Vol. 104 No. 31
Box 40, 102 3rd Ave West, Biggar, Saskatchewan S0K 0M0
email: tip@sasktel.net
20 pages
Phone: 306-948-3344
Great Plains College announces further program expansion In order to meet industry demand in western S a s k a t ch e wa n , G r e a t Plains College has added two more programs at its campuses. The new courses will be available in Swift Current, Kindersley and Warman. The capacity for Fourth Class Power Engineering has been doubled at Swift Current Campus, meaning the program can now accommodate up to 24 students when it begins in September. and a second class of electrician students is expected to start at Swift Current campus in February, immediately following the conclusion of the originally scheduled program which begins in September. This news follows the May announcements of new full-time Office Administration (Warman Campus), Third Class Power Engineering (Kindersley Campus) and Heavy Equipment Operator programs coming to the college. “This unprecedented amount of program expansion gives the college a lot of momentum heading into the new school year,” said Director of Program Michelle MacDonald. “It’s always exciting to meet demand by offering the right programs in the right places and we’ll continue working toward that goal over the coming months and years.”
A sea of yellow . . . Everywhere you look this year you can see fields of province. Take a drive through the countryside and you will be able to yellow. Who says Saskatchewan isn’t colourful? This picture with the blue see many, many flowering fields. (Independent photo by Daryl Hasein) water in the foreground and yellow canola shows off the beauty of our
Patient and staff safety primary concern as mice problem addressed at Biggar Health Centre Since the discovery of mice at Biggar Health Centre, Heartland Health Region has been working to address the situation. Officials stress the primary
concern of the health region is the safety of patients and staff. The problem arose in the course of the new construction being done at the facility.
The areas affected have been boarded off as part of the construction project and are not accessible by patients/visitors. Ellis Don Construction has contacted
an exterminator to assess the extent of the problem and safely eliminate any mice that are found. Consultations are ongoing with the Medical Health
And they’re off . . . This fellow is determined to win his wagon race. Some of the participants lost their water bottles but not this one. The Perdue Agricultural Fair held the weekend of July 26-27 was blessed with sunny weather. Judging by the smiles, it looks like everyone was enjoying themselves. (Independent photo by Daryl Hasein)
Officer, Infection Control, Public Health Inspection, R e g i o n a l O H & S, t h e facility manager, staff and Ellis Don Construction to thoroughly address the situation. A plan for cleaning the building is currently underway. The region’s first priority will be to focus on the construction areas where renovations are of will be taking place. Dr. Torr, Medical Health Officer for the region says, “With the awareness of the potential health hazards that mice can cause, most particularly Hantavirus, we are striving to ensure we implement the best measures to ensure minimal or no risk to the health of staff and public.” The region appreciates the cooperation of staff, visitors and patients as this issue is promptly addresses with everyone’s safety and well-being in mind. Any sightings should be reported to the nurse in charge or the care team manager immediately.
Having fun at Fair Days . . . Laughter filled the air at the Perdue Agricultural Society Fair held on July 27. Starting with a pancake breakfast everyone filled up with pancakes before either lining the streets or climbing on a float to take in the parade. After the parade, there were lots of events being held on the sports grounds. From egg racing to jousting to tractor pulls not to mention the exhibits and other happenings there was something for everyone. (Independent photos by Daryl Hasein)
Opinions ........................................................... 4 Agriculture ...................................................... 8 Classifieds ................................................13 - 15 Business & Professional Directories ........16 - 18
Heartland Health Region receives results of accreditation survey Following several months of preparation by staff and physicians of Heartland Health Region and a five-day survey by representatives of Accreditation Canada, the region has received accreditation status. An accreditation status means that the organization has succeeded in meeting the fundamental requirements of the accreditation program. The Accreditation Canada survey was held the week of June 2328. Eight accreditation surveyors from health care organizations across Canada spent the week using direct observation, discussions with staff and clients, and document review to validate the region’s compliance with the standards. The surveyors assessed the performance of the health region based on these standards and provided feedback related to strengths and areas for improvement. All areas and levels of care and service were
The Saskatchewan Roughriders are a CFLbest 5-0 after Saturday’s 32-20 victory over the Hamilton Tiger-Cats in Guelph, ON and not surprisingly, you’re starting to hear the comments all across Saskatchewan. “Is this the best Roughrider team of all time?” or “Has a CFL team ever gone undefeated?” I can’t answer the first one, although it’s a great question. As for the second inquiry, the 1948 Calgary Stampeders went 12-0 in their twelve-game schedule and finished the season off with a 12-7 victory over the Ottawa Rough Riders in Grey Cup XXXVIII in Toronto. But really, although the Riders are 5-0, it has to be a little early to discuss
surveyed. The final report identified the region’s strengths as having a very engaged board authority; a good working relationship with community partners; a strong leadership team; staff members who are enthusiastic about the service and delivery of excellent clinical care they provide; and clients who consistently report a high level of satisfaction with services and staff. They noted staff are positive about the wellness committee and the work this committee is doing at each of the sites. The wellness committee was set up in response to the Employee Opinion Survey that took place in June 2011 where staff identified a need for better work-life balance in their jobs. Areas that were identified as needing improvement included better alignment of services at all sites to achieve a regional approach, a more consistent application
a perfect season isn’t it? Of course it is, but it sure is fun! So too is watching the Green & White as they’ve been pulverizing teams in the early stages of this 2013 season. In the justcompleted home-andhome series with the Ticats, the Roughriders outscored them 69-20. As one player put it to me on the flight home, “We’re kicking the crap out of everybody”. They are and they’re also showing no signs of slowing down. What better example is there than to have back-up quarterback Drew Willy come in and rip apart the Ticats’ defense for three deep touchdown passes in the second quarter to Geroy Simon, Chris Getzlaf and Weston Dressler? Willy got the start in place of the injured
Sidewalk repairs . . . The sound of jack hammers could be heard on Main Street in Biggar. A crew was busy making repairs to the cement on the sidewalks in front of many businesses. Hard work not to mention the dust that gets stirred up but the finished result is welcomed. (Independent photo by Daryl Hasein) of policies, procedures and services; certain gaps in emergency services, and further development of risk management processes. The surveyors also identified an opportunity for the leadership team to work more with staff in developing their knowledge and commitment to the lean process. One of Heartland’s main challenges is
the recruitment and retention of staff members, particularly professional staff in medicine, nursing, diagnostics, therapies and emergency medicine services. The on-site survey in June was just one step in the ongoing process of evaluating and improving the programs and services we provide in Heartland Health Region. On a daily basis,
Darian Durant (foot) and, despite some minor early hiccups, put the same amount of points on the board we’re accustomed to seeing from Darian. “Drew Willy did an excellent job,” said Rider head coach Corey Chamblin upon the team’s return to Regina. “That’s his third start and you could see that there’s improvement from the other times he started last year. Good job for him this year.” And Chamblin was taking nothing for granted after the team’s Week 5 victory. His club faced a lot of distractions on that road trip - some were evident but others weren’t – and the team still survived and thrived. “You’re on the road, in a different environment, and a place you haven’t been before so that’s always tough” Chamblin explained. “But we finished pretty smooth. They were a focused bunch. You could see in warm-ups that Hamilton was ready to go and they’d be ready to play. Once we found out what they were doing, we were ready to roll.”
Indeed, the Riders rode. And now they’re headed home for a break as a bye week has presented itself in the schedule and we won’t see Canada’s Team on the field until Friday, August 9 in a battle for first-place in the CFL West. You’d think the Riders would prefer to keep the pedal to the metal and not take any time off but Chamblin quickly assured us that’s not the case. “The bye is a great thing because we need some rest,” the coach offered. “It’s a good thing. I’ll be playing with my kids and my family’s in town for three days and then we’ll get back to work. And he left his players with this message. “Be smart. Be smart. Take care of yourselves and come back better than when you left.” And then the assault on the perfect season will continue. However perhaps we won’t talk about it again until Week 17. (For daily Rider news follow Rod on Twitter at @sportscage)
the focus is on quality health services and the safety of patients, residents and clients. Accreditation Canada is responsible for developing national standards for excellence in healthcare that organizations use to guide quality improvement. “The
Accreditation process provides important feedback to our region as we strive to maintain the highest standards for health-care services,” said Greg Cummings, CEO?President. “Our staff and physicians are continuously working to meet the Accreditation Canada Standards.”
TIme to move . . . Seeing a house move down the highway is not unusual these days. In fact it is becoming a common occurrence. This one was on its way to its resting place one day last week. Oncoming traffic would be well advised to find a spot to pullover as this house takes up the entire road. (Independent photo by Daryl Hasein)
GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… Wednesday, July 31, 11:50 a.m. (stations randomly selected)
Biggar .............................................127.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock .........................126.9¢/L Perdue… .........................................128.9¢/L Landis… .........................................128.9¢/L Rosetown… ....................................128.9¢/L North Battleford….........................126.9¢/L Unity...............................................126.9¢/L Saskatoon .......................................127.4¢/L Humboldt .......................................124.9¢/L Lloydminster ..................................114.9¢/L Kindersley ......................................126.9¢/L Swift Current .................................127.9¢/L
Lottery Numbers
649 - Sat., July 27 03, 15, 17, 20, 27, 43 Bonus 30 Extra 3382191 649 - Wed., July 24 02, 05, 12, 22, 44, 48 Bonus 10 Extra 1208878 Western 649 - Sat., July 27 02, 04, 10, 15, 220, 40 Bonus 32
Western 649 - Wed., July 24 19, 28, 31, 37, 46, 48 Bonus 15 Lotto Max - Friday, July 26 05, 09, 12, 18, 24, 35, 42 Bonus 17 Extra 4042629 Western Lotto Max - Fri., July 26 02, 04, 15, 16, 17, 18, 27 Bonus 37
Senate a federal government issue Sometimes you just have to shake your head at politicians. They will pick up on the strangest issue and bulldoze ahead with it when really the general public does not share their enthusiasm. For example, Premier Wall jumped on the bandwagon of abolishing the Senate. Why? This is a federal matter for voters to discuss with their Members of Parliament. It is not provincial jurisdiction. Yes, you can have an opinion but that’s the end of the issue. And, that’s what the other premiers told him (in a more polite form) and the premiers meeting. There are more pressing issues on the agenda at the moment -- namely jobs and the economy. Normally, Premier Wall is more astute than this so it’s quite possible some senior advisor (misguided) took it upon himself to champion the issue and convinced other members of the Saskatchewan Party and caucus that this would gain some traction with voters. Well, that person was wrong and his or her head should be on the chopping block. This demonstrated a complete lack of understanding as to what the residents of Saskatchewan consider important. Issues such as abolition of the Senate are best left to groups like the Canadian Taxpayers to push forward. They are an advocacy group and that is their job. Their mandate is to bring these matters to the attention of the voters and incite them to action. It’s not the mandate of a provincial government. So, if you are interested in getting rid of a Senate that is no longer working the Canadian Taxpayers Federation has an online petition that you can sign. Certainly this institution is not accountable to Canadian taxpayers and it seems the federal politicians are helpless when it comes to reform. Or, you could contact your Member of Parliament. P.H.
Letter to the Editor… I wonder what the reaction would be if they looked out their front window and I was sitting in a lawn chair enjoying the shade of their tree. Better yet picking apples off of their tree. 911 perhaps? I have never chased anyone off the land nor do I intend to start. I will just continue to watch and wonder if it is ignorance or contempt that prevents these people from extending the common courtesy of asking. Tal Ramsay
Dear Editor: As the end of July approaches the annual event of berry picking begins. When I look out my front window to see the pickers filling their pails, a few questions come to mind. Do the pickers not realize they are on private property or do they not care? Do they think that once they are out of town limits it is free for all where you take what you want? Maybe they feel they have the right because the berries are “wild”. Do they think that because I didn’t plant them, the berries aren’t mine? Do they feel that because there are so many that I should have to share them? Maybe it’s a thrill for them, like kids raiding gardens. I have lived in the country my whole life so I don’t know much about urban life. Is that how it is in town? Does everyone go where they want and take what they want without a thought to who’s property it is?
Not-so-modest proposals for improving the CPP/QPP
Half of middle-income Canadians over 40 will see a significant decline in their standard of living post-retirement by Michael Wolfson, Expert Advisor, EvidenceNetwork.ca Distributed by Troy Media, www.troymedia.com Last December, Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty and his provincial counterparts agreed to consider options for a “modest” expansion of the Canada and Quebec Pension Plans in June 2013. June has come and gone without this meeting. If and when a meeting does occur, it will likely be behind closed doors, and Canadians will not know what kinds of “modest” expansion options are being discussed. However, if the rare tea leaves provided by finance ministers are any guide, Canadians nearing retirement shouldn’t hold out much hope that these reforms will save the day. In a study released last week by the Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP), I used Statistics Canada’s Lifepaths model to project both the current retirement income system
and some more “out of the box” options for meaningful reform. The projections show that about half of middle-income earners over 40 today will see a significant decline in their standard of living post-retirement. This may come as a rude awakening for many. Most pension experts agree with Flaherty when he says: “Canadians are not saving enough for their retirement.” So what’s the solution? All pension reform scenarios put forward so far assume that any new retirement benefits need to be fully pre-funded. This means it would take nearly half a century for any enhanced benefits to be fully phased-in. Such a “modest” halfcentury solution won’t help many Canadians. Clearly, more creative thinking is needed. My new analysis for the IRPP provides detailed estimates for a series of options that effectively
address the retirement income challenges Canada faces today. First, and most importantly, the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) and the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) remain the best vehicles for reforming the retirement income system. If middle-income Canadians want secure and adequate incomes in retirement, voluntary plans won’t do. They will have to force themselves to save more, and we all know this is unlikely to happen. The most efficient and effective way for Canadians to save, by far, is to legislate the necessary earnings-based contributions to a broadly-based public fund; in short the CPP/QPP. If we expand CPP/QPP, then it is important to ensure that the reforms effectively target the problem at hand. Full pre-funding of benefit enhancements has been the universal, though implicit,
assumption in all recent discussions - in order to ensure contribution rates remain stable and hence the long-run solvency of the fund. But full pre-funding is not necessarily the only way to accomplish the twin objectives of plan solvency and rate stability. Increasing the age of pension eligibility, combined with an appropriate increase in the contribution rate to pay for these new benefits, would also produce financial stability. For many Canadians, these contribution rate increases would be smaller than those brought in during the 1990s, which had no obvious adverse effect on Canada’s economy. Increasing the eligibility age to between 68 and 70 (up from 65 today) would be sufficient to maintain financial stability while expanding and phasingin new benefits more rapidly - over 20 years rather than nearly a half cen-
tury. We could increase CPP retirement benefits from 25 to 40 per cent of pre-retirement earnings above $25,550 (half the average wage) and double the range of covered earnings from $51,100 to $102,200 (twice the average wage). It would also be possible within this framework to adjust benefits for lowerincome earners to compensate for their lower than average life expectancy and their shorter time drawing retirement benefits. This would address the greater impact of raising the eligibility age on lower income groups. Trading off a later pension age for enhanced CPP/QPP benefits, phased in over a shorter time horizon, is appealing on many levels. This “grand bargain” would significantly improve retirement incomes, do so sooner, encourage workers to remain in the labour force longer, and pro-
vide greater equity across income groups. Taken together, these changes would reduce by a quarter the proportion of middle-income earners now facing a significant decline in their standard of living post-retirement. These options are probably not “modest” amongst those long opposed to any CPP/QPP expansion, but they illustrate what is possible, and what is needed, if we are to avoid a widespread drop in Canadians’ standards of living postretirement. It’s time that our finance ministers finally and meaningfully to address longstanding pension policy issues. Letting Canadians in on the discussions might be a good place to start. Michael Wolfson is an expert advisor with EvidenceNetwork.ca and holds a Canada Research Chair in population health modeling/populomics at the University of Ottawa. He is a former assistant chief statistician at Statistics Canada, and has a PhD in economics from Cambridge.
Phone: 306-948-3344
Fax: 306-948-2133
Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Monday at the office of publication, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Delta Fay Cruickshank
E-mail: tip@sasktel.net
P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
Record retail sales lead the nation If I could eat ice cream every day without gaining weight, I would. I love ice cream. The above anonymous quote echoes a sentiment shared by many who share a love of the cold treat. It seems that when the mercury rises on the thermometer, ice cream sales also rise but the dairy treat is also tasty on a cold day. There are references to ice cream dating back to the 4th century BC. Nero was reported to have ordered ice cream to be brought back from the mountains and combined it with fruit toppings. However, the cold treat was likely brought from China back to Europe. Today, there are many flavours and kinds of the ice concoction. What is your favourite flavour and what does it say about you? Well, it seems we can’t just enjoy the treat but our choices have to be psychoanalyzed. Here’s what your choices say about you. Vanilla: the most popular flavour. You are colourful, a dramatic risk taker who relies on intuition not logic. You set high goals and push yourself to meet or exceed them.
Butter pecan: You are the perfect worker -devoted, conscientious, respectful and fiscally conservative. You hold high standards for right and wrong and show integrity in all of your actions. Strawberry: This flavour means you are thoughtful and logical weighing each option before making decisions. You are content and effective working behind the scenes and out of the limelight. Mint chocolate chip: You are ambitious and confident yet a bit skeptical about life. You are a realist making plans for the future. Here are some fun facts about ice cream. • The biggest ice cream sundae ever made was 12 feet high. It took 4,667 gallons of ice cream and 7,000 pounds of toppings. • Britain is Europe’s third biggest consumer of ice cream at around eight litres per person whereas Americans consume on average 21 litres. • The ice cream cone is one of the most environmentally friendly forms of packaging. • More ice cream is sold on Sunday than any other day of the week.
• The average number of licks to polish off a single scoop ice cream cone is approximately 50. • An average dairy cow can produce enough milk in her lifetime to make a little over 9,000 gallons of ice cream. • Americans celebrate the victory of WWII with ice cream. In 1946 they ate more than 20 quarts of ice cream per person. • Hawaii has a fruit known as the ice cream bean or the monkey tamarind that actually tastes like vanilla ice cream. • Some of the more unusual flavours of ice cream ever made are avocado, garlic, azuki bean, jalapeno and hot dog. • Chocolate syrup is the favourite topping to put on ice cream. • Ice cream has molecules in it that can defeat the messages in the brain that tell our stomach “OK, you’ve had enough.” Which explains why once you start eating ice cream it is easy to eat the whole container. While I was researching the dairy treat I found out there is actually an ice cream diet designed for weight loss.
Deadline Due to the Sask Day Long Weekend, our ofÚce will not be open on Monday, therefore the deadline for classiÚeds and ad copy will be
Thursday, August 1 at 5:00 p.m.
The Biggar & District Family Centre would like to THANK the following organizations, businesses and individuals for their generous funding, in-kind donations that helped to fund our Parent Support Program for the year of 2012-2013. Community Initiatives Fund, Government off Saskatchewan Biggar & District Donors Choice Redeemer Lutheran Church Biggar Community Foundation F.R.P. Canada St. Gabriel’s Parish Saskatchewan Lotteries Town of Biggar Biggar Central School 2000 Heartland Health Region Biggar & District Ministerial Association Biggar Food for Thought and the Biggar residents, volunteers, instructors and speakers who make our programs possible.
Saskatchewan’s retail sales totaled $1.6 billion in May 2013, the highest ever for the month of May and an increase of five per cent (seasonally adjusted) from the previous month. This is the highest percentage increase in Canada, according to a Statistics Canada report released today. “Saskatchewan’s growing economy, rising consumer confidence and positive job market have contributed to record-level retail sales,” Economy Minister Bill Boyd said. “It’s clear why we’re seeing this increase. Job numbers are up, wages are up, and there’s more money for shoppers to spend which is good news for the province’s retailers.” On a yearly basis, Saskatchewan is up 5.9 per cent (seasonally adjusted) when compared with May of 2012 -- the second highest increase among the provinces. “Saskatchewan’s robust job market will continue to produce significant gains on the retail front,” Boyd said. “This
strong momentum will continue to position our province as a national
economic leader as we move toward the end of 2013.”
Please join us as we celebrate with
Ron and Joyce Massie as they mark their
50th Wedding Anniversary Saturday, August 10 8:00 p.m. Biggar Community Hall
by Bob Mason
The joy of being poor! “Strange is it not, of all the myriad who Before us have passed the doors of darkness through, Not one returned to tell us of the road Which to discover, we must travel too!” Yours Truly’s grammar mebbe sounds kind of good after he has checked it over a few times, but don’t be impressed by it. Heck, Rex Murphy has a pet vocabulary that would soon put everything that YT writes under the table! And don’t think that Rex’s well-chosen words are a first inning stab at describing life either. The above mentioned
thoughts about our existence, were made over a thousand years ago, and as recently as 1700. William Shakespeare wrote “Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow Creeps in this petty pace from day to day And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death” And even Mr. Homer, in the “Iliad” jotted a few lines bewailing our lack of knowledge about the future! As we all know, most of these ancient thoughts were old, even before their time! I suppose someone will argue about me thinking
like this (especially in a capitalistic society), but it seems to me that all sown through history our society has made many of its goals financial ones! I saw an article in the paper not long ago that our income tax worries are the biggest part of our medical troubles at this time of year. Almost all worries cause some kind of trouble, I think. Come to think of it, and far from appearing as some kind of medical authority, when Yours Truly looks back to the 1930’s, he realizes what a relief it was when we didn’t pay taxes! Mebbe the economy didn’t fare so well then, but to many of us (especially rural types) it was also a very sociable time that we will always remember! Heck (again), even our overpaid administrators couldn’t find a way to satisfy our segment of society. We had to rely on ourselves! Somehow, the world powers that run things have decided
that “defense” and “appeasement” are the way to go. Quote a contract, eh?) Love they neighbour, but say in your own back yard! That kind of stuff! Note: It’s a good thing that YT isn’t running things, eh? Because ifhe was, everyone and everything would go broke! After he issued shovels to everyone in the world, he would still be faced with the job of showing them to use them! Mebbe it’s okay to dream about things being “ideal”, but “implementing” a perfect society is something else! Is the attitude of huge nations (still on a war economy) that employ thousands of workers who make bombs, mines and machine guns, really the aim of the people? Can any nation be made to toe the line by force? Must the ants of the world get rid of the grasshoppers? Who expect to be fed, or is “I’ll give you a hand to help yourself!” the way to go? We all know these things, right now, right here in our communities this attitude exists, and it is not up to any world powers to change us, we must do it ourselves! A young fellow named “Yohannes” in a bustedup Dutch town, pointed this out to me years ago. “You can eat a thrownaway crust of bread, but you can’t eat a Sherman Tank!” (some philosophy, eh?). YT has always hoped that Yohannes wasn’t one of the thousands who starved
to death in Holland that year!) Mebbe YT sounds a bit on the side of food producers (as compared to tank producers) but, the most of the iron he eats is in the form of a pill that he takes! Does the owner of a jet plane flying overhead, feel any more fulfilled than the barelegged peasants who stands in a rice paddy? A lot of our main world troubles are caused by the refusal of many of us to either! I think that Aesop (the fable man!) about 600 BC, pointed out that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. So according to YT (who also feels like a slave sometimes) we’ve just got to let the old dog have its head eh? I doubt if any of these fine axioms will be accredited to YT! So here we are, eh? And we can’t really blame the people in charge for not knowing the truths onCoffee Row! Mebbe we’re not as hard done by as we think we are! They don’t seem to be able to accomplish an awful lot of our goals in the halls where world policy is decided, but we can control some of them ourselves, we can set our own personal goals and set our own personal examples. Fortunately (I’ll get the Dickens for writing this!), we do have a great equalizer though! Every now and then we have a “Depression”, a time when wealth and fame don’t count and folks get to know each other! YT met a young fellow on the street the other day, who seemed to
think that “The Great Depression” of the 1930’s was ancient history! And mebbe he was right! Except for one thing! History repeats itself, and during a depression, it is not odd to meet an ex-milllionaire in a “Hobo Jungle”! How about this sentiment! “Alas old man, we’re wealthy now! It’s sad beyond a doubt! We cannot dodge prosperity, success has found us out. Your eye is very dull and drear, my brow is creased with care We realize how hard it is to be a millionaire. The burden’s heavy on our backs, you’re thinking of your rent I’m worrying if I’ll invest at five or six per cent. We’ve limousines and marble halls and flunkers by the score We play the part, but say old chap, oh isn’t it a bore? We work like slaves and eat too much, we put on evening dress We’ve everything a man can want (I think) but happiness! So let us sneak away old chum. Forget that we are rich, And earn an honest appetite and scratch an honest itch! We’ll climb the hill and ford the brook and camp upon the moor Old chap let’s make haste I’m mad to taste The joy of being poor!” (People don’t pay much attention to poets, eh? But sometimes in their search for the right rhyming words, they find the right answers too!)
Town of Biggar, Saskatchewan PUBLIC NOTICE Public notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 3.8 of the Town’s Zoning Bylaw No. 01-362 that the Council of the Town of Biggar will be considering an Application for Development Permit for a discretionary use in the Town’s UH-1 - Urban Holding District at the August 6, 2013 regular meeting of Council. The discretionary use is for a residential dwelling to be constructed and the land affected is NE 7-35-14-W3. Further information about the Development Permit Application and the requirements of the Town’s Zoning Bylaw can be obtained at the Biggar Town OfÀce, 202 - 3rd Avenue West. Written comments with respect to the Development Permit Application will be accepted by the Town until 12:00 noon on Tuesday, August 6th, 2013. Barb Barteski Chief Administrative OfÀcer
Barracuda Swim Club meet results Regina Meet results June 22 7-8 Boys Silver - Hayden McMahon. 15-17 Girls Gold - Bailey Seidl. Casey Ives; 38.65, 25 Fly, DQ; 39.22, 25 Breast, 14th, 59.62, 50 Free, 15th; 31.12, 25 Back, 11th; 27.04, 25 Free, 15th. Rayel Martin; 3:01.65, 200 Free, 7th; 41.86, 50 Fly, 5th; 1:21.22, 100 Free, 8th; 1:30.71, 100 Back, 3rd; 1:32.90, 100 IM, 8th. Hayden McMahon; 29.61, 25 Fly, 1st; 33.40, 25 Breast, 2nd; 55.26, 50 Free, 2nd; 30.00, 25 Back, 3rd; 2:19.93, 100 IM, 1st. Tayler Sawrenko; 3:13.88, 200 Free, 9th; 37.44, 50 Fly, 2nd; 1:46.84, 100
Breast, DQ; 36.39, 50 Free, 9th; 1:35.41, 100 IM, 10th. Bailey Seidl; 2:44.87, 200 Free, 2nd; 34.24, 50 Fly, 1st; 1:23.14, 100 Back, 1st; 1:22.69, 100 Fly, 1st; 1:21.65, 100 IM, 1st. Watrous meet results, July 7 7-8 Boys Silver - Hayden McMahon Cody Doering; 1:28.15, 50 Free, 9th; 39.72, 25 Back, 7th; 33.87, 25 Free, 9th. Madeline Ellard; 28.01, 25 Fly, 11th; 52.31, 50 Free, 8th; 1:02.78, 50 Back, 6th; 23.04, 25 Free, 11th; 2:18.00, 100 IM, DQ. Savana Ellis, 3:21.18, 200 Free, 3rd; 19.73, 25 Fly, 2nd; 1:55.41, 100 Breast,
5th; 1:45.59, 100 Back, 3rd; 38.31, 50 Free, 4th; 1:44.73, 100 IM, 2nd. Raeann Gidluck; 26.70, 25 Fly, 9th; 53.19, 50 Free, 10th; 1:11.10, 50 Back, 10th; 22.51, 25 Free, 9th; 2:32.99, 100 Im, 7th. Tara Gidluck; 43.23, 25 Fly, 6th; 42.27, 25 Breast, 5th; 1:02.75, 50 Free, 6th; 33.25, 25 Back, 7th; 27.17, 25 Free, 5th; 2:59.08, 100 IM, DQ. Casey Ives; 33.61, 25 Fly, DQ; 123.03, 50 Breast, DQ; 1:06.04, 50 Free, 6th; 1:17.21, 50 Back, 5th; 2 6 . 2 5 , 2 5 Fr e e, 6 t h ; 2:42.78, 100 IM, DQ. Kelley Knox; 16.90, 25 Fly, 1st; 39.60, 50 Fly, 1st; 1:44.75, 100 Breast,
Diamond Lodge News Hello everyone! What a beautiful week we have had. This week at the Lodge we did a few things that were out of the ordinary. Our tables are brightly colored with lilies from numerous gardens. Monday started out with exercises and in the afternoon was Bean Bag Toss. Tuesday was current events. Jeopardy was played later that day. The theme was all about summer and sports. It was a very sporty day on Wednesday. We had T-ball in the morning. Old baseball songs were played in the background and residents were able to catch those pop fly balls. The afternoon was curling. After curling a few residents went outside to pick raspberries. The residents got to eat some berries and they also decided that they wanted homemade jam. So Thursday the residents got to help make strawberry/raspberry Jam. The smell was very fruity. We also had rhubarb picked so some of the ladies cut up rhubarb so in the future we can bake with it. Bingo was the afternoon program. After bingo everyone got to enjoy fresh jam and homemade bread that the kitchen made. Everyone said it was delicious. Friday we had Barbecue Club except there were no hot dogs and burgers this week. Instead we ordered fried chicken, fries, potato salad and of course watermelon for dessert. It was a nice treat. Happy Hour was on at 2:30. Saturday was Home Sweet Home Bingo and
a movie. Sunday was spa day and church. Have a good August
long weekend everyone and talk to you next week.
4th; 1:22.72, 100 Free, 2nd; 35.16, 50 Free, 2nd; 1:34.55, 100 IM, 1st. Tessa L’Hoir; 20.40, 25 Fly, 4th; 2:12.11, 100 Breast, 6th; 1:52.32, 100 Free, 6th; 1:52.32, 100 Free, 6th; 2:15.81, 100 Back, 4th; 46.13, 50 Free, 5th; 2:06.33, 100 IM, 3rd. Rayel Martin; 18.12, 25 Fly, 4th; 40.34, 50 Fly, 2nd; 1:22.72, 100 Free, 3rd; 1:30.18, 100 Back, 1st; 37.56, 50 Free, 5th; 3:23.70, 50 Free, 5th; 3:23.70, 200 IM, 5th. Hayden McMahon; 29.97, 25 Fly, 3rd; 30.92, 25 Breast, 1st; 51.95, 50 Free, 2nd, 27.06, 25 Back,
1st, 23.01, 25 Free, 2nd; 2:21.84, 100 IM, DQ. Tayler Sawrenko; 16.13, 25 Fly, 1st; 1:31.58, 100
Fly, 1st; 1:25.32, 100 Free, 6th; 1:35.18, 100 Back, 4th;37.07, 50 Free, 4th; 3:23.52, 200 IM, 4th.
Seniors! FOR
Deal of the week…
Due to the Sask Day Long Weekend, our ofÚce will not be open on Monday, therefore the deadline for classiÚeds and ad copy will be
Brand new bungalow style townhouse FOR RENT, built just for seniors!
Thursday, August 1 at 5:00 p.m.
311 and 313 - 2nd Ave. West, Biggar • 920 sq. ft. two bedroom, one bathroom, garage and full basement. • Looking for 5-year leases. • No condo fess… I will shovel your snow, cut your grass and pay the taxes! • $1,350 per month, paid in full when signing the lease. • Will consider land or your house on trade.
Call 306-221-6888, Dave Phillips TOWN OF BIGGAR, Saskatchewan
LANDFILL FEES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 2013 PLEASE NOTE: • Due to recent changes to the rules and regulations for operating a landfill, the Town of Biggar will now begin to charge tipping fees to dispose of waster. • Tipping charges apply to all waste except for compost, branches and clean dirt. • Tipping charges apply to any mixed loads. • Anyone entering the landfill must pay these fees or will be refused dumping privileges. • The following fees are subject to change.
TIPPING CHARGES FOR EACH LOAD Compost, branches or clean dirt All vehicles up to a 1/2-ton truck Single Axle Trailer Tandem Axle trailer 1-ton truck 3-ton truck Tandem truck Semi-truck/Dump trucks and all others ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR EACH ITEM Deep freezers, fridges, AC units with Freon LANDFILLL HOURS: Summer (April 16 - September 30) Monday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Wednesday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Friday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
215 Main St., Biggar
CHARGE No Charge $10.00 $10.00 $20.00 $20.00 $40.00 $60.00 $80.00 CHARGE $25.00
Winter (October 1 - April 15) Monday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Wednesday 10:00 a.m.. - 5:00 p.m. Friday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. … Effective August 1, 2013
My thinking on the depopulation of rural Canada
by Calvin Daniels
Recently I had a couple of experiences which really focused my thinking on the depopulation of rural Canada. The first was a short fishing trip out to the old Togo Bridge. The fishing was slow so we toured toward the new Togo Bridge which took us through what remains of Togo. There are a few homes, a hotel, a rink still stands, and that’s about it, except for a series of boarded up storefronts which told the story that at one point in the not so distant past Togo was a bustling rural
community. While it is now something of a skeleton of what it once was, I was left to wonder if there was any hope for its future. On the way to the second fishing hole we passed a new housing development on the hill overlooking the Assiniboine River. It’s not lakefront by a few hundred yards, but it is secluded and more connected to nature than any street in a city. But I wonder if such developments, which pop up all over the place these days — there is a sign
for acreages just west of Highway #9 north of Yorkton, and another one west toward Willowbrook — are particularly more rustic, or away from it all than would living in Togo? The next trip was out to cover the 100th anniversary of the Village of Rhein. Again it is a community with a thriving past. A walk through the photo displays at the local senior centre showed that. So did talking to those gathered. They spoke of a community which at one time numbered 500. There were grain elevators, machinery dealerships, grocery and hardware stores and a school. All are gone now. With each closure, elevator, store, school, a community dies a little more. It is a death which has been repeated over and over across Canada, and actually across dryland farming areas around the world. Anyone with a farming
Your Full Service Provider Crop Inputs Fertilizer
Grain Merchants Currently Buying for Saskatoon and Hamlin Elevators
Call: 306-948-1990
tie can speak to the disappearance of rural communities. When I was pre-school age mail came to us at Clashmoor. There was a store, elevator, post office stop, homes. Today the rail line is even gone. Not a single building, even a dilapidated pile of boards, exists. The village site is now farmland with nothing to mark it was once home to a community. Our next address was Eldersley, a community that had two grain elevators, a fire hall, two grocery stores, a community hall, curling rink and a school. I never attended the school though. It was announced to close the year
I started and my parents opted to send me directly to Tisdale rather than having to change schools after only one year. The school gone, the grocery stores followed, the curling rink closed from lack of interest, the grain elevators gone in the move to inland terminals. Another village all but a memory. And that brings us back to Rhein. While it was nostalgic to attend the anniversary, it was a nostalgia tinged by the reality that the village has little hope of existing to mark another 100 years. As one participant said, he doubted 40. He was probably right.
I recognize rural depopulation is a trend started at the end of the First World War, and the likelihood of that changing is nil. But that said, I am left with the feeling that each time a small rural community disappears from maps the larger community of province and country are a bit worse off for the loss. The Rheins, Togos, Eldersleys and Clashmoors of this country had a sense of community, togetherness, of making the most of what exists at hand which frankly does not translate to larger communities, and therein is the sadness of continued change.
Crop report for the period July 16 to 22 Warm weather continues to help advance crop development. Saskatchewan livestock producers have 69 per cent of the 2013 hay crop cut and 43 per cent baled or put into silage, according to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s weekly Crop Report. Rain showers and high humidity has slowed hay progress and decreased hay quality in some areas. Seventy-four per cent of the provincial hay crop is rated as good in quality. Hay yields are slightly above the five-year average (2008-2012). The estimated average hay yields on dry land are reported as 1.5 tons per acre for alfalfa and alfalfa/brome hay, 1.3 tons per acre for other tame hay, 1 ton per acre for wild hay and 2 tons per acre for greenfeed. On irrigated land, the estimated average hay yields are 2.5 tons per acre for alfalfa and alfalfa/ brome hay, 2.2 tons per acre for other tame hay, one ton per acre for wild hay and four tons per acre for greenfeed. The majority of crops are in good to excellent condition. Eighty-seven per cent of spring wheat, 82 per cent of canola, 80 per cent of lentils and 89 per cent of peas are in good to excellent condition. Most parts of the
province received varying amounts of rain last week ranging from trace to 91 mm. Flooding, hail, wind and insects caused the majority of crop damage. Across the province, topsoil moisture on cropland is rated as 12 per cent surplus, 80 per cent adequate and eight per cent short. Hay land and pasture topsoil moisture is rated as nine per cent surplus, 82 per cent adequate, eight per cent short and one per cent very short. Farmers are busy haying and controlling insects and crop disease. We s t - C e n t r a l Saskatchewan (Crop Districts 6B - Hanley, Outlook, Loreburn, Saskatoon and Arelee areas; Crop District 7 Rosetown, Kindersley, Eston, Major, Kerrobert, Macklin, Wilkie and Biggar areas) Most areas of the region recorded rainfall this week. Crop reporters have indicated conditions were getting quite dry, so the recent rain has been quite helpful to advance crops and keep pastures green. Some areas are still in need of some moisture, particularly in crop districts 7A and 7B. Rainfall reported in the past week ranged from trace to 42 mm (Major area). The Major area has recorded the highest amount of cumulative
rain since April 1, 2013, at 279 mm. Topsoil moisture conditions are rated as three per cent surplus, 73 per cent adequate and 24 per cent short on cropland. Hay land and pasture topsoil moisture conditions are rated as four per cent surplus, 72 per cent adequate and 24 per cent short. Crop district 7B is reporting 40 per cent short of topsoil moisture on hay and cropland. Haying operations have progressed quickly for the most part. Rain showers and heavy dew in the mornings have slowed progress in some areas. Livestock producers have 79 per cent of the hay crop cut and 55 per cent baled or put into silage. Hay quality is rated as 18 per cent excellent, 75 per cent good and seven per cent fair. Very little crop damage was reported in the region. Disease, insects and hail have caused some crop damage in areas. Producers are busy haying, controlling disease and hauling grain. One year ago Seventy-nine per cent of the 2012 provincial hay crop was cut and 61 per cent was baled or put into silage. Warm weather was helping to quickly advance crops.
Loerzel Reunion 2013
Kicking up dust . . . Jenna Boisvert’s horse kick up some dust as she guides him around the barrel during the Tuesday evening event held in the Biggar Rec Valley. (Submitted photo)
You’re never too young . . . This pee wee barrel racer takes a turn at learning the sport of barrel racing. (Submitted Goin’ round the barrel . . . Makenzie Oesch participates in the youth barrel racing on July 23 in the Biggar Rec Valley. (Submitted photo)
held July 23, 2013 at Springwater Hall, Springwater, Sask. For year ended January 31, 2013 Total Sales…$9,394,769 Net Savings… $832.909
EQUITY ALLOCATION ON 2012 MEMBER PURCHASES… 7% BULK PETROLEUM AND CARDLOCK 4% AG EQUIPMENT 5% AGRO AND OTHER Equity statements will be mailed by the end of August. Cash payments are made in December
Summary of last year’s payments: December 17 ...............................................$336,112 Other times ................................................$ 63,361 Total paid out in 2012 ................................$399,473
In the last six years, Duperow Co-op has paid out
to its community and members - Board of Directors Rob Hammond, President Collin Gabriel, Vice-President Allen Barber
Dwayne Zagoruy, Secretary Don Morton Wes Goring
Our second reunion took us back to Handel again after months of preparing for Jackfish Lodge. We missed the Frank Roesch and Phillip Loerzel families that could not attend. We only had 65 attending, but we did a lot of visiting. We got off to a late start but our Master of Ceremonies got us back on track by lunch. We started with registration, family pictures, tr prayer led by Lynda Kral p with a great lunch prew pared by the Perlingers. p Bill then introduced the B families from Minnesota, fa USA; Eno, Toronto, WinU nipeg and Edmonton. n Soon we were into our Power Point 2013 and P then replayed our 2008 th for all that were interestfo ing. Terry and Trudy Loin erzel did our Silent Aucer tion throughout the day. ti The children had great T fun playing ball and usfu ing Heintz-Germshied in Zip-line. Then Memory Lane, which was setup and done by Irene and Keith McKinnon,
was done by our MC with great tribute to our loved ones that passed away within the last five years, since our last reunion. Supper was done again by the Perlingers with prayer again by Lynda Kral, soon we said our goodbyes. Next day saw 25 of us back to attend Mass at Handel and brunch at the Hall catered again by the Perlingers. Our next reunion was taken over by Georgina George from Toronto. She assures ust that it will be somewhere south and in the winter. See you there!
Early Deadline
Due to the Sask Day Long Weekend, our ofÚce will not be open on Monday, therefore the deadline for classiÚeds and ad copy will be
Thursday, August 1 at 5:00 p.m.
2003 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP, red, 151,703km, StkR4964 ..........................................................$ 7,995 2004 GMC Envoy SLE, 4x4, black, 95,603km, StkT13416B ......................................................$10,900 2004 GMC ¾ Ext, 4x4, 6.6T, silver, 210,001km, S tkR4925 ............................................................$18,900 2005 Dodge Ram 3500 crew SLT, black, 180,383km, StkR4965 ..........................................................$20,900 2006 Ford F-350 Superduty Lariat, black, 134,703km, StkT13298B ......................................................$23,900 2006 Volkswagon Golf, TDI, diesel, silver, 142,740km, StkR4922 ..........................................................$12,900 2006 GMC Yukon, 8 pass, carbon metallic, 164,960km, StkT13487B ..............................$16,900 2007 Ford F-150 XLT crew, blue, 96,304km, StkT13300A ...............................................$19,900 LD SO 2007 Chev Trailblazer. SS, AWD, black, 103,005km, StkT13490AA ................................$23,900 D 2007 Chev Silverado ½ ton, 2 wheel, black, SktT13362A .............................$ 7,900 SOL110,230km, 2007 Chev Silverado ¾ Crew 6.6T, blue, 180,820km, SktT13523A .................................$29,900 2008 GMC 3500 1-ton reg cab/chassis, blue, 126,740km, StkT13427A ............................$25,900 2008 Chev Trailblazer LT 4x4, white, 175,920km, StkT13394A ......................................$12,900 2008 GMC ½ crew Denali, black, 173,363km, StkT13406A .............................................$28,900 2008 GMC SL ¾ reg. cab, 6.6T, white, 158,883km, StkT13527A ....................................$18,900 2008 Hyundai Tucson GLS, black, 62,000km, StkBB0197B ............................................$13,900 2008 Chev HHR, sunburst orange, 111,124km, StkR4959 ................................................$ 9,900 2008 GMC SLT ¾ crew 6.6T, deep blue, 108,728km, StkT13234A ..................................$34,900 2009 Pontiac G6, V6 sedan, white, 107,769km, SOLDStkT13236A ....................................... $11,900 2009 Pontiac Torrent AWD, black carbon, 20,140km, StkT1351A. ............................. $18,900 2010 Chev Malibu LS, silver, 54,331km, StkR4953A .................................................... $13,900 2010 Chev Silverado ½ ext, gray, 59,167km, StkT1401A ............................................. $24,900 2010 Chev Camero 2ss coupe, black, 57,122km, StkC1329A................................................................$31,900 2010 Chev Silverado ½ crew Cheyenne Editon, 157,021km, StkT13264BB............................................................$16,804 2010 Chev Silverado, one ton dually, white, 211,266km, SktT13505A..............................................................$34,900 2009 Buick Enclave CX 2011 GMC SLE, ¾ Crew, 4x4. silver, 139,891km, AWD, White Diamond, StkT13509A..............................................................$35,900 62,911km, StkT13456A
If we don’t have the vehicle you want, we will FIND one for YOU!
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1.877.979.7999 www.rosetownmainline.net
planting, pruning & puttering . . . planting by Delta Fay Cruickshank of The Independent
What do we here in Biggar have in common with Turkey? Maybe several things, but one thing I know for sure is hollyhocks! Yep, believe it or not, right here in the frozen hinterland we can grow hollyhocks and they originate from Turkey! The hollyhock belongs to the Althea genus and the Mallow family. It’s kin would be cotton, marsh-mallow (yes, the first marshmallow was made from a plant!), okra, hibiscus and Rose of Sharon! The seeds from this plant were said to have come home to the British islands with survivors of the Crusades. The name ‘hollyhock’ may be from joining two words together, holy and hoc . . . hoc being an AngloSaxon word for mallow, and holy because it came from the ‘Holy Lands’. The genus name, Althea, is a Greek word meaning ‘to cure’. The healing powers of hollyhock are legendary! This plant is used to treat inflammation of the mucous membranes. Like its relatives okra, it has abundant mucilage (that sort of slimy, sticky juice). This juice is said to be very soothing to the throat and intestinal tract. Compresses of the leaves were used to treat cuts and bruises. In the 15th Century it was thought to cure burns, coughs, cramps, kidney and bladder problems, shortness of breath, convulsions, wounds and more. The fibre from the stems was used for cloth and the flowers were used for dyes. The remains of these most useful plants have even been found in an archeological dig buried with a Neanderthal man! The larvae of the Painted Lady butterfly can make a red hollyhock its home. Destroying the larvae thinking they are a pest would be sad, no beautiful butterflies!
An old-fashioned biennial, the hollyhock is often associated with images of quaint English country cottage gardens. Host plant for the Painted Lady butterfly and a most useful herb originating from Turkey, these hollyhock giants stand proud in my vegetable garden. (Photos from google.com/images and by Delta Fay Cruickshank)
When a ‘worm’ appears on any plant, look into what it really is . . . some may soon become butterflies or beneficial moths! Paintings of old fashioned English country cottages and gardens always have hollyhock in them. The gardeners in these cottages likely grew them to be used as a medicine as well as for their beauty. Hollyhock are biennials . . . that is their complete cycle, seed, flower, seed takes two years. I received seeds from a woman in the country who has a
magnificent hollyhock ‘forest’ in front of her home. There was a gorgeous burgundy single flower one that I admired. Out of the goodness of her heart she collected the seeds for me. I planted them in trays, germinated them on top of the fridge, and as the leaves appeared, I gradually moved them out to my little plastic greenhouse. When they were getting pretty large, I planted them in the vegetable garden. The first year they grew quite well, then got rust, a very common disease with hollyhock. Rust starts
Not Everyone Can Do Everything
as little rusty coloured spots, then holes, then the whole leaf turns brown and dries out. I thought my hollyhocks were finished, and was just going to dig them
up and throw them out! But this year, they came up, got huge, some are over seven feet tall, and are thrilling me with deep burgundy flowers! I delight in
showing them to the neighbours! They greet me each time I open the gate to enter the vegetable garden. I hope to see Painted Ladies emerge from them. I may even be able to see a hummingbird! A little rust, but nothing at all to take away from their magnificence! In the fall I will collect their seeds, let some drop to become next years plants. I will keep some seeds in the fridge for the winter and then next spring start some more little plants for another area I have in mind for the hollyhock! A holy herb, a home for baby butterflies, memories of old fashioned cottage gardens, the hollyhock came from Turkey to delight gardeners here at home!
25% off selected summer jackets
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40% off summer tops & tanks
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75% off ‘Teaser’ tanks
Enter our new “TWIN WIN” draw
40% off summer scarves
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75% off
Selected Áip Áops,
‘Tonic’ yoga wear
$1 - $7
Winner of “Guess the Year of the Dress - 1953” draw…Delta Faye Cruikshank
ADVERTISE and let us do the work of bringing business to you
Biggar Independent 306-948-3344
Sat., Sun., Mon., Aug. 3-5 for Saskatchewan Day Long Weekend.
Store hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 216 Main Street • Biggar • 306-948-4855
Wilkie woman celebrated 95th birthday On Saturday July 13, 2013 Eva Perlinger celebrated her 95th birthday. Eva spent the day at the family farm near Handel surrounded by family and friends. There were about 100 people present for the event. Friday July 19 a second birthday party was held in Eva’s honor at Bethany Assisted Living in Wilkie where Eva resides. Dwight Hemmerling and friends entertained the crowd and the afternoon finished with a cake and ice cream.
L to R: Clarence Perlinger, Victor Perlinger, Sharlene Kerekes, Gloria Dey, Delores Perlinger, Wilfred Perlinger. Seated: Eva Perlinger
Randy We eekes, MLA Biggar Co onstituency Office 10 06 - 3rd Ave. West, Bo ox 1413, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Find Randy on
Toll oll Fre ee: e e: 1-877-948-4880 1 877 948-4880 Phon ne: 1-306-948-4880 Faax: 1-306-948-4882
www.randyweekes.ca randyweekes.mla@accesscomm.ca
Early Deadline
Clarence Perlinger, Wilfred Perlinger, Nicole Perlinger, Marie Perlinger. Seated: Eva Perlinger
Due to the Sask Day Long Weekend, our ofÚce will not be open on Monday, therefore the deadline for classiÚeds and ad copy will be
Thursday, August 1 at 5:00 p.m.
Dwight Hemmerling and friends. (Submitted photos)
call: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 email: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca Box 40, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
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SUBSCRIPTION RATES… Pick up… $29.00 + $1.45 gst = $29.45 Inside 40-mile radius/ONLINE $34.00 + $1.70 gst = $35.70 Outside 40-mile radius… $39.00 + $1.95 gst = $40.95
OBITUARIES Margaret Alice Harden (nee Rann) October 8, 1923 - July 29, 2013 It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Margaret. Margaret was born to Joseph and Annie Rann on October 8, 1923 in Biggar, Sask. She was the second youngest child of ¿ve. When Margaret was two years old, Joe and Annie returned to England with their children for a short period of time. When they came back to Canada, they resided in Turtleford, Sask. for several years before returning to Biggar. Margaret spent much of her early adolescence helping her mom and dad behind the counters of the Biggar Bakery. In later years, Margaret met and married Floyd Harden and they were blessed with ¿ve children. In 1995, Floyd passed away and Margaret continued to live in their family home until February 2010, when she became a resident of the Diamond Lodge and continued to reside there until her passing. Left to mourn are her children: Edward (Ted) Harden: Chris, Joe and Erica, Amanda and Kevin Medrid, Donna and Dave Medrid; Ken (Marg) Harden: Chad and Kira, Kevin; Bev (Willie) Rossal: Danielle (Preston) Stobbe, Garnet (Kathrin) Rossal; Gladys (Ed) Relland: April (Ben); Brenda (Perry) McBee: Michaela (Dale) Hoppe, Devon (Samantha) McBee, Tiffani McBee; Sandy (Bob) Stayner: Barbara, Jennifer, Richard; 18 great-grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. Anglican Church Service for Margaret will be held from Redeemer Lutheran Church, Biggar, Sask. on FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 at 1:00 p.m. with Pastor Mark Kleiner of¿ciating. Honourary bearers are all those who shared in Margaret’s life; active bearers are Chad Harden, Kevin Harden, Garnet Rossal, Devon McBee, Chris Harden, Joe Harden, Donald Harden. Interment will be held in Biggar Cemetery following the service. Donations may be directed in Margaret’s memory to the Diamond Lodge Staff Fund, c/o Tanys Anderson, Box 340, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0. Grondin Funeral Services, Biggar entrusted with arrangements, “Our family serving your family for 50 years”, 306-948-2669. gfsc1
CARD OF THANKS Special thanks to the doctors and staff of Diamond Lodge and the Hospital for their kind and excellent care of Margaret during her long illness. Thank you to the pallbearers, organist and choir who shared in Margaret’s farewell. Thank you to all who sent cards, Àowers and donations. …from the family of Margaret Sharp 31c1 Thank you to everyone for attending my bridal shower. The many gifts, entertainment and lunch were fabulous. Thanks to those who organized a great afternoon. Sincerely, Ashley Black 31p1 Thank you to our family and friends who helped us celebrate our 60th Wedding Anniversary. We are truly grateful and had a wonderful time! Keith and Joy Aldridge 31p1 The family of Audrey Mason would like to send a heartfelt thank you to family, friends and neighbours for their support and kind words of comfort, messages of sympathy, Àowers, food, cards, and phone calls, during the passing of our Mom and Grandmother. Also thanks for the many donations to the Wheat¿eld Cemetery in Mom’s memory. A special thank you to Biggar Diamond Lodge staff for the wonderful care during the time Mom was there. She truly enjoyed her stay, getting to know everyone, and taking part in the many activities… it was a very special time in her life. Thanks also to Bob Clothier and staff at Grondin Funeral Services - your compassion and caring was truly amazing, and you made this dif¿cult time much easier. Thanks to Rev. Joan Brown for the wonderful service and comforting words, Cathy Donahue, John Latta and the choir for the beautiful music, usher Larry McLellan, the UCW for providing the great lunch, the Perdue Legion for their assistance (especially Bob and Carol Lemon), and the pallbearers, Bob Mason, Jim Mason, Grant Eaton, Justin Eaton, Jeff Lozinsky, Alex Tkach, for their help and support. We miss Mom very much, but know that she would want us to smile and keep memories of her in our hearts. gfsc1
COMING EVENTS PATRICK MARLEAU/ CANMORE EAGLE’ S SUMMER HOCKEY SCHOOL \endash August 5-9 in Canmore, Alberta. Ages 5-15, 2 on-ice sessions daily, off-ice training, lunch, video and camp jersey. $450. Details at www.canmoreeagles. ca FRIDAY, AUGUST 9: Hamburger/Smokie Sale, 11:30 - 1:30 at Biggar Museum & Gallery. Cheeseburger $4.50, plain burger $4.00, and smokies $4.00. 30c3 SUNDAY, AUGUST 11: 7 p.m., Leney Cemetery 75th Annual Memorial Service, Marj Pettinger (nee Whit¿eld), minister. Bring your lawn chair and a friend. If the weather is bad, it will be held in the Perdue United Church. 30c3
SUNDAY, AUGUST 18: Gospel Brunch featuring the Copper Creek Gospel Band at Harris Seniors Hall, Harris, Sask. Music and food from 10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Large 16 item menu plus drinks and condiments. Adults, $17.50; 6-12, $12; 5 years and under, $5. Please advance purchase if possible, walk-ins welcome. Catering by Pat Trask, 306-656-4722. 31c3
SATURDAY, AUGUST 3: You are invited to a Come and Go Tea celebrating Neil Millard’s 75th Birthday, 2 - 4 p.m., Asquith Seniors Hall, Asquith, Sask. Everyone welcome! Your presence is your gift! 26p6
DISCONNECTED PHONE? ChoiceTel Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call ChoiceTel Today! 1-888-333-1405.
COMING EVENTS SUNDAYS in August: Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans will be worshipping at Redeemer Lutheran Church at 10:30 a.m. For pastoral services or information, please contact Pastor Mark Kleiner at 306-9517122 or leave a message at the of¿ce, 306-948-3731. 48/10tfn SUNDAYS… You are invited to the weekly services of Biggar Associated Gospel Church, corner Quebec St. and 8th Ave. West. Worship Service at 10:50 a.m. Everyone is welcome to join us. Contact our church of¿ce 306-948-3424, Tuesday through Thursday. 36tfn SUNDAYS, JULY 28 and AUGUST 4: There will be NO worship services held at Biggar United Church for these two Sundays only. 28c3 SUNDAY, AUGUST 4: Pancake Breakfast, 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at Biggar Museum & Gallery. Everyone welcome! Adults $6.00, 6 & under $3.00 30c2
Big sister Katie is proud to announce the birth of her baby brother,
Jase Travis born July 3, 2013 at 2:47 p.m. weighing 8 lbs. 11.5 oz. and 19.5 inches long. Proud parents are Travis and Stacey Kolenosky of Landis, Sask; grandparents, Barb Domes and the late Don Domes of Biggar, Sask; Barb Kolenosky of Landis, Sask, Ed and Ellen Kolenosky of Biggar, Sask; great-grandparents, George and Martha Domes and Helen Lovenuk all of Biggar, Sask.
Families, clubs, churches and businesses are invited to do a Heritage Page to be on permanent display at Biggar Museum. Share your history! For more information call 9483451 or visit museum 1 - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. 7tfn This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. tfn Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our web site at www.swna.com. tfn
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MARGARET SHARP ESTATE Phone: 306-951-7271 or 306-948-5371 FOR SALE… • Lawn Vacuum, large wheels (Billy Goat) • Snow Blower ( 1 HC), 22” dual stage • Acetylene welder with tanks and hose • Mitre Saw (Makita) heavy duty • Large 2-piece tool centre • Welder, electric (Forney) • Pess, 10 ton, needs jack • 1998 Chrysler Intrepid • Air Compressor with hose (Sanborn), one cylinder dial-o-matic app 10 gal. tank • Air Compressor (Air-O-Matic) app 5 gal. tank • Table Saw (Iron Horse), 110 volt, ¾ hp motor • Router, table mounted • Lawn mower, gas (Troy-Bilt), 6 HRSP 22”
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WANTED Anyone who would like to be a visiting companion to a resident in Diamond Lodge in a program called Communication Companion, please contact Karen at 306-948-3385. 31c1 Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Land¿ll OR contact Quentin Sittler at 306-658-2132 3tfn Main Street Garage Sale is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 306-948-1773 or 306-948-5393. Pickup available. 32tfn Wanted All Wild Fur. Shed antlers and old traps. Call Phil (306) 278-2299 or Bryon (306) 278-7756.
For FAX service, see us at The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar
CARS & TRUCKS 1964 valuable antique car, beige, great condition. Hardly been used. Mileage, only 67,222 miles. Asking price $5,900, negotiable. Call 306-948-2682 31p3 2008 Buick, low miles, a good family car, excellent condition, $16,000 or best offer. 1-306561-8012 31p3 Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514. www.yourapprovedonline.com.
RECREATION 1985 Yamaha Virago, 1,000 cc, new rubber, carbs and forks redone. Phone 306-948-7521. tfn 1985 Honda Goldwing, new rubber, shocks redone this spring, new battery, $3500 obo; phone 306-948-3344 tfn
MACHINERY RUBBER TRACKS mini excavators, tracked loaders, dumpers, trenchers, horizontal drills. Let’s see what we can do! Trackmasters Canada Ltd. 1-866-553-0090. Calgary 403771-6008. Vancouver 604-2182825.
Buying/Selling FEED GRAINS heated / damaged CANOLA/FLAX Top price paid FOB FARM
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Real Estate
LANE REALTY CORP. For the most exposure that you deserve in the marketing of your farm or ranch property. Contact your local agent:
If YOU are… • Moving • Expecting a Baby • Planning a Wedding • Anticipating Retirement Call WELCOME WAGON at 948-2563 - Lisa Haynes We have gifts and information www.welcomewagon.ca
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www.lanerealty.com REAL ESTATE Two serviced lots, side by side in Biggar, 100’x140’, $79,900. Call 717-4681 (cell) 5tfn ONLY A FEW UNITS LEFT! 55 PLUS ADULT COMMUNITY Ground Level Ranchers. www. diamondplace.ca 306 241 0123 Warman, SK
ACREAGE Tim Hammond Realty. Gorgeous 14.17 acre parcel located on the north side of Highway #14 adjacent to the Town of Biggar overlooking Margery Lake/Meadow. The north facing slope provides an extremely scenic location to build your future dream home. All the advantages of country living with the convenience of being seconds away from town. Asking $69,900. Call Time 306948-5052 29c4
LAND for SALE FOR SALE BY TENDER… RM Perdue #346, two quarters fenced pasture, SW-6-36-10W3rd, ext. 1 & 2, 152 acres; SE6-36-10-W3rd, ext. 8, 104 acres with 40 acres cultivated. Creek runs through both quarters. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders close September 1, 2013. Send tenders to: vallee@yourlink. ca or mail to: Tender, Box 21, Kinley, SK, S0K 2E0 30p6
HOUSES for SALE 514-4th Ave. West, Biggar. Bungalow, 5-bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1074 sq ft. Bi-level extensively renovated with large detached 28x30x10 garage. Beautiful yard. One hour commute. $259,900. Call 306-948-3341 31p1 Move in ready house located in Biggar, Sask. House features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a large upgraded kitchen/ dining room. Located on a nicely landscaped corner lot in a friendly neighbourhood with a new fenced yard and a beautiful underground pond. Also includes a garden shed and a new large 2 car detached garage. Serious inquiries call 306-948-2533 (leave a message if no answer). 14tfn HOMES, COTTAGES & More. RTMI - Ready to Move in. Call 1-888-733-1411; rtmihomes. com. Red Tag Sale on now!
HOUSES for RENT Cozy 3 bedroom home with all appliances with garage and very lovely backyard in Biggar. Available August 1, 2013. Phone 306-948-2098 29p3
WELL-PAID/ LOW-STRESS CAREER IN MASSAGE THERAPY No need to relocate! Independent study plus monthly classes in Calgary or Edmonton. Our grads are in great demand throughout the west. Excellent instructors, great results.
$1000 Distance Grant. 1-866-491-0574. www.mhvicarsschool.com
Three bedroom house available, fridge and stove included. Close to downtown and school. For viewing, call 306-948-3674; 306-948-9517. 19tfn
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Fick’s Small Engine is looking for an experienced small engine mechanic. Wages based on experience. Please submit resume to Box 1436, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 or email fse@sasktel. net 30c3 DAY RATE Vac Drivers. Must have all tickets, have knowledge of an oil rig. Also need Class 1 Drivers for vac and water trucks but local work. Must relocate. Class 1 Drivers for gravel trucks and hauling swamp mats also. Bene¿ts after 3 months and competitive wages. Fax to 1-403-845-3903. Attention: Rick.
FOR RENT Charter/ Sherwood Apartments 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins.
Wanted Automotive Technicians for a busy, modern, well equipped Ford Dealership in Kindersley, Sask. Up to $40.00/ hr plus bene¿ts. Mon-Fri work week. Email resume service@ tisdales.com.
For more information call: Karen/Kevin • 948-9115 302 - 8th Ave. W. • Biggar
CAREER OPPORTUNITY Executive Director Prairie Branches Enterprises Inc. www.prairiebranches.ca
Home Office th
104 – 7 Ave W
(Biggar, Wilkie, Unity)
Wilkie Saskatchewan S0K 4W0 T:(306) 843-2088 F:(306) 843-2085
DESCRIPTION As the Executive Director, you are a ‘forward thinking’ leader who reports to a Community Board of Directors, and is focused on the strategic goals of providing individual, group, and residential services and opportunities to over 49 people with special needs in the communities of Wilkie, Biggar and Unity...
Key responsibilities include: • Relationship Building with community, government, participants and staff • Management skills in finance, operations and human relations • Implementation of strategic goals & visions • Providing leadership to over 70 unionized and 14 management staff.
104 – 6th Ave E. Biggar, Sk S0K 0M0 T:(306) 948-3402
‘Become a member of one of the most successful agencies in Saskatchewan’
Unity, Sk T: (306) 843-2088
This position has an excellent opportunity to influence and make a strong contribution to programs and services provided to people living with a disability. In addition to the strong team environment, Prairie Branches provides a comprehensive health and benefit package, competitive salary, and opportunities for learning and development.
Prairie Branches Mission: ‘Every person is entitled to a safe, inclusive environment. We provide individualized services and opportunities to people with special needs’
• • •
Ideally, 3 to 5 years of leadership experience preferably in a not for profit organization and with experience in the health/social services/disability sector An undergraduate degree in leadership, community development, social sciences or equivalent experience, education and/or knowledge Strong experience working with boards of directors Familiarity and desire to work with people with special needs
Competencies • • • •
Leadership Strength Communication Creative Problem Solving Team Oriented
DEADLINE: August 31, 2013
Relationship Management Client Support Focused Project Management Decision-Making
TO APPLY and/or for MORE INFORMATION: Please contact Vicki Towriss at Towriss & Associates Workforce Solutions @ vicki.towriss@gmail.com 306.373-6614
Prairie Malt Limited Prairie Malt Limited is currently recruiting a candidate for a Temporary Full-Time administration, grower sample processing and
is looking to hire immediately
part-time pump attendants and cashiers and one full-time position in the Convenience Store at Perdue, Sask. Contact Jim • 306-237-4639 with your resume and application. Fax: 306-237-4664
Perdue Crafty Critters is now accepting applications for the position of
PRESCHOOL TEACHER We offer a program for 3 and 4 year olds that run on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Program starting in September and runs until the end of May. Times and schedule are subject to change. The preschool is a cooperative and operates under the direction of a board along with strong parental support. Applicant should be enthusiastic, creative, nurturing and be able to plan/incorporate a curriculum. Must have Education Degree or Early Childhood Level 2, First Aid, CPR, and a current criminal record check. Wage to commensurate with education and experience. Must have own transportation as Perdue is located 56km (40 min.) west of Saskatoon on Highway #14. For information, call 306-237-4536. Please submit your resume to perduepreschool@gmail.com
Application deadline August 14, 2013.
PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY at The Biggar Independent for 2 days a week Duties to include… • Addressing the newspaper • Tearsheets • Customer Service Forward resume to… The Biggar Independent P. O. Box 40, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 email: tip@sasktel.net
tracking. The successful applicant must have strong organizational, communication and computer skills. Experience in grain farming, assessing grain quality, and/ or the agriculture Àeld is strongly preferred. Prairie Malt Limited is a growing progressive company, providing excellent compensation for its employees. Applications/Resumes may be submitted in conÀdence to: Prairie Malt Limited P. O. Box 1150 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Fax: 306-948-3969 ATTN: Barley Supply Chain Manager Phone applications will not be accepted. Acknowledgements will be made only to those candidates under consideration. Deadline for Submissions: Wednesday, August 7, 2013.
Great Careers at Moody’s Equipment Moody’s Equipment is a progressive New Holland Agricultural and Construction equipment dealership with locations in Saskatoon, Perdue, Unity, Lloydminster, Kindersley, Calgary, High River, Olds and Edmonton. Since our Àrst dealership in Perdue, Saskatchewan in 1966 we have maintained a high focus on taking care of our customers and our people.
We are currently recruiting for the position of:
Agriculture Parts Person
WE ARE Now hiring
owner-operators Now hiring owner operators to haul grain and fertilizer in Saskatchewan and Alberta. • Steady work with a solid client base. • Must have a clean abstract and experience in the grain hauling industry. We are based out of Perdue, Saskatchewan, so preference will be given to applicants which are close to our main working areas
Please email or contact Troy May at: Phone: 1-306-237-7671 Email: tmay@hotmail.ca
Perdue, Saskatchewan Do you have a passion for customer service, enjoy solving problems, enjoy learning hands on. This is a great opportunity for you. We offer: _ Excellent wages _ Training and Development Programs _ Annual Performance reviews _ Annual Salary review _ Bereavement Pay _ Comprehensive Health BeneÀts Medical Prescription Dental _ Health Travel Insurance _ Group Life Insurance _ Annual Safety Boot Allowance _ Educational Assistance Program _ Company matching Deferred ProÀt Sharing _ RRSP plan _ Three weeks vacation per year Finally, we offer an excellent work environment where you will be challenged, and learn something new every day. Please visit us at www.moodysequipment.com Apply in conÀdence to: careers@moodysequipment.com
NEED A HOME PHONE? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We Can Help. Everyone Approved. Call Today. 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect.
Guide out¿tting opportunity. Learn to guide in the prestigious Eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains. On the job training. Horse experience a huge asset. sean@prophetmuskwa.com (250) 789-9494
Seasonal Maintenance Operator R.M. of Buffalo #409 Wilkie, Saskatchewan The Municipality is accepting applications for a full-time Seasonal Maintenance Operator with duties to commence August 1, 2013 and run until approximately November 1, with possible extension if weather permits. Applicants must possess a valid driver’s license and have he ability to operate a wide range of municipal equipment. Duties will include but not limited to mowing, rock picking, sign maintenance/installation as well as the duties assigned by the Foreman. A beneÀt package is offered. Applications are being accepted immediately and will be accepted until such time as the position has been Àlled. For more information call Les at 306-843-7437 Submit resume and current driver’s abstract by email, mail or fax. Please include references, experience and expected wage to: R.M. of Buffalo #409 P. O. Box 100, Wilkie, SK, S0K 4W0 Fax: 306-843-2455 Email: rmofÀcewilkie@gmail.com We thank all those who apply and advise that only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.
• Esso • Leslie’s Drugstore • Pharmasave • Quick Stop • Super A Foods • Shop Easy Food • Weasie’s Gourmet Blends • Feudal Co-op, Perdue • The Store, Perdue
DEADLINE for August 8 paper due to Saskatchewan Day holiday
Report from the Legislature Randy Weekes, MLA Biggar
Construction Association and other partners have been working diligently to improve safety in work zones following the tragic death last summer of flag person Ashley Richards. With more than $260 million in grading, paving, bridge building and other projects underway this summer, there are some online resources you can use before heading out on the highway. Investing in highways is just one example of how our government is using the benefits of growth to improve the quality of life for all Saskatchewan people. Another way is our continued investment in the Saskatchewan Surgical Initiative (SKSI) to reduce surgical waiting lists. The latest information shows that 78 per cent of patients receive surgery within three months of their consultation with a surgeon and 90 per cent within six months.Thanks
Investing in Highways Keeping you and your family safe while you’re getting from point A to point B this summer is a priority for our government. To that end, we recently announced that photo radar is now being deployed in selected highway work zones. The state-of-the-art cameras will be taking pictures of the licence plates of drivers exceeding the 60 kilometre-an-hour work zone speed limit. The amount of the ticket is based on how fast the vehicle is going. Fines start at $210 and increase by $3 to $6 per kilometre over the speed limit. For example, the driver of a vehicle travelling at 100 km/h would be fined $530. The Ministries of Highways and Justice along with SGI, the RCMP, the Saskatchewan Heavy
to the $70.5 million invested in the SKSI in this year’s provincial budget, 89,000 surgeries will be performed in Saskatchewan this year, an increase of 7,000 over last year. All health regions, except Regina Qu’Appelle, are on track to meet the three-month goal by April 2014. Regina Qu’Appelle is expected to meet the goal by April 2015. While there’s still work to do, our government has made significant progress toward reducing what at one time were the longest surgical wait times in Canada. Saskatchewan’s strong economy shows no signs of slowing down. Retail sales in May totaled $1.6 billion, the highest ever for the month, and an increase of 5 percent from April. That’s the largest percentage increase in Canada. Even more impressive are the latest wholesale trade
numbers. At $2.14 billion in May, wholesale trade figures in Saskatchewan are ten times the national average and our manufacturing sales continue to lead the nation. Shipments totaled $1.29 billion in May, an increase of 16.7 per cent over the same time last year and number one in Canada for yearover-year growth for the second straight month. Our government will continue to take action to
ensure Saskatchewan’s economy remains strong by balancing the challenges of growth with the needs of families. With back to school only six weeks away, Saskatchewan Party MLAs have been spending the summer consulting with constituents in regards to their priorities. That information will be used to chart our government’s course into this fall’s
ADVERTISING is an investment in your business.
Please arrange to pick up your photos that have been submitted for publication.
... thanks, The Independent
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FOR RENT BIGGAR HOUSING AUTHORITY Housing for families and seniors Rent based on income
Call: 306-948-2101
FAX SERVICE at The Independent
$161.20 plus gst…
113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar
306-948-5052 (office) Cell 306-948-7995 Cari McCarty
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Residential Sales
Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for: •Farm •Acreage •Residential • Commercial rd
113 - 3 Ave. W., Biggar
one column x 2 inches for 26-week prepaid commitment (regular price is $19.88 per week = $516.88 plus gst)
Call 306-948-3344
The Mortgage Group License #315872
direct. 306.948.5200 cell. 306.303.9025 toll free phone. 1.877.734.3216 toll free fax. 1.877.734.3219 email. kevin.tmgbroker.com
Licenced for: •Residential
Biggar’s Top Performing Residential Agent This space in this directory is available for only
legislative session and beyond. If you haven’t had a chance to tell your MLA what your priorities are, there’s still time. Stop by the constituency office for a coffee, or give us a call. By working together, we can continue to move Saskatchewan forward. If you have a question about this Legislative Report or any other matter, just contact Randy.
306-948-5052 (office) Cell 306-948-4478 Dave Molberg
www.TimHammond.ca www.FarmsofCanada.com
Exposure, Experience and Effort.
¾ Auto & Home Insurance ¾ Farm & Commercial Insurance ¾ Health & Travel Insurance ¾ Life Insurance & Investments ¾ Farm Succession & Estate Planning ¾ Notary Publics Landis Of¿ce Hours: Biggar Of¿ce Hours…
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wednesday, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
304 Main St., Biggar Phone: 306-948-2204 Toll Free: 1-855-948-2204 Website: www.biggarinsurance.ca Email: biggar@biggarinsurance.ca
100 - 2nd Ave. W., Landis Phone: 306-658-2044 Toll Free: 1-855-658-2044 Website: www.landisinsurance.ca Email: landis@landisinsurance.ca
“We’ll getcha covered”
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation Box 327 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Helping you Help yourself Phone:
306-948-2295 Fax: 306-948-5050 ELECTRICAL
AURORA CONSTRUCTION & HAPPY AMPER SERVICES • Sewer • Water • Power • Drainage • Footings
Electrical Installation & Maintenance
MADGE CONTRACTING LTD. For all your rooÀng needs… ¬New Construction ¬Metal ¬Torch-on ¬Re-roofs ¬Tile ¬Asphalt ¬All repairs ¬Shakes We offer 10 Year Workmanship Warranty and Liability/Torch On Insurance Excellent Local References For a FREE estimate please call… 306-948-5453
• Commercial • Industrial • Residential
Electrical… 306-658-3004 Excavation… 306-951-7667 BIGGAR ELECTRICAL & REFRIGERATION SERVICES Authorized Appliance Depot Electrical Wiring Trenching Licensed Journeyman Adrian de Haan
PHILLIPS ELECTRIC • Residence • Commercial Wiring For free estimates Ph: 306-948-5393
Cell: 306-221-6888
Dion Harrabek 306-948-2657 cell: 306-948-9136 dionh@sasktel.net
For all your home, business and rural needs Owners/Operators • Travis Young • Dallas Young • Claude Young
Biggar, Sask.
306-948-3389 Kirk Ewen
Spray Foam
Biggar Professional Building, 223 Main Street, Biggar
For appointments… 1-855-651-3311
• painting & Ӿnishing • laminate & hardwood ӿoors SORRY, Jim is unable to accept new customers until at least November 2013!
306-948-2805 Cell: 306-948-6062 Email: northland83@yourlink.ca Want to insulate your quonset, farm/commercial buildings, house or cabin? Lower your heating and cooling costs and add strength to your buildings!
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• residential or acreage • FREE estimates and fence designing • full service or premade for the do-it-yourself handyman • tongue and groove style
306-951-7666, Murray; 306-948-2953, Walter (h)
306-948-4565 (c)
Call Jim @ 306-948-3333
NCM Home Maintenance & Bgm^kbhk Zg] >qm^kbhk IZbgmbg`
& AZg]rfZg L^kob\^l & EZ[hnk Abk^ L^kob\^ FREE quotes Prompt Honest Service
Nick Maguire 306-948-3325 (home) 306-948-4558 (cell)
- together with -
Ladies Only
30 min. Circuit Gym
…owned and operated by Brett Barber
Located in the Nova Wood Centre (back entrance) 104 - 6th Ave. E., Biggar
Michelle Spuzak, R.M.T. (NHPC member) Located @ New Beginnings Wellness Centre, 114 - 2nd Ave. W., BIGGAR
In Biggar Every Tuesday.
available to do…
Journeymen Plumber, Gas Fitter, & Electrician on staff
Doctor of Optometry
Build fences and decks For all your fence and deck needs, give me a call…
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Services available…
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New Beginnings Wellness Centre
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Portraits, Family, Weddings & Sports Photography Biggar, Sask.
Dan… 306-281-5090 Chad… 306-280-1524
Wood and Steel Buildings Floor & Trusses
Email: nix1@sasktel.net
(306) 948-3776 cell: (306) 260-6503 Ph:
Weightless Coach Anne G. Livingston 317 Main St., Biggar
Call Making Biggar Smaller!
P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, Sask.
Phone: 306-948-5133
Visit us @ 114- 2nd Ave. W., Biggar Where you can feel right at home!
223 Main Street Biggar
Phone… 306-948-2548 Cell… 306-948-8048
Jacklin Andrews, MSW, Counsellor
Box 580 Biggar, SK SOK OMO
jacklinandrews@ gmail.com
OPEN: Tues.-Fri. • 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Email: ddolack@sasktel.net Website: www.hrblock.ca
BIGGAR DENTAL CLINIC 104 - 6th Ave. East, Biggar, Sask. Southeast entrance of Nova Wood Bldg. Hours… Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Roderick B. Campbell, CMA • Bookkeeping • Tax Returns • Financial Statements
Ph: 306-948-4430 or 306-948-4460 rod.campbell@sasktel.net Box 988, Biggar, SK
3306-948-3408 DR. GLENN RIEKMAN Dentist
115 - 1st Avenue West 1 Rosetown, Sask.
Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. Bonnie L. Reddekopp, JD
302 Main Street, Biggar, SK
Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone:306.882.2123 Emergency (after hours) 306.882.2006 This space in this directory is available for only
$161.20 plus gst… one column x 2 inches for 26-week prepaid commitment (regular price is $19.88 per week = $516.88 plus gst)
• ‘Ideal Protein’ Weight Loss • ‘Slender You’ Figure Salon
• Five Inch Seamless • Fascia
201B-2nd Ave. West
body sculpting, strength training.
Call 306.948.3344
Photos by Jocelyn
Garry A. Faye Chartered Accountant Notary Public
Please arrange to pick up your photos that have been submitted for publication.
.…thanks, The Independent
…serving your community since 1972
Roe & Peszko is a full service law office that practices… ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Criminal Law Commercial Law Real Estate Law Wills and Estate Law and our lawyers, William Roe, Q.C. Jason Peszko Lisa Watson look forward to assisting you and can be contacted at:
306-948-5352 or 306-244-9865 BOOKS Pat Wicks,
Living Books Distributor 205-3rd Ave. East, Biggar Books, gifts, cards. Shop at my home! Call 306-948-3427 for appts.
INVESTMENTS For all your investment needs, Visit…
Wylie Farms Ltd. SEED CLEANING
Dean McCallum, CFP, CIM, FCSI
Lyndsey Sacher
Investment Advisor Credential Securities Inc.
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist, Wealth Consultant Credential Asset Management Inc.
Pamela Eaton Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.
Located at the Biggar & District Credit Union 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK • 306-948-3352 Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc., and mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities Inc. ®Credential is a registered mark owned by Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license.
• Computer Sales • Support and Consultancy • Backup and Disaster Recovery • Email • Wired/Wireless Networking
Canadian Seed Institute Accredited Pedigree, Commercial & Custom Cleaning FULL line of Cleaning Equipment including Gravity Table
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222 Main St., Biggar
306- 948-2807 or 948-5609 948-5394
Tel: 306-986-2600
Plant located 8 miles south of Biggar on Hwy #4, ¼ mile west on Triumph Rd.
Custom Cleaning of H.R.S. & C.P. S. Wheat
Want a truly independent advisor who will find your unique solution? Are you looking for Life, Living Benefits Insurance and/or Investment Strategies? Do you just want to know if your premiums are fair with the right coverage?
Financial Planning Estate Planning Life Insurance 222 Main Street 306 948 5377
info@twhÀnancial.ca www.twhÀnancial.ca
Kevin Kurulak Investment Rep Insurance Broker P. 306 948 5200 F. 306 948 5207 Appointments Preferred
BIGGAR COURIER • Biggar to Saskatoon • Same day Service • Monday to Friday • 24-hour Answering Service
~Brian and Cathy Fick~
Cell: 306-948-7524
701 - 4 Ave. E., Biggar
Tridem & Super B trailers …for bookings contact
Open Monday-Saturday Mike Nahorney, Interprovincial
Service Truck Full Mechanical Service Mon - Fri • 8 a.m.-5 p.m. phone: George
306-948-3376 after hours George: 948-4042 Corner of Main Street & 1st Avenue West, Biggar 1st Ave. West, Biggar
Heavy Duty Journeyman Mechanic
SGI Safety Inspection Auto Repair
100% handwash “Where we do it all for you!!”
306.948.2700 Your Auto Parts and Accessories Dealer
• Detailing • Vortex Spray-In Box Liners • Granitex Baked-on Coatings for Decks and Cement Flooring • Auto Accessories • Trailer Rentals Owned & operated by Kevin Fick
227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar
Open: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. • 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Let Vortex protect your truck and your investment with the Vortex Seamless Sprayed on Liner System Prairieland Collision Rosetown, Sask.
YH Truck, Ag & Auto • Heavy truck parts • Agriculture parts • Automotive parts & accessories www.yhtruckagauto.com
Hwy 14 East, Biggar 306-948-2109
306.237.7671 Troy May, owner/operator Fax: 306.237.TROY email: tmay@hotmail.ca Super B outÀts hauling grain and fertilizer in Alberta and Saskatchewan
Rockin D Trucking & Cattle
• Cattle hauling with 21 ft. gooseneck trailer • round and large square bale hauling with step-deck or highboy semi-trailers • also buying and selling straw and forage • also machinery hauling Home • 306-948-2037 Alex • 306-948-7291 Dan • 306-948-7843 Biggar, Sask.
one column x 2 inches for 26-week prepaid commitment
J. G. Smith
Call 306-948-3344
Phone: 306-948-5600
Biggar Sand & Gravel • trenching • trucking • water & sewer • sand & gravel • excavating Call Colin Graham at 306-948-5455
• Topsoil • Lawn Care • Leveling • Sod • Patio Blocks
“Your complete decal and• Laser signage shop” Engraving • Promotional products (mugs, mousepad, etc)
t Delivery
Ask Abou
Anne G. Livingston
CertiÀed Custom Picture Framer • photographs • paintings • art prints • memorabilia • collages, etc. Call Anne @ 306-948-7274 greengables2@sasktel.net
306-948-3312 sales@gvsigns.ca Your authorized
Panasonic, Samsung, LG, Frigidaire, Shaw, Yamaha Audio Dealer; and Your authorized
SaskTel Mobility and High Speed Internet Dealer
Modern Licenced Abbatoir • custom slaughter, cut and wrapping • sausage making, curing and smoking
• sides of Beef available
Battery Chargers Electric Fencers Repaired/Rebuilt/ Built
Phillips Radio Shop 109 Main St., Biggar
Phone: 306-948-2442 Fax: 306-948-2484
The Country Clipper • All Breed Dog Grooming • Boarding Kennels (Bordetella Mandatory) • Natural health care for pets • Massage “Acupressure”
For appointments and inquiries, call
Place a CLASSIFIED by phone
948-3344 or email
Phone: 306-948-7117 email: chase14welding@sasktel.net A Sign of Qualilty! • Wood, metal, plastic signs • Vehicle & window graphics • Banners, stickers and Magnetic signs
Jerry Muc Phone: 306-948-2958 Fax:
• Snow Removal • Fences …and much more
230 - 1st Ave. W., Biggar
Ph/fax: 306-948-3856 or cell: 306-948-7896
You’re reading this one!
• Driveways • Concrete • Garage Pads • Pruning • Planting
Mon. - Thurs., 7 a.m. - 5 pm. 2 mi. N. on Hwy #4, 2-½ mi. E. on Golf Course Rd.
Light Fabrication Mobile Welding “B” Pressure CertiÀed CWB CertiÀed
Small moves and deliveries with ½ ton truck
306-948-2879, evenings 306-948-7207, daytime Ed Kolenosky
email: northland83@yourlink.ca
This space in this directory is available for only $161.20 plus gst…
(regular price is $19.88 per week = $516.88 plus gst)
Contact: Brad Poletz
Mobile Units Office: 306306-948-2805 48 2805 Cell: 306-948-6062 306-948-6062
Rebel Landscaping
Great for hauling utility tractors, quads, gravel, dirt, snow, trees, turf, garbage, etc.
•Texas Gates •Spray Foam Insulation •Sandblasting & Painting ing in ng ng •Internal Coatingss •Rock Guard Coatings tings
Heavy Truck Repair
KRF Auto Centre
14 ft. x 81 inch dump trailer with two-way tailgate, tarp, two six foot ramps, and two 7000 pound axles.
Cliff Forsyth
Custom Grain Hauling
Toll Free: 866-403-2298
Email: garethmckee@burntorangesolutions.com Website: www.burntorangesolutions.com
Phone: 306-948-5678 403 Main Street, Biggar
Gareth McKee
For all your Cereal and Pulse Cleaning Call: Bill: Dale:
Sewing & Embroidery • Jackets • Windsuits • Shirts • Hunting Gear • Bunnyhugs • Caps • Toques • Bags Check out our new website: classicmakings.ca Judy Judy Kahovec: Kahovec… 882-4313, Cell 306-882-4313, cell831-7935 306-831-7935 Carey Krchov: 882-3213 Carey Krchov…882-3213
306-658-4474, Landis
NEWSSTANDS @ • Esso • Leslie’s Drugstore • Pharmasave • Quick Stop • Super A Foods • Shop Easy Food • Weasie’s Gourmet Blends • Feudal Co-op, Perdue • The Store, Perdue
Chef Dez on cooking
Mastering ribs on the BBQ Everyone, other than vegans and vegetarians, loves a good rack of pork ribs that have been cooked to perfection. The trouble is, how does one achieve this on the BBQ without making them tough and dried out? Unlike the typical grilling of steaks and chops, ribs need low temperatures in a moist environment for a long period of time to become tender and juicy. Outdoor gas grills and charcoal BBQs however never produce moist heat and this is where you, the home Chef, come in. As the ribs are cooking, a wet liquid called a “mopping solution” will need to be applied to the ribs regularly as they cook. I make a simple mopping solution by combining 1/2 cup beer, 1/2 cup vinegar, 4 chopped garlic cloves, a few slices of onion, and a tablespoon of dry meat spice rub. This is enough mopping liquid for two racks of ribs and can be easily applied with a basting brush. You will be cooking the ribs over indirect heat, so purchase only enough racks of ribs that will fit on your grill/BBQ in this manner. Indirect heat means that there will be a heat source not directly under where the ribs will be. On a gas grill this would be achieved by having the lid down and keeping one or more burners on, but placing the ribs over the one or more burners that will stay off. On a charcoal grill this would mean using a heat deflector. Decide on a good dry meat rub (spice mix) or make one yourself - there are tons of recipes available online. Coat both sides of your racks of ribs with this spice rub. Preheat your grill/BBQ to approximately 275 to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. You are going to need to be able to maintain this temperature for 3 to 3.5 hours with the lid down. Firstly place the spice coated ribs bone side down and cook indirectly for 1/2 hour. Lift
the lid and “mop” the tops of the ribs, then close the lid and cook for another half hour before mopping again. Basically you are going to generously mop the ribs at the following times: 1/2 hour, 1 hour, 1.5 hours, 2 hours, and 2.5 hours, cooking with the lid closed in between these times and maintaining the suggested temperature. Once you hit the 3 hour mark, lift the lid and coat the tops with your favorite sauce. Close the lid and cook for 10 minutes, then sauce again, cook another 10 minutes, sauce once more, and then a final 10 more minutes. Carefully remove the cooked tender ribs and let them sit for 5 to 10 minutes before serving. These cooked ribs won’t be as tender and delicate as ribs that are braised in liquid in the oven, but they will definitely have more “flame licked” taste. Charcoal grills are great for adding real BBQ flavor, while gas grills tend to be lacking in this department. Buying a
smoker box designed for your gas grill with soaked wood smoking chips will help to improve this. I recommend soaking your wood chips for at least 1 hour before draining and using. Smoker boxes and wood chips can usually be found at local department stores, hardware stores, BBQ shops, or gourmet food stores. I have even seen them offered at some butcher shops. The cooking times and temperatures mentioned in this column are approximate and will depend upon the quality of grill or BBQ you are using and the accuracy of your grill thermometer. What you are trying to achieve is a slow cooked internal meat temperature of 190 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit before resting and serving. A good instant read thermometer will help you accomplish this. Digital ones are easier to read and thus a good quality one will be worth the investment for many recipes in the future. Happy cooking!
Biggar Barrucada Swim Club Nipawin Invitational July 6 meet results 11-12 Girls Silver Savana Ellis. 15-17 Girls Silver - Kelley Knox. 13-14 Girls Silver - Rayel Martin. 7-8 Boys Gold - Hayden McMahon. Cody Doering; 42.02, 25 Back, 6th; 46.71; 25 Free, 7th. Savana Ellis; 46.91, 50 Fly; 1st; 1:55.02, 100 Breast, 1st; 1:35.27, 100 Free, 2nd; 1:49.47, 100 Back, DQ; 42.30, 50 Free, 2nd. Raeann Gidluck; 1:12.39, 50 Breast, 11th; 2:04.63, 100 Free, 6th; 1:20.46, 50 Back, 10th; 1:03.22, 50 Free, 12th; 1:03.22, 50 Free, 12th; 2:48.04, 100 IM, 10th. Tara Gidluck; 39.08, 25 Fly, DQ; 42.93, 25 Breast, 4th; 1:04.38, 50 Free, 4th; 33.94, 25 Back, 5th; 30.33, 25 Free, 6th. Casey Ives; 1:23.51, 50 Fly, DQ; 2:24.39, 100 Free, 5th; 1:14.25, 50 Back, 7th; 1:04.54, 50 Free, 6th; 2:52.35, 100 IM, DQ. Kelley Knox; 1:36.15, 100 Fly, 2nd; 1:41.69,
100 Breast, 2nd; 1:37.39, 100 Back; 1st; 35.58, 50 Free, 1st; 3:32.59, 200 IM, 2nd. Rayel Martin; 3:02.21, 200 Free, 200 Free, 2nd; 1:40.67, 100 Fly, 2nd; 1:24.36, 100 Free, 2nd;
1:36.70, 100 Back, 1st; 39.37, 50 Free, 3rd. Hayden McMahon; 31.31, 25 Fly, 2nd; 31.66, 25 Breast, 1st; 27.20, 25 Back, 1st; 22.56, 25 Free, 1st; 2:20.73, 100 IM, 1st.
Thursday, August 1 at 5:00 p.m.
Leney Cemetery 75th Annual
Memorial Service Sunday, August 11, 7 p.m.
Minister: Marj Pettinger (nee Whitfield)
Bring your lawn chair and a friend! (If the weather is bad it will be held in the Perdue United Church
1997 F-800, Window Screen Safety With the warm weather, windows are frequently opened to let in cooling breezes and fresh air. If you have young children in the home extra precautions are needed near open windows. Screens are designed to allow ventilation and keep bugs out, but aren’t a safety barrier. Children love to explore. They can easily fall through an open window or screened one that catches their attention. Open windows out of their reach. Move furniture that can be climbed on away from windows. Keep a close watch on young children when playing around patio doors.
For toll-free health information 24 hours a day. Deaf and Hard of Hearing clients of Healthline can call the TTY line at 1-888-425-4444. Smokers Helpline 1-877-513-5333 or www.smokefree.ca Questions about Medication? Call 1-800-665-DRUG (3784). Ask questions online www.usask.ca/druginfo Mental Health & Addictions Centralized Intake Line 1-866-268-9139 Monday to Friday 8:00 am—4:30 pm
Heartland Health Region www.hrha.sk.ca
8.3 Cummins, auto, air ride, deck, only 99,000 km, very good
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2004 Mercury Grand Marguis LS, only 96,000km, local, very good, taxes paid ................................................... $10,900 2004 Freightliner M2 C7 Cat, auto, 24’ van/w power tailgate, 280km, very good ................................................... $29,900 2002 Mercury Grand Marquis, 230,000km, taxes paid............... $4,900 2002 F-350 Crew Cab, 7.3 auto, 4x4, dually, 170,000km with deck .... ............... ..........................................COMING IN! 1997 Ford Supercab, 4.6 auto, local trade ......................................... $ 2,750 1997 Freightliner FL 112, Cummins 10 spd, A/R, SK Safety, c/w new 20’ CIM BHT ........................................................$39,900
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