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Impact of Dividend Policy on Share Price A Case of Listed Firms on the Ghana Stock Exchange
from Impact of Dividend Policy on Share Price A Case of Listed Firms on the Ghana Stock Exchange
by The International Journal of Business Management and Technology, ISSN: 2581-3889
Dividend-price-ratio, retention-ratio along with the growth of asset revealed statistically irrelevant association towards the stock market price of indexed firms on GSE.
1. The influence of Dividend-price-ratio on share price is substantial at a level of 10%. Therefore, the companies should be willfully thorough in setting up their dividend policy.
2. As shareholders, investors and managers of indexed firms are concerned with the appreciation of the market value of their shares. Via this scholarship, we may get assistance regarding the contributing factors that incite variation in stock market prices and insight of factors to considered significant by investors and managers in decision making during investment.
3. Management of quoted firms should try to improve their earnings per share, Net Profit after tax and firm size since they have an essential consequence on the share price.
4. The GSE market is characterised by asymmetrical information. The Ghana stock market experiences a semistrong form of efficiency; hence, available market information is not reflected in the price of stocks. Steps should be taken to ensure information symmetry on the stock market.
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