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ng rati b e l ce
TERRY FOX RUN, Sunday, September 18, 1:00 p.m. at Sandra Schmirler Olympic Gold Park
2011 harvest on track Warmer weather helps accelerate field operations in west-central
With the warmer temperatures last week, farmers were hard at field operations. Plus 30 Celsius temperatures and little wind, the dust was hanging around this combine last Wednesday, south of Biggar. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Saskatchewan producers have 32 per cent of the 2011 crop combined, right on track with the five-year (2006-2010) provincial average, according to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s Weekly Crop Report for the period August 30 to September 5. Thirty-four per cent of the crop is swathed or ready to straight-cut, compared to the five-year average of 31 per cent. Rain in some areas delayed harvest work for a few days, but most producers were able to get back into the fields at the beginning of the week. Harvest progress varies across the province. The southwest has 46 per cent combined; the southeast 43 per cent; the west-central region 29 per cent; the
east-central region 27 per cent; the northeast 19 per cent and the northwest 12 per cent. Seventy-six per cent of the lentils; 81 per cent of the field peas; 91 per cent of the winter wheat; 22 per cent of the durum; 15 per cent of the spring wheat and 28 per cent of the canola have been combined. Across the province, topsoil moisture on cropland is rated as five per cent surplus, 78 per cent adequate, 16 per cent short and one per cent very short. Hay land and pasture topsoil moisture is rated as two per cent surplus, 75 per cent adequate, 21 per cent short and two per cent very short. Fa r m e r s a r e b u s y harvesting, seeding winter cereals, hauling bales and controlling weeds on unseeded acres.
Saskatchewan NDP propose community access hospitals NDP Leader Dwain Lingenfelter and NDP Health critic Judy Junor last Wednesday outlined a proposal for Community Access Hospitals that would provide an alternative to towns that are currently facing hospital closure due to a shortage of physicians. Under the model, nurse practitioners would be able to operate the hospital working with a team of health professionals including emergency medical technicians and in collaboration with nearby and provincial physicians. Residents would be able to access emergency treatment or safe referral, transfer to larger centres or admission to the Community Access Hospital if appropriate. “Saskatchewan communities are facing difficult challenges in trying to retain physicians. In many cases they have been forced to close their hospital doors, leaving residents with no place to go in an emergency,” Lingenfelter said. “This offers a practical alternative to ensure that residents continue to have health and emergency
services where they need them and when they need them.” Over the past 15 months, Junor and fellow MLA Andy Iwanchuk, visited 60 rural communities and even more health facilities to hear directly from Saskatchewan residents about their views of the health system. “We listened to people and heard about the need to keep access to
emergency services. Many residents were asking for a different approach and in response we looked at models in Canada and in other countries,” Junor said. “The Community Access Hospital is developed from that research but provides a Saskatchewan option to address the needs of Saskatchewan people.” Junor said she would like to see some test sites
in communities that currently have had to restrict hospital services and that over time a number of steps are required to further develop
of a physician group within the Ministry of Health as well as agreements with nearby physicians to work in collaboration with nurse practitioners.
Record funding to assist producers with unseeded acres The Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC) has provided a record $329 million to assist producers with land they were unable to seed due to excess moisture
Cross country athletes hit the trails for new season . . . Biggar Blazing Saints coach, Blair Carruthers makes an “adjustment” to a runner last Tuesday as the club was training in the Rec Valley. Having already competed at meets in the area, the club will be holding their own home meet this September 29. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
the model. These include more accessible education and training for registered nurses interested in leading community access hospitals; the development
in 2011. This record funding was provided for 13,500 claims under the Unseeded Acreage (USA) Benefit, which was increased from $50 to $70 per eligible acre in 2011. “For the second consecutive year, excess moisture prevented many producers from seeding their land,” Agriculture Minister Bob Bjornerud said last Tuesday. “I am pleased the Crop Insurance Program is providing this record level of support to help producers address these challenges. I’m also very pleased that these claims have been processed by our Crop Insurance employees and the cheques delivered to farmers in such a timely manner.” Over the past two years, Crop Insurance has provided a record $551 million to producers through the USA Benefit. The 2011 Excess Moisture Program (EMP), which
was announced in August, provides an additional $30 per eligible acre for land that was too wet to seed or was seeded and then flooded out. All Saskatchewan producers are eligible for the EMP. SCIC is administering the program and will continue to process EMP claims as quickly as possible. The deadline to apply is September 30, 2011. More than $600 million has been made available under the EMP in 2010 and 2011 to help producers affected by excess moisture. Over the last four years, the Government of Saskatchewan has worked to improve the Crop Insurance Program, including providing the four largest budgets and average coverage levels in the program’s history. For further information or to register a Crop Insurance or EMP claim, producers can contact their local Crop Insurance office or call 1-888-935-0000.
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Council Minute highlights The regular meeting of Biggar Town Council was held August 16, at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Attending the meeting were Mayor Ray Sadler, Aldermen Ron Arnold, Don Cleaveley, Penny McCallum, Eugene Motruk, and Kirk Sherbino. Council resolved that the following gas engine mower, including bagger with 60” cut, be purchased from Moody’s Equipment at a cost of $13,500. Council resolved that the General Accounts Pa i d , i n t h e a m o u n t of $74,837.45, and the General Accounts Payable, in the amount of $31,233.19, be approved. Council resolved that the Council Meeting P r o c e d u r e Po l i c y b e amended to read as follows: “Section 1 -- Regular Council Meeting. (1) Regular meetings of Council are to be held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, beginning at 7:15 p.m.”, and further, that Resolution No. 11451 be rescinded. Council resolved t h a t t h e To w n e n t e r in to a Memorandum of Understanding with the participating municipalities of North East Planning district a n d We s t C e n t r a l Enterprise Region and Prairie Wild Consulting Co. to develop a District
Official Community Plan and a new zoning bylaw. Council resolved that the Town rent a 500gallon propane tank from Superior Propane at a yearly rental fee of $151.41 plus delivery and labour charges of $580 for the landfill supervisor building. Council resolved that the Town give approval for SaskPower to install underground service to Lot 1 Block 8 Plan D4770 at no cost. Council resolved that 10 chairs be purchased from Source Office Furnishings at a cost of $1,000 plus taxes. Council resolved that a 657-gallon septic tank be purchased from Flaman at a cost of $1,870 plus taxes for LPN’s begin new year of learning . . . Lorraine de the landfill supervisor Moissac, centre, leads her charges through a lab at the Biggar Hospital, last Thursday. Great Plains College building. Council resolved of $83,121.05 plus t h a t P. M a c h i b r o d a with a landfill study GST, and further, that E n g i n e e r i n g b e and monitoring well authorized to proceed installation at a cost
• Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
resolution No. 11-431 be rescinded.
Prairie Notes take to song with upcoming season It should be an inspiring season of song as Prairie Notes begins their new season this week. The adult community choir will hold their annual registration evening this Wednesday at St. Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Church starting at 7 p.m. Director Cathy Donahue and pianist
Peggy L’Hoir look forward to the fall season with a performance during Canada Music Week, Tuesday November 22, a guest appearance at the Biggar Museum and Gallery, December 10, and their annual Christmas Concert with special community guest artists, December 11. Prairie Notes welcomes
‘Healthy Brain’ seminar held . . . Public Education Coordinator, Alice Germann from the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan, was in Biggar last Wednesday, teaching the general public about the tragic disease. Germann presented “Understanding Alzheimer’s” to credit union staff, and “Heads Up for Healthy Brains” to the public at the Biggar New Horizons. Residents learned about ways to keep their brain healthy as they age, identify warning signs of the disease, and strategies to deal with it. Everyone appreciated the valuable information on the disease that affects so many. (Photo for The Independent by Cathy Archibald)
has began their new year of learning, and the latest group of Licensed Practical Nurses is hard at the books. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
all voices and levels of musical ability. They sing every Wednesday, a variety of music from popular to gospel to swing and contemporary. The choir has been singing together for 10 years, and last year had an exchange with Saskatoon, Outlook, and Montreal.
If you would like more information, or cannot make the registration night this Wednesday and intend to sing this year, please call Cindy Hoppe at 948-2947 or Cathy Donahue at 2374790. They look forward to seeing you!
This year, Prairie Notes are not planning any extraordinary events but they are open to suggestions! They have a large library of favourites that they combine with new pieces to build a program that is a joy to sing, and a treat for audiences.
Crime Stoppers The Biggar RCMP are seeking the publics assistance in the following case. • On August 31 at 4:34 p.m., a theft occurred at the Esso in Biggar. An unknown male is suspected in the theft. He was accompanied by a female. Both left in a purple Ford Mustang which had two white stripes going up the middle of the car. The male is described as having a fair complexion, possibly caucasian, short, medium build with short dark hair. He was wearing a blue, black and white hoodie with grey sweat pants. The female is described as having a medium complexion, possibly First Nations, with medium length dark brown hair which was in a pony tail. She was wearing a grey hoodie
third page
Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to call display nor are your calls traced or recorded. You can call Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers at 1-800-667TIPS (1-800-667-8477).
and grey pants. Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers will pay up to $2,000 for information which leads to the arrest of person(s) responsible for this offence or any other serious crime.
GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… Friday, September 9, 11:30 a.m. (stations randomly selected)
Biggar ....................................... 124.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock ................... 119.9¢/L Perdue… ................................... 122.9¢/L Landis… ................................... 124.9¢/L Rosetown… .............................. 126.9¢/L North Battleford…................... 122.9¢/L Unity ........................................ 124.9¢/L Saskatoon ................................. 128.9¢/L
Lottery Numbers
649 - Wednesday, Sept. 7 10, 15, 29, 32, 34, 40 Bonus 6 Extra 1695920 649 - Saturday, Sept. 3 14, 15, 25, 32, 41, 42 Bonus 49 Extra 5817035
Western 649 - Wednesday, Sept. 7 3, 11, 18, 32, 40, 44 Bonus 9 Western 649 - Saturday, Sept. 3 12, 18, 20, 25, 37, 43 Bonus 21 Lotto Max - Friday, Sept. 2 2, 3, 8, 13, 18, 20, 23 Bonus 10 Extra 2578182
This Week . . . Opinions ...........................................................4 Agriculture ..................................................... 2 Classifieds ...............................................18 - 20 Business & Professional Directory.........21 - 22
Opinions Think about trying something new Bob Mason writes about calling on his muse when he writes. He claims this mythical spirit will clear the grey cells and words will flow. Well, this week the muse needs to talk to me.
There is lots happening in town and yet at the same time, nothing is happening. Sort of like when people ask you what is new and the standard reply is nothing. Yet, in reality there are things happening every day, they just are not noticeable. Last week the temps were very summer like but reports for this week say the mercury will take a dip. Harvest will go on and so will track activities and a host of other events being planned. And, there are a number of activities to take in. A quick glance at the Coming Events and you will see there are lots of choices. Not only will your support be appreciated but you will get to meet people and catch up with previous acquaintances. September is traditionally a time for organizations to start up their activities. This year is no exception and if you want to get involved there are lots of choices. None of them will turn away volunteers. In fact, many of them desperately need new volunteers. Again, this is a great way to meet people. So, give this some thought. Try something new. Get involved.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are welcome. They MUST be signed, approximately 300 words in length and are subject to editing.
Trade diversification away from the U.S. a long-term solution by Todd Hirsch Senior Economist, ATB Financial, distributed by Troy Media It hasn’t been a good summer for the United States. July was consumed by political bickering over the deficit, August saw a credit downgrade, and markets convulsed. Jobs in America are still hard to come by, and GDP growth is slowing at an alarming rate. So where does this leave the Canadian economy, which is so heavily dependant on exports to the U.S.? There have been plenty of suggestions for Canada to diversify its global trade. Increasing exports to China, India and the other emerging economies seems like an obvious solution. Their economies continue to grow, and the some 2.5 billion people in China and India combined offers huge potential as a market for Canadian oil, lumber, food and other natural resources. Long-overdue trade
initiatives As well, the federal government has just concluded a high-profile tour and trade mission of South America. The Prime Minister was busy through much of August, signing trade agreements and shaking hands with political leaders in places like Brazil, Argentina and Honduras. These sorts of initiatives are long overdue. The more Canada can diversify its trade away from its overly heavy reliance on the U.S., the better (and more stable) Canada’s export-oriented economy will be. The problem is math. Imagine the ice surface of a standard hockey rink, and a whole lot of standard hockey pucks laid side-by-side. It would take a LOT of pucks - some 317,000 of them - to completely cover the ice surface. Now imagine that all of these pucks represent total exports from Canada to the global economy last year. Of these, 237,000 pucks would be sent to the United States, or about 75 per cent.
The next biggest set of pucks - only 13,000 - would be sold to the United Kingdom, which was Canada’s second-largest trading partner in 2010. Just over 10,000 pucks would go to China, the world’s largest country by population and the one economy in the world that seems to be propping up global growth. Brazil would receive fewer than 2,000 pucks, or only 0.6 per cent of the total pucks on the ice. And tiny Honduras, with which Canada just signed a free trade agreement, would get only 32 pucks. That’s about 0.01 per cent of the total. Belarus would get only one puck. And European lightweight Andorra would get a shaving off of one puck the size of a small french fry. Now imagine that the shipments of the 237,000 hockey pucks to the United States fell by, say, 10 per cent - an amount perfectly within the range of possibilities if America is to slip into another recession next year.
That would represent a loss of nearly 24,000 pucks. To make up for this loss, Canada’s shipments of pucks to the UK (another country mired in its own economic woes) would have to double. Pucks to China would have to nearly triple. And pucks to Brazil - another one of the “emerging economies” of the world still growing - would have to increase more than 10-fold. U.S. will always remain our No. 1 trade partner While sales to China are growing, the chance of tripling trade with China in one year is essentially zero. Our best chance of expanding exports to that country - or any of the emerging Asian economies - is by pumping a lot of Alberta’s bitumen through a pipeline to the west coast, and shipping it by oil tanker. Of course, plans for such a pipeline are well underway (even though the obstacles standing in its way are enormous). But even if construction on such a pipeline got started today, it
would take years for it to be completed. The point in all of this is that trade diversification for Canada is desperately needed right away. But because of geography and existing trade linkages, the U.S. will always remain our No. 1 export market. We can (and should) work hard to expand trade with Asia and South America. Yet even doubling or tripling sales to these markets over the next decade would not make up for a 10 per cent drop in trade with the U.S. Canada should be concerned about the prospects for the U.S. economy, but worrying won’t do a lick of good. This is America’s problem, and no policy action by Ottawa or the Bank of Canada can do anything about it. The best we can do is hunker down, keep our fiscal house in order . . . and work as fast as we can to diversify our trade. Todd Hirsch is Alberta Business columnist for Troy Media.
Phone: 306-948-3344
Fax: 306-948-2133
Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Monday at the office of publication, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Delta Fay Cruickshank
E-mail: tip@sasktel.net
P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
The mercury is supposed to continue to be on the rise for the next few September days according to weather forecasters. That means the last few days of summer will be just as nice as the first days of summer. The golden wheat fields are either being swathed or for those who straight combine, taken right off the field in one fell swoop. It is a bitter sweet moment for me because I love the looking out over a field and seeing nothing but gold -- however the best thing about planting a crop is getting it into the bin. During my years growig up on the grain farm I overheard many conversations about growing, fertilizing and harvesting. The names of the crops remain in my memory banks -- durum, barley, rye, spring wheat, flax. Now, when I hear my farmer friends talk about crops they talk about pulses like peas, lentils, even corn. I wondered too if the products made from these crops had changed much over the years, especially after hearing a friend order a “rye and seven” at an outing.
Canadian whiskey was labelled according to the contents at one time with rye whiskey being a premium brand. I found out that all Canadian whiskies today are made the same. Rye is blended with other whiskies to produce a liquid which is described as “relatively neutral”. Some distillers will produce several different blends. Yes, the crop is also used to produce flour which is then used in the baking of rye bread -- a very tasty product as well. But bread is not nearly as glamourous to talk about. The crop itself is a grass, classed as a cereal grain. Oddly, it grows wild in central and eastern Turkey and the surrounding area. The speculation is that the crop travelled west from Turkey mixed in with wheat. It wasn’t until after 1500 BC that there are records of this crop being sown on its own. Rye became popular in the Middle Ages when Central and Eastern Europeans grew it. It became the main bread cereal in the FrenchGerman areas and in northern Hungary.
Considering that most of Western Canada’s early pioneers came from these European areas it is no wonder that the crop was grown throughout The Prairies. Another plus is that rye grows well in poorer soils than its other cereal grain cousins. So, for those areas throughout the main growing region that have sandy or peat soil this was a perfect crop. And, it adapts well to the winter season. Rye will survive with snow cover compared to some crops that will not. The laws regarding the labelling of “rye” whiskey are not very strict. Our southern neighbours required 80 per cent of the blend to be rye for the alcohol to be labelled as such. Canadian law is a little more lax and the percentage is not as high, consequently it is hard to tell just how much rye content whiskies do have. None of this really matters. The farmers who grow the crop just hope and pray the weather holds out until it is harvested and in bins or enroute to elevators. It’s the economics of the crop.
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Biggar & District Arts Council celebrating 33 years presents…
Intru ment a singe list, r/ songw riter an story teller d
SEPTEMBER 23 7:30 p.m. The Majestic Theatre, Biggar DOOR OPENS at 7 p.m.
Tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers… Adults/Seniors… advance, $20, at the door $25; Students… advance, $12, at the door $15; 12 and under, $5
…presented by Biggar & District Arts Council, Stars for Saskatchewan Series …sponsors • Duperow Co-op, CJYM, Biggar Credit Union, The Independent Printers …patrons • de Moissac Jewellers, Westwinds Motor Hotel, Biggar Insurance Services
Saskjobs.ca breaks all-time job record in August Job postings on Saskjobs. ca more than doubled in volume compared to this time last year. The 16,084 jobs posted represent a 56 per cent increase from August 2010 and a 29 per cent rise over July’s numbers. The August monthly total exceeded the previous all-time high of 15,449 position postings set in April 2008. “August’s numbers mark another clear indication of our economy’s strength,” Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration Minister Rob Norris said, Wednesday. “With both the number of job postings and number of visits to the site increasing, Saskjobs.ca serves as a critical tool in connecting employers with job seekers, as we meet the needs of our growing labour market.” Of the 16,084 jobs posted to Saskjobs.ca in August: • Postings for trades, transport and equipment
operators represented 32 per cent of all available jobs (a 95 per cent increase over August 2010); • 30 per cent of the positions posted were in the sales and service category; • More than half of the positions posted were for vacancies outside of Regina and Saskatoon; and • More than 10,000 jobs were full-time. As the number of postings continue to rise, so does the number of visitors. This includes 834,172 visitors in August. Since January 1, 2011, there have been more than 6.7 million visits originating from more than 215 countries and territories around the world. The site remains on target to surpass the record of 8.8 million hits in the 2010 calendar year. Jobs were posted in 349 communities with the single largest increase in job orders in the southeast corner of the
province. Estevan saw 1,032 postings in August, an increase of 26 per cent from July 2011. Saskjobs.ca is Saskatchewan’s largest job-matching Web site. The site provides job posting services free of charge for employers across the province and free résumé posting services for job seekers around the world. Today, there are more than 10,000 jobs posted on the Web site.
Deadline for classifieds is Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m.
My muse! by Bob Mason Yours Truly was always a kind of sloppy kid around home, except that every now and then his folks said things like: “How about cleaning up a bit around here, eh?” So, young Bob sorted out all the stuff he had strewn all over his bedroom and felt good. (I always knew there was a bedroom floor down there somewhere). This happens to all of us, I think, for when we sort out the mess all around us, we kind of clear things in our minds too. For years Y.T. wrote little bits of verse all over the place, and for years they didn’t seem like very much to him, but as he got older he thought, “darn it, maybe our next generation will want to see this.” The old school scribblers with their simple entries are long gone (thank heavens) but like I mentioned above, I got older ... Here is a scrap of paper -- there is a jotted line Scrawled in the poor handwriting, everyone knows is mine! The battered bits of a notebook -- the soiled remains of a card This has been life for me always, scattered and tattered and scarred. This is my life that is lying so cluttered all over my room. These hundreds of pieces of paper that tell of an empty loom. These jotted missiles of minutes that came and passed with a frown. The shell of an ancient castle -- the wreck of a foreign town The slope of a peaceful
“For years Y.T. wrote little bits of verse all over the place . . .” valley -- the rise of a faroff hill These have I seen in my life time, these I remember still Remember as I am sitting, watching the fall of night Reading these bits of paper -- the scraps that I always write. There is the old black notebook that I carried out on the plow If I had to refill those pages, how long it would take me now! And yet, with my five horse tandem, at 18 miles to the day How often we halted and rested, and scribbled the pages away! And I filled up that old black notebook with thoughts of the things that were near. Invisible parts of the Prairie that the men of the West hold dear The eager display of a swallow to brighten a day that is dull. The frightened ears of a rabbit, the flocks of the Franklin Gull; In random moments of resting by blaze of the summer’s sun. I scowled as I scribbled
‘Ichabod Crane’ to run this October . . . An enthusiastic group of actors hit the Majestic Theatre stage last Thursday,
and scrawled them in an effort to make them one But there are the dust worn pages, held in their old black frame Crowded with dozens of verses -- and none of them quite the same. A couple of pieces of Feldpost that were ripped from a German file When I think of the night that I wrote them, I stop for a moment to smile. For I covered my trench with a house door -- and stuck my knife in the wall; And I melted the butt of a candle -- the light was meagre and small. But oh like a sun from the Heavens it lighted a
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time that was black, As I wrote with my dull old Parker grim words of the night attack! In the breast of any mud-worn tunic I folded them both as one, And I found them there one evening, long after the war was done! Pressed as a single paper, dirty and then they fell But still with their awful message of nights they had spent in hell Dried on the old stove fender -- far from the cannon’s roar. And lying so lost and wasted, here on my bedroom floor. What is this I am holding? An envelope cancelled of old, But the letter it carried is missing whatever the message it told. Yet I laugh as I finger it fondly, for I value that ugly old scrap For I wrote these one day I was building, on a board that I held on my lap. I wrote with a carpenter’s pencil -- the paper is ugly and wrong But still as I read I remember the thrill of a meadowlark song. The one that flew down to the ridgepole the day that my courage had failed. And oh how it cheered me a moment till I laughed as I hammered and nailed. A wrinkled old piece of a paper -- but oh it is dear to my sight As I toss it again with
auditioning for New Creation Community Players Youth group’s upcoming musical, ‘Ichabod Crane and The Headless Horseman’. The musical runs the end of October. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
the others -- the hundreds of scraps that I write. These are my pieces of paper, all scattered and ragged and torn, Tattered, mishandled and battered, so frayed and weathered and worn. Ugly, unfinished and useless, artless aimless and old Suggesting a myriad stories -- but none of them ever are told. These are as bits of confetti to a world that stumble the street, Meaning no more than a nuisance as it tramples them under its feet Unreading, unlearning, untrying, these lines that I write will be lost Unheeded, unheard in the crying that the greed of the future will cost Unseen by a world that is “busy” discarded, destroyed and distained But oh how I wish, as I read them, that the old inspiration remained! That I could reach out and recover the romance of writing -- and then, Perhaps I could finish these verses -- of where is my pen, my pen. I looked up the word “muse” in the big dictionary that I have, and it says: “muse (<O FR. muser, to loiter) to think meditatively. n. deep meditation, to think deeply. Whups! It can’t be that! Aha, there it is! Muse N. (< OFr. <L.<Gr. mousa) 1. Gr. myth any of the nine goddesses who presided over literature,
arts and sciences 2. (m-) The spirit regarded as inspiring poets and artists. Whew! The World Book on the shelf says (among other things) muses ancient (that’s me) writers called on one of the muses before beginning to write anything. I like to think that the word is connected to “amuse”, but the books don’t mention anything like that. (Y.T. doesn’t remember calling on any muse before he started to send in this stuff, but if he did, he must have gotten a wrong number.) For years, the gas tank on our old red ‘44 tractor was covered with verses and comments scrawled there whenever this “muse” swooped down and landed on my shoulder. I’m not sure where that old machine is now, maybe it is in a museum somewhere, and I imagine those immortal (or is it immoral?) links of Y.T. have been painted over long ago. I imagine that Y.T. will sit up here pushing his pen as long as that Apollo person keeps coming ... “Till then -- Pax and Aye, eh? I know I must write and write Till the roof of my life caves in Leaving forever the sight Of these thoughts for my social kin.
a bag limit of two deer per licence with a total of 200 licences being issued. Hunters who are interested in purchasing these Big Game Management licences should contact the Ministry of Environment offices in Swift Current (306-778-8205, Mon-
day to Friday) and Shaunavon (306-297-5433, Tuesdays and Thursdays) for more details. Licences are valid during white-tailed deer sea-
sons, including archery, muzzleloader and rifle seasons until December 7, 2011. As a condition of the licence, and to track the success of the Big Game Management licence program, hunters are required to report success/ non-success to any Ministry of Environment office within one week of the close of the season they hunted in. Hunters are encouraged to turn in the heads of all adult deer that are harvested with these licences to any Ministry of Environment office to test for Chronic Wasting Disease. There is no charge for the testing.
BCS News hallway pep rally just before the first home game of the season against Spiritwood. This morning we also had a pancake breakfast; thanks to the many staff who were cooking by 7 a.m. to feed us! In sports, Mr. Braman has been whipping this year’s football team into tip top shape at their early morning practices with high expectation for a great season. Their hard work is already paying off, as they won their first away game in Wilkie last Friday. Both Junior and Senior Volleyball practices have also started up in full swing, preparing for many upcoming games and tour-
naments. We are sending our senior girls off to Loreburn for an overnight tournament today. Good luck tonight and tomorrow girls! We also want to wish good luck to the senior boys who are heading to Wilkie this weekend with their new coach, Ms. Cote. We’re sure you will make us proud. Not to be left behind, the Blazing Saints Cross Country Team has been running hard three days a week since the first day of school. They are training to beat their rivals and bring home another Provincial Gold medal. That’s about all for now; we hope you will check back next week!
NOTICE OF CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Rural Municipality of Biggar No. 347 Public Notice is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the ofÀces of: COUNCILLOR FOR DIVISION NO. 2 COUNCILLOR FOR DIVISION NO. 4 COUNCILLOR FOR DIVISION NO. 6 will be received by the undersigned at the municipal ofÀce during normal ofÀce hours from Wednesday, September 7, 2011 until Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Nomination forms may be obtained from the municipal ofÀce. Dated this 5th day of September, 2011. Adrienne Urban, Returning OfÀcer
set of exercises for the week. We did our stretches, and then played with the exercise balls. Thursday afternoons are always our bingo games. We get a great crowd, and they hope the cards they picked are the lucky winning cards. Friday morning the Activity staff were busy getting things ready for our BBQ. The smell of fried onions wafted through the halls, and the potatoes and carrots from our garden were cooking on the stove. In the afternoon we met in the Activity Lounge and joined in with Sing Along. We then have a Happy Hour and enjoy our refreshments and good company. On Saturday we played
a few games of Home Sweet Home Bingo and visited with each other. In the afternoon we watched a movie, The Colt. Sunday mornings we enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, and some of the ladies get their nails painted. The Biggar United Church conducted our Sunday service. Every morning some of the ladies come into the Activity Room to fold some towels and washcloths, and the men come to read the newspapers and visit. We have had a good week, and are looking forward to next week’s activities. We enjoy the visits from family and volunteers. Have a good week everyone.
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biggarindependent.ca Subscribe at 948-3344 Biggar Community Í SEPTEMBER HAPPENINGS
by Tayler McCarty and Taylor Darroch This one’s for you and me, living out our dreams, we’re all right where we should be . . . Ahhh now doesn’t that make you miss summer? The halls of BCS are once again filled with many faces waiting for an exciting year to unroll. On Tuesday all of our students came to school looking their best for school pictures while the SRC’s annual Welcome Week started very comfortably with PJ day on Wednesday followed by Hat Day on Thursday and Green and Gold Day on Friday. Our football team wrapped Friday up with style during an exciting
Greetings from the Diamond Lodge. Another month has passed and we are now into the ninth month of 2011, how time flies. We are cleaning up our garden and flower beds, so sad to see them done for another year. But the weather is fairly decent yet, so we are still able to spend a bit of time outside. On Monday morning we met in the Activity Lounge for our first set of exercises. We do some stretches, then we like to throw the ball around. We also have a large exercise ball that we can kick back and forth, and is fun to see how long we can keep it moving. After lunch we had a fun game of Yahtzee. Tuesday morning we enjoy listening to current events. We have a volunteer that comes in and reads the various papers to us, and we like to have a discussion after. In the afternoon we watched a movie. On Wednesday we went bowling, actually it is called Swing Bowling, and it is set up on the tables in the Activity Room. It is as challenging as bowling, and some of us are quite lucky with knocking down the pins. We do a lot of cheering when a strike or spare is made. After lunch a few residents were loaded on the bus, and we drove about town, checking out the various changes that are happening, and noting how Biggar has grown. We also talked about how the Main Street has changed over the years they had lived in this fine town. We got back to the Lodge just in time to enjoy the ice cream cart. This activity is another one of our favourites, it is just hard to say “no” to ice cream. On the first day of September we started out the morning with our second
Majestic Theatre
For bookings and information please phone Bear Hills RDC @ 306-948-2295 This space is made available by The Biggar Independent
HYDRANT FLUSHING The Town of Biggar Utility Department will be FLUSHING FIRE HYDRANTS beginning Monday, September 12, 2011 and this work will continue throughout the month of September. Flushing will commence on the east side
of Biggar and should be completed within a week and a half at which time the west side will be done. PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the QUALITY OF WATER you will be receiving from the Town may be affected by this work and we would ask for your co-operation throughout this period. This work is being done to Áush out water mains, which will help the quality of water. Your co-operation during this period is appreciated.
The Ministry of Environment is offering Big Game Management licences to increase the harvest of antlerless white-tailed deer in some portions of the province. Antlerless deer are adult females or young animals born in the spring of 2011. The Big Game Management licences are available in portions of Wildlife Management Zones 4, 5 and 19. The cost of licences is $19.62 and may be purchased in addition to regular whitetailed deer licences. The Big Game Management licences are available for Saskatchewan residents on a first-come, firstserved basis and there is
Diamond Lodge News
Big Game Management licences available for antlerless white-tailed deer
Agriculture A good crop for this fall? Only if Ma Nature cooperates by Calvin Daniels When the calendar turns to September farmers attention turns fully to harvest. The rest of us might be thinking about students returning to school, the pennant races in baseball, and the stretch drive in the Canadian Football League, but for agriculture harvest is paramount, the payoff period for all the work associated with planting a crop in the spring, and dealing with weeds and other problems throughout the growing season. While there were issues involved with getting this year’s crop in the
ground in some areas as a result of a wet 2010, and more moisture early this spring, the growing season has actually been good in most areas. The same sun and warm conditions which made it a more enjoyable July and August for all of us, meant generally good growing conditions for crops. As a result farmers are anticipating a very good crop this fall. It may not be a crop anyone is labelling ‘bumper’, and there is still the possibility of a frost impacting quality
numbers in the United States continue to buoy prices. Canola futures actually climbed last week, along with other crops, as new estimates coming out of the U.S., suggested the corn and soybean crops there will be lower than forecasts made a few weeks ago. The sheer size of the U.S. crop means a smaller crop there will easily offset canola numbers here, as soybeans and canola generally move in lockstep since both are part of the vegetable oil market. The softer Canadian dollar has also been kind to canola futures. As a result the November canola future contract is around $575 per tonne. Farmers have
to be making a dollar at such prices, or they never will. It’s also good news on the cereals side of things, with the Canadian Wheat Board optimistic of a higher quality crop if frost stays away a while longer. CWB analysts are expecting the 2011 crop to be similar in size to last year, but with better overall quality, and below the five-year average of 22.4 million tonnes for Western Canada. In 2010, Prairie farmers harvested 21 million tonnes of wheat, and it is expected this harvest will see similar numbers. Durum and barley production are both expected to be up this fall.
The CWB is also suggesting cereal quality should be at least average in 2011, and average is considerably better than what occurred in 2010 when only 38 per cent of Canada Western Red Spring Wheat hitting the top two grades. On general terms 68 per cent falls into the two top grades on average. With American crop issues helping hold prices, and a higher quality crop anticipated here, farmers only need the cooperation of Mother Nature to fill their bins with a crop having values that should mean black ink for most producers.
Crop Insurance and SGEU ratification vote
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on later seeded costs, it should be a good fall to fill the bins. Canola, which is the golden crop these days, could be a highly profitable one for farmers based in two factors. On one hand Statistics Canada is predicting the 2011 canola crop will be a record one at 13.2 million tonnes, which would put this year’s crop at about 11 per cent higher than 2010, StatsCan estimated the harvested canola area at 17.8 million acre. At times talk of a record crop might put pressure on prices. If the market anticipates lots of product they can pull back in terms of what they are willing to pay. That has not been the case this year, as
Could this be your
The Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC) last week announced that members of the Saskatchewan Government and General Employees Union (SGEU) have voted in favour of ratifying a new collective agreement. SGEU represents approximately 500 members working at SCIC’s head office in Melville and 21 customer service offices throughout the province. “We are very pleased with the ratification of this agreement,” Acting SCIC General
Manager Shawn Jaques said, Tuesday. “We will continue to work to serve the needs of Saskatchewan farmers and ranchers.” The new three-year agreement will be retroactive to October 1, 2009, and expire on September 30, 2012. The terms of the agreement include a 5.5 per cent general wage increase over three years and: • an additional 0.25 per cent general wage increase in the third year in consideration of negotiated efficiencies; • an employer
contribution of 0.2 per cent toward the employee-enhanced Dental Plan; • an overnight allowance of $25 per night for employees who travel away from home for more than three consecutive days, commencing after the third day; • an increase in the designated holiday pay for casual, temporary employees and adjusters from 4.5 to 5.4 per cent; • an increase in the employee and employer contributions to the Public Employees’ Pension Plan from a total
Catherwood Multiple 4-H Club wants YOU!!! Ages 6 - 2
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Are your children interested in arts or crafts? Do they have pets? Do they love being outdoors, camping or maybe even travelling. If your child enjoys being with other children in a fun and educational setting, then 4-H is the answer you have been looking for.
The opportunities are endless… from babysiting and crafts to mechanics and car care, hunting and archery to cooking and clothing; horses, cattle, dogs, etc. Not only is 4-H a great way to learn the skills we need to become respected adults but with 4-H your child can earn extra school credit and scholarships all while preparing him/herself for secondary education as well as a career.
Catherwood Multiple 4-H Club would like to invite parents and children to check it out. It just might be for you! We guarantee there is a project for everyone. If you wish to check out the 4-H website, please go to www.4-h.sk.ca Whatever your interest - everyone is welcome!
To join/register or if you have any questions, please contact…Amanda Stehr, 3294694 or 2aj@sasktel.net; AnnaLeigh Bruno, 237-4377 or annabruno1@hotmail.com.
of 7.0 to 7.25 per cent of gross regular salary for employees; • joint agreement to reassert SCIC and SGEU commitment to the Joint Classification plan; and • agreement to reconsider the retroactive application of seniority for employees who previously were not given seniority after being away on maternity leave. SCIC delivers business risk management programs including Crop Insurance, AgriStability and the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program to Saskatchewan’s farmers and ranchers.
Got stuff to sell?
Place an ad in The Independent! Come in to place your ad, 102-3rd Ave. W.,Biggar or call 948-3344!
Report from the Legislature by Randy Weekes, MLA, Biggar (31 August, 2011) Repairing damaged infrastructure This spring’s record moisture levels led to significant flooding throughout the province, and our government was prepared to meet this challenge. When Saskatchewan’s highways were hard hit by spring runoff and flooding, we were able to move swiftly to invest $20 million to help repair damages caused by flooding and extremely wet conditions. We are now investing an additional $46 million that will go towards repairing bridges and culverts, fixing landslides, rebuilding washed-out and eroded highways and fix surface failures. Our government, along with the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority, began planning and preparing last year, as we knew full well the potential for flooding and water damage that would occur on our roads and highways this year. Just as we anticipated, the damage is significant -- more than 120 sections of highway have been closed at some point this year, and our government has identified about 400 repair projects. For the past several months, our crews and contractors have been working hard to make repairs and keep our highways open. However, our government realizes that many roads are still in bad shape, which is why we invested the additional $66 million on top of the $556.2 million investment in Saskatchewan highways in the 2011-12 budget. More repair work will continue in the months ahead to ensure that our highway system can continue to contribute to the prosperity of our communities and economy, but, more importantly, to ensure your family is safe on our roads. Housing support As Saskatchewan continues to enjoy growth and prosperity, challenges remain, especially in housing. Our government understands that we need to take action to ensure that affordable housing is accessible to all people. Through a partnership with the federal government, we are able to invest a total of $132 million to support local housing initiatives for low income people, families and seniors. Some of those initiatives include a new senior’s housing complex that was recently announced for both Yorkton and Prince Albert.
These projects, and others across the province, are part of the Saskatchewan Advantage. Since November 2007, we have invested over $80 million in 800 new affordable housing units across the province. In March, our
government announced a plan to invest $252 million to help add 4,600 new homeowner and rental units in Saskatchewan over the next five years. In April, we announced a $6 million action fund aimed specifically at funding initiatives outside
the parameters of our existing programs. Plus, our recently released eight-year Housing Strategy for Saskatchewan puts forth an action plan to move forward with Saskatchewan housing stakeholders under five strategic directions:
increase housing supply, improve housing affordability, support individuals and families in the greatest housing need, enhance strategic planning for housing and collaborate, communicate and educate. More importantly, we will
continue working in the months and years ahead to make sure that all Saskatchewan people have a home to call their own. If you have a question about this Legislative report or any other matter, just contact Randy.
New Horizons Activities by Karen Itterman The New Horizons members are enjoying the warm fall weather and by all reports it will continue for the rest of the week. A card party was held on August 26 with 16 people playing kaiser and cribbage. The host for the afternoon was Don Sinclair with Marlene Sinclair providing the lunch. At the end of play kaiser winners were Cecilia Dick, Phyllis Martin and Wilma Kelly. Cribbage winners were Ann Muc, Barb Swyryda and Rita Besse. The highest scoring cribbage game went to Ann Muc and Doris Gartner. Kaiser was played on August 29 with Phyllis Martin, Pat Turner,
Joanne Kral, Joyce Colbert as the winners and Pat Turner and Joyce Colbert scoring the highest game. Bingo was held on August 29 with 20 people in attendance. The bingo dates for the month of September are the 22nd and 26th. Everyone is welcome to attend. Cribbage was played in the hall on September 2 with 12 people attending. The winners were Pat Turner, Barb Swyryda and Phyllis Martin. The host for the afternoon was Don Swyryda and he capably provided the lunch. Monday afternoon kaiser was played on September 5 with Wilma Kelly, Maxine Sully, Helen
Kanz and Joyce Colbert as the winners. The highest scoring game went to Maxine Sully and Wilma Kelly. We are presently getting things organized for a sandwich, soup and dessert lunch on September 30. Following the lunch we will be playing cards. Everyone is welcome. The September activity schedule is printed and is ready for anyone to pick up. We also have the September and October courtesy car schedule available for the drivers. Needlework begins at the New Horizons on September 12 at 1 p.m. and Five Pin Bowling begins at the bowling alley on September 15. Have a great weekend.
SATURDAY, SEPT. 24 @ Third Ave. Park, Biggar 1 - 6:30 p.m. Boxing
July building permits tops in Canada with 85 per cent growth Activity in the province’s construction industry continues to lead the country and power the Saskatchewan economy full steam ahead. Saskatchewan’s yearover-year building permit increases ranked number one in Canada in July according to a report released by Statistics Canada September 8, up 85.7 per cent in July 2011 over July 2010 (seasonally adjusted). “Saskatchewan is lead-
ing the country as our construction workers are stepping up to build new homes for families and new spaces for entrepreneurs to do business,” Enterprise Minister Jeremy Harrison said. “With more jobs available and high business confidence, it’s not surprising to see such strong housing demand and construction activity in the commercial and industrial sectors.”
Building permits were up by 11.6 per cent on a national basis on an annual comparison. Saskatchewan’s residential permits were up by 88.5 per cent and non-residential permits rose by 83.4 per cent over the same period. Regina ranked fourth among major Canadian cities as permits increased by 155.7 per cent between July 2010 and July 2011.
Learn to do by doing 4-H restarts under Catherwood name
An informational meeting was held September 7 at Perdue School for interested individuals restarting the 4-H movement in the area once again, using the former moniker, ‘Catherwood
Multiple 4-H Club’. Turnout was excellent with many children coming to see what the club had on offer. All the kids were interested in the projects 4-H had to offer. The club is now looking forward to the upcoming season.
With new members, leaders and projects, Catherwood Multiple 4-H Club will be up for the challenges that come with a new year. For meeting dates, times and whereabouts, check the advertisement on Page 8.
Bungee Run
& much, much more!
If weather is unfavourable, event will be held in St. Gabriel School Gym
To help organize or for more information phone Dan @ 948-3323 ext 230
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Thursday, September 29 Majestic Theatre, 322 Main Street Reception: 7pm, Performance 8pm In support of BIGGAR
David Merry is a veteran comedian, tv personality, actor, magician and certified golf professional. In other words, he can’t hold a job.
Contact Jim Vancha, Consultant, at 948-4393 for your complimentary ticket to the show.
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Alley Katz Bowl and Fun Centre owned and operated by Mike and Karen MacPherson 119 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar, SK 948-2255 Fun and Fitness All In One
Trademarks owned by IGM Financial Inc and licensed to its subsidiary corporations.
How to Throw the Best Backyard Barbecue (MS) -- With fall just over the horizon, kids across the country are getting ready to return to school while Moms and Dads are saying so long to summer office hours. Though it might seem as if autumn is right around the corner, the nation’s grill masters know there’s still plenty of time to revel in one of summer’s most beloved summer traditions. Backyard barbecues have been a staple of summer for as long as most people can remember. As the sun prepares to set on summer, there’s still time to throw the best backyard barbecue of the season.
• Make it an event instead of another barbecue. Thanks to the laid back nature of summer, many backyard barbecues come together at the last minute or a day or so in advance. For an end of summer sendoff, hosts should break from the norm and print up formal invitations to let guests know this won’t be the standard backyard barbecue. With an invitation in hand, guests will be more enthusiastic and likely to make the final backyard barbecue of the year the best of the entire season. • Choose a theme. After a season spent eating
hamburgers and hot dogs, many guests might feel less than enthusiastic about attending yet
the party as the “End of Summer Barbecue Bash” and invite friends and relatives over for
another backyard barbecue. However, hosts can set their soiree apart from the rest by giving the party a theme. For instance, refer to
one last warm-weather get-together. • Don’t abandon tradition entirely. While it can be tempting and fun to experiment at a
backyard barbecue, hosts should also embrace some favorite traditions. Guests will no doubt expect the standard fare, including salads, hot dogs and hamburgers. So even if there’s going to be some experimenting going on, be sure to have the old standbys on the menu as well. It’s also important for hosts to peruse the guest list ahead of time. Doing so ensures there will be enough food for everyone and that the menu features food for those with unique diets, be it vegetarians or those with medical restrictions. Ask any guests when sending out invitations of they
have any such dietary restrictions. • Decorate the grounds. By the end of summer, it might take more for hosts to get guests excited about a backyard barbecue than just a backyard and a hot grill. Hosts hoping to make the night as memorable as it is fun should considering decorating the backyard. Banners in the backyard can commemorate the end of summer and invite guests to let loose outdoors for one last night spent under the stars with family and friends.
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by Delta Fay Cruickshank, of The Independent As the dog and I walk along the streets and alleys every evening and very early in the morning, there is a scent in the air. That scent is crab apples! Seems most backyards have a crab apple tree in their backyard. Obviously they are very hardy and very prolific! Actually, the wild crab apple is the source of all domestic apples! People have been using the term ‘crab apple’ since the early 15th century. As per usual there are several thoughts about how the term ‘crab’ originated. One belief is that crab is the Scottish form of scrabbe, a Norse word from “fruit of the wild tree”. Another idea is that it means “crooked or wayward gait of a crab”, referring to the taste of the fruit, which is usually very sour and astringent. Anyway the name came to be, it is definitely tart! Despite this tartness people have been sweetening them up every fall for centuries, making jellies, butters, pies, preserves,
ciders and wines with them! We have a tree in our backyard, now laden with small fruit, very pretty, but what on earth I am to do with all the fruit! The fruit at the top of the tree will be left for the birds. I have found a couple of recipes for crab apple butter as well as one for sweet pickled whole crab apples. Crab Apple Butter: 10 lbs crab apples 7 1/2 cups white sugar 4 cups water 1/2 tbsp cinnamon 1 tsp nutmeg 1 tsp allspice 1/2 tsp ground cloves Wash crab apples, remove the stems and blossom ends. Place in large heavy pot on stove. Add water and cover. Cook until soft, about 45 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking. Put through a coarse sieve. I don’t own any such thing so with 1/5th of the recipe it was no big deal . . . if you are big time into preserves et cetera . . . you might want to get a proper sieve . . .
Crab apples are now ready to can, pickle, juice, pie or leave for the birds! (Independent photo by Delta Fay Cruickshank)
my bad wrist was nearly done for in just this small amount. Return to pot, add sugar and spices. Cook slowly until thick, about two hours. . . yep . . . two hours . . . and your house will love you for it! Pour into hot sterilized jars and seal at once. My good friend Betty who knows all about canning says if you are doing up a big batch, make sure you follow proper canning instructions. I just made two jars and put in the fridge; they won’t last the week I’m betting. (taken from mennonitegirlscancook.blogspot.
com) Sweet Pickle Whole Crab Apples 6 quarts fresh crabapples, washed and stems removed 1 cup whole cloves 1/2 cup water 3 pounds brown sugar 1 cup distilled white vinegar 2 tablespoons whole allspice berries 6 cinnamon sticks
1 tablespoon grated lemon zest Directions 1) Stick two or three cloves into each of the crabapples, and set aside. 2) In a large pot, stir together the water, sugar, and vinegar. Place allspice berries, cinnamon sticks, and lemon zest in cheesecloth, and tie cheesecloth to make a small bag; add to pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for five minutes. Add the crabapples,and simmer until tender, about 20 minutes. 3) Use a slotted spoon to lift out crabapples and place them into sterile jars. Cover with hot syrup, and seal in a hot water bath for 10 minutes, or until the centres of the lids are depressed. If the syrup seems too thick, add more water. Refrigerate after opening. I can remember my grandmother from Meadow Lake serving these with a roast of pork or a ham. Some people will make sauce with the crab apples or even pie; I imagine the recipes are similar to using apples, just add more sugar or honey! A neighbour has a crab
apple tree, that has much bigger fruit than mine. I tried them this morning, and you know, they are already too mealy to use! Mine are so sour, they almost made my eyes vibrate! Crab apples can be the host for some diseases that will affect the domestic apple crop. If you are planning on getting a pretty crab for your backyard and pantry, check at the garden centre to make sure they are disease resistant. There is a large variety of hybrid crab apple trees to choose from, some for fruit, some are ornamental and only have the beautiful showy blossoms. Any tree you do choose, make sure you give it a good start. Dig a really big hole, in a place where there will be plenty of room for it to grow to its mature height and width. Augment the soil with compost, water the hole well, place the new tree in the hole so that the root ball will be level with the soil line, water again, and kept it watered well for a whole growing season. By the following year it will be established well, and will give you fruit and flowers for ages! Enjoy!
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The Sky This Month -- September 2011 of time and both fly off on the winged horse Pegasus. With the King and Queen situated high overhead, dobsonian owners can enjoying the views with ease, opposed to breaking their backs looking down to the far south such as Sagittarius. Cepheus is not a very prominent formation of stars. The five main suns that makes up what appears to be a house or a church, range from magnitude 2.4 to 3.7. The easiest way to locate Cepheus is to follow
by Gary Boyle, The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Looking Up At Royalty Perched high in northern skies are two figures of pure royalty. King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia were also portrayed as main characters in a famous mythological story. The “Royal Family of Constellations” involves the said King and Queen, as they sacrifice their daughter Andromeda to the sea monster Cetus. But Perseus saves Andromeda in the nick
the length of Cygnus the Swan. Start from its head and keep moving north or it can be found above at the top of the
the cosmic highway. Alderamin spans about two and a half times wider than our Sun and is about 18 times
on the appearance of an elliptical galaxy. The universe is never a dull place. Events do occur but seem few
on Sept. 3 when it slides under Collinder 399 aka The Coat Hanger. Garradd is sporting a faint tail that appears
Northern Cross. The alpha star of the constellation is named Alderamin. It is burning hydrogen like our Sun and is located a mere 49 light years from us -- pretty much down
brighter. Catalogued as an “A” class star, Alpha Cephei spins at 248 km/ sec and has a surface temperature of 7,600 Kelvin. With its position being close to the 23.5 degree circle formed by the 25,800 years precession to which our north Polaris is on, Alderamin will be considered our Pole star some 5,500 years from now. Unlike Polaris, Alderamin will be about three degrees off the mark. The North Star is current sitting at a little more half that value. For a change of pace, let us look at a very compact galaxy catalogued as NGC 278. This magnitude 11.5 island of stars resides some 35 million light years away and at first glance, comprises of tightly wound galactic arm which almost takes
and far between. With memorable views of supernova SN 2011dh in the Whirlpool Galaxy discovered back in June buzzing in our heads, there is news of another explosion in another remote galaxy. The galaxy M101 is now displaying a type 1a supernova. It should now be around magnitude 11 and within reach of binoculars. Of the four comets that were within range of telescopes, three are close to or in the solar glare and therefore a challenge to say the least. Comet C/2009 P1Garradd is zipping along interstellar space and is well placed for all night viewing. In fact Garradd will only get better till the middle two weeks February 2012 when it is expected to peak at magnitude 7.0. Use the chart to follow its path against the stars. Another great Kodak moment comes
on photos. On the planetary scale -- Jupiter is taking centre stage. It rise before 11 p.m. local time and at magnitude -2.7 is a beacon in the sky. Mercury is gaining altitude and is at great elongation at 18 degrees on the morning of the 3rd. Five days later on the 8th, be sure to set your clocks early to catch Mercury very close to the star Regulus. This month’s full Harvest Moon will occur at 5:27 a.m. edt on the 12th. Eleven days later on the 23rd, the Fall Equinox is listed at 5:05 a.m. edt. For the next six months, night time hours will be longer than day light hours. And finally as the Sun sets on the 29th, look for Venus low in the west. Once you have spotted it, try to get your last glimpse of Saturn 1.2 degrees above. Until next month, clear skies everyone.
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Kits at Grape Moments in The Independent, ent, 102-3rd Ave. W. Biggar, SK
Perdue Area
Land For Sale Legal Description NW 17-34-11 W3 NW 18-34-11 W3 SE 19-34-11 W3
Price (2 times ass’t)
73,900 43,400 62,100
147,800 86,800 124,200
For more information on the above parcels of land, contact Garry Dennis of Perdue, Saskatchewan:
Phone: 1-306-237-4319 Fax: 1-306-237-4305 email:garryandruby@gmail.com
Farmers fund grain-sector innovation at University of Sask. Prairie farmers, through the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB), have funded a major university endowment designed to tackle emerging threats to Canada’s international competitiveness in the grain trade. The University of Saskatchewan will use $500,000 provided by the CWB to develop strategies that will enhance the economic sustainability of Canadian grain production. The funding, committed in 2009, will be used over the next 15 years. The first phase will examine new policies that can improve agricultural research investment in Canada. “For our grain to stay competitive in global markets, it is crucial that we find ways to reverse dwindling investment in Canadian agricultural research,” said Dr. Richard Gray, a globally recognized agriculture policy expert who was appointed this summer as the university’s first Canadian Grain Policy Chair, a position created by the endowment. Public and producer investment for crop research in Canada is now much lower than other countries such as Australia, where new policies have encouraged research investment,
he said. The CWB’s endowment will be used to examine what policies can best encourage innovation and investment, including quantifying the economic returns that flow from crop research, variety testing and various funding models. CWB president and CEO Ian White said the research is vital to ensure the economic sustainability of family farms in Western Canada. “The ultimate goal of this research is to improve the profitability of grain producers,” he said, Wednesday. “Encouraging policies that can spark new technology, new production systems, transportation systems, and robust grain research is the best way to help keep our sector sustainable.” Mary Buhr, Dean of the College of Agriculture and Bioresources at the University of Saskatchewan, said grain-sector innovation will rely on forward-looking policies and regulation that allow farmers to respond to emerging opportunities and capture value from the marketplace. “This is the most important challenge facing our grain industry today,” she said. “The CWB’s commitment to proactively support
unbiased policy assessment is especially commendable at a time when there is renewed global focus on food security and demand for high-quality wheat to feed the world.” She said the funding would be primarily used to support graduate-student projects into better ways to fund, manage and commercialize agriculture research for farmers’ benefit. Gray said it is now a critical time for crop-research policy in Canada, and stressed the importance of industry engagement. “Since 1990, we have seen a slowdown in productivity growth in the Western Canadian crop sector. An overall lack of investment in agriculture research funding will affect Canada’s long-term international competitiveness in grain. New policies are needed.” Gray is one of Canada’s leading agricultural economists and a professor in the Department of Bioresource Policy, Business and Economics at the University of Saskatchewan. He has led the Canadian Agricultural Innovation and Regulation Network since 2003 and has studied agricultural research systems in Europe and Australia.
Asquith News Neil Millard 329-4235 Hope you enjoyed the long Labour Day holiday and drove carefully. The senior exercise day started on Thursday, September 1. These start at 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The local fire department meeting was on Tuesday, September 6. The streets in town are much quieter as the children are in school now! Tip of the Day: Wake up and decide that today will be extraordinary! Don’t forget Grandparents Day was on Sunday,September 11. Do get together with your family! The next potluck supper for the Seniors others will be held on Monday, September 12. Plan to attend. The Wellness Clinic for Seniors will be held on Tuesday, September 13. Spiritual Munching: If you could ask God one question, what would it be? Mow your lawn! (the season is almost over, but here is good tip!) Using a push mower rather than
a power mower, it saves money on gas and also it provides all over body conditioning! Don’t forget the Royal
Purple meeting on Wednesday, September 14. Soup and sandwiches on Wednesday, September 21. Hope to see you there.
10 Piece
Bucket of Chicken
Troublesome Landscapes? Try These Ideas There are many homeowners who aspire to have an award-winning landscape. The trouble is, not every yard is a perfect canvas for plantings. In most cases, there are one or more spots in a landscape that can prove troublesome and require different strategies. One such strategy is using succulents and rocks to contend with the weak areas of the yard.
A rock garden accented with succulent plants can help make the most of dry patches or areas of steep inclines where planting lawn or other foliage is difficult. Other areas of the yard may be marred by tree roots or sandy soil. Providing remedies for these areas can be as simple as arranging lowmaintenance plants and decorative rocks. Succulents are plants
that thrive with minimal care and water. They store water in their leaves (cacti are a subset of succulents). Because they are drought-tolerant, succulents work well in sandy soil or areas that tend to be dry. They also produce shallow roots, which helps them thrive even in poor soil. Many succulents are perennial plants, meaning they will come back
year after year. They also work well in containers, which can be moved and rearranged to create different looks all around the yard. To accent succulents in the garden, homeowners can enhance them with rocks and other decorative items. Rocks will help improve water flow and prevent run-off of soil. Oftentimes, gardeners
can take a clipping of a succulent plant and replant it somewhere else. This makes succulents an affordable addition to the yard because they can typically spread and prosper easily. Here are some popular succulents that can adapt to many landscapes. * Hens and chicks: These spreading plants are low-growing green leaves that form rosettes.
Each rosette can grow around 5 inches wide. * Autumn Joy: This succulent emerges in very early spring and develops into a dense, cabbage-shaped plant. Late in summer the succulent will sprout stalks of pink-shaded flowers, which will darken to a russet hue as the autumn approaches. A perennial, this plant requires almost no upkeep.
Autumn Joy is one of several varieties of sedums. This flowering beauty will give colour for a long time in the perennial border, right into autumn. (photo from wikepedia.com) 11093DE00
Heartland Health Region Board Meeting The next Board meeting will be held Tuesday, September 13th, 2011 in Kindersley. Board packages can be obtained from the Regional Corporate Office within one week of the meeting. Please call the office to arrange for printing and pick up. Contact Caron Keens at 306-882-4111 ext 236 or by e-mail caron.keens@hrha.sk.ca School Zones Kids across Heartland have returned back to school for another year of learning. Their minds are on seeing their friends again and not so much on safety. Keep this in mind when driving thru school zones. Obey the posted speed limits. Eliminate any distractions within your car, such as adjusting the music or eating. We all know kids are full of energy and can be easily distracted, which makes it that much more important for you to be prepared and alert. For toll-free health information 24 hours a day. Please call 1-888-425-4444(TTY) if you have hearing or speech difficulties Smokers Helpline 1-877-513-5333 or www.smokefree.ca Questions about Medication? Call 1-800-665-DRUG (3784). Ask questions online www.usask.ca/druginfo Mental Health & Addictions Centralized Intake Line 1-866-269-9139 Monday to Friday 8:00 am—4:30 pm
Heartland Health Region www.hrha.sk.ca
Canadian Wheat Board Bulletin (Dated September 6) At a glance Favourable weather last week has pushed the overall Prairie harvest pace ahead of normal, after a summer where crop development had generally lagged. To date, about 33 per cent of the crop has been harvested, compared to about 31 per cent normally, and only 18 per cent last year. Good harvest progress occurred across most of the Prairies, despite a midweek storm system that brought 10 to 55 millimetres of rain to many regions.In southern Alberta and pockets of western Saskatchewan, minimal rainfall meant the harvest could continue to build speed. Meanwhile, abovenormal temperatures on the eastern Prairies kept harvesting on track. Manitoba is now about 47 per cent complete, compared to 40 per cent on average. Alberta is 29 per cent harvested, compared to 27 per cent normally. In Saskatchewan, the harvest is about 32 per cent complete, compared to 26 per cent normally. Results of the CWB producer plebiscite on the future of their singledesk marketing system for wheat and barley are scheduled to be released on Friday, Sept. 9 by MNP, a chartered accounting and business advisory firm. Plebiscite coordinator Ian Craven of MNP said the specific time of the announcement will depend on when final ballot counting, tabulation and scrutiny has been completed. The
possibility of recounts or unforeseen technical difficulties could also affect timing of the release. An open letter to producers from CWB chair Allen Oberg has been posted on the CWB Web site, calling on Minister Gerry Ritz to respect the results of the CWB producer plebiscite on the future of the single-desk marketing system for wheat and barley. In recognition that the federal government may proceed with removal of the single desk without consulting farmers, Oberg also outlines efforts the CWB has made to work with government. View the letter at cwb.ca by clicking the link under “Future of the CWB”. Farmers are reminded that they are required to complete declarations that their grain is a registered variety when delivering to each licensed grain-handling facility in Western Canada. Information on variety declarations and class eligibility can be found at cwb.ca/declare. Sign-up for the futures
portion of the CWB’s 2012-13 Basis Price Contract -- which would normally have begun Sept. 1 -- will not be offered at this time. The CWB cannot offer Producer Payment Options (PPOs) for the 2012-13 crop year at this time, due to uncertainty over the fate of the CWB after Aug. 1, 2012. Although sign-up starts in the current crop year, producers deliver grain against these programs in the 2012-13 crop year. The daily sign-up window for CWB 201112 Producer Payment Options has been extended to assist farmers during the busy harvest period. Sign-up hours will run from 3 p.m. to midnight CDT (Winnipeg time). These hours will continue until Oct. 31. Previously, signup ended each day at 9 p.m. Sign-up for 2011-12 CWB Series A wheat and durum delivery contracts is underway. Farmers are advised that, given the uncertainty surrounding the CWB’s future, the offering of Series B and C contracts for this
must be in place before cash tickets are offered. Farmers who submit their 2011-12 variety survey before Sept. 9 will be eligible to win prizes like seed vouchers, a GPS and a weather meter. The variety survey asks farmers to indicate which varieties of wheat, durum and barley they have seeded. It takes only a few minutes to complete and helps the CWB market grain by providing early
crop year is currently under review. Grain for most sales will be sourced from Series A contracts. If additional grain is required to meet customer needs, Series B and C will be considered, or Guaranteed Delivery Contracts may be used. The deadline for Series A sign-up for Canada Western Red Winter wheat is Sept. 30. The deadline for all other wheat and durum is Oct. 31. A delivery contract
information to potential international buyers. Online surveys can be found at cwb.ca/variety. The 2011-12 afterharvest Advance Payment Program began Sept. 1. This year’s rates are: wheat -- $117 per tonne; durum -- $147; selected barley -- $85; feed barley -- $85. The CWB administers the federal government cash advance programs for these crops.
2010 Buick Lacrosse CXL 3.0V6, air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seats, sunroof, leather, only 11,730 km, silver, SK Tax Pd
For only………………
For more information contact
Ron Amy at the dealership toll free 1-877-979-7999 or 948-9605
Rosetown Mainline Motor Products Ltd.
Tim Hammond Realty 113 3rd Ave. W. Biggar, SK Tim Hammond, BSA, P.Ag. Owner - Broker Cari McCarty - Residential Grant Anderson – Farms Dave Molberg – Farms
Farmland for Sale (MLS)
TOWN OF BIGGAR PUBLIC NOTICE Residents that have trees on their property that are overhanging Town streets, sidewalks or lanes are requested to trim these trees back to their property lines to a height of twelve (12) feet. After September 19, 2011 the Town crew will be trimming away any trees encroaching on Town streets, sidewalks and lanes. Your cooperation in trimming trees to ensure adequate site lines at intersections, unobstructed pedestrian trafÀc on sidewalks and clear passage for Town equipment is appreciated. Residents are asked to adhere to the Elm Tree Pruning Ban from April 1 to August 31 to stop the spread of Dutch Elm Disease when planning their tree pruning. For further information on tree pruning requirement please do not hesitate to contact the Town ofÀce at 948-3317.
Wardrop Irrigation Pobran Weekes Dixon HillCor Gray Zenert Whitmore Holbrook Lalonde Green Swanson
RM 317 RM 284 RM 343 RM 347 RM 346 RM 466 RM 346 RM 342 RM 316 RM 280 RM 345 RM 317 RM 376
2099 ac. 1855 ac. 1229 ac. 1226 ac. 640 ac. 490 ac. 480 ac. 463 ac. 320 ac. 317 ac. 160 ac. 160 ac. 160 ac.
Acreages for Sale (MLS) Clarke Johannson Egert Krivoshein Fuster Kerr Jordan Perdue Ac. Hamilton Herschel Ac. Woods Road Rawson Unity Ac. Dzialo Sutherland Elliott
Rosetown Asquith Biggar Arelee Stranraer Biggar Wilkie Perdue Dodsland Herschel Biggar Rosetown Unity Maymont Wilkie Elrose
$589,900 $359,000 *$290,000 $279,000 $269,900 $235,000 $200,000 $199,000 $199,900 *$195,000 $189,900 $169,000 $185,000 $145,000 $85,000 $85,000
Biggar Biggar RM 345 Perdue
$45,000 $199,900 160 ac. $199,000
Current Listings 302 6th Ave W 114 5th Ave W 205 Turnbull Ave
Acreage RM 376 Rosetown
402 7th Ave E $228,900 212 3rd Ave E $227,000 2nd Ave W Condos *$198,900 313 6th Ave E $184,900 406 7th Ave E $178,900 409 3rd Ave E 102 5th Ave E 412 3rd Ave E 128 2nd Ave W 306 5th Ave W
$169,900 $159,900 $132,000 $92,000 *new* $64,500
313 6th Ave. East
Demaine Perdue Biggar
402 7th Ave. East
We have local, national and international buyers that are interested in farmland / farmland packages in this area. Call Tim Hammond Realty today if you are interested in selling. 306-948-5052
Out of Town Property rd
Landis 212 3 W Landis Lot Wilkie Lot 204 2 St W nd
$49,900 $22,500 $15,000
Recently Sold!! 308 Turnbull Ave
Perdue 816 7 Street $95,000
403 4th Ave E 213 5th Ave W
$88,900 $85,900
Featured Listing
Featured Listing
Meticulously renovated 3 bedroom home. Dream kitchen with maple cabinets, spacious living room with hardwood flooring, adjoining dining room and elegant 4 piece bathroom. Completely updated home on an attractive corner lot only 2 blocks from the schools. Call today.
$698,000 307 ac. $160,000
$399,900 $129,900 $45,000
204 5th Ave E $49,900 224 2nd Ave W *new* $43,500 104 6th Ave E (Lot) $30,000
Totally renovated inside and out. This 936 sq ft bungalow is rated 76% on the energuide and features 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a finished basement, fenced yard and single detached garage. Located close to the schools, parks and the pool. Call to view this turnkey home today!
Commercial Property (MLS) Demaine Hotel A & D Foods 218 Main Street
Current Listings
$285,000 $268,000 $259,500
Recently Sold Martensville McKee Howard Concave
*denotes Exclusive Listing
Town of Biggar
Homes for Sale in Biggar (MLS)
Sale Pending 218 Main Street Crozier Lalonde Perdue Ac.
306.948.5052 Main Office 306.948.9168 Tim’s Cell 306.948.7995 Cari’s Cell 306.831.9214 Grant’s Cell 306.948.4478 Dave’s Cell
102 3rd Ave. East
For Tender House built in 1912; 1154 sq ft on 1& 1/2 levels; 2 bedrooms; 1 & ½ bathrooms; vinyl siding, asphalt shingles, full concrete basement. House sold “as is”. Viewings Tuesday, September 20 from 5 – 7 p.m. Tuesday, September 27 from 5 – 7 p.m. Tender closes Thurs., Sept. 29 5 p.m.
Classi¿ed Box 40, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
call: 948-3344 fax: 948-2133
email: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
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PLEASE READ YOUR AD -- Advertisers should read their advertisement THE FIRST ISSUE IT APPEARS and report any errors in time for the next insertion. The Independent is responsible subject to the conditions noted above, for ONLY the Årst incorrect insertion. NO REFUND on classiÅeds. Times to run must be stated at First Insertion. Enclose cheque, money order, Visa, MasterCard or American Express for your classiÅed. Other Advertising Rates Available upon Request. The BIGGAR INDEPENDENT accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publication by this newspaper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. SUBSCRIPTION RATES… Pick up… $28.00 + $1.40 gst = $29.40 Inside 40-mile radius/ONLINE $33.00 + $1.65 gst = $34.65 Outside 40-mile radius… $38.00 + $1.90 gst = $39.90
Esther Sigrid Clements Esther Sigrid Clements passed away peacefully at the Lloydminster Hospital on July 30, 2011 at the age of 86 years. Esther will be sadly missed by her husband, Glenn; her son, David (Georgina) of Lloydminster, Alta.; her daughter, Dawn of KitchenerWaterloo, Ont; her daughterin-law, Brenda of Westbank, B.C.; her grandchildren, Ross, Heather, Davro and Cole; and three great-granddaughters, Anna, Eden and Mary. Esther was predeceased by her son, Ross in 1994. Esther and Glenn lived in Biggar, Sask. from 1952 to 1979 where they owned Biggar Agencies and raised their family. They made lifelong friends in the Biggar area. Esther had very fond memories of her time in Biggar. After leaving Biggar, they lived in Saskatoon brieÀy, then moved to Victoria, B.C. for 15 years, then to Westbank, B.C. for 14 years and to Lloydminster in 2009. Glenn continues to live in Lloydminster. 37c1
Stop in to… 1st Ave. West, Biggar 948-2700
Clarence Borchardt In loving memory of Clarence, husband, father and grandfather. “Gone but not forgotten” Your loving wife, Blanche
LARLHAM, Pat: 1915-2000, in loving memory of Pat who passed away September 8. “A special smile, a special face, in our hearts a special place God saw you were getting tired, so He put His arms around you, and whispered come to me.” Every remembered, Dorothy, Jim, Dan, Laura, Joan and families 37p1
For fax service, see us at The Independent,102 - 3rd Ave., Biggar
MEMORIAMS YOUNG, Cliff: In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, March 14, 1922 September 16, 2001 “Time speeds on, ten years have passed Since death its gloom, its shadow cast Within our home, where all seemed bright, And took from us a shining light, We miss that light, and ever will, His vacant place there is none can ¿ll. Down here we mourn, but not in vain, For up in Heaven we will meet again.” Lovingly remembered by Beth, Karen, Edward and families
Lieta Campbell 1934 - 2007
“Time speeds on, four years have passed Since death its gloom, its shadow cast Within our home where all seemed bright, And took from us a shining light. We miss that light, and ever will, Her vacant place there’s none to Åll. Down here we mourn, but not in vain, for up in Heaven we will meeet again.”
Lovingly remembered by Bob; Penny and Brad; Kelly and Dawn; and grandchildren
CARD OF THANKS Wow, it’s been over a month already. Time sure Àies. There are a number of people we need to thank for helping in making our day so special. We would like to start with our families. Just them being there meant the world to us. Next is our wedding party and best friends. They all pulled together before and after to make everything so special. From making decorations to cutting grass and moving tables. We couldn’t have asked for a better party or better friends. Nahanni for being our MC and keeping it clean. We also need to thank all our friends that pitched in and helped no questions asked. My brother that came and spent a week being our slave. The Travel Club for serving, cleaning, running bar and all the behind the scene stuff that helped make the night a success. Dayna and Trent for the wine and everything else they did to make everything run as smooth as possibly. Edith for doing all the “go-for” stuff. The Ag Society for the use of the rodeo grounds. The Websters for the use of their yard for pictures. We would like to thank everybody for the wonderful gifts and the great time we had that night. It was our great friends, family and wonderful community that made our day so special. Thank you all very much. Darcy, Valerie, Jailynn, Tyson and Madison Irwin 37p1
SMALL ADS WORK…You’re reading this one!
CARD OF THANKS A sincere thank you to my family for the 80th birthday tea and to all who came and for the cards, gifts and phone calls. Special thanks for the family supper, to my grandchildren and great grandchildren and to Leon Ochs for playing guitar. It was a birthday never to be forgotten. Special thanks to Cyndy (Garry) and granddaughter Lexie and son-in-law for taking pictures. Dorothy MacDonald 37nc
COMING EVENTS SUNDAYS in September: Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans will be worshipping at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 391-7th Ave. East, Biggar at 10:30 a.m. Potluck supper September 25th. Everyone is welcome. 48/10tfn SEPTEMBER 1 - 22: “Fine Form” Sculpture show by the McKenzie Art Gallery in the Credit Union Gallery of the Biggar Museum from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. 35c3 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12: Donors Choice meeting at Biggar Hospital board room at 7:00 p.m.. Please have a representative from your organization on our list attend. We NEED your support. 34c3 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13: Biggar Arts Council Annual General Meeting, 7 p.m. at Biggar Museum and Gallery. New members welcome. 35c3 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14: Prairie Notes adult choir registration at 7:00 p.m. at St. Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Church. All voices welcome. $40 for music. For more information call Cindy Hoppe at 948-2947 or Cathy Donahue at 237-4790 34c3 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 and THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22: “Fine Form” Sculpture Educational student presentation by Ken Duczek of the MacKenzie Art Gallery at the Credit Union Gallery of the Biggar Museum. 36c3 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23: Biggar Arts Council presents… ”Ed Peekeekoot”, 7:30 p.m. at The Majestic Theatre, Biggar. Advance tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers. Adults/ seniors advance, $20, at the door, $25; students advance, $12, at the door, $15; 12 and under, $5. 33c6 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25: St. Gabriel Fall Supper, 5 - 7 p.m., Biggar Community Hall. Adults, $12; 12 and under $5; preschoolers, FREE. Take out $12, phone 948-3880 or 9482954 by noon Sunday to order. 37c2 Saskatoon Doll Collectors Club: Invites you to a Doll Show on Sunday September 25th from 11:00 - 4:00 at the Nutana Legion 3021 Louise Street . Contact: Marlyn Jensen @ 652 1514 0r mrsjdolls@sasktel.net. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27: Biggar Music Festival Fall Meeting, 7:30 p.m., St. Gabriel School Library. All welcome to attend. 37c3 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28: Celebrate Culture Days in the Credit Union Gallery of the Biggar Museum from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.. “Quilting through the Years”, local quilts on display. See Carol Schmold’s presentation of “Transitions” 35c3
Classi¿eds Work Phone 948-3344
GARAGE SALES FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 5 - 8 p.m. and SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.: Biggar United Church Garage Sale and Bake Sale, 907 Quebec St., Biggar. Drop items at church Thursday, 6 - 9 p.m. and Friday, 9 a.m. - 12 noon. 37c3
ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTENTION RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL SURVIVORS! If you received the CEP (Common Experience Payment), you may be eligible for further Cash Compensation. To see if you qualify, phone toll free 1-877988-1145 now. Free service! COMEDY & STAGE SHOWS for Staff Parties, Christmas Parties, Conventions, Community Clubs, Banquets. Booking for Christmas & 2012. Popovich Productions 25 years in business. Toll free 1-888-8569282.
NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CAROL KING, LATE OF THE TOWN/DISTRICT OF HERSCHEL, IN THE PROVINCE OF S A S K AT C H E WA N , DECEASED: ALL CLAIMS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE, duly veriÀed by Statutory Declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 10th day of October, 2011. BUSSE LAW PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Barristers and Solicitors 302 Main Street, Box 669 BIGGAR, Saskatchewan S0K 0M0 SOLICITORS FOR THE EXECUTOR Families, clubs, churches and businesses are invited to do a Heritage Page to be on permanent display at Biggar Museum. Share your history! Do yours prior to the centennial celebrations! For more information call 948-3451 or visit museum 1 - 5 p.m., Monday Friday. 7tfn This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. tfn
NOTICE Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at www.swna.com. tfn
MISCELLANEOUS Free…Mack sleeper make great playhouse or bus shelter. U-cut ¿rewood. 18-inch aeration duct, $150. 3 pt. sprayer, $200. 9482852 37p3 1985 Yamaha Virago, 1,000 cc, new rubber, carbs and forks redone. Phone 948-7521. 36tfn Two upright pianos for sale, offers. Phone 948-7292. 36p3 Good reserved seats still available for season tickets of the 2011-12 Biggar Arts Council Stars for Saskatchewan eight (8) shows. Available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar. 32c6 A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Don’t Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll-Free 1-866-884-7464. BUILDING SALE... “ROCK BOTTOM PRICES” 25x40x12 $7350. 30x60x15 $12,700. 35x70x16 $15,250. 40x80x16 $20,990. 47x100x18 $25,800. 60x140x20 $50,600. End walls included, doors optional. Pioneer Steel Manufacturers DIRECT 1-800-668-5422. Diesel Engines Remanufactured. Save time, money and headaches. Most medium duty applications 5.9L, 8.3L, ISB, CAT, DT466, 6.0L. Ready to run. Call today 1-800-667-6879 www.rebuiltdiesels.com DISCONNECTED PHONE? ChoiceTel Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call ChoiceTel Today! 1-888-333-1405. www.choicetel. ca. DO-IT-YOURSELF STEEL BUILDINGS PRICED TO CLEAR Make an offer! Ask about FREE DELIVERY, most areas! CALL FOR QUICK QUOTE and FREE BROCHURE - 1-800-668-5111 ext. 170.
Deadline Wed. 5 p.m.
MACHINERY For Sale - 40 ft tandem Load King hopper bottom grain trailer; $2000; good condition; priced at $20,000; call 948-3450 or cell 948-7601, ask for Ron or Brent. 35c3
GENERATOR SETS. Buy direct and save. Oilpatch, farm, cabin or residential. Buy or rent - you’ll get the best deal from DSG. 1-800-667-6879 www.dsgpower. com Coupon # SWANA G1101
H EATED CANOLA WANTED!! - GREEN CANOLA - SPRING THRASHED - DAMAGED CANOLA FEED OATS WANTED!! - BARLEY, OATS, WHT - LIGHT OR TOUGH - SPRING THRASHED HEATED FLAX WANTED!! HEATED PEAS HEATED LENTILS "ON FARM PICKUP" d Westcan Feed & Grain 1-877-250-5252 Excellent quality alfalfa and/or alfalfa brome mix, 1,000 bales, 1,000 lbs per bale; $25/bale. Rosetown-Biggar area. Phone 882-3165. 35p9
North West Terminal Ltd. is a shareholder owned grain handling company located near Unity, Sask.
GRAIN FACILITY OPERATOR This is a permanent position starting as soon as possible. Experience in grain grading an asset, but not a requirement. House for Sale by Tender… 625 sq. ft house, 906 Ave. K in Perdue, Sask. “As is” property includes 3 lots, enclosed deck, landscaped yard, hot tub, shed, green house. Taxes $500 yr. Estate sale. Min reserve bid is >$30,000. Details/viewing contact Susan at 306-321-7707 or susan.clarkson@sasktel. net. Deadline for tenders is September 20, 2011. Tenders emailed or mailed to 1753 Prince of Wales Ave., Saskatoon, S7K 3E5 37c2
on September 18 Henry Peiffer DATING SERVICE. Longterm/short-term relationships, CALL NOW. 1-877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes. 1-888534-6984. Live adult casual conversations - 1on1, 1-866311-9640, meet on chat-lines. Local single ladies. 1-877-8045381. (18+)
The position is responsible for the assistance in handling, binning and shipping of all products to and from the terminal. The individual will maintain appropriate and accurate documentation, ensuring correct binning practices to meet end user requirements. This position will also be responsible for the day to day procedures on maintaining a clean and safe workplace. The candidate will possess proven communication and interpersonal skills, ambition and organizational skills, and excellent customer service skills. This position offers opportunity for advancement. An agricultural background would be an asset, but not a requirement. This is an outstanding opportunity for individuals seeking a challenge in a TOP 100 COMPANY as listed in SASKATCHEWAN BUSINESS MAGAZINE in 2010. NWT offers a competitive salary along with outstanding company beneÀts.
Major engine manufacturers say that quality fuel treatments are an essential part of diesel engine protection. Get the best value with 4Plus 1-800-6676879 www.dieselservices.com More Power Less Fuel for diesel farm equipment. Tractors, combines, sprayers or grain trucks. Find out about safe electronics from DSG. Call today 1-800-667-6879. www. dieselservices.com NEVER SHOCK CHLORINATE AGAIN! New! Continuous Shock Chlorinator. Patent Pending Canada/U.S.A. No mess, effective year round for smell, iron bacteria, slime. Inexpensive. Phone 1-800-BIGIRON; www.bigirondrilling.com. P R O V I N C E - W I CLASSIFIEDS. Reach 330,000 readers weekly. this newspaper NOW or 649.1405 for details.
D E over Call 306-
WANTED Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Land¿ll OR contact Quentin Sittler at 658-2132 3tfn Main Street Garage Sale is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 948-1773 or 9485393. Pickup available. 32tfn
CARS & TRUCKS Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514. www.yourapprovedonline.com.
If YOU are… • Moving • Expecting a Baby • Planning a Wedding • Anticipating Retirement Call WELCOME WAGON at 948-2563 - Lisa Haynes We have gifts and information www.welcomewagon.ca
SASK. FARMS & RANCHES LUSELAND: 10 ac. well, 9,900 bu. steel grain storage, shop, quonset, garden shed, double garage, 1,144 sq ft. bungalow. For all of your buying or selling needs - Contact Kevin Jarrett Cell: 306-441-4152
LANE REALTY CORP. Saskatchewan’s Farm & Ranch Specialists™
Phone: 306-569-3380 email: lanerealtycorp@ sasktel.net To view full colour feature sheets for all of our CURRENT LISTINGS, visit our Website at: www.lanerealty.com Two serviced lots, side by side in Biggar, 100’x140’, $79,900. Call 717-4681 (cell) 5tfn LAKEVIEW HOMES & Lots Vernon BC. Lake Okanagan. Private Beach. Dock. Trees. Meadows. WildÀowers. Birds. Trails. Reasonably priced custom home construction. Architectural Guidelines. Build now or later. Ten minutes to town-center. Lots from $219,000. Houses from $499,000. Vendor ¿nancing available. Call Scott 250.558.4795 www. AdventureBayVernon.com.
NCM Home Maintenance HOUSES FOR RENT Three bedroom home for rent. Includes fridge and stove. For viewing call 948-3674 or 9489517 35tfn
FOR RENT Charter/ Sherwood Apartments 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins. For more information call:
948-3820 302 - 8th Ave. W. • Biggar
PETS FREE to a good home…a black chihuahua cross male dog, neutered and all shots up to date. Cleared for travel into USA. Travels very well. He is well behaved but we have to ¿nd an alternate home for medical reasons. Please contact Margaret at 948-2474. 37p3 Adorable CKC Registered Shar Pei Puppies. Great family pets, loyal, intelligent, very clean and playful. 2M & 1F Are leash trained, sit on command & house trained. All shots, vet check-ups & micro chipped. 306-535-9751 or cayenneÀores@gmail.com
Interior House Painting Colour Coordination Service Available
FREE QUOTES Phone Nick Maguire
948-3325 948-4558 Need somebody to tend bar at your function, wedding, anniversary, etc. Contact Biggar Arts Council members, Denise, 948-5146 or Marilyn, 948-2792. tfn
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 80% COMMISSION TRAVELONLY has 500 agents across Canada. Business opportunities with low investment, unlimited income potential, generous tax/ travel bene¿ts. Run your travel company, full-time, part-time from home. Register for FREE seminar, www.travelonly.ca, 1-800-608-1117, Ext. 2020.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Wanted: Waitress/waiter, evenings and weekends. Apply with resume to Kelly’s KItchen. Also looking for mature reliable person to cover day shifts. 36c3 Full/Part time position at One Stop Hardware; apply by resume at Box 1293 or 112 MAin Street, Biggar; phone 948-5626 36c3
QualiÀed applicants should send a resume by September 23, 2011 to: North West Terminal Ltd. Attn: Neil Boser Box 1090 Phone: 306-228-3735 Unity, SK. S0K 4L0 Fax: 306 -228-3877 Email: neil@northwestterminal.com
Biggar Supported Employment Job Title: Employment Liaison Start Date: September 29, 2011 Full time (40 hours a week) Contract position (six months) Experience: Experience in customer service or sales. Experience working with people with disabilities. Skills & Abilities: :Must possess excellent communication, organizational, interpersonal and public relations skills. :Positive personality and ability to meet needs of clients. :Valid driver’s license. :Criminal Record check completed prior to hiring. Duties: -Deliver pre-employment training at different locations. -Train and assist individuals in the development and maintenance of job skills, work habits and work ethics. Send application to… Dorothy McNulty, Biggar Supported Employment Box 1690, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 or email to empsupport@sasktel.net
HELP WANTED Community Kitchen Coordinator Part-time position for the Biggar & District Family Centre Working with adults planning, preparing and cooking healthy nutritious meals on a budget. We require the Food Handling course, Frist Aid and CPR. Good organizational skills and communication skills are essential. For more information call Georgina Heather 948-5623 Send resumes to: Box 667 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Attention: Georgina Heather by September 16, 2011
For PROFESSIONAL printing…contact The Biggar Independent, 948-3344
Full Time Positions Available Big Sky Farms, one of North America’s largest hog producers, is recruiting 3 full time positions at the Eagle Creek Unit located near Plenty, SK: Full Time Finishing Technician – Responsible for ensuring proper handling and comfort of the finisher pigs.
Marketing Representative
Full Time Farrowing Technician – Responsible for ensuring proper handling and comfort of the sows and caring for the piglets.
North West Terminal Ltd. (NWT) operates a 63,000 MT inland-grain terminal and provides marketing services for a 25 million liter per year fuel-ethanol facility at Unity, Saskatchewan. The Company requires a permanent full-time Marketing Representative.
Full Time Pressure Washer – Responsible for cleaning and sanitizing rooms, hallways, & load out and maintaining equipment. Come be part of an established company that provides excellent training, competitive compensation, quarterly bonus, employer paid benefits, matched pension, plus additional perks! To apply, please call Devin at (306) 932-4450 or call (306) 682-5041 for an application. Resumes can be sent to:
The successful applicant will interact with the company’s farmer customers through one-on-one meetings, educationl programs and electronic media, including NWT’s website. Responsibilities would also include overseeing NWT’s seed program.
Big Sky Farms Box 610, Humboldt, SK, S0K 2A0 Fax: (306) 682-1926 Email: hr@bigsky.sk.ca Coram Construction is hiring Carpenters and concrete ¿nishers to work PCL sites in Saskatchewan. $28.50-$30.40/ hr, Good bene¿ts, 3-5 years experience. Join, ¿t and install formwork. E-mail: rlakeman@ coram.ca Fax: 306-525-0990 Mail: 205-845 Broad Street Regina, SK S4R-8G9 HELP WANTED Journeyman or Apprentice Heavy Equipment Technician, Kindersley, SK Extremely busy independent shop. Wage based on education and experience. Bene¿ts package. Fax 306-463-4822 or email mid.plains@sasktel.net. FARM TRACTOR DRIVERS NEEDED Long Hours, Good Wages, Overtime paid, expenses paid out of town - doing custom work. Must have drivers licence. Fax Resume - 306-249-3662. PETROLEUM DRIVERS OPPORTUNITY. Skamp Transport Ltd. hiring drivers for new branch in Edmonton. Excellent wages, full bene¿ts, 4 on 4 off schedule rotation. Contact Troy 1-800-667-1003 or troy@scamptransport.com.
Randy Weekes, M.L.A. for the Biggar Constituency 1-877-948-4880 OfÀce Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 - 5 p.m. Phone: 306-948-4880 106 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar Fax: 306-948-4882 e-mail: randyweekes.mla@accesscomm.ca
Web site: www.randyweekes.ca P. O. Box 1413 Biggar, SK. S0K 0M0
Salary will be commensurate with experience. QualiÀed applicants should send a cover letter and resume by September 16, 2011:
AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN required in a very busy General Motors Dealership. We offer a Health Bene¿ts Plan, modern well equipped facility, great training & above average compensation! If interested call or email Jayson Kowalchuk 306.331.7766 j.kowalchuk1@ sasktel.net. Echo Valley Gm Fort Qu’Appelle, SK. NEED A HOME PHONE? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We Can Help. Everyone Approved. Call Today. 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect DON’S SPEED PARTS is seeking a Journeyman Mechanic Motorcycle Technician. Preferred Catmaster Certi¿cation ideal! Contact Don or Chyna 780-8422562. Wainwright, Alberta. Fax 780-842-5454. Email: chyna@ donsspeedparts.com. EXPERIENCED WINCH TRACTOR and bed truck drivers for drilling, rig moving trucking company. Phone, fax, email or mail. Email rigmove@telus.net. Phone 780-842-6444. Fax 780842-6581. H&E Oil¿eld Services Ltd., 2202 - 1 Ave Wainwright, AB, T9W 1L7
The RM of Bone Creek No. 108 is accepting applications for the position of Administrator duties to commence as soon as possible Minimum Class C Certi¿cate apply to Box 459 Shaunavon S0N 2M0 306 297 2570 rmbc@sasktel.net
North West Terminal Ltd. c/o Jason Skinner Box 1090 Fax: 306-228-3877 Unity, SK S0K 4L0 Phone: 306-228-3735 Email: jason@northwestterminal.com Only those to be interviewed will be 780-418-0834. contacted. Your interst in NWT is appreciated.
HEAVY DUTY Journeyman Mechanic required. Phone, fax, email or drop off at of¿ce. Email: rigmove@telus.net. Phone: 780842-6444. Fax: 780-842-6581. H&E Oil¿eld Services Ltd. 2202 - 1 Ave, Wainwright AB, T9W 1L7.
The Independent HOURS…
IMMEDIATE POSITIONS: Journeyman or apprentice picker/boom truck operators, winch/tractor drivers, swamper/ labourers, loader operators and apprentice/journeyman mechanics, dispatcher. Resume to Leachman Oil¿eld Trucking. Fax 780-753-4860. Email: bolson@leachmanoilfield.com. Pre-employment drug screen in effect. Must be willing to relocate to Provost, Alberta.
Monday to Thursday… 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday… 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
KODIAK WIRELINE SERVICES PARTNERSHIP is hiring experienced operators/drivers for Slave Lake, Edson, Morinville branches with a signing bonus up to $5000. (dependent on experience). Apply to: tboddez@ kodiakservices.com or fax to
available at The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar 948-3344
4-week and 6-week Wine Kits, corks, bottles, ¿lters, shrink wraps, wine storage box and bladder, additives, supplies and accessories.
We RENT a ¿lter machine and/or corker. biggarindependent.ca
Business & Professional … FOR RENT
Saskatoon DUANE NEUFELDT Serving BIGGAR and Area
Licensed For: • Residential • Acreage • Farm
306-948-8055 Fax: 306-948-2763 www.DuaneNeufeldt.com
The sign you want. The agent you need.
Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for:
Housing for families and seniors Rent based on income
Call: 948-2101
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation
HOME IMPROVEMENTS McCARTY CONSTRUCTION • Commercial • Residential • Design Builder • Insurance Claims • Renovations • Drafting Service
“Big or Small -We Do Them All” Licenced Journeyman Carpenters Troy McCarty 948-5627 (H) 948-9280 (C) Mitch McCarty 373-8254 (H) Serving Biggar ... Since 1968
948-5052 (office) Cell 948-9168 www.TimHammond.ca www.FarmsofCanada.com
Tim Hammond, BSA, P.Ag., Broker
Proud to handle Biggar’s Real Estate Needs
Kent Dubreuil, E.D.O. Phone: 306-948-2295 Fax: 306-948-5050
Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for: •Residential
9Residential 9Commercial 9Automotive
113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar
948-5052 (office) Cell 948-7995 www.TimHammond.ca http://Cari.TimHammond.ca
Cari McCarty Residential Sales
For all your glass needs …owned and operated by Matt Poitras
104 - 2 Ave. West Biggar nd
Biggar’s Top Performing Residential Agent
Tim Hammond Realty
Licenced for: •Farm •Acreage •Residential • Commercial
A Sign of Qualilty!
113 - 3 Ave. W., Biggar
948-5052 (office) Cell 948-4478 Dave Molberg BSA
www.TimHammond.ca www.FarmsofCanada.com
Exposure, Experience and Effort.
of The Battlefords Independently Owned and Operated
FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS… • Selling/Buying • Residental • Farm/Acreage • Commercial • Recreational
Wally Lorenz Sales Associate 1391 - 100th St. North Battleford, SK S9A 0V9 Day or Night
Cell: (306) 843-7898 Bus: (306) 446-8800 znerol.w@sasktel.net
Authorized Appliance Depot Electrical Wiring Trenching Licensed Journeyman Adrian de Haan
948-5291 PHILLIPS ELECTRIC • Residence • Commercial Wiring For free estimates Ph: 948-5393
Cell: 306-221-6888
• Wood, metal, plastic signs • Vehicle & window graphics • Banners, stickers and Magnetic signs
Jerry Muc Phone: 948-2958 Fax:
Bear Hills Rentals & Machine Works • Machine Shop Service • Rentals • MASTER FEEDS dealer • COMMERCIAL SOLUTION Ag Parts dealer • Drive line parts & service • KANE VET supplier
Phone: 948-4844 Fax: 948-4845
For all your home, business and rural needs Owners/Operators • Travis Young • Dallas Young • Claude Young
Biggar, Sask.
948-3389 Journeymen Plumber, Gas Fitter, & Electrician on staff
Helping you Help yourself
To advertise in this directory, please call Urla at The Independent • 948-3344 • This feature will appear Weekly. ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL DIRECTORY RATES.
FRE E Es timat Call us for… es • Insurance jobs • Renovations • New home building • Drywall & Painting • Flooring (hardwood, ceramic, etc.) • Residential/Commercial • CertiÀed installer for Logix ICF
available to do…
• painting & Ӿnishing • decks & small buildings • light plumbing • windows & doors • laminate & hardwood ӿoors • general repairs
Call Jim @ 948-3333
Northland Foaming
Spray Foam Insulation
306-948-2805 Cell: 306-948-6062 Email: northland83@yourlink.ca Want to insulate your quonset, farm/commercial buildings, house or cabin? Lower your heating and cooling costs and add strength to your buildings!
MADGE CONTRACTING LTD. For all your rooÀng needs… ¬New Construction ¬Metal ¬Torch-on ¬Re-roofs ¬Tile ¬Asphalt ¬All repairs ¬Shakes We offer 10 Year Workmanship Warranty and Liability/Torch On Insurance Excellent Local References For a FREE estimate please call… 306-948-5453
SEED CLEANING IT’S ALL INCLUDED! Canadian Seed Institute Accredited Pedigree, Commercial & Custom Cleaning FULL line of Cleaning Equipment including Gravity Table
Excellent Quality at a Reasonable Price! For all your Cereal and Pulse Cleaning
948-2807 or
Call: Bill: Dale:
948-5609 948-5394
Plant located 8 miles south of Biggar on Hwy #4, ¼ mile west on Triumph Rd.
Phoenix M4 Mobile Grain cleaning and sizing
Wayne Dollansky 306-948-7247 Custom Combining JD9770 with draper or hydraÁex headers
Phone: 948-5678
DENTAL DR. GLENN RIEKMAN Dentist 115 - 1st Ave. W. Rosetown, Sask.
OFFICE HOURS Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone: 882-2123 Emergency (after hours) 882-2006
BIGGAR DENTAL CLINIC 104 - 6th Ave. East, Biggar, Sask. Southeast entrance of Nova Wood Bldg. Hours… Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
306-948-3408 EYE CARE
Kirk Ewen Doctor of Optometry
Grape Moments …located in The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar • 948-3344 •
1-877-979-4543 #16-1945 McKercher Drive, Saskatoon
HEALTH/ WELLNESS “Annie Things Possible” Health, Beauty & Spa
Weight Loss Clinic Consultant & Coach Anne G. Livingston •Ideal Protein Weight Loss Clinic •Epicure Selections •Walden Farms Products •Young Living Essential Oils •Beauticontrol Skin Care www.beautipage.ca/annelivingston
Located in Angie’s Hair Salon 219 Main St., Biggar Call 948-7274 or 948-3696
Michelle Spuzak, R.M.T. (NHPC member) NEW LOCATION… 219 - 4th Ave. E., BIGGAR
Other Services available… • ParafÅn Wax • Thai Herbal Massage • ReÆexology • Hot Stone Massage • Engergy Work
~ Gift CertiÅcates ~ Evening, Saturday and in-home appointments available.
948-2548 or 948-9710
Ladies Only 30 min. Workout …owned and operated by Diane Larouche Ellard, Can-Fit-Pro Certi¿ed Personal Trainer
in Nova Wood Centre 104 - 6th Ave. E., Biggar
948-7967 NEW BEGINNINGS WELLNESS CENTRE “Putting PERSONAL back into fitness training!” Wayne Baldwin, W
NO Certified Fitness Trainer, N Natural Health Consultant, E P O Physical Therapy Aide Over 20 years resistance training experience!
• Personalized Fitness/Nutrition Programs • One-on-One PersonalTraining • Injury Prevention and Rehab • Active Isolated Stretching • Limited Memberships to Private Fitness Studio Gift Certificates available.
Visit us @ 219 - 4th Ave. East, Biggar Where you can feel right at home! Phone… 948-2548
• 5 Year manufacturer’s warranty on all Oticon Hearing Aids • 5 Year supply of batteries • 5 Year premium service plan • Risk-free ZERO MONEY DOWN trial period
Custom Cleaning of H.R.S. & C.P. S. Wheat
306-717-2818 www.madgerooÀng.com Biggar, Sask.
Wylie Farms Ltd.
Box 327 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
•Farm •Residential •Commercial •Acreage
113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar
Cell… 948-8048
In Biggar Every Tuesday. Biggar Professional Building, 223 Main Street, Biggar
For appointments… 1-855-651-3311
LACK OF ADVERTISING is like winking at a pretty girl in the dark…YOU KNOW what you’re doing, BUT NO ONE ELSE DOES!
Business & Professional LEGAL SERVICES
223 Main Street Biggar
Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B.
Box 580 Biggar, SK SOK OMO
302 Main Street, Biggar, SK
OPEN: Mon.-Fri. • 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday • 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
948-3346 …serving your community since 1972
Roe & Company
306-948-5352 or 306-244-9865
Email: ddolack@sasktel.net Website: www.hrblock.ca
948-3376 after hours George: 948-4042 Corner of Main Street & 1st Avenue West, Biggar
301 - 1 Ave. E, Biggar
948-3996 Open Monday-Saturday
Heavy Truck Repair
FFinancial Plan nning Estate Plann ning Life Insuran nce
Service Truck Full Mechanical Service Mon - Fri • 8 a.m.-5 p.m. phone: George
Mike Nahorney, Interprovincial Heavy Duty Journeyman Mechanic
222 220 Main Street 7 306 948 5377 info@twhfinancial.ca www.twhfinancial.ca
SGI Safety Inspection Auto Repair
• Driveways • Concrete • Garage Pads • Pruning • Planting
KRF Automotive Detail Centre 100% handwash “Where we do it all for you!!” • Detailing • Vortex Spray-In Box Liners • Granitex Baked-on Coatings for Decks and Cement Flooring • Auto Accessories • Trailer Rentals
948-1722 1st Ave. West, Biggar
Ivan Young, Biggar Tree services available…
Your Auto Parts and Accessories Dealer
Open: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. • 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Anne G. Livingston
CertiÀed Custom Picture Framer • photographs • paintings • art prints • memorabilia • collages, etc. Call Anne @ 948-7274 greengables2@sasktel.net
&EZpgl fhp^] &>]`^l mkbff^] &@^g^kZe rZk] \e^Zgbg` &Kn[[bla K^fhoZe &@nmm^kl <e^Zg^] &Ab`a Ik^llnk^ <e^Zgbg`% domestic, vehicular
<Zee Gb\d FZ`nbk^ 2-1&,,+. hk 2-1&-..1 \^ee
304 Main St., Biggar in Biggar Insurance Bldg.
Box 736, Biggar
NORTHLAND PAINTING and SANDBLASTING •Texas Gates •Spray Foam Insulation •Sandblasting & Painting •Internal Coatings •Rock Guard Coatings g
Mobile Units Office: 948-2805 05 Cell: 948-6062 email: northland83@yourlink.ca
Sewing & Embroidery • Jackets • Windsuits • Shirts • Hunting Gear • Bunnyhugs • Caps • Toques • Bags Check out our new website: classicmakings.ca Judy Judy Kahovec: Kahovec… 882-4313, Cellcell 831-7935 306-882-4313, 831-7935 Carey Krchov: 882-3213 Carey Krchov…882-3213
The Country Clipper • All Breed Dog Grooming • Boarding Kennels (Bordetella Mandatory) • Pet Supplies • Saleboard for dog and cat related items
For appointments and inquiries, call Janet at 948-2091
Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 6 pm. 2 mi N on Hwy #4, 2-½ mi E on Golf Course Rd.
Pssst...Did you hear that you can still buy REGAL? Contact Nancy Duns Independent Rep
www.sask.shopregal.ca Ph: 237-4777
Chartered Accountant Notary Public 201B-2nd Ave. West P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, Sask.
Phone: 948-5133
JIM VANCHA, PAg Consultant (306) 948-4393 jim.vancha@ investorsgroup.com
948-2222 or 948-2029
To fax…stop in at The Independent
Rosetown, Sask.
Chartered Accountant Credit Union Building 302 Main Street P. O. Box 1750 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Prairieland Collision
(306) 948-3776 cell: (306) 260-6503 Ph:
YH Truck, Ag & Auto
Photos by Jocelyn Portraits, Family, Weddings & Sports Photography
Biggar, Sask. www.photosbyjocelyn.com
306-948-2814 Small Ads Work… You’re reading this one!!!
• Heavy truck parts • Agriculture parts • Automotive parts & accessories www.yhtruckagauto.com
521 Main St., Biggar 948-2109
To advertise in this directory, please call Urla at The Independent • 948-3344 • This feature will appear Weekly. ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL DIRECTORY RATES!
109 Main St., Biggar
Fax: 948-2484
658-4474, Landis, SK COURIER/HAULING
BIGGAR COURIER • Biggar to Saskatoon • Same day Service • Monday to Friday • 24-hour Answering Service
~Brian and Cathy Fick~
Cell: 306-948-7524
;% N% Lg_fcjk\ip
Panasonic, StarChoice, Bell, Xplornet Internet dealer and Your authorized SaskTel Mobility and High Speed Internet Dealer
Mr. John G. Smith
Phone: 948-3856
Wood and Steel Buildings Floor & Trusses
Your authorized
Custom Grain Hauling
Garry A. Faye
Sales & Service Call Steven 948-2489
Email: saskregal@sasktel.net
Available for … Local Moving/Hauling jobs
Let Vortex protect your truck and your investment with the Vortex Seamless Sprayed on Liner System
Beadle’s Computer Solutions
Phillips Radio Shop
Call me to Ànd out more about how The Plan™ can help you prosper now …and over time.
Battery Chargers Electric Fencers Repaired/Rebuilt/ Built
G<F Ahf^ FZbgm^gZg\^
Phone: 948-2204 or 948-3886
• Snow Removal • Fences …and much more
• cut trim and removal • post holes • landscaping • cement removal • trenching • holes for piles • driveways • garage pads • basements
Phone: 244-7464 for appointment
• Topsoil • Lawn Care • Leveling • Sod • Patio Blocks
227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar
100-128-4th Ave. South, Saskatoon, SK S7K 1M8
948-2879, evenings 948-7207, daytime Ed Kolenosky
Owned & operated by Kevin Fick
• Notary Publics • Home & Agro Insurance • Auto & Commerical Insurance • Blue Cross • Motor Licence Issuer Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday 304 Main Street • Biggar
Rebel Landscaping
is a full service law office that practices… ¾Family and Criminal law ¾Commercial law ¾Real Estate ¾Wills and Estate, and our lawyers, William Roe, Q.C. Jason Peszko, Ian Mokuruk, Treena Sikora look forward to assisting you and can be contacted at:
¾ ¾
Residential Commercial Automotive
For FREE estimates or enquiries CALL Wayne or Dorothy at
MONARCH MEATS Modern Licenced Abbatoir • custom slaughter, cut and wrapping • sausage making, curing and smoking
• sides of Pork & Beef available
Landis, Sask.
Atkinson Trucking Landis, Sask. …For all your Local Grain Hauling Needs Bailen Atkinson 658-4460 or 948-4450
Rockin D Trucking & Cattle
• Cattle hauling with 21 ft. gooseneck trailer • round and large square bale hauling with step-deck or highboy semi-trailers • also buying and selling straw and forage • also machinery hauling Home • 306-948-2037 Alex • 306-948-7291 Dan • 306-948-7843 Biggar, Sask.
ONLINE @ biggarindependent.ca
505 Hwy. 7 West, Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0 OPEN: Monday - Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sales… 1-877-979-7999 Thursday and Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Service… 1-888-600-2990 Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CLOSED: Sundays www.rosetownmainline.net
Page 40 – Friday, September 2, 2011
The Battlefords Regional Optimist, North Battleford, Sask.
Cook-Up the
INSTANT REBATE on the purchase of KitchenAid® Major Appliances
20% OR
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with the purchase of 4 or more*
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with the purchase of 3*
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Save 15% OR
Save 10% with the purchase of 1 or 2*
Limited time offer. September 19October - October 2, 2011. Limited time offer. Offer ends 2, 2011. Offer valid only at participating authorized KitchenAid® appliance dealers. Purchases made at Future Shop do not qualify. Some restrictions apply. See Sales Associate or visit KitchenAid.ca for details. *
In store rebate on any KitchenAid® major appliance purchased from September 19 - October 2, 2011. Dealers have sole discretion to set retail prices. Dealer prices may vary. Some conditions may apply. Offer cannot be combined with any other KitchenAid® major appliance offer. All eligible KitchenAid® major appliances must be purchased from the same participating authorized KitchenAid® appliance dealer at the same time. Purchases made at Future Shop do not qualify. Offer excludes discontinued and obsolete models. Offer is open to Canadian residents only. Offer is not available to dealers, builders or contractors. All models may not be available at all dealers. No substitute appliances qualify. Instant rebate will be deducted at the time of purchase. ®Registered Trade-mark/™ Trade-mark of KitchenAid U.S.A. The mixer shape is a registered trade-mark of KitchenAid U.S.A., KitchenAid Canada licensee in Canada. ©2011. All rights reserved.
Located at 192-24th Street West, Battleford - 2 Blocks north of the Post OfÀce in the Town of Battleford • Toll Free 1-877-937-7474 • Local 937-7474 • Fax 937-7676 Check us out at www.battlefordfurniture.com
“Where the difference is worth the drive”