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Implementation of the Defense and Security of the Universal People in Preventing the Spread and Abuse of Narcotics as a Non-military Threat in West Kalimantan

Adi Nugroho1) , Agus Sudarya2), Pujo Widodo3) , UllyNgesti Pratiwi4) ,

1 Defense Management, The Republic ofIndonesia Defense University, Indonesia


2 Defense Management, The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia

3 Defense Industry, The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia

4Defense Management, The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia

Abstract: The threat of the danger of spreading and abusing narcotics is one of the non-military threats in West Kalimantan that can cause harm to society and the state. This study aims to analyze the implementation of universal people's defense and security in an effort to prevent the spread and abuse of narcotics in West Kalimantan as a non-military threat. This study uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive analytical approach. The results of this study are cooperation in the management of West Kalimantan human resources in an effort to prevent the spread and abuse of narcotics in West Kalimantan as a non-military threat which is carried out through, improving the quality of human resources by planning, organizing, mobilizing, and controlling which also involves the role of various agencies in Kalimantan. West. Coordination and communication are also carried out well between the BNNP of West Kalimantan with the TNI AD, Polri in carrying out joint patrols on a scheduled basis as one of the efforts to prevent the spread and abuse of narcotics in West Kalimantan.

Keywords: BNNP, Cooperation, Dayak Customary Council, Narcotics Abuse, Non-military Threats, Police, SynergyWest Kalimantan, TNI


The dynamics of the development of the strategic environment today has an impact on the patterns and dynamics of threats that are increasingly complex and multidimensional. These threats can be in the form of military, non-military threats or a combination of both, namely hybrid threats. These threats are grouped into real and unreal threats. The forms of these threats are the threat of terrorism, separatism, armed rebellion, natural disasters, territorial violations, piracy, natural resource theft, cyber attacks, drug trafficking and abuse. These threats lead to issues on ideological, political, economic, socio-cultural and security factors.Threats can come from international, regional and national carried out by state actors and non-state actors (Indonesian Defense White Paper, 2015). The current regional conditions isstill dominated by several issues of actual threats which include border conflicts and various cross-border crimes, one of which is drug smuggling (Alfajri, 2019).

The threat of spreading and abusing narcotics is classified as a non-military threat because it can interfere with national security in cultural, social and economic dimensions. Distribution and abuse of narcotics in Indonesia is a problem that is currently a concern for the government. Narcotics abuse that is not in accordance with its designation can have a domino effect and can damage the mental and morale of the nation. From the data released by the National Narcotics Agency in 2020, the number of drug crime cases throughout Indonesia reached 40,756 cases (Indonesian Drugs Report BNN, 2020). Drug abuse is related to economic law where demand and supply apply, the demand for illegal drugs in Indonesia is still relatively high, resulting in high supply coming from outside and from within the country.

Based on data released by the Regional Police (Polda) of West Kalimantan, throughout 2020, 760 drug cases have been revealed with a total of 54.9 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, 11.5 kilograms of marijuana and 19,500 ecstasy pills.Table 1. Recapitulation of Drug Cases in Kalimantan in 2019-2020.

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