Immersion Foundation
2nd Edition
The Immersion Foundation (TIF; previously known as The Immersion Labs FoundationTM, or ILF) was founded in 2017 with the mission of reviving the study of hoplology , or the study of human combat. Its founder, Mahipal Lunia, cites three key influences that came together to inspire the conception of the Foundation:
1. As a life-long student of several rare forms of martial arts, he had a vision for saving those arts and passing them on to posterity. One of his teachers, however, advised him that he should save all the arts, not just his own, and this was a major turning point in his thinking and orientation for his life’s work.
2. As a child, he had been fascinated by movies like Indiana Jones and The Librarian , and stories about finding and saving hidden treasures. He had adored explorers like Sir Richard Francis Burton and Donn F. Draeger (both credited as pioneers of the field of hoplology), and wanted to follow in their footsteps to find and save hidden knowledge around the world.
3. As a teacher of martial arts, he would often bring his students to train with some of his own teachers or other masters. After one particular seminar with the much respected Guro James Keating, he and his students formulated the initial idea for an immersive, global martial arts seminar series— The Immersion Labs .
So, in 2018, Legacy of the Blade was launched, bringing together Ambassadors (teachers, masters, and/or representatives) of 12 different blade traditions from around the world for a 3-day intensive seminar. In the subsequent years, Stickmata (2019) and Born of Blood (2020) were hosted with success, exploring the stick traditions of the world and the arts of Southeast Asia / the Pacific Islands, respectively. The Immersion Labs continue to bring together masterlevel practitioners and dedicated students to explore exciting topics in truly unprecedented ways.
Alongside the Immersion Labs, the Foundation has expanded its work over the years to include several international expeditions, documentary production, peer-reviewed publications, podcasts and interviews, and numerous archival projects with Ambassadors of various arts from around the world.
The Immersion Foundation’s mission is to rekindle the fire of hoplology that was once lit by Sir Richard Burton and sustained by Donn Draeger through parts of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Now in the 21st century, the Foundation seeks to not only follow in the footsteps of these giants, but to vastly expand and transform the very way hoplology can be done— to create a “New Hoplology”—by utilizing new technologies and synthesizing creative modes of expression to adapt to an everchanging world.
• Preserve, recover, and promote disappearing and/or little-known martial art traditions around the world.
• Expand shared hoplological knowledge with scientific rigor and through living, embodied experience. Our methods are:
• Interdisciplinary —bringing together martial artists, scholars, musicians, storytellers, etc. to examine arts and their cultural contexts in a holistic way;
• Comprehensive —extracting concepts and principles rather than just fighting techniques, and examining common threads across multiple arts;
• Immersive —diving deep into studying and understanding each art and its environment through sustained collaboration with its practitioners.
• Explore the relationship between the body, movement, and neural mechanisms as it relates to the goals of and the environments in which different arts developed, and establish the discipline of Neuro-HoplologyTM .
• Nurture a lively community of collaborators across disciplines and professions, and inspire the next generation to continue the legacy of hopological exploration and innovation.
Sponsored and led by TIF’s Explorer-in-Residence, Mahipal Lunia, the Immersion Expeditions are undertaken by specially selected teams of researchers and martial art practitioners in order to study and archive regional arts, many of which are rare and kept alive by their last keepers. Members of the Expedition team are directly involved in hands-on exploration of the arts rather than simply being spectators. The arts are meticulously recorded in high quality with state-of-the-art recording equipment and made available to the public whenever possible.
TIF has led 7 major Expeditions to date, archiving over 400+ hours of footage for 15+ arts, some of which had never been filmed publicly before.
It all started with a series of serendipitous phone calls—from Guro Burton Richardson to Dr. Michael Ryan, to Dr. Philip Forde and the discovery of Sticklicking. A few days later, Lunia and the TIF team were on their way to an 11-day adventure, the first major hoplological expedition in 40 years , to meet some of the last keepers of the Caribbean traditions.
Arts & Ambassadors
• Sticklicking - Dr. Philip Forde
• Kalinda - Rondel Benjamin, Keegan Taylor
• Gilpin - Rondel Benjamin, Keegan Taylor
• Rope Jab - Ronald Alfred
• Grima - Dr. TJ Desch-Obi
• Garrote - Dr. Michael Ryan
• Mahipal Lunia (Explorer-in-Residence)
• Dr. Tj Desch-Obi (Scholar-in-Residence)
• Dr. Michael Ryan (Scholar-in-Residence)
• Immersion Dojo
• Local resources in Barbados
In this 5-day expedition to Northern Portugal, the TIF team immersed themselves in the village life of Fafe and got to witness the first-ever gathering of the 10 remaining schools of Jogo do Pau in Portugal, with over 80 hours of filming and side-by-side examination.
of Jogo do Pau assembled at this historical event, featured on: 10 schools
RTP1 Portuguese TV
Arts & Ambassadors
• Mestre Avelino (Headmaster of the Fafe school)
• Oscar Cunha
• Pedro Silva
• 10 JDP Schools, including:
◊ Jogo do Pau da guarda (Daniel Simão)
◊ Jogo do Pau Portimao (Mestre Helder
◊ Associação Desportiva e Cultural do Jogo do Pau Português (Manuel Joaquim Monteiro)
◊ Esgrima Lusitana Cascais - Jogo do Pau
Português (Ricardo Moura)
• Mahipal Lunia (Explorer-in-Residence)
• Immersion Dojo
• RTP1 Portuguese TV channel crew
• Fafe City Council
• Other local resources
In this 10-day expedition, the TIF team explored the old arts of the Philippines, some of which were archived extensively and completely for the first time.
of filming, including the first-ever complete syllabus of: 100+ hrs
Arnis Payate & Kalis Ilustrisimo
Arts & Ambassadors
• Kalis Ilustrisimo - GM Romeo Macapagal
• Tapado
• Ouida Whip-Stick
• Visayan Sable
• Lapu-Lapu
• Paete Arnis
• GM Roberto Labaniego
• Mahipal Lunia (Explorer-in-Residence)
• GM Romeo Macapagal
• GM Ron Saturno
• Jj Hervas
• Immersion Dojo
• Elrik and Franz Jundis
• Stephen CK
• Fabrizio Mansur Filograna
In this “reverse expedition,” TIF invited Maestro Domenico Mancino from Italy to California in order to explore the evolution of Italian fighting arts and to capture the curriculum of the Cielo e Meraviglia school, previously never revealed to outsiders.
of first-ever public instruction available through the film: 6.5 hrs
Cielo e Meraviglia: Italian Knife Fencing with Maestro Domenico Mancino (2019)
• Maestro Domenico Mancino
• Mahipal Lunia (Explorer-in-Residence)
• Dr. Marco Quarta
• Immersion Dojo
This reverse expedition hosted Ambassadors from New Zealand, the Philippines, and USA, exploring the interaction between the arts of Southeast Asia and Polynesia, which had previously been inaccessible to outsiders. Many fruitful discussions and unique collaborations took place between the Ambassadors from different regions.
to capture on public film the arts of: 1st time
Rongomamau & Moro Kampilan
Arts & Ambassadors
• Timoti Pahi - Rongomamau
• GM Romeo Macapagal - Kalis Ilustrisimo
• Mushtaq Ali Al Ansari - Moro Fighting Arts & Silat Investigators
• Mahipal Lunia (Explorer-in-Residence)
• GM Romeo Macapagal
• GM Ron Saturno
• Mushtaq Ali Al Ansari
• JJ Hervas
• Ngarino Te Waati / Baes
• Immersion Dojo
Since 2013 • Pacific Northwest & Southwestern USA
In these trips across the West Coast of USA, the TIF team worked closely with Maestro James Keating and others to study and archive the arts of the bowie knife and Arkansas toothpick.
• Maestro James Keating
• Bill Bagwell (phone interviews)
• Paul Kirchner (phone interviews & hand-off of all bowie knife research to TIF)
• Other anonymous sources
• Mahipal Lunia (Explorer-in-Residence)
• Dexter Miksch
• Dr. Michael Ryan (extensive historical background research)
• Immersion Dojo
This series of reverse expeditions exploring the Spanish fencing system is currently in progress, and TIF has invited Ambassadors of various expressions of LVD to share their art. Continued collaboration is expected to take place and eventually lead to an on-site expedition in Spain.
• Ton Puey - Destreza of Rada
• Puck Curtis - Early Destreza
• Tim Rivera - Destreza Vulgar
• Mahipal Lunia (Explorer-in-Residence)
• Mushtaq Ali Al Ansari
• Dr. Juha Vuori
• Mika Harju-Seppänen
• Immersion Dojo
The Immersion Labs are global symposiums bringing together Ambassadors and participants from around the world for multi-day (typically 3 full days / 30-40 hours) deep exploration of a single topic, akin to graduate-level courses at universities in terms of depth.
TIF has hosted 5 Labs to date in California, USA, bringing together 50+ Ambassadors and 80+ participants from over a dozen countries for 150+ focused hours of exploration.
The Labs are TIF’s most well-known flagship offering to the general public and hold much significance as historical gatherings—hoplologists’ “dream come true” as described by some—that are at once unprecedented and never to be repeated.
2018 • California, USA
TIF’s first and pioneering Lab exploring 12 different blade traditions from the Philippines, Japan, USA, Hawaii, Italy, and South Africa, among others.
Ambassadors & Topics
• Mark Mikita - Kampilan & Capa Capa
• Burton Richardson - Karambit & Kris
• Ron Saturno - Stockton Espada y Daga
• Lloyd De Jongh - Piper
• Dr. Marco Quarta - Italian Blades
• Henri-Robert Vilaire - Japanese Tanto
• Majia Soderholm - Visayan Sword & Sickle
• Carlito Bonjoc - Stockton Espada y Daga
• Ed Calderon - Mexican Shanks & Street Knives
• Robert Stines Jr. - Hawaiian Blade-on-Skin
36 hrs
Methods of instruction & deep-dive with:
Featured Item
10 Ambassadors & 25 Participants from 6 Countries
2019 • California, USA
40 hours of immersion and compare / contrast of 12+ stick traditions from the Philippines, USA, Japan, the Caribbean Islands, Italy, Russia, and Portugal, among others.
• Vincent Cabales, Ron Saturno, Dexter Labonog, Kalani Foster - Stockton FMA
• Mark Mikita - Cuentada
• Martin Wheeler - Systema
• Romeo Macapagal & JJ Hervas - Kalis Ilustrisimo
• Bruce Juchnik - Japanese Jojutsu
• Henri-Robert Vilaire - Japanese Jojutsu
• Marc Denny - Stick Grappling
• Dr. Philip Forde - Bajan Stick Fighting
• Dr. Marco Quarta - Bolognese Stick Fighting
• Pedro Silva - Jogo do Pau
• Dr. TJ Desch-Obi - Colombian Grima
• Dr. Michael Ryan - Venezuelan Garrote
of compare / contrast of the world's stick traditions with: 40 hrs
15 Ambassadors & 25 Participants from 8 Countries
2020 • California, USA
Deep exploration of arts of the Southeast Asian Archipelago and Pacific Islands, with the first-ever public presentation of Rongomamau and Moro Kampilan.
Hosted in conjunction with the Southeast Asian & Polynesian Contra-expeditionis.
Ambassadors & Topics
• Stevan Plinck - Dutch-Indonesian Golok & Sera
• Romeo Macapagal - Espada y Daga
• Mark Mikita - Sumbrada
• Mushtaq Ali Al Ansari - Southeast Asian Cane & Kampilan
• Sulaiman Sharif - Malay Karambit & Sarong
• Kenya Prach - Cambodian Bokator / Kickboxing
• Jason Webster - Thai Krabi Krabong / Double Swords
• Ron Lew - Filipino Latigo / Whip
• Timoti Pahi - Rongomamau (Māori Grappling Arts)
• JC Cabiero - Stockton FMA
• Ron Saturno - Stockton FMA
• Maija Soderholm - Visayan Sangot / Sickle
of public and 80+ hours of private investigation with: 40 hrs
12 Ambassadors & 25 Participants from 10 Countries
March 2023 • California, USA
A historic cross-cultural exploration of the Spanish bladecraft and its influence on the world. Hosted in conjunction with La Verdadera Destreza Contra-expeditionis.
Ambassadors & Topics
• Ton Puey - La Verdadera Destreza
• Ron Lew - Latigo y Daga
• Joaquin Marcelo - Jeet Kune Do
• Anthony de Longis - Western Bullwhip
• Paul Porter - SCA Full-Contact Fighting
• Dr. TJ Desch-Obi - Grima
• Mahipal Lunia & Dexter Miksch - Bowie Knife
• Mushtaq Ali Al Ansari - Mindanao Blade
• Adam Myrie - Barbary Blade
• Michael Belzer & Mahipal Lunia - Hoplology 101
• Puck Curtis - Comparison of Spanish & Italian Fencing
• Tim Rivera - Spanish Influence on FMA
40 hrs
of public and 20+ hours of private collaboration with:
13 Ambassadors
3 Destreza Masters
20 Dedicated Students
November 2023 • California, USA
A deep dive into over a dozen components of speed, from pre-fight to post-victory, explored through 14 arts and 6 weapon systems.
Ambassadors & Topics
• Patrick Strong - Beyond Speed: It Hits By Itself
• Tim Cartmell - Clinch/Trap to Thrwoing Speed
• Stevan Plinck - Positional Speed
• Eric Knaus - Combination Speed
• Ron Lew - Breaking the Sound Barrier / Flexible Steel
• Mark Mikita - Explosive Speed
• Paul Porter - Reading Tells: Perceptual and Mental Speed
• Maija Soderholm - Alteration Speed
• Scott Meredith - Sensitivity Speed
• Riichi Kitano - Sen: Initiative to Kill Speed in Koryu
• Mahipal Lunia - Deceptive Bowie
• Dr. TJ Desch -Obi - Malicia in Grima & Capoeira
• Dexter Miksch - Bowei Backcut Flow
• Miguel Lopez - From Golden Glove to the Street
• Jerry Walker - Mature Speed & Timing
• Carlito Bonjoc - Speed in Transcending Limitations
• James Bishop - Bruce Lee's Speed & Timing
• Steaphen Fick - Alchemy of Timing in the Italian Renaissance
• Michael Donohue - Proprioception and Hand-Eye Coordination
The Immersion Media spans digital and print publications in various formats: academic papers, journals, books, talks, interviews, podcasts, video courses, documentaries, and emerging modes of communication.
TIF’s major publications to date include 80+ peerreviewed articles, the 4-part Book of the Stick , 200+ podcast episodes, and numerous docu-instructional videos.
A peer-reviewed journal featuring in-depth articles written by martial arts practitioners and scholars. A specific theme is explored in each issue across different arts and topics that are examined.
Available as ebook on Issuu.
• Issue 1 (2019) - “To Thine Own Self Be True”
• Issue 2 (2022) - “Traditional and Modern: False Dichotomies”
• Issue 3 (2023) - “Maintaining & Reimgagining Arts”
• Issue 4 (2023) - “The Ring of Fire, Part 1”
• Issue 5 (2023) - “The Ring of Fire, Part 2”
Editors: Mahipal Lunia, Michael Ryan, Ph.D, Benjamin Judkins, Juha Vuori,
Ph.DFirst volume in a monograph series, featuring interviews with the Ambassadors and participants of the Caribbean Expedition. These little-known arts are deeply examined within the context of their history, culture, and myths.
Available as paperback on Amazon and ebook on Issuu.
A tribute to the pioneers of hoplology, Sir Richard Francis Burton and Donn F. Draeger, a 4-part odyssey featuring peer-reviewed articles and interviews on various stick arts from around the world.
• 2000+ pages
• 1000+ illustrations
• 80 articles on 50+ arts from 30+ countries/regions
Available as paperback on Amazon, hardcover on Lulu, and ebook on Issuu.
• Ryan, Michael J. and Mahipal Lunia. “The Way of Blood, Steel and Guts.” Martial Arts Masters (Fall 2019): 22-23 (Invited Guest Editorial).
• Ryan, Michael J. “Field Notes: Sticks, Blades and Movement Along the Pacific Rim.” (2020). .
• Ryan, Michael J. “Columbia and Venezuela: The Political Economy of Stick and Machete Fighting in the New World – Part 2.” (2019). /.
• Ryan, Michael J. “Stickman doh ‘fraid no damom: Stick and machete fighting in the New world – Part 1.” (2019). .
A special issue in the Masters Magazine series by Empire Media, featuring TIF’s Caribbean Expedition and in-depth interviews with the Ambassadors and participants. Republished in 2019 with added content in TIF’s monograph publication, Strands of Strife of Life Vol. 1: South Caribbean Fighting Arts .
Over 6 hours of instructional video course covering the foundations, techniques, tactics, and history of the secretive art of Cielo e Meraviglia from the Apulian Ofantina Valley of Italy, by the last living master of the tradition, in this first-ever public presentation.
A 3-part film combining demonstrations, instructions, and storytelling to capture TIF’s historical Caribbean Expedition in 2018. An interdisciplinary team of martial artists, scholars, and explorers join forces to dive deep into the arts of Bajan Sticklicking, Kalinda, Gilpin, and Rope Jab of Barbados, Trinidad, and Tobago.
A podcast series exploring the science and art of personal transformation, with an emphasis on the neurosciences. 235 episodes of discussions between Mahipal Lunia, Sergey Berezin, and Arman Darini that started in the halls of Stanford University during their graduate school years, also featuring guest experts in various fields. 4 million downloads in 100 countries. Unique insights and applications in martial arts explored by Lunia.
An ongoing videocast series hosted by Mahipal Lunia, featuring interviews and discussions with extraordinary martial arts and scholars.
Martial Arts Studies ConferenceChapman University, CA (2019)
“Wisdom of Violence” Paper Presentation & Talk
Lunia presents key learnings from TIF’s expeditions, examining the nature of violence and offering pieces of life wisdom we can glean from it.
“The Archeology of Resilience” Presentation
Lunia lays out the findings from TIF’s expeditions and presents the seven ingredients of the “Elixir of Kings.” Weaving together combative behavior, poetry, and mythology, he outlines the map to pursue the path of solitude towards personal expression.
• Episode 136 - “FMA to FAMA Part 1: One Tree, Many Branches” with Dwight Woods, Mahipal Lunia and Mark Stewart (2022)
• Episode 143 - “FMA to FAMA Part 2: Competing Distinctions” with Dwight Woods, Mahipal Lunia and Mark Stewart (2022)
• Episode 153 - “FMA to FAMA Part 3: The Un/holy Matrimony” with Dwight Woods, Mahipal Lunia and Mark Stewart (2022)
• Episode 159- “Backyard Training in Stockton” with Mahipal Lunia (2022)
• Episode 256 - “Stick Arts of the World” with Mahipal Lunia (2022)
• Episode 359 - “The Spanish Connection: Why It Matters” with Mahipal Lunia (2022)
• Episode 428 - "Immersion Labs Speed and Timing" with Mahipal Lunia and Paulo Rubio (2023)
• “Holy Blood Holy Blade Exclusive Martial Symposium Interview” with Mahipal Lunia (2022)
• "SPEED 2 Martial Arts Shock & Awe Symposium Interview" with Mahipal Lunia (2023)
“A Historical Event for Bladed Arts” Interview with Mahipal Lunia
TIF continues to sponsor and carry out a number of archivals and collaborations with individuals and organizations, many of which have provided the groundwork for other Expeditions, Labs, and Media production.
TIF’s notable projects to date include: weekly study of Donn Draeger’s hoplological texts, Escrima’s historical research in Stockton, California, and private archival sessions covering Destreza, Cossack weapons, Moro fighting arts, Bowie knives, Varma Kalai, and many more.
Over 70 in-depth interviews and extensive filming & research of the true roots, history, and legacy of Escrima and Escrimadors in the West / USA, scheduled to be published as a book in 2023.
• Mahipal Lunia
• Michael Ryan, Ph.D
Over 40 hours of video archival of the fighting arts of Northern Mindanao. Exploration of the kampilan, panabas, and kris, with secondary focus on the golok and long cane.
Over 30 hours of recording exploring the inner workings of Marma/Varma Kalai, War Magic, and South Indian spiritual work. Translation and commentary on 9th-century Tamil palm leaf manuscript of Agathiya Kamba Sutram for silambam.
• Rajendran Krishnaraj
Weekly study and research of the unpublished works of Donn Draeger and Richard Hayes, including the textbook on hoplology, all issues of Hoplos journal, private correspondences, and old records.
• Michael Belzer
Extended collaboration between The Immersion Foundation, Monsoon Foundation, and Silat Sunda Foundation to unearth what had been considered a lost art of the Javanese Kujang. Study of 4 living traditions being translated from Sudanese into English.
• Aris Kurniawan
• Roedy Wiranatakusumah
• Loki Jorensen
• Mahipal Lunia
• Mika Harju-Seppänen
Archiving of old films of Sonny Umpad and his innovations in sword fighting.
• Maija Soderholm
Entire collection gifted to TIF by Angela Draicott, the goddaughter of Charles Selberg & copyright owner.
Deep discussions on the intersection of spirituality, war magic, and martial traditions with host Devon Boorman and 11 other martial artists from various traditions.
Over 30 hours of private workshops with Guro Stevan Plinck for exploration of the Silat Sera system.
Archival of Cossack weapon arts dating back to the late 1800s, including the shaska (sword), kinjal (dagger), whip, and lance.
The Immersion Dojo (also known as Mountain View Aiki Arts) is a small private school of Mahipal Lunia, as well as the very birthplace and heart of The Immersion Foundation. In addition to working with a core group of dedicated students for 15+ years on various advanced martial arts and deep personal transformation, he has also led regular shugyos , or 2-5 days of wilderness training with specific themes of exploration. To date, 60+ shugyos have been conducted across the West Coast of the US and internationally.
Mushtaq Ali Al Ansari
Art(s) Represented: Silat, Moro Fighting Arts
Immersion Projects: PCE, BBL, HBL, MFA
Ronald Alfred
Art(s) Represented: Robe Jab
Immersion Projects: CE, SoSL1
José Avelino
Art(s) Represented: Jogo do Pau
Immersion Projects: PE
Michael Belzer
Art(s) Represented: Danzan Ryu, Hoplology
Immersion Projects: HBL, TIR1:4, SoSL2, DDA
Rondel Benjamin
Art(s) Represented: Kalinda, Gilpin
Immersion Projects: CE, TIR1:3, SoSL1, SoSL2
James Bishop
Art(s) Represented: Jeet Kune Do
Immersion Projects: SAL
Carlito Bonjoc
Art(s) Represented: Stockton FMA
Immersion Projects: LBL, SAL
Vincent Cabales
Art(s) Represented: Stockton FMA
Immersion Projects: SML
JC Cabiero
Art(s) Represented: Stockton FMA
Immersion Projects: BBL, TIR1:2, SoSL2
Ed Calderon
Art(s) Represented: Edged Weapons, Hostage
Immersion Projects: LBL
Tim Cartmell
Art(s) Represented: Chinese Arts, BJJ
Immersion Projects: SAL
Oscar Cunha
Art(s) Represented: Jogo do Pau
Immersion Projects: PE, SML, TIR1:2, SoSL2
CE = Caribbean Expedition
PE = Portuguese Expedition
SE = Southeast Asian Expedition
ICE = Italian Contra-Expeditionis
PCE = Southeast Asian / Polynesian Contra-Expeditionis
ABE = American Bladecraft Expeditions
LVDE = La Verdadera Destreza Expeditions
LBL = Legacy of the Blade
SML = Stickmata
BBL = Born of Blood
HBL = Holy Blood, Holy Blade
SAL = Shock & Awe
TIR = The Immersion Review (Volume#:Issue#)
SoSL1 = Strands of Strife and Life 1 (South Caribbean)
SoSL2 = Strands of Strife and Life 2 (The Book of the Stick)
MFA = Moro Fighting Arts Archival
MKA = Marma/Varma Kalai Archival
DDA = Don Draeger Legacy Study
KJA = Kujang Project
SUA = Sonny Umpad Archival
SSA = Silat Sera Archival
CMA = Cossack Martial Archival
Puck Curtis
Art(s) Represented: La Verdadera Destreza, Italian Fencing
Immersion Projects: HBL
Llyod De Jongh
Art(s) Represented: Piper
Immersion Projects: LBL
Michael Donohue
Immersion Projects: SAL
Steaphen Fick
Art(s) Represented: HEMA
Immersion Projects: SAL, TIR1:3, SoSL2
@PiperSystem @steaphen.fick
Anthony De Longis
Art(s) Represented: Western Bullwhip
Immersion Projects: HBL
Philip Forde
Art(s) Represented: Bajan Sticklicking
Immersion Projects: CE, SML, SoSL1, SoSL2
@anthony.delongis @philip.forde.14
Marc Denny
Art(s) Represented: Dog Brothers Martial Arts
Immersion Projects: SML, TIR1:1, SoSL2
Kalani Foster
Art(s) Represented: Stockton FMA
Immersion Projects: SML
Art(s) Represented: Colombian Grima
Immersion Projects: CE, SML, HBL, SAL, TIR1:2, SoSL1, SoSL2
Author of Fighting for Honor (2008)
Jj Hervas
Art(s) Represented: Kalis Ilustrisimo
Immersion Projects: PE, SML, BBL
Bruce Juchnik
Art(s) Represented: Kosho Ryu Kempo
Immersion Projects: SML
James Keating
Art(s) Represented: Bowie Knife
Immersion Projects: ABE
Dexter Labanog
Art(s) Represented: Stockton FMA
Immersion Projects: SML, TIR1:1, SoSL2
Marc Lawrence
Art(s) Represented: Cossack
Immersion Projects: CMA
James Keating @marc.lawrence.142
Riichi Kitano
Art(s) Represented: Koryu
Immersion Projects: SAL, TIR1:4, SoSL2
Ron Lew
Art(s) Represented: Latigo y Daga
Immersion Projects: BBL, HBL, SAL
@riichikitanous @ronrlew
Eric Knaus
Art(s) Represented: Dog Brothers Martial Arts
Immersion Projects: SAL
Aris Kurniawan
Art(s) Represented: Silat
Immersion Projects: KJA
Miguel Lopez
Art(s) Represented: Boxing
Immersion Projects: SAL
Romeo Macapagal
Art(s) Represented: Kalis Ilustrisimo, Espada y Daga
Immersion Projects: SE, SML, BBL, TIR1:4, SoSL2
Domenico Mancino
Art(s) Represented: Cielo e Meraviglia
Immersion Projects: ICE
Joaquin Marcelo
Art(s) Represented: Jeet Kune Do
Immersion Projects: HBL
Scott Meredith
Art(s) Represented: Chinese Internal Martial Arts
Immersion Projects: SAL, TIR1:4, SoSL2
Mark Mikita
Art(s) Represented: Kali
Immersion Projects: LBL, SML, BBL, SAL, TIR1:1, SoSL2
Dexter Miksch
Art(s) Represented: Bowie Knife
Immersion Projects: HBL, SAL
Adam Myrie
Art(s) Represented: African Martial Arts
Immersion Projects: HBL, TIR1:3, SoSL2
Timoti Pahi
Art(s) Represented: Rongomamau
Immersion Projects: PCE, BBL
Stevan Plinck
Art(s) Represented: Silat Sera
Immersion Projects: BBL, SAL, TIR1:2, SoSL2, SSA
Paul Porter
Art(s) Represented: SCA Full-Contact Fighting
Immersion Projects: HBL, SAL
Kenya Prach
Art(s) Represented: Cambodian Bokator, Kickboxing
Immersion Projects: BBL
Ton Puey
Art(s) Represented: La Verdadera Destreza (Rada)
Immersion Projects: LVDE, HBL
Marco Quarta
Art(s) Represented: Italian Martial Arts
Immersion Projects: LBL, SML, TIR1:2, SoSL2
Krishnaraj Rajendran
Art(s) Represented: South Indian Marma/Varma
Immersion Projects: MKA
Burton Richardson
Art(s) Represented: Jeet Kune Do, FMA
Immersion Projects: LBL, TIR1:1, SoSL2
Tim Rivera
Art(s) Represented: Destreza Vulgar, Payate Arnis
Immersion Projects: HBL
Michael Ryan
Art(s) Represented: Venezuelan Garotte
Immersion Projects: CE, SML, SoSL1
Ron Saturno
Art(s) Represented: Stockton FMA
Immersion Projects: SE, PCE, LBL, SML, BBL, TIR1:1, SoSL2
Sulaiman Sharif
Art(s) Represented: Malaysian Silat Gayong
Immersion Projects: BBL
Pedro Silva
Art(s) Represented: Jogo do Pau
Immersion Projects: PE, SML, TIR1:2, SoSL2
Maija Soderholm
Art(s) Represented: Visayan Style Corto Kadena
Immersion Projects: LBL, BBL, SAL, TIR1:5, SoSL2, SUA
Robert Stines Jr.
Art(s) Represented: Various
Immersion Projects: LBL
Bob Stines
Patrick Strong
Art(s) Represented: Jeet Kune Do
Immersion Projects: SAL
Jason Webster
Art(s) Represented: Krabi-Krabong
Immersion Projects: BBL
Martin Wheeler
Art(s) Represented: Systema
Immersion Projects: SML, TIR1:5, SoSL2
@patrick.strong.359 @wheelersystema
Keegan Taylor
Art(s) Represented: Kalinda, Gilpin
Immersion Projects: CE, TIR1:3, SoSL1, SoSL2
Henri-Robert Vilaire
Art(s) Represented: Aiki-Jujutsu
Immersion Projects: LBL, SML, TIR1:2, SoSL2
Henri-Robert Vilaire
Jerry Walker
Art(s) Represented: Lua
Immersion Projects: SoSL2, SAL
Roedy Wiranatakusumah
Art(s) Represented: Silat
Immersion Projects: TIR1:4, SoSL2, KJA
We would love to hear from you!
Please get in touch with us if you are interested in:
• Archiving your art
• Collaborating on a research project
• Sharing ideas for an Immersion Lab, Expedition, or other exploration
• Working as an intern @TheImmersionFoundation
Editing & Production by Hana Shin
Design by Sanyukta Kothari
©2023 The Immersion Foundation All rights reserved.