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Sunday, May 13

Vol. 103 No. 19

MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012

Bi Biggar, S Saskatchewan k t h bi i d d t

28 pages


1.25 tax included

Saskatchewan partners support Rail Safety Week The Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure, Canadian National Railway (CN), Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) and the Saskatchewan Shortline Railway Association (SSRA) are encouraging everyone to do their part to reduce crossing collisions and trespassing incidents along railways. “Remember to always watch for trains when approaching any railway crossing, whether you’re a motorist, cyclist or a pedestrian,” Highways and Infrastructure Minister Jim Reiter said. “Be alert, no matter what time of the year because you never know when a train will be moving.” The Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure participates in a variety of rail safety initiatives on a regular basis. As regulator of shortline rail in Saskatchewan, the ministry reviews safety management plans, conducts routine safety inspections of shortline crossings, provides reflective tape for rail signs and locomotives and participates in rail safety public awareness initiatives. “The consequences of trespassing can be tragic and we are very concerned to see that dangerous behaviour on railway property is on the rise,” CN Vice President of Safety and Sustainability John Orr said.

“Through a combination of education and targeted enforcement, we will work to change understanding and behaviour. When it comes to safety, there is no compromise.” National Public-Rail Safety Week, which runs April 30 to May 6 this year, is an initiative of Operation Lifesaver, which promotes rail safety through the involvement of various transportation, government and safety partners. “We all have a stake in community safety,” CP Police Service Canadian Operations Deputy Chief

Ken Marchant said. “Motorists, cyclists and pedestrians need to be aware of the dangers associated around railway crossings and on railway property. Through initiatives like Rail Safety Week, we hope to educate and prevent rail related incidents from occurring.” Saskatchewan has 12 operational shortline railways and almost 2,250 kilometres of provinciallyregulated track. These provincial shortlines connect to about 6,200 kilometres of federally-regulated rail lines in Saskatchewan.

Seeding slow to begin for Saskatchewan Two per cent of the 2012 crop has been seeded, according to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s Weekly Crop Report, for the period April 24 to 30. Provincially, seven per cent of the peas, three per cent of the lentils and two per cent of the spring wheat and durum have been seeded to date. The southwestern region has six per cent of the acres seeded, while the southeast has three per cent.

Rain was recorded in most regions of the province during the past week, delaying seeding operations. The week’s precipitation has ranged from trace amounts to more than 50 millimetres. Most of the areas in the southwestern, west-central and northwestern regions that were indicating dry conditions last week received significant moisture this week. Cropland topsoil moisture across the province is rated

Tiny Dancer . . . Talitha Kleiner gives out a sly little smile during the Prairie Notes Spring concert at the Biggar Associated Gospel Church, April 27. Talitha got into the spirit of the concert, joining the performers on stage, particularly her dad, Pastor Mark, for wee impromptu dances. Check out our Web site: this Wednesday for more pictures. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam) as 16 per cent surplus, 81 per cent adequate and three per cent short. Hay land and pasture topsoil moisture is rated as 14 per cent surplus, 80 per cent adequate, five per cent short and one per

cent very short. Crop reporters are indicating that, although the majority of winter wheat and fall rye crops are in good condition, four per cent of the winter wheat and

two per cent of the fall rye have some winter or spring weather-related damage. Farmers are busy seeding, calving and controlling weeds

2011 GDP growth highest in almost 15 years

Fancy footwork is judged here . . . Dance adjudicators, Mandy Kerr, left, and Jana Raskob had a busy weekend, April 27 to 29 as the annual Biggar School of Dance Festival hit the Majestic Theatre. Results can be seen on page 12. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Saskatchewan’s economic growth in 2011 was its fastest in almost 15 years according to data released April 27 by Statistics Canada. Saskatchewan’s GDP grew by 4.8 per cent, second highest in the nation and the best performance since the starting year of this statistic in 1997. Alberta led economic growth in 2011 with an increase of 5.2 per cent. “People recognize the opportunity in Saskatchewan today, as our

province continues to grow and prosper,” Enterprise Minister Jeremy Harrison said. “Saskatchewan is leading the country in a number of economic areas and all the conditions are right for our province to continue to see strong growth in the future.” According to the report, Canada’s GDP rose by 2.6 per cent in 2011. The report referenced Saskatchewan’s improvement was based on better than expected crop production, high residential construction, and gains

in wholesale and retail trade. It also suggests that strong population growth contributed to the overall rise. “As we continue with labour and business attraction initiatives, we can tell the rest of the world that our province is the place to be,” Harrison said. “Individuals and families who are looking for a place to start their career, build a successful business and have an exceptional quality of life are choosing Saskatchewan.”


MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012


505 Hwy. 7 West, Rosetown, SK


S0L 2V0

OPEN: Monday - Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CLOSED: Sundays


MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012

Council Minute highlights the hall rental fee be waived. Council resolved that the Town officials be authorized to sign the access letter provided by Tetra Tech WEI Inc. to conduct environmental testing on 802 Main Street and Eighth Avenue in the vicinity of the former Turbo retail facility. Council resolved that the request from the Town sign committee for funding for 2012 in the amount of $1,200 for flowers for the Town sign, and $600 for flowers for the planters on Main Street, be approved and that the Town crew clean up the Town sign site and repair the planters as required. And if you’re bad, this is the principal’s office . • Meeting adjourned at . . St. Gabriel School Kindergarten teacher Katelynn 8:16 p.m. Moldenhauer introduces next year’s group to the “Boss”, Principal Rick Garchinski. No worries, nothing to fear,

The regular meeting of Biggar Town Council was held April 17, at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Attending the meeting were Mayor Ray Sadler, Aldermen Ron Arnold, Jim Besse, Don Cleaveley, Penny McCallum, Eugene Motruk, and Kirk Sherbino. Council resolved that Bylaw No. 12-730, a bylaw to repeal previous water and sewer utility rates bylaws, be read three times and adopted. Council resolved that the General Accounts Paid in the amount of $46,736, and the General Accounts Payable in the amount of $17,701.48, be approved. Council resolved that the Biggar Masonic Lodge be granted 50 per cent municipal tax concession for 2012 on Lot 13 Block 27 Plan D4770. Council resolved that the audited financial statement from PricewaterhouseCoopers for the year 2011, be approved. Council resolved that the request from the Biggar Minor Hockey Association for a refund for hall rental for the event they hosted on March 29, in the amount of $141.75, be approved. Council resolved that the 2012 confirmed education mill rates be approved as presented. Council resolved that the request from the Biggar Museum and Gallery Board for a waiver or discount of the rental of the Biggar Community Hall for their 40th anniversary celebration to take place this October, which will include a diner theatre evening, be received and that they be advised that

Principal Garchinski is, as the three letters in his title hints at, a ‘pal’. The new students were at Kindergarten registration day last Wednesday. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Canada-EU trade agreement will benefit Sask, Gov’t says Deeper trade with the European Union will bring good jobs, growth and long-term prosperity to hardworking Saskatchewan residents, say Saskatchewan MP, Lynne Yelich, April 27 The Honourable Lynne Yelich, Minister of State ( We s t e r n E c o n o m i c Diversification), and Randy Hoback, Member of Parliament for Prince Albert, joined federal ministers across the country in highlighting the benefits of a potential trade agreement with the European Union. The two held events at local businesses in Saskatchewan’s important scientific research and development and agriculture sectors to highlight the benefits a Canada-EU trade agreement would generate for Canadian workers and

their families. “Our government is focused on jobs, growth and long-term prosperity. An ambitious agreement with the European Union will be a big win for Saskatchewan’s workers and businesses,” said Yelich at the Canadian Light Source Inc. facility in Saskatoon, the only synchrotron light source in Canada. “A CanadaEU trade agreement will produce success for the scientific research and development sector and directly benefit workers and families who rely on it here in Saskatchewan.” Hoback attended an event at CanMar Grain Products Ltd., a world

leader in the production of golden roasted flaxseed products, in Regina. “The agriculture sector is an important pillar of Saskatchewan’s economy, and it is a sector that will greatly benefit from an ambitious trade agreement with the European Union. In fact, almost 40,000 residents of Saskatchewan and their families depend on the agriculture sector for their livelihood,” said Hoback. “Lowering barriers would increase sales of Saskatchewan’s world-class agriculture sector in the lucrative EU market of 500 million consumers, which would

directly benefit residents of Saskatchewan through more jobs, higher wages and greater long-term prosperity.” “Better access to the EU market would mean a better bottom line for Canadian farmers and ranchers,” said the Honourable Gerry Ritz, Minister of Agriculture a n d A g r i - Fo o d . “A n ambitious CanadaEU trade agreement will increase access for Canadian beef, wheat, canola and pulses, boosting Saskatchewan’s agricultural exports to the EU, which were more than $700 million annually on average over

GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… Friday, May 4, 11:15 a.m. (stations randomly selected)

Biggar ....................................... 126.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock ................... 122.9¢/L Perdue… ................................... 124.9¢/L Landis… ................................... 124.9¢/L Rosetown… .............................. 124.9¢/L North Battleford…................... 123.9¢/L Unity ........................................ 123.9¢/L Saskatoon ................................. 126.9¢/L

Lottery Numbers


649 - Wednesday, May 2 18, 19, 33, 40, 44, 47 Bonus10 Extra 5204237 649 - Saturday, April 28 09, 21, 22, 42, 44, 48 Bonus 28 Extra 6534665


Western 649 - Wednesday, May 2 14, 18, 23, 39, 41, 48 Bonus 10 Western 649 - Saturday, April 28 06, 14, 22, 31, 36, 39 Bonus 21 Lotto Max - Friday, April 27 03, 23, 28, 40, 42, 43, 45 Bonus 17 Extra 2357343

Celebrate your Mom . . . Mom of the Year, Kathy Goetz, left, enjoys the on-stage entertainment, Tuesday, during the annual Biggar Community Connections, Mother of the Year. The day was one of pampering for moms, and recognized Kathy Goetz and Doris Wilderman (inset), raising money for Community Connections. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

third page

the last few years.” More than 60 per cent of Canada’s annual income (gross domestic product) and the jobs of one in five Canadians are generated by trade, said the Honourable Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway, in a keynote address to the Economic Club of Canada in Ottawa. The Minister’s address was among several events being held across the country to highlight the benefits of the Canada-EU trade agreement currently under negotiation. “An ambitious trade agreement with the European Union would generate significant benefits for hardworking Canadians in every region of our country,” said Fast. “It would bring a 20 per cent boost in bilateral trade and a $12billion annual increase to Canada’s economy. That translates to an increase of $1,000 to the average Canadian family’s income, or 80,000 new jobs.” The EU is Canada’s second-largest trading partner and the world’s largest integrated economy, with more than ec 500 50 million consumers and an a GDP of over $17 trillion. The ongoing trade tr negotiations with the EU ne represent Canada’s most re signifi cant trade initiative si since the historic North si American Free Trade A Agreement. A

This Week . . . Opinions ............................................................ 4 Agriculture ......................................................10 Sports & Recreation.........................................12 Classifieds ............................................... 24 - 26 Business & Professional Directories ........14 - 15

MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012


Opinions Common sense: a basic ingredient Common sense is so rare these days it should be classified as a super power. I found this anecdote on a website and couldn’t help thinking how true it was. It seems we have all be caught up in a world of “right” and “wrong”, legalize and being politically correct we have forgotten one simple instinct -- common sense. For example: Making a distracted driving law to ban texting. Common sense will tell you that you need to keep your attention on the road. Besides, is that not undue care and attention or even dangerous driving, two laws which already existed. Asking someone to produce ID when you have known them for a number of years and call them by their first name while asking to see that piece of evidence. You have already identified them. Canadians don’t want to pay any more taxes than they already are. Government workers want more money. Something has to give. Take your pick. Again, taxpayers don’t want to pay any more. Everything goes up including costs to run a university. It is a user pay situation. Ergo, tuitions must go up. Rioting in the streets and breaking things isn’t going to help. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “common sense” as sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts. Simply put, common sense refers to knowledge and experience which most people already have. Still another dictionary offers this definition: “the basic level of practical knowledge and judgment that we all need to help us live in a reasonable and safe way.” Maybe we should all get back to living with a good dose of common sense. After all we don’t want the concept to become so rare that it becomes extinct.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are welcome. They MUST be signed, approximately 300 words in length and are subject to editing.


Small town marketing can go social too In smaller communities, social media can enrich traditional marketing but not replace it by Doug Lacombe, Columnist, Troy Media Distributed by Troy Media, www.troymedia. com Last week I had the pleasure of working with some rural Saskatchewan credit unions on digital marketing and social media. It occurred to me social media might not even be appropriate. Are credit union customers and prospects from these towns even on social media? This required some investigation. Almost everyone in Canada is on the

internet Some basic facts come into play almost immediately. Almost everyone, urban and rural, has access to the Internet in Canada. Statistics Canada reported in the 2010 Canadian Internet Use Survey “In 2010, eight out of 10 Canadian households (79 per cent) had access to the Internet. Over one-half of connected households used more than one type of device to go online. About 81 per cent of households located in census metropolitan

areas and 76 per cent of households located in census agglomerations had home Internet access, compared with 71 per cent of households outside of these areas.” So over two-thirds of rural dwellers have access to the Internet. So far so good. With Internet comes email, so we can safely assume at least email marketing has potential in rural areas. But what about social media? A few years back I was working for a client that was interested in reaching folks in Fort Nelson and Dawson


Creek B.C. I assumed people in those towns would be mainly on dial up. The client’s research told us otherwise. Approximately one-third of the populations of these two towns reported being on social media in 2010! A few other facts help orient us to the reality of social media marketing in rural areas. First, almost half of Canadians over the age of 18 are on Facebook - 16.3 million accounts at last check. A quick check in the Facebook ad-booking wizard tells me there are 3,420 Facebook users in Fort Nelson over 18. By comparison the Fort Nelson News newspaper reports gross circulation of 2,600. By that standard, Facebook compares favorably as a potential advertising medium, although small town newspapers remain a critical part of any retail marketing mix due to their continued prominence in their communities.


Phone: 306-948-3344

Fax: 306-948-2133

Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Monday at the office of publication, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Delta Fay Cruickshank

Dawson Creek has 7,800 Facebook accounts whereas Friday circulation of that paper is 2,100 copies. Similarly, Biggar Saskatchewan (population 2,300) has 1,100 Facebook users, Unity has 1,240, Shaunavon has 920, Dauphin Manitoba has 6,900, Winkler has 5,060 and so on and so on. These numbers are for the towns themselves. If you include a 50mile radius (Facebook doesn’t do metric) to approximate a trading area, the numbers go up dramatically. Conversely, I had a very difficult time finding more than a handful of people from these towns on Twitter, which makes sense as North American Twitter penetration is generally estimated at 15 to 18 per cent. In the case of Biggar 15 per cent of 2,300 people is 345 people so that’s about the best reach you might expect. You could reach more people yelling loudly at the

hockey game or curling rink. Social media should be part of the marketing mix Nailing YouTube use down to a particular geography is nearly impossible, but anecdotally it seems everyone with Internet and therefore email shares and uses video. Given these data, social media is an appropriate part of the marketing mix for small town businesses. It would, however, be an add-on to newspaper advertising and other time-honored techniques. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater is a bad marketing move, so Facebook and YouTube videos, with some email marketing can enrich traditional marketing but not replace it. Doug Lacombe is a social media speaker and strategist with social media agency communicatto. Find him on Twitter at @ dblacombe.


P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012

Two years ago I wrote about a most inspiring book that talked about appreciating the everyday pleasures in life. The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha. That first book spawned another -- The Book of Even More Awesome -- and yet another -- The Book of Holiday Awesome. Pasricha started a blog -- 1000awesomethings. com -- and daily readers were treated to one awesome thing per day. Well, the countdown has ended and the 1,000th awesome thing arrived. So, now the blog is winding down. What was the No. 1 most awesome thing? “Anything you want it to be.” As the author told his fans, “ . . . awesome is, at the end of the day, what is awesome to you.” It was a series of events that inspired Pasricha to take a look at life from a different side. His marriage was in trouble, his best friend took his own life, and to add to that, everytime you read a newspaper or listened to the news it was very negative. “The polar ice caps were melting, there were pirates storming the seas, the economy was on the verge of


collapse, and there were wars going on all over the world.” He decided to focus on the positive such as popping bubble wrap, snow days, the smell of a bakery, man couches, eyebrows -- just life in general. The anecdote says, “it’s the little things that count” -- and indeed, we get caught up in all the turmoil we forget about just appreciating the little things that pass through our daily lives -- for free. As Prairie residents, and Canadians, I do believe we live in the best place in the world. There are so many awesome things in our corner of the world. Especially during this season of spring, a season of renewal. • Everything turns green • Excellent golf courses • Warmer temps • Fishing season • Camping season • Gardening season • Lots of sunshine • Knowing summer will be here in a couple of months • Welcoming the birds back • Longer daylight hours • Enjoying an evening walk That’s a pretty general sweep of awesome

things but for a more individual take, think about these. • Enjoying an ice cream cone on a warm day (maybe with a friend or your grandchildren) • Camping out at your favourite lake or just opening up the cabin • Watching the ripples on the lake • Crocuses popping out of the ground • Doing some spring cleaning and finding money (or that item you’ve been looking for all winter) • Sinking a putt the first time As I was watching TV one evening I realized there was one awesome things I have been taking for granted -- PVR. Previously recorded shows. I can just play them back and fast forward through the commercials. What a wonderful invention that was. I never realized just how much I valued this piece of technology until the hard drive pooched. We had to buy another, more up to date one and now I can record two shows at once and watch one that was already recorded. That’s pretty awesome. Speaking of technology -- did you know there is an Awesome App? Check it out some time.

Now Online at

Subcribe at

948-3344 Kennedy Theriault graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a Bachelor of Commerce with Management Major. Kennedy is the daughter of Jim and Connie (nee Donahue) Theriault of Biggar. Granddaughter of Gary and Francis Donahue of Biggar.

Saskatchewan asks hunters and anglers for views on regulations The Saskatchewan government is surveying hunters and anglers to find ways to improve hunting and fishing regulations. The survey will collect views from hunters and anglers from across Saskatchewan as well as stakeholders and out-of-province visitors. “Like many people in Saskatchewan, hunting and fishing is a tradition in my family and improving our regulations will make sure hunting and fishing is safe and sustainable for the next generation,” Enterprise Minister Jeremy Harrison said. “Whether it’s a way of life or a weekend activity, hunters and anglers care about making sure we get our regulations

right and that is why the Saskatchewan government wants to hear from them.” E n t e r p r i s e Saskatchewan is leading the province’s regulatory modernization process and will be coordinating this review. The feedback received through the survey will be forwarded to officials with the Ministry of Environment for analysis, which will then be considered by the Saskatchewan government’s Red Tape Reduction Committee. The Red Tape Reduction Committee is made up of several members of the legislative assembly and cabinet ministers. The committee has been tasked with reviewing all regulations that

have an impact on business to ensure that Saskatchewan’s regulatory structure is effective and efficient. “Conservation Officers across Saskatchewan go to work every day to keep our hunters and anglers safe and to protect our wildlife and environment,” Environment Minister Dustin Duncan said. “The Saskatchewan government is committed to thoroughly reviewing our hunting and angling regulations so that our enforcement efforts can be focused effectively.” An electronic link to the survey can be found on the Enterprise Saskatchewan Web site.

Biggar School of Dance would like to thank everyone who contributed to making our 17th Annual Dance Festival a success! Platinum Sponsors… Biggar & District Credit Union, Biggar Shop Easy Prairie Malt Limited/Cargill Cares Gold Sponsors… AGI-Envirotank, Biggar Insurance Services, Biggar Subway, Duperow Co-op, Quick Stop, Re/Max Realty--Duane Neufeldt, SaskTel, Tim Hammond Realty, West Field Equipment Ltd., Westwinds Motor Hotel. Silver Sponsors… Biggar Kayette Club, Biggar Royal Canadian Legion, Landis Rec Board, North American Lumber, Patricia and Carl Nicholls, Ruth Rankin Memorial--Joanne Kral, Super A Foods, Tisdale Dance Centre, Viterra Biggar. Bronze Sponsors… 1st Avenue Collision Center, 4-K Fuels/Petro Canada, Anderson Accounting, Angie’s Hair Salon, Annette’s School of Dance, Linda Belak, Biggar Accounting Services, Biggar Flower & Gift Shop, Biggar Greenhouse Inc., Biggar Hotel, Biggar Museum & Gallery, Biggar New Horizons, Biggar Royal Purple, Biggar Veterinary Clinic, Busse Law Professional Corporation, CDTA, CST Consultants Inc., Custom Signs & Designs--Jerry Muc, Biggar CWL, Dance 101-North Battleford, Dance Street, de Moissac Jewellers, Designs by Ann, D Spot Hair Salon--Denise Petrowsky, Elmer Dove Chartered Accountant, Esso 414, Excell Tire, Fields Department Store, Jacalyn Froehlich--Nipawin, Grondin Funeral Services-Biggar, Hanley School of Dance, Hannigan’s, Homestead Family Restaurant, Glenda Horner, Kelly’s Kitchen, Kurulak Investment and Insurance Corp., Landis Credit Union, Leslie’s Drugstore Ltd.--PharmaChoice, Lynda’s Hair Design, MacLeod’s True Value, Martin’s Excavating, Monarch Meats, NAPA Auto Parts, Nevada’s Cutting Room, New Creation Community Players, Pattie Furber--CGA, Pharmasave, Photos by Jocelyn, Pizzeria Adria, Rolling H Farms--Dan Heather, Silhouette Ladies Wear, Spyder Autobody, The Bargain Shop, The Independent Printers, Thur-0 Janitorial Services, TWH Financial--Todd & Heather Hawkins.

A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU TO… Anderson Accounting, Biggar & District Credit Union, Biggar Courier, Biggar Leisure Centre, Christina Prpick, Doreen Dubreuil, St. Gabriel School, Elmer Dove Accounting, Tim Hammond Realty, Larry Kirk, Town of Biggar, Majestic Theatre Board and Volunteers, YMVA, Masonic Lodge Hall. Without the support and generosity of individuals and businesses in this wonderful community, this event would not be possible.

Please accept the heartfelt thanks of the Biggar Schoool of Dance parents, teachers and dancers!


MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012

10-21-14-11 by Bob Mason My old puzzle-oriented, school-teaching, Grandfather would have taken sometime to solve the number sequence of the above title, whereas some of the modern, hand-held gadgets could come up with the correct answer in a few seconds! So much for old Grandfathers and their old brains, eh? Hint: The letter ‘J’ is number 10 in the English alphabet! But whereas (again) my grandfather had to use his ever-inquiring brain in order to come up with an answer, it seems (to me at least) that the Gadget-Holders use someone else’s brain, and this is what bothers me! The answer to any riddle doesn’t matter - I understand that a person can get thousands of answers on those little things at the touch of a finger - but what happens to a brain that doesn’t have to work anymore? Will the junkyards of the far-off future be filled with a whole lot of obsolete body parts that we were created with? For most of us, the brain capacity that for hundreds of generations man never ever knew he had, is already on that list! In that future,how can we be expected to go our own way and do our own thing in a world that provides everything we need.

Yours Truly is possibly very wrong, but often, right or wrong, he wonders! Enough philosophy, eh? Let’s talk about junk for awhile! Saskatchewan being a fairly new province, and ‘progress’ being whatever generation tries to make, over the years (or should I write decades) a lot of unused, passé stuff is starting to pile up all around us. Many of the rough wooden things of our parents time, if recycled, don’t make very good guns, bombs, tanks, planes, or other vehicles, and are often just left in disappearing towns and farmsites to pile up and rot! This ‘throw away’ attitude has developed into a big thing, and one of its most influential causes (Pardon me, Adam Smith!) has been our ever growing “Economy”. If the customers of the world ever get to the

point of where they are content with what they have already gotten and don’t expect to have newer, finer things every year, many of the world’s manufacturers are going to go belly up and with them, our so called economy goes too! Yours Truly hasn’t been city-trained by a long shot, but he often wonders what happened to that low spot we drove through to see my brother on 10th Street East in Saskatoon! And if mebbe some basement-digger ever found his pile of junk! Mebbe we older types don’t have to worry about things like this! But we do! In the early years of our province, junk piles were kind of small, prices were fair and most of the things that they needed were available to the thousands who settled out here. Fine farm building popped up all over the place and everyone appeared successful. Then along came the Big Depression of the 1930’s when, as the saying goes “nobody had nuthin’”. Just to get by, everyone had to ‘make-do’ with what was around them, we fixed everything ourselves, and saved and saved, feeling that mebbe those bad times

might come back. But those bad times didn’t come back! Right after WWII came along, things started to look up again. Radios and television provided the entertainment that put our rural-type visiting out of style (no one wanted to hear Walt and YT sing anymore anyway!) New cars started crowding the roads as our old vehicles and ‘Bennett Buggies’ were hauled out to the junk piles too! But this process of self-reliance that had developed during the Depression stayed with that 1930 generation for years. We saved everything, got old, and finally, when we tore the old greenhouse down, we found that it was full of, guess what, 10-21-14-11! And that generation, which like I say saved everything, found themselves facing a much younger one that didn’t like clutter! (Some far-out form of claustrophobia I think) When the younger generation that YT mentioned, had a machine that didn’t work,they just threw it away and bought a new one. Oh, the manufacturers laughed and clapped their hands, but the 1930 types just gritted their teeth! And of course, were left with huge piles of 10-2114-11 that they couldn’t

Another lucky Toonie draw winner . . . Biggar Museum and Gallery’s Hilda Dielsen, right, hands over a cheque for $76 to Urla Tyler, the April Toonie Draw winnings. You can win, just check out participating stores. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

find any place to get rid of! Does anyone want that big 24-inch circular cordwood saw blade that used to hang on the wall of that old stable we buried. If they do, it is six feet down in the ground of Pt. NE,31,35,12 along with with a lot of other stuff we had saved! There is a fine building there now! Enough tearful philosophy, eh? Let’s get on with the 21st century and 2012 . . ! I’m not up very well on our economic history, but somewhere in there the “Save Everything” Society suddenly became the “Throw Away” Society, and like “The Dirty Old Man sang: I never thought that I’d ever get old, but here I am” Adam Smith and Company have mebbe searched a little deeper into the factors effecting a failing world economy, but I’m pretty sure they never investigated the results of a successful one! What do we do with all the things that we throw away, eh? Recycling can

take care of quite a bit, but old boards, old rags, and, ahem, old people? Aha! There is a thought! I can vision it all now. In my mind the working on that hatchment will go like this: “Here lies a faithful old board that was bought by an old farmer at the local lumberyard in 1919, was built into and served many years as a granary for storing Number one Northern wheat in The Bread Basket of the World.” This ancient 2x4 was salvaged, when that bin was torn down to make room for a new steel one (when they became popular), and was reused in the walls of a greenhouse the “Old Farmers” son built! That old greenhouse got in the way of progress again and was torn down, but this time that 2x4 (which was once a beautiful tree in British Columbia) didn’t survive, and is here buried, just down the road a bit from where the Old Farmer’s son’s ashes are!” Some epitaph, eh? Pax and Aye!

Badminton news

Might just be rookie camp . . . Biggar Central School football coach, Terry Braman gets his locks cut by player, Jared McLeod, Tuesday. Braman had been growing his hair since June, and decided things were getting a bit hairy for him, so off it went, all for a good cause - wigs for cancer patients. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Congratulations to the badminton teams on their excellent showing at Districts on Saturday. The Junior Blazers hosted Districts at BCS. Junior results: Danessa Hollman (third, singles). Jake Lehnert and Gordie May (second, boys doubles) and Tiara Keith and Mazie Hooper (second, girls doubles). The Senior Blazers traveled to Rosetown where they put on a dominating performance. Their results

were: Cheyanne Lehnert and Dylan Haynes (first, mixed doubles), Mike Muller and Sam Mao (first, boys doubles), Danton Hollman (second, boys singles), CJ Lehnert and Edyn Keith (second, girls doubles), Dan Markewich and Linden Newton (third, boys doubles), Kyle McCarty and Sabrina Yurchak (fourth, mixed doubles). Good luck to all the first and second place finishers who qualify for Regionals in Rosetown this weekend.

MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012


Fortnightly by Tillie Zimmer

Future Grads . . . Biggar Central School Kindergarten registration was held last Wednesday, and many youngsters received the opportunity to get familiar with their future environment, the teacher, the school. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Fo r t n i g h t l y s e a s o n came to a close with a delicious luncheon served by Monique Carruthers and Bernice Martin at the Museum followed by Pat Borchart’s interesting and informative account of her daughter’s three month stay in Mongolia. Did you know: Mongolia has the same latitude as Canada but with an altitude of 5,800 feet? The wall of China skirts its border? Buddhism is the main religion? It was under Russian control from 1911 to 1991 at which time they educated the smarter Mongolians who then left with the Russians causing a brain drain to the country? Mongolians are mainly

nomads and follow their herds to greener lichen pastures. They brand the animals by painting their horns and hip a certain color. Reindeer are used for work and milk. They give about one liter three times a day. This gives milk to drink, cheese to eat and, yes, vodka. The sheep, goats and yaks supply food and wool and hides for clothing. An interesting fact is that the animals crave salt and will seek out urine to lick up. They live in homes made from felt strung over a wooden framework. Interiors are decorated and a stove with a chimney sits in the middle. The last of their wild horses, the Takhi,

became extinct in the 60’s. A few captive horses in zoos were brought together. Today there are 1,500 horses roaming the Hustia National park. This was primarily a veterinary educational trip. Mongolian veterinary students receive instruction from 30 year old texts with no hands on learning. Western medicine is unavailable due to the horrendous cost. Mining companies are moving in which are attempting to swallow up the herdmens livelihood. Environmentalists are watching. More roads are being built and tourism is encouraged. It would be a wonderful place to see!

BCS2000 News by Taylor Darroch & Tayler McCarty Well summer is on the way regardless of the weather! It’s hard to believe that there are only two months left. Last Thursday we held our annual Author’s Showcase. This year we were visited Alice Ellis, Judith Silverthorne and Jeyn Roberts. Saskatchewan Country music star Codie Prevost also visited our school and held a writing workshop with some of the students during which they actually wrote a song! They later performed that song at the concert he held for the school. Many thanks to Mrs. Isinger for organizing

all the authors and for the countless hours she and the committee put into the planning. That same night we held a Family Literacy Event at our school. All school families were welcomed to come eat a provided supper and enjoy the Author Showcase displays put out by each class. This past Wednesday we had our Kindergarten registration and it was a huge success! We can’t wait to meet the new members of our school next year! On May 9, the Grade 10s will take place in the PARTY (Preventing Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth) program. Thanks

to all the people who volunteered to help out for it. In sports, our junior badminton team held districts here last weekend and did very well with two of our teams placing second. Last weekend we also sent our senior badminton team to Rosetown where they had a great showing. This weekend we send the senior teams who placed first and second in conference back to Rosetown for Regionals. Good luck! As badminton comes to an end, track has started up with lots of people coming out to practices! Their first meet is in Rosetown on May 17.

It’s Time! 5:00 p.m every Wednesday place your classified ad in the

Biggar Independent, 102-3rd Ave. W. Biggar,




Public notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 3.8 of the Town’s Zoning Bylaw No. 01-362 that the Council of the Town of Biggar will be considering an Application for Development for a discretionary use in the Town’s CS-Community Service District at the June 5, 2012 regular meeting of Council. The discretionary use is multiple unit dwellings developed as senior citizen housing and the land affected is Lots 11-20 Block 12 Plan D4770, 335-2nd Avenue East. Further information about the Development Permit Application and the requirements of the Town’s Zoning Bylaw can be obtained at the Biggar Town OfÀce, 202-3rd Avenue West. Written comments with respect to the Development Permit Application will be accepted by the Town until 12:00 noon on Tuesday, June 5, 2012. Barb Barteski, CAO Chief Administrative OfÀcer

Diamond Lodge News Greetings from the residents and staff at Diamond Lodge. We had a busy week at the lodge. The week started off with warm weather and getting caught up on current events. In the afternoon we played a game of Bean Bag Toss. Wednesday morning we played Floor Yahtzee. In the afternoon a few of us played Crokinole, while others played Beat the Dice. Thursday morning the activity staff was helping out at the volunteer appreciation breakfast at the New Horizons. What a nice time seeing all those faces that help out in so many places. Thank you to the volunteers you are very much appreciated. In the afternoon we enjoyed our always favourite game, bingo. Friday, in spite of the windy and wet weather

we enjoyed eating fully loaded hamburgers and hot dogs at the Barbecue Club. In the afternoon we had exercises. We also tried something new, we played a parachute game, which the residents really enjoyed. On Saturday morning we played Home Sweet Home Bingo. In the afternoon the residents watched a movie and ate

some popcorn. Sunday morning we had Spa and 1-1’s. In the afternoon the church service was conducted by St. Gabriel’s. As we look forward to the next week to follow, we thank all our visitors. You help make our time here memorable and help break up the days. Keep coming in to visit!


WEDNESDAY, MAY 9 Fresh Corn New Potatoes

Smoked BC Salmon Fresh Strawberries

and much, much more!

Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority - Liquor Permit Under the provisions of The Alcohol and Gaming Regulations Act, 1997 Notice is hereby given that Brian Murray and Stephen Renaker has applied to the Liquor and Gaming Authority for a Special Use Permit to sell alcohol in premises known as Perdue Oasis Golf Club at S ½ - 1-36-12-W3, Perdue of which the following is a correct legal description: S ½ 1-36-12 W3, Perdue Written objections to the granting of the permit may be filed with SLGA not more than two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Every person filing a written objection with SLGA shall state their name, address and telephone number in printed form, as well as the grounds for the objection(s). Petitions must name a contact person, state grounds and be legible. Each signatory to the petition and the contact person must provide an address and telephone number. Frivolous, vexatious or competition-based objections within the beverage alcohol industry may not be considered, and may be rejected by the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Licensing Commission, who may refuse to hold a hearing. Write to: Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority Box 5054 Regina, SK S4P 3M3


MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012

Fresh Strawberries, 2 lb., No. 1 Grade…


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MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012

MAKE MOM a ‘SPECIAL’ MEAL with… Fresh Salad… 1/bag $


Pork Tenderloin

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CAKE,, $7.99 CAKE

…Check this week’s flyer

Celebrating More Than Moms on Mother's Day

(new flyer starts Friday, May 11)


Every spring individuals celebrate their mothers on Mother’s Day. It has evolved from a day to honour mothers to one that recognizes all special women. Therefore, if there is a woman in one’s life who isn’t a biological mother -- but special nonetheless -- Mother’s Day can be a time to tell her how much she is appreciated. There are many reasons a person may want to honour a woman that is not his or her mother. Perhaps the person’s own mother has passed away or is not prominent in this individual’s life. Maybe there is a grandmother or aunt with whom one is especially close. There may be a teacher or mentor that has touched the life of a person in a special way. Although Mother’s Day is built around giving thanks to Mom, it’s Mother’s Day presents an opportunity to celebrate certainly acceptable to thank women Mom and any other special women in your life. in addition to dear old Mom. Furthermore, one needn’t wait until a speciÀc day in May to honour a notable woman. This can be done all year long with certain gestures and sentiments. For those who are celebrating all women on Mother’s Day, here are some ways to set the day apart… * Create a handmade card with personalized sentiments that reÁect the unique relationship with this special woman. This can mean more than a prepurchased card that may not offer the right words. * Find out her interests and spend a day doing entirely what she wants to do. It doesn’t necessarily have to take place on Mother’s Day. A trip to a museum or a day at the park -- whatever it may be -- can be a nice outing. * Treat her to a special dinner. Ask about favorite foods and create a meal at home. If dining out is a must, choose a day other than Mother’s Day to avoid the crowds and have intimate moments with just the two of you, especially if you are also honouring your own mother on Mother’s Day. * Find something you both enjoy and then go and do that. Maybe you met up due to a hobby or interest. Remember the Àrst day you met and reminisce by heading to that place for a celebration. * Have an extended family Àesta. Host a Mother’s Day party at home and single out all the special women in attendance. Serve cocktails and enjoy the time spent together. Mother’s Day is a special time of the year to honour not only a person’s mom but also any other notable woman in his or her life. The holiday can be customized any way a person sees Àt.

Happy Mother’s Day from Greg, Naomi and staff st 1 Ave East • Biggar 948-5144

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MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012

Agriculture Farmers facing unsettled fall by Calvin Daniels Farmers are going to face an unsettled fall in terms of marketing their grain.

Regardless of the side of the age-old debate of whether the Canadian Wheat Board single desk selling system, or com-



plete marketing is best for Prairie wheat, durum and export barley, you have to be looking at the arrival of August with

some trepidation. The good prices which started a couple of years ago appear to be holding and that may well buffer

the problems which may still pop up in what is a rushed transition facilitated by federal government arrogance. The courts have proven to be fickle at times, so we’ll leave them as the joker in the deck. What we do know if the legislation holds is the CWB is going to be out there competing for farmer grain, but the tightness of the transition is putting pressure on the Board to ink deals with the various elevator companies to handle their grain. It is interesting the big multinational Cargill was one of the first to ink with the CWB. It is likely every elevator company will come on board, after all it is business to handle grain, but that doesn’t mean a contract will come easily. The process of getting those deals done is muddied a bit by the fact Viterra, one of the biggest grain handlers on the Prairies is being targeted for a takeover by Glencore. That takeover bid is likely a bigger priority in Viterra offices than a deal to handle CWB grain this fall. The deadline being August 1, certainly puts pressure on things to fall into place rather quickly in terms of what will be million dollar deals over time. Muddying the waters of a grain system which is walking into a new world in terms of marketing wheat, durum and export barley is the rail system.

There is a growing fear out there regardless of whether it’s the CWB or a number of independent sellers at work that the rail system is losing interest in handling grain. Certainly the ever expanding potash sector will compete with grain, and with a product of generally higher value with a regular marketing schedule. As a rail line company in a country with only a mirage of competition, is not really in a position where they need to fight for business. The country is pretty divvied up between CP and CN. Beyond that, potash is a commodity which rolls out of the mines every day, pretty much 365 and has to get to port position by rail. With mines expanding significantly in the last few years that means more potash rail companies need to move. And, there are new mines on the horizon, adding to that trend. When it comes to investing in rolling stock in the past the rail companies have shown little interest in investing in new grain cars, and it is likely future rolling stock will be geared to potash, not wheat. The situation is one multiple shippers may find a challenge to deal with, whereas a single-seller had a bit more clout based on value. So as farmers wait for spring to settle so they can plant the 2012 crop, marketing that crop also has to be something that they are putting more thought into than in the last half century.

MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012


St. Gabriel School News by Rick Garchinski No smoking keyboard required this month! I gave myself plenty of time to start penning this entry. I think the day before it needs to be submitted could be considered “plenty of time”!? April has flown by, not just because of the week of Easter Break but because we were able to experience all four seasons of the year . . . several times! Here is what it looked like from my perspective. . . The first week of April had us wrap up our Lenten journeys. At that time our students become keenly aware of three things: Easter is almost here, a week’s holiday was ahead of them, and the annual Share Lent Carnival was to take place that Thursday! And so was the case. Thursday, April 5, Holy Thursday, as a day that we have our Holy Thursday Program. This year the highlight was Mrs. Friesen’s sharing of her pictures of the Holy Land that she took on a recent trip there. Specifically she shared with us the pictures of the locations and events of what many of you would know as the “Stations of the Cross”. It was captivating! That afternoon we changed gears and held our annual Share Lent Carnival. All kids young and old, parents and friends ate and participated in games of chance from 1:30-3:00. The result was fun was had by all and we raised $775 for Development and Peace - Share Lent. Once we returned back to the school we did not waste any time. Krystle Pederson an accomplished singer,

actor and dancer spent April 16 dancing with our students - Metis style! She came complete with sashes. By the end of the session students could jig like the best of them! April is always graduation picture month. On Wednesday, April 18 the crew from “Photos by Jocelyn” spent the morning brushing, tugging, and straightening in an effort to get the perfect graduation picture for each Kindergarten and Grade 9 student. The CSCC Home and School Pizza Lunch was held on Friday the 20. It was also inside out and backwards day. There were many interesting versions of inside out and backwards that day. Some students spent part of the time walking down the hallways backwards. I just continued to walk down the hallways looking confused! Four Grade 9 students spent their noon hours and after schools until 5:00 p.m. over at BCS2000 taking the Driver Education Program from April 1627. After many hours of learning they completed two SGI exams and Mr. Rysavi’s challenging exam! If they were successful and complete their upcoming eye exam they will able to receive their Class 7 Learners License . . . advice to the public . . . stay off the sidewalks! (That was the common joke back in the day - not sure about now?!) Mrs. Joanne Delarosa, ELO Catalyst teacher, from Saskatoon finished supporting our Grade 4/5 and 8/9 classes learning more about writing. Her last day here was Tuesday, April 24. It’s nice to have

connections! On the afternoon of Wednesday, April 25th thanks to Mrs. Sutherland, OSAC, and the Biggar Arts Council, our students were able to further their exposure to music, in particular to the blues. Suzie Vinnick was in town for her evening performance at The Majestic Theater. Originally from Saskatoon she is known to all of us – maybe not her name, but her voice. For five years she sang “Always Fresh. Always Tim Hortons.” Ah, now you know who she is! Mr. Friesen, a member of the Biggar Arts Council, and blues man from way back, was guest emcee for the performance. There was a stink in the grade 4/5 classroom on Thursday, April 26! Erin Rodgers, Customer Solutions Leader for SaskEnergy gave an interesting and informative presentation on natural gas and natural gas safety. The students had many questions answered . . . and the adults in the room, myself included, learned some new things too! Badminton season ended this month. On Wednesday, April 18th our teams competed in Pre-Sections at BCS2000. Jaeda Hoppe and Mateo Parada competed in Mixed Doubles, Jordyn Brotzel and Bliss Peters in Girl’s Doubles, Jason DeVries and Cody Thompson each in Boy’s Singles. All athletes played well. Jaeda, Mateo and Cody advanced to Section Playoffs in Rosetown on Wednesday, April 25th. The teams continued to represent themselves and St. Gabriel well. Cody Thompson advanced to Districts on Saturday, April 28 at BCS2000

Duane Neufeldt


Houses for Sale - MLS

106-8th Ave. E., Biggar...........................................$255,000 REDUCED 508-4th Ave. W., Biggar..........................................$185,900 106-5th Ave. W., Biggar..........................................$189,000 108-5th Ave. W., Biggar .........................................$165,000 310-7th Ave. E., Biggar...........................................$150,000 401-2nd Ave. E., Biggar..........................................$ 59,900

Land for Sale - MLS + Exclusive

SOLD LaFayette farm & residence, RM Pleasant Valley...$220,000 La Fayette Pasture, RM Pleasant Valley..................$ 60,000 LaFayeete Pasture, RM Pleasant Valley $ 50,000 Correction Line Road Acreage, RM of Biggar....... $ 49,000 Tower Road Acreage #1, RM of Biggar................ $ 29,000 Tower Road Acreage #2, RM of Biggar................ $ 29,000


948-8055 508-4th Ave. West, Biggar… Admirable 3 bed, 2 bath, 1168 sq. ft .home on a 60 x 140 ft. lot with many upgrades. MLS #405545 D E $185,000 UC


108 - 5th Ave. W, Biggar…Completely renovated 1400 sq. ft, 2 storey, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, built in 1918 on a 50 ft x 140 ft. lot. Single attached and double detached garages.

Commercial - MLS New York Taxi........................................................ $149,900


where he placed fourth! A big “thank your” Mr. Meschishnick for coaching. Track season is in full swing. Once again this year we are working together with BSC2000. Coaches are Mrs.

Newton, Mr. Wright, Mr. Prpick and I. As always we are at the mercy of the weather. We look forward to another successful season and are very excited to work towards attending the Provincial Championship in

Saskatoon in early June. We are training Monday to Thursday after schools… weather permitting! Until the next installment of St. Gabriel School News… take care!

Erin Rodgers, Customer Solutions Leader for SaskEnergy shares the big stink on natural gas and natural gas safety to St. Gabriel Grade 4 and 5 students. (Submitted photo)

Now Online at Subcribe at

948-3344 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DESIGNATE MUNICIPAL HERITAGE PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that not less than thirty days from the date of service of this notice, the Council of the Town of Biggar intends to pass a bylaw pursuant to the provisions of The Heritage Property Act, to designate as Municipal Heritage Property the following real property known as: CN Railway Station Building legally described as: NE Section 31; Township 35; Range 14; W3; Plan No. CG 7890 Ext. 1 and located at: 102 First Avenue, Biggar, Saskatchewan, Canada The reasons for the proposed designation are as follows: - The Biggar CNR Station was constructed in 1909 and reÁects railway architecture characteristics from the pre-World War I phase of railway station design. Its elongated, low-lying plan was a common design throughout Western Canada. It features a medium-pitched hip roof with unmatched dormers, overhanging eaves, oversized wooden brackets, which offered protection from elements. This station terminates the south view down the most important north-south thoroughfare in Biggar. - Biggar was designated as a divisional centre by the Grand Trunk PaciÀc Railway (GTPR), making it a busy rail yard hub where locomotives and rail cars were serviced, refuelled, and reorganized. For many decades, the station was a central hub of town activity, which brought people over long distances and transported grain and market goods to and from the community. - This station, an important and visually identiÀable local structure, serves as an important reminder of the fundamental role the railway played in the development of Biggar. Although many changes have occurred within the Biggar yards the station is still a part of the local economy as well as a constant reminder of the past. Any person wishing to object to the proposed designation must serve council with a written objection stating the reasons for the objection and all relevant facts not less than three days prior to consideration of the bylaw. Dated this 7th day of May, 2012. Barb Barteski, CAO Town of Biggar


MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012

Biggar School of Dance

2012 Festival Awards Jazz solo, 12 years: Sydney Hicks - Watrous School of Dance. Ballet group, 11 years and under: “Jasmine Flower” - Biggar School of Dance. Classical or demi-character duet, any age: Sydney Hicks, Kamryn Holma - Wa t r o u s S c h o o l o f Dance. Jazz solo, 13 years: Kamryn Holma - Watrous School of Dance. Jazz solo, 13 years: Madison Neu - Pure Energy Dance Co. Pointe solo or duet, any age: Rielle Gagnon Alison Lamont School of Dance. Jazz solo, 10-11 years: Nicole Katelnikoff - Pure Energy Dance Co. Jazz solo, 6-9 years: Masyn Harder - Hanley School of Dance. Character or demi-character solo, 12 years & over: Cayla Ellis - Annette’s School of Dance. Jazz duet, 11 years and under: Pacey Jones, Kylie McNarland - Pure Energy Dance Co. Jazz duet, 1214 years: Sydney Hicks, Kamryn Holma - Watrous School of Dance. Classical solo, 12-14 years: Kamryn Holma - Watrous School of Dance. Classical solo, 15-17 years: Kelsey Hammond - Biggar School of Dance. Jazz large group, 1214 years: “This is Our House” - Pure Energy Dance Co. Jazz solo, 14 years: Courtney Chupa - Tisdale Dance Centre. Jazz solo, 14 years: Alex Batycki - Saskatchewan Express. Stage solo, any age: Kylie Manson - Birch Hills Dance Centre. Stage solo, any age: Cayla Ellis - Annette’s School of Dance. Stage duet or trio, any age: Brooke Brazeau, Madison Brazeau, Brooklyn Gader - Borden Dance Club. Ballet/open group, 12 years and over: “Circus” - Pure Energy Dance Co. Jazz solo, 15 years: Kayla Doderai - Birch Hills Dance Centre. Jazz solo, 15 years: Kelsey Hammond - Biggar School of Dance. Jazz large group, 15 years and over: “Obsession” - Pure Energy Dance Co. Modern/open duet or trio, any age: Kayla Doderai, Brooklyn Potter - Birch Hills Dance Centre. Jazz small group, 12-14 years: “Egyptian Lover” - Pure Energy Dance Co. Modern

solo, 16 years and over: Shelby Sieben-Chuback Rhythms Dance. Modern solo, 13-15 years: Kayla Doderai - Birch Hills Dance Centre. Modern solo, 13-15 years: Keanna Wilson - Juliette’s Dance Centre. Jazz solo, 16 years and over: Cayla Ellis - Annette’s School of Dance. Jazz solo, 16 years and over: Lindsay Harpham - Tisdale Dance Centre. Jazz small group, 15 years and over: “Revolver” - Birch Hills Dance Centre. Jazz large group, 11 years and under: “5-67-8” - Pure Energy Dance Co. Ballet solo, 11 years and under: Denae Harpham - Tisdale Dance Centre. Jazz small group, 11 years and under: “Rubb e r n e ck i n ” - H a n l e y School of Dance. Ballet duet, 11 years and under: Makenna Furber & Lara Mutimer - Tisdale Dance Centre. Tap solo, 10 years and under: Nicole Katelnikoff - Pure Energy Dance Co. Modern group, any age: “Awake My Soul” - Biggar School of Dance. Tap solo, 11 years: Alexa Delainey - Rhythms Dance. Student choreography solo or duet, any age: Cayla Ellis - Annette’s School of Dance. Lyrical duet, 1214 years: Kayla Doderai and Lexi Doderai - Birch Hills Dance Centre. Tap duet/trio, 10 years and under: Haley Bursaw, Sydney Cory, Masyn Harder - Hanley School of Dance. Lyrical duet/trio, 15 years and over: Lyndsay Harpham, Chandler Hedman, Shayne Oleksyn - Tisdale Dance Centre. Tap duet/trio, 11 years: Sydney Focht, Erin Gesiorowski, Kamryn Hill - Rhythms Dance. Tap solo, 12-13 years: Madison Neu - Pure Energy Dance Co. Lyrical solo, 12 years and under: Amanda Carruthers-Biggar School of Dance. Lyrical solo, 13 years: Tatiana Wingham - Pure Energy Dance Co. Tap large group, 11 years and under: “At the Hop” Pure Energy Dance Co. Tap solo, 16-17 years: Cayla Ellis - Annette’s School of Dance. Lyrical solo, 14 years: Courtney Chupa - Tisdale Dance Centre. Lyrical solo, 14

Dance adjudicators, Mandy Kerr of San Diego, left, and Jana Raskob of Saskatoon, take a moment to pose for the camera during the opening day of the anyears: Alex Batycki - Saskatchewan Express. Tap solo, 14-15 years: Rielle Gagnon - Alison Lamont School of Dance. Tap small group, 11 years and under: “Pachabel” - Biggar School of Dance. Stage group, any age: “The Chipettes” - Juliette’s Dance Centre. Jazz duet, 15 years and over: Kayla Doderai, Kylie Manson - Birch Hills Dance Centre. Lyrical small group, 12-14 years: “I Hope You Dance” - Tisdale Dance Centre. Tap small group, 12-14 years: “Tribal Dance” - Pure Energy Dance Co. Lyrical small group, 15 years and over: “Spirit Flyers” - University School of Dance. Tap small group, 15-17 years: “Sparkling Diamonds” Annette’s School of Dance. Tap duet/ trio, 14 years and over: Ally Fehr, Alyssa Hoffert, Shaelynn Malinowski Dance Aberdeen. Lyrical solo, 16 years and over: Cayla Ellis - Annette’s School of Dance. Lyrical solo, 16 years and over: Cierra SiebenChuback - Rhythms Dance. Tap duet, 12-13 years: Madison Neu, Kassy Strautman - Pure Energy Dance Co. Musical Theatre solo, 13 years and under: Anna Thachuk - Saskatchewan

Express. Hip Hop group, 11 years and under: “Ice Cream Paint Job” - Biggar School of Dance. Hip Hop duet, 12 years and under: Emma Danino, Charli Findlay - Saskatchewan Express. Hip Hop duet, 13 years and over: Michela Keeping, Meagan Schatz - Allan Stars on Stage. Lyrical solo, 15 years: Kayla Doderai Birch Hills Dance Centre. Lyrical solo, 15 years: Kelsey Hammond - Biggar School of Dance. Tap large group, 12 years and over: “Top Hat, White Tie & Tails” - Pure Energy Dance Co. To a promising large tap group, any age: “Haven’t Had Enough” - Pure Energy Dance Co. Large group/Production group, any age: “Seuss” - Saskatchewan Express. Hip Hop group, 12-14 years “Mario & Friends” - Borden Dance Club. Hip Hop group, 15-17 years: “So Much Betta” Rhythms Dance. Hip Hop solo, 16-17 years: Meagan Schatz - Allan Stars on Stage. Musical Theatre solo, 14 years and over: Christien Barber - Saskatchewan Express. Musical Theatre duet or trio, 13-15 years: Savana Gallant and Anna Thachuk Saskatchewan Express. Lyrical Large group, any

nual Biggar School of Dance Festival, April 27 to 29. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

age: “Christmas Shoes” Tisdale Dance Centre. Hip Hop solo, 13-15 years: Kelsey Hammond - Biggar School of Dance. Hip Hop solo, 13-15 years: Meagen Houle - Annette’s School of Dance. Hip Hop solo, 13 years and under: Kayla Delainey - Rhythms Dance. Adjudicator’s Choice Solo: Kelsey Hammond Biggar School of Dance. Adjudicator’s Choice Solo: Madison Neu - Pure Energy Dance Co. Adjudicator’s Choice Duet/Trio: Brooke Brazeau, Madison Brazeau, Brooklyn Gader - Borden Dance Club. Adjudicator’s Choice Duet/Trio: Emma Danino, Charli Findlay - Saskatchewan Express. Adjudicator’s Choice Group: “Tribal Dance” Pure Energy Dance Co. Adjudicator’s Choice Group: “The Chipettes” Juliette’s Dance Centre. Ruth Rankin Memorial Scholarship - To a group, any age, any category, which regardless of placement, best portrays joy or enthusiasm in dance: “Spirit Flyers” - University School of Dance. For excellence in teacher choreography: “Mario & Friends” - Borden Dance Club. Scholarship For the highest mark in

the festival, any age, any category: Kayla Doderai - Birch Hills Dance Centre. Dance Saskatchewan Youth Ambassador Award: Alex Batycki. CDTA Sask. B r a n ch D a n c e Ja m Scholarship - To a soloist who has not previously won another scholarship, plaque, trophy or monetary award: Andrew Batycki. Dance Ink Scholarship For an outstanding Junior Dancer (5-8 years) - $50 towards DANCE INK Junior Workshop: Masyn Harder - Hanley School of Dance. Dance Ink Scholarship - For an outstanding Pre-Intermediate Dancer (9-12 years) - $75 towards DANCE INK Pre-Inter Workshop: Lexi Doderai - Birch Hills Dance Centre. Dance Ink Scholarship - For an outstanding Intermediate Dancer (1214 years) - $100 towards DANCE INK Intermediate Workshop: Sydney Hicks - Watrous School of Dance. Dance Ink Scholarship - For an outstanding Advanced Dancer (14+ years) - $100 towards DANCE INK Advanced Workshop: Cayla Ellis – Annette’s School of Dance.

MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012


Health officials are reminding residents to take precautions against ticks As the weather warms up, the Ministry of Health reminds Saskatchewan residents to take precautions to reduce the risk of coming into contact with ticks while enjoying the outdoors. There have been occasional sporadic cases of Lyme disease reported in Saskatchewan, including one case likely acquired in Saskatchewan in 2011. Lyme disease is potentially carried by the blacklegged or “deer” tick which currently makes up only .03 per cent of the tick population in the province. Most Lyme disease cases are related to travel to another province or country where Lyme disease is more common. Ticks are found in tall grass, brush or wooded areas throughout southern Saskatchewan. The great majority of ticks are the American dog tick or “wood tick”. “Throughout Saskatchewan there is a slight chance of being exposed to Lyme disease primarily through contact with

blacklegged ticks that are transported by birds,” Entomologist and Provincial West Nile Coordinator Phil Curry said, last Tuesday. “The province maintains a surveillance system to monitor all the different types of ticks and tick-associated diseases in the province.” Tick bites occur most often during early spring to September. “When in areas that have ticks, wear longsleeved shirts, long pants, socks, enclosed shoes or boots,” Saskatchewan Deputy Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Saqib Shahab said. “It is also recommended to use insect repellent containing DEET and stay on paths to avoid contact with overgrown brush when hiking. “Also, when returning from outdoors people are advised to do a daily ‘tick check’ and regularly check children and pets after they have been outside in risk areas. If any ticks are found, people should remove them carefully.”

The first symptom of Lyme disease is usually a circular or “bulls-eye” rash. People are encouraged to consult a physician if they have a history of a tick bite and have

symptoms of Lyme disease. Sometimes a physician may recommend treatment even before the test results are available because it can take up to one month after

exposure for a person to test positive. For more information on the risk of Lyme disease in Saskatchewan, symptoms, precautions and

tick removal, and information regarding testing for physicians, visit the Ministry of Health Web site at lyme-disease.

The blacklegged tick or ‘deer’ tick (see right photo) can potentially carry Lyme disease. This particular tick makes up only .03 per cent of the tick population in Saskatchewan. Most Lyme disease cases are related to travel to another province or country where Lyme disease is more common.

The dog tick or ‘wood tick’ (above) is the most common, found in tall grass, brush or wooded areas in southern Saskatchewan. Check your pets regularly after a walk in the country. (Photos from

Biggar Rec. Valley High School Rodeo & Cultural Fair wishes to THANK all of the OUTSTANDING SPONSORS AND VOLUNTEERS held May 4 - 6, 2012 Platinum Sponsors… Corporate Sponsors… Biggar & District Credit Union Randy Weekes, M.L.A. Kelly Block, M.P. Westwinds Motor Hotel Wylie Farms Ltd. Springwater Versa Frame SaskEnergy Prairie Malt Limited Western Sales Joel Ellis Consulting Phillips Electric Canterra Seeds Re/Max Realty, Saskatoon/ Biggar - Duane Neufeldt Rosetown Mainline Motors RM of Biggar Silver Eagle Excavating Fick’s Small Engine Repair


Gold Sponsors… SaskTel Shop Easy Foods Town of Biggar Duperow Co-op Pat Schultz Cam Don Motors The Rack Biggar Insurance Services Leslie’s Drugstore, PharmaChoice

Bronze Sponsors… Royal Bank Pharmasave Biggar Leisure/Silhouette Ladies Wear 1st Avenue Collision Centre

Other Supporters…

Silver Sponsors… Super A Foods Tim Hammond Realty Feudal Co-op Meszaros Chiropractic Clinic Central Plains Co-op Regal Motors Biggar Hotel Quick Stop Convenience Store & Bi-Lo Gas Bar Biggar Veterinary Clinic The Biggar Independent Goldenview Signs Hannigan’s Al’s Precision Archery Big Rose Meats Northland Painting, Sandblasting & Sprayfoam Rachelle’s Photography E-Kay Enterprises

SaskPower, Partylite, Designs by Ann, de Moissac Jewellers, CR Ranch Saddle Shop, Biggar Museum & Gallery, One Stop Hardware, Peavey Mart, Early’s Farm & Garden, Young Gunz Distributing, Bear Hills Gun Range, Ed Keith, Old Dutch





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MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012

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Cell 948-4478 Dave Molberg BSA

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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation Box 327 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Helping you Help yourself

Kent Dubreuil, E.D.O. Phone: 306-948-2295 Fax: 306-948-5050

Wally Lorenz Sales Associate 1391 - 100th St. North Battleford, SK S9A 0V9 Day or Night

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948-5052 (office)



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Phone: 948-5678

MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012






PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Barristers & Solicitors Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK

948-3346 …serving your community since 1972

Roe & Company is a full service law office that practices… ¾Family and Criminal law ¾Commercial law ¾Real Estate ¾Wills and Estate, and our lawyers, William Roe, Q.C. Jason Peszko Ian Mokuruk Lisa Watson Sheri Woods look forward to assisting you and can be contacted at:

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P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, Sask.

Phone: 948-5133

OPEN: Mon.-Fri. • 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday • 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

948-2183 Email: Website: This space available for… our 26-week commitment in this directory $ 2.89/week = $75 + g.s.t. (regular price $9.52 per week) One column x 1 inch size Call




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223 Main Street Biggar Box 580 Biggar, SK SOK OMO

216 Main St., Biggar

• custom slaughter, cut and wrapping • sausage making, curing and smoking


Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Garry A. Faye

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Pamela Eaton

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Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.

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…call 948-3344


Fax: 948-2484


230 - 1st Ave. W., Biggar Phone: 948-7117 email:

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Phone: 948-4844 Fax: 948-4845

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Ivan Young,

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109 Main St., Biggar


948-2700 Opening May 28th

Phillips Radio Shop


Residential Commercial Automotive

For FREE estimates or enquiries CALL Wayne or Dorothy at



658-4474, Landis, SK

• Jackets • Windsuits • Shirts • Hunting Gear • Bunnyhugs • Caps • Toques • Bags Check out our new website: Judy Judy Kahovec: Kahovec… 882-4313, Cellcell 831-7935 306-882-4313, 831-7935 Carey Krchov: 882-3213 Carey Krchov…882-3213

The Country Clipper • All Breed Dog Grooming • Boarding Kennels (Bordetella Mandatory) • Pet Supplies • Saleboard for dog and cat related items

For appointments and inquiries, call Janet at 948-2091

Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 6 pm. 2 mi N on Hwy #4, 2-½ mi E on Golf Course Rd. Anne G. Livingston

CertiÀed Custom Picture Framer • photographs • paintings • art prints • memorabilia • collages, etc. Call Anne @ 948-7274

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• Topsoil • Lawn Care • Leveling • Sod • Patio Blocks

• Snow Removal • Fences …and much more


Custom Grain Hauling 306-948-9278 Landis, Sask.

Rockin D Trucking & Cattle

• Cattle hauling with 21 ft. gooseneck trailer • round and large square bale hauling with step-deck or highboy semi-trailers • also buying and selling straw and forage • also machinery hauling Home • 306-948-2037 Alex • 306-948-7291 Dan • 306-948-7843 Biggar, Sask.

HAULS TO THE DUMP Small moves and deliveries with ½ ton truck

Ph/fax: 948-3856 or cell: 948-7896 Sales Consultant J. G. Smith

For FAX service, see us at The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar


MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012

Sask. advances electronic health record for faster access to lab results April 27, the province introduced the Saskatchewan Lab Results Repository that puts lab results

in providers’ hands faster and improves the care experience for patients. “Improving patients’ ac-

cess to health care services is a priority for our government,” Health Minister Don McMorris said.


“As a key building block of the electronic health record, the Lab Results Repository will ensure fewer

duplicate tests, quicker access to lab results and a more complete history of previous testing.”

When the service is launched later this month, providers will be able to access 85 per cent of all provincial lab results. As the repository is fully implemented, electronic lab results will be available anywhere a patient seeks medical care across Saskatchewan. “I applaud Saskatchewan’s significant milestone, which is making crucial information securely available to a wide range of health providers throughout the province,” Canada Health Infoway President and CEO Richard Alvarez said. “This accomplishment exemplifies the national vision of generating clinical value through the use of information and communications technologies.” The Lab Results Repository has cost $26.7 million to date, and Canada Health Infoway has committed $22.7 million to this project. The secure Lab Results Repository has already accumulated more than 10 million laboratory test results, increasing by approximately 50,000 additional results each day. All electronic lab results are stored within a secure central repository and access is limited to authorized health care providers. Privacy and security requirements guide the storage and use of personal health information. Patients who would like to learn more about the privacy and security aspects of this service, including an option to mask their laboratory results from view, can learn more at or by calling 1-800-667-1672 or 306-787-8963. The province is getting closer to a fully functioning provincial electronic health record (EHR). The Lab Results Repository joins the existing components of the provincial electronic health record and regional electronic health systems. The Pharmaceutical Information System (PIP) improves patient safety by helping to manage drug therapy for patients under the care of multiple providers. The Picture Archiving and Communication System (RIS-PACS) improves access to care closer to a patient’s home community through a provincial service that stores, retrieves and displays Xrays, CT scans and other diagnostic images.


MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012

The best skills training doesn’thappen in the classroom Seven out of 10 workers get their Àrst job in tourism, whether part time during school, as a summer job or starting a new career. Nearly 60,000 people work in 3,700 tourism-related businesses in Saskatchewan, including attractions, events, hotels and restaurants. Right now, the tourism sector faces a worker shortage. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce says that a shortage of skilled labour is the top barrier facing businesses today. Nowhere is that shortage felt more acutely than in booming Saskatchewan. The Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council (CTHRC) estimates that Saskatchewan’s tourism sector could experience a shortage of about 1,300 workers by the end of this year, rising to about 6,500 within 10 years. That labour shortage is compounded by a skills shortage. Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney recently pointed out that workers often don’t have the skills or experience to match the immediate needs of employers. One way to address those shortages is by training on the job. The Saskatchewan Tourism Education Council (STEC) provides workplace-based training that lets em-

ployees develop industry-recognized career skills, while at the same time addressing employers’ needs for qualiÀed workers. “More and more, especially as labour shortages start happening, people can go from high school directly to a well-paying industry job,” says Darcy Acton, Manager of Industry Human Resource Development at STEC. “Once you’re in a well-paying job, it’s hard to entice you back into a regular post-secondary stream, if it means leaving the job to attend a program full time. Workplace based training gives you the Áexibility to jump right into an industry job, learn on the job, and then formalize that learning, such by acquiring industryrecognized certiÀcations.” For employers, it means retaining a full complement of experienced staff because employees don’t have to leave the workplace, except for short periods, to attend postsecondary schooling, Acton says. Tourism occupations are well suited to workplace-based training. Learning can take place without disrupting

the business cycle, and the outcomes apply directly to the job. Workplace-based training can complement previously completed post-secondary education, lay the groundwork for entering full-time studies, and support life-long learning. Apprenticeship There are three tourism trades in Saskatchewan, providing the opportunity to start as an apprentice and work toward becoming a Journeyperson Food and Beverage Person, Guest Services Representative, or Cook. Training takes place almost entirely on the job. The Àrst step toward becoming a journeyperson is to start work in the trade. The current job market in Saskatchewan means that there are plenty of places to start. From there, work experience under the supervision of a certiÀed journeyperson or provincial joint training committee (industry professionals convened by the provincial apprenticeship commission) provides workplace-based, on-the-job training. The Guest Services Representative Trade and Food and Beverage Person Trade require a one-year apprenticeship combined with work experience. A cook going the “tradesperson” route, someone practicing the fullness of the trade, can challenge the national interprovincial trade exam after working a minimum of 8500 hours within 6.5 years. There is a wide range of career opportunities available to a journeyperson, says Diane Cohoon, Training Manager at STEC, a journeyperson Food and Beverage Person and member of the provincial Trade Board for tourism trades. “Journeyperson Food and Beverage Persons tend to be in demand for supervisory roles, at a minimum,” Cohoon says. “We often see them move up to Food and Beverage Manager, Director of Food and Beverage, or Director of Corporate Training.” It’s common to Ànd journeypersons as owner/operator of their own business, Cohoon says. emerit Professional and Specialist CertiÀcations Of more than 400 recognized tourism occupations, 25 are eligible for rigorous emerit professional certiÀcation through the Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council, covering frontline, supervisory and management work. CertiÀcation recognizes workers who meet National Occupational Standards in their Àeld. As with apprenticeships, the Àrst step toward certiÀcation is to be working in the occupation, then begin specialized training toward gaining recognition. CertiÀcation in some occupations is required when working toward journeyperson status. Each occupation is a little bit different, but beyond attaining the necessary industry hours, it can take as little as a month to get a professional certiÀcation, though most people complete the process around the six-month mark. “We like to see people Ànish within a year,” Acton says. “You get your experience, write the exam, do the evaluation if there is one (for Specialist certiÀcation), six months to a year period seems to be about right. You can take your time, Ànish every component and still be up to date.” “There are examples of people who start out at the front desk and become general manager,” says Acton. “From general manager, they become divisional managers of properties. It depends on the industry, but we see a lot of that in tourism.” “It’s important to know the front line jobs, because if you’ve worked on the front line jobs you know exactly how customer satisfaction affects business retention and employee retention,” she adds. “It becomes clearer if you’ve experienced all the jobs on the path to a management position.”


MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012

U of S students helping to revive Landis Community School On March 9th, eleven senior students from Edwards School of Business travelled to the small town of Landis, SK – population 200 – as part of a class project. But they got more than they bargained for… Some of the students were working on course-based applied projects for Professor Chelsea Willness’s COMM 343 class, which incorporates an experiential learning component called Com-

munity Service-Learning. Student teams are paired with a community organization for the duration of the semester, enabling the students to apply what they learn in the classroom while providing a service to their organization – like developing a customized recruitment strategy for attracting volunteers, or perhaps a focus on board member engagement and retention. Others on the trip were part of Professor

Live and learn University of Saskatchewan residences welcome students to their new homes New residences opened last fall on the University of Saskatchewan campus in Saskatoon, and they are quickly making a difference for students from around the world. “In terms of developing social relationships, there’s nothing better than living in res,” said Renae Zook, third-year biochemistry student and resident advisor (RA) in Spruce Hall, one of the new student residences in College Quarter on the U of S campus. She has lived in residence since she originally moved to the U of S from Trochu, AB, about an hour and a half north east of Calgary, to take the classes she needs to apply to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. “When I Àrst moved here, I stayed in my room and only left to buy textbooks. After a day and a half, I was starving,” Zook laughed. “I went to Marquis Hall to eat and sat down with some people, and I’m still friends with some of the people that were at that table.” Over 1,700 students currently live in residence at the U of S, with about 660 additional beds slated to open by early 2013. The growing demand for student housing is fuelled in part by the support and services offered to residence students, which are especially helpful to students new to Saskatoon. “The ethos of residence is student support,” said Sylvia Cholodnuik, residence manager. “The student life staff, the residence staff, the custodial staff, we’re all here to create a positive student experience.” That staff includes RAs like Zook, who are upper-year students who are there for students to talk to and co-ordinate residence activities; advi-

sors, who co-ordinate and support the RAs; and residence life co-ordinators, who are fulltime live-in staff. Between the three levels of staff, residence students have 24-hour coverage. Additional support is found with the faculty-in-residence, currently offered at Voyageur Place and College Quarter. The faculty member lives in residence and offers students academic advice and support, and co-ordinates drop-in tutoring time led by graduate students. As more students live at the U of S, residence staff members are Ànding new ways to work with other groups both on and off campus. “It’s really exciting to see what

Keith Willoughby’s COMM 498 course, which also has students gaining hands-on experience by working with organizations to apply their learning in real time. The purpose of the excursion to Landis was primarily to meet with some of the organizations our students are working with, but it turned into much more. The Grade 11-12 class in Landis had been asked to organize the visit as part of their ‘Leadthe possibilities are to work with others to create positive experiences and support for all these groups,” said Cholodnuik. “In terms of how students are building a community, I think we are meeting our goals.” A range of activities like pancake breakfasts, casino nights and dances, Saskatoon Blades games and sushi-making nights ensure there is something that everyone will have a good time doing. Zook knows Àrst-hand the beneÀts of not only participating in the activities, but just living in student residence and would recommend it to anyone moving to attend the U of S. “There’s always something going on,” she said. “If it’s 3 a.m. and you can’t sleep there’s someone watching TV or studying. And for parents, it’s just a comfort factor. You don’t have to worry.” For information on the U of S student residences, visit www.

Photo courtesy of the Edwards School of Business

Photo courtesy of the Edwards School of Business

ership 30’ course, and from that small connection, rural hospitality took over and spread – classroom visits, a special lunch prepared for the Edwards students at the school library, and personalized tours of the town and its organizations. The Grade 6-8’s and Grade 9-10’s asked if our students would speak to their classes to help them understand a tricky case study they were working on. They wanted to know, “How would you create a healthy and productive work environment?” and “What do

you think empowers people to take on a leadership role, and what has inspired you to become a better leader?” “Our students were shining ambassadors for Edwards,” remarks Chelsea Willness, who accompanied the group on their road trip, “they engaged with the younger students and demonstrated real leadership capabilities, and moments later transitioned into conducting professional business meetings with their organizations. I love to challenge my students to ‘go be excellent’ and they never dis-

appoint.” HR major Angelise Kildaw summed up her thoughts about the visit to Landis, stating “Not only do I feel that being involved in such projects provides invaluable experience to the students but I also feel proud to be a part of a project that has the potential to give back to the community.” It may be small, but the community of Landis is full of remarkable people achieving amazing things. Parents, business owners, farmers, and teachers have banded together in numerous committees and citizen groups to grow the town’s economic viability and keep the doors of their school open, despite a gradually dwindling population. It’s a story so many of us in Saskatchewan have heard before (put your hand up if you come from a town that lost its hospital, or school, or both)…. but the Landis citizens’ determination, creativity, and heart give you a strong sense that this story will have a happy ending…


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MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012


Perdue School News Principal’s Message by Jeff Chilibeck A big “Thank-you” to the Perdue School SCC, they did a wonderful job organizing our parent information evening on April 23. In addition to having a guest speaker talking about the dangers of Cyber Bullying, attendees were able to enjoy a wonderful potluck meal prior to the evening presentation. As the school year enters its final two months, I would like to remind parents of students in Grade 9-11 to talk to their children about their direction in regards to the new math curriculum. With three pathways available in Grades 11 and 12 it is important that children make wise choices in regards to which pathway they choose. Information about pathways was sent out earlier this year describing the different avenues available, and Mr. Corrigan and I will be educating students about their options. We ask that parents talk to their children about their choices and what is best for their future. If you would like to discuss the new math pathways please contact me at any time, I would be more than happy to discuss how the different pathways can

affect your child’s future post-secondary options. Grade 3 and 4 The Grade 3 and 4 class has had a very busy spring. We are looking ahead and beginning to train for our annual Hi-Lo Meet that will be held in Borden this year. Our meet is tentatively set for June 13. Our class is getting excited to greet our butterflies that we will adopt and raise shortly. We are expecting them sometime in the first two weeks of May. Everyone will have a chance to choose their “baby”, name it, and raise it to butterfly stage. When they are ready to fly, we will have a “send off” celebration. We are also looking forward to having a real geologist visit our room and talk to us about his job. This will be a great asset to our “Rocks and Minerals” unit which we have begun. A big thank-you to Chris Hamel for giving of his time to come teach and work with us! We want to congratulate Bailey B. for doing such an awesome job on her Reading Logs. She has logged well over 200 Reading Log Hours of at-home reading! I think she may well be on her way to breaking a record! Junior Badminton

The junior badminton season wrapped up on April 21with conference finals in Rosthern. Kylah G. and Jordyn M. finished third in their pool in girls doubles, Danielle M. finished third in her pool in girls singles, and Layk P. lost in the gold medal match in boys singles. Congratulations to all of the junior badminton players on their strong effort. Perdue School Community Council (SCC) On Tuesday April 17, the SCC had their annual election. The following are our school’s new council members: Chair: Janet Thingvold. Vice Chair: Michelle Pavloff. Secretary: Tanya Fyson. School Reps: Jeff Chilibeck, Kristal Mason. School Board Rep: Larry Pavloff. Treasurer: Tammy Nicholls. Other Members: Corrine Tweedle, Greg Pavloff, Charlene Baduik. Monday, April 23 the SCC sponsored a Cyber Bullying presentation and a potluck supper. We could not have asked for a nicer day! The evening was well attended, the food was awesome, and the message was so important. A few key learning’s from the night were: 1. Check your Facebook profiles, is there anything

on there that could harm yourself or your family (important information regarding names, address, birthdates, et cetera) if so, remove it. 2. Google image and Google yourself, your kids

names, etc. If anything pops up that you would not want on the internet get it removed. 3. Be the parent! Check your kid’s cell phones, profiles and accounts. They are not a right but a privi-

lege. 4. Report any inappropriate sites, texts, e-mails to your parents, school or service provider. 5. Bullying is a crime and should be reported.

Landis Locals Helen Buxton 658-2115 Congratulations to Oliver Harris. Family and friends helped him celebrate his 80th birthday last Saturday at the Landis Complex. All four of his children, Cindy Hoppe, Guy, Clay and Celeste jackson were there with their families, as well as relatives from as far away as Arizona. Claire Miller is home from a wonderful trip to Scotland with family. They did some searching of her son-in-law’s family trees, visited lots of castles, and managed to meet with Jared Sizer in Edinburgh. Students of Landis School held a successful two-day garage sale on the weekend to raise funds for their projectbased learning projects. It is great to see students take a leading role in organizing and running these events. I would like to extend the

sympathy of the community to the family of Jim Hindley, who passed away recently in Invermere, British Columbia. Many people in this area will remember Stewart Shaw. His brother, Alan, served as minister at the United Church in Landis, in the late ‘50s and early ‘60s, then Stewart served in 1964. Sadly, Stewart passed away in Saskatoon last week, after a yearlong battle with cancer. Deepest sympathy to this wife, his children, and all his family. Doug and Wanda Buxton of Lloydminster, spent the day of Jim and Joyce, before going to the city where Doug is taking cancer treatment. Joanne (Rogel) Olorenshaw passed away in Saskatoon following several years of illness. Joanne is the daughter of Catherine and the late Joe Rogel of Rosetown. The Rogels

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lived and raised their family in Handel community. Joanne was laid to rest beside her father in Handel cemetery, following services at Handel church. Deepest sympathy to all Joanne’s family.

Landis School news by Simranjit Saini On Tuesday, May 1, Saskatchewan Rough Riders Muller Neal Hughes came to visit us. He spent an hour talking about himself and his team. We all had a great time listening to him relate his experiences. Our school was really lucky to receive his autographs. Some of the students will be going to the student leadership conference on Friday and Saturday. We all will be looking forward to that and some updates.

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MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012


CWB applauds progress on agricultural trade with Morocco CWB welcomes an announcement by the Government of Canada of progress towards stronger agriculture trade ties between Canada and Morocco, an important buyer of highquality durum wheat worth approximately $175 million to Prairie farmers last year. Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz yesterday announced efforts are proceeding to forge a free trade agreement that will ensure Canadian durum sales to Morocco are not left at a competitive disadvantage. The Minister, who has just completed a successful mission to Morocco, has invited Moroccan officials to Canada in June for the next round of negotiations. He also announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on agriculture cooperation that will foster stronger ties between the two countries by enhancing the exchange of knowledge. “I congratulate the Minister for his ongoing

efforts to ensure strong exports markets for Canadian grain and other agricultural products,” said CWB president and CEO Ian White, April 27. “A free trade agreement is crucial to ensuring that Canada’s dominant position in the Moroccan durum market is not eroded.” Durum makes up more than 90 per cent of the value of Canadian agricultural exports to Morocco. CWB exported almost 600,000 tonnes of durum to Morocco in the 2010-11 crop year, making Morocco its second-largest durum customer. Durum wheat is a staple food source in Morocco, where Canadian farmers supply 80 per cent of the country’s durum import needs. However, that dominance may be threatened if other countries retain preferential wheat market access through their own trade deals. The United States is in the sixth year of a 10year implementation

Mental Health Week One in five Canadians is affected by a mental illness. Even with it being so common mental illness is still misunderstood. It is actually very similar to other health issues. Some forms of mental illness can be prevented, others will go away on their own with home treatment, and some require professional help to manage. People can lead full lives through proper diagnosis and treatment. Talk to your doctor or a Heartland Mental Health Professional if you have any concerns. Life is waiting for you.

Heartland Health Region Board Meeting The next Board meeting will be held Wednesday, May 23, 2012 in Rosetown. Board packages can be obtained from the Regional Corporate Office within one week of the meeting. Please call the office to arrange for printing and pick up. Contact Christa Garrett at 306-882-4111 ext 236 or by e-mail For toll-free health information 24 hours a day. Please call 1-888-425-4444(TTY) if you have hearing or speech difficulties Smokers Helpline 1-877-513-5333 or Questions about Medication? Call 1-800-665-DRUG (3784). Ask questions online Mental Health & Addictions Centralized Intake Line 1-866-268-9139 Monday to Friday 8:00 am—4:30 pm

Heartland Health Region

period of its own freetrade agreement with Morocco, which provides an increasing tariff advantage for U.S. durum into this crucial

market. CWB has forged a strong relationship with all major players in the Moroccan durum milling industry. It

is well-positioned to continue an active sales role with these important customers in the new open-market environment, ensuring

farmers who contract with CWB will achieve the best possible returns for their quality durum wheat.

Harper government strengthens agriculture partnership with Israel Canadian farmers will benefit from stronger agriculture partnerships with Israel, following Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz’s first trade mission to Israel. “The Harper government is working to increase market opportunities for our hardworking producers and processors,” said Minister Ritz. “We continue to explore every opportunity to help farmers boost their bottom line, grow the agriculture industry, and strengthen the long-term prosperity of the Canadian economy.” Ritz met with his Israeli counterpart, Agriculture Minister Orit Noked, and stressed the need for access to Israel for Canadian beef. Israel committed to working with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the Market Access Secretariat to move Canada’s request forward. In 2010, Israel’s total beef imports from all countries were valued at approximately $370 million. Ritz also raised the importance of a renewed Canada-Israel Free

Trade Agreement with Industry, Trade and Labour Minister Shalom Simhon. Since this free trade agreement came into force in 1997, total bilateral trade has more than doubled, reaching $1.4 billion in 2010, $63 million of which was agricultural goods. In 2010 alone, Canada exported $30 million worth of agrifood and seafood to Israel. Canada’s key agricultural exports to Israel are pulses, canola, and beverages. Canada and Israel agreed that an enhanced memorandum of understanding for cooperation in science and research would greatly benefit the long-term prosperity of both countries. Israel and Canada will work together to propose new research projects for collaboration. Demonstrating his commitment to agriculture science and research, Ritz toured the Volcani Centre, Israel’s world-class agricultural research organization,

to see what other opportunities exist for cooperation. While in Jerusalem, Ritz marked the Holocaust remembrance anniversary by laying

a wreath at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial to honour the memory of the six million victims of the Holocaust and to pay tribute to the survivors.

Support for Bill – The Criminal Organization Recruitment Act The Honourable Rob Nicholson,MP for Niagara Falls, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada announced the government’s support for a Private Member’s Bill, the Criminal Organization Recruitment Act, sponsored by Parm Gill, MP for BramptonSpringdale. “Our government is committed to keeping our streets and communities safe, which is why our government will vote in support of this Private Member’s Bill,” said Nicholson. “I applaud Parm Gill for his efforts to help protect youth from the threat posed by organized crime groups.” The provisions of the Criminal Organization Recruitment Act would create a new indictable Criminal Code offence to prohibit recruiting or encouraging a person to join a criminal organization. The new offence would be punishable by a maximum of five years’ imprisonment and carry a mandatory minimum penalty of six months if the person recruited is under the age of 18. “Parents want gangs off their streets and out of their neighbourhoods,” said Gill. “By tackling organized crime head-on, we are creating even safer places for families to live

and raise children.” The government has introduced a number of reforms to target organized crime, including: • the Safe Streets and Communities Act, which will create mandatory minimum penalties for gang-related drug crimes; • the Tackling Violent Crime Act, which included mandatory minimum penalties for serious offences involving firearms and organized crime; • an Act to amend the Criminal Code (organized crime and protection of justice system participants), which made all murders connected to organized crime automatically first-degree murder and created a new offence to target drive-by and other reckless shootings; and • an Act to amend the Criminal Code (auto theft and trafficking in property obtained by crime), which amended the Criminal Code to address auto theft and trafficking in property obtained by crime. The Government of Canada will continue to fight crime and protect Canadians so that their communities are safe places for people to live, raise their families and do business.

MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012


Successful year for Crown sector in 2011 Earnings exceeded budget projections in Saskatchewan’s Crown sector in 2011, enabling CIC to provide a dividend to the provincial treasury in spite of challenges and

increasing demands for services. On a consolidated basis, Crown Investments Corporation (CIC) and its subsidiaries earned a profit of $450.9 million

on revenue of $4.6 billion in 2011. Both the consolidated debt ratio, at 49.8 per cent, and the return on equity at 10.9 per cent were ahead of target. “Extreme weather was

STARS officially launches operations in Saskatchewan As of noon April 30, the Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS) was ready to provide helicopter air ambulance services for critically ill and injured patients in southern Saskatchewan. Following a brief ceremony involving dignitaries and former patients, the organization opened its base in Regina. “This is a historic day for Saskatchewan. The launch of the STARS helicopter air medical service for our province is made possible today through the strong partnership of the health system, community minded businesses, and our government,” Health Minister Don McMorris said. “People across southern Saskatchewan now have the comfort of knowing that in an emergency, help is closer at hand than ever before.” Each helicopter crew includes two pilots, a critical-care nurse and an advanced care paramedic. An emergency physician trained in pre-hospital care and transportation is also available by telephone for every emergency response and travels in the helicopter whenever medically necessary. STARS signed a service agreement with the Government of Saskatchewan in April 2011 to provide helicopter air ambulance services from bases in Regina and Saskatoon. Since then, STARS has been working closely with government, corporate

donors, and partners in health care and emergency services to facilitate the launch of both bases. The Regina base is the first to open in the province, with the Saskatoon base set to open in the fall of 2012. “Together with our partners in emergency services and health care, we will work to enhance access for critically ill and injured patients,” said Andrea Robertson, STARS President and CEO. “We appreciate the support of the Government of Saskatchewan, our corporate supporters and the community for making this a reality.” STARS is beginning operations at the Regina base with daylight hours, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and will proceed toward 24 hours a day later in the summer. STARS phases in base openings to increase comfort level with providing service in an air medi-

cal environment when the majority of clinical and aviation staff are new. This provides for the safest environment for patients and the STARS team. Several major donors have provided contributions to the STARS Saskatchewan program including Crescent Point Energy, Mosaic, PotashCorp, Enbridge, Enerplus, Husky Energy and Rawlco Radio. STARS is a charitable, non-profit organization that provides rapid and specialized emergency medical care and transportation for critically ill and injured patients. STARS has flown more than 22,000 missions across Alberta and eastern British Columbia since 1985. In 2011 STARS began responding to emergencies in Manitoba from a base located in Winnipeg.

It’s Time! 5:00 p.m every Wednesday place your classified ad in the Biggar Independent, 102-3rd Ave. W. Biggar,



Rural Municipality of Eagle Creek No. 376 Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll of The Rural Municipality of Eagle Creek No. 376 for the year 2012 has been prepared and is open to inspection at the ofÀce of the assessor from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the following days: Monday to Thursday, May 4th to June 4th, 2012 A Bylaw pursuant to Section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to Àle his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor Rural Municipality of Eagle Creek No. 376 Box 278 Asquith, SK S0K 0J0 by the 4th day of June, 2012. Dated this 4th day of May, 2012. Lloyd Cross, Assessor

certainly a factor in 2011, along with continued growth in demand for Crown sector services,” Minister responsible for Crown Investments Corporation Tim McMillan said. “Despite these challenges, the Crowns met our dividend commitment, invested in infrastructure, and achieved appropriate debt to equity ratios, while delivering high quality service to Saskatchewan customers.” The Crown sector adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in 2011. Last year’s financial statements (2010) have been restated according to IFRS, rather than Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) standards, which is how they appeared in the 2010 annual reports. In 2011 CIC’s earnings as a holding company, which are recorded on the separate financial statements, were $167.1 million, down $68.9 million from 2010’s restated results, largely due to decreased dividend revenue from the Crowns. CIC paid a dividend of $128.5 million to the General Revenue Fund. To achieve the neces-

sary capital investment of $1.1 billion throughout the sector, there was an increase in borrowing which resulted in Crown debt increasing by $260.9 million in 2011. “The Crowns continue to invest heavily in the province, which benefits their customers,” McMillan said. “Our goal is to have the infrastructure in place to meet the strong economic growth in Saskatchewan, while continuing the high standard of services our customers have come to expect.” Significant accomplishments and events for CIC and the Crown sector in 2011 include: • SaskTel completed a system expansion providing Internet and cellular coverage to an even broader base of the province, and congestion issues on its 4G network, which were addressed through $26.5 million in network investment. • SaskWater achieved its strongest earnings to date, posting a surplus of $3.5 million due to an increased focus on growing the business and significant project management work with the potash industry. • 2011 was a difficult

year for the entire insurance industry, including SGI, as increased claim costs in all jurisdictions and lower-than-expected investment returns affected SGI’s bottom line. Flooding in the Weyburn and Estevan areas, hail storms, and losses from the Slave Lake Alberta wildfire were key factors. • SaskEnergy’s residential and industrial demand continued to drive customer growth, requiring system expansion and increased Alberta natural gas imports. Wet weather created system integrity challenges, so SaskEnergy added an additional $6.5 million to its safety program in 2011. • SaskPower began construction on the Boundary Dam 3 carbon capture project. Wet weather hampered coal generation as flooding disrupted coal access; however, it led to improved hydro generation. Opportunities to sell electricity to Alberta, efficiency and cost control, low natural gas prices, and increased low cost hydro generation contributed to record earnings. CIC’s 2011 Annual Report is available online at


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MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012

by Delta Fay Cruickshank, of The Independent Despite this weather, my neighbour has radishes coming up in his garden! This popular salad ingredient takes its name from the Greek word ‘Raphanus’, meaning “quickly appearing” and

that it does, sometimes in only three days! I remember the first time I ever planted radishes. Visions of their crisp, peppery goodness in a salad dancing in my head. My mouth began to water in no time as the little plants started to pop up through the soil! The little red balls could be seen beneath the soil

shortly afterwards! In about three weeks I had my first crop of radishes harvested, sliced and in a salad. So good! I then realized, I had hundreds more radishes to harvest . . . a lot of salads! I had planted the whole package of seeds at one time, my entire crop was ready all at once! I then discovered radish sandwiches. Crisp radishes sliced between two buttered pieces of homemade bread. Heaven! Well the first couple of them, in combination with salads with radishes in them. I was really tiring of radishes, and I was burping, a lot! The chickens liked them; they helped me rid myself of the crop. The rest went into the compost bin. I have since learned to only plant a short row, several times throughout the cool spring. I have discovered more recipes for radishes and even one for radish greens. To tell you the truth I haven’t tried the soup with the

Besides the weeds, the radishes are the first crop in the garden. They are not only red, they come in many other colours (see photo left). Not only for salads, but can be grilled, stir fried and below are recipes for radish pie (see photo right) and radish green soup! Top right photo - The crisp, peppery radish is celebrated in Oaxaco, Mexico every December 23. (Photos from and

greens, but thought I would share it for the braver cooks! In Oaxaca, Mexico the citizens celebrate the radish in a festival called ‘Noche de los Råbanos (Night of the Radishes) on December 23, as a part of their Christmas celebrations. Locals carve figures and buildings out of radishes and put them

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on display in the town square. Like the radish itself, the ceremony is short-lived and will only last a few hours. The legend that created the celebration is that in the 16th century two Spanish friars were trying to encourage the locals in the valleys near present day Oaxaca City to grow produce. Using radish seeds that came from Spain, the locals were rewarded with a crop in a very short time. The friars then encouraged them to carve everyday figures and scenes out of them in order to entice people to buy their crop at the local markets. Centuries later in 1897 the mayor of the city, Francisco Vasconcelos Flores created a festival to lift local spirits with a cash prize. Over one hundred years later, ‘Noche de los Råbanos’ draws thousands of tourists and locals! And that is the radish. I haven’t got any planted yet, maybe my neighbour will share some of his crop with me! Sliced raw radishes go great in any salad. sliced and added last to any Asian style stir fry they are delicious too. Mix sliced radishes with garlic, butter, and an ice cube in a package of aluminum foil. Cook them on the barbecue for about 20 minutes! Actually very nice with steak or burgers. Here is a recipe for something a little different, I haven’t tried it, will you?

Radish Green Soup: 2 tablespoons butter 1 large onion, diced 2 medium potatoes, sliced 4 cups raw radish greens 4 cups chicken broth 1/3 cup heavy cream 5 radishes, sliced 1. Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Stir in the onion, and sauté until tender. Mix in the potatoes and radish greens, coating them with the butter. Pour in chicken broth. Bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer 30 minutes. 2. Allow the soup mixture to cool slightly, and transfer to a blender. Blend until smooth. 3. Return the mixture to the saucepan. Mix in the heavy cream. Cook and stir until well blended. Serve with radish slices. Here’s another one I haven’t tried, but this one sounds like it would be great served for a lunch with the ladies on the porch with a salad and lemonade. Keep the slices small, looks like it will be pretty high in fat! Radish and Cheese Tart Best served hot from the oven. 1 cup all purpose flour 1/2 cup cold butter 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded Edam, Gouda, or Gruyere cheese, divided (Cheddar is also

acceptable) 1 cup heavy cream, divided 4 egg yolks 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 to 1 small bunch of red radishes 1. Preheat oven to 425° F (220° C). 2. Sift and measure flour into a bowl. Cut in the butter until the particles are coarse. Stir in 1/2 of the cheese. Pour in 1/4 cup of the cream; toss the mixture with a fork until all parts are moistened. 3. Turn the dough into a 9-inch round pie pan. With floured fingers, press the mixture into the bottom and sides of the pan, then prick the shell with a floured fork. 4. Bake the pie shell for 10 to 12 minutes. (The sides will slip down a little during baking.) Cool on a wire rack. 5. Lower the oven temperature to 325° F (160° C). 6. Sprinkle the remaining cheese evenly over the bottom of the cooled pie shell. Beat together the egg yolks, the 3/4 cup cream, and the salt. Pour the egg mixture over the cheese. Place the radish slices evenly over the top of the pie. 7. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until set. 8. Remove the pie from the oven, cut it into wedges, and serve it hot. Makes 6 to 8 servings.

MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012


TIM HAMMOND REALTY PROVIDES A VARIETY OF SPECIALIZED SERVICES FOR FARMLAND PROPERTIES: • M LS® Listings • In-H ouse Exclusive ConfidentialListings • For Sale by Tender Cam paigns • Buyer Brokerage Services • Com parable Sales Analysis & M arketValuations • Lease | TenantSourcing for Investors


8 Sale s in 201 2


M o o s o m in Cell (3 0 6 ) 43 4-8 8 57 GuyS h ep h erd @ fa rm s o fc a n a d a .c o m FO R SALE

Rocanville - Jonescu. Beef.1,089 acres.4 bed,2 bath,3 m iles to potash corp m ine shaft......................................$1,150,000 Exclusive Ituna - Hubbard. A creage.10 acres.3 bed,3 bath,double attached garage,fully m odern com plete abatoir.............$379,000 M LS#426794 Peebles M ixed.110 acres.2 bed,2 bath,in floor heat,fully m ature landscaped yard...........................................$349,000 M LS#418814 Langenburg - W oodland Lanes Inc. C om m ercial.7500 sq ftTurnkey 6 lane Bow ling A lley,fully licensed Fast-Food Rest. and Lounge...................................................$339,000 M LS#409520 M oosom in - Dodds. 4 bd,2 bth house on four 1 acre lots inside tow n...................................................$399,000 M LS#429260 Storthoaks - W ilvers. 640 acres,house,bins,land rented for 2012 crop year,$14,900 oilrevenue on land..................$975,000 M LS#429261

AL EX M O R R O W F o rt Q u'Ap p elle Cell (3 0 6 ) 43 4-8 78 0 a m o rro w @ fa rm s o fc a n a d a .c o m FO R SALE

Ituna - Sikorski. G rain.1,169 acres.3 bed,3 bath,additionalhom e on property,grain drying business included.............$1,400,000 Exclusive M oosom in - Shire. M ixed.1,280 acres.4 bed,2 bath, 12850 bu grain storage.............................$1,120,000 M LS#420278 Rocanville - Case. A creage 155 acres 4 bed,3 bath,double attached garage,beautifulhouse and shop...................$999,000 M LS#420620 G uernsey - M affenbeier. Beef.2,240 acres.21700 bu grain storage, quonset..............................................................$990,000 Exclusive Foam Lake - Henderson. Beef.641 acres.6 bed,4 bath,triple attached garage,21000 bu grain storage.......$695,000 M LS#407594 W hitew ood - Raffey. Beef.477 acres.3 bed,1 bath,shop and garage,8700 bu grain storage......................$335,000 M LS#425939 M elville Beef.160 acres.4 bed,2 bath,triple attached garage,3000 bu grain storage,shed,barn,quonset..............$299,000 M LS#418617 Ituna - Dubreuil. Dairy.160 acres.4 bed,2 bath,7250 bu grain storage,44x144 barn,new er straightw allshop and double sided w ater softener......................$199,900 M LS#408142


H um boldtC abin.1120 sq ftfour season cabin,250'from m ain beach and boatlaunch............................................$189,900 M LS#428235 Jansen - Robson. A creage.6.23 acres.O nly 9 m iles to BH P Billiton Jansen m ine,1266$184,000 M LS#426440 H um boldt- Pappenfoot. A creage.5 acres. W ellsheltered................................................$59,000 M LS#404319


Saskatoon - M cLeod. A creage.12.48 acres.H ighw ay #16 frontage, fenced,services nearby....................................$99,900 M LS#409107


Elrose - Elliott. A creage.14 acres.3 bd,1 bth,new 335'w ell,new m etalroof,affordable............................................$85,000 Exclusive Perdue - G ray. Beef.480 acres.3/4 fenced block,cutby Blind C reek,100 cropped acs..............................$180,000 Exclusive H arris - W hitm ore. G rain.319 acres.3 yr lease,w ell,pow er, 200 ac cult.,add.50-75 arable ac.................$145,000 M LS#417850 M eeting Lake - HillCor Properties. H ay.326 acres.Fenced,arable acs.Seeded to hay,could be cropped.............$180,000 M LS#395228 Rosetow n - W ardrop. M ixed.2,099 acres.M achine shed,corrals, 22,200 bu.bins,6 dugouts............................$780,000 M LS#393807 H afford - Kabernack. Residential.3 bd,2 bth,single att.gar., developed bsm t,75x150 lot...........................$120,000 M LS#425340 Kerrobert- Kohlm an. G rain.156 acres.3 yr lease at$5,500/yr,C rop Ins.Rating G ................................................$110,000 M LS#422186 O utlook - Prim rose. Irrigation.1,855 acres.10 pivots,4 SBW fencing, yard w ith w ork shop...... ...... ..ALL .....Y ...SO ..... ........$3,325,000 M LS#410068 LD TI PAR

Dufferin - Difley. H ay.300 acres.Excellentview overlooking Buffalo Pound Lake...................................................$350,000 M LS#424358





Rosetow n Ranch.2,256 acres.5 deeded qtrs,11 SA F lease qtrs, 9 dugouts,3 bdrm bungalow .........................$875,000 M LS#424273

R egin a Cell (3 0 6 ) 52 7-7778 rh jelte@ fa rm s o fc a n a d a .c o m


Rosetow n - Freethy. A creage.10 acres.Eaton H ouse w ith renos in the 80's,4 bdrm s,3 bth,N G ....................................$165,000 Exclusive



Avonlea - Yozipovic. G rain.1275 acre.C lass D land on 4 qts., allquarters touching...................................$1,295,000 M LS#407343 Cupar - Janz. G rain.778 acres.3 bed,2 bath,shop,quonset,7050 bu grain storage................................................$585,000 M LS#414361 O gem a - M uckalt. M ixed.315 acres.5 bed,3 bath,w ellsetup equine centre...........................................................$495,000 M LS#424548 Lanigan H og.169 acres.2 sites,new er breeding and older farrow ing unit..............................................................$325,000 M LS#409211 Bethune - Young. A creage Developm ent.160 acre view ofQ u'A ppelle valley...........................................................$299,000 M LS#405066 Balcarres - G abel. A creage.11 acres 3 bed,2 bath,renovated barn, storage shed,w elllandscaped........................$259,000 M LS#413959 Riverlake H og.158 acres.600 sow farrow to finish hog barn,m ineral rights included in purchase.............................$275,000 M LS#405250 Bruno H og.39 acres.1700 head capacity hog feeder barn.....................................................$75,000 M LS#409213 Birsay H og.18 acres.2000 head capacity hog feeder barn,isolation barn,storage quonset......................................$64,000 M LS#420589


Beechy H og.40 acres.600 sow farrow to finish hog barn,60,000 sq ft row ,nursery,feed barns.................................$150,000 M LS#419695


Balcarres - G abel. G rain.835 acres farm land allin a block,nine m iles eastofBalcarres........................................$1,200,000 M LS#421577 Bethune - Young. A creage 5 acres greatbuilding site 7 m iles south of bethune..........................................................$27,000 M LS#405095 Foam Lake - Hager. A creage.16 acres 3 bed,2 bath,w ell landscaped,three lakes w ithin 12 m iles...........$169,888 M LS#410109


1 2 Sale s in 201 2

B igga r Cell (3 0 6 ) 9 48 -4478 Da ve@ Tim H a m m o n d .c a FO R SALE

Denholm Recreational.10 acres.G reatview of N Sask River...................................................$33,000 M LS#422168 W ilkie Farm land.160 acres.115 cultac., 35 ac pasture.................................................$72,900 M LS#424751 W ilkie - Sutherland. A creage.2 acres.O pen conceptlog hom e, 3 bdrm s,2 bthrm s...........................................$85,000 M LS#405306 Biggar - Dietz. A creage.1 acre.Scenic property,hom e needs w ork,det garage 24'x24',24'x40'shop new in 2007...$130,000 M LS#625641 Prud'H om m e - Sopotyk. H ay/Recreational.159 acres.O nly 30 m ins from Stoon...................................................$130,000 M LS#422536 Dodsland - A icheile. A creage.5 acres.4 bdrm s,2 bthrom s,dbl detached garage,barn..................................$179,900 M LS#413360 M eacham - Yurchuk. Farm land.458 acres.325 cultacres, 82 fenced pasture acres,C lass 3 dk br soil, crop insur F & G ...........................................$300,000 M LS#416945 Perdue - Dixon/Robinson. Farm land.640acres,hay/pasture,perim eter and cross fenced...........................................$399,900 M LS#399414 Corm an Park Farm land.146 acres.Adjacentto corm an park -saskatoon planning districtboundary.................................$599,000 M LS#425744 Prud'hom m e - Kocay. Farm land.159 acres.147 acres cult.....$135,000


Biggar - Hoppe. Farm land............................$325,000 M LS#420940 Clavet- Pobran. Farm land.1,229 acres quonset,sheds,3/4s w ithin com m ercial/industrialarea.........................$2,800,000 M LS#395335 Unity A creage.12 acres.3 bdrm s,2 bthrm s,dblatt.G arage,Q uonset& heated shop.....................................................................$185,000 Rosetow n - Raw son. A creage.12 acres.Lrg m udroom ,covered deck, heated/insulated shop...................................$149,000 M LS#404151


7 Sale s in 201 2

R o s eto w n Cell (3 0 6 )8 3 1-9 2 14 R GAn d ers o n @ yo urlin k.c a

Bruno - W arick. G rain.500.49 acres,351 acres cult.$285,600 Exclusive Foam Lake - M alinoski158.86 acres,120 ac cult. $89,000 M LS#390781

B igga r Cell (3 0 6 ) 9 48 -9 16 8 Tim .H a m m o n d @ S a s ktel.n et

G laslyn - Pam brun. A creage.136 acres.4 bd,2 bth,dev.Bsm t,hw y #4 nextto M idnightLake...............................$259,900 M LS#423533 Biggar - Kerr. A creage.10 acres.5 bd,3 bth,24x40 shop, 3 car det.gar.,H w y #14...............................$235,000 M LS#419731 Asquith - W arren. A creage.10 acres.Vacantsite w /services, 37 km from Saskatoon.....................................$49,900 M LS#415867 Asquith - W arren. A creage.10 acres.Vacantsite w /services, 37 km from Saskatoon.....................................$45,900 M LS#415870 W iseton - M cDonald. A g/C om m .4.10 acres.H eated 40x96 shop, M etalShed 50x120,62,400 bu.Bins.............$225,000 M LS#417558 Biggar - W eekes. Beef.1,226 acres.C orrals,riding arena, crow n lease,runs up to 350 yearlings.............$895,000 M LS#403753 H arris - Johnson. Beef.480 acres.C utby Eagle C reek,fenced,273 arable/hay acres..........................................$160,000 M LS#409107 Battleford - Sam uel. Recreational.174 acres A djacent140 ac.crow n lease,sm alllake,gam e fence...........................$74,900 M LS#424870 H enribourg - Johns. Tree N ursery.51.84 acres.3rd generation business,storage sheds,irrigation................$1,500,000 M LS#426273

Cra ik Cell (3 0 6 ) 73 4-772 7 rgilm o ur@ s a s ktel.n et FO R SALE


1 8 Sale s in 201 2



H um b o ld t Cell (3 0 6 ) 2 3 1-70 77 js c h in kel@ s a s ktel.n et


Redvers - Poirier. G rain.1,280 acres.Tile drained,heated shop,quonset, pole shed,118100 bu grain storage,4 bd,2 bth house on four 1 ace lots inside tow n.......................................................$1,600,000 Exclusive Redvers - O rsted. G rain.320 acres.Land currently cash rented for 2012 and 2013 crop years.....................................$330,000 M LS#424584 W apella - M artin. G rain.320 acres.Vacantyardsite has pow er,gas, telephone.....................................................$250,000 M LS#417811 Carlyle - Larry Brow n. G rain.480 acres.1 oilsurface lease..$475,000 Exclusive H urford 1267 ac grain land w ith hom e yard and buildings..................................$2,305,000 ReM ax M LS#427152

4 Sale s in 201 2

75 Sale s in 201 2

Biggar - Krchov. Beef.160 acres.W ater supplied by good dugout..............................................$45,000 M LS#415849 Prud'H om m e - Sopotyk. Farm land.158 acres..$135,000 M LS#422536 Perdue - Sw anson. Farm land.298 acres.285 cultac. C rop Ins K & L..............................................$160,000 M LS#418567 Biggar - W oods Road. A creage.16 acres.3 bdrm s,2 bthrm s, dblatt.G arage,32x48 shop,barn.................$169,900 M LS#422332 N okom is - Holbrook. Beef.317 acres.Dblw ide trailer w ith addition, heated shop,barn.Fenced & cross fenced.......$199,000 M LS#389136 Stranraer - Fuster. A creage.81 acres.Scenic view s,5 bdrm s, 3 bthrm s,2 shops,barn,dblgarage...............$249,900 M LS#399376

21 Sale s in 201 2

N o rth B a ttlefo rd Cell (3 0 6 ) 441-4152 (3 0 6 ) 53 7-8 0 8 6 K evin Ja rrett@ S a s ktel.n et FO R SALE Kinley Lots.Pow er,phone,naturalgas,tow n sew er lines running through property...........................................................$40,000 M LS#425203 Kinley Lots 8.01 acres.C an be sold w ith the 12 Kinley lots for $70,000...............................................$40,000 M LS#425206 W akaw Lake G rain.79.00 acres.H alfm ile from Dom rem y Beach................................................$46,500 M LS#420775 Buffalo Pound Lake Lots.Seller w illtransfer jointly ow ned w aterline w ith sale..........................................................$57,500 M LS#425553 Battleford O ther.20.00 acres.Very good location outside ofbattleford on pavem ent.....................................................$67,500 M LS#422190 Shellbrook - Burdick. Beef.281.00 acres.121 ac bush,161 ac grass/pasture, sm allgravelpit,pow er runs throug halfsection............$100,000 M LS#418647 Q uillLake O ther.17.55 acres.Sheds,47800 bu grain storage,house old and notliveable,yard has w ell,pow er,phone......$155,000 M LS#422913 Sturgeon River G am e.130.00 acres.A ccess and located on Sturgeon River,crow n land across river,pow er m ile aw ay....$160,000 M LS#419807 Parkside H ay.225.00 acres.O ver a m ile oflake fronton Kinnaird Lake, pow er halfm ile aw ay......................................$200,000 M LS#418800 Paddockw ood G am e.320.00 acres.8'gam e fence,w ater runs throughoutw ith beaver in it,setup as elk huntpasture w /5 hunting stands and open and bush area.................................$210,000 M LS#418742 Unity G rain.29.50 acres.South side oftow n,pow er adjacentto propery, w ater line and naturalgas nextto it...................$249,500 M LS#424726 M ayfair - A rthur. M ixed.318.00 acres.Fenced and cross fenced,tw o bedroom s,one bath,shop,pole shed................$265,000 M LS#417361 Paddockw ood G rain.478.00 acres. N ear C hristopher Lake.....................................$275,000 M LS#424425 Battle River Beef.387.00 acres.A llfenced,land is on battle river across from skihill.....................................................$280,000 M LS#419028 Shellbrooke - Burdick. Beef.152.00 acres.6 bed,1 bath,115 ac grass could be cultivated,42 ac bush/coulee/yard,12600 bu grain storage,quonsetw ith pow er,calving barn w ith pow er,pole shed,corrals......$285,000 M LS#418687 M ariposa G rain.320.00 acres.Land rented outfor 2012 crop year,available in fallof2012 for possession ofgrain land..............$309,000 M LS#424714 Unity - Sperle. G rain.312.00 acres.Land can be sold in a block or per quarter or halfquarter.....................................$440,000 M LS#422268 Canw ood - Sten. Beef.390.00 acres.3 bed,1 bath,16600 bu grain storage, heated and insulated shop,heated and insulated barn$450,000 M LS#481005 Loon Lake - W yss. Beef.3021.00 acres.7 dug outs,2 lakes,fenced and cross fenced,insulated cabin on skids.........$500,000 M LS#420573 Lipton G rain.458.35 acres.Land rented outfor next four years.......................................................$525,000 M LS#426127 Battle River M ixed.739.00 acres.3 bed,2 bath,single attached garage, private spring fed O xbow Lake w ith fish...............$565,000 M LS#419021 Debden Beef.147.00 acres.5 bed,2 bath,double attached insulated garage,steelquonset,insulated barn,pole shed....$595,000 M LS#417790 Battleford - Harvelle House. O ther.475.00 acres.5 bed,4 bath, operates as bed & breakfast/lodge/ranch.........$795,000 M LS#424740 FortQ u'Appelle G rain.724.00 acres.3 phase pow er through yard site,m etalquonset,hopper bins,satellite internettow er rents for $500/year.................................................$1,100,000 M LS#417842 Spiritw ood - Parcel 4. Beef.16 deed qrts.535 ac tam e grass,1949 ac uncultivated,13 crow n lease qrts.,new er fence..$1,575,000 M LS#418471 Corm an Park G rain.294.00 acres.3 bed,2 bath,optionalequine centre.........................................................$5,500,000 M LS#422480


Pierceland - W yss. Beef.313.00 acres.Vendor w ould buy hay offthese tw o quarters on a long term basis for $18/bale and he w ould do allthe w ork him self...................................................$140,000 M LS#420563


Canw ood - Schrivener. Beef.160.00 acres.Prince A lbertN ationalPark halfm ile aw ay.................................................$72,500 M LS#418608 Unity - G illes. M ixed.479.00 acres.W elltreed yard w ith fire pitand lots ofroom to expand..........................................$395,000 M LS#418230 N eilburg G rain.752.00 acres.Land,bins,surface lease included in purchase price................................................$960,390 M LS#420152 Round Valley G rain.1116.00 acres.G rain bins:four 1350bu,four 1650bu,tw o 2000bu,and one 2700bu........$1,270,735 M LS#421720 Rew ard G rain.80.00 acres.O ld schoolon land,land ties to M LS listing #423834......................................................$111,000 M LS#423835 Rew ard G rain.238.00 acres.Lastyear land w heat,barley,and sum m erfallow .................................................$300,000 M LS#423834 Perdue M ixed.1117.00 acres.3 bed,2 bath,low ered hip roofbarn used as shop,car garage,pow er and gas close to allland.....$577,500 M LS#425082 Spiritw ood Parcel 1..........................................$451,250 M LS#418471 Spiritw ood Parcel 2..........................................$301,400 M LS#418471 Spiritw ood Parcel 3..........................................$344,000 M LS#418471

MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012


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OBITUARIES Thomas Edward Fyson It is with great sadness that the family of Thomas Fyson announces his passing on Friday, April 20, 2012 at the age of 83. Tom is survived by his wife, Bernice; children, Rhonda (Gord), Blaine (Daphne), Michele (Kevin); grandchildren, Shaun (Stacey), Brenda (Garry), Brian (Kristie), Chad (Terrilynn), Byron, Bailey, Branden; great-grandchildren, Ravyn, Sydney, Issabelle and Maddilyn; and brotherin-law, Sid (Isabel); and several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents; brothers, Dick and John; brother-in-law, Don; sister-in-law, Freida; as well as Bernice’s parents. Tom was born June 4, 1928 in Arelee, Sask. He grew up on a farm in Struan until the age of 18, then went to Saskatoon and worked various jobs. He then moved to Estevan, Sask. in 1956 where he met his wife, friend and love of his life, Bernice, where they were married and began their family. Later they moved to Saskatoon for a number of years. They decided to return to Tom’s roots and moved their family to Arelee. Here they bought the store and looked after the post of¿ce for many years. They retired to Perdue, Sask. where Tom enjoyed going for his daily coffee and walking with friends. Tom was a quiet, gentle, caring man who adored his family and enjoyed spending time with them. There was a private family graveside service and a lunch open to the public followed at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, April 25 at Perdue Legion Hall. Memorial donations may be directed to Sask. Abilities Council, 2310 Louise Ave., Saskatoon, SK, S7J 2C7 Grondin Funeral Services - Biggar in care of arrangements, “Our family serving your family since 1963”. 19gfsc1

Beverly Joan Donahue Beverly passed away peacefully on Tuesday evening, April 17, 2012 at Diamond Lodge, Biggar, Sask. with family at her side. She was born in Biggar, Sask. on September 21, 1948 to Cecil and Mabel Donahue. She will be greatly missed by sister, Pearl Silvernagle of Biggar; and brother, Earl (Dale) Donahue of Williams Lake, B.C.; by 17 nephews and nieces; several great nephews and nieces; Uncle Murray Donahue of Manitoba; Aunts Alice Ellis of Biggar, Gladys Smellie and Bessie Small both of Ontario; extended family and friends. She was predeceased by her mother, Mabel (2000); father, Cecil (2007); sister, Linda (1998); and brother-in-law, Ed Silvernagle (2007). Bev was raised on the family farm and attended Allan Bank School. She loved all animals especially horses, dogs and cats. In 1972, the family took up residence in the Town of Biggar, new friends were made as well as those special long term friendships continued. She so enjoyed visiting with friends and family, a card game could entertain or just share a cup of coffee or tea. Details of dates and happenings were her specialty with birthdays, weddings, world and special events compiled. Then there were sports and statistics to keep and to be recalled. Bev’s life changed following her mother’s death, Bev and Cecil managed to continue living in the family home until Bev moved to Sunshine Care Home in 2003. She soon became friends with staff and residents and she enjoyed greeting at the front door, being an advocate for the visitors and her Care Home family. She was so happy and blessed in this setting with dedicated caregivers and love from residents as well as staff. Bev so enjoyed the new friendships made in the Stitching Group where she crafted plastic canvas items with the help of her friend, Sandra. She also attended weekly church services, fowl suppers, teas and community events, family dinners, graduations, showers and weddings (her last one in July, 2011). For those who knew Bev, they found her so easy to spend time visiting, to laugh and share a smile. She was a compassionate person who loved and cared for her family and friends and was loved in return. She did not complain of pain or think her life was something less than ful¿lling. In 2011 she adapted to being dependent upon her caregivers and to use the wheel chair for mobility. On March 20, 2012, Bev became a resident at Diamond Lodge and made friends with staff and residents in short order. She was always blessed with excellent caregivers, loved by good friends and her family. A memorial service was held on April 23, 2012 from Biggar United Church with Rev. Jane Gallagher of¿ciating, music provided by Doreen Dubreuil, Lauren Epp and the choir. The eulogy was given by nieces, Karen and Anita Silvernagle. A poem written by her brother, Earl, was read and Anita shared

OBITUARIES her personal poem. The urn bearer was her brother, Earl Tributes may be directed to Biggar & District Community Foundation, Friends of the Lodge (new long-term care facility), Box 489, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 or Kidney Foundation of Canada, Sask. Branch, #1-2217 Hanselman Court, Saskatoon, SK, S7L 6A8 Grondin Funeral Services, Biggar entrusted with arrangements, “Our family serving your family since 1963”. gfsc1

Lorraine Ida (Armstrong) Ferguson The family sadly announces that she passed away January 3, 2012 in Athabasca, Alta. at the age of 69. Lorraine was born in Biggar, Sask. on July 21, 1943. She will be remembered for her hard work ethics, her commitment to working for the public transportation industry for over 25 years as a bus driver while still maintaining her passion for raising dogs. Lorraine is survived by her six children, Gerald (Becky), Craig (Shannon), Beverly (Avery), Tammy (Phil), Anna Marie (John), Michael; and her 12 grandchildren, as well as her brother, Ronald (Gail) and her ¿ve nephews and nieces. She was predeceased by her parents, Lloyd and Clara Armstrong; and her daughter, Darlene. The family would like to thank the staff at the Athabasca Extended Care Hospital for the care and compassion they gave to Lorraine during her declining years with Alzheimer’s. Her ¿nal resting place was held at the Biggar Cemetery, Biggar, Sask. on April 21, 2012. gfsc1

Marie Antoinette Keith November 9, 1939 – April 21, 2012 Marie passed peacefully away on April 21, 2012 with her family at her side. Marie was the second child born to Arthur St. Jean and Zalba (St. Jean) Peiffer on November 9, 1939. Marie was born in Birch Hills, Sask. and after a few moves the family settled in Biggar, Sask. where Marie and her siblings grew up. In 1963 Marie married James Keith and they began their family. Both Blair and David were born before Jim and Marie settled back in Biggar where Jim worked on the CNR and farmed while Marie took care of the boys while working in the bank and later working in the power of¿ce. A highlight for both Jim and Marie was traveling back to Scotland. They were able to share their experiences with their boys, grandchildren and family. Marie spent a great amount of time searching the family history of both the St. Jean and the Keith families with the dreams of binding this information for the generations to come. Marie loved to play ball and she played ball for over 20 years, even years later, she



continued her love of ball in the backyard with each of the grandchildren. Jim and Marie were always present at every sporting event that Blair and David were involved in, following them around the country in the old station wagon and cheering them on quietly from the stands. Marie continued to be a huge supporter of the boys and grandchildren after Jim passed in 1994. Marie rarely missed a game or activity (unless of course a gambling trip with good friends happened to make its way onto her calendar!) She was an avid curler, bowler and a sharp card player, and recently she had taken up quilting. Marie always took every opportunity to get out and enjoy life. Marie’s pride was her boys, Blair and David, and their families. Cooking a good meal for everyone was important to Marie. Family and friends were always welcome in her home. She always made time for everyone. Marie loved a good visit – enjoying her Saturday evening coffee, and time with her travelling and birthday groups. Marie was not one to sit back and let life happen. She was active in sports, various committees, organizations, boards and the Catholic Church. Marie was a ¿rm believer that there was a better place after death. She was not afraid and showed strength to the end of her journey on earth. Left to cherish her memory are her two sons, Blair (Casey) and family, Natasha, Mackenzie (Bri) and Carter; David (Michele) and family, Brandon, Edyn, Tiara and Emmett; sisters and brothers, Josephine (Jim) Kerr, Ronald Louis St. Jean, Evelyn (Ron) Clark, Robert (Florence) St. Jean and Barb (Doug) Jenkins; sister and brothers-inlaw, Christina (Jack) Williams, Thomas (Margaret) Keith, and Edward (Pat) Keith; and stepbrothers, Henry (Donna) Peiffer, Garnet Peiffer, Eldon (Emily) Peiffer; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her parents, Arthur St. Jean and Zalba Peiffer; step-father, Elmer Peiffer; husband, James; brother-in-law, Bill Keith. Prayer service was held from St. Gabriel Roman Catholic Church, Biggar, Sask. on Tuesday April 24, 2012 and Funeral Mass on Wednesday April 25, 2012 with Father Albert Ulrick as Celebrant. Eulogists were Raymond Ell and Barb Jenkins. Active pallbearers were her grandchildren, Natasha Keith, Mackenzie Keith, Brandon Keith, Edyn Keith, Tiara Keith and Emmett Keith. Honourary Pallbearers were Marlene Flasch, Katie Wandler, Tillie Zimmer, Shirley Schmirler, Bernice Martin and Lena Ellard. Honour Guard was the Catholic Women’s League.

Interment followed in the Biggar Cemetery. Memorial donations may be directed in Marie’s memory to the Biggar and District Community Foundation (Friends of the Lodge - new long-term care facility), Box 489, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0. Grondin Funeral Services – Biggar entrusted with the arrangements. gfsc1

CARD OF THANKS Thank you to all who extended compassion and love to our family in the loss of our sister and aunt, Beverly Donahue. The Àowers and food, special visits, attendance of the church service and the many cards and donations in memory of Bev are so appreciated. A special “Thank You” to Rev. Jane for her pastoral care of Bev in her ¿nal days as well as to family following her death. Thank you to Doreen Dubreuil, Lauren Epp and the choir for the special gift of music, to Rev. Jane for leading the service, to Karen and Anita Silvernagle for preparing and presenting the Eulogy as well as to the food catering group for refreshments following the service. Also many thanks to Grondin Funeral Home, Bob, Ted and Shannon for your guidance and your support in making arrangements as well as on the day of the funeral service. May this serve as a belated “Thank You” to Dr. A. Muller, nurses and other support staff and Lesley in Home Care at the Biggar Hospital for your care, compassion and cooperation in the care of Beverly Donahue. It was a dif¿cult time for her, for nursing staff and caregivers as well as family. Please be advised we appreciate your care and compassion. Words cannot express the gratitude and extreme appreciation our family has for the care and love given to Bev at the Sunshine Care Home where she lived for nine years. This was truly her home and domain and she loved each and every resident and staff member as they were her life and energy each day. Please accept our appreciation to the Courtesy Car drivers for their patience and care transferring Bev over the past several months. Lastly please accept our gratitude for Bev’s last home at Diamond Lodge where she quickly adapted to new surroundings. The staff and caregivers quickly became friends and were so compassionate, loving and helpful to her and her family in those last days. We are so fortunate to have this facility and staff in our community. Pearl Silvernagle and family; Earl, Dale Donahue and family 19c1

MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012

CARD OF THANKS The family of Marie Keith would like to thank everyone for the kind deeds and compassion shown towards our family during Marie’s illness and passing. To everyone that sent prayers, cards, food, Àowers, donations and gifts in Marie’s memory, Thank You So Much! To Dr. Crane and the nurses and staff at the Biggar Hospital, thank you for taking such good care of our Mom and Gramma. Thank you to Father Ulrick, Ed, Lucie, Peggy and the choir for the beautiful tribute to Marie, thanks to the CWL for the wonderful lunch. As well, thanks to Bob and the staff of Grondin Funeral Services. 19gfc1 The family of Thomas Fyson would like to thank everyone for their expressions of sympathy during the time of Tom’s passing. Your Àowers, cards, food and visits were very greatly appreciated. Also thanks to Grondin Funeral Home for all their help and support. A special thanks to Dr. Crane for all his wonderful care that he gave to Tom. Thanks, Bernice Fyson and family 19p1

COMING EVENTS SUNDAYS in May: Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans will be worshipping at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 319-7th Ave. E., Biggar at 10:30 a.m. Potluck lunch, Sunday, May 27 after church. Everyone is welcome. For more information or pastoral services, phone Rev. Mark Kleiner at 306-951-7122. 48/10tfn MAY 1 - 23: Embodied Presence, Michel Boutin and Holly Fay, showing in the Credit Union Gallery at The Biggar Museum & Gallery, 105-3rd Ave. West, 1 - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday 18c3 THURSDAY, MAY 10: Legion meeting, 7 p.m. at Biggar Legion Hall. Everyone welcome, members and non-members 19c1 SATURDAY, MAY 12: The Biggar Air Cadets bottle drive, 9 a.m. - noon. The public can also drop off their bottles at the rink parking lot that day if they wish. 18c2 SUNDAY, MAY 13: You are invited to the weekly services at Biggar Associated Gospel Church, corner Quebec St. and 8th Ave. West. 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School for children and adults; 10:50 a.m.-- Worship Service for youth and adults. Come and worship with us. Pastor Terry Wicks. 19c1 MONDAY, MAY 14: 7 p.m., Biggar & District Family Centre Annual General Meeting at the Family Centre. 17c3

WEDNESDAY, MAY 23: meet at Redeemer Lutheran Church after school for a family, fun, food and worship event. Scavenger Hunt planned. Let Pastor Mark know if you are coming at 951-7122. Everyone is welcome. 19c3


COMING EVENTS The West Central Enterprise Region

will be having its

Annual General Meeting

on May 23rd at 7:00 p.m.

at the

Kindersley Museum 901, 11th Ave E.

Special Business: Dissolution

RSVP for dinner to: 463-1997

FRIDAY, JUNE 1: 6 - 9 p.m. and SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 9 - 12 a.m.: Biggar Arts Council presentation…Understanding Values in Art (all skill levels). Alexander Gaspar, Instructor, $20 per person. Register at the Biggar Museum, 948-3451 19c3

GARAGE SALES Town Wide Garage Sale FRIDAY, May 11 from 4 - 8 p.m. and SATURDAY, May 12 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Let’s all have our garage sales at the same time!! 18p2

INVITATIONS SUNDAY, MAY 27: You are invited to attend the bridal shower for Tanis Irvine, bride-elect of Reid Munro, in the Centennial Room, at the Westwinds Motor Hotel, 2 - 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome 19c3




Families, clubs, churches and businesses are invited to do a Heritage Page to be on permanent display at Biggar Museum. Share your history! For more information call 9483451 or visit museum 1 - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. 7tfn This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. tfn Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at tfn



CARS & TRUCKS 2002 Chrysler Sebring, 4 door, V6, A/T/C, 106,500km, good condition, good tires. $3,875. Phone 948-5347 17p3 Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514.


New long-term care facility Biggar, SK Scope of Work


The work comprises the construction of a new 45,746 sq.ft. (4,250 sq.m.) long-term care facility connected to the existing Biggar Union Hospital with minor renovations to the hospital. All work will be completed without interruption to operations.

1981 18 ft. Okanagan motor home; stove, fridge, heater, toilet and sink; table and benches convert to single bed; over the cab converts to king size bed; combination gas and propane; propane tanks certi¿ed May of 2008; 21,819kms; asking $3,500. Phone 948-5497 19p3 1985 Yamaha Virago, 1,000 cc, new rubber, carbs and forks redone. Phone 948-7521. 36tfn

Sealed bids will be accepted up to 2:00 p.m., local time, Thursday, June 7, 2012, at the corporate ofÀce of the Heartland Health Region, 110 - Hwy 4 South, Box 2110, Rosetown, SK, S0L 2V0. Bidders must be &2R certiÀed. Every tender shall be accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of not less than 10% of the total tender price and a consent of surety. The successful bidders will be required to provide a Performance Bond and a Labour and Material Bond in the amount of not less than 50% of the contract price for each. Tender documents will be available for Prime Contractors at 2:00 p.m., Thursday, May 10, 2012, from the ofÀce of )riesen Tokar, 200 - 300 Waterfront Drive, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 0*5 upon a deposit of 150.00 certiÀed cheque or money order per set, made payable to )riesen Tokar. Please include a pre-paid, pre-addressed waybill for documents to be delivered. Document deposits will be refunded upon a pre-paid delivery of tender documents in good condition.

LIVESTOCK Registered Black Angus Yearling bulls for sale. Low birth weight, calving ease sired. Haynes Angus, 948-2563 or 948-7621. 17c3


Tender documents will be available for examination at the aforementioned Construction Associations and the Heartland Health Region Corporate 2fÀce by contacting Keith Cowan 306-882-4111. A mandatory site visit for Contractors to the project site has been arranged for Thursday, May 24, 2012 beginning at 10:00am. )ailure to attend will make potential bidders ineligible. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.



GREEN GIANT POPLAR, plugs: $1.79/each for a box of 200 ($358.). Full range of trees, shrubs, cherries & berries. Free shipping. 1-866-873-3846 or P R O V I N C E - W I CLASSIFIEDS. Reach 350,000 readers weekly. this newspaper NOW or 649.1405 for details.

D E over Call 306-

STEEL BUILDING BLOWOUT SALE! 20X26 $5,199. 25X28 $5,799. 30X42 $8,390. 32X56 $11,700. 40X50 $14,480. 47X76 $20,325. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.

Land for Rent, Perdue. RM #346, Kinley, Sask. Seven quarters, 600 cult, 140 hay. Phone 306-237-4771, 306-2379517 10p9


Contractors registered in good standing with Saskatoon Construction Association, Regina Construction Association or the Prince Albert Construction Association and the SCA Plan Deposit )und need not provide a tender deposit.

We, Kim Westgard and Michelle Danychuk, would like to start a “Music for Young Children” program in Biggar. This program is aimed at kids aged 2-9 and focuses on learning music as a group through fun and games. Private voice, piano and violin lessons are also being considered. In order to start this program, we need students! So please respond ASAP with your child’s age and type of lessons you would be interested in so we can make this program happen! Responses and any questions can be sent to Kim or Michelle at or call or text 948-9379. 19c3 Calling all emerging artists! Enter your works in Biggar Arts Council Local Adjudication. Entry forms available at Biggar Museum. Call 948-3451. Deadline for entries May 26, Adjudicator Alexander Gaspar. 17c5



For Sale…Four-wheel scooter, large wheels, leather seat, $2000 o.b.o. Phone 306-9482430 18p1 DISCONNECTED PHONE? ChoiceTel Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call ChoiceTel Today! 1-888-333-1405. www.


BOSCH Mixer $449 Mothers Day Specials, Actifry makes 2lbs of french fries with 1tbsp oil $229. Breville YouBrew $299 Henckel Knives Call Hometech Regina 1-888-692-6724


HOUSES FOR SALE House for Sale… renovated 5-bedroom house, 412-3rd Ave. East, $124,900. Call 948-9822 19p1 House for Sale in Perdue: 902 Ave. N., corner lot across from school. 1188 sq. ft., 3-bedroom bungalow, CA, CV, 4 appliances, attached garage, large garden. Contact Jim or Carol Mallas, 306-237-4237. 15p5

WANTED Wanted… 4 litre ice cream pails. Drop off at Snow White Family Restaurant, Biggar 17c3 Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Land¿ll OR contact Quentin Sittler at 658-2132 3tfn Main Street Garage Sale is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 948-1773 or 9485393. Pickup available. 32tfn

Don’t let diet food ruin your appetite for life!! We are NOT a diet. Eat grocery store food and get great results! Ask your friends -- it works!

Thin and Heathy’s Total Solution • 948-2208

REAL ESTATE Renovated Acreage… 4 bedroom + basement suite, 8km SW of Biggar, $209,900. Call 948-9822 19p1 Two serviced lots, side by side in Biggar, 100’x140’, $79,900. Call 717-4681 (cell) 5tfn

423 - 4th Ave. West, Biggar… 1100 sq ft, 3 bedroom, 1 bath plus 1/2 bath off master bedroom upstairs, ¿nished basement with one bedroom and 3/4 bath. Detached garage, Beautifully landscaped yard. Contact Bob Foster, 948-7348, leave message 9tfn




MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Alley Katz Bowl for sale… $235,000. 6-fully computerized wood lane; licensed lounge; 5400 sq ft cinder block building with 17 ft ceilings; maintenance free metal roof; energy ef¿cient radiant heat; licensed to serve food; games room with pool table 3 car games and 4 leased games; satellite TV; glow bowling; snack bar; of¿ce equipment and furniture; shows consistent growth for past 18 months. Call 948-4633. 17c4

2012 Modular Homes have arrived! VESTA HOMES INC has 16, 20 & 24 wide homes in stock. Visit us in Vanscoy, or visit us on the web: www.vestamfghomes. com 306-242-9099

HOUSES FOR RENT For rent… three-bedroom house, 412 - 5th Ave. East, Biggar. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer. For viewing/consideration, phone 948-3856. 17p3

FOR RENT Charter/ Sherwood Apartments 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins. For more information call:

948-3820 302 - 8th Ave. W. • Biggar


Seven day detox: $1785. The potential for a clean & sober life: PRICELESS! We’ve been doing this for 37 years with great success. Call Today: 306-693-5977. Go to www.


If YOU are… • Moving • Expecting a Baby • Planning a Wedding • Anticipating Retirement Call WELCOME WAGON at 948-2563 - Lisa Haynes We have gifts and information


EXPERIENCED WINCH TRACTOR and Bed Truck Drivers for drilling, rig moving trucking company. Phone, fax, email or mail. Email: rigmove@ Phone 780-842-6444. Fax 780-842-6581. H & E Oil¿eld Services Ltd., 2202 - 1 Ave., Wainwright, AB, T9W 1L7. GPRC, Fairview Campus requires a Plumbing Instructor AND Steam¿tter/Pipe¿tter Instructor to teach labs and classroom settings for their program. Visit our website at Kingland Ford Hay River, NT seeking Experienced Ford Certi¿ed Partsperson with ADP/ MicoCat, Long term employment, teamplayer. $34.50-$36.50hrly wage with bene¿ts and pension plan. Email:employment@

Being short has some advantages!!! Happy Birthday, Doreen

HERBAL MAGIC Look great for summer - 1st 9 weeks for $99. Lose Weight and keep it off. Results Guaranteed! Call NOW 1-800-854-5176.


LOCAL Rocky Mountain House company looking for day rate and hourly Vacuum Truck Operator. Must have current oil¿eld tickets and up-to-date drivers abstract. Bene¿t package. Fax 403-8453903.

CAREER TRAINING WORK FROM HOME Huge demand for Medical Transcriptionists. Train with the best. Loan and funding options available. Contact CanScribe Career College today. 1.800.466.1535, www., admissions@ Become a Cardiology Technologist (CT) in your own community. Wages range from $26.18 - $36.26/hr. The only CT program in Western Canada accredited by the Canadian Medical Association (CMA). Approved by the Canadian Society of Cardiology Technologists (CSCT). This full-time program is delivered in a combined delivery format (guided online learning with regional classroom, lab and clinical placements). Student loans available to quali¿ed applicants. Toll Free: 1-855CARDIO-0 (1-855-227-3460)

Spiritwood & District Cooperative Ltd. Require a Branch Manager at our Shell Lake branch. Candidate needs to -be self motivated, and able to supervise other staff. - have strong interpersonal skills -have strong marketing skills -knowledge of Lumber, and Hardware products would be an asset. Spiritwood Co-op offers a competitive salary and a comprehensive bene¿ts pkg. Advancements are available in the Co-op retailing system in Western Canada. Resume, and application form can be mailed or dropped off Spiritwood & District Co-operative Ltd, Box 906 Spiritwood, Sask. S0J-2M0 Att. Will Batty Or emailed to NEED A HOME PHONE? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We Can Help. Everyone Approved. Call Today. 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY… Full-time ofÀce help required. Must be familiar with QuickBooks, payroll, ofÀce and/or safety administration and general ofÀce duties. Salary postion 12 months a year, Áexible hours. New ofÀce space available. Send resumes to JDL Underground Ltd., Box 1041, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0; fax: 306-948-4811 or email: Busse Law Professional Corporation requires an

Administrative Assistant. Duties may include some legal administrative duties, general secretarial work and receptionist. OfÀce Education/Administration course is not a requirement, but would be an asset. Please apply with resume and references to: Busse Law Professional Corporation Barristers and Solicitors 302 Main Street Box 669 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Fax: 306-948-3366 Email: Deadlines for applications is May 22, 2012. We thank all who apply; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Biggar and District Daycare is looking for a

full-time permanent Director. Start date is Tuesday, July 3, 2012. Early Childhood Education diploma or ECE level 3 is required, or must be willing to obtain. Knowledge of QuickBooks, Word, Excel and Microsoft OfÀce is an asset. A tuberculosis test and criminal record check are required before an applicant is hired. Applications are due June 1, 2012. For more information please contact Erin at 948-5169. Please apply to: Biggar and District Daycare Inc., Attention: Board Members, Box 128, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0, or email: Only those who are selected for an interview will be contacted.



CRIMINAL RECORD? Guaranteed record removal since 1989. Con¿dential. Fast. Affordable. Our A+ BBB rating assures employment/ travel freedom. Call for free information booklet. 1-8-NOWPARDON (1-866-972-7366).

DEADLINE for ad copy, classiÀeds & news

WEDNESDAY • 5 p.m.

Perdue Daycare, Perdue, Sask. is hiring full-time Early Childhood Educator to start immediately. Please call Amber at 306237-4403 for more info. Email resume to perduedaycare@ or mail to Box 142, Perdue, SK, S0K 3C0 18c3 Biggar Hotel… --part-time help wanted for Beverage Room, days, evenings and weekends available. Must be 19 years of age. --Part-time cleaning person needed for mornings. Please apply in person with resume to Tammy or Monty. 17c4 Summer employment needed at the beach side store in Battlefords Provincial Park. Émail resumes to: relleys@ 17c3 ARNETT & BURGESS PIPELINERS is accepting candidate resumes with Pipeline Construction experience: Field Safety Advisors, Superintendents, Foremen, & HE Operators. Visit http:// for more details. Resumes: Fax 403.265.0922: email hr@

NEWSSTANDS @ • Esso • Leslie’s Drugstore • Pharmasave • Quick Stop • Super A Foods • Shop Easy Food • Weasie’s Gourmet Blends • Feudal Co-op, Perdue • The Store, Perdue

SUMMER WORK $15.50 base appt. Immdiate College/University student openings. Flexible schedules, conditions apply, customer sales/service, no experience needed, training given. Apply and train in Saskatoon, work in local city. Call 306-955-1935

Check out… and subscribe now.

Please arrange to pick up your photos that have been submitted for publication.

.…thanks, The Independent

Stop in to… 1st Ave. West, Biggar 948-2700

MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012


Report from the Legislature by Randy Weekes, MLA, Biggar (26 April, 2012) Saskatchewan’s always had a unique place in Canada. The thing that sets us apart this year is that we have the only balanced provincial budget in the country. Newfoundland and Labrador announced its deficit budget this week – and that’s the last budget announcement of 2012. We know that this was made possible by all hard work that you do – and as legislators, we commit that we will continue to take action that protects the Saskatchewan Advantage you have created. The Saskatchewan Advantage is about more than just growth for growth’s sake. It is about taking the benefits of having a strong, growing economy and putting it to work for the Saskatchewan people. Investing in affordable housing is one of the ways we’re doing that. Our government

recently announced that we have redesigned two programs that improve and maintain affordable housing. The Saskatchewan Home Repair Program and the Conversion Initiative were both redesigned this past year to ensure they reflect Saskatchewan’s current housing environment and unique housing needs. The Saskatchewan Home Repair Program will assist moderate-income homeowners and rental property owners housing low-income tenants to repair and/or adapt their dwellings so they are not lost from the market. The Conversion Initiative will focus on encouraging development of new rental housing by private and non-profit groups by converting non-residential space to residential use. Regina was honoured to host the second Housing and Development Summit this week, which focused on the continued planning for growth in Saskatchewan and the need to ensure that

housing is affordable and accessible for all Saskatchewan citizens. This summit is important because it provides stakeholder an opportunity to learn from the experts and exchange ideas on current housing planning. Through consultation with stakeholders we will find the solution for the tight housing market that economic growth brings. Housing is not the only area that our government is seeking and implementing innovative ideas, surgical care is another area we are seeing results. Guided by the Patient First Review, our government recognizes the need for reliable and efficient health care. This is why we set a target that all patients requiring surgery will have the option to receive surgery within three months by 2014. To achieve this goal,

we are investing $60.5 million in the 201213 budget for the Saskatchewan Surgical Initiative, which will allow the Regional health authorities to complete an additional 4,380 surgeries across Saskatchewan. Much of this funding will go directly to hospital cost, supplies and salaries. While we know there is always more to do, this initiative is another way we are working to

Tim Hammond Realty

Farmland for Sale Weekes Dixon Johnson Yurchuk Kocay Sopotyk Hay/Rec Land Corman Park

RM 347 RM 346 RM 316 RM 342 RM 372 RM 372 RM 344

Acreages for Sale MacDonald Clarke* Kerr Unity Ac. Dodsland Rawson Dietz Sutherland Denholm

(MLS) 1226 ac. 640 ac. 480 ac. 458 ac. 159 ac. 159 ac. 146 ac. (MLS)

Delisle Rosetown Biggar Unity Dodsland Rosetown Biggar Wilkie Riverland

$899,900 $589,900 $235,000 $185,000 $179,900 $149,000 $130,000 $85,000 $33,000

Unity Ac. Rawson Krivoshen McLeod

102-3rd Ave. w., Biggar • 948.3344


$185,000 $149,000 40 ac. 12.4 ac.

Randy Weekes, M.L.A. for the Biggar Constituency OfÀce Hours: Monday - Friday 1 - 5 p.m. Phone: 306-948-4880 106 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar Fax: 306-948-4882 e-mail:

Web site: P. O. Box 1413 Biggar, SK. S0K 0M0

Fuster Woods Road Elliott Wardrop Pobran Mason Hoppe Evanoff Tender Gray HillCor Whitmore Holbrook Swanson Swanson Krchov Ali Green Sopotyk Farmland Kohlman Freethy Freethy

Stranraer Biggar Elrose RM 317 RM 343 RM 346 RM 377 RM 347 RM 346 RM 466 RM 316 RM 376 RM 376 RM 376 RM 317 RM 344 RM 317 RM 372 RM 350 RM 317 RM 317

Commercial Property Bear Hills Rentals Demaine Hotel Perdue 1018 9th St

$249,900 $169,900 $85,000 2099 ac. 1229 ac. 1117 ac. 793 ac. 638 ac. 480 ac. 322 ac. 320 ac. 317 ac. 298 ac. 160 ac. 160 ac. 160 ac. 160 ac. 158 ac. 156 ac. 150 ac. 10 ac. (MLS)

Biggar $450,000 Demaine $399,900 Perdue $41,500 *denotes exclusive listing

306.948.5052 306.948.9168 306.948.7995 306.831.9214 306.948.4478

Main Office Tim’s Cell Cari’s Cell Grant’s Cell Dave’s Cell

Homes for Sale in Biggar (MLS) Out of Town Property

Current Listings 302 6th Ave W 102 6th Ave E 205 Turnbull Ave 402 7th Ave E 409 6th Ave E 201 King Street 308 6th Ave E 128 2nd Ave W 104 6th Ave E (Lot)

$296,500 $268,900 $257,000 $223,900 $180,000 $131,000 $84,900 $82,000 $30,000

Perdue 907 Ave N Landis 102 3rd Ave E Perdue 909 8th St Landis 212 3rd W Kinley 8.01 ac. Kinley 12 Lots Perdue Lots 142’ x 120’ Landis Lot* Wilkie Lot 204 2nd St W

$215,000 $109,000 $79,900 $49,900 $40,000 $40,000 $30,000 $22,500 $15,000

Recently Sold 605 8th Ave W 414 7th Ave W Hafford 218 Princess Ave W 101 3rd Ave E

302 6th Ave W

Thinking of selling? Now could $185,900 be your opportunity to profit $175,000 from today’s strong market! Call $120,000 to speak to an agent about what you have to gain. $109,000 Featured Listing


Remarkable 1332 sq ft 5 Bedroom Bungalow Home. Boasts double vaulted ceilings, open dining room/ kitchen with knotty Alder custom cabinets, island/eating bar and garden doors. Basement development includes 2 bedrooms, 4 piece bathroom, rec room, and utility room. Call today!

Recently Sold


The Independent Printers

Unity Rosetown RM 376 RM 344

major improvements and planned maintenance throughout the province. We have invested more than $2.2 billion in our highway system since 2007, but there is always more to be done. So when you and your family hit the road this summer, make sure you keep an eye out and slow down to 60 in the orange zone. If you have a question about this Legislative report or any other matter, just contact Randy.

113 3rd Ave W Biggar, SK

Tim Hammond, BSA, P.Ag. Owner - Broker Cari McCarty - Residential Grant Anderson - Farms Dave Molberg - Farms

Sale Pending

We will design and print your business cards!

make Saskatchewan the best place in Canada to live. Did you know? Saskatchewan will provide approximately 86,000 surgeries in 201213. As spring turns to summer, the second highest Highways and Infrastructure budget in the province’s history will be put into action, in the form of orange zones across the province. This year there are more than 1,200 kilometres of

909 8th St Perdue

Featured Listing


Spacious family home with great potential! Boasting 1396 sq ft on two levels, this 1¾ storey home features 5 bedrooms, 4 piece bathroom, and updates including laminate flooring, interior paint, new windows on the 2nd floor, and a new furnace (not installed). Call to view today! 102 3rd Ave E Landis

Featured Listing


Completely renovated inside and out, this 1404 sq ft three bedroom mobile home is ready to be moved into! Located on three lots, includes a storage shed and single detached garage. This beautiful home and yard offers luxury living at an affordable price. Seller is motivated for a quick sale. Call today!


MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012


I N S TA N T R E B AT E O F F ER 40 0



A P R I L 2 6 - M AY 3 1 , 2 0 1 2

Offer valid at participating authorized Maytag ÂŽ appliance dealers.

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Bravos XL Laundry Pair

NEW! MaytagÂŽ 25 cu. ft. Ice20 Easy Access Refrigerator




Among leading competitive brand top load washers; comparable cycles and settings. ††See warranty for details.


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Ž Ž NEW! Maytag MaytagŽ JetClean Performance Plus Laundry Pair Steam Dishwasher • Best cleaning in its class**

NEW! MaytagÂŽ 6.2 cu. ft. Electric Range with Power Preheat

Ž Enabled by the PowerWash™ cycle. t 5IF #&45 $-&"/*/( .BZUBH EJTIXBTIFS FWFS FOBCMFE

ÂŽ CZ UIF +FU$MFBO 1MVT 4UFBN DZDMF XIJDI DMFBOT FWFSZUIJOH **Among leading brands, 4.0 cu. ft. I.E.C. GSPN ZPVS NFTTJFTU QBOT UP ZPVS mOFTU TUFNXBSF XJUI IJHI equivalent capacity or less without heater, QSFTTVSF TQSBZ KFUT JODSFBTFE XBUFS QSFTTVSF BOE UIF comparable cycles, and settings (select models). mOJTIJOH UPVDI PG TUFBN • Wrinkle Prevent Option t " #MBEF TUBJOMFTT TUFFM DIPQQFS QVMWFSJ[FT GPPE QSFWFOUJOH With the Wrinkle Prevent Option, clothes continue QBSUJDMFT GSPN QMVHHJOH UIF XBTI TZTUFN BOE TQSBZ KFUT to tumble every ďŹ ve minutes heat for QSPWJEJOH PQUJNBM DMFBOJOH without thewithout need to prerinse MDB8959SAS Washer: MHWE251YL Dryer: YMEDE251YL 90 minutes after the drying cycle is complete to t #VJMU TUSPOH UP MBTU MPOH‰"MM TUBJOMFTT TUFFM UVC EJTIXBTIFST pp into clean, dry help prevent wrinkles from setting JODMVEF B ZFBS MJNJUFE QBSUT XBSSBOUZ PO UIF SBDLT clothing. TUBJOMFTT TUFFM UVC BOE DIPQQFS

††See warranty for details.




††See warranty for details.

* In-store, instant rebate (after taxes) valid on qualifying MaytagÂŽ appliances purchased from a participating authorized Canadian MaytagÂŽ appliance dealer from April 26 to May 31, 2012. Some conditions apply. Offer cannot be combined with any other MaytagÂŽ appliance offer. $1,350 rebate value based on maximum combined rebate amount on purchase of qualifying MaytagÂŽ appliances purchased from the same dealer at the same time. Instant rebate will be deducted at time of purchase. All models may not be available at all dealers. GST/HST/QST and Provincial Sales Tax (where applicable) are included in the rebate amount. This offer is not available to dealers, builders or contractors. See sales associate for qualifying models.

Look for the ENERGY STARÂŽ symbol. It shows the product meets the ENERGY STARÂŽ guidelines for energy efficiency.

** Dealer prices may vary. Dealers have sole discretion to set retail prices. ÂŽ Registered Trade-Mark/™ Trade-Mark of Maytag Properties, LLC. or its related properties. Used under license by Maytag Limited in Canada. Š 2012. All rights reserved.

Win a 2012 Fiat 500 for FREE! Make any purchase at Battleford Furniture and receive a chance to win the Fiat! HERE’S HOW IT WORKS! Each and every purchase gets you an entry. Receive additional entries for every $100 you spend. For example: Spend $1200 and receive 12 chances. Every Saturday one weekly Ànalist will be chosen...all other entries that week get put into a wild card draw! There will be 40 weekly Ànalists and one wild card draw winner. The Fiat will be given away on Monday, December 31, 2012 at 11:00 am by elimination draw! See store for all the details!

Located at 192-24th Street West, Battleford - 2 Blocks north of the Post OfÀce in the Town of Battleford • Toll Free 1-877-937-7474 • Local 937-7474 • Fax 937-7676 Check us out at



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