issue 49

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tin bra e l e c

Accountability will lend integrity to First Nations gov’t: Block by Kevin Brautigam of The Independent

Being honest with the people they serve is the aim of a bill co-authored by SaskatoonRosetown-Biggar MP Kelly Block. The bill doesn’t just hold chiefs and councillors accountable, it lends credibility to honest, hard working First Nation leaders, she added. “It absolutely does,” Block saidTuesday.“Bill C-27 builds on the Private Members Bill that I introduced last year. Of course Bill C-575 focused on the public disclosure of salaries of chiefs and councillors, and this legislation goes a little further. It expands the scope of the information to be published, requiring First Nations to include their audited consolidated financial statements.” Block’s Private Members bill died on the table, due mainly to the federal election. “I continued to receive, after the election, calls and e-mails asking me about my Private Members Bill, asking me what was going to happen with it, and

encouraging our government to follow through on that promise that we had made during the campaign. So I know that there is strong support for this legislation, and that’s encouraging as well.” That support was far reaching. Chief of the Whitecap Dakota First Nation, Chief Darcy Bear backed the bill, standing with Block and Duncan at the November 23 passing. “You know, I did receive a lot of support for Bill C-575, and of course the introduction of this piece of legislation as a government bill was part of our election campaign and was mentioned in the Speech from the Throne.” When Block originally introduced Bill C-575, it was in response to individuals directly affected by First Nations governance, who wanted access to financial information. “I said it before, I believe that First Nations, like all Canadians, deserve transparency and accountability from their elected officials,” Block stressed. “The one thing that we

Let’s see, I think I was good . . . Kiersten Raschke ponders a question posed by Santa that every kid must ask of themselves at this particular time of the year: ‘Have you been good?’ Santa came to St. Gabriel School last

Wednesday to see what is on kids’ wish lists. We think he found Kiersten’s been good this past year! (Independent

heard from Chief Darcy Bear was that transparent and accountable First Nations actually creates economic development opportunities, it creates a stronger environment for private sector investment, which is what they’ve experienced, and it does improve the quality of life for First Nations communities when you have economic development, private sector investment - it can’t help but have that outcome of a greater quality of life.” Nefarious or corrupt chiefs and councillors are

Nations who are proactively disclosing this information. If they have a Web site, they are providing the audited statements to their members, like Whitecap Dakota First Nation. There are those who will give this information when a member asks. But then there are those who

Cute as a button . . . Biggar and District Daycare held a ‘Kids Corner’ on the evening of the Festival of Lights, November 25. Held at the Biggar Legion, kids could play games, get their faces painted up and, most importantly, have a little one-on-one time with Santa! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

a small percentage of the greater whole - a group of First Nations people that are honest and honourable leaders in their community. “The same arguments that I made for Bill C-575 stand for this piece of legislation in that there are First

Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

don’t. And it’s levelling the playing field, it’s saying this is a best practice that we believe all First Nations need to attain, and they need to be transparent and accountable to their members and to the public,” she said.

Premier makes changes to cabinet responsibilities and committees P r e m i e r B r a d Wa l l last week announced a few changes to cabinet responsibilities and cabinet committees as the government prepares for the new session of the Legislature which begins on December 5. Energy and Resources Minister Bill Boyd takes over from Highways and Infrastructure Minister Jim Reiter as Minister responsible for the Global Transportation Hub (GTH). Reiter will serve as the Vice-Chair of a new cabinet committee to oversee development of the GTH. Cypress Hills MLA Wayne Elhard has been named Provincial Secretary, taking over that role from Education Minister Donna Harpauer. Elhard will not serve as a member of cabinet in his new role but will

also become Legislative Secretary to the Premier and will receive the additional Legislative Secretary allowance of $13,287 per year. Wall said he will not be appointing any other Legislative Secretaries at this time. Reiter and Harpauer both retain their main cabinet responsibilities for Highways and Education respectively. Wa l l a l s o n a m e d a new Treasury Board and Crown Investments Corporation (CIC) Board. Treasury Board oversees the province’s General Revenue Fund finances and oversees ministry budgets while the CIC Board oversees the operations of Saskatchewan’s Crown Corporations. The Treasury Board members are Deputy Premier and Finance Minister Ken Krawetz

(Chair), Thunder Creek MLA Lyle Stewart (ViceChair), CIC Minister Tim McMillan, Social Services Minister June Draude, Regina Northeast MLA Kevin Doherty and Martensville MLA Nancy Heppner. The Crown Investment Corporation Board members are CIC Minister Tim McMillan (Chair), SaskTel Minister Bill Boyd (ViceChair), SaskPower Minister Rob Norris, Regina Douglas Park MLA Russ Marchuk and Saskatoon Sutherland MLA Paul Merriman. Wall also created a new GTH Cabinet Committee consisting of GTH Minister Bill Boyd (Chair), Highways and Infrastructure Minister Jim Reiter (Vice-Chair), Municipal Affairs Minister Darryl Hickie and Enterprise Saskatchewan Minister Jeremy Harrison.


by Delta Fay Cruickshank, of The Independent Keeping away ghosts and evil spirits, or to decorate ones home for the holiday season, evergreens have been a part of this season for centuries. The winter solstice will be here soon. This is the day that has the shortest day and the longest night of the year. It usually falls on December 21 or 22. Few people celebrate the solstice now, and yet it was a very important date for ancient peoples. The ancients thought that the sun was a god and that this god was ill and weak at this time, because he just wasn’t shining and warm. They knew from this time on, he would be getting stronger, and that spring would soon come. Evergreen boughs reminded them that the green plants would grow again once the sun god got strong again. There-

fore they brought them into their homes to decorate, and likely to help the homes smell a little better. Can you imagine unwashed bodies, smoky fires and rotting food, cooped up in a small hut for weeks . . . the scent of spruce or fir would be welcomed! The ancient Romans marked this time as Saturnalia in honour of Saturn, the god of agriculture. Saturnalia meant that soon the fields would be planted. It was considered a time of peace and equality. No wars could be declared, slaves and masters sat at the same table and gifts were exchanged as a symbol of affection and brotherhood. During the 14th century, churches held “miracle plays”. These plays, held at special times on the early Christian calendar of Saints, explained to the illiterate villagers stories


from the Bible. The play, held every December 24, was the story of Adam and Eve and their expulsion from Paradise. Depicting Eve picking the apple from a tree was a problem at this time of the year, so, the German actors tied apples to evergreen boughs! The idea of apples tied to boughs so amused the people that they started setting up the same things in their homes. Soon people were bringing whole trees into their homes and decorating them with apples and calling them Paradise trees, or Paradiesbaum. Eventually many more edibles began decorating the trees, things like nuts, sweets and cookies. Half egg shells were hung too, decorated and small candles set in them. On the Twelfth Night of Christmas, January 6, the trees were shook and all the sweets were collected by the children. This symbolized the Three Magi or Kings arriving in Bethlehem bearing gifts for the Christ child. Many trees had their sweets taken off before the day by impatient children. Parents began to use decorations made out of thin, painted metals. The candles stayed

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The German folk song, “O Tannenbaum” says: “Not only in summer’s glow, But ‘mid the winter’s frost and snow O faithful pine, O faithful pine, You’re true and green forever.” (Photos from

on the trees. So began the Christmas tree as you know it, lights and decorations. German immigrants brought this tradition to Canada. Baron Frederick von Riesdel selected a balsam fir from the forest near his home in Sorel, Quebec in 1781. He decorated this tree with candles. The next recorded use of a Christmas tree in Canada is from Halifax in 1846. A local merchant, William Pryor, wanted to please his wife, who was from Germany. He cut down an evergreen and decorated it with glass ornaments imported from Germany. The Christmas tree has become a symbol of Christmas. Traditions from different cultures and families have transformed it into the picture of the tree now. And yet the evergreen still symbolizes the belief in renewed life, faith and hope that dwells in the hearts of peoples all over the world, despite race, or creed. It is still a symbol of joy and delight to all.

At one time the Christmas tree was hung with cookies, nuts, candies and candles. On the 12th Day of Christmas the tree was shook and all the sweets were collected by the children. Candles have been replaced by electric lights, certainly reducing a major fire hazard.

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New board chair and vice-chair named for Sun West At its annual organizational meeting, held November 22, in Rosetown, the Sun West School Division Board elected a new Chair and Vice-chair. The Board elected current Vice-chair Cathy Morrow,the Board member representing Subdivision No. 7 (Town of Outlook) as Chair. Scott Sander, the Board member representing Subdivision No. 5 (Elrose, Beechy, Lucky Lake and Kyle) was elected Vice-chair. Both the Chair and Vicechair serve one year terms. As chair, Morrow will act as spokesperson for the Board, chair board meetings, annual meetings and other public meetings. Sander will stand in for the Chair when Morrow is unavailable to fulfil these responsibilities.

Director Dr. Guy G. Tétrault and the Board of Education thanked past Chair Lorne Ulven for a job well done and for his excellent stewardship over the past couple of years. Morrow says in her new role she wants to ensure the Board remains a cohesive group with open and continued communication with stakeholders. She also said that she wants to ensure rural education is on par with larger centres by supporting new initiatives in our school division that focus on what is in the best interest of students. Sander has many years of experience as a trustee in both Sun West and the legacy Outlook School Division and looks forward to this role.

Not too sure, but he sure is Jolly . . . This wee fella is a little leery of that guy in the red suit. Kids got their chance during the Festival of Lights to bend Santa’s ear during the Biggar and District Daycare’s

‘Kids Corner’ at the Legion Hall, November 25. For some kids, Santa was a bit overwhelming, but no worries, Santa is still the most popular guy around! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Western farmers one step closer to the marketing freedom Canada’s Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz was joined by Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister Bob Bjornerud and Alberta Agriculture Minister Evan Berger to welcome Third Reading and the final vote in the House of Commons on the Marketing Freedom for Grain Farmers Act. The governments of Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia, representing the production of more than 80 per cent of wheat and 90 per cent of barley in Western Canada, expressed their support for giving Western wheat and barley farmers the right to choose how to market their grain.

“ We s t e r n C a n a d i a n farmers have waited far too long for the freedom to market wheat and barley that they pay to plant, spend months to grow and tirelessly harvest,” said Ritz November 28. “All Members of Parliament should pass this legislation as quickly as possible so that farmers have the certainty they need to start planning for next year’s crop.” On November 4, C-18 was reported back to the House of Commons for Report Stage. Last Monday, the bill will conclude debate and will be read a third time before the final vote. The C-18 Legislative Committee completed

its study and hearing of witnesses from across the grain value chain of the Bill on November 3. Two amendments were made by the Legislative Committee to increase

Official Opposition Leader John Nilson unveiled the responsibilities of the NDP MLAs November 25, and pledged to provide an effective and responsible opposition. “Our team of NDP MLAs will do our best to listen to Saskatchewan people, to speak up for the issues that matter to them, and to hold the government to account,” Nilson said. John Nilson: Leader of

the Opposition; Crown Investments Corporation; Intergovernmental A f f a i r s ; Ju s t i c e a n d Attorney General; Consumer Affairs; Executive Council; and the Capital Commission. Buckley Belanger: Deputy Leader of the Opposition; Environment; Forestry; Highways and Infrastructure; SaskTel; and the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority. Warren McCall: First Nations and Métis Relations; SaskEnergy; Corrections, Public Safety and Policing; Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority; Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation; Provincial Secretary; and Opposition House Leader. David Forbes: Labour; Municipal Affairs; Housing; Saskatchewan Housing Corporation; S a s k a t c h e w a n Worker’s Compensation Board; Enterprise Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Water Corporation; and Caucus Chair. Cam Broten: Health; Seniors; Advanced Education, Employment

third page

Kevin Brautigam)

thing and pass this bill so farmers can get one step further to having the marketing freedom they so desperately want and so justly deserve.”

barley farmers want the same ability to make business decisions as farmers do in eastern Canada,” concluded Ritz. “I expect members of the House to do the right

NDP assigns Critic Responsibilities

Goin’ for the loose puck . . . The Biggar Novice Nationals held their home tourney November 26 at the Jubilee Stadium, hosting teams from North Battleford, Delisle and Kindersley. The Nats fielded two teams on the weekend, coming away with some great team effort and individual performances. (Independent Photo by


the operational flexibility of the interim Canadian Wheat Board and give it equal opportunities to that of other grain companies. “Western wheat and

and Immigration; and Deputy Whip. Trent Wotherspoon: Fi n a n c e ; E d u c a t i o n ; S a s k Po w e r ; G l o b a l Transportation Hub; and Information Technology Office. D o y l e Ve r m e t t e : Northern Affairs; Tourism and Parks; Saskatchewan Transportation Company; and Opposition Whip. Danielle Chartier: Social Services; Childcare; Disability Issues; Community Based Organizations;

S a s k a t c h e wa n Government Insurance; Status of Women; Culture and Sports; Public Service Commission; and Deputy Caucus Chair. Cathy Sproule: Energy and Resources; A g r i c u l t u r e ; S a s k a t c h e wa n C r o p Insurance Corporation; Information Services Corporation; Innovation Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Research Council; Government Services; and Deputy House Leader.

GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… Friday, December 2, 11:45 A.M. (stations randomly selected)

Biggar ....................................... 111.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock ................... 111.9¢/L Perdue… ................................... 109.9¢/L Landis… ................................... 113.9¢/L Rosetown… .............................. 112.9¢/L North Battleford…................... 105.9¢/L Unity ........................................ 111.9¢/L Saskatoon ................................. 111.9¢/L

Lottery Numbers


649 - Wednesday, Nov. 30 12, 15, 23, 36, 43, 47 Bonus 40 Extra 2420045 649 - Saturday, Nov. 26 2, 18, 23, 35, 47, 48 Bonus 0947 Extra 2856897

Western 649 - Wednesday, Nov.30 1, 8, 10, 21, 30, 42 Bonus 41 Western 649 - Saturday, Nov. 26 7, 15, 26, 35, 44, 48 Bonus 25 Lotto Max - Friday, Nov. 25 8, 10, 15, 24, 30, 35, 49 Bonus 23 Extra 4585655

This Week . . . Opinions ........................................................... 4 Agriculture ......................................................14 Christmas Businesses Promotion............ 7 - 11 Classifieds ............................................... 22 - 24 Business & Professional Directory...........25 - 26



Opinions Letter to the Editor Letter to the Editor: Recently some things have been happening in our community of Landis that I just thought I would like to let the people know how I feel. First, I want to say how fortunate that we live in a country where we have democracy and freedom to write and express ourselves. But are some things done democratically? That might be true in most cases, but are they morally wrong? In expanding on that view, I will mention a couple of things about our community that are disturbing to me. Several months ago a meeting of Co-op members was called with regards to Landis Co-op joining with Rosetown. The voting members turned it down. Recently another meeting was called and we were asked to vote again. we were informed of this by a small poster. No other method was used in this regard except possible phone calls or verbally. I was at that meeting and expected to receive a written document with the facts and figures that I needed to decide how to vote. Instead this was projected on a very small screen at the front which most of us in the rear couldn’t decipher, nor could we hear. Suddenly it was time to vote but I felt I couldn’t honestly vote one way or the other as I had no real idea what, if any benefit it would be for our local Co-op members and our community. I proceeded to the front of the hall when I confronted one of the board members and stated what my problem was. It was a busy scene as others were questioning this procedure also. So I said again that I didn’t know how to vote, with so little information. This person then said very distinctly, “It doesn’t matter anyway.” I can’t tell you what a sinking feeling I had at that moment. Obviously, a clear yea, that we would join Rosetown. I now have problem with the receipts that I get for purchases. No mention is made of “Co-op”, just “Central Plains.” Yes, I have been a very

good supporter of our local coop, but that is another story. I feel betrayed by someone and I don’t know who or why or how this came about, without being more informed as to what we voted for that night. As one of the older and dedicated people in the community, I would like to say to the younger people, “While it is true that we should always be forward thinking,

don’t forget to look at the past.” It was our forefathers that laid this foundation for us and they were proud of their local community. Just remember that if you rush forward too fast you may not be able to stop running into the quicksand ahead of you. Don Sizer, Landis

Lack of economic freedom threatens Eurozone by Fred McMahon, VicePresident - International Policy Research and Hugh MacIntyre, The Fraser Institute The initial reaction by the markets to the plan for dealing with Greece’s debt was optimistic, but the optimism quickly began to lag as the public waited for the details. The reality is that, regardless of how the bailout fund and debt haircut are structured, both are short term fixes to what is a long-term problem. The economy of the Eurozone is fundamentally flawed. Within the Eurozone there are two Europes: the mostly economically free Europe and the not so economically free Europe. It is the second Europe that is pulling down the first. Economic freedom a cornerstone of prosperity Economic freedom is one of the cornerstones of prosperity, based on the concept that individuals are permitted to choose for themselves and engage in voluntary transactions as long as they do not harm the person or property of others. Research shows that high levels of economic freedom lead to higher per-capita incomes, economic growth, greater life expectancy, lower child mortality, and development of democratic institutions, as well as civil and political freedoms. Each year, the Fraser Institute releases an annual

economic freedom index that ranks countries on different measures of economic freedom, dividing the world into four broad groups: mostly free, relatively free, relatively unfree, and mostly unfree. A glance at the Eurozone countries shows us that nine out of 16 of the member countries fall under the “mostly free” category, five of the 16 are “relatively free,” and two of the countries are “relatively unfree.” The freest country in the Eurozone is Finland, ranked 11th in the world in the economic freedom index. In contrast the least free country, Greece, ranks 88th in the world. The massive difference in economic freedom enjoyed in different countries in the Eurozone creates a dividing line and it is pretty easy to see conflict arising across that line. The list of countries that fall into the less free side of the line reads like a list of the economic problem children of Europe. Spain, Italy, and Portugal all fall into the “relatively free” category. Greece, the main problem child, is ranked “relatively unfree” on the index. The only country that has required assistance that is “mostly free” is Ireland, and Ireland has shown the strongest signs of economic recovery. The “mostly free” United States has also experienced economic turmoil but the downturn there pales in



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Fax: 306-948-2133

Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Monday at the office of publication, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Delta Fay Cruickshank

comparison to Greece or Spain. No one but the most exaggerating of alarmists would claim that the American economy is in danger of imminent collapse, while the complete unraveling of the Greek economy is quite real. More so than in America, it is the less economic free countries of Europe that are bearing the brunt of the ongoing global economic crisis. This shouldn’t be much of a surprise. The connection between economic freedom and economic prosperity is well documented. The more economically free a country is, the more likely it will become an economic success story and be less crippled by economic difficulties. Economic freedom allows for the initiative and creativity of individuals to be unleashed. In contrast, ultimately state control flounders with often extravagant government spending and regulations erode private initiative. The “free” shackled by the “unfree” This is usually not a problem for the economically free countries, but the Euro

ties together the economy of Finland to the economy of Greece. Finland can’t simply ignore the economic collapse of Greece because the cost to the Fins would be too high. So the mostly economically free countries are stuck bailing out the less economically free countries and paying the cost for economic policies that they have no control over. At the same time, the less economically free countries are kept afloat, but they are not compelled to make the changes needed to ensure economic sustainability. Austerity measures are not enough. Greece and the other troubled countries need to take a fundamental look at the very structure of their economies and find a way to increase economic freedom if they want to ensure a prosperous future for their citizens. McMahon is Fraser Institute vice-president of international policy research. Hugh MacIntyre has an MSc in political science from the University of Edinburgh and works in the Fraser Institute’s Toronto office.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are welcome. They MUST be signed, approximately 300 words in length and are subject to editing.


P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.


lasting effects. After all, everyone gazes up to the sky at one point or another. January’s full moon is called the Wolf Moon. It first made its appearance when hungry wolves howled outside villages. The Snow Moon appears in February -- that is when the heaviest snows fall. Not sure why the moon in March is called the Worm Moon. Supposedly it’s because the earthworms appear but March is a little too early for them. The Pink Moon shines through in April, signalling the arrival of the ground phlox, one of the first spring flowers. For June, it is the Strawberry Moon. July’s is the Buick Moon, when bucks begin to grow new antlers. August’s moon is known as Sturgeon Moon. At this time, the sturgeon were plentiful and easy to catch. It’s easy to see why September is the Corn Moon, a time when harvest is in full swing. The leaves start falling in October and hunting season begins, thus the Hunter’s Moon. Beaver Moon in November dates back to a time when beaver traps were set

La lune, luna aka the moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. This body of rock floats above the planet visible at night because it is the second brightest object in the sky (the sun being the first). It is the subject of much romance and the cause of some very natural gravitational effects. Dancin’ in the moonlight everybody feelin’ warm, and right it’s such a fine and natural sight everybody’s dancin’ in the moonlight -King Harvest, “Dancin’ in the Moonlight” What a romantic the moon can be. There have been many songs written about the moon and many movies portray a couple walking hand in hand by the moonlight. Apparently it is also a perfect time to pop the big question -- by the light of a full moon. Science class wouldn’t be science if the phases of the moon weren’t taught at some point. First quarter, half moon, last quarter, full moon. This is probably one of the more useful lessons we took in school, at least one that has had

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GRONDIN FUNERAL SERVICES and our area churches extends an OPEN INVITATION to you, your family and friends to join others in this community who have experienced a loss, to come and renew your spirit and honour your loved ones.

Service of Remembrance Biggar… Wednesday, December 7 • 7:30 p.m. Redeemer Lutheran Church (all religious denominations welcome) Local enquiries: Grondin Funeral Services • 948-2669 “Our family serving your family since 1963”


before freeze up. Cold Moon for December is appropriate. Winter has set in and nights are long and dark. I see the bad moon arising I see trouble on the way. I see earthquakes and lightnin I see bad times today. Don’t go around tonight, Well, it’s bound to take your life, There’s a bad moon on the rise. Creedence Clearwater Revival The moon also has a sinister side to it. Although the music to Bad Moon Risin’ is catchy and upbeat the lyrics are kind of bleak forecasting a coming apocalypse. John Fogerty was inspired by the movie The Devil and Daniel Webster when he wrote this song, citing the scene where the hurricane wipes out most of a town. Although there is no scientific evidence to support this fact, many people believe humans act strangely during a full moon. Hospitals claim there are more incidents at that time than any other lunar phase.

See Pages 7-11 for great holiday savings!

Report forecasts impressive GDP growth for Saskatchewan The Conference Board of Canada released its Autumn 2011 Provincial Outlook Executive Summary today and is forecasting Saskatchewan will have the best GDP growth in Canada this year with real GDP expected to rise by 5.1 per cent. “Saskatchewan is experiencing its strongest growth, both economically and population-wise, in history,” Enterprise Minister Jeremy Harrison said November 25. “Much of the growth

is due to our resource sector, which is investing in Saskatchewan for the long-term.” The report cites strength in oil and potash prices and excellent summer weather for agriculture as key factors in setting the forecast. It also predicts growth will be impressive between 2011 and 2013 due to wholesale and retail

trade, transportation and increased investment from the private sector. “Saskatchewan is building a brand that is being recognized across the globe,” Harrison said. “Our government will continue to work to ensure that our province is the best place in the world to live, work and do business.”

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BEFORE December 18, 2011

PUBLIC NOTICE Please take notice that as per the TrafÀc Bylaw No. 03-644 any vehicle, RV, trailer, etc. that is parked on any street for more than 48 hours may be impounded and stored at the Town’s compound for a period of thirty (30) days unless the costs of removal, impoundment, storage and any other outstanding costs are paid. The town is also asking that throughout the winter your vehicle be moved off the street to assist the Town in snow removal. Thank you for your anticipated co-operation.




Ghosts of Christmas Past by Bob Mason Sometimes I hate repeating things like this telling the same story over and over, but darn it-all, the memory of them keeps on coming back over and over - and YT has to put up with that! Many years ago (1997 I think) Yours Truly sent a piece in to The Independent, and they printed it at Christmas time. The memory of those days that we spent in the Canadian Army were mebbe a little clearer then, but not that much. Seeing it is now 2011, possibly we can get away with telling it again! Okay? Times have changed quite a bit since then, and mebbe the forces aren’t the same - certainly the situation isn’t. We had been told more than once, that we would be home for Christmas, but in late 1944 we were still stuck over in Europe with a half finished war when it came along. There must be a thousand military stories to be told about those times, some of them quite colourful, but the grim truth was that, on Christmas Eve, another fellow and YT were crouching in the snow behind a low hedge waiting for a rumoured German parachute drop that never came! A few red and green flares, way off to the east, were probably shot up by our so-called “enemy” as a sign that they considered Christmas a time to celebrate! I don’t know if the reader has ever seen that piece YT wrote years ago about Pte. “Buck”

Barnhardt (B46400) and how we found him that night playing carols on an old piano, for a bunch of fellows gathered around . . . “And those grizzled hands that were on his lap Reached out in the tender glow To a keyboard white with the candlelight of a dozen men or so. Those greasy, knotted and gnarly hands So haunting a sound to leave! “Til I clutched them tight as I yelled outright “Why Buck!” It was Christmas Eve!” What a memorable Christmas night that was. And then, in a kind of comparison, was the story of “Lucky”! All through that Christmas season of 1944-45, we received parcels from home. I don’t know how the postal people did it, there must have been thousands of them. Every few days when a mail truck came, names would be called out, parcels opened and devoured sometimes before the recipient had finished reading the often enclosed letter! But Lucky (I don’t remember his real name!) didn’t ever share his with

Music Week donates to Majestic Theatre . . . St. Gabriel School Grade 1 student, performers at the annual Canada Music Week celebrations, November 22, hand a cheque for over $700 to Majestic Theatre’s Daryl Hasein, right. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

anyone! Whenever he got a parcel he always disappeared right away. One time he was away on an advance party (down to Breda, I think), and some of the boys found his parcels hidden away in one of the carriers that were always with us. When Lucky returned, I’m sure he was surprised to see his buddies munching on chocolate bars, drinking cans of tomato juice (very salty - m m !) and cleaning up boxes of cookies. He was even more surprised when he found that all his hidden parcels contained only army issue rations! Soon after, another mail truck brought parcels, and as fellows got them they shared with everyone - even Lucky! Somehow that spirit of sharing got through to him right then, and whenever a parcel came for Private Lucky, he was quick to open and divide them up. Lucky’s luck ran out on one of the night attacks on Kapelsche-Veer in Holland (January 29, 1945). “His whole platoon (30 men) started up the slope of that dike. And only three of them ever got to the top. Alone, far from home, his trail suddenly ended halfway up a muddy dike by a Dutch river. Later another parcel came for him, and we divided it up as we knew he would have liked!” I’ve forgotten his name, but does it really matter? We like to think that

High stakes bidding . . . The bidding books are out at the Biggar Museum and Gallery, and during the November 25 Festival of Lights, they received a bit of a workout with folks placing their best offering. The 12th annual Christmas Magic Silent Auction ends this Saturday at the Museum. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

the Christmas spirit is in all of us! When that whole thing was over, we carried Lucky’s body down from that dike with all the rest . . . Years and years later, Yours Truly attended a Regimental Reunion in Hamilton, Ontario and Lucky wasn’t there! His spirit was though, because more than one fellow asked me about him. I even talked to a couple of guys who started up that slope that night (and were wounded), and they sure recalled that tall, shy kid who got killed up there that night! Any kind of a reunion is good for anybody! Quote: “Every occasion as its most memorable moments, and ours came when Johnny Day led the Grand March out onto the floor of the big hall. As the Regimental

AGI goes to bat for the Food Bank . . . AGI Envirotank’s Milt Myers and Jamie Burwell, hand cheque from the employees of one of Biggar’s major employers to the Food Bank’s Marg Irven. The employees raised $530 through a raffle, matched by AGI management, the total hit $1,060. Potash Corp then matched this, raising the final to $2,120 - all because AGI employees decided to really get in the holiday spirit. They also collected a considerable sum of food stuffs for the local food bank. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Pipes and Drums played the stirring tunes that so reminded the marches of many past parades, Johnny walked out onto the floor of the big hall followed by a long single file that grew and grew as it zig-zagged back and forth across it until the last veteran who could walk had joined in. Then he abruptly turned and strolled back along the line shaking the hand of every man that he met and we all followed! Men peered into the eyes of those they met trying to find a something there that would tie them to the past. And sometimes the lights of the hall glistened on a something in those eyes.” Next morning at the breakfast table I

scribbled on a piece of napkin . . . “So the party is over a long list of men - and here my scribble stops beside a blot on that old paper - where a drop of something fell on it!” (Probably coffee, I always seem to get a leaky cup!) Most of these people we talk about are gone, eh? And sometimes it seems that the things they valued the most, are going to go with them! But whether they fell on some European dike, or right here in this room we are all going to part with the past someday! Christmas has been celebrated for centuries though,and will hopefully never disappear. So Greetings, eh?

Viterra supports Schmirler Park tree effort . . . Local Viterra employee, Jennifer Hodgson, left, hands over a cheque for $1,210 to Judy Redlick of the Sandra Schmirler Olympic Gold Park. Viterra became involved in the replanting effort at the park, sponsoring a number of trees after many had to be removed because of disease. The park is still short of its goal in the replanting effort, and donations are still be sought. With help like that given by Viterra and many others, the Park, a showcase facility in Biggar, will be back up to its pristine condition in little time. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)




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On the first day of Christmas, my true love baked for me . . .

Baked Pears

with Cranberries and Walnuts! “On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, A partridge in a pear tree!” In honour of the first day of Christmas, why not make Baked Pears with Cranberries and Walnuts? If you don’t have pomegranate juice, use cranberry juice, red wine or apple cider instead. Enjoy with a scoop of low fat frozen yogurt or whipped

topping sprinkled with a little cinnamon or nutmeg. Cook Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 20 minutes Ingredients:


1, 2, 3



3 ripe but firm pears, peeled, cored and quartered 1/3 cup pomegranate juice 1/2 cup dried

cranberries 1/4 cup chopped walnuts Preparation: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place quartered pears in a baking dish. Drizzle pomegranate juice over pears. Sprinkle cranberries and walnuts over the top. Bake for 20 minutes, or until pears are tender. Serve with juices and fat-free or low fat frozen vanilla yogurt. Serves 4 Per Serving: Calories 197, Calories from Fat 44, Total Fat 5g (sat 0.4g), Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium 4mg,, Carbohydrates 36.7g, Fiber 4g, Protein 1.5g

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Diamond Lodge News

BCS2000 News by Taylor Darroch and Tayler McCarty Another week has come and gone and we’re just that much closer to Christmas, which is now only 23 days away. That’s just a little over three weeks! Time sure is flying by this year. December is always a busy month as we hold the elementary Christmas Concert, have Santa pictures, breakfast with Santa, send out Candy Cane O’grams, and hold many other fun events, such as a few wacky spirit days! Be sure to keep up with the next few newsletters and notes going home for important dates. This Tuesday some of our SRC members headed into the city for a fun night out together, enjoying both supper and a movie. The highlight of Mrs. Darroch’s evening was sitting beside a 20something-year-old man who had been dragged into the newest Twilight movie by his girlfriend. She found the weary comments, sighs, and eye rolls much more entertaining than the drama on the big screen! She was proud of him, though,

as he made it through a full hour before declaring, “I’m out of here!” In sports, the junior curlers have been practicing hard with St. Gab’s students and have been enjoying exhibition games with them on Wednesdays. All of our basketball teams are hard at work with regular practices as well. The senior girl’s basketball team is hosting their home tournament this weekend, so make sure you come on out and cheer them on! While the girls stay home, our senior boy’s basketball team is heading to Outlook for their first tournament - good

luck seniors! Well, that’s all for this week! Have a fun and safe weekend.

“A Day in the Life of a Town, Biggar, 1952”, by author Duncan Rand, available at Biggar Museum & Gallery. 103 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar Book now on sale, $30. Merry Christmas to all, Duncan Rand

mas. We watched Father Ted in the afternoon and munched on popcorn twists, and cheese puffs. Sunday morning a few of us gathered in the Activity Room to get their nails painted, and some socializing. The Church of God conducted our Sunday service. Well that has been our week, and as you can see it has been a busy one. We are looking forward to next week. Our Christmas decorations have been brought out, so we will be busy for a few weeks. We always like to visit with our family and friends that stop in, and also visiting with our volunteers that come in to help us. Hope everyone has a good week.

Biggar Community Í


Majestic Theatre


Jack and Jill FRIDAY, DECMBER 16 8:00 P.M. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17 8:00 P.M.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 MONDAY, DECEMBER 26 8:00 P.M TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27 8:00 P.M.

Happpy Feet 2 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30 8:00 P.M. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31 8:00 P.M.

Muppets For bookings and information please phone Bear Hills RDC @ 306-948-2295 This space is made available by The Biggar Independent


The Biggar & District Daycare would like to thank the following sponsors who made our KIDS CORNER at the Festival of Lights a successful fundraiser… Royal Canadian Legion 1st Avenue Collision Centre Pharmasave Biggar Insurance Agencies Biggar Credit Union Biggar Flower & Gift Shop Shop Easy Foods Super A Foods

Kelly’s Kitchen Great Plains College Tim Hammond Realty Kevin Kurulak Leslie’s PharmaChoice Ron and Myrtle Robinson Hiren Gajjar

by Kevin Brautigam)

Corner’ game. Early Friday morning the smell of bacon wafted through the halls, as the Activity Staff was seen frying up the bacon and flipping pancakes. Each week, 10 residents are invited to Breakfast Club. Everyone gets a chance to come in for this club. In the afternoon we brought out the Christmas music books first, and the musical bells, and sang some Christmas carols. Our version of Jingle Bells just about lifted the roof! We also sang a few old favourites from our other books. Saturday morning, some of the ladies helped out for Christmas by getting the treat bags decorated, getting ready for Christ-

Teacher and curling coach, Leith Larson lends a little support to Junior Curler, Makenzie Oesch last Wednesday at the Biggar Curling Club. (Independent Photo

Hello from the Diamond Lodge. According to our Countdown to Christmas board, there are only 28 days left before the special day! We have been kept busy for another week, starting with our exercises on Monday morning. After lunch we played a game of Bean Bag Toss. Tuesday morning we stopped in the Activity Room to catch up on the weekly news. We enjoy listening to the news, be it local, provincial or national. In the afternoon we enjoyed a visit from the St. Gabriel School, Grades 4 and 5. They did a craft with us, and we now have lots of snowman plates. The residents really enjoyed this time with the children, commenting on their enthusiasm and artistic talents. Wednesday morning a few of the residents played cards, and some played a board game. We tried our hand at shuffleboard in the afternoon, we did a lot of cheering and laughing. We have some pretty good sharpshooting people. The residents met in the Activity Room for a Resident Council Meeting. We discussed some of their concerns, and talked about different activities that we participate in. After lunch we played Bingo, our last game being the ‘Four

In accordance with the Municipalities Act and Public Notice Policy Bylaw No. 3-2005, public notice is hereby given that the RM intends to make application to borrow the sum of $1,200,000.00 for the replacement of the Diamond Lodge with a new long term care facility attached to the Biggar Hospital. This borrowing is based on estimated costs for the construction of a 54 bed facility plus professional fees and contingencies. The funds will be borrowed over a term of eight (8) years payable in equal annual installments of principal and interest. Funds to repay the loan will come from the mill rate. Council will be considering a formal resolution as to proceeding with the borrowing at a regular meeting of Council to be held on Tuesday, December 13, 2011. Dated at Biggar, Saskatchewan this 5th day of December, 2011. Adrienne Urban, RMA, Administrator



Western Provinces support marketing freedom for grain farmers Last Monday, agriculture ministers from Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia expressed their support for marketing freedom in anticipation of the third reading of Bill C-18, The Marketing Freedom for Grain Farmers Act. The ministers also encouraged all federal MPs to vote in favour of the Act. The historic House of Commons vote is a major step toward providing Western Canadian grain farmers with the freedom to market their own wheat and barley. Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia together produce more than 80 per cent of the wheat and 90 per cent of the barley grown in Western Canada. “We applaud the federal government for bringing this legislation forward to deliver on its long-standing promise,” Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister Bob Bjornerud said. “Farmers spend their own hard-earned money on land, machinery and inputs to grow their own crops, they know how to successfully market their crops, and they deserve the right to decide how, when, and to whom they sell these crops.” “Marketing freedom will enable individual producers to participate in a competitive marketplace and maximize returns,” Minister of Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development Evan Berger

Randy Weekes, M.L.A. for the Biggar Constituency 1-877-948-4880 OfÀce Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 - 5 p.m. Phone: 306-948-4880 106 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar Fax: 306-948-4882 e-mail:

Web site: P. O. Box 1413 Biggar, SK. S0K 0M0

said. “The ability to sell to niche markets and establish relationships with customers is important to the future success of the grain industry in Alberta and Western Canada.” “The federal government


should be commended for fulfilling a commitment that provides fairness, equity and opportunity for Western Canadian farmers,” British Columbia’s Agriculture Minister Don McRae said.

“This change provides farmers with an incentive to be more innovative in response to new and changing markets. As a result, farm families and rural communities will have more control of their

economic future.” The federal government has stated their intention is to pass this legislation by the end of the year. Farmers in Western Canada will then have the freedom to market

their wheat and barley as they already do with other crops and may immediately begin to forward contract these crops for delivery beginning August 1, 2012.



Agriculture World economy teetering on recession by Calvin Daniels The world’s economy seems to be teetering on recession based on economies bathed in red ink and little idea of how to turn the tide. We see that south of our own border where the American economy is stagnate and the ability of the federal government to influence it greatly hamstrung by its massive debt and continuing deficits. The situation in Europe is not much better. We have seen the situation in Greece nearly topple a government, and threatens to shake the very concept of the European Union. The great concern with

Greece is that the situation there may only be the first glimpse of a very large iceberg of problems, which could spread as other countries face financial problems, including Italy and Portugal. If one country were to default it could send a domino effect across Western Europe. If that were to happen it could signal a recessionary period which will have effects for farm-

ing, which at present is experiencing good prices across almost every commodity from the Canadian Prairies. There are those who believe agriculture might be buffered from a recession, at least past the short-term reaction of markets. According to a Western Producer story, “Perez Dominguez of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development told a meeting held

during the Agritechnica farm show in Hanover last week that fears of food prices falling because of recession are unfounded because of fundamental strengths in global supply and demand. “There is increasing pressure on a limited land base, higher demands being placed on every hectare to produce more and the technology that has been improving yields is delivering smaller and smaller gains,” he said in the article. Dominquez is correct about the growing food requirements of a growing population having to come from what is basically a finite land

resource. The truth of the situation is one experts have pointed to for as long as I have been a farm journalist (22-years), as the reason agriculture has a bright future. For the most part the good times have been fleeting for farmers the last two decades, and world population has climbed steadily over that period. While supply and demand is a commodity driver, the unwritten policy of low food prices in countries such as the United States drags on that driver. So too does the fact much of the demand lies with the poorest countries,

which are not in a position to pay high prices regardless of the supply situation. That is a situation of world wealth distribution, something which is basically ignored when world leaders meet. Dominquez is correct agricultural commodities should be better able to withstand economic upheavals because they are essential to survival, and one day that will be the reality of things, but that may not be the reality just yet, so farmers will want to watch how the world economy reacts to the uncertainty that is out there.

CWB directors demand gov’t halt seizure of $200 million in farmer’s assets The CWB’s farmer-controlled board of directors is alerting farmers that the Government of Canada intends to expropriate assets worth over $200 million that farmers have paid for, financed or generated through activity surrounding their grain sales. “The CWB’s assets and fund money belong to Prairie farmers. The government should not use them to finance its illconceived plan to destroy the single desk,” Oberg said, following a board meeting that may have

been its last as a farmercontrolled entity. “This was not farmers’ idea, they don’t support it, and they shouldn’t be forced to pay for it.” The board passed a resolution that farmers must be completely reimbursed and compensated for the loss of their assets caused by removing their singledesk marketing system for wheat and barley. Assets include a contingency fund of up to $200 million, as well as assets with an estimated value of approximately $80 million, including the CWB’s


Notice of Record Date Notice is hereby given that December 9, 2011 is the Record Date for the determination of the shareholders entitled to receive Notice of the Annual Meeting of Prairie West Terminal Ltd. to be held on January 18, 2012. Dated November 29, 2011 By Order of the Board Victor Hamilton, Secretary.

fleet of 3,400 rail hopper cars and an eight-storey Winnipeg office building. In addition, farmers will have paid $28 million towards the cost of two new laker vessels by August 1, 2012 (when the government plans to close down the current CWB), with no chance for them to realize the long-term revenue and cost-savings benefits the ships were to generate. Minister Gerry Ritz has stated that the government will use the contingency fund to help finance wind-up costs of the current CWB. Enabling legislation, soon to be tabled in the Senate,

would immediately fire all the farmer-elected directors on the CWB’s board upon Royal Assent, leaving five governmentappointees in charge. The government this month raised the cap on the contingency fund to $200 million from the previous limit of $60 million. It also issued a directive that prevents the CWB’s board of directors from acting to return any surplus program funds to farmers. The fund was set up in 2000-01 to manage risk associated with operation of newly created CWB Producer Payment Options and is also used to backstop more recent

Cover the province with one phone call.

cash-trading programs. The board is demanding the minister use federal government money to pay all costs of winding down the current organization, as well as the costs associated with transitioning the CWB to a voluntary organization in accordance with government plans. Most of the current CWB infrastructure would no longer be needed by a potential new company with a very different role in marketing a much smaller volume of grain. Total wind-up costs are estimated in the hundreds of millions of dollars, consisting of: liability costs related to logistical contracts and obligations, financial assets, debt and derivatives; pension and retiree obligations; staff severance; laker vessel costs; and other costs including those related to building and IT con-

tracts. Oberg said farmers are also at risk of bearing a host of hidden costs during the current crop year as the wind-up progresses, such as those related to transferring cash-advance programs to a different service provider, costs of planning for and creating a new entity and new supplychain environment. “There has to be a line in the sand,” he said. “The government must bear all costs incurred as a result of their unilateral move to strip away the single desk. Farmers have already been silenced and ignored - they cannot be forced to pay on top of it all.” The CWB has launched legal action against the federal government’s introduction of Bill C-18. The case will be heard on December 6 at Federal Court in Winnipeg.


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New Horizons News Greetings from the New Horizons. The courtesy car has been very busy since the snow has arrived. Our drivers are doing their best to pick up and drop off people in a timely fashion. Thanks to Betty Mundt, Larry Foster, Don Swyryda, Bill Fisher and Wes Barnaby for driving the car this past week. Our office volunteers were Barb Archibald, Florence Hammond, Ag Small, Geoff Cooke, Margaret Molberg and Billie McNaught. On Wednesday, November 23 the bus traveled to Saskatoon to see the Festival of Lights at the Western Development Museum, stopped at Market Mall for some shopping and supper and then drove through the Enchanted Forest at the Forestry Farm Park. By all reports the trip was enjoyed by all and definitely got people in the Christmas spirit. Hugh Hammond was the bus driver and Don Swyryda was the navigator. Wednesday, Nov. 23 kaiser scores: Ken Pearce 272, Ray Silbernagle 248, Bernard Zimmer 243 and Geoff Cooke 240. A card party was held on Friday, Nov. 25 with 16 players. At the end of play the kaiser scores were Phyllis Martin first place, Joyce Colbert second place & Pat Turner third place. Cribbage scores were Joan Smith

first place, Ann Muc second place & Marie Roesch third place. Kaiser was played on Monday, Nov. 28 with the scores as follows: Joanne Kral first place, Wilfred Bender second place, third place Joyce Colbert and fourth place Reg Turner. On Tuesday, Nov. 29 C a r p e t b o w l i n g wa s played in the hall. The team of Ed Smith, Alma Redlich, Florence Johnson, Marie Roesch and Florence Hammond came in first place. The second place team was Dinah Kegler, Aileen Smith, June Hoppe, Pat Turner and Barb Swyryda. If anyone is interested in playing carpet bowling, please feel free to come

to the hall on Tuesday afternoons. New Horizons members are busy preparing for our

Christmas Craft and Bake Sale on Wednesday, Dec. 7. Have a great week everyone.

The Town of Biggar and the Chamber of Commerce had a very successful Festival of Lights this year. It was a great evening -- weatherwise, although some people prefer snow to get the “Christmas Feeling”. A big ‘THANK YOU’ to all who came out and participated. Also, thank you to the following people who helped make this event successful: • Town for lights, barricades and help with the trees; • Garry Faye and Tammy Desrosiers who put up tree lights; • Western Sales for the tractor; • Perdue Ag Society for the wonderful trailer; • Garth Massie and Kevin Dehr for driving the tractor; • Daryl Hasein and Dakota Eckman for directing trafÀc on the hayrides; • Biggar Museum & Gallery for a place to warm up; • Wade Gillespie for the reach pole.

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A Mountie Moment by Cst. Hathaway Recently the RCMP detachment has been receiving numerous complaints regarding various types of frauds that have been impacting the community member of Biggar. As a result of the growing number of scams that are surfacing in Biggar, I will be writing a three part article that will inform and define three popular types of fraud scams that have been recently discovered and brought to the attention of the RCMP. It is not always easy to spot a scam, and new ones are invented everyday. Mass Marketing Fraud (MMF) is fraud committed over communication media, mainly: telephone, mail and Internet. Mass marketing fraud is an enormous global problem. According to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre,

the top three scams that are continually reported include: Service, Prize and Emergency. Many of these scams

involve the use of counterfeit instruments (cheques, money orders), the use of money transfer services (Money Gram,

Money Mart, Western Union), or the attempt to secure personal information in order to commit future frauds and iden-

If you want to report a possible fraud or if you require more information on this type of fraud or any others, visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at

tity theft. In this first article, I will outline an increasingly common fraud scam: the Cheque Overpayment Fraud. Fraudulent cheques are used in a variety of scams such as Advance Fee Letter Fraud, Overpayment, and Prize Pitches. Overpayment scams are the type of fraud where the person receiving the cheque is actually owed money for goods sold. The seller (victim) receives a counterfeit cashier’s cheque, personal cheque or a corporate cheque from the purchaser (fraudster) in the amount in excess of the amount owned; the seller is asked to deposit the cheque and wire the excess money immediately back to the purchaser. The deposited cashier’s cheque is subsequently returned as counterfeit and charged back to the seller’s account. The RCMP is asking

everyone who is selling goods on Web sites such as KIJIJI to be suspicious of any cheque, especially if it is for more then the asking price. Never agree to a deal in which the payer wishes to issue an amount for more than the agreed price and expects you to reimburse or wire the balance. Always resist the pressure to “Act Now!” If you do not feel comfortable with the Web site, buyer or seller, do not use it. If you suspect that you may be a target of a fraud scam, or if you have already sent funds, you’re not alone, always report it. If you want to report a possible fraud or if you require more information on this type of fraud or any others, visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at

Prairie farmers are one step closer to grain marketing freedom 11122DM00

Western Canadian grain farmers are one step closer to reaping the benefits of an open market for wheat and barley as Bill C-18, the Marketing Freedom for Grain Farmers Act, said the Western Canadian Wheat Growers (WCWG). The Act passed a third and final reading November 28 in the House of Commons. The legislation will then move forward for consideration by the Senate. “It will be great to see this legislation clear the House,” says Kevin Bender President of the Wheat Growers. “We can’t wait to have the freedom to sell our own grain.” Bender is one of more than 50 Prairie farmers who have travelled to Ottawa to witness and commemorate this historic event. Prairie farmers are on the verge of having the freedom to sell their own wheat and barley for the first time since 1943.

The legislation is expected to pass the Senate and be enacted into law prior to the New Year. At that time farmers will be able to sell their foodquality wheat and barley directly to any buyer, providing delivery takes place on or after August 1, 2012. “This legislation can’t pass soon enough,” says Cherilyn Nagel, Past President of the Wheat Growers, who also made the trip to Ottawa. “We urge the Senate to pass this legislation quickly so we can start reaping the benefits of an open market.” The Wheat Growers say the Canadian Wheat Board is turning in a dismal marketing performance in the current crop year. Last Thursday the CWB issued its monthly Pool Return Outlook which projected a final return to farmers of $6.60 per bushel for milling quality wheat (1 CWRS,

Holiday Hours The Independent will be closed December 23 until January 3, 2012.

13.5% protein), basis Saskatchewan. Open market prices available to U.S. farmers since the start of the crop year (August 1, 2012) have averaged Cdn $8.57 per bushel for wheat of the same quality. “Western farmers can no longer afford to be shackled to the CWB,” says Bender. “Creating an open market for wheat and barley will give us the opportunity to capture higher returns and generate greater prosperity throughout the Prairies.” The Wheat Growers congratulated and thanked Ritz and the Conservative government for ensuring the Bill was dealt with on a timely basis in the House. Speedy passage of the legislation by the Senate will be important to create market certainty and ensure farmers and the trade are in a good position to capture all available market opportunities in the 2012/13 crop year.

WATCH for Doreen’s Discount Day at

Leslie’s Drugstore

Biggar • 948-3397



Spirit Taekwondo bring back medals from tourney Spirit Taekwondo students went to Osler on Saturday, November 19 for the annual Dragan Caoin Tournament. This was the first tournament for several of the students, and they all participated in both patterns and in sparring. Results: Lexis Moody (13 and under Girls Yellow Belts) Bronze in sparring.

Dakota Anderson (13 and under Girls White Belts) Silver in sparring and Silver in patterns. Jessica Montgomery (13 and under Girls White Belts) Bronze in sparring and Bronze in patterns. Riley Moody (10 and under Boys White Belts) Silver in patterns and Bronze in sparring. Santana Anderson (10 and under Girls White

Belts) Bronze in sparring, and Bronze in patterns. Jade Montgomery (10 and under Girls White Belts) Silver in patterns. Kade Perillat (14 and under Black Belts) Silver in sparring. Cody Matthews (14 and

under Boys blue Belts) Gold in sparring. Spirit Taekwondo is a non-profit club training in Perdue. Classes are evenings at the Perdue Recreation Complex, and new students are always welcome.

Lexis Moody

WATCH for Doreen’s Discount Day at Leslie’s Drugstore Biggar • 948-3397

Santana Anderson

Jessica Montgomery Dakota Anderson

Deadline for classifieds Wednesday at 5 p.m.

Mrs. Kara Perillat, instructor with Spirit students Healthy Workplaces Promoting healthy workplaces not only benefits employees on an individual level, but also the organization with increased productivity, less absenteeism and positive morale. Encourage good physical health by providing healthy snack choices and physical activity breaks at meetings. Create environments where management and staff work together to boost team spirit. Offer flexible hours to help balance work and family life. It can be as effortless as a ‘thank you’ or ‘good job’ to a co-worker. Simple plans can reap big rewards!


BLOCK Jade Montgomery and Riley Moody


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Perdue Community Bowl Club 55: MHS, Tom Davies, 219; LHS, Carol Lemon, 220; MHT, Al Levitt, 604; LHT, Carol Lemon, 513; THS; Hopefuls, 1,089; THT; Unpredictables, 3,139; MHA, Tom Davies, 188; LHA, Carol Lemon, 163. Ladies: LHS, Dorrie Laberswieler, 231; LHT,

Donna Eaton 592; THS, Bleepers, 1,115; THT, Bleepers, 3,174; LHA, Joey Levitt, 186. Mens: MHS, George Bartley, 225; MHT, George Bartley, 638; THS, JAG, 788; THT, JAG, 2,165; MHA, Jim Nicholls, 182. Mixed: MHS, George

GRONDIN FUNERAL SERVICES and our area churches extends an OPEN INVITATION to you, your family and friends to join others in this community who have experienced a loss, to come and renew your spirit and honour your loved ones.

Service of Remembrance PERDUE… Thursday, December 8 • 7:00 p.m. Perdue United Church (all religious denominations welcome) Local enquiries: Grondin Funeral Services • 948-2669 “Our family serving your family since 1963”

Bartley, 240; LHS, Joey Levitt, 176; MHT, George Bartley, 561; LHT, Joey Levitt, 470; THS; Smilin’ 5, 1,016; THT; Smilin’ 5, 2,926; MHA; Chai Senglow, 195; LHA; Joey Levitt, 183. YBC: Junior H.S.; Brayden Wilkinson, 196; Junior H.D.; Brayden Wilkinson, 357. Bantam H.S.; Dawson Mantre, 98. Bantam H.D.; Dawson Mantre, 184. Senior Bowling Tournament, Nov. 25. First place: George Bartley, Al Levitt, Joey Levitt, Glen Shockey, Gloria Notschke. Second place: Bob and Donna Brown, Ken E, Marie E., (Rosetown); Third place: Dennis Notschke, Joan Edmison, Joyce Broekel, Dave Curtiss. HLS: Joey Levitt, 218; HMS: Al Levitt, 276. Half-andhalf winners: Monica Eckart, Esther Nicholls. Hidden Score winners: Carol Lemon, Joan Edmison. Lunch served by Y.B.C and mothers.

CAM-DON MOTORS LTD. Perdue, Sask. 2010 F-150 4x4, x4, crew cab Lariat, 30,000 km, local truck, uck, tax pdd . $35,900 2007 Ford Focus SE SE, 91km, auto, red, SK Tax Pd ................................... $ 7,900 2007 Freestyle AWD Limited, fully loaded, 177 km, local car, Tax Pd $10,900 2006 F-250 XL, reg. cab, 4x4, auto, 5.4L, gas, only 90 km, SK Tax Pd ........ $14,900 2006 Dodge 1500, quad cab, 5.7 Hemi, 4x4, 90,000 km, tax pd ............... $15,900 2005 Grand Marquis LS, only 95


km, local car, tax pd.


2011 Ford Fusion SE 22,000 kms, auto, sirus/sync, like new

$18,900 2002 Ford Taurus SE SE,

V8 auto 4WD, like new, 200 km, both taxes paid


Asquith News Neil Millard 329-4235 The weather has changed drastically since the last Independent came out. This change in weather makes people much happier. I have always enjoyed going to get the mail in the local post office. I will mention the reasons why, but first, as the sign says as you enter the town - “Asquith Is The Centre of the British Empire”. I want to add that the Post Office is the centre of town! We all enjoy getting our mail and talking with Marion Edstrom, the present postmaster. She started working parttime in 1991 to 2001. Mairon had been our postmaster from 2001 to the present. After getting our mail, we stop and talk about just about everything. There is always lots of laughter and kidding each other about the different makes of cars and trucks. It is indeed a happy place! Here are other names of peoples whom we “salute”: Marg Down, postmaster, 1978 - 2001. Bill Alcorn, postmaster,

only, 149,000 km, local car, tax pd.$

4,900 2001 IHC 4900 DT 530, 300 HP 10 spd, new BHT, fresh SK Safety .. ..$47,500 2001 Explorer XLT, 4x4, V6, 140 km, VG, tax Pd, local trade ............... $ 6,900 1998 GMC 8500 tandem 4W 20’ deck 3116 CAT 8 spd, fresh safety ...... ...$14,900 1997 F-150, reg. cab, V6, long box, SK Tax Pd ........................................ ...$ 2,900 1994 F-150 reg cab, 5.0L auto, long box .. CED .................................................... ...$ 1,950 REDU

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19467 - 1978. H.J. Baldwin, postmaster, 1907 - 1946. Lynn Harder, part-time to the present. Debbie Down, part-time. Joan Dahlseide, part-time. Casuals - Kelly Stack and Kathy Picketts. Words To Succeed By: The harder you work, the luckier you get. Gary Player. Words To Play By: A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t. Jack Dempsey. Tip of the Day: “Cheerfulness and content are great beautifiers and are famous preservers of youthful looks.” Charles Dickens. Everyday more people are putting up the Christmas lights and decorations around town. The new Asquith Calendars for 2012 are really nice! Tip of the Day: Protect your brain. Always wear your seat belt. Wear a helmet for sports such as biking, skating, skiing and sledding. Older people who injured their head in a fall were twice

as likely to have dementia five years later. Fall proof your home. Improve lighting to the bathroom. Make stairways safe. Reduce clutter. Something to think about! Happy Birthday and happy wedding anniversaries to all the people who will be celebrating in the month of December. I will be attending a carnival in Dalmeny on Sunday, December 4 as Yogi - The Caring Clown! I will be going on a cruise to the Caribbean Islands with my son and his wife and family, so if there is any news please bring it to the town office. Thank you. We will also take in Disney World in Florida (a little too early for Spring Training) Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. Lisa Down, daughter of Marg and Don Down, is off to Capetown, South Africa the end of November to manage the Junior Ladies Softball team in the Worlds playoffs on behalf of Softball Canada.

remote start


2011 Nissan Kingcab,

A cool ride . . . Biggar’s Festival of Lights went of without any major problems November 25, except a bit of snow and some cooler temperatures. The most popular distraction on the evening is the sleigh ride. (Independent Photo by Kevin

C L I P & S AV E

Saskatchewan Prairie Hockey League Perdue Home Schedule Saturday,

Dec. 10


Cut Knife

8 p.m.


Dec. 23



8 p.m.


Jan. 03



8 p.m.

Wednesday, Jan. 11



8 p.m.


Jan. 21



8 p.m.


Jan. 24



8 p.m.


Jan. 28



8 p.m.


Feb. 03



8 p.m.


Feb. 04



8 p.m.

Come out and support your local “Pirates” C L I P & S AV E



Asquith November Council Asquith Town Council held their meeting on November 8. The new water plant is now online. The reservoirs have all been connected, disinfected and filled. Once the water from the reservoirs goes online, there may be a brief period when the water smells quite chlorinated, but this will dissipate with use. The Asquith Community Rink Board held their annual meeting. Their minutes and financial report were received by Council. The Bylaw Enforcement Report was also presented to Council. A resolution was passed that would allow modular homes on the infill properties currently for sale on Andrew Street. A request was made by Cindy Stack that the property at 410 Main Street be considered for future commercial use, rather than just for residential use. Council resolved that the Town would entertain a proposal regarding a commercial venture in this area. Landfill Supervisor,

The in-turn and out-turn’s of curling . . . Junior Curling coach, Jessica Sunderland, right, give a few pointers to Tiara Keith, Wednesday at the Biggar Curling Club. The Juniors are learning the game, hitting the ice every Monday and Wednesday. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Tim Hammond Realty 113 3rd Ave. W. Biggar, SK Tim Hammond, BSA, P.Ag. Owner - Broker Cari McCarty - Residential Grant Anderson – Farms Dave Molberg – Farms

Farmland for Sale (MLS) Wardrop Irrigation Pobran Weekes Atkinson Yurchuk Dixon HillCor Gray Zenert Whitmore Holbrook Green Swanson

RM 317 RM 284 RM 343 RM 347 RM 347 RM 342 RM 346 RM 466 RM 346 RM 342 RM 316 RM 280 RM 317 RM 376

2099 ac. 1855 ac. 1229 ac. 1226 ac. 884 ac. 458 ac. 640 ac. 322 ac. 480 ac. 463 ac. 320 ac. 317 ac. 160 ac. 160 ac.

Acreages for Sale (MLS) Clarke Egert Fuster Kerr Jordan Hamilton Herschel Ac. Unity Ac. Woods Road Dodsland Rawson Dzialo Sutherland Elliott

Rosetown Biggar Stranraer Biggar Wilkie Dodsland Herschel Unity Biggar Dodsland Rosetown Maymont Wilkie Elrose

$589,900 *$290,000 $249,900 $235,000 $200,000 $199,900 *$195,000 $185,000 $174,900 $179,900 $149,000 $145,000 $85,000 $85,000

Homes for Sale in Biggar (MLS) Current Listings

Biggar Wilkie RM 342 Biggar

224 2nd Ave W 104 6th Ave E (Lot)

212 3rd Ave E $227,000 2nd Ave W Condos *$198,900 406 7th Ave E $178,900 313 6th Ave E $175,000 412 3rd Ave E $129,000 219 4th Ave E *new* $116,999 509 7th Ave W $97,000 204 5th Ave E $48,900

Landis 102 3rd E $149,000 Rosetown Condo $98,900 Perdue 909 8th St $89,900 Perdue *new* 9th St. $54,900 rd Landis 212 3 W $49,900 Landis Lot $22,500 Wilkie Lot 204 2 St W $15,000


402 7 Ave. East

Perdue Ac. Johannson

Perdue Asquith

219 4th Ave. East

Commercial Property (MLS) Demaine Hotel 218 Main Street

Demaine Biggar

$399,900 $39,000

*denotes Exclusive Listing

Out of Town Property


Featured Listing


Featured Listing


Renovated 4 bedroom home with great opportunities. This 1 & ¾ story home includes new flooring, paint, windows, doors, fixtures and much more. Beautiful loft master bedroom and partially developed basement. Single detached garage & fenced yard. Call to view today.

Kerr Acreage $199,000 $359,000

$43,500 $30,000

Meticulously renovated 3 bedroom home. Dream kitchen with maple cabinets, spacious living room with hardwood flooring, adjoining dining room and elegant 4 piece bathroom. Completely updated home on an attractive corner lot only 2 blocks from the schools. Call today. REDUCED!!

$199,900 $200,000 463 ac. $39,000

Recently Sold

Current Listings

102 6th Ave E *new* $268,900 402 7th Ave E *$223,900

Sale Pending Crozier Jordan Zenert 218 Main St.

306.948.5052 Main Office 306.948.9168 Tim’s Cell 306.948.7995 Cari’s Cell 306.831.9214 Grant’s Cell 306.948.4478 Dave’s Cell

Featured Listing


Incredible 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom home on 154.79 acres. Energy efficient 1500 sq ft bungalow home with a partially developed walk out basement. (36x24) Triple detached garage and (32x60) shed with workshop area. Located close to town. A must see!


Pauline Gelinas has been awarded the contract for the 2012 fiscal year. The List of Lands in Arrears was presented to Council and has been advertised. Sixty days after

this, any lands that are still in tax arrears will have a tax lien put on their property. The December council meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 13.

Tender FENCE LINE CLEARING Sealed tenders for the work listed below will be received by the Saskatchewan Pastures Program (SPP) of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture to the attention of Norm Kohle until 12:00 p.m., Friday, December 16, 2011 by fax at (306) 933-5715 or by mail to Saskatchewan Pastures Program, 3830 Thatcher Avenue, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7K 2H6. The successful contractor will supply all labour, equipment and accommodations to complete the job. Contractors are responsible for the safety and insurance coverage of their employees. All work must be completed to the satisfaction of the Ministry representatives before payment will be authorized. Contractors are encouraged to inspect the site prior to placing bids. Commencement date will be dependant on weather and snow cover at these locations. The Ministry has the right to withdraw any or all work and to limit the work awarded to each contractor to allow for a timely completion of this project. Please include hourly rate and all transportation rates to and from the pasture location in the bid. Work at the following pastures includes a minimum of 25 hours of clearing fence lines using a mulcher. Bids are to be on a per-hour basis determined by a minimum mulching machine having 90 hp with a minimum 60-inch mulching head. Newer equipment will be given preference on bids. All fence lines will be cleared back approximately 30 feet on the inside of the fence and 16 feet on the outside, conditions permitting. • Hatherleigh Pasture: 15 miles northeast of North Battleford, SK. • Lizard Lake Pasture: 17 miles north of Biggar, SK. • Makwa Pasture: 4.5 miles east of Makwa, SK. For additional information, equipment speci¿cations and the required tender forms, contact Norm Kohle, Pasture Technician, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan by phone at (306) 221-1991 or by e-mail at

Lowest or Any Tender Not Necessarily Accepted.


Classi¿ed Box 40, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

call: 948-3344 fax: 948-2133



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PLEASE READ YOUR AD -- Advertisers should read their advertisement THE FIRST ISSUE IT APPEARS and report any errors in time for the next insertion. The Independent is responsible subject to the conditions noted above, for ONLY the Årst incorrect insertion. NO REFUND on classiÅeds. Times to run must be stated at First Insertion. Enclose cheque, money order, Visa, MasterCard or American Express for your classiÅed. Other Advertising Rates Available upon Request. The BIGGAR INDEPENDENT accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publication by this newspaper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. SUBSCRIPTION RATES… Pick up… $28.00 + $1.40 gst = $29.40 Inside 40-mile radius/ONLINE $33.00 + $1.65 gst = $34.65 Outside 40-mile radius… $38.00 + $1.90 gst = $39.90

OBITUARIES Richard ‘Rich’ Stanley Hickson July 5, 1926 - October 24, 2011 Eulogy by grandsons, Richard and Dayne Perrin. Our Grandfather, Richard Stanley Hickson, born July 5, 1926, passed away peacefully October 24, 2011 with Grandma by his side after a lengthy battle with Alzheimer. Grandpa grew up on a farm near Kindersley, Sask., the fourth of ¿ve children. There he learned the values he kept all his life, hard work, kindness, love of people and honesty. He met the love of his life, Jean Wright in Kindersley, and they were married on August 7, 1952. Two daughters were born to them, Marnee and Shannon, and he took an active role in their lives. Grandpa had always wanted to own his own business, and after working at the Co-op in Kindersley and taking special training, they moved to Biggar, Sask. and purchased the United Tire Exchange. He owned this business for approximately 25 years, sold it and went to work at the hospital in the maintenance department. He thoroughly enjoyed working at the hospital and made many friends. He was very involved in the community, Lions Club, Meals on Wheels, Courtesy Car driver, Sunday School teacher, church council, Credit Union Board and the Saskatchewan Housing Authority. Grandpa was extremely

athletic and excelled at many sports. He enjoyed hunting, ¿shing, skiing, baseball, bowling and hockey. He continued to bowl until his move to Diamond Lodge. One of his greatest achievements and disappointments was trying out for National Hockey League with Gordie Howe but missing the cut because he was a year too old. He was a star defenceman, and the captain of the Kindersley Klippers for many years, and when he moved to Biggar he played with the Nationals for a short time before hanging up the blades and starting his coaching career when he coached the Senior team to many victories. As he got older, he again played hockey, this time with the oldtimers, where he had a great time. Along came grandchildren and his world changed again. He was




a devoted Grandpa to Richard, Dayne and Breanna and made many trips to Rosthern with Grandma to babysit, watch various sports and activities, or just to enjoy time with the grandkids. In the summers, when we were young, we always came to Biggar for a couple of weeks at a time. This is where we learned to ¿rst shoot pool at the local pool hall, bowl, and golf and ¿sh at the golf course which is where we learned to perfect Grandpa’s legendary “Foot Wedge”. It took us years to ¿gure out why our scores were always better in Biggar than at home! Most of our hockey knowledge came from Grandpa, like head-manning the puck, backchecking hard and practising the backhand shot because as Grandpa would say, this was the hardest shot for a goalie to stop. I’m pretty sure our knack for spending 10 - 15 minutes per game in the penalty box came from him as well. He had a great fondness for animals his entire life and often remarked how backwards things were now on the farm, the equipment was housed and protected from the elements, and the animals were left outside! The last dog he had, and there were many, had the privilege of sharing breakfast with Grandpa, before Grandma was out of bed of course. as he set a plate at the table beside him for Zsa Zsa, their white poodle, and she ate her toast and jam off the plate. When daughter Marnee caught this act early one morning and exclaimed, “but Dad a plate!”, he answered, “well you can’t let a dog eat off the table!” Grandpa was a great barbecuer and spent much time perfecting the barbecued steak. We always looked forward to Grandpa’s barbecues, no one ever went hungry. All Grandpa’s descendants share his wonderful sense of humour, which has gotten us all into trouble at times. If you hear some giggling today, and think it is inappropriate, please remember we are Rich’s kids and can’t help it. When Grandpa moved to the Lodge the staff became his family as well, and they were such wonderful, loving caregivers. While it was a hard decision to make, the excellent care he received every single day eased all of our minds. The last meal we shared as a family, before Grandpa moved to the Lodge, was noisy and fun, lots of food and laughter. He wasn’t sure anymore who we all were, but he looked around the table, beaming at each person, then looked at his daughter Marnee and remarked, “What a nice bunch we are.” His love of family, his devotion to his wife and community and his unsel¿shness will always be remembered. Rich is survived by his wife of 59 years, Jean; children, Marnee Gehon (Don); and Shannon Hickson (Rob MacDougall); grandchildren, Richard Perrin (Maritza), Dayne Perrin (Jen), Breanna Perrin, Shannon Hildebrandt (Micah), Daniel Gehon; six great-grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews; sister, Thora Meissner (John); brother, Charles Hickson; sisters-in-law, Marj Venables, Eileen Frost (Jerry); brother-inlaw, Ken Wright (Jean). He was predeceased by his parents; brother, Jack; sister, Betty; and sister-in-law, Marion Wright. Funeral Service was held on Friday, October 28, 2011 at 2 p.m. from Biggar United Church, Biggar, Sask. with Rev. Jane Gallagher of¿ciating. Eulogists were Richard Perrin and Dayne Perrin. Honourary Bearers were all those who shared in Rich’s

life. Active Urn Bearers were Richard Perrin, Dayne Perrin and Breanna Perrin. Interment followed in Biggar Cemetery, Biggar, Sask. Tributes may be directed to Alzheimer’s Association of Sask., #301-255012th Ave., Regina, SK, S4P 3X1 or Saskatoon Cancer Centre, 20 Campus Dr., Saskatoon, SK, S7N 4H4. Grondin Funeral Services, Biggar were entrusted with arrangements, “Our family serving your family since 1963”. gfsc1

MEMORIAMS There are not enough words to say thank you to my family, neighbours, friends for their help they gave me last week. Especially Glenna, Lorral, Brent, Larry, Craig, Diane and Matt. Thank you again. We do have angels on earth. Thank you all again. Lily Murch 49p1

COMING EVENTS SUNDAYS in December: Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans will be worshipping at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 202-4th Ave. E., Biggar on December 4 and 11 at 10:30 a.m. December 18, an evening service of Lessons and Carols, starting at 7:00 p.m. with coffee and treats to follow. December 24, Christmas Eve Service at Redeemer Lutheran, corner of 7th Ave. East and Ontario St. at 7:00 p.m. December 25 and January 1 at Redeemer Lutheran at 10:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome. 48/10tfn NOVEMBER 7 - DECEMBER 10: Biggar Museum & Gallery’s Annual Christmas Magic Silent Auction held in The Credit Union Gallery in the Biggar Museum. Open Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. through noon hour for your bidding convenience. Bid often on this year’s fantastic items and purchase your half and half ticket. 44c6 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6: The annual Carol Festival at The Majestic Theatre at 12 noon featuring school groups AND an evening concert at 7 p.m. featuring community groups and church choirs. Please join us in Celebrating the Season! Noon performance, $2/person (bag lunches are available, $4/bag). Evening concert, $5/person and a food bank item. Proceeds go to the Spring Music Festival 47c3 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7: Biggar New Horizons Craft & Bake Sale, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. at Biggar New Horizons. 48c2 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10: Join us for an afternoon of entertainment in The Credit Union Gallery at the closing of Biggar Museum’s 12th Annual Christmas Magic Silent Auction. Bidding closes at 3:00 p.m. Half and Half draw. Be in attendance for door prizes. 47c3 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11: Prairie Notes Community Choir and Friends present Happy Holidays, 2:30 p.m. at The Majestic Theatre, Biggar, an afternoon of Christmas music with special guests, Christina Bakanec and Katie Finch, cellists. Admission $10. Everyone welcome! 47c3

COMING EVENTS MONDAY, DECEMBER 12: 7:00 p.m., come and enjoy an evening of Christmas Melodies at The Majestic Theatre, Biggar, performed by pianists, vocalists and more. Featuring the students of Lauren Epp, Peggy L’Hoir and friends. Silver Collection 49c2 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13: 7:30 p.m., Biggar Wildlife Federation meeting at Westwinds Motor Hotel. 49c1 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14: Blood Donor Clinic, 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. at Biggar Community Hall. 49c2 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20: The Musette Teen Choir invite you to their Christmas recital, 7:30 p.m. at Redeemer Lutheran Church. Refreshments to follow. Silver Collection. 49c3 The Saskatchewan Auctioneers Association presents BAXTER BLACK, Cowboy Humorist, at the Delta Hotel in Regina on Friday, February 10, 2012. For tickets, and more information, contact the SAA at 306-4412265 or saskauctioneers@ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11: Valentine’s Dine & Dance, Biggar Community Hall. Music by ‘Touch of Grey’. Proceeds to new long term care facility. Watch for further info to follow. 49c3

AUCTIONS HUGE RV AUCTION April 7th 2012. Mark this date, and follow us online www. Online bidding on sale day, 7825999.

NOTICE Families, clubs, churches and businesses are invited to do a Heritage Page to be on permanent display at Biggar Museum. Share your history! Do yours prior to the centennial celebrations! For more information call 948-3451 or visit museum 1 - 5 p.m., Monday Friday. 7tfn This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. tfn Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any

NOTICE warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at tfn

MISCELLANEOUS Large freezer, 29”x63”x36” and large Westinghouse fridge, both good condition; beautiful large dining room suite, like new, six chairs, two extra boards, upholstery spotless, solid hardwood, matching tea cart. Phone 948-2516 49p3 Snowblower, 24”, 5 HP, good working condition. Phone 9482296 47c3 BOSCH 800 watt Mixer $459, LEFSE Grills, Dehydrators, Breadmakers $99, Port Ice Makers $189 Margaritaville Blender $199. New! Kitchen Aid 7 Qt mixer available go to or Call Hometech Regina toll Free 1-888-692-6724. DISCONNECTED PHONE? ChoiceTel Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call ChoiceTel Today! 1-888-333-1405. www.choicetel. ca.

NOTICE: These Classified Ads are being monitored by the Sask. Auto Dealers Assoc. in an effort to protect the Consumer. All unlicensed and unbonded sellers of motor vehicles (person(s) carrying on the business of selling or acquiring for the purpose of “Resale”) will be promptly reported to the Dept. of Justice and all Federal & Provincial tax collection authorities. NEVER SHOCK CHLORINATE AGAIN! New! Continuous Shock Chlorinator. Patent Pending Canada/U.S.A. No mess, effective year round for smell, iron bacteria, slime. Inexpensive. Phone 1-800-BIGIRON; P R O V I N C E - W I CLASSIFIEDS. Reach 330,000 readers weekly. this newspaper NOW or 649.1405 for details.

D E over Call 306-







WANTED Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Land¿ll OR contact Quentin Sittler at 658-2132 3tfn Main Street Garage Sale is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 948-1773 or 9485393. Pickup available. 32tfn WANTED: Buying all wild fur coyotes etc, Antlers and old traps. Phone Bryon at 306-2782425 or Phil at 306-278-2299

LOST… Steel tailgate off a Ford truck between Biggar and Plenty, 948-2718 48p3

PERSONAL DATING SERVICE. Longterm/short-term relationships, CALL NOW. 1-877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes. 1-888534-6984. Live adult casual conversations - 1on1, 1-866311-9640, meet on chat-lines. Local single ladies. 1-877-8045381. (18+)

PAWN SHOP ONLINE: GET CASH FAST! Sell or Get a Loan for your Watch, Jewelry, Gold, Diamonds, Art or Collectibles - From Home! ONLINE: www. or Toll-Free: 1-888435-7870.


REAL ESTATE SASK. FARMS & RANCHES KINLEY: 8.01 + ac. - 8.01 ac. beside Kinley + 12 lots in Kinley, older bungalow, power, phone. Parcels a v a i l a b l e s e p a r a t e l y. On Hwy #14, 30 min. to Saskatoon city limits and 25 min. to Biggar! LUSELAND: 19.69 ac.well, 9,900 bu. steel grain storage, shop, quonset, garden shed, double garage, 1,144 sq ft. bungalow. PERDUE: 1117 ac.-605 cult., bal. hay & pasture, four 1/4s fenced, well, creek, dugout, 6,750 bu. steel grain storage, barn, garage, other misc. outbuildings, 2 storey home. On Hwy #14 & 35 min. to Saskatoon!

FERNIE SKI VACATIONS AMAZING SNOW!! Discover 5 legendary Alpine Bowls, 29 feet of powder and a wide variety of ski-in/ski-out lodging. New Polar Peak Lift. The most ski runs and vertical in the Canadian Rockies. For great deals call 866-693-3764 and talk to our live agents or visit


For great deals call 866-693-3764 and talk to our live agents or visit

FOR SALE. 55 PLUS ACTIVE ADULT Living. Large Ground Level Townhomes. 306 241 0123 LAKE VIEW HOMES Vernon, BC. Convenient location in Okanagan Landing. Established neighborly landscaped community. Low maintenance quality built homes. Pool, Tennis, Picnic & Fitness Center. On Site Boat & RV Storage. Next to Beach, Boat Launch & Marina. Direct access to walkways & bike trails. Level entry & 2 storey homes available $429,000. Call Scott 250.558.4795 www. Two serviced lots, side by side in Biggar, 100’x140’, $79,900. Call 717-4681 (cell) 5tfn

Classi¿ed Ads Work

KIMBERLEY SKI VACATIONS AMAZING SNOW!! Discover Canada’s best family ski resort, soft natural snow over a wide variety of terrain. Beautiful mountain village with a large selection of ski-in/ski-out lodging.

Phone: 306-569-3380 email: lanerealtycorp@ To view full colour feature sheets for all of our CURRENT LISTINGS, visit our Website at:

1985 Yamaha Virago, 1,000 cc, new rubber, carbs and forks redone. Phone 948-7521. 36tfn $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-7761660.


Saskatchewan’s Farm & Ranch Specialists™


CRIMINAL RECORD? Guaranteed record removal since 1989. Con¿dential. Fast. Affordable. Our A+ BBB rating assures employment/ travel freedom. Call for free information booklet. 1-8-NOWPARDON (1-866-972-7366).

GET PAID TO LOSE WEIGHT. $5,000 For Your Success Story. Personal Image TV Show. Call to Qualify: 416-730-5684 ext 2243.


Like New Top-of-the-Line White Truck Cap, ¿ts 2007 to 2012 Chev/GMC 1/2, 3/4 and 1 ton trucks with 6’5”/6’6” box. Carpeted interior, brake and interior lights, sliding front window, Àip out side windows, locking roof rack, tinted glass, locking rear door. Almost $2500 new, asking $1800 OBO. Call 948-7351. 47c3 Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514.

FREE Lab-cross puppies, call 948-2822 49p3


For all of your buying or selling needs - Contact Murray Murdoch Cell: 306-858-8000




BIG BUILDING SALE... “CLEARANCE SALE YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS!” 20X26 $4995. 25X34 $6460. 30X44 $9640. 40X70 $17,945. 47X90 $22,600. One end included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS END OF SEASON DEALS! Overstock must go - make an offer! FREE DELIVERY to most areas. CALL TO CHECK INVENTORY and FREE BROCHURE - 1-800668-5111 ext. 170.


SERVICES FOR RENT Charter/ Sherwood Apartments 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins. For more information call:

948-3820 302 - 8th Ave. W. • Biggar

If YOU are… • Moving • Expecting a Baby • Planning a Wedding • Anticipating Retirement Call WELCOME WAGON at 948-2563 - Lisa Haynes We have gifts and information Need somebody to tend bar at your function, wedding, anniversary, etc. Contact Biggar Arts Council members, Denise, 948-5146 or Marilyn, 948-2792. tfn

Well established business for sale in booming SE Sask. Owners moved, must sell. 7835453. 621-5410. GET FREE VENDING MACHINES. Up to $100,000.00 + per year. Protected Territories. Make 2012 your money year. Canadian Company. Full Details CALL 1-866-668-6629 or www.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY HEAVY EQUIPMENT REPAIR in Slave Lake, Alberta requires heavy duty mechanic and industrial parts person. Experienced apprentices may apply. Call Herb 780-849-0416. Fax resume to 780-849-4453. MEAT CUTTER and Sausage Maker. Full-time employment. $18.50/hour. Bene¿t plan. Accommodations available. Monday to Friday. Contact Provost Packers 780-753-2415 or fax 780-753-2413.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY LOCATION MANAGER required for Rack Petroleum in Biggar. Duties include: inventory control, pricing and selling fertilizer/ checmical/seed, operating yard equipment and managing location staff. Competitive wage based on experience. Please apply to tmcdougall.therack@; fax 948-5091 or call 948-1800 48p3 Hallcon Crew Transport DRIVERS WANTED: in Biggar and surrounding area. Must have Class 4 or willing to upgrade. Clean abstract, hauling CN and CP rail crews, 24 hrs/day/7 days/week. DOT regulated, 24 hr call out. Equipment supplied, Training available. Email…; cell… 306-203-1275. 47p3 Coram Construction is hiring Carpenters and concrete ¿nishers to work PCL sites in Saskatchewan. $28.50$30.40/hr, Good bene¿ts, 3-5 years experience. Join, ¿t and install formwork. E-mail: rlakeman<\@> Fax: 306-525-0990 Mail: 205-845 Broad Street Regina, SK S4R8G9 BUCHANAN LUMBER, High Prairie, Alberta. Certi¿ed Heavy Duty (Truck) Mechanic/Working Shop Supervisor. Repair/ replace, & test mechanical components. Must be certi¿ed. Experienced Class #1 Truck Drivers. Needed drivers to haul chips or logs. Winter & year round work, accommodations available. Experienced ButtonTop & Processor Operators. Cut to length bush operation; shift work. Experienced Welder. Certi¿ed or in an apprentice program. Competitive wages dependent on experience & bene¿t package offered. Town of High Prairie located near Slave Lake, Alberta. Surrounded by lakes, ¿shing, hunting, horse activities, & quadding. Spectacular area for outdoor enthusiasts. Accommodations available. Email: nbennett@ dbloom¿eld@buchananlumber. ca. Fax: 780-523-5422 / 780523-5910. NEED A HOME PHONE? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We Can Help. Everyone Approved. Call Today. 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect

Duperow Co-op requires an

Agronomist or Ag-Manager The position involves… • Recommending economic solutions to agronomic problems, including seed, crop protection, equipment. • Managing a chem shed and inventory compliant with law and industry standards. • Tracking sales and programs. • Working with suppliers. • Working with Co-op Ag-Team, and the Co-op Retailing System. • Other duties. Duperow Co-op is a farm supply located right in the farming community. It is well supported by community farmers and has been a proÀtable Co-op, returning savings to its members. Advancement from Duperow Co-op to other retails and CRS positions is available. Compensation is competitive, based on qualiÀcations and experience. BeneÀts program includes Superannuation, Disability, and Dental.

For information or to apply… Call Ted Craig, Manager Duperow Co-op Box 8 Duperow, SK S0K 1L0 Fax: 948-2707 Phone: 948-2706 Email:




ALL Subscriptions now due (Dec/11). Please renew!!! Pickup … $28.00 + $1.40 gst = $28.35 Within 40-mile radius OR on-line … $33.00 + 1.65 gst = $34.65 Outside 40-mile radius … $38.00 + 1.90 gst = $39.90

W1173 DOG LOVERS! Enjoy a healthy, pro¿table career as a professional dog trainer. Government accredited program - student loans and grants. Ben Kersen & the Wonderdogs. www. or 1-800-961-6616.

Stop in to… 1st Ave. West, Biggar 948-2700


The Biggar Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar Mail to: Box 40, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Visa or MasterCard accepted Phone 306.948.3344

Canadian Wheat Board Bulletin

Blanket ClassiÀed Ads can reach more than 520,000 potential customers One phone call covers the entire province Expand your market and increase your proÀts

Phone 948-3344 Biggar Independent Biggar, SK

(Dated November 28) At a glance Bill C-18, which will enable the Government of Canada to dismantle the CWB’s single-desk marketing system, was put to a final vote on third reading in the House of Commons November 28 and will then move to the Senate. The bill passed through the report stage in the House of Commons on Nov. 23. Eleven proposed amendments were all defeated, including one that would have removed the requirement for all farmer-elected CWB directors to be fired upon Royal Assent, leaving five government-appointed directors in charge of the organization. For insight into why grain values have recently declined, farmers can view the latest video commentary by CWB market analyst Neil Townsend. It can be found on YouTube at canadianwheatboard.

To follow Neil’s weekly commentary on grain markets, farmers can also subscribe to the CWB’s “PPO Updater” at Grand-prize winners have been announced in the CWB-Old Spaghetti Factory World Pasta Day colouring contest. In October, the CWB teamed up with Old Spaghetti Factory family restaurants to celebrate World Pasta Day. All month long, Canadian kids were encouraged to lend their colouring talents to special World Pasta Day placemats. Our picture posed the question, “Where did your spaghetti grow?”, and helped kids make the connection between the pasta on their plates and the Prairie farmers who make it possible. Congratulations to grand-prize winners Carmen Russell, age 6, of Coquitlam, and Joshua Wasileyko, age 7, of Edmonton. They both receive a Nintendo

3DS and a $100 Old Spaghetti Factory gift certificate. Winning entries can be viewed at The Province of Manitoba and Government of Canada are hosting a series of ExcelGrains Canada on-farm food-safety program workshops in December, providing training and information to help prevent, detect and control food safety risks on the farm. Grain, oilseeds, pulse and special-crop farmers, including those with a Warburton’s production contract, may be interested in learning about financial incentives offered by government, as well as information on how to capture and retain markets. The workshops are as follows: Dec. 1 - Beausejour; Dec. 7 Starbuck and Carman; Dec 12 - Teulon and Arborg. Preregistration is requested For more information, producers

can contact their local MAFRI GO Office or visit The 2011 GrowCanada conference is being held in Winnipeg Nov. 29 to Dec. 1 at the Delta Hotel. The conference will explore how innovation in agriculture drives economic growth, how it helps farmers adapt and thrive in the face of major change and how this ultimately benefits consumers. Speakers include the University of Manitoba’s Dr. Peter Jones, head of the Richardson Centre for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals and Earl Geddes, executive director of the Canadian International Grains Institute. To check out the program or to register, visit growcanadaconference. ca/2011/. Farmers who plan to defer upcoming CWB final payments are encouraged to plan ahead and act early, well before the payment is issued.

If you DO NOT receive your Independent in a timely manner, please call your local post office or Canada Post @ 1-866-607-6301

Farmers can defer online through e-Services, or by calling 1-800-2754292 with their PIN and ID number. Deferral is available for farmers using direct deposit and those who receive cheques.

Please arrange to pick up your photos that have been submitted for publication.

.…thanks, The Independent

Wine Kits make wonderful gifts… AVAILABLE @ The Independent -



Business & Professional … FOR RENT




Housing for families and seniors Rent based on income

Call: 948-2101

DUANE NEUFELDT Licensed For: • Residential • Acreage • Farm

Serving BIGGAR and Area




Fax: 306-948-2763

The sign you want. The agent you need.

Authorized Appliance Depot Electrical Wiring Trenching Licensed Journeyman Adrian de Haan

Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for:

•Farm •Residential •Commercial •Acreage rd

113 - 3 Ave. W., Biggar


948-5052 (office)


Cell 948-9168

Tim Hammond, BSA, P.Ag., Broker

Proud to handle Biggar’s Real Estate Needs

Tim Hammond Realty

• Residence • Commercial Wiring For free estimates Ph: 948-5393


Residential & Commercial Painting contact… NCM Home Maintenance - Nick Maguire -

948-3325 948-4558 (cell) or The Design Goddess - Heather Hawkins -

948-3702 948-7958 (cell) McCARTY CONSTRUCTION • Commercial • Residential • Design Builder • Insurance Claims • Renovations • Drafting Service

“Big or Small -We Do Them All”

113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar

Licenced Journeyman Carpenters Troy McCarty 948-5627 (H) 948-9280 (C) Mitch McCarty 373-8254 (H) Serving Biggar ... Since 1968

948-5052 (office)

Northland Foaming

Licenced for: •Residential

Cell: 306-221-6888

Spray Foam

Cell 948-7995

Cari McCarty Residential Sales

Biggar’s Top Performing Residential Agent

Tim Hammond Realty


For all your home, business and rural needs Owners/Operators • Travis Young • Dallas Young • Claude Young

Licenced for: •Farm •Acreage •Residential • Commercial

113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar

Biggar, Sask.

948-5052 (office)


Cell 948-4478

Journeymen Plumber, Gas Fitter, & Electrician on staff

Dave Molberg BSA

Exposure, Experience and Effort.

of The Battlefords Independently Owned and Operated

FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS… • Selling/Buying • Residental • Farm/Acreage • Commercial • Recreational

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation Box 327 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Helping you Help yourself

Kent Dubreuil, E.D.O. Phone: 306-948-2295 Fax: 306-948-5050


Wally Lorenz Sales Associate 1391 - 100th St. North Battleford, SK S9A 0V9 Day or Night

Cell: (306) 843-7898 Bus: (306) 446-8800


9Residential 9Commercial 9Automotive 9We tint vehicles too! For all your glass needs, nd

104 - 2 Ave. West Biggar

Inc. FRE

E Es

timat Call us for… es • Insurance jobs • Renovations • New home building • Drywall & Painting • Flooring (hardwood, ceramic, etc.) • Residential/Commercial • CertiÀed installer for Logix ICF


available to do…

• painting & Ӿnishing • decks & small buildings • light plumbing • windows & doors • laminate & hardwood ӿoors • general repairs


Call Jim @ 948-3333


306-948-2805 Cell: 306-948-6062 Email: Want to insulate your quonset, farm/commercial buildings, house or cabin? Lower your heating and cooling costs and add strength to your buildings!

MADGE CONTRACTING LTD. For all your rooÀng needs… ¬New Construction ¬Metal ¬Torch-on ¬Re-roofs ¬Tile ¬Asphalt ¬All repairs ¬Shakes We offer 10 Year Workmanship Warranty and Liability/Torch On Insurance Excellent Local References For a FREE estimate please call… 306-948-5453

306-717-2818 www.madgerooÀ Biggar, Sask.


Bear Hills Rentals & Machine Works • Machine Shop Service • Rentals • MASTER FEEDS dealer • COMMERCIAL SOLUTION Ag Parts dealer • Drive line parts & service • KANE VET supplier

Phone: 948-4844 Fax: 948-4845

A Sign of

ADVERTISING is an investment in your business.

MANUFACTURING CWB CertiÀed Light Fabrication Mobile Welding

HEALTH/ WELLNESS “Annie Things Possible” Health, Beauty & Spa

Weight Loss Clinic

230 - 1st Ave. W., Biggar Phone: 948-7117 email:


Consultant & Coach Anne G. Livingston •Ideal Protein Weight Loss Clinic •Epicure Selections •Walden Farms Products •Young Living Essential Oils •Beauticontrol Skin Care

Located in Angie’s Hair Salon 219 Main St., Biggar Call 948-7274 or 948-3696

Wylie Farms Ltd. SEED CLEANING Canadian Seed Institute Accredited Pedigree, Commercial & Custom Cleaning FULL line of Cleaning Equipment including Gravity Table

Excellent Quality at a Reasonable Price! For all your Cereal and Pulse Cleaning

948-2807 or

Call: Bill: Dale:

948-5609 948-5394

Plant located 8 miles south of Biggar on Hwy #4, ¼ mile west on Triumph Rd.

Phoenix M4 Mobile Grain cleaning and sizing


Michelle Spuzak, R.M.T. (NHPC member) NEW LOCATION… 219 - 4th Ave. E., BIGGAR

Other Services available… • ParafÅn Wax • Thai Herbal Massage • ReÆexology • Hot Stone Massage • Engergy Work

~ Gift CertiÅcates ~ Evening, Saturday and in-home appointments available.

948-2548 or 948-9710

Box 917, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

Wayne Dollansky 306-948-7247 Custom Combining JD9770 - together with -

with draper or hydraÁex headers

McNULTY’S MOBILE SEED CLEANING Custom Cleaning of H.R.S. & C.P. S. Wheat

Phone: 948-5678

DENTAL DR. GLENN RIEKMAN Dentist 115 - 1st Ave. W. Rosetown, Sask.

OFFICE HOURS Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone: 882-2123 Emergency (after hours) 882-2006

BIGGAR DENTAL CLINIC 104 - 6th Ave. East, Biggar, Sask. Southeast entrance of Nova Wood Bldg. Hours… Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Ladies Only

30 min. Circuit Gym …owned and operated by Diane Larouche Ellard

Located in the Nova Wood Centre (back entrance) 104 - 6th Ave. E., Biggar

948-2208 NEW BEGINNINGS WELLNESS CENTRE “Putting PERSONAL back into fitness training!” Wayne Baldwin, W

NO Certified Fitness Trainer, N Natural Health Consultant, E P O Physical Therapy Aide Over 20 years resistance training experience!

• Personalized Fitness/Nutrition Programs • One-on-One PersonalTraining • Injury Prevention and Rehab • Active Isolated Stretching • Limited Memberships to Private Fitness Studio Gift Certificates available.

Visit us @ 219 - 4th Ave. East, Biggar Where you can feel right at home! Phone… 948-2548 Cell… 948-8048


Kirk Ewen Doctor of Optometry


Qualilty! • Wood, metal, plastic signs • Vehicle & window graphics • Banners, stickers and Magnetic signs

Jerry Muc Phone: 948-2958 Fax:


Contact 948-3344 to have your business listed, ask for SPECIAL rates

In Biggar Every Tuesday. Biggar Professional Building, 223 Main Street, Biggar

For appointments… 1-855-651-3311



Business & Professional LEGAL SERVICES




Rebel Landscaping

BUSSE LAW PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Barristers & Solicitors Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK

948-3346 …serving your community since 1972

Roe & Company is a full service law office that practices… ¾Family and Criminal law ¾Commercial law ¾Real Estate ¾Wills and Estate, and our lawyers, William Roe, Q.C. Jason Peszko, Ian Mokuruk, Treena Sikora look forward to assisting you and can be contacted at:

306-948-5352 or 306-244-9865

223 Main Street Biggar Box 580 Biggar, SK SOK OMO

OPEN: Mon.-Fri. • 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday • 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

948-2183 Email: Website:


Service Truck Full Mechanical Service Mon - Fri • 8 a.m.-5 p.m. phone: George

948-3376 after hours George: 948-4042 Corner of Main Street & 1st Avenue West, Biggar

948-3996 Open Monday-Saturday Mike Nahorney, Interprovincial

info@twhÀ www.twhÀ



KRF Automotive Detail Centre 100% handwash “Where we do it all for you!!” • Detailing • Vortex Spray-In Box Liners • Granitex Baked-on Coatings for Decks and Cement Flooring • Auto Accessories • Trailer Rentals Owned & operated by Kevin Fick

948-1722 1st Ave. West, Biggar

100-128-4th Ave. South, Saskatoon, SK S7K 1M8


Phone: 244-7464 for appointment

Your Auto Parts and Accessories Dealer


Open: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. • 8 a.m.-4 p.m.


& @^g^kZe RZk] <e^Zgbg` &Lghp K^fhoZe & Likbgde^k lrlm^f >O:< & Ahnl^ahe] iZbgmbg` Zg] fbghk k^iZbkl

Ivan Young, Biggar Tree services available… • cut trim and removal • post holes • landscaping • cement removal • trenching • holes for piles • driveways • garage pads • basements

948-3381 NORTHLAND PAINTING and SANDBLASTING •Texas Gates •Spray Foam Insulation •Sandblasting & Painting •Internal Coatings •Rock Guard Coatings g

Mobile Units Office: 948-2805 05 Cell: 948-6062 email:

Chartered Accountant Notary Public 201B-2nd Ave. West P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, Sask.

Phone: 948-5133

JIM VANCHA, PAg Consultant (306) 948-4393 jim.vancha@


948-2222 or 948-2029

To fax…stop in at The Independent

Prairieland Collision Rosetown, Sask.


YH Truck, Ag & Auto

Photos by Jocelyn Portraits, Family, Weddings & Sports Photography Biggar, Sask.


• Heavy truck parts • Agriculture parts • Automotive parts & accessories

521 Main St., Biggar 948-2109

(306) 948-3776 cell: (306) 260-6503 Ph:

;% N% Lg_fcjk\ip ¾ ¾ ¾

Residential Commercial Automotive

For FREE estimates or enquiries CALL Wayne or Dorothy at



Sales & Service Call Steven 948-2489

Check out our new website: Judy Judy Kahovec: Kahovec… 882-4313, Cellcell 831-7935 306-882-4313, 831-7935 Carey Krchov: 882-3213 Carey Krchov…882-3213

The Country Clipper • All Breed Dog Grooming • Boarding Kennels (Bordetella Mandatory) • Pet Supplies • Saleboard for dog and cat related items

Bob Kobelsky


Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 6 pm. 2 mi N on Hwy #4, 2-½ mi E on Golf Course Rd.

Pssst...Did you hear that you can still buy REGAL?

Box 736, Biggar


Mr. John G. Smith Handyman/Drayman Available for … Local Moving/Hauling jobs

Phone: 948-3856

BIGGAR COURIER • Biggar to Saskatoon • Same day Service • Monday to Friday • 24-hour Answering Service

~Brian and Cathy Fick~

Cell: 306-948-7524


Custom Grain Hauling 306-948-9278 Landis, Sask.

Atkinson Trucking Landis, Sask. …For all your Local Grain Hauling Needs Bailen Atkinson 658-4460 or 948-4450

Rockin D Trucking & Cattle

MONARCH MEATS Modern Licenced Abbatoir • custom slaughter, cut and wrapping • sausage making, curing and smoking

• sides of Pork & Beef available



For appointments and inquiries, call Janet at 948-2091



Fax: 948-2484

Cliff Forsyth


Beadle’s Computer Solutions



Call me to Ànd out more about how The Plan™ can help you prosper now …and over time.

216 Main St., Biggar

109 Main St., Biggar

• Jackets • Windsuits • Shirts • Hunting Gear • Bunnyhugs • Caps • Toques • Bags

Ph: 237-4777

Let Vortex protect your truck and your investment with the Vortex Seamless Sprayed on Liner System


Phillips Radio Shop

Independent Rep

Wood and Steel Buildings Floor & Trusses

Panasonic, StarChoice, Bell, Xplornet Internet dealer and Your authorized SaskTel Mobility and High Speed Internet Dealer

Battery Chargers Electric Fencers Repaired/Rebuilt/ Built



Chartered Accountant Credit Union Building 302 Main Street P. O. Box 1750 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

• photographs • paintings • art prints • memorabilia • collages, etc. Call Anne @ 948-7274

in Biggar Insurance Bldg.


Garry A. Faye

CertiÀed Custom Picture Framer

Contact Nancy Duns

304 Main St., Biggar

Your authorized


Anne G. Livingston

<Zee Gb\d FZ`nbk^ 2-1&,,+. hk 2-1&-..1 \^ee

Phone: 948-2204 or 948-3886


• Snow Removal • Fences …and much more

Sewing & Embroidery

227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar


• Topsoil • Lawn Care • Leveling • Sod • Patio Blocks

G<F Ahf^ FZbgm^gZg\^

301 - 1 Ave. E, Biggar

SGI Safety Inspection Auto Repair

222 Main Street 306 948 5377

• Driveways • Concrete • Garage Pads • Pruning • Planting


Heavy Truck Repair

Financial Planning Estate Planning Life Insurance

948-2879, evenings 948-7207, daytime Ed Kolenosky


Heavy Duty Journeyman Mechanic


• Notary Publics • Home & Agro Insurance • Auto & Commerical Insurance • Blue Cross • Motor Licence Issuer Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday 304 Main Street • Biggar



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available at Grape Moments located in The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar




St. Gabriel School news by Rick Garchinski November began with a discussion in many classrooms that I referred to as “rules of engagement”. With the previous day being Halloween it was necessary to remind students when and where it would be appropriate to eat some of their Halloween cache. The possibility of confiscation must have been enough for I heard little complaining from students that any treasures were taken away. Our Grade Nine students participated in the “Take Your Kids to Work Day”. These students had an opportunity to spend the day learning about what their parent, relative, or other adult’s work life is like. It has the potential for great learning. The parents enjoyed this day and equally enjoy the little known day that always follows TYKTW Day… that being “Send Them Back to School Day!” As November ends we can’t help but be thankful for the warm weather. Being from Saskatchewan we will more than likely look back at these days from a -40° perspective soon! However, the afternoon of Thursday, Nov. 3 found the Grade 6 and 7 class outside in shorts and t-shirt for gym . . . only in Saskatchewan?! In a previous issue of this paper you would have read about our participation in “Student Vote”. It was very successful for the first time in a Saskatchewan provincial election. Our Grade 6 to 9 students enjoyed the process. Now having wet our feet, we look forward to the next opportunity for our students to exercise their right to vote . . . even if it is only pretend! The morning of Nov. 1 our school set aside time at 11 a.m., to honour those brave Canadians whom have or continue to serve with Canada’s military. As another Remembrance Day comes we have fewer and fewer veterans from earlier conflicts present, so we appreciated very much the presence of Legion representatives at our service. It is also great to see representatives from the local Air Cadets. On the 11th, Griffin Lehnert and Jesse Garchinski laid a wreath at the community service on

behalf of St. Gabriel Canteen. It is very Music Week Concert fund (Mrs. Sutherland, Mrs. School. popular. Both staff and raiser for the theatre. MacIntyre, Mrs. Beeson, It was a CDD on Monday, students look forward They almost stole the Kaidree and Cassidy) Nov. 14. Students had to the many delicious show . . . the younger and even a few helpful the day off; staff spent family favourites that Tiny Tots did that! Oh, parents, sorted all the orders and even made the day planning and are sent to the school . . . aging can be so cruel! working with the school’s and are becoming school Mrs. Jiricka is also some home deliveries. Learning Improvement favourites! working with singers Thanks to many last Plan. The week of Monday in her yet to be named minute phone orders, An annual occurrence the 21st brought the start children’s “Glee” this fund raiser was at St. Gabriel School is of basketball season. club. They have been very successful. Enjoy Friday the hanging of symbols This year we have both practicing every Tuesday your baking! also saw many trees and on the Jesse Tree. Our boys and girls teams. after school. Their first decorations go up in the Jesse Tree involves 28 Miss Moldenhauer has public performance is school in anticipation symbols. A symbol is volunteered to coach upcoming at the St. added each day from the both teams. These teams Gabriel Church Seniors of the First Sunday of first Sunday of Advent have good numbers and Christmas party. It is Advent. Later that day the until Christmas Eve. In all appear to be eager currently a small group, CSCC paid order for us the pipers . to hang all . . actually 28 during hosted the school days School Wins we hung Twice class our first incentive symbol – a parties. At picture of noon the the world, Grade 1 w h i c h class with represents Mrs. Jiricka Creation, and Mrs. on Tuesday, Beeson, and Nov. 15. I enjoyed We will a fabulous continue pizza party. to hang an Also joining ornament us was Mrs. a day until Reid with December sundaes 22, the for dessert last day courtesy of school; of Autumn on that and her dad. day the Later that symbol of afternoon the Christ the Grade 2 child will Grade 9 students Cody Thompson and Tim Cusker hang their part of the 12 class enjoyed top off this Days of Christmas mural with Mr. Prpick. (Submitted photo) f i n i s hing Jesse Tree. their day off About that with their earnings – a time as well, teachers to learn. It has been but there is a waiting sundae party. They are start introducing to our several years since we list of singers wishing to a rather active group to students their parts for fielded a girl’s team, so join in the new year. the annual Christmas congratulations to them As an Advent project begin with so a 2:50 p.m. Concert. With this comes for their interest! the Grade 8 to 9 students start worked well. For new songs to learn . . . Mrs. Jiricka was are creating wall murals most of them a second and so also begins the cornered by the Grade depicting the original visit to the Sundae Bar Thank annual humming from 9’s so tone chime practice meaning behind the was a must! you, Mrs. Sunderland the office coordinator! is in full swing. The “12 Days of Christmas”. Wednesday, Nov. 16 majority of the Grade 9’s These 12 murals will be and Mrs. MacIntyre students were given are taking part and are displayed throughout for helping me host the Progress Reports. giving up many of their the school once they are Sundae Party. Junior Curling started That Friday we held breaks and parts of their completed. It will be a the week of Nov. 28. This Three-way Conference lunch hour to practice. good excuse for many of year Mrs. Sunderland s(student, parents and They have picked up the you to drop by for a quick and our curlers are teacher). We previously music quickly. We look visit and a quick read! working together with began conferencing at forward to the sharing Is there too much BCS2000 and Mr. the end of Term Two last of their new musical homework given to our Larson. Practices are year, but this was the talents with us, and the students? Data might being held every Monday This first time we did so for public, during the month indicate that. month we have 30 or and Wednesday after the Term One reporting of December. period. Attendance was Visits to the Diamond more students staying school. There are also high and so we appreciate Lodge continued this late on Wednesdays for several volunteers that Mrs. will be out helping these the opportunity to month. Mrs. Donahue, homework club. and Mrs. young curlers improve work together with Mrs. Beeson, and Mrs. Donahue parents. This type of Claudio spent the MacIntyre even brought their skills. Because the First communication is still in afternoon of Tuesday, in reinforcements! Mrs. Sunday of Advent was its infancy for St. Gabriel, Nov. 22 being creative Beeson is also now the 27th we at school lit but the process will with the residents. cracking the homework the fi rst candle of adventcontinue to be tweaked They made Christmas whip! Truth is it may to be more effective and ornaments for their have something to do the Candle of Promise or meaningful. walls or doors. Those with the socializing, . . . . Hope, on Monday during General Assembly. We Mid-November begins readers that visit the food, . . ., and prizes! Friday Nov. 25 was a will continue to do so each “Soup Season” for our Lodge look for some of canteen. We are very these new ornaments busy one. The Canteen Monday until all four grateful to all the families adding Christmas cheer Club’s “In Good Taste” candles are lit. Tuesday Christmas baking morning Fr. Raphael that have volunteered to the building! their time and energy That night Mrs. Jiricka orders were delivered celebrated our Advent Mrs. mass with our students, to help provide a warm and the Grade 1 class to the school. nutritious meal for our sang in the Canada Elliott and her crew staff, and members of

St. Gabriel Parish. Mrs. Jiricka reminded us of the symbol of the Advent wreath, the five candles and the meaning for each of them and how they can be used to help prepare ourselves for Christmas. The last day of November included a special visitor to St. Gabriel School. Santa showed up that morning to visit with students and pose for the camera. I think he also was taking orders as well as checking who has been naughty or nice. Let’s just say we will keep the results to ourselves! St. Gabriel Catholic School Community Council continued this month to promote the Catholic Schools Foundation “Schools Win Twice” fund raiser. The draws were made at St. Anne School in Saskatoon on Thursday, Nov. 17. The winning ticket to Disneyworld Florida Vacation was sold at Georges Vanier School. The winning ticket to Disneyland California Vacation was sold at Cardinal Leger School. As for next year I have a good feeling about our chances! St. Gabriel Catholic School Community Council continues to be committed to student learning through support and development of the school’s Learning Improvement Plan. To that end they are organizing an information night for Tuesday, Dec. 6. All families should have received their invitation last week. A Division Occupational Therapist will share with us background information and specific strategies, resources, and tech aids with a focus on the “Zone In” program. All of which will support students becoming more effective at staying on task, transitioning from activities or classes as well as self-regulating (ways for children to monitor the signals that indicate an internal level of readiness to work, play, listen, attend, and participate in activities). I know that December is going to be a busy month. I will blink, Dec. 22 will arrive and it will be time to reflect on December at St. Gabriel School . . . the last month of 2011!




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