Vol. 103 No. 37
Biggar, Saskatchewan
20 pages
1.25 tax included
Quintuple Golden anniversaries at PALs Five couples from the Presbyterian Anglican Lutheran (PALs) community, affirmed marriage vows they made to each other 50 years ago. The service, held August 26 at St. Paul’s Anglican, included special readings for the occasion, including the Apostle Paul’s well known ‘hymn to love’ (1 Corinthians 13). While Paul originally wrote these words to offer guidance to a young Christian congregation struggling to love one another as co-members of the church, his reflections have also provided wisdom and guidance to married couples down through the ages. As Paul writes, “Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.” Following the morning’s sermon, the couples joined together in a semicircle at the front of the church. After each couple had affirmed their vows to one another, the congregation then pledged their continued support and care for them, in good times and in bad, and affirmed the love of God as reflected in their life together. Worship closed with the jubilant singing of “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee,” followed by a spirited rendition of the famous table grace, “Johnny Appleseed.” The whole congregation then made its way downstairs to Bulleyment Hall, continuing the festivities with a potluck lunch and a special combo vanillachocolate anniversary cake. (See page 14 for a picture of the happy couples!)
Harvest work advancing Significant harvest progress was made this week due to warm and dry weather, according to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s weekly crop report for the period, August 28 to September 3. Producers now have 38 per cent of the 2012 crop combined and 33% is swathed or ready to straight combine. The five-year (2007-2011) provincial harvest progress average for this time of year is 26% combined and 32% swathed or ready to straight combine. Harvest progress varies across the province. The southwest has 69% combined, the southeast 56%, the east-central region 28%, the west-central region 23%, the northeast 14% and the northwest 12%. Ninety-nine per cent of winter wheat, 24%
of spring wheat, 45% of durum, 29% of barley, 31% of canola, 65% of mustard, 73% of lentils and 86% of the field peas have been combined. Topsoil moisture on cropland is rated as six per cent surplus, 64% adequate, 25% short and five per cent very short. Hay land and pasture topsoil moisture is rated as two per cent surplus, 59% adequate, 27% short and 12% very short. Rainfall this week ranged from trace amounts in the majority of the province to 34 millimetres in the Dorintosh area. Some areas of the province received strong winds that have blown canola swaths across fields and shelled standing crops. Hail has caused some damage in the west-central region.
Anywhere but here . . . Biggar Central School student, Jessica Sherburne has that woebegone look of someone longing for the summer holiday’s that past by at a breakneck pace, leaving students across the
district bewildered. For Jessica, that was all probably tempered by seeing old friends and making new confidantes. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Teddy-loving care shows doctor visits not so frightening
Dr. Alison McKee, right, gives this Biggar Daycare tot’s teddy the once-over, August 31. The Well Teddy programme took a bit of fear away from the tykes about those inevitable medical visits. Go to biggarindependent.ca for a video of the teddy day, this Wednesday. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Cuddly teddy bears were bandaged and given a medical once-over, showing kids that a doctors visit isn’t all that bad. Students at Biggar Daycare were delighted to be part of Dr Alison McKee’s Well Teddy Pilot Programme in Biggar, August 31. Biggar is lucky to be one of the first areas in the country to offer our preschool children the opportunity to learn about medical care via the means of the Well Teddy Programme. Well Teddy Clinics have been shown to actively reduce anxiety and worry in preschool children attending their GP or ER department. The Well Teddy programme gives small children the opportunity to become familiar
with common medical examination techniques such as blood pressure taking (aka “the cuddle machine”) and stethoscopes (“the listening tubes”) so that if they ever are taken to the doctor they have less worry about what is happening. The Biggar Daycare children were very happy to try out all of Dr McKee’s medical equipment and try out bandaging and plastering their stuffed animals. Dr McKee previously ran the Well Teddy Clinic in Europe’s largest Childrens Hospital and is a qualified Paediatrician as well as a fully qualified Family Doctor. For the next Well Teddy Clinic dates please see forthcoming announcements in the Biggar Independent – and don’t forget your teddy bear!
Council Minute highlights The regular meeting of Biggar Town Council was held August 21, at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Attending the meeting were Mayor Ray Sadler, Aldermen Ron Arnold, Jim Besse, Penny McCallum, Eugene Motruk, and Kirk Sherbino. Council resolved that the minutes of the August 21 Special Project Committee of Council be accepted as presented. Council resolved that the General Accounts Paid in the amount of $45,158.35, and the General Accounts Payable in the amount of $162,486.97, be approved. Council resolved that the following financial reports for July 2012 be accepted as presented:
Bank Reconciliation; and Statement Financial Activities. Council resolved that the Town donate $500 to the West Central Crisis and Family Support Centre. Council resolved that the invoice from WAJAX Equipment, in the amount of $139,700 for a 2012 JCB 426 wheel loader, be approved for payment. Council resolved that the request from Morrison Hershfield Limited, who is the engineering firm that is representing Bridge Road Developments, who are constructing the proposed senior apartment complex, to extend the storm sewer pipe along Second Avenue East to allow for better
drainage from the site, be approved. Council resolved that the request from George de Bussac of Integra Tire to hold their annual ‘Show ‘n’ Shine and Smoke Show’ on September 8 in Buckingham Park, be approved conditional to waivers being signed by the smoke show participants. Council resolved that progress certificate No. 55-070-P1 from Catterall and Wright, in the amount of $27,328.31, be approved for payment to Gory’s Excavating for the water and sewer extensions project at Highway 14 Commercial. • Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Prairie Notes Fall season round the corner With fall in the air, it’s time to dust off the black binder and fill it with new and familiar music for the many events in the Biggar Cultural Calendar. The choir is open to all from teens to seniors who love music and can commit to a Wednesday night practice. The director is Cathy Donahue and able accompanists are Peggy L’Hoir and Lauren Epp. Prairie Notes will have an exciting fall ahead with opportunities to sing as much as you are able. The first gig is to provide musical entertainment at the Queen Elizabeth 60th Anniversary Tea at the Museum the end of September.This will entail several evenings of practice from the initial registration
night. They will be singing music that is familiar to the group so it will be more a case of remembering and polishing. New voices will be able to get up to speed quickly as the music chosen is familiar and accessible. For those not able to commit to this project, regular practices will begin at the beginning of October, and will continue on Wednesday evenings at St. Gabriel’s church until November, when we will move to the Theatre for practices. The next singing event will be participating in the Canada Music Week Concert in November at the Theatre followed by a Christmas Concert at the Theatre and Christmas Magic at the Museum, both
in December. Registration night will be Tuesday, September 18 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Gabriel’s Church. $40 provides you with a binder of music and a CD of your singing part. Those able to commit to the Culture Days practice will stay and sing; those who will come for the regular season can come back for those practices starting in October. If you are unable to make the Tuesday night registration, let Cindy Hoppe know at 948-2947 and alternate arrangements will be made for picking up your music. Prairie Notes is looking forward to making beautiful music together and having some fun while they are at it.
Power turning . . . A racer blasts out of the one barrel, her eye set on the number two, last Tuesday as the final night of competition came to a close for the year at the Biggar Rec Valley. The competitive spirit of the regular Tuesday races will have to simmer for the winter months, but as soon as the Valley is ready, the races will be back on. See biggarindependent.ca this Wednesday for more pictures in our ‘Photo Galleries’ section. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Arts Council performance season kicks off this Friday Kevin Fox
AMENDMENT: In addition to the front page story from the last Independent, it should be noted that the RM of Reford was also a big contributor to the new long term care home project, slated for completion this 2014. Not part of the catchment area required to contribute, the RM of Reford felt it was only proper to get involved in the worthy project, shelling out a vast sum of cash, helping make the project a reality.
The 2012-13 Biggar and District Arts Council concert season begins this Friday at the Majestic Theatre with acclaimed instrumentalist and composer, Kevin Fox. A l t h o u g h Fo x h a s been spending the last few years composing arrangements for the likes of Justin Bieber and Kathleen Edwards, recording with artists as diverse as Raine Maida and Celine Dion, and touring extensively with musicians ranging from Chantal Kreviazuk a n d S t e v e n Pa g e t o To m C o c h r a n e a n d Olivia Newton-John not to mention touring in support of his own critically acclaimed ‘Songs for Cello and Voice’ - he has somehow found the time to write and record his third album,
‘Set Right’. Fox’s latest effort is certainly his most focused, cohesive collection of songs to date, and firmly moves him into the popular genre. Fox’s latest effort is his most focused, cohesive collection of song, firmly moving him into the pop genre. From the melodic ‘Inside’ to the more pop driven title track, ‘Set Right’, Fox continues to demonstrate his unique approach to the use of cello in pop song. Fo x ’s o n e - o f - a - k i n d reinterpreting popular songs, using only his cello, looping pedal and voice, will not disappoint. He has included two cover songs: a haunting treatment of Joni Mitchell’s ‘River’ as well as a breathtaking version of Paul Simon’s ‘Diamonds on the Souls
third page
of Her Shoes’. Recorded in a short two month period, ‘Set Right’ is truly the culmination of over 20 years of songwriting and performing.
Kevin Fox plays the Majestic Theatre this Friday, September 14. Show time is at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are still available from de Moissac Jewellers.
GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… Friday, September 7, 10:30 a.m. (stations randomly selected)
Biggar ....................................... 125.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock ................... 122.9¢/L Perdue… ................................... 124.9¢/L Landis… ................................... 124.9¢/L Rosetown… .............................. 123.9¢/L North Battleford…................... 123.9¢/L Unity ........................................ 123.9¢/L Saskatoon ................................. 125.9¢/L
Lottery Numbers
649 - Wednesday, Sept. 5 15, 21, 23, 26, 28, 48 Bonus 06 Extra 6439321 649 - Saturday, Sept. 1 1, 2, 5, 20, 30, 39, 45 Bonus 25 Extra 4118561
Western 649 - Wednesday, Sept. 5 6, 12, 18, 33, 35, 40 Bonus 20 Western 649 - Saturday, Sept. 1 24, 25, 27, 31, 37, 45 Bonus 21 Lotto Max - Friday, August 31 5, 12, 13, 28, 33, 37, 43 Bonus 44 Extra 4556353
This Week . . . Opinions ............................................................ 4 Agriculture ...................................................... 8 Classifieds .................................................15-17 Business & Professional Directories .........18-19
Opinions Time to Close the Pension Gap by: Colin Craig, Prairie Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation The typical Canadian working outside government has no workplace pension plan, but is being asked to put more and more into rich, unsustainable government employee pension plans. That doesn’t sound fair does it? But before we look at the numbers behind what’s going on, let’s be clear that no one expects a government employee to work for peanuts. Government employees deserve a competitive salary and benefits package like everyone else. However, the problem is the pension benefits provided to the average government worker are far better than those paying for them - taxpayers. It’s time to scale those pension benefits back to more reasonable levels. Consider that nation-wide, 87.1 per cent of government employees have pensions versus just 24.4 per cent in the private sector. But here’s the kicker: 81.9 per cent of government employees have what’s known as a defined-benefit pension plan – the richest, most unsustainable type you can get. Under a defined-benefit pension plan employees put a bit of their pay cheque into the plan each week
and the government matches it (or better) – in other words, taxpayers. So if a government employee puts in $4,000 this year, taxpayers would also contribute at least $4,000. Upon retirement, regardless of how much is in the fund, employees are guaranteed a pre-determined payout for the rest of their lives. Most payouts are based on an employee’s earnings a few years leading up to retirement and their years of service. The payouts also typically rise with inflation over time. As you can see, this requires the people administering the funds to make an impossible set of guesses: what employees will earn throughout their career, how long employees will live, what will happen with the markets and what the inflation rate will be over time, to name a few. But if a golden government employee pension plan has say $500 million in its account and owes employees $800 million in pay outs, taxpayers are almost always on the hook to put in more cash to help cover the shortfall. Across the country, defined-benefit pension plans are in big trouble as nearly everyone doesn’t have enough money for the payouts they promised. The C.D. Howe Institute estimates that the federal government employees pension plan owes an estimated $227 billion more
than it has. The city of Regina owes $293 million more than it has and the Ontario teachers pension plan is short $10 billion. Because of these shortfalls, taxpayers who have no workplace pension plan, and have already contributed to these government employee pension plans, are being asked to put in even more money. As defined-benefit plans are extremely risky and unsustainable you can see why businesses have moved away from them in droves; 12.7 per cent of private sector workers have them today, down from 31.4 per cent in 1977. To fix the solution governments should immediately switch new hires into defined-contribution plans. Such plans provide retirement benefits based on what the pension funds can afford. If the plan has $500 million, then that’s what’s available to employees; taxpayers don’t have to pay for any shortfalls. Under former Saskatchewan NDP premier Allan Blakeney, a number of provincial government definedbenefit pension plans were converted to defined-contribution plans in the 1970’s to protect taxpayers. It’s time for other government employee pension plans to follow that same step. Now there’s some real “social justice.”
Layton’s policies would have made Canada poorer On the anniversary of Jack Layton’s death, let’s take a look at the consequences of his policies if they were ever implemented by Mark Milke, Senior Fellow, The Fraser Institute Distributed by Troy Media, www.troymedia.com The first anniversary of Jack Layton’s passing has inspired numerous memorials and tributes, making it clear the late federal NDP leader inspired affection. But given the public fondness for Layton, it’s important to parse his proposed ideas, precisely because plenty of people still advocate similar policy. However, good intentions (and Layton had that in spades) do not necessarily lead to good outcomes. They are never enough to create a country with peace, prosperity, order and good government. So for those who desire a job-creating country of opportunity, where merit and not political connections get you ahead, and where families can prosper, Layton’s proposals would have been disastrous. Many of Layton’s policy ideas were contained in his 2004 book, Speaking Out - Ideas That Work for Canadians. Space does
not permit an analysis of each one. But in general, his positions - opposition to free trade, a preference for higher taxes, support for corporate welfare, and demands that public pensions be invested “locally” - result from the errant notion that without even more politically-directed decision-making, we would all live in a “unidimensional greed economy.” In that world, which he accused fiscal conservatives of favouring, nothing else would matter but money. Nonsense. Arguments about whether the private sector or government should perform some task or deliver some service, and the cost of each, are debates over means. It’s not a tussle about desirable ends such as a better country. Layton often over-focused on the pleasant sounding means but ignored the actual results. Thus, he favoured subsidizing automakers (to “save” jobs) even though such government action picks corporate winners and creates losers among their competitors (and their employees). He liked
the notion of “community decisions” which sounds nice but only means some small business is at the whim of the not-in-mybackyard crowd. The late NDP leader also wanted rent control. He didn’t see how that would kill the supply of new rental units. Layton also complained about globalization and free trade, arguing it gave too much influence to companies and not governments. But this too was wrongheaded, as long as regulations and laws apply to every company, domestic or foreign, friends of some political leader or not, no one company gets to obtain monopoly control. And ironically, one benefit of freer trade for Canada and our companies is to ensure more consistent access to a large market like the United States. Regrettably, there are exceptions even in existing ‘free’ trade agreements. But trade clashes such as softwood lumber or beef could multiply a thousand times without NAFTA. A protectionist White House and Congress could shut their border to everything Ca-
nadians sell - and nothing could be done about it. At least with even imperfect trade agreements there is some expectation and also a process for resolving trade disputes. Layton’s position would have made Canada more vulnerable to protectionist American sentiment, not less. The core of Layton’s mistake on matters economic and political was his firm belief that it was possible for politicians and bureaucrats to direct the economy, instead of letting consumers and businesses communicate their preferences directly. But when more control over economic decisions is given to the same people who already have plenty of political and bureaucratic power over our lives (politicians and civil servants), the potential for corruption multiplies. When economic decisions are not based on merit, or on a sensible reading of what consumers want and need, but are instead centrally directed with proximity to the levers of power, everyone else is locked out of the economy looking in.
Phone: 306-948-3344
Fax: 306-948-2133
Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Monday at the office of publication, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Delta Fay Cruickshank
This is exactly what happens in banana republics: power is arbitrary taken by politicians, allowing them to deny or approve any development or business operation, as opposed to setting neutral laws and regulations in place that apply to all, domestic or foreign, a friend of the political class or not. Such a tight political/ bureaucratic/economic connection is exactly how the system works in Russia, Argentina, Venezuela, too many African countries, and a plethora of other broken and underperforming economies. The result is not more prosperity but less,
not Switzerland but Sicily. It is especially harmful to those on the margins of society whose opportunities for good jobs and good incomes evaporate as a result. Layton underestimated the dangerous nexus created when economic decisions are taken out of the hands of consumers and shareholders and placed in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats. His ideas would have made Canada and the world poorer, with the most vulnerable being the first to suffer. Mark Milke is a Senior Fellow with the Fraser Institute.
E-mail: tip@sasktel.net
P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
“I want this and this and this.” So said our two year old granddaughter as she flipped through the Sears Wishbook. This is a scenario that has been played out for generations. Every youngster has flipped the pages filled with toys and yearned for the latest craze. Originally known as the Sears Christmas Book the very first toys featured in the catalog were a Miss Pigtails doll, an electric (battery powered) toy car, a Mickey Mouse watch, fruitcakes, and Lionel electric trains. That was 1933. Catalogs before that included Christmas items in the regular edition. In 1896 the catalogue featured wax candles for Christmas trees, by 1898 Christmas cards were added and in 1900 Christmas tree ornaments were sold. Then came Christmas stockings and even artificial Christmas trees, electric Christmas
tree lights. The catalogue became an icon and eventually a separate holiday edition was printed. In 1968 it was officially named The Wish Book. This was in America. In Canada it is 60 years since The Wish Book has been delivered to Canadian families. The first edition rolling off the presses in 1953. To mark this occasion Calvin McDonald, the President and CEO of Sears travelled to his home town in Ontario to personally deliver the catalogues. In his message McDonald recalls his first job was delivering Sears catalogues. He took a look at that huge stack of books and remembered the excitement of people. They couldn’t wait to rip open the plastic and begin flipping the pages. I’m not sure how many actually took a really good look at the cover of this year’s edition but it includes images of every Wish Book that was ever
published. It contains 736 pages of “wishes” -- holiday gift ideas, holiday decorations and holiday fashions. Over three million copies will be distributed across Canada. There is something for everyone -- celebrity cosmetics (Someday by Justin Bieber is sure to be popular), home decor, jewelry, electronics, fashion for everyone in the family, furnishings, appliances. Gifts for cooks, pet lovers, sports enthusiasts, outdoor activities. Things like espresso makers, beach towels, blankets, lamps, musical instruments, outdoor Christmas decorations and of course, toys. Over 1,000 toys and games that will appeal to any kid of any age. I remember my own daughter wanting a Cabbage Patch doll (remember that fad) and an Easy Bake Oven. Both of which she received. Some of the old steadfasts are still as popular today as they once were --
BCS Principal’s report by Kim Fick BCS 2000 was buzzing last week with the start of the school year finally upon us. We were excited to welcome back all of our returning students, as well as our many new students joining the school community this year. It is always fun to see our brand new class of Kindergarten students on their first day of school, even if it is very tough on their parents to see them leave from home! Mrs. McMahon hosted her annual Welcome to Kindergarten barbecue at the school a week prior to the first day, and many students and their families enjoyed the chance to meet their new teacher and spend some time at the school. The students even received a Future Grad of BCS 2000 t-shirt to welcome them to school, and had a lot of fun together. We are lucky to have the majority of our
staff returning, with a few changes. With the retirement of Principal Mr. Elwood Torgunrud, I (Mrs. Kim Fick) am very excited to take on the role of principal this year. Mr. Terry Braman continues his work as Vice Principal, and Ms. Natalie Chupik was appointed as the second Vice Principal. We welcome two interns from the University of Saskatchewan, Ms. Alicia Hrykiw and Ms. Alyssa Klassen. Following the retirement of our head caretaker Brenda Farrell, Daisy Ramos has joined our staff as well. And finally, our counsellor, Ms. Wendy Kritzer, has moved on to a new position and Ms. Terra Quaife will be a part of our staff in her place. Welcome to all of our new faces, both staff and students alike. Many of our students were busy accomplishing great extracurricular feats this summer. We had students
representing our province nationally for football and trapshooting, competing provincially in swimming, track and field, and rodeos, and many more activities that I’m sure I don’t even know about. Congratulations to all! Your hard work has made your community and school proud. As we head into a new school year, we have determined that Character Education is something that we would like to focus on in our school, particularly in our Kindergarten to Grade 6 end. We will be participating in a program called Character Counts, which focuses on six pillars of character: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. We will keep you posted on events throughout the year to support our character program. I wish everyone a safe and successful harvest.
Barbie, Lego and radio controlled cars. And, there is the Gifts Under section so you can keep within your budget. Today’s Wish Book does not only appear in print but also online on the website. There is an iPad app available in keeping with this
technological era. While some things have changed, so much remains the same. Kids still sit down and pick out what they want to see under the tree the morning of December 25. And, they still faithfully tells parents,
grandparents, aunts and uncles what “Santa is going to bring”. And parents still say “you can only pick one thing.” It all starts when the Wish Book arrives and Christmas morning finally comes. Ah, the holiday season.
Garage Sale at The Independent! ng down the Yuk i s i u on River Cr Rena L’Hoir and Craig Sutherland were married August 10, 2012.
Congratulations with love from the L’Hoir and Sutherland families!
It seems like yesterday by Bob Mason So-called Jake: Two men meet on the street. Bob: “Hello Bill. You sure haven’t changed very much! It seem like yesterday I saw you last!” Bill: “Hello Bob. No wonder I haven’t changed much. I was yesterday when we last met.” End of so-called Jake. “Not very funny,” you say. To some of us who haven’t noticed that we are getting older ourselves it isn’t funny at all. Example: I’m sitting around at one of the local “todos” one day when a pretty girl goes past. “Hullo, Mary,” I almost shouted not remembering that the last time I saw Mary was many years before. The pretty girl gave me a cold glance, the kind of look that girls reserve for mashers. (I never did find out what a masher was). But I had already yelled “Hullo, Mary” at her and was kind of trapped. As she stopped, YT started to blurt, “Sorry,” but you do look a lot like a girl I used to know I’m not used to girls
Bob Mason paying much attention to men, but she ust have noticed a few wrinkles on my face that made me look old and senile. “Mebbe, you meant my Grandma,” she smiled. “Her name wa Mary and she used to live around here.” Mebbe her grandmother was the Mary I used to know. I dunno, I was too embarrassed to ask. But it actually seemed like only yesterday that I saw Mary last. It’s nothing new to mistake young people for their parents. But now, as I get older it is kind of new to me.
In the last few years I’ve met many people who look familiar only to find out that they look like their parents did a couple of generations back. Time (which to me anymore is a four-letter swear word) has just raced by me the last few years. Heck, it almost seems like yesterday that The Independent published YT’s first scribbled offering, and some of the people who read that first piece, are still, in their old age, trying to decipher it. Mebbe a fellow should take the example of Phineas Fogg in the story Round the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, and make a west to east trip circling our globe a few times. Verne claimed that Fogg gained a day by doing that, and if we made a few trips, mebbe we could turn back the clock a little. And then again, mebbe it wouldn’t work out that well. It seems like only yesterday that Dad and some of his older neighbour friends, used to sit and recount the adventures of their
early years, almost like they were interesting to young us. And “young” is (dang kids, anyway) always pretended that we wanted to hear more. Whereas, nowadays, the young people flagrantly (some word) pull out their iPods as soon as we start to speak, and ignore our stories entirely. Our stories of horses, ploughs,harrows,binders and stooks may seem like yesterday to us. But in a world of TVs, hydraulics, computer systems and a myriad of technical stuff, they must seem ancients history to t hem. In contrast, I often wonder why those old boys frowned a bit when “young us” enthusiastically (oh, big word again) related our small important incidents (well they were important to us), and also why our descendants’ stories seem so dull. We’ve seen a lot of places and done a lot of great (well, we thought they were great) things in our lifetime, and often wonder why those young people think that their times are so much better. I suppose it is kind of a compliment that an old fellow remembers anything but a lot of the young people’s activities don’t seem to be worth putting one’s mind. to.
Perdue, Sask. 5.4 auto, long box, 250,000km, SK Tax Pd
$9,900 2006 F-350 crew XL, 4x4, diesel, auto, long box, 190km, Great Work Truck! .......... ....................................................... $14,900 2006 Ford Freestar SEL, 7 passenger, DVD entertainment centre, 108,000km, SK Tax Pd, VERY GOOD! .................. $10,900 2005 F-150 XLT, 4x4, supercrew, 110,000km, SK Tax Pd .................. $17,900 2007 F-150 Lariat Supercrew only 74,000km, local trade, SK Tax pd d . $25,900
2005 GMC ¾ ton Sierra SLE Durmax, auto, ext. cab, 190,000km, SK Tax Pd
the Hochwald Forest, it was “time to rest” so we just lay down anywhere and slept for two days. At the Kusten Kanal it happened to be milking time, so Sgt Eby (who got killed he next day) and I milked a couple of cows there, and talked far into the night, wondering when it would be all over, and time to go home. For him, it was over the next day (21st of April, 1945) and for YT it seems like yesterday yet. Note: It seems that it was only yesterday that YT hit his golf ball into the woods, and Daryl Hasein said “why don’t you send something in to The Independent and we’ll see if we like it.” (I guess they are still trying to decide). Don’t get YT started on anything again. When he gets his mind of something he just keeps at it and at it, until a whole bunch of time has passed. As inferred in the above column, he isn’t looking forward to that “time passes” bit. A lot of things have come and gone, and he doesn’t need any of that and gone admonition either. If we leave him alone, he’ll just sit there, think about it all, write a little, sit back and say: “It seems like yesterday.”
Deadline for Classifieds Wednesdays at 5:00
2007 F-150 4x4 supercab
2011 Ford Fusion SE, 4 cyl, auto, only 26,000km ....................................... $16,900 2008 Ford Ranger Sport, V6 auto, only 48,000km, balance of factory warranty, SK Tax Pd ........................................... $12,900 2008 Chev H.D. 3500, 4x4, reg. cab, 6L, auto, 130km ................................... $17,900 2007 Cadillac CTS, loaded, 72,000km, SK Tax Pd ........................................... $16,900
YT’s hearing sure isn’t up to snuff anymore, but as he gets up from the local coffee tables and hears comments like: “over the hill”, “senile old bugger”, “sod bustin’ bum”, etcetera, he hopes that the young people present are talking about someone else. Those things that did happen, and almost seem like yesterday, were quite an experience though, and we almost hate to admit that they will all be lived over again by someone else. Over the years there must have been a lot of people who have had the same feelings about life, s I do, for it really doesn’t feel that all these things happened so long ago. Although Yours Truly knows better, like a darn fool he feels that he can do all those same things he did in the 1940s yet. Looking back may be a wonderful thing, but, as time passes we do have to accept that they weren’t just yesterday. “Time” and “time to do things” are sure different. During WWII YT always had a watch on his wrist and although sometimes he used it, like: “we go in at 1900 hours” often we didn’t and just “hurry up and wait” (an old army adage). When we came out of
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Diamond Lodge News
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Everything you put into your body while you are pregnant will go to your unborn baby. Alcohol during pregnancy will cause lifelong mental and physical disabilities for your child. Your baby may face a life of learning, memory and behavioural difficulties. Heart defects and abnormalities to the skeleton are also possible. There is no safe kind, amount or time to drink alcohol during pregnancy. If you need help to stop drinking to protect your unborn child, talk to your doctor or a Heartland addictions counselor.
Heartland Health Region Board Meeting The next Board meeting will be held Monday, September 24th, 2012 in Rosetown. Board packages can be obtained from the Regional Corporate Office within one week of the meeting. Please call the office to arrange for printing and pick up. Contact Christa Garrett at 306-882-4111 ext 236 or by e-mail christa.garrett@hrha.sk.ca
Biggar Diamond Lodge residents, staff and hospital staff pose for a picture, August 29, shortly after a historic ceremony that launched the new long term care home project. Construction is slated for completion for early 2014. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
For toll-free health information 24 hours a day. Please call 1-888-425-4444(TTY) if you have hearing or speech difficulties Smokers Helpline 1-877-513-5333 or www.smokefree.ca
Happenings Happy Harvest everyone! We hope that everything is moving smoothly for the farmers all around the area. Last Monday we had exercises. We tried our usual stretches and passed assortments of balls to each other. This helps us build teamwork with the fellow residents. That afternoon we played Bean Bag Toss. There were a few people that were close to winning. The final score for our winner was 40 points. Tuesday we read the Biggar Independent and other local papers. We learned what was happening in our community. We also talked about stories that happened to us over the years. Then we had Jeopardy. The
categories were based on autumn. Wednesday was a busy day for everyone at the Lodge. We took a couple busloads of residents to the hospital. We got to see the sod turning for the new long term care facility. We felt special to be part of Biggar’s history. Some of the resident even got to hold the gold shovels. After lunch all of the residents met in the activity room and enjoyed ice cream cones. It was a wonderful treat on a hot windy day. Thursday we kept busy with exercises. We tried something new that the residents and even the staff enjoyed. It is called “noodle ball”. We sit in a big circle and hold pool noodles. When the ball comes close to us we ei-
ther hit the ball with the noodle or we kick the ball. This activity is good for our arms and our legs. Everyone was filled with laughter. At 2:30 we had bingo. This week the winners were craving chocolate bars. Friday we had indoor barbecue club due to the windy weather. Everyone enjoyed having hotdogs and baked beans. To end the day we had Happy Hour. Once everyone had their beverage of alcohol or fruit punch, we told jokes to whoever was present. There were some pretty funny jokes. Saturday we had family and friends come and spend the day with their loved ones. There was a movie in the afternoon. Sunday was spa day. The women enjoyed hav-
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ing hand massages and manicures. Later we had church. That is all from us this week. Hope everyone will enjoy the fall weather. If you happen to have a few minutes one day, make sure you stop by and say “hi” to us.
Mental Health & Addictions Centralized Intake Line 1-866-268-9139 Monday to Friday 8:00 am—4:30 pm
Heartland Health Region www.hrha.sk.ca
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Agriculture CWB adapting to new reality? by Calvin Daniels The Canadian Wheat Board made an interesting announcement recently when it unveiled it would begin marketing canola for Western Canadian farmers. The decision is one which may ultimately reveal much about what farmers truly feel about the CWB, and also how effective the organization is at marketing. Of course the history of the board has been
as a single desk seller, meaning it has been the lone export marketer of wheat, durum and barley. As a single desk operation, the CWB has never had to compete for product from farmers. It handled it all coming from Western producers. That has changed with the decision by the federal government to end the monopoly. The debate will last long in whether the Stephen Harper government played fast and loose with the rules
possible for farmers why change the system? In terms of canola, there was discussion within the last quarter century about the crop perhaps coming under the CWB umbrella, but that never happened. So now it will be up to the CWB to attract canola bushels from farmers, and if farmers happen to commit significant production to the organization it will speak to how well respected the CWB
NOTICE OF CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Rural Municipality of Reford No. 379 Public Notice is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the ofÀce of: REEVE, COUNCILLOR FOR DIVISION NO. 1, COUNCILLOR FOR DIVISION NO. 3, COUNCILLOR FOR DIVISION NO. 5, will be received by the undersigned at the municipal ofÀce during normal ofÀce hours until Wednesday, September 19, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Nomination forms may be obtained from the municipal ofÀce. Dated this 4th day of September, 2012 Sherry Huber, Returning OfÀcer of Parliament in making actually is with farmers. the change, but the fate Don’t expect a huge of the CWB was still pile of canola to go to forever changed. the CWB, at least not Now the CWB is immediately. attempting to adapt to But longer term the their new reality. CWB might earn bushels One of the steps they because they do have a are taking is to market network of ~ 150worldwide point inspection 2005 Ford Escape XLT 4x4canola, V6, air, atilt,crop with a marketers who, while ~ 3-month/5,000km cruise, power windows, locks, mirrors, seat, well-established network Optimum previously dedicate to Warranty 162,682 kms, SK Tax Paid ......$9,900 of marketers already in cereal grains, 2006 Pontiac G6 Sedan, white, 3.5V6, ~ 30-day/2,500km have to place. have contacts useful in air, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks, Exchange Privilege But as the crop which marketing canola. mirrors, only 46,135 kms, SK Tax is now competing with If the CWB machine can Paid ..........................................$10,900 in terms of the find new, and or better 2007 Chev Monte Carlowheat LS, amber bronze, 3.5V6, air, tilt, cruise, power devoted to markets for canola, most acres 2009 Chev Cobalt LT Coupe, white, 2.2L, windows, locks, mirrors, seat,it,123,995km, canola is a major farmers will turn their auto, could air, tilt, way. cruise, power windows, SK Tax Paid..............................$10,900 commodity which 2008 GMC locks, mirrors, sunroof, only 45,000km, SK help boost the bottom It stands to reason Acadia SLE Tax Paid .....................................$12,900 line of the CWB. in a new open market AWD, 8 2009 Chev Silverado LT Ext 4x4, red, But there is an if for the environment the CWB passenger, silver, cruise, power windows, CWB. need to look for new 3.6V6, air, tilt, 5.3L, air, tilt, will It will only help the revenue streams. locks, mirrors, 95,125km, SK Tax Paid cruise, power producers are Canola, because of its ....................................................$22,900 windows, locks, mirrors, seat,CWB 99,876if km, willing to market their sheer size, is a logical SK Tax Paid..............................$19,900 2010 Chev canola through the 2008 GMC 3/4 ton, reg cab 4x4, SLE, fi rst step. Equinox LT black, 6.0 gas, air, tilt, cruise, power AWD, white, But think about the organization. windows, locks, mirrors, seat, It’s 78,443 kms, clear the government connections the CWB 2.4L, air, tilt, SK Tax Paid..............................$24,900 expects farmers to has in India, Pakistan, cruise, power 2009 Chev 3/4 Crew LT, 4x4 black 6.6T abandon the CWB in the Middle East. To take air, tilt, cruise, power windows, windows, droves.locks, Agriculture mirrors, seats, 127,000 kms locks, mirrors, Minister Gerry Ritz has 94,954km, SK Tax Paid SK Tax Paid..............................$35,900 ....................................................$21,900 led a chorus where the undertones were pretty clear, the CWB was If we don’t have the vehicle we will FIND one for YOU! flawed you and want, not working for farmers. They made the change on the premise of providing choice, but if they believed the CWB was doing the best job
on marketing pulse crops might be a natural. And if you are selling canola, is flax such a stretch? There is also potential to use the knowledge the CWB has in marketing cereals to include oats and rye. Both are specialty crops with limited acres, so sales are not by container ship, but the mechanics of the sale may not be so different the CWB won’t take it on in their new world, if they can make pools work on smaller crops. “Farmers have been telling us they want CWB to run canola pools to
help manage their price risk and provide them with reliable returns through a system they can trust,” said CWB president and CEO Ian White in a recent release, adding farmer sign-up is now open for the new CWB canola pool. “The farmer b e n e f i t s of pooling apply just as successfully to canola as to wheat. F a r m e r s retain all the profits generated from their grain sales, instead of simply taking a flat price at the elevator. It also means they can spend more time on their crops instead of chasing the commodity futures
markets.” The CWB is the only company offering farmers the popular pooled approach to grain marketing for the 201213 crop year, which began August 1 under a new open-market model. Under pooling, all revenue is deposited into a single pool and participants are paid the average achieved across the entire marketing period, allowing highly effective price-risk management and a strategic approach to the sales process. Yes, the future is an unknown for both farmers and the CWB, but how both sides react to the chance to market canola through a pooling system may give us a hint at what the future will be.
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The first repeat Toonie winner . . . Carol Wood, left, accepts a cheque for $65 from Biggar Museum and Gallery board member Ruth Arnold, all part of the monthly toonie draw for August. Carol was the lucky winner the previous month! Congrats! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
William A. & Mabel Hoppe
Biggar Jubilee Stadium, Biggar, Sask. Randy Weekes, M.L.A. for the Biggar Constituency 1-877-948-4880 OfÀce Hours: Monday - Friday 1 - 5 p.m. Phone: 306-948-4880 106 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar Fax: 306-948-4882 e-mail: randyweekes.mla@accesscomm.ca
Web site: www.randyweekes.ca P. O. Box 1413 Biggar, SK. S0K 0M0
Wed., SEPT. 26 • 10 a.m. Partial Listing ‘96 Mercury Grand Marquis car, 4-dr., loaded, 165,500 km, 4.6L, excellent; 21 ft. Prowler camper trailer w/awning, clean & neat; ‘92 Ford F-150 XLT w/cap V8 5.0L motor, A/C/T, auto, running boards, one owner, 135,000km orig miles, excellent condition; 8 h.p. snowblower w/electric start; Air compressor, Karch washer, Stihl weed wacker; Homelite gas chain saw, electric chain saw; 100 gal. Skid tank and pump, hand to power tools; chains, garden tools, patio sets, lawn ornaments; 17 cu ft deep freeze, 2 older fridges; standing Grandfather clock (chimes); table w/6 chairs and 2 captain chairs; swivel chairs, coffee tables, round tables, bedroom suite; Singer serger,; Kenmore sewing machine. Plus much more in household items. Antiques…Highboy chest of drawers; dolls; 4-pc blonde bedroom suite; telephone hall table, chrome set (red); plus glassware etc. See website for pictures and full listing.
Mierau Auction Service Richard Mierau P.L. 914867 Langham, Sask. 306-283-4662 www.mierauauctions.com
The Saskatchewan Art Progress Show: 1880-1950 ment continue to inspire generations of artists within Saskatchewan’s contemporary story of art progress. This exhibition features the work of many well-
known Saskatchewan artists, as well as seldom seen works from this era of Saskatchewan’s art history. All are welcome as the MacKenzie Art Gallery
P r o v i n c i a l O u t r e a ch Program is dedicated to providing exhibitions of original works of art to the people across Saskatchewan.
FORM H (Subsection 45 of the Act)
NOTICE OF CALL FOR NOMINATIONS School Division Elections Public Notice is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the ofÀce of:
Board of Education Members: Sun West School Division No. 207
Illingworth Kerr Ravenscrag, Ross’s Ranch, 1930, oil on canvas. Organized by the MacKenzie Art Gallery, Curated by Erin Gee
This exhibition, the first in the Saskatchewan Art History Series, describes artistic roles that were available to settlementera artists by providing a glimpse into the early development of Saskatch-
ewan’s artistic scene from 1880-1950. The exhibit will be held in the Credit Union Art Gallery at the Biggar Museum from September 5-19. We are open to the public from 1-5 p.m., Tuesday to Friday. Please join us for this celebration of the culture, community
and creative spirit or rural Saskatchewan! What implications does the work of the settlement era have upon Saskatchewan’s art scene today? Traditions of landscape, community, grassroots activism and independence established early in Saskatchewan’s develop-
Subdivision No. 1 (Eatonia, Eston, Marengo) - Number to be elected: 1 Subdivision No. 2 (Coleville, D’Arcy, Plenty) - Number to be elected: 1 Subdivision No. 3 (Biggar, Landis) - Number to be elected: 1 Subdivision No. 4 (Dinsmore, Harris) - Number to be elected: 1 Subdivision No. 5 (Beechy, Elrose, Kyle, Lucky Lake) - Number to be elected: 1 Subdivision No. 6 (Davidson, Kenaston, Loreburn) - Number to be elected: 1 Subdivision No. 7 (Town of Outlook) - Number to be elected: 1 Subdivision No. 8 (Town of Rosetown) - Number to be elected: 1 Town of Kindersley - Number to be elected: 2 at large will be received by the following election ofÀcers on the 19th day of September, 2012 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and during regular business hours from September 3rd to 18th, 2012 inclusive: Ryan Smith, Rhonda Saathoff, or Bonnie Giles Sun West School Division OfÀce, 501 - 1st Street West, Rosetown Nomination forms may be obtained at the following locations: 1. the Division OfÀce in Rosetown; 2. the schools in each subdivision; and 3. on the Sun West School Division website (www.sunwestsd.ca). Dated this 27th day of August, 2012. Ryan Smith, Returning OfÀcer
Parrish & Heimbecker “Hanover Junction” High Throughput Inland Terminal
Now Buying Grain Call for Grain prices OR Drop off samples
OfÀce located at 220 Main St., Biggar, Sask.
306-948-1990 or 306-948-4393 Cross the country . . . Blazing Saint, Hayden McMahon, has a bit of lead on his teammates, Tuesday at the Rec Valley. The cross country runners were tuning up for the season. Their home meet is September 27 at the Rec Valley north of Biggar. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
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948-3344 Parachuting back to the books . . . the district are once again learning, and St. Gabriel School teacher, Karen Jiricka every once in a while, having a bit of fun! introduces a bit of fun to her class, last week, (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam) taking a break from the books. Kids across
Biggar United hosting Klusmeier concert of his music with a pickup-choir conducted by Lonnie Moddle. Moddle has worked many years conducting in concert with Klusmeier. She is a retired music specialist with the school system in British Columbia, having worked in classroom music, and has been a church choir director for 30 years. A portion of funds from ticket sales will be donated to the Foodgrains Bank, the host church, a church of your choice, and for refreshments following the concert.
Ron Klusmeier. (Submitted Photo) Biggar United Church will host acclaimed composer, editor, music arranger and congregational minister, Ron Klusmeier. Klusmeier, on a Canada-wide “Tour of a Lifetime”, will be in Biggar, September 27 for an afternoon and evening of music and fun. Biggar is proud to be one of 200 communities
Klusmeier has chosen to visit on his tour, which partners with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, helping to raise money and awareness about those who don’t have enough to eat. Klusmeier will lead a free music workshop from 4 to 6 p.m., introducing his latest music and published music book anthology, as well
as providing information on how to access and use hundreds of his compositions available on his Web site. Klusmeier has composed over 500 hymns used by Anglican, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, and United churches in their hymn books. At 7:30 p.m. in the evening, Klusmeier will be leading a
Garage Sale Prices on Stationery, OfďŹ ce Supplies, Christmas, Scrapbook Supplies, Display Items
Lots of Stuff on
The Biggar Independent 103 2rd Ave. West Biggar, Sk S0K 0M0
JUBILEE STADIUM CONCESSION BOOTH (Approximately October 15, 2012 - March 16, 2013)
Groups or individuals interested in leasing or managing the operations of the concession booth must submit proposals with monthly lease willing to pay to: Biggar and District Recreation Board P.O. Box 1360, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 e.poitras@townofbiggar.com Deadline for proposals is September 20, 2012.
FORM H [SecƟon 45 of the Act]
NoƟce of Call for NominaƟons PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominaƟons of candidates for the oĸce of:
Board Member: Prairie Spirit School Division No. 206 All subdivisions will be received by the undersigned on the 19 th day of September, 2012, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Prairie Spirit School Division oĸce at: 121 Klassen Street East, Warman, SK and during regular business hours on August 20, 2012 to September 18, 2012, at Prairie Spirit School Division oĸce, 121 Klassen Street East, Warman, SK. NominaƟon forms may be obtained at the following locaƟon(s): x Prairie Spirit School Division website: www.spiritsd.ca x Schools in the school division x City, Town and Village oĸces in the school division x Prairie Spirit School Division Oĸce Dated this 20th day of August, 2012. Ron Walter, Returning Oĸcer
Lacrosse roots run deep Brett Newton was invited to play with the Washington Junior Stealth Midget team at the U.S. Box Lacrosse National Championships in Huntington Beach, California, August 17-19. The 14-year-old son of Jim and Page Newton, and grandson of Ken and Merle Newton, was invited by star lacrosse pro, Lewis Ratcliff of the Washington Stealth of the National Lacrosse League (NLL). Ratcliff is also the director of the Junior Stealth Program, and has worked with Manitoba provincial teams over the last couple of years. Brett played on the Manitoba Provincial Box Lacrosse team at the Canadian National Championship in Whitby, Ontario in early August and the Manitoba U16 Field Lacrosse team at Nationals in Oshawa during the long weekend in September. Brett led the Manitoba Bantam Provincial team in scoring at Nationals despite missing three games, and led the Midget Washington Stealth in scoring at the U.S. Box Nationals. Brett’s dad, Jim, is the head coach of the Manitoba Provincial team, and in 2010, the Pee Wee team won gold in the ‘B’ division at the Canadian
On behalf of the Biggar & District Family Centre, we would like to THANK the following businesses, organizations and individuals for their generous donations and contributions to this year’s Summer Preschool Program of 2012. • Community Initiatives Fund • RBC Foundation • Access Communications • Viterra • SunWest School Division • BCS 2000 • Biggar Pharmasave • SaskEnergy • Biggar & District Credit Union • Biggar Leisure • Super A Foods • Grondin Funeral Services • Biggar Knights of Columbus • Shop Easy Foods
• Biggar Catholic Women’s League • Family Centre Moms--Cookbook Fundraiser • Custom Signs & Designs
This year’s program was once again a HUGE success for all the children who participated.
Brett Newton. (Submitted Photo)
Championship in Whitby. Brett finished sixth overall in total points for goals and assists. 2011 saw the Manitoba Provincial Bantams capture gold again, and silver in 2012. Jim, who played all of his minor lacrosse in Biggar, is an accomplished player in his own right. Jim competed for the first time with the Biggar Junior B lacrosse team at age 15 at the Founders
Cup in Windsor, Ontario. He represented Saskatchewan in the Canada Summer Games in St. John’s in 1977, and competed in three other Founders Cups. Jim was the top scorer in the 1980 Founders Cup in Baie-Comeau, Quebec, and named to the tournament All Star Team. Ken, Brett’s Grandpa, was also very involved with lacrosse. Ken was
president of the Saskatchewan Lacrosse Association in 1971 and 1972. He also held manager and secretary positions with the Biggar Lacrosse Association. In 1975, Ken was presented with the Lester B. Pearson Award in recognition of his dedication and contributions to the game of lacrosse. Brett is hoping to pursue a U.S. college lacrosse scholarship.
garage sale The Independent,
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BCS 2000 news NOTICE Biggar and District Recreation Board is now accepting… ICE TIME REQUESTS for Jubilee Stadium Scheduled to open October 15, 2012, closing March 16, 2013
Regular usage, Tournaments, Special Events, etc. Forms available at Biggar Town OfÀce Deadline for applications is September 20, 2012
Biggar Central School teacher Jackie Zagoruy gives some instructions to her charges, Wednesday. Kids may have seemed a bit reluctant to be back at the by Taylor Darroch and Sabrina Yurchak Welcome to school! May this school year bring You happiness galore, And may you enjoy it Right to the core! Welcome to all our new students and welcome
back to everyone else. We hope they enjoyed their summer, even though it feels like it was cut short. Despite that, we are all glad to see our friends again. We have some keener coaches our there this year! The football players returned to the field a couple of weeks ago, cross country started practice the very first day of school, and volleyball will soon be in full swing, so listen to announce-
books, but seeing their friends and teachers - well, they were back into the routine. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
ments for meeting dates and practices. This Friday we started the year off with a successful green and gold day, and hallway pep rally to send our football team out to their first home game of the year. Next week we’ll hold our annual back to school spirit week which consists of: PJ day on Monday, Neon Day on Tuesday, Twin/Multiples Day on Wednesday, Hick Day on Thursday, and then we
will end the week with a pancake breakfast for the entire school on Friday. High school students can start to dish up around 8:20, and elementary students will be served at 9 when their teachers take them to the gym. Also, on Friday, September 14 we will be having a $2 hat day. Students and staff will have the option of wearing a hat for $2, with all proceeds going to our Terry Fox fund raiser.
Five for Fifty! . . . Five couples celebrated a landmark occasion amongst their church friends at PALS, August 26 at St. Paul’s Anglican. Left to right: Ray and Brenda Wood, Carson and Ev Ramsay, Earl and Mary Ann Nostbakken, Ted and Gloria Engel, and Ed and Ann Egert. (Photo for The Independent by Diana Dolack)
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OBITUARIES Bonnie Lou Hodgson January 18, 1950 August 27, 2012 Bonnie Lou Hodgson passed away August 27, 2012 in Saskatoon, Sask. at the age of 62 years. She was born January 18, 1950 to Lu and Guy Wylie of Laura, Sask. Bonnie is survived by her husband, Bill of Biggar, Sask.; one daughter, Angela (Darrell) Huber of Provost, Alta. and their children, Carter, Austin, Brooklyn and Brayden; one son, Adam (Jennifer) of Biggar, Sask. and their children, Emily, Jaeda and Drayton; mother, Lu Wylie of Saskatoon, Sask.; and several extended family and friends. She was predeceased by her father, Guy Wylie. Funeral Service was held on Friday, August 31, 2012 at 2 p.m. from Biggar United Church with Rev. Jane Gallagher of¿ciating. Neil Millard gave the eulogy. Organist was Doreen Dubreuil and music was led by the Biggar United Church Joy Singers. Honourary Bearers were all those who shared in Bonnie’s life. Inurnment will be at a later date. Tributes in Bonnie’s memory may be directed to the Biggar United Church, Box 1259, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0. Grondin Funeral Services, Biggar entrusted with arrangements, “Our family serving your family since 1963”. gfsc1
Alice Eleanor Poelzer 1935 – 2012 Alice Eleanor Poelzer, formerly of Biggar & Landis, Sask. passed away on August 23rd, 2012 at St. Paul’s Hospital in Saskatoon, Sask. Alice was born July 27, 1935 in Woodville Mills, Prince Edward Island. At a young age she moved away, and while working at the Parliamentary Restaurant in Ottawa, she eventually met her future husband, Rodney, who was employed in the Royal Canadian Air Force at the time. Their life together took them from Montreal to Porcupine Plain, and eventually to Landis where they settled to raise their family of four boys. As the family grew older, Alice began her career with the Landis Coop where she worked for 22 years, until her retirement in 1997. She settled into retired life in Biggar as a widow in 1998 and kept herself busy on a daily basis. She loved working in her garden and Àower beds, and spending time with her many friends in both Biggar and Landis. Most of all, she loved spending time with her seven grandchildren. They loved coming to visit and spend some alone time with her and she adored taking in their many activities, including swimming lessons at the local pool. She always wanted to be there for their major accomplishments. They were the most important people in her life and she loved them all dearly. Alice is predeceased by her husband Rodney; her parents Louis and Mary; her brothers Billy, Ernie, Louis, and George; and her sister Gladys. She is lovingly remembered by: her sons, Kevin, Darrell (Cathy), Garry (Jodi), Randy (Susan); by her grandchildren Andrea, Sarah, Kale, Ryan, Ireland, R.J., and Jessie; by her brothers, Raymond (Mary) Fitzpatrick and John (Joyce) Fitzpatrick both from P.E.I.; and numerous other relatives and friends. A memorial service will be held MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2012 at St. Gabriel the Archangel’s Roman Catholic Church in Biggar, Sask. at 1:00 p.m. A luncheon to celebrate of her life will follow. A private, family Inurnment Ceremony will be held the next day at Chelan, Sask. Those wishing to make expressions of sympathy may make donations to the St. Paul’s Hospital Foundation, as the family has greatly appreciated the level of care and compassion that they provided over the past year. Arrangements are entrusted to CHERISHED MEMORIES FUNERAL SERVICES 2427888. 37c1
Gabrielle (Dubreuil) Halladay July 29, 1915 - August 13, 2012 Gabrielle passed away August 13, 2012 in Biggar, Sask. at the age of 97 years. She was born on July 20, 1915 in Prud’homme, Sask. Gabrielle is survived by her daughter, Alice Dirks of The Pas, Man. and her children, Brenda (Tom) McBride, Leona and Kristian; Maxine (Steve) Everson, Brandy and Skylar; Calvin (Alvena), Crystal and Bambi; Laurie (Melanie), Jessie; and Sharmaine (Darryl) Olson, Savanah and Hailey; her daughter-in-law, Doreen Dubreuil of Biggar, Sask. and her children, Kent (Naomi), Colby and Landon; Shauna (Brad) Ebelher, Andrew, Adam and Lauren; Blaine (Janis), Graham, Kyle and Ryder; her daughter, Eileen Bleile (Wayne) of Biggar, Sask. and her children, Dale Williams (Diane), Bob, Dale Mathew, Michelle and Jordie; Darren Williams (Barb), Ashley, Amber, Apryl and Madyson; and Jason Bleile. Gabrielle also leaves 18 great greatgrandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. Gabrielle was predeceased by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Benjamin and all her siblings; her husbands, Leo Dubreuil in 1961 and Frank Halladay in 1985; son, Herve Dubreuil; and sons-in-law, Bob Williams and Bob Dirks. Funeral Mass was held on Saturday, August 18, 2012 at 10:30 a.m. from St. Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Church, Biggar, Sask. of¿ciated by Father Michel Bedard. Eulogist was Alvin Gallaher; readers were Doreen Dubreuil, Kent Dubreuil and Doug Jenkins. Music was provided by St. Gabriel Choir. Honourary Bearers were all those who shared in Gabe’s life. Active Bearers were her grandsons, Dale Williams, Darren Williams, Jason Bleile, Calvin Dirks, Kent Dubreuil, Blaine Dubreuil. Interment followed in Biggar Cemetery, Biggar, Sask. Tributes may be directed to Friends of the Lodge c/o Biggar and District Community Foundation, Box 489, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 Grondin Funeral Services, Biggar entrusted with arrangements, “Our family serving your family since 1963”. gfsc1
CARD OF THANKS The family of John Yaroshko wish to thank their relatives and friends for the cards, Àowers, food, phone calls, kind words and contributions to the Biggar Wildlife Federation. We would like to thank the doctors, nurses and hospital staff for the excellent care he received. Also a special thank you to Pastor Mark Kleiner and Grondin Funeral Services. God Bless You All! 37p1
For fax service, see us at The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave., Biggar
MEMORIAMS Lieta Campbell 1934 - 2007
“Time speeds on, four years have passed Since death its gloom, its shadow cast Within our home where all seemed bright, And took from us a shining light. We miss that light, and ever will, Her vacant place there’s none to Åll. Down here we mourn, but not in vain, for up in Heaven we will meeet again.”
Lovingly remembered by Bob; Penny and Brad; Kelly and Dawn; and grandchildren LARLHAM: In loving memory of Pat Larlham who passed away September 8, 2000. “As time goes by without you And days turn into years. They hold a million memories And a thousand silent tears.” Remembered by his family, Dorothy, Jim, Dan, Laura, Joan and their families 37p1
COMING EVENTS SUNDAYS in September: Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans will be worshipping at Redeemer Lutheran Church at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, September 30, Presbyterian liturgy and potluck after service. Everyone Welcome. To contact Pastor Mark, phone 306-951-7122. 48/10tfn SUNDAYS… You are invited to the weekly services of Biggar Associated Gospel Church, corner Quebec St. and 8th Ave. West. Sunday Worship service is at 10:50 a.m. and everyone is welcome. Come and worship with us, Rev. Terry Wicks, Pastor. 23c12 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4-THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20: 1-5 p.m. Monday-Friday, Sask Art Progress Show by the McKenzie Art Gallery in the Credit Union Gallery at the Biggar Museum. 36c3 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10: 7 p.m. Donor Choice meeting at Hospital Board room. Please have a representative from organizations on our list attend. We NEED your support. 35c3
COMING EVENTS Saskatoon Doll Collectors Club: Invites you to a Doll Show on Sunday September 30 from 11:00 - 4:00 at the Nutana Legion 3021 Louise Street . Contact: Marlyn Jensen @ 652 1514 0r mrsjdolls@sasktel.net. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11: Biggar and District Arts Council Annual Meeting at Biggar Museum and Gallery, 7 p.m. New members welcome. 36c2 Saskatoon Gun Show Buy, Sell, Trade. Sept 15 10-5, Sept 16 10-4. North Ridge Community Centre, 901 3rd Street N. Martensville, SK. www.smlc.ca Murray 306-933-2587. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18: at 6:30 p.m. at St. Gabriel’s Church, Prairie Notes Fall registration and practice. $40 = music and a CD of your part. The Notes will be singing at Culture Days at the Museum, September 29; Canada Music Week Concert, November 20 and our Christmas Concert, December 9. Culture Days practices will happen September 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, and 25. Regular practices will be Wednesday nights starting October 3. We welcome all singers from teens to seniors. If you would like to participate but can’t make the registration night or for more information, please phone Cindy Hoppe at 948-2947. 36c3 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14: Biggar & District Arts Council presents…Kevin Fox, 7:30 p.m., Biggar Majestic Theatre. Adults/ Seniors $25 (advance $20); Students, 13 and older $15 (advance $12); children, 12 and under $5. Advance and Season Tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar, 948-2452. 32c6 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23: Dusty Wheels Indoor Car Show, at Rosetown Arena, Rosetown, Sask., 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 37p2 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27: 7:30 p.m. Ron Klusmeier’s 2012-13 Canada-wide Tour of a Lifetime Concert at Biggar United Church. This is his last tour travelling across Canada. Advance tickets adults $20; 16 years and under $5. 25 per cent of ticket sales donated directly to Canadian Foodgrains Bank -- End Hunger. Tickets available at United Church 948-2280 or deMoissac Jewellers 9482452. Also offering free music workshop 4-6 p.m. Please preregister. 34c6 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29: 1 - 4 p.m., Biggar Museum presents a Royal High Tea and Exhibit to celebrate the Queen’s 60 year reign, $5 per person. 37c3
COMING EVENTS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30: St. Gabriel Fall Supper, 5-7 p.m. Biggar Community Hall. Adults, $15; 6-12, $8 and 5 and under FREE. Take out $15, phone 948-3880, 948-2954, or 9483403 by noon Sunday to order. Order and inquiries may also be sent to st.gabs@sasktel.net 36c4 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14: Perdue United Church Fowl Supper, Perdue Community Complex. Doors open 4:30 p.m.; supper 5 p.m. Adults $10, 6-12 $5; preschoolers Free. 35c5 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20: Biggar Museum 40th Anniversary Celebration at Biggar Community Hall. Cocktails, 5:30; Dinner at 6:00; NCCP production, 8 p.m.; Cash Bar. $25 per ticket, available at Biggar Museum. Please purchase tickets by October 10. Taxi service provided by Biggar Insurance Services. 37c6
Apartment sized freezer; 10,000 btu window air conditioner; wheel barrow; seed spreader; leaf blower/vac; electric hedge trimmer, plus many more items. Phone 948-2880 37p1 **HOME PHONE RECONNECT** Call 1-866-2871348. Prepaid Long Distance Specials! Feature Package Specials! Referral Program! Don’t be without a home phone! Call to Connect! 1-866-2871348
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Effective September 15, 2012 KidSport™ Biggar advises that all funding applications should be submitted to…
HOUSES FOR RENT Three-bedroom home, close to downtown, 3.5 blocks from school. Available August 30. For viewing, call 948-3674 or 9489517 32tfn
REAL ESTATE Two serviced lots, side by side in Biggar, 100’x140’, $79,900. Call 717-4681 (cell) 5tfn FOR SALE. WARMAN 55 PLUS ACTIVE ADULT LIFESTYLE Large Ground, Level Townhomes 306 241 0123 www.diamondplace.ca
FOR RENT Charter/ Sherwood Apartments 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins.
CERTIFIED ELECTRICIANS WANTED for growing northern company. Competitive wages and bene¿ts. Safety tickets needed. Fax 250-775-6227 or email: info@torqueindustrial. com. Apply online: www. torqueindustrial.com. CERTIFIED MILLWRIGHTS NEEDED for growing northern company. Competitive wages and bene¿ts. Safety tickets necessary. Fax resume to 250-775-6227 or email: info@ torqueindustrial.com. Online: www.torqueindustrial.com. Swan Valley Travel Manitoba based host company looking for experienced travel agents to join our team. Earn high commissions while working at your own pace. See our website at www.HostTravelAgency.ca AUTOBODY TECHNICIAN Journeyman or Equivalent to start immediately. Busy Rural Shop, Excellent Wages & Bene¿ts. Fax resumes to (306) 753-2268.
For more information call:
Attn: Erin Poitras Recreation Director Town of Biggar Box 1360 Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 PH: 948-3317
948-3820 302 - 8th Ave. W. • Biggar
HEALTH/ WELLNESS CASH BACK - $10 for every pound you lose. Lose weight quickly and safely and keep it off, results guaranteed! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-8545176.
So ALL Kids Can Play! Families, clubs, churches and businesses are invited to do a Heritage Page to be on permanent display at Biggar Museum. Share your history! For more information call 9483451 or visit museum 1 - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. 7tfn This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. tfn Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at www.swna.com. tfn
Custom Combining with JD 9770 straight cut or pickup. Call 9483450 or 948-7601. Combine can also be rented. 35c3
MOBILE MEDICAL EXAMINERS: RNs, RPNs, LPNs, Lab Techs. Insurance Services Co. recruiting in Biggar, Shunavon, Eston and surrounding. Venipuncture experience reqd. Contact: careers@watermarkinsurance. com 35p3 Looking for part-time WAITRESS OR WAITER. See Maggie at Snow White Family Restaurant, Biggar 24c18 Coram Construction is hiring Carpenters and concrete ¿nishers to work PCL sites in Saskatchewan. $31.60, Good bene¿ts, 3-5 years experience. Join, ¿t and install formwork. E-mail: iknibbs@coram.ca Fax: 306-525-0990 Mail: 205-845 Broad Street Regina, SK S4R8G9
D E over Call 306-
STEEL BUILDINGS REDUCED PRICES NOW! 20X22 $4,455. 25X26 $4,995. 30X38 $7,275. 32X50 $9,800. 40X54 $13,995. 47X80 $19,600. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422.
STEEL BUILDING CLEARANCE SALE I-Beam Construction Easy Bolt-Up Design 40x65, 60x90, 100x150 Many Others Available (800) 369-3882 www. toplinebuildings.com sales@ toplinebuildings.com
Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Land¿ll OR contact Quentin Sittler at 658-2132 3tfn Main Street Garage Sale is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 948-1773 or 9485393. Pickup available. 32tfn
CARS & TRUCKS Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514. www.yourapprovedonline.com.
RECREATION 1985 Yamaha Virago, 1,000 cc, new rubber, carbs and forks redone. Phone 948-7521. 36tfn 1985 Honda Goldwing, new rubber, shocks redone this spring, new battery, $3500 obo; phone 948-3344 34tfn
SERVICES HOUSES FOR SALE If YOU are… • Moving • Expecting a Baby • Planning a Wedding • Anticipating Retirement Call WELCOME WAGON at 948-2563 - Lisa Haynes We have gifts and information www.welcomewagon.ca
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Custom RooÀng Inc is seeking full time labourers for work within the Commercial Flat RooÀng Industry. We are offering training and enrollment in the apprenticeship program, with opportunity for advancement within the company. Once an accepted number of hours and experience is fulÀlled (approx 4 years), you can become eligible to write a red seal journeyman’s exam and become a Red Seal Ticketed Roofer able to move into a foreman position. Please contact 306-9485453 and ask for Jann or Solana. Starting wage between $15-$18 per hour. Elk Ridge Resort is currently seeking Full Time Housekeeping Room Attendants. To apply, please send resume to careers@ elkridgeresort.com or contact Krissy at 1.306.663.4653 ext 534. NEED A HOME PHONE? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We Can Help. Everyone Approved. Call Today. 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect Canada’ s largest, busiest and best GM Dealership continues to grow and WE ARE LOOKING FOR SERVICE TECHNICIANS WITH VARYING SKILL SETS! If you love working on cars, enjoy working on a team and an endless supply of work - we want to meet you! Our Factory recognized “Best In Class” shop in Canada includes: Largest GM parts Warehouse in SK with over $1 Million in inventory; 95% same day ¿ll rate Huge library of specialty tools and equipment *Custom Rousseau designed work stations with tool chest for each Tech *Individual Computer Terminal *Fully paid GM training *Top wages in industry * Minimal equipment waiting/down time *4 x 3D wheel aligners *2 Road Force wheel balancers *Matrix Fluid delivery system directly to each station *Full in-Àoor radiant heat/cool Huge customer base we wrote over 35,000 work orders last year! Immediate support for dif¿cult repairs/diagnosis. Our Employee Rewards Package also includes: Life, disability and travel insurances 100% medical prescription coverage, Dental and vision, Work boot/ uniform allowance, Supportive and respectful work teams, Onsite corporate ¿tness centre, Frequent and fun employee social events. Positions available immediately and require a valid driver’s license. We will accept applications from apprentice technicians to licensed Journeymen with a minimum of 1 year experience in the industry. Send resume to nicolek@capitalautomall.ca. We have high standards and all pay plans are at the top of our industry.
Bob Foster Locksmith Services. Phone 306-831-7633 26tfn
CAREER TRAINING LEARN FROM HOME. EARN FROM HOME. Medical Transcriptionists are in demand. Lots of jobs! Enrol today for less than $95 a month. 1-800466-1535 www.canscribe.com admissions@canscribe.com
Classi¿eds Work • Phone 948-3344
Place a classified by phone 948-3344 or online tip@sasktel.net
HELP WANTED‌ • Do you have skills you would be willing to share? • Would you be willing to share your talents to a group of parents and/ or children once a week or once a month? • We are looking for volunteers to run our Adult Craft Corner, Mother Goose Reading Program, Sewing Class and our Children’s Craft Corner; OR • would you like to spend time with a young parent? • Would you be willing to spend 30 minutes to an hour a week working one on one as a mentor for parent? If you are interested in helping with any of these programs, pleae call Georgina at 948-5623 for more details.
Biggar & District Family Centre Inc.
Community Kitchen Coordinator, part-time position This position is commencing as soon as possible. The position is responsible for teaching parents how to prepare low cost nutritious meals and safe food handling once a month for approximately nine months from September until May. The candidate will plan the menus according to the Canada Food Guide, shop and help the parents prepare the meals. The position requires someone who is energetic, conÀdent, organized and compassionate, and shows strong leadership skills. This individual has excellent written and communication skills. This person will oversee two to three kitchen groups per month. This position pays $15.00 per hour and is 25 to 30 hours per month. The Safe handling food course and previous food industry experience is considered an asset. Interested applicants should submit their resume by Friday, September 21, 2012 to: Biggar & District Family Centre Inc. Box 667 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Attention: Georgina Heather Email: bdfcinc@sasktel.net
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requires an....
Experienced Hot Oil Operator
Quick Stop & Fas Gas Convenience Store Full/part-time CASHIERS needed at Quick Stop. Resumes can be dropped off or mailed to Box 452, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0
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Call 948-3344 Deadline‌ Wednesdays at 5 p.m.
BIGGAR INSURANCE SERVICES MOTOR LICENCE ISSUER Full time Position – Career Opportunity We require a Full time Motor Licence Issuer for our Biggar and Landis Branches. The Position This position reports to the Of¿ce Manager. The core function of the position is to respond to customer needs by delivering motor licence issuing and other insurance products and services.
• Class 1 with Q Endorsement • 2-5 years Hot Oiling Experience • Applicable Safety Tickets • Competitive Wages & BeneďŹ ts • Residence within 20 minutes of Drayton Valley QualiďŹ ed candidates please submit your resumes & drivers’ abstracts by:
Fax: (780) 542-2664 Mail: Box 6307, Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1R8 website: www.norette.ca BLANKET CLASSIFIED ADS can reach more than 520,000 potential customers One phone call covers the entire province Expand your market and increase your proÀts.
Phone‌ 948-3344 Biggar Independent, Biggar, Sask.
QualiÂżcations The position requires an individual that is conÂżdent, has a positive attitude towards learning and change, shows initiative, can work independently, and is friendly, outgoing and reliable. Minimum Grade 12 education is required. A working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and general PC operations, as well as cash-handling experience, would be considered beneÂżcial. Compensation The salary for the position will be commensurate with qualiÂżcations and experience. Biggar Insurance Services offers a competitive compensation package that includes group beneÂżts, health care spending account, and a matched pension plan. Interested applicants should submit their resume by September 14, 2012 to: Biggar Insurance Services Box 729 BIGGAR, SK S0K 0M0 ATTENTION: Anita Silvernagle Email: anita.silvernagle@biggarinsurance.ca
Pa^g rhn aZo^ lhf^mabg` mh l^ee% Z \eZllbĂ› ^] Z] bl ZepZrl phkdbg` _hk rhn' Lh pa^ma^k rhnk ikhli^\m hi^gl ni ma^ iZi^k pbma abl fhkgbg` \h__^^ hk [^_hk^ [^]% rhnk Z] bl k^Z]r Zg] pZbmbg`% Zg] maZm \hne] f^Zg lhf^ jnb\d \Zla _hk rhn' WHY NOT GET DOWN TO BUSINESS BY PLACING YOUR CLASSIFIED AD, TODAY! CALL 948ďšş3344
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Exposure, Experience and Effort.
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FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS… • Selling/Buying • Residental • Farm/Acreage • Commercial • Recreational
FOR RENT BIGGAR HOUSING AUTHORITY Housing for families and seniors Rent based on income
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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation Box 327 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Helping you Help yourself
Kent Dubreuil, E.D.O. Phone: 306-948-2295 Fax: 306-948-5050
Wally Lorenz Sales Associate 1391 - 100th St. North Battleford, SK S9A 0V9 Day or Night
Cell: (306) 843-7898 Bus: (306) 446-8800 znerol.w@sasktel.net
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Phone… 948-2548
Please arrange to pick up your photos that have been submitted for publication. .…thanks, The Independent
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Proud to handle Biggar’s Real Estate Needs
Licenced for: •Residential
- together with -
www.TimHammond.ca www.FarmsofCanada.com
Tim Hammond,
Pat Wicks,
Living Books Distributor 205-3rd Ave. East, Biggar Books, gifts, cards. Shop at my home! Call 948-3427 for appts.
NEWSSTANDS @ • Esso • Leslie’s Drugstore • Pharmasave • Quick Stop • Super A Foods • Shop Easy Food • Weasie’s Gourmet Blends • Feudal Co-op, Perdue • The Store, Perdue
PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Barristers & Solicitors Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. Bonnie L. Reddekopp, JD 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK
948-3346 …serving your community since 1972
Garry A. Faye Chartered Accountant Notary Public 201B-2nd Ave. West P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, Sask.
Phone: 948-5133
Roe & Company is a full service law office that practices… ¾Family and Criminal law ¾Commercial law ¾Real Estate ¾Wills and Estate, and our lawyers, William Roe, Q.C. Jason Peszko Ian Mokuruk Lisa Watson Sheri Woods look forward to assisting you and can be contacted at:
306-948-5352 or 306-244-9865 To advertise in this directory, please call Urla at The Independent
• 948-3344 • This feature will appear Weekly. ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL DIRECTORY RATES.
BIGGAR DENTAL CLINIC 104 - 6 Ave. East, Biggar, Sask. Southeast entrance of Nova Wood Bldg. Hours… Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. th
223 Main Street Biggar
Box 580 Biggar, SK SOK OMO
OPEN: Mon.-Fri. • 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday • 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
948-2183 Email: ddolack@sasktel.net Website: www.hrblock.ca
INSURANCE BI GGA R INS URA NCE S E RV ICE S • Notary Publics • Home & Agro Insurance • Auto & Commerical Insurance • Health Insurance • Motor Licence Issuer Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday 304 Main Street • Biggar
Phone: 948-2204 or 948-3886
100% handwash “Where we do it all for you!!”
• Detailing • Vortex Spray-In Box Liners • Granitex Baked-on Coatings for Decks and Cement Flooring • Auto Accessories • Trailer Rentals
Tree services available…
Owned & operated by Kevin Fick
227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar
Do you just want to know if your premiums are fair with the right coverage?
Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
YH Truck, Ag & Auto
Biggar Sand & Gravel
Phone: 882-2123 Emergency (after hours) 882-2006
222 Main Street 306 948 5377
info@twhÀnancial.ca www.twhÀnancial.ca
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& Kn[[bla K^fhoZe & @nmm^kl <e^Zg^] & Ahnl^ahe] iZbgmbg` <Zee Gb\d FZ`nbk^
Service Truck Full Mechanical Service Mon - Fri • 8 a.m.-5 p.m. phone: George
948-3376 after hours George: 948-4042
Corner of Main Street & 1st Avenue West, Biggar
948-2700 Your Auto Parts and Accessories Dealer Open: Mon.-Fri.
Let Vortex protect your truck and your investment with the Vortex Seamless Sprayed on Liner System
For all your investment needs, Visit…
Prairieland Collision Rosetown, Sask.
306-882-2289 Lyndsey Sacher
Investment Advisor Credential Securities Inc.
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist, Wealth Consultant Credential Asset Management Inc.
Pamela Eaton
Robert Hoesgen, CFP
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.
M & N REPAIR 701 - 4th Ave. E., Biggar
948-3996 Open Monday-Saturday Mike Nahorney, Interprovincial Heavy Duty Journeyman Mechanic
Located at the Biggar & District Credit Union 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK • 306-948-3352 Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc., and mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities Inc. ®Credential is a registered mark owned by Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license.
Heavy Truck Repair SGI Safety Inspection Auto Repair TIRES
available at… Grape Moments located in The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar 948-3344
• custom slaughter, cut and wrapping • sausage making, curing and smoking
• sides of Pork & Beef available
8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. • 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Dean McCallum, CFP, CIM, FCSI
G<F Ahf^ FZbgm^gZg\^ & EZpgl fhp^] & >]`^l mkbff^]
Modern Licenced Abbatoir
Financial Planning Estate Planning Life Insurance
• trenching • trucking • water & sewer • sand & gravel • excavating Call Colin Graham at 948-5455
& K^ghoZmbhgl
Kevin Kurulak Investment Rep Insurance Broker P. 306 948 5200 F. 306 948 5207 Appointments Preferred
521 Main St., Biggar 948-2109
• cut trim and removal • post holes • landscaping • cement removal • trenching • holes for piles • driveways • garage pads • basements
• Heavy truck parts • Agriculture parts • Automotive parts & accessories www.yhtruckagauto.com
115 - 1st Ave. W. Rosetown, Sask.
403 Main Street, Biggar
Are you looking for Life, Living Benefits Insurance and/or Investment Strategies?
Ivan Young,
KRF Auto Centre
1st Ave. West, Biggar
Want a truly independent advisor who will find your unique solution?
For FAX service, see us at The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar
Residential Commercial Automotive
216 Main St., Biggar
948-3955 Battery Chargers Electric Fencers Repaired/Rebuilt/ Built
Phillips Radio Shop 109 Main St., Biggar
Fax: 948-2484
MANUFACTURING CWB CertiÀed Light Fabrication Mobile Welding
230 - 1st Ave. W., Biggar Phone: 948-7117 email: chase14welding@sasktel.net
The Country Clipper
• All Breed Dog Grooming • Boarding Kennels (Bordetella Mandatory) • Pet Supplies • Saleboard for dog and cat related items
For appointments and inquiries, call Janet at 948-2091
Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 6 pm. 2 mi N on Hwy #4, 2-½ mi E on Golf Course Rd.
• Wood, metal, plastic signs • Vehicle & window graphics • Banners, stickers and Magnetic signs
Jerry Muc Phone: 948-2958 Fax:
BIGGAR COURIER • Biggar to Saskatoon • Same day Service • Monday to Friday • 24-hour Answering Service
~Brian and Cathy Fick~
Cell: 306-948-7524
Anne G. Livingston
CertiÀed Custom Picture Framer • photographs • paintings • art prints • memorabilia • collages, etc. Call Anne @ 948-7274 greengables2@sasktel.net
Custom Grain Hauling 306-948-9278 Landis, Sask.
948-5678 Sewing & Embroidery • Jackets • Windsuits • Shirts • Hunting Gear • Bunnyhugs • Caps • Toques • Bags Check out our new website: classicmakings.ca Judy Judy Kahovec: Kahovec… 882-4313, Cellcell 831-7935 306-882-4313, 831-7935 Carey Krchov: 882-3213 Carey Krchov…882-3213
Rebel Landscaping 948-2879, evenings 948-7207, daytime Ed Kolenosky • Driveways • Concrete • Garage Pads • Pruning • Planting
A Sign of
For FREE estimates or enquiries CALL Wayne or Dorothy at
Bob Kobelsky
LG, Frigidaire, Shaw, Bell, Yamaha AudioDealer; and Your authorized SaskTel Mobility and High Speed Internet Dealer
Box 736, Biggar
;% N% Lg_fcjk\ip ¾
Your authorized
Panasonic, Samsung,
2-1&,,+. hk 2-1&-..1 \^ee
• Topsoil • Lawn Care • Leveling • Sod • Patio Blocks
• Snow Removal • Fences …and much more
Rockin D Trucking & Cattle
• Cattle hauling with 21 ft. gooseneck trailer • round and large square bale hauling with step-deck or highboy semi-trailers • also buying and selling straw and forage • also machinery hauling Home • 306-948-2037 Alex • 306-948-7291 Dan • 306-948-7843 Biggar, Sask.
HAULS TO THE DUMP Small moves and deliveries with ½ ton truck
Ph/fax: 948-3856 or cell: 948-7896 Sales Consultant J. G. Smith
505 Hwy. 7 West, Rosetown, SK
1.877.979.7999 www.rosetownmainline.net
S0L 2V0
OPEN: Monday - Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CLOSED: Sundays