Vol. 104 No. 1
Box 40, 102 3rd Ave West, Biggar, Saskatchewan S0K 0M0
email: tip@sasktel.net
Phone: 306-948-3344
24 pages
Happy New Year from Everyone at the Biggar Independent
$38 million dollars invested in bridge and culvert work in 2012-13
Highway 14 near Perdue to see improvements
While the major highway construction season in Saskatchewan drew to a close in the fall, bridge and culvert work is ramping up throughout the winter. Culvert improvements will be made on Highway 14 near Perdue. “Replacing worn out bridges and culverts and maintaining our more than 780 bridges and 62,000 culverts is a vital part of renewing our infrastructure and moving forward on our provincial growth plan,” Highways and Infrastructure Minister Don McMorris said, December 19. “By contracting this work out over the winter months, we are able to take advantage of frozen water bodies for efficient bridge work with little environmental impact.” Winter bridge work is efficient and cost effective because temporary platforms are easily built under the bridge on frozen bodies of water. No parallel bridges need to be constructed in order to erect a new bridge. Environmental concerns are also greatly reduced because there is no impact to aquatic species and certain birds during the winter months. Some of the work in progress or scheduled to get underway this winter in addition to the Perdue work includes: culvert replacement near 15 Wing Moose Jaw, culvert replacement on Highway 9 north of Canora, bridge work on Highway 16 near Maidstone, culvert installation underway on Highway 18 near Climax, culvert replacement on Highway 19 near Elbow, bridge replacement on Highway 25 near Birch Hills, culvert installation under Highway 39 near Weyburn, bridge work on Highway 56 in Fort Qu’Appelle, and bridge construction on Highway 165 near Big Sandy Lake.
Sometimes, ya’ just gotta sing! . . . Christmas time and for most folks, the rush of the holiday season can be a stressful time. Not for this performer at the annual St. Gabriel School Christmas concert, December 20. Sometimes a good sing relieves all that pent Motorists must slow to 60 km/hr when passing
workers and equipment in the Orange Zone. For
up pressure. Here’s hoping you’ve all had a Merry Christmas. To all of you, our best in the New Year! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
more information about construction zones, visit highways. g o v. s k . c a / orangezone/. Emergency road closures, the status of ferries and
barges, winter road conditions and other related activities can be found on the Highway Hotline at highways.gov.sk.ca/ road-conditions. The second-largest highways budget in Saskatchewan history has provided nearly 1,200 ki-
lometres of highway improvements completed or underway in the 2012 construction season. A $631.5 million investment in 2012-13 brings the total investment to $3.1 billion since the spring of 2008.
Sun West to hold AGMs The board approved the date of the Annual General Meeting in the new year. They found the format of holding two meetings in different communities worked well last year and agreed to do it again in two new locations this year. The AGM will be held on March 26 at Eston Composite School and another public meeting on April 26 at Loreburn Central School. This year attendees will see Sun West’s response proposal to the government’s recent growth plan called ‘Vision 2020 and Beyond’. The board approved and moved the Audited Financial Statement and Statement of Public Accounts for 2011-12 be forwarded to the Ministry for approval. At the December 11 Committee of the Whole meeting, a student delegation attended and Keep away . . . Biggar Central School Blazer, Jenna Boisvert, skyped into the board meeting takes it on the chin as she tries to strip the ball off of a Wilkie to present on their experience Bronco, December 18. The Broncs defeated the Blazers 37-21. at the Sun West delegation that travelled to Weyburn for (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
the Canadian Student Leadership Conference in September. The five students put together a video highlighting what they did at the event. You can view the video at sunwestsd.ca/students/ studentleadershipconference. All students agreed the conference was very inspiring and that they brought back several ideas to engage their fellow students in leadership. The board recognizes that these conferences are a valuable opportunity for Sun West students, and discussed increasing financial support to send more Sun West student delegates to the Canadian Student Leadership Conference in 2013. The Ministry of Education is working with school divisions to provide additional classroom space in response to increased student enrolment. Sun West saw increased student enrolment in online education and therefore, the board approved submitting a request to the Ministry for an addition to be added to Kenaston School for additional space.
Opinions ........................................................... 4 Agriculture ...................................................... 8 Classifieds .................................................18-19 Business & Professional Directories .........20-21
Operation Santa: a success! by Asquith Operation Santa Committee Asquith is a caring town, full of good neighbours. The community of Asquith has proved it by their tremendous response to Operation Santa! Groceries, toys, knitted mitts and toques and cash donations were received, allowing Operation Santa to make Christmas and grocery hampers. This year we provided hampers and groceries to 12 family units, in which there were 32 children. People who received the hampers have expressed thanks again and again. You met a physical need and touched many hearts! Money received went directly to the hampers and was spent at local merchants.
Organizations involved were: The Asquith Baptist Church, The Asquith Legion, The United Church, St. Theresa’s Parish,Asquith Elks, the Asquith Royal Purple, Asquith Lodge AF andAM, the B.L.R.A., Lord Asquith School and students, Asquith General Store and the Asquith Co-operative Association, who special ordered in some staples and who also donated some of the food stuffs! Individuals who made cash donations were Gerry Anderson, Helen Schriek, Jim Theriault, Dave Anderson, Harvey and Dorothy Burwell, Tamarie Hudon, Fran Stanek, Mel Moline, Sandra Braun, Crystal and Doug Haugrud, Darleen Warren, Ray Hesselberg, Jack and Liz Picketts and several
anonymous donors. John and Eva Rempel who donated turkeys, chocolate bars and pizza coupons! Many community members donated wonderful toys that the children will very much enjoy opening this Christmas season. The Asquith Baptist Church donated a space for sorting and distributing the hampers. Leona Dumont made her beautiful hand-knitted toques, mittens, scarves and slippers that many of the children will find so very useful this cold Christmas season. Josh and Sandra Goetz, Jason Ottman, Gail Erhart and Kurt Erhart, Lloyd Cross and Darren Kraft sorted and delivered the Christmas hampers. Their hard work ensured that those in our community who
Operation Santa in Asquith was a resounding success again this year, with 12 families and 32 children receiving hampers and small gifts due to the generosity of the community. The sorting crew, left to right: Darren Kraft, Josh and Sandra Goetz, Jason Ottman, Kurt Erhart, Lloyd Cross, Gail Erhart. (Photo for The Independent by Holly Cross)
needed the hampers received them. We hope that the spirit of “Operation Santa” will be a continued success
in 2013. Asquith and the surrounding area is a wonderful community and it’s because of your help and support in
making Christmas a little bit brighter for many in our community that this year was a huge success.
Health partners boost efforts to reduce wait times The latest statistics show that 90 per cent of Saskatchewan surgical patients continue to receive surgery within six months and 78 per cent receive surgery within three months. However, with little improvement in surgery wait times over the past few months, surgical teams, health regions and others are renewing their efforts to reduce surgery wait times and improve safety. “There is a lot of work going on behind the scenes to make surgeries
safer and get people in for surgeries sooner,” Health Minister Dustin Duncan said. “Surgical teams, health regions and other partners are focused on achieving shorter wait times and ensuring surgical patients have a better experience.” The number of people waiting more than six months for surgery was 10,634 in November 2007. That number fell 58 per cent to 4,516 on October 31, 2012. The number of surgeries performed so far in the 2012-13 year is slightly
higher than during the same period last year. Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region, behind on its targeted wait times and surgical volumes, is improving surgical service by training and hiring more operating room nurses, contracting for day surgeries with third-party surgery providers, targeting long orthopaedic waits and other efforts. Saskatoon Health Region is taking steps to increase surgical volumes and focus on patients with long waits after also falling behind
on its targets. Some Saskatchewan projects contributing to surgery improvements include: • An online specialist directory to empower patients, in consultation with their primary health care provider, to make informed choices about referrals to specialists; • Adoption of the surgical safety checklist before surgeries; • The use of pooled referrals to route patients to the next available specialist appropriate for their condition;
• 18-bed inpatient surgical ward added at St. Paul’s Hospital (Saskatoon); • New patient-flow software introduced in Regina and Saskatoon to help move patients through the health system better and faster; • Breast Health Centre expansion at Saskatoon City Hospital to allow faster, less invasive procedures for breast biopsies; and • Assessment centres for early diagnosis of serious
hip and knee problems and back problems. Through the Saskatchewan Surgical Initiative, specialists, operating room teams, health regions, patient advisors, health provider organizations and administrators are collaborating to improve safety and quality, with the target of all Saskatchewan patients receiving surgery within three months by April 2014. This year’s target is all surgeries within six months by April 2013.
Wages and retail sales up, year-over-year
Luau prayer . . . Dressed in the appropriate Hawaiian garb, Biggar Central School performers pray for a great Christmas during a rehearsal, December 19. The kids were getting ready for their annual Christmas concert, December 20. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
There were two positive reports released by Statistics Canada December 20 indicating retail sales and average weekly earnings were up on a year-over-year basis. “More money in workers’ pockets means more money to spend in the marketplace,” Economy Minister Bill Boyd said. “In addition, there seems to be a much higher level of consumer confidence that contributes to the rise in retail sales.” Average weekly earnings (seasonally adjusted) were up 4.6 per cent over last October to $932.22, the third highest increase among the provinces. Nationally, earnings increased by 2.8 per cent to $909.41. Retail sales (seasonally adjusted) were up 5.4 per cent in October 2012 when compared to last October, the third highest increase among provinces. Sales totalled $1.5 billion - the highest ever for the month of October. “As we get information about the final months of 2012, there is every reason to believe it has been a very successful year for working people who are making more wages and for retailers, who are seeing the benefits of a strong economy,” Boyd said.
2012 according to Schneider . . .
Phone: 306-948-3344
Fax: 306-948-2133
Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Monday at the office of publication, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Delta Fay Cruickshank
E-mail: tip@sasktel.net
P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
the meeting in February becomes one of catch up rather than discussing present business. Of course, everyone says they don’t mind if you meet without them but inevitably the next meeting one of those missing questions the decisions that were made. The whole month is one of leftovers. Leftover food, leftover baking, leftover everything. By the middle of the month everyone is tired of the leftovers (do you blame them?) and ready to move on to something fresh. The Christmas tree and decorations have to come down (if they have not disappeared earlier) and time to wait out the rest of the winter. Despite all this January is a month for rejuvenation and renewed spirit. Take for example, all those resolutions that were made either New Year’s Eve or Day. Plans that were made for self improvement or changes
Here it is -- the first week of January. You can’t count the days from the 1st until the 6th as a full week. People are just getting back into the swing of things and regrouping from the holidays. Some will only have two days at Christmas and then New Year’s Day but for others the “holiday” season consists of the week between Christmas and New Year’s. This period is often referred to as “slackmas”. I guess the name says it all -- it is a time to relax and enjoy. Maybe a short trip somewhere in the neighbourhood, maybe extra time for visiting, or maybe just time to curl up with that book you got in your Christmas stocking. Whatever your choice of activity it is now time to get back to work. For some. This being winter on the Prairies, it is not unusual for a number of people to disappear off to a warmer clime. January is a constant stream of people coming and going to points south all in hopes of some relief from cool temps and high windchills. It’s challenging if you belong to a group and are trying to organize a meeting. At any given time half the group could be missing. Sure, it is possible to meet without them but then
that need to be made. It may be true that most of these have fallen by the wayside by the 15th but sometimes, some of them are kept. I find the month of January to be very busy. There are always activities going on either at work, on a personal level or in the community. It does help to pass the time. It is perhaps the most dreary month for those that like sunshine as it is dark in the morning when you go to work and dark in the evening when you go home from work. Still, there are very sunny days in those short daylight hours. Usually there will is a January thaw which brightens the spirits of everyone. Seeing it melt gives everyone hope that spring will come. Of course, by the time March hits are hopes are dashed as a snow blizzard hits again. But, spring is just around the corner.
Wishing you a holiday Filled with merriment and mirth — Plus lots of love and laughter, With joy and peace on earth! With our thanks for your valued patronage. Stay safe this holiday, don’t drink and drive. Call us to drive you.
New York Taxi Linda and staff
Biggar & District Arts Council celebrating 34 years presents …
t r o W n h o J m a n Han SATURDAY, JANUARY 12 7:30 p.m. The Majestic Theatre, Biggar
Tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers…
Adults/Seniors… advance, $20, at the door $25; DOOR OPENS at 7 p.m. p.m Students… advance, $12, … presented by Biggar & District Arts Council, Stars for Saskatchewan Series at the door $15; … patrons • de Moissac Jewellers, Westwinds Motor Hotel, 12 and under, $5 Biggar Insurance Services, Natural Resource Trucking, Shop Easy Sponsors…
Duperow Co-op Biggar & District Credit Union
8 week sessions ~
Sign U NOW p !!!
Sun-Rise Class Tuesday & Thursday • 6 -7 a.m. January 8 - February 28
May your holiday season be filled with lots of good times and cause for celebration. Your support gives us much cause for good cheer. Thanks, everyone!
Serving the community for over 10 years 212 Main St, Biggar Pizza Ray (aka Mayor Ray) and staff
Tuesday Evening Class • 8 - 9 p.m. January 8 - February 28 Wednesday Noon Hour • Noon - 1 p.m. January 9 - February 27 Wednesday Evening Class • 5 - 6 p.m. January 9 - February 27
--located at Nova Wood Centre (back entrance)
104-6th Ave. E., Biggar cell 948-9750; business948-2208 email: newuÀtness@sasktel.net
When in Rome by Bob Mason
There is an old saying that we used to pay attention to “When in Rome, do as the Romans do!” But I’m afraid that over the years of
“progress” and “social development” a lot of people have changed it quite a bit to something like: “When in a foreign country, ask the locals
It’s Going To Be A Very Good Year!
Here’s to you our neighbors, for a year filled with health, prosperity and success. We look forward to your next visit.
Biggar Shop Easy F • Committed O • toO •D•S our Community Greg, Naomi and staff
why they don’t act like we do!” Along with a lot of other people, I worked with a guy one time who asked that very same question and was always a little critical because we Canadians didn’t do the high-class, intelligent things that they did in “The Old Country!” Of course, that led to one of his short-tempered fellow workerexclaiming! “If things were so @#* good in your old country, why in @#* did you leave it?” So, (as in snakes and ladders), we’re back at square one, find, (because of this “progress” and “development” bit, no one is even playing the game anymore! Read this twice, I know I did! There is an awful lot of good things about our natural cultural development. In the minds of many the real wealth of considerations and compassion (which we all capable of) is far more valuable than any dollars can ever be! Consider the makings of a culture. When the early settlers first
Happy Holidays from
arrived out here on the prairies they had to eat, so they raised their own food. They had to have shelter, so they built shelters with what they had. Most of them had to “socialize” with someone, so they neighboured. And no one asked, or even cared, about social status! Over the years all these things developed into a kind of prairie culture, something like “Go with the flow!” or as our ancestors said, “When in Rome . . . “. Culture and custom are really environmental things (I think) and out here everyone considers the attitudes and welfare of everybody else! It pains me to admit this, but it seems to me, money has taken number one place in the culture of our society. Almost to the point where many people value it more than nearly everything else! There is a huge fallacy in that statement about money though, and, as everybody knows, YT isn’t an economist by a darnsight, but he does pretend to know about the other angle! Having dollars is almost a kind of objective for many to work toward and, because of their sometimes imperialistic attitude toward the “have-nots” YT could aim a lot of his crackpot criticism toward them, but, using dollars is something else entirely! As Matthew 25: 21 sez (and who is argue with it?) “Well done good and faithful servant!” Having quoted the Book a few times in the past, YT might give the impression that he is a Bible thumper of some kind, not so! Again, at the risk
of being called an “unbeliever”, I think it is a mistake to try and change the cultural opinions of a person who is convinced that their way is the best. In other words, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” and “When in Tokyo, use a little “Religious Tolerance”! All over the world (it seems to me) people are taking advantage of this culture thing and catering to it with only one motive, gain of some kind! We sell refrigerators to Eskimos and “Carry coal to Newcastle” and this isn’t right! I guess if one looked at this kind of stuff long enough they would finally decide that the “Love of Money (1 Timothy 6:10) mentioned in the Bible is itself becoming a kind of culture. It may be the wrong thing to do, but YT prefers to “Go with the flow” and let the dollar worshippers have their head! It may seem to some, that YT professes to know a lot more about things than he actually does! Not so even again! He is human, however (like everybody else) and the only real difference is that he often marks down many of his cultural moments! Anyone can quote a whole bunch of incidents, cultural-wise, that have happened during their lives, when customs from another part of the world have affected their own and this is good (I think) because only by associating with the world’s varying cultures will we feel more like accepting the people who have them, and the more “other world” people we accept the more we will understand! The more
Prairie Malt Limited Employees
We’re displaying our gratitude here and wish you a most spectacular year! We really appreciate your business.
Phillips Electric Biggar • 948-5393 or 221-6888 Dave and staff
we get to understand, the better the world will be, okay? The western world, once considered unfit for the elite and only a place for leftovers and remittance men, has done wonders by bringing all these varying types together! Not only does the aristocratic European type get to have the fellowship of a lowly peasant, but often the very rich get an education by rubbing shoulders with the very poor, and understand them! YT will surely be pointed out, by some critic, as a self-acclaimed social “know it all”! But I sure haven’t been everywhere, “done this” and “done that” either. Below are listed a few of the times when different cultures impressed me. • Young soldiers YT sure got a start the first time he noticed that some of the washrooms in Ghent were being used by both sexes! (Here in Saskatchewan we even put latches on outhouse doors!) • It’s an old Canadian custom to laugh when someone is giving the punchline of a joke. Even if the joker happens to be a P.O.W. and tells it in some guttural European language! (I don’t think that some of those Ensa Jokes had a punchline!) • A newfie guy told me one time that in his province when they uncorked a bottle of booze they threw the top away! (In Saskatchewan, after one sip of Honest John’s Homebrew, most guys didn’t know what a cork was!) For all its image of useless brutality, the military life did have some advantages. It’s too bad that more guys didn’t survive that brutality so that they could come home and tell people about the many different people they met. The rough guys, the quiet guys, the ones who talked too much (no wisecracks, please!) Even the ones who name pieces for The Independent, “When in Rome . . . !” Come to think of it, Canadians are noted for finishing many sentences with an aye, eh?
This holiday greeting is trimmed with best wishes and thanks to our clients and friends. …Jeanne Marie de Moissac
208 Main St., Biggar
The Grade 6 class from BCS 2000 visited Sunshine Care Home to sing carols to the residents. They sang a mixture of traditional carols and modern Christmas songs. The students were treated to cookies at the end. The Seniors really enjoyed the visit. (Photo for The Independent by Jackie Zagoruy)
Holiday spirit . . . Abbey Dolman shows off the lengthy of hair she’s donating to the Angel Voice Foundation. Abbey recently had her hair cut at Nevada’s, and decided to donate the locks to the Foundation which makes wigs for kids fighting cancer. (Submitted Photo)
BCS news by Sabrina Yurchak & Taylor Darroch Well, Christmas break is finally here! The SRC was very busy last week with Candy Cane O’Grams, the elementary movie at the theatre, breakfast with Santa, and a spirit week with some fantastic prizes. It was a lot of fun dressing up everyday and seeing the outfits fellow students were wearing. Nerd day was particularly hilarious! Edyn, Bailey, and almost the entire Grade 7 class had us all laughing that morning. The basketball teams have been very busy as well. The Senior boys played a tournament in Delisle two weekends ago and came home with the gold! The Senior girls
had two home games during the last week of classes and played well. The Junior boys also played a game that week against St. Gab’s and won. Basketball will continue for January and February once we return to school. We should have more curling news in January as well. Until then, we hope everyone had an exceptional Christmas and a fun welcoming in the New Year!
Biggar Electrical Services 948-5291 Adrian and Barbara de Haan Lyle Zbeeshko
Santa visits Skating Club . . . Santa decided to strap on a pair of skates recently to let off some steam and say hello to some fans from the Biggar Skating Club at the Jubilee Stadium. (Photo for The Independent by Tammy Desrosiers)
It’s time for holiday fun and gathering the family together to share a warm, wonderful festivity. We hope the holidas bring everything you want! We wish you and yours the best season ever.
Management and staff
Take one home today…
Hwy #4, Biggar • 948-5262
Great Plains College would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patronage and wish you the very best in your furture endeavours!!
Financing Available (OAC)
Laundry pairs as low as $40/month (OAC)
Best Wishes for 2013 GPC Board of Directors, Staff and Students www.greatplainscollege.ca
Biggar Leisure 216 Main Street, Biggar 948-2266 *check in store for details
How to choose a resolution you can keep
With thanks and glad tidings from us this holiday season.
New Year’s resolutions may have varying degrees of success, but even those people who find it difficult to keep their resolutions year after year still tend to make a new resolution once the hour of midnight chimes.
Randy Weekes, M.L.A.
KRF Auto Centre • Granitex Baked-on Coating • Vortex Spray-in Box liners • Auto Accessories • Detailing • Trailer Rentals 227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar • 948-1722
Friends Make The Season Special Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this year and warm wishes for holidays and a Happy New Year!!
Though it may seem as though resolutions are made to be broken, resolutions can be the first step many people take toward a happier and healthier life, making them more than just a silly annual exercise in
Biggar Constituency 948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880 Box 1413, 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar
to their resolutions to lose weight. But joining a gym isn’t always the answer, as it’s easy to become intimidated at a gym where the majority of your fellow members are already in great shape. But this doesn’t mean you should shy away from your resolution. Instead, look for ways to make your resolution enjoyable so you’re more likely to stick with it. If you have resolved to lose weight but a gym isn’t for you, sign up for a dance class or join a cycling group. There’s more than one way to commit to a given resolution, and finding the most enjoyable way to tackle your resolution is often the easiest way to make it a success. • Make it a realistic goal. Your resolution should be realistic. If not, the chances of being successful are slim. For example, resolving to move overseas by the end of the coming calendar year may be a great goal, but if you have no job Resolutions . . . cont’d on page 9
Here’s hoping health, happiness and good fortune reign supreme in the year ahead. People like you make it all worthwhile. Thanks!
Biggar Veterinary Clinic Dr. M. O. Isinger and family, Paulette Ireland-Hegland
empty promises. A common hurdle many people must clear when making a New Year’s resolution is choosing the resolution itself. Resolving to become a millionaire in the next 12 months is likely unrealistic, as is taking on the same resolution you made last year that proved unsuccessful. Before making a New Year’s resolution this year, consider the following tips aimed at helping you choose a resolution that has a chance to be successful. • Make it something you’re likely to enjoy. Resolving to lose weight is perhaps the most popular New Year’s resolution every year. Though there’s no way to measure how many people make this resolution and stick with it, it’s safe to assume many people fall short of their weight-loss goal. That’s because the steps people must take to lose weight are not always easy to embrace. Many people join a gym in January so they can fully commit
1-866-948-2643 • Biggar
We’re sowing our best wishes with the hope that they grow into joy and prosperity for the folks that we know!
JDL Underground Fred, Erin, family and staff 948-2298
Wishing everyone a wonderful Holiday Season and all the Best in 2013 Thanks to all my customers for your support and I look forward to serving you in the New year!
Ron and Cheryl Amy www.louisdreyfus.ca
Management and staff Wilkie, SK. 306-843-3113
Rosetown Mainline Motor Products 1-877-979-7999 948-5338 (home)
Resolutions . . . cont’d from page 8 prospects overseas or too many commitments at home, then this goal is not very realistic and you probably won’t make it a successful resolution. However, this doesn’t mean you have to abandon your dream of moving overseas. Instead, resolve to make changes that make your desire to live overseas more realistic. Learn the language of a favorite country or learn about that country’s job market and work toward making yourself more attractive to potential overseas employers. This is a more realistic goal than deciding to move overseas in the very near future, and it sets you up for future success should you resolve to move abroad down the road. • Employ the buddy system. Resolutions don’t have to be a one-man show. In fact, your resolution may prove easier to keep if you can find someone to go along for the ride with you. For instance, if you have resolved to quit smoking, find a friend who also smokes and commit to your resolution together. You can lean on each other when times get tough and serve as each other’s watchdog to make sure neither one of you is straying from your goal. If you resolve to learn a foreign language in the year ahead, find a friend to enroll in a class with you. As additional motivation, commit to visiting a foreign country where this language is spoken at the end of the year if both of you have successfully fulfilled your resolutions.
DOWNLOADING OUR BEST WISHES Here’s hoping there’s plenty of fun in your program this holiday season. We look forward to seeing you again next year.
Biggar Leisure (AVU)
• Flat Panel TVs • Appliances • Computers and Computer Repairs • SaskTel Cellular and Highspeed • Digital Camera • Wii, Xbox 360, PS3
216 Main St., Biggar • 948-2266 • Develop a plan before making any commitments. Before you commit to a resolution, develop a plan as to how you’re going to make that resolution a success and determine if this plan is realistic. For example, if you resolve to lose weight, part of your plan should include an exercise regimen and any dietary changes. Once you have laid out this plan, examine it to see how likely you are to stick with it. If your plan includes waking up at 6 a.m. every morning
to workout and you know waking up that early is problematic for you, then you don’t have to abandon the resolution, but you might want to develop a new plan that’s more likely to be successful. The plan should be in place before you make your resolution. If you simply cannot map out a plan that’s amenable to your schedule, then this resolution might prove very difficult to keep and you might want to explore another option. Many people find their
Larry, Sandy, Brock, Nathan and Floyd
A toast to are our Signs of Christmas everywhere. Bringing to mind allat the kind customers thepeople we’ve had the privilege to New Year…
Biggar Liquor Board Store Lana and Cindy • 948-3575
New Year’s
he ringing we hear, could be Santa’s sleigh Bringing our thanks and warm wishes your way long with our hopes for peace on earth And a season that’s Àlled with joy and mirth. o wherever you’re headed and whatever you do May our glad tidings travel with you!
Thanks for your valued patronage!
Excell Tire operating under Integra Ti Tire A Auto C Centre
New Year’s resolutions have fallen by the wayside come the end of January. But those serious about making a change can take steps to ensure their resolutions are a success. Employing the buddy system is one way to improve your chances of making your New Year’s resolution a success.
George, Ann, Ron, Ryan, Don, Geoff and Malcolm
Wishingserve youthis withyear. all sincerity, Happiness and our much And so we offer bestprosperity, wishes Plus loads of fun and to all the familiar faces that good health, too.make the That ourseason New Year’s wishforfor holiday so special us.you! We appreciate your patronage and hope to see you again in 2013!
Happy HappyHolidays Holiday fron Rick &and Staff from Staff
ROSETOWN 882-4333
Dec. 24th Closing at 8 p.m. Dec. 25th Closed Dec. 26th Open 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Boxing Day Specials OPEN regular hours, Dec. 27th 6 Open - 10 p.m. a.m. 7- a.m. 10 p.m. Resume Normal Hours
New Year!
Co-operatives days are numbered? by Calvin Daniels When the calendar changes for the new year it is going to herald in another major change in terms of
the agricultural business sector on the Canadian Prairies. Viterra is now in the hands of Swiss multi-
FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS We’d like to extend our warm wishes and gratitude to all our kind neighbours this holiday season. It’s been a privilege and a pleasure serving you.
McNulty’s Mobile Seed and DW Upholstery Wayne, Dorothy, Kenneth and Megan
national giant Glencore International. It was a deal that when announced it was in the works sent a ripple of concern through many farmers’ minds and that of Prairie politicians, but in the end, when looking at other take-overs of such scope, the deal fell into place pretty smoothly. For Viterra it continues quite an evolution in terms of the company’s original roots, and where it now is. Originally the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool launched in 1924 as farmers came together to create a co-operative grain collection company through which they hoped to attain better prices for their wheat. The first president was A.J. McPhail and the first elevator was built in Bu-
lyea in 1925. For close to 75 years the SWP served Saskatchewan farmers well as a farmer-led and directed co-operative. The Wheat Pool elevator became synonymous with small town Saskatchewan over those years, and through much of its history as the SWP it was the leading elevator company in Saskatchewan. But the days were numbered for the wooden elevators symbolic of a Canadian Prairie landscape, and as those structures fell under the onslaught of demolition crews, the days of the farm co-operative proved numbered too. In March 1996, the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool became a publicly traded company, breaking from its roots as a co-opera-
tive. That was a major departure for the company going from broad-based farmer control, to where shareholders, not all of them farmers had a say in its operations. In 2007 Agricore United and the SWP became a single, larger entity, relaunched under the name Viterra. The move looked to position the new company to compete better internationally based on its larger company size. No longer under farmer control, it was at least a Canadian company. Now that has changed. Glencore, or all the international marketing strength it brings to the table, is about as far removed from the vision the founding farmers had in the 1920s as you can get. It’s easy to suggest the scale of a bigger parent company was needed, and that the company must compete in an international marketplace, but that has always been
the case. Wheat from the Prairies headed to export in the 1920s just as it does today. In the end it is simply an evolution of a business which chose to move away from a co-operative in the ‘90s, and the end result is a company which for a short time was a big fish eating a smaller one, only to now be eaten by a larger one. The Glencore takeover is not likely to see a major change in operations. Grain handling rationalization was carried out years ago now. And realistically farmer control of the company is a fleeting memory now. So the change may not be as significant as it seemed the first time the story broke about a likely takeover. That said it is interesting to see how something farmers worked so hard to create to the benefit of its members changed and is now in the hands of stakeholders half a world away.
Happy New Year!!!
Randy Weekes, M.L.A.
Biggar Constituency 948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880 Box 1413, 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar Even though snow is blanketing the landscape, we’re warmed by having such good friends and neighbors around us this season. We hope you have a joyful and festive holiday, and a very happy and healthy year ahead.
Lest we forget any acquaintances old or new, We’d like to send best wishes to all of you, Along with our gratitude for your stopping here — Have a jolly good time and a Happy New Year!
~Murray & Lori McNally~ •
1st Ave. West • Biggar • 948-2700
Jack, Carolyn and families
To all our friends and customers out in Biggar and area -- we appreciate your business and wish you all a Happy & Healthy New Year.
525 - 44 St. E., Saskatoon • 242-2225 “We do things right allomatically”
It’s a New Year!
Wishing our customers, neighbours and associates a truly dynamite year. Your friendship has madethis past year a real blast for us! May the peace and happiness of the Christmas season carry you and your family through the new year and beyond. Thank you for your patronage.
Spyder AutoBody 948-2044 Fred, Patsy, Curtis, Roy, Bryor, Teagon, Josh
Biggar Accounting Services Garry, Sharon, and staff
We’re exploding with gratitude for all the great people we’ve had the opportunity to get to know this past year. Here’s to you and to many wonderful times ahead.
Happy New Year!
1st Avenue Collision Center Ltd. 948-3356 Jeff, Cindy, and Dan
Funding announced for development of agricultural plastics recycling program Environment Minister Ken Cheveldayoff, Monday, announced funding of $75,000 to CleanFARMS Inc. to support the work necessary to develop an industry-led program for the recycling of agricultural plastics. These materials include such items as plastic grain bags, plastic twine, silage bags and bale wrap. “As the agricultural industry grows in Saskatchewan, we see a growing need to expand recycling programs to incorporate agricultural plastics,” Cheveldayoff said. “The pilot program funded by the ministry of Agriculture and operated by the Provincial Council of Agriculture Development and Diversification Boards has seen approximately 83,300 kilograms of plastic recycled alone
in the past two years. With the support of Saskatchewan producers, I am confident that expanding this program will further protect our environment.” Currently, agricultural producers have very few options available to properly handle and dispose of these plastic materials. The move toward this new program supports the province’s Plan for Growth in the agricultural sector by looking for innovative ways to reduce the pressure on local infrastructure. The Saskatchewan A g r i c u l t u r a l Stewardship Council (SASC) made up of representatives from the agricultural industry and formed under the CleanFARMS umbrella has been tasked to develop and implement
Warmest Holiday Greetings… Joy, peace and good health to you and those you love!
Heartland Health Region
an agricultural plastics recycling program. “The agricultural industry is pleased to be working with the Government of Saskatchewan and farmers in the province to develop an environmentallyresponsible and costeffective program to recycle agricultural plastics,” SASC Chair Trevor Carlson said. A pilot program in certain areas of the province has been underway since 2011, which has been funded by government through the Ministry of Agriculture and administered by the Provincial
Council of Agriculture Development and Diversification Boards. “A provincial agricultural plastics recycling program will offer consistent access to recycling and further divert recyclables from municipal landfills,” Cheveldayoff said. “Municipalities that operate rural landfills are looking for opportunities to divert materials in order to extend the life of their landfills and measures like a provincial agricultural plastics recycling program can aid those efforts as well.” CleanFARMS is a non-profit industry
s t e w a r d s h i p organization committed to environmental
responsibility through the proper management of agricultural waste.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and every happiness in the New Year.
33 years of serving Biggar and area 1979-2012
Carter Plumbing & Heating Water Heaters, Softeners, Pumps, Furnaces, Underground Sprinklers, Air-conditioning
RESERVED for 2013
Your generous support makes it all possible, and your friendship makes it all worthwhile.
Happy New Year & many thanks!
Grondin Funeral Services Ltd.
With Our Gratitude at Year’s End As we get set for a brand new year. We’d like to thank all of those who’ve stopped here For your business and friendship, too We’re really grateful to each one of you!
With best wishes from all of us.
Ivan and Bernice Young and Paul Grodnick
We really mean it when we say that we loved every minute of serving you this past year. Happy New Year and sincere thanks to each and every one of you. We look forward to seeing you again in the new year.
E-Kay Enterprises George and Joan Ekman, Leroy and Tracy Ekman 948-2544
Hope the coming year is Àlled with cause for celebration for our many good friends. Three cheers for your loyal support!
Busse Law Professional Corporation Yvonne, Teena, Bonnie, Crystal Larry and Stuart
Whew ...time really Áies when you enjoy what you’re doing and we loved every minute of serving you this past year. To you and yours we offer our best wishes. We hope to see you again next year. Sandy, Larry, Linda and Vickie
216 Main Street, Biggar
Where to go? . . . Biggar Central School Junior Boys Blazers played the visiting St. Gabriel Saints, December 18. The junior squads put on a great show with BCS coming out on top 58-22. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
It’s A
Brand celebrate a “new beginning”!
New Year! Wishing you 365 fun-Àlled days! We know the pleasure has been ours this past year, and we look forward to your continued support.
Jann, Solana and family
Custom RooÀng & MADGE CONTRACTING Jann, Solana and family
Deadline for Copy is monday 5:00 p.m. WITH OUR DEEPEST GRATITUDE AT THE NEW YEAR We really appreciate your loyal support and hope that the New Year brings an abundance of joy and good fortune your way.
The Country Clipper Janet Moon and staff • 948-2091
We wouldn’t have made it this far without all your support. We wish you much health and happiness in the New Year.
New Beginnings Wellness Centre 114 - 2nd Ave. W., Biggar Personal Trainer, Wayne Baldwin 948-2548, cell 948-8048 wbaldwin@sasktel.net
Introducing… • New format & equipment • Smart Start Program and Gym membership • H20 dry jet massage bed therapy
~available at New Beginnings and downtown Biggar merchants
Misty Shadows Massage Therapy 114 - 2nd Ave. W., Biggar • 948-2548 ~ Michelle Spuzak ~ • Spiritual & Emotional Healing Therapy • Massage Therapy
As we begin a year anew We’re bursting with best wishes and gratitude, too For all the support you’ve shown us in the past We wish you good fortune from the Àrst day to the last!
Skate Into A New Year
As another year comes skating in, we’d like to extend our best wishes for a happy, healthy and properous New Year to all of you.
Steven Balzer and staff 1-800-667-6919
113-3rd Ave. W., Biggar
planting, pruning & puttering . . . planting by Delta Fay Cruickshank of The Independent
Happy New Year! It is the time for making New Year’s Resolutions. Resolving to do things like losing weight, writing a book, keeping the house cleaner, you know them all! How about making resolutions about the garden and houseplants? Here is a list of resolutions to consider for your 2013 garden: • Mulch perennials after the ground freezes to help them overwinter comfortably. * • When studying plant catalogues, look for pest and disease-resistant plants, such as mildew-
resistant phlox, Fusarium-resistant tomatoes and disease-resistant crabapples that will make my gardening jobs easier and keep plants healthier. • Send a soil sample to a laboratory to learn what the garden’s lime and fertilizer needs are, rather than guessing. • Set plants in the ground only at the proper depth deep planting harms roots and kills plants! • Use only the welldrained areas of the garden for plants - unless I purchase some swamploving species! • Inspect plants carefully before purchasing to find evidence of invaders such as spider mites, scale insects or mealybugs, or root swellings that might mean crown gall disease on plants such as flowering cherries or roses.
• Spread a circle of mulch around young trees to keep lawn mowers from damaging the bark, leading to canker diseases later on. • Use only a few inches depth of mulch and keep it a few inches away from trunks and stems of plants to discourage crown rot. • Scout regularly for symptoms in the garden, so that I can pick off the occasional spotted leaf before problems escalate. • Irrigate new trees and shrubs the first two years especially during dry weather to help them establish good root systems. • Use a soaker hose or some type of irrigation system for the flower beds and vegetable garden that won’t wet the foliage and encourage leaf spots. • Obtain a diagnosis when
Here is an idea for next year’s garden . . . a ‘potager’. Beds containing a collection of plants seperated by paths. The plants will be chosen for their companionship and cultural needs. I think it is pretty too! I would like to have this design as a New Year’s garden resolution! (Photo from google/images.com) the cause of a problem is unclear or needs identification. • Prune only in dry weather, especially when pruning plants prone to fire blight, such as pears, crabapples and hawthorns. • Encourage beneficial insects and mites by minimizing use of broad-spectrum insecticides. • Join a Master Gardener
class to learn more about the fun of growing and maintaining plants. ** Here are some resolutions that I am going to add to the suggested list: • Learn how to grow bigger leeks. Mine were okay this year, but I want bigger ones! More fertilizer, more space, deeper trenches . . .? • Encouraging even more
birds. I have had so much enjoyment watching these garden visitors. More feeders are on my wish list. • I am looking into a method of gardening called ‘potager’. That is everything planted not in rows, but in beds, using a diversity of companion plants in each bed. Looks pretty in the pictures, and may require less rototilling in the long run. • More enjoyment time in the garden . . . more lazy afternoons just laying beside the wee pond, enjoying it all, less doing and more being. Well, it will be a few more months before I can get my hands dirty, and likely this list will be added to. Here’s hoping some of these resolutions I will achieve! * from the Plant Doctors at The American Phytopathological Society ** The University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon has a Master Gardener Course.
To All Our Membe rs
May all your times be glad times in the upcoming year. Happy New Year, everyone!
Saints can fly . . . St. Gabriel Saints continue to improve as they played their Biggar Central School counterparts, December 18. They didn’t win the game, but put up a great fight. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Board, Management and Staff
Perdue Santa Day
With best wishes to you and your family for a happy, healthy and prosperous year. We’re truly grateful for your generous support.
The preschool class consisting of three and four year olds entertain at the Holiday Pageant at the Perdue School.
PERDUE AGENCIES LTD. 237-4373 Winners of the Village Colouring Contest: Ages 5 and under: Winner; Holden Clark. Runner up; Ethan Perillat. Ages 6-9: Winner; Carter Mason. Runner up; Hilary May. Ages 10-13: Winner; Taryn May. Runner up; Tasja Pashovitz.
Here Comes
Perdue Santa Day was held December 16. Ellie the Clown and Raggedy Anne entertained the children. Wagon rides, crafts and of course Mrs. Claus and Santa himself were enjoyed by all.
e last drop! Hope it’s good to th all the We’re grateful for shared good times we’ve with you this past year and look forward to your contin ued friendship.
Children were pulled around town on Santa Day.
Troy, Kerry and Carter • 306-237-7671
Students K-6 perform at the annual Holiday Pageant in Perdue. Great fun was had by the Christmas Carolers who braved the -20˚ weather Monday night to entertain our residents.
CAM-DON MOTORS LTD. Perdue, Sask. 2005 Buick Allure CXL 107km, local car, no tax, premium, estate
from the Board of Directors and Staff at
2012 F-150 XLT supercrew 12km, E-Co boost, 4x4, factory
2008 Honda Civic LX coupe, ATC/WPL only 95,000km, new tires............... $13,900 2007 F-150 4x4 supercab, 5.4 auto, long box, 250,000km, SK Tax Pd .......... $ 9,900 2007 F-150 Lariat Supercrew only 74,000km, local trade, SK Tax pd . $25,900 2006 Freightliner M2 465hp autoshift c/w new CIM BHT ............................... $69,900 2006 Ford Freestar SEL, 7 passenger, DVD entertainment centre, 108,000km, SK Tax Pd, VERY GOOD! Awesome for sport special ........................................... $9,900 2006 Freestar, 3rd row seating, 110,000km ....................................................... $ 7,900 2005 GMC 3/4 ton Sierra SLE Durmax, auto, ext. cab, 190,000km, SK Tax Pd......... ....................................................... $16,900 2005 F-150 XLT, 4x4, supercrew, 110,000km, SK Tax Pd .................. $15,900
warranty… PHONE! 2004 F-150 XLT XLT, supercab supercab, 2WD, 2WD SWB SWB, only 145,000km, very good, SK Tax Pd ....... ....................................................... $ 8,900 2004 Chev 2500 LE, diesel, 4x4, auto, 275km, ext cab, long box ............ $14,900 2002 F-350 Crew Cab, 7.3 auto, 4x4, dually, 170,000km with deck............... Coming In! 2001 Acura MDX, local, loaded, premium, 150,000km, SK Tax Pd .................. $10,900 1998 Olds Alero, good winter car...$1,495 1995 Pontiac SunÀre 5 spd, SK Tax Pd ...... ....................................................... $1,795 1995 FL80 Freightliner T/A, 250hp Cummins with 24’ deck ................. $23,900 1994 Ford Ranger, V6, auto, 4x4 ....................................................... $ 4,900
T r a d e s ***VIEW OUR AUTOS ON www.camdonmotors.com ask fo Welcome, r Kevi M o r e n Ve h i c l e s Available, Financing “If you don’t see the vehicle you want, we will Ànd it, give us a call!” Available
Feudal Co-op Bulk Petroleum Cardlock Convenience Store Highway 14 • Perdue
237-4639 or 1-877-358-9677
From all of us to all of you, Happy New Year and many thanks for your continued support. Your friendship makes it all worthwhile!
To Our Valued Customers at the Holiday Season
Call 306-237-4212
TOLL FREE 1-888-264-1955 We Service What We Sell
DL #916201
Lynn and Chuck Strate and staff
Gov’t invests record funding for settlement services for newcomers to Saskatchewan The Government of Canada will invest a record $20.6 million in settlement services for immigrants to Saskatchewan for the 2013–2014 fiscal year, Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced December 13. “The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring newcomers to Canada integrate and contribute fully to the Canadian economy and their community as soon as possible,” said Ritz, speaking on behalf of Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism. “We have made important changes to restore fairness in settlement funding by moving to a funding model based on the percentage of immigrants that each province or territory receives. This model ensures a similar standard of settlement funding is available for all immigrants, regardless of where they choose to settle in Canada.” The allocation for settlement services in Saskatchewan will be $20.6 million for the 2013–14 fiscal year, an increase of $2.7 million from this current fiscal year. Since 2006, settlement funding to Saskatchewan has increased sevenfold. Also since 2006, the Government of Canada has tripled settlement funding outside of Quebec, increasing funding from $200 million per year
to approximately $600 million. A national settlement funding formula is used by the Government of Canada to allocate funding for settlement services in all provinces and territories outside of Quebec. The formula is based on the provinces and territories share of immigrant intake and gives additional weight for refugees to account for their unique settlement needs The Canada-Quebec Accord provides the Government of Quebec with an annual grant, the amount of which is calculated using a formula set out in the Accord.
“More newcomers are choosing to settle in Saskatchewan, in part because of the federal government’s increase in provincial nominee spaces for the province,” added Ritz. “Our improvements ensure that newcomers to Saskatchewan receive their fair share of settlement funding.” The priority for the 2013–14 settlement services funding is to focus on delivering services directly to immigrants and away from supporting expenses such as administration, travel, or capital costs for organizations.
To all our acquaintances both old and new, goes our gratitude and our best wish, too!
Happy New Year! Angie’s Hair Salon & Barber Shop Angie, and Sherry
Your Healthy Living Weight Loss & Wellness Centre Anne Livingston 219 Main St., Biggar • 948-3696
Warm Wishes
Randy Weekes, M.L.A. for the Biggar Constituency 1-877-948-4880 OfÀce Hours: Monday - Friday 1 - 5 p.m. Phone: 306-948-4880 106 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar Fax: 306-948-4882 e-mail: randyweekes.mla@accesscomm.ca
Web site: www.randyweekes.ca P. O. Box 1413 Biggar, SK. S0K 0M0
for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year We value your business and look forward to serving you in the new year.
The board, staff and management of
Landis Credit Union 658-2152
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! From Our Hearth To Yours Biggar Insurance Services Anita, Lisa H., Chandra, Cheryl, Lisa A, Janice
Landis Insurance Services Michelle
When it comes to Christmas, we’ve got you covered -- with our warm wishes and heartfelt thanks.
The BEST BUYS of 2004 GMC Envoy SLE 4x4, dark green, 4.2L, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seat, DVD, 182,309km, SK Tax Pd......... $ 8,900 2005 Chev Silverado ¾ crew LTZ, white, 6.6L, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seat, leather, 179,679km, SK Tax Pd......... $21,900 2007 Chev Cobalt SS Coupe, black, 2.4L, auto, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, sunroof, 98,353km, SK Tax Pd .......... $11,900 2007 Chev Silverado ½ ton crew LT, greystone, 5.3L, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seat, Z71, 110,181km, SK Tax Pd......... $19,900 2008 Chev Silverado ½ crew LTZ 4x4, greystone, 5.3L, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seats, sunroof, leather, only 67,200km, SK Tax Pd ...............................$28,900 2009 Chev Traverse LTZ AWD, dark cherry, 3.6L, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seats, DVD, Nav., 72,114kkm, SK Tax Pd ..........................$29,900
JANUARY 2009 Pontiac Vibe SE, red, 1.8L, 5 spd, air, tilt, cruise, 72,765km, SK Tax Pd ............................... $12,900 2011 Chev Suburban LT 4x4, silver, 5.3L, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seats, sun roof, leather, 78,458km................$39,900 2 0 1 2 Cadillac SRX Luxury AWD, silver,
3.6L, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, seats, sunroof, camera, 20,503km........$42,900
mirrors, leather,
2012 GMC Yukon Denali AWD,
Diamond White, 6.2L, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seat, sunroof, 39,092km..................$59,900
2012 Chev Impala LTZ, white,
3.6L, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seats, sunroof, leather, 29,128km................... ...$24,900
If we don’t have the vehicle you want, we will FIND one for YOU!
Rosetown Mainline Motor Products Hwy #7 West, Rosetown, Sask.
Toll free:1-877-979-7999 or 306-882-2691 Dealer License #311284
Report from the Legislature 2013
2013 We couldn’t have done it without your support. Thanks a bunch, folks... and have a great year!
Biggar Esso
by Randy Weekes, MLA, Biggar (12 December, 2012) Global Institute for Food Security Saskatchewan’s resources and agricultural expertise put our province in a unique position to address the global demand for safe and reliable food. On December 10, Premier Wall along with the University of Saskatchewan and Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. formally launched the Global Institute for
Food Security (GIFS). The Government of Saskatchewan and Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan committed $15 million and $35 million respectively over the next seven years to develop Saskatchewan-led solutions that will help feed a growing world population. The formation of the Global Institute for Food Security was 2011 campaign commitment, and it is another promise kept by our government. As part of the Saskatchewan Plan for Growth
Ted, Olivia and Yvan 948-3600
Rosetown - Elrose - Davidson - Biggar - Outlook - Central Butte
Happy New Year We would like to thank you for your business this past year, and look forward to working with you in the new year. Biggar: (306) 948-3909
Thinking of You At The New Year As the celebration begins, we recall the good times we’ve had this past year serving you, and hope that wherever life takes you in the year ahead, that you are blessed with much love, happiness and good fortune. With our sincere appreciation for your invaluable friendship and support
Shirley, Jason and staff •
our government has set a goal of increasing agricultural exports from a record $10 billion 2011 to $15 billion by 2020. Our commitment to agriculture, innovation, and the Global Institute for Food Security positions Saskatchewan to lead the world in food security while building an innovation economy here at home. Saskatchewan’s growth is creating opportunities throughout our province. The SaskJobs.ca Web site had nearly 950,000 hits in the month of November, a 17.6 per cent increase from November 2011. Employers posted 14,035 jobs on SaskJobs. ca in November 2012 and almost one quarter of the visitors to the site are from outside of the province. Our province’s strong labour market and growing economy has led to 12 consecutive months of year-over-year employment gains. According to the Labour Force survey released by Statistics Canada, Saskatchewan’s job number hit a record high of 540,000 people for the month of November. Our growing economy and increasing popula-
tion are giving a huge boost to the provincial economy. New figures released by the Canada Mortgage and housing corporation show urban housing starts in November of 2012 were up by nearly 54 per cent over the same period last year, while nationally the increase was only 3.7 per cent. Saskatchewan now ranks first among the provinces in urban housing starts in terms of percentage growth. As Christmas approaches and 2012 nears its end, we reflect back on the year that was for Saskatchewan. By all accounts, it was Saskatchewan’s year. Our province is near the top in almost every major economic indicator. Saskatchewan’s population continues to grow at one of the fastest rates in the country, while our unemployment rate remains the second best in Canada, and all major forecasters predict that Saskatchewan’s economic growth will lead almost every other province in the country. Our government does not believe in growth solely for the sake of growth. We are committed to a growing Saskatchewan that provides opportunity for all while increasing the quality of life every Saskatchewan citizen. If you have a question about this Legislative report or any other matter, just contact Randy.
With a Blizzard of Best Wishes
Good times. Good friends Good health. Good fortune. Here’s hoping your New Year delivers it all! Thank you for dropping in this year.
Hannigan·s Hamburgers & Pizza 948-3335 • Main Street, Biggar
Ways to reuse Christmas cards As you pack away the holiday decorations after the new year, it’s tempting to simply toss all the Christmas cards you received into the recycling bin. Instead, read through those greeting cards one more time and put them in a box. Over the summer or in fall, pull out the cards and use them in the following creative ways. Merry Markers. For beautiful bookmarks or gift tags, reach for the scissors and cut out images or words. Use a hole punch, then tie on a tassel. These homemade bookmarks make special stocking stuffers. Pretty as a Picture. Framed photos of holiday scenes are a great way to liven up you decor at Christmastime, but they often can be costly. An easy and
inexpensive alternative is to frame images from greetings cards. Use a traditional photo frame
as a tabletop display. For an eye-catching wall hanging, purchase a larger matted frame.
Seasonal Stationery. The front, inside and even back of Christmas cards can have pretty
images that would work well as postcards, note cards and recipe cards. (BE sure to check with
your local post office regarding postcard size restrictions.)
Biggar EMS would like to THANK the following people and businesses for the donations they made in 2012 that will go toward our capital equipment purchases. Youth and Healthy Body Image Youth are continuously bombarded with images of the so called perfect body weight and shape in movies, videos and magazines. This is especially damaging at an age when young people are developing their own beliefs and values. You can help break this harmful misconception. Talk about healthy living – not about weight. Model a healthy lifestyle for them. Help youth develop self esteem on qualities other than appearance. Talk to them about what they are seeing portrayed as normal in the media and by culture. For toll-free health information 24 hours a day. Please call 1-888-425-4444(TTY) if you have hearing or speech difficulties Smokers Helpline 1-877-513-5333 or www.smokefree.ca Questions about Medication? Call 1-800-665-DRUG (3784). Ask questions online www.usask.ca/druginfo Mental Health & Addictions Centralized Intake Line 1-866-268-9139 Monday to Friday 8:00 am—4:30 pm
Heartland Health Region www.hrha.sk.ca
Parrish & Heimbecker “Hanover Junction” High Throughput Inland Terminal Visit us at
Crop Production Show January 7 - 10, 2013 Saskatoon Hall B, Booth 67 OfÀce located at 220 Main St., Biggar, Sask. 306-948-1990 or 306-948-4393 Fridays 9a.m.-4p.m. Landis (RM of Rosemount building)
• Darren and Erin Diehl • James Mantie • Peggy Mantie • Judy Wigleitner • Richard Johns • Bob Johns • Ruth Domes
• Biggar & District Credit Union • Prairie Malt Limited (Cargill Cares) • Tim Hammond Realty • CPS Canada Inc. • AGI-envirotank • Edward and Evonne Beeson • Dennis Robillard • Greg, Naomi and all the staff at Shop Easy Foods for helping us out during our EMS Week Burger Sale, and • thank you to everybody that came to the burger sale.
All donations will go toward the purchase of capital equipment for emergency medical services. This equipment will help us provide a more efÀcient, higher level of care for the people of Biggar, the surrounding communities and rural areas. Capital Equipment to be purchased… ¾ Ferno Stair Chair-purchased! ¾ 2 Cardiac Monitor ¾ 2 Intravenous Pumps
¾ ¾
Power Lift Stretcher 2 Zoll Auto Pulse CPR Machines
We will continue to fund raise until we can purchase the equipment on this list if you would like to help us out or if you have any questions, please contact Doug Beeson at 948-3323 ext. 249.
Thank you for donating in 2012, we appreciate your help!
Classi¿ed Box 40, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
call: 948-3344 fax: 948-2133
This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. tfn
1985 Yamaha Virago, 1,000 cc, new rubber, carbs and forks redone. Phone 948-7521. 36tfn 1985 Honda Goldwing, new rubber, shocks redone this spring, new battery, $3500 obo; phone 948-3344 34tfn
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COMING EVENTS SUNDAYS in January: Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans will be worshipping at St. Paul’s Anglican Church at 10:30 a.m. January 20 will be St. Paul’s annual meting after service and January 27 will be potluck. Everyone welcome. For pastoral services or information, please contact Pastor Mark Kleiner at 306-951-7122 or leave a message at the of¿ce, 948-3731. 48/10tfn SUNDAYS… You are invited to the weekly services of Biggar Associated Gospel Church, corner Quebec St. and 8th Ave. West; Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.; Worship Service at 10:50 a.m.; an Ladies Bible Study at 9:45 a.m. on Tuesday mornings. Everyone is welcome to join us. Contact our church of¿ce 948-3424, Tuesday through Thursday. 36tfn SATURDAY, JANUARY 12: Biggar & District Arts Council presents…JOHN WORT HANNAM, 7:30 p.m., Biggar Majestic Theatre. Adults/ Seniors $25 (advance $20); Students, 13 and older $15 (advance $12); children, 12 and under $5. Advance and Season Tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar, 948-2452. 48c6
NOTICE Families, clubs, churches and businesses are invited to do a Heritage Page to be on permanent display at Biggar Museum. Share your history! For more information call 9483451 or visit museum 1 - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. 7tfn NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 122 (R736)
IN THE ESTATE OF OLIVER HARRIS, DECEASED In the Estate of Oliver Harris, late of the City of Saskatoon, in the Province of Saskatchewan, DECEASED. All claims against the above estate, duly veriÀed by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 14th day of January, 2013. STEVENSON HOOD THORNTON BEAUBIER LLP 500, 123-2nd Avenue South Saskatooon, SK S7K 7E6 Solicitors for the Estate
Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at www.swna.com. tfn
Western Rawhide rope saddle, in good shape, $850 o.b.o.; new pleasure saddle, $500 o.b.o. Phone 306-948-3436 51p3 Winter Tires for Sale…4 winter tires (Federal Himalaya) 225/60/ R16. These tires were on a 2006 Dodge Caravan. Tires have been used for only four months. Call 306-932-2214 50p3 BOSCH Mixer 800watt $459 VITAMIX Blenders $549, Juicers, Breadmakers, ACTIFRY, Pasta makers, Lefse Grills & more call Hometech Regina 1-888-692-6724 Bin Packages and Hoppers on Sale BEHLEN Bins (Formerly Sakundiak) and rRoth Hopper Bottoms All prices are 10% off, and apply to limited sale. Assembled Bin: One 18’ Bin on Hopper with aeration $13,500 Two 18’ Bins on Hoppers $12,375 each. Unassembled Bin: One 18’ Hopper and Bin $11,025 Three 18’ Hoppers with Aeration and Bin $12,150 each One 21’ Hopper and Bin $15,188 Three 21’ Hoppers with Aeration and Bin $16,650 each Contact: rRoth Enterprises 306658-4401 306-658-2094
Real Estate LANE REALTY CORP. For the most exposure that you deserve in the marketing of your farm or ranch property. Contact your local agent:
MURRAY MURDOCH (306) 858-8000 To view full colour feature sheets for all of our CURRENT LISTINGS, visit our Website at www.lanerealty.com
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DISCONNECTED PHONE? ChoiceTel Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call ChoiceTel Today! 1-888-333-1405. www. choicetel.ca .
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AT LAST! An iron ¿lter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions: www. bigirondrilling.com . Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.
WANTED Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Land¿ll OR contact Quentin Sittler at 658-2132 3tfn Main Street Garage Sale is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 948-1773 or 9485393. Pickup available. 32tfn
CARS & TRUCKS Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514. www.yourapprovedonline.com.
Classi¿eds Work • Phone 948-3344
Two serviced lots, side by side in Biggar, 100’x140’, $79,900. Call 717-4681 (cell) 5tfn
HEALTH/ WELLNESS GET 50% OFF – Join Herbal Magic this week and get 50% Off. Lose weight quickly, safely and keep it off, proven results! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800854-5176.
STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20X28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca BIG BUILDING SALE... “THIS IS A CLEARANCE SALE. YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS!” 20x20 $3,985. 25x24 $4,595. 30x36 $6,859. 35x48 $11,200. 40x52 $13,100. 47x76 $18,265. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. www. pioneersteel.ca
PROPERTY FOR SALE/ RENT 1000 sq ft retail space available. Phone 948-3629 after 6 p.m. 51c3
3-bedroom home, completely renovated. Fully modern, energy package. Quiet neighbourhood. Close to school. Priced to sell. For viewing call: 948-5917 or 948-5627. 38tfn
FOR RENT Charter/ Sherwood Apartments 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins. For more information call: Karen/Kevin • 948-9115 302 - 8th Ave. W. • Biggar
HAWAII ON THE MAINLAND, healthy low-cost living can be yours. Modern Arenal Maleku Condominiums, 24/7 secured Community, Costa Rica “friendliest country on earth”! 1-780-952-0709; www.CanTico. ca.
Check out… biggarindependent. ca and subscribe now.
If YOU are… • Moving • Expecting a Baby • Planning a Wedding • Anticipating Retirement Call WELCOME WAGON at
948-2563 - Lisa Haynes We have gifts and information www.welcomewagon.ca Bob Foster Locksmith Services. Phone 306-831-7633 26tfn
CAREER TRAINING HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING - Daily, Weekly and Monthly Programs. Call (306) 955-0079 for details! W E L L - PA I D / L O W- S T R E S S Career in Massage Therapy. Get the best-quality RMT education without giving up your day job! Visit www.mhvicarsschool.com or call 1-866-491-0574 for free career information.
Speedway Moving Systems Requires O/O 1 tons to transport RVs throughout N. America. We offer competitive rates and Co. Fuel cards. Paid by direct deposit. Must have clean criminal record and passport to cross border.1-866-736-6483; www.speedwaymovingsystems. com
TJ LOGGING of Whitecourt, Alberta is accepting resumes for experienced Heavy Duty Operators, Buncher, Hoe, Processor Dozer, Skidder, Delimber for immediate employment. Fax resume 780778-2428. Saskatchewan’s Premier 4 Star Resort is looking for Winter Applicants in the following Departments: *Food and Beverage *Housekeeping *Maintenance. Elk Ridge Resort Offers Competitive Wages, Duty Meal Options, Staff Accommodation, Discount Spa rates, and full access to resort amenities. Send cover letter, resume & references to careers@elkridgeresort.com Work. Stay. Play.
Employment Opportunity
PYRAMID CORPORATION is now hiring! Instrument Technicians and Electricians for various sites across Alberta. Send resume to: hr@ pyramidcorporation.com or fax 780-955-HIRE.
Health and Dental beneÀt packages and Pension Plan available. Starting date and wage negotiable. Send/fax resumes by noon on February 8, 2013 to… R.M. of Marriott #317 Box 366, Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0 email: rm317@sasktel.net Phone: 306-882-4030 Fax: 306-882-4401
NEED A HOME PHONE? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We Can Help. Everyone Approved. Call Today. 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect
All West Sales in Rosetown, Sask. requires an Agricultural Technician
Must be familiar with diagnostic and repair of agricultural equipment. Competitive salary along with comprehensive beneÀt plan. Please submit resume to: jcarstairs@hotmail.com
How to establish a budget for the new year Resolutions abound come the dawn of a new year. Fitness and finances tend to dominate many people’s resolutions, with the goals of shedding a few pounds and saving more money both being popular resolutions. For those whose focus will be on finances in the coming year, establishing a budget for the new year is a good place to start. The following are a few tips for men and women that should help them plan budgets for the new year and reach their financial goals over the next 12 months. • Start with your income.How much money is being brought into the household will go a long way toward determining your budget. The first month of the year, when people will receive their earnings statements from the previous year, should provide a clear-cut picture of just how much income the household is generating. Once you have that information, you can begin to establish a budget. • Make a list of your bills. Knowing what’s coming in is important when establishing a budget, but so is having a firm grasp of what’s going out. Make a list of all of your monthly expenses, from the big ones like a mortgage payment to the smaller ones like how much you spend on a cup of coffee each day. When making a list of these expenses, make note of the day bills are due each
month. This can help you determine which weeks of each month you’ll be able to save more money and which weeks you will need to tighten your belt and pay existing bills. Such knowledge will help you establish a budget. • Make a list of anticipated expenses. Some expenses are there every month. Others are those you expect, such as home improvement projects you plan to finance in the coming year. Make a list of these anticipated expenses. This may involve taking some inventory of things around the house, such as any appliances that may be on their last legs, bigger issues like a roof that may need to be replaced or a bathroom you finally plan to remodel. Once you have compiled this list, research how much each project figures to cost you. This should give you an idea of how realistic each project is for you, and whether or not you will be able to tackle multiple projects in the coming year. • Don’t forget about debts. Many people plan a budget more to get out of debt than to save for a rainy day. When establishing a budget for the year ahead, calculate how much debt you’re currently carrying. Though you can do so if you prefer, it’s best to exclude existing installment loans like a mortgage or a car note from your list of debts. Though
those can be considered money you owe, they are more in line with the monthly expenses you need to live than credit card debts you simply need to get rid of. If your debt is considerable or even small, see if there is anything you can remove from your list of monthly expenses (i.e., cable television or streaming video subscription) so you can devote that money to eliminating your debt. In addition, those with considerable debt should prioritize ending that debt over projects you want to tackle that aren’t exactly necessities. For example, if your kitchen is outdated but still safe and functional, postpone the kitchen remodel until you have eliminated your debt. • Decide where you can cut costs. Chances are you’re establishing a budget because you have a specific financial goal in mind or because you examined last year’s financial statements and realized you fell short of your savings goals. So you likely know you need to cut some costs, and part of establishing a budget is deciding which costs you can cut. Some of the more common ways people cut costs at the dawn of a new year includes deciding to dine out less, canceling a cable television subscription or removing premium channels from their package, driving less to save money on fuel and forgoing store-bought
coffee for java they make at home. Each of these budget cuts can lead to substantial savings over a full year, and none of them are life-altering to the point of lowering a person’s quality of life. • Include savings into your budget. Living on a budget is not always easy, especially for those people who are
@ • Esso • Leslie’s Drugstore • Pharmasave • Quick Stop • Super A Foods • Shop Easy Food • Weasie’s Gourmet Blends • Feudal Co-op, Perdue • The Store, Perdue
not used to doing so. When establishing your budget, include weekly, bi-weekly and monthly savings goals into the budget. If you stick to this plan, you will have something to show for your financial discipline at the end of each month, and light at
We are presently looking for Owner Operators and Company Drivers for our Flat Deck Fleet. - We offer excellent home time - No up-front cost - Satellite dispatch - Excellent rate along with fuel cap - Benefits package For Owner Operators we require late model power units, a safe driving record, and 2 years of deck experience, as well as Owner Operators who will be driving their own truck. If you are interested in these opportunities, you can contact Eddy at 306-651-4837 or Apply by visiting our website www.qlinetrucking.com or by sending resume, along with references to: hr@qlinetrucking.com or fax 306-242-9470
the end of the tunnel can be a motivating factor as you adapt to living on a budget. The new year is a great time to turn over a new financial leaf, and establishing a budget is a great way to get started on a path to a brighter financial future.
Get all the local news and coming events. Renew NOW, all subscriptions expire December 31, 2012.
Pickup • $29.00 + $1.45 gst = $30.45 Within 40-mile radius or online $34.00 + 1.70 gst = $35.70 Outside 40-mile radius $39.00 + 1.95 gst = $40.95
*check us out online at… biggarindependent.ca
Saskatoon - Biggar Office
BIGGAR ELECTRICAL & REFRIGERATION SERVICES Authorized Appliance Depot Electrical Wiring Trenching Licensed Journeyman Adrian de Haan
DUANE NEUFELDT 403 Main St., Biggar
Licensed For: • Residential • Acreage • Farm
306-948-8055 Fax: 306-948-2763 www.DuaneNeufeldt.com
Proud sponsor of Children’s Wish Foundation
Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for:
•Farm •Residential •Commercial •Acreage
Cell 948-9168 www.TimHammond.ca www.FarmsofCanada.com
Tim Hammond, BSA, P.Ag., Broker
Proud to handle Biggar’s Real Estate Needs
For all your home, business and rural needs Owners/Operators • Travis Young • Dallas Young • Claude Young
Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for: •Residential
Biggar, Sask.
113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar
948-5052 (office) Cell 948-7995 www.TimHammond.ca http://Cari.TimHammond.ca
Cari McCarty
948-3389 Journeymen Plumber, Gas Fitter, & Electrician on staff
Residential Sales
Biggar’s Top Performing Residential Agent
Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for: •Farm •Acreage •Residential • Commercial rd
113 - 3 Ave. W., Biggar
948-5052 (office) Cell 948-4478 Dave Molberg BSA
www.TimHammond.ca www.FarmsofCanada.com
McCARTY CONSTRUCTION • Commercial • Residential • Design Builder • Insurance Claims • Renovations • Drafting Service
“Big or Small -We Do Them All” Licenced Journeyman Carpenters Troy McCarty 948-5627 (H) 948-9280 (C) Mitch McCarty 373-8254 (H) Serving Biggar ... Since 1968
Exposure, Experience and Effort.
of The Battlefords Independently Owned and Operated
FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS… • Selling/Buying • Residental • Farm/Acreage • Commercial • Recreational
Housing for families and seniors Rent based on income
Call: 948-2101
BOOKS Pat Wicks,
Living Books Distributor 205-3rd Ave. East, Biggar Books, gifts, cards. Shop at my home! Call 948-3427 for appts.
Sales Associate
Cell: (306) 843-7898 Bus: (306) 446-8800 znerol.w@sasktel.net
FRE E Es timat Call us for… es • Insurance jobs • Renovations • New home building • Drywall & Painting • Flooring (hardwood, ceramic, etc.) • Residential/Commercial • CertiÀed installer for Logix ICF
for all your electrical needs Construction, consulting and Maintenance Licensed Journeyman
Dion Harrabek 306-948-2657 cell: 306-948-9136 dionh@sasktel.net
PHILLIPS ELECTRIC • Residence • Commercial Wiring For free estimates Ph: 948-5393
Cell: 306-221-6888
For all your rooÀng needs… ¬New Construction ¬Metal ¬Torch-on ¬Re-roofs ¬Tile ¬Asphalt ¬All repairs ¬Shakes We offer 10 Year Workmanship Warranty and Liability/Torch On Insurance Excellent Local References For a FREE estimate please call… 306-948-5453
NCM Home Maintenance
& Bgm^kbhk Zg] >qm^kbhk IZbgmbg`
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Call Nick Maguire 948-3325 948-4558
available to do…
• painting & Ӿnishing • decks & small buildings • light plumbing • windows & doors • laminate & hardwood ӿoors • general repairs
Call Jim @ 306-948-3333
Wood and Steel Buildings Floor & Trusses GEORGE STAHL Ph: cell:
(306) 948-3776 (306) 260-6503
Kirk Ewen
R.M.T. (NHPC member) Located @ New Beginnings Wellness Centre, 114 - 2nd Ave. W., BIGGAR
Doctor of Optometry
Services available…
• Shamanic Healing • Psychosomatic Therapy • Massage • Emotional Release Therapy
~ Gift CertiÅcates ~ Evening, Saturday and in-home appointments available.
948-2548 or 948-9710
Ladies Only
30 min. Circuit Gym …owned and operated by Brett Barber
Located in the Nova Wood Centre (back entrance) 104 - 6th Ave. E., Biggar
948-2208 New Beginnings Wellness Centre “Putting PERSONAL back into fitness training!” Wayne Baldwin, PFT, CPTA, CNHC
Specializing in Exclusive Seasonal Personal Training Sessions! …for weight loss, body sculpting, strength training.
* Limited Memberships available to fully equipped Private Fitness Studio & Cardio Room Gift Certificates available
New Stucco & Restoration…
Where you can feel right at home!
acrylic Ànish, full system foam, paper/ wire, pargings/ICF blocks, custom pillars & battons, repair/service
Phone… 948-2548
Your Healthy Living
• framing • additions • windows & door sales • siding • rooÄng • drywall & Änishing
Biggar Professional Building, 223 Main Street, Biggar
For appointments… 1-855-651-3311
- together with -
Visit us @ 114- 2nd Ave. W., Biggar
modernlookhomerenos@gmail.com www.facebook.com/modern.look.35
In Biggar Every Tuesday.
interior & exterior painting, textured ceilings, drywall, mud & tape
104 - 6th Ave. East, Biggar, Sask. Southeast entrance of Nova Wood Bldg. Hours… Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
306-948-3408 DR. GLENN RIEKMAN Dentist 115 - 1st Ave. W. Rosetown, Sask.
OFFICE HOURS Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone: 882-2123 Emergency (after hours) 882-2006
Cell… 948-8048
Weight Loss & Wellness Centre Consultant & Coach Anne G. Livingston •Ideal Protein Weight Loss Clinic •Epicure Selections •Walden Farms Products •Young Living Essential Oils •Beauticontrol Skin Care www.beautipage.ca/annelivingston
Located in Angie’s Hair Salon 219 Main St., Biggar Call 948-7274 or 948-3696
Wylie Farms Ltd. SEED CLEANING Canadian Seed Institute Accredited Pedigree, Commercial & Custom Cleaning FULL line of Cleaning Equipment including Gravity Table
Excellent Quality at a Reasonable Price! For all your Cereal and Pulse Cleaning Call: Bill: Dale:
948-2807 or 948-5609 948-5394
Plant located 8 miles south of Biggar on Hwy #4, ¼ mile west on Triumph Rd.
Mundt’s Mobile Custom Grain Cleaning
Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation Box 327 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
WINE, BEER, KITS and SUPPLIES Grape Moments available at…
Helping you Help yourself
To fax…stop in at The Independent
Michelle Spuzak,
Offering… One-on-One Rehab & Therapy Sessions
Wally Lorenz 1391 - 100th St. North Battleford, SK S9A 0V9 Day or Night
www.madgerooÀng.com Biggar, Sask.
113 - 3 Ave. W., Biggar
948-5052 (office)
Kent Dubreuil, E.D.O. Phone: 306-948-2295 Fax: 306-948-5050
located in The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar
9LHZVUHISL YH[LZ For bookings, call Jason
948-2887 VY JLSS 948-6969 McNULTY’S MOBILE SEED CLEANING Custom Cleaning of H.R.S. & C.P. S. Wheat
Phone: 948-5678
PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Barristers & Solicitors Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. Bonnie L. Reddekopp, JD 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK
Garry A. Faye Chartered Accountant Notary Public 201B-2nd Ave. West
P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, Sask.
…serving your community since 1972
Phone: 948-5133
BIGGAR COURIER Service Truck Full Mechanical Service Mon - Fri • 8 a.m.-5 p.m. phone: George
948-3376 after hours George: 948-4042 Corner of Main Street & 1st Avenue West, Biggar
Cell: 306-948-7524
223 Main Street Biggar Box 580 Biggar, SK SOK OMO
OPEN: Mon.-Fri. • 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday • 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tridem & Super B trailers
Your Auto Parts and Accessories Dealer
…for bookings contact
Open: Mon.-Fri.
Rockin D Trucking & Cattle
8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. • 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Let Vortex protect your truck and your investment with the Vortex Seamless Sprayed on Liner System
948-2183 Email: ddolack@sasktel.net Website: www.hrblock.ca
Prairieland Collision Rosetown, Sask.
M & N REPAIR 701 - 4th Ave. E., Biggar
948-3996 Dean McCallum, CFP, CIM, FCSI
Lyndsey Sacher
Open Monday-Saturday
Investment Advisor Credential Securities Inc.
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist, Wealth Consultant Credential Asset Management Inc.
Mike Nahorney, Interprovincial Heavy Duty Journeyman Mechanic
Pamela Eaton
Robert Hoesgen, CFP
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.
Located at the Biggar & District Credit Union 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK • 306-948-3352 Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc., and mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities Inc. ®Credential is a registered mark owned by Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license.
Heavy Truck Repair SGI Safety Inspection Auto Repair TIRES
KRF Auto Centre
403 Main Street, Biggar
Financial Planning Estate Planning Life Insurance 222 Main Street 306 948 5377
info@twhÀnancial.ca www.twhÀnancial.ca
Kevin Kurulak
Photos by Jocelyn
Portraits, Family, Weddings & Sports Photography Biggar, Sask.
INSURANCE BI GGA R INS URA NCE S E RV ICE S • Notary Publics • Home & Agro Insurance • Auto & Commerical Insurance • Health Insurance • Motor Licence Issuer Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday 304 Main Street • Biggar
Phone: 948-2204 or 948-3886
Small Ads Work… You’re reading this one!!!
• Cattle hauling with 21 ft. gooseneck trailer • round and large square bale hauling with step-deck or highboy semi-trailers • also buying and selling straw and forage • also machinery hauling Home • 306-948-2037 Alex • 306-948-7291 Dan • 306-948-7843 Biggar, Sask.
HAULS TO THE DUMP Small moves and deliveries with ½ ton truck
Ph/fax: 948-3856 or cell: 948-7896 J. G. Smith
• Snow Removal • Fences …and much more
Owned & operated by Kevin Fick
YH Truck, Ag & Auto • Heavy truck parts • Agriculture parts • Automotive parts & accessories www.yhtruckagauto.com
Hwy 14 East, Biggar 948-2109
9We tint vehicles too!
216 Main St., Biggar
948-3955 The Country Clipper • All Breed Dog Grooming • Boarding Kennels (Bordetella Mandatory) • Pet Supplies • Saleboard for dog and cat related items
For appointments and inquiries, call Janet at 948-2091 Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 6 pm. 2 mi N on Hwy #4, 2-½ mi E on Golf Course Rd. Anne G. Livingston
• photographs • paintings • art prints • memorabilia • collages, etc. Call Anne @ 948-7274 greengables2@sasktel.net
SERVICES NORTHLAND PAINTING and SANDBLASTING •Texas Gates •Spray Foam Insulation •Sandblasting & Painting •Internal Coatings •Rock Guard Coatings g
Mobile Units Office: 948-2805 05 Cell: 948-6062
MONARCH MEATS Modern Licenced Abbatoir • custom slaughter, cut and wrapping • sausage making, curing and smoking
• sides of Beef available
658-4474, Landis, SK
109 Main St., Biggar Sewing & Embroidery • Jackets • Windsuits • Shirts • Hunting Gear • Bunnyhugs • Caps • Toques • Bags Check out our new website: classicmakings.ca Judy Judy Kahovec: Kahovec… 882-4313, Cellcell 831-7935 306-882-4313, 831-7935 Carey Krchov: 882-3213 Carey Krchov…882-3213
Ivan Young, Biggar Tree services available… • cut trim and removal • post holes • landscaping • cement removal • trenching • holes for piles • driveways • garage pads • basements
email: northland83@yourlink.ca
A Sign of Qualilty! • Wood, metal, plastic signs • Vehicle & window graphics • Banners, stickers and Magnetic signs
Jerry Muc Phone: 948-2958 Fax:
For all your glass needs,
Phillips Radio Shop
Super B outÀts hauling grain and fertilizer in Alberta and Saskatchewan
SaskTel Mobility and High Speed Internet Dealer
Battery Chargers Electric Fencers Repaired/Rebuilt/ Built
• Detailing • Vortex Spray-In Box Liners • Granitex Baked-on Coatings for Decks and Cement Flooring • Auto Accessories • Trailer Rentals
227 - 1 Ave. East, Biggar
9Residential 9Commercial 9Automotive
and Your authorized
Take’n the pain outta haul’n your grain!
“Where we do it all for you!!”
LG, Frigidaire, Shaw, Yamaha Audio Dealer;
CertiÀed Custom Picture Framer
Troy May, owner/operator Fax #306.237.TROY
100% handwash
Investment Rep Insurance Broker P. 306 948 5200 F. 306 948 5207 Appointments Preferred
• Topsoil • Lawn Care • Leveling • Sod • Patio Blocks
Your authorized
Custom Grain Hauling
For all your investment needs, Visit…
Do you just want to know if your premiums are fair with the right coverage?
• Driveways • Concrete • Garage Pads • Pruning • Planting
Panasonic, Samsung,
Are you looking for Life, Living Benefits Insurance and/or Investment Strategies?
948-2879, evenings 948-7207, daytime Ed Kolenosky
~Brian and Cathy Fick~
1st Ave. West, Biggar
306-948-5352 or 306-244-9865
Want a truly independent advisor who will find your unique solution?
Rebel Landscaping
• Biggar to Saskatoon • Same day Service • Monday to Friday • 24-hour Answering Service
Roe & Company is a full service law office that practices… ¾Family and Criminal law ¾Commercial law ¾Real Estate ¾Wills and Estate, and our lawyers, William Roe, Q.C. Jason Peszko Ian Mokuruk Lisa Watson Sheri Woods look forward to assisting you and can be contacted at:
Fax: 948-2484
Biggar Sand & Gravel • trenching • trucking • water & sewer • sand & gravel • excavating Call Colin Graham at 948-5455 CWB CertiÀed Light Fabrication Mobile Welding
230 - 1st Ave. W., Biggar Phone: 948-7117 email: chase14welding@sasktel.net
“Your complete decal and signage shop”
t Delivery Ask Abou
306-948-3312 sales@gvsigns.ca
Leading organizations predict tech trends for 2013 Many once seemingly far-fetched concepts have become the technology of today. Scientists and engineers are continually
developing technology that may make a place for itself in our daily lives. There is no limit to what people aspire to achieve.
Mane Essence Hair Boutique 207 Main St., Biggar
Christina, Barb, Amanda and Sara 948-2712
Each year Gartner, Inc., the world’s leading information technology and advisory company, holds its Gartner Symposium/ITxpo. This is an international gathering of CIOs and senior IT executives. The event delivers independent and objective content and provides access to the latest solutions from key technology providers. The ITxpo as well as the Hong Kong Electronics Fair provide insight as to where technology is heading and what consumers, business owners and IT professionals can expect for the upcoming year. Attracting thousands of attendees, these events help to shape the future of technological offerings. Here are some of the technologies and trends people might see in the coming year, according to Gartner, Inc.
Mobile Devices In 2013, mobile phones are poised to overtake PCs as the most common Web access devices worldwide. By 2015, more than 80 percent of the handsets sold in mature markets will be smartphones. However, only 20 percent of those handsets are likely to be Windows phones. Estimates suggest that media tablet shipments will reach around 50 percent of laptop shipments by 2015, and Windows 8 will likely be in third place behind Google’s Android and Apple iOS operating systems. Because operating systems and platforms will expand beyond the monopoly once held by Windows, enterprises will need to support a greater variety. The implications for IT is that the era of PC dominance will be replaced with a
Duane Neufeldt Serving Biggar and Area
Merry Christmas and
Happy Holidays from Kirk Ewen and staff
Wylie Farms Ltd. Seed Cleaning 948-2807
Doctors Vision Care 223 Main St., Biggar 1-855-651-3311
new era where Windows is just one of a variety of environments IT will need to support. Personal Cloud The personal cloud will gradually replace the PC as the location where individuals keep their personal content, access their services and personal preferences and center their digital lives. In essence, personal cloud computing means having every piece of data you need for every aspect of your life at your fingertips and ready for use. Data must be mobile, transferable and instantly accessible. It also needs to be in sync to provide real-time access to files, photos and whatever else is being stored. Users will see the cloud as a portable, always-available place where they go for all of their digital needs. In this world no one platform, technology or vendor will dominate and diversity and mobile device management will be imperative. The personal cloud shifts the focus from the client device to cloudbased services delivered across multiple devices. The Internet of Things The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a concept that describes how the Internet will expand to physical items, such as consumer devices. That means elements of IoT will be included in other items besides handheld devices, such as mobile phones and tablets. Cellular technology and ability to access the Internet will appear in everything from wristwatches to smartposters to home entertainment systems. The IoT will en-
able a wide range of new applications and services while raising many new challenges. The public has already seen inklings of this technology in gaming systems and television sets that enable Internet connectivity. Expect these trends to expand. Rather than boasting evenbigger screen sizes and Ultra-HD capabilities, newer TVs are expected to all come with built-in broadband connections and smart, streaming media features. Integrated Systems Consumers will be looking for a more cohesive system that is integrated rather than a bunch of dissimilar parts having to work together somehow. Driving this trend is the consumer’s desire for lower cost, simplicity and greater security. The trend could be played out in different ways. Appliances may combine hardware and software with services. Cloud-based marketplaces will be key, and there will be brokerage companies set up to help facilitate purchases and use of capabilities from multiple vendors. In the mobile world, vendors including Apple, Google and Microsoft will enable control between devices through different apps. Consumers and IT professionals can expect to see a few key trends emerging this year and expanding in the months to come. Leading the way are integration and a move away from devicecentered usage. Consumers can expect electronics firms to be focused on making gadgets smarter and easier to use.
WISHING YOU A HAPPY, HEALTHY & PROPEROUS 2013 It’s going to be a VERY GOOD YEAR! And we know its true -- because once again we’ll have the chance to serve good folks like you. Happy New Year & many thanks for your continued support.
We know we have much to celebrate this year, including the privilege of serving great people like you!
Wylie Farms Ltd. Seed Cleaning Dale, Bill, staff and families
Season’s Greetings…
Tara Lynn, Lorraine, Crystal, Jeffery, and Helen
Celebrating Chinese New Year Chinese New Year marks the beginning of the new year according to the Chinese lunisolar calendar. Each Chinese new year, which is known as Spring Festival in China, is represented by one of 12 creatures. 2013 is the Year of the Snake. One of the more important elements of the Chinese New Year is the reunion dinner. For the reunion dinner, which is held on the eve of the new year, families traditionally gather in the parents’ home or the home of the eldest brother, though many families now gather in a restaurant. A reunion dinner typically includes a lavish spread that can feature a variety of dishes like chicken, fish and pork. Chinese New Year
celebrations last for 15 days. During these celebrations, students and migrant workers return home, and much of the country is in
transit. The festivities culminate on Chap Goh Mei, or the 15th night, which also involves a family meal as well as music and decorations. The Snake is the sixth sign of the Chinese Zodiac. Enigmatic, intuitive, introspective, and refined, the Snake in
the house is considered a good omen because it means your family will not starve. People born in the Year of the Snake are considered keen,
cunning, intelligent, wise and good at business. They also are typically sophisticated, and their choices for home decoration are cultured. The origin of Chinese New Year is not entirely certain. One legend suggests that there was once a monster called
Nian, who appeared each spring to attack Chinese villages. Legend has it that during these attacks Nian would eat anything to come in his path, be it plants, animals and even human beings. Fearful of Nian’s return, villagers one spring hung red paper on their doors and lit bamboo on fire when Nian arrived. The bright colors and crackling of bamboo burning startled Nian, who turned and fled. Since then, Chinese people hang red paper and lanterns outside their homes and loud noises, particularly those from firecrackers, are common on the eve of the new year. This year the Chinese New Year will be celebrated on February 10.
May the peace and joy of this holiday season be with you always
Duperow Co-op Management and staff
WHICH CHEQUE IS YOURS?… $257.96 220.30 274.60 112.88 4,484.61 40.72 375.48 229.66 376.92 667.43 84.33 20.29 107.00 316.66 104.31 2,046.63 214.89 293.94 711.62 1785.63 514.53 349.46 584.72 184.32 25.00 52.00 9,418.67 1,033.00 3,272.43 342.25 1,539.00 169.80 107.00 105.00 34.00 10.61 150.00 491.00 1,241.00 1,646.00 3,032.00 7,389.72 8,507.24 228.20 14.00 225.00 2,236.08 256.00 101.00 242.00 78.00 15.00
450.01 698.68 108.35 284.49 1,338.62 15,102.00 1,377.00 1,724.00 18.00 262.00 2,665.00 4,824.00 2.603.00 5,466.00 4,370.00 1,047.00 245.00 127.00 3,210.00 140.00 39.00 4,546.00 782.71 1,432.00 198.33 74.22 213.86 1,088.00 165.00 140.00 2,385.00 268.80 4,554.00 578.00 1,131.00 135.00 1,385.00 932.00 2,829.00 217.26 200.00 4,459.23 513.88 97.33 3,673.00 1,344.48 815.82 5,350.71 2,858.00 1,094.00 1,567.31 3,802.45
99.00 5,856.00 86.89 112.00 1,532.00 150.00 2,140.00 43.00 76.00 99.00 482.00 127.00 103.00 217.00 16.31 34.00 257.00 327.00 10.97 71.00 383.41 439.17 226.00 365.83 16.00 344.00 1,135.00 4,733.00 86.41 10,210.00 3,112.00 3,112.00 4,222.00 176.00 265.00 110.00 148.00 5,289.00 589.00 507.00 337.92 7,154.00 53.00 16.00 688.00 104.00 432.00 3,929.00 161.00 467.00 3,510.00
63.00 70.00 70.42 60.00 16.00 344.00 350.00 475.00 952.00 509.00 370.00 212.00 785.84 1,868.00 903.00 2,339.89 949.00 2,302.36 1,783.38 513.06 98.00 93.00 32.10 488.00 382.00 283.00 56.00 205.00 981.30 176.32 320.00 360.00 16.33 809.00 6,160.00 296.00 104.92 1,007.00 148.00 4,691.00 13.00 442.00 43.00 69.49 336.00 162.00 508.00 4,730.00 470.00 23.00 56.00 722.00
1,344.00 155.00 643.00 53.00 102.19 366.00 101.00 5,289.00 251.00 63.17 6,220.00 287.01 28.00 307.00 270.00 445.00 366.72 11,515.00 746.00 317.00 321.00 196.00 149.00 136.00 50.74 39.00 27.00 58.00 12.00 96.83 411.19 224.22 110.00 35.00 141.95 127.00 982.00 49.00 661.10 30.00 2,301.00 287.00 112.71 116.00 98.02 269.00 1,185.79 58.00 158.00 379.45 92.00 35.00
101.00 131.00 132.00 65.00 131.21 75.00 611.00 2,090.00 771.00 613.00 37.00 2,717.00 116.66 99.11 56.39 64.00 260.86 196.00 345.00 6551.00 129.00 77.00 133.00 198.00 872.00 279.28 543.66 444.00 75.00 600.00 11.00 62.00 220.00 68.00 270.00 800.00 65.00 21.00 772.00 345.62 622.00 289.00 140.00 151.00 124.00 188.00 1,104.00 130.00 364.00 789.00 124.00
125.00 24.00 10.00 63.00 74.00 960.00 179.00 81.00 43.00 53.00 292.00 68.00 64.00 127.86 270.24 186.00 294.00 63.00 55.00 85.00 193.00 67.00 81.00 187.00 102.00 56.00 24.15 69.00 392.00 159.43 231.00 277.00 88.00 102.00 115.12 99.62 102.00 198.00 118.36 99.00 573.00 117.00 73.00 63.00 47.00 400.00 98.00 84.00 34.58 125.13 19.00
76.00 37.00 63.00 148.00 62.00 73.00 139.00 33.00 116.00 128.00 51.22 56.00 109.00 120.00 537.00 486.00 413.00 15.00 81.00 305.00 95.00 626.00 16.00 44.00 55.00 370.00 43.00 178.00 26.00 165.00 55.00 24.00 102.00 85.00 32.00 153.00 13.00 388.00 107.00 112.00 111.00 52.00 179.00 73.00 294.00 59.00 403.86 346.00 390.00 57.00 206.00
The above amounts were paid by cheque to Duperow Co-op members during this last year, $405,928.00 returned to the community (includes $61,867.00 submitted as tax)
DUPEROW CO-OP 948-2706
90.00 160.75 69.00 57.00 84.00 118.00 121.00 58.00 268.00 101.00 164.38 94.00 61.00 145.00 180.00 73.00 224.00 97.00 78.00 183.03 31.00 729.40 132.00 1,300.59 85.00 249.00 92.00 35.00 140.00 318.00 96.00 111.00 1,251.00 285.00 459.00 142.00 119.00 317.00 23.00 91.00 165.00 348.00 283.00 40.31 734.90 6,969.17 298.10 68.80 240.26 249.83 122.28
Financial Advice to make a positive difference by Kim Inglis, BCom, CIM, PFP, FCSI, AIFP | Investment Advisor and Portfolio Manager Canaccord Wealth Management With widespread political uncertainty, especially the turmoil throughout the European Union, many investors wonder how well their money is protected in the event their bank or brokerage fails. The Canadian banking system isn’t immune to
the pressures that face global banking, so it’s a reasonable question. In Canada investors have two basic types of account protection – the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF) and the Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC). The CIPF was established by the investment industry to ensure client assets are protected, within defined limits, should a CIPF Member become
Happy New Year and sincere thanks to each and everyone of you. SPECIAL THANKS to our many volunteers. We look forward to seeing you again in the New Year.
Biggar Museum & Gallery
insolvent. The CDIC is a federal Crown corporation created by Parliament that insures eligible deposits, made with its member institutions, in case a member institution fails. Although they sound similar, there are key differences between the CIPF and the CDIC. In general, the CIPF covers up to a maximum of C$1 million of cash, securities, and some segregated insurance products held with member brokerages of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC). This includes two types of accounts, each eligible for the C$1 million coverage: general and separate. General accounts are considered to be cash and margin accounts, whereas separate accounts are typically
retirement accounts such as RRSPs and RRIFs. All general accounts are combined for coverage purposes, as are all separate accounts. CDIC insures eligible deposits up to a maximum of C$100,000 per depositor at CDIC member institutions. Most Canadian chartered banks are CDIC members, as are a number of companies that take deposits. There are some financial institutions that take deposits but are not CDIC members though, such as credit unions and caisses populaires. However, provincial deposit insurance programs may cover deposits held at those institutions. CDIC coverage includes savings and chequing accounts, GICs or other term deposits with an original term to maturity
~ Board and staff ~
of five years or less, and accounts that hold realty taxes on mortgaged properties. It also covers money orders, certified cheques, travellers’ cheques and bank drafts issued by CDIC members. An important distinction here is that mutual funds, stocks, bonds, and Treasury bills are not covered by CDIC insurance. The same applies to accounts or products in U.S. dollars or other foreign currency. To understand the difference between CIPF and CDIC, consider an investor who purchases a three-year term deposit from Bob’s Bank that is held at Mary’s Brokerage. If Bob’s Bank is a CDIC member and goes bankrupt, the investor will be protected through CDIC. If Mary’s Brokerage is a CIPF member, and goes bankrupt but Bob’s Bank does not, the investor will be protected through CIPF. Just as it is important for Canadians to understand how their investments are protected, concerns should be considered in context. According to
CIPF, investment dealer insolvency is rare and has only occurred 18 times since CIPF’s inception in 1969. CIPF has made payments of $36 million, net of recoveries, and no eligible customers have suffered a loss of property. Likewise, since CDIC was created in 1967, there have been 43 member institution failures, with the last occurring in 1996. And, according to the Department of Finance, Canada’s banks are wellcapitalized and exceed Bank for International Settlements’ norms by significant margins. Total capital is in the 9.6 per cent range, whereas the required minimum is eight per cent. Kim Inglis, CIM, PFP, FCSI, AIFP is an Investment Advisor and Portfolio Manager with Canaccord Wealth Management, a division of Canaccord Genuity Corp., Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund, reynoldsinglis.ca. The views in this column are solely those of the author.
Hats Off To A New Year …and to you, our customers and friends!
Hope It’s a Banner Year! Whether you view the new year as a beginning or an end, what really counts is Ànding the time to spend with people you care about, doing the things that matter most, and for us that means letting you know just how much we appreciate your generous support! Happy New Year and many thanks.
Westwinds Motor Hotel “Experience the Westwinds Difference” Dayna,Trent and staff
From 2012 to 2013 -- we loved serving you every day in between! We thank you for your patronage and look forward to seeing you again next year!
M & N Repair
With warm wishes from all of us for a happy healthy and prosperous 2013p! …Brett Barber and staff
Ladies 30 min. Workout
~ and ~
Mike, Darlene and staff th …Nova Wood Centre, E. Route East, 701-4th104Ave.6E,Ave. Truck
Biggar • 948-3996
To Old Acquaintances & New Friends, Everywhere! Your goodwill and support will never be forgotten! With best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year.
…Nova Wood Centre, 104- 6th Ave. E. (south door), Biggar • 948-2208
or 948-9750 (cell)
Kurulak Investment and Insurance Corp. 403 Main St., Biggar
948-5200 email: kevin@kkurulak.net fax 948-5207