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Find Your Harmony
travel offers you that escape
When was the last time you traveled to a different city or country? No, not travel for work. Travel to relax, travel to re-connect with yourself, travel for the sake of your Harmony. For many, it has been since the beginning of Covid. For almost two years now, the world has been in a collective holding pattern. That being said, travel didn’t lose its meaning, instead I believe it has gained more meaning. When we travel, it reminds us to be present and connect with the world and those around us. We socialize with others, learn about new cultures, taste authentic cuisines-traveling makes us remember what it feels like to actually live. It changes our perception and perspective of life. The mental peace we enjoy when we travel is unrivalled. Do I have you packing your bags, yet? Read on to discover the importance of travel and why you should travel at least once per year!
Spring Cleaning Isn’t Just For Your Home
We are so busy in our daily lives that our mind is always occupied with to-do lists, tasks and just general everyday monotony. Whether an assignment for work, reliving the day’s dialogue with our co-worker or buying groceries, our mind does not cease. It’s no wonder we can become forgetful, struggle to remain focused and find time for self-care. We need to declutter our minds so we can gain a fresh outlook and have something to look forward to. Travel allows us to physically change the scenery where we can put our mind to rest. We escape our daily routine to create a different vantage point. We get to be away from everything that typically creates shackles around our thinking. We learn to rest again and the only thing that matters is our journey and the destination. Travel helps you remember the magic of your inner peace.
Expands Your View
When you have the opportunity to travel to a new place you get to witness things you’ve never seen before. This feeling reminds you of the experience of awe and wonder. You realize there is more to the world than what you have been dealing with day in and day out. Traveling to a far off place especially, is worlds away from your normal existence. You not only experience new
tastes and people, you experience different opinions and life journeys. Not only does your view of the world physically transform, your worldview mentally evolves. You will never have the same lens to view your own life and surroundings again. You enlarge your gratitude for not only what your witnessing but life in general.
Boost Your Ability To Think Outside The Box
Your creativity is turned up when you encounter new and exciting experiences. If your day to day hasn’t changed over the last couple of years, why would your creativity be enhanced? When you travel you learn new things, meet with locals, perhaps even eat foods for the first time. All these are new to your neural pathways and open up your vision and creativity to find solutions, see things from a new perspective, perhaps even solve problems you’ve been dealing with for some time.
Increases Your Social Network
Traveling is an excellent way to remember how to reconnect with new people whether people at your destination or fellow travelers. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve met on my plane trips, even from years ago, and are still my friends on social media and some I’ve even met in person! Shared experience creates commonality and that creates connection. With the pandemic we have been so isolated we have forgotten how amazing this can feel.
Create a Lifetime of Memories
Whether traveling solo or with friends and family, taking a trip somewhere is giving yourself the chance to build new memories. Traveling alone can be a great adventure and time to learn you again. Managing your trip on your own might take a bit more planning but you’re building your fearless muscle at the same time and it’ll translate to you taking on more when you’re home. Traveling with friends and family can be chaotic in comparison but what if you each set a goal to try new food or a new activity? Holding each other accountable to the bucket list for your trip may be life changing memories and something incredible to build on moving forward, perhaps it even starts a new tradition!
Makes You Grateful for Home
You might travel to take a break from your usual routine, but it is this very break that makes you realize how much you have at home, what makes home so valuable and what it means to you. When you return from your trip, it makes you thankful for what you have built and how comfortable it is to be in your own bed. Even though you are back in your usual surroundings, perhaps dealing with the same challenges, traveling gives you a new perspective and maybe opens up your mind to overcome your obstacles. Never underestimate the power of a rested mind and body. The magical wonder of home is it feels good to get away, but it feels even better to return. This is true for your physical home, but more importantly “home” within you. Traveling is a suitcase full of surprises and new adventures. It’s an adjustment to new time zones and new cultures. It’s a refreshing treat that makes you see things clearer. Smell better. Taste better. Traveling opens new doors and sometimes closes old ones. It makes you begin to wonder about what you have back home or perhaps question that maybe life is better lived somewhere else, sometimes even with someone else, or alone. Traveling is a path that may lead you to another path and pull you out of habits, forcing you to experience life, it reminds us to not simply live by routines and schedules that only limit you and trap you into a cycle. Traveling makes you remember the food you ate, the sight you saw, the people you met a long time ago. Traveling is about meeting people that may change your life, or whose lives you may change. Traveling is a hop, a skip, or leap toward something, someone or somewhere new. Traveling can change you & introduce you to your Harmony.
Written by: Nora Sophia, creator of Harmony