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The Effect of Audit fee, Good Corporate Governance, Managerial Ownership, Debt Level, Operational Cash Flow Volatility and Firm Size on Earnings Persistence
from The Effect of Audit fee , Good Corporate Governance , Managerial Ownership, Debt Level, Operational
by The International Journal of Business Management and Technology, ISSN: 2581-3889
The goal of this study is to gather empirical data on the relationship between audit fees, sound corporate governance, managerial ownership, debt levels, operating cash flow volatility, and firm size on the persistence of earnings in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2017 and 2020. A good company, according to this study, has an audit fee variable that has no significant impact on earnings persistence, good corporate governance, as represented by an independent board of commissioners, that has a significant impact on earnings persistence, managerial ownership that has a significant impact on earnings persistence, debt level that has a significant impact on earnings persistence, and five other variables that have no significant impact on earnings persistence.
This study has limitations that affect the results of the study, including the small sample of companies that have successive profits from the period 2017 to 2020, thus making the sample small, the data outliers in this study so that the results of the study reduce the sample unlike the initial number., there are audit fees and good corporate governance variables that have not had a significant effect, but other variables can be measured. Considering the study that has been done, there are several suggestions that can be given to further researchers, including further research can examine other factors that can affect earnings persistence, further research can take more samples aimed at better data accuracy in their research. Based on these limitations and shortcomings, the researcher hopes that future studies will consider this topic.
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