11 minute read
An engineered metal louvre fabric that acts as an innovative directional lighting filter has made a significant difference to projects such as King’s Cross Square at London’s St Pancras
By Joe Reynolds
Having to compromise on your lighting unit choice or the aesthetic of a unit in order to meet regulatory requirements, neutralise glare or to conceal your light source is the sort of compromise that, while sometimes unavoidable, will always pain any self-respecting lighting designer.
Obtrusive external louvres, visors, hoods, films and baffles fitted to control light spill or light pollution are often considered something of a necessary evil. Not only do they interrupt the lighting unit’s design and form, they generally negatively impact on the light output ratio (LOR) and purity (CRI).
But at Smartlouvre, by revisiting and rethinking technology from the 1940s, we have come up with what we feel is an innovative solution that can enable lighting designers to avoid these sorts of painful compromises.
The MicroLouvre (and we’ve trademarked the name) is a simple, engineered metal louvre fabric that has been made to fine tolerances and which is designed to provide control and diffusion of sun, heat, light and air.
It comprises 17 paper-thin durable bronze louvres woven into every inch of the fabric, and the fabric itself is only 1.5mm thick. In fact, we believe it is the world’s thinnest and lightest metal louvre fabric.
The link to the 1940s is that, to create the product, our technicians went back to the original fabric-weaving machines designed by Dow’s John J Grebe, and spent years modernising them, computerising them and improving the overall weaving efficiency. Ultimately though, the machines, the process and the material first produced back in the 1940s remains the same today.
So, what’s the deal here in terms of lighting and lighting performance? The paper-thin angled louvres act as a directional lighting filter, allowing light to pass through in one direction whilst reducing the visual impact of the light source from the opposite direction, without limiting the LOR or CRI.
The louvres are weaved into the fabric at angles of 17deg or 0deg as standard, but the material can be customised to any angle as required.
Because it is so thin and easy to manipulate, the metal fabric can be integrated into new products, or retro-fitted to lighting units. It is usually installed easily under the glass cover without the need for any adjustments to be made to the casing.
King’s Cross Square, St Pancras, London, showing the lighting design by Studio Fractal

The angled louvres mitigate unwanted light trespass, light spill and glare without the need for oversized external fittings that can interrupt the aesthetic of the unit, not to mention adding weight and increasing the size and therefore space required for the unit.
With its 80% open area, the fabric permits optimum light transfer, ensuring high energy efficiency and full CRI. In photometric testing, carried out with several manufacturers of high-powered lighting units from uplighters to flood lights, there has been no reduction in intensity or output recorded.
The fabric holds an A1/A2-s1.d0 ‘Reaction to Fire’ classification according to BSEN 13501-1:2007+A1:2009 and in tensile performance testing a 1m² panel of fabric, tensioned under load proved a uniaxial stress factor of up to 25kgf/m².
Being lightweight and strong as well as meeting A1/A2 ‘Reaction to Fire’ standards, the fabric can be used in a wide r a n g e o f l i g h t i n g a p p l i c a t i o n s, everything from display lighting, photographic units, spotlights, wall washing, traffic lights, street lighting and heritage lighting.
The fact it is made from bronze also means it is corrosion-resistant, so making suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
Angular selective technology used in production of the fabric can provide anti-glare louvres for either a symmetrical beam or asymmetrical light kick, to suit the application. We can also, natur a l l y, c u s t o m i s e f o r s p e c i f i c requirements.
To give a sense of how the MicroLouvre product can work in practice, and the sort of difference it can make, the architectural lighting specialists StudioFractal and its partners used the product on a project to create the first new public square in London for 150 years, a functional space with heaps of character at King’s Cross Square, St Pancras.
StudioFractal worked with lighting designer acdc to realise its design for this historic piece of architecture, and we supplied louvred metal fabric to neutralise the glare from the in-ground luminaires.
The result has been a cleverly designed (and expertly hidden) LED lighting scheme where the light grazes up the ground floor of the building to reveal the brickwork. The integrated metal louvred fabric works to hide the light source whilst maintaining an integrated balance of glare control and high lumen transmission.
The varying lengths of the space and the nature of use of the historic building as a public space restricted the designers from using any external fittings to the lights, because of health and safety regulations. The internal application of the metal louvred fabric therefore allowed the luminaires to perform and to meet the desired effect.
As StudioFractal’s Chris Sutherland has explained: ‘The product we used needed to be available in a range of lengths to suit the variation in space available. Being grade listed meant that the luminaire fixings had to be located in existing mortar lines to ensure no damage was done to the façade.’
Joe Reynolds is technical product manager at Smartlouvre
Herbie Barnieh
Project Centre
London WC1X 9HD T: 0330 135 8950, 077954 75570 Herbie.Barnieh@projectcentre.co.uk www.projectcentre.co.uk Efficient, innovative, and bespoke lighting design services from an award winning consultancy. Experienced in delivering exterior lighting projects from feasibility studies to post construction. Whether it’s highway, street, or public realm lighting, let us assist you to realise your project goals.
Steven Biggs
Skanska Infrastructure Services
Peterborough PE1 5XG T: +44 (0) 1733 453432 E: steven.biggs@skanska.co.uk www.skanska.co.uk Award winning professional multi-disciplinary lighting design consultants. Extensive experience in technical design and delivery across all areas of construction, including highways, public realm and architectural projects. Providing energy efficient design and solutions.
Stephen Halliday
Manchester M50 3SP T: 0161 886 2532 E: stephen.halliday@wspgroup.com www.wspgroup.com Public and private sector professional services providing design, technical support, contract and policy development for all applications of exterior lighting and power from architectural to sports, area and highways applications. PFI technical advisor and certifier support, HERS registered personnel.
Allan Howard
London WC2A 1AF T: 07827 306483 E: allan.howard@wspgroup.com www.wspgroup.com Professional artificial and daylight lighting services covering design, technical support, contract and policy development including expert advice and analysis to develop and implement energy and carbon reduction strategies. Expert witness regarding obtrusive lighting, light nuisance and environmental impact investigations.
Simon Bushell
SSE Enterprise Lighting
Portsmouth PO6 1UJ T: +44 (0)2392276403 M: 07584 313990 E: simon.bushell@ssecontracting.com www.sseenterprise.co.uk Professional consultancy from the UK’s and Irelands largest external lighting contractor. From highways and tunnels, to architectural and public spaces our electrical and lighting designers also provide impact assessments, lighting and carbon reduction strategies along with whole installation packages.
Alan Jaques
IEng FILP Atkins
Nottingham, NG9 2HF T: +44 (0)115 9574900 M: 07834 507070 E: alan.jaques@atkinsglobal.com www.atkinsglobal.com Professional consultancy providing technical advice, design and management services for exterior and interior applications including highway, architectural, area, tunnel and commercial lighting. Advisors on energy saving strategies, asset management, visual impact assessments and planning.
Lorraine Calcott
it does Lighting Ltd
The Cube, 13 Stone Hill, Two Mile Ash, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK8 8DN T: 01908 560110 E: Information@itdoes.co.uk www.itdoes.co.uk Award winning lighting design practice specialising in interior, exterior, flood and architectural lighting with an emphasis on section 278/38, town centre regeneration and mitigation for ecology issues within SSSI’s/SCNI’s.Experts for the European Commission and specialists in circadian lighting
Tony Price
BSc (Hons) CEng MILP MSLL Vanguardia Consulting
Oxted RH8 9EE T: +44(0) 1883 718690 E:tony.price@vanguardia.co.uk www.vanguardia.co.uk Chartered engineer with wide experience in exterior and public realm lighting. All types and scales of project, including transport, tunnels, property development (both commercial and residential) and sports facilities. Particular expertise in planning advice, environmental impact assessment and expert witness.
Anthony Smith
Stainton Lighting Design Services Ltd
Stockton on Tees TS23 1PX T: 01642 565533 E: enquiries@staintonlds.co.uk www.staintonlds.co.uk Specialist in: Motorway, Highway Schemes, Illumination of Buildings, Major Structures, Public Artworks, Amenity Area Lighting, Public Spaces, Car Parks, Sports Lighting, Asset Management, Reports, Plans, Assistance, Maintenance Management, Electrical Design and Communication Network Design.
Nick Smith
Nick Smith Associates Limited
Chesterfield, S40 3JR T: 01246 229444 E: training@nicksmithassociates.com www.nicksmithassociates.co.uk Specialist exterior lighting consultant. Private and adopted lighting and electrical design for highways, car parks, area and sports lighting. Lighting Impact assessments, expert witness and CPD accredited Lighting design AutoCAD and Lighting Reality training courses
Alan Tulla
Alan Tulla Lighting
Winchester, SO22 4DS T: 01962 855720 M:0771 364 8786 E: alan@alantullalighting.com www.alantullalighting.com Site surveys of sports pitches, road lighting and offices. Architectural lighting for both interior and exterior. Visual Impact Assessments for planning applications. Specialises in problem solving and out-of-the-ordinary projects.
Michael Walker
IEng MILP CMS. McCann Ltd
Nottingham NG9 6DQ M: 07939 896887 E: m.walker@jmccann.co.uk www.mccann-ltd.co.uk Design for all types of exterior lighting including street lighting, car parks, floodlighting, decorative lighting, and private lighting. Independent advice regarding light trespass, carbon reduction and invest to save strategies. Asset management, data capture, inspection and testing services available.
Mark Chandler
MMA Lighting Consultancy Ltd
Reading RG10 9QN T: 0118 3215636 E: mark@mma-consultancy.co.uk www.mma-consultancy.co.uk Exterior lighting consultant’s who specialise in all aspects of street lighting design, section 38’s, section 278’s, project management and maintenance assistance. We also undertake lighting appraisals and environmental lighting studies
John Conquest
4way Consulting Ltd
Stockport, SK4 1AS T: 0161 480 9847 E: john.conquest@4wayconsulting.com www.4wayconsulting.com Providing exterior lighting and ITS consultancy and design services and specialising in the urban and inter-urban environment. Our services span the complete project life cycle for both the public and private sector.
Patrick Redmond
HDip Bus, EngTech AMILP, AMSLL, Tech IEI
Redmond Analytical Management Services Ltd.
M: + 353 (0)86 2356356 | E: patrick@redmondams.ie www.redmondams.ie Independent expert lighting design services for all exterior and interior lighting applications. We provide sustainable lighting solutions and associated electrical designs. Our services include PSDP for lighting projects, network contractor auditing, and GPS site surveys for existing installations.
Peter Williams
Williams Lighting Consultants Ltd.
Bedford, MK41 6AG T: 01234 630039 E: peter.williams@wlclighting.co.uk www.wlclighting.co.uk Specialists in the preparation of quality and effective street lighting design solutions for Section 38, Section 278 and other highway projects. We also prepare lighting designs for other exterior applications. Our focus is on delivering solutions that provide best value.
Alistair Scott
Designs for Lighting Ltd
Winchester SO23 7TA T: 01962 855080 M: 07790 022414 E: alistair@designsforlighting.co.uk www.designsforlighting.co.uk Professional lighting design consultancy offering technical advice, design and management services for exterior/interior applications for highway, architectural, area, tunnel and commercial lighting. Advisors on lighting and energy saving strategies, asset management, visual impact assessments and planning.
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