Vol. 103 No. 45
Box 40, 102 3rd Ave West, Biggar, Saskatchewan S0K 0M0
email: tip@sasktel.net
Phone: 306-948-3344
24 pages
Maintaining growth through property tax fairness Government Relations Minister Jim Reiter Tuesday released the provincial percentages of value used to set property taxes for the 2013 taxation year. “Saskatchewan is seeing unprecedented growth and property values are increasing,” Reiter said. “Since our 2009 revaluation of property in Saskatchewan, the value has grown from $58 billion to $97 billion. Our government is taking a thoughtful and measured approach to ease potential property tax increases on farmland, commercial and residential properties. “Our government has made significant reductions to education property tax since 2009, and we want to ensure Saskatchewan people benefit from that tax relief.” Changes to percentages of value (POV) affect the tax level among property classes. POV are used to calculate taxable assessments from assessed values calculated by appraisers. Taxable assessments are then multiplied by the mill rate, established by municipalities for the municipal portion and the province for the education
Poppy Art and the art of Remembering . . . Marissa Carter puts some colour into her symbol of remembrance, Friday during the Little Scribblers Art Club. The artists were putting together their works to be portion, to determine property tax. The Government of Saskatchewan is adjusting the POV for grain elevators, railway rights of way and pipelines from 75 per cent to 100 per cent. This levels the playing field with other commercial/industrial property.
within the commercial/ industrial property class due to significant differences in the growth in assessment values. To help alleviate these shifts, the commercial/ industrial tiers for the EPT will be eliminated and the commercial/
industrial property class will be separated into two classes. This could potentially help adjust the balance of EPT raised within the commercial/ industrial property class, mitigate shifts from revaluation and eliminate a perceived disincentive to
grow businesses. Legislation requires all Saskatchewan properties to be revalued once every four years. Amendments to regulations and legislation will be required. EPT mill rates are decided in the budget process and announced on budget day.
Recruiting physicians from India As part of the province’s continued efforts to stabilize the physician workforce, a Saskatchewan delegation is travelling to India to recruit family physicians for the first time. Saskdocs (Physician Recruitment Agency of
Shopping frenzy . . . The annual Kayette Craft Show hit the Biggar Community Hall, Tuesday. A bit of preChristmas shopping was on order, and many a dent was made in wish lists. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
All other POV for farmland, residential and other commercial properties remain unchanged from the previous revaluation year (2009). Significant education property tax (EPT) shifts were projected to occur
displayed in the halls of BCS, recognizing those who gave there all for freedom and this country. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Saskatchewan) along with physician and health region representatives leave November 16 for the first leg of a consultative mission to India to meet with family doctors interested in working in Saskatchewan. “We are committed to recruiting and retaining physicians,” Minister responsible for Rural and Remote Health Randy Weekes said, November 1. “Stabilizing the number of doctors in Saskatchewan, especially in rural communities, is a priority for our government.” “We encourage internationally trained doctors to consider setting up practice in our province, with its booming economy and vibrant opportunities,” Health Minister Dustin Duncan said. “While we
have increased enrolment at the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Medicine and added residency positions to train doctors here in Saskatchewan, we continue to depend on and appreciate our international medical graduates.” “Internationally trained family doctors continue to be an important part of Saskatchewan’s p h y s i c i a n r e s o u r c e s,” saskdocs CEO Ed Mantler said. “The Saskatchewan International Physician Practice Assessment provides us with an exciting opportunity to seek out family physicians from a broader range of countries worldwide. The potential for India looks promising and we look forward to working with officials, educators
and doctors in that country physicians. to enhance our “We are fortunate international that India trains recruitment more physicians efforts.” than it needs and Medicine that many of those is a popular doctors are looking and respected for work outside their profession country,” Duncan said. in India. The “We hope they will country’s consider choosing medical system Randy Weekes Saskatchewan as trains and their new home.” educates approximately This mission builds upon 40,000 physicians per Premier Brad Wall’s March year, many of whom are 2011 trade mission to interested in emigrating to India and Bangladesh. At Canada. that time, Saskatchewan The recruitment team established strong ties with will meet with government, India and the provincial university officials and and physician delegation doctors during the first leg are encouraged by the of the mission in November. willingness of Indian A second delegation will officials to work together return to the same cities in on building and nurturing India in June 2013 to make this previously established offers to qualified family relationship.
Medical Profession Amendment Act introduced Saskatchewan patients will benefit from legislative changes that will support physicians and nurses working to their full scope of practice. The Medical Profession Amendment Act, 2012 was introduced in the Legislative Assembly, October 31 to replace legislation originally enacted in 1981. It will create the opportunity for both doctors and nurses to work to full scope and identify circumstances where the delegation of medical functions between providers is in the best interest of patients. “These amendments support our efforts to provide appropriate care for patients and the safest possible health care environments for both patients and health providers,” Health Minister Dustin Duncan said. “This is a positive step forward in putting our patients’ interests first.” “The College of Physicians and Surgeons strongly supports the change to its legislation,” College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan Registrar Dr. Karen Shaw said. “The changes will allow for more flexibility in appropriately licensing physicians, as well as providing more opportunity for care to be provided by the professionals who are appropriately skilled to provide that care.” The amendments also provide the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CPSS) with the authority to create bylaws that will: allow the College to respond more quickly to the anticipated national changes in categories of licensure of health professionals; and improve the ability of the CPSS to contact physicians and facilitate protection and storage of patient files. “The Saskatchewan Registered Nurses’
Association (SRNA) has been involved in ongoing dialogue with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan,” SRNA Executive Director Karen Eisler said. “We are committed to working collaboratively to a patient-centred health care system that meets present and emerging health needs.” A wide range of health professional organizations were consulted before the proposed amendments were finalized, including the Saskatchewan
Rockin’ and a rollin’ . . . The band, Speed Control, hit St. Gabrlel School to get students from both schools in a rocking mood, Friday. Guitarist Graeme Peters and bother, Jody, along with drummer, Ian March (not pictured) had the kids screaming (inset picture) before wowing them at the third show of the Biggar and District Arts Council concert season at the Majestic Theatre. (Independent Photos by Kevin Brautigam) Medical Association, Saskatchewan College of Pharmacists,
S a s k a t c h e w a n Association of Licensed Practical Nurses,
Registered Psychiatric Nurses Association of Saskatchewan and
all regional authorities.
Sask Party returns to old ideology, claims NDP The Sask Party’s surprising return to their 2003 ideology meant more attacks on the middle class and less common sense from the government’s side of the aisle during the first full week of the fall’s legislative session, says NDP leader John Nilson. “It was obvious this week that the Sask Party has returned to its old ideology of privatization at all costs,” said John Nilson, leader of Saskatchewan’s New Democrats. “They’re going back to ideas like the P3 Secretariat rebranded as SaskBuilds, privatizing our personal
information Crown despite promises not to and attacking middle class workers. What the NDP is hearing is that those aren’t the surprises you and your neighbours voted for.” Information Services Corporation (ISC) is turning a big profit for Saskatchewan, but the Sask Party has drafted a bill to privatize it, the NDP added. “The privatization of our personal information Crown is a surprise, and it’s not what people voted for,” said Cathy Sproule, the critic for ISC. “ISC is profitable and it holds records like birth certificates and the titles
to our homes - the Sask Party’s plan to privatize it despite that is a case of ideology trumping common sense.” In addition, a detailed study of the film industry shows that the former film tax credit cost about $1 million a year and brought in more than $44 million each year. Despite the information, the Sask Party government refuses to admit its mistake and reinstate the film tax credit it scrapped in the spring. “The Sask Party’s decimation of 850 fulltime jobs appears to be motivated by nothing more than ideology,” said
with no notice on May 1, say the NDP, leaving Canadians who want to reunite with their families from abroad with few options. “Many families moved to our province because of the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program. They followed the rules, lived up to their end of the bargain and expected the Sask Party government to fulfil its commitments. Instead, these immigrants and their family members who aspire to build their lives here were left feeling betrayed and abandoned as a result of the sudden changes,” said Cam Broten, NDP immigration critic. “The official opposition welcomes the Ombudsman’s review because we don’t believe the Sask Party government acted fairly or responsibly in this matter.”
Danielle Chartier, the NDP critic for culture. “The Sask Party should exercise some common sense and acknowledge that its mean-spirited blow to the film industry was a mistake. The cost of that mistake has already been the loss of millions of dollars, hundreds of creative people and entrepreneurs and a blow to Saskatchewan’s reputation on the world stage.” The independent study was commissioned by the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce and SaskFilm. The province’s i n d e p e n d e n t ombudsman has agreed to review how immigrants were treated by the Sask Party government when it suddenly gutted a family-sponsorship program. The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program was changed
GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… Wednesday, November 07, 11:00 a.m. (stations randomly selected)
Princesses and quicker-picker uppers . . . St. Gabriel School students paraded from homeroom to homeroom, showing of the latest in Halloween chic before the big night of sugar-highs (and lows!) (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Biggar .............................................121.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock .........................124.9¢/L Perdue… .........................................120.9¢/L Landis… .........................................127.9¢/L Rosetown… ....................................121.9¢/L North Battleford….........................119.9¢/L Unity...............................................125.9¢/L Saskatoon .......................................121.9¢/L Lloydminster ..................................106.9¢/L Humboldt .......................................121.9¢/L Kindersley ......................................117.9¢/L Swift Current .................................119.9¢/L
Lottery Numbers
649 - Saturday, Nov. 03 09, 22, 34, 35, 46, 47 Bonus 26 Extra 1366529 649 - Wednesday, Oct. 31 04, 08, 17, 23, 34, 47 Bonus 30 Extra 6502808
Western 649 - Saturday, Nov. 03 02, 05, 08, 18, 22, 47 Bonus 46 Western 649 - Wednesday, Oct. 31 02, 06, 12, 16, 37, 46 Bonus 31 Lotto Max - Friday, Nov. 02 01, 02, 05, 26, 29, 36, 47 Bonus 13 Extra 2114214
Albert Teale Awards Presentation BCS 2000 ~ November 4, 2012
Academic Excellence Awards: back row, left to right: Dylan Haynes, Sam Mao, Brayden Elliott, Nicholas Garchinski, Michael Muller, Timothy Kurulack, Alexander George, Buck Peters. Front: Cheyanne Lehnert, Ceejay Lehnert, Stepahnie Lichkowski, Jessica Carruthers, Shelayna Elliott.
Royal Canadian Legion Scholarship: Michael Muller presented by Kim Fick, left and Natalie Chupik.
Biggar & District Credit Union Scholarships: Michael Muller and Cheyanne Lehnert presented by Kim Fick, left.
Mabelle Donahue Award: Dylan Haynes presented by Kim Fick. Missing: Kennedy Keith. Prairie Malt Limited Scholarships: Dylan Haynes and Cheyanne Lehnert, presented by Rod Campbell, right.
Western Sales (Bernie Pochipinski) Scholarship: Kennedy Keith presented by Ron de Bussac.
St. Gabriel CWL Scholarship: Brayden Elliott presented by Doreen Gaudet.
Most Improved Division IV: Clarke Sopczak (Grade 10), Rebecca Carruther (Grade 12) presented by Kim Fick, left and Natalie Chupik, right. Missing: Jordan Hagel (Grade 11).
University of Toronto Book Award: Dylan Haynes presented by Natalie Chupik.
Independent Communications Scholarship: Sam Mao, presented by Natalie Chupik, left. BCS 2000 Staff Scholarship: presented to Danton Hollman
Plaque and Honour CertiďŹ cate: Michael Muller (Grade 12), Bailey Seidl (Grade 11), Shelayna Elliott (Grade 10), presented by Natalie Chupik, left.
Opinions ........................................................... 4 Agriculture ...................................................... 8 Christmas Promotion .................................11-15 Classifieds .................................................16-18 Business & Professional Directories .........19-20 Sports ..............................................................22
Fighting for us
The Wars We Make
by Lysette Besse Age11, Grade 6, Kindersley Editor’s Note: Lysette is the daughter of Bob and Simone Besse, and granddaughter of Gordon and Rita Besse of Biggar. Lysette won an award form the Kindersley Legion for her poem.
by Nicholas Peters
Remember the ones who fought the war, And who they all have died for. See the aircrafts perched in the sky, Forcing the enemy to comply. The muddy trenches dug down deep, Soldiers knew they could not retreat. Their families at home have wept for days, For the soldiers at war it’s all just a haze.
Everyone is wondering will they survive, How many soldiers will they have to revive. They’re fighting for you they’re fighting for me, They’re fighting so the countries are free. For some families they wait in despair, Hearing bad news would be a nightmare. We wear our poppy to show we care, Right by our heart so we know it’s there. All of us need to show how we feel, Because war is not game it’s all very real.
Editor’s Note: The following poem was written by Nicholas Peters just after the outbreak of World War II in 1939. Peters, who lived for some years at Grande Pointe, Manitoba, Canada, had emigrated from Russia in 1925 as a boy of 10, and had seen firsthand the horrors of revolution and war in his native country. He joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1942 and trained as a flying officer. He died on the night of March 7 8, 1945, after his aircraft was hit by enemy fire. The poem is from a collection of Peters’ work entitled Another Morn. The Peters family has given permission to have the poem published.
I gaze into the world with sorrowing eyes And see the wideabounding fruits of hate. We fight, we say, for peace, and find The wars we make To be a spring of hate and source of future wars. Is there no peace for man No hope that this accursed flow Of blood may cease Is this our destiny: to kill and maim For peace? Or is this `peace’ we strive to gain A thin unholy masquerade Which, when our pride, our greed, our gain is touched too far,
Is shed, and stands uncovered what we are? Show me your light, O God That I may fight for
peace with peace And not with war; To prove my love with love, And hate no more!
Don’t be smug. Canada has its own financial crisis The federal debt + provincial debt+ unfunded liabilities for health care and some other programs = just about of $2 trillion by David Mackinnon, Senior Fellow, Frontier Centre for Public Policy Distributed by Troy Media, www.torymedia.com Most Canadians tend to believe that we have been less affected by the global financial crisis which struck in 2008 than other comparable countries. And if we look at federal debt alone, that’s true. But if we add the federal debt to provincial debt, unfunded liabilities for health care and some other programs - in the vicinity of $2 trillion - Canada today faces a debt problem that is comparable to the U.S. and the nations of Western Europe. By any standard, that is a crisis. One unique dimension to Canada’s financial crisis, however, differentiates us from other countries. Canada’s huge expenditures on regional subsidies, including equalization, have severely damaged our national and provincial economies and prevent the growth needed to exit
the debt and entitlement path on which we are embarked. And if there is one lesson to be learned from the European debt crisis, it is that there is little likelihood of managing massive debt without growth. Regional subsidies have reduced growth in all regions and gravely damaged our ability to attain the productivity increases needed for both growth and to succeed in global markets. Of course, there are those who would question this assessment. How can a system that is such a ‘defining feature’ of Canadian federalism (on par with our health care system), they ask, be so damaging that it becomes a central part of the effort needed to manage our national financial crisis? For the answer let’s take a look at the provinces that receive regional subsidies: • five have economies with problems that are
deeper than those of modern Greece; • all of these have public sectors and associated entitlements that are between 20 and 30 per cent larger than those of Greece in relation to population; • their private sectors are small, crowded out by the public sectors that dominate their economic structures; • they are public sector driven economies, enabled by massive federal subsidies, in a private sector, market driven world. Ultimately, these dependent provinces are uncompetitive and doomed to stay that way because of the subsidies and as long as the Government of Canada continues with its present policies. The problems experienced by Ontario, by far the largest contributor to regional subsidy programs over the years, are just as serious. Ontario’s contribution
to support programs for other provinces, roughly equivalent to what the United States has devoted to defence over most of the past 20 years and almost certainly nearly 50, has left it with the least accessible provincial programs in Canada. You might say that Ontario is another casualty of Canada’s regional subsidies. Canada, therefore, cannot achieve the growth necessary to manage its debt and entitlement crisis until major changes to the regional subsidy system, which inhibits growth in regions with 75 per cent of our population, are made. The changes could include the following: • equalization funding should be made contingent on a downsizing of the public sector in recipient provinces to bring the scale of their public sectors in line with the rest of the developed world and contributing Canadian jurisdictions;
Letter to the Editor . . . Dear Editor: We would like to commend all the “Trick or Treat” youngsters who came by our house for their politeness and respect shown to us, but also to the other friends on the street. Keep it up kids! Bernard and Tillie Zimmer, Biggar • equalization should be devoted solely to this purpose and to encouraging labor mobility for five years; • after the five year transitional period is over, the GST should be transferred to the provinces in return for an end to some or all transfer payment programs; •Alberta,Saskatchewan and Newfoundland should be encouraged to place a serious portion of their resource revenues into market-driven vehicles
to substantially increase investment in all regions of Canada and to assist Canadian expansion into global markets. It is important to begin making these changes now, particularly in relation to equalization, in order to ensure we are not engulfed by the same problems currently plaguing Western Europe. David Mackinnon is a senior fellow at the Frontier Centre, www. fcpp.org
Phone: 306-948-3344
Fax: 306-948-2133
Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Monday at the office of publication, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Delta Fay Cruickshank
E-mail: tip@sasktel.net
P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
I was having lunch one day in late October at one of my favourites -- a little bistro located in a nursery/greenhouse. One might think that fall is an odd time for a greenhouse to still be open but this one is a year round venture. In the fall there is a pumpkin patch and then the whole place turns into a Christmas wonderland. Anyway, this lunch hour I was eating one of the homemade soup offerings when a school class poured out of the doorway and headed for the waiting bus. They had been at the pumpkin maze which they obviously enjoyed judging by the comments and laughter in their voices. As they approached the outside door they became even more animated. “Look,” said one excited youngster, “it’s snowing.” Loud cheers could be heard from the rest of the class. Yes, there were snow flakes falling. Gently and very small. In fact, they were melting as they hit the ground. But, there were snowflakes none the less. The table behind me, all adults, were not that excited. Snow and winter had come way too early for them. I
guess it’s all about perspective. Truth be told, I actually love the very first snowfall of the year. The ground is slowly covered with the white stuff as it flutters down from the sky. I just don’t like winter to arrive in October when fall has just begun. I prefer it to arrive in December. I am reminded of the poem by James Russell Lowell describing the First SnowFall. “The snow has begun in the gloaming And busily all the night Had been heaping field and highway With a silence deep and white.” The Carpenters (don’t know how many will remember them but this band was very popular with many from the Boomer generation) had their own version of snow falling for the very first time. “Oh the first snowfall of the winter What a joy for a boy to behold In each house you’ll find a sleigh That was waiting for this day
And of course, down the road a hill For each Jack and Jill.” For a large number of adults the winter is just a combination of icy streets, cold temperatures and nasty weather. It is something that must be endured if you choose to live in this region. Some “go south” preferring to live in warmer climes these six months while others just “tough it out”. But, for others winter is a glorious time of the year. One of the four seasons to be celebrated and enjoyed. Skiers can be heard to say, “this is going to be a good base for the ski hill.” Snowmobilers get their machines out and tuned up waiting in anticipation for more snow to fall. And, youngsters drag the toboggans out of the rafters in the garage, dust them off and can’t wait to spend the afternoon on the hill. Here’s the thing: we will have winter so we may as well just enjoy all that it has to offer. Spring will come again some day.
Deadline for Copy is monday 5:00 p.m.
Remembrance… pass it on!
Parade and Services SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11 • 11:00 a.m. at Biggar Community Hall • Organizations and individuals wishing to take part in the Biggar Remembrance Day Parade should assemble in kitchen area at Biggar Community Hall at 10:30 a.m. • Interdenominational Choir, 10:30 a.m. at Biggar Community Hall
Biggar Royal Canadian Legion #138 AWARDS NIGHT BANQUET Cocktails: 4:30 p.m. Supper: 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $15/person Pick up at Clubroom any Friday, 3 - 7 p.m. or leave a message at 948-3777 (Legion Clubroom)
Halloween Hunger . . .
On October 31, No. 300 Fisher Air Cadets were going door to door, but not for treats! The cadets were canvassing to collect non-perishable food items for the local food bank - an effort known as Halloween for Hunger. (Submitted photo)
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Windmills by Bob Mason
I suppose many of the things we have always taken for granted are bound to change sometime. I imagine that the windmills we always expected would be there, aren’t much different. Mebbe old guys notice these things a lot more than younger people, but then, in the hopefully unknown future they will have their chance to look back! Like YT sez though, since he was young, times sure have changed. Whereas, at one time, the folks out here were responsible for their own welfare and needs (and that means water, et cetera), now we rely on others to take care of them! When we were young there were water-pumping windmills all over the place, most farmers had one, but as of now, a lot of them are almost collectors items. Heck, a few years ago a fellow sez, “There’s a windmill on a farm not too far from you. How much do you think the old farmer would want for it?” Of course, YT didn’t know, but when Dave went to ask the late landowner, the windmill was gone! It would take a lot of research to find out who first used windmills, although we know that water is one of life’s essentials. We know that the ancients used windpower for many things. As a matter-of-fact as we look across the local lakes many of us still are! We also have known for years that Archimedes invented many things, and although the history book doesn’t say so, we imagine wind-power hasn’t changed much over the years, and they used it too! Of course, when windmills are mentioned, everyone thinks of Holland, where hundreds of them were used to help the lowlanders reclaim much of their land from the sea. Without a doubt many were used to grind grain, but many were used for elevating water!
On page 168 of his book The Guns Of Victory, George Blackburn (George was an artillery FOO (Forward Observation Officer) writes: “Our OP (Observation Post) is a ridiculously exposed and atrociously vulnerable, tall windmills standing on the brows of a height of land to the right of Groecbeek Village, looking across the enemy dominated misty, low lying farmland.” In the earlier years of Saskatchewan, it seemed to me, every farm that had livestock also had a windmill. People dug their own wells for their own water-supply, and devised all manner of devices to get that water to thirsty throats, and the windmill was surely one of them! It is surprising how much water a few animals, birds (and people) need! Everyone knows that we always have lots of wind in Saskatchewan, but we also had a few very quiet days. I remember Dad saying that we should tell our neighbour to shut his windmill off because there wasn’t enough breeze for both his and ours! Mentioning wind, I’m not sure about the treaties made out here in the 1800’s, which explained to the native people of the time: “As long as the sun shines and the rivers flow . . .” Surely, after ten thousand years of our western residence, these old guys knew about the wind too, eh? YT has, thankfully, seen quite a few Saskatchewan springs come and go, and, in his memory, March was our windiest month. But it blew quite often out here! Heck, I remember an old guy up north who erected a windmill to provide power for his blacksmith shop and, ingeniously (I think that is the right word!) used it for everything: forge, drip-hammer, post drill , and presses . . . everything! I don’t know how much it cost, I’m sure, but on our farm out south we had a windmill head with six slatted wings that self-adjusted to the force of the current wind.
One day for some reason, the whole head fell from the tower, came crashing down and, quite a few of the slats were broken. It took Dad a couple of days to make slats and repair
it. Meanwhile, we boys put in some long, sweaty hours on the pump handle! Like YT sez, he has no idea what those windmills cost, but he does know that when they have to, people can go out and make their own repairs! YT is sorry to report that a lot of these things we used to value in the past are kind of passe´ now. Long before SaskPower was available in rural areas, many farms were equipped with wind chargers and batteries. But even most of them are gone too . . . or are they? Last year, as we were returning from down south, we went by a
whole bunch of huge, slow turning wind chargers at Gull Lake. It seems that this common-sense power from the wind attitude has gotten through again! This man-made electricity thing has lots of advantages alright, but often YT wonders if, in this worldly rat race of more and more of everything, we will be able to keep up! Often I wonder how many people remember the old “Hatch” windmill a few miles west of Perdue! The place had been abandoned in the 1940’s and somehow the fanbrake had come loose. That old windmill turned
with every breeze for years, and often we drove by it, but no one ever went to turn it off. Finally something wore out and it fell. There was a big house there too, but it eventually disappeared, leaving us to wonder. . ! As usual YT has a lot of little memories of his subject left over. Mebbe they mean a lot to him, but he suspects the reader would just yawn, crush up the paper and throw it away! When he looks back a little YT often thinks that this will be the fate of his whole generation! Like windmills we’ll stop turning and disappear, eh?
Survival instincts kick in for local Air Cadet by WO2 Michael Nicklin No. 300 Biggar Fisher RCACS I am a Survival Instructor. To most people this title means very little. However in the Air Cadet Program Survival Instructors are almost as prestigious as the pilots. The journey to become a Survival Instructor is a very long road and you have to be determined to continue on the path. The first survival course that I ever got was the Basic Survival Course (BSC) back in 2009. While there I learned so much about survival, much more than my squadron could ever provide. At the time I had no ambitions to become a Survival Instructor but while attending BSC I was in awe of the SICs, future Survival Instructors. SICs were the elites of survival. Learning what I could about the Survival Instructor Course (SIC) I discovered what their final test was. They were placed in the woods by themselves for five days and they had to use their new skills to survive. This test was something that I wanted to do, it seemed a much greater challenge than the two days I would spend with a partner in the woods for BSC. It was then that I vowed that I would become a Survival Instructor. In 2011 I was fortunate enough to get accepted for the six week Survival Instructor Course, and despite some changes to the program, the outcome was the same.
In my opinion BSC was more about survival and SIC was more about how to teach survival. The one thing SIC did have over BSC is that you received more advance navigation knowledge. I completed the course with flying colours and took the Solo, now shortened to two-and-a-half days - in the bush, on my own. At the end of that summer I finally achieved what I had set out to do the year before. I had become a Survival Instructor. This past summer I had the privilege of staffing the Survival Instructor Course in Cold Lake. This was the last step to becoming the Survival Instructor I am today. When I signed up to staff at Cold Lake this summer I had full intentions of working in TC-Ops, the cadet police force for summer camps. However, when I arrived at Cold Lake and saw so many people who I had taken SIC with applying to staff survival I changed my mind and joined in. I got lucky and got placed as a Sergeant for a SIC flight, Tempest Flight. By the time I had finished SIC the instructing skills were there, but staffing SIC honed them to where they are now. During my time as a Sergeant I learned how to teach large groups and how to teach survival in a way that people will understand. I also learned to value sleep. On the average day I was busy for 18 hours and sleeping for six. I learned time management, I needed to have my lesson plans in a week before I actually taught the
class. Lastly it taught me discipline, both of myself and of how to discipline others. Combined, I have almost 23 weeks of survival training spread over six years. For almost 14 of those weeks I have been a Survival Instructor. I plan to return to Cold Lake
Survival next summer as staff once again. This will be my last camp and I hope to return as Sergeant for another flight of cadets. Survival has become my specialty and to the end of my cadet career, and beyond, I will be a Survival Instructor.
With all the comforts Mother Nature can provide: a fire, some shelter, Michael Nicklin is all smiles. The Biggar Air Cadet is a qualified Survival Instructor.
Nicklin poses (back row, sixth from right) with instructors and fellow survival specialists in front of a Canadian Forces SAR (search and rescue) CH146 Griffon helo. (Photos for The Independent courtesy of Michael Nicklin)
Diamond Lodge News Happy November everyone! Everyone at Diamond Lodge has been keeping busy with different parties and activities. Our week started off with us doing exercises in the morning and we had Blast from the Past in the afternoon. We got to hear a lot of interesting stories from all the participants. Tuesday we had current events and after dinner we had a Halloween version of Bean Bag Toss. The common holes that were hit were the scarecrow and bat. We d n e s d ay wa s Halloween so the day was extra special. The morning we had 36 children from St. Gab’s Kindergarten and Grade 1 class. They were all dressed up in their costumes and sang
some songs for us. They were very cute. In the afternoon we had our Resident Halloween Party. We had a variety of cupcakes and a delicious punch. Residents and staff got to wear costumes on that day. The residents got to judge the staff to see who had the best costumes. The categories were Funniest, Scariest and Best Dressed. Thursday morning we kicked off the day with exercises. At 2:30 we had bingo. This bingo was sponsored by the Perdue Legion Ladies. After Bingo we enjoyed visiting and had a small lunch. Friday morning some of the residents got to eat breakfast early and was different than usual. They took part in Breakfast Club. We had bacon,
BCS2000 Another busy week has passed us by! It sure is feeling like winter out there now. In Character Counts news, we are into the swing of Responsibility month! We hope that as our students learn about and practice responsibility over the months of November and December, they keep practicing Respect and Trustworthiness. The colour of the Responsibility pillar is green. As we enter the month of November, try to think of ways that you present your child with opportunities to demonstrate responsibility. Our students were busy celebrating Halloween last week as well; Mrs. Singer’s Grade 1 class invited their parents in for the annual Homemade Soup and Pumpkin Carving lunch (thanks again for the soup Grade 1’s, it was delicious!). Mr. Larson’s Pre-Kindergarten classes celebrated their monthly Family Day by carving Pumpkins as well courtesy of generous donations from the Super A grocery store, and the elementary students enjoyed a movie at the theatre on Halloween afternoon after their costume parade through the high school end of the school. Thank you to Ed at the theatre for making that afternoon such a great time for our students! It is fun to see our ghouls and goblins, princesses and superheroes touring through the
sausage, egg, toast and pancakes. After breakfast we had a coffee party. It was nice for everyone to meet together and have a visit with old friends that they haven’t seen in a while. In the afternoon we had our weekly sing along. Saturday morning we had Home Sweet Home bingo and in the afternoon we watched a movie called “As Good As It Gets.” We got to enjoy fresh popped popcorn just like at the real movie theatre. Sunday morning we had a High Tea Party; a lot of the residents came out and was enjoyed by all. Our Sunday Service was conducted by the Lutheran Church. That is all from us this week. Take care everyone and have a good week!
Pr Principal’s report
halls. Grades 2-8 travelled to Landis to listen to a presentation by author Eric Wilson, and then grades 1-4 also enjoyed the Speed Control performance at St. Gabriel’s School sponsored by the Arts Council. Thank you to everyone in the community for helping us provide opportunities for our students! A reminder once again of our school participation in Operation Christmas Child. Items can be brought to the school by anyone that wishes to donate supplies to children in developing countries.
Deadline for that is Friday, November 9. Finally, our Hot Lunch program is seeking a coordinator for the remainder of the school year as our current coordinator, Janice Carter, needs to step down after the past year of working to provide a delicious, hot meal for our students and staff every Friday. If anyone is interested, please contact the school for more information. We would hate to see this wonderful program unable to continue. Have a great week everyone!
Brett Barber
ENROLLMENT for the month of November
JOIN US now @
BCS students step up for Unicef . . . Biggar Central School students show off a banner proclaiming another successful Halloween campaign for Unicef. The kids raised an impressive $958.89 for the worthy charity. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Duane Neufeldt
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103 - 5 Ave. E., Biggar … Skilfully restored 1440 sq. ft. 4-bedroom, 1 bath, 1-¾ storey character home built in 1912 on a 50 ft. x 150 ft. lot. Close to schools, daycare and recreational facilities. MLS®#436508…........................ $169,000
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Who owns the land?
by Calvin Daniels
Who should own farmland? That is a question which will increasingly be asked as we move forward, and it is a question with an unclear answer. There is of course a feeling among many that we should keep farmland owned by our neighbours as much as possible. It would be nice if farmland was owned by those who will till the soil to grow crops, but that is no longer reasonable. Farming is a multi-million dollar business these days and is increasingly one where the investment is beyond neighbouring farmers.
Evenso-calledfamilyfarms are today often corporate entities encompassing fathers, brothers, sons and other family members who work collectively to manage the scale of operation we now see as average farms. But the question which remains is what happens as ever larger farms come on the market? Neighbouring farmers may no longer have the capacity to simply amalgamate their farms with that of others in the area through a buy-out. In Saskatchewan for a very long time farmland needed to be owned by residents of the province.
It was a strange precept as part of a country, where you would assume any Canadian’s name on the title would be seen as appropriate. Those rules have been relaxed but there are still rules governing offshore ownership of farmland. The question is how inappropriate is the idea of someone in Europe or the Far East owning land which is then tilled by others? It should always be remembered this country was formed via the efforts of immigrants. Often those immigrants would have no doubt accessed financial support from relatives, or friends in their country of origin, to help expand farm operations. In this era we are seeing a new influx of immigration into Canada, and that includes to the Prairie provinces. Often those immigrants have access to money, and land is a good investment. That may not mean they want to ride a tractor, or
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haul grain to the elevator themselves, but they may well see land as a viable investment over the long term. It may not be the farm industry we most want to see, but it could be the best way for farmers today to realize the best returns when they seek to retire and put their land for sale. When one decides it is time to retire they are looking to ensure they have the funds
to enjoy retirement and to help the next generation of their family. It matters not whether the cheque for the farm comes from someone down the road, or half a world away. The answer of farmland ownership is a twofold one. On the one hand it is a case of farmers releasing the greatest possible returns when retiring. But there is also the issue of having control of a
International Year of the Co-operative . . . In December 2009, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming 2012 the International Year of the Co-operatives, in recognition of the contributions co-operatives make to the social and economic development of communities around the world. Central Plains Co-operative Board of Directors was pleased to participate in the declaration by donating to each of the three communities in which the co-op is located. A $5,000 cheque was presented to Landis Mayor, Joe Sarrasin by Mike Moon, Central Plains Manager, right, and Ward Kewley, Central Plains Operations Manager, to go towards refurbishment of the Village Park, formerly Lion’s Park. (Submitted Photo)
Another lucky monthly winner . . . Ernie Itterman receives a cheque for $91 from Biggar Museum and Gallery’s Ruth Arnold. Ernie was the Monthly Toonie winner for October. Congratulations, Ernie! (Independent Photo
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resource which is perhaps the most critical one to a country’s long term viability since it is the source of food production. Even in a world of free trade holding local control of such a key resource is a compelling argument to make. And the debate is one which remains to be defined as the face of agriculture continues to evolve.
Email: jdlundergroundltd@sasktel.net
by Kevin Brautigam)
Fund raiser brings hope to Guatamala
Ted joins others in a prayer of dedication at the banquet on June 29. (Submitted photos)
by Gloria Engel On June 29 and 30 the Pokomchi New Testament was dedicated in San Cristobal Verapaz, Guatemala. PALS (Presbyterian Anglican Lutheran) sponsored a fund raiser last April, which helped make it possible for former Bible translators, Ted and Gloria Engel, to go to Guatemala and participate in the dedication. The Engels spent a joyous week in Guatemala along with their four sons, a grandson and a niece from
Germany. They were reunited with friends and colleagues from the years when they worked in the Pokomchi language. They joined hundreds of Guatemalans to celebrate the completion of the Pokomchi New Testament. To thank those who responded to the fund
Randy Weekes, M.L.A. for the Biggar Constituency 1-877-948-4880 OfÀce Hours: Monday - Friday 1 - 5 p.m. Phone: 306-948-4880 106 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar Fax: 306-948-4882 e-mail:
raiser, PALS is hosting a program at New Horizons on Tuesday, November 13 highlighting the Engels’
trip to Guatemala. Ted will give a power point presentation. Refreshments will follow.
Patient Safety Heartland Health Region encourages patients and families to take an active role in their care. If something doesn’t seem right while receiving your health care, ask questions, listen to the answers, and talk about your concerns. If you are taking medications, ask your healthcare provider: x How will this medication help me? x What are its benefits? x Are there any side effects? x How much should I take and when? x Can I take my other medications while I am taking this? Good communication will help avoid medication errors. For toll-free health information 24 hours a day. Please call 1-888-425-4444(TTY) if you have hearing or speech difficulties Smokers Helpline 1-877-513-5333 or www.smokefree.ca Questions about Medication? Call 1-800-665-DRUG (3784). Ask questions online www.usask.ca/druginfo Mental Health & Addictions Centralized Intake Line 1-866-268-9139 Monday to Friday 8:00 am—4:30 pm
Gloria, with son Victor, walk past the market on the morning of the dedication, June 30.
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OBITUARIES Laurie William Edward Houdek April 29, 1958 - October 3, 2012 Laurie Houdek passed away in the Yorkton Regional Hospital, Yorkton, Sask. with his family by his side. Laurie went to be with his creator on Wednesday, October 3, 2012 at the age of 54 years. He leaves to celebrate his life, his loving wife Donna; children, Lance and Kimberly; mother, Myrle Houdek; and brothers, Neal (Cheryl), Shawn (Sandi), Brent (Nicky); as well as nieces, nephews, relatives, extended family and friends. He was predeceased by his father, William; and grandparents, William and Frances Houdek, Edward and Eunice Kingwell; and nephew, Braden Houdek. Laurie was born April 29, 1958 in Biggar, Sask. Laurie began school in Springwater and later transferred to Biggar where he graduated. Laurie moved to Hudson Bay, Sask. in 1979 with his parents to continue family farming. It was there he met his life partner, Donna and began their family together. Laurie considered this his greatest achievement, his son Lance and daughter Kim. During his time in Hudson Bay, Laurie also took pride in making and maintaining the Hudson Bay Curling Rink. His dedication to excelling in this continued on after he moved to Yorkton in 2001 and worked at the Gallagher Centre both on the janitorial side and as Pool Maintenance and Water Tech. Laurie loved farming, curling and being a handy man. He never hesitated to help others in any way he could and never expected anything in return. His selÀess way of sharing and being there for his family and friends will never be forgotten by those who were lucky enough to have known him. Service of Remembrance was held Sunday, October 7 at 1 p.m. from Gallagher Centre Convention Centre in Yorkton, Sask. 45p1
I miss you Autumn Forever in my heart.
… Bobbie
CARD OF THANKS Thank you to all for your thoughts, prayers and donations we have received during Laurie’s illness and passing. Your kindness will not be forgotten. The Houdek family…Donna, Lance, Kim, Myrle, Neal and Cheryl, Shawn and Sandi, Brent and Nicky and families. 45p1 The family of Gerald Dearing send a heartfelt and sincere thank you to everyone for the cards, food, Àowers and kindness from those who gathered to help our family in our time of grief. The way our town joins together makes Biggar a wonderful place to live. A special thank you to the ladies for the luncheon, to Pastor Mark Kleiner for the service and to Grondin Funeral Services for their expertise. Sincerely, Karen Dearing, Conrad, Barry, Maryann, Tamisha and family gfsc1
COMING EVENTS SUNDAYS in November: Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans will be worshipping at Redeemer Lutheran Church at 10:30 a.m. except for November 11 where we will be participating in the Remembrance Day service at the Biggar Community Hall. November 25, there will be a potluck lunch after church followed by Redeemer Lutheran’s annual meeting. For pastoral services please contact Pastor Mark Kleiner at 306-9517122 or the of¿ce at 948-3731. 48/10tfn
COMING EVENTS November 13 - December 15: Biggar Museum Annual Christmas Magic Silent Auction held in The Credit Union Gallery at the Biggar Museum. Open Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. through noon hour for your bidding convenience. Bid often on this year’s fantastic items and purchase your Toonie Lotto ticket. 45c6 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14: Business Annual Garage Sale @ Biggar Community Hall, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Everyone welcome to attend. 44c2 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., Biggar Museum soup and sandwich luncheon during the Business Fall Garage Sale @ Biggar Community Hall. 43c2 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17: ‘Friends of the Lodge’ fundraiser at Biggar Community Hall, 5:30 happy hour followed by roast beef supper (6:30 p.m.) and Cowboy Poetry and music by The Mitchell Bros. of Moose Jaw. $25 per person. Tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar. 45p2 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18: Landis Wheatland Regional Library Craft/Trade/Bake Sale, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Landis Community Complex. Table rentals, call Vera @ 658-2110 or Denise @ 658-4536. 44c3 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19: Biggar Sports Bus Association Annual Meeting, Biggar New Horizons Centre, Queen Street. 44p3
AUCTION ACREAGE DISPERSAL AUCTION. Tractors, trailers, equipment, quality tools, welders, pipe, truck, sheds, much more! 10 a.m., Saturday, November 10, Cadogan, Alberta. 780-842-5666, Scribner Auction. Details: www.scribnernet.com.
FOR SALE BY TENDER The Central Plains Co-op has for sale by tender the following fuel delivery units: UNIT 1: 2000 GMC Topkick, single axle, CAT engine, 7 speed standard, 11,365 litre tank, gas and diesel pumps, 470,000km and 11,005 hours UNIT 2: 2003 Freightliner FL 106, tandem, Detroit diesel, 13 speed Eaton fuller transmission, 16,800 litre tank, gas and diesel pumps, 374,000km and 10,276 hours. For more information on both units, please contact Ed Lavigne, Petroleum Manager at 306-882-2608 The highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted.
Tenders will close on November 23, 2012 at 12:00 noon. Sealed tenders may be submitted to the following: Central Plain Co-operative Ltd. Box 970 Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0 Att: M. Moon, General Manager “Fuel Truck Tender”
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11: For this Sunday only, Biggar Associated Gospel Church will have its Sunday Morning Worship Service at 9:45 a.m. tfn TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13: 7 p.m. at Biggar New Horizons, PALS will host Ted and Gloria Engel’s excellent adventure in Guatemala. Come out to hear what the community’s support helped accomplish. Coffee and hospitality to follow. 42c4
Families, clubs, churches and businesses are invited to do a Heritage Page to be on permanent display at Biggar Museum. Share your history! For more information call 9483451 or visit museum 1 - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. 7tfn This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. tfn Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at www.swna.com. tfn
FOR SALE…HD ladder rack with removable support bars and window guard, $80; set of 4 new 14 inch tires on cast rims for Pontiac or Chev, $180, or $100 a pair. WANTED… two dozen straw bales (small); used 2 inch lumber; snow fence. Call 306658-4629. 43p3 Mahogany kitchen cabinets available. For viewing, call 9485108 45tfn
DISCONNECTED PHONE? ChoiceTel Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call ChoiceTel Today! 1-888-333-1405. www.choicetel. ca. FOR SALE: Country MarketGroceries, Liquor-Outlet, baking, lotto, take-out food. Trans Canada Hwy at Shuswap Lake in Blind Bay, BC. Call 250-8046132. P R O V I N C E - W I CLASSIFIEDS. Reach 550,000 readers weekly. this newspaper NOW or 649.1405 for details.
D E over Call 306-
Sawmills for Sale located Cypress Hills. 4-71 GM diesel power, 48” head saw, green chain, cant rollers, sawdust conveyor. Also complete 54” Helle full hydraulic mill with computer setworks electric power, all decks and conveyors. Dan Reesor, Wash, Alta. 403937-2214.
WANTED Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Land¿ll OR contact Quentin Sittler at 658-2132 3tfn Main Street Garage Sale is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 948-1773 or 9485393. Pickup available. 32tfn For fax service, see us at The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave., Biggar
REAL ESTATE Two serviced lots, side by side in Biggar, 100’x140’, $79,900. Call 717-4681 (cell) 5tfn
Bad Credit? Bank Said No? Vehicles from $250/month Call 1-888-619-5874 KNOW YOUR OPTIONS IN SECONDS ($10.50 hour or equivalent minimum income) $0 Down / Bad Credit / No Credit OK
CARS & TRUCKS Cars from $49/Week, SUVs from $79/Week, Trucks from $99/ Week. Get approved with bad credit, no credit or bankruptcy. $0 Down Call our Approval Hotline 1-888-222-0663 - Ford, Toyota, Chevy, Honda, Dodge Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514. www.yourapprovedonline.com.
Tim Hammond Realty… Kolenosky Farmland For Sale by Tender, four quarters between Wilkie and Landis, Sask. Total 2012 Asmt. $212,400 (Avg. 53,518/quarter), approx. 578 cult. acs., Closes 5:00 p.m. November 15, 2012. Exclusive Listing. Call 306-948-5052 http:// Kolenosky.TimHammond.ca 44c2 Tim Hammond Realty… RM#317 Mirosovsky Farmland For Sale by Tender, six quarters between Biggar and Rosetown. Total 2012 Asmt. $268,700 (Avg. 45,018/quarter) with approx. 879 cult. acs, Immaculate yard incl: 1275 sq ft. house (1976), steel quonset, 2 wood machine sheds, 24,000 bu. steel grain storage, barn, meat shop and equipmnt, etc. List of machinery available. Closes 5:00 p.m. November 23, 2012. Exclusive Listing. Call 306-948-5052 http://Mirosovsky. TimHammond.ca 44c2
HOUSES FOR SALE 402 - 7th Ave. East, Biggar… well-built, 3-bedroom home, completely renovated, gutted down to framing, custom cabinets, maple hardwood Àooring, energy ef¿cient package and many more up-grades. REDUCED, now $209,000. Must Sell. Call Brenda, 306-373-8254 or 948-9280. 38tfn
RECREATION 1985 Yamaha Virago, 1,000 cc, new rubber, carbs and forks redone. Phone 948-7521. 36tfn 1985 Honda Goldwing, new rubber, shocks redone this spring, new battery, $3500 obo; phone 948-3344 34tfn
FOR SALE. WARMAN 55 PLUS ACTIVE ADULT LIFESTYLE Large Ground Level Townhomes 306 241 0123 www. diamondplace.ca
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Wells Construction, Biggar looking for carpenters and labourers.
1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins.
Contact Guy @ 306-951-0060 Biggar Community Connections supports individuals with physical and/or mental challenges, in their residence and in their community.
For more information call: Karen/Kevin • 948-9115 302 - 8th Ave. W. • Biggar
Casual 12 hour shifts, nights and days are available. Starting wage is $13.21 per hour and beneÀts when eligible. Training will be provided. Interested applicants may apply online to bcgh@sasktel. net or fax to 948-3426 or mail to Box 1690, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0. Contact Michelle at 948-3402 for more information.
HEALTH/ WELLNESS GET 50% OFF - Join Herbal Magic this week and get 50% Off. Lose weight quickly, safely and keep it off, proven results! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800854-5176.
TRAVEL HAWAII ON THE MAINLAND, healthy low-cost living can be yours. Modern Arenal Maleku Condominiums, 24/7 secured Community, Costa Rica “friendliest country on earth”! 1-780-952-0709; www.CanTico. ca.
If YOU are… • Moving • Expecting a Baby • Planning a Wedding • Anticipating Retirement Call WELCOME WAGON at 948-2563 - Lisa Haynes We have gifts and information www.welcomewagon.ca
Electrical Construction & Service Business in Eston, SK. Owner is retiring. Eston is a Town of about 1200 people & has excellent school, & recreational facilities. 12 Miles from Regional Park with excellent campground, swimming pool & golf course. We have been in business 37 years here & have found it a great place to raise our family. If interested call 306.463.9455 & I will be pleased to tell you more about the business.
New Vancouver Island Townhomes available in Beautiful Qualicum Beach. Ocean view. One block from the beach. Starting at $429,000. More information at. www. taylorridge.ca
Charter/ Sherwood Apartments
Lumber; tools; 29 ft. grain auger, $100; 2-20 ft. augers, $40; 9 ft 34” culvert, $300; 1000 gal fuel tank and stand, $40; one roll new Bark wire, $40; new 1/2 hp electric motor, $40. Contact H.W. Eaton, 306-237-4876. 44c3
Bob Foster Locksmith Services. Phone 306-831-7633 26tfn
HOUSES FOR RENT Three Bedroom house and Garage for rent approximately 43 km east of Assiniboia on 13 and 3 km north or 95 kilometers south of Moose Jaw on 36 and 6 km east. Phone 403-485-2519 Two bedroom house for rent in Biggar. Call 306-222-8216 45c3 Two bedroom house, fridge, stove included. For viewing, call 948-3674 or 948-7022 44tfn
LEARN FROM HOME. EARN FROM HOME. Medical Transcriptionists are in demand. Lots of jobs! Enrol today for less than $95 a month. 1-800466-1535 www.canscribe.com admissions@canscribe.com W E L L - PA I D / L O W- S T R E S S Career in Massage Therapy. Get the best-quality RMT education without giving up your day job! Visit www.mhvicarsschool.com or call 1-866-491-0574 for free career information.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Help wanted… 2-3 full time drivers in Biggar area to drive from Edmonton-Melville and all points in between. Unionized, 13.40/hour, 24-7, equipment supplied. Email resume to sharon.brandley@shaw.ca or call 306-203-1275 44p3
Coram Construction is hiring Carpenters and concrete ¿nishers to work PCL sites in Saskatchewan. $32.55, Good bene¿ts, 3-5 years experience. Join, ¿t and install formwork. E-mail: iknibbs@coram.ca Fax: 306-525-0990 Mail: 205-845 Broad Street Regina, SK S4R8G9 2nd year to Journeyman Sheetmetal workers & Electricians needed in Kindersley, Saskatchewan. Top wages, bene¿ts, RRSP’s, room for advancement, positive work atmosphere. Contact of¿ce lukplumbing.com or 306.463.6707. NEED A CHANGE? Looking for work? www. dreamscreatethefuture.ca in the Provost region, workers of all kinds are needed now! Visit our website today for more information. ONE OF ALBERTA’S LARGEST community newspapers requires a reporter/photographer. Experience an asset but not a requirement. Resume, including writing samples: editor@ brooksbulletin.com. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. NEED A HOME PHONE? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We Can Help. Everyone Approved. Call Today. 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect
Please arrange to pick up photos that have been used for publications. …Thanks, The Independent
Manager of Operations This full-time position operates from mid March to mid November of each year. Under the direction of the Leslie Beach Recreational Co-operative, the Manager of Operations is responsible for all aspects of the Leslie Beach administration, financial management and human resource management. Position requires post secondary education in administration or formal training in business management or related field; three years relevant experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Ability to work in an automated environment. Ability to work flexible hours including some evenings and weekends. The candidate must have strong communication skills, be team oriented with strong people skills, excellent organizational skills and strong leadership. Apply by: November 30, 2012 How to Apply: please email cover letter and resume to bobg@sasktel.net
The Sky This Month November 2012 by Gary Boyle, The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada The Big “W” (Part One) In astronomical and mythological terms, the Queen of the night belongs to Cassiopeia. Locating the Queen is as simple as looking up on these cool November nights and finding the five suns that form the distinctive letter ‘W’. These stars range in brightness from magnitude 2.5 to 3.4 and are circumpolar, meaning the constellation can be found all year round from our location as it circles some 30 degrees from the North Star – Polaris. Cassiopeia is ranked 25th in area. Within the 598 square degrees of sky lay many Royal jewels in the form of open star clusters and even a very red carbon star. Gamma Cassiopeia is a hot blue B class star whose surface temperate is around 25,000 Kelvin and has a luminosity of 70,000 times that of our Sun. Nicknamed Navi,
Gamma Cassiopeia is slowly evaporating a couple of nearby gas clouds. These interstellar victims are catalogued IC 59 and IC 63 and are located 21 arc minutes from mean ‘ole Gamma. However these nebulae might be a challenge to observe visually. Move your scope a little less than two degrees to the bright, scattered open cluster NGC 225. This great looking brightly scattered cluster is made up of about 20 stars and seems to have a bit of nebulosity embedded at in the middle which only shows up in photographs. NGC 225 is located 2,140 light years from us. Next we move to the last star of the ‘W’ or Beta Cassiopeia. Going by its traditional name Caph, which is Arabic meaning the “palm”. Caph is a class F2 giant star burning at 6,700 Kelvin. It resides at 54 light years and possess a close companion that orbits every 27 days. Now move close to three degree of sky to another dense open cluster named
NGC 7789. This fine looking object has a magnitude ranking of 6.7 and lies 7,600 light years away. Other nick names are “The White Rose” Cluster or “Caroline’s Rose”. The great Walter Scott Houston referred to NGC 7789 as “one of those rare objects that is impressive in any size instrument.” And he was so right on this one. Going on, Scotty described the view through a 16inch scope as “the whole field is scattered with diamond dust.” Once you have finished with The White Rose cluster, nudge your scope 50 arc minutes to Rho Cassiopeia. This giant G2 star has a very slow rotation rate in the order of once every two Earth years. In fact during the summer of 1946, Rho Cass suddenly dropped from fourth to sixth magnitude and altered its spectral class. Astronomers are not sure when, but the star will eventually undergo a supernova explosion. Moving farther north
Casual Educational Assistants Biggar Central School 2000 For further information, please refer to our webstie at:
www.sunwestsd.ca All West Sales in Rosetown, Sask. requires a highly motivated person for a Bookkeeper/Controller full-time position. Competitive salary and a comprehensive beneÀt plan. A partial list of duties consists of inventory control and costing, accounts payable and receivables, payroll and monthly Ànancial statement preparation. Basic computer knowledge is a must. Applicants can submit a resume to jcarstairs@hotmail.com
NEWSSTANDS @ • Esso • Leslie’s Drugstore • Pharmasave • Quick Stop • Super A Foods • Shop Easy Food • Weasie’s Gourmet Blends • Feudal Co-op, Perdue • The Store, Perdue
DEADLINE for ad copy, classiÀeds & news
MONDAY • 5 p.m.
Nutrition Information who can you trust? by the Public Health Nutritionists of Saskatchewan It seems like wherever we turn there are claims about special diets and dietary products that will cure health problems or help one lose weight. We are bombarded by nutrition information from internet, TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, and so called ‘nutrition experts’. With all this information out there, it can be a challenge to figure out who and what to trust. Use this checklist to help you decide whether the nutrition information is reliable: The information is from a professional source. Organizations like Health Canada or Dietitians of Canada and Web sites like eatright.org give reliable information. Anyone with the initials ‘RD’ after their name is a registered dietitian. Dietitians are recognized professionals in nutrition and provide reliable information. Job titles do not always tell you what a person’s credentials are. Be wary of claims like “world’s foremost nutritionist”. The information is scientific and not based on an opinion or a near the border with Cepheus we find a wonderful pairing of an open cluster and a nebula all within the width of the full moon. First we locate M52 which was one of Charles Messier’s original discoveries back in 1774. The rich cluster lies some 5,000 light years away and measures about 19 light years in width. Astronomers estimate its age to be about 35 million years old. Just off to the side is NGC 7635, the Bubble
personal story. Health and nutrition advice should be based on research. If it does not have a list of sources or you can’t confirm the source, it may be based on an opinion or personal story instead of science. Personal success stories or testimonials are not reliable scientific evidence. What may work for one person, may not work for you! The claim should not sound too good to be true and should not rely on special products. Healthy habits are developed over time. There are no fast fixes or instant cures. Claims that sound too good to be true most likely are! Be careful of catchy claims that try to sell you any product. The information follows Canada’s Food Guide and healthy eating guidelines. Be aware of claims that advise you not to eat from one or more food groups. Scientific studies show you need to eat a variety of foods from all four food groups to meet nutrient needs. For more information, contact Jadwiga Dolega-Cieszkowski, Public Health Nutritionist for the Heartland Health Region at 8826413, extension 239.
Nebula. Measuring six light years wide, this cosmic bubble was formed by intense stellar winds by the hot young central star. Wide angle photography is needed to fully capture and enjoy these contrasting objects. With simply your naked eye, stars for the most part, appear the colour white. This is far from the truth when a telescope is used. These distant suns come in an array of colour which helps depict the temperature
they are burning at. For instance, blue ones burn extremely hot while the red ones are much cooler. Our Sun is a yellow star, burning at 5,800 Kelvin. The spectral class of stars helps classify these individual objects via temperature. With this in mind, hunt down the variable WZ Cassiopeia. This is a great example of a red carbon star. Until next time, clear skies everyone. Part 2 continued next week.
Saskatoon - Biggar Office DUANE NEUFELDT 403 Main St., Biggar
Licensed For: • Residential • Acreage • Farm
306-948-8055 Fax: 306-948-2763 www.DuaneNeufeldt.com
BIGGAR ELECTRICAL & REFRIGERATION SERVICES Authorized Appliance Depot Electrical Wiring Trenching Licensed Journeyman Adrian de Haan
Proud sponsor of Children’s Wish Foundation
Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for:
•Farm •Residential •Commercial •Acreage rd
113 - 3 Ave. W., Biggar
948-5052 (office) Cell 948-9168 www.TimHammond.ca www.FarmsofCanada.com
Tim Hammond, BSA, P.Ag., Broker
Proud to handle Biggar’s Real Estate Needs
Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for: •Residential
113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar
948-5052 (office)
PHILLIPS ELECTRIC • Residence • Commercial Wiring For free estimates Ph: 948-5393
Cari McCarty Residential Sales
CONTRACTING LTD. For all your rooÀng needs… ¬New Construction ¬Metal ¬Torch-on ¬Re-roofs ¬Tile ¬Asphalt ¬All repairs ¬Shakes We offer 10 Year Workmanship Warranty and Liability/Torch On Insurance Excellent Local References For a FREE estimate please call… 306-948-5453
for all your electrical needs
Licenced for: •Farm •Acreage •Residential • Commercial
948-5052 (office) Cell 948-4478 Dave Molberg BSA
www.TimHammond.ca www.FarmsofCanada.com
Exposure, Experience and Effort.
Wood and Steel Buildings Floor & Trusses GEORGE STAHL Ph: cell:
(306) 948-3776 (306) 260-6503
available to do…
For all your home, business and rural needs Owners/Operators • Travis Young • Dallas Young • Claude Young
Biggar, Sask. of The Battlefords Independently Owned and Operated
FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS… • Selling/Buying • Residental • Farm/Acreage • Commercial • Recreational
FOR RENT BIGGAR HOUSING AUTHORITY Housing for families and seniors Rent based on income
Call: 948-2101
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation Box 327 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Helping you Help yourself
Kent Dubreuil, E.D.O. Phone: 306-948-2295 Fax: 306-948-5050
Wally Lorenz Sales Associate 1391 - 100th St. North Battleford, SK S9A 0V9 Day or Night
Cell: (306) 843-7898 Bus: (306) 446-8800 znerol.w@sasktel.net
9Residential 9Commercial 9Automotive 9We tint vehicles too!
948-3389 Journeymen Plumber, Gas Fitter, & Electrician on staff
Pat Wicks,
Living Books Distributor 205-3rd Ave. East, Biggar Books, gifts, cards. Shop at my home! Call 948-3427 for appts.
Call Jim @ 306-948-3333
NCM Home Maintenance
& Bgm^kbhk IZbgmbg` & =krpZeebg` & ?^Zmnk^ <^bebg`l
& Lmn\\h & <hehnk <hhk]bgZmbhg L^kob\^ FREE quotes Prompt Honest Service
Call Nick Maguire 948-3325 948-4558 or 716-4021 cell
• Commercial • Residential • Design Builder • Insurance Claims • Renovations • Drafting Service
“Big or Small -We Do Them All” Licenced Journeyman Carpenters Troy McCarty 948-5627 (H) 948-9280 (C) Mitch McCarty 373-8254 (H) Serving Biggar ... Since 1968
~ Gift CertiÅcates ~ Evening, Saturday and in-home appointments available.
948-2548 or 948-9710
Renos… interior & exterior painting, textured ceilings, drywall, mud & tape
- together with -
115 - 1st Ave. W. Rosetown, Sask.
Ladies Only
Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
…owned and operated by Brett Barber
Located in the Nova Wood Centre (back entrance) 104 - 6th Ave. E., Biggar
948-2208 NEW BEGINNINGS WELLNESS CENTRE “Putting PERSONAL back into fitness training!” Wayne Baldwin, CPFT, CPTA, CnHc
Specializing in Exclusive Seasonal Personal Training Sessions! …for weight loss, body sculpting, strength training.
* Limited Memberships available to fully equipped Private Fitness Studio & Cardio Room Gift Certificates available
Visit us @ 114- 2nd Ave. W., Biggar Where you can feel right at home! Phone… 948-2548 Cell… 948-8048
Your Healthy Living
Weight Loss & Wellness Centre
Consultant & Coach Anne G. Livingston •Ideal Protein Weight Loss Clinic •Epicure Selections •Walden Farms Products •Young Living Essential Oils •Beauticontrol Skin Care www.beautipage.ca/annelivingston
Kirk Ewen Doctor of Optometry
• framing • additions • windows & door sales • siding • rooÄng • drywall & Änishing
Wylie Farms Ltd. SEED CLEANING Canadian Seed Institute Accredited Pedigree, Commercial & Custom Cleaning FULL line of Cleaning Equipment including Gravity Table
Excellent Quality at a Reasonable Price! For all your Cereal and Pulse Cleaning Call: Bill: Dale:
948-2807 or 948-5609 948-5394
Plant located 8 miles south of Biggar on Hwy #4, ¼ mile west on Triumph Rd.
Phoenix M4 Mobile Grain cleaning and sizing
Wayne Dollansky 306-948-7247 Custom Combining JD9770 with draper or hydraÁex headers
Mundt’s Mobile Custom Grain Cleaning ^PSS JSLHU ^OLH[ IHY SL` K\Y\T *7: ^OLH[ VH[Z WLHZ HUK SLU[PSZ
9LHZVUHISL YH[LZ For bookings, call Jason
948-2887 VY JLSS 948-6969
acrylic Ànish, full system foam, paper/ wire, pargings/ICF blocks, custom pillars & battons, repair/service
Phone: 882-2123 Emergency (after hours) 882-2006
Offering… One-on-One Rehab & Therapy Sessions
New Stucco & Resoration…
FRE E Es timat Call us for… es • Insurance jobs • Renovations • New home building • Drywall & Painting • Flooring (hardwood, ceramic, etc.) • Residential/Commercial • CertiÀed installer for Logix ICF
306-948-3408 DR. GLENN RIEKMAN Dentist
Located in Angie’s Hair Salon 219 Main St., Biggar Call 948-7274 or 948-3696
modernlookhomerenos@gmail.com www.facebook.com/modern.look.35
306-948-4846 BOOKS
• painting & Ӿnishing • decks & small buildings • light plumbing • windows & doors • laminate & hardwood ӿoors • general repairs
& ;Zl^f^gm K^ghoZmbhgl
For all your glass needs,
104 - 2nd Ave. West Biggar
• Shamanic Healing • Psychosomatic Therapy • Massage • Emotional Release Therapy
30 min. Circuit Gym
Tim Hammond Realty 113 - 3 Ave. W., Biggar
Services available…
104 - 6th Ave. East, Biggar, Sask. Southeast entrance of Nova Wood Bldg. Hours… Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Construction, consulting and Maintenance Licensed Journeyman
Michelle Spuzak, R.M.T. (NHPC member) Located @ New Beginnings Wellness Centre, 114 - 2nd Ave. W., BIGGAR
www.madgerooÀng.com Biggar, Sask.
Dion Harrabek 306-948-2657 cell: 306-948-9136
Biggar’s Top Performing Residential Agent
Cell: 306-221-6888
Cell 948-7995 www.TimHammond.ca http://Cari.TimHammond.ca
In Biggar Every Tuesday. Biggar Professional Building, 223 Main Street, Biggar
For appointments… 1-855-651-3311
NEWSSTANDS @ • Esso • Leslie’s Drugstore • Pharmasave • Quick Stop • Super A Foods • Shop Easy Food • Weasie’s Gourmet Blends • Feudal Co-op, Perdue • The Store, Perdue
PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Barristers & Solicitors Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. Bonnie L. Reddekopp, JD 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK
948-3346 …serving your community since 1972
Garry A. Faye Chartered Accountant Notary Public 201B-2nd Ave. West P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, Sask.
Phone: 948-5133
948-3376 after hours George: 948-4042 Corner of Main Street & 1st Avenue West, Biggar
306-948-5352 or 306-244-9865 To advertise in this directory, please call Urla at The Independent
• 948-3344 • This feature will appear Weekly. ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL DIRECTORY RATES.
Box 580 Biggar, SK SOK OMO
OPEN: Mon.-Fri. • 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday • 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Your Auto Parts and Accessories Dealer Open: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. • 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Let Vortex protect your truck and your investment with the Vortex Seamless Sprayed on Liner System
948-2183 Email: ddolack@sasktel.net Website: www.hrblock.ca
INSURANCE BI GGA R INS URA NCE S E RV ICE S • Notary Publics • Home & Agro Insurance • Auto & Commerical Insurance • Health Insurance • Motor Licence Issuer Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday 304 Main Street • Biggar
Phone: 948-2204 or 948-3886
INVESTMENTS For all your investment needs, Visit…
Prairieland Collision
701 - 4th Ave. E., Biggar
948-3996 Open Monday-Saturday Mike Nahorney, Interprovincial Heavy Duty Journeyman Mechanic
Heavy Truck Repair SGI Safety Inspection Auto Repair
Lyndsey Sacher Mutual Fund Investment Specialist, Wealth Consultant Credential Asset Management Inc.
Pamela Eaton
Robert Hoesgen, CFP
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.
Located at the Biggar & District Credit Union 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK • 306-948-3352 Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc., and mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities Inc. ®Credential is a registered mark owned by Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license.
403 Main Street, Biggar Want a truly independent advisor who will find your unique solution? Are you looking for Life, Living Benefits Insurance and/or Investment Strategies? Do you just want to know if your premiums are fair with the right coverage?
100% handwash “Where we do it all for you!!” • Detailing • Vortex Spray-In Box Liners • Granitex Baked-on Coatings for Decks and Cement Flooring • Auto Accessories • Trailer Rentals
YH Truck, Ag & Auto
Financial Planning Estate Planning Life Insurance 222 Main Street 306 948 5377
521 Main St., Biggar 948-2109 Get the Biggar Independent
To fax…stop in at The Independent
Online W E NO B I R SC SUB Go to…
The SWNA and its Member Newspapers cooperatively deliver your message to more than half a million readers every week.
Custom Grain Hauling Tridem & Super B trailers …for bookings contact
Rockin D Trucking & Cattle
• Cattle hauling with 21 ft. gooseneck trailer • round and large square bale hauling with step-deck or highboy semi-trailers • also buying and selling straw and forage • also machinery hauling Home • 306-948-2037 Alex • 306-948-7291 Dan • 306-948-7843
LG, Frigidaire, Shaw, Yamaha Audio Dealer; and Your authorized
SaskTel Mobility and High Speed Internet Dealer
948-3955 The Country Clipper • All Breed Dog Grooming • Boarding Kennels (Bordetella Mandatory) • Pet Supplies • Saleboard for dog and cat related items
For appointments and inquiries, call Janet at 948-2091
Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 6 pm. 2 mi N on Hwy #4, 2-½ mi E on Golf Course Rd. Anne G. Livingston
CertiÀed Custom Picture Framer • photographs • paintings • art prints • memorabilia • collages, etc. Call Anne @ 948-7274 greengables2@sasktel.net
Take’n the pain outta haul’n your grain!
Sewing & Embroidery • Jackets • Windsuits • Shirts • Hunting Gear • Bunnyhugs • Caps • Toques • Bags Check out our new website: classicmakings.ca
Troy May, owner/operator Fax #306.237.TROY Super B outÀts hauling grain and fertilizer in Alberta and Saskatchewan
Tree services available… • cut trim and removal • post holes • landscaping • cement removal • trenching • holes for piles • driveways • garage pads • basements
Modern Licenced Abbatoir • custom slaughter, cut and wrapping • sausage making, curing and smoking
• sides of Beef available
658-4474, Landis, SK
Judy Judy Kahovec: Kahovec… 882-4313, Cellcell 831-7935 306-882-4313, 831-7935 Carey Krchov: 882-3213 Carey Krchov…882-3213
109 Main St., Biggar
Small moves and deliveries with ½ ton truck
Sales Consultant J. G. Smith
Ivan Young,
Phillips Radio Shop
HAULS TO THE DUMP Ph/fax: 948-3856 or cell: 948-7896
• Snow Removal • Fences …and much more
Battery Chargers Electric Fencers Repaired/Rebuilt/ Built
948-5600 A Sign of Qualilty!
• Wood, metal, plastic signs • Vehicle & window graphics • Banners, stickers and Magnetic signs
Jerry Muc Phone: 948-2958 Fax:
Kevin Kurulak Investment Rep Insurance Broker P. 306 948 5200 F. 306 948 5207 Appointments Preferred
Cell: 306-948-7524
Owned & operated by Kevin Fick
227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar
• Heavy truck parts • Agriculture parts • Automotive parts & accessories www.yhtruckagauto.com
info@twhÀnancial.ca www.twhÀnancial.ca
~Brian and Cathy Fick~
Panasonic, Samsung,
Biggar, Sask.
KRF Auto Centre Investment Advisor Credential Securities Inc.
• Biggar to Saskatoon • Same day Service • Monday to Friday • 24-hour Answering Service
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Perdue Locals Audrey Mason news by Audrey Mason How fast our landscape changes, eh? Looks very wintery out there now, after eight inches of snow fell Monday and Tuesday, October 22 and 23. I know September was like summer, and we were very lucky. However, I’m greedy, and could have used some more of that deck-sitting weather. Maureen arrived on Monday, Oct. 23, her truck equipped with winter tires, so she had no problems. It was just getting snowy in LaRonge, when
she left, but had snowed at the mine before. Tuesday was not a good day on Saskatoon streets, so she canceled appointments, and stayed in Perdue where a delicious supper was prepared. Next day was a full day in there, though. Her biggest problems was finding parking spaces. Everyone has this problem! After good visits with Gregg and I, she headed for home the next day, Thursday. Tuesday was back to work again. On Friday, October 23,
Gregg took me over to Perdue’s Market Day. Such beautiful handcraft work! What a distance some came to display their handicrafts, one couple were from Ruthilda. Like me, many folk were lookers and admirers, not buyers. The visiting was wonderful, most enjoyable. This is a yearly event, and much work for those who enter. The food very reasonable, too, and good!
Daryl Hasein, left, rather than suffer tricks, gave out treats to the Biggar Day Care dragons, ghouls, princesses and superheroes, October 31. (Independent photo by Margaret Hasein)
Landis Locals Helen Buxton 658-2115 All rumours to the contrary, I do not have crocodiles in the moat around my house! In fact, if all goes well, the weeping tile should be in and the excavations closed in the next day or so. Numbers were down for the Landis Fall supper on Saturday evening, There were a number of other events going on in the surrounding towns, and a few people have some kind of flu bug that’s keeping keeping them home. It was delicious meal, and about 225 people were served, and
quite a few plates were delivered to shut-ins. Thanks to all who worked and donated food. My niece, Regina Heck dropped in to see me last Friday evening on her way home to Edmonton for her Uncle Gerry Dearing’s funeral. She drove on a lot of icy highways, so the trip down was a white-knuckle affair. It was sad to learn of the sudden passing of Kim Edelman of Saskatoon. Sympathy goes to his wife, Rose (nee Stevenot), and their family, as well as Gerry and
Julie Kobelsky, Raymond Stevenot, Leon and Carol Stevenot, and all their families. Eight locals joined the group from Biggar on their bus trip to the casino in Moose Jaw. They were Leo and Marie Schwebius, Joe and Denise Pek, Vera Halter, Claire Miller, and Gerry and Julie Kobelsky. No one is bragging about their winnings, and we haven’t heard of any new vehicles or exotic holidays for any of them.
Rural Municipality of Reford No. 379 An insufÀcient number of nominations having been received to Àll the ofÀce of:
COUNCILLOR: DIVISION NO. 6 of Rural Municipality of Reford No. 379 The undersigned will receive nominations of candidates for the said ofÀce during normal ofÀce hours from Friday, November 2, 2012 until Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Nomination forms may be obtained from the municipal ofÀce. Dated this 2nd day of November, 2012. Sherry Huber, Returning OfÀcer
Asquith Senior Girls sweep home tourney Asquith Senior Girls won the tournament with no losses, and three wins. This will take them to Regionals next weekend, along with the next two top teams, Hepburn and Davidson. Although the Asquith team had players out with illnesses, hockey injuries, and sprains, they fought hard to gain the title of 2A Conference Champs. The four teams at the 2A Conference Senior
Girls’ Playoff in Asquith were: Asquith, Allan, Hepburn, and Davidson. The tournament was a round robin format - with the following results: Allan - 3 losses , Hepburn - 2 losses, 1 win Davidson - 2 wins 1 loss, and Asquith - 3 wins. Asquith scores were: vs Allan: 25 - 11 and 25 - 13; vs Hepburn 25 - 13 and 25 - 21; vs Davidson 25 - 15 and 25 - 19.
Nats take the fight to Battleford . . . Biggar Pee Wee National, Lara McCarty, takes her place in front of the opposition net, waiting for the puck, Saturday. The Nats hosted Battleford, taking a close 5-4 win. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Local Barrel Racers Awarded
Number12 Evan Stack pushing the ball deep into Allan’s court, while Leah Woytko, Aspen Stack, Brittany Quittenbaum, and Hannah Ablass get ready for the return ball.
Local barrel racers Cassidy Burton and Bliss Peters recently were recognized for their productive summer. Both riders competed in the Saskatchewan Barrel Racing Association Biggar Series jackpots from June to September. Cassidy was the Most Improved Youth competitor throughout the series, earning a buckle and a jacket. Cassidy rides a big Palomino barrel horse
that she did an excellent job at handling by the end of our series. Her improvement in time was from 70 seconds to 19 seconds and getting faster every time she ran the barrels. Bliss competed throughout the series as well also earning a jacket and prize money in the 1D Championship. There are three categories that the girls could win 1D, 2D
and 3D. 1D is the fastest category. Bliss rides any number of different
horses. She won the series on her most recent purchase, Sierra.
Biggar Karate news Battleford’s KarateDo Traditional Karate Tournament was held on Saturday, November 3 at the Don Ross Centre. Representing Biggar Karate was Sensei Bev Barth and Neville Crane. Over 150 competitors
competed in Individual Kata, Kobudo (weapons), and Kumite (sparring). Neville Crane received a bronze in both Kata and Kumite. The clubs next competition will be in the new year.
Alley Katz bowling results For weekof October 30 by Karen McPherson Tuesday mixed league: MHS -- Jason Raschke, 242; LHS -- Cindy Watson, 218; MHT -- Jason Raschke, 674; LHT -Donna Foster, 556. New Horizons: MHS -- Bill Roach, 232; LHS -- Mona Davidson, 191; MHM -- Bill Roach,
570; LHS -- June Hoppe, 511. YBC, Wednesday: Wednesday YBC, no games played - Halloween. Thursday Senior league: MHS -- Jack Eckart, 226; LHS -- Dorothy McCarty, 234; MHT -- Glenn Shockey, 570; LHT -- Dorothy McCarty, 556.
Cassidy Burton and Bliss Peters model their winnings.
Neville Crane and Sensei Bev Barth (Photo for The
(Photo for The Independent by Rick Garchinski)
Independent by Rick Garchinski)
planting, pruning & puttering . . . planting by Delta Fay Cruickshank of The Independent
Green, black, orange, loose or bagged, tea is the most consumed beverage in the world! The shrub that tea comes from is another plant that we just take for granted! What would we all do without our favourite cuppa? Well, we could use some of our native plants for a refreshing drink, like; rosehips, raspberry leaves and wild mint. Or, we can continue to import from countries like China, India, Kenya, Sri Lanka or Turkey the 4.52 million tonnes of the leaves from the Camilla sinensis plant.
This plant grows in the tropics and subtropics of the world, where there are at least 50 inches of rainfall a year. This evergreen plant is related to the camilla, that lovely flowering shrub we see in front yards and parks when we travel to places like the UK and the southern USA. Left on it own, the tea shrub can become a tree. But the plants that are cultivated for its leaves are kept pruned at waist height for easy picking. Tea leaves can be picked by machine, and yet, for better quality of leaves and less bruising, leaves are picked by hand. The two seasons for picking the leaves are early spring and early summer. From the baskets of the pickers the leaves are then spread
out to wilt and oxidate, shredded, dried and then aged. Each process is very labour intensive. The various processes vary for each type of tea!
Well, the green tea undergoes less oxidation than the black tea. The oxidation process is halted by a blast of steam or by cooking.
Hand picked in many tropical countries, the process of making tea for export is very labour intensive. Bringing tea to the whole world began in the 18th Century. Smuggling and other nefarious deeds make up the very interesting history of tea! (Photos from google/images)
Green tea is fast becoming the flavour of choice. So, just what is the difference between green and black tea?
Both teas are refreshing, and yet the drinking of green tea is reportedly a healthier drink. Reports read that green tea helps lower the risks of stroke, and joint diseases. Black tea is refreshing, relaxing and yet restorative. In the UK a cup of teas soothes many of life’s issues; good news,
bad news, rejoicing, lamenting . . . “let’s put the kettle on . . .” always means things will get better. The Chinese started cultivating and brewing the leaves of the tea plant over 3,000 years ago! In the 18th Century, tea became a most important trade good all over the world. Tea was so expensive then, and companies like the East India Company kept prices high and supplies controlled. As well, the government kept a very high duty cost on each bale of tea. Tea smuggling became a very exciting and almost necessary industry in order to keep tea affordable to the British public. This was becoming a very, very popular drink. There was more tea smuggled in then the legal stuff! There are hundreds of adventure tales, some very gruesome, about tea smugglers in the heyday. Finally the government figured they had to stop
this war against untaxed tea and lower the tax on the legal stuff. In no time at all, the smuggling stopped and tea became the legal drink of choice. In the days of tea smuggling, green tea was what was consumed. As it became more legal, tea adulteration became a way for dishonest dealers to increase their profits! They even went so far as to dye the leaves of British native plants with poisons such as copper carbonate and lead chromate! Laws were introduced to stop this adulteration, but because they were working too slowly, the British public just began using more black tea leaves, to avoid the poisonous green stuff! Not long after the public began using black tea leaves, they began using milk in their cuppa. The tea plant, another most necessary plant in our everyday lives and a plant whose bounty has been the change in the history of our planet. Thank you!
Everyone a princess . . . Biggar Central School students were dressed to the nines, showing of that alter ego they would soon be sporting as tricking and treating loomed. The school was an interesting mix of students and teachers in various guises - an interesting day of teaching and learning! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
This season, we’re helping hardworking growers like you with up to 20 cents per bushel back! Simply purchase your canola seed and herbicide, and sign a canola contract to collect your reward. As an added bonus, if you book your seed before December 31, 2012, you’ll be eligible to win a trip for two to the World Ag Expo in Tulare, California.
Costume delights . . . St. Gabriel School kids were at the Biggar Diamond Lodge, on Halloween, showing the costumes they would soon wear, tricking and treating. The kids treated the residents to song, while in return, they got in a bit of early treating. (Independent Photo by Daryl Hasein)
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