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Elements of Strategic National Defense in the State Maritime Indonesia

through documentation because it can strengthen the existing data and evidence and can complement the research results from a more accurate and reliable literature review [3]



A. Elements Strategic of National Power

Rich countries will not be considered as strong countries if they are weak in political strategy and policies as well as when the country has good policies but is not supported by a strong economy [4]. The defense strategic framework is very important for a country because it is closely related to national power. According to Morgenthau, national power is the ability of a country to influence and control other countries (to influence and control) so that the country does something the country wants "Anything that establishes and maintains control of man over man” [5].

National power can be divided into three, soft power, hard power, and smart power. Soft power is the ability of a country to persuade other actors (to persuade) and also influence the policies of other countries. These forces are strongly influenced by economic, technological, ideological and state positions in international relations. Countries that have this position are very domains in the international community, of course they have strong soft power and whatever policies are taken will affect other countries either directly or indirectly.

Meanwhile, hard power is the ability of other countries to impose their will on other countries through armed force and economic influence, even both. The difference between the concepts of soft power and hard power lies in their efforts and actions to influence other countries. Where soft power makes efforts to be persuasive while hard power makes efforts to coercively that is coercive [6].And lastly, smart power is a combination of classic power (hard power) with modern power (soft power). Smart power tends to be directed at the ability of a country to develop strategies and tactics in an effort to achieve the country's interests [7].

Hans J. Morgenthau (1990) said that there are 9 main elements in describing the elements of national power, namely elements of geography, natural resources, industrial capability, military strength, population, national character, national morale, diplomacy quality and government quality. The 9 elements are the main source of the strength of a country [8].In classical theory, the sources of state power cover three major aspects, namely natural sources, socio-psychological aspects, and synthetic or artificial aspects. Aspects of natural sources include the geographical elements of the country, the availability of natural resources, and the human population. Sociopsychological aspects include state stability, quality of government or leadership and political will. The last is the synthetic aspect which includes military strength and industrial quality.

Conventional methods describe the geographical strength of a country can be measured through the size of the country's territory. Resources are measured through the availability of food, oil and energy. Population quality through population and reading ability. Industrial strength is measured by GDP or exports/imports, military strength through the number of troops and the quality of weapons. Political will is measured by the level of determination/ability of the government. Stability is measured by whether or not the condition of a country is stable. And the last Leadership is measured through the strength or weakness of the country's leadership [9].

B. Indonesian Defense Strategic Framework

The national defense strategy is formulated with several underlying considerations. In the State of Indonesia, the national defense strategy is formulated in accordance with the understanding and views of the Indonesian people. This view is contained in 3 basic substances, namely proportional, balanced and coordinated. In this strategy, of course, it is carried out by formulating goals, strategic targets, methods and means used to realize defense forces and capabilities that are responsible and have high deterrence.

The National Defense Strategy is compiled by considering 3 basic elements, namely to shape, to respond, and to prepare. to shape, namely a strategy that is able to create and shape a national and international security environment that can guarantee national interests by promoting regional stability, reducing and eliminating threats, preventing conflicts, and preventing aggression and other acts of violence. Second, to respond, namely a strategy that is able to respond to various spectrums of crises that can create threats and risks to the national interest. Third, to prepare, namely a strategy that is able to prepare a defense to face an uncertain future by focusing on efforts to build strength, develop concepts, and organize defense that utilizes technological advances to protect national interests. [10]

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