The I Am Enough Institute The New “I Am Enough” Woman’s Manifesto
“I Am Enough!” This manifesto was created to empower women to a deeper and more conscious awareness of her authentic truth and power. When a woman is empowered in knowing she is enough, she has the ability to make decisions that will not only transform her life, but her family, her community, and her world. When a woman is empowered in knowing she is enough, she is more in all her beauty, wisdom, and glory. May the declarations presented here empower every woman to greatness in every area of her authentic truth, feminine essence, and power. Be Empowered!
The I Am Enough Institute™ ~ Empowering Women To Know That They Are Enough and Evolving Their Feminine Power!
Copyright Š 2012 The I Am Enough Institute Leadership All rights reserved. No part of this manifesto may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the Institute.
The I Am Enough Institute™ ~ Empowering Women To Know That They Are Enough and Evolving Their Feminine Power!
The I Am Enough Institute The I Am Enough Institute strongly believes that women are amazing, powerful and divine gifts to our human existence. We believe that women are much more than our past, our stories, our pain, our credentials, our resources, and the disguises we often wear to help us merely survive. We believe foremost, that the essence of a woman living and operating from her feminine power and truth is a crucial element to humankind’s spiritual healing and restoration, balance and harmony, wealth and abundance, growth and overall success. Despite the amazing contributions women have already made to society, we believe there is so much more for women to contribute and offer. Never before have women had more power and rights than they do now in shaping the future of our families, communities, and world. Women have heard the message of empowerment and feminism for years yet; women today still struggle with fully allowing themselves to be and truly exist in their feminine authentic selves, power and truth. We believe that true empowerment is a spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and social experience that activates power within a woman to truly be her divine authentic self. Empowerment, as defined by Webster, means to give power and authority to. It is our ultimate intention to offer programs, services, and opportunities that enable women to remember who they are, assist them in reclaiming their feminine power and authority, and enable them to be the woman she was divinely created to be. This manifesto was created by The I Am Enough Institute’s Leadership as a powerful resource and reminder of your birthright in who you are as a woman and to empower you to boldly declare I Am Enough from the very essence of your being. At the heart of our mission is to powerfully shift the mindset of women from a false, negative, disempowering belief system of “I am not good enough” to a positive life-transforming belief system of I Am Enough. This deep sense of knowing, I Am Enough, is a new way of being, thinking, and doing that allows women to become liberated in living from their feminine essence, power, and truth that ultimately will empower them to become women or divas of and for outrageous success in their personal life and business. We invite you to read these declarations daily or as needed, meditate upon their truths, allow them to become a part of your consciousness about who you are as a woman, and use this manifesto as a guide for your thoughts, emotions, and actions throughout every aspect of your life. As these truths become your truths, you will notice dramatic changes in your overall life experiences and evolve you to a higher level of existence that you were divinely created to have. Imagine being a woman truly grounded in knowing you are enough and your feminine authentic truth to such a degree that your overall life experiences begin to change allowing you to experience the rewards and riches that life has to offer you personally and professionally. Imagine living from a place of internal fullness and satisfaction. Imagine experiencing deeper intimacy and connection to God, yourself, your family, and others. Imagine feeling whole and complete. Imagine being truly YOU. Imagine…
The I Am Enough Institute™ ~ Empowering Women To Know That They Are Enough and Evolving Their Feminine Power!
Our Commitment and Intention to Empower Women Worldwide To the women of the world, our sisters, our commitment, and intentions are: To empower women to remember who they are as powerful, strong, courageous, beautiful spirits necessary to the balance and harmony of humankind To provide excellent one-of-a-kind services, training, programs, and opportunities that empower women to know that they are enough and to help them evolve to their highest feminine power To operate with integrity, ethics, character and sincerity in all we do and in the services we provide To be authentic in our own lives and services as we invite women to do the same To continually improve our own personal development and growth, increase our knowledge and skills, and strive to achieve the highest within ourselves in unity of thought, action and belief To identify positive powerful ways to give back and make a contribution to our community in a way that empowers individuals, families, neighbors, and the world Institute Core Values: Spirituality – teaching women the importance of connecting to their true authentic self and God (Spirit, Divine, Higher Power, Source) – there is a divine spiritual dissatisfaction among people and through our programs we will strive to empower divine satisfaction by helping women create intimacy within themselves and with God (Spirit, Divine, Higher Power, Source) Integrity – teaching women to hold themselves to a higher standard of self moral and soundness about their authentic truth and self Relationship – teaching women how to create intimacy and meaningful relationships with themselves and others Resiliency – teaching women how to recover or adjust during and after challenges with grace, strength and courage Responsibility – teaching women the power of self-accountability to her personal truth, values, morals, dreams and destiny – this truth/power ultimately impacts a woman’s ability to impact others and the world Character development – empowering women to develop and become distinguishable individuals based on living their life on their own terms Vibrancy and well-being – to empower women to stay healthy by teaching them principles of health and wellness (increase energy, vibrancy, vitality, stamina and weight maintenance ) Holistic wellness (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social/relational, environmental/global, occupational and financial)
The I Am Enough Institute™ ~ Empowering Women To Know That They Are Enough and Evolving Their Feminine Power!
“I Am Enough” Declarations We invite you to read these declarations and make them a part of your personal development toward becoming a woman of outrageous success in your personal life and business. Be Empowered! I Am Enough I am my own best cheerleader with words of love and support. I self-talk with joy! When I go through a difficult challenge, I give myself the gift of healing my hurt so I can THRIVE I share my life lessons I can choose to acknowledge that right now, in this moment, I am an amazing being. It’s not about what I have to do, where I have to go, what I have to be – it is all about being right here, right now I acknowledge that I am ENOUGH simply by being I am a child of this universe given a body, a mind, emotions/heart & spirit to experience this world – and that in and of itself is truly amazing I am ENOUGH just as I am, and as I acknowledge that, embrace that, allow that to live within me – I start to transform my life from the inside out I do not need to be a certain way, act a certain way or do anything amazing to be worthy of love. Simply because I was born means that I Am Enough! I know this in my heart, and move forward today with this awareness Feminine Empowerment I am feminine I can have it all My body is a temple All my relationships are thriving Pleasure and bliss are my birthright I feel safe expressing my sensual nature I celebrate being a woman I am here to change the world by being the best me The feminine essence heals the masculine, and brings balance to the world. I am feminine. I am a magnet to money, success and all things amazing I lead with my heart today and let it take me through exquisite experiences of loving life I let my tears happen because they wash the pain out of my heart, mind and soul. I love my tears because they love me and soothe my way to a better time I jump on that first step of the stairway to success with faith and vision that I will succeed I make decisions and take risks. Even if it doesn’t quite work out, I tried, and that’s how I will use “failures” to create success Change is good. In spite of my doubts and fears, the blessings will appear and I will stop to think, “Oh, that’s why this change is here.” I conquer my fear by taking ACTION. I eat that elephant in small bites or I jump in with both feet, arms flying, and a smile on my face I give myself authority to be my authentic self, and from there I can achieve anything.
The I Am Enough Institute™ ~ Empowering Women To Know That They Are Enough and Evolving Their Feminine Power!
Feminine energy and spirit I always give my best performance. Even if I forget a few lines, no one will know. Happiness is creating my unique mark in the world, making a difference by knowing my true essence, embracing myself unconditionally and sharing my gifts abundantly Be Wisdom. Be Trust. Be Intuition. I tap into my inner essence recognizing that I have all I need within me and my unique gifts to the world will be revealed I trust myself. I know a lot more than I think I do Sisterhood I use the power of girl-friendship to connect with, support and share with others because we are all stronger together There are women I do not know by name who are cheering for me and loving me. I am willing to receive their love and support When life hands me the “wobbles,” my girlfriends are the glue, the cement who help put me back together when I feel like I am shattered into a zillion pieces Intimate and meaningful relationships I love in relationship I am a woman, a child, a sister, a friend, a wife, a mother…I AM! Love means I trust myself and you, accept myself and you unconditionally, protect and provide for myself and you, and I am the absolute best I can be in every situation Building a relationship without trust is like a building a house on sand…I build trust! I share my heart freely at every opportunity and tell others I love them often By nurturing myself first, by realizing that the most intimate and meaningful relationship is with myself first, my relationship with others improves automatically and continually Faith & Spirituality The Universe hears what I tell it and delivers. I am mindfully aware of what I say I want…or don’t want When I am grateful, I lose my fears and face my abundance. I am enough I know that there is a force/presence/energy bigger than the entire universe that loves me unconditionally I continue to nurture myself so that I can open more and more to receive that special love that is designed just for me I commune in the Spirit of nature and its abundance Wealth and Abundance I am successful and confident at my core Success is one decision away and I decide today to be successful Success is my birthright and I do things daily to affirm that that is true I visualize my success daily and doing so increase my spiritual and vibrational sense of knowing that it will cause my success to come true I surrender to the energy and manifestation of being and having massive success in my life Every day and in every way I experience successful moments in my life I allow myself to be successful
The I Am Enough Institute™ ~ Empowering Women To Know That They Are Enough and Evolving Their Feminine Power!
Wealth and Abundance (continued) I am a magnet for outrageous success in my life I experience radical success in every area of my life Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm I activate the energy of success in my thoughts, feelings and actions I am successful and prosperous in every areas of my life When I am peaceful at my core, I experience more success in my life When I connect to God, my source, and the Universe, I experience more success in my life. I connect to God as source daily I am successful because I have the courage and the will to be the laser- focused, determined, forwardmoving leader I am meant to be Success in my life means INTENTION, DECISION, and ACTION. It is in my BEING-NESS and then DOING that I succeed My “made-up mind” is the most powerful weapon I use to be, do and go for wonderful, awesome goals today When I follow my bliss, doors open for me to places I didn’t even know had doors! Because I am enough, I am wealthy and abundant right now. Vibrant health and well-being I hydrate my body with clean, cool water. I get my body flowing with movement like Yoga. I speak sweet nothings to myself. I find something I love about my body every day. I live in energy from clean food from the universe not a petri dish. I breathe in gratitude When I’m given the choice to be bitter or better, I CHOOSE BETTER! All aspects of me joyfully and easily align to create optimal mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellness Every moment of every day I am moving more fully into my radiance – joyfully and easily. As I breathe in deeply, I connect to the essence of me, allowing myself to fill with love & appreciation simply for being I am willingly to be pleasantly surprised in ways that are in my divine highest good I say Yes to being pleasantly surprised by ways that are in my highest good I invite and embrace being pleasantly surprised – joyfully and easily – in all areas of my life in all ways that are in my divine highest good With each deep breath I take in, I breathe in love, wisdom, joy and wellness, and with each exhale, I let go of anything that is ready to be released & transformed - limiting beliefs, patterns, false truths, etc. Everything I put my focus on grows! Everything I put my focus on is a statement/declaration of YES to the universe I am mindful to focus on what I want more of - health/wellness, inner peace, abundance, wisdom, joy, love During my day, I look for things to be appreciative of, focus on whatever good I can find or imagine I AM Enough and the Universe supports me in this – always My job is to remind myself of the fact that I AM Enough just as I am, to LOVE myself just as I am, and then allow the Universe to present life in such a way that validates all that
The I Am Enough Institute™ ~ Empowering Women To Know That They Are Enough and Evolving Their Feminine Power!
Founded by Dr. Anita M. Jackson, a former marriage and family therapist and organizational psychologist, the Institute is a multi-service based female empowerment educational agency. Our staff includes a multicultural team of dedicated and highly experienced women with varied personal and career backgrounds ready to provide their wealth of knowledge and expertise in empowering, teaching and helping women confidently know that they are enough and evolve them to their highest feminine power while living whole and outrageously well and successful. Our passion and ultimate intention is to ignite a spirit and knowing of “I Am Enough” within all women that will empower, inspire, and validate them on their journey to rediscovering their true authentic selves. Through a wealth of exciting services, programs, resources, and venues, women will have access to rich transformational information and leaders that will assist them in remembering who they are and how to live life fully and purposefully on their own terms. In addition, women who participate in our Institute will learn, grow, network, and connect to other like-minded women around the world creating a global sisterhood and female empowerment movement like never before. Website: Divas for Success Training Program The Divas for Success Training Program is a yearlong online membership based program designed to provide exceptional training opportunities and events in personal and business success development. With powerful training from our amazing team of Diva Experts and guest speakers, members will become empowered in principles and strategies of wealth and abundance, meaningful and intimate relationships, lifestyle and image, vibrant health and well-being, and business development specifically designed for women wanting to be more, experience more and have more outrageous success in their personal life and business. Program Objectives Empower women to develop a new identity in knowing “I Am Enough” that creates a new way of being, thinking, and doing that allows them to become truly liberated in becoming Divas for Success Empower women to release the hidden energetic influences and blockages to their success due to past challenging or traumatic experiences such as anxiety, depression, rejection, abandonment and specifically sexual traumas Empower women to access and unveil their feminine, sensual, sexual power and essence for the purpose of increasing their vibrational energy and frequency Empower women to adopt the Diva Success Principles into their mindset and lifestyle Empower and shift women to our Diva Success Model for their personal life and business Provide six months of concentrated training on personal success development The I Am Enough Institute™ ~ Empowering Women To Know That They Are Enough and Evolving Their Feminine Power!
Provide six months of concentrated training on business success development Establish a new standard of financial living by training and empowering women create and manifest a wealth and abundance mindset of a six (6) or seven (7) figure income utilizing their feminine essence and Diva for Success Principles And, so much more… Member Benefits Program cost $19.99 a month Download mp3 audios of all sessions from recent Divas for Success Telesummit Participate in all program 30 – 45 minute training sessions with Anita and/or Diva Experts Receive easy to learn, master and apply training materials Ability to access, review, and download program training sessions (audios, videos & written documents) on your own schedule from our Divas for Success Library and Resource Center Download documents and worksheets on training sessions Participate in online discussion forms, connect to Diva Experts and other Diva Members Attend live-webcast events for free or reduced price Participate in quarterly live-events with Anita and Diva Experts (includes training, shopping and a light refreshments) Access Institute Store for additional items supporting your success Receive 15% discount on all Institute coaching services, products and events Website:
The I Am Enough Institute™ ~ Empowering Women To Know That They Are Enough and Evolving Their Feminine Power!
OFFICE INFORMATION Website: Email address: Mailing Address: 110 West Sixth Street Suite 292 Azusa, CA 91702 Phone number: (562) 371-7993
The I Am Enough Institute™ ~ Empowering Women To Know That They Are Enough and Evolving Their Feminine Power!