H-TOWN LOW DOWN - 3rd Quarter 2014 | Issue 3

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LOW DOWN 3rd Quarter 2014



Author J.C. Henz



YOUR rack







Letter From The Editor


Techniques & Training


Coaches Corner: Tyler Hohman


Meet Our New Members


Tips From H-Town’s Director of Training Meet Height’s two new Coaches


The Front Squat+ Video Tutorial


“The 4 Most Helpful Type of CrossFit Athlete” Athlete Spotlight: Austin Harris

8 9-10

H-Town Member Deals

Nutrition: Torched Grill


+ SRIRACHA Recipe!

“Best CrossFit Shoes Guide: 2014”




Upcoming Events


H-Town Low Down, 3rd Quarter 2014, Issue 3 Theo Tsekouras | Editor-in-Chief Rina Perez | Creative Director Cover: Jeremy Cox Contributors Tyler Hohman Austin Harris

Dr. Seth Lawrence, DPT Elizabeth Worthey, BASC DTR



hat an exciting summer it has been and it only gets better. Inside this issue we feature our athlete of the month and get to know one of our H-town Instructors: Ty. Make sure you delve into our technique and tips section to get some insightful information from the Doc. H-town continues to strive to be the best facility out there. As such, we were picked to host the Author J.C. Herz for her book signing of “Learning to Breathe Fire”. This is a fantastic take on CrossFit and it’s rise. Pre-order your book now to get in on the action. Be on the look out for some exciting dates coming to you soon. We love getting to share this information with you. Do the same and share it to someone you think could benefit from it. Did I hear “Referral Rewards” whispering in the near future? Sincerely,


Theo Tsekouras Proud Founder theo@crossfithtown.com



TECHNIQUES TRAINING FRONT SQUAT Requirements for the Front Squat: The same requirements apply as for the squat, but with the addition of the bar remaining “racked” on your shoulders throughout the movement. Here are a few tips to perfect your Front Squat: Courtesy of CrossFit Rockwall

Set-up/Rack Position •

Review the air squat for the basic mechanics

The bar is in the rack position and elbows are as high as possible

Ideally, your upper arms should be parallel to the floor

Roll the bar back into your fingertips instead of gripping the bar in your hands

The bar should be touching your throat and on the “shelf” created by keeping your elbows high

the SQUAT • Pull your hips back and down while keeping your weight on your heels • Your hips must drop below your knees, reaching below parallel at the bottom • As you begin to stand the weight up, drive your ELBOWS UP FIRST • If your elbows drop at the bottom of the squat, not only does it become unsafe, but you will likely have to dump the weight forward • Complete the front squat by coming to full extension (standing all the way up) at the top



Name: J. Tyler Hohman

Hometown: Tomball, TX Age: 28 Occupation: General Manager of Source Metals When did you first start CrossFitting and why? April 2011. I really wanted a competitive way to get into great shape. I missed the competitive nature of baseball and crossfit seemed like a great way to find that competition I enjoy to motivate my workouts When did you first start Coaching at H-town and how did that start? I first started coaching in April 2013. It all began when I frequently found myself in class helping out other athletes with their technique, lifts, and trying to be motivator for the entire class. Having done so many of the crossfit moves in my college workouts I felt I had a lot of information and tips that I could share with the H-town community. Favorite and Least Favorite WOD? Favorite: Anything with cleans and chest Least Favorite: Anything with burpees, running or HSPU.




What is your coaching philosophy? Apart from “you better come to class to work your ASS off”, my coaching philosophy is pretty simple…I want everyone to continue to get better, grow, and have a good time whether they are in my class or not. Seeing my athletes get better times on a WOD, life more weight, or just feeling healthier and enjoying the results is a great feeling as a coach.

Have any favorite H-town Moments? Wow, there are really too many favorite H-town moments to pick from. I have had good times playing in a softball tournament with some of the members from H-Town. Even though we didn’t win the tournament, we definitely came in 1st place in the fun category. It was a great way to bond with everyone outside of the box. The Crossfit Open is always an epic time of year. I love seeing everyone put their game faces on and give 100% on each of the 5 WODs. I also really enjoy the Christmas party every year. It is always a good time. Do you have any advice for those just getting started or those looking to join your class time? Be ready to learn and work hard. I have tough warm ups to get you ready to perform at your best for the WOD. ASK A LOT OF QUESTIONS if you are unclear on anything, I’m here to help you and will breakdown anything you need to make sure you are using the right technique and getting the most out of your workout. Most importantly be ready to sweat and have a good time. What are your hobbies, interests, and/or talents outside of CrossFit? I love spending time at the lake and being on the water wakeboarding and wake surfing. I really enjoy snowboarding when I can get away for a long weekend. I also play indoor soccer and softball from time to time. I am big on sports and spending time outside, so anything that combines the two is typically where you can find me.

“you better come to class to

As an instructor at H-town, what sort of changes have you seen in yourself, your coaching style as well as the athletes you now teach? I have definitely seen myself become more patient with athletes. I used to expect people to understand what I was saying the first time and immediately have that competitive drive like I do. I now understand that I need to break the movements and WOD’s down as much as possible to give everyone a chance to understand and feel comfortable with their technique. Once my athletes have the fundamentals/basic movements down I really see their confidence grow and they being taking on a WOD full force/RX. It is really a great feeling as a coach to see an athlete go from struggling when they first come in with simple weight/movements, to trusting me and growing in their skill. As a coach, it really is an incredible feeling when you see that light bulb go off in an athlete’s head and they kick it into another gear.

work your ass off”

So you just started instructing at the H-town? Take us back to your first class teaching... what was it, and how did it feel? Wow, that feels like so long ago now. I was a bit nervous but really excited that day because it was my first day coaching and I had the opportunity to coach 32 Hokies. This was a particularly special WOD to me because I am a VT Alumni. It was a great workout for my first crossfit coaching experience and was a great first class.


New H-Townies!

On behalf of everyone at CrossFit H-Town, we would like to welcome all of the new H-Townies to the family! *All new members are not shown. Additional new member photos will be featured in our next issue!


WANT A TIPs FROM THE P.T. D C & Director of Training, Dr. Seth Lawrence, DPT



he front rack position is an invaluable tool that we use as Olympic lifters, CrossFitters, but also in our everyday lives. Lifting boxes from the floor to overhead requires strength, flexibility and stability. We need strength in our anterior shoulder complex to hold the rack position, which includes muscles like your anterior deltoid, pectoralis major and minor. Your lower back extensors and core, also play a vital role. Not only do we need the ability to put ourselves in this position, but more importantly, we need the flexibility to attain this position so that we can safely move load.

Flexibility comes from your wrist flexors, back muscles (latisimus dorsi) and anterior abdominals. Now, there is some work you can do that will help you become flexible enough to achieve this rack position. Consistent foam rolling and stretching, along with persistence when trying to reach full range of motion, will help you be successful in attaining this position. Now, let us not forget about our hips and ankles. We need a solid, sturdy base of support to push off from. Sit the weight into your squat. Push from your heels, using your hamstrings and glutes (posterior chain muscles). Keep your elbows high while leading up into the standing from a squatting position. Keep all of these pointers in mind, and they will help you remain safe and efficient. Remember to always aim to create efficiency with your posture, so that you can maximize your efforts with whatever it is you do.

NEW H-TOWN COACHES! CrossFit H-Town would like to welcome two new coaches to the coaching staff! Juliana Halloran and Nina Desormeaux recently completed H-Town’s in-depth Instructor Training Program and have begun coaching at our Heights location. They are not only great athletes, but they are highly motivated and ready to provide you with all of the essential tools to help you get better and stronger!

Juliana Halloran

Nina Desormeaux


The 4 Most Helpful Types of

CrossFit Athlete

Courtesy of: BreakingMuscle.com

CrossFit’s mantra is “be better than yesterday” and there are a few specific members at your box that will help you achieve that goal. CrossFit is an individual sport, but with a community aspect, so you can use your fellow gym-mates as motivation and inspiration.

1. The Elite Veteran The first athlete is the elite veteran who probably has been at the box since day one. When you think of your box, he’s one of the first people that jumps into your mind. Why? Because he lives, breathes, sweats, and bleeds his gym and the sport. He is also territorial (in a good way). He probably has numerous shirts that say his gym affiliate’s name and he wears them proudly. He not only represents himself, but he confidently represents the culture of CrossFit. Having a person to look up to at the gym automatically makes you want to become a better CrossFitter. The elite-veteran athlete is personable and everyone can relate to him on some level. This person is serious about his workout, but he is equally as serious about helping his box be the best. He can often be mistaken for a coach because he willingly helps, give tips, cleans up after WODs, and enthusiastically encourages everyone. He knows the sport and his box inside and out. The elite veteran is there everyday and he’s been in your shoes, so use his knowledge to your benefit. Ask how he started. (It’s helpful to hear his background so he doesn’t just seem like some superhero. He had to start somewhere too!) When the going gets tough, these are the athletes who are right there to help push you through it. Mimic his dedication and soon you’ll have it, too.

2. Your Opposite This is the person who is the most unlike you - and that’s why she is beneficial to your success. Use your differences with your opposite to drive your motivation during the workout. Maybe she is competitive and you aren’t, maybe there’s an age difference, or maybe she comes from a completely different athletic background. In any case, you don’t immediately identify with her because of your differences, but your differences help you realize where you can be better in your fitness. Maybe you can’t do a skill as well as your opposite in the beginning, but that’s where the friendly competition starts. You will naturally want to get to her level, so you pay attention to the


But once you find this person, I think it’s best to tell her that you’re driven by her hard work and that having her in the gym makes you better. I just told my opposite today that I wanted to beat her in the 400m run segment of the workout because I knew she could get through kettlebell swings much faster than me. That’s how I gauged my speed - staying in front of her in the run so we would even out in the end. It’s a friendly competition, seeing her succeed makes me happy - and it goes both ways. Having competition with someone who possesses your opposite strengths will help you pay more attention to the weaker areas of your fitness. Welcome the competition with your opposite, he or she is probably thinking the same way as you anyway.

3. The Newbie Every time you meet a new member it takes you right back to the reason you started. Having a constant reminder of the specific reason you wanted to try CrossFit and become a better athlete could be motivation you need. Ask a newbie why he chose the sport. Not only will it make him feel comfortable that you are interested in talking to him, but it will help reinforce why you both are there. Plus, talking to and helping the newbie will make the gym run more efficiently. New members may not know the different size bars or where weights stack, so help them. Be humble and think of it as paying it forward, because surely someone did the same helpful deeds for you in the beginning. They probably will be one of the last to finish the WOD, stay and cheer them on. Again, it’s that positive experience in the beginning that will help them feel comfortable and perform better. The newbie is beneficial because it makes you want to be the example that others were for you. It helps you slow down and remember that, yes, CrossFit is an individual sport, but the box is a community. It’s a reminder to be kind to everyone, respect the gym, and to be on your best behavior - because that’s what you expect and you should be the example.

4. Yourself Who knows you best? Who knows what’s going on in your mind, your strengths, weaknesses, body, and injuries better than yourself? The most important thing is to listen and trust your body. In the beginning, skills or even mobility stretches feel strange and strenuous. It’s your body adjusting to your new sport. You should try to go the distance, but also listen when it’s too much. Your mental capacity will change, too. Fifty wall balls is a big volume for newbies and veterans, but you’ll finish, and probably faster than you imagined. Allow your mind and body to compete. Your mind will tell you to stop long before your body does. Challenge yourself. That’s why you chose CrossFit, right? The competition in CrossFit is to be better than yesterday. So, I ask you, what can you do today to make you better than yesterday? Look for these four athletes in your box, I bet they will help your progression.


Austin HARRIS ATHLETE SPOTLIGHT Hometown: Born in Grand Rapids, MI, but I grew up in Houston, since the age of 8. Age: 26 Occupation: UH Student - Mechanical Engineering Tech. Tell us about you sports & fitness background: I played baseball from age 5, all the way through high school. In high school I played football, basketball, baseball, and track and field. How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD. What was it, and how did it feel? My first attempt at a WOD was the Crossfit Open 14.3. I was intimidated and nervous by the complexity of the movements. I was getting back into working out after a year of recovery from a shoulder reconstruction. Holding anything (including my own hand) above my head was extremely difficult. I felt like I had completed a milestone, even though I was only using the bar. I also felt my competitive needs being fulfilled due to the camaraderie I received.

“Holding anything (including my own hand) above my head was extremely difficult.” What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF H-Town (before/after)? I have seen myself take a 180. From a lazy, timid and negative person that I never knew I could be, to someone I have missed being for a long time. Since I started at H-Town, I have regained my confidence, transformed my body, and have become the complete opposite of lazy. I love the new awesome and successful friends I have made. In a nut shell, my quality of life has improved along with my attitude. What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? I have learned as coach Juliana say, “to leave my ego at the door”. Also, there is nothing wrong with using light weight, or taking the time in a WOD to learn correct form. For me it is hard to take the time to pull back and tell myself I shouldn’t worry about making time or reps, but I need to work on form and execution. Anyone who knows me will agree I am getting better at doing this, but it is still something I work on daily. Overall, it has taught me that less is not regression and more is not progression. Progress and success only come when you are doing things correctly, regardless of the circumstances. Do you have a favorite/least favorite movement/lift? I would have to say that squatting and ring dips are my intimate enemy. But my favorites are Snatches, Cleans and Presses. Any advice for people just getting started? Please share with us any favorite CrossFit / H-Town moments: When you enter an H-Town box, you are with friends and family who want nothing more than the best for you and from you. Do not walk into that box planning on being mediocre, plan on giving it your all and learning everything you can, because the person next to you will not let you. My favorite H-Town moment was finishing my first WOD at RX, I was one of the last to finish but I had my friends to push me to finish before the time cap. What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit? I like to just hang out with friends and create good memories, I also like to fish and mountain bike. I have many talents. ...But I can’t think of any.


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Did somebody say.... referral rewards?


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Paleo Sriracha Ingredients


1.5 lbs fresh red jalapeno peppers, seeded and roughly chopped. 8 garlic cloves, peeled and smashed 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar 3 Tbsp. tomato paste 3 Tbsp. raw organic honey 2 Tbsp. paleo friendly fish sauce 1 tsp. sea salt **NOTE: Use gloves when handling the peppers!

1. Prep jalapenos and garlic, then add to a highspeed blender. 2. Add the remaining ingredients and puree until smooth and frothy. 3. Pour the puree into a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. 4. Once it comes to a boil, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. 5. Taste and adjust seasoning as necessary. 6. Transfer contents to a jar (or squeeze bottle) and let cool completely. 7. Once cooled, secure with a lid and refrigerate. It will keep in the refrigerator for 1 week.

We’ve got your back outside of the box as well. Let our very own chef and nutritionist, Elizabeth Worthey prepare your week’s worth of gourmet paleo meals, delivered straight to your box. Be sure to check your inbox and facebook for delicious weekly menus!

*Don’t forget to get your orders in by 6PM every Thursday. 11

Best CrossFit

Shoes Guide For 2014 CrossFit continues to grow in popularity, with millions of people now taking part in gyms all over the world. In order to make sure that they are at the top of their game, though, everyone will have to get the right pair of shoes that will protect their feet, keep them safe, and make sure they are able to perform at their very best every single workout. However, finding the best crossfit shoes is not a simple task, so we’ve put together this resource — an ultimate, all-inclusive guide to help you find crossfit shoes that will perfectly fit your needs.

The Importance of Having Good Crossfit Shoes CrossFit shoes are incredibly important. Crossfit workouts aren’t like many other forms of working out. Rather than relying on primarily cardiovascular endurance exercises or powerlifting or plyometrics, these workouts will use a combination of all three, making it even more important that you have the right kind of footwear. Without the right kind of shoes on, you’ll be putting yourself in danger of not only injuring yourself, but also not performing at your best. Many people attempt to use traditional running shoes when they are doing Crossfit workouts, but they can’t hold up to the extreme workouts that demand versatility as well as endurance. If you are serious about getting into shape with Crossfit, and staying in it for the long haul, you’ll need the right shoes.

Advantages of Wearing the Best Crossfit Shoes

Crossfit on its own comes with a lot of benefits. People who frequent a Crossfit gym are stronger, have more endurance, are healthy in an all around sense, and are always prepared for changing circumstances and whatever might come their way. Without the right shoes you can still get the job done, but you won’t have the true benefits of Crossfit.

Better Performance

More often than not, people choose a shoe with performance in mind. There are many who perform just fine without having to pick the right pair of shoes, but they more often than not find that their performance is enhanced dramatically by picking up a new pair. When you are lifting weights, running, jumping, and doing gymnastics, it is important that you have total control. That is precisely what the right pair of Crossfit shoes will give you. You will be able to run farther and faster, jump higher than ever, and lift more weight than ever without ever feeling like your footing is anything less than absolutely perfect.


A Naturally Strong Body Our bodies were made to be capable of handling any kind of situation that we find ourselves in. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people who don’t have proper form when it comes to working out, or doing anything in their life. When you do Crossfit, you are building up your body in a way that resembles what you would naturally come across in the real world, compared to sticking solely to lifting weights. By wearing the right shoes, you will help your body move in a way that replicates the way our ancestors moved, although in a much safer and high performance way. Shoes should be able to enhance your performance, but they also have to be able to help you help yourself. Many of the joints and muscles that are important to the proper function of our bodies aren’t used as frequently as they should be. Often, this is because our shoes cushion them and stop us from having to use them. With a little push in the right direction, though, you’ll be capable of having a workout that is truly “full body” without leaving a joint or tendon untouched. The stronger the supporting parts of your body, the stronger and safer you will be in a general sense.

Safer Workouts

Staying safe during your workouts is one of the most important things that you should consider when looking at Crossfit and the shoes that you wear while you are doing it. Working out will only benefit you as long as you can do it without injuring yourself. If you are serious about working out, you should be serious about staying safe. By working out in the right Crossfit shoes, you’ll have the ability to go longer and with more intensity without injuring yourself. Padded, improper shoes will only cushion your bad habits, not ever stopping you from being injured only slightly reducing the chances. If you are going to really stay save, you’ll be required to completely eliminate bad form, something you can’t do without the right pair of shoes on.

What to Look for in the Best Crossfit Shoes

There are many things that you should be looking out for when you attempt to find the best CrossFit shoe possible. The most important thing to think about is the variety of conditions that you’ll be facing when you work out. Just as important is the ability to not make any sacrifices and still be able to perform just as well at any of them, just like you were doing them on their own with a pair of shoes that was designed for that purpose and that purpose alone. Overall, when you are doing your workouts you’ll have to be ready for:


Lifting weights is something that a lot of people that come to Crossfit already have experience with, but the circumstances surrounding the lifts is much different with Crossfit. Here, you will have to do it while being able to run and do all of the other exercises without losing traction, comfort, or performance. That isn’t something that you can do with over padded shoes that don’t let you truly feel the floor. That also means they have to fit in a way that lets you never have to worry about them moving around. In order to do that, the Crossfit shoes will use a “barefoot” sole that lets your feet conform to the floor, remain stable, and stay flat. The shoes will also have to have a secure fit, with room for your toes to move while still remaining stable enough to not roll your ankle and risk seriously damaging your feet and legs. Even worse, you might find that an unsure footing causes you to topple over and seriously injure yourself or others in a way that can sideline you for a very long time.


Running and Jumping Running and jumping require a similar feature, but there is another reason here. Many people run with a technique that makes them move in an unnatural way that isn’t healthy. The majority of people who run use a method that involves striking with the heel and then rolling onto their toes. This isn’t necessarily unhealthy on its own, but it is very inefficient and can lead to a lot of other bad habits. The barefoot soles will come into play here, forcing you to run on the balls of your feet, or at the very least using a mid-sole strike. Jumping is even more unsafe when you use improper technique, so learning how to land in the right way will be necessary. Crossfit is safe when performed properly, but it can lead to injuries if you don’t know what you are doing. In order to help yourself as much as possible, your shoes should take care of some of the effort, ensuring that you only have to spend a short amount of time working on form before you are ready to go. Those two very different exercises come with their own terms. You will also be performing gymnastics, rowing, doing kettle bell lifts, and more. In all, you’ll have to keep an eye out for a number of features that are staples of the best Crossfit shoes. These are:

• Rope Support. This is something that is almost entirely unique to Crossfit shoes. Climbing rope is one

of the best things that you can do to make your entire body stronger, but it can also be a nightmare on your footwear. Even the best shoes can fall apart quickly from this single exercise. In order to prevent having to buy a new pair of shoes once a month due to one part of your workout, it is vital that they feature rope protection on the inside of the arch. This will normally consist of high quality mesh, but it will also mean the inclusion of a strong, supporting rubber that protects your feet as well as the overall construction of the shoe.

• Barefoot Soles. A lot of people are uncomfortable with the idea of running and working out barefoot.

That is why shoes were invented. Fortunately, barefoot soles in shoes have made it possible to have all of the benefits without any of the downsides. The right kind of sole will make it possible to have a good feel for the ground beneath your feet, but you will also be supported just enough to keep performing at a high level. Vibram is the most popular producer of these soles, but there are other companies that have invented their own style. These will conform to your feet, make you run in a natural way, and build up all of the right muscles in your feet, ankles, and lower legs. By doing this, you will ensure that you are safer and stronger for years to come, rather than using shoes that only cushion the fact that you have weak feet.

• Breathable Upper. It should go without saying, but having a way to keep your feet cool is one of the most important things you can do. Sweaty feet will help keep you comfortable while you are working out, without having to put your attention on the sweat on your feet instead of the weight that you are lifting. High quality mesh is very effective at doing this. The best shoes will almost feel like you don’t have shoes on without putting them at risk to the elements. Some shoes go too far and seem like they are made of fishnet. The best shoes will have the right balance to make sure your feet are cool, but still protected.

• Padding. Padding is controversial when it comes to Crossfit shoes. Lots of Crossfitters worry about

wearing something that is closer to basketball equipped than Crossfit, but that doesn’t mean that you should be staying away from padding entirely. When used properly, padding makes sure that your feet are comfortable and safe, while helping you stay stable. In most cases, a snug fit is more important that padding, but sole padding can be important for people who have had problems in the past. Heel padding is of particular interest, but it should never come at the expense of the “barefoot” feel that most shoe companies aim for. If you try a pair on, it should be padded lightly throughout, making sure you are comfortable. If you feel like you are walking on pillows, they have too much.


Reviews of the 3 Best Shoes for CrossFit: Reebok CrossFit Nano 3.0

Reebok has been in the footwear game for decades, but they have made the most of their short amount of time in the Crossfit arena. The CrossFit Nano 3.0 is their most recent offering and it really stands among the best that any company has been able to produce. These were designed to be able to handle the job no matter what it is that your gym is throwing your way. They started by creating a shoe that is just as light as many of the bare bones shoes that companies like Inov-8 produce. In doing that, however, they also ensured that they would be incredibly comfortable and durable. The fit of the Reebok Crossfit Nano 3.0 finds the sweet spot between the snug and roomy fit that many workout shoes have. They are always secure on your feet, but the toe box is large enough to allow your feet to grip the floor and stay firm. A little wiggle room is a great thing. Unfortunately, too many leave a great deal, although that won’t be a problem here. That comfort won’t mean anything, though, if they can’t hold up to a good beating in the gym. These specifically feature rope protection on the inside as well to make sure that you don’t destroy them from frequent rope climbing. Mesh like materials are used extensively on the outside, which resembles barefoot shoes in many cases, which means if you choose to purchase these you will have to be careful during workouts if you don’t want to injure your toes and feet by dropping a kettle bell on them. What really stands out about these shoes is the sole. There is a problem that often arises in terms of the soles of workout shoes. They are often on one side of the spectrum or the other, either too cushioned or too minimalist. Reebok managed to find a center zone with the Nano 3.0 that allows your feet to be adequately supported without having to give up the feel of the ground. There is a bit more padding involved than most other Crossfit shoes, but for people who have had problems in the past, this means it can be a perfect fit and a perfect addition to a workout. Overall, the Reebok Nano 3.0 is a great all around shoe that matches the all around exercise conditions that Crossfit provides. For comfort and performance, this is a great shoe. Many people have complaints about one feature or another, but if you are new to Crossfit especially this is a great way to find out what you like in a shoe.

Inov-8 F-lite 240

Inov-8 is one of the leading producers of CrossFit footwear. They are consistently ranked among the top companies, and with good reason. Of all of the products they have, the Inov-8 F-Lite 240 is one of those that standouts the most. To start with, they spent a lot of time making sure that your foot is comfortable while you are wearing these shoes. The upper is constructed out of breathable mesh that is extremely lightweight and allows you to stay cool and comfortable without filling your shoes up with sweat during the most intense workouts.

For CrossFit, having a flat sole is important for recreating the barefoot feel that your feet naturally run with. The heel toe drop in these isn’t exactly flat, but it does offer a lot greater feel than shoes with a raised heel. That being said, it is still easy to run on your heels when using these, so you’ll have to make sure that you always keep an eye on your technique when you are going through your workouts.


Reviews of the 3 Best Shoes for CrossFit Continued

The bottom of the sole furthers that quality feel on the ground. The special F-Lite traction technology used on the outside of the shoe uses a blend of rubber that they have developed to provide the best grip and traction without being bulky or prone to falling apart. What many people have commented on is the ability to wear these shoes and start working out without even having to break them in. From the very day that you get them, they will be able to help you perform at your best and never have to worry about putting your lower body at risk just to get a good workout in. Inov8 continuously puts out quality shoe after quality shoe, making any shoe from them a great choice. Here, however, the F-lite 240 stands out above the rest.

New Balance Minimus v3

The New Balance Minimus hasn’t been around for very long, but the Minimus v3 provides a huge benefit over previous models and many people have found that this is their new favorite shoe, especially if they aren’t interested in paying an outrageous amount of money. First, comfort. These have a great feel straight out of the box, feeling flat, neutral, and one of a kind. Even without socks on, these perform incredibly well and make it possible to focus on your workouts without ever having to worry about the kind of shoes that you have on. The performance is just as great, though. The snug fit and high quality grip on the sole makes them great for your workouts whether you are running, jumping, or powerlifting. These will help maintain the natural movement that your body craves, allowing you to build up the right muscles and truly get the right benefits from your workouts that you might have missed out on if you had padded shoes on. Many people even use these as basketball shoes, that’s how well they perform. If you are interested in shoes that look great, you’ve found them. People have stayed away from Vibram shoes for a long time because they don’t like the appearance of shoes with toes in them. In contrast, the Minimus line more closely resembles traditional sneakers, making them perfect for wearing any time day or night, whether you are working out or not. For an entry shoe into the world of CrossFit, it is hard to do much better than this. They offer the barefoot, bare bones feel that is important to CrossFit, but it manages to do so without making you uncomfortable. It can be hard to deal with at the start, but once you are used to them these can be one of the best possible shoes to wear. At the end of the day, these there shoes are a great place to get started. You really can’t do wrong with any of them, but it is also important that you understand what it is that makes them work. Crossfit can be one of the most beneficial things that you ever do for yourself, but without the right shoes on you won’t be able to handle it. Make the right choice and buy a pair today. You will never regret the boost in performance that they give you.


This program is open to everyone, regardless of experience or membership type. We incorporate the CrossFit methodology into an endurance based program designed to maximize your potential as an athlete. This program is perfect for someone who is interested in cutting down your WOD times, with the goal of doing a 10K, half-marathon, sprint/olympic distance triathlon or an endurance relay run. For the more experienced endurance athlete, this program will push you to new limits and give you the skills to obtain a PR in your next marathon, Ironman or adventure race. Our Endurance Classes are held on Tuesdays at 6:45PM and Saturdays at 10AM. Be sure to check WODify for

if you’ve got a need for speed, h-town’s endurance Coach AMANDA TYNER can help!

6:45PM TUE | 10:00AM SAT


Come get your stretch on!


7:15PM @ H-TOWN HEIGHTS 2632 N. DURHAM DR | 77008

B.Y.O.M. postworkout never tasted so good.

Ask an H-Town Coach how you can get yours today! 18


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july 12 | Saturday 19 | Saturday 19 | Saturday 26 | Saturday

Gymnastics Class Mobility Class Community WOD Gymnastics Class

august 9 | Saturday 16 | Saturday 16 | Saturday 23 | Saturday

Gymnastics Class Mobility Class Community WOD Gymnastics Class

11AM 9AM 10AM 11AM

Arts District Heights Heights Arts District

11AM 9AM 10AM 11AM

Arts District Heights Heights Arts District


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