40 < OUR RESEARCH UNSW Centre for Infrastructure, Engineering & Safety Report 2019
QThe Q future is digital
One hundred and twelve inspired Australians travelled throughout the world during 2019 as recipients of the prestigious Churchill Fellowship, offering them the opportunity to investigate inspiring practices in other countries that will benefit Australian communities. Amongst the investigative travellers was CIES lecturer and researcher, Dr Ali Kashani, an expert in sustainable construction design and materials. Dr Kashani was awarded the AV Jennings / Churchill Fellowship to explore the new technology for rapid construction of resilient and low-cost houses by 3D printing – and visited several institutions and organisations involved in the field in six countries Denmark, Netherland, France, Switzerland, Italy and Singapore. Dr Kashani’s aim for his travels was to gather insights and knowledge about the revolutionary construction method: ‘3D Printing of Houses’. The practical knowledge for 3D printing of houses is currently limited in Australia. Dr Kashani investigated current challenges and trends with regards to both manufacturing and building standards. Kashani believes that the 3D project has the potential to aid with more sustainable, faster and safer construction of affordable houses and to provide housing solutions to disadvantaged Australian communities and homeless people.