The Hot Years Issue 44

Page 1

Dr. Holly Wyatt

How To Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Dr. Gloria Richard-Davis Culinary Medicine

N 44 o

Dr. Stephanie Faubion

Better Sex after Breast Cancer


Recipe - Spicy Blueberry Arugula Salad with Hemp Crusted Avocado News You Can Use

Musing - The Journey

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The Hot Years

No 44


My Menopause Magazine

In this Issue: Dr. Gloria Richard-Davis Culinary Medicine

Dr. Holly Wyatt - How To Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Dr. Stephanie Faubion - Better Sex after Breast Cancer

News You Can Use

1 Minute Motion - Exercise Videos

Spicy Blueberry Arugula Salad with Hemp Crusted Avocado

Musing - The Journey


The Hot Years


My Menopause Magazine

Spring Issue W The

ith so much in the world seeming out of control, it’s easy to believe that being in menopause is just one more thing on the list. Can’t control your weight, your mood, your body. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way. This issue of The Hot Years offers up a different perspective on taking back control of your life. The fact is, there is a lot you can do to get back in the driver’s seat. You’ll find articles to help you control your weight by buying the right foods and cooking the right meals, and how to maintain weight loss. You’ll discover how to get help and what is available if you are being treated for breast cancer and are experiencing genitourinary symptoms of menopause. You’ll also discover that when your body is out of alignment, it may be causing your sex drive to get out of alignment too, and what to do about it.

You’ll enjoy some exercise videos by Josie Gardiner, co-founder of Zumba Gold, that are quick and easy so you can even do them at your desk at work. These are just some of the ways you can take back control of your life. The first step is realizing that you can. The second step is getting the information you need to make that happen. Enjoy this issue of The Hot Years. And please share it with your friends and loved ones. Yours in good health, Dr. Mache Seibel Dr. Sharon Seibel


Associate Editor

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My Menopause Magazine

Cooking Up Doctor-Approved Culinary Medicine Dr. Gloria Richard-Davis, Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Arkansas Medical Sciences “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” is an age old quote by Hippocrates that is finding new meaning in the emerging field of culinary medicine. And it’s not happening any too soon. A 2016 study published in the International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology, and Education reported that the average American woman actually wears a size 16 to 18, not size 14, as once was assumed. In fact, according to reported statistics from The State of Obesity compiled by US News, the average American weighs about 24 pounds more than in 1960. And it’s not so easy to shed those extra pounds. When you

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My Menopause Magazine

want help getting rid of your menopot, who do you turn to for help? If you’re like many women, it’s probably not your doctor. Dr. Gloria Richard-Davis wants to change that. As a Professor at the University of Arkansas, she serves a community that is one third obese. So she set about starting a new course for the medical students called Culinary Medicine. She hopes to fix the obesity problem by teaching new doctors how to educate patients to choose the right foods and nutrients to eat in the first place. “I got interested in this because a lot of the population that we serve in the fertility arena are polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) patients. Those patients are really a variant of diabetes. If they do nothing, in 20 years or so, they may become type II diabetic.” According to Dr. Gloria Richard-Davis, “polycystic ovarian syndrome patients have a combination of irregular cycles, they may have increased hair growth,

We have to fight the subconscious belief that there’s a value to something bigger and cheaper when we eat out.

acne, and they also have infertility. They can also have increased risk of metabolic syndrome or cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia, and elevated insulin levels.” Dr. Richard-Davis points out that weight loss for health can be achieved by most people. “Losing as little as five to 10 percent of your body weight can have significant impact on health and response to treatment.” Translated into pounds, if you are a 150 pound woman, a five percent weight loss would only be about seven-and-ahalf pounds. So a little bit of weight loss can make a lot of difference. And if you are in perimenopause or menopause, this same seemingly small amount of weight loss moves you in the direction of a better metabolic milieu. It can lower your blood pressure and your blood sugar levels. According to Dr. Richard-Davis, peripheral fat or adipose tissue has a lot of inflammatory cells that really work against insulin functioning appropriately. And that prevents the insulin produced by your pancreas from moving the sugar from your bloodstream into your cells to make energy. Too much sugar and too much fat is like putting bad gas in your car. You

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don’t get as good a mileage, and the car doesn’t run as smoothly. And putting bad food in your body, causes your cells not to function as well. That’s where the culinary medicine comes in. “I actually have a nutritionist in my practice to talk to patients about nutrition,” Dr. Richard-Davis says. “I took a nutrition class when I was at Harvard, so I have a pretty good base knowledge of nutrition, and lots of family members who are nutritionists. So I speak the language with them a lot. But most medical school curriculums don’t teach nutrition.” “When our new Chancellor, Dr. Patterson, arrived, he gave us the seed money to start the culinary medicine curriculum.

Fill half of your plate with vegetables, a quarter with some kind of protein, and a quarter with some kind of a carbohydrate

We modeled after Tulane’s Culinary Institute, which has about 50 modules they’ve created to cover almost every chronic medical condition you can think of. So if you have somebody who has high blood pressure, you want to focus on the nutritional recommendation for patients who have hypertension. Students watch the modules, and after they complete the module there are actually case studies and a culinary demonstration. So we prepare some meals and dishes.”

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My Menopause Magazine

It’s kinda like the Cooking Channel for doctors. In Boston there is an organization called Community Servings that started out for people that have HIV. And then they started expanding it into other diseases, like high blood pressure, diabetes, et cetera. They make meals with particular nutritional value for each disease.

focus a lot on carbohydrate choices. It’s eliminating refined carbohydrates that spike your insulin level and shift your calories to fat. Take bread, for instance. A slice of white bread or refined breads, that’s not good. Choose instead a multigrain bread or multigrain pasta.

“I suggest that nothing white should cross their lips: white flour, white According to Dr. Richard-Davis, the sugar, white bread, white potatoes. culinary medicine course includes baAnd that includes French fries. That’s sic culinary skills and food safety. Then probably the simthey added modplest way to talk ules for the more about eliminating common diseasFor dessert consider refined carbohyes like diabetes, berries like blueberries drates.” hypertension, inflammatory or strawberries, and add If you’re eatbowel disease, a small dollop of low-cal ing on the run, food allergies, gather healthy OB, and prenawhip cream snacks to take tal. Those eight along with you modules makes that don’t take a lot of preparation; a up the basic composite of what is the handful of nuts or some cut or diced culinary course. “We’re not covering vegetables like celery or carrot sticks. everything, but we’re trying to hit the And you can add a tablespoon of most common things that a physician peanut butter. Having the veggie carb would see in general practice.” together with the peanut butter protein alters the way that your food gets What do you tell people so they get metabolized. the best potential source of food for themselves? “Also, eating a plant-based diet is Dr. Richard-Davis sites as an example, healthier for us,” states Dr. Richard-Davis. “That’s kinda what I encourage “with our PCOS patients, our polycystic ovarian syndrome patients, we my patients to do. You need proteins,

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My Menopause Magazine


you need healthy carbs like multigrain bread, brown rice or wheat pasta, and it’s okay to have a little fat. You want to avoid refined carbohydrates.” Dr. Richard-Davis points out that the more fresh food you eat, the less salt you will be adding to your daily intake. The more processed food you eat, the more hidden salt will find its way into your diet. Even a slice of bread has 220 mg of salt. That’s 10 percent of your daily needs.


When we’re talking about specific disease entities like hypertension, then obviously you get more into the issue of sodium. And then looking at nutrition labels is important, because a lot of prepared foods have a tremendous amount of sodium. And restaurant and fast food eateries notoriously use a lot of salt. One healthy way to lower calorie intake is to order a main course and split it with your companion or just take the

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My Menopause Magazine

other half meal home. Add a salad for each without a lot of salad dressing and it makes a healthy, balanced meal. It also cuts the price almost in half. Dr. Richard-Davis says we have to fight the subconscious belief that there’s a value to something bigger and cheaper when we eat out.

Some friendly guidelines Dr. Richard-Davis suggests are to fill half of your plate with vegetables, a quarter with some kind of protein, and a quarter with some kind of a carbohydrate, like half a sweet potato, beans or something like that, which also has protein potentially. And then for dessert consider berries like blueberries or strawberries, and add a small dollop of low-cal whip cream.

“The medical students are very excited,” Dr. Richard-Davis says. “We work with Pulaski Tech Community Or consider an apple. Take out the College, and they have a culinary insticore and fill it with a half teaspoon tute and a demonstration kitchen. The of raisins and a little students are going bit of water or if you out there and doing Weight loss want a little orange some of the cooking juice or apple juice classes focusing on works best when and bake it at 350 healthy eating. They controlling diet degrees for 45 to 60 call themselves med minutes. chefs. The actual and food choices Chefs we are workis combined with Dr. Richard-Davis ing with are not only goes on to say that Chefs but also Regisincreased activity weight loss works tered Dietitians.” best when controlling diet and food choices is combined “The patients who actually followed with increased activity. As a rule, the our recommendations are losing more fat you have on your body, the weight and lowering their BMI. For our less calories you burn because fat fertility patients, the better they control metabolizes less amounts of calories their weight, the better they respond to than muscle. fertility medication, and many can respond to oral medications rather than “From an activity perspective, I generhaving to take the stronger, injectable ally say to patients 10,000 steps a day medications. And that’s both less exshould be your goal. Most of us are pensive and less risk for them to have running around with a smartphone. I a multiple birth.

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My Menopause Magazine

usually recommend that they get either a Fitbit or a pedometer. It makes you aware of how much or how little you’re moving during the day, because invariably, most of us think that we move more than we do.” And if you don’t like exercise, there are other things you can do to increase your activities. You can garden, do housework, or go dancing. Sex is also exercise. Even if you’re on the phone, if you stand up instead of sitting you’re

burning more calories. You can have walking meetings where you actually walk around during the meetings rather than sit around a table. Dr. Richard-Davis also points out that while eating healthy is the cornerstone of weight loss, getting enough sleep and exercise and lowering your stress also help to lose weight. “It’s important to take a comprehensive approach to our culinary medicine program,” she said. Maybe one day you’ll go to the doctor and get a prescription for a better grocery shopping list and some recipes and videos for how to prepare them.

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Find out how much your menopause symptoms impact your health, your happiness and your life.

Visit to take the free Menopause Quiz. It only takes a minute, then watch your email for your results and some suggestions on next steps to support you. Your menopause mentor, Mache Seibel, MD

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The Hot Years


My Menopause Magazine

How To Lose Weight and Keep It Off Want to lose weight and keep it off? Dr. Holly Wyatt explains it’s a two part process. And for lasting results, you can’t have one without the other.


r. Holly Wyatt is an endocrinologist and Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Colorado Anschutz Health and Wellness Center explains. Dr. Holly Wyatt: I want to share a new concept with you. Weight loss is different than weight loss maintenance. In other words, what you do to lose weight is not necessarily what you need to do to keep it off. It’s incorrect to think that whatever you do to lose the weight, you have to do it forever.

lose the majority of their weight in four months. Six months at the most. In most studies, people lose weight and then it starts to plateau in 4 to 6 months, meaning even if they’re trying to lose weight, they don’t lose any more after the four to six-month mark.

If we look at the studies and the evidence, most people

So instead of me telling my patients to lose a certain amount of weight, I tell them to lose as much

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My Menopause Magazine

weight as they can safely achieve for four to six months max. After that, we move from weight loss to weight loss maintenance. So it’s not about a certain amount of weight, it’s about a certain amount of time. Dr. Mache Seibel: So you lose weight for a defined time and not for a defined amount of weight loss. Dr. Wyatt: Yes. It’s a different mindset. When you start to lose weight, make every day count because you only get so many days. Think about weight loss as being finite and weight loss maintenance as being forever. So don’t waste a day. I always say the tools are sharpest at the beginning. Don’t think oh, I

Most people lose the majority of their weight in four months. Six months at the most can just add on a bunch of days. Go in with that mindset, I’m going to do everything I can to get as much weight off as I can for a finite period of time. And then I’m going to very specifically and purposefully move to weight loss maintenance.

The body doesn’t want you to lose weight forever. There’s a lot of things that kick in, both physiologically and psychologically. The environment is pushing back. You can’t keep that much effort forever. So make it count, and then know what you need to do to move into maintenance. Dr. Mache: So what would be two or three things that people could do to maintain weight loss? Dr. Wyatt: We know the number one most important thing, and this is from multiple studies, is how much physical activity you can do. It has been shown in study after study. You can be very successful at getting the weight off by using diet to restrict calories. But when it comes to weight loss maintenance, it’s activity that is driving the bus, and you’re not going to go very far if you don’t have a driver. And the data would show it’s anywhere between 60 to 70 minutes of physical activity, six to seven days a week. That is the volume of activity you need to be successful at keeping weight off. Dr. Mache: So restrict calories to lose weight and exercise an hour a day most days to keep it off. It’s interesting because most people think that they’re going to just exercise, exercise, exercise, and they’re suddenly going to lose weight.

Motivation is the mindset piece that’s going to allow you to keep doing exercising to keep the weight off. You’ve got to understand, “Why am I doing this?” And you’re saying whether you exercise or not, you can lose weight. But if you want to keep it off, you’ve got to exercise.

Dr. Mache: What are some of the tools that people can use to help them keep up with this equation of weight loss maintenance?

Dr. Wyatt: Right. The “driver of the car” for weight loss is really nutrition. You’re going to have to restrict your calories by some method to lose weight. You’ve got to eat less than you burn. But to keep weight off requires physical activity. You’ve got to match how many calories are coming in with how many calories you are burning. We call it metabolic flexibility.

Dr. Wyatt: First, find an activity that you can both do and like to do. In my programs, motivation is the mindset piece that’s going to allow you to keep doing exercising to keep the weight off. You’ve got to understand, “Why am I doing this?” And we talk about keeping the weight off as being a lot bigger than just weight loss. We try to connect the way you want to live your life with something that’s super important to you so that you’re going to continue to do it. What motivates you? What’s super important to you and how can you hook this physical activity or this increased movement to that thing?

So if you eat a little bit more, you burn a little bit more. Or if you eat a little bit less, you burn a little less, and that helps you keep that weight off so you don’t regain it.

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My Menopause Magazine

Dr. Mache: So your why is bigger than I want to exercise. Your why could be to stay healthy. Maybe it helps you fight depression, lower breast cancer risk, or your risk of diabetes or heart disease. Dr. Wyatt: Your big why is going to keep you doing this long-term; it has to be really almost about your life purpose. Something that’s super important to you. And it’s different for different people. But figuring out how either doing the physical activity or living this type of lifestyle will allow you to do that better will keep you wanting to do it. That’s when it sticks. That’s when you’ll succeed long-term. Dr. Mache: That’s an important mindbody connection. Dr. Wyatt: It’s huge when it comes to weight management, and I think the field hasn’t done it justice. I always say when you start to lose weight, begin with the end in mind. So while people are losing the weight, I teach them to start getting the things in place we know you’ll need to be there for you to be successful at maintaining. You can’t just flip a switch. Losing weight isn’t really the hardest part. But during the weight loss window, we’re going to be setting you up to have

everything you need to be successful - your environment, your routines and rituals, your mindset, your metabolism, your social support. All those things are important. And we’re going to be setting you up so you’re where you need to be to give you the best shot at keeping that weight off once you lose it. You always celebrate your wins. And you work on creating a mindset where you believe you can succeed. I think so many people think that they can’t fight or win this battle. I call it the battle

Think about weight loss as being finite and weight loss maintenance as being forever with the yo-yo. And the yo-yo is where people lose and then regain it. And it’s really about keeping it off. Most people that I’ve talked to have been successful at losing weight. Where they have not been as successful is in not immediately regaining it. If you believe you can succeed and you know what to do, the final step is to have a good why you’re going to do it.

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My Menopause Magazine

Making Sex Better After Breast Cancer Treatment


or the 3.1 million breast cancer survivors in the United States, fighting breast cancer has been the priority. But once treatment is over, there may be quality of life issues that need help. A major one that has gotten too little attention is genitourinary syndrome of menopause.

Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause, or GSM, is the medical term for a group of symptoms that include dryness of the vagina and skin area outside the vagina, burning, and irritation. It also includes painful sex, urinary symptoms, and recurring urinary tract infection (UTI).

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The Hot Years


My Menopause Magazine

GSM is a challenging problem that afFor that reason, members of the North fects more than half of all menopausal American Menopause Society (NAMS) women, and it’s even more common in and the International Society for the breast cancer survivors because treatStudy of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSment (chemotherapy, radiation and/or WSH), formed a panel to create a consurgery), and the adjuvant post-treatsensus statement for what the best ments such as gonadotropin-releasing treatment should be for women breast hormone (GnRh) agonists, aromatase cancer survivors with GSM. inhibitors (AIs), or certain selective estrogen-receptor modulators (SERMs; According to Dr. Faubion, healthcare eg, tamoxifen, raloxifene) all lead to providers who identify GSM in their lower estrogen levels patients are being in survivors, which encouraged to start cause the symptoms. GSM is a challenging a conversation with the women. An exproblem that affects In addition, the time ample might be just more than half of all span for recommendstating the fact that menopausal women, many women after ed use of these adjuvant post-treatments menopause who and it’s even more has been increasing have undergone common in breast from five to ten years. breast cancer treatcancer survivors With concerns surment have concerns rounding estrogen about sexual funcand breast cancer, most survivors are tion. “What about you?” More detailed not considered a candidate for sysquestions can follow. The goal is to temic hormone replacement therapy. begin the conversation. Especially since there are treatments available. According to Dr. Stephanie Faubi“First try over the counter vaginal lubrion, Director of the Office of Women’s cants and moisturizers,” Dr. Faubion Health at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, recommends. “A moisturizer is used Minnesota, satisfaction with sexual on a regular basis to maintain vaginal activity is a huge problem for most moisture and a lubricant is used for women after breast cancer treatment. lubrication during sexual activity.”But And they are not getting help with this if over the counter products are not issue. Only 39% of women with docadequate, there are a number of other umented GSM symptoms receive any options to discuss including vaginal form of treatment or receive a referral estrogen. for treatment.

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My Menopause Magazine

Treatments for GSM for Women With Breast Cancer Treatment Notes Education Talk with your provider about your options Counseling/Sex Therapy Also provides relationship help Lubricants/Moisturizers Avoid glycerin, parabens, propylene glycol; Can use with hormone/non-hormone treatment Vaginal Dilators Gently stretches vaginal tissues Vibrators May increase natural lubrication Pelvic Floor Physical PT specialists can be found at Therapy Vaginal Estrogen Use when above treatments are not effective; Can take with tamoxifen; Discuss with your MD Vaginal DHEA Not tested in breast cancer patients Ospemifene (SERM) Oral medication, approved in breast cancer patients in Europe, not in US Lidocaine (aqueous 4%) Apply with cotton ball 3 minutes before sex Vaginal laser Expensive, usually requires 3 treatments Before using vaginal estrogen, Dr. Faubion outlined the factors your healthcare provider will take into consideration. • The stage and the grade of breast cancer i.e. how far it has spread and how aggressive the cancer cells are • How long ago the diagnosis was made • What was the receptor status? Does it have estrogen receptors? • Has the woman tried over the counter lubricants and moisturizers? Did they fail? • What’s her quality of life like now?

Taking all of those factors into account, the panel recommended that in general, the best candidates for treatment with vaginal estrogen have • Less invasive cancers • Not metastatic disease, or less distant spread • Hormone receptor negative tumors • More time since diagnosis • Poor quality of life • Worse symptoms and • Failed the over the counter treatments

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My Menopause Magazine

Dr. Faubion went on to say that the most important thing in considering vaginal estrogen is communication between the woman, her provider, and her oncologist.

is really about shared decision making and weighing risks and benefits and helping the women understand what those are.” It’s definitely an individual decision that a woman would make in combination with her doctor, her primary care doctor and her oncologist.

There was a Committee Opinion Number Only 39% of women 659 from the American College of ObAccording to Dr. with documented stetricians and GyFaubion, there’s never GSM symptoms necologists in March a black and white. It’s receive any form 2016 that suggested always a considerthat even in estrogen ation after careful disof treatment or receptor positive pareceive a referral for cussion, but there are tients, women could some other options treatment. take vaginal estrogens out there too. if they failed the other treatments. This decision was reached If you have breast cancer and you’re because “data do not show an instruggling with GSM, talk to your doccreased risk of cancer recurrence tor and get help. There are a lot of among women currently undergoing treatment options to help you. You treatment for breast cancer or those don’t have to suffer in silence. with a personal history of breast cancer who use vaginal estrogen to relieve urogenital symptoms.” Dr. Faubion commented that the recent NAMS/ISSWSH panel agreed with that decision. She said that “this

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The Hot Years


My Menopause Magazine

NEWS You Can Do Ask, Do Tell


This interview with Dr. Sheryl Kingsberg, Professor at Case Western Reserve, discusses how to feel empowered to talk about sexual concerns with your healthcare provider because it is a medical issue. It isn’t just all in your head.

Grocery Shopping 101 Author and speaker Maria Marlowe, CHC shares what every woman over 40 needs to know when you go to the grocery store. Check out a free recipe from her book here.

Is Your Hip, Spine or Knee Affecting Your Sex Life? Physical therapist Hollis (Holly) Herman explains how realigning your pelvis and your spine can work wonders on your sex life.

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My Menopause Magazine

Hot Years



umba Gold co-creator Josie Gardiner shares easy-to-do exercises for the workplace. They take less than a minute and can be done throughout the day to keep your body fit and fabulous. Share these videos with your co-workers and turn work into a workout! Click Here to find out more about Josie’s books and videos.



Best Selling Book Offers Yoga for Women

Throughout her Life Cycles Here is what you will find in the book: How to use breathing, postural, and meditation exercises to optimize your health, and how to adapt them into busy schedules.

Specific sections and activities for general female health, menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth, perimenopause and menopause, natural beauty, and self-healing.

Explanations of yoga exercises and meditations accompanied by their benefits.

How to utilize yoga for improved sexuality and intimacy

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The Hot Years


My Menopause Magazine

Maria Marlowe, CHC

Spicy Blueberry Arugula Salad with Hemp Crusted Avocado


his antioxidant-packed Spicy Blueberry Salad with Hemp-Crusted Avocado makes for a delicious and hearty lunch that can even be made the day before and brought to work. With 25 grams of protein, and 40% of your recommended daily intake for iron, this salad won’t leave you hungry or tired.

Ingredients Salad 3-4 cups baby arugula organic ½ cup basil leaves sliced into strips 1/2 cup organic blueberries 2 Tbsp shallot or red onion diced 1 tsp. jalapeños diced (optional) 1 Tbsp. pumpkin seeds 1 Tbsp. sunflower seeds

1 cup white beans ½ avocado 3 Tbsp. hemp seeds Lemon Fennel Dressing 2 tsp. olive oil or additional teaspoon, to taste 2 tsp. lemon juice fresh squeezed 1/2 tsp. fennel seeds 1/8-1/4 tsp. pink salt

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My Menopause Magazine

1 2


Place all salad ingredients except for the avocado and hemp seed in a bowl.*

Pour the olive oil, lemon juice, and fennel seeds, and salt over the salad, and toss well so that all of salad is coated in the dressing. Add more salt to taste, if needed.


Carefully peel away the skin of the avocado, then on a plate, pour the hemp seeds out and roll the avocado in it, until it is covered completely with hemp seeds on both sides so that you can’t see any green.**


Serve right away.

Recipe Notes *If you won’t be eating right away and plan to bring to work, then put the salad in a large mason jar in this order: Dressing, beans, onion, jalapeno, blueberries, seeds, basil, hemp crusted avocado, arugula. This will prevent it from getting soggy and keep everything fresh. If you don’t have a mason jar, keep the dressing in a separate container, and mix when ready to eat. **This is so the avocado doesn’t oxidize if you bring it to work with you. In the photo, the avocado half was coated with hemp seeds first, and then sliced before serving. For more information visit

The Hot Years Musing

The Hot Years



My Menopause Magazine

Journey W

hen the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion in the Wizard of Oz snuck into the Wicked Witches castle to save Dorothy, they didn’t know how things would end. They only knew that their friend was inside those walls and they wanted to help her. [Click here to listen to a narration of The Journey over original music by Dr. Mache Seibel]. One of the reasons these characters are so beloved is that they remind us of ourselves. For instance, maybe you are thinking of entering a new relationship, ending an old one, or starting a new business. Maybe you are about to take strong medicines to treat an illness, or deciding to have a large operation to remove a disease. Maybe you just want to get through menopause. Whether you wanted to have a better relationship, make more money, or feel better, each of these instances requires a journey.

Mache Seibel, MD

When faced with one of the journeys life presents, here are some things we can learn from the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion to help along the way.


Know your why. Our three Land of Oz friends knew that Dorothy was inside that castle. They knew no one else was there to help. And they knew that if they didn’t act, Dorothy was in great danger and would likely die. They knew their “Why.”


Gather your team. There is a reason there are three characters that help Dorothy, and a dog to guide them. Most people, even the most talented, don’t have all the skills they need to accomplish their goals. But a diverse, motivated team that works together can accomplish things better and faster. All contributed to successfully helping Dorothy escape.

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Have a plan. The Scarecrow was always thinking. But having a plan is only the beginning. You also have to have the courage to pull it off and the heart to endure and conquer, and Dorothy’s optimism and faith that in the end she would succeed.


Don’t depend on a Wizard. Many times, people wait or hope for a guru to come along and make things happen for them. And you may in fact need help and special talents to help you along your journey. But the Wizard really wasn’t what led to success. Dorothy’s team allowed her to stumble upon what she needed to do to get the Witches broom. And when even that failed, she alone was

able to click her ruby red slippers together and get back to Kansas.


Realize every journey has its challenges. Whether you’re Dorothy trying to get home, looking for love, wanting a better life, or trying to feel better, the road to success is seldom a straight and smooth path. There will be ups and downs, starts and stops, good and bad times, wicked witches and ineffective wizards. But as Muhammad Ali said, “Impossible is not a fact, it’s an opinion. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary.”

You may not know where you’re going, but you know where you’ve been. And where your journey takes you depends on what you do.

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The Hot Years


My Menopause Magazine

When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on. Franklin D. Roosevelt CLICK HERE to hear A Dateless Saturday Night, from the Musical Comedy, Male, Female, eMail, written by Dr. Mache and piano performed by Ben Schwendener. You can find this song and other health songs at Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this magazine is complete and accurate. However, neither the publisher nor the author(s) is engaged in rendering professional advice or services to the individual reader. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained in this magazine are educational and not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician. All matters regarding health require medical supervision. Neither the authors nor the publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss, injury, or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestion in this magazine. The opinions expressed in this magazine represent personal views of the author(s) and are not a substitute for medical care. All content in this magazine is Copyright Š HealthRock, LLC

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