Lighting Journal January 22

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Lighting Urban Community International Association

THINKING SMARTER The Lighting Urban Community International Association (LUCI) held its AGM in November, the first time that members, including the ILP, had been able to meet face to face in nearly two years. Here is a round-up of some of what was discussed By Jess Gallacher opportunity for more than 200 LUCI members (including the ILP) to come together face to face for the first time in nearly two years, although it was a ‘hybrid’ event, with more than 110 online participants engaging too.



he ILP is a member of the Lighting Urban Community International Association (LUCI), which brings together lighting policy-makers, professionals and experts to exchange experience and share user feedback and information. Its members have recently been involved in notable projects, such as the new lighting scheme for Ódinstorg Square in the municipality of Reykjavík in Iceland and the Ghent Light Festival, which celebrated its ten-year anniversary in November. Also in November, LUCI held its 2021 AGM, in Tartu, Estonia, which was an

Raimond Tamm, deputy mayor of the City of Tartu, led a discussion with colleagues Tiiu Kelviste (IT maintenance of public lighting) Jaanus Tamm (project manager) and Elo Liiv (main organiser TAVA2021) on Tartu’s new lighting master plan and the TAVA light festival. AGM participants got an exclusive preview of what is set to be a ground-breaking new document helping cities to take smart steps towards smart lighting. When it is published (expected later this year), the Cities Guide to Smart Lighting will be a new ‘white paper’ to support municipal decision-makers on how to build their vision on smart lighting. Once it is publicly available, we will of course tell you all about it within Lighting Journal. The AGM also discussed public realm lighting improvements and plans underway in the city of Vilnius, Lithuania, which were very inspiring. Watch this space for an article later this year, too. LUCI also revealed that it is forming a light pollution/obtrusive light working group. This has, of course, been a key area of the ILP’s focus for some time now and so, again, we will bring you news and

updates on this as and when they are ready to tell.


Finally, AGM delegates heard about ‘ENLIGHTENme’, the project for innovative policies for improving citizens’ health and wellbeing addressing indoor and outdoor lighting. This is going to be hugely significant to everyone in the ILP, LUCI and, ultimately, the world. ENLIGHTENme will not only improve the health of citizens in urban areas on an individual level, it will provide the evidence needed for policy-making on improved urban health on a political level. Equally importantly, it will address the reduction of health inequalities through the inclusion of citizens normally not involved in the drafting of urban lighting plans. Once again, watch this space for more information. Jess Gallacher is the ILP’s Engagement and Communications Manager


A massive thank you, first, to LUCI for inviting the ILP to the event and covering all the associated accommodation and costs. If you would like to know more about LUCI and it’s work, please go to

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Lighting Journal January 22 by The ILP - Issuu