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@LaylaParr Founder + Chief Editor
The Alchemist was one of the books I read while studying to make sure I got into all the best AP classes. “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.” Paulo Coelho changed the game for me. I kept a copy of this book in my bag with me at all times. I recomended it to every single person I knew. The powerful thought of being able to go after what I want and believing so powerfully in that allowed me to manifest the most powerful things I couldnt even begin to imagine. I revisit this book and specific passage in my moments of weakness. I remember that I am the powerful manifestor of my dreams and the
reality I choose to see is valid. The Income Mindset is a magazine for the modern entrepreneur. I want this to be a resource for when you need insight on how to actually get shit done. As well as step into the wealth that is a community of hustlers that want to change the world as you know it. I welcome you to this first issue of The Income Mindset Magazine. May you always be present with purpose. Love, Light & Avocados
Layla Parr
I’m not sure when it happened. It
for a really long time, I absolutely
was like a silent, insidious virus
don’t believe business is, should
that took over my newsfeed. All
be, or has to be a marathon.
of a sudden, I cringed at all the
The notion that business is a
people who sounded exactly the
marathon is an antiquated,
same. Boredom feels toxic to my
masculine belief system that
soul. It’s like all the coaches and
doesn’t work for many women
healers were manufactured by
and even some men, too.
the same source and it was gut wrenching!
You left your 9-5 job to become
Not only was it vanilla, but it
an entrepreneur, so you can run
was also incredibly discouraging
your business the way you want
for wildly different, fascinating,
Did you really choose this path
hiding from the spotlight out of
to join an exhausting marathon
fear for looking blemished and
that drains you before you even
out of place. I noticed this trend
get started? In a marathon, you
that the most brilliant coaches
keep going and going until you’re
were struggling the most to
done over a long period of time.
become successful. I couldn’t
It doesn’t factor YOUR flow. You
figure it out at first and then it
have to conform to the race. As
hit me.
a nonconformist, that’s not my
I’m gonna tell you something
calling and it doesn’t have to be
that’ll offend the senses of most
yours, either.
Your business is an extension of
I’m a little bit obsessed with
you and you’re not a marathon.
tearing apart the muggle matrix
Why would you want it to be?
{when thoughts, understanding,
and perceptions of the world
smarter when there’s another
is tangled and limited without
way. Minimum effort, MAXIMUM
realizing it}. It’s enlightening and
RESULTS is the way to go, babe.
keeps things interesting.
You’re not encouraged to rest
during a marathon and it Here it goes:
Contrary to popular belief and how things have been running
actually causes more physical pain to stop or slow down, aka honor your body’s fluctuating
you’re meant to do.
when I leverage my natural strengths and habits. I love
{2} Unnecessary over complications cleverly crafted by
sprinting and getting a month or three month’s worth
your ego - Instead of making things mind numbingly
of work done in a couple weeks and so do my clients. You
easy, there’s a tendency to create phantom steps and
can stop forcing yourself to be disciplined and you can
problems that have to be solved. It’s an over thinking
become naturally focused with soulful strategies that
spiral that’s fueled by an invisible process that fragments
are sustainable when you stop conforming and start
your true desires. Too many entrepreneurs aren’t honest
about what they truly want and how they want to run
Here’s another muggle matrix I wanna smash: Success
matrix.” The focus gets put on the “right” thing to do,
takes a long time.
something that’s usually business-y. The truth is your
No it doesn’t. No it doesn’t. No it doesn’t!
desires are a compass of the best and most successful
Resistance and indecision creates delay and that takes
shaming yourself over it. It’s time to stop doubting that
time! When you address any doubts or insecurities
you can have what you truly want.
into success. It cuts through the unnecessary time consuming extras and that accelerates your success. It’s
By tapping into your flow, you can do more in less
can smash your goals while barely lifting a finger
time! This is how you accelerate your success!
or you do everything and anything, but it doesn’t
Combine that with mind blowing soul shifting
phase you. This is the most productive time to
energy healing and mindset work, you’ll be
get shit done! But when you’re feeling more cozy
amazed at what you can get done. You don’t have
and intimate, it’s a better time to connect with
to follow a process that makes your soul cringe.
your audience, your clients, your future buyers because that’s what calls in the cha-ching! Then
there are moments when you’re most receptive
spontaneous, and deeply connected. It’s time to
to repetitive tasks that I personally find to be
celebrate and leverage this! You can tap into your
such a bore! And then the most mislabeled shame
powers as a spiritual woman and unleash your
inducing mood is when you feel like retreating.
true potential.
This is the time to slow down. It activates
of Reality, you can manipulate these natural settings,
that pop up, you untangle other energy that’s mixed
There are times when you’re in beast mode and
started. That’s crap. You’re born qualified to do what
results. It’s time to stop filtering out what you want and
and ultimately serve you when you tune into it.
potent certain weeks out of the month. As a Shapeshifter
their businesses because they’re trapped in the “realistic
receiving energy and that’s how cash flows in!
more time to find more puzzle pieces before you can get
but I love celebrating who I am as I am. I come alive
Your needs and moods are meant to be honored
As a woman, you’re biologically created to be at your most
an energizing way to achieve your desired results and it’ll set your soul on fire. It’s a process that’s available to everyone, but in my work I’ve observed specific habits and patterns that keep even the brightest entrepreneurs from achieving what they
{3} Doing what everyone else is doing! Tried and true strategies are a real thing. You may think why not rinse and repeat? Because when you’re ready to accelerate your success, it’s who you are that’s so wildly different from anyone else that’s going to rev things up. When you do what everyone else is doing, you may generate success, but standardized practices aren’t created to expedite
truly want.
success. And the one thing I constantly see in my clients
3 Things Keeping you Stagnant AF
likely tried and true methods will work for you. Being
{1} Denial that deep down you truly already know what
I’ve seen all of these qualities in my clients. It’s practically
you’re meant to do and want to do. Your soul already knows everything, but being human, there’s a tendency to create distance between you and that ultimate truth. What better way to delay your success and feel safe in the comforts of familiarity than keeping the illusion alive that you’re still searching. To tell yourself that you need
is that the more of a nonconformist that you are, the less practical invites failure. Babe, it’s not you. It’s the system a human condition. Luckily it can be transcended. Here are 3 Things You Can Do to Accelerate Your Success {1} Get serious and deeply intimate with your pleasures. To accelerate your success, to live the life you truly want, you gotta clear those pesky beliefs and fears that hold you back. and inviting to have the things you want.
you can design your own path. If what already existed
it. But it’s more than marking off a checklist. You gotta
worked for me, it wouldn’t have incentivized me to stay
really love your indulgent pleasures.
committed in my soul purpose. Take it from me, the more
{2} Be more you! Wild, audacious success comes from
you fail, the more you got what it takes to succeed. And
embodying all of who you are. What you’re meant to do
the more you fail, the more you’re meant to experiment.
is encoded is in your soul DNA and the more you tap into
It can be a lot of fun, but it can be time consuming. I
it, the more you accelerate your success because you’re
was also really frustrated because I was surrounded by
following YOUR design. The more custom tailored your
muggles who wanted me to conform.
approach, the better!
I want you to know that you can be you. You can be weird AF if that’s your jam.
{3} Do the thing that makes you wanna pee your pants. Accelerating your success means doing things wildly
That’s why I created the program, Accelerate Your
different and that’s gonna be a shock to your ego. The
Success. It’s the kind of guidance I wish I had. I learned
more it thrills you, the more audacious your success.
that most coaches and healers were navigating me with
Your body won’t be stimulated by the same old, same
the best of intentions, but many of them couldn’t help me
old. Think of it like an adrenal rush that rewards you
because they didn’t understand me.
with your wish list. It was an isolating and confusing experience. When Bonus: Get support. Find someone who’ll keep you
all the experts are encouraging you to do the exact
accountable because it’s human nature to falter every
opposite of what you’re feeling called to do, it makes
now and again and having someone cheering you on is a
you wonder if you’re being self-sabotaging. After some
wonderful feeling. Failure thrives in isolation. Success,
lengthy soul searching and back to back episodes of
especially accelerated, wildly audacious success is
failure, I decided to do things my way because that’s
a social activity. To have a sense of community and
all there was left to do.
connectedness, feeling deeply understood and seen is crucial.
To my delight, I accelerated my success! I discovered
Be sure you’re supported by someone who truly gets
the importance of being fiercely committed to your
you, someone who sees who you’re unbecoming, so you
own process, whatever that looks like for you. And
can be the person you truly are because you monetize
as someone who likes to speed through things like a
who you are. As a spiritual nonconformist entrepreneur,
tornado in the most detail oriented way, I fell in love
I know how important it is to your soul and success to
with practicing minimum MAXIMUM RESULTS. After
do things YOUR way. You’re born to succeed following
all, time’s the only non renewable source of energy.
YOUR unique success compass.
Not to mention my obsession with escaping the muggle matrix. It’s fun transmuting stubbornness
I learned this in my own life. I kept failing when I
into solution-oriented, soulful strategies.
implemented tried and proven methods because I’m meant to challenge the status quo and show others that
Jaymie Yang Serial Non-Conformist Design your Audacious Dreams
Just like working out, you gotta be disciplined about
know your stuff, you’re feeling good...only to have
them to work for you! Everything I teach, here and with my clients, is meant to be customized! You’re unique! So with what you’ve been through, how you’ve been effected, and where you’re going! Do yourself a favor and make this your own so you can move past this “ugh” fest already! Creating your “F#€$ YA” money mindset is fun and easyand you deserve to do it now! But you can’t create anything
that unsettling feeling creep up that seems to be holding you back from making the money you want! It’s a bitch and it happens all the time! I should know. I’ve struggled with this feeling for years which has lead me to this exact moment in which I’m writing this article to help you move past this once and for all! My goal for sharing these practical steps with you is to help you reset your money mindset from “ugh” to “F#€$ YA”! Sound good? I hope it does but
without recognizing the issue first!
hold on! There’s a catch! I’m going to tell you the 3 steps I use but they won’t work for you unless you
actually read for understanding and then recreate
Ugh! It’s happening again! - You’ve prepared, you
Once you recognize what's going on you can consciously decide to change what's going on.
you desire. Why are you tell me to stop eating out?” Your issue may be that you’re always broke or maybe
First of all, I’m not telling you to stop eating out!
it’s that you make the extra money you want but
You need to customize a plan that works for you!
instead of investing it in a coach you spend it going
And second of all... It’s about enjoying the things
out to eat...even though that fast food makes you feel
you desire! However, your small desires could very
gross and wasn’t what you really wanted anyways!
well be the thing that’s keeping you stuck in small
Whatever it is for you, ADDRESS IT! Once you
money!! Think about this: What do you think will make you feel the most
recognize what’s going on you can consciously
luxurious and like a true top level VIP?
decide to change what’s going on. TIP: Choose just
a) Going our to eat everyday just because you don’t
one habit at a time to work on!
feel like cooking or because you feel like eating Chick-fil-A. b) Going our for a fancy date or girl’s brunch once /
Here’s how I do this:
week where you wine and dine and get dressed up? 1. Ask myself what I want. (I want a $10,000 in my bank account at all
What makes you feel more accomplished?
2. Ask myself why I don’t have ____________
a) Getting that small thing you want in the moment.
($10,000 in the bank). * I make a list - I
b) Realizing that you put away $1,000 this month
only made $X, my bills are $X, I spent $X...
and you’re that much closer to your goal of $10,000.
3. Look over my list and pick one thing to start
What makes you feel more successful?
working on today! a) Spending money on things you don’t need or use 4. Come up with a practical game plan! - If I
(like all those TV Subscriptions).
only eat out one/week (date night) then I will save $500/month and can add that to my bank
b) Investing in yourself! - Whether that be a
account. If I cut out all of the subscriptions I
professional hair cut, coaching, or a tan!
don’t use I’ll save another $75/month. If I raise my prices I will make $X more/month, etc...
The point is it’s not about what you buy, or what you spend vs. what you save! It’s about how you feel
If you fail to plan and prepare you will never get what you want. You will find that stress or guilt creep up. It will block your flow and your lack of awareness! “But Maureen! I heard that when manifesting you
when you send/save money!
should allow yourself to enjoy the luxurious things
STEP 1: Address the issue!
So if you’re going to cut out all fast food but that’s not practical for your lifestyle, then you’ve already set yourself up for failure! Work towards your big goal! Every step of progress is worth celebrating! TIP: Make this into a game/challenge! I love pushing myself and seeing what I’m capable of! So if you’re trying to cut out all that fast food, then just start with one day at a time, or see how long you can go without eating out. I say things like “I bet you can’t go one more day!” “Oh
Each thing brings up a feeling. For me, eating out everyday was just lazy! I feel more accomplished when I cooked meals vs. when I went out and my feeling towards that fast food meal was just mediocre! I was excited to eat but I didn’t feel luxurious or accomplished or anything. Matter of fact, by the time I was done eating I felt bad about my body, my laziness, and spending money on something I didn’t really want. Cutting out fast food was a HUGE vibrational shift for me! During this exercise it’s important that you recognize how you’re feeling about beach habit and make a mental note about how you want to feel and what makes you feel that way! That will determine which actions you should be taking! Everyone will doing something a little different or pick a different habit, but no matter what you choose, make sure you’re realistic with yourself! Step 2: Be practical! Of course you should dream big! But that’s not what we’re talking about here!
I bet I can! You just watch!” - And that’s how I push myself! My husband and I even do competitions to see who can For example, he was leaving for a weekend work trip and before he left he teased me saying “Well we’re off to make some money baby! Hold down the house for me.” (Which if you follow me, then you already know that I’m not a “domesticated house wife” and that statement was a sure way to fire me up!) I responded back to him, “Ok baby. You do that! But I’m going to be here making more money then you and working way less! The house will be here when you get back and so will the dishes!”
Your subconscious doesn’t know
He laughed and said “Ok baby! I’ll tell you what. We’ll see who
imagination and reality. And This is where dreaming comes Anything that challenges your
makes the most by the end of the weekend and then we’ll
Step 3: Expand your mind - • Read! Anything you can get your
the difference between your expand your life! according to psychologists the into play! The more possibilities
hands on! Blogs, posts, books!! current reality and perspective.
decide who does the dishes.”
best lies are the ones that are
you can see, the less limits you Example: If you want to be a
closest to the truth. So if you feel like you have! Here are a few
young, self-made
And so the friendly competition began!
want to trick your brain into practical ways to help expand
about how Kiley Jenner grew her
think you’ve received a certain your mind everyday:
lipstick business.
He came home proud of his accomplishments but I still won!
amount of money, so that you can
• Find someone’s story that
get energetically aligned with
inspires you.
I made $10, 000 that weekend and we went out on a fancy date to celebrate. He then went live to tell everyone he was treating me to a victory dinner because I won the competition and made more thenhim that weekend!You too can make it fun and practical. I alsouse this for income goals. Think about it: What is the most you’ve made in one day? Maybe at your day job you get paid $1,000 every other week. You know how it feels when payday hits. You know how that $1000 feels. So now focus on that and have a $1000 day. There
it, then you pick a memory and Example: If you’re a single mom marketing, start studying all
If you want to be know for
simply change it to the amount in network marketing, go find a different types of marketing you want now and play that new video of another single mom who and come up with your own memory over and over again until is where you want to be (a certain techniques! you believe it! Part of having rank/income) and watch that! everything you want in life is Imagine she’s you! Use her reality learning to expand!
as your new story!
18 • Allow yourself to “fall down the rabbit hole”! Your mind is infinite and has a lot going on but all too often we stop ourselves from following a thought because we want to “stay on track”! The more you allow your mind to wonder the more you release and the more you recognize! • Tap into your imagination! I like to do this when I’m out walking! I’ll imagine the neighbor god is a lion that I get to pet when I’m out on an African Safari, or that the beautiful house on the corner is my vacation house right on the beach! Your imagination creates your reality! Use it like a child and build the life you really want! Once you combine your awareness with your practical mind and your imagination you will be able to move from “ugh” to “F#€$ YA” in no time! Just remember: • Do these three things daily (at least take a mental inventory). • Work on one thing at a time! • Make it your own! • Have some fun! You’ve got this!
MY THANK YOU LETTER TO MONEY By Emily Regan Money was always a HUGE deal in my family and was something I never dared to talk about as a young kid. When I was a teenager with a job and a car, it seemed like that’s when money became the only thing we talked about. Making sure I paid my car insurance and student loan payments on time, making sure I got my check from my job and making sure I didn’t spend it all (or any sometimes.) Those were our conversations. Then as I got older, the conversations got bigger. I finally found out just how bad my family had been struggling, and they started letting their walls down. I found out just how terrible their money mindset was, how much pride was getting in the way, and how badly they had been burned in the past. One time my mom picked us up from school, brought us home, and when I got out of the car I found an envelope in the back door of the house. Immediately I knew it was money. It was just a common white envelope like someone would put a birthday card in, but there wasn’t a reason for mail to be at the back door. I immediately felt it in my heart that it was money, and instead of asking myself “what’s this envelope and should I even bother with it?” my brain said “that’s money and I need to pick it up.” $500. A HUGE amount to me at the time. I ran over to my mom and told her there was money in the envelope USE THE CODE INCOMEMINDSET TO RECEIVE 20% OFF WWW.SHOPBLOOMLASHES.COM
and she just laughed at me. When she saw I was serious, she just sort of nervously laughed and then said “I know where this came from.” After that she was angry about it. She didn’t say another word about it until my dad got home. He was REALLY mad about it.
randomly? I didn’t have the pride getting in the way like they did. I wasn’t ashamed like they were. This is when I learned to be those things. The money was from my grandparents. Apparently my parents were really struggling to pay their bills and pay for everyday living for a family of five, and my grandparents wanted to help. It was in that moment that I learned that I should be ashamed when I don’t have money, it isn’t good to accept free money, it is shameful to accept help or to even need help in the first place, and it should make me angry when someone wants to help me because I couldn’t do it on my own. Fast forward to today. 2018. I’ve started and ended a few businesses by this time. My current business is still a baby. I’m 21, a homeowner, a new mom to a baby girl, and making $0 a month. ALL of those feelings from the past have popped up this year and run their course. I’ve been working so hard at unwinding this mindset, reworking it, and growing from it. I have been reworking the way my brain is wired, and I have come such a long way. It’s frustrating, putting in so much effort and still not making money. But what’s even more frustrating is blocking yourself from getting any money even though you know that will fix all 99 of your problems. And that’s exactly what I was doing. That’s the way I had been sabotaging myself, and it wasn’t until 2016 I even knew money mindset was a thing that existed. I had years and years of things to unpack and work through, which is what has been taking the majority of my energy lately. One step that really helped me transform my money mindset is simply accepting that it’s TOTALLY OKAY to have money, want money, talk about money, spend money, and save money if I want. I accepted the fact that money is what opens up many doors and gives me opportunities in this physical world. In the human experience, it’s just a given that money is a resource that gets us things. And just like spiritual bypassing helps no one, skipping over money and not honoring it for the helpful resource that it is helps no one. So today I would like to say thank you to money, Thank you money, for being the vehicle that will eventually take me from point A, earning an income below the poverty line for years in a row, to point B, earning more than I even need and being able to give to those around me.
I didn’t get it. Who in their right mind would possibly be angry about finding money on their back step
I know that having money will allow me to be more of myself and who I’m meant to be in this human experience. Many people will have something negative to say about that statement, but it’s so true! Who I am is someone who loves makeup, fashion, interior design, photography, vacations, luxury cars, speaking on things I feel passionate about, making a statement, and eating amazing food. I truly believe that money is an amazing resource that will help me reach all of my desires, and it’s sad that I was taught the complete opposite growing up. It’s a sad story that so many people I’ve talked with can relate to. I was taught to attach all of these negative feelings and emotions to money, and I know I’m not alone. So today I release all of those emotions and experiences, and I say thank you to money. I also affirm the following: I deserve health, wealth, and happiness. I know that money is an amazing resource that I shouldn’t be scared or ashamed of. Having money helps me be more unapologetically myself. My past experi ences and things people have taught me do not define me. I create my own thoughts and feelings around money. It’s totally okay to have money, want money, talk about money, spend money, and save money if I want. My wallet and bank account are amazing, safe places for money to come hang out.
25 best product for
When we think of creating a add up, so be sure to write them $45 per month that you should
monthly budget, most people all out!
set aside for your hair.
think of the basics- rent, phone
bill, cable, etc and then we forget The to include the rest. But the number
Uber & Taxis:
Subscriptions. Think about those
one way to gain control of your annual bills from Amazon Prime When my clients were asked how finances is to have an accurate or any association dues you’ll
much they spend when going
out in town, 9 out of 10 forget
monthly have to pay. Divide the total cost
expenses vs your income. Here
02. Monthly Subscriptions
by 12 and set that amount aside to include their rides to & from
are five of the most commonly each month.
the bar. This adds an average of
forgotten expenses to be sure to
$40 to every trip to the bar, if
your include title goes when budgeting: here buddy
Your Car:
you go out once a week, that’s
Most people remember to include
over $2,000 each year you’re not
Muscitae providu Presents: cimporrum es eatChristmas est eaquos et quodipicil in re sandit, If you have a Am bigqui family oripsa like to ipsaperae rernatiur? con es ipsantisit acia volupici bearumquide buy extravagant gifts, Christmas nestendandi imo mo offictem eatatia con reictatecto porios verchil Be sure costs canesadd up et quickly. incipietur aut ventibus este dolum ipici to quiberis do a quick estimate of how odit aut eum reseque mossum qui ducilic aligenis et, in omnim muchilique you will spend oneteach gift, vellaut rendus.Saperiatescid mo maior
their car payments, but often accounting.
calculate the total, and divide
forgot the other costs such as gas, insurance, and maintenance.
Since most people don’t go to the
your budget, or seek advice from a
salon monthly, many make the professional money coach to help
you get your personal finance
coloring, manicures, massages, For new tips every day on how your title goes math: Let’s say you spend $60 on here buddy
It is common that people forget your hair every 6 weeks. There are
Grab a piece of paper & jot down
you should be putting aside each visiting the salon for haircuts, hair journey off to a healthy start.
Monthly Subscriptions:
Trips to the Salon:
etc. Here’s a simple way to do the
Christmas Presents
The best way to gain control of QUALITY your money is AND to getEXCLUSIVE started now!
by 12 months- that’s how much mistake of leaving out the cost of month.
to budget, save money, and get out of debt, follow Alyssa on Instagram
Muscitae providu cimporrum es eatabout Hulu, Netflix, Fabletics, est52eaquos weeksetinquodipicil a year, in divided by 6 or visit re sandit, Am qui con ipsa Spotify, Dropbox, and the ipsaperae weeks =rernatiur? approximately 9 es salon ipsantisit acia volupici bearumquide your title goes your title goes hundreds of other low-cost nestendandi trips eachimo year. 9 x $60= $540 mo offictem eatatia here buddy here buddy con reictatecto es porios etof verchil monthly subscriptions we sign spent over the course the year. Muscitae providu cimporrum es eatMuscitae providu cimporrum es eatincipietur aut ventibus este dolum ipici est eaquos re sandit, est eaquos et quodipicil in re sandit, up foretonquodipicil a whim.inThese can really odit $540 divided into 12 months is aut quiberis eum reseque mossum ipsaperae rernatiur? Am qui con es ipsa ipsaperae rernatiur? Am qui con es ipsa qui ducilic ilique aligenis et, in et omnim ipsantisit acia volupici bearumquide ipsantisit acia volupici bearumquide vellaut rendus.Saperiatescid mo maior nestendandi imo mo offictem eatatia nestendandi imo mo offictem eatatia aut et libus erit et quias ut offic toLescon reictatecto es porios et verchil con reictatecto es porios et verchil tis corias aperi consecumquam non Alyssa coratem is a money & debt coach living in Baltimore, MD her este dolum ipici incipietur aut ventibus este dolum ipici incipietur autwith ventibus laborepel ipsum unt quibust est odit aut quiberis eum reseque mossum odit women aut quiberis eum estem volutestiam, fosterquassus puppies anduthusband. Sheoptae lovesex-helping build a reseque mossum qui ducilic ilique aligenis et, in et omnim qui ducilic ilique aligenis et, in et omnim perum ipidi dolorroviti officiatinis
budget, ditch debt, and fix their money mindset so that they can travel often, and buy what they want without the guilt.
Because you want to have something that’s yours and you don’t want to work for someone else? Or maybe you want to start a business because it sounds like it would be a really cool idea. Like hey...I have my own business. Woo hoo. Well, if you have ever wanted to meet someone who started a business and didn’t know what on earth they were doing, you have now found me. I’m Liz and I was a business not-know-it-all. My online business skills were limited. I had three of them. I was able to send email, Google old boyfriends and place orders online.
By Liz Nonnemacher Tiis qui diciae nobis dundande il eum volest aute entlaboreporeprationsequatatemalibus,omnit, omniet invercidus exerem doluptate doluptam.
Nope. No clue. Still. I had an idea. And I thought it was a good one. Rather than reading a book or asking other people or doing things that a ‘normal” person would do, I just pretty much threw myself out there on a whim and decided to see what would happen. It seemed as though I probably needed a website. I hired a web designer. They created a site. I hated it. I started over again. I still hated it but decided to go with it as I wanted to put something out there and I had given myself a June 2006 deadline.
Not exactly anything that would make someone money.
So I knew that I had to make some money from it. Otherwise….why would I even do it?
But….I had an idea.
The shoppers were out there. So were the vendors.
My idea was that I wanted to provide a connection between indie product vendors (small business owners) and shoppers.
I decided to sell advertising but who would advertise on an unknown website?
I had a vision. An online magazine. People would shop. Vendors would be happy.
Starting a Business When You Don’t Know What You Are Doing
things like that?
Did I know anything about websites or domains or
I would allow the vendors to have free advertising for the first couple of months. When the first couple of months were about to end, I stopped taking any new unpaid ads. And people were pissed. Because even if there were 2 days left they wanted those 2 days for free.
hy would anyone start a business without knowing what they were doing?
And I learned. People can be jerks. Someone threatened a lawsuit. best product for Most normal people would have been ready to throw in the towel at this point. Clearly, we can see that I did not fall into that range. So I pressed on. And
it turned out that 75 percent of the people who advertised for free ended up paying at the end of the two months. And people seemed to like the content that I was putting out and the products. That was good news.The readership increased. I had paying advertisers. The two were coming together.
Yet, there were so many challenges. Because what happens in the online business world is that what works for one month may not work 6 months later. Like….you think that you have a grasp on something and it’s all going along swimmingly and then boom...things change. Or you get a completely crazy advertiser that lives on the other side of the country and repeatedly threatens you because she didn’t like the placement of her candle ad. She thought I was playing favorites. She went out of business. I’m still here. So there’s that.
For me, social media came along. And learning how to use it and how to navigate it was a challenge. Facebook your title goes seemed like it was for teenagers and college students. But I muddled through it anyway. Why? I had products for here buddy
people to check out!
Muscitae providu cimporrum es eathonestly, there have been so many times that I have wanted to give up. So many times when I wonder if estAnd eaquos et quodipicil in re sandit, ipsaperae rernatiur? qui con es ipsa what I am doing Am actually makes a difference. And then someone comes along and tells me that if not for me, ipsantisit acia volupici bearumquide their shopimo wouldn’t be where it was. Or that they would have given up long ago, too. me. Most businessnestendandi mo offictem eatatia FORBelieve MORE HIGH con reictatecto es porios et verchil es do not last. If I were to go back through all of the businesses that I have servedQUALITY over theAND pastEXCLUSIVE 12 years, the incipietur aut ventibus este dolum ipici PRODUCT odit aut quiberis eumare reseque mossum majority of them probably long gone. Moved on to cleaner pastures otherwise known as working for somequi ducilic ilique aligenis et, in et omnim one else. vellaut rendus.Saperiatescid mo maior
So here’s the thing.When you have a vision, I think the most important thing is to just let go. Let go temporari-
ly. Let go of the way that you think that things should be and focus on something else - even temporarily. What I have found is that the more tightly that you hold onto something, you get out of the flow. The flow will come back once you loosen up a bit. That’s not having a bad mindset. It’s really just giving yourself an opportunity to take a break from things and come back with a fresh mind. your title goes
You can start over and over and over again. You might think that everyone is watching but they aren’t. Even if you here buddy put up a Facebook post and it seems like no one is paying attention, you can delete. I promise that it will be the
Muscitae providu cimporrum es eatest eaquos et quodipicil in re sandit, ipsaperae rernatiur? Am qui con es ipsa ipsantisit acia volupici bearumquide your title goes your title goes nestendandi imo mo offictem eatatia permission to succeed and succeed wildGive yourself permission to screw up and make mistakes. Give yourself here buddy here buddy con reictatecto es porios et verchil ly. It’s all part of the process of working for yourself. Hangeste on. dolum It’s a wild and it allprovidu involves putting es yourself Muscitae providu cimporrum es eatcimporrum eatincipietur aut ventibus ipici ride Muscitae est eaquos et quodipicil in re sandit, est eaquos et quodipicil in re sandit, odit aut quiberispossible. eum reseque out there in ways that you may have never thought Andmossum if you find that the ride is not for you? There’s ipsaperae rernatiur? Am qui con es ipsa ipsaperae rernatiur? Am qui con es ipsa qui ducilic ilique aligenis et, in et omnim ipsantisit aciain volupici bearumquide ipsantisit acia volupici bearumquide no shame that. You can always move ontorendus.Saperiatescid something else or start over again. And again. vellaut mo maior nestendandi imo mo offictem eatatia nestendandi imo mo offictem eatatia aut et libus erit et quias ut offic toLescon reictatecto es porios et verchil con reictatecto es porios et verchil tis corias aperi consecumquam non Twelve starting her first business, Liz now has two of incipietur aut ventibus este dolum ipiciyears after incipietur aut ventibus este dolum ipici coratem laborepel ipsum unt quibust est and When she odit aut quiberis eum reseque them, mossum odit aut quiberis eum reseque mossum quassus estem ut volutestiam, optae exworking and connecting people, you can find her vacuuming, qui ducilic ilique aligenis et, in isn’t et omnim qui ducilic ilique aligenis et, in et omnim perum ipidi dolorroviti officiatinis mag-
rare person who notices.
doing laundry, shopping and traveling. She has two grown daughters, two grown stepsons, one husband, and two golden retrievers. You can also find Liz on Facebook writing about her crazy widowed mother.
The Leap Into Your Dream Life Is Taken One Step At A Time By Sarah Voiles
spent most of my adult life in one career. The
while someone would unload my luggage and park
truth is that I fell ass-backward into it. In my
my car in the hanger until I returned. I rubbed
early 20’s I found myself needing a job, an
shoulders with celebrities who flirted with me and
opportunity presented itself and I thought to
met famous politicians I never in my life imagined
myself, why not?
even being in the same building with let alone
That was the start of an almost 20-year career as actually meeting! a Family Assistant in Seattle, WA. As it happened, On the other end of the spectrum, I’d find myself I was really quite good at it and the job ticked off changing poopy diapers and trying to wipe baby the necessities of daily life - it allowed me to live spit-up out of my long hair! There was definitely a in a city I loved, it paid the bills, I had evenings and balance being struck. weekends off... all of the typical items one looks for Slowly over the years, however, a little feeling in a job. At times the job was exciting and even a began to take root that I was meant to be doing little glamorous. I would travel to Paris, New York something else, something that felt larger, more City, Boston, Cape Cod, and San Fransisco with the creative and challenging, where I would have the families. When we flew I would drive my car onto opportunity to make an impact that could be felt the tarmac of the private airport right up to the well beyond the borders of just my personal world. private jet,
31 What did I do with this budding desire? Buried it, ignored it, pushed it aside. I did not understand at the time that I had grown and changed so much over the years that I simply was no longer in alignment with my career. Work was feeling heavy. The career was still amazing, the people were lovely and the kids had stolen my heart, yet everything just felt so heavy. Here’s the thing- however heavy one aspect of your life feels, you drag that same level of heaviness into every other part of your life. That is a rule of the universe, and so my entire life began to feel heavy. Yet, I still chose to ignore the feelings and desires. My heart was practically yelling at me to change course, to follow the new desires but immediately my ego would jump in and give the silliest of reasons to stay where I was. The ego will always try to keep you small. Ego: “You’re too old to change careers, only the young can be successful as bloggers and influencers!” Heart: “Awesome! You’re 40 now! You have so much life experience to offer your audience, go for it!” Ego: “Starting a new career and especially your own business is a lot of work and requires money to get started. The work involved is too much for you and there’s no way you can afford it.” Heart: “You’ve already proven you can handle hard work and you have people in your life who would love to help support you while you get your business going.” This conversation between heart and ego went on and on. I hate to admit this, but I listened to my ego and ego won. Temporarily. Here is the truth of the matter. If you are out of alignment with something in your life, eventually it is going to catch up with you and force you to make changes. Despite everything, your ego tells you. My life continued to get heavier. My relationship at the time ended, my purse (with wallet, keys to everything, passport, iPad, journal, basically my life) was stolen, my car disappeared, I became terribly ill, and I lost some close friendships.
Life had become very uncomfortable. Circumstances forced me to look at my conversations with ego and I was finally able to see that I was choosing to stay small, stuck in my old story that ego played for me on a loop and it was causing my life to crumble apart. I realized that what I needed to do was tap into the heart and let go of the old story. I had been waiting for a sign in my life to let me know it was time to follow my desire without realizing the desire was the sign! At that point, I took messy action. I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t know all of the steps involved or how everything would work out. But I began making plans one step at a time. I saved money, started a business, quit my 9-5 and moved in with my parents in a completely different state. My heart had been correct. I was up for the hard work and I had people in my life more than happy to be a support system while I focused on building my business. We have to have a desire and a vision. A willingness to let go of what’s not working in our lives and open to accepting and acting on the next step that is laid before us. That is how we build, one step at a time. Trusting that the next step will always show up when we need and are ready for it. We do not need to know every step, just the next step. Most of us build businesses that originally took root out of a place of desire and love. Love wants to express its self all of the time. If we can just get to the other side of the fear ego feeds us we will find infinite inspiration. Let go of the old story, tap into the heart, step into your gift and step into the place to help other people.
I’m Sarah K Voiles, a Bend, Oregon blogger, minimalist, and lifestylist, who loves nothing more than going on treasure hunts to search for beautiful and effective products, as well as life philosophies and experiences to create a lifestyle of beauty, quality, and soul.
BY ASHLEY DELUCA The struggle is real when it comes to money
jobs back home. My expenses were not that large,
so I had the ability to save most of my income. Because of that, I was able to pretty much buy
As I look back over the past couple years of my
whatever I wanted and not have to worry about
life, I have transitioned quite a bit. From a college
student to a married pregnant mama, I want to share with you my struggles with money mindset
Having a large savings account gave me comfort
and provide you with the same strategies I used
in knowing that I had everything together. It made
in each phase I was in.
me feel secure about myself and where I was at. At this point, I had a great relationship with
The Comfort Saver
money because as it came in and out, the energy of exchange felt good. However, the downfall was
Enter 20 year old college student Ashley. I had
I put my self-worth with the number in my bank
just moved out of my parent’s house into my first
account. I found myself being more selfish than
apartment. I had quite a savings from working 3
Even though I had worked for the money, I do not
pincher stage into a happy relationship with money that
remember a time where I was actually grateful for what
is future focused.
I had. If you are struggling with your money mindset and If you are a comfort saver, remember that your self-
you have found it is due to debt and other financial
worth is more than just the money in your bank account.
obligations, I want you to remember that what you focus
Cheer yourself on for the talents and skills you have
on is what you will manifest. Your energy creates your
that brought you to that point. Just do not get too
reality. Hands down.
comfortable and always be grateful for what you have.
You can allow that bad energy to pull you down or you can use it as motivation to drive you to your dreams.
The Penny Pincher
I have been able to move out of this mindset stage by
Moving into 21 year old Ashley’s world, life was just
throwing myself into my business. With that, I have been
starting to turn into a new direction. My boyfriend and
able to create myself a life that I truly love.
I bought 9 acres of land in Southern Ohio where we planned on building our future home on it. Despite land
I journal about my future self. I write out things that
being inexpensive in Southern Ohio, this is where I first
have not yet happened, but in current tense as if they
encountered actual debt in my life.
already have. I meditate. I take time to spend with those
Remember before, I was comfortable with money with
I love (especially with four legs.) I take time to personally
my savings. However, with most of it used to buy the
develop myself. I focus on my next upcoming goal that
property at this point, I started to come off course and
is going to help me overcome what is holding me back.
felt very insecure about money. It became stressful. It
I struggle...don’t get me wrong. There are days I go back
became something I did not want to think about. Money
in penny saver mode, but I make an effort everyday to
and I were just not on the same side at all.
focus on the positive. I am consistently focusing on my
This point is where I see so many of us struggling. We
future goals while making the most of every single day.
have debt and financial obligations that wear us down.
If there is one takeaway that I would want you to have
We feed our minds with negative energy and thoughts
it is this: fill your life with positive people that will
that just make us resent money. It is a constant battle
support you on your journey. This alone has helped me
and often times, what we argue about the most.
beyond anything I could have imagined. As I continue to
I stayed in this penny pincher stage for two years. Up
money mindset journey, I know I have others to keep me
until we got into our house, I stayed in a penny pincher
accountable and to keep me on track. No matter what
mindset that left me pretty defeated. The penny pincher
stage you are in, just know there are people out there to
mindset is what I am working every day to defeat.
support you to get you to the next step.
The Future Focused
Create your own reality, my friend. Claim it and make it
Moving into 23 year old Ashley’s life, it is present day
Have you ever just felt like you
Mindset Coach and I completely
were somewhere you weren’t
transformed my entire life
supposed to be?
over the past year. I quit my
Duh, physically you were there
day job, left my family and
but mentally you were in a
friends behind in NYC to move
completely different place?
to Los Angeles and I started my
Well, I felt that way every single
coaching business.
day when I went into work. I knew I was supposed to be doing more with my life and clocking in at 6 am every Monday, is not what I had in mind. If I said I hated my job that
would be an understatement. I complained about it every chance I got but I mean of course I was supposed to be grateful and I was. Grateful to have a job and the ability to pay my bills but I still wanted more. I
retirement to start living my life, I was ready for adventure now. And I know you are nodding your head right now because that is exactly how you feel. Trapped. Where all you want to do is ball up in a corner and cry but the only person who can save you is you, so you have to get up and figure things out. Today is the day that you dust yourself off and create a plan to transform your entire life. And that’s where I come in, I am a
I decided to become my own rescue. And I want to teach you how to do the same. Stop waiting for Friday. Stop
vacation. Stop waiting for the perfect time. And decide that you are ready now. Decide that you are worthy now of everything you desire and work towards making it your reality. Today is your fresh start. You know like a do-over. Here are my steps to radical transformation, the steps I use over and over not only for myself but for my clients. Step 1: What do you REALLY want? Decide what you want before you decide what is possible. Grab a blank sheet of paper and write out your desires. Here are two questions to get the creative juices flowing. 1. What did I want to be when I was 8 years old?
Before the world told you your dreams were impossible,
on the things that bring me joy, even when they scare
Of course, I would hate to get another job but I was
decided this was my life and only I can decide who I
you believed we could fly. You believed that nothing
the crap out of me.
already working at a job I didn’t like, so how sucky
want to be and what I get to do.
was off limits and everything was possible.
Step 2: Define your fears.
could things really be?
You see I upgraded my thinking, I asked myself
Tap back into your younger self and figure out what
What happens when you visualize your goals? Can you
Truthfully, when I saw the words on paper, it wasn’t as
empowering questions.
you wanted to be. What you wanted your life to look
see yourself succeeding? Do you see yourself failing
scary anymore.
1. In the past two years, what is one thing that you
on your face?
Mentally things sounded much worse than they
ONCE thought was impossible, absolutely scary,
When I would try to visualize my success, I would see
actually were and that’s why I want you to put your
terrifying but you did it anyway?
When I was 8 years old, I had the most incredible
the absolute worse case scenario becoming my reality.
fears on paper. Write out your nightmares and see if
2. What got you to take action? What did you need to
teacher in school and I wanted to be just like her. She
Honestly, I spent more time focusing on the ‘what
they really are scary or just like the monsters under
believe about yourself to act?
always found a way to make Math fun and I loved her
could go wrong’ instead of ‘what can go right’ until I
your bed — all in your mind.
3. How can I tap back into that courage, to take action
passion for teaching. She believed in her students and
defined my fears.
The thing we fear most is typically the one thing we
could see our potential. She never gave up on us no
Writing your fears out on paper, takes them out of
need to do. Fear can be crippling if you allow it to be
Gosh, I am blushing just thinking about the day I sat
matter what was going on.
your mind and into reality allowing you to analyze
but today is a do over so we are kicking fear to the
down and journaled around these questions, they
what you’re really afraid of.
unlocked so much for me. I no longer looked at myself
Remember, you’ve survived 100% of your toughest
as a procrastinator but someone who took massive
As a mindset Coach, I do the same with my clients. I see them as ALREADY having achieved everything
1. What is the worse case scenario? What are you
days, this situation would be no different.
they desire. I see their power and show them how to
afraid will go wrong?
You are tougher than you look. We both are and as
I began affirming the life I wanted to live and from
scary as it was in the beginning stages of my business
that place I took action. I did the scary things, I got
and even sometimes now, I still choose this business
vulnerable on a live stream and started crying, I
and I still choose this work. I still choose me. I see the
forgave my father for not being apart of my life and I
3. Could you survive? Would you be able to get your
value in overcoming my fears. You will too but you
accepted myself exactly as I am.
life back on track?
have to get started now.
I view myself as a badass entrepreneur who is going to
Step 3: Identity Shift
change the world. I know you are ready to do the same,
do the same, just as my teacher did me. 2. On a scale of 1-10, how bad would that really be? 2. What makes you happy? What motivates you to get out of bed every day? What type of work would you love to be doing every single day? What could make you thrilled to get out of
We put so much emphasis on the bad that we never
Who the fuck am I to ask for more?
you’re hungry for more.
bed every morning, even on a Monday?
stop to think of how incredibly powerful we truly
I probably asked myself this question a million times
More love.
are and how we would be work through any obstacle
and each time I decided ‘I am Lakisha Mother Fucking
More laughter.
The number one thing on my list was time freedom. I
that comes our way.
Corbett and me just being me means I am worthy of
More money.
hated my job because it left me physically exhausted,
When I put in my two weeks notice at work, I was
more’.You should write that down on a post-it and
More freedom.
I did not have time to do the things I loved most. I was
scared out of my mind. My stomach was in knots,
place it all over our house. You get to have more. You
More abundance.
in search of work that allowed me to have time for Self
my palms were sweaty and I could help but wonder
get to live the life you’ve always dreamed of and to do
I have total faith in your ability to succeed and just
Care and Sunday fun day with my family without a 5
if I was making the right decision. I bought a one-
that you to change the narrative.
like I realized I was not trapped in my own life, I want
am alarm clock set the next morning.
way ticket to Los Angeles and there was no turning
When I fully committed to making my business a
you to see that you aren’t either.
success, I could no longer view myself as a college
Now I need you to follow the steps I’ve given you and
My own business allows me to create a schedule based
My worse case scenario was being homeless. Yet,
drop out or a daddy less daughter, I stopped fixating
do the work. I’ll be honest with you and say every day
on my needs and what works best for me. I would not
I knew I would never let my situation get that far,
on my flaws and instead I became infatuated with
will not be a walk in the park but every day is worth
have known what mattered most if I never answered
I would get a full-time job or borrow money to
who I was becoming.
it. You have the power to change your life and today is
these questions. I created a life for myself based solely
support myself.
I stopped comparing myself to other people and
a fresh start.
There is such a discrepancy in
Who gives a fuck?And here’s
not only the coaching world,
why. But before I continue, right
but the real word itself, between
now would be a good time for
the Haves and the Have Nots,
me to introduce myself and tell
and I am beyond ecstatic to be
you a little bit about me and my
helping close that gap through
background and how I got to
this platform. Because here’s
where I am today.
the thing: we are all POWERFUL
Beings with infinite access to
My name is Michelle Hope
the Universe at our fingertips.
Alvarez and I am a married with
The only difference between
no kids 27 year old New York
you and that coach you follow,
born, mid-west bread, living in
that singer you like, that beauty
Austin TX, Master’s degree and
guru, or that influencer is that
Health Coach + Detoxification
they found out how to access
it quickly and easily and have
been tapping into it more often
for-3-years experienced, work-
and more consistently than you.
That’s IT! There’s no magic pill
self-development junkie, Self-
or secret voodoo that makes
Transformation + High Vibration
them different from you.
Alignment Coach. Whew! That
They’re just people. They’re
was a mouthful, but it was the
people with problems just like
quickest and most to-the-point
you. They’ve just learned how
way of telling you my whole
to overcome their problems
back story without taking up
[or really just deal with them
this whole magazine with the
better].Yes they make have
ups and downs I went through
been born into more affluence
as a service-based entrepreneur
than you, had more obvious
and how I started as a teacher,
opportunities, or got started earlier. But here comes the truth bomb:
comes out and the curtain is parted and the Wizard
And that leads me into who I am about to introduce
as a teacher, shifted to Health Coaching, and finally
of Oz is just an old dude with a lot of green smoke and
next: Gary Vee [Gary Vaynerchuk].
found my home as a Self-Transformation Coach.
weird man-toys.
It’s been a long road and it’s still not perfect but I am
My goal as a writer here is to share with you the
Now you would not expect to see this name in a Woo
vibe practices to keep you from getting too deep into
FINALLY loving the journey and the becoming of it all,
REALNESS of entrepreneurship and creating the life
centered Vogue type magazine for women, but his
the grind and hustle and burning yourself out, but
which took a really long time.
of your dreams.
message is SO necessary and comes from a place of
it’s SO IMPORTANT to have that balance.
such truth and directness that it is VITAL to mention
Because without that balance in the middle, it’s like
Like you, I was [and still am] an optimistic skeptic.
getting to work. Now, you do want your energy tools and your high
I had a feeling deep down inside there was something
Because showing you [and selling you] this perfect
here because it is something DESPERATELY missing
we’re running from one side of a seesaw to the other
bigger for me but life experience, influence from
painted filtered times 12 picture of my life is not only
from the spiritual world.
on an endless loop, trying to keep it centered, draining
authority figures, and societal norms + beliefs kept
straight up bullshit, but it’s hurting you in the end.
He talks about the late nights, the grind, the day in
our energy, getting confused + lost, and forgetting
and day out, the becoming, the journey, being humble,
what we’re doing in the first place.
me trapped in this narrow box. And it wasn’t until I met my husband who introduced
I am here to serve my tribe, not to pump up my own
staying in your lane, and focusing on you: all the
But by having both the Woo and the Realness, we
me to how the Universe works, appealing to me from
ego, so I vow to you here and now [yes, vow] that I
REAL DOWN & DIRTY truths about entrepreneurship,
stay centered, remain steady and have enough clarity
logic and science, that I actually started to open my
will always be transparent, real, and authentic with
something a lot of spiritual entrepreneurs + coaches
and wherewithal to simply stand in the middle of the
mind to the TRUTH.
everything you read from me.
leading the charge like to sweep under the rug.
seesaw with one foot on either side and just balance
They throw around words like manifestation and
with strength and poise.
That we all have our own purpose here. That we are all meant for something VERY specific and that the
Because in this day and age of social media, false
alignment like it’s some magic pill that’s gonna fix all
And back for the reason I brought up Gary Vee in the
point of our life is to carry this out and [bringing it
feelings of connection, and the desire for material
your problems [Remember before how I told you how
first place:
back to where we started before I got off on this little
things and perfection on the rise, we NEED more
that’s not a thing? Still true].
tangent] staying in our own lane and NOT GIVING A
people speaking the truth.
FUCK about what other people are doing.
I am talking about this seesaw effect because I went BUT IT’S NOT.
through it myself, causing me to have a 3 month dry
What you will start to learn about me from reading
And that’s what I am here to do. To inspire and
my articles is that I always go against the grain. I
motivate you to be the best version of yourself, so you
agree with what others say to an extent, but there’s
can go out there and show others they can do it too.
BULLSHIT, letting go of your ego, realizing that just
always that little something that I don’t 100% jive
spell in my business and almost costing me everything drive,
I had built up over 3 years of hard work.
because you’re spiritual doesn’t mean you’re better
I got way too obsessed with the woo, listening
with and like to bring attention to.
And that it’s really not that hard to do. Especially
than anyone else, ACTUALLY USING the tools you
to people “channeling” about wealth grids [aka
You can call it playing Devil’s advocate. And this
with the abundance of opportunities and resources
preach about and CONSISTENTLY doing the mindset
completely ripping off the sacred practice using it as
comes from my upbringing a bit, but mostly from
we have in this technological world making it so easy
and energy work necessary to keep you on your path
a pretty word to disguise that they were making shit
my training in self-development and learning about
for us to make a living and thrive, doing basically
and shed the shit that doesn’t serve you…
up and talking bullshit to make money] and taking
whatever the fuck we want.
That’s what’s going to do it for you.
advice from psychic business coaches like their word
So you NEED, yes you NEED, to put down your crystal
was the bible [who were really coaches with inflated
for a sec. Open your podcast app and subscribe to
egos using their “gifts” as a reason to box people into
Gary V’s podcast, like right now.
niches that only they could help].
There is so much obsession in this world with getting what we want that we can so easily follow people
So back to WHO GIVES A FUCK?
blindly thinking they are going to do just that for us because we are only seeing what they want us to see
I told you all of that back story because although I
He will get real with you REAL quick, get you out of
I lost myself in it all: I forgot who I was and it not
[insert failed coaching business for 3 years here].
love all things manifestation, love Gabby Bernstein
your pity party and off your entitlement pedestal
only cost me business, but it was starting to affect
So we get our hopes up, get swept up in the promise
and all things woo, I am also all about being real,
[let’s get real here, we all want things for nothing
my relationship as well.
of it all and then when we get down to it, the truth
putting in the work, and getting shit done.
sometimes], focused on what’s really important, and
as a service-based entrepreneur and how I started
She mentions this big influencer from the UK I don’t
OR you can put your head down, stay in your own
He grew up a Puerto Rican in Spanish Harlem in New
promised that I would NEVER let anything compromise
recognize, and he rails into her and says something
lane, work out your shit, clear your energy of your low
York City, a man of color,
my relationship with my husband.
like “Who the fuck is this guy? If you spent more
self-worth and self-doubt, and GET YOUR MESSAGE
living in the most low-income area of the city, judged
time focusing on you and what you’re doing instead
by those who didn’t know him as a statistic who would
I had to make a change. It was now or never.
of watching people like him, you’d really be there by now.”
So I had a long hard talk with my husband about
end up with a dead end job or in a gang, expected to So I have been a little in your face for a bit, so I am
fuck life up.
going to bring out the mother hen a little bit here
But he didn’t. He got good grades in school, went to college, got a degree and blended into society.
coming back down to earth, unfollowed a lot of
And she’s not getting it so she says “Well yeah, but,
people, cleaned out my friends lists, left a bunch of
you know, when you see people like Kylie Jenner at
Ultimately what I want you to know from this whole
groups, and got back to me.
20 years old with a multimillion dollar company, it
story is that becoming the person you want to be,
gets to you and makes you feel like it’s already over
making money, becoming your own CEO, and living a
for you.”
life of abundance, does NOT rely on:
And one day, I was scrolling through Instagram and saw this headline on a post from Gary Vee: “The Ultimate Advice for Every 20 Year Old”.
NOT. He did get good grades and did go to college, but seeing the flaws in the system, he left after 2 years.
AND HERE IT IS. The moment you have all been
Your status
He saw that getting a degree in Psychology and
waiting for:
Your upbringing
Philosophy wasn’t going to get him where he wanted
Your circumstance
to be in life, so he left.
And I was at such a low point, so ready to find some answers, and willing to get rid of all of my
Gary says; “What the FUCK does Kylie Jenner have to
Your parents
And he didn’t just say fuck-the-world and blame the
preconceived notions bout GaryVee, that I clicked it
do with you?” and goes into how Kris Jenner has been
Your education
old white men in charge who cater to high-achieving
immediately to watch it.
running the business for years and how Kylie has 10
white students, yada yada yada.
years of exposure and 3 sisters with a billion dollar
Your background
No. He put his head down and stayed in his lane.
About 5 minutes into the video, when he starts talking
brand who paved the way for her.
to Taylor, the girl who calls into the show, asking her
He was always the type of person looking to better It relies 100% on you.
himself and wanting to be more. He had this pull in
what she wants to do and what’s going on with her
And the thing that hit me, the thing that smacked me
And before you go telling me: “Well of course you
his gut that he was MEANT for something.
in the face and really got me going, was his point that
would say that, you’re a white woman who grew up
So he got to work. He got a sales job at a gym and
with her parents already making their way to their
while he was there, got his hands on some self-
self-made success, have had the lux life since you
development CDs.
She responds by saying that she really wants to own her own business because her family is an
It DOES NOT MATTER what other people are doing,
were a teenager of traveling + spending time abroad,
These CDs were made by a middle aged white man,
entrepreneurial family and it’s in her blood, but
and comparing yourself to them is a waste of your
AND got her Master’s degree from NYU. Who are you
but did he say “fuck that” and let this person’s race or
she just finished college and feels like she’s really
time, keeping you frozen where you are and stopping
to tell me privilege has nothing to do with it?”
age get in the way of the rich life-changing content
behind the 8 ball because she’s 22 and hasn’t started
you from your greatness.
anything yet.
he was getting? NO. He listened anyway: he dug for Let me bring you EXHIBIT A: My husband.
You can spend your time hating on other people for
the gold, and really paid attention. He learned about how the Universe works and
Then it begins. He says something to the effect of
their privilege, for having some “magic pill” that you
He is the most amazing, most intelligent, beautiful,
fundamental principles of success like: having a
“Really Taylor? You’re 22, I would kill to be even 5
don’t [which we know is not a thing and really just
gorgeous man with a heart of gold I have EVER
pleasing personality and dressing for success [such
years older than you….You’re saying you want to get
your own bullshit], and sending out negative energy
encountered [and no, this is not just me with rose-
vital things that seemed to get missed by all the woo
more followers on Instagram. Who do you follow?”
toward someone else, which we ALL KNOW is SO BAD
colored glasses, everyone loves him] and he did NOT
people out there], and he listened and he studied and
for your own manifestation and vibes.
have it easy.
he became a student of bettering himself.
And way back when I decided to become a coach, I
He knew in the depths of his soul which one to choose
work, he was quickly promoted to a managerial
because he trained his mind to listen to his being, he
took a huge leap of faith, and became a banker.
And he didn’t stop there. He kept using these
Now let’s pause for a minute here. Let me tell you a
little bit more about how he got this job as a banker.
Whenever he was faced with something he didn’t like,
Since he was the Assistant Manager at the Vitamin
he looked at himself and thought about how he might
Shoppe, he had the responsibility of depositing the
have caused it, and worked to fix it.
money earned by the store every day to the bank
He NEVER blamed anyone for his circumstances or
across the street.
decisions. He always took 100% responsibility for
And every day, no matter the circumstance, he would
everything in his life.
walk into the bank with a smile on his face, ask
He committed to helping others first before himself
everyone how they were doing, remembered their
and got deep into the study of removing blockages
names and genuinely cared for them.
and used the tools he learned on himself before ever
And this radiated through his being. So much so that
introducing them to others.
the manager at the bank asked him for months to
Through true self-taught work he did all on his own,
have a meeting with him to talk about an available
paying for courses and training with his own money
he earned at a job [not sitting on his laurels thinking
Not because of his resume, not because of his
he deserved money for nothing], he began to change.
qualifications, because of WHO HE WAS.
He started to feel the difference in his energy,
[You believe your reality is 100% in your hands, yet? ;)]
understood the power of his mind, and when it was
And when he decided to change careers, they moved
time for him to leave the job at the gym, he left
heaven and earth to hire him.
knowing he would get a job that was perfect for him
They were begging and pleading for him to take the
and didn’t worry or spiral downward.
position and when he agreed, they chose to forgo the
Just a week later he was hired as a sales associate
customary hiring procedure of having two grueling
at the Vitamin Shoppe and was quickly promoted to
interviews with the higher ups, and moved him
Key Holder and further up the ladder to Assistant
straight to the top of the hiring list.
And may I remind you that he did not have a college
All because of his work ethic, his drive, his
degree and had no formal training in finance?
understanding of the long-game and applying
And when he got there, he didn’t stop: he focused, he
success principles day in and day out to get over his
worked, he held the vision of the life he now wanted
blockages and limitations.
to create: owning his own business and traveling the
And as he trained more and more in self-development
world with his super fantastical soon-to-be wife [aka
and self-transformation, he learned to listen to his
me, and we’re married now ;)]—but never let that get
gut, and when faced with a decision to stay at the
in the way of doing good work at his job.
Vitamin Shoppe and become the Store Manager there or leave and take a job as a banker,
He may have had frustrating days but he always used
I have my fair share of struggles, but this is his story,
his tools, expressing gratitude and appreciation for
not mine.
the contrast and moving forward.
This story proves that no matter what society thinks
He always kept a good attitude and morphed into
of you, no matter what other people tell you about
the amazing mentor he is today through teaching
who you are, it is really ALL UP TO YOU.
what he knew and using his expertise as a Thought
It is the POWER of your mind and the choices YOU
Field Therapy practitioner [the OG of tapping], a
make every single day about YOUR life and what you
certification he earned through hard work and his
want to do with it.
own money, to help his first client: me.
You can’t blame your parents, your schooling, your
And he kept going: using his tools to move up the
environment or your circumstances.
ladder at the bank through getting licenses for life
It’s all you, baby boo.
insurance and investments and becoming a licensed
It’s time to own it.
as a notary.
It’s time to forget the short-term promise of the
[BTW he did NOT have to become a licensed notary: he
lifestyle and status of coaching and entrepreneurship,
solely did that so he could help others, no extra pay.]
and to revel in the being in it for the long game instead:
He skipped lunches, arrived early, stayed late, and
creating an empire, changing lives, innovating, and
was always in integrity with his number one value of
contributing to the betterment of the world.
bettering himself.
THAT is the true measure of success.
And only after years of practice, being patient, feeling
So if you’re still with me after this long intro story
into the right moment, and mentoring the crap out
laced with nuggets of gold [seriously go back and
of me, did he finally make the move, after 3 years of
read this, print it out and hang it on your fridge for
me being successful in my coaching business solo, to
those times when you’re feeling sorry for yourself],
quit his job, become CFO of our company and start
and you’re feeling all fired up, ready to stop the
coaching full time.
bullshit and do the mental, emotional + spiritual
He never rushed it. He always made the right move at
work to create the life of your dreams, I have a little
the right time and he NEVER faltered in committing to
something for you.
his training to be a better person. He always listened
The reason I get so passionate and intense about this
to his gut [or his higher self as we would say in the
stuff is because I was there, too.
woo world], never complained, and did the necessary
I was just like you, wanting something more, knowing
work to make his dreams come true.
I was destined for greatness, but getting pulled in so
And it paid off.
many directions.
As Gary would say, he was Patient AF.
I wanted to get approval from my family, I wanted
Now my point in telling you this story is to come from
that steady income, I was in such a fog and cloud of
a different perspective. To show that what I’m talking
numbness from following the pack that I desperately
about is REAL.
wanted to have something for myself and I wanted it
It’s not some BS fluff I’m telling you to be more
to be easy.
relatable or to legitimize myself.
By applying these success principles and doing the
I just wanted some relief.
loving it one
And I saw all the perfect pictures and the “done-for-
day and hating it the next, and you just want to have
you”, “work-from home”, “make-your-own-schedule”
some consistency, serve your tribe, and enjoy it.
promises of the lux life and easy money lifestyle
I am going to offer you something that only costs
everyone and their mother was barfing out all over
you $47.This $47 will bring you that peace, serenity,
social media, and my PRAYERS WERE ANSWERED, or
and sense of purpose + belonging that you are so
so I thought. I saw what I wanted to see. I saw what
desperately desiring.It will help you clear your
they wanted me to see; and I got it into my head that
energy, dig deep into what you TRULY want from life,
being a coach was going to be my ticket out of this
get those questions answered about who you are
“do as your told life” and it would come to me, easy.
and what you’re meant to do here on this Earth, and
HOLY SHIT was I wrong. I wish I had had someone who
manifest the life of your dreams.
was real with me from the get.
Sounds amazing, right?
Who told me what I was in for so I could properly
Yeah, I feel the shift in energy too.
prepare for what was lying ahead of me.
The 7 Day Social Media Cleanse is a 7 day challenge
To really take the time to consider what I wanted:
where you completely unplug from social media,
how I wanted to show up, who I wanted to serve, and
refresh + refocus on what is truly important to you,
where I wanted my life to go.
and is designed with 7 Manifestation Magick Rituals
All questions my first two coaches never asked me.
that will shift your vibration at the cellular level, so
Had I had someone like me to tell-me-like-it-is while
you can finally bring in those soul-mate clients and
also lifting me up and reminding me how badass
support yourself as the badass business owner you
and amazing and unique I am, and that I’m meant
are deep down inside.
for something, I would have skipped all the back and
And you see all these 7’s? It’s not an accident. ;)
forth and switching what I was doing and quitting
7 is the number of detachment, and when you are
and starting over again and quitting and starting
truly detached from an outcome, you bring it in faster
over again...
and with even more abundance than you thought you
And I would have been much happier along the
would receive when you set out your intention in the
first place.
And I know you, I get you. I am not sitting here hitting
These 7 rituals in this 7 day cleanse are designed to
your pain points and then being all sweet so I can
help you finally detach from what is no longer serving
pitch you my million dollar program that will fix all
you and get in alignment with your true frequency, so
your problems.
you can attract what you desire.
I mean, you’ve been with me long enough by now to
Women who have gone through this cleanse before
know that I know that isn’t the answer.
you have manifested money out of nowhere, new
YOU are.
clients, and new life-changing opportunities simply
I know you are DESPERATELY trying to make this
from focusing on what they want, releasing the
coaching thing work, going through the ups and
distractions, and raising their vibration to it’s natural
downs of the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship,
So if you’re ready to stop comparing yourself, get in alignment with Who You Really Are, learn to stay in your lane and live out your Soul Purpose. Come join in on the fun in the 7 Day Social Media Cleanse ( You are worthy. You are amazing. You deserve it. Now it’s time to believe it. Take that leap of faith: you won’t regret it. Have a wonderful, abundant day. If we can do it, so can you.
About ten years ago, there was no such thing. As you
keep learning because I was no longer inspired. I felt that
evolve in your career, keep in mind that the industry is
despite learning new software or attending different
also revolutionizing itself. You must too. You must always
classes at my workplace offered, I did not feel inclined to
evolve yourself for your own personal and professional
learn because I no longer had a purpose in my position. I
can learn all the new data, the new software and attend workshops, but I was not absorbing anything.
A key trait to always have as you develop in your career
If you are experiencing the same dilemma, take a
no matter what industry you may be in is to be a
moment to pause, (like I always say). Do you no longer find
sponge. Whether you are in an entry-level position or
purpose in your job? If so, then you must have outgrown
management, be a sponge. Always absorb what is out
that position, that industry, and that company. It is your
there. Always keep learning. Learn from your mistakes
time to evolve somewhere else where you feel inspired
and successes. Learn from your colleagues, your clients,
to evolve and to be a sponge. I did that a few years ago.
your students, and your professors. Learn from strangers
I switched to a different industry, a new position and
in networking events and find ways to always be open
even a new city. At this point in my career, I take a few
to new ideas. Read articles, follow other social media
minutes to find inspiration not only on a personal level,
influencers or similar companies that inspire you. If you
but for my business as well. I heard Taylor Swift say
find yourself in an interview and are asked one of your
in an interview, “If you are the smartest person in the
best traits, say you are someone is willing to learn about
room, then you are in the wrong room.” I will always take
the company and will provide growth as well. Companies
that quote with me wherever I go. This is an essential
do not want to hire someone who is complacent. Be a
method of thought to carry with you as you progress in
your career. If you are suddenly finding yourself to be the smartest person in the office because you are the
Career Development is something that cannot
for doing research. At first, I did not understand
be done overnight. Even if you have been in your
it. I thought it was one of those fads that would
industry for ten years, you will always have to
blow over after three months or so. But I was
keep evolving in one way or another.
wrong. Social Media is a big contributor in every industry. Social Media is a great marketing tool,
Technology evolves, new positions are created,
whether you are starting your own business,
and some positions become extinct. There is
consultation practice, or even if you are an
new software that has been developed and
international chain. I use Instagram everyday
certifications that need to be achieved. A great
in managing my own business, Old Fashioned
example would be the evolution of social media. I
Marketing & Consulting, to have an online
remember being in college when Instagram was
presence, to provide tips and to recruit potential
just being incorporated into the classroom. We
clients. Social Media has created man jobs over
used it with presenting our projects, marketing
the last decade. There are job titles you can apply
aspects for the different events we produced, and
for called “Social Media Manager.”
In your career, keep advancing yourself. Also, be open
most experienced employee, you will later find yourself
to positions that you may not have thought of. I never
no longer inspired. You will start to feel robotic, stuck,
dreamed of even managing social media in my lifetime
complacent. You feel that even if you attend different
and because of society, the industry I was evolved in, and
workshops, seminars or networking events, you find
my passion for creativity, I found myself managing social
yourself out of place. If you find that your surroundings
media in multiple industries and constantly finding
aren’t growing, then you should first start to reinvent
new articles on how it is evolving. Did I ever imagine
yourself. Once you have reached the point of evolution,
myself taking selfies or pictures on my phone daily and
and feel you have outgrown that work environment, you
creating hashtags at work? No. I had to evolve in my
are in the wrong room. Find a new one with different
industry, evolve in every position I was in and be open to
individuals who will challenge you and inspire you.
alternative positions and industries. If you find yourself not wanting to evolve, then you
Be a sponge. Challenge yourself. Keep Evolving.
may find that you no longer find intent in your current position. There was a time, where I no longer wanted to
It’s 9 am. Coffee, Tea or Snooze?
“If you’re running a small
bloggers time enough to check
business, you need a blog.”
off other responsibilities on their busy to-do lists. But those rules
drastically changed in January.
thinking and, unfortunately, one
Officially gone are the days
that’s often shouted at already
when a standard 400-word
overworked – dare we even say
post can rank anywhere on
overwhelmed – small businesses,
those crucial first few pages of
particularly the brand-new ones
an online search. Now it has to
looking for expert advice.
be 1,500 words, if not 2,000 or more.
Five years ago, this principle might have been true. And the
Who has time for that?
chances of it being good guidance
10 years ago are even greater. But
For context’s sake, this article
businesses today aren’t operating
here is 1200 words long. It took
in 2013, much less 2008. Clearly.
me about 90 minutes to write
We’re dealing with 2018 going
and 35 minutes to edit over
into ‘19.
twice before submission. And I’m a professional writer and editor.
marketing animal altogether.
This is what I do for a living. It’s something I love that I’ve been doing for years.
For one thing, the internet is
Yet it still took me more than
saturated. There are literally
two hours to complete. Again,
more than a billion websites out
who has consistent time for that
there, an insane amount that’s
without guaranteed pay?
forced online arbitrators (i.e.,
& 1 LIE
Google and its pauper cousins) to
The answer is this: big companies
carefully consider how they rank
that can afford to pay employees
sites in search queries.
annual wages to write such things on a regular basis. Therefore,
Year after year, they followed
we’re not talking about small
a decently consistent set of
businesses here; certainly not
search engine optimization, or
small start-up businesses.
SEO, rules that allowed business
It’s just not financially feasible for them to
We’ve already acknowledged that you have too much
beautiful jewelry, for that matter.
contemplate, much less enact.
to do to worry about all that on your own. However,
media tactics falls more into the “little” small
there is a cheat to this SEO game if you still want to
businessperson’s favor. By studying and selecting the
While, no doubt, each new piece you make was inspired
Yet none of this is to say you absolutely shouldn’t keep
incorporate a blog into your business with profitable
right hashtags to attach to your posts, you can draw
by some sight, sound or thought, can you really turn
a blog. It’s only to make you as informed as possible
in new followers without paying a cent.
those into blog posts of 300-500 words each time?
Hire someone to optimize your general website for a
One businesswoman of my acquaintance only started
That might be a tough task to take on.
one-time or annual fee. Potential customers searching
up on Instagram in January. Yet, as of this writing, she
Assuming that you don’t have the time or money to
online can then find it and see from there that you
has 172 followers thanks to the hashtagged blog posts
That’s not so for a professional book-writing coach,
be writing 2,000-word articles a day, here’s what you
keep a blog. Tell them they can get daily or weekly
she shares.
writer and editor like me though. Considering all the
want to evaluate in the great “To Blog or Not to Blog”
blog post updates by signing up for your email list and,
from there, you’ve got the makings of an SEO-enabled
That’s pretty decent for someone who isn’t doing
to blog. And the same could easily apply to graphic
marketing tactic that didn’t cost you a fortune.
much more than redistributing information she’s
designers, caterers, chefs, party planners, accountants,
already published elsewhere.
Do You Have Enough to Say?
But notice that key word: could. Not should.
Really. Dig deep into your brain while you ask yourself
If the idea sounds too daunting… if you don’t have the
this question: Do you have enough information to
time for it, the skills for it or the inclination for it, you
can always hire someone else to handle blog posts for
in deciding whether this mode of marketing is right for you.
How Well Do You Speak SEO?
topics I can cover, it almost seems wrong for me not
With that said, search engine optimization alone As indicated before, SEO stands for search engine
doesn’t make or break a business blog. There’s more
optimization. It’s essentially back-web tricks and
than one way to make it very worth your while.
tactics to make your website or webpages stand out. This is generally done through keywords you sprinkle
Is Social Media Your You-Know-What?
into actual copy, any attached images, and page classifications such as urls, meta titles and meta
Just because you have a strong online following
you. Or you don’t have to do it at all.
doesn’t mean you’re using it to best advantage. Sure,
It’s okay if the answer is no. This has nothing to do with
people can see your posts on Twitter, Instagram,
how well you know your craft or how worthwhile your
Feel like you’d like to give it a try though? More power
Then it takes it a step further still with font
Facebook and the like. They can even like or comment
services are. It’s simply asking about your potential
to you. In that case, you might want to test the waters
embellishments, header keywords, video inclusions…
on them.
writable material.
out by blogging once or twice a week. There’s no need
and the list goes on. Your company needs to grasp all of that and more if
to do it more than that for starters – or possibly at all. But are they actually engaged to the point where
Blogging is all about sharing information for someone
they’ll remember you when it counts?
else’s benefit, whether that’s to entertain them,
Regardless, whatever your ultimate decision is when
educate them or raise awareness. And some businesses
it comes to business blogging, keep in mind that it is
better lend to that kind of sharing than others.
your ultimate decision. Don’t let anyone bully you into
you’re going to beat out your competition in generic web searches for the products and services you offer.
Publishing blog posts can be a great way to stay in their mind. Every time you announce a new topic
If that sounds like a full-time job in and of itself,
addressed, you’re inviting them into your business.
it is. I’ve worked for mid-sized companies before
And while they might not buy anything right away
that had entire teams devoted to just SEO. And they
once they’re in, you’ve most definitely given them
were constantly having to study up on the latest
greater reason to remember you.
optimization trends and tips, which can sometimes change on a daily basis.
Coworking Redefined: Austin, TX Edition By Vana Ash
2. Refinery ATX Another hot spot downtown is the multi story Refinery. Part coworking space, part event space, part photo studio, and part retail store front, this light and airy space is perfect for any entrepreneur to make some deals or power through some projects. Bonus points for any makers: they reserve shelf space in their retail shop for members! The photo studio comes complete with props and equipment you can borrow, not to mention great drinks + snacks, unlimited printing, and high speed fiber internet in the offices. As of now they do not offer daily passes, but sign up for a tour of the studios! If you end up falling in love they offer everything from drop in memberships to private studios. Price: starting at $300 per month 3. Impact Hub While all of the locations on this list were chosen for their inspiring atmospheres, Impact Hub is the most “Austin” like location on it. There are two locations, one south of downtown, and one north closer to the Domain. The south location (also the original) feels a lot like stepping into a treehouse made for working adults. The north location keeps the same whimsical nature charm, but with a dash of polish on top making it an easy spot to court anyone visiting from the Domain. Both locations include indoor/outdoor seating, drinks+snacks, happy hours, yoga classes, free parking, printing/scanning/etc, and conference rooms for rental. Price: Daily Dropin is available for $35 a month and $20 for additional visits. Memberships start at $300 and fixed desks start at $500.
4. CRAFT Crafting studio by night, coworking office by day. BYOB, drinks and snacks, fast wifi, and a chance to see the owners cute dogs all make this a must see. Take a break from your work and make something inspiring to take home. Weekly memberships start at $10. 5. Work and Woof Man’s best friend can be work’s best friend at Work and Woof. Part doggie daycare/ grooming facility/dog park, part indoor/outdoor coworking space that is animal friendly. Keep your pal by your side while you sip coffee and fire off emails, or drop them off with the onsite staff and head to the pet free portions to make phone calls or just get some peace and quiet. Coworking starts at $30 per day and includes daycare for your visit.
The Refinery
In the Summer of 2016, I was not feeling the best. I assumed it was just the stresses of running a business mixed with the Las Vegas heat. That August my life completely changed. I was scheduled for a surgery that month. One that I had already had twice, so I considered myself a professional. No biggie! Right? However, when I went in for my pre-op appointment my Surgeon said she did not feel comfortable with the recent
leave me blind and/or paralyzed. And at any given moment. For many years I had been writing my book that was going to be called The Happy Workaholic. When I found out I had this disease I had to put the brakes on everything. My life, my career. Everything! I took a few days to be numb and cry. Then it was time to figure out what the rest of my life would look like. How am I going to live if this happens to
symptoms I had been having. She also stated that she did not feel comfortable with the operation if I was not cleared by a Neurologist first. She thought I was about to have a stroke, or I had MS. Obviously, I was in complete shock and just went numb. My body and to the rest of the outside world. The next day I dug real dip to find the superpowers that would help me find a Neurologist the next day. One that would see a new patient and clear me for a surgery in a matter of three days. My powers worked, and I made it happen. The surgery and recovery were a success and I moved on with my life. My new life I should say. Remember that Neurologist I mentioned? He did indeed diagnose me with Multiple Sclerosis aka MS. Now let’s fast forward to four Neurologists and one very long year later. I was able to confirm that I did not have MS. What I did have was an Autoimmune Disease called Neuromyelitis Optica aka NMO. A very rare disease that could potentially
me? Where am I going to live? What am I going to do with my business? How am I going to make money? This is where my podcasting journey began… After all the tears and anger went away it was time to get “Kelly” back. Time to make a new master life plan. I decided to close shop on my book and other brands and move forward with something new I could handle. It was time to start something fresh. Something I could take care of if a relapse were to happen. That something was becoming a business coach. I had twenty years of experience in so many different industries and now was the time to share all that experience and knowledge I had floating around in my little head. The next thing was to start a podcast. I thought to myself if I end up in a wheelchair and with no vision, I can still speak. I can still use my voice! Trust me…
67 This east coast raised girl always has a lot to say!
something, to share your story, your wins, your losses.
I bought myself a brand-new notebook and taught myself
Do it!
everything I needed to know about podcasting. I needed
Start recording now and figure the rest out later. When I
to learn everything fast as I was so unsure of my health
first started my show, my plan was to have 100 listeners
situation. I still had so many questions unanswered, so
and maybe get some of them onto my other social media
the time was now! Right now, I told myself!
platforms and to subscribe to my newsletter. What I
I learned the tech, the design, the SEO and the
ended up getting out of it was so much more. Listeners
syndicating. I researched equipment and platforms. One
that became friends and friends that are becoming my
month later I launched my very own show!
My podcast is not the norm. But I’m not either! My
It’s safe to say that I know I have found my true calling.
show is about Business, LinkedIn and my Life with an
That being sharing my story and journey to help others.
Autoimmune Disease. Three things I know extremely
To give them a voice so that they know they are not
alone. Whether it be on a personal or professional level.
I knew I had NMO for a reason. I knew there was a reason
Having another platform that carries over to real life
for traveling for work around the globe. Living out of
conversations and direct messages after show air
luggage, clearing customs and sailing around on cruise
is honestly something I never expected. However, so
ships and yachts. It’s because I would have stories to tell
grateful it has.
as I’m sure you do too.
Don’t get me wrong listening to some older episodes
I needed this podcasting platform to share my business
make me want to curl up in a ball but I keep them all
experience as well as my voice for others living with a
there. They show my journey of how I started and how I
chronic illness.
got to where I am today.
As of today, I’m almost 100 episodes in and The Happy
Launching my podcast has allowed me to grow into a
Workaholic Podcast is heard in 36 countries. I could not
person I never thought I could be. I was able to really
be happier with my choice of launching this show when
find myself and honestly get my confidence back that I
it was just an idea and I am going to tell you why.
lost at the beginning of my NMO journey.
Community. Never in my wildest dreams did I think
I hope that if you were ever on the fence about launching
anyone would listen. I hoped for it and eventually
your own podcast you make your show happen sooner
prayed I would make money from it. I mean this is what
rather than later because you deserve this community,
I researched. I just did not think it would ever become
growth and other streams of income to come your way.
Building your presence on social media
During the beginning stages of my
is a must, we all know that and have
business I day dreamed the same way.
heard the multiple reasons why. Yet
I imagined the perfect landing pages,
as many of us attempt to build a solid
lead magnets, email lists, trip wires,
social business, it seems rocky, empty
funnels, blogs, podcasts and people
and foreign to many of us. I want to
begging me for my services with their
help you understand social media like
wallets wide open.
you never have before. I am assuming
that since you are reading this you are
I jumped right in, poured money into
a bad ass business builder that has
websites, funnel systems, all sorts of
a pretty clear understanding of how
marketing tactics to gather more and
things work. What I want to do is to
more emails for my email list. You want
show you how simple, social media can
to know what happened. NOTHING..
be. My favorite way to break it down is
NADDA.. ZIP… ZILCH. I was investing
to compare social building to dating.
quite a bit of money and seeing little to no return. That is when it hit me…. I had
That’s right, building your social
skipped a few crucial steps. I forgot to
business is not much different from
DATE my business, to spend time in the
the dating scene. Now before you drop
big ocean of social media building my
everything, throw in the towel and
following, finding my tribe. If this dating
completely give up….because hello the
step is skipped, it is not any different
DAITING scene sucks….just hear me out.
than sitting down at a bar, next to your dream man/woman/ aka ideal client,
As a little girl I dreamed about my
engaging in some small talk and bar
future…all the time. My perfect husband
banter. Then moments later jumping
our beautiful wedding, complete with
right in and asking them, “When do I
all the twinkle lights you could ever
get to meet your parents?” See, in your
dream of, our Pinterest perfect house
mind they are perfect so why wouldn’t
with magazine ready kids running
they want to take you home to mom
around (politely of course). I dreamed
and dad; which by the way in social
of everything, down to what my house
media world this is the same thing as,
looked like, the color of my children’s
buy my….join my…..enroll….click here….
eyes and the clean well behaved dog. I
like my page….basically give me your
am hoping you all can relate….
wallet. It’s icky and gross….don’t do it!
Building a business on social media means building a relationship. Engaging with one another just like in dating. There should be flirting (commenting on their posts… showing interest in them. Asking questions…. Its not all about you and what you have to offer), replying to their comments, adding value to groups etc. Once you have your “tribe, your following” they will literally stick with you through all of your business ventures, through thick and thin because they feel the connection. They feel like family. If you are like me, you are saying to yourself right now…Yes that makes sense…but HOW do I do that? Well if you are ready here are my top tips Step One: build your personal brand… YOU... from your personal page. Share stories about you, events that happen throughout the day, things you love to do. Share just as though you would with a close friend, and why you are posting….post to that “one friend.” Don’t try to post to the masses. Because what happens is as you are posting to that one friend you have in mind, you will be amazed at how many friends your message hits home to. Because, for them…it feels personal, like you meant it just for them. Let your “date get to know you from afar while they are deciding if they want to make the next move and have a conversation with you.” Step Two: HAVE FUN! Building on social should be that…social and it should be fun! Interact and talk about the things that light you up. The best way to do this is by commenting on others posts, building them up and connecting, not always throwing an offer out there to help! CONNECT….DATE….work on the relationship but let it move naturally also. A forced conversation or date is never enjoyable. Step Three: There are BILLIONS of fish in the sea. Don’t like what you are seeing? Add more friends to your profile, remove the sucker fish and replace with the ones you actually connect with and have things in common. Keep your friends list ever changing. I hope this helps! For more social media training feel free to join my free FB group BeSocialBeYou.