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Fraud Hexagon Analysis in Detecting Fraudulent Financial Reporting

(Maria & Gudono, 2017), (Dewi et al., 2018), (Kusuma et al., 2017) dan (S. P. Sari & Khoiriah, 2021)Opportunity is defined as a person's capacity to commit fraud. This act of fraud will encourage others to commit fraud if there are no effective controls in place, thereby creating opportunities for fraud. This type of opportunity or chance is the number of internal control weakness findings or the number of internal control weakness findings. A government agency's internal control system is ineffective if many internal control weaknesses are identified. The ineffectiveness of this internal control system is exemplified by the presence of material presentation errors in the financial statements, which is indicative of financial report submission fraud.

6. The influence of rationalization proxied by the number of auditee responses to fraudulent financial reporting.


Based on the hypothesis testing (Wald test) results for the rationalization element represented by the number of auditee responses, a Wald value of 1.120 is obtained with a significance value of 0.290 > 0.05. The logistic regression coefficient beta value is 0.168, and the odds ratio value is 0.866, so it can be concluded that H6 is rejected, revealing that the element of rationalization represented by the number of auditee responses has no effect on fraudulent financial reporting.

The findings of this study are supported by previous research indicating that rationalization does not affect financial report fraud(Murtanto & Sandra, 2019), (Lastanti et al., 2022), (Kusumawati et al., 2021), (Susandra & Hartina, 2017), (Farizi et al., 2020) dan (S. P. Sari & Khoiriah, 2021)As a result of the auditee's response, the fraud perpetrators are obligated to increase their profits due to their actions. The point is that the perpetrator of the fraud will rationalize or believe that his actions are justified. As a result of their perception that they have contributed more to the government agencies where they work, the perpetrators feel compelled to take advantage based on the belief that their actions are acceptable as long as they are effective. This type of justification comprises the number of auditee responses. The number of auditee responses indicates that the State Financial Audit Standards (SPKN) Number 1 of 2007 requires an auditor to request written responses from officials who are experts in the field of findings, conclusions, and recommendations and report them in the Examination Results Report (LHP) so that rationalization can be observed directly through the response from the party being audited and then the response from the party conducting the audit

7. The influence of arrogance proxied for compliance with LHKPN reporting on fraudulent financial reporting.

According to the results of hypothesis testing (Wald test) for the element of arrogance or ego proxying compliance with LHKPN reporting, a Wald value of 8.765 with a significance value of 0.003< 0.05 is obtained. The logistic regression coefficient beta value is 2.130, and the odds ratio value is 8.418, so it can be concluded that H7 is accepted. This indicates that the element of arrogance or ego proxied by compliance with LHKPN reporting has a significant effect on fraudulent financial reporting, which means that with an increase in compliance with LHKPN reporting, the likelihood of fraudulent financial reporting will increase by 8,765 times.

This is consistent with oleh (S. P. Sari & Khoiriah, 2021)research, which indicates that arrogance influences financial report fraud.Arrogance is the attitude of a person who believes he is not bound by internal controls or the wisdom of government agencies, so he does not believe he has committed fraud or deception. This type of arrogance or ego is LHKPN reporting compliance. A quality of a good leader is obedience, as in submitting the State Administration Wealth Report, or LKHPN, which must be submitted periodically to the Corruption Eradication Commission, or KPK. If the regional head in question fails to fulfill this responsibility, it can be said that they are arrogant and not a good leader. As a result of the regional head's failure to report the LKHPN to the KPK, it will be possible to exploit the loopholes in fraudulent financial reports.

8. The influence of collusion proxied by a partnership with the private sector on fraudulent financial reporting.

Based on the results of hypothesis testing (Wald test), a Wald value of 1.226 is obtained with a significance value of 0.268 > 0.05 for the collusion element proxied by the partnership with the private sector. The logistic regression coefficient has a beta value of 1.047 and an odds ratio of 2.849, indicating that

Fraud Hexagon Analysis in Detecting Fraudulent Financial Reporting

H8 is rejected and that the collusion element proxied by a partnership with the private sector has no significant effect on fraudulent financial reporting.

This study's conclusions align with those of(Lastanti et al., 2022)and(S. P. Sari & Khoiriah, 2021)which indicate that collusion has no impact on fraudulent financial statements.Collusion is a fraud and white-collar crime that results from an agreement or collaboration between two or more individuals to commit a crime or fraud. This form of collusion involves collaboration with the private sector. This action allows collusive practices, which may result in personal benefits for the Regional Head due to collusive practices.

V Conclusion

Based on the results of research on hexagon fraud analysis in detecting fraudulent financial reporting in Central Java’s Regency and City Government from 2012 to 2021, the following conclusions can be made:

1. Elements of stimulus or pressure proxied by financial targets significantly influence fraudulent financial reporting, so H1 is accepted.

2. Elements of stimulus or pressure proxied by financial stability significantly influence fraudulent financial reporting, so H2is accepted

3. Elements of stimulus or pressure proxied by external pressure significantly influence fraudulent financial reporting, so H3is accepted

4. Elements of capability proxied by a change in the head of the local government significantly fraudulent financial reporting, so H4is accepted

5. Elements of opportunity proxied by the findings of internal control weaknesses significantly fraudulent financial reporting, so H5is accepted

6. Elements of rationalization proxied by the number of auditee responses have no effect on fraudulent financial reporting, so H6is rejected

7. Elements of arrogance proxied by complience with LHKPN reporting significantly fraudulent financial reporting, so H7is accepted

8. Elements of collusion proxied by a partnership with the private sector have no effect on fraudulent financial reporting, soH6is rejected.


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