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Mr. Johnathan King is a general contractor and owner of Executive Development & Construction, Inc. He was raised in Sacramento, and is married with four children. As a contractor and business owner, Mr. King enjoys working with the general public, and the flexibilty that owning a company allows. Follow his company on Instagram @executivedevelopmentinc



Book: The Bible

Cologne: Jean Paul Gaultier


Trademark: My last name … King! It is what I see myself as and a title I strive to always represent. I would say I’m seen as being a family man first and foremost (at least that’s the first thing people always ask me about). Secondly, a man about his business and being consistently me through it all. Live life to the fullest but also treat your days as if you know the expiration date. Hopefully that answers your question.

Black woman you admire: Michelle Obama … she always carried herself with class and dignity no matter what was said about her while she was First Lady. Viola Davis … exceptional actress and always comes off very genuine. Issa Rae - phenomenal writer and actress. Always thinks about us as a people and our culture.

What is SEXY about a woman? Confidence is sexy and the way she carries herself. Also a great smile and good hygiene.

Best work day strategy: Wake up and pray first, get a quick workout in. Drink my coffee and water and write down my goals for the day. Make my necessary calls and then get out the door!

On who cooks the best:

• My wife cooks the best oxtails dinner and the best brussel sprouts.

• I can cook the best gumbo

• My daughter cooks the best lasagna

Greatest achievement: Becoming a husband and father!

Share with us your story about how someone in your life helped to shape your values: Oh wow. Well it would have to be my late great father. The attributes and characteristics he instilled in me from a young age have been invaluable. My father not only taught me but also exemplified what it meant to be a man. To carry yourself with dignity and to always be there for your family. My father would always say “it’s in me, not on me” meaning everything I need to be the best person God has called me to be is inside me. I can’t thank him enough.


Do you see the doctor for annual exams? Yes I go to the doctor regularly and I have my blood work done every year.

Do you see the need for exercise at least 3 days? Of course exercise is very important. If you want to keep a sharp mind you have to move and keep your blood flowing well. I run with my kids, I walk/run my dog. My wife and I do circuit workouts using weights. I also ride my Peloton bike.

Do you see the need to change your diet plan and if so share with how this has helped you with maintaining and/or improving your overall health? I believe you can always improve your diet. But I would say my diet overall isn’t terrible and I try to drink as much water as possible daily and I eat a lot of vegetables and nuts and fruits.

Defining a Black Man in Leadership? That’s a layered question but to keep it short- I would say a man of high integrity and understands the value in team and also is committed to the goals regardless who gets the credit. I also think you have to have great communication skills.

I am COMMITTED to: My family, my marriage, my church, my goals and my community. The answer is simple, in my opinion we are put on this earth to spread God’s love to the people around us. I live to inspire and help this be a better place for generations to come.

Slogan you live by: “Stay two steps ahead of your peers.”

Best advice for young black men trying to find their way to succeed in school, pursue a career, avoid gang/gun violence, overcome substance abuse or suicide/depression? I would say to make sure you’re spiritually grounded. And to know it’s ok to start over.

What do you like about Sacculturalhub.com & THE HUB Magazine? I like that it’s a magazine for our culture and it’s all about uplifting and informing our people. n


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