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Generic Strategies and Effect on Customer Satisfaction at Kenya Power in Nakuru County

5.1.2 Recommendation

Based on the research finding, the researcher recommends that the management in Kenya Power focuses on cost leadership strategy to improve customer satisfaction as it was ranked last among the three strategies. Though market focus and differentiation strategies lead cost leadership, they did not influent customer satisfaction to a great extent. There is need for the company to improve its products and services and overall performance in order to increase customer satisfaction levels. Amidst the much competition from electricity suppliers, initiatives that achieve more immediate goals should be prioritized. However, the result implies that a reliable, uninterrupted services drives customer satisfaction, one of the ultimate goals of any service organization. The researcher recommends that the future researchers should establish the remaining 39.1% factors that influence customer satisfaction in the domestic customer category. Future researchers should also evaluate competitive strategies and influence on customer satisfaction in other utilities.



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