Vol. 104 No. 02
Box 40, 102 3rd Ave West, Biggar, Saskatchewan S0K 0M0
email: tip@sasktel.net
Phone: 306-948-3344
20 pages
Friends of the Lodge reorganizes into new foundation They are the same group with the same goals. The Friends of the Lodge Committee has been formally restructured as of January 1 as the Biggar and District Health Services Foundation Inc. (BDHSF). The new foundation will ensure ongoing commitment to health services in Biggar and area, and will continue to help fund other essential health services in the future after the construction of the new long-term care facility. BDHSF has been granted charitable registration under the Income Tax Act, and will be able to issue income tax deductible charitable receipts. Anyone wishing to donate to the new long-term care facility project or other health services can make their donation at the Biggar Credit Union or mail a donation to Box 670, Biggar, Sask., S0K 0M0. Cheques should be made out to BDHSF. An official income tax deductible receipt will be mailed shortly thereafter. BDHSF thanks the Biggar and District Community Foundation for assisting the Friends of the Lodge Committee in its fund raising activities by issuing income tax deductible charitable receipts. It was greatly appreciated. BDHSF’s fund raising mandate is to assist in the purchasing of medical equipment and furnishings for Biggar health facilities and services, assist with health care staff education, assist with physician retention and recruitment programs, and to assist
Puck hunters . . . Biggar Atom Nationals hosted rival Unity Lazers, Sunday, in a hard-fought battle. Atoms played hard, giving as good as in enhancing health services and programs in Biggar and surrounding area. The foundation will only be able to make a grant to a qualified group, i.e.: another charitable organization such as the Heartland Health Region. The foundation will only be able to provide grants based on the amount of donations received. The new 23.5M, 54-bed long-term care facility is under construction next to the Biggar Hospital with completion date in late 2014. Construction has begun with piles and foundation, and will continue throughout the winter. The foundation’s main fund raising activity at this time will be to reach its goal of $550,000, to be used to fully equip and furnish the new long-term care facility. To date the foundation has received $440,000. The Friends of the Lodge/BDHSF are encouraging area residents and business enterprises who may not have made a donation to consider making one. Mark your calendar as the foundation is planning the second annual Valentine Dine, Dance and Auction
on February 9. The evening will include a silent auction and live auction, brown bag ticket table and door prizes. A tax deductible receipt will be issued for any item donated to the event. The diversity,
they got but fell 7-3. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
quality and quantity of the items received last year was exciting and beyond expectations. It is the foundation’s hope that they can once again put on a gala evening of dining, dancing and fun. Tickets
are available at de Moissac Jewellers. The following foundation board executive members may be contacted for information and/or to make a donation: Jo Angelopoulos (948-3429),
Patti Turk (932-4911), or Gene Motruk (948-2584). The Friends of the Lodge/ BDHSF members wish to extend their thanks for everyone’s past and future support.
Trust set for Biggar residents of holiday fire tragedy With the holiday season set before us all, December 21 was a day best forgotten by one Biggar family as they lost their home to fire. A trust fund to help the family during this trying time has been set up at the Biggar Credit Union. In talking to Jim Ellis and Joan Larlham, the generosity, support and well-wishes have been overwhelming - the one positive experience that could be taken from the whole tragedy. They obviously wish things could have been different - while most were getting ready for a time of cheer, of Christmas blessings and happy times, the family was in turmoil, literally picking up the pieces, mourning the loss of beloved pets. Getting life back to normal has been no easy task, and will continue to be a struggle for the foreseeable
still facing a time of uncer- that will continue to offer future. Both learned firsthand tainty and turmoil. While their support. Again, if you want to how generous Biggar can things are looking up, be; many rushing to their help is always needed and help, that trust is at the aid, providing comfort and appreciated. Again, they Biggar and District Credit help - for that Jim and thank all who have helped Union. Joan are eternally grate- and, no doubt, thank those ful, and have expressed their thanks to all for the small-town spirit of coming to their aid. Unfortun a t e l y, r e ports in Saskatoon media put a cloud over them by reporting that the “fire does appear to be suspicious”, when, in fact, it is not considered suspi- Picking those lucky winners . . . Charlie Martin reaches into the cious. entry box, picking the lucky winners of The Independent’s Christmas Regardless Merchant promotion, December 21, as Advertising Consultant Urla of the error, Tyler looks on. Check out Page 19 to see who were the lucky winners. the family is (Independent Photo by Daryl Hasein)
Grand Chapter of Sask., Order of the Eastern Star awards scholarships Eastern Star Training Awards for Religious Leadership (ESTARL) recently awarded financial assistance to several worthy recipients. ESTARL, which is a program of the Order of the Eastern Star, gives financial aid and encouragement to women and men dedicating their lives to full-time religious service such as a minister, director of religious education, or director of church music. The denominations they represent must be registered with the World Council of Churches. At a recent meeting in Regina, the ESTARL committee approved the following awards. • Ursula Judith Wig, who will be attending St. Andrew’s College in Saskatoon to complete her training as an Ordained Minister, is sponsored by Saskatoon Chapter No. 4, Order of the Eastern Star in Saskatoon, and is awarded $1,100. • Spencer Ford Meisner is enrolled in Briercrest College in Caronport, is sponsored by Golden
West Chapter No. 38, Order of the Eastern Star in Wadena, and is awarded $1,100. • Jason Richards is enrolled in St. Andrew’s College in Saskatoon, is sponsored by Golden West Chapter No. 38, Order of the Eastern Star in Wadena, and is awarded $1,200. In addition, he is also awarded the Emma Stevenson fund in the amount of $549. • Josiah David Preuter is enrolled in Millar College of the Bible in Pambrun, Saskatchewan for his final year, is sponsored by Corinthian Chapter No. 89, and is awarded $2,550. • Jeremy Boehr is enrolled at Wycliffe College in Toronto, is sponsored by Prince Albert Chapter No. 16, and is awarded $1,200. The members of the Order of the Eastern Star in Saskatchewan are happy to provide this assistance to deserving students, and are proud to have a part in making these theological studies possible.
Acacia Chapter No. 3, Order of the Eastern Star Installation was held on December 18 at the Biggar Masonic Hall. New core of ofÀcers for 2013 are…seated left to right: Gordon Mair, Associate Patron, Elizabeth McMahon, Worthy Matron, Rick Rann, Worthy Patron, and Vera McNeil, Associate Matron; second row, Donna Sweet, Debbie Robinson, Sylvia Thomson, Nancy Pike, Linda White and Urla Tyler; back row, Les White, Cheryl Rann, Margaret Wheaton, Myrtle Robinson, Janet Mair and Morley Ries. Plans were discussed about the 100th Celebration of Acacia and Biggar Lodge for June 15. Year-end donations were
contributed to ESTARL (Eastern Star Training Awards for Religious Leadership), Heart fund, Cancer fund, Alzheimers, Parkinson’s Disease, International Peace Gardens, Biggar Minor Hockey, Ronald McDonald House, Huntington’s Disease, Diamond Lodge Birthday Party, Biggar Legion Poppy Fund, Biuggar After School Program, International Temple Fund. The afternoon under the direction of retiring Worthy Matron Debbie Robinson and Worthy Patron Gordon Mair consisted of the regular meeting, installation, entertainment and Ànished with a delicious turkey supper. (Submitted Photo)
A taste of Italy presented at the 40th Annual Museum board dinner by Delta Fay Cruickshank for The Independent The night seemed a bit stormy, and several people
had succumbed to the flu, and yet, 30 people where able to attend the 40th Annual Christmas Dinner
at the Biggar and District Museum. Past and present members of the museum board and special guests
Alice Ellis (inset picture) was the Master of Ceremonies at the 40th Annual Biggar and District Museum Board dinner held Sunday, January 6 at the museum. Alice has attended and been instrumental in the planning and presenting all 40 of the dinners. Each dinner has depicted a country or place, repeating only the Far North of Canada. This year’s dinner honoured Italy, the people in Italy and the people who left their country and came to Canada to start new lives, and to share their traditions. All homemade desserts laid out for the guests of the 40th Annual Museum Board dinner. Jim and Linda Tapp once again brought their love of food and preparation to the museum. They put on a most delicious Italian dinner for 35 past and present board members and guests. (Photos for The Independent by Delta Fay Cruickshank)
were invited to attend. Alice Ellis has been at every one of these dinners, and instrumental in creating every one of them. Every year, a country or place is honoured, and their tradition foods are prepared and served. Skits and displays are creating depicting the country. This year, Italy was honoured. Jim and Linda Tapp served a most delicious dinner of Italian dishes to a very appreciative group. Each table was first laden with an antipasto of meats and cheeses, raw fennel, bread sticks, olives, homemade bread and dipping sauces of balsamic vinegar and good quality olive oil. All this was enjoyed after Ina Allen gave grace. On the banquet table, the Tapps served a fresh green salad from Sicily, eggplant parmigiana, seafood lasagna and roast pork loin with crabapple jelly and rosemary potatoes. Then the desserts were served . . . homemade tortoni (ice cream filled with nuts, chocolate and fruits), a frozen dessert called granita d’limon, and then homemade nougat, biscotti,
almond cookies and panettone bread. The Tapps excelled again, bringing love and attention to every dish. Kevin Kurulak had supplied a wonderful selection of red and white Italian wines. He even had a bottle of Sambuca, a liquor made from anise seed, sipped and appreciated by many. Unfortunately, the Kurulak’s had succumbed to the flu and could not attend. They were missed. In his stead, Alice Ellis was the Master of Ceremonies for the evening. After dinner, the Bennett's and the Potters shared with their fellow diners their experiences in Italy. Evelyn Potter’s parents came from Italy. She was able to return to their birth land and meet all her relatives later in her life. The Bennett’s son was married there, and had some funny stories . . . things are done differently in Italy. Jim Wilson had some interesting stories about working for Italian ice cream makers in Scotland during the war. Every one of these stories were so interesting, bringing Italy and Italians
closer to the minds of the audience right here in cold and snowy Biggar! Ina Allen had painted a beautiful scene from Venice, the Bridge of the Angels. She presented this painting, and Anne Livingstone had donated the frame, and it was entered as a draw for the evening. The lucky winner of the draw was Jan Phillips who had admired the painting as soon as she saw it. A special guest was La Befana. In Italy, on the night of the Epiphany, a poor, old widow woman, known as La Befana visits homes in Italy. She comes down through the chimneys, leaving gifts of sweets for the nice . . . garlic for the naughty. She made a special appearance in Biggar, presenting her gifts to the nice and the naughty! Delta Fay Cruickshank recounted some of her experiences touring Italy with her parents several years ago. The evening’s presentation ended with Cathy Donahue leading everyone in singing “We Three Kings”.
Opinions ........................................................... 4 Agriculture ...................................................... 8 Classifieds ................................................13 - 15 Business & Professional Directories ........16 - 17
Council Minute highlights The regular meeting of Biggar Town Council was held December 4, at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Attending the meeting were Mayor Ray Sadler, Aldermen Ron Arnold, Jim Besse, Alan Boyle, Penny McCallum, Eugene Motruk, and Kirk Sherbino. Council resolved that the Biggar and District Recreation Board Operation Manual Policy RP(2), approved April 14, 2003 by resolution number 03-219, be repealed and that the Biggar and District Recreation Board Operation Manual Policy RP(2), forming part of the Council minutes, be approved effective December 4, 2012. Council resolved that the General Accounts Paid in the amount of $127,368.68, and the General Accounts Payable in the amount of $14,415.03, be approved. Council resolved that the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the engagement letter between PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and the Town of Biggar. Council resolved that progress certificate No. 55-62-B2, being the final payment in the amount of $16,306.50, be approved to Bomac Management for the WWTP jet aeration upgrade 2010 project. Also, Council resolved that invoice No. J-496 in the amount of $3,821.84 be approved for payment to Catterall and Wright for the WWTP jet aeration upgrade 2010 project. Council resolved that invoice No. 1231186 in the amount of $3,659.25 be authorized for payment to P. Machibroda Engineering for the stability analysis report for the landfill. Council resolved that the Town of Biggar renew the contract with the Biggar and District Credit Union for the next three year term being January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2015. Council resolved that the lease between New York Taxi Co. for Lots 4-6 Block 22 Plan D4770 and the Town of Biggar, be renewed with the rent increasing to $425 plus GST per month effective January 1, 2013 with an expiry date of De-
cember 31, 2013. Council resolved that the fire panel at the Biggar Community Hall be replaced at a cost of $2,405.60 by Troy Life and Fire Safety Ltd. Council resolved that the invoice from All West Sales of Rosetown be approved for payment in the amount of $14,979.54 for a 2012 SDX117 Schulte snow blower. Council resolved that Catterall and Wright be authorized to proceed with the design and tender process at the WWTP to install two jet aerators in ditch one. • Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
rairie Malt employees step up for lodge project . . . Cory Angelopoulos, representing Prairie Malt Employees Union Local 270 of the Communications Energy and Paper Workers Union of Canada, presents a cheque for $10,000 to Jo Angelopoulos of the Biggar and District Health Services Foundation (BDHSF),
formerly the Friends of the Lodge. The huge donation goes towards the furnishing of a room in the new long-term care facility, currently under construction at the Biggar Hospital. (Independent Photo by Peggy Hasein)
Tunesmith hits Majestic Theatre this Saturday. Juno-nominated John Wort Hannam comes to the Majestic Theatre this Saturday for the fourth show of the Biggar and District Arts Council performance season. John Wort Hannam comes from a long line of people who make a living using their hands. His
great-great grandfather drove horse and buggy for the village doctor. His great-grandfather was a stevedore, his grandfather,a farmer,and his father still works as a master carpenter. Wort Hannam now carries on the tradition making his
living writing songs and playing music. For five years John Wort Hannam taught Grade 9 language arts on the largest reserve in Canada – The Kainai Nation, part of the Blackfoot Confederacy. But in 1997 he heard
a Loudon Wainwright III record and was hooked by the music and the stories. In 1998 he bought a guitar and learnt some chords. In 2002 he quit teaching and began to pursue the dream of being a working musician. He independently released his debut CD “pocket full of holes” in 2003 and his second CD “Dynamite and ‘Dozers” in 2004. His third CD “Two-Bit Suit” was released by Black Hen Music in the spring of 2007. In May of 2009 John went back in the studio and recorded “Queen’s Hotel”. In 2012, he released “Brambles and Thorns”, this time recording with producer Leeroy Stagger and
releasing the record on Borealis Records. He was commissioned to write the official 2011 Alberta Winter Games song “Like The Northern Lights” and the 2012 official song for the 100th Anniversary of the Empress Theatre. He tours actively as a solo, duo, trio, and at times as a four piece band with John on guitar, tenor guitar, and harmonica and Tyson Maiko on upright bass, Scott Duncan on fiddle, and Brad Brouwer on percussion. John Wort Hannam plays the Majestic Theatre this Saturday, January 12. Show time is at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are still available from de Moissac Jewellers.
GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… Wednesday, JANUARY 9, 11 a.m. (stations randomly selected)
Biggar .............................................103.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock .........................103.9¢/L Perdue… .........................................103.9¢/L Landis… .........................................103.9¢/L Rosetown… ....................................104.9¢/L Unity...............................................105.9¢/L North Battleford….........................105.9¢/L Saskatoon .......................................102.9¢/L Humboldt .......................................104.9¢/L Lloydminster .................................. 94.9¢/L Kindersley ......................................105.9¢/L Swift Current .................................105.9¢/L
Lottery Numbers
John Wort Hannam (Submitted Photo)
649 - Saturday, Jan. 05 24, 29, 34, 36, 41, 42 Bonus 45 Extra 4063872 649 - Wednesday, Jan. 02 10, 14, 15, 39, 43, 49 Bonus 09 Extra 6072703
Western 649 - Saturday, Jan. 05 16, 21, 24, 38, 42, 48 Bonus 39 Western 649 - Wednesday, Jan. 02 01, 17, 32, 42, 46, 49 Bonus 34 Lotto Max - Friday, Jan. 04 03, 06, 16, 23, 27, 28, 34 Bonus 22 Extra 3709730
Letters to the Editor . . . Letter to the Editor: I’m still shaking my head over this man, Ashu, making it to the National. I don’t know if he can read or not, but I will attempt to enlighten him if I can. So, Mr. Ashu . . . do you understand why people say “Merry Christmas” this time of year? It’s been happening for a couple of thousand years now. Because it’s Christmas! And people say Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Happy Victoria Day, Happy Easter, and Happy Thanksgiving because we celebrate these holidays! And by so doing we are not promoting Christianity, or Irish leprechauns, or British monarchism, or reindeers with red noses! Whether a city or residnets of that city utter or print these
greetings makes no difference, because last time I checked, city fovernments were still ‘of the people”! And you know what? Jewish and Muslim people wish us “Merry Christmas” as much as everyone else, so if you don’t like it, please feel free to go back where you came from. Also, you might be interested to know that our Christianity was a major factor in why we enjoy freedom, peace, and prospertity here in North America. And, by the way, Mr. Ashu, this man Christ who you have an issue with, loves you and died for you whether you like or not! Yours truly, R. Hingston, Biggar
Dear Editor: During the Grant Devine days of 1982-1991 many Crown Resources were sold. The one nearest to me as a Principal of Elementary School was the Children’s Dental Program, an investment into the heath and lifestyle of our children was sold to maintain the Devine spending spree of that era. Deja vu! Premier Wall is selling off a profitable crown ISC, a crown which has had average profits of some $18 million over the last years. Profits which have helped governments balance their budgets and hopefully benefited all Saskatchewan people. For some reason Premier
Wall wants $120 million immediately, as that is what the Crown’s 60 per cent share selling price is estimated to be. If this Crown is not sold the province could benefit to the tune of some $180 million over the next 10 years and we would still own the total Crown a continued investment for Saskatchewan people. This Crown services the people of Saskatchewan by looking after our land titles, personal and corporate property registration,vitals statistics for health among other functions of vital information. This information services is being projected for sale to unknown private partners to manipulate.
I find it difficult to fathom why and who would sell a profitable Crown that serves the people of Saskatchewan people well to private entrepreneurs. Giving the private entrepreneur influence over
Saskatchewan peoples personal documentation and information. It is beyond my ken! Ken Crush Langham, Sask.
Debate on inequality full of bluster and misunderstanding Myopic arguments about income inequality leads to bad public policy by Niels Veldhuis and Jason Clemens, Economists, The Fraser Institute Distributed by Troy Media, www.troymedia.com Responses from a number of prominent Canadians to the Fraser Institute’s recent study, Measuring Income Mobility in Canada, reveal a great deal about the differing views on social policy and the state of the debate regarding inequality. The highest-ranking parliamentarian to respond was the NDP’s finance critic, Peggy Nash, who argued that mobility and inequality were two separate issues that should not be connected and that the real issue was the “growing gap between those at the top and those at the bottom.” Nash’s comments reveal two significant problems in the discussion of inequality and social policy more broadly. They assume that people are stuck in their current situation and that we should, therefore, worry about static com-
parisons of income at any given point of time. Prominent Toronto radio host John Moore echoed such views when he asserted that some poor people do manage to lift themselves out of poverty but it’s not the norm. Even University of Ottawa Professor and Canadian Research Chair Michael Wolfson claimed that the “reality of precarious jobs amongst the poor . . . are ignored by the Fraser Institute as it tries to perpetuate the Horatio Alger, ‘rags to riches’ myth.” The evidence reported in our study, which is corroborated by previous research including work completed by a collaborator of Professor Wolfson, shows that the people experiencing low incomes today are overwhelmingly not the people experiencing low incomes tomorrow. Specifically, 83 per cent of Canadians initially in the bottom 20 per cent of income earners in 1990 moved to a higher
income group by 2000. By 2009 (the last year for which we have data), 87 per cent moved up. In other words, nearly nine out of 10 Canadians who started in the bottom 20 per cent had moved out of low-income. Ignoring mobility and the incentives related to promoting it (or discouraging it) can and has led to extraordinarily damaging policies. In the late 1980s, most provincial governments began increasing welfare benefit rates to the point where they markedly exceeded what an individual could earn from low-pay work. While based on good intentions, the result was a strong incentive for people to choose welfare over work. The result was that welfare dependency hit 10.7 per cent of the population in 1994, representing 3.1 million Canadians. The second problem illustrated by Nash’s comments, which were echoed by David MacDonald of the Canadian Centre for
Policy Alternatives, is that the gap between the rich and the poor is widening. This conclusion, however, which MacDonald characterized as “the rich stay rich and everyone else churns around in the bottom” totally ignores what’s actually happening to individual people’s income over time. Our study tracked the income gains of the same people by their initial income group. Individuals who started in the bottom 20 per cent in 1990 experienced an average increase in their inflation-adjusted income of $38,100. People who started in the top 20 per cent, on the other hand, gained an average of $17,700 in inflationadjusted earnings over the same period. This clearly demonstrates that those initially in the bottom 20 per cent experienced the largest dollar and percentage gains in income (after inflation). It’s difficult to observe such gains in income and conclude that people are stuck or simply
“churning around in the bottom.” Another response was the lack of differentiation in the causes of inequality. For example, the president of the Conference Board of Canada, Daniel Muzyka, citing the IMF and others, indicated that income inequality adversely affects an economy. However, Muzyka fails to mention that inequality can emerge for a number of reasons, each of which influences the economy differently. For example, there are too many countries where wealth is largely not earned but rather extracted by securing favours and special treatment from government. There are other countries where leaders (usually dictators) enrich themselves by appropriating state assets for their own benefit at the expense of the general population. Finally, there are countries like Canada where, by and large, wealth is achieved through hard work and
entrepreneurship, which is predicated on providing goods and services demanded by citizens at a price and in a manner agreeable to them. Treating these disparate types of income inequality as synonymous does a disservice both in terms of our understanding of inequality but also our ability to measure its effects on the economy. The goal of our study was to illuminate the reality of how the incomes of working Canadians change over time, which we argue must be incorporated not only in the debate on inequality but also into the larger discussion and formulation of social policy. Ignoring a natural and present phenomenon in Canadian society such as mobility will lead to worse policy and outcomes for Canadians, especially those currently at the bottom of the income ladder. Niels Veldhuis and Jason Clemens are economists with The Fraser Institute (www.fraserinstitute.org).
Phone: 306-948-3344
Fax: 306-948-2133
Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Monday at the office of publication, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Delta Fay Cruickshank
E-mail: tip@sasktel.net
P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
Become a Volunteer Weather Observer, the headline stated. Hmm. That is something I had never thought about. It shouldn’t be too difficult and the weather is a topic that everyone (that should be in bold), absolutely everyone talks about. Too hot or too cold. Too wet or too dry. It seems we can never be satisfied with the weather. The weather ... that is one thing that no one can control. It is what it is and we must learn to live with it. But, we study it nevertheless -- and analyze it. We compare it to last week, to last year, to a decade ago. We are fascinated with temperatures and the rising and falling of the mercury. A number of residents in any town will have their very own rain gauges in backyards. Indeed, after a rainfall one of the most common questions asked is “how much rain did you get last night?” Sometimes it even turns into a sort of mini contest trying to best your neighbour in millimetres. The state of Missouri has been encouraging those in the animal feeding operations industry to keep daily precipitation records for years. Then, it is taken one step further and these operators are encouraged to contribute the data to a statewide database which, in turn, helps the University of Missouri and the National Weather Service monitor weather patterns in that state. Thus, is the beginning of a network of volunteer weather observers. Much has been learned through this network. For example Missouri’s size and topography lends itself to significant variation in weather patterns. Thunderstorms are spotty in this area which means precipitation varies even over short distances. Missouri is a member of Community Collaborative Rain
Hail and Snow network (CoCoRaHS). This organization was started in Colorado by a network of volunteer weather monitors. There are no prerequisites, no special skills needed to join. All that is required is a passion for watching and reporting weather conditions and a desire to learn more about how weather affects our lives. This network has been expanding across the United States and now it is has crossed the border into Canada with volunteers in Manitoba signing up. The Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) has been collecting weather data since 1871. It has now developed into a series of automated weather stations across the country that issue weather forecasts, storm warnings and advisories to all jurisdictions. MSC has its own
network of volunteers weather watchers. Environment Canada has over 5,000 volunteers in it weather watcher programs across the Prairie provinces. These volunteers are also passionate about collecting weather data and sharing it with others. Data collected is beneficial in a number of areas. Weather monitors measure temperature, wind and rainfall which can help in extreme weather (weather events such as hailstorms, thunderstorms and tornadoes are very localized) but the data can also be used in forecasting and fighting forest fires, especially in northern communities. Anyone can participate in weather monitoring and if you are a weather buff this may be just the hobby for you.
“Biggar Community Christmas” Organizing Committee would like to THANK all the organizations and individuals for supporting the 5th Annual Community Christmas.
Cover the province with one phone call. Place a blanket classified . . . for more information call
Saskatchewan employment sets records in 2012 Saskatchewan job numbers closed out 2012 with a monthly record high of 539,800 employed people in December, according to the labour force survey released by Statistics Canada January 4. December’s increase of 16,300 over December 2011 marks the 13th consecutive month where records have been set. “2012 was a very successful year for our province, with strong job growth of 2.1 per cent and jobs up by 11,200 from the previous year,” Economy Minister Bill Boyd said. “We are working diligently to encourage even more people to choose Saskatchewan as their place to live, work, do business, and raise a family, and are looking forward to an equally successful 2013.” Saskatchewan’s
seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 4.6 per cent was once again the second lowest in the country. Nationally, the unemployment rate was 7.1 per cent. Other year-over-year highlights include: • Saskatchewan’s growth rate of 3.1 per cent was the third highest among the provinces; • Full-time employment increased by 11,400 for 20 months of record monthly highs and parttime jobs increased by 5,000; • The goods producing sector was a key contributor to strong employment growth of 10.8 per cent which includes gains in construction,agriculture, manufacturing and forestry, mining, oil and gas; • Regina’s employment was up by 2,800 (2.2 per cent) for 32 months of
year-over-year gains, and Saskatoon’s employment was up by 7,100 (4.9 per cent) for 14 months of year-over-year gains; • Regina’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 4.3 per cent, the lowest rate among all Canadian major cities; • The seasonally adjusted youth unemployment rate was 9.9 per cent, once again the second lowest among the provinces; and • Off-reserve Aboriginal employment was up by 500 (1.3 per cent) in 2012. “Saskatchewan is in an enviable position - we are seeing growth all around us,” Boyd said. “The Saskatchewan Plan for Growth has laid out a very clear direction for the province and that will mean more growth, more investment, and more people working and living here.”
Just sitting around by Bob Mason
There’s a lot to be said about just sitting around doing nothing! Mebbe it doesn’t look too good on the workplace, but it is relaxing, and after all, most of us spend a great part of our lives sleeping! I’m not up on my Body vs Brain statistics, but a person’s brain seems to be able to work on and on without much rest. So we lean back, rest our muscles awhile and let the world go by! Even when we were active kids it got through to us that we just had to sit down now and then, and I sure remember mother waking me up as I lay basking in the sun
out in the yard one day! We lived up in Great Bend, not far from the North Saskatchewan River in those days, and we often went down there to sit on the slopes and watch the valley below. As a boy, Yours Truly frequently took long walks out into the nearby hills, and many times just sat down or lay on the grass as he watched the hawks circling around in the blue sky overhead all seemed well with the world! In order to make this memoir complete, I’ve got to mention that my ‘take five’ enthusiasm was sure jolted a bit
when I mistakenly sat down on a small prickly pear cactus patch! Time passed though, and with our boyhoods behind, the need to make our own living kind of cut into any siesta plans. We dug ditches, worked land, pitched bundles and a whole lot of endless sweaty stuff that didn’t leave us much time to just sit down and enjoy things! We did sit down at times though and when we did, realized that some of life’s best moments were when we were ‘chewing the fat’ with one of the neighbours. WWII kind of cut into this ‘routine’ operation
got stuff to sell?
though, but when the route-march Corporal said “Take Five!”, we sure knew what to do. And often when Innes Barrett got a sealer of pickled herring from home, we sat visiting in the ‘wet’ canteen until they were all gone - yum yum! Many and many an evening was spent in the service lounges writing letters home on the paper they provided, wishing things were over, and wanting to go back again! One evening as YT was sitting there downing a free coffee in the ‘Sally Ann’ (Salvation Army) hut, a fellow came in, stole over to their piano and started tinkling away. More and more he played, almost as though thoughts of his past were coming back . . . what a thrill it was for YT to sit back in a corner, listening to him as he played the same songs that mother used to play back home! That may have been almost 70 years ago, and YT has forgotten many of the miles that he has traveled since, but he sure remembers that time, when he just sat there and listened! Like mentioned above, time passes though! We went overseas and tried to hid our fears in the pubs of England. And then, across the channel ... In his book “The Guns of Normandy”, page 350, George Blackburn writes: At one point you slow the convoy to a crawl as you pass a company of infantry men who have
broken off for a rest at the side of the road. Since they are sitting and lying along the top of the bank of the sunken roadway, they are almost eyeball to eyeball with the men riding in the trucks, what with the wretched dust raised by the trucks whirling up around them, and the fact that you are riding while they, the indisputable créme de la Créme of all who wear the King’s uniform, are forced to walk, loaded with packs and weapons and ammunition, makes you very self-conscious - and you half expect them to make some derisive remark . . . You are totally unprepared when one of them calls out: “Keep it up fellows. You’re drinking fine!” You pass out of sight of them before your driver turns and says in a low voice, husky with emotion “My God! Did you see that!” We’ve sat around in quite a few places, far, far too many and too boring to write about, but some we remember! Some years after the war was over in 1945, the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada held a fine reunion in the old Fishers Hotel in Hamilton, Ontario. Even in those days YT did a lot of scribbling, so he found a napkin and scrawled a few words on it . . . “Over at the next table sits the Educator, so neat and successful now. And yet who went up that slope . . . .” Lieutenant Norman Perkins (a schoolteacher from Toronto!), 29 other men and YT started up up the slope of a dike in Holland, and only three
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of us ever got to the top. Pte. Don MacKeracher from Plato, Sask. (KA), Perkins and myself! Perks legs were frozen so bad that he had to go out! “ . . . and beside him the contractor, who, after a bullet had angled across his eye, had stayed in with his company.” Major “Garrison” Bill Whiteside had been in charge of ‘D’ company (off to our left!), but I sure remember him walking out after. “And right across from me at our table, the Canadian Legion executive, so suave and collected, who had been wounded so horribly at Todenhugel Farm in the Rhineland . . .” As YT was trying to bandage the wounds of Captain Donaldson (KA) he sat back for a moment right on to the leg of Lt. Reg Cleator which was right up beside his head! (Cleator became secretary of Ontario Legion later!) Although that was quite a few years ago, I still remember that quiet farewell luncheon in the Fishers Hotel, when we just sat back and remembered (I still have that napkin). The above mentioned time kept on flying by though. YT retired but it still flew. Finally I’m sitting on a golf-course bench out at the Oasis when a couple of young golfers drove up in a cart. “Say Grampa,” sez one, “Were you talking to that big stone beside you?” “That big stone, “ YT replied, “is an old friend of mine from our farm out in the hills, and because it never gave me any back talk, I used to visit with it while having lunch out there!” The two young fellows strode over to the tee box, hit their golf balls, and drove away shaking their heads. One doesn’t have to be a psychologist to know what they were thinking! Sometimes it is interesting who you meet when you are just sitting back! Yours Truly may have retired from the workplace alright, but he sure hasn’t from Coffee Row. Sometimes he doesn’t hear too much, but so what? He just sits back . . .
New Horizons Activities by Karen Itterman New Horizons held their December Jam Session on December 19 with 66 people in attendance. Door prize winners were Vic Besse, Stan Gardiner, Vern Hammond and Agnes Watson. Entertainers for the afternoon were Mark Kleiner, Gary Donahue, Bernard Ochs, Stan Gartner, Dave Miller and Dennis Cratty. The MC for the afternoon was Gord Besse with Ken Bates greeting guests at the door. The lunch was provided by Barb Beirnes, Gail Herzberg and Blanche Borchardt. The next Jam Session will be held on Jan. 16. Carpet bowling was played on Dec. 18 with first place going to Aileen Smith, Pat Turner and Alma Redlich. Second place was a tie between the team of Dinah Kegler, Ed Smith and Rose Clark, and the team of Marie Roesch, Blanche Borchardt and Mildred Henne. Kaiser was played on Dec. 19 with Mike Plysuik coming in first place, Ken Pearce second place, Helen Kanz third place and Grant Gamble in fourth place. The Christmas bingo took place on Dec 20 with fifteen in attendance. The half-and-half winner was Pauline Trottier and the blackout bingo winner was Pat Turner. The caller for the afternoon was Gladys Schell with Kate Yaroshko picking up the tickets and Johanna Lehnert handing out the prizes. Rita Besse provided the lunch for the afternoon. Kaiser was played on Dec. 21 with eight in attendance. The winners were Ron Arnold, Ken Pearce and Reg Turner.
The lunch was provided by Mildred Henne with Gord Besse as host for the afternoon. Shuffleboard was played on Jan. 3 with Marie Roesch, Aileen Smith, Ed Smith and Mildred Henne in attendance. First place was Mildred Henne and Eileen Smith, second place to Marie Roesch and Ed Smith. Cribbage was played on
Jan. 4 with nine in attendance. Joanne Kral was the host and also provided the lunch. First place went to Marie Roesch, second place to Reg Turner and third place to Myrtle Althouse. The courtesy car made 663 trips in Dec. with 71 members using the car. The average number of trips per day was 36. On Dec. 6 the car made 45
trips with Don Swyryda as the driver. The embroidery group will begin again for the Spring season on Mon. Jan. 14. Everyone is welcome to attend. T h e Fe b r u a r y a n d March courtesy car schedules have been printed and are available for pick up at the office. Have a good week everyone!
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Diamond Lodge News
Tuesday was New Year’s Day so we just rested and enjoyed visiting with our fellow residents and staff members. Wednesday morning we had Wheel of Fortune. We guessed words about the holidays that we just had and about winter. That afternoon we had Swing Bowling. After breakfast on Thursday a few of the residents gathered in the activity room and folded towels. This kept them very busy. After we just had one on one time since a few people are still under the weather. At 2:30 we had our usual Bingo. One resident won four times! Friday morning, 10 residents gathered in
9 to 10 a.m.
Happy New Year everyone! We hope everyone has been sticking to their New Year’s resolutions so far this year and not getting that flu bug. We have had a few people under the weather lately here at the Lodge but that does not stop us from doing our usual activities. Monday was the last day of 2012, so we had our New Year’s Eve party. We sang a few songs and talked about the history of New Year’s. At 3 p.m. we welcomed the year a little earlier than most people in Biggar and around the world. We were given donations by different businesses that helped make our party extra special.
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the activity room and had Breakfast Club. The smell of bacon had everyone’s mouths watering. This is a favourite activity among our residents. Later we had sing along. Saturday the residents played Home Sweet Home Bingo, and watched a movie in the afternoon. Sunday morning the lady residents got their nails done. Then to end that day we had church. Thank you to all our loyal readers for reading our news every week. Take care and hope to see you all soon!
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Federal farm policy of concern going into 2013
by Calvin Daniels
by Calvin Daniels If there are two themes which seem to permeate the federal government’s stance on agriculture, it’s that farmers will face marketing and associated costs increasingly on their own. And that consumers might want to become more aware of change and what it might ultimately mean in terms of Canada’s food security. Some of the changes are now old news, and
were at least wanted by a good-sized chunk of farmers, such as the end of the single-desk selling monopoly of the Canadian Wheat Board in terms of Western wheat, durum and export-bound barley. The jury is still a long way from bringing down a verdict on whether the change will mean more money for farmers over the long term, or not. Given the high prices for grains at present it won’t be until the next
low price dip when we know how the market works best for farmers. That said there are likely to be some winners and losers in terms of their bottom line, among farmers at least. Those sitting in Parliament will go on without impacting their bottom lines regardless of what their decisions means. But the CWB is only the tip of a very large iceberg of change for farmers. The federal government is divesting itself of community pastures previously operated by the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation
The Harper government is investing to help canaryseed producers maximize their yields.
2010 Chev Avalanche LTZ, 4x4, air, cruise, tilt, DVD, leather, 20’s sunroof, 40,000km ............. $37,900 2011 Chev Suburban LT 4x4, silver, 5.3L, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seats, sun roof, leather, 78,458km................$39,900 2012 Cadillac SRX Luxury AWD, silver, 3.6L, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seats, sunroof, camera, 20,503km........$42,900
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is trimming services. One is left to wonder if the federal government sees itself financing lab testing into the future, or whether farmers will have to seek out private services? If that were to occur the likelihood of higher costs looms for farmers, and less control in terms of our export customers, and end consumers. We have seen the government make changes to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and again there is the concern more change/cuts could be forthcoming, and that could mean greater costs and more consumer concerns.
One might be less worried about where the changes might end if this government had not already shown a strong desire to reshape agriculture policy, but also a willingness to push through change at least skirting close to the rules of Parliament as was the case in changing the CWB. While there are times farmers and consumers might seem to be links at the ends of a very long chain, at this time, they have a shared reason to watch what the Conservative government in Ottawa is doing with farm policy.
Government invests in research for canaryseed
2004 GMC Envoy SLE 4x4, dark green, 4.2L, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seat, DVD, 182,309km, SK Tax Pd......... $ 8,900 2005 Chev Silverado ¾ crew LTZ, white, 6.6L, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seat, leather, 179,679km, SK Tax Pd......... $21,900 2007 Chev Cobalt SS Coupe, black, 2.4L, auto, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, sunroof, 98,353km, SK Tax Pd .......... $11,900 2008 Chev Silverado ½ crew LTZ 4x4, greystone, 5.3L, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seats, sunroof, leather, only 67,200km, SK Tax Pd ...............................$28,900 2008 Buick Enclave CXL FWD, blue, 3.6L, air, tilt, cruise, D V D , sunroof, leather, 102,600km .........................$23,900
Administration. The provinces may work through on some of the pastures, but in the end farmers are going to face more costs moving forward if they had cattle in those pastures. The Canadian Grain Commission has closed its Winnipeg Service Centre, which will push lab testing services to Weyburn, which the National Farmers Union has come out suggesting could create delays and back-logged. The more worrisome aspect of the Winnipeg closure it that it continues a trend where the federal government
Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced January 7 an investment for the Canaryseed Development Commission of Saskatchewan (CDCS) as members met during Crop Production Week. “Saskatchewan is the world’s leading producer andexporterofcanaryseed, and our government is committed to supporting new and innovative ways to keep this sector strong and sustainable,” said Ritz. “This investment is another example of how we are helping producers stay competitive in today’s markets.” Canaryseed is used almost exclusively in feed mixtures for caged and wild birds. The producerfunded CDCS was formed in 2006 to coordinate research and market use expansion for the canaryseed industry. This investment of $54,000
will provide producers with more accurate recommendations to help them maximize their yields. Increased yields will also lead to greater exports and sales, helping to boost the bottom line of farmers. “Previous research has shown a big benefit for many canaryseed crops from the application of chloride fertilizer as potassium chloride (potash),” said Kevin Hursh, CDCS executive director. “This federal support is critical to helping fine-tune fertilizer recommendations based on how much chloride is present in a field as measured by a soil test.” This project is funded under the Agricultural Innovation Program (AIP), a $50-million initiative announced as part of Canada’s Economic Action Plan 2011. The AIP
is part of the government’s commitment to help Canadian producers benefit from cutting-edge science and technology. The AIP boosts the development and commercialization of innovative new products, technologies,andprocesses for the agricultural sector. In September, federal, provincial, and territorial ministers of agriculture reached agreement on the five-year Growing Forward 2 policy framework. The new agreement will continue to drive innovation and longterm economic growth in Canada. In addition to a generous suite of business risk management programs, governments have agreed to invest more than $3 billion over five years in innovation, competitiveness, and market development.
SECOND NOTICE OF CALL FOR NOMINATIONS RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF EAGLE CREEK NO. 376 Public Notice is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the ofÀce of: COUNCILLOR for DIVISION NO. 6 will be received by the undersigned at the municipal ofÀce during normal ofÀce hours until Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 4:30 p.m. local time. Nominations forms may be obtained from the municipal ofÀce. Dated this 10th day of January, 2013 Lloyd Cross, Returning OfÀcer
Saskatchewan economy stays strong in 2012 The year 2012 will go down in the history books as another very good year for the Saskatchewan economy. Record levels of population, employment and investment were reached in 2012. “Saskatchewan’s economy was the envy of nearly every Canadian province in 2012 with more jobs, more people to fill those jobs and record levels of new investment coming into the province,” Economy Minister Bill Boyd said. “This government’s growth agenda will capitalize on our strengths - our people, our resources and our innovation and ensure that Saskatchewan continues
to be an economic leader in Canada through 2013 and beyond.” Saskatchewan’s population reached an all-time record of 1,086,564 after the third quarter of 2012. This reflected an October 1, 2011 to October 1, 2012 growth rate of 2.16 per cent, the second highest percentage increase among the provinces. On a year over year basis, this was also the largest increase on record. Saskatchewan is ranked in the top two provinces in the following areas: • Non-residential investment was up $1.3 billion in the first three quarters of 2012 compared with
BCS2000 by Kim Fick We are nearly a week back into school, and it hasn’t taken long for everyone to get back into the swing of things. I hope that everyone had a very relaxing time over the holiday season with family and friends. Thank you very much to everyone that attended our Christmas Concert prior to the break. The students and teachers did a great job of their performances. Thank you also to those of you that donated to our Silver Collection that evening - our school community raised $557.25 to donate to the Saskatoon Cancer Society! We are very blessed to have such a
as well as most of Mr. Braman’s classes for that time as well. Mrs. Carly Smith will be joining our staff beginning February 1st, and is very excited to join the community and meet everybody! With Christmas Break it was time to say farewell to the interns that have been working with Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Schmeiser this fall. Ms. Hrywkiw and Ms. Klassen have been wonderful additions to our school, and we wish them both the best as they head off to finish their Education degrees and move on to the teaching world. I know they will both be successful wherever they may end up. In Character Counts
URation YOstin
Westwinds Motor Hotel
news, we started a new pillar of character this week. At Monday’s assembly I told the students that I had made the decision to give everyone in Grades K-3 an extra recess each day, while the Grade 4-6’s did not receive an extra one. For some reason, most of the Grade 4-6 students didn’t agree with that decision! Some didn’t think it was fair! Of course, we aren’t actually doing that, but that introduced our next pillar of Fairness to the students. We will be learning about fairness over the months of January and February. Have a great week everyone!
No v Ite elty m
2nd Annual Suitcase Party FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 • 9:30 p.m.
Canada predicts Saskatchewan will have top ranking among the provinces with a growth rate of 3.4 per cent. RBC, Scotiabank, CIBC and TD have forecast the province to have the second highest growth rate in the nation. “Although some of the final data for 2012 has yet to come in, 2013 looks to be very promising for the Saskatchewan economy with solid growth expected,” Boyd said. “Supported by strong agriculture and resource sectors, our economy is on a steady course to boost exports, which in turn creates jobs and a multitude of business and investment opportunities.”
You could WIN an all-inclusive 5 - 7 night trip for two to Mexico, Cuba or the Panama ENTERTAINMENT -- DJ by Absolute Entertainment $25/person for your seat. Call 948-3301 Get your seat reserved early as space is limited. Last person in draw box wins. Must be present to win. Westwinds and Travel Agency will decide on destination once winner is announced. Please see full line of rules and regulations at Westwinds Motor Hotel.
The KAYETTE CLUB of BIGGAR would like to THANK the community of Biggar and surrounding areas for your generous support to the 2012 Secret Santa Project. Your donations are appreciated very much and allowed our group to assist families which included 65 children. We recognize the following… Doreen Wylie/Leslie’s Drugstore Canadian Tire (Confed. Park, Saskatoon) Biggar & District Credit Union Biggar Community Connections Pattern Dance Club Biggar Masonic Lodge Biggar United Church St. Gabriel School
The Red Apple Pharmasave TOPS CIBC Royal Bank AGI-Envirotank Majestic Theatre
Also, SPECIAL THANKS to each and every individual who donated toys, gifts, monetary donations which were used or will be used by Secret Santa for families within this community.
Snow Shoveling With winter comes snow and with snow comes shoveling! Shoveling raises your heart rate and is a workout for your muscles. And just like before any exercise, stretching before and after will help to avoid muscle strain. Push the snow and only lift as much as is comfortable for you. Take breaks as needed. Shoveling frequently is easier on your body than doing it all at one time when it’s packed down. If you have a heart or back condition, consider having someone else shovel for you. For toll-free health information 24 hours a day. Please call 1-888-425-4444(TTY) if you have hearing or speech difficulties
Come with your overnight bag packed, as the winner you will stay for an enjoyable night with us.
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2.1 per cent (tied for the second highest increase among the provinces); • Average weekly earnings (seasonally adjusted) were $917.98 in the first 10 months of 2012, a rise of 4.9 per cent over the same period last year (second highest increase among the provinces); and • Real wage growth (adjusted for inflation) was up 3.1 per cent in the first 10 months of 2012 over the same period last year (second highest increase among the provinces). According to an average of seven major forecasters, Saskatchewan is expected to have the second best economy in 2013 with a growth rate of 2.9 per cent. The Conference Board of
Principal’s report Pr
generous community. Mrs. Jennifer Singer, our Grade 1 teacher, is expecting her third child shortly, and she will certainly be missed by all of her students and the staff here at the school. We are excited to welcome Ms. Lee-Anne Massey into the Grade 1 classroom when Mrs. Singer starts her maternity leave. Ms. Massey is really looking forward to meeting her students and their families. Also, as many of you know, my maternity leave will be starting in February, and we announced Mr. Braman will be acting as Principal for the duration of my leave. We have hired a teacher to teach my classes
presents their
a 13.1 per cent increase over the same period last year (second highest percentage increase among the provinces); • Retail sales were $14.25 billion in the first 10 months of 2012, a 7.5 per cent increase over the same period last year (second highest percentage increase among the provinces); • Saskatchewan had the second lowest unemployment rate among the provinces (seasonally unadjusted) in the first 11 months of 2012 at 4.8 per cent; • Employment growth was up 10,800 in the first 11 months of 2012 over the same period last year, up
e tiv s e F od Fo
the same period last year, an increase of 20.7 per cent (highest percentage increase among the provinces); • Urban housing starts were up 35.4 per cent in the first 11 months of 2012 over the same period last year (highest percentage increase among the provinces); • International exports totalled $26.5 billion in the first 10 months of 2012, a 10.3 per cent increase over the same period last year (second highest percentage increase among the provinces); • Manufacturing shipments were $11.9 billion in the first 10 months of 2012,
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The Sky This Month January 2013 by Gary Boyle, The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Crispy Cold Nights (Part 1) Happy New Year everyone. As I wrote a few months ago, 2013 will be the year of brilliant comets including C/2012 S1. If the predictions hold, the comet will be a binocular object in August and
moving up to naked eye status by November when it peaks at month’s end. Astronomers estimate C/2012 S1 will outshine the full moon thus becoming the brightest comet in history and be seen during the day. Only time will tell and is still many months away. But for now, we have Comet C/2012 K5 (Linear) that was gliding through Ursa Major and
is now moving quickly in Auriga. At magnitude 6.5, it should be an easy catch in any telescope. Let us not forget Comet 168P/ Hergenrother that is well placed overhead and only a few arc minutes from the Andromeda Galaxy. At magnitude 11.3, this one might be a bit more difficult. Anyone walking the dog or taking a stroll around Another lucky Museum winner! . . . Ruth Arnold of the Biggar Museum and Gallery hands Reg Turner a cheque for $134, all part of the Museum’s monthly toonie draw. Check out businesses around town for your chance to win! Congratulations, Reg! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
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supper time on a clear night will notice the wealth of bright stars in the eastern sky. By 8 p.m. the bright suns of Taurus, Auriga, Orion, Gemini, Canis Minor and Canis Major are all visible. The crisp wintery air magically allows them to shine even greater. Along with these mini beacons is the king of planets – Jupiter. In fact this planet is well placed between the Pleiades Cluster (M45) on its right and Aldebaran with the ‘V’ shaped Hyades cluster to its left. Here is a little example of perspective. Although the sky appears as white dots on a black wall and all seem
Pick-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.00 + $1.45 gst = $30.45 Within 40 mile radius and Online . . . . $34.00 + $1.70 gst = $35.70 Outside 40 mile radius and online . . . . $39.00 + $1.95 gst = $40.95
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Randy Weekes, M.L.A. for the Biggar Constituency 1-877-948-4880 OfÀce Hours: Monday - Friday 1 - 5 p.m. Phone: 306-948-4880 106 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar Fax: 306-948-4882 e-mail: randyweekes.mla@accesscomm.ca
Web site: www.randyweekes.ca P. O. Box 1413 Biggar, SK. S0K 0M0
to be the same distance from us, they reside at different distances like cars in a shopping mall parking lot. For instance, Jupiter is a mere 49 light minutes from us while super-giant Aldebaran is just over 65 light years away. Meanwhile the Hyades Cluster is listed at 153 light years away and the Pleiades Cluster is close to 430 light years. So next time you are scanning or imaging these four objects, picture them in a distance scale. More on Jupiter later. From Aldebaran, move some 15 degrees to the left till you come to the end of the bull’s left horn. At a distance of 420 light years, third magnitude Zeta Tauri is a class B2 blue subgiant star with a surface temperature of 22,000 Kelvin. It spins at an astonishing 330 kilometres per second or 115 times fast than our Sun. From here, move a little more than a degree north till you come across a faint patch of light. You are now looking at the smoky remains of a once living star, welcome to the Crab Nebula. This was the first entry on Charles Messier’s list
of non cometary objects and is so catalogued as M1. Imagine you are back in the year 1054. An especially bright star some four times brighter than Venus appears and for 23 days was seen during daylight hours. The Crab is located some 6,500 light years away – a nice safe distance because the estimated energy of 400 million suns was released in the blast. As in most cases – a neutron star remains as the only After this mammoth explosion the remaining neutron star now measures 30 kilometres across and spins at 30 times per second. Using Aldebaran as a marker, move three and a half degrees to a bright scattered open star cluster registered as NGC 1647. It measures 45 arc minutes wide and is listed at magnitude 6.4 or just under naked eye visibility. This would be a great visual test from a dark sight when the moon is absent. Because of its size, this splash of 10 stars is best seen in wide angle binoculars. Until next time, clear skies everyone. Part 2 continued next week.
planting, pruning & puttering . . . planting by Delta Fay Cruickshank of The Independent
Have you had a mushroom today? If this were ancient Egypt, only if you were royalty could you enjoy a mushroom! For some reason, the ancients thought that mushrooms were plants of immortality. They believed that they had the ability to create subhuman strength, or help you find lost items and could lead your soul to the realm of the gods! Maybe a few people ate something other than the common white button mushroom! Louis XIV, Louis the Great, King of France ruled for 72 years in the 15th and 16th centuries. He is accredited with being the very first mushroom farmer. Caves were used to grow his crops. Soon the Brits figured out that this was a good crop, easy to grow, and not labour intensive at all! By the 19th century American producers had created their own spawn, and the industry took off! Spawn . . . what on earth is spawn? Each mature mushroom creates as many as 16 billion spores (I wonder who counts them?). These spores are then collected in a sterile environment in a laboratory and then used to inoculate grains to produce a product called ‘spawn’. This spawn is what the mushroom farmer plants to produce the crop. The spawn is worked into pasteurized compost on trays. Kept in temperature and humidity controlled environments, the compost soon is filled with ‘mycelium’, a network of lacy white filaments. This is the root system of the mushrooms. At this stage, pasteurized peat moss is added on top of the compost. Once again, humidity and temperature is controlled. Soon, small white protrusions form on the mycelium and pop up through the peat moss. This is called ‘pining’. The pins then
become the mushroom caps. It takes 17-25 days to produce mature mushrooms after the peat moss is applied. There is a lot of talk about the mycelium of certain mushrooms being a new ‘live’ food, extremely healthy, relieving stress and deflecting diseases. The ganoderma mycelium is the easiest produced,
white button mushroom; large portabellos, crimini (which are baby portabellos), shiitake, oyster are just a few of the types now relativley common on some produce counters. Mushrooms are an acquired taste, I believe. I did not like them as a kid, but now, I like to add them to all kinds of dishes, even raw in salads.
butter • 12-18 baby portabella mushrooms, washed and stems removed (I would try them in large white, button mushrooms if the portabellas are not available) • 1 clove garlic • 3 shallots, thinly sliced • 2 tablespoons cranberry sauce • 2-3 ounces brie, rind removed • 1 tablespoon minced rosemary Directions 1.) Preheat oven to 350º F. Melt the butter in a sauté pan. Add the mushroom caps to the butter and cook for one minute on each side, over medium heat. Remove the mushrooms from the pan and place in a pie plate or small baking dish, stem side up. 2.) Add the shallots to the pan. Cook until they start to caramelize, about five to seven minutes. Add in the
Grown in humidity and temperature controlled environments, the white button mushrooms grows in pasteurized compost. garlic and cook for one minute more. Spoon the garlic and shallots into the mushroom caps. Add a half teaspoon to each of the caps as well. Cut the brie into small cubes. Place one cube in each
mushroom cap. Sprinkle rosemary over the top. 3.) Bake for five to ten minutes, until brie is bubbly and the mushrooms are cooked through. Remove from oven, serve warm.
Louis XIV of France loved mushrooms and he is accredited with being the first mushroom farmer. Maybe the ancients were right in their beliefs of the properties of mushrooms - Louis reigned for 72 years and 110 days!
The ganoderma lucidum mycelium has many health benefits. and rich in minerals and vitamins. The ganoderma lucidum has been used for centuries in Asian medicines. The prevention of cancer is reportedly a benefit of this root structure, scientists are looking into this. There are kits available for anyone to grow mushrooms. I have grown them in the cupboard under my sink in the past. The market has grown past just the
A pizza just isn’t a pizza without mushrooms! A favourite appetizer is stuffed mushrooms. Below is a recipe with a certain Christmasy flair. A little late maybe for this year, but then, right in time for those who are celebrating a little later, like for Chinese New
Year?! Brie and Cranberry Stuffed Mushrooms Serves 12-18 Ingredients • 2 tablespoons salted
Visit wheatrewards.com to learn more
The marketing landscape has changed. That’s why we’re giving hardworking growers like you the reward you deserve. Simply purchase qualifying inputs from Parrish & Heimbecker and contract your wheat or durum and we’ll give you up to 20 cents per bushel premium back. There’s never been a better time to partner with us.
For more details call Jim Vancha in Hanover Junction at 306-948-1990. Our office is located on 220 Main Street, Biggar, SK
$20.2 million more in tax savings for Saskatchewan residents in 2013 Indexation of provincial income tax will continue to protect Saskatchewan people from inflation and save Saskatchewan taxpayers an estimated $20.2 million in 2013. Individual taxpayers now pay no Saskatchewan income tax on their first $18,455 of income while a family of four pays no Saskatchewan income tax on their first $47,790 of income - the highest tax-free income threshold for a family of four in Canada. “A family of four with $50,000 annual income has now seen their provincial income tax cut by more than 90 per cent since our government took office,” Finance Minister Ken Krawetz said. “In 2007, they would have paid about $2,300 in income tax and in 2013, they will pay about $200 in income tax - a savings of more than $2,000 a year. “Ensuring that provin-
cial taxes are competitive and as low as possible has always been a priority of this government and is an important part of our government’s Plan for Growth. Continuing to index the income tax system to inflation every year is one of the ways we are keeping life in Saskatchewan affordable.” Since 2008, Saskatchewan residents have saved more than $300 million through lower personal income taxes, and 114,000 low-income Saskatchewan residents have been removed from the tax rolls. The Saskatchewan government has taken a series of steps to reduce personal income taxes over the past five years, including: • Increasing personal, spousal and child exemption amounts and introducing a new Low Income Tax Credit in 2008; • Introducing a new Active Families Benefit
of $150 per child for cultural and sports activities in 2009; • Raising personal, spousal and child exemption amounts again in 2011; • Expanding the Active Families Benefit to include all children 17 and under (previously, it only covered ages six to 14) and introducing a new First-Time Homebuyers’ Tax Credit in 2012; and • Indexing all income tax brackets and credit amounts each year to the rate of inflation to protect Saskatchewan taxpayers from “bracket creep”. In 2013, all of these amounts are being increased by two per cent. When income tax savings are combined with new tax reduction programs introduced since 2007 that include the refundable Low Income Tax Reduction and the Active Families Benefit, a single person with $25,000 annual income
will benefit from $839 in lower provincial tax in 2013 than in 2007. A family of four with $50,000 combined income will see tax savings of $2,722 and a family of four with $75,000 combined income
will see tax savings of $2,493, when comparing 2013 to 2007. “These are significant savings for Saskatchewan families,” Krawetz said. “By the end of 2013, that family of four with
$50,000 income will have saved well over $12,000 through our government’s tax reductions. Making life more affordable for families is a big part of the Saskatchewan Advantage.”
Biggar Wildlife Federation news January 2013 by Gisela Yaroshko, Secretary/Treasure The Biggar branch of the SWF held its monthly meeting Thursday the 3rd of January, with 14 members attending. Membership chairman, Wayne Y, reported that at the end of 2012, we had a total of 391 members. Since many of our members opt for threeyear memberships, we already have a total of 98 members for 2013. Memberships for 2013 are now available from your salesmen. It was reported that the
new Gun Range membership forms for 2013 have been printed and letters for renewal have gone out. New keys have been made for the 2013 year and padlocks have already been changed. Tickets for the Annual Banquet and Awards Night are ready and sales for the event will start after this meeting. Banquet will be held on Saturday, April 13. Tickets are available from Larry T, Milo H, and Jim V. Some fish entries have already been received for consideration for awards. An ad in The Independent has generated some more interest in fish entries. Many big game heads have been submitted for measuring for the 2012 season. Reminder that only BWF members that purchased their memberships prior to hunting season are considered for awards or trophies. The hide bins that have been set out at the junction of Highway 4 and 14 will be emptied near the end of January. The Bear Hills Range will be hosting the High School Rodeo Shoot in May of 2013. Volunteers
will be needed to help build shooting tables. Contact Mike Plysiuk at 948-5310. G u n R a n g e wa i v e r forms are now required for all non-members and will be available at the gun range. Members bringing (non-member) guests must ensure that the guest fills out a waiver form for each visit. Non-members can accompany members up to three times per year, but must purchase a Bear Hills Gun Range membership after that. All Gun Range members must be members of a Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation branch. The 2013 SWF Convention is being held on February 14-16, at the Saskatoon Inn in Saskatoon. Delegates are Jim V and Milo H. Next meeting will be Tuesday, February 12, at 7:30 PM at the Westwinds. Notice of meetings can be found in the Coming Events section of The Independent. Any member wishing to receive e-mail notification of BWF meetings or other information, contact ymva@sasktel.net.
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OBITUARIES John Kleinsasser August 27, 1934 January 1, 2013 John Kleinsasser passed away peacefully New Year’s Day, 2013 in the Biggar Hospital, Biggar, Sask. comforted by his wife Shirley and a few of his family members. John was born in the RM of Glenside and lived most of his life in Biggar. He retired from the CN in 1989 after 38 years of service. He will be remembered for his well developed sense of humour, love of golf, pool, cribbage as well as his talented singing and guitar playing. John is survived by his wife of 31 years, Shirley; his children, David (Jean) Kleinsasser, Cheryl (Jim) Vesso, Bradley (Kelley) Kleinsasser and his stepchildren, Lorne (Barb) McCrea, Debbie (Leon) McCrea, Bruce (Marty) McCrea, Brent (Bernie) McCrea, Laura (Jordan) Dearing, Edward (Kelly) McCrea. He will be missed by his 17 grandchildren; ten great-grandchildren; his siblings, Margaret Mair, Annette (Jim) McKay, Loraine (Don) Adams, Bob (Lorna) Kleinsasser, Marion (Gay) McKenzie and his numerous nieces and nephews. John was predeceased by his parents, John and Agnes Kleinsasser A Family Service will be held in the spring. Donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society, #101-440-2nd Ave. North, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 2C3 Grondin Funeral Services, Biggar entrusted with arrangements, “Our family serving you since 1963”. gfsc1
Edith Eileen Ed en (nee Porter) Andison 29 September 1919 – 31 December, 2012 Edith Andison, affectionately known as “Port” to family and close friends passed away peacefully on December 31, 2012. Port was born in Edmonton, Alberta on the 29th of September, 1919, but was primarily raised near Ardath, Saskatchewan District of Fertile Valley. Her young adulthood was spent teaching, learning and travelling, including what was an exciting year at the age of 36 spent travelling throughout Europe while working as an exchange teacher in England. It was at this time that she made a trip to the birthplace of her father, William in County Donegal, Ireland and met his surviving brothers and sisters. In 1958, one year after her return she married Elliot Andison. Although they were never able to have children of their own, Port and Elliott became as close as a second set of parents to their numerous nieces and nephews, always ¿nding time for regular visits and sharing special holiday trips. Edith continued to teach school (most of them in Perdue, SK) throughout her life, retiring after 39 years. She was devoted to volunteerism, and to supporting local artists and authors as well as community activities. After losing her husband Elliott in 1994 Edith continued to be very active in her community, and also increased her exploring of Canada and the World, often sharing travel adventures with her sisters Florence and Mary, and her sister-in-law Alice. Edith was predeceased by her husband, Elliott in 1994, She was also predeceased by her parents, William and Isabella; brothers, Richard, Albert (infant), Thomas, Leslie and Lorne; and one sister, Florence; her brothers-in-law, Keith McPhadden (Mary) and Robert Buckle (Florence); and sister-inlaw, Ileen Porter (Clifford). Edith is survived by her brother, Clifford Porter; her sister, Mary McPhadden; sistersin-law, Alice (Tom) Porter, Lois (Les) Porter and Shirley (Lorne) Porter as well as her Uncle Richard Bracken and his wife Audrey. Also left to mourn Port are her 21 nieces and nephews, as well as their families, whose lives were greatly enriched by her presence. The funeral for Port was held in Perdue, Sask. at the Recreational Complex on Thursday, January 3, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. Donations in lieu of Àowers may be made to the Perdue New Horizon Activity Centre or to the Leney Cemetery. Grondin Funeral Services, Biggar entrusted with arrangements, “Our family serving your family since 1963”. gfsc1
Byron Albert “Abe” Hammond December 11, 1918 January 4, 2013 Abe was born at Herbert, Sask., the youngest son of ¿ve children to Charles Cecil Hammond and Margaretha Dyck. Abe grew up and received his education in the Beehive School District. He met and married Florence Margaret Hartley of Kel¿eld, Sask. and remained in the Springwater area, farming in this community. Abe was supported in his farming career by his wife, Peggy, of 59 years, as well as his father Charles Cecil, brother, Lawrence Henricks, and Robert Hayes and Culbert Bourk(s). He laboured many long hours to support, raise and educate his family stressing the importance of higher education, which he himself did not have the opportunity to attain. Abe was honest, hardworking, direct and always forthright in his business dealings. With the help and support of his family and friends, as mentioned, and often alone, Abe faced many of life’s hardships and dif¿culties, with the skills and abilities he possessed to make an honest living and to be a good provider. Abe and Peggy were involved in and supported the Springwater and Biggar districts communities, clubs and organizations giving as generously as possible both in time and ¿nancially. Abe and Peggy were members of the BPO Elks and Order of Royal Purple respectfully. They were good old time dancers and enjoyed together cards and other activities. Abe enjoyed his hunting, ¿shing and gol¿ng. He could also yodel, whistle a tune and played the harmonica, ¿ddle, accordion and concertina. Abe celebrated his 94th birthday on December 11, 2012 and was the only member of his family to reach this age. A summation of Abe’s life… “The journey was long I endured and did my best So who can judge me?” He succumbed, free at last No more pain, at rest and peace, January 4, 2013 Abe is survived by his family, Rick, Brenda, Cheryl, Louise, Byron, John and friends. Upon retiring to Biggar, Sask., Abe and Peggy were most fortunate to have met and had the wonderful friendship and support of Dr. Marty Isinger, Bob and Brenda Crozier and many others. Special thanks to Dr. Anton Muller for all the care and special attention he afforded Abe over these many years and to the Home Care providers and staff of Diamond Lodge these past three years. No service by request. Cremation Services have taken place. 2p1
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George Kenneth Jackson
TROJAN, Arthur: January 8, 1990 “Everyday in some small way Memories of you come our way No longer in our lives to share But in our hearts you are always there.” Lovingly remembered by his family 2p1
Peacefully on December 25, 2012, George Kenneth Jackson, age 89 passed away at Grace Hospital in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He will be deeply missed by his wife, Patricia Manton-Jackson; stepdaughter, Diana (Waverley) Squires; and granddaughter, Courtney Squires; as well as relatives and friends. He is predeceased by his ¿rst wife, Lillian Jackson; sister, Gwen Fernandes; mother, Marjorie Jackson; and father, Edward D. Jackson. Ken served in WWII, then went on to CN until he retired in 1982. Ken loved anything to do with nature, he especially enjoyed working in his garden in Biggar. Ken always looked forward to spending time at Lester Beach, Manitoba in the summer, just puttering around the yard or sitting on the beach enjoying the sun. “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination”. 2p1
Nyquist… John, January 5, 2012 and Doris, June 5, 1997
“Just a sad but sweet remembrance, Just a memory fond and true, Just a token of affection, And a heartache just for you.” Lovingly remembered and sadly missed…Barry, Cindy, Jolene, Dale, Christine, Brooklyn and Aidan MERKLEY, Olive: March 5, 1913 - January 6, 2006 “Your presence is ever near us. Your love remains with us yet. You were the kind of mother and grandmother, Your loved ones will never forget.” Love your family 2p1
Thank you to Biggar Hospital staff, doctors and nurses for their care and hospitality. Darlene Laslo 2p1 A special thank you to Dr. Muller, all the staff at the Diamond Lodge and especially to Betty Dollansky for taking such good care of my little dad, Abe Hammond. To Dad’s friends and old neighbours who visited those special times meant the world to him, seeing familiar faces would always bring him a smile. And I’m sure old friends, you will miss the ‘little guy’ as much as I will. Thanks to all who expressed their feelings of loss and for sharing their memories of the good times. Hugs from the north country… Cheryl and Richard Crashley 2c1 I would like to thank the nurses of Biggar Hospital and Dr. McKee for the wonderful care I received during my recent illness. Dot MacDonald 2p1
COMING EVENTS SUNDAYS in January: Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans will be worshipping at St. Paul’s Anglican Church at 10:30 a.m. January 20 will be St. Paul’s annual meting after service and January 27 will be potluck. Everyone welcome. For pastoral services or information, please contact Pastor Mark Kleiner at 306-951-7122 or leave a message at the of¿ce, 948-3731. 48/10tfn SUNDAYS… You are invited to the weekly services of Biggar Associated Gospel Church, corner Quebec St. and 8th Ave. West; Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.; Worship Service at 10:50 a.m.; an Ladies Bible Study at 9:45 a.m. on Tuesday mornings. Everyone is welcome to join us. Contact our church of¿ce 948-3424, Tuesday through Thursday. 36tfn
For FAX service, see us at The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar
SATURDAY, JANUARY 12: Biggar & District Arts Council presents…JOHN WORT HANNAM, 7:30 p.m., Biggar Majestic Theatre. Adults/Seniors $25 (advance $20); Students, 13 and older $15 (advance $12); children, 12 and under $5. Advance and Season Tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar, 948-2452. 48c6 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16: Blood Donor Clinic at Biggar Community Hall, 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. sponsored by Biggar Kayette Club. 2c1 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9: ‘Friends of the Lodge’ Valentine Dine & Dance Fundraiser, Biggar Community Hall. Doors open 5:30, supper 6:30 p.m., $30 per ticket. Tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar or any member of Biggar & District Health Service Foundation Inc. To donate items for silent and live auction, contact Louise Singer, 948-2934 or Jo Angelopoulos, 948-3429 or drop off at Biggar Town Of¿ce. 2c4
NOTICE Families, clubs, churches and businesses are invited to do a Heritage Page to be on permanent display at Biggar Museum. Share your history! For more information call 9483451 or visit museum 1 - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. 7tfn This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. tfn Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at www.swna.com. tfn
MISCELLANEOUS Western Rawhide rope saddle, in good shape, $850 o.b.o.; new pleasure saddle, $500 o.b.o. Phone 306-948-3436 51p3 AT LAST! An iron ¿lter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions: www. bigirondrilling.com. Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON. DISCONNECTED PHONE? ChoiceTel Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call ChoiceTel Today! 1-888-333-1405. P R O V I N C E - W I CLASSIFIEDS. Reach 550,000 readers weekly. this newspaper NOW or 649.1405 for details.
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STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca
Guess who’s
CARS & TRUCKS 3-bedroom home, completely renovated. Fully modern, energy package. Quiet neighbourhood. Close to school. Priced to sell. For viewing call: 948-9517 or 948-5627. 38tfn
1985 Yamaha Virago, 1,000 cc, new rubber, carbs and forks redone. Phone 948-7521. 36tfn 1985 Honda Goldwing, new rubber, shocks redone this spring, new battery, $3500 obo; phone 948-3344 34tfn
Two serviced lots, side by side in Biggar, 100’x140’, $79,900. Call 717-4681 (cell) 5tfn FINAL PHASE FOR SALE. 55 PLUS ADULT ONLY Ground Level Townhome INFO www. diamondplace.ca. CALL306241 0123 WARMAN, SK
LAND FOR RENT Eight quarters of land for cash rent in RM of Grandview #349, all connected. Section 35-3418-W3, 500 acres cult.; N-1/226-34-18-W3, 310 acres cult.; W-1/2-36-34-18-W3, 270 acres cult. Written offers to February 22, 2013. Highest or any offers not necessarily accepted. Send to Box 785, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 2p6
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE/RENT 1000 sq ft retail space available. Phone 948-3629 after 6 p.m. 51c3
…Love your family
TRAVEL HAWAII ON THE MAINLAND, healthy low-cost living can be yours. Modern Arenal Maleku Condominiums, 24/7 secured Community, Costa Rica “friendliest country on earth”! 1-780-952-0709; www.CanTico. ca.
On January 15th, say “Happy Birthday” to this gal.
GET 50% OFF - Join Herbal Magic this week and get 50% Off. Lose weight quickly, safely and keep it off, proven results! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800854-5176.
All West Sales in Rosetown, Sask. requires an Agricultural Technician Must be familiar with diagnostic and repair of agricultural equipment. Competitive salary along with comprehensive beneÀt plan. Please submit resume to: jcarstairs@hotmail.com
Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Land¿ll OR contact Quentin Sittler at 658-2132 3tfn Main Street Garage Sale is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 948-1773 or 9485393. Pickup available. 32tfn
2005 Chev. Silverado 4x4, extended cab, shortbox, 154,000km. New front differential rebuilt; new windshield; red and grey colour. $13,000. Phone 306-834-2750 (H) or 306-8348345 (cell) 2p3 Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514. www.yourapprovedonline.com.
FOR RENT Charter/ Sherwood Apartments 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins. For more information call: Karen/Kevin • 948-9115 302 - 8th Ave. W. • Biggar
If YOU are… • Moving • Expecting a Baby • Planning a Wedding • Anticipating Retirement Call WELCOME WAGON at
948-2563 - Lisa Haynes We have gifts and information www.welcomewagon.ca Bob Foster Locksmith Services. Phone 306-831-7633 26tfn
Nifty, Nifty Looks who’s
HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING - Daily, Weekly and Monthly Rates. Call (306) 955-0079 for details! www. practicumtraininginstitute.ca
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Coram Construction is hiring Carpenters and concrete ¿nishers to work PCL sites in Saskatchewan. $32.55, Good bene¿ts, 3-5 years experience. Join, ¿t and install formwork. E-mail: iknibbs@coram.ca Fax: 306-525-0990 Mail: 205-845 Broad Street Regina, SK S4R8G9
…Love your family
If you know this guy, wish him “Happy Birthday” on
January 12.
JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNICIAN. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. (Hanna, Alberta) needs a few more good people. Busy, modern shop. $25. - $31./ hour + bonus, bene¿ts. Great community. Inquire or send resume. Fax 403-854-2845; Email Chrysler@telusplanet. net.
is currently accepting application to Àll a one-year term for the position of Director to begin as soon as possible. ECE Level III experienced preferred; however, a combination of related eduction and experience may be acceptable. Please submit resumes to… Perdue Daycare, Box 143, Perdue, SK S0K 3C0 For a detailed job description or if you have questions, please contact Daycare Director Amber at 306-237-4403 PROFESSIONAL SALES CONSULTANTS. Central Alberta’s leading Ford dealer requires two professional sales associates to join our award winning team. Denham Ford is Canada’s most highly awarded Ford dealer. We maintain a large inventory of New & Used vehicles & friendly country atmosphere with big city sales volume. We are closed Sundays and all Statutory Holidays. We offer a competitive pay plan with an aggressive bonus structure, salary guarantee and moving allowance. Attention: Dean Brackenbury, GSM. Email: dbrackenbury@denhamford. com. Fax 780-352-0986. Toll free 1-800-232-7255. PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: hr@ pyramidcorporation.com or fax 780-955-HIRE.
We are presently looking for Owner Operators and Company Drivers for our Flat Deck Fleet. - We offer excellent home time - No up-front cost - Satellite dispatch - Excellent rate along with fuel cap - Benefits package For Owner Operators we require late model power units, a safe driving record, and 2 years of deck experience, as well as Owner Operators who will be driving their own truck. If you are interested in these opportunities, you can contact Eddy at 306-651-4837 or Apply by visiting our website www.qlinetrucking.com or by sending resume, along with references to: hr@qlinetrucking.com or fax 306-242-9470 New business launching in Canada. Of¿cial launch 2013, get in now. Need people in your area, work from home. Check out www.seacretweapon.com then email certi¿edseacretfab5@ hotmail.com.
NOW HIRING: Carpenters, Journeyperson & Apprentice, Millwrights, Scaffolders and Pipefitters for an industrial site near Vanscoy, SK. All wages depend on experience. We offer a $2.00/hour retention bonus & $2.00/hour completion bonus (Total $4.00/hour). Living out allowance is provided to those that qualify. Monad has excellent benefits, pension plan & RRSPs. The successful candidate must have CSTS 09 and complete a pre-access A&D test. Apply with resume In person: 9744 - 45th Ave Edmonton AB T6E 5C5 or by fax: 1-888-398-0725 or email: jobs@monad.ca Attn: Monad Recruitment Team. Saskatchewan’ s Premier 4 Star Resort is looking for Winter Applicants in the following Departments: *Food and Beverage *Housekeeping *Maintenance. Elk Ridge Resort Offers Competitive Wages, Duty Meal Options, Staff Accommodation, Discount Spa rates, and full access to resort amenities. Send cover letter, resume & references to careers@elkridgeresort.com Work. Stay. Play. Speedway Moving Systems Requires O/O 1 tons to transport RVs throughout N. America. We offer competitive rates and Co. Fuel cards. Paid by direct deposit. Must have clean criminal record and passport to cross border.1-866-736-6483; www.speedwaymovingsystems. com NEED A HOME PHONE? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We Can Help. Everyone Approved. Call Today. 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect
PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY at The Independent for 2 days a week Duties to include: • Addressing the newspaper • Tearsheets • Customer Service Forward resume to… Biggar Independent 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Box 40, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 email: tip@sasktel.net
Full-time SEASONAL EQUIPMENT OPEATOR AND LABOURER Health and Dental beneÀt packages and Pension Plan available. Starting date and wage negotiable. Send/fax resumes by noon on February 8, 2013 to… R.M. of Marriott #317 Box 366, Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0 email: rm317@sasktel.net Phone: 306-882-4030 Fax: 306-882-4401
Pa^g rhn aZo^ lhf^mabg` mh l^ee% Z \eZllbÛ ^] Z] bl ZepZrl phkdbg` _hk rhn' Lh pa^ma^k rhnk ikhli^\m hi^gl ni ma^ iZi^k pbma abl fhkgbg` \h__^^ hk [^_hk^ [^]% rhnk Z] bl k^Z]r Zg] pZbmbg`% Zg] maZm \hne] f^Zg lhf^ jnb\d \Zla _hk rhn' WHY NOT GET DOWN TO BUSINESS BY PLACING YOUR CLASSIFIED AD, TODAY! CALL 9483344
Easy ways to improve memory Everyone forgets things from time to time. Periodically forgetting where you left your keys is likely not indicative of a bad memory. But some people find themselves forgetting things more frequently, a troubling development for those who can’t explain their sudden loss of memory. Memory loss is often considered to go handin-hand with aging. As a person ages, conventional wisdom suggests memory will begin to fade. But sometimes memory loss has nothing to do with aging, and a lot to do with a brain that isn’t sharp because of an unhealthy lifestyle. The following are a few ways men and women can improve their memory. • Get some sleep. Men and women who aren’t getting enough sleep can almost certainly blame that lack of shut-eye for at least
some of their memory loss. When you don’t get enough sleep, your brain’s ability to think critically, solve problems and even be creative is compromised considerably. In addition, research has shown that memoryenhancing activities occur during the deepest stages of sleep, further highlighting the importance of getting a full night of interruption-free rest. • Hit the gym. Exercise is another activity that can improve memory. Daily physical exercise increases the amount of oxygen that gets to your brain while reducing the risk for certain disorders, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease, both of which can lead to memory loss. • Manage stress effectively. Stress has a host of negative side effects, not the least
of which is its impact on your memory. Chronic stress that goes untreated can destroy brain cells and damage the region of the brain that deals with the formation of new memories as well as the retrieval of older memories. Numerous studies have shown that men and women cite their career as their primary source of stress. Since quitting your job is likely not an option, find ways to manage your stress more effectively. This may mean finding a way to make the most of your time, be it working more efficiently, emphasizing planning ahead or even vowing to stop procrastinating. Other ways to manage stress include making time to relax and recognizing that you have limits while seeking the help of others. • Make some dietary changes. Diet can also
have an impact on memory. What you eat is fuel for both your body and your brain, and a poor diet can have a negative impact on your memory. Be sure to include omega-3 fatty acids, sources of which include salmon, tuna and other cold water fatty fish, in your diet. Research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids, which can also be found in walnuts, can boost brain power and possibly reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Foods with
antioxidants, including fruits and vegetables, can also protect your brain cells from damage, which can have a positive impact on your memory. Leafy green vegetables like spinach, romaine lettuce and arugula as well as fruits like apricots, mangoes and cantaloupe are good sources of antioxidants. A diet high in saturated fat, which is found in red meat, whole milk, butter and cheese, has been found to have a negative impact on
memory. Research has shown that such a diet increases a person’s risk of developing dementia while impairing an individual’s ability to concentrate and remember things. Loss of memory is often a momentary lapse, but those who find themselves becoming more and more forgetful can take steps to improve their memory and their quality of life. Prioritizing a good night’s sleep is one way to improve memory.
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Services available…
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Garry A. Faye
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P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, Sask.
…serving your community since 1972
Phone: 948-5133
201B-2nd Ave. West
BIGGAR COURIER Service Truck Full Mechanical Service Mon - Fri • 8 a.m.-5 p.m. phone: George
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Report from the Legislature by Randy Weekes, MLA, Biggar (18 December, 2012) Amazing year for Saskatchewan Wi t h t h e C h r i s t m a s s e a s o n u p o n u s, w e are reminded time and again of how fortunate we are to call a place like Saskatchewan home. Ours is a province where you know your neighbours and you are there for them when they need you. We are known across the country for our rich tradition of volunteerism; helping those less fortunate. As family and friends draw near, it is important we remember just how special this place we live in is. 2012 was another amazing year for Saskatchewan. The provincial economy remained one of the strongest in Canada. Our government announced its fifth consecutive balanced budget. We continued to make historic investments
in the infrastructure a growing province needs – highways, schools and healthcare facilities. We made further investments in programs and services important to you and your family – all within the context of a balanced budget. 23,000 more people now call our province home, pushing the population to an all-time high of 1,086,564. Growth like that means we are well on our way to achieving one of the ambitious goals we set in the Saskatchewan Plan for Growth released this fall: a population of 1.2 million by 2020. For our government, the Growth Plan was an important milestone. In it, we laid out our vision to keep Saskatchewan strong and growing. We committed to investing a further $2.5 billion in infrastructure over the next three years, lowering business taxes and doubling the value of our exports by 2020. The Growth
Plan also outlined our government’s direction to improve health care and education, build growing and safe communities and improve the lives of people with disabilities. The purpose of growth should be to build a better quality of life for all Saskatchewan residents. Our Growth Plan will do that. Looking ahead to 2013, there are already positive indications. The latest economic outlook for next year suggests Saskatchewan’s will have the highest rate of growth in Canada. The most recent job numbers seem to support that prediction – in November, 540,000 people were working in Saskatchewan; a new all-time high. Not only were there more people working, there also fewer people looking for work. Reflecting on the past year, we are reminded how blessed we are to be living in Saskatchewan. As a government, we have taken action to
CAM-DON MOTORS LTD. Perdue, Sask. 2004 Freightliner m2 C7 Cat, auto, 24’ van c/w power tailgate, 280km, very good
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ensure the benefits of growth are used to improve the quality of life for you and your family. With the New Year will come new challenges, but with your help and
on the solid foundation provided by our Growth Plan, we are confident that Saskatchewan will continue to move forward.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! If you have a question about this Legislative report or any other matter, just contact Randy.
Council news for the Town of Asquith, December 2012 Asquith Town Council held its regular meeting on Tuesday, December 11. Council received notice that the division of Sask Environment that has Environmental Protection Officers (EPO’s) overseeing the water aspect of municipalities has changed its name to the Water Security Agency. An EPO was out to do an inspection of the Town’s water plant and the lagoon. The Town is compliant in all areas. The snow we received in December has certainly kept our public works employees busy removing and clearing the snow. Thank you to those individuals who moved their vehicles to allow proper removal of snow from the streets. A huge thank you to John Dahlseide who has single handedly been putting ice in at the outdoor rink and making it a fun recreational area for the youth in the area! Hats off to you, John! The Town has received notification from CIBC that they will be starting to charge the Town for electronic payments made by their members to the Town of Asquith. As a result, starting in February, members of CIBC will not be able to electronically pay their utility and tax bills to the Town of Asquith. Those
ratepayers who are being affected by this change of policy should contact their branch of the CIBC to further discuss it with them. The Town of Asquith has contracted Prairie Wild Consulting to create an Official Community Plan and a Zoning Bylaw for $18,000. Consultations will begin in 2013. Mayor Maddin, Councillors Lysyshyn and Dumont and Administrator Cross will be attending the 2013 SUMA Convention. Councillors Beal,
Gamble and Lysyshyn will be attending the Newly Elected Officials Workshop. Asquith Town Council passed a resolution supporting Motion M-400 moved by MP Mylene Freeman to protect the water and public health of our rural communities by supporting one or more government financial support programs. This office sincerely wishes all a wonderful New Year and all of the best in 2013.
Rebranding inappropriate, say the NDP The Sask Party’s move to replace the wheat sheaf logo with a new partisan one lacks common sense, according to the NDP. “The new logo is a Sask Party brand in party colours,” said Buckley Belanger, NDP deputy leader. “It’s not appropriate, and the fact that the Sask Party tried to quietly sneak this change through makes it obvious that the Sask Party knows it’s doing something wrong.” Belanger added that In 2007, the Sask Party’s first attempt to eliminate
Now online! biggarindependent.ca Subcribe at
the sheaf logo in favour of its own logo choice ended swiftly after public outcry. The wheat sheaf logo has been used on official correspondence, news releases and other government documents since 1975. The sheaf is symbolic of the province’s agrarian heritage, he said. “The image representing Saskatchewan should be a source of pride,” said Belanger. “The quiet, sneaky replacement of our heritage symbols isn’t what Saskatchewan people asked for.” The government’s new logo is similar to an earlier draft that has been used in branding the Sask Party’s political entity with “moving Saskatchewan forward” - a brand that is now being inappropriately used for both the Sask Party’s political spin and PR material and Government of Saskatchewan promotional material, Belanger concluded.
2012 didn’t include private sector or aboriginal job gains: Broten
Congratulations - an early Christmas present! Biggar Independent Advertising Consultant, Urla Tyler, right, hands a cheque over to Florence Hammond - the lucky winner of $750, all to be redeemed at local participating businesses. A big thank you to all the merchants who participated, and to all who put their names in the draw bins.
Maria Trotchie received $500.
Darryl Ackimenko went home with $250.
Want to place an ad in the paper? Monday at 5:00 p.m. is now the deadline for all classifieds and ad copy!
Despite experiencing overall employment gains in 2012, Saskatchewan saw disappointing losses in private sector employment and the First Nations and Métis labour force, said NDP employment critic Cam Broten. The private sector lost 600 jobs during 2012, according to the latest jobs report from Statistics Canada. During the same time period the public sector added 11,800 jobs and 5,200 people became self-employed. This is the third consecutive month in which Statistics Canada has reported a yearover-year drop in the number of private sector jobs, the NDP claim. Broten added that Statistics Canada also reported that the Métis labour force shrunk by 1,500 over the last year while the First Nations labour force shrunk by 700. The labour force includes those who are either working or actively looking for work. “Public sector employment and self-employment are both important, but the decline in private
sector employment is concerning,” said Broten. “And it’s especially concerning that, for six months in a row, the jobs report has not painted a very good picture of First Nations and Métis employment. Once again this highlights the need for the Sask Party government to reverse its decision and reinstate the Aboriginal Employment
Development Program.” Sectors that lost jobs in 2012 included: accommodation and food services (-4,600 jobs); finance, insurance, real estate and leasing (-2,500 jobs); trade (-1,700 jobs); professional, scientific and technical services (-1,100 jobs); utilities (-600 jobs); and transportation and warehousing (-200 jobs), Broten concluded.
Landis Locals Helen Buxton 658-2115 From where I sit, it was wonderful Christmas season spending time with family and friends. Many old friends wrote or phoned; the older we get, the more important old ties become. Our Lady of Fatima and Friends Parish Choir gave us a wonderful concert of Christmas music. Thanks to Louise Souillet-Hawkins and all the choir. We know it takes hours of dedication to present such a polished performance. Thanks also to the group “The Generations” who came out from
Biggar to sing for us. It’s great to see our young people playing musical instruments and singing. Koralie Huber sings and plays piano, Austin Garrett is a violinist, Regan Sittler plays keyboard, Josh plays drums, and Jayden Sittler really stirs things up with the skirl of the bagpipers. They are all remarkably talented. Mary Kammer is home after spending Christmas in Biggar Hospital. Sure hope you are well and home to stay. Happy New Year, Everyone!
We will design and print your business cards!
The Independent Printers 102-3rd Ave. w., Biggar • 948.3344