issue 32

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Vol. 103 No. 32


PM celebrates Marketing Freedom for grain farmers in Western Canada

P r i m e M i n i s t e r S t e p h e n H a r p e r, Wednesday, announced that, as a result of the coming into force of Bill C-18, the Marketing Freedom for Grain Farmers Act, Western farmers now have the freedom to sell their wheat and barley on the open market. He was accompanied by Gerry Ritz, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-food and Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board. The Prime Minister also announced pardons for a group of farmers convicted under the old, unjust Canada Wheat Board monopoly. “Our government is committed to creating open markets that will attract investment, encourage innovation, create value-added jobs and build a stronger economy for all Canadians,” said the Prime Minister. “The legislation coming into force today enables Canadian grain farmers to choose how they market their crops and allows the grain sector to evolve, grow and reach its full potential.” The Marketing Freedom for Grain Farmers Act is an important part of the Harper government’s comprehensive plan to strengthen and modernize Canada’s grain industry. In conjunction with initiatives to increase investments in grain research and expand international markets, as well as the Rail Freight Service Review, the government is doing everything possible to ensure the agriculture sector can reap the rewards of a dynamic and growing global marketplace. The government continues to work with its provincial counterparts, producer groups and the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) to ensure an orderly transition to an open and competitive Canadian grain market. The voluntary CWB remains a viable marketing option for Canadian farmers and is poised to compete for farmers’ business in this new era of marketing freedom. The government’s top priority continues to be the economy, and the agriculture industry plays an important role in creating jobs and keeping the economy strong. Canada is the world’s fifth-largest exporter of agriculture and food products, with exports hitting an all-time high of more than $40 billion in 2011.

Biggar, Saskatchewan

Soon . . . very soon . . . With the rain, comes the colour and the promise of a great crop. North of Biggar, the deep greens,

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1.25 tax included

brilliant yellows and cobalt blues are a tasty treat for the eyes. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

CWB makes historic move into new marketing era New handling agreement announced; new look unveiled The CWB last Tuesday launched itself into the new grain-marketing era with a new corporate visual identity, a new grainhandling partner, and a strong foundation for its competitive business model, which begins with the new crop year. “We begin the new era in a position of strength and a climate of optimism,” president and CEO Ian White during a news conference held this morning in the lobby of CWB head office in downtown Winnipeg. “We have a brand new look, a solid business model and the support of thousands of farmers who have told us they intend to market grain with CWB. That makes the future bright.” White unveiled a new image and logo for CWB, featuring vibrant colours that reflect the green of nature, the blue of the Prairie sky and the gold of the harvest, along with the rays of a rising sun. He also announced that an important grain-handling agreement has been reached with Louis Dreyfus Canada Ltd. to handle grain from farmers who want to market their grain through CWB pools. “With this new agreement, CWB remains well on track to serve farmers into the future as their expert grain-marketing partner,” said White. “Our network of partner delivery points will continue to grow, ensuring farmers can sign CWB contracts with confidence.” Louis Dreyfus, one of the world’s largest grain companies, has 10 modern, highthroughput terminals across Western Canada. The announcement means there are now more than 130 confirmed locations across Western Canada where farmers can deliver grain to CWB.

Farmers have provided strong indications that they intend to commit a large volume of grain to CWB, White said. Grain prices are strong, which has created excellent pricing opportunities for producers and for CWB pools, which are capturing value from the current market rally. Spring wheat is now trading at almost $10 a bushel. “There are many reasons for confidence as we forge ahead anew,” he said. “We will add value for farmers. We have a clean balance sheet thanks to the support of the Government of Canada. We have streamlined our operations. We have negotiated business arrangements that will help us succeed. The path we’ve taken goes in one direction - forward.” CWB crop and grainmarket experts also provided outlooks on the prospects for this year’s Prairie harvest. Production in 2011 will be significantly larger than the past three years. The CWB Market Research team projects all-

wheat production in Western Canada of 24.2 million tonnes (MT), compared to 22.7 MT last year and 21.1 MT in 2010. Durum is expected to be 4.5 MT, up from last year’s 4.2 MT, while barley is forecast at 8 MT, up from 7.3 in 2011. For the 2011-12 crop year that ended July 31, CWB expects to return an estimated $6.3 billion to western Canadian farmers from the sale of last year’s wheat and barley crop. CWB exported about 18.1 MT, including 13 MT of wheat, 3.6 MT of durum, and 1.1 MT of barley. Within Canada, CWB sold 2.15 MT of wheat, 225 000 T of durum, and 1 MT of malting barley over the past crop year, which runs from August 1 to July 31.

Melon Munch . . . The race is on for watermelon supremacy during the annual Perdue Fair during the last weekend in July. The community really comes together for the celebration and spirit of the Perdue. Log on to the for more pictures and video of Perdue’s celebration, this Wednesday. (Independent Photo by Daryl Hasein)




505 Hwy. 7 West, Rosetown, SK


S0L 2V0

OPEN: Monday - Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CLOSED: Sundays



Hay being made while sun shines Saskatchewan livestock producers made good haying progress last week and now have 88 per cent of the hay crop cut. Seventy-six per cent of the hay crop has been baled or put into silage, according to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s Weekly Crop Report for the period of July 24 to 30. Eighty-nine per cent of the provincial hay crop is rated as good to excellent in quality. Haying progress varies across the province. Southwestern Saskatchewan has 96 per cent of the hay cut; southeastern Saskatchewan has 92 per cent cut; the westcentral region has 80 per cent cut; the east-central region has 89 per cent cut; the northwest has 76 per cent cut; and the northeast has 88 per cent cut. Provincial pasture conditions are rated as 23 per cent excellent, 57 per cent good, 17 per cent fair and three per cent poor. Livestock water availability is adequate. Many areas of the province received several inches of rainfall this past week that has helped to alleviate crop stress. Top soil moisture conditions on cropland are rated as 12 per cent surplus, 73 per cent adequate, 14 per cent short and one per cent very short. Hay land and pasture topsoil moisture is rated

as eight per cent surplus, 69 per cent adequate, 20 per cent short and three per cent very short. Producers are starting to harvest winter cereals and pulses in some regions of the province. Farmers are desiccating pulses and swathing canola and mustard in some areas. The majority of crop damage this week is due to disease, insects and wind. Fa r m e r s a r e b u s y haying, controlling diseases and insects and getting ready for harvest. Day Program kids meet real crime fighters . . . Summer Day Program’s Ryder Anderson gets a tour of an RCMP vehicle from Biggar Constable Brianne Hathaway, Wednesday. Kids toured the detachment offices, looking at the cells, booking and interview

areas, learning about the job of protecting and carrying out the moral and lawful code of the land. They also learned that the RCMP are their friend in a time of need. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Province receives outlook change Saskatchewan receives an Aa1 (positive) Credit Rating Moody’s Investors Services has changed the outlook on Saskatchewan’s credit rating to Aa1 (positive) from Aa1 (stable). “The change in the outlook for Saskatchewan’s Aa1 rating reflects the ongoing improvement in the province’s financial position that is expected to continue,” the agency said, recently. The news was welcomed by Deputy Premier and Finance Minister Ken Krawetz, July 27, who said that the change confirms the province’s improving fiscal and financial position. “Saskatchewan continues to move in the right

direction,” Krawetz said. “While the volatile world economy provides challenges, Saskatchewan continues to outperform other provinces and countries that are run-

ning deficits and adding billions of dollars of debt. Last year the province paid down government debt by $327.6 million. “This change in outlook is further independent con-

firmation of the strength of Saskatchewan’s economy. This is particularly noteworthy when many credit ratings are being downgraded worldwide.” Ratings by firms such as

NDP proposes compromise for immigration The official opposition is proposing a compromise for the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP), addressing the confusion the Sask Party created when the government betrayed new Canadians by gutting the program. “We believe there’s room to consider a common sense

Farmers Fashionista . . . Four-year-old Kyra Sittler, tries on a hat, with a bit of held from mom during the weekly farmers market. Kyra was probably looking for that ‘something special’ as school is a scant month away. (Independent Photo by

compromise for the SINP,” said Cam Broten, the NDP immigration critic, July 30. “Opening Saskatchewan’s doors with a reasonable immigration policy is the right thing to do for the province when it comes to population growth, employment and culture.” Broten has been meeting with new Canadians throughout the province since the changes were announced on May 1. The NDP’s proposal is the result of feedback from meetings and discussions with hundreds of new Canadians and stakeholders. The NDP’s proposed compromise includes: • Removal of the high-skill job offer requirement. • Agrandfatheringprovision for families already living in Saskatchewan prior to May 1, allowing those new Canadians to nominate up to three people within a reasonable window of time. • Allowing up to two concurrent applications for Canadians who don’t qualify for the grandfather

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clause. • Increased staffing by the ministry of immigration in order to process applications in a timely manner. • Enhanced monitoring and enforcement efforts to deal with the very small number of alleged abuses of the program. After former minister Rob Norris was dismissed from cabinet, new Immigration Minister Bill Boyd admitted a compromise is needed. However, Boyd failed to set

timelines or goals for the fix, adding confusion for new Canadians and aspiring Canadians, said Broten. “The SINP should continue to encourage the global community to bring their skills, ambition, entrepreneurship and their families to Saskatchewan,” added Broten. “Saskatchewan is a province built on immigration, and the Sask Party shouldn’t abandon that proud tradition.”

GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… Friday, AUGUST 03, 10:15 a.m. (stations randomly selected)

Biggar ....................................... 125.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock ................... 122.9¢/L Perdue… ................................... 124.9¢/L Landis… ................................... 124.9¢/L Rosetown… .............................. 123.9¢/L North Battleford…................... 123.9¢/L Unity ........................................ 123.9¢/L Saskatoon ................................. 125.9¢/L

Lottery Numbers


649 - Wednesday, Aug. 01 01, 14, 17, 29, 36, 37 Bonus 13 Extra 2293685 649 - Saturday, July 28 06, 10, 22, 30, 35, 49 Bonus 17 Extra 6023649

Kevin Brautigam)


Moody’s Investors Services, a major credit rating agency in the international financial community, influence the cost that a government pays on borrowed funds.

Western 649 - Wednesday, Aug. 01 15, 29, 31, 37, 40, 45 Bonus 12 Western 649 - Saturday, July 28 11, 16, 35, 37, 38, 39 Bonus 06 Lotto Max - Friday, July 27 02, 20, 25, 26, 46, 47, 48 Bonus 44 Extra 3950700

This Week . . . Opinions ............................................................ 4 Agriculture ...................................................... 8 Classifieds .................................................14-16 Business & Professional Directories .........17-18



Opinions Long weekends -- how wonderful At the time this column was written the day was overcast with periodic rain and cooler temperatures. In fact the high for the day was a whopping 16˚. Not quite the summer weather we have been used to. However, hopes were high as weather forecasters predicted the long weekend in August weather would be in the high 20s maybe reaching to the low 30s. Ah, now this is what summer is all about. Sunny skies and dare we say the words -- no rain. (Well, we’ll see about that). So, as everyone heads off to “the lake” or makes plans to have some R & R this weekend they will, in all likelihood, have great weather and one extra day off from work to enjoy it. The first Monday is August for those living here is called Saskatchewan Day. It is a day of celebrating Saskatchewan history and culture (and what is more cultural for a weekend in August than spending it outdoors at a lake, a beach, on a golf course, or just relaxing in your backyard?) Besides Saskatchewan, this day is only a statutory holiday in British Columbia, New Brunswick, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. In Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island it is considered a civic holiday which means it may be a paid vacation day depending on the employer. It is not observed in Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec or the Yukon. I’ve always wondered why there was so much confusion surrounding this weekend but after a little research it was all explained. By the time this appears in print the weekend will be a thing of the past, so here’s hoping everyone enjoyed it and had a safe holiday. P.H.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are welcome. They MUST be signed, approximately 300 words in length and are subject to editing.

Kick start your local community. Invest closer to home by Bruce Stewart, Columnist, Troy Media Distributed by Troy Media, www.troymedia. com Canadians may not have to face some of the dangers others in the world are dealing with directly, but there’s still good reason to be nervous. After all, Bernie Madoff drained the accounts of his Canadian holders - including some of our most prominent institutions. If the shenanigans at Jon Corzine’s MF Global or at PFGBest that defrauded customers of their assets didn’t hurt most of us, that’s only because we weren’t dealing with those firms. Repeated stories of “flash crashes” and high-frequency trading by computers causing retail customers to lose money to the players who can afford such techniques haven’t

helped. There’s a growing perception that at least some of the international markets are rigged against ordinary investors. So far the banks, insurance companies and brokerages most Canadians know and use have been not only sound, but honestly run - something it’s getting harder to say elsewhere. Still, there’s many Canadians who are nervous, both about the quality of the firms whose shares and bonds are in their pension funds, their mutual funds and their own investment accounts, and about the intermediaries in the financial system that those fund managers and brokers depend on. With the recent mortgage rule changes introduced, too, real estate markets look less enticing. What’s a Canadian with money to invest to do? One idea that’s been

popular in parts of the United States would make a lot of sense here: investing in your own community. Here’s how it works. Most public institutions are strapped for cash. A school, for instance, that was built in the 1960s or early 1970s probably still has its original heating, ventilation and cooling system (HVAC). The school board has no money to replace it, but if they did, they’d make significant savings on the cost of operating the new system. So the investor comes and does a deal with the school board. They’ll invest their capital in the new HVAC system. The school board will pay them back over 40 years (the life of the replacement) plus interest. In effect, this acts like a bond. The school has the new system and lower operating costs. The board didn’t have to front the money. The


investor, meanwhile, knows that as a public body their money is safe, as is the return. Do it in your 50s, and have a retirement income stream. It doesn’t have to be a school, of course. Charities that own their own building could use the same approach: any public service that has almost all its money tied up in operating expenses and aging physical assets is a good place to invest. Another place to invest is with local entrepreneurs. You could go to your local community association to meet some of your local merchants - their business improvement area group is usually tied in there - or you could do what was done in Prince Edward Island this year. There, the crowdfunding website Kickstarter was used to fund several


Phone: 306-948-3344

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Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Monday at the office of publication, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Delta Fay Cruickshank

local projects on the island. Although Kickstarter amasses small investments from anywhere on the globe to any project you choose to apply your funds to on the planet, the locals here used it simply to handle the money. Their mantra was “Islanders investing in Islanders” - and given that a Kickstarter investment can be very small, on the order of a few dollars, it’s a path open to children and those without much money just as much as those with hundreds of thousands to spend. Why did the people leading this use Kickstarter? To deal with the investor laws that most of our provinces have: An entrepreneur looking for investors typically can only deal with “qualified investors” - people of proven high liquid net worth - unless they are personal friends or family members.

The value of investing locally isn’t just in having a better community. You’re able to keep an eye on things. (An angel investor I know - one of those high net worth types - won’t invest in anything, no matter how good, if it’s more than 30 minutes from his front door. He wants to know what’s happening, and he knows that if it’s not close, he’ll not keep a good eye on it.) We’re very used to the idea that our money has to go into the markets. We’re also aware that there aren’t always enough things in the Canadian markets alone to excite us. If you’re worried about what’s happening in other countries, you can protect yourself and your assets by putting them to work where you live. Troy Media columnist Bruce A Stewart is a Toronto-based management consultant.


P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.



Putting Patients First: The Games have begun. I’m talking about the London Olympics of course and the opening ceremonies on July 27 showcased the culture of “Jolly Old England”. This is not a first for London as the city played host in 1908 and 1948 to the Games of Olympia. The only city, in fact, to host the Games three times. But, there is so much more to playing host to an Olympic Games as Canadians discovered during the Vancouver Winter Olympics. Letting the world take an inside peek at Canadian culture was a huge job, especially since we live in such a large country. So, every event needs a mascot and the 2012 Games have two -- Wenlock and Mandeville. Named after the small town of Much Wenlock in Shropshire, they symbolize the connection between England and the Olympics. Wenlock wears the Olympic rings as friendship bracelets which are mainly silver but contain flashes of gold and bronze. The three different crescent shapes of the Paralympics symbol are reflected in Mandeville’s

head. Both of them have a yellow light on their head as homage to London taxis. As the story goes, the two characters began life as two drops of steel from a factory in Bolton. (The last two drops of steel which were used for the construction of the final support girder for the stadium). A retired worker who make characters out of metal for his grandchildren took the drops home where Wenlock and Mandeville were born. The mascots have one eye through which they see the world. As the athletes marched in I was looking for our Canadian athletes, full of hope for their chances of winning medals. It will be a difficult task to rise to the best of 205 nations participating in the 300 events in 26 sports, with every country sending the best of their best. To be sure, hosting the Olympic Games is big business. The budget for the event is a whopping £2 billion which is expected to come from the private sector (including the International Olympic Committee), ticket and merchandise sales and sponsorships. The value

to the tourism industry is set at £2.1 billion with 350,000 foreign visitors a day expected to take in the events. A projected 12,000 new jobs will be created within the Olympic Park with a total workforce of 200,000 needed. Eighteen million meals will be served. You can’t have Games without medals. The London 2012 medals were designed by David Watkins, a British artist. The roundness of the medals is a metaphor for the world with the back bearing the image of the Greek Goddess of Sport, Nike (not the running shoe company) stepping out of the Parthenon. Rio Tinto supplied the metal and the medals were pressed by the Royal Mint in South Wales. It was a 10-hour process that required a 1,400 degree F furnace with 1,000 tons of weight on a special press. Impressive. Maybe you are an avid watcher of Olympic games or maybe you just turn on the tube for a “little while”, you have to admire the athletes for their hard work and perseverance. It took a lot of effort to get there in the first place. We wish them all the best.

Deadline for classifieds Wednesday at 5 p.m

Randy Weekes, M.L.A. for the Biggar Constituency 1-877-948-4880 OfÀce Hours: Monday - Friday 1 - 5 p.m. Phone: 306-948-4880 106 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar Fax: 306-948-4882 e-mail:

Web site: P. O. Box 1413 Biggar, SK. S0K 0M0


Celebrating Wonderful Years

“Alex and Mary Kammer”

Come & Go Tea

Saturday, August 18, 2012 from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. at Landis Community Complex Landis, Sask.

Improving access to physicians through comprehensive care incentive program As part of the province’s continued efforts to improve access to highquality patient care, Health Minister Dustin Duncan, Tuesday, announced $9.83 million in funding for a new program to encourage and reward family physicians in providing patients with a full range of services. “Physicians are vital partners as we transform our health system to better meet patients’ needs, including improving access to health care,” Duncan said. “As part of our agreement with the Saskatchewan Medical Association, I am pleased to introduce the Family Physician Comprehensive Care Program to recognize family physicians who provide patients with a full range of primary care services, while at the same time encouraging more physicians to expand their practices to full comprehensive care.” Physicians who qualify for the program

monitor the overall health of their patients, collaborate with other health care providers on their care, and manage their patients’ chronic diseases. In addition, qualifying physicians are caring for their patients when they are hospitalized, in a nursing home, or having a baby. “We know from other high-performing health systems that when patients are provided comprehensive primary care services, such as chronic disease management, their health and satisfaction with the service improves - and this approach is consistent with our focus on patient- and familycentred health care,” Duncan said. “This program will improve access to medical services for the people of Saskatchewan,” SMA President Dr. Janet Shannon said. “We look forward to working with the ministry on this and other programs to ensure patients receive the quality care they need.”

Fifty-eight per cent of Saskatchewan’s family physicians currently provide their patients with a full range of services, as defined by the Family Physician Comprehensive Care Program. This new program is designed to increase the number of family physicians who provide continuity of care to their patients through comprehensive services, reducing the need for patients to seek uncoordinated, episodic care. For example, it is hoped more physicians will manage their patients’ chronic diseases according to accepted care guidelines. As well as improving access to health services, the program aligns with Saskatchewan’s recently announced initiative to strengthen its primary health care system. The goal of the initiative is achieving a primary health care model that is sustainable, offers a superior patient experience and ensures better access to services.



Bob-of-all-Trades by Bob Mason I don’t know why this “Jack” guy (as in Jack of all trades) gets all the credit for knowing something about everything! If his name was Aaron or Zeno mebbe YT could understand . . . but Jack! The fellow who writes this stuff (and I think “stuff” is the right word!) hasn’t got any framed credentials on the wall stating his qualifications to use words, but he has been scrawling lines like these for years. He even knows how to spell “eighth” and “vacuum”! Hey, just a sec . . . that reminds me of a thing I read the other day! Professor: “Do you know that “sugar” is the only word in the English language where “S” is pronounced “SH”?” Student: (without a B.E.): “Sure!” Well, it caught my eye anyway! As a matter-of-fact, from way, way back there, some years ago, YT had “experienced” a few jobs that he possibly could have (ahem!) “mastered”, but never got around to acquiring “papers” to prove that he knew what he was talking about. The first, and most meaningful job that YT ever had, was being a son. Mebbe he wasn’t too good at it, but he sure tried! He filled the woodbox every day, brought the cows up from the pasture, helped fix fences around the place, and took care of the livestock actually the lineup of things to do, was almost endless, which was good! As YT looks back on those days now, he knows that it was the best part of his working life! Not only did he learn how do

things (as compared to not doing them!), but how to get along with the same people who day after day, one had to spend the long winters with! (All without any “papers”!) Dad had always been a make-do type, and his sons (there were three of us!) sure followed in his footsteps. YT still has to laugh when he remembers some of the work-saving contraptions we had around the place! Dozens of them, all the way from A to Z. A being for Anvil (well, the railway didn’t seem to want that scrap of rail anymore!) and Z stands for Zoom (I often wonder where that old home-made scooter ended up!) But we got by, and we didn’t have papers for anything! Of course, later on, as we grew up, we splurged tradewise and became (ahem again!) “Hired men” around our home countryside, where we had to prove our “expertise” by being able to plough a straight furrow, and build a strong stook that didn’t collapse in the first wind. We even fixed fences that cows couldn’t get through!

Redneck Olympics . . . With the Summer Olympics in full swing in London, Perdue celebrated the games of a little lower brow. Guiding you blindfolded man through the barrels, hubcap tossing, and

And all this without “papers” yet! Meanwhile, all this time, and for years to come, this YT guy had been filling his schoolbooks and writing small rhymes on the local walls. Even the white plastered insides of the folks old henhouse (now long gone!) bore many a scribbled inscription (also long gone, thankfully!) of how he wished things were! Hammers and shovel handles don’t have much room on them for small rhymes, but we were content to just leave some sweat on them! He’s still at it, eh? But I understand that sometime soon he is going to need a license to prove his journalistic know-how. Yours Truly likes to think that there are people somewhere who look on him as humanitarian, although I’m not sure that there is a BAH degree! (Bachelor of Arts in Humanities!) But I still gave that poor kid in Drumheller ten cents for telling me where the Legion was! Some time in the faroff future (as a millionaire), that kid will probably look me up and pay me back ten fold, eh? ( I used to read J.A. Henty too, y’know) World War II wasn’t my fault! YT thought that he had voted right, and even gone to school with some European kids who gave no sign of there being trouble over there. Heck, I even pitched bundles with some of these guys who, I felt, were much the same as I was. But over there, a bunch of well trained Nazi types had goose-stepped into the Rhineland, and Canada somehow felt that it should send over a few guys to drive them back! When we joined up, the

Dogs can’t fly. This one can climb . . . While dogs and cats are mortal enemies, sometimes things can get out of hand. Dog owner, Don Gillespie was amazed to find his four-year-old Norwegian Elkhound, Luke, up a pine tree in his Landis yard on July 28. You can just make out the determined pooch and the cat above (inset picture). Don climbed the tree to get the errant Luke back on terra firma, leaving the cat behind, safe and sound. Pets certainly make our lives more interesting. (Photo for The Independent by Don Gillespie) Army doctors did ask for a few qualifications though (a real “first” for YT), and seemed quite happy if a recruit could move and breath! We did move and breath quite a bit in the Rhineland too, and met a lot of real nice people (some even in the Canadian Army!) Then we came home, and suddenly, it seemed to me, everyone had to have papers

everything that points to Larry the Cable Guy as the next president of the States, were celebrated (in jest, of course) during the annual Perdue Fair Days. (Independent Photo by Daryl Hasein)

telling where they’d been and whattheyhaddone,including the VLA (Veterans Land Act) and DVA (Department of Veterans Affairs). Wedidn’thavemuchmoney saved up. Army wages for a private were $!.39 per Diem and found*. Yet the banks insisted that we have thing called “security” (because the VLA owned the land we lived on. We didn’t even have much of that “security”! YT offered himself up as security one time, but found out that his value was no good on the post-war market! Walt and YT married a coupleofthelocalgirlsthough, and, according to Hoyle, lived happily ever after! YT, being a homesteader’s son, and Phyllis being a farmer’s daughter, we farmed for a few years, wrote a bit. (Mebbe too much!) Until a Bulbar Polio germ came along and threw me for 10yard loss. We came pretty close to cashing in on that one (more bookwork, eh?), but we recovered, spent some time recuperating, farmed some more and finally went on construction. YT liked highway construction! instead of crawling around in the dirt, as we had during those military years, we pushed some of it around with those

big machines. I think YT would have been there yet if “papers” hadn’t gotten in the way! What a thrill it was to “skin” some of those monsters outfits, and as camp “handyman”, drive those big trucks . . . With loads of grain, YT had double-clutched his daddy’s truck around the fields of home, but suddenly an inspector came into the construction camp! “Where is your license,” he sez . . . “Sorry!” During those years our family had grown quite a bit, and despite the fact that we didn’t have a framed charter on the wall proclaiming us as “fit” parents, we had to rap their knuckles now and then, much as our parents had done when we were young. Mebbe this dissertation (some word, eh?) on recorded qualifications isn’t the right thing to do, but someone has to defend these “without papers” guys. Ode to importance: The town mayor walks into the old folks home and sez to an old fellow lounging there, “Do you know who I am?” The old fellow sez, “No, I don’t, but if you ask down there at the desk, they’ll tell you who you are!” t-day. * Board and clothing



Public engagement sought on future of electronic health records eHealth Saskatchewan is inviting residents of Saskatchewan to visit a Web site to learn more about electronic health records and participate in a short survey to answer questions about what type of electronic services would be useful to them. “We are emerging into a world of huge possibilities in technology allowing people access and information to empower them to be an active partner and decision maker in care options with their health provider or in managing the care of a loved one,” eHealth Saskatchewan CEO Susan Antosh said, July 30. “This survey will help us determine what’s important to Saskatchewan residents and if they even desire things like access to their own medical test results, for example.” “We have made a great effort to ensure we are putting the patient first in our health care system, and that includes their electronic health information,” Health Minister Dustin Duncan said. “It’s important that we know what the patient or caregiver needs and wants in that technology and that will be of the most value to them.” Eventually every person in Saskatchewan will have an electronic health record (EHR) that is a private, lifetime record of their medical information, which will provide authorized health care professionals with immediate access to test results, past treatments and medication profiles. Currently, some of the infrastructure already in place, or under development, which will feed into the information for the EHR includes a Radiology Information System and Picture Archiving Communication System (RIS/PACS), RIS/PACS is a data system that captures diagnostic images such as X-rays, CTs, ultrasounds, MRIs and Mammography that can be accessed by clinicians from anywhere in the

Now online! Subcribe at


province. The Pharmacy Information Program includes information about prescriptions filled within Saskatchewan community pharmacies, and more recently, the Saskatchewan Lab Results Repository was created to allow health care providers to view lab test results for patients. Information collected through the surveys, combined with feedback being gathered through health sector workshops taking place over the summer, will help shape the future of electronic health records in Saskatchewan. “I encourage people to take the time to do the

survey as it will help to ensure priorities for EHR are aligned with patient and family-centred care,” Antosh said. The survey can be found at the eHealth Saskatchewan public engagement Web site at ehealth-sk. ca and will be available until midnight on September 7. eHealth Saskatchewan is the Treasury Board Crown Corporation responsible for planning and building a provincial EHR and supporting and maintaining electronic systems that make up the electronic network for the all health regions and health stakeholders in the province.

Diehl shoots way to Provincial Gold Rachel Diehl of Biggar took home the Gold medal and is the Provincial Champion in the Cub 10-12 year class in the Saskatchewan Provincial 3-D archery tournament held in North Battlefield on July 21 and 22. Rachel had a combined two day score of 649 points. Rachel is the daughter of Darren and Erin Diehl. Rachel is going into Grade 7 at St. Gabriel School.

... The Biggar & District Family Centre would like to thank the following organizations, businesses and individuals for their general funding, in-kind donations that helped to fund our Parent Support Program for the year of 2011-2012. Community Initiatives Fund, Government of Saskatchewan Government of Finance, CNDP Prairie Malt Limited and Cargill RLC Donor’s Choice SGI Town of Biggar Saskatchewan Lotteries Knights of Columbus BSC 2000 Fortnightly Club SaskTel and the Biggar residents, volunteers, instructors and speakers who make our programs possible.

Diamond Lodge News Greetings everyone! I hope everyone is keeping busy and enjoying the warm weather. We had a busy week and hope it will continue for the rest of the summer. On Monday we did exercises.We got to try a new idea in exercises and we hope everyone will play when they stop by. We played balloon volleyball. We sit in a circle holding a pool noodle then we pass a balloon to everyone just like real volleyball. It is really fun! Later we played beat the dice. Tuesday, some of the residents got their hair done while the others got to listen to current events. We also got to play Wheel of Fortune. We were trying to think of words related to summer and the upcoming Olympics. Wednesday we played three games of horse racing. We each got to choose our favourite animal and try racing it down the playing field. The cow and deer were the lucky winners for that day. At 2:30 we decided to celebrate National Ice Cream Cone Day by eating ice cream cones with strawberry sauce on top. Delicious! We wished that ice cream day would happen every day. Thursday we did exercises. We tried different tasks

like throwing and kicking balls. We also tried balloon volleyball again and did our usual stretches. We had a big group out at bingo that day. Some residents won more than once. They must like winning popcorn twists and chocolate bars. Friday finally came and we were busy.Ten lucky residents got to enjoy Barbecue Club. We just purchased a new barbecue and it worked great for us.The burgers and hot dogs taste better than before! Friday was also the first day of the Summer Olympics. Some residents had their TV’s on watching it and keeping up with the latest athletes. Other residents went outside that afternoon and enjoyed be-

ing outside on the patio. We had punch on the patio and enjoyed visiting our friends and family. Saturday morning we played Yahtzee and then the afternoon we watched “Thicker Than Water,” a country movie. It was enjoyed by all. Sunday the residents had “1-1” time with the staff. A few even had their nails done. Arelee Mennonite Church did the weekly service. It was great having them back. Well that is all about us for this week. Keep tuned on to the happenings here.Also make sure you come and visit if you have a few minutes to spare. Good luck haying to our farmer friends!

Another lucky Museum winner . . . Carol Wood, left, accepts a cheque for $85 from Biggar Museum and Gallery board member Ruth Arnold, all part of the monthly toonie draw. Congratulations, Carol! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

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Agriculture Sask. canola could fuel biodiesel sector by Calvin Daniels It was interesting recently to listen to a brief presentation by Johannes Vervloed, Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. To have someone of Ve r v l o e d ’ s s t a t u r e speaking locally (in Yorkton) was interesting of itself, but the reason for his visit was of greater interest. While in Saskatchewan, and on his way to Yorkton Vervloed toured severalcompaniesincluding Milligan Biotech in Foam Lake, and LDM Foods and Grain Millers at Yorkton. It was not coincidence that Vervloed focused quite a bit of his time looking at canola processing here. Vervloed said he believed there are chances for cooperation, adding they have actively worked on “an inventory of these opportunities.” Clearly one of those opportunities revolved around canola.

The visit was to begin to confirm those opportunities he said adding “the proof of pudding is always in eating it.” In the case of canola Vervloed explained how the European Union has initiated a phase in to 2020 of a 10 per cent use of biofuel in diesel, a mandate which could be met by the use of canola oil. The idea of canolaoilflowing into biodiesel production is hardly revolutionary. It has been one of the driving forces behind higher prices, increased processing, and expanding acres in recent years. While biodiesel has spurred expansion for canola, there has been less actual production than one might have anticipated. The situation is one where the idea of biodiesel has grown more quickly than implementation of production. The reasons for both are pretty straight forward.

In terms of interest in biodiesel it fits with an increased public interest in environmental sustainability. It also fits well with political agendas which call for less reliance on import oil stocks. The idea of growing oil looks good against the

threat of disrupted import sources. But production of biodiesel has lagged because as canola prices have climbed that has impacted the ability to make a dollar at the production level. Ultimately biodiesel production must be

competitive with traditional oil sources to make sense. At present that is not the case. Mandated requirements will help push production, but one might argue it is an artificial market which runs counter to the true philosophy of

sustainability. However as the biodiesel sector does develop moving forward, canola should benefit,and connections like those starting to be made between the Saskatchewan canola growing region and the Netherlands are the signs of that.

CWB announces grain-handling agreement The CWB, Wednesday, announced it has reached an agreement with Richardson International Limited, one of Canada’s largest grain companies, to handle grain from farmers who want to market their grain through CWB pools. “With this important agreement, our network of delivery locations for CWB grain has expanded to include the vast majority of elevators in Western Canada,” said CWB president and CEO Ian White. “Farmers can sign CWB contracts, confident that they can deliver grain to a country location nearby. CWB has begun the new crop year in a strong position to add value for Prairie producers as they enter a new grain-

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marketing era.” The announcement means there are now more than 170 locations across the West where farmers can deliver grain to CWB. Richardson International, one of Canada’s leading handlers of grains and oilseeds, has an extensive network of country elevators and port terminals to move product into the global marketplace. Farmers can deliver grain to 40 Richardson Pioneer facilities across Western Canada. The handling agreement between CWB and Richardson also extends to its port facilities at Vancouver and Thunder Bay. “Richardson is pleased to partner with the CWB and provide farmers with flexible marketing options whether they are marketing their grain through the

CWB or working with Richardson directly to sell their product to end-use customers around the world,” says Curt Vossen, President of Richardson International. Richardson joins Viterra, Cargill, Louis Dreyfus, Mission Terminal, West Central Road and Rail, South West Terminal, Delmar Commodities, Linear Grain and Agro Source as CWB grainhandling providers. Additional agreements are expected to be reached shortly with the remaining Prairie grain companies, White said. CWB programs are now available for farmer signup. White urged producers to sign their CWB contracts as early as possible if they want guaranteed access into the pools. “CWB is ready for

Biggar, Sask.

business in this new grainmarketing era,” White said. “Positive collaborations with handling partners will provide Prairie farmers with access to facilities in the country and at port, no matter which marketing model they choose for their grain.” White said CWB pools remain in high demand among Western Canadian farmers as a way to earn solid returns and effectively manage their risk. “One simple CWB pool contract covers sales planning, execution, foreign exchange and risk management,” he said. “Farmers will never be left chasing an elusive market high or settling for the bottom of the market. They’ll have more time to focus on their crops.”

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Joel and Marcia Ellis Ranch … Scenic 7 quarter Ranch nestled against the Bear Hills. 1250 sq. ft. 5-bedroom, 2 bath ranch style home with extensive upgrades. Newer 32’x32’ heated garage/shop, 40’x60’ Quonset. Livestock facilities. Check my webiste for complete details.



Gov’t meets with Sask. to discuss long-term infrastructure plan Federal politicians met last Monday with their Saskatchewan counterparts to discuss the development of a new long-term plan for public infrastructure beyond 2014. The Honourable Steven Fletcher, Minister of State (Transport), and the Honourable Peter Van Loan, Leader of the Government in the House of Commons, met with the Honourable Don McMorris, Minister of Highways and Infrastructure for the Government of Saskatchewan, the Honourable Jim Reiter, Minister of Government Relations for the Government of Saskatchewan, the municipal sector, and community and business leaders from Saskatchewan. “Our strong partnerships have resulted in significant public infrastructure investments for communities across Saskatchewan. Today’s discussion provided valuable input on how we can continue to support growth throughout the province,” said Fletcher. “Our government is committed to ensuring that Canadians benefit from world-class infrastructure. Our plan will encourage greater private-sector involvement and publicprivate partnerships to generate better value for taxpayers.” Today’s meeting in Regina marks one of a series of in-depth discussions taking place over the course of the summer that will focus on broad directions and principles for a new long-term infrastructure plan for Canada. Meetings with provinces, territories, municipalities through municipal associations and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and community and business groups are also being led by Minister of Transport, Denis Lebel, to further inform the process. “Targeted investment in infrastructure provides continued support to create jobs, long term prosperity and local economic development,” said Van Loan. “Through past investments in infrastructure projects, such as the Global Transportation Hub in Regina, our government has supported regional industries in gaining access to global supply chains and markets.” The Government of Canada will develop a new plan that will continue to

deliver results for Canadians through long-term investment programs. This includes exploring opportunities that encourage greater private sector involvement and publicprivate partnerships to generate better value for taxpayers, and ensure affordability and sustainability over the long term. Infrastructure investments are a key element of the Government of Canada’s plan to create jobs, growth and long-term prosperity for Canadians. The seven-year, $33-billion Building Canada plan, introduced in Budget 2007, was Canada’s first-ever long-term infrastructure plan. The Building Canada plan will continue to deliver results for communities until 2014 and beyond. The new long-term plan will build on past accomplishments and provide new opportunities for all orders of government to work together to improve public infrastructure in Canada.

Redlick commits to New Hampshire Brittney Redlick recently graduated from Grade 12 at Warner, Alberta. She spent the last two years playing hockey with the Warner Warriors of the JWHL under head coach and former NHL player Mikko Makela, and now will be headed to the University of New Hampshire this fall. Brittney will suite up for the Division 1 Wildcats Hockey team who play in the Hockey East League. She is the daughter of Daryle and Jocelyn Redlick of Biggar.

Now Selling Grain Condos Deadline on booking is August 15, 2012. Please call 306-948-1990 for more information. OfÀce located at 220 Main St., Biggar, Sask. Fridays…9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Landis, Sask. (RM of Rosemount building)

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Life Goes On by Alice Ellis Life Goes On met at Ruby Lehnert’s farm home for their annual summer picnic on July 23. Marilyn, as usual, made the members comfortable and assured a happy gathering. At noon she served a delicious barbecue luncheon. Alice read the minutes and gave the financial report. Any business will

be finished at the fall meeting. Ruby received a crystal rose bowl as a thank you from the club for hosting this occasion in her lovely yard. A large branch, weakened by yesterday’s winds, fell but missed the seating area. The farm activities always make for an interesting afternoon!



planting, pruning & puttering . . . planting by Delta Fay Cruickshank of The Independent

The lilies are blooming! Actually they have been blooming for a couple of weeks already! Now, these flowers are just so perfect for our climate!

There are so many different varieties. They come in so many different colours, heights, blooming times, petal shapes . . . one could have a lily blooming in the garden from early July until mid August or later! Plant them all together for a grand display or throughout your

perennial flower border. Anyway you choose to do it, they are summer’s triumphs! I have read that you can plant the bulbs either in the fall or the spring. I have never planted them myself because my garden here does not get the sunshine they really need. I do have one

We’re cleaning out, and giving Biggar a chance to

SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Come on in and see what you can Ànd at garage sale prices!!! OfÀce supplies, birthday presents, christmas presents, shelving, lots of stuff… come on in to see!

The Independent 102 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar

that I inherited from the gardener before me, but it is in the shade for most of the day, and looks a little pekid. They also do not like to be in really moist soil. The ideal setting for lilies of any variety is a dry, mostly sunny place. My advice would be to plant them as soon as you can get them in the shops, to give them time to develop good strong roots! Did you know you could eat your lily bulbs, if you really wanted to that is? Apparently they taste a little like a bitter potato. The Chinese grow some varieties of lilies just to eat! They treat them as a luxury health food, reportedly to help reduce internal heat . . . don’t we women of a certain age need something like this? Whilst roaming around in the Internet, researching for this article, I came across information on Honeywood Heritage Nursery, a Saskatchewan Provincial Heritage Site. This summer, if you find yourself on the way to Prince Albert or more north, this heritage site is near where the highways 40 and 3 meet, near Parkside. According to Google, it is a little over three hours away from Biggar. What will you see when you get there? Eighty acres of old orchards, lily fields and specialty plants planted by Dr. A. (Bert) J. Porter. Born in England A kaleidoscope of lilies blooming in friends’ gardens. Over 300 varieties, easy to grow, readily available, the perfect flower for the prairies! (Photos by Delta Fay Cruickshank)

in 1901, his family came t o S a s k a t c h e wa n i n 1907. With very little education, but a lot of determination this man is known as pioneer plant breeder. With persistence and a genuine interest in plants, he developed many prairie hardy plants, that could resist the plaque of many diseases and survive Saskatchewan’s winters. If you have a lily named Earlibird, Happy Thoughts, Flaming Giant or Moulin Rouge know that a man from Saskatchewan developed it! Bert’s farm, orchards and fields of lilies were almost lost until interested parties stepped in and created

the Heritage Site, so that the legacy of Bert Porter goes on and on. I went to the Web site and was delighted by their mini movies of the grounds during the various seasons, I am definitely adding this place as one of my must see places in Saskatchewan. My neighbour brings me bouquets of lilies, I am the lucky one. By changing the water often, I will have colour in the house for almost two weeks. She is very careful about wiping the pollen off the inside of the flower, it can really stain a shirt, even a nose!



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HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER… 119 Wright Crescent, Biggar

4-level split Nelson home built in 1980, 2353 sq. ft. on 4 levels, 3 bedrooms, master with ½ bath, full bathroom upstairs, ½ bath in basement. Well-kept home, beautifully landscaped with underground sprinklers, in quiet neighbourhood. Double car attached garage with new garage door and opener and newly poured cement driveway in 2011. 12’x14’ Sunview solarium. Central air. New shingles, furnace and gas Àreplace in 2012. Contact Monica at 948-5252 (leave message) or Cheryl at 948-3737.

Co-ops and Credit Unions working together . . . To celebrate 2012 International Year of Co-operatives, Feudal Co-op, and the Biggar and District Credit Union worked together to provide a barbecue lunch at the Perdue branch on July 27. A large crowd and beautiful weather made the event a great success. Throughout 2012, local, provincial and national volunteer activities are being planned to mark the International Year of Co-operatives. The events are intended to educate the public about the enormous role co-operatives play in building and revitalizing communities. (Photos for The Independent by Cathy Archibald)



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2005 F-150 XL, 4x4, 5.4L, auto, only 76km, great work truck....... $8,900 2011 Ford Fusion SE, 4 cyl, auto, only 26,000km .......................................... $16,900 2008 Ford Ranger Sport, V6 auto, only 48,000km, balance of factory warranty, SK Tax Pd .............................................. $12,900 2008 F-250 reg. cab, 4x4, gas, auto, air, 65,000km, V.G., balance of factory warranty . .......................................................... $17,900 2007 Cadillac CTS, loaded, 72,000km, SK Tax Pd .............................................. $16,900 2007 F-150 Lariat Supercrew only 74,000km, local trade, SK Tax pd ...................... $26,900 2007 F-150 4x4 supercab, 5.4 auto, long box, 250,000km Sk Tax Pd ....................... $ 9.900 2006 Ford Freestar SEL, 7 passenger, DVD entertainment centre, 108,000km, SK Tax Pd . .......................................................... $10,900

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Landis Locals Helen Buxton 658-2115 We have been experiencing some wild weather this summer. There seem to have been more wild winds and thunderstorms than usual, with a number of people reporting damage to crops, buildings and trees. Many farmers in the Springwater, Kelfield and Biggar areas have had severe hail damage. The forecasters tell us to expect the hot days and stormy nights to continue for the rest of the summer. Sure is making it difficult for farmers to put up hay. Congratulations Barb and John Eppich on the occasion of your 40th wedding anniversary last week.

M r. a n d M r s. N e i l Wilkinson from Calgary, stopped at Lavern Skog’s for lunch on Saturday before going to the Eppich’s anniversary celebrations in Handel. A group of friends gathered at The Cozy Corner on the evening of July 31 to hold a bridal shower for Carleen Smyke, who will marry Darcy Bayet in August. During the summer months, we are opening the museum to visitors every Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. This is a good chance to come in and browse around. If you wish to visit the museum at any other time, just call Sharon Clay, Claire Miller

or Helen Buxton, and we will be happy to open the doors for you. Theresa Johnson, Deryl Abbott and Phyllis Munton drove out from Brooks, Alberta, and are spending a few days here with Alberta Dearing and other relatives. They are leaving today, to visit Ellie Dearing and Theresa’s son, Brad Johnson, in Lloydminster, then on to her sons, Kevin and Richard, and her sister, Regina and Rick Heck, in Edmonton. It is good to see that Phyllis is in such remarkably good health, after a year-long battle with pancreatic cancer and innumerable surgeries.



The Sky This Month - August 2012 by Gary Boyle, The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada D ra c o Th e D ra g o n (Part 1) The northern sky is home to a pair of very familiar bears namely Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, more commonly known as the Big and Little Dipper. Residing so high in northern skies these constellations are referred as circumpolar; they are never lost below the horizon and can be seen on any clear night of the year from Canadian soil. However, lurking in a lengthy area between the two bears is Dra-

co the Dragon. Its long body slithers and coils to claim 1,083 square degrees of sky. At first glance you would think that this mammoth constellation ranks first in area but with an extra 220 square degrees, that distinction lies with Hydra low in the southern hemisphere. Draco ranks eighth place. During the past months we have looked at many galaxies belonging to Virgo with the swarm continuing north through Coma Berenices, Canes Venatici, Ursa Major and now we end up at Draco. Many of these distant

objects have elongated structures with even a few of the edge-on variety. No less than 14 stars make up the Dragon’s asterism which begins with its head situated above the constellation Hercules. We presently refer to Polaris as the North or Pole Star. Such has not always the case. If we can go back in time to around the year 2700 BC, we would see Thuban (alpha Draconis) was the North Star for that time period. The northern reference point slowly changes during the 26,000 year precession of Earth’s axis.

Just as a spinning top slows down, its axis begins to wobble. Since Earth’s axis is tilted 23.5 degrees, the circle of precession also measures 23.5 degree wide and takes the 26,000 years to complete one revolution. In fact the star Vega will be somewhat the North Star reference point some 12,000 years from now. The same polar shift also occurs in the southern hemisphere. Thuban is a magnitude 3.8 giant star located 310 light years from us and appear to harbour an unseen companion that orbits every 51 days. Thu-

Report from the Legislature

by Randy Weekes, MLA, Biggar (25 July, 2012) Economy continues to grow I am happy to report Saskatchewan’s economy is strong and growing. Recently released wholesale trade numbers for May show an increase of 13.2 per cent this year, the third highest growth rate in Canada. This increase in wholesale trade builds confidence in our business community, provides employment and contributes to the overall success of Saskatchewan. Another encouraging trend is our increase in exports. In May, Saskatchewan’s exports totalled $2.8 billion, up 19.8 per cent from last year. We exceeded the national average according to Statistics Canada, and had the second highest gain among the provinces. On a special note, Saskatchewan’s energy and agricultural products led the exports numbers; they were up 35.1 per cent and 14.1 per cent respectively. All of this economic growth provides the people of Saskatchewan new employment opportunities. Our latest employment numbers show that 548,900 people are working in Saskatchewan; this is the highest employment number on record for the second straight month. It’s great to see so many people working to build their future here in Saskatchewan. Provincial Water Strategy Saskatchewan has been blessed with amazing growth; with this growth

comes the responsibility to ensure our natural resources are there for the next generation. One of the most important resources we have is water. To that end, our government is working to create a 25 Year Water Security Plan. This plan will provide an effective water management strategy, which will deal with the challenges created by growth, while ensuring safe, sustainable supplies of water now and into the future. This fall, Integrated Water Saskatchewan, will be the new agency

responsible for the implementation of the 25 Year Water Security Plan. This agency will bring together water management expertise from the public and private sector. This pooling of expertise will increase our water management capacity and provide strong leadership on water related issues throughout the province. We will see a one window approach for waterrelated issues that will benefit both individuals and businesses. This consultation document is available on the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority Web site

Swimming Cooling off in a pool or lake is a great way to beat the summer heat. To make the experience that much more enjoyable, keep in mind basic water safety practices. Learn to swim. Supervise kids at all times near water. Follow the rules set out at public pools. Ensure all backyard pools are enclosed by a locked fence. Know First Aid and CPR in case of an emergency. Be aware of polluted water in lakes and rivers. It can cause diarrhea and infections. Splish, splash safely! For toll-free health information 24 hours a day. Please call 1-888-425-4444(TTY) if you have hearing or speech difficulties Smokers Helpline 1-877-513-5333 or Questions about Medication? Call 1-800-665-DRUG (3784). Ask questions online Mental Health & Addictions Centralized Intake Line 1-866-268-9139 Monday to Friday 8:00 am—4:30 pm

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and all citizens are encouraged to provide comments before the end of August. If you have a question about this Legislative report or any other matter, just contact Randy.

ban is a white giant star of spectral class A0. Its surface temperature registers at 9800 Kelvin but shines a rare five times brighter than what it should be and 300 times more luminous than our Sun. Now move 11 degrees to Edasich which is a K2 giant located 101 light years away. Edasich is one of the ten stars in Draco that have at least one orbiting extrasolar planet. Discovered in 2001, Iota Draconis b has the mass 8.9 times that of Jupiter’s and orbits once every 536 days. Within three degrees in almost any direction from this parent star are some great targets For example, half way between Iota and Theta Draconis is a fantastic group of elongated structures. They are NGC 5981, 5982, and 5985 with magnitudes of 13.2, 11.0 and 11.1 respectively. Their distances from us are estimated to be 96, 135 and 143 million light years. Another beauty is NGC 5907 also known as the Splinter or Knife Galaxy. This edge-on is only 40 million light years

and glows at magnitude 10.4. Measuring 13 arc minutes in length and 1.4 arc minutes in width, NGC 5907 is a must to hunt down and image. One of the Hubble Space Telescope’s targets was the Cat’s Eye Nebula. NGC 6543 is a planetary nebula that lies 3,600 light years from us with a magnitude of 8.1. There is a strange structure to the remains of the central dead star. The theoretical cause is what was thought to be one central star is actually a binary star system. You should also notice NGC 6552 which is a 14th magnitude spiral galaxy some nine arc minutes from the Cat’s Eye and 50 million light years from Earth. Now for a real challenge try is to spot and photograph the Draco Dwarf Galaxy. At only 260,000 light years away, this dwarf elliptical is measures 33 by 19 arc minutes or a full moon in width and is considered a companion of the Milky Way Galaxy. Good luck with that one. Until next month, clear skies everyone.


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PLEASE READ YOUR AD -- Advertisers should read their advertisement THE FIRST ISSUE IT APPEARS and report any errors in time for the next insertion. The Independent is responsible subject to the conditions noted above, for ONLY the Årst incorrect insertion. NO REFUND on classiÅeds. Times to run must be stated at First Insertion. Enclose cheque, money order, Visa, MasterCard or American Express for your classiÅed. Other Advertising Rates Available upon Request. The BIGGAR INDEPENDENT accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publication by this newspaper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES… Pick up… $28.00 + $1.40 gst = $29.40 Inside 40-mile radius/ONLINE $33.00 + $1.65 gst = $34.65 Outside 40-mile radius… $38.00 + $1.90 gst = $39.90

OBITUARIES Delbert ‘Murray’ Eaton It is with great sorrow that the family of Murray Eaton of Kinley, Sask. announces his passing on July 31, 2012 at the age of 84 years. He will be greatly missed by his loving wife, Donna; and children, Rhonda (Ron Fish), Grant (Shelly), Cheryl, and Valerie (Stewart); along with ten grandchildren; two greatgrandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. Murray is also survived by his siblings, Audrey Mason, Harry (Gladys) Eaton, and Leona Lindsay and was predeceased by his parents, Henry and Eva; and his brother, Ronald. Murray spent most of his life doing what he loved, farming with his family in the Kinley area. We would like to thank the staff at St. Paul’s Hospital 6th Floor, Saskatoon, Sask. for being so wonderful and caring and extend special appreciation to nurses Lois, Sodelei, Amelia and Dr. Guru. A private family memorial and burial will take place at a later date after which Murray will be interred close to other members of his family in the Wheat¿eld Cemetery. Grondin Funeral Services, Biggar entrusted with arrangements, 948-2669, “Our family serving your family since 1963”. gfsc1

Check out the

STOCK BLOW OUT SALE at The Biggar Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar

Oliver Lyle Harris April 29, 1932 - July 19, 2012 Dad died peacefully in Biggar Hospital on Thursday, July 19, 2012. Oliver Lyle Harris was born April 29, 1932, at Kenaston, Saskatchewan, to Arlo and Mabel. He lived on the farm at NW1/4 20-37-18 W of 3rd, near Landis, for most of the rest of his life. He started school at Standard, a half mile from home. High School was obtained while he lived with his grandparents at Kenaston; an uncle in North Battleford, Grade 12 at LCBI in Outlook. He was an amazing baseball pitcher, hockey player and curler. He attended Teacher’s College (Normal School) in 1950 and taught at Winter, Saskatchewan for two years. In 1954, he started farming the family farm when his Uncle Bill met an untimely death in Lethbridge and his folks left Landis to take on Bill’s farming contract. In 1957 he married Myrna Clay and they had four children. He played baseball and hockey into his 30’s and then coached, umpired and refereed for many years. He was inducted into the Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame in 2001. He spent many years on boards for his community: the Co-op, United Church, Credit Union, Wheatland Library, Biggar School Division, the NFU, NDP and most recently, his condo board. He was a determined competitor on the pitching mound or the bridge table. Oliver loved a good joke and practiced regularly on his family. He actively farmed until 2011 and then moved to Saskatoon where he enjoyed making new friends and met the challenges of the Saskatoon Bridge Club and Cancer Clinic. Oliver was predeceased by his parents, brother Billy, grandson Cary, son-in-law Ken Jackson, and wife Myrna. Left to celebrate his example of a life well lived, his children: Cindy (Ernest) Hoppe, son Joel (Denielle) and their children, Elsa, Maxim and Josephine, son Dale (Michaela), and their daughter Willow, daughter Bethany (Edward) Drapak and their daughter Sarah; Guy (Sharon) Harris and their children Melissa and Sean (Rachel) and son, Logan; Clay Harris and his children, Lindsay (Jason) Best, Lyndon (Sherri) and their children, Carter and Brooklyn, Landon and Lorin and her daughter, Taylor; Celeste Jackson and her daughter Olivia; brothers, Glen (Wendy), Ray (Mary), Tim; sisters, Norma Boxberger and Alice (Wayne) Romanchuk; brother-in-law, Bob (Sharon) Clay; sister-inlaw, Shirley (Frank) Black; and numerous nieces and nephews. He is loved and remembered by his companion, Herta Barron. In lieu of Àowers, a donation to the charity of your choice would please his family. Interment will be MONDAY, AUGUST 13 at the Landis Cemetery at 10:30 a.m., the Memorial Service will be led by Rev. Linda Emberley at the Landis Community Complex at 11:00 a.m. Grondin Funeral Services, Biggar are entrusted with the arrangements, “Our family serving your family since 1963”, 948-2669.

Nick Kushner The passing of Nick Kushner occurred at the Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon, Sask. on July 23, 2012 after a short battle with cancer at the age of 78 years. Nick attended Monarch School, started farming with his Dad, then went on his own. He married Florence Faranick in 1957. They had two sons, Bruce and Michelle; Jeff and Sandi; two grandsons, Braden and Dylan. He enjoyed farming, always had cattle, loved to help with spring calving, riding his quad and snow mobiling. Also enjoyed ¿shing up north for Lake Trout. Nick mostly enjoyed spending time at his cabin at Green Water Lake, watching the elk pasture on his alfalfa ¿eld and his Alaskan hunt for caribou with his friend, Joe Phillips. With respect to Nick’s wishes, there will be no funeral. Memorial donations may be made to Royal University Hospital, 6th Àoor, Oncology Dept., 103 Hospital Drive, Saskatoon, SK, S7N DW8 32p1

CARD OF THANKS The family of Eddy Doidge would like to thank everyone who attended the funeral, for cards, prayers and support and donations to the Kidney Foundation. Also a very special thank you to Pastor Terry Wicks and also to Pat Wicks for playing the accordion and singing. Thank you to Gary Donahue for the selections played at the luncheon. Thank you to Grondin Funeral Services, and the Westwinds Motor Hotel for the lovely lunch served following the service. Leona, Marlene and families 32p1 On behalf of the Pollock family, my sister Shirley Johnson and her family, we have many people to thank. Our dear mother, grandmother, greatgrandmother, and great-greatgrandmother, Ivy Pollock passed away July 7 at Biggar Diamond Lodge. Mom was the daughter of early pioneers in Saskatchewan, her father homesteaded in 1903. The funeral was held in Biggar United Church on July 11 and interment in Brandon, Man. beside her husband. Our thanks go to Rev. Joanne Hills for a heartfelt service, Doreen and the choir for the music, and the United Church Ladies for the luncheon. Thank you to friends who sent Àowers and food. Thanks to Dr. Muller, the staff and management at Diamond Lodge for the loving care they gave Mom. Thank you for the cards of sympathy and the donations sent to local charities in Mom’s name. Thank you to Grondin Funeral Services for their help and professional service. gfsc1

For FAX service, see us at The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar

CARD OF THANKS The family of Alvin Taylor wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the doctors, nurses, and all the staff of Biggar Hospital for their compassionate care given to Alvin while in the hospital. A special thank you to Rev. Joan Brown for doing the service, Cathy Donahue and the choir. Thank you to Grondin Funeral Services; the Perdue UCW for serving lunch and for all the cards, Àowers, food to the house, phone calls and the contributions made to Leney Cemetery. Everyone’s thoughtfulness is much appreciated. Jean Taylor, Donna and Gary Peterson and family 32p1 Thank you to everyone who sent donations with me to the MS Super Cities “Walk to End MS”. Karen Kolenosky 32p1

COMING EVENTS SUNDAYS in August: Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans will be worshipping at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 10:30 a.m. Everyone Welcome. For more information or pastoral services, phone church at 306948-3731. 48/10tfn SUNDAYS… You are invited to the weekly services of Biggar Associated Gospel Church, corner Quebec St. and 8th Ave. West. Sunday Worship service is at 10:50 a.m. and everyone is welcome. Come and worship with us, Rev. Terry Wicks, Pastor. 23c12 JULY 4 - AUGUST 20: Annual USED BOOK SALE in the Credit Union Gallery at the Biggar Museum, 105-3rd Ave. West. 27c9 SUNDAY, AUGUST 12: Missionary Service with Margie Knapp and Willa Edmonds. They will be sharing their ministries with us. Come and worship with us at 10:50 a.m. at the Biggar Associated Gospel Church. 32c1 SUNDAY, AUGUST 12: Leney Cemetery Annual 76th Memorial Service, 7 p.m. Bring your lawn chair and a friend. (If the weather is bad it will be held at the United Church.) 31c2 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14: Biggar & District Arts Council presents…Kevin Fox, 7:30 p.m., Biggar Majestic Theatre. Adults/ Seniors $25 (advance $20); Students, 13 and older $15 (advance $12); children, 12 and under $5. Advance and Season Tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar, 948-2452. 32c6

DEADLINE • Wednesdays, 5 p.m.

NOTICE Families, clubs, churches and businesses are invited to do a Heritage Page to be on permanent display at Biggar Museum. Share your history! For more information call 9483451 or visit museum 1 - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. 7tfn This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. tfn Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at tfn

MISCELLANEOUS DISCONNECTED PHONE? ChoiceTel Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call ChoiceTel Today! 1-888-333-1405. www.choicetel. ca. P R O V I N C E - W I CLASSIFIEDS. Reach 550,000 readers weekly. this newspaper NOW or 649.1405 for details.

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WANTED Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Land¿ll OR contact Quentin Sittler at 658-2132 3tfn Main Street Garage Sale is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 948-1773 or 9485393. Pickup available. 32tfn

Small ads work… you’re reading this one!!!





Real Estate LANE REALTY CORP. For the most exposure that you deserve in the marketing of your farm or ranch property. Contact your local agent:

MURRAY MURDOCH (306) 858-8000 To view full colour feature sheets for all of our CURRENT LISTINGS, visit our Website at

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Ph:(306) 569-3380 Email:“ Now representing purchasers from across Canada, the United Kingdom and Mainland Europe!” REAL ESTATE CARS & TRUCKS 1979 Lincoln Continental, 4 dr, 460 auto, air, very nice condition, $2500 obo; 1981 Zephyr, cyl auto, very low mileage, 35,000 miles, $1800 obo. Phone 306951-7501 30p3 Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514.

FOR SALE. WARMAN 55 PLUS ACTIVE ADULT LIFESTYLE Large Ground Level Townhomes 306 241 0123 www.


Two serviced lots, side by side in Biggar, 100’x140’, $79,900. Call 717-4681 (cell) 5tfn

Ready-to-move show home. Options like front roof overhang for deck, deluxe cabinets, etc. $169,000. Swanson Builders (Saskatoon area) at 306-493-3089 or email info@ for details.

1985 Yamaha Virago, 1,000 cc, new rubber, carbs and forks redone. Phone 948-7521. 36tfn


HEALTH/ WELLNESS SLIMDOWN FOR SUMMER! Lose up to 20lbs in just 8 weeks. Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800854-5176.


Versatile 400SP 18’ swather, cab, crimper, $4,000; NI 484 round baler, $4,500; Ford 8N tractor with cultivator, $3,000. Phone 306-651-4643 32c3



BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WORK FROM YOUR CASTLE! Do you have 10 hrs a week? Teach over the internet. Free online training. Flexible hours. Great retirement income. www.

IF YOU’RE INTERESTED in real estate, then take Appraisal and Assessment, a specialized two-year business major at Lakeland College’s campus in Lloydminster, Alberta. Your training includes assessment principles, computerized mass appraisal valuation of properties, farmland evaluation and property analysis. Start September; www. 1-800-6616490, ext. 5429.

Three-bedroom home, close to downtown, 3.5 blocks from school. Available August 30. For viewing, call 948-3674 or 9489517 32tfn

FOR RENT Charter/ Sherwood Apartments HOUSES FOR SALE 402 - 7th Ave. East, Biggar… well-built, 3-bedroom home, completely renovated, gutted down to framing, custom cabinets, maple hardwood Àooring, energy ef¿cient package and many more up-grades. REDUCED, now $209,000. Must Sell. Call Brenda, 306-373-8254 30p3 423 - 4th Ave. West, Biggar… 1100 sq ft, 3-bedroom, 1 bath plus 1/2 bath off master bedroom upstairs, ¿nished basement with one bedroom and 3/4 bath. Detached garage, Beautifully landscaped yard. Contact Bob Foster, 948-7348, leave message 9tfn

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Full/part-time CASHIERS needed at Quick Stop. Resumes can be dropped off or mailed to Box 452, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 32tfn CLERK required at One Stop Hardware, 112 Main St., Biggar. Apply with resume only. 30c3 Looking for part-time WAITRESS OR WAITER. See Maggie at Snow White Family Restaurant, Biggar 24c18

Bob Foster Locksmith Services. Phone 306-831-7633 26tfn



W E L L - PA I D / L O W- S T R E S S Career in Massage Therapy. Train without giving up your day job. How? Check out www. or call 1-866-491-0574 for a free career information package.

If YOU are… • Moving • Expecting a Baby • Planning a Wedding • Anticipating Retirement Call WELCOME WAGON at 948-2563 - Lisa Haynes We have gifts and information



Very nice, well kept 1994 mobile home located one km south of Biggar in the Plaza Mobile Home Park; 3-bedroom, 2 full bathrooms, laundry room and attached newly renovated porch/sitting room. Comes with washer and dryer, portable air conditioner and kitchen appliances. New siding and shingles. Deck off back porch. Beautifully landscaped/fenced yard. Two-car detached heated garage/shop and large garden shed. It’s a MUST SEE! If interested call 948-5320 29p4


1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins. For more information call:

948-3820 302 - 8th Ave. W. • Biggar Please arrange to pick up your photos that have been submitted for publication. . . . thanks, The Independent

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION RATED #2 FOR AT-HOME JOBS. Start training today. Graduates are in demand! Enroll now. Take advantage of low monthly payments. 1-800466-1535

CERTIFIED ELECTRICANS WANTED for growing northern company. Competitive wages and bene¿ts. Safety tickets needed. Fax 250-775-6227 or email: info@torqueindustrial. com. Apply online: www. NEED A HOME PHONE? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We Can Help. Everyone Approved. Call Today. 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CERTIFIED MILLWRIGHTS NEEDED for growing northern company. Competitive wages and bene¿ts. Safety tickets necessary. Fax resume to 250-775-6227 or email: info@ Online: Mobile Service Technician - We are seeking an experienced Service Technician to perform general preventive maintenance and corrective repair of buildings, building systems, equipment and grounds for our client over multiple locations within a geographic area. This position may utilize several trade skills such as: carpentry, plumbing, electrical, painting, heating and cooling. The successful candidate must possess: basic knowledge of general building maintenance and construction; knowledge of the use and care of tools and equipment used in facility and ground maintenance; valid driver’ s license with good driving record; familiarity with building- related trade skills such as electrical, plumbing, carpentry, HVAC, Àooring; ability to effectively respond to client inquiries; proven communication skills; team player with a proven record of providing excellent internal and external customer service; self-motivated/ability to work autonomously. This position is FT w/bene¿ts and provides Company vehicle, Smart Phone and tools. Send resume to: rita.krizmonics@ and reference job ID 2012004489. Farm Mechanic Outlook Barrich Farms Ltd. the largest and most modern potato operation in Saskatchewan is hiring a farm mechanic. Email resume to harry or call (306) 867-9233.




Help Wanted… • Waitress/Waiter, and Cook for part-time position; weekdays and two Saturdays per month, 16 to possible 30 hours/week. • Part-time person for evenings and Saturdays. Apply in person to Kelly’s Kitchen, 221 Main St., Biggar or send resume to


ASSISTANCE is required immediately by Rack Petroleum for the Biggar Corporate OfÀce Complex and the Biggar Retail OfÀce. Duties to include twice weekly general cleaning as well as other speciÀed tasks. Supplies and equipment will be provided. Resumes can be mailed to P. O. Box 837, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 or can be emailed to kevin.therack@sasktel. net.

Clerk/Garage Attendant

We’re cleaning out, and giving Biggar a chance to

The Central Plains Co-op is recruiting for the position of full and part-time Clerk/Garage Attendant for the Service Station location in Landis. We are seeking individuals who have a desire to provide high performance customer service and wishes to be part of a professional team with the same goals.


Duties will include but not limited to: Cash register operations; Stocking shelves; Housekeeping; Dispensing fuel; Oil changes; Tire repairs; Providing a superior level of customer service. Please apply by Monday, August 13, 2012 to: Jenna Nemish, Human Resources/Member Relations/Marketing Manager Central Plains Co-operative Ltd. Box 970

Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0 Phone: 882-2601 Email: We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

DEADLINE For news, classifieds and ad copy

WednesDAYS • 5 P.M. • for publication on Monday

Come on in and see what you can Ànd at

garage sale prices!!! More items added weekly… OfÀce supplies, birthday presents, christmas giftware, tree, garland, shelving, lots of stuff … come on in to see!

The Independent 102 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar

If you DO NOT receive your Independent in a timely manner, please call your local post office or Canada Post @ 1-866-607-6301





Saskatoon - Biggar Office DUANE NEUFELDT 403 Main St., Biggar

Licensed For: • Residential • Acreage • Farm

306-948-8055 Fax: 306-948-2763

Proud sponsor of Children’s Wish Foundation

Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for:

•Farm •Residential •Commercial •Acreage

113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar

948-5052 (office) Cell 948-9168

BIGGAR ELECTRICAL & REFRIGERATION SERVICES Authorized Appliance Depot Electrical Wiring Trenching Licensed Journeyman Adrian de Haan

948-5291 PHILLIPS ELECTRIC • Residence • Commercial Wiring For free estimates Ph: 948-5393


Inc. FRE E Es timat Call us for… es • Insurance jobs • Renovations • New home building • Drywall & Painting • Flooring (hardwood, ceramic, etc.) • Residential/Commercial • CertiÀed installer for Logix ICF

BSA, P.Ag., Broker

948-5052 (office) Cell 948-7995

Cari McCarty Residential Sales


For all your home, business and rural needs Owners/Operators • Travis Young • Dallas Young • Claude Young

Biggar’s Top Performing Residential Agent

Biggar, Sask.

Tim Hammond Realty


Licenced for: •Farm •Acreage •Residential • Commercial

113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar

948-5052 (office) Cell 948-4478 Dave Molberg BSA

Exposure, Experience and Effort.

of The Battlefords Independently Owned and Operated

FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS… • Selling/Buying • Residental • Farm/Acreage • Commercial • Recreational

FOR RENT BIGGAR HOUSING AUTHORITY Housing for families and seniors Rent based on income

Call: 948-2101

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation Box 327 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Helping you Help yourself

Kent Dubreuil, E.D.O. Phone: 306-948-2295 Fax: 306-948-5050

Wally Lorenz Sales Associate 1391 - 100th St. North Battleford, SK S9A 0V9 Day or Night

Cell: (306) 843-7898 Bus: (306) 446-8800


9Residential 9Commercial 9Automotive 9We tint vehicles too! For all your glass needs,

104 - 2nd Ave. West Biggar


ADVERTISING is an investment in your business.

…owned and operated by Diane Larouche Ellard

Located in the Nova Wood Centre (back entrance) 104 - 6th Ave. E., Biggar


Specializing in Exclusive Seasonal Personal Training Sessions! …for weight loss,

Tim Hammond Realty 113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar

30 min. Circuit Gym

“Putting PERSONAL back into fitness training!” Wayne Baldwin,


Journeymen Plumber, Gas Fitter, & Electrician on staff


available to do…

• painting & Ӿnishing • decks & small buildings • light plumbing • windows & doors • laminate & hardwood ӿoors • general repairs

Call Jim @ 306-948-3333

MADGE CONTRACTING LTD. For all your rooÀng needs… ¬New Construction ¬Metal ¬Torch-on ¬Re-roofs ¬Tile ¬Asphalt ¬All repairs ¬Shakes We offer 10 Year Workmanship Warranty and Liability/Torch On Insurance Excellent Local References For a FREE estimate please call… 306-948-5453

Wood and Steel Buildings Floor & Trusses GEORGE STAHL (306) 948-3776 cell: (306) 260-6503 Ph:

Kirk Ewen Doctor of Optometry

body sculpting, strength training.

Offering… One-on-One Rehab & Therapy Sessions * Limited Memberships available to fully equipped Private Fitness Studio & Cardio Room Gift Certificates available

Visit us @ 114- 2nd Ave. W., Biggar

In Biggar Every Tuesday. Biggar Professional Building, 223 Main Street, Biggar

For appointments… 1-855-651-3311


Wylie Farms Ltd. SEED CLEANING Canadian Seed Institute Accredited Pedigree, Commercial & Custom Cleaning FULL line of Cleaning Equipment including Gravity Table

Excellent Quality at a Reasonable Price! For all your Cereal and Pulse Cleaning Call: Bill: Dale:

948-2807 or 948-5609 948-5394

Plant located 8 miles south of Biggar on Hwy #4, ¼ mile west on Triumph Rd.

Where you can feel right at home!

Northland Foaming

Spray Foam 306-948-2805 Cell: 306-948-6062 Email: Want to insulate your quonset, farm/commercial buildings, house or cabin? Lower your heating and cooling costs and add strength to your buildings!

NORTHLAND PAINTING and SANDBLASTING •Texas Gates •Spray Foam Insulation •Sandblasting & Painting •Internal Coatings •Rock Guard Coatings g

Mobile Units Office: 948-2805 05 Cell: 948-6062 email:

McCARTY CONSTRUCTION • Commercial • Residential • Design Builder • Insurance Claims • Renovations • Drafting Service

“Big or Small -We Do Them All” Licenced Journeyman Carpenters Troy McCarty 948-5627 (H) 948-9280 (C) Mitch McCarty 373-8254 (H) Serving Biggar ... Since 1968

Cell… 948-8048


Michelle Spuzak, R.M.T. (NHPC member) Located @ New Beginnings Wellness Centre, 114 - 2nd Ave. W., BIGGAR

Services available…

Evening, Saturday and in-home appointments available.


948-2548 or 948-9710


~ Gift CertiÅcates ~

Your Healthy Living

Weight Loss & Wellness Centre

Consultant & Coach Anne G. Livingston •Ideal Protein Weight Loss Clinic •Epicure Selections •Walden Farms Products •Young Living Essential Oils •Beauticontrol Skin Care

Located in Angie’s Hair Salon 219 Main St., Biggar Call 948-7274 or 948-3696


Biggar, Sask.

306-948-2814 BOOKS

or email

For bookings, call Jason

948-2887 VY JLSS 948-6969 McNULTY’S MOBILE SEED CLEANING Custom Cleaning of H.R.S. & C.P. S. Wheat

Phone: 948-5678



Custom Combining JD9770 with draper or hydraÁex headers

Mundt’s Mobile Custom Grain Cleaning

Portraits, Family, Weddings & Sports Photography

Place a classified by phone

Wayne Dollansky 306-948-7247

• Shamanic Healing • Psychosomatic Therapy • Massage • Emotional Release Therapy

Photos by Jocelyn

www.madgerooÀ Biggar, Sask.

Phoenix M4 Mobile Grain cleaning and sizing

Phone… 948-2548



Please arrange to pick up your photos that have been submitted for publication. .…thanks, The Independent


Ladies Only


Cell: 306-221-6888

Proud to handle Biggar’s Real Estate Needs

Licenced for: •Residential

- together with -


Tim Hammond,


Pat Wicks,

Living Books Distributor 205-3rd Ave. East, Biggar Books, gifts, cards. Shop at my home! Call 948-3427 for appts.

NEWSSTANDS @ • Esso • Leslie’s Drugstore • Pharmasave • Quick Stop • Super A Foods • Shop Easy Food • Weasie’s Gourmet Blends • Feudal Co-op, Perdue • The Store, Perdue






PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Barristers & Solicitors Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. Bonnie L. Reddekopp, JD 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK

948-3346 …serving your community since 1972

Garry A. Faye Chartered Accountant Notary Public 201B-2nd Ave. West P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, Sask.

Phone: 948-5133

Roe & Company is a full service law office that practices… ¾Family and Criminal law ¾Commercial law ¾Real Estate ¾Wills and Estate, and our lawyers, William Roe, Q.C. Jason Peszko Ian Mokuruk Lisa Watson Sheri Woods look forward to assisting you and can be contacted at:

306-948-5352 or 306-244-9865 To advertise in this directory, please call Urla at The Independent

• 948-3344 • This feature will appear Weekly. ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL DIRECTORY RATES.


BIGGAR DENTAL CLINIC 104 - 6 Ave. East, Biggar, Sask. Southeast entrance of Nova Wood Bldg. Hours… Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. th

223 Main Street Biggar


Box 580 Biggar, SK SOK OMO


OPEN: Mon.-Fri. • 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday • 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

948-2183 Email: Website:

INSURANCE BIGGA R I NS URA NCE S E RV I CE S • Notary Publics • Home & Agro Insurance • Auto & Commerical Insurance • Health Insurance • Motor Licence Issuer Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday 304 Main Street • Biggar

Phone: 948-2204 or 948-3886




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Let Vortex protect your truck and your investment with the Vortex Seamless Sprayed on Liner System

For all your investment needs, Visit…

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Pamela Eaton

Robert Hoesgen, CFP

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Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.

M & N REPAIR 701 - 4th Ave. E., Biggar

948-3996 Open Monday-Saturday Mike Nahorney, Interprovincial Heavy Duty Journeyman Mechanic

Located at the Biggar & District Credit Union 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK • 306-948-3352 Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc., and mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities Inc. ®Credential is a registered mark owned by Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license.

Heavy Truck Repair SGI Safety Inspection Auto Repair TIRES


available at… Grape Moments located in The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar 948-3344

• custom slaughter, cut and wrapping • sausage making, curing and smoking

• sides of Pork & Beef available


8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. • 8 a.m.-4 p.m.


Dean McCallum, CFP, CIM, FCSI

G<F Ahf^ FZbgm^gZg\^ & EZpgl fhp^] & >]`^l mkbff^]

Modern Licenced Abbatoir

Financial Planning Estate Planning Life Insurance

• trenching • trucking • water & sewer • sand & gravel • excavating Call Colin Graham at 948-5455

& K^ghoZmbhgl


Kevin Kurulak Investment Rep Insurance Broker P. 306 948 5200 F. 306 948 5207 Appointments Preferred


521 Main St., Biggar 948-2109

Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

• cut trim and removal • post holes • landscaping • cement removal • trenching • holes for piles • driveways • garage pads • basements


• Heavy truck parts • Agriculture parts • Automotive parts & accessories

115 - 1st Ave. W. Rosetown, Sask.

403 Main Street, Biggar

Are you looking for Life, Living Benefits Insurance and/or Investment Strategies?

Ivan Young,

KRF Auto Centre

1st Ave. West, Biggar

Want a truly independent advisor who will find your unique solution?


For FAX service, see us at The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar


Residential Commercial Automotive

216 Main St., Biggar

948-3955 Battery Chargers Electric Fencers Repaired/Rebuilt/ Built

Phillips Radio Shop 109 Main St., Biggar



Fax: 948-2484

MANUFACTURING CWB CertiÀed Light Fabrication Mobile Welding

230 - 1st Ave. W., Biggar Phone: 948-7117 email:

The Country Clipper


• All Breed Dog Grooming • Boarding Kennels (Bordetella Mandatory) • Pet Supplies • Saleboard for dog and cat related items

For appointments and inquiries, call Janet at 948-2091

Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 6 pm. 2 mi N on Hwy #4, 2-½ mi E on Golf Course Rd.


• Wood, metal, plastic signs • Vehicle & window graphics • Banners, stickers and Magnetic signs

Jerry Muc Phone: 948-2958 Fax:



BIGGAR COURIER • Biggar to Saskatoon • Same day Service • Monday to Friday • 24-hour Answering Service

~Brian and Cathy Fick~

Cell: 306-948-7524


Anne G. Livingston

CertiÀed Custom Picture Framer • photographs • paintings • art prints • memorabilia • collages, etc. Call Anne @ 948-7274



Custom Grain Hauling 306-948-9278 Landis, Sask.

948-5678 Sewing & Embroidery • Jackets • Windsuits • Shirts • Hunting Gear • Bunnyhugs • Caps • Toques • Bags Check out our new website: Judy Judy Kahovec: Kahovec… 882-4313, Cellcell 831-7935 306-882-4313, 831-7935 Carey Krchov: 882-3213 Carey Krchov…882-3213

Rebel Landscaping 948-2879, evenings 948-7207, daytime Ed Kolenosky • Driveways • Concrete • Garage Pads • Pruning • Planting


A Sign of

For FREE estimates or enquiries CALL Wayne or Dorothy at

Bob Kobelsky

LG, Frigidaire, Shaw, Bell, Yamaha AudioDealer; and Your authorized SaskTel Mobility and High Speed Internet Dealer

Box 736, Biggar

;% N% Lg_fcjk\ip ¾

Your authorized

Panasonic, Samsung,

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• Topsoil • Lawn Care • Leveling • Sod • Patio Blocks

• Snow Removal • Fences …and much more

Rockin D Trucking & Cattle

• Cattle hauling with 21 ft. gooseneck trailer • round and large square bale hauling with step-deck or highboy semi-trailers • also buying and selling straw and forage • also machinery hauling Home • 306-948-2037 Alex • 306-948-7291 Dan • 306-948-7843 Biggar, Sask.

HAULS TO THE DUMP Small moves and deliveries with ½ ton truck

Ph/fax: 948-3856 or cell: 948-7896 Sales Consultant J. G. Smith




505 Hwy. 7 West, Rosetown, SK


S0L 2V0

OPEN: Monday - Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CLOSED: Sundays

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