m. An officer escorted a faculty member from Knobview Hall to Crestview Hall. April 2 at 6:04 p.m. IUS Police assisted a stranded motorist on Hausfeldt Lane. The officer helped the driver move the vehicle off the road. April 4 at 12:02 a.m. An officer responded to a noise complaint in Forest Lodge. When the officer arrived he did not hear anything. April 4 at 12:50 a.m. A smoke alarm went off in Woodland Lodge. IUS Police responded and found the cause was burnt food.

Demonstration CONTINUED FROM page 1

Approval for event granted by police

ceived permission. Seuth Chaleunphonh, dean of Student Life, said Appel is completely in his right to engage in a peaceful protest and voice his opinions. He said the demonstration is different from a normal event, where a student group must obtain university approval in order to proceed. “Mr. Appel was referred to the IUS Police Department due to the nature of his proposed demonstration as a courtesy to the university in order to maintain peace and safety for all,” he said. IUS Police Chief Charlie Edelen said he would feel extremely unsafe if students were allowed to carry weapons, but otherwise considers the demonstration legal. “The police are on campus for a reason,” Edelen said. “If students tried to police themselves it would be a very bad idea.” Appel said the event is less about food or fun and more about the chance for the student body to show their discontent with their current level of security on campus. “I would expect a wide range of participants from across campus at the demonstration,” he said, “all with a similar concern for safety and the policies involved. I would expect to see fliers up soon outside of the Campus Life office.” Students interested in participating in the event should contact Appel for more informa-

Photo by Hanna Woods

Rebecca Donaldson, sociology senior, gathered e-mail addresses and information from students at an assembly in McCullough Plaza on April 3 to raise awareness for the strike on April 11 and 12. Donaldson said she was just like anyone else walking by and she decided to get involved by gathering student information to “keep them in the know.” The main question proposed at the earliest talks of the strike in Bloomington was, “Why don’t we have a voice in the university that is equal to our contribution?” Levi Groenewold, history junior, said he has been in contact with the strike organization in Bloomington and started organizing the strike at IU Southeast. “I’ve got a few enthusiastic people who are involved with the ACLU [American Civil Liberties Union]. There are a few people, but so far we don’t really have an organized expression,” he said. Groenewold said he thinks there is a disconnect between the students and the administration and he hopes the strike will help usher in the formation of an independent student union. “I’d like to organize students in some sort of democratic framework that we can collectively bargain with administration for our rights as students and for our conditions for education,” he said. Groenewold and several other students gathered at McCullough Plaza on April 3 to rally support and to educate about the strike. He and Dwight Rosewood, biology senior, read the IU On Strike list of demands and called out to passing students to “Come make your voices be heard!” “Most of us come from working class families; we commute to college, work one, or two, or maybe even three jobs to get by, and still end up with crippling student-loan debt,” Rosewood said to the onlookers. “That is not the way to build a better tomorrow for our country.” Although attendance at the rally was low, Groenewold said he is not discouraged. “It’s going take events like this to get people experienced in the fact that they can come together in a collective form and affect change,” Groenewold said. Donaldson said people uniting for a cause is how change happens. “I definitely think that people forget how powerful they are, especially as young people,” Donaldson said. “They don’t get it—that doing stuff and making changes is just about doing stuff and making changes. I think it’s great that people are out there trying to talk about things. Somebody has to start the discussion.” At the Bloomington campus, students have been involved in weekly meetings and demonstrations centered on the upcoming strike. On April 1, 70to 80- students participated in a campus march, “Sound the Attack: Noise Demo for the Strike at IU,” to garner attention for the cause. Those involved were invited to bring banners, signs, musical instruments and other noisemakers to the event. During the two-day strike, participants at IU Bloomington and IU Southeast have vowed to not attend classes or patronize the university in any way. Instead, they will be engaged in various proactive activities that will prove to make the experience more than just skipping class. According to IU On Strike, strike participants at Bloomington will have regular demonstrations, discussions and “teach-ins” led by striking faculty members. Groenewold said he and other IU Southeast strikers will most likely gather at McCollough Plaza. “We will hold a Strike Picnic on the days of the strike on the lawn near the clock tower to rally support for striking students to come and discuss the demands and meaning of this strike and to come up with ideas on what can be done on campus to improve conditions for students, teachers and staff,” he

Editorial & Production Senior Editors Bryan Jones jonesbry@umail.iu.edu Hanna Woods hrwoods@umail.iu.edu News Editor Gail Faustyn gfaustyn@ius.edu Profiles Editors Kim Kerby kdkerby@ius.edu Brittany Powell bripowel@ius.edu

Features Editors Stephen Allen allen68@imail.iu.edu Samantha Frazier sefrazie@ius.edu Newscast Editors Jonathan Cates jdcates@ius.edu Cassidy Teague casateag@ius.edu Adviser Adam Maksl amaksl@ius.edu

Staff Hannah Ash Kimberly Bottoms Nic Britton Jody Hamilton Mychal Harris Laura Hubrich Ryan Nadler Shelby Orange Tina Reed Aprile Rickert Kali Schmuckie Kate Smith Raymond Shutt Sam Weber

said. Mark Land, associate vice president of public affairs and governmental relations, IU Communications, said the administration is aware of the strike, and has no plans to punish students for participating. “We welcome the debate and we certainly do not have any issues with anyone wanting to express their opinions in a constructive way,” Land said. “If you can’t do it on a college campus where can you do it?” He said there has been a line of communication between the striking students and the administration, and that the concerns of the strike are things the university has been working on already. “The strikers have spoken with campus leadership both at the student level and at the administration level,” Land said. “I think it’s fair to say that the university understands what the concerns are.” He said the students’ voices are not being ignored. “I think [administration] takes into consideration everybody’s viewpoints on things,” Land said. “The decisions that are made here, as you might imagine, are complex. We’re trying to consider a wide a range of viewpoints as possible. I think it’s fair to say the university is listening to a whole range of folks that we would consider to be our stakeholders.” Although a change in tuition is on the horizon, it will not be voted on at the April 11 board of trustees meeting, according to the agenda. Land said the administration is waiting to see how much the state of Indiana decides to allocate to the university. The decision from the state will not be ready until late April. “It’s been very positive so far but what we want to see actually what the state appropriation is going to be before we make any final recommendations on tuition,” Land said. Although a rise in tuition may be inevitable, IU has implemented some financial programs that Land said are meant to help offset the cost of student tuition. Under the new IU College Affordability Initiative, both resident students and those paying out-of-state tuition at all IU campuses are being offered summer courses at a rate of 25 percent less than what they would cost during the regular semester for the second year in a row. This fall will also mark the start of the “Finish in Four” program, a plan designed to freeze tuition for students who are on track to graduate within the traditional four-year timeframe. It will be available to students in good standing who have achieved sophomore status with 60 credit hours or junior status with 90 hours by fall of 2013. “No matter what we might do with tuition and fees, if you’re on track to graduate in four years after your sophomore year, your tuition is going to effectively be frozen,” Land said. Land said he thinks some students may have the idea that tuition is spiraling out of control, but that IU is doing all that it can to make the institution affordable. “We’re working very hard to keep the cost down, and we’ve also doubled the amount of financial aid—scholarships and loans that are available to instate students—over the last five years,” he said. Some strike supporters have said that while they are able to attend college now, they are afraid of what rising costs could mean for future generations of potential students. “We’re just trying to get the best that we can,” Donaldson said. “I just don’t think that right now, the best that they have to offer is good enough.” The Horizon is a student-produced newspaper, published weekly during the fall and spring semesters. Editors must be enrolled in at least three credit hours and are paid.

IU Southeast 4201 Grant Line Road New Albany, IN 47150

To report a story idea or to obtain information, call 941-2253 or e-mail horizon@ius.edu.

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Letters to the editors must be signed, include student’s major and class standing and be fewer than 300 words. The Horizon reserves the right to edit for brevity, grammar, and style and may limit frequent letter writers.

The Horizon is partially funded by Student Activity Fees.

The Horizon welcomes contributions on all subjects.

Phone 812-941-2253

The Horizon is not an official publication of Indiana University Southeast, and therefore does not necessarily reflect its views. Your first issue of The Horizon is free. All subsequent copies cost $2 each. The Horizon is a member of the Indiana Collegiate Press Association, Hoosier State Press Association, and the Associated Collegiate Press.

Week of April 8, 2013 | SPORTS|


Athletics advances technologically

New sports app brings games closer to home By BRETT HANCOCK Staff brjhanco@ius.edu A new way of following IU Southeast athletics has been released via the iTunes App Store for the iPhone or iPad. In late February the web-design group eSolution Architects, which was fundamental in the overhaul of the IU Southeast athletics Web page, lent its expertise in the creation of the university’s first sports app: IU Southeast Athletics. According to the app’s details, fans will be able to read game summaries, check schedules and add games to their calendars. Users will also be able to review rosters, learn about student-athletes and review maps of athletic department facilities. Features also include live scoring, event statistics, audio and video links, photo galleries and social media integration. “We are always looking for new ways to improve our fan experience,” Joe Glover, athletic director, said. “We have some amazing fans and we want to make sure we are doing everything possible to enhance their interaction with Grenadier athletics.” Also involved in the implementation of the app was Stephen Utz, sports information director. He said the app did not require university funding. “The new app is part of the athletic website re-design process we did last summer,” Utz said. “SIDHelp asked if we could help test the app. We are only the second school they have created an app for so they waived any costs on that basis. It is a new product, and we are lucky to have a tremendous Joe Glover, relationship with them athletic director and their founder, Greg Black.”

We are

always looking for new ways

to improve our

fan experience.

The new IU Southeast Athletics app lets users read game summaries, check game schedules, review team rosters and event statistics, learn about student athletes and much more. The app also features live scoring and audio and video links.

SIDHelp is a part of eSolutions Architects, which, according to their website, is a customizable web application that will assist anyone that is responsible for entering and updating information for their conference, league or school website. It also includes features for entering-in schedules, rosters or updating pages on the website. Utz said he and Glover provided a list of features they would like to see included in the app and made a few additional suggestions during the test phase. “We weren’t involved with any of the technical aspects of creating the app,” Utz said. “There were several times we had to alert the team at SIDHelp of certain bugs throughout the testing process, but in the end we liked what we saw and decided to go along with it.” Black said he thinks of SIDHelp as a content management and web development system built specifically for college athletic departments. The SIDHelp network currently includes more than 25 conference or league sites and more than 100 institutional sites, he said. “We generally work with small-college athletics,” Black said. “We do have some other apps we

are in the process of building for other schools, but currently only have a finished app out for IU Southeast and Faulkner University.” “When it comes to the process of creating a website we have a custom CMS that we have built for specifically for athletics,” Black said. “We then work with each client specifically to build what the fan side will look like.” CMS stands for content management system, which is a computer program that allows publishing, editing and modifying content as well as maintenance from a central interface. The first was announced at the end of the 1990’s and was designed to simplify the complex task of writing numerous versions of code and to make the website development process more flexible. According to SIDHelp’s website, services are offered at a cost of $2,000 a year. The results are an easy-to-use interface with a look designed specifically for each university’s website, which can be up and running in as little as a month. Currently, the app is only available through iTunes, but they are working on releasing an Android version.

Archive photos

Students predict NCAA tournament winner By RAYMOND SHUTT and HANNA WOODS Staff rshutt@ius.edu and hrwoods@umail.iu.edu

Sigma Kappa hosted, “Tip off with Sigma Kappa,” on the opening day of the National Collegiate Athletic Association men’s basketball tournament on March 21. Members of Sigma Kappa informed attendees on game scores while updating their brackets, and gave out candy and wristbands. During the event students were asked to predict who they thought would win the NCAA Tournament. This year’s tournament has had its fair share of surprises and upsets, being one of the most unpredictable tournaments, only three of the eight students asked picked a team that made it into the Final Four. On the road to the Championship, being played in Atlanta Monday, April 8, only four teams remain. The University of Louisville is the lone No. 1 seed left in the tournament. The Cardinals picked up a victory over No. 2 Duke after Kevin Ware, sophomore guard, broke his leg during the first half of the Regional Championship. Wichita State (No. 8) took out Ohio State (No. 2) and Gonzaga (No. 1) in the Western Region. Michigan and Syracuse both No. 4 seeds round out the Final Four.

Stephon Moore, political science sophomore, said Louisville is the best defensive team in the nation, hands down.

Jessica Holbrook, nursing junior, said Louisville will win because they have Peyton Siva.

Shelby Mayfield, psychology junior, said she chose Louisville because they are the best, and they are the No. 1 overall seed.


Week of April 8, 2013| EVENTS |


Cycle for Life

Softball Where: Koetter Sports Softball Complex When: 2 - 6 p.m. The IUS softball team will take on the Asbury Eagles in a double-header game. Come down to the softball field and cheer on the Grenadiers to help them continue their 18-game winning streak.



12:20 - 1:10 p.m. University Center, Room 127 Come and see research projects fellow students have been working on this semester. Ask questions and learn how you can get started on your own project.

6 - 7:15 p.m. Writing Center, Knobview 208 The end of the semester is nearing, and so is the deadline for your research paper. Learn how to properly cite sources in order to avoid common mistakes, and failing a class.




6 - 7:30 p.m. University Center, room 121 Looking to get into the education field? Meet principals and teachers from the Kentucky and Indiana area and network with them. Professional dress required.


THURSDAY Conference

All Day Hooiser Room, IU Southeast This conference highlights all the hard work of students in all different fields around campus. Come see all the posters, papers and slide shows made by your peers.

IU on Strike!

To submit material to The Horizon for the Events page, call The Horizon at 812-9412253 or e-mail us at horizon@ ius.edu. Events should be submitted one week in advance.


8 p.m. Molly Malones, Louisville Every Tuesday night Molly Malones in St. Matthews hosts “Trivia Tuesdays.” Test your knowledge and find out how much you really know. Free for those 21 years and older.

April 10


7 p.m. Koetter Sports Complex, Baseball Field Spring is in full bloom and so is baseball season. Come celebrate the greatest American pastime by watching the Grenadiers take down the Oakland City Oaks.


7 - 10 p.m. University Center, room 120 Feeling stressed out studying for finals? Come and relax having some good old-fashion fun at a game night sponsored by the College Democrats. Bring any game. This free event is open to all students.

April 11


12:20 - 1:10 p.m. Knobview, room 006 Come and participate in a scholarly discussion on religion with fellow students. This event is open to all students, sponsored by the Religious Studies group.


April 12-14

Janis & Karla

Relay for Life

Friday 7:30 p.m. IU Southeast “Before Jewel and Alanis there was Janis and Karla.” See two influential women preform in the Richard K. Stem Concert Hall at the Ogle Center. Cost is $32.50


Friday 7 p.m. University of Louisville University of Louisville leads Kentucky in advancements of cancer research. Come participate in the Relay for Life, sponsored by U of L, to help continue this legacy.


6 - 7 p.m. Animal House, Louisville Have you ever been interested in volunteering with the Louisville Metro Animal Services? Get involved this Thursday by walking dogs or socializing with cats.

Roller Derby

Saturday 7 p.m. Louisville Roll on down to Champs Rollerdrome and watch The Derby City Roller Girls verses the Richland County Regulators. Tickets are $11. Seats are first-come-first-serve basis.

Photo by Aprile Rickert

On Wednesday April 3 at McCullough Plaza students gathered to voice their concerns on the rise of tuition among other things. The leaders of the demonstration were Levi Groenewold, history junior featured above, and Dwight Rosewood, biology senior.

Live Music

Saturday 9 p.m. - midnight Louisville Put on your dancing pants and come listen to Louisville locals She Might Bite and Columbus’, The Town Monster at Against the Grain. Show is for ages 21 and older.

Rock Fight

Talent Show


Sunday 1 p.m. Clarksville Its finally getting warmer outside; what better way to enjoy it than by taking a nice long hike. See the most beautiful spring flowers bloom at Charlestown State Park for $7.

“9 to 5”

Sunday 1:30 p.m. Clarksville Derby Dinner Playhouse is showing “9 to 5,” a musical inspired Dolly Parton’s music. Take a break from that daily grind; “It’s enough to drive you crazy if you let it.”



LOCAL Market

Where: IUS Library When: 7 - 8:30 p.m. Should Indiana “legalize it?” Join the Civil Liberties Union and a panel of experts as they discuss the marijuana policy reform. Free event will be on the third floor of the library.

April 9

12:20 - 1:10 p.m. University Center, room 128 There will be a reading of the short story “Yellow Wallpaper” written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Students are encouraged to come and participate in the discussion.

Noon - 1 p.m. The Commons, IU Southeast The English Club is hosting another open mic reading. Come hear others share their own poems, or read one of your own. The theme will be ‘for the love of the game.”


Where: McCullough Plaza When: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Join the brotherhood of Theta Kappa as they host the “Cycle for Life” event. There will be a rock climbing wall and stationary bikes to ride. Cost is $10. Proceeds go to finding cures for cancer.

April 8


Lit At Lunch



Lost & Found

Kentucky Derby

Last Day

April 13 & 27 Market Street, New Albany The farmer’s market located on E. Market Street in New Albany will have seasonal winter food for sale. If interested in becoming a vendor, applications are available.

April 12 McCullough Plaza, IU Southeast Watch several local Indiana bands duke it out at the Rock Fight, hosted by Res Life & Housing. Party starts at 5 p.m. If it rains, it will be held in the Hoosier Room.

April 26 7 p.m. IU Southeast The Gay Straight Alliance is hosting a talent show. Any one can participate. If you have an interesting talent sign up in the GSA office in University Center Room 001W.

April 15 Hoosier Room, IU Southeast IUS will be having a lost and found sale. Items from USB drives to umbrellas will be on sale at low prices. All the proceeds go to scholarships for students.

May 4 All Day, Churchill Downs The Derby is near. Ladies, start picking out your favorite hat and your favorite dress. Derby events start with Thunder Over Louisville on April 20.

April 22 All Day, IU Southeast. Spring semester is nearly over; you have permission to breath. Relax when studying for your finals. Remember to sleep and eat. Coffee does not count as food.











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April 20 3 p.m. Louisville Rated as one of the top 100 events to do in America, kick off Derby with one of the biggest fireworks shows in America— Thunder over Louisville. The event is free, but beer isn’t.

May 3 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Churchill Downs For the locals, Oaks is one of the best holidays— a close second to Christmas Eve. Get in the spirit for Derby season by watching thoroughbred fillies race for the grand prize.

May 1 All Day, IU Southeast If you are planning on living on campus next semester now is the time to start filling out your housing application. They are available online. First -come-first-serve basis.

May 6 Noon & 4 p.m. IU Southeast For those of you venturing on, we wish you luck in all of your future endeavors. Be proud of how far you have come and how far you will go. Best wishes, Grenadiers.


Week of April 8, 2013 | OPINIONS|

New gun control laws provide hope for future By BRITTANY POWELL Profiles Editor bripowel@ius.edu Thank you, Connecticut, for setting a responsible example for the rest of the U.S. The state recently passed a law enforcing stricter background checks and the banishment of certain weapons with high-capacity magazines. How many more massive tragedies will it take for the rest of the states to follow suit? Before all you gun-slingin’ folks start huffing and puffing, hear me out. What Connecticut has done has not taken away its citizens’ right to bear arms or the right to carry a weapon. What the new law does is prevent felons or mentally unstable people from obtaining weapons that have the potential to kill a massive amount of people in mere seconds. One of the bigger criticisms of stricter gun control is the idea that criminals or the mentally ill will be able to obtain these same guns illegally, no matter how strictly laws are put into place. For example, the gunman in the Sandy Hook shootings was able to get his assault weapons by stealing them from his mother. However, his mother had obtained the weapons legally. Had these weapons been taken off the market in the first place, we might be looking at a different scenario. I realize there are other ways for criminals to get their hands on these weapons, but, just like any law, there has to be a starting point. By allowing these guns to stay on the market, society is throwing in the towel. What a big “oh well” that is saying to all the victims of the mass shootings that have occurred with assault weapons. Many people argue the point that everyone is entitled to a weapon since it is possible for criminals to obtain them illegally. They believe it is their constitutional right, and that it is for their protection. Why do we enforce any law, since criminals are simply going to find ways around them? There are illegal ways of obtaining cocaine and prostitutes, as well. With that logic, there would be no laws or restrictions. We would be living in chaos.

The Second Amendment to the Constitution entitles citizens the right to keep and bear arms. If every responsible citizen in the U.S. had a gun, our country would be a safer place. What Connecticut has put into law ensures that they are putting guns into the right hands. “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.” I think this is an appropriate cliché here. While I back up Connecticut’s decision to ban certain highcapacity magazines, more good will come from regulating the people, not the weapons themselves. Anyone older than 18 can purchase a gun in Indiana from a private seller — no questions asked. It is not a matter of going to the local gun store; it is actually easier. Online there are many private “Craigslist for guns” where people can purchase certain guns without any regulation. Why are we making it so easy for criminals to get these weapons? Unfortunately, not everyone who seeks out a gun is looking out for his or her constitutional rights. By enforcing background checks on every gun purchase, the state would be preventing these weapons from getting into the wrong hands while not infring-

ing on responsible citizens’ rights. At gun shows, anyone can purchase any kind of weapon, and there is no limit to how many guns that person may buy. Is it just me, or does the idea of people who are hyped up on adrenalin from witnessing the capabilities of these assault weapons immediately purchasing those same guns sound like a bad idea? Because there is no waiting period, people can walk right out the door with their shiny new “toys.” Connecticut’s new regulations require every gun owner to have a license and every dealer to give a background check. As much as I believe we all would like to live in a world without a need for weapons (I may be alone here — world peace, anyone?), there is a definite need for citizens to be able to protect themselves. We need to find a middle ground between allowing citizens the right to bear arms and preventing the government from enabling criminals. Some critics would say, “where do you draw the line?” There is a point where the government should not step on its citizens’ right to bear arms. Well, right now there is no line. Gun control should not infringe on citizens’ constitutional rights; it should prevent the abuse of dangerous weapons.

Facing the blank page ahead

Reflecting on college experience shows strength By KIM KERBY Profiles Editor kdkerby@ius.edu Every journalist and writer has come face-toface with it. The blank page. It’s easy to have plenty of ideas floating around in your head, but the hardest thing to do is to put your ideas on paper — and have them make sense. As journalists, we are taught that the lead is one of the key pieces to a story. The lead paragraph is what draws the curiosity out of the reader and makes them want to continue reading. That is why the lead can be the hardest piece of the story to write. Honestly, the hardest part is knowing where to begin your story. The beginning of my story at IU Southeast didn’t have the smoothest transition from my small-town high school roots. When I came to IU Southeast my freshman year, I didn’t know anyone and it was hard for me to make any friends. My friends from home all went their separate ways to separate colleges. Don’t get me wrong. I tried to make the transition seem OK. I went to class and hung out with my roommates, but I couldn’t get over the feeling of missing everything I had grown up with. The only thing that seemed to be working for me was that I had chosen the right major. My journalism professors helped me realize that. My second semester here, Jim St. Clair taught J200 Reporting, Writing and Editing, and even to this day — three years later — I continue to use the things I learned from him in that class. In that class, I wrote my first profile story, news article, feature story and opinion piece. J200 terrified me, but it also helped reassure me that I enjoyed writing. Just the other day, I found the opinion piece I had written for that very class with St. Clair’s handwritten notes at the bottom. That piece was written when I was

a freshman and I had three more unknown years of college ahead of me. Even now, being a senior with my future staring me in the face, a couple of those lines I had written so long ago still hit home with me. “Every high school senior can’t wait for college. Seniors get into that final semester of high school and just begin counting down the days until they are done. They are just craving that new experience that is ahead of them. And when many of them are finally in college, they LOVE it! Well evidently… I’m not a normal teenager.” Okay, so it needs updated. But if you change some of the words, it still applies today. See? Every college senior can’t wait for graduation. Seniors get into that final semester of college and just begin counting down the days until they are done. They are just craving that new experience that is ahead of them. And when many of them are finally in the real world, they LOVE it! Well evidently…I’m not a normal 22-year-old college senior. I am probably the only senior that isn’t excited about graduation and counting down the days until May 6. I wasn’t excited for it freshman year, and I’m definitely not ready for it now that it is rapidly approaching. The only thing I can do is take it one day at a time. I learned that everyone experiences college in a different way. Some adjust to it easily, while others — like me — have a very difficult time. But I didn’t give up, and I’m very proud of myself because of that. There isn’t a secret to how I made it through my freshman year. I just took it one day at a time and eventually I did make friends—friends that I continue to have today. If you had asked me freshman year what the next three years would hold, I never would have guessed all the opportunities I would have been given. I’ve been lucky enough to have been an intern at Today’s Woman magazine for a year. While working there I had

Courtesy photo

Kim Kerby and her two roommates from 2009-2010, Danica Phillips-Houze and Kassi Ford, reunited for Phillips-Houze’s bachelorette party last July and again for her wedding in August. All three girls have continued to keep in touch since becoming roommates in Forest Lodge three years ago.

pieces published, became part of a photoshoot, and was sent to Kentucky Oaks 138, where I became part of the WAVE 3 team for a day. I’m currently an intern for the University Communications office, made up of public relations, marketing and graphic designers, and, of course, I have been a part of The Horizon staff for the last year. Last semester, I was just a staff writer and this semester I was lucky enough to be promoted to editor. Truthfully, I didn’t think I had it in me to be editor. I managed to prove myself wrong, though. I want to thank The Horizon and its staff, because it has taught me things about myself I didn’t know before,

and it has helped prepare me for the future. I now believe that I do have what it takes to go out in the journalism world and find my place amongst it. I’m still just as terrified for the future as I was freshman year, but now I know I will be fine. All the ups and downs of my college career have shown me that. Sometimes the lead is the hardest part to write, but all you can do is just keep typing. Eventually the story unfolds itself. Then it’s time to move on to the next story that starts with its own blank-page beginning. — 30 —


Week of April 8, 2013 | PROFILES |

IT manager makes models into masterpieces By MYCHAL HARRIS Staff myharris@ius.edu

Hobbies tend to be minimized as just something that a person likes to do in their free time. However, when Lee Station stood and watched one of the models he built being unveiled at the IBM Gallery in Manhattan, it became much more than just a hobby. Staton, IT manager of communications and special projects, has always had a desire for making models and creating replicas. His hobby has led to the displaying of his models in museums and to him becoming the co-creator of a convention that holds the largest sci-fi model contest in the world, among other accomplishments. Staton started making models at the age of seven. Staton said he remembers buying model kits at grocery stores for 98 cents, which he said was even cheap for back then. Staton is the only model maker in his family, but Staton said he made replica planes and tanks — without the model kit — for his two brothers. After realizing he could create models without kits, Staton said he began entering car-modeling competitions and reading modeling magazines. Staton said the magazines were a vital way for him to teach himself all the aspects of modeling he was interested in at the time. Staton never realized how good he was at his hobby until he was approached to do work for other companies and movies, he said. When doing work for hire, Staton said, many times the people assigning the work were particular about how exact his replica matched the original. Staton lets it be known that the research is about as —if not more— fun than the actual assembly of his model. Staton’s work is in a museum with the works of Photo By Mychal Harris famous rocket scientist Werner Vonbraun in AlaLee Staton posing with his model of the rocketship “Friede.” This is his most recent work; Staton completed the model in Nobama. vember 2012. “Friede” is now on display at a museum in Germany. Other works of Staton’s were for the National Air and Space Museum and for Space X. Space X science fiction and movies. He said that certain ac- nice to know how easy it is to do model kits like ones is a company that launches supply rockets to the tors and special effects people attend the convention he did when he was a kid. International Space Station. Wonder Fest will take place this year on May 18 Staton said he also has made a model of a tequila every year. The convention is going on its 24th year this May. and 19 at the Crown plaza next to the airport in Loufactory for the company Seagram’s. “Lee Staton is the finest model maker for rockets isville. For more information, visit www.wonder One of his main projects is a replica of German and space,” said Dave Hodge, co-founder of Wonfest.com. rocket scientist Werner Vonbraun’s 1950’s 3-footder Fest. wing span mars lander. A time when Staton said he felt great accomplish- Hodge said Staton is meticulous in his work and ment was when he was waiting to see one of his own in his personality; He has a “killer-eye” for detail, Lee Staton models being displayed in Manhattan, New York at Hodge said. Artists get attached to their work and Staton said the IBM Gallery. IT Manager, Communications & Special Staton said not only was it an honor to be rec- so does he. Projects ognized in Manhattan, but Vicent Difate, a famous Staton said the problem he finds himself in is doFavorite music space artist, told him that his work was like a gem in ing commercial works and never seeing them again, such as his “Friede”, his model spaceship which is to listen to while the display of work being shown at the event. making models? The science advisor of Staton’s favorite science displayed in a German museum. fiction movie, “2001: A Space Odyssey,” even told “The only thing I don’t like about this weird hobhim behind the scenes information about the movie by is the solitude,” Stanton said. “You have to take Led Zeppelin, 70’s many breaks or the work become very tedious.” as they watched it at his house, Staton said. rock, and movie Staton said he finds it intriguing how he is able to In the future, Staton said he plans to incorporate soundtracks work with the people who entertained and inspired more technology into his hobby. Specifically, he said a 3D printer is what he has in mind for his projects. him all because of his hobby of making models. Another accomplishment of Stanton’s is creating He said no commercial products are presently in the works. 2001: A Space the Wonder Fest convention in Louisville. Favorite “From time to time I will pick up a model kit and Odyssey The convention has over two thousand people movie? bang it together,” Staton said. attend each year and hosts the largest sci-fi model To walk away from commercial work that must competition in the world with 600 entries. Lee describes the convention as an art show of be so perfect and precise, Staton said it is sometimes

Favorite restaurant?

The Yellow Cactus

Courtesy Photo

Above: The interior of the rocketship “Friede.” Left: The “Orbital Express” rocket, mid 1990’s. The model was built for Peter Diamandis, one of the guys behind Space X, the company that currently launches supply rockets to the International Space Station. Photo by Mychal Harris

Courtesy Photo

Above: The Bottle Space Suit, mid-1990’s. This model was a re-creation of a 1954 design by Wernher Von Braun. Staton built the model from scratch, and Staton’s friend Chris Walas sculpted the astronaunt.

Courtesy Photo

Left: Von Braun Winged Mars Lander, 1991. This is a replica of German rocket scientist Werner Vonbraun’s 1956 model. Staton’s model has a 3-foot wingspan and was built for the “Blueprint for Space” traveling exhibition.


Week of April 8, 2013 | DIVERSIONS |

Los Angeles Times Crossword 68 Early stage 69 Extends across



1 Eva or Juan of Argentina 6 “Taking you places” premium movie channel 11 Suffix for hero 14 ‘60s-’70s Twins great Tony 15 Nest on a cliffside 16 “Friends” actress Courteney 17 Many a coffee shop, vis-ˆ-vis Internet access 19 Corner PC key 20 Subj. for immigrants 21 Synagogue 22 Cowpoke’s seat 24 Flightless South

American bird 26 Scottish hillside 28 “... believe __ not!” 29 Hairstyling immortal Vidal 31 “Ship out” alternative 34 Humble home 35 1980s secretary of state Alexander 36 False show 37 “No need to hurry, is there?” 41 “__ ‘nuff!” 42 Move, in Realtorspeak 43 “In __ Shoes”: Cameron Diaz flick 44 Meddles (with)

46 “Pretty please ...” 50 GPS choices 51 Pinnacle 53 Geologic periods 54 Extensive property 57 Sorrowful cry 59 Slangy “OK” 60 “Wheel of Fortune” purchase 61 Gender-determining heredity unit 64 Mauna __: Hawaii’s highest peak 65 Harbor cities 66 ESPN analyst Garciaparra 67 Bachelor in personals, briefly

1 __ that be: authorities 2 Inventor Otis 3 Remington weapons 4 Egg: Pref. 5 Casual turndowns 6 Second-largest planet 7 Physicist Nikola 8 Dadaism founder 9 Spanish rivers 10 Greek letter that seems like it should be last 11 Summer refreshers 12 Hardly an amateur 13 Quote in a book review 18 “How frustrating!” 23 Chip go-with 25 Pale as a ghost 27 “La Bamba” co-star Morales 30 Very strange 32 Car headlight setting 33 Strike a bargain 35 “The Newsroom” channel 37 Request for the latest update 38 The Twins, at Minneapolis’s Target Field 39 “Born Free” lion 40 Press for 41 Windex targets 45 Free TV ad 46 Words before “Can you give me directions?” 47 Cellist who per-formed at Steve Jobs’s funeral 48 Like a single-performer show 49 Leads, as to a seat 52 Gar on’s handout 55 AutoCorrect target 56 Keynes’s sci. 58 Male heirs 62 Appt. book rows 63 Soak (up), as gravy

Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9.

This week’s difficulty level: 2


Horoscopes Aries (March 21-April 19) Others wonder if you’re ready for more responsibility; get prepared for inspection over the next two days, and show your stuff. Reinforce the structure. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Free your imagination (but not your purse strings, at least not to outside interests). Creative energy abounds. You’re developing good habits. Travel is appealing but not without peril. Don’t share information with friends yet. Gemini (May 21-June 20) For the next two days, study money. Negotiate without being impetuous. Changes are proposed. There’s a choice to make. Re-evaluate your goals. Cash in chips you’ve been holding. Cancer (June 21-July 22) You’ll have more help. Finish a shopping trip and a lesson. Check for authenticity. Spend time with your partner. Finish up old business. Listen graciously. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Things could get profitable, although it’s not a good time to gamble. If you’ve played by the rules, you’ll get good references. Delve into details, and work within the system. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Keep recycling and save. Buy in bulk and save more. Choose secure investments now. Don’t fall for a trick or get your hopes up. Conditions are unstable. Add structure. Include friends in a celebration.

By Nancy Black Tribune Media Services

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Combine two old ideas into a new one. Don’t apply new skills at work yet. Organize the information. A gentle approach works best now. Seclusion aids your thought process.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Your smarter self emerges as if from a cocoon. Research the details. Resist the temptation to make expensive promises. Assume authority. Dress for the part you want. Sagittarius (Nov. 22Dec. 21) There may be a setback or temporary confusion. Accept enthusiastic coaching. Reassure someone who’s uncertain. Something planned is no longer necessary. Don’t mention everything you know or suspect, yet. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Take on a leadership role. Do the research before discarding. Take careful, measured actions. New evidence threatens complacency. Rely on another’s expertise. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Somehow, you just know what’s needed. Anxiety could push you to act too soon. Get an update, and review plans. Cost overruns or unexpected circumstances may require attention.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Launch your next adventure soon, as long as it’s solidly grounded in reality and includes partnership. Fantasies may have to be delayed.


Brewster Rockit by Tim Rickard


Your ad here! Get noticed on the comics and crossword page of The Horizon. Email horizon@ius.edu for rates.



Week of April 8, 2013 | FEATURES |


CONNECTED: Fall 2013 Online Courses

That is the question

Computer Science Nursing Labor Studies Word Processing Intro to Computers Spreadsheet Applications Math Excursions College Algebra Topics in Psychology

By TINA REED Staff tinkreed@ius.edu

For a full list of online courses, visit http://www.ius.edu/registrar/scheduleof-classes

online are word processing, intro to computers, spreadsheet applications, math excursions, college algebra and topics in psychology according to the IUS website. Whether it is to complete a degree, start a de- “Once IU as a whole gets the online program gree or obtain a job promotion; students are seek- they are working on completed, there will be a ing any and all paths to earn a college degree, and greater selection to choose from,” Nanz said. online classes are becoming a popular venue to If a student wanted to go to another IU camdo so. pus, then the student would need to “One-third of all students in highfill out an online form, Nanz said. This er education are taking at least one is called becoming a “visiting student” “There is a plan online course,” and sixty-five percent and is only required one-time. of higher education institutions now this year to of Robin Morgan, psychology proincorporate online learning into fer more online fessor, interim co-director of Institute their offerings, according to a 2011 classes. These for Learning and Teaching Excellence study conducted by the Babson Sur(ILTE), and the university director of vey Research Group and the College classes are availFaculty Colloquium of Excellence in Board. able in the fall, Teaching (FACET), said they help fac That is why IU Southeast is ex- and students can ulty use techniques that are proven panding its online degree programs to be helpful to teach the students for find these classes online learning. for the 2013-2014 school year. “We have a limited number of on our website.” “We know that some teaching online classes at this time,” Assismethods work better to help students tant Registrar Mary Beth Nanz said. Mary Beth Nanz learn,” Morgan said. “Online students “There is a plan this year to offer will benefit with high quality teachassistant registrar more online classes. These classes ers.” are available in the fall, and stu ILTE has been offering courses for dents can find these classes on our teachers and in the past has had 8- to website.” 10- faculty members sign up, Morgan said. IU Southeast offers hybrid courses as well, Nanz “This year we have had 43- to 45- faculties insaid. volved in the training that we provide,” Morgan “Hybrid courses are where the student will said. “Some faculty will try it and won’t like it, but meet in class according to the professor’s re- other faculty will love it.” quirements along with completing online assign- Morgan said she thinks there will be a balments,” Nanz said. ance— maybe more hybrids that require students Most of the classes that are now being offered to attend both in class and online. are computer science and some nursing classes; “That’s why training is so important,” Morgan labor studies have always been online, Nanz said. said. “We want to provide high quality learning to A few other classes that are available to take our online students.”

Photo Illustration by Hanna Woods and Stephen Allen

Career Development Center hosts Job Fair By RAYMOND SHUTT Staff rshutt@ius.edu The IU Southeast Career Development Center hosted the spring Job Fair in an attempt to help students and the public meet with local employers. More than 20 employers were present to meet with students or future employees. Students were encouraged to “dress for success” and bring in their résumé. They were given tips on how to “work a job fair.” The Job Fair was open to the public, as well as to students. Some of the tips given were: do background research on the employers, have a list of questions ready and prepare a one-minute commercial for yourself. Students were encouraged to arrive early, stay the whole time and to not talk about salaries. “You want to really identify which organizations make sense to talk to based on your career interests and desires,” Trey Lewis, director of the Career Development Center, said. “Students need to develop a sound elevator speech,” Lewis said. “These recruiters typically want to dedicate

anywhere from 2-5 minutes of really “The best way to make yourself talking to each student as a candidate, marketable is to know what you’re and understand who they are as a can- good at be absolutely sure of your didate, what type of skill sets do they skill set, come presentable, show that bring to that organizayou’re interested and if tion,” Lewis said. there is a certain company Lewis’ third tip was you really want to talk to, to bring a pen, be- “There is a plan make sure you walk up and cause you never know talk to them because that is whether there will be a this year to ofreally what they want is for follow-up, and if there fer more online you to show interest and is, students need to be that you really want a job,” prepared to write the classes. These Leffler said. information down on classes are avail Many students showed the business card. up well-prepared and eager “We’re trying to able in the fall, to talk to employers. help our students get and students can Kristin Striegel, crimiconnected in the comnal justice senior, said it munity, which is why find these classes was nice to get information we are focused on em- on our website.” about future job possibiliployers in this comties and internships. munity, because we “I actually seen a girl I Mary Beth Nanz went to school with there, know students want assistant registrar and she works with the FBI to work here,” Danielle Leffler, office sernow,” Striegel said. “It was vices assistant senior, nice catching up with her, said. “So this is a perand she told me about posfect opportunity to network and meet sible job openings that will be availemployers face to face, so when you able within the next two years, so that apply they will remember you.” was very interesting.” The employers that came to IU She said that she gave the FBI her Southeast said they were looking for résumé, and that hopefully they will good first impressions. take it into consideration whenever

they do start hiring. She said that she felt she had a good chance. The Career Development Center brought in companies that were looking for career employees, and also some that were looking for summer help. “There is a mix of opportunities. We have organizations that are really looking for students preparing to enter the job market, and we have some that are looking for students who want to build their experience while they are a student,” Lewis said. “There really is a buffet in terms of what you can get here at the job fair.” Lewis also said that there are many available internships through the Career Development Center that have not been filled yet, and would like for students to apply for those. “IU Southeast is a prominent member of the southern Indiana community,” Lewis said. “This is a good faith effort on the university’s part to really promote and contribute to the economic development of the region, and the job fair is one small way in which we try and do that. Certainly our focus and priority is the student.” Lewis added it is never too late to visit the Career Development Center.

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