issue 24

Page 1

No. 24

MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012

Biggar, Saskatchewan

The ever popular ďŹ reworks kicked off the Town & Country Fair Days on Friday, setting the standard for a spectacular weekend. See page 10-11 for more! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

20 pages


MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012


505 Hwy. 7 West, Rosetown, SK


S0L 2V0

OPEN: Monday - Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CLOSED: Sundays


MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012

Council Minute highlights The regular meeting of Biggar Town Council was held May 15, at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Attending the meeting were Mayor Ray Sadler, Aldermen Ron Arnold, Jim Besse, Don Cleaveley, Penny McCallum, Eugene Motruk, and Kirk Sherbino. Mike Rathwell from Saskatchewan Environment and Jim Webster from the Heartland Health Region attended the meeting to inform Council that Biggar should test for lead levels in older homes built prior to 1950. Richard Olson, Town Foreman, informed Council that we may have around 50 lead pipe lines still in use. It was agreed that testing would be done at 10 locations to determine the concentration levels. Once known, the results will be communicated to the home owners and encourage them to flush their system before consuming the water. Other options are to have a certified drinking water system installed or replace the lead service line completely. Council resolved that the General Accounts Paid in the amount of $31,187.33, and the General Accounts Payable in the amount of $56,242.14, be approved. Council resolved that the following correspondence be accepted for Council’s information: Heartland Health Region - Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory; Municipal Affairs TAPD Grant; Biggar and District Recreation Board - Commemorative Park Grant; SaskTel - Annual Report; Safety Net Thank you letter; OHS - Biggar Aquatic Centre; Ministry of Agriculture Prairie Malt. Council resolved that the 2012 Government Operating and Capital Budget showing estimated revenues and transfers in the amount of $5,241,940, and estimated Operating and Capital Expenditures of $5,231,900, with an estimated surplus of $10,040, be adopted. Council resolved that the 2012 tax rates be as follows: Mill Rate 20. Land minimum tax - $220. Improvement minimum tax - $280. Council resolved that the Heartland Health


Region be authorized to use the Biggar Airport for an emergency defensive driving course for Heartland EMS staff on June 3. Council resolved that the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association (SPRA) does hereby proclaim that June, which witnesses the greening of Saskatchewan and serves as a significant gateway t o f a m i l y a c t i v i t i e s, has been designated as ‘June is Recreation and Parks Month’, which will annually recognize and celebrate the benefits derived year-round from quality public and private recreation and parks resources at the local, regional and provincial levels. Therefore, the Town Round we go . . . Kids can now escape the heat of Biggar, in recognition (what little we’ve had of it!) at the Biggar Aquatic of the benefits and values Centre - at the very least, they can go to play and learn that recreation, parks and leisure services provide, do hereby designate the month of June as ‘June is Recreation and Parks While working on the tems (PACS). Month.’ The error was discovRIS/PACS Radiology InC o u n c i l r e s o l v e d formation System/Picture ered late Friday June that Town Officials be Archival Communication 1 when eHealth Sasauthorized to sign the system system in Saska- katchewan was doing C o m m u n i t y A i r p o r t toon, it was discovered some technical work to Partnership Program that some final results advance the provincial A g r e e m e n t w i t h t h e of diagnostic imaging Radiology Information Ministry of Highways exams, X-rays and ul- System (RIS), which is a and Infrastructure, and trasound were not being computerized system for return same to their automatically faxed to scheduling and ordering office. the ordering physicians medical imaging proce• Meeting adjourned at or posted to the electronic dures as well as distrib9:48 p.m. Picture Archiving Sys- uting the results. Through their investigation it was determined that there were two separate timelines for affected exams. Approximately 144

how to swim. Here, kids play play during the Biggar Barracuda Swim Club’s free trial week. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Diagnostic Imaging Report faxing error corrected

School council says ‘Thank You’ . . . School Community Council members, Erin Boisvert, left, and Tammy Ramsay are under pressure as the lineup grows in the background during the SCC’s barbecue supper thank you, Thursday. The school group had a great year, filled with events and functions, all bringing the school together with the community. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

third page

diagnostic exam results across the province were impacted over a four week period beginning April 30th. The exams affected were newly created categories of diagnostic imaging exams. This did not affect routine medical tests such as laboratory blood work. Although faxed reports were not received the exam results were never lost, and there were no breaches of privacy. eHealth identified and addressed the issue immediately and the situation has since been successfully resolved. In Heartland Health Region, there were seven clients that had results that were not forwarded to their physician in a timely manner. Physicians of affected clients in Heartland have been

contacted regarding the issue and have been sent the final diagnostic imaging results. Physicians will follow up with these clients as necessary. eHealth and Heartland Health Region sincerely regrets any concern that may have been caused by the delay in receiving diagnostic imaging results. “The issue was corrected immediately upon discovery and while we sincerely regret the concern this may cause patients and health care providers awaiting results, it has provided us with valuable information to ensure something similar does not occur in the future,” eHealth Saskatchewan CEO Susan Antosh said. Patients will be notified by their physician if any follow up is required.

GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… Friday, JUNE 8, 11.40 a.m. (stations randomly selected)

Biggar ....................................... 125.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock ................... 122.9¢/L Perdue… ................................... 124.9¢/L Landis… ................................... 124.9¢/L Rosetown… .............................. 123.9¢/L North Battleford…................... 123.9¢/L Unity ........................................ 123.9¢/L Saskatoon ................................. 125.9¢/L

Lottery Numbers


649 - Wednesday, June 6 08, 21, 22, 26, 30, 39 Bonus 07 Extra 4017870 649 - Saturday, June 2 07, 22, 27, 29, 33, 39 Bonus 40 Extra 5927628

Western 649 - Wednesday, June 6 08, 13, 16, 23, 45, 47 Bonus 04 Western 649 - Saturday, June 2 03, 12, 14, 30, 45, 46 Bonus 13 Lotto Max - Friday, June 1 04, 07, 13, 24, 26, 27, 43 Bonus 41 Extra 5390298

This Week . . . Opinions ............................................................ 4 Agriculture ...................................................... 8 Classifieds .................................................15-17 Business & Professional Directories .........18-19

MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012


Opinions Time for entrepreneurs to take over liquor sales The recently released provincial auditor’s report gave some key points that need improving. One of them being the way the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority operates. The auditor says the SLGA “needs a proactive, customer-focused strategy for buying liquor that is also more transparent.” How refreshing. Imagine a government authority that is supposed to be acting in the best interests of shareholders (which are the voters in the province) being more transparent and acting in our best interests. This should have been done years ago. One of the recommendations is providing the public with a breakdown of liquor prices, including cost, taxes and markup. Anyone who had done any travelling knows that liquor is far less expensive in other parts of the world. One of the reason is that Canadians pay higher taxes on their alcoholic beverages. Some of the markups noted by the auditor are also staggering. SLGA markup rates range from 40 per cent to 184 per cent (spirits have a markup of 162 per cent). Oh, that our private retailers could charge that much! Of course, the government officials are claiming that the revenues are used to fund social programs. Well, that doesn’t mean you have the right to gouge consumers. Taking a page from WalMart: this big box retailer lowers its prices but makes far more money because they operate on volumes. And, it just proves the point. Governments should not be involved in private enterprise. It’s time governments got out of the liquor business. In other jurisdictions private enterprise has proven it can operate the industry more efficiently and provide a high level of customer satisfaction. They will often run sales. When was the last time the local liquor board store advertised a sale on their products? Let’s give it a try.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are welcome. They MUST be signed, approximately 300 words in length and are subject to editing.


How Canada can keep up with world-leading internet technology Canada was once highly touted as a world leader in high-speed Internet and access to online services. No longer by Roland Renner, Consultant, Frontier Centre for Public Policy Distributed by Troy Media, Canada can no longer be smug about its international ranking in the telecom sector. Once highly touted as a world leader in highspeed Internet and access to online services, Canada has lost its world-leading position, particularly with respect to the last mile. What we call the last mile connects households to wider infrastructure. Portions of Canadian telecom infrastructure are underdeveloped. While we may have state-of-theart infrastructure beyond the curve, Canadians are unable to tap into the full potential of high-speed development from an outdated last mile. Unlocking that potential can improve business and personal productivity, open the way to greater innovation and better services to Canadian homes, and help better integrate rural and remote

communities. The last mile the last opportunity The last mile is also commercially significant because it represents the last opportunity for incumbents to maintain dominant market power in a sector where they have had to face increasing competition over the years. When they were monopoly service providers, incumbents initially installed the necessary infrastructure but they have until recently been reluctant to replace the old wires and cables with Fibre to the Home (FTTH), claiming there is no money in it. Recently, facing new demands from customers, cablecos in a number of major markets have upgraded their high-speed cable technology but without replacing the last mile coaxial cable. The telcos first responded by upgrading their existing technology and then installing FTTH to create more capacity than cable can offer. While

such activity is welcomed progress, it is far from sufficient. There is room in the market for more players in this sector. Canada needs to encourage a competitive landscape for the development of this last mile in rural and remote districts, and in high-density urban neighbourhoods and single-family residential suburbs. The incumbents should lose their sense of entitlement and move to compete with the best to provide the best. Canada does not need to reinvent the wheel. Other countries around the world have had demonstrable success. The Nordic countries started with municipal and electrical utility networks, often in remote communities. Incumbents are now on board and are deploying FTTH. Examples from other countries, including South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and the United States, abound. The continuing duopoly in the last mile infrastruc-


ture is the last element of the Canadian telecommunications industry where competition is weak. While we acknowledge the current deployments of FTTH and other technologies to increase household bandwidth, the opportunity to extend competition to the last mile should not be missed. The cost per household is within reach, the potential competitors are in place, and we can bring the benefits of competition to the final segment of Canadian telecommunications networks. Every successful international example includes competition as a main reason for success. Rural and remote customers who typically get upgraded last should particularly benefit from this development. Competition brought benefits in every other sector of telecommunications. The last mile should be no exception Opportunities exist for third-party companies that install customer-owned fi-


Phone: 306-948-3344

Fax: 306-948-2133

Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Monday at the office of publication, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Delta Fay Cruickshank

bre and for co-operative initiatives in building FTTH. Local electrical utilities in Canada have not participated in this market. Yet, we have seen from international examples that these utilities have a natural advantage as infrastructure builders with rights of way (ROW) into every household. They should be encouraged to participate. To enhance competition, companies should have access to ROW, infrastructure and services. This was an important factor in all of the leading FTTH countries. The telecom companies have already undergone a similar process to interconnect with each other and to allow resale. Making more adjustments to accommodate competition in the last mile should not be a problem. Open up the competition For example, if the rules and regulations change to allow customer ownership of parts of the last mile out to the nearest pedes-

tal in the neighbourhood, it would remove a large element of risk from the telecom companies, and deployment could proceed more quickly. This is analogous to the change in ownership of inside wiring that occurred many years ago. Policy-makers need to rethink existing policies and procedures as new wireless technologies emerge and help create opportunities for new configurations of wireless and fibre technologies to deliver services to rural Canada. Greater competition pushing the incumbents in last mile infrastructure is the best way to regain our leading position in telecommunications services. Roland Renner is an Ottawa-based consultant in telecommunications,broadcasting and Intelligent Transportation Systems. He is author of Rebuilding the Last Mile, published by the Frontier Centre, fcpp. org.


P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012

We were searching for a summer getaway -- you know somewhere by a lake where we could relax, enjoy the water and savour the sun. On the Prairies it is called a cabin. In parts of Eastern Canada it is called a cottage. Others may call it a chalet. Whatever you choose to call this summer home, there are many choices. Some are houses, very large houses with all the comforts of a residence in town. Others are more simple in taste and are scaled down. More humble really like a log cabin. And the log cabin style is prevalent in lake properties. It is like a stereotype -- rustic, outdoorsy, woodsy. It’s not a style I particularly like but there are some beautiful log cabins around lakes. Again, when thinking of a log cabin humble beginnings come to mind, but some of them are anything but humble. Log cabins are so named because they were built from logs. Sounds simple enough but there is quite a bit of history surrounding this very unique form of shelter. These were

the first houses settlers built because the materials were readily available. The Romans played a hand in the architecture of log homes (of course, they had their hand in everything). Roman architect Vitruvius Pollio noted that Turkish dwellings were constructed by laying logs horizontally over top each other and filling in the gaps with chips and mud. But the origins of this type of dwelling are often credited to the Eastern Europe where the tradition of using logs for houses probably developed around 3500 BC. The Scandinavian countries lived in an area where forests were plentiful. The builders were creative in constructing log houses using round and hewn logs. They developed different types of what is called corner timbering. Over time the houses went from the small gabledroof cabin built with round logs and an opening in the roof to vent smoke to a more sophisticated version. In this version square logs were used with interlocking double-


notch joints, the timber extended beyond the corners. These structures were stronger and moss was inserted into the joints making them more weather tight. When these Europeans travelled to North America they brought their skills and knowledge with them. Thus we have a tradition of log cabins on this continent. But, the very first log cabins were not intended as permanent structures but rather something designed to provide shelter for the short term. As the settlers built more formal houses, the log cabins were converted to chicken coops, animal shelters and outbuildings intended for storage. Today, the simple log cabin has evolved to a work of art. Some are built with a combination of wood and stone and can be quite large in square footage. The log cabin has gone from being a symbol of simple and humble to one of opulence and grandeur. A status symbol for some who want a “down home, rustic” feel to a summer home.

Leipzig holds successful festival On Saturday, June 2 in Leipzig, Saskatchewan, enthusiastic concert goers enjoyed great music at the First Annual Leipzig Music Festival. As well, people had the opportunity to peruse the outdoor market that included 15 local vendors selling everything from homemade jams and pickled snow peas to doggie couture. The smell of barbecue welcomed everyone as they entered the six acres of the Leipzig Serenity Retreat. With a concession selling ice cream and beverages as well as a variety of food vendors, people were able to have a snack while relaxing in their lawn chairs and enjoying the country and folk music. More than 350 people experienced memorable performances by Valdy, Gary Fjellgaard, Brad

Johner and son Luke, Steve Palmer, Freddie and Sheila Pelletier Saskia and Daryl, Tilly and the Billy Goats as well as several other local groups. Signed Valdy and Gary Fjellgaard memorabilia were auctioned off to the highest bidder, raising an additional $500. The festival drew crowds from Regina all the way to Red Deer. Quite a few people made the trip from Maymont, Kindersley, Biggar and surrounding towns. All in all, a great day on the serene and pristine Leipzig Serenity Retreat grounds and is a fine start for what Leipzig Serenity Retreat hopes to be an annual event. All money raised from the day’s festivities is going toward the five week program for those in need of financial support while in treatment. The

support received from the surrounding communities was overwhelming and much appreciated by the Leipzig Serenity Retreat-a true testament to Prairie generosity. Leipzig Serenity Retreat will be announcing the performers for next year show soon, please read your paper for details and mark your calendar! See everyone next year!

Deadline for classifieds Wednesday at 5 p.m.

Valdy, left, and Gary Fjellgaard perform during the first of what may well be many Leipzig Serenity Retreat concerts, June 2. Although the rain fell, it didn’t dampen anyone’s spirits as roughly 350 people listened to an incredibly diverse lineup of performers. (Independent Photo by Daryl Hasein)

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Thank you all who attended the

1st Annual Leipzig Music Festival

Your support of this great cause is appreciated!

Special Thanks to all our business sponsor, volunteers, vendors, and the staff at the Leipzig Serenity Retreat


MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012

Fore . . . Dang it! By Bob Mason Ray Charles (the blind entertainer) challenged Tiger Woods to a game of golf. “It’s not much of a contest,” sez Woods. “Remember that I am one of the world’s best golfers, and you are blind!” Ray Charles insisted that they play anyway. “Okay” sez Woods finally. “What time do you want to play?” “Any night you say!” sez Charles, smiling . . . It doesn’t seem that many years ago, Yours Truly (YT) while working on his farm out in the hills, used to sit by a big rock and eat his lunch. Jimmy Scharf bought our farm, and, I think, when he built the Oasis Golf Course, moved some big rocks in and placed them by the tee boxes. Those working days are past, eh? Thank Heavens! Although we still eat now and then except that now we take a candy bar in our club bag to munch on while we relax on one of the benches out at the Oasis. Some time ago YT was chewing away at one of those bars when a couple of short-panted golfers drove up and wondered if they could pass through. Apparently one of the fellows had seen my lips moving as I chewed on that bar. “Were you talking to that big stone?” he asked, indicating a big rock beside the tee box. “Of course I was!” YT replied. “that big stone is an old old friend of mine. I used to sit by it at lunchtime many times out on our farm in the hills!” “And what’s more,” I continued, “when a fellow talks to a stone he doesn’t get any sass

back. You oughta try it sometime!” The young guys gave me a funny look, strode on to the tee box, hit their golf balls a country mile and drove hastily off shaking their heads! If you ever hear of a peculiar duffer out on the Oasis golf course just remember, some times it is kind of lonely farming out there in the hills! When we were kids, up in Great Bend during the 1930’s, one of our most memorable moments was when a meadowlark greeted us from his roost on a pasture fence post every morning! Pasture fence-posts and meadowlarks are almost things of the past anymore, I think, but little bits of that past sure come back when Yours Truly visits the Oasis! They are really worthwhile remembering! On a bright sunny spring morning (about 7 a.m. Or so!), YT is strolling down the fairway of number 11 at the Oasis, when all of a sudden, influenced by that song quite a few generations back, I hear that same trilling voice say “Good morning Bob!” from a nearby tree! The familiarity of that song mebbe doesn’t mean very much to Tiger

Busy as bees . . . Hayden McMahon, Nathan Carter and Gage Dearing (left to right) help cleanup the bushes at the Sandra Schmirler Gold Park, Tuesday. The trio, part of Biggar Central School’s Horticulture Woods and company, but then mebbe our golf course goals aren’t the same, eh? But to hear that cheerful greeting again meant an awful lot to me! I’m not sure that my 3-wood drive on number 12 was any better than usual, but I do know that hearing that song made me feel awful good! All our young lives up in Great Bend, there was that long, green strip of Heaven along the river, where we often went to relax! The history book reports that the great Buddha (about 550 B.B.) sat under a tree by a river and found peace there! Often Yours Truly wonders if the trees and waters of the Oasis have the same effect on the folks who golf there! One of the main attractions that the game of golf has for YT is that it is a one-man sport. Sure, the company of others out there on

the course is great, but it is greater, I think, in order to do well one doesn’t have to “win” over anyone else, only themselves! Yours Truly (as far as course expertise goes!) is a lousy golfer, but the sociability out there lets him know that being a good golfer doesn’t matter that much! Heck, Mrs. Hook, who only has one arm, enjoys golfing as much, if not more, than most of us do! There are quite a few people out there, who think this way and YT is sure one of them. When he comes off of a course after playing a few holes, he knows that he is neither a winner nor a loser, but an ordinary guy. And having indulged in the mediocrity of thins out there, is sure a far better, more tolerant person for it! To him, and many of us, it is a chance to show ourselves that attaining

Club, had the area cleaned up and in ship-shape condition in no time flat. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

our dreams and realizing our goals in life, are the best therapy that we will ever find! Like everybody else, we have our ups and downs and as we accept them we know that we can only blame ourselves! Team sports are sure okay, without a doubt, especially if you are a “team” person, and YT sure doesn’t criticize them – and don’t expect any of them to criticize his ideas! YT said to one of the boys the other day: “Now that we have such a fine golf course near town, how about going out to The Oasis and playing a couple of rounds, eh?” “No” he replied. “I might get to like it too much . . . and I’d never get anything else done!” He was right! Like a diver who uses the high board for the first time, he can hardly wait to get

back up. According to Lee Travino, he only golfs on days whose names end in “Y”! There are quite a few sayings about golf: • “I retired at 28, the same as Bobby Jones. He retired because he beat everyone. I retired because I couldn’t beat anybody!” • When Vardon said to his Caddie “What should I take here?”, his caddie replied, “Sir, I recommend the 4:05 train!” • Advice for an unhappy golfer: “Take two weeks off and then quit the game!” • Bob Hope once said: “If I’ve got to live ‘till I’m 120, I’m still gonna golf my age sometime!” • Leslie Nielson (a Canadian!) once said, “I don’t play golf to feel bad! I play bad golf to feel good!”

Another lucky Museum Toonie winner . . . Kathy Vancha, right, accepts her cheque for $93 from Biggar Museum and Gallery’s Lauren de Bussac, left, and Shirley Williams. Kathy was the Toonie winner for May. Congratulations!

Associated Gospel donates to Friends of the Lodge . . . Adrian de Haan, left, and George Ekman, right, flank Jo Angelopoulos of the Friends of the Lodge. Biggar Associated Gospel raised $890 during this past week’s Town and Country Fair Days - all going to the committee’s long-term care home replacement fund.

(Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

(Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012


Blazer’s Provincial Track and Field Report We had a wonderful two days in Saskatoon at Griffith’s Stadium. It was even a little too hot for some of the events. Our athletes did us proud again by putting in some great results and memorable finishes. Danton Hollman finished 20th in javelin with a throw of 38.67m bettering his district throw. Sierra Larlham came away with a 24th throwing 18.38m also bettering her district throw. Liam Boyle and Liam Mair ran hard in the 1,500 coming away with a 22nd (5:00.09) and 20th (4:58.97) respectively. Liam B took 12 seconds of his District time and Liam M finished under five minutes taking 22 seconds off his time. Shawn Howard came away with an 11th in 400m (57.47) and a 12th in 800m (2:17.60) against a really strong group of junior boys also reducing his time in both events. Jenna Boisvert also reduced her times in two of her three events: 17th in 3,000m (13:31), 21st in 1500m (6:04) and 19th in 400 (1:11). Edyn Keith also ran hard reducing her time in the 1,500m from 6:38 to 5:58 coming away with 21st. She also received a 22nd in 3000m (13:31.36) and 23rd in 800m (2:56.71). Nicholas Garchinski competed in two events, the 100m and the 200m. He qualified for the 100m semifinal but came in 13th with a time of 12.15 sec which bettered his District time of 12.38 sec. In the 200m he qualified for the final and came home with 7th place with a time of 24.79 sec. Nicholas was also on the 4X100 Junior boys team and ran really strong. Their third pass was not great and due to a strong run by Nich they came home with the bronze medal (46.68). Just a note to how strong this relay

team was if they would have ran their preliminary time they would have come home with the gold(45.75). Nich and Shawn also ran the 4 x 400 coming in 6th (3:45.33). Dylan Haynes competed in the quadrathon which consists of four events: shot put 24th with 9.15m, long jump 8th with 5.27m, 100m 9th with 12.28 sec, and 800m 5th 2:16.51. You are then awarded points on your times and distances. The athlete with the most points wins. Dylan came home with 9th overall. Finally Tiara Keith competed in the 400m with a 10th (1:06.48), 800m

finals. We had a fabulous day and I would like to share part of an email Miles Bennent, West Central Athletics Commissioner, sent us, “West Central finished in 8th place - first single digit finish in many many years!! And it gets better. If you look further down in the document you will see a result based upon points per 100 students enrolled and the winner is . . . West Central. A big congratulations to all student athletes and coaches in West Central for a job well done! ” Well done on a fabulous season.

Junior Boys 4X100 Provincial Bronze Medal. Left to right, Quaid Robinson (Eston), Kadyn Johnson (Kinderlsey), Issac Wong (Outlook)), Nicholas Garchinski. with a 8th (2:36.78), 1,500m with a 7th (5:23.31) and 3,000m with a 5th (12:09.38). Pretty good for her first track provincials. Tiara and J e n n a also competed on the 4x400 coming home with a 9th over- Danton Hollman giving it full effort in all. Jenna the Sr. Boys Javelin event. (Photos for The and Tiara Independent by Rick Garchinski) competed on their respective 4x100 teams but neither made it to the

Randy Weekes, M.L.A. for the Biggar Constituency 1-877-948-4880 OfÀce Hours: Monday - Friday 1 - 5 p.m. Phone: 306-948-4880 106 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar Fax: 306-948-4882 e-mail:

Web site: P. O. Box 1413 Biggar, SK. S0K 0M0

Tiara Keith on her way to a seventh place finish in the Midget Girls 1,500m race.

Parrish & Heimbecker “Hanover Junction” High Throughput Inland Terminal, seven (7) miles NW of Biggar,

NOW Selling Grain Condos.


Please call 306-948-1990 for more information.

MY, JUNE 11, 2012


Agriculture Direct seeding changing the way farmers do business by Calvin Daniels This has been an interesting spring for farmers on the Prairies, although I am sure f a r m e r s m i g h t suggest most springs have their share of challenges. Certainly back in March it looked as though farmers were on the verge of an early spring. That is always a good thing since it has been shown most crops have more potential to produce if they are seeded early. Of course April saw the chance of a lot of early seeded crop go by the wayside, and May was only slightly better, with rain an all too regular occurrence. It was not the sheer amount of rain which fell, but the fact the rain fell on already saturated soil. The last

two years have been abnormally wet in most areas, and coming into spring it remained so. Yet as we now drive around we see much of the crop is in the ground. The situation is one which speaks to the dramatic change which has taken place in farming in terms of seeding crop. When I was a youngster growing up in the 1960s, farmers planted half their crop, leaving the other half fallow. My father, and most producers at that time, used press drills to plant a crop. The press drill required a basically level, summerfallow field in which to seed. That meant farmers had to use cultivators to turn under stubble, and harrows to smooth fields first.

It meant farmers had to make several passes over a field before seeding was complete. Technology has changed that. Developments in seeding technology, much of it by short-line manufacturers here in Saskatchewan, have allowed producers to turn to direct seeding. The switch over has had a two-fold effect on farming. On the one hand direct

seeding, the ability to seed into standing stubble left from the previous year’s crop, has reduced the potential impact of wind and water erosion on fields. The stubble protects the soil from being impacted by the effects of wind blowing over the land, or water running over it. The other benefit of direct seeding is the speed in which farmers can now plant a crop. In most cases it is a one-

pass operation. With the size of equipment that means farmers plant a lot of acres in a single day. That is why you can drive around this week, and in spite of a fairly short window in terms of dry weather farmers have managed to put in a lot of acres. One conversation I had with a retired farmer a week ago. He still helps on an area farm, and estimated seeding was

50 per cent complete. Given the good weather the last week, that will be much higher by now, and if the weather holds seeding, while later than originally expected, should be completed. It is a rather amazing occurrence given the spring we have had, but it does illustrate the advancements which have been made in recent years.

Initial wheat payments for 2011-12 crop year increased The CWB last Wednesday announced that 201112 initial payments for all grades and classes of wheat and durum will increase effective June 11, 2012. The increases will be $28 per tonne for wheat and $44 per tonne for durum. The adjustment payments, in dollars per tonne, for representative grades of wheat and durum in the pool accounts are listed below. The total initial payment to date is basis in-store Vancouver or St. Lawrence and must be adjusted for freight/ elevation charges to arrive at farmgate prices. A complete listing of payments for all grades in dollars per tonne and dollars per bushel is posted on under “Farmers” and “Farmer Payments”. • No. 1 Canada Western Red Spring wheat 12.5; Initial Payment - $224.35;

Adjustment Payment $28.00; Total Payment to Date - $252.35. • No 1 Canada Western Amber Durum 12.5; Initial Payment - $259.30; Adjustment Payment $44.00; Total Payment to Date - $303.30. Farmers who delivered wheat or durum to CWB between August 1, 2011 and June 10, 2012 will receive an adjustment payment. Producers will receive payment by direct deposit on June 26. Cheques will be delivered for mailing to Canada Post by June 29, and farmers can expect to receive them by July 6. Farmers who wish to defer payments have until June 22 to notify the CWB by calling 1-800-275-4292. Initial payments should not be confused with monthly Pool Return Outlooks, which are CWB estimates of farmers’ total returns from each pool account.

Rather, initial payments represent a portion of the returns farmers can expect from the sale of their grain over the entire year. During the crop year, CWB regularly reviews the initial payments and recommends adjustment payments if market conditions and sales

progress warrant. The Government of Canada guarantees initial payments and therefore approves the level at which they are set. Upon delivery, farmers may alternatively choose the CWB’s Early Payment Option (EPO) as a payment method.

Seeding nearly complete Ninety-one per cent of the 2012 crop has been seeded, according to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s Weekly Crop Report for the period, May 29 to June 4. The five-year (20072011) average for this time of year is approximately 86 per cent seeded. Eighty-nine per cent of the crop is seeded in the southeastern region, 94 per cent in the southwest and west central areas, 84 per cent in the eastcentral area and 95 per cent in the northeastern and northwestern regions. Rain was recorded in some areas of the province, delaying seeding operations. Producers in some areas of the eastern regions are dealing with very wet soil conditions. The majority of spring cereal crops are in the pre-emergent and emerging stages of crop development. Fall cereals are in the jointed

to shot-blade stage. The majority of pulse crops are emerging and in the vegetative stages; canola and mustard crops mostly are pre-emergent or in the emerging stages of development. Provincewide, 20 per cent of the canola and mustard is in the seedling stage. Topsoil moisture on cropland is rated as 16 per cent surplus, 83 per cent adequate and one per cent short. Hay land and pasture topsoil moisture is 11 per cent surplus, 87 per cent adequate and two per cent short. The majority of crop damage is due to flooding. Flea beetles are starting to cause some damage on canola crops. Heavy rains have caused some emergence issues in canola and flax. High winds have made weed control operations difficult. Farmers are busy controlling weeds, trying to finish seeding and hauling cattle to pasture.

MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012


planting, pruning & puttering . . . planting by Delta Fay Cruickshank of The Independent Walking around town, or should I say being blown around town lately, the air is infused with the scent of lilacs in bloom. So is the interior of my home. I just cannot resist creeping out with my secateurs to pick gigantic bouquets of the blooms, from my neighbours’ lilacs! Hedges of purple and white blossoms, hedges that have been in the gardens for years. Throughout the countryside, one can often see lonely lilacs blooming where there used to be a home. Testament to the hardiness of these woody shrubs. In the door-yard fronting an old farmhouse, near the whitewash’d palings, Stands the lilac bush, tall-growing, with heartshaped leaves of rich green, With many a pointed blossom, rising, delicate, with the perfume strong I love, With every leaf a miracle . . . and from this bush in the dooryard, With delicate-color’d blossoms, and heartshaped leaves of rich green, A sprig, with its flower, I break. (excerpt from Walt Whitman’s (1819-1892) poem ‘When Lilacs Last in the Door-yard Bloom’d’)

Throughout the years they have been hybridized and new colours have evolved, as well as different sized flowers and scents. Our town is full of the good old-fashioned kinds, in shades of purple and many white ones. Lilacs can be virtually maintenance free. But without some occasional pruning they will get enormous, sucker out and spread all over; into the neighbours yard or your lawn. The taller they get, the higher up the blooms will develop, and then how can your neighbour pick bouquets? The time to prune a mature bush is just as the flowers are fading. Lilacs do not really need to be pruned until they are over six - eight

feet tall. If you need to rejuvenate a huge lilac hedge or bush, use the same method as you would pruning a new 6 foot hedge. Cut out only a third of the shrub each year, no more. Remove diseased or twisted branches and branches that touch each other. Remove the oldest stems by chopping them off right at the base. Remove p e n c i l t h i n s u ck e r s, twiggy growth and stems that are thicker than two inches thick. Do this every

chastity. She was pursued by the half-man, halfgoat, Pan, a fertility god who protected fields, woods, shepherds and goat herders. In order to escape his lustful advances, she rushed into a river. She prayed then to the water spirits to help her, and they turned her into the reeds that grew along the banks. Pan was heartbroken! Knowing these reeds were at one time his lovely Syrinx, he made the reeds into a flute, now known as

It is lilac blooming time! The air is scented with their blossoms. Lilacs are so hardy and such a welcome spring bloom. Now the garden centres are filled with many different varieties and colours. Easy to grow, they were one of the first bushes homesteaders would plant. They can be rejuvenated into a brand new bush over three years. To have a bouquet of lilac stems last longer in a vase, smash the cut ends with a hammer up the stem. This opens more areas for water to be absorbed up the stem.

Pan was a lustful god who chased young nymphs, wanting to have his wicked way with them. He chased Syrinx into the river, where she turned herself into either reeds or a lilac bush, you pick what would be the best legend for you! (Photos from year for three years to rejuvenate an old hedge. For a new hedge, the goal is to have a bush with eight or twelve stems of various ages, one - two inches in diameter. When your hedge is young, deadheading the seed pods after the bloom, is a good idea. But once it is very well established, it is no longer necessary. You can totally cut down an old hedge right to the ground too. Keep only the healthiest and thickest stems that shoot up. Keep in mind to cut back the stems to just above a bud to encourage branching. Good luck! Seems a little drastic to me, too much litter to deal with, and a lack of privacy for years whilst the hedge gets reestablished. The botanical name for Lilac is ‘Syringa’, after the Greek Syrinx, a nymph known for her

Pan pipes. Apparently, the branches of the lilac are pithy enough inside to resemble the reeds in a pan pipe. Another legend is that Syrinx, who was being chased through the forest by Pan, turned herself into a lilac bush! Pan seems to have been quite the lustful god. According to Greek legend he also pursued Echo, who turned herself invisible, only capable of repeating the last words spoken to her. Another n y m p h c a l l e d P i t y s, turned herself into a pine tree in order to get away from him! The Greeks also believed that if their flocks suddenly stopped or became excited, it was because Pan had scared them . . . thus the word, ‘panic’! So, if you have an unruly lilac bush, don’t panic, take three years to get it shipshape again!

Biggar Leisure

216 Main Street, Biggar •


OPEN: Tuesday - Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.


MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012

MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012


Town & Country Fair Days 2012

A fantastic weekend had come to a close, leaving many with a pleasant glow, remembering another successful Town and Country Fair Days weekend. With Ă&#x;reworks, parade, trap shoot, show and shine, sidewalk shopping, all you could possibly eat, dancing, and activities for the kids galore, the weekend will, no doubt leave everyone looking forward to next year! (Independent Photos by Daryl Hasein/Kevin Brautigam)


MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012


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MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012

The Bear Hills Range and Gun Club would like to THANK all the shooters and everyone that came out to support our Junior Shooters; and Mel from Biggar Sausages & More for providing a great supper.

Recreation and Parks Month June is recognized as Recreation and Parks month. It is a reminder of all the natural beauty Saskatchewan has to offer. There are so many options and often no cost involved. Take the family for a picnic in your local park. You’ll be able to relax and the kids will wear off loads of energy. Discover new hiking trails. Organize a get together with family or friends who you never seem to have the time to visit with. Be creative and have fun! For toll-free health information 24 hours a day. Please call 1-888-425-4444(TTY) if you have hearing or speech difficulties Smokers Helpline 1-877-513-5333 or Questions about Medication? Call 1-800-665-DRUG (3784). Ask questions online Mental Health & Addictions Centralized Intake Line 1-866-268-9139 Monday to Friday 8:00 am—4:30 pm

Heartland Health Region


The Bear Hills Range and Gun Club held their seventh annual registered trap shoot June 2 and 3 The highlight of the week was having four (under 15) Sub Junior Novice shooters, Jesse Tavanetz, Tanner Zagoury, Mitch Lehnert and Gordie May, and one Novice Junior shooter (under 18) Graydyn Ellis. The highlight of the senior mens was KevinMark of Unity on Sunday who ran the 16-yard singles, 100 straight . . . . in a mini hurricane! Congratulations, Kevin Mark! The following are the weekend’s results, all score are on 100 targets: Saturday winners, 16 yard singles: Champ Rod Boll 99. A Class John Nuttall 98, B Class Francis Zichy 97, C Class Larry St. Louis 96. Jr Graydyn Ellis 92. Doubles: A Class Dwight Smith 85, B Class B Shepperd 82, C Class V Tobias 83. Handicap: Champ Lloyd Smith 96. Short yardage: Mel Fischer 95. Mid yardage: Lloyd Sutherland 93. Long yardage: Dwight Smith 94.

The clay is off, trying to escape the attention of this shooter, June 2 at the Biggar Gun Club’s range. The local club held a very successful shoot in conjunction with the annual Town and Country Fair Days. (Independent Photo by Daryl Hasein)

Sunday results: Champ Kevin Mark 100, A Class Bob Walker 95, B Class Steve Wiskar 86, C Class Dave ‘Tiger’ Williams 83. (no joke . . . the real Maple Leaf, Canuck, Red Wing, King, Whales, NHL en-

forcers!) Junior M. Brumwell 91. Doubles: A Class Bob Walker 92, B Class B Sheppard 79, C Class M Brumwell 83. Handicap: Champ Jim Brown 90, Short Al Stewart 89, Mid Burt Brumwell 89, Long

Dwight Smith 85. The Novice Sub Jr Champion Mitch Lehnert 172 0f 200. The Novice Jr Champion Graydyn Ellis 181 of 200.


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2011 Ford Ranger XLT, 4x4, supercab, only 60,000km .......................................... $17,900 2009 Chev Traverse LT, loaded, leather, DVD, backup camera, 92,000km, SK Tax Pd . .......................................................... $26,900 2008 F-250, reg. cab, 4x4, V8 auto, SK Tax Pd ..................................................... $17,900 2008 F-250, reg. cab, 4x4, gas, auto, air, 65000km, V.G....................................$17,900 2007 Cadillac CTS, loaded, 72,000km SK Tax Pd .............................................. $16,900 2006 Hyundai Tucson GL, 4WD, 113km, very good.......................................... $10,900 2006 Chev Z71, crew cab 4x4, only 108,000km, local unit, SK Tax Pd .... $18,900 2006 Ford Freestar SEL, 7 passenger, DVD entertainment centre, 108,000km, SK Tax Pd . .......................................................... $10,900


20 F-350 crew XL, 4x4, diesel, auto, long 2006 box, bo ox, 190km, Great Work Truck!....... Truck! ....... $14,900 20 005 GMC 3/4 ton Sierra SLE Durmax, auto, 2005 ext cab, 190,000km, SK Tax Pd........$18,900 ex 2005 Buick Allure, 158,000km, local trade, 20 SK Tax Pd ......................................... $ 7,900 2003 F-150 XLT 4x4 supercab with matching 20 to topper, V8 auto, PW, PL, remote starter, only 112,000km, VG, SK Tax Pd .............. $10,900 11 2003 Chrysler Intrepid, only 105,000km, on 20 consignment, Estate car ................... $ 6,900 co 2002 F-250 XLT supercab, 7.3L, 4x4, 6 spd, 20 195km, long box, V.G., SK Tax Pd ... $17,900 19 1982 Chev Empress 21 ft motor home, local 19 unit, SK Tax Pd................................. $ 4,900 Zero-turn Mowers, 52”, 27HP, ..........................................starting at $ 3,695


2011 Ford Fusion SE, 4 cyl, auto, only 26,000km


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MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012

June land sale yields $10.5 million for province The June sale of Crown petroleum and natural gas rights has raised $10.5 million in revenue for the province. The sale, the third for 2012, brings year-to-date revenue from land sales to $55.6 million. Minister responsible for Energy and Resources Tim McMillan said June land sales are historically quieter in terms of industry interest and number of hectares on offer and that companies used this week’s sale to add to their large existing land inventories.

“What we’re seeing right now from oil companies is a focus on working the dispositions they currently have,” McMillan said, Thursday. “That’s reflected in the level of drilling activity so far in 2012. Last year was our second-best year for oil well drilling and a record year for horizontal oil well drilling. We’re ahead of the pace on both counts so far this year, and that activity helped us set an all-time record for monthly oil production in March.

“While we’re not witnessing new large-scale land acquisitions right now, the industry is very busy, and all indicators are pointing to a banner year for investment and activity in Saskatchewan’s oil fields.” June’s sale included 133 lease parcels that brought in $9.4 million in bonus bids and three petroleum and natural gas exploration licences that sold for $1.1 million. The Weyburn-Estevan area received the most bids with sales of $4 mil-

lion. The Lloydminster area was next at $2.65 million, followed by the Swift Current area at $2.64 million and the Kindersley-Kerrobert area at $1.2 million. The highest price for a s i n g l e p a r c e l wa s $782,957. Sandstone Land and Mineral Company Ltd. acquired this 1,036-hectare exploration licence southwest of Fox Valley. The highest price on

Jantzen Theriault, 2012 graduate from SIAST, completed the Automotive Service Technician course. he is ths son of Jim and Connie Theriault (nee Donahue), Grandson of Garry and Francis Donahue of Biggar and Marcel and Adeline Theriault of Saskatoon. a p e r- h e c t a r e b a s i s was $14,017. Standard Land Company Inc. bid $226,931 for a 16-hectare lease parcel north of Lov-

erna. The next sale of Crown petroleum and natural gas dispositions will be held on August 13, 2012.

Landis Locals Helen Buxton 658-2115 On June 5, we had winds so strong that they blew down several trees in town. Bernard Ochs had his truck parked in the shade of a big tree, which blew over and seriously dented his vehicle. Today, [June 6], that east wind is still blowing, with gusts over 70 kph. Good thing we’ve had a few showers to keep the dust down.

Quite a few people from Landis took in the Leipzig Music Festival. They enjoyed music by Brad Johner, Valdy, and Gary Fjellgaard, as well as some local talent. Everyone had a great time, but the festivities were cut short by a cloudburst around 9:30. Jaimee and Iain Keller of Leipzig are the proud parents of a little

daughter, Jade Kennedy, born May 31. She is Ken and Lois Leinenweber’s 12th grandchild, and my 21 st great-grandchild. Congratulations also to Grandma Yvonne Keller of Leipzig. Ashley Conacher and girls came down from Turtleford to see the new baby, and to help Lois plant some shrubs.

Steve Anthony and Friends help raise $ for long-term care home . . . Steve Anthony, along with Rachel Dancsok, left, and Barb Leavins, plus more friends, perform at the Biggar Majestic Theatre on the evening of June 2. An evening of gospel music, the event raised money for the Diamond Lodge replacement facility, and was sponsored by the Biggar Associated Gospel Church. (Photo for The Independent by Tom Meszaroes)


2006 GMC SLT 3/4 EXT., 4x4, 6.6T, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seats, leather, Stealth Gray, 139,767km SK Tax Pd.......................................$25,900 2007 Chev Trailblazer LS 4x4, 4.2L, air,

tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, silver, 106,590km, SK Tax Pd .......$18,900

2008 Chev Uplander LS, reg. 7 pass, 3.9V6 air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, CD, Silver, 98,130km, Sask Tax Pd..............................................$11,900

Optimum Certified USED Vehicles ~ 150 point inspection ~ 3-month/5,000km Optimum Warranty ~ 30-day/2,500km Exchange Privilege

2010 Chev Equinox LTZ AWD, Mocca,

2.4L, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirors, seat, tailgate, sunroof, rear camera, leather, 41,804km, SK Tax Pd.........$31,900

2009 Chev Silverado LT, 1/2 crew, 4x4, 5.3V8, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seat Z71, Blue Granite, 34,694km Sask Tax Pd .............$27,900

2010 Chev Avalanche LT, 4x4, 5.3V8, air, tilt, cruise, power winows, locks, mirrors, seats, leather, Black, 60,375km, SK Tax Pd...............$35,900

2009 Ford F-350 XLT supercrew 4x4, 6.4T, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seats, leather, Green, 94,440km, Sask Tax Pd ............$41,900

2011 Chev Suburban LT 4x4, silver, 5.3L, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seats, sunroof, leather, 33,325km.... ..........................................................$39,900

Over 80 Optimum Vehicles on ground today. If we don’t have the vehicle you want, we will FIND one for YOU!

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MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012

Classi¿ed Box 40, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

call: 948-3344 fax: 948-2133



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SUBSCRIPTION RATES… Pick up… $28.00 + $1.40 gst = $29.40 Inside 40-mile radius/ONLINE $33.00 + $1.65 gst = $34.65 Outside 40-mile radius… $38.00 + $1.90 gst = $39.90

MEMORIAMS WEBSTER, Millie … June 4, 1920 – June 10, 2010 “Those we love don’t go away They walk beside us everyday Unseen, unheard but always near Still loved, still missed and always dear.” Love your family 24p1 COOPER, Lena … who passed away June 11, 2011. “Treasured still with love sincere The memory of one we love so dear.” Lovingly remembered by Debra, Ed and Dennis, and families 24p1

CARD OF THANKS The residents and Activity Department of the Biggar Diamond Lodge would like to thank their families, friends, co-workers, and community members for donating baked goods and money to the Tea and Bake Sale on June 1. Also thanks to the staff and volunteers who gave so much time and worked so hard to help us have another winning Tea and Bake Sale. Another thanks to all those who attended and purchased our goods, we had a fabulous time and we hope you all did as well. 24c1

SMALL ADS WORK You’re reading this one!

CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the doctors, nurses and all the Rosetown Hospital staff who cared for Patricia, as well as the kitchen staff for providing courtesy meals while we stayed at Patricia’s bedside. A special “thank you” to Vi and Shona for sitting with Patricia and to Leeanne for her cheering visits. The service Father Pius performed was beautiful and thank you to all friends and family who participated in the Vigil of Prayer, the Mass and the graveside service in honour of Patricia. Last, but certainly not least, we would like to express our gratitude to the CWL for hosting the lunch, all the neighbours and friends who brought food, hosted the family dinner, shared stories, laughs, tears and memories, and sent their well wishes, Àowers and donations as a show of support. …the family of Patricia Pich, (Jack Pich, Kelly and Darcy Tomyn) 24p1 St. Paul’s Anglican Church thanks everyone that supported our recent Fair Days BBQ. We were overwhelmed by your support. Special thanks to Greg and Naomi of Shop Easy Foods for their generous support. One hundred percent of the pro¿t was donated to Biggar Central School Hot Lunch program and our new Diamond Lodge Building Fund. 24p1

COMING EVENTS SUNDAYS in June: Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans will be worshipping at St. Paul’s Anglican Church except for June 3 when we will join the Ecumenical Service at The Majestic Theatre. Services on the 10, 17 and 24 will be held at 10:30 a.m. with a Potluck picnic on the church ground after service on the 17th. Everyone is welcome. For more information or pastoral services, phone Rev. Mark Kleiner at 306-951-7122. 48/10tfn SUNDAYS… You are invited to the weekly services of Biggar Associated Gospel Church, corner Quebec St. and 8th Ave. West. Sunday Worship service is at 10:50 a.m. and everyone is welcome. Come and worship with us, Rev. Terry Wicks, Pastor. 23c12 JUNE 2 - 23: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Biggar Arts Council Adjudicated Art Show in The Credit Union Gallery at the Biggar Museum, 105 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar. 22c3 TUESDAYS: Farmer’s Market starts JUNE 19 at MacPherson Hall, 3 - 5 p.m. 21p4 TUESDAY, JUNE 12: 7:30 p.m., BCS 2000 Band Concert in BCS gym. Admission at the door. Please attend and enjoy an evening of music played by our “stars” of tomorrow! 24c1 TUESDAY, JUNE 12: Archeological Tour and Public Caravan at the Biggar Museum. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. School Tours; 3 - 5 p.m., Public Tours. Free handson crafts and activities and much more. Learn ancient skills. All ages welcome. 22c3 TUESDAY, JUNE 12: 11:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. Caravan Days Burger OR Hot Dog & Pie Lunch at Biggar Museum. Everyone welcome. 22c3 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20: Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation Midwest REDA Annual General Meeting, 7 p.m. at Biggar New Horizons. 22c3 JUNE 30: Biggar & District Arts Council Season Tickets available. Early bird ends June 30. Reserved seating tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar. 21c6

GARAGE SALES FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 6 - 9 p.m. and SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., 110-8th Ave. West, Biggar 24p1 SATURDAY, JUNE 16: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., 205 - 6th Ave. West. (Linda Belak) Power and hand tools, garden tools, household, etc. 23p2


AUCTIONS UNRESERVED AUCTIONS - June 16 & 17, Redwater, Alberta. Collector vehicles & tractors, 1300 die cast toy tractors, wagons, buggies, show harness; old gas upright gas pumps; original case eagle; antiques. Thursday, June 21 Harry Shapka, Vilna, Alberta. Phone 780-636-2165. JD 8650, 4440, 4240; Concord air drill; 1977 & 87 Kenworths; Cat 966C loader; Komatsu D85; lowboy; 8820 & 860 combines; haying equipment. Saturday, June 23 - John Baranec, Innisfree, Alberta. Phone 780592-2308. Steiger ST250, 9030 Bi-Directional; 4640 & 4320; MF 8450; Claas 98; 1980 Ford tandem; Kello 24’ disc; JD 820 & 830; plus full line-up. View full lists online: prodaniukauctions. com.

MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Buildings For Sale...Two UNCLAIMED Steel Buildings. Must be sold. One is 50x140. GREAT savings! Hurry, these won’t last. Go Direct. Rocket Steel Canada 1-800-579-2544. STEEL BUILDING BLOWOUT SALE! 20X26 $5,199. 25X28 $5,799. 30X42 $8,390. 32X56 $11,700. 40X50 $14,480. 47X76 $20,325. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.

NOTICE Biggar Museum is accepting USED BOOKS for the annual summer book sale. Call 9483451 23c3 Families, clubs, churches and businesses are invited to do a Heritage Page to be on permanent display at Biggar Museum. Share your history! For more information call 9483451 or visit museum 1 - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. 7tfn This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. tfn Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at www.swna. com. tfn

WANTED Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Land¿ll OR contact Quentin Sittler at 658-2132 3tfn Main Street Garage Sale is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 948-1773 or 9485393. Pickup available. 32tfn

DISCONNECTED PHONE? ChoiceTel Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call ChoiceTel Today! 1-888-333-1405. www.choicetel. ca. et Fast Restless Leg Syndrome and Leg Cramp Relief. Safe with Medication, All Natural, Proven Results, Guaranteed!!! Sold in 75 Countries 1-800-465-8660 EST.



FRIDAY, JUNE 15: 7 p.m., you are invited to a Bridal Shower for Jesse Hill, bride-elect of Matthew Zidkovich, at the Biggar Associated Gospel Church. Cards in drugstores. Everyone welcome! 24c1

SUNDAY, JUNE 17: 2 p.m., you are invited to a Bridal Shower for Emilee Baird, bride-elect of Michael Smith (son of Darryl and Laura Smith) at Westwinds Motor Hotel Conference Room. Cards in drugstore. Everyone welcome! 22p3 For fax service, see us at The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave., Biggar

Upright refurbished Heintzman piano and stool, $500 or best offer. Call 948-2137 24p3

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1981 18 ft. Okanagan motor home; stove, fridge, heater, toilet and sink; table and benches convert to single bed; over the cab converts to king size bed; combination gas and propane; propane tanks certi¿ed May of 2008; 21,819kms; asking $3,500. Phone 948-5497 22p3 1985 Yamaha Virago, 1,000 cc, new rubber, carbs and forks redone. Phone 948-7521. 36tfn

Registered Black Angus Yearling bulls for Sale. Low birth weight, calving ease sired. Haynes Angus, 948-2563 or Mark at 948-7621. 22p3


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LOST LOST… set of keys. If found, turn into Post Of¿ce. 24c1 423 - 4th Ave. West, Biggar… 1100 sq ft, 3 bedroom, 1 bath plus ½ bath off master bedroom upstairs, ¿nished basement with one bedroom and 3/4 bath. Detached garage, Beautifully landscaped yard. Contact Bob Foster, 9487348, leave message 9tfn

Two serviced lots, side by side in Biggar, 100’x140’, $79,900. Call 717-4681 (cell) 5tfn


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EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Biggar Sand & Gravel is looking for equipment operators and truck drivers. Must have 1A license with abstract. Send resumes to: grahamcontractingasquith@ or call 306-948-5455 24p3 Looking for part-time waitress or waiter. See Maggie at Snow White Family Restaurant, Biggar 24c3 The Biggar & District Family Centre is accepting applications for the position of… Pre-School Program Aid (three positions) from July 3 to August 17 from 1 - 4 p.m., Monday to Friday. Must be energetic, enthusiastic; and First Aid and CPR are considered an asset. Closing date is Friday, June 15, 2012. Send resumes with three current references to: Georgina Heather, Box 667, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 22c3

TH Vac Services, Kindersly, SK is now hiring drivers & swampers. Competitive wages, bene¿ts package, scheduled days off. Tickets an asset. Email resume to or fax to 306.463.3219. Call Don or Tim @ 306.463.7720.

EXPERIENCED FARM/RANCH HELP in central Alberta. Private yard, modern home, good water. Wages negotiable. Opportunity of running some own livestock. One bred cow for every month worked. Experience with farm machinery, class 1 licence, and welding preferred. 403-7792212.

Town of Porcupine Plain invites applications for Foreman position. Duties commencing a.s.a.p. Check for details. Submit resume with references to Box 310, Porcupine Plain, S0E 1H0, Fax 278-3378, before June 22, 2012. NEED A HOME PHONE? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We Can Help. Everyone Approved. Call Today. 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect



1980, 16W MADCO. Excellent condition. New siding, roof, windows and more! Must be moved by early July! Call for details. 1-855-3802266;


SASKATOON 2 bed, main Àoor, upgraded condo by UNIVERSITY. Wood ¿replace, wall a/c, insuite laundry/storage room, outside storage, includes: fridge, washer, dryer, dishwasher & microwave. Contact (306)7170908 or chrisandcara@hotmail. com. $199,900.


Is this your time to stop drugging and drinking? At ACC you’ll get one-on-one help. You deserve a break today, so get up and get away to (306) 693-5977.


FOR SALE. WARMAN 55 PLUS ACTIVE ADULT LIFESTYLE Large Ground level Townhomes 306 241 0123 www.

Charter/ Sherwood Apartments

For more information call:




1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins.



MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012

Aberdeen - 1 1/4’s Bengough - 22 1/4’s Bedson 2 1/4’s Bethune - 2 1/4’s Blaine Lake - 245 acres Bruno 14 1/4’s Cupar - 5 1/4s Davidson - 6 1/4’s Eastend - 2 1/4’s Elfros – 26 1/4’s Emerald – 22 1/4’s Eastend - 2 1/4’s Foam Lake - 7 1/4’s Grenfell - 3 1/4’s Kelliher - 10 1/4’s Harwarden - 1 1/4’s Lestock - 21 1/4’s Lake Alma – 14 1/4’s Marcelin - 7 1/4’s Moose Jaw - 8 1/4’s Nokomis - 8 1/4’s Ogema - 56 1/4’s Prince Albert - 1 1/4’s Punnichy - 5 1/4’s Saskatoon - 2 1/4's Semans - 12 1/4’s Simpson - 10 acres Viscount - 5 1/2 Wadena - 4 1/4’s Wakaw - 5 1/4’s Watrous/Young 31 1/2 Mobile Home Park Weyburn - 21 1/4’s Call DOUG 306-955-2266 EMAIL: Letter of appreciation: I have sold some land to Doug Rue in 2011. I am looking forward to selling more with him in 2012. I have made a new trusted friend. Ed P.

In scope union position responsible for various accounting records of the municipality, providing administrative support to management and other ofÀce staff which includes processing of correspondence, minutes, documents control, processing utility and tax accounts in accordance with policies established by Council and the Chief Administrative OfÀcer.

If YOU are… • Moving • Expecting a Baby • Planning a Wedding • Anticipating Retirement Call WELCOME WAGON at 948-2563 - Lisa Haynes We have gifts and information Moe’s Roo¿ng Services… Free estimates. Roofs, siding and more. Phone 306-951-7798 (Maurice). 24p3 Registered Massage Therapy… Now treating at the Perdue Community Complex, evenings and weekends available. Insurance claims accepted. For an appointment, please call Brandi Heuchert RMT, 306-3214991. 24c3 CRIMINAL RECORD? Guaranteed record removal since 1989. Con¿dential. Fast. Affordable. Our A+ BBB rating assures employment/ travel freedom. Call for free information booklet. 1-8-NOWPARDON (1-866-972-7366).

QUALIFICATIONS: The successful applicant will have the ability and skills necessary to do municipal accounting, have good communication skills, ability to work with department heads, co-workers and the general public. Ability to learn the current Municipal ofÀce accounting software (MuniSoft), use Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft OfÀce 2010 Excel and Word computer programs. Must be bondable.

SALARY RATE: As per Union agreement

START DATE OF POSITION: Immediate Further information can be obtained about the position from Barb or Marty at 306-948-3317. Submit applications including resume and references no later than June 19, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. to: Barb Barteski, CAO, Town of Biggar, Box 489, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0. Fax 306-948-5134 or email: bbarteski@ EllisDon seeks experienced Project Assistant/Coordinator for immediate and future opportunities in Western Saskatchewan. If you are dedicated, motivated and have high work ethics, please fax your resume to (306) 343-2025.

IN NEED OF A BOOKKEEPER? … Is your business growing and in need of a bookkeeper, part-time or full time? I have 30 years experience in bookkeeping and ofÀce management, very proÀcient in Quickbooks. I am capable of completing your daily, monthly and year-end tasks. I am able to work either on-site or off-site. If interested, pleased contact me, Floyd Oesch, by email at or by phone 306-948-3790.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WORK FROM YOUR CASTLE! Do you have 10 hrs a week? Teach over the internet. Free online training. Flexible hours. Great retirement income. www.

The Town of Biggar wishes to thank all prospective applicants; however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Child Care Supervisor Position: 15 hours per week Biggar After-School Program requires an energetic and enthusiastic person who enjoys working with children, organizing activities, and supervising other staff. Responsibilities will include supervision of children and staff, scheduling of staff, planning for daily activities, reporting to the Biggar After-School Program board, and various other responsibilities as needed. The following are not required, but will be an asset to applicants … - Current CPR B and First Aid - Early Childhood Education Level 1 or equivalency A current Criminal Record Check will be required. Contact Crystal Evanisky at 948-3474 for more information. Please send a resume, complete with references by June 21, 2012 to the following … Attention: Crystal Evanisky Biggar After-School Program Box 1693 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

Classi¿eds Work • Phone 948-3344


MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012


The Sky This Month - June 2012 by Gary Boyle, The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

Part-time front store employee to help with merchandising, working the till and ordering stock. Must be: organized, detail oriented, have excellent time management skills able to read and follow planograms and assemble Àxtures/displays in store, customer service oriented. Please drop resumes off to Scott at Biggar Pharmasave or email… Deadline June 12, 2012.

The Great 2012 Venus Transit (Part 1) The anticipation of witnessing the planet Venus crossing the face of the Sun has been the buzz in the astronomical community for the past few months. It was eight short years ago on the morning of June 8, 2004 that the Sun rose in the north east, sporting a huge black spot. From Ottawa, the transit was past the halfway point with Venus ready to exit an hour later. The view was spectacular and I was fortunate to witness such a rare event – a day I will never forget. June 5, 2012 was your

last chance, and for some, the only chance to glimpse, photograph and savour the last transit of Venus for a long, long time. The next time the Sun, Venus and Earth perfectly lined up will be on December 11, 2117 and then December 8, 2125. That is the nature of transits as they line up in pairs, first a long gap of more than a century and then eight years afterwards. With the availability of personal solar telescope and high end filters, the images should be nothing short of spectacular.

The entire transit took six hours and forty minutes to complete with all of Canada following the slow dance across the Sun until sunset except for a small portion of northern B.C. and Alaska that sees the whole show. Australia, Asia and Russia also have a ring side seat for the event. But when dealing with the sun, great joy comes with great danger - never look directly at the sun! Under no circumstances should anyone try to glimpse the brilliant sun, no matter how brief or how low the sun is above

the horizon without proper filtration. Many telescope stores as well as online retailers sell safe filters such as Baader film and filters. Any filter should be placed at the front of the telescope thus reducing glare by 99 per cent. Never try homemade filters as smoked glass, unexposed film et cetera. Do not take chances with your eyes. It was unfortunate for even Galileo Galilee went blind looking at unfiltered sunspots! Until next month, clear skies everyone.

Green ag research gets boost from feds

DEADLINE for news, classifieds and ad copy

WednesDAYS 5 P.M.

for publication Monday

Producers will have the opportunity to increase their profits while mitigating their impact on the environment, thanks to a partnership between academia and the Harper government. Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced last Tuesday an investment of more than $3.4 million to the University of Saskatchewan to study how to reduce agricultural greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the areas of agroforestry, irrigation and nitrogen use. Ritz made the announcement just as meetings of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases were commencing in Saskatoon. “Our government’s top priority remains the economy, and Canada’s agricultural industry plays a vital role in keeping our economy strong,” said Ritz. “Farmers are good stewards of the land, but farming is always changing and environmental practices need to keep pace with that change. The work being done by the University of Saskatchewan is a great way to help farmers and the environment.” Canada is hosting nearly 30 member countries as it officially begins its duties as chair of the Global Research Alliance Council for one year. Launched in 2009, the Global

Research Alliance is an international network that brings together both developed and developing countries to collectively find ways to grow more food and develop more climateresilient agriculture production systems, without increasing GHGs. These new mitigation technologies and beneficial management practices will then be made available to farmers worldwide through the Global Research Alliance. “Working together with other countries will allow us to identify and develop more solutions for Canadian producers than we could by working alone,” said Jamshed Merchant, Assistant Deputy Minister, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, who is now representing Canada as the chair of the Global Research Alliance Council. “The collaboration of countries under the Global Research Alliance is helping us understand how to reduce losses of carbon and nitrogen - as greenhouse gases - in crop or livestock production systems. This translates into producing more with the same amount of input. For example, Canadian researchers are discovering how to improve nitrogen- and water-use efficiency in irrigated production systems, which means more crop production for the same amount

of nitrogen and water and more profit for producers.” The $3.4-million investment to the University of Saskatchewan is through the Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program (AGGP), a five-year, $27-million initiative that focuses on the development of on-farm greenhouse gas mitigation technologies. The AGGP will provide funding to various partners across Canada to investigate innovative mechanisms, tools and approaches that provide real solutions for the agriculture sector. The AGGP is Canada’s initial contribution to the Global Research Alliance. “As our world’s population grows, farmers face an increasing challenge to feed everyone adequately, safely and sustainably,” said Karen Chad, vicepresident of research at the University of Saskatchewan. “Knowledge created by this research in one of our signature areas will help farmers as they strive to produce more food while safeguarding the environment.” This investment will be used for three separate projects: • Nearly $980,000 will be used to develop new beneficial management practices for nitrogenuse efficiency in the forage beef sector that minimize nitrous oxide

emissions and maximize carbon sequestration; • Almost $920,000 will be used to study GHGs in irrigated systems typical of the Prairies. Irrigation is practised on one million hectares of farmland in Canada, and more irrigation will be required to meet the food requirements of a growing world population. Enhancing efficiencies in the supply and utilization of irrigation water has the potential to reduce GHGs while expanding economic opportunity; • $1.5 million will be used to study how agroforestry plantings can help mitigate GHGs. For more information on the Global Research Alliance, visit globalresearchalliance. org/.


NEWSSTANDS @ • Esso • Leslie’s Drugstore • Pharmasave • Quick Stop • Super A Foods • Shop Easy Food • Weasie’s Gourmet Blends • Feudal Co-op, Perdue • The Store, Perdue

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306-948-8055 Fax: 306-948-2763


Serving BIGGAR and Area

The sign you want. The agent you need.

Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for:

•Farm •Residential •Commercial •Acreage

113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar

948-5052 (office) Cell 948-9168

Tim Hammond, BSA, P.Ag., Broker

BIGGAR ELECTRICAL & REFRIGERATION SERVICES Authorized Appliance Depot Electrical Wiring Trenching Licensed Journeyman Adrian de Haan

DUANE NEUFELDT Licensed For: • Residential • Acreage • Farm

MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012

PHILLIPS ELECTRIC • Residence • Commercial Wiring For free estimates Ph: 948-5393

Cell: 306-221-6888


Proud to handle Biggar’s Real Estate Needs

Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for: •Residential

113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar

948-5052 (office) Cell 948-7995

Cari McCarty Residential Sales

Biggar’s Top Performing Residential Agent

Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for: •Farm •Acreage •Residential • Commercial


For all your home, business and rural needs Owners/Operators • Travis Young • Dallas Young • Claude Young

Biggar, Sask.


Cell 948-4478 Dave Molberg BSA

Exposure, Experience and Effort.

PLUMBING, HEATING & GASFITTING 114 - 1st Ave. E., Rosetown, Sask.

306.882.3535 Email:

of The Battlefords Independently Owned and Operated

FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS… • Selling/Buying • Residental • Farm/Acreage • Commercial • Recreational

FOR RENT BIGGAR HOUSING AUTHORITY Housing for families and seniors Rent based on income

Call: 948-2101

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation Box 327 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Helping you Help yourself

Kent Dubreuil, E.D.O. Phone: 306-948-2295 Fax: 306-948-5050

Wally Lorenz Sales Associate 1391 - 100th St. North Battleford, SK S9A 0V9 Day or Night

Cell: (306) 843-7898 Bus: (306) 446-8800

Residential - Commercial Heating Cooling - Plumbing Central Vacuum Systems Gas Fitting - Sheet Metal

& K^ghoZmbhgl

Inc. FRE E Es timat Call us for… es • Insurance jobs • Renovations • New home building • Drywall & Painting • Flooring (hardwood, ceramic, etc.) • Residential/Commercial • CertiÀed installer for Logix ICF

MADGE CONTRACTING LTD. For all your rooÀng needs… ¬New Construction ¬Metal ¬Torch-on ¬Re-roofs ¬Tile ¬Asphalt ¬All repairs ¬Shakes We offer 10 Year Workmanship Warranty and Liability/Torch On Insurance Excellent Local References For a FREE estimate please call… 306-948-5453


Fortney Enterprises Contracting

9Residential 9Commercial 9Automotive 9We tint vehicles too! For all your glass needs,

104 - 2nd Ave. West Biggar


ADVERTISING is an investment in your business.

available to do…

• painting & Ӿnishing • decks & small buildings • light plumbing • windows & doors • laminate & hardwood ӿoors • general repairs

Call Jim @ 306-948-3333

McCARTY CONSTRUCTION • Commercial • Residential • Design Builder • Insurance Claims • Renovations • Drafting Service

“Big or Small -We Do Them All” Licenced Journeyman Carpenters Troy McCarty 948-5627 (H) 948-9280 (C) Mitch McCarty 373-8254 (H) Serving Biggar ... Since 1968

& @^g^kZe RZk] <e^Zgbg`

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2-1&,,+. hk 2-1&-..1 \^ee

NORTHLAND PAINTING and SANDBLASTING •Texas Gates •Spray Foam Insulation •Sandblasting & Painting •Internal Coatings •Rock Guard Coatings g

Mobile Units Office: 948-2805 05 Cell: 948-6062 email:


Your Healthy Living

Weight Loss & Wellness Centre

Consultant & Coach Anne G. Livingston •Ideal Protein Weight Loss Clinic •Epicure Selections •Walden Farms Products •Young Living Essential Oils •Beauticontrol Skin Care

Located in Angie’s Hair Salon 219 Main St., Biggar Call 948-7274 or 948-3696


Kirk Ewen Doctor of Optometry

In Biggar Every Tuesday. Biggar Professional Building, 223 Main Street, Biggar

For appointments… 1-855-651-3311 - together with -


Ladies Only

30 min. Circuit Gym …owned and operated by Diane Larouche Ellard

Located in the Nova Wood Centre (back entrance) 104 - 6th Ave. E., Biggar

Photos by Jocelyn Portraits, Family, Weddings & Sports Photography Biggar, Sask.

• New Construction • Renovations • Residential • Commercial


306-948-2814 SEED CLEANING


Wylie Farms Ltd.

“Building Trust from Start to Finish”

“Putting PERSONAL back into fitness training!” Wayne Baldwin,

Call Greg Fortney




Specializing in Exclusive Seasonal Personal Training Sessions! …for weight loss,

Canadian Seed Institute Accredited Pedigree, Commercial & Custom Cleaning FULL line of Cleaning Equipment including Gravity Table

body sculpting, strength training.

For all your Cereal and Pulse Cleaning

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Excellent Quality at a Reasonable Price! Call: Bill: Dale:

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GEORGE STAHL (306) 948-3776 cell: (306) 260-6503

Northland Foaming

Spray Foam Insulation

306-948-2805 Cell: 306-948-6062 Email: Want to insulate your quonset, farm/commercial buildings, house or cabin? Lower your heating and cooling costs and add strength to your buildings!

Small Ads Work… You’re reading this one!!!


Wayne Dollansky 306-948-7247

Wood and Steel Buildings Floor & Trusses Ph:

948-5609 948-5394

Phoenix M4 Mobile Grain cleaning and sizing

Where you can feel right at home! Phone… 948-2548

948-2807 or

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Journeymen Plumber, Gas Fitter, & Electrician on staff

113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar

948-5052 (office)


Custom Combining JD9770

Michelle Spuzak, R.M.T. (NHPC member) Located @ New Beginnings Wellness Centre, 114 - 2nd Ave. W., BIGGAR

Services available…

• Shamanic Healing • Psychosomatic Therapy • Massage • Emotional Release Therapy

~ Gift CertiÅcates ~ Evening, Saturday and in-home appointments available.

with draper or hydraÁex headers

Mundt’s Mobile Custom Grain Cleaning ^PSS JSLHU ^OLH[ IHY SL` K\Y\T *7: ^OLH[ VH[Z WLHZ HUK SLU[PSZ

9LHZVUHISL YH[LZ For bookings, call Jason

948-2548 or 948-9710

948-2887 VY JLSS 948-6969

Contact 948-3344


to have your business listed here, ask for special rates and sizes

Custom Cleaning of H.R.S. & C.P. S. Wheat

Phone: 948-5678

MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012






PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Barristers & Solicitors Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. Bonnie L. Reddekopp, JD 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK

948-3346 …serving your community since 1972

Garry A. Faye Chartered Accountant Notary Public 201B-2nd Ave. West P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, Sask.

Phone: 948-5133

Roe & Company is a full service law office that practices… ¾Family and Criminal law ¾Commercial law ¾Real Estate ¾Wills and Estate, and our lawyers, William Roe, Q.C. Jason Peszko Ian Mokuruk Lisa Watson Sheri Woods look forward to assisting you and can be contacted at:

306-948-5352 or 306-244-9865 To advertise in this directory, please call Urla at The Independent

• 948-3344 • This feature will appear Weekly. ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL DIRECTORY RATES.

223 Main Street Biggar Box 580 Biggar, SK SOK OMO

OPEN: Mon.-Fri. • 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday • 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.


BIGGAR DENTAL CLINIC 104 - 6th Ave. East, Biggar, Sask. Southeast entrance of Nova Wood Bldg. Hours… Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.

306-948-3408 DR. GLENN RIEKMAN Dentist


Phone: 882-2123 Emergency (after hours) 882-2006

Phone: 948-2204 or 948-3886


Are you looking for Life, Living Benefits Insurance and/or Investment Strategies? Do you just want to know if your premiums are fair with the right coverage?

222 Main Street 306 948 5377

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YH Truck, Ag & Auto

Biggar Sand & Gravel

• Heavy truck parts • Agriculture parts • Automotive parts & accessories

521 Main St., Biggar 948-2109

• trenching • trucking • water & sewer • sand & gravel • excavating Call Colin Graham at 948-5455 Your authorized

Panasonic, Samsung,


LG, Frigidaire, Shaw, Bell, Yamaha AudioDealer; and Your authorized SaskTel Mobility and High Speed Internet Dealer


948-3376 Corner of Main Street & 1st Avenue West, Biggar

948-2700 Your Auto Parts and Accessories Dealer

Let Vortex protect your truck and your investment with the Vortex Seamless Sprayed on Liner System


MONARCH MEATS Modern Licenced Abbatoir • custom slaughter, cut and wrapping • sausage making, curing and smoking

Battery Chargers Electric Fencers Repaired/Rebuilt/ Built

Phillips Radio Shop 109 Main St., Biggar



Fax: 948-2484

MANUFACTURING CWB CertiÀed Light Fabrication Mobile Welding

230 - 1st Ave. W., Biggar Phone: 948-7117 email:

Bear Hills Rentals & Machine Works • Machine Shop Service • Rentals • MASTER FEEDS dealer • COMMERCIAL SOLUTION Ag Parts dealer • Drive line parts & service • KANE VET supplier

Phone: 948-4844 Fax: 948-4845

;% N% Lg_fcjk\ip ¾ ¾ ¾

Residential Commercial Automotive

For FREE estimates or enquiries CALL Wayne or Dorothy at

Rosetown, Sask.



Lyndsey Sacher


Pamela Eaton

Robert Hoesgen, CFP

701 - 4th Ave. E., Biggar

Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.

Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.

948-3996 Open Monday-Saturday Mike Nahorney, Interprovincial Heavy Duty Journeyman Mechanic

Heavy Truck Repair SGI Safety Inspection Auto Repair TIRES CLASSIFIEDS WORK

…call 948-3344

• photographs • paintings • art prints • memorabilia • collages, etc. Call Anne @ 948-7274

Bob Kobelsky

A Sign of Qualilty! • Wood, metal, plastic signs • Vehicle & window graphics • Banners, stickers and Magnetic signs

Jerry Muc Phone: 948-2958 Fax:



BIGGAR COURIER • Biggar to Saskatoon • Same day Service • Monday to Friday • 24-hour Answering Service

~Brian and Cathy Fick~

Cell: 306-948-7524


Mutual Fund Investment Specialist, Wealth Consultant Credential Asset Management Inc.

Anne G. Livingston

CertiÀed Custom Picture Framer


Prairieland Collision

Investment Advisor Credential Securities Inc.


• sides of Pork & Beef available

Open: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. • 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Box 736, Biggar


after hours George: 948-4042

Dean McCallum, CFP, CIM, FCSI

available at… Grape Moments located in The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar 948-3344

• cut trim and removal • post holes • landscaping • cement removal • trenching • holes for piles • driveways • garage pads • basements

Cliff Forsyth

For all your investment needs, Visit…


Tree services available…


Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc., and mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities Inc. ®Credential is a registered mark owned by Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license.

227 - 1 Ave. East, Biggar


Service Truck Full Mechanical Service Mon - Fri • 8 a.m.-5 p.m. phone: George


Located at the Biggar & District Credit Union 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK • 306-948-3352


Ivan Young,



Kevin Kurulak Investment Rep Insurance Broker P. 306 948 5200 F. 306 948 5207 Appointments Preferred

Owned & operated by Kevin Fick


216 Main St., Biggar

1st Ave. West, Biggar

Financial Planning Estate Planning Life Insurance

• Detailing • Vortex Spray-In Box Liners • Granitex Baked-on Coatings for Decks and Cement Flooring • Auto Accessories • Trailer Rentals


403 Main Street, Biggar Want a truly independent advisor who will find your unique solution?

100% handwash “Where we do it all for you!!”

OFFICE HOURS Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

• Notary Publics • Home & Agro Insurance • Auto & Commerical Insurance • Health Insurance • Motor Licence Issuer Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday 304 Main Street • Biggar

KRF Automotive Detail Centre

115 - 1st Ave. W. Rosetown, Sask.

Email: Website:




658-4474, Landis, SK

Sewing & Embroidery • Jackets • Windsuits • Shirts • Hunting Gear • Bunnyhugs • Caps • Toques • Bags Check out our new website: Judy Judy Kahovec: Kahovec… 882-4313, Cellcell 831-7935 306-882-4313, 831-7935 Carey Krchov: 882-3213 Carey Krchov…882-3213

The Country Clipper • All Breed Dog Grooming • Boarding Kennels (Bordetella Mandatory) • Pet Supplies • Saleboard for dog and cat related items

For appointments and inquiries, call Janet at 948-2091

Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 6 pm. 2 mi N on Hwy #4, 2-½ mi E on Golf Course Rd.

Rebel Landscaping 948-2879, evenings 948-7207, daytime Ed Kolenosky


Custom Grain Hauling 306-948-9278 Landis, Sask.

Rockin D Trucking & Cattle

• Cattle hauling with 21 ft. gooseneck trailer • round and large square bale hauling with step-deck or highboy semi-trailers • also buying and selling straw and forage • also machinery hauling Home • 306-948-2037 Alex • 306-948-7291 Dan • 306-948-7843 Biggar, Sask.

HAULS TO THE DUMP • Driveways • Concrete • Garage Pads • Pruning • Planting

• Topsoil • Lawn Care • Leveling • Sod • Patio Blocks

• Snow Removal • Fences …and much more

Small moves and deliveries with ½ ton truck

Ph/fax: 948-3856 or cell: 948-7896 Sales Consultant J. G. Smith


MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2012







Limited time offer. Now until June 17, 2012 See Sales Associate for details. * Instant Rebate equal to eligible taxes of total retail purchase price of qualifying KitchenAid ® major appliances. Instant rebate will be deducted at time of purchase. Multiple purchases must be made from the same participating authorized Canadian KitchenAid ® appliance dealer at the same time. Instant savings may vary. Dealers have sole discretion to set retail prices. Dealers may sell for less. Dealer prices may vary. One claim per household. Offer is not cumulative and cannot be combined with any other offer. Purchases must be made between May 31 and June 17, 2012. Limited time offer. Some conditions may apply. Open to Canadian residents only. Offer is not available to dealers, builders or contractors. Offer is available on retail purchases only. All models may not be available at all dealers. No substitutes qualify. See Sales Associates for Details. ®Registered Trade-mark/™ Trade-mark of KitchenAid U.S.A. The shape of the stand mixer is a registered trade-mark of KitchenAid U.S.A., KitchenAid Canada licensee in Canada. ©2012. All rights reserved.

Win a 2012 Fiat 500 for FREE! Make any purchase at Battleford Furniture and receive a chance to win the Fiat! HERE’S HOW IT WORKS! Each and every purchase gets you an entry. Receive additional entries for every $100 you spend. For example: Spend $1200 and receive 12 chances. Every Saturday one weekly Ànalist will be chosen...all other entries that week get put into a wild card draw! There will be 40 weekly Ànalists and one wild card draw winner. The Fiat will be given away on Monday, December 31, 2012 at 11:00 am by elimination draw! See store for all the details!

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“Where the difference is worth the drive”

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.