Vol. 111 No. 51
16 pages
Wascally Wabbit . . . A rabbit holes up in the snow last week as the golden colours of a sunset approach. The rabbit, seen near Biggar, would have made Bugs proud as it “vewy, vewy” quietly tried to blend in to the terrain. (Independent Photo by Kevin
“Elmer Fudd” Brautigam)
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The weather couldn’t keep some eager Christmas paraders from hitting the streets, Saturday for the Biggar Legion’s socially distanced Santa Day Parade. Santa himself braved the snowy evening, safely delivering treat bags to good girls and boys who, from their homes, watched the parade of Santa’s elves as they visited nearly every street in Biggar, wishing all a Merry Christmas!
(Independent Photos by Kevin Brautigam)
A legacy continues When the Biggar Housing Authority ceased their existence many years ago, the organization had the desire to continue providing television rental availability to inpatients at a marginal profit for the acute care facility equipment purchases. The television service was turned over to a succession of two stewards, and it was decided in 2018 that a $10,000 donation from the fund be made to the Biggar Health Services Foundation to carry on the Auxiliary’s benevolent gestures. When the Biggar Health Centre changed their model of television service provision, the stewards turned the televisions over to the facility and remaining funds would be entrusted to the Biggar Health Services Foundation to continue assisting in providing equipment, fulfilling the original mandate of the Auxiliary. Over $3,700 was turned over to the Foundation in a final act of charity with a huge gratitude to the generosity of time, money and efforts that the Biggar Hospital Auxiliary’s dedication left toward their legacy. Left to right: Jim Rickwood, fund steward, Bernice Martin, Biggar Hospital Auxiliary, Jo Angelopoulos, Biggar Health Services Foundation. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
New measures introduced to further reduce COVID risk Additional public health measures are being introduced based on the transmission patterns observed in Saskatchewan, according to a government release, December 14. While Saskatchewan’s COVID-19 case trends are relatively stable, case rates continue to create significant, ongoing community transmission and increasing pressure on health care services. “ R e - O p e n Saskatchewan guidelines have been effective at reducing transmission in those settings where we have implemented measures like restaurants and retail settings,” Saskatchewan Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Saqib Shahab said. “It’s the in-between places,
the social settings, where COVID-19 transmission is happening. In our breakrooms and staff rooms, by inviting new people into our homes, we are letting our guard down. “We can still celebrate the holiday season. After a difficult year, it’s more important than ever to connect with loved ones but it must be done at a safe distance or virtually. Share time with friends and family but keep everyone safe.” These public health measures are in addition to those in effect as of November 27, 2020. All public health measures will remain in effect until January 15, 2021 At that time they will be reviewed by the provincial Chief Medical Health Officer. The public health
orders for licensed establishments; sports, fitness and dance; places of worship; and mandatory masking remain in place. Public health continues to emphasize working from home, whenever possible. Public health continues to strongly recommend that only one member of a household do required shopping, and limit shopping to essential items as much as possible. All nonessential interprovincial travel is discouraged. In the event that there is any disparity between the Re-Open Saskatchewan guidance and the public health orders, the public health orders must be followed. Enforcement of public health orders is permitted under The
Public Health Act, 1994. The following measures will be in effect as of 12:01 a.m. Thursday, December 17: Private, Indoor Gatherings Private, indoor gatherings will be limited to immediate household members only. Single individuals are permitted to meet with one, consistent household of less than five individuals for the duration of the order. Co-parenting arrangements are permitted to continue. Caregivers and support services in the home are permitted to continue. Outdoor Gatherings People may meet and greet outdoors with up to 10 people only, provided physical distancing between households can
be maintained. The following measures will be in effect as of 12:01 a.m. Saturday, December 19: Personal Services and Event Venues Casinos and bingo halls must close. Personal services may operate at 50 per cent capacity, including staff and clients. Personal services include hairdresser/ barber, esthetics, massage therapy, acupuncture, tattooing, et cetera. Event venues, conference facilities, arenas, arts venues, museums, movie and live theatres and banquet facilities may still have events up to 30 individuals. During events in these venues, all guests must be seated for the duration. Food and
drink are not permitted unless explicitly stated in the order. Note that the guidance for weddings and funeral ceremonies and places of worship is 30 individuals only. Concurrent services may not occur within multiple locations within one facility. The following measures will be in effect as of 12:01 a.m. Friday, December 25. Retail Retail services must reduce their capacity to 50 per cent. Large retail locations are required to limit their capacity to 25 per cent capacity. Large retail locations are defined as retailers with a square footage larger than 20,000 square feet.
Prairie Branches to build new group home in Wilkie The Government of Saskatchewan is providing $200,000 for the construction of a new group home for Prairie Branches in Wilkie. Once complete, it will be home to five people with intellectual disabilities. “Our community partners play a large role in creating inclusive and accessible communities in Saskatchewan,” Cut Knife-Turtleford MLA Ryan Domotor said on behalf of Social Services Minister Lori Carr. “I want to thank Prairie Branches for their commitment to supporting people with intellectual disabilities in our province and for providing quality group home services.” Prairie Branches currently supports 32 peo-
ple living in their group homes, 14 people in their supported living program, 55 in day programs, and 30 in vocational settings in the communities of Biggar, Wilkie, Unity and Kerrobert. “We are pleased to have this wonderful addition to our growing agency,” Prairie Branches Executive Director Eunice Washkowsky said. “Prairie Branches strives to provide quality care and support for the residents and participants in our programs. Thank you to all of the government agencies, the Government of Saskatchewan, SARC and the Town of Wilkie for partnering with us. This initiative is essential for enhancing the lives of adults with disabilities for many years to come.”
This new group home supports the Saskatchewan Disability Strategy by creating more residential services for people with intellectual disabilities. Saskatchewan residents and communities that have done work that aligns with the Disability Strategy are encouraged to share their accomplishments using the hashtag #SKDisability. For information on how to access supports for intellectual disabilities, please contact the Community Living Service Delivery office nearest you or e-mail clsd.info@ gov.sk.ca. You can find the nearest office at saskatchewan.ca/residents/ family-and-social-support/find-a-social-services-office.
Legion donates to Secret Santa . . . Biggar Legion President Dale Buxton, hands over a cheque for $1,000 to Secret Santa’s Lorraine Heather. The money was raised from the Legion’s Poppy Fund. (Independent Photo by Daryl Hasein)
Numbers for December 17 B6 - I28 - G53 - G58 - O73
Carbon Tax increase will kill economic recovery As the country gets ready to vaccinate and hopefully start the road to economic recovery, Justin Trudeau pops up like the third wave of an already disastrous 2020. The thing that some people call a “Prime Minister” announced December 11 that his government will raise the carbon tax from $30 a tonne to a staggering $130 a tonne by 2030. That steady yearly increase will eventually see a 36 to 40 cent a litre increase every time you go to fill up. Remember when they said that they wouldn’t increase the tax prior to the last election? Well, they lied. “House Wives of Parliament Hill” star, Catherine McKenna said way back in 2019 that they didn’t have plans for an increase until after 2022. Well, here we are and the Liberal shenanigans have begun, kicking a pandemicravaged taxpayer while they’re down. Classy. Trudeau says there is no vaccine for a polluted planet, yet, here he is. Like a festering bacteria, ravaging an economy already on life support. Canada’s emissions are below two per cent of the global average. With no other country in the world readily increasing taxes during a pandemic, guess Trudeau thinks were setting an example. It’s more like a joke. You can just hear the other world leaders sniggering at Justin and his quasi-dictator (or maybe that’s “queazy”) antics. While we all hope to dig our way out of the pandemic quagmire in 2021, good old Justin is determined to keep us in. That’s by design. He promises to pay back the money with an expanded carbon tax rebate program, but that has proven to never return all an average family has been taxed. And if you’re paying it back, why tax in the first place? Well, it’s to keep his little socialism government propped up. Keep everyone dependent on the government and its “gracious” handouts. That’s how they’ve worked since good ol’ dad, PET. Justin’s gift to us this Christmas season, is greater debt and a lump of coal that he’ll eventually get around to taxing. K.B.
Letter to The Editor Dear Editor: I just wanted to say “Hat’s Off” to the people that organized the Christmas Parade on December 12. And to the people that participated and took the time to decorate their vehicles, trucks or whatever . . . in any case, it
was very entertaining to watch! It brought a smile to my face, and I’m sure to many others as well. If you missed it, well you know, “If you snooze, you lose!” Maybe next year! Job well done and kudos to all that took the
time to do this kind thing for our community at a time when everyone’s spirit needed lifting. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all, and hopefully, we will have a brighter 2021! God Bless and Be Safe! Jean Redlich Biggar
Belgium, the European country with the worst mortality rate per population, has now 95.5 per cent fewer deaths on the average than at the spring peak, even though the second infection wave is larger. The same pattern can be seen for Italy and many other countries. Canada’s second-wave infections are now more numerous than at the May peak, but with 80 per cent fewer deaths. The trend of increased infections, in other words, won’t overwhelm health systems. The overwhelming problem is moral panic among decision makers. Sweden, which refused to panic and didn’t lockdown, is in even better shape. It’s also experiencing a resurgence in infection cases. But with only half the size of the peak numbers now than it had in June, deaths are 98 per cent fewer than in the spring. Overall, the fears of a worse second wave
are unfounded. Furthermore, Sweden’s unique case demonstrates that the government-imposed lockdown experiments are largely irrelevant to the advance or slowdown of COVID-19 infections. Let’s protect the people at risk and let’s do it well. The provinces that are driving the second wave in Canada still have a significant number of infections shamefully continuing in long-term care facilities. The time has come to stop obsessing about the number of cases, even if they’re rising. Cases don’t equal hospitalizations and they don’t equal deaths. The time has come to stop being led by panic. There’s ample evidence that the lockdown policies governments imposed on Canadians have increased a host of social and economic evils that may be worse than the disease they sought to prevent. They’re corrupting par-
liamentary traditions, undermining democratic practices, curtailing the powers of Parliament, and undermining national health and the national economic interest. They have contributed to bankrupting businesses, killing jobs, heaping mountains of debt, vaporizing savings, fostering spikes in numbers of suicides, drug overdoses, family breakdowns, domestic violence, child abuses and much more. The continued but misplaced fear about case numbers doesn’t justify fostering the growing litany of government-inflicted miseries. Marco Navarro-Genie is a senior fellow with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy and the president of the Haultain Research Institute. He is co-author, with Barry Cooper, of the upcoming COVID-19: The Politics of a Pandemic Moral Panic.
Our biggest COVID-19 problem is undue panic
by Marco Navarro-Genie Seven months since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, against evidence and common sense, media, elected officials and health experts continue peddling the panic that gripped them in March. Almost daily, headlines announce new records in the number of COVID-19 cases. The federal health minister, the chief medical officer and the prime minister are ringing bells about a second COVID19 wave. They renewed calls for stricter measures short of another devastating lockdown, and the provinces followed suit. Despite the contradictory details, panic is what threads the inconsistencies in their messages. This panic didn’t arrive with the first few COVID19 deaths. Let’s recall that all three public officials initially assured us the risk for Canada was very
low. Rather, the panic followed the release of statistical models. They didn’t know better when dread replaced common sense. There was no reliable data. The World Health Organization (WHO) and Chinese numbers couldn’t be trusted, and images from Spain and Italy painted a grim picture. So governments resorted to theoretical models. Using British epidemiologist Neil Ferguson’s model that predicted tens of millions of deaths from COVID-19, lockdowns were imposed. Based on such models, the federal government’s predictions released on April 9 warned of 44,000 deaths across Canada. Two days earlier, Albertans heard about the possibility of as many as 6,600 deaths for the province, a figure only one digit shy of full apocalyptic symbolism. The models were wrong,
and so were most decisions issued from them. Let’s remind ourselves that governments chose to lock us down so that the health system would not be overwhelmed. That was then. With sorrowful hearts and without minimizing the losses, we know better now. Fresh data rolls in daily. These data tell a story that doesn’t justify the continued panic, the restrictions trampling liberties, the orders killing businesses, and the health directives making public health even worse. Even with the current case resurgence in mind, they don’t justify the levels of hardship, suffering and deaths resulting from government lockdown policies. Spain, one of the hardest-hit countries, has 88 per cent less casualties during the second wave of infections than it experienced in March having similar numbers of cases.
Phone: 306-948-3344
Fax: 306-948-2133
Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Thursday at the office of publication, 122 Main Street, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Dale and Trudy Buxton Editor - Kevin Brautigam Composition - Fallon Neugebauer
E-mail: tip@sasktel.net
P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.
The Ghost of Christmas Past, 1945 Notable Notes Bob Mason
That body in the ditch back there, Was Glavin from out West! “Out West,” you say How far away, From where the sun went down. A million miles or more, I think, No one has ever guessed. How far a European war, Is from a Prairie town. Beside a bit of road he fell, A bit of breeze was blowing. And it ruffled through his hair, And eyes that gazed one moment, On a world that seemed a Hell,
Now peered into the Heavens. Into the Heaven in an everlasting stare. Sometimes in dreadful dreams appear, In shadows on a ruined slope. And moonlight - hesitant to show. The shattered spectacle below, So desolate of hope. And often when I wake in fear, Although the war is far behind. I see the frozen forms of men, Lie strewn along the dike again. Do I need something to remind? Move over Scrooge, I had a bit of a Christmas present as I was coming home to Perdue in my old truck in a howling blizzard when I saw a man walking along the highway. “Jump in,” I said (Well, what would you do?) and
we continued our trip west. “Where were you going?” I asked him. “You never tried to flag me down! Why were you walking in this storm?” “No one offered to pick me up,” he said, “and I have relatives in Biggar. So I just kept going . . .” We drove for a few miles. There was little traffic and it wasn’t a walking day! “I am just going to Perdue!” I told him. “We’ll stop in there in a minute at the garage, and mebbe you can get a ride!” We went on quietly for a few minutes and then I asked “Who were you out to see on a day like this?” “I was in at the hospital,” he added. “I was in there because I got hit overseas!” Then he shut up. I got that feeling that he was one of the fellows who did get hit near where I was.
He hesitated for a few seconds before he added, “I got hit at Hill 195,” he said. We drove on a ways and were just turning down the main street in Biggar when he spoke again. “You said you would let me off at Perdue, and here we are at Biggar! How come?” I thought for a minute. “The moment you told me you were in the hospital, maybe with some problem with an arm, leg or some disease, I would have left you off at Perdue so you could catch a ride. But when you told me of Hill 195, I had no place else to be. You see, my old regiment, the Argylls, went in behind you at HIll 195!” We parted company, and as he went away, he bid me a “Merry Christmas! And thank you for the ride!” So much for Christmas Past, eh?
LANDIS - RUTHILDA - HANDEL SPRINGWATER - PERDUE - ASQUITH CANDO - ARLEE - SONNINGDALE - KELFIELD and all places around these areas!!! We are looking for your news items or feel good stories for our LOCAL PAPER.
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Freighter accidentally drops 1,800 containers into the Pacific Someone had an especially bad day at work aboard the cargo ship ONE Apus last week. The cargo ship lost 1,816 shipping containers somewhere in the Pacific while en route to California from Japan. Of those, 64 contain “dangerous goods” like fireworks, liquid ethanol, and batteries. A marine claim consultancy group expects the shipping company’s losses to reach $200 million, including the shipping containers that collapsed but remained on the ship. Gale force winds and swells of 50-feet caused the accident, while the ship was about 1,500 miles north of Hawaii. The ONE Apus, a newish cargo vessel, turned around and headed back to Kobe, Japan, to reorganize and assess the damage to the remaining cargo and the ship itself.
If you’ve never thought about the commerce of the high seas before, it’s a real booming industry. The World Shipping Council keeps track of the goods moving across the oceans at any given time. In 2019, 6,000 cargo ships carried 226 million containers moved around the globe bringing cars and TVs and fireworks. It adds up to a $4 trillion industry, but one that isn’t without catastrophic mistakes. In a year, around 1,300 containers fall off ships as they’re bobbing around the high seas. I guess they don’t tie them down or do more to prevent it. That’s not including the rare catastrophic event like what occurred on the ONE Apus last week. The logic tracks that they’ll be more catastrophic events as climate change worsens. More extreme weather means more gale winds and
Delivery Doggo . . . The Biggar Museum and Gallery is a treasure trove of pictures from Biggar and area’s past. Does anyone remember this working hound delivering bread? (Photo for The Independent courtesy of Biggar Museum and Gallery)
super-high wave swells. The shipping containers pose several problems outside of leeching dangerous and toxic chemicals into our already poisoned oceans. The big metal containers don’t immediately sink. There
are air pockets trapped inside that keep the boxes just under the water’s surface for some time. There’s no way for other ships to spot them or avoid them, and they can lead to a domino effect of nautical catastrophe.
Some naval fleets are changing their cargo ships’ design in response to more tumultuous seas to come. 2020 was one of the worst hurricane seasons on record, and things aren’t going to improve in the coming year. Pre-
venting our planet’s premature death hasn’t been enough to convince some people to take climate change seriously. Still, maybe a growing impact on global commerce will snap some sense into world leaders.
Masters of Iron Crotch Kung Fu struggle with lack of students It sounds like something that could’ve sprung from a cheesy Hollywood action comedy, like Kung Pow! Enter the Fist. But we assure you, Iron Crotch Kung Fu is a real and terrifying martial art. There are many “iron” disciplines within the larger martial art of Kung Fu. There’s Iron Fist, Iron Head, Iron Throat, and many more. What they all have in common is that they train their namesake body part to withstand tremendous impacts and possess a truly awesome power. Practitioners of these
arts are capable of seemingly inhuman feats of strength. They can punch through steel plates and crush piles of bricks to dust with nothing but their forehead. Guess, then, which part of the body disciples of the Iron Crotch train? Well, suppose you don’t have to guess. These martial art masters have honed their intimate areas into impenetrable bulwarks of might. And nowhere is that more apparent than in their most infamous exercise. It involves a nearly sev-
en-foot-long log weighing almost 90 pounds, and capped with a steel plate. The exercise involves lifting that log up into the air on a kind of a pulley and letting it smash down into your groin. Did you wince? If you didn’t, you might be able to help the masters of the Iron Crotch with their dilemma. The practice of Iron Crotch is suffering from a lack of willing new students. If something isn’t done, the martial arts discipline is in danger of disappearing completely. But as outlandish it
might seem, Iron Crotch is a thoroughly real martial art that has been practised for hundreds of years. It is one branch of the larger Tongbeiquan Kung Fu tradition, which emphasizes engaging your opponents at the maximum distance. Wang Liutai is a 65-year-old master of the Iron Crotch discipline. The appropriately named head of the Juntun Martial Arts Academy has been practising Iron Crotch for 50 years. Wang has a wife and two children, in case you were wondering if his
calling has impaired his reproductive health. Wang explained that the Iron Crotch practice consists of two parts. In addition to strengthening the bones and muscles of the groin, the Iron Crotchists use Qigong breathing techniques to focus their minds and bodies. “If practising [Iron Crotch] damaged this part of the body permanently, then over time no one would do it. With this, the more you practice, the stronger you become. Without such practice, who would dare practice Iron Crotch Kung Fu?”
He raises a good point. Clearly the techniques work. But despite their attested safety – and even possible beneficial effects on male virility – the art of the Iron Crotch is close to extinction. The flow of new disciples has slowed to a mere trickle. Their goal, after all, is not to become the biggest new fitness fad. They only want to ensure that the ancient traditions of the Iron Crotch are not forgotten.
With everybody stuck at home, shows about murder and serial killers have exploded in popularity. Who knows why, but people seem to love a good murder mystery. Not everybody is content to watch others crack the case when it comes to gruesome murders. An international group of cryptographers have gone above and beyond in solving a vital clue to one of the most cryptic serial killer cases ever. The trio of amateur sleuths consists of Australian software engineer Sam Blake, American cryptographer David Oranchak, and Belgian warehouse operator Jarl Van. Together, they’ve
unravelled a cipher left by one of the most infamous murderers in history – The Zodiac Killer. Known as the 340 Cipher – named after the number of incomprehensible characters on it – the coded message sat unsolved for more than 50 years. World’s leading cryptographers have puzzled over its content, but were unable to decipher it. That was until now. Zodiac Killer is – or was, we don’t know – a serial murderer who spread terror through Northern California between 1968 and 1969. We know that he killed at least five people, but that number could actually be as high
as 37. The Zodiac Killer’s identity remains a mystery to this day. No one has been convicted, and investigations remain open even today. The decrypting trio managed to break through the incoherent bunch of symbols and piece together a bone-chilling message. They’ve released the decoded letter to the public domain. Here it is, with all its authentic grammar errors, misspellings, and lack of punctuation. “I HOPE YOU ARE HAVING LOTS OF FUN IN TRYING TO CATCH ME THAT WASNT ME ON THE TV SHOW WHICH BRINGS UP A POINT ABOUT ME,” the
sage would have remained incomprehensible if not for the help from his two partners. The complicated cipher used by the Zodiac Killer was based – at least in part – on a U.S. Army code manual from the 1950s. By running the code through a series of computer programs, the team was able to apply appropriate letters to the numbers and symbols the killer used. But how can the team of sleuths be sure they got the right answer? Well, they can’t for sure, but the message is coherent enough that they probably got it right. Additionally, the TV show that the Zodiac Kill-
er mentions helps validate the results. Confirmation that the team has the right answer to the riddle comes from the FBI. In a statement, the FBI confirmed that their solution is indeed correct. “The FBI is aware that a cipher attributed to the Zodiac Killer was recently solved by private citizens,” the agency said. “We continue to seek justice for these brutal crimes. Because of the ongoing nature of the investigation, and out of respect for the victims and their families, we will not be providing further comment at this time.”
Amateur sleuths crack Zodiac Killer’s cipher after 50 years
Helping Ma Nature protect your crops
Agriculture Calvin Daniels
by Calvin Daniels How to deal with the challenges of agriculture – weeds, disease, insects – without immediately turning to crop protection products is always a question to explore. It’s not that I see crop protection products as a bad thing, for the farm, the environment or the consumer as long as they are used properly and their impact monitored to catch any issues should a problem arise. But, crop protection products do come with a price tag, a hefty one depending on the product, so alternatives that improve the bottom line on the farm are a good thing. In general terms I also suspect crop protection products are much like medicines, overuse can
lead to weeds and bugs becoming immune to their effects, much like bugs can when it comes to treating human maladies. So when you can break the chain of usage of such products it is going to have the potential of positive effects beyond the immediate control of the problem at-hand. Of course the issue is what alternative methods are effective, and more importantly are effective on today’s large scale farms? On smaller holdings you can often implement systems that are more labour, or time, intensive where you can’t afford either if you are dealing with thousands of acres. One example is the use of insects to control weeds. This is not a new idea. Leafy spurge, for example, is the preferred banquet for five species of Aphthona flea beetles, and a decade or so ago the little bugs were released on some spurge spots in the Saltcoats area to see how they deal with the weed. Of course anytime you
turn to bugs for help it can limit what you spray if another problem arises since it might well kill off the bug population. Goats and sheep will also graze leafy spurge and they too have been used in trials to deal with the weed. And, years ago I did a story on a swine producer north of Yorkton who had Muscovy ducks running around his barn as a natural fly control. The ducks are fine in a small operation, but imagine the sheer number needed in a facility housing a few thousand hogs. Of course the secret in any of the examples noted here is to use controls that are more natural. Nature has a way of putting checks and balances into things and while those checks and balances get out of whack when humans start mucking about in the system they can be kick-started by producers as a solution at times too. The trick for farmers is re-established natural controls in a way that work within large scale agriculture.
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The Saskatchewan Traveller
by Trudy and Dale BuxCalled the “Playground ton of the North”, Loon Lake Our journey continues is a farming-tourism north on Highway 26 to community surrounded the Village of Loon Lake, by five lakes. There is which is in the Makwa an abundance of recreProvincial Park, and a1/4 Page activities that take ational population of roughly place in and around the 400 people. community. Loon Lake has a lush nine hole golf course and the Meewasin hiking trail, in which there are plenty of opportunities to view an abundance of wildlife. Nearby are sandy 122 MAIN STREET in BIGGAR, SK. beaches and three campgrounds with lots of swimming and boating. Ad Design The nearby First Color and Black&White Photocopying Nations communities Business Cards and Rubber Stamps have a strong impact on the local culture. Office Supplies and Laminating If your a history buff, Wedding Invitations and Supplies 10 minutes away is Steele Narrows, the scene of the Flyers, Brochures, Calendars, Sign Making last conflict of the North1st Aid Training west Resistance. DJ Services (PA and equipment rental) We continue east on Highway 304 to HighFireworks (professional and retail) way 4, then we hang a Marriage Commissioner right towards Glaslyn. Life Insurance We decided this trip not to venture into Meadow Lake which is about 10 GIVE US A CALL AT 306-948-3344 kilometres from the interOR EMAIL AT tip@sasktel.net section so we will leave that for another story. Heading south we go by Turtle lake with is about 30 kilometres north of Glaslyn. Turtle Lake is one of the most popular lakes in the region for an endless supply of recreational fun
to all the fantastic people the summer time of the area. There are who inwork in with the fishing, boating, camping plenty of places to stay and cross country ski- as you are only minutes agricultural industry ing in the winter. There away from Jackfish Lodge are many people that call locatedthe within the Battlwe say thank you for Turtle Lake home year efords Provincial Park. round. If your a golfer you can bountiful harvest
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Around Turtle Lake you will find the “Turtle Lake Nature Sanctuary”, which features self-guided trails that are perfect for hiking, cycling and cross country skiing. It is home to numerous different species of animals and birds. It also features a tree that is over 150 years old. When at Turtle Lake you can stay at two of the resort beaches in the area. Travelling through Glaslyn we come across the Resort Village of Aquadeo which is on Jackfish Lake. Aquadeo is another one of those resorts where you can enjoy many amenities of summer living and enjoy the recreation
enjoy one the golf courses that are nearby. The village has a yearround population of around 125. Next up is the Resort Village of Cochin. Cochin has a year round population of around 150 people, also next to Jackfish Lake. Cochin is a very busy resort in the summer time with many summer activities. Around the second weekend of August, Cochin plays host to “Cochin Days” which is a fun-filled family event that includes many activities on the weekend including a fireworks show. Cochin is also noted for their famous lighthouse. The Cochin Lighthouse is the only working lighthouse in Saskatchewan, which is nicely situated on Pirot’s Hill, named after the Pirot family which were instrumental in the erection of the lighthouse in 1988. If you feel energetic there is 153 steps to the top of the hill to get to the lighthouse. The lighthouse stands 11.5 metres high and you will get some spectacular views of both Jackfish and Murray lakes. Very nice day of travelling as we head through North Battleford and home to Biggar. Stay tuned for more adventures!
Asquith Council news for December
Asquith Town Council held its December regular council meeting on Wednesday, December 9. Attending were Mayor Gail Erhart, Councillors, Jackie Stobbe, Jodi Nehring, Jeff Eide, Wade Monks-Janzen, and Darcy Stack. Also attending was CAO Kathy Picketts and Foreman Darren Kraft. The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. A motion was made to accept the December 1 special meeting minutes as presented. A motion was made to
accept the November 18 regular council meeting minutes as presented. Council made a motion to accept the November 2020 financial statements and November 2020 bank reconciliation’s as presented to them at the meeting. Accounts Paid in the amount of $27,184.52 and Accounts Payable of $31,908.83 were accepted as presented. The Town of Asquith By-Election will be held on January 6, 2021, at the Elk’s Hall in Asquith.
The Asquith Town Office will be closed for Christmas holidays and opening again on December 28. The 2021 Asquith Collection Schedule from Loraas Disposal can be viewed on our Web site, townofasquith.com. A reminder goes out to all taxpayers that taxes must be paid by the end of this month. Any taxes not received by that date will be subject to a penalty of 15 per cent. Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Holiday Hours December 24th Closed at 3pm December 25th & 28th Closed December 31st Closed at 3pm January 1st Closed
$340K painting discovered in a dumpster On November 27, while checking in for his flight from Dusseldorf to Tel Aviv, a businessman set a painting by the French surrealist Yves Tanguy on the counter. It was wrapped in cardboard and, apparently, not a priority in his mind. He left it behind as he went through security and on with his day. The 16 by 24-inch painting, despite being worth over a quarter million, probably looked to the outside world like garbage. How often do you encounter anything in the world, wrapped in cardboard or otherwise, and think that it might actu-
ally be worth something? You’ve got to empathize with the businessman, stuck on a six-hour flight, unable to do anything about the painting. He must have just been sitting there sweating. Or, maybe he was blissfully unaware until he arrived at his destination, and someone said, “Hey, where’s the painting?” Tanguy, the painter, was around during the first half of the 20th century, contemporary with Dali, although considerably less notable. You can bet no one leaves Dali paintings behind in airports Several e-mails between the painting’s owner and
the Dusseldorf airport turned up nary a lead. It’s easy to ignore e-mails. When someone is standing in your face demanding answers, it’s hard to just shrug off lost property. At least theoretically. The businessman’s nephew travelled from neighbouring Belgium to speak with the local police. Doing some good old-fashioned detective work, they tracked the lost painting (remember, wrapped in cardboard) to a paper recycling bin. Crisis averted, and perhaps the only time anyone’s retrieved lost property from an airport.
Man grills steak in a Delta airplane Originally posted a to TikTok, the “chef” in question has since deleting a video allegedly showed him grilling a steak in an airplane lavatory. It happened on a Delta Connection plane, and as someone with a daily working knowledge of those regional planes, let me just say, wow. Those bathrooms are tiny, like the smallest of the small. Also, who does this? The video showed the man placing a heater in the toilet bowl, starting a fire with a lighter, and then placing an aluminium grilling sheet across the toilet seat, for the steak of course. He then places the steak on the
sheet, pours over some white wine, and eventually the steak is cooked. When finished, he plates his steak and then takes his seat. Or that’s how it was presented anyhow. Why did he do any of this? Well, for TikTok and the attention of it all. According to him, the premise of his video is that he’s doing it because “they don’t have hot meals on planes anymore.” It’s pretty much a certainty that there were no served, hot meals in economy, on a short haul domestic US flight. The Bombardier CRJ airplanes don’t have ovens, so even in first class (another rarity on
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these typical 50 seaters), there have never been hot meals on these planes. Southwest retweeted his video saying, “We have no words. Other than please don’t even think about cooking a steak on one of our flights.” Turns out this isn’t the first time that this guy has attempted to pull an airplane prank. He previously showed a video in which he gave the woman in front of him a “haircut” as her hair was blocking his personal tv. However, that turned out to be a fake and a setup, as the woman was in fact wearing a wig.
Israeli Defense Chief: Aliens exist but we’re not ‘sane’ enough to know about them There’s been a lot of hubbub about aliens recently. Earlier, we told you about strange monoliths that keep appearing around the world – before disappearing just as mysteriously. So what’s going on? Are these monoliths weird art installation, elaborate practical pranks? Or are we dealing with extraterrestrials? There are many conspiracy theories and opinions on aliens going around, and some of them come from people in high places. For example, earlier this year, a U.S. ex-military boss plainly said that UFOs are real and we must be ready for them. Granted, he was only talking about UFOs in the actual meaning of the word – unidentified flying objects. These might be anything from weather balloons to previously unknown foreign military planes. But now, a similar statement comes from an Israeli ex-defense chief Haim Eshed. He, however, makes his meaning plainly clear. Aliens are real, says Eshed, and they are in contact with humanity. But they don’t want to make their presence plainly known just yet. The reason is that we’re just not ready for them. The extraterrestrials are
waiting for humanity to “evolve” and become “more sane”, Eshed claims, according to the Jewish Press. Eshed served as the head of Israel’s space security program between 1981 and 2010. He has been awarded three times with the Israel Defense Award, an annual award handed out for contributions to the security of Israel. Based on his credentials, it sure seems that Eshed is speaking with some authority when it comes to space security. But – and pardon us – his claims seem a bit difficult to take seriously. According to Eshed, certain people are in regular contact with aliens representing the “Galactic Federation”. But the aliens are a bit publicity-shy so they’ve requested that their existence is kept a secret. “The UFOs have asked us not to publish that they are here, humanity is not ready yet,” Eshed told the Yedioth Ahanoroth newspaper, according to Jewish Press. “They don’t want to start mass hysteria. They want to first make us sane and understanding,” he added. Eshed didn’t elaborate on how exactly the aliens are planning to “make us sane”. “They have been waiting
for humanity to evolve and reach a stage where we will generally understand what space and spaceships are,” he said. Well, we’ve been to the Moon and are planning a trip to Mars. What more could they possibly want? Talking about going to Mars, though, Eshed claims that such a trip is not in the planning stage anymore. If you ask him, we’re already there. “There’s an underground base in the depths of Mars, where their representatives are, and also our American astronauts,” he told Yedioth Ahanoroth. So some humans are sane enough to work with the aliens. Wild. But wait, American astronauts on Mars? Does this mean that the U.S. government is in cahoots with extraterrestrials? Of course they are! It wouldn’t be a good alien conspiracy without some U.S. government involvement, now would it? “There’s an agreement between the U.S. government and the aliens,” claimed Eshed. “They signed a contract with us to do experiments here. They, too, are researching and trying to understand the whole fabric of the universe, and they want us as helpers.” He adds that the whole
jig was almost up, thanks to the Twitter-happy President Trump. Eshed says that Trump came very close to showing us the truth. “Trump was on the verge of revealing it, but the aliens in the Galactic Federation are saying: ‘Wait, let people calm down first,’” Eshed said. As crazy as Eshed’s claims about an AlienAmerican alliance sounds, there is actually something going on behind the scenes. At least, that’s according to ex-U.S. President Barack Obama. In an interview with Stephen Colbert on November 30, Obama revealed that he had requested to be briefed on classified information regarding aliens, wrote New York Post. “[I] certainly asked about it,” Obama admitted. When asked what he found out, the ex-President refused to divulge the information. “Can’t tell you. Sorry,” he said. So could it really be true? Are we really working together with shy aliens on a secret Mars base? Guess we’ll just have to wait until we’re sane and understanding to find out.
Some of the best quips, quotes and anecdotes from the first six months of a year to forget, 2020: Penton on sports Bruce Penton
• Blogger Eric Stangel, after the Yankees signed pitcher Gerrit Cole for $324 million over nine seasons: “The Yankees also announced that beer at the stadium will now cost $734.” • Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: “This is the Year of the Pig, according to the Chinese calendar, though one could argue that Russian doping and the can-banging Astros make it seem like the Year of the Cheetah.” • Comedy writer Jim Barach, after a Patriots video crew violated league policy while taping at the Browns-Bengals game: “They say they weren’t spying, they were just putting together a blooper reel for the NFL Christmas party.” • RJ Currie of sportsdeke.com: “Police in China have used an unusual method to try to slow down speeders - cardboard cut-outs of squad cars. They were inspired by the Cincinnati Bengals defence.” • Headline at Fark.com: “Rendon joins the Angels, but in the good way.” • Greg Cote of the Miami Herald, on Twitter: “Halftime security alert from the Capital One Orange Bowl: When leaving tonight’s game and headed to your car, if
you hear someone say, ‘What’s in your wallet?’ chances are you are being robbed.” • Tottenham coach Jose Mourinho, to reporters, after getting booked by referee Mike Dean during a 1-0 loss to Southampton: “I clearly deserved the yellow card, as I was rude. But I was rude to an idiot.” • Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg: “Iran launched 20 long-range missiles at two U.S. bases but did not hit any key targets. We’re calling it Operation New York Knicks.” • Janice Hough, from leftcoastsportsbabe.com: “Possible 2020 slogan for Baltimore Orioles - ‘We’ve been so bad, you KNOW we’re not cheating’.” • Headline in the Houston Chronicle: “Caught stealing.” • Jim Barach again, after Tusk IV, the Arkansas Razorbacks’ former live mascot, died at age 10: “The autopsy report came back as ‘delicious.’” • Another one from Barach: “The identity of the Hall of Fame voter who snubbed Derek Jeter may never be known. Although it can be narrowed down by finding out who had the ballots that were cast in Boston.” • Vancouver’s Torben Rolfsen (Twitter: @vanguy), on the NFL draft planned (pre-COVID-19) for Vegas, with the stage set in the middle of the Bellagio fountain and the players being ferried to the stage by boat: “The Detroit Lions war room can be decorated in a Titanic theme.”
• Jim Barach again, on why 70-year-old manager Dusty Baker appealed to the Astros: “At his age he is too old to know how to work any electronic equipment newer than a VCR.” • Comedy writer Brad Dickson, on Twitter, as the Super Bowl game ended: “Now comes the hard part - carrying Andy Reid off the field.” • Mike Bianchi of the Orlando Sentinel, on speculation Tom Brady could sign with Tampa Bay: “Not to be mean, but putting Tom Brady on the Bucs would be like putting the Mona Lisa in Room 217 of the Red Roof Inn.” • Michael Rosenberg in Sports Illustrated, reviewing sports over the past decade: “The 2010s were a wild decade in sports - nobody knew what was coming, except the Astros.” • Brad Dickson again: “This is Week Two of the XFL. Who could have even imagined that the league would last this long?” • Greg Cote again, on NASCAR’s Dixie Vodka 400 at Homestead. “Hmm. Should a bunch of guys driving 180 mph in heavy traffic be sponsored by vodka?” • Kent Somers of the Arizona Republic, on Cardinals’ coach Kliff Kingsbury spending $4.5 million on a home in Phoenix after moving from Lubbock, Texas, where he coached Texas Tech: “For $4.5 million in Lubbock, you can buy Lubbock.” • NOT SportsCentre, on Twitter: “BREAKING:
The NFL has announced it is cancelling the Detroit Lions. Roger Goodell: ‘It’s nothing virus related, we just felt it was a good opportunity to put them out of their misery.’” • Jim Barach again: “The NBA has suspended its season because of coronavirus. This would really be a bad time to bring back the old slogan ‘NBA fever . . . catch it!’” • Golfer Shane Lowry, on the 2020 Open Championship (from golf.com): “I guess if they do call off the Open, I will get to be Open champion for two years and I will have to go celebrating again.” • From various Twitter sources: “Day 2 without sports. Found a young lady sitting on my couch yesterday. Apparently she’s my wife. She seems nice.” • From @GaBoy_Shockley on Twitter: “Day 6 no sports. Watching birds fight over worms. Cardinals lead the Blue Jays 3-1.” • Dickson again: “Right now my thoughts are with the elderly. But enough about Tom Brady leaving New England.” • George Fox assistant professor John Spencer, via Twitter, advocating for 10-foot social distancing: ”If you’re wondering how far that is, picture a Bears wide receiver and then imagine where (Mitchell) Trubisky actually threw the pass.” • Headline at TheOnion.com: “Quarantined umpire cleans his entire home with tiny brush.” • Texas pro Mancil Davis, who has 51 career holesin-one but has gaps in
other parts of his game, especially off the tee: “I hit my irons like Doug Sanders, and my driver like Colonel Sanders.” • Scott Ostler of the San Francisco Chronicle, on NFL commissioner Roger Goodell conducting the draft from his basement: “This might be the first draft at which the commissioner’s podium will feature drying laundry.” • From fark.com: “The 2020 Western Hockey League draft reveals positives and negatives. The positive: The virus of Brayden has passed its peak. The negative: It has mutated into variations of Hayden, Aiden, Kaden, Jayden, Grayden and (deep breath) Teydon.” • Dwight Perry again: “The Miami Dolphins just paired a new jersey number with their touted rookie QB, and let’s just say Lawrence Welk fans couldn’t be happier. It’s a 1 and a Tua.” • Another one from RJ Currie: “A Chinese man reportedly invented a car that can run on wind. A tentative name was Feng Chezi, which roughly translates to Don Cherry.” • Alex Kaseberg again, on Twitter: “Red Sox star Mookie Betts is related to the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle. Please, please tell me that makes him Duke Mookie.” • Shannon Szabados on Twitter: “Happy the NHL will be back, but without fans how do we expect players to know when to shoot the puck? How will opposing goalies know they suck?” • Great line from Dwight
Perry: “This year’s John Deere Classic, scheduled for July 9-12, has been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. In lieu of a news release, the PGA Tour announced the breakup in a John Deere letter.” • RJ Currie again: “The PGA cancelled the July, 2020, John Deere Classic due to the coronavirus pandemic. Yes, Dear - No Deere.” • Greg Cote again: “A bat used by Lou Gehrig sold for $1 million. There is only one baseball bat in the world worth $1 million. It’s the one with a cheque for $999,000 taped to the barrel.” • Dave Spect, via Facebook, after the girlfriend of Yankees outfielder Aaron Judge asked officers ‘Do you know who my boyfriend is?’ when she was arrested for DUI: “Soon she’ll know two judges.” • Former Leaguer C.J. Nitkowski, on Twitter: “My wife had an odd way of comforting my son after a rough pitching outing yesterday. ‘Well, at least you still get to live in our house. When Dad pitched bad, we usually had to move.’” • Bob Molinaro of pilotonline.com (Hampton, Va.): “Social distancing will not interrupt the gluttony and star-spangled grossness of Nathan’s July 4th Hot Dog Eating Contest. Contestants will be at least six foot-longs apart as they set out to determine who will be this year’s wiener.” Care to comment? E-mail brucepenton2003@ yahoo.ca.
No white on wedding day if you’re not pure So this guy tells his fiancée that she can’t wear white at their wedding because in his words she’s “not pure.” When she got upset, he took to Reddit in surprise to ask users why. This man is from a very religious family with strict traditions. He was able to convince her not to wear white, but has been slammed as being “controlling.” The unidentified male is 32-years-old and comes from a very strict family. It’s against his families
wishes for her to wear white. “So me and my soonto-be wife are planning to get married in a few months. He said. “I come from a very religious household with strong Christian beliefs and one of the traditions in my family is if the woman getting married isn’t still a virgin they shouldn’t wear a white dress on their wedding day.” “My family knows my soon to be wife wasn’t a virgin when I met her
because my mom asked me when I started dating her if she was pure, and I was honest and told her she had boyfriends before she met me,” he continued. When he said this to his fiancée, she was understandably upset. “My wife was really upset when I asked her if she could wear a coloured dress on our wedding day but she agreed, so we’re looking at getting glittery blue dress instead.” She’s not happy about it though. And now she’s
having second thoughts. “She’s saying she won’t marry me because she’s too humiliated by the whole situation, but I really don’t see how it’s a big deal.” The man is confused by this and posts to Reddit, but users quickly tell him off. One user said, “This is sick, and I can’t believe your GF stayed with you after this.” Another explained: “This is not a Christian tradition, nor is it a modern tradition. There is
no ‘Christian colour’ for virginity in marriage or anything else. Biblically, unmarried/virgin women wore multicoloured robes. “Until the early 20th century, blue was the ‘traditional’ colour of purity, and weddings were generally held with people wearing whatever their best clothes were. White became en-vogue because of Queen Victoria’s white gown.” And yet another added: “Making her parade down the aisle in something so
ridiculous it’s like you’re trying to pin a giant scarlet letter on her. “I think if you have such a poor opinion of her and want to cause her public embarrassment you should do her a favour and break up now.” So that’s that. Don’t tell your fiancée what she can and cannot wear in her own wedding, or you will never live it down.
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CANCER ARIES Jun 22/Jul 22 Mar 21/Apr 20 Cancer, messages from It is time to make friends or family memsome new connections, bers could reach you this Aries. Invite someone you trust to take the lead week. Expect some exciting news about a reunion for a change instead of 2 col/6 of sorts. It’s a good time you running the show. for communication. You may enjoy the LEO break. Jul 23/Aug 23 TAURUS DB Brett… SAFETY You might be tempted Apr 21/May 21 BRETT’S DECORATING & DESIGN SERVICE to break up with someTaurus, you may find Price… 2.5 inches 1ST AID one or put a friendship yourself taking more = $201.50 s FLOWERS on ice, Leo. Maybe your risks more prepaid plusand gstacting per 6-month TRAINING s CUSTOM WEDDING feelings were hurt or boldly. Don’t be afraid commitment. DECORATING & EVENTS 1st Aid training on-line s RENTALS… 4ENTS to give other things a try. there was a misunderor classroom. $120 "OUNCY #ASTLE Try public Re-Certs $85 Please getspeaking back to or me withstanding. Think before Red Cross acting. ask to helm a new proj306-948-9750 Canadian changes/corrections by return rd For More Info: VIRGO ect. 102 - 3 email this morning. Aug 24/Sept 22 GEMINI dale@dtjssb.ca Ave. West, orMay 22/Jun 21 Virgo, when one door Biggar, Sask. Thanks Urla closes another opens, Reality will not be 951-7700 newufitness@sasktel.net and you will find this to nearly as exciting as you 948-3344 /WNED AND OPERATED BY "RETT "ARBER be true this week. A cycle hope it to be this week, comes to a close and Gemini. You may have DB SAFETY something entirely new to offset things a bit by watching movies or read- will come your way. SERVICE ing books for a great 1ST AID escape.
Aboriginal Owned t .PCJMF 8FMEJOH 'BCSJDBUJPO t &NFSHODZ 4FSWJDF t 3FQBJST (PU B QSPKFDU JO NJOE t 8F DBUFS UP "-- Give us a call JOEVTUSJFTy GBSNJOH for a quote. DPNNFSDJBM PJM GJFME t /08 PGGFSJOH JOEVTUSJBM 4LJETUFFS 5SBOTQPSU • CWB )PU 4IPU 4FSWJDF Certified CALL Chance Parenteau @ 306-948-9465 or Sarah Nagy @ 306-290-9766
D.J. Music for all occasions, pop, rock, country, new, edm, light show included Marriage Commissioner For More Info:
dale@dtjssb.ca or
951-7700 948-3344
c for all pop, rock, ew, edm, included Looking to buy good Portraits, Family, age quality retail Wedding, Sports, sioner fireworks? e Info: Passport & Firearm For More Info:
Photos by Jocelyn
Photography jssb.ca dale@dtjssb.ca Biggar, Sask. or www.photosbyjocelyn.com 700 951-7700 306-948-7267 344 948-3344
buy good retail rks? e Info:
700 344
Business & Professional …
1st Aid training on-line or classroom. $120 Re-Certs $85 Canadian Red Cross For More Info:
is an
951-7700 948-3344
Shoreline Realty
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Cell: 306-948-7995 Office: 306-867-8380 carip@remax.net
www.SoldbyCari.ca homesforsale@soldbycari.ca
Acres of Expertise.
Dave Molberg
Farm & Acreage Salesperson (306) 948-4478 dave.molberg@hammondrealty.ca HammondRealty.ca
BIGGAR INDEPENDENT BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 306-948-3344 tip@sasktel.net SUBSCRIPTION RATES…per year ONLINE… $40.00 + $2.00 gst = $42.00 Inside 40-mile Radius… $45.00 + $2.25 gst = $47.25 Outside 40-mile Radius… $50.00 + $2.50 gst = $52.50
in your business.
LIBRA Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, your empathy for others is ramped up this week as you make a concerted effort to help the less fortunate. Consider all ways you can provide assistance. SCORPIO Oct 24/Nov 22 Remember the people who have helped you along the way, Scorpio. Give thanks to everyone who has supported you in any and all endeavors. SAGITTARIUS Nov 23/Dec 21 It can be challenging for you to be as productive as you want to be, Sagittarius. For some reason your focus keeps being drawn elsewhere. Hunker down and concentrate.
CAPRICORN Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, a reason to throw an intimate party will present itself in the days ahead. Keep it small and write up a guest list of those closest to you. AQUARIUS Jan 21/Feb 18 This week you learn a new skill or something relating to electronics commands your attention, Aquarius. This can put you in good spirits as you figure out ways to apply what you learn. PISCES Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, you may find that you are mixing business with pleasure. Just be careful to follow the rules if you’re thinking of a workplace romance.
Land for Rent
3 year cash lease. Payments due May 1st and December 1st. R.M. of Rosemount #378 NE 04-39-17 W3rd 80 acres SE 04-39-17 W3rd 160 acres R.M. of Reford #379 NW 35-38-18 W3rd 160 acres Deadline for Tenders is: December 24th, 2020 5:00pm Highest or any lease offer not necessarily accepted. Send offers: Ken Kobelsky Box 602, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Independent Classifieds For Rent Charter/ Sherwood Apartments in BIGGAR
1 or 2 bedroom, heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwahers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins. For more information call: Risa Management at 306-665-2300 or Andre at 306831-4430
Central Park Place
has apartments for seniors available in Biggar. Call 948-3901 or 948-7824
Deadline for &ODVVLÀHGV is Monday at 5 p.m.
Tenders will be accepted on the following parcels of land located in the RM of Grandview No 349, approximately 3 miles east of Kelfield and 3 miles north. NW 4-35-18-W3 approx. 150 cult. acres NE 8-35-18-W3 approx. 155 cult. acres NW 8-35-18-W3 approx. 150 cult. acres SE 8-35-18-W3 approx. 145 cult. acres SW 8-35-18-W3 approx. 140 cult. acres Tenders will be accepted no later than 3 pm Dec 23, 2020 Highest or any tender not necesarily accepted. Tenders may be sent mash4@sasktel.net or G. Weese, Box 61, Wilkie Sk. S0K 4W0.
COMING EVENTS Looking for aerial photos of farms from the Biggar RM. Looking to have an exhibit in the Biggar Museum & Gallery for January. Can you bring in your aerial photo, and invite your neighbours to show theirs’s? Before and now shots welcome. Will be hung by professionals, under lock and key in a safe environment. Call 306-948-3451 for more information. We will accept the framed photos now XQWLO ÀUVW ZHHN LQ -DQXDU\
Obituaries Harden, Edward
William “Bill� Turner It is with sadness that we announce the passing of William “Bill� Turner, on November 30, 2020 at 3:25 p.m. at St. Paul’s Hospital in Saskatoon. Bill farmed on his Grandfather’s homestead i n the Springwater district. Born o n March 7, 1938, in the house his Grandfather built. This often gave him a chuckle when he was asked for his birthplace and would give him the land description. Bill was the 3rd generation to reside and farm this land when he and Glenda married in 1965. As a result he received the Century Farm Award in 2009. Following his retirement Bill moved to Biggar for a time. His health deteriorated resulting in him being moved into Central Haven Special Care Home on November 2, 2018 where he resided until he was hospitalized on November 20, 2020 with an infection. Bill is survived by his son, Robert better known as Bob; daughter, Maelene (Dean); grandchildren, Michael, Roslyn and Trevor; sisters, Joyce (Harvey) Horst, Lynn aka Bet; brother Doug (Linda); sisters-in-law, Sharlene (Dennis), Audrey (Brian) and Gail (John); numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins. In addition to his family, Bill’s death will be mourned by many good friends. Bill was predeceased by his wife, Glenda in 1986; parents, Herb and Mary; in-laws, Melvin and Gladys; sister, Marie; brothers-in-law, Donald, Terry and Dan; nephew Douglas; 2 infant nieces and also many Aunts, Uncles and cousins.Bill loved the rodeo, particularly the chuck wagon races. This interest began as his Uncle Mervin used to race pony chuck wagons and he and Glenda would travel to watch him. The next thing you knew, they were hooked and travelled many miles to various rodeos. He was also a Charter member with the Ruthilda Elks #419. In younger days, you would often find Bill wearing a western hat and cowboy boots. He still continued to wear his western hat which led to him often being referred to as Cowboy Bill by the care staff in Central Haven.Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, a Celebration of Bill’s Life will be held in Springwater on a date yet to be determined. Bill will be interred in the Springwater Cemetery with his wife, Glenda. At Bill’s request, in lieu of flowers, memorial donations be made to the Canadian Diabetes Association. Arrangements in care of Chelsea Krentz - Mourning Glory Funeral Services (306) 978-5200. Condolences for the family may be left at www.mourningglory.ca
Tom Muc
November 26, 1959 - December 23, 2005
Love is one thing That death cannot take away, For love is eternal, We miss you every day. Mom and family
December 19, 1946 – December 9th, 2020, entered into rest, at the Yorkton Regional Health Centre at the age of 73 years.Edward Floyd Harden was born to parents Floyd and Margret Harden (nee Rann) in Biggar, Saskatchewan. Dad was also raised in Biggar, where he occasionally, raised a little hell. He moved to various places over t h e years, until he met the love of his life, Mary Lenko, in Prince Albert in 1976. Where she was able to settle him down enough to start a family. Dad had interesting jobs over the years that include, The Rann Family Bakery, Biggar Hotel, Wright’s Garage, bootlegging, CN, Pulp and Paper Mills, Par Industries, commercial cleaning, and RAM Industries. Along with these interesting jobs, came the most interesting stories. These stories made for great conversation, while sitting down having a beer. Dad moved to Canora, Saskatchewan in 2003, where he lived until his sudden passing. He made numerous friends in the area, while frequenting the local establishments. He had a passion for good craftsmanship. His saying was “If you’re going to do it, you do it rightâ€?. With that being said, he was always also found rigging stuff together. He love gardening up until he was unable to keep on top RI WKH ZHHGV DQG KLV IDYRULWH Ă€RZHUV WR JURZ ZHUH sweet peas. He loved his grandchildren very much, they usually always came to visit whether it be their spare time or at lunchtime. Dad had a judgment free zone and no matter how you came, you left with a free conscience. Dad’s sense of humour was one like no other, some of his favorite lines included “Make sure you drink from the bottom upâ€? or his favorite dual purpose greeting, “Where’s your summer dress?â€? Dad leaves to mourn in his passing, his wife Mary Lenko, son Chris (Kim Nesbitt), son Joseph (Erica), daughter Amanda (Kevin) Medvid, daughter Donna (David) Medvid, son Donald (Chrissy Oneschuk), he will also be remembered, by his 6 siblings, brother Ken (Margaret), Bev (Willie) Rossal (Willie). Gladys (Ed) Relland, Brenda (Perry) McBee, Gerrie (Theo), Sandy (Bob) Stayner, dad also leaves behind his 6 precious grandchildren Sara, Grace, Nick, Tony, Kiara, and Jaelyn.Dad is predeceased by his parents Floyd and Margaret Harden. Due to provincial restrictions, a funeral service will be held at a later date, at the Canora Cemetery. Those so wishing, may make memorial donations, in memory of Ed to the Royal Canadian Legion, Biggar, Saskatchewan Branch. To leave a note of condolence for the family, please visit Wolkowski.ca
Notice to creditors 56;0*, ;6 *9,+0;69: IN THE ESTATE OF RALPH CRAWFORD, LATE OF THE VILLAGE OF PERDUE, IN THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN, DECEASED: ALL CLAIMS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE, duly verified by Statutory Declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 31ST day of December, 2020. BUSSE LAW PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Barristers and Solicitors 302 Main Street, Box 669 BIGGAR,Saskatchewan S0K 0M0
St. Gabriel Roman Catholic Church 109 - 7th Ave. W, Biggar Father Edward Gibney Parish Phone: 306-948-3330 SATURDAY MASS TIME • 7:00 p.m. SUNDAY MASS TIME • 11:00 a.m. By Appointment, Phone the Parish to Book Your Time
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, Landis SUNDAY MASS TIME • 9 a.m. Presbyterians, Anglicans and Lutherans will be suspending in person worship for December and January due to the rise in COVID cases. We will be doing a Facebook live service of Lessons and Carols on December 13 and Christmas Eve at 7:00 p.m. both evenings. For more information/pastoral services, phone Cindy Hoppe at 948-2947 or John Bennett at 948-2852.
BIGGAR ASSOCIATED GOSPEL CHURCH 312 - 8th Ave.W. and corner of Quebec St., Biggar
Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m. 7HZ[VY +V\N 4V[a *O\YJO VɉJL WOVUL
BIGGAR UNITED CHURCH 907 Quebec St./corner Turnbull Ave., Biggar
SUNDAY Services 11 a.m. Covid 19 Guidelines Apply Masks Required INQUIRIES CALL CHURCH OFFICE 306-948-2280 LEAVE MESSAGE
Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Contact: 306-948-2481 www.amazingfacts.org
Church Service‌11 a.m.
CARD OF THANKS On behalf of the residents, staff and boss of Sunshine Care Home, I would like to Thank the merchants of Biggar and the Legion who put on the awesome Santa Claus parade, on Saturday, December 12. To see the floats all decorated up was fantastic and we didn’t have to go out into the cold. Thank you and have a safe and blessed Christmas Lily Murch Thank you to all the donors, and bidders, all the cookie bakers and buyers ‌ once again your generosity has been 3 col/6 A heartfelt thank you from the staff, board outstanding! members and volunteers at the Biggar Museum & Gallery. I sat in my comfortable little nest the other night and display classified price: $52.50 plus gst watched the Christmas parade. How nice! The wind was whipping the snow around the participants and it reminded me of the day last summer when Gordon Laycock played his horn for us and the wind nearly blew him into next week. There are so many thoughtful people in this community who extend themselves to make things pleasant for the rest of us. Thank You for all, so much. Isla Solanik
If we all do one random act of kindness daily, we just might set the
WORLD in the right direction
PAY IT FORWARD Sign up a new subscriber for free
#PY #JHHBS 4, 4 , . 1-306-948-3344 email: tip@sasktel.net
With Best Wishes & Gratitude To Our Many Customers and Good Friends This Holiday Season!
From Everyone at...
Merry Christmas
Have A Jolly Holiday
Help isolated loved ones this holiday season
Attentio…MaryLou/Eunice phenomenon called of cabin fever might be alone. Prairie Branches Adverising Manager
A “cabin fever” tends to set in around late autumn or in midwinter. Long hours of darkness coupled with cold, inclement weather often is a recipe for increased time spent indoors. For people who live alone, the effects
more pronounced. In addition to seasonal cabin fever, this year another factor comes into play: social distancing and voluntary quarantine as a result of the novel coronavirus COVID-19. Even those who may venture outside to socialize, particularly around the holiday season, may be hesitant or unable to do so to help prevent the spread of the virus. In these instances, friends and loved ones can mitigate feelings of isolation in various ways. • Schedule video chats. Video conferencing apps have become the communication vehicles of choice during the era of social distancing. Different applications and services continue to evolve and help people stay in touch. Plan regular chats, either once or twice per week with isolated or vulnerable people. Try to organize a large group chat on the holiday itself so no one has to spend Christmas or Chanukah
• Drop off supplies. Even though supermarket shop-from-home and other delivery services have normalized somewhat since the start of the pandemic, treat individuals who may be isolated to some personalized attention. Put together care packages of supplies or holiday treats and deliver them in person so you can see the smiles that result from being able to visit with someone familiar. • Send uplifting messages. Children or even adults can make personalized cards and mail them to loved ones at home or those who may be in long-term care facilities. Send new mailings every week or two so that residents always have something to look forward to in the mail. • Start a virtual club. A book club or another shared interest can be the catalyst for more frequent communication. A club puts everyone on the same page and enables them to come together,
INDEPENDENT Wishing all of you a most Merry Christmas, and Best Wishes for the New Year.
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting last year @ $42.00 plus GST plus the PRAIRIE BRANCHES we are also offering a New Years ad ~ Board, Management, Staff and Participants with free color at 1/2 price of your Christmas greeting. Tidings of Comfort &IfJoy you would like we can also increase your Wishing you a warm and ad cozy for more exposure in the paChristmas filled with family, friends per.of home. Please let us know how we can be and all the comforts We thank you for giving us such a of service. warm welcome in the community. Happy Holidays!
Deadline approval/changes is by re‘Almost turn Home’ email or by November 29 please. Care Home
114 - 4th Ave. W., Biggar Management, staff & residents
There’s No Place Like Atttention: SandraHome for the Holidays!
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting @ $94.50 plus gst and New Year’s for 1/2 price FREE colour (changed content but same size)
Deadline approval/changes OWNER/PUBLISHER 306-843-2088 (Marylou Canong)is by return email or by November 30 please May your home be blessed with peace, love, joy and contentment throughout the Yuletide season. We feel blessed to have such wonderful friends and neighbours like you. Thanks!
Thanks for your prompt attention.
THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 122 MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
the Sunshine Family Care Home
Attention Shannon....
Shannon and Vince Morgan Residents and Staff
Treemendous Thanks
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting last year @ $135.00 plus gst. We are also offering a New Years ad for 1/2 price of the Christmas ad if you wish.
OWNER/PUBLISHER THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
With apprecition Deadline approval/changes is by return emailfrom our entire team, we wish you or by November 29 please. all a fun-filled and
Thanks for your prompt attention and participation Merry
Thanks so much for supporting us this past year. We look forward to serving the community in the future.
Biggar & District Health Services Foundation Inc. Box 1003, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Atttention: Jo/Patti
OWNER/PUBLISHER THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 122 MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
via phone or video chat, for a discussion. • Ask for help learning a new skill. Along the same vein as a virtual club, lessons on everything from woodworking to crochet to making favorite holiday recipes can be conducted online. Give an isolated individual daily purpose and distraction by engaging him or her with online lessons. Isolation and feelings of loneliness can affect anyone who normally suffers from cabin fever. However, this year it may be more pronounced, as it could be coupled with social distancing precautions that have already been in effect for some time. Caption: Even those who may venture outside to socialize, particularly around the holiday season, may be hesitant or unable to do so to help prevent the spread of the virus. In these instances, friends and loved ones can mitigate feelings of isolation in various ways.
322 Main St., Biggar For ALL shows, events and times, check our website: majestictheatre.ca
Merry Christmas
How to give safely during the pandemic Donations are the lifeblood of many charitable organizations. Unfortunately, donations also can be the lifeblood of criminal operations designed to scam wouldbe donors. The potential for charity scams could be even greater in 2020. Charities accept donations yearround, but the spirit of giving that prevails during the holiday season makes the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas especially popular times to donate to charity. Recognizing the challenges people in their communities have faced as a result of the economic fallout of the pandemic, donors may be more inclined to donate to charities purporting to help laid off workers,
small businesses or others adversely affected by the outbreak. That’s admirable, but prospective donors must recognize that their eagerness to support COVID-related charities may make them vulnerable to criminals looking to exploit their charitable nature. • Be wary of recently launched operations. Operations that were formed in response to the pandemic may be viable, but they may have been formed by scammers looking to exploit the outbreak for their own gain. Be especially wary of crowdfunding campaigns. • Ask questions. Any charity, even those formed in response to the COVID19 outbreak, should be able to provide you with the same information as
charities that have been around for years. Prior to donating, ask for the charity’s name, address, telephone number, and mission. In addition, don’t feel skittish about asking how your donation will be used and the percentage of each donation that goes to programs that directly help the people you’re trying to assist. • Be vigilant before donating via peer-to-peer social networking Web sites. It’s especially difficult to verify how donations made via texts or Web sites are ultimately used. While these can be convenient ways to donate, donors must be especially vigilant about vetting before donating to charities through these channels. • Never donate using cash, gift cards or wire
transfers. Reputable charities do not ask for donations to be made in this way. Use credit cards whenever possible. • The terms “COVID-19” or “coronavirus” do not authenticate a charity. A reputable name or logo does not mean the charity is actually reputable. Prior to donating, donors can confirm a charity is legitimate by contacting organizations such as Charity Navigator, the BBB Wise Giving Alliance or the National Center for Charitable Statistics. Scammers will no doubt try to exploit the pandemic to take advantage of donors during the upcoming giving season. Savvy donors can employ various strategies to ensure their charitable donations end up in the right hands.
7 facts about the winter solstice
Nocturnal animals and human night owls may rejoice during the winter solstice. On the winter solstice, people can witness the Earth’s longest night and shortest day of the year for their respective hemispheres. For individuals living in the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice generally occurs between December 20 and 23 each year. Those in the southern hemisphere experience the winter solstice between June 20 to June 23. In 2020, the northern hemisphere’s winter
solstice occurs on December 21. The solstice may come and go unnoticed, but it’s an interesting day on the calendar. 1.) Not only will the winter solstice occur on a specific date, it also occurs at a specific time when the Earth’s semiaxis tilts furthest from the sun. This corresponds to when the North Pole is aimed away from the sun on the 23.5 degree tilt of the Earth’s axis. At this point, the sun also shines directly over the Tropic of Capricorn. The information and trivia site Mental Floss says
The solstice may come and go unnoticed, but it’s an interesting day on the calendar.
the solstice happens at the same moment for everyone on the plane. However, the hour it occurs depends on your time zone. 2.) Areas of the Northern Hemisphere can have varying lengths of day and night on the solstice. For example, New York City may have nine hours and 15 minutes of sunlight on the winter solstice. If that upsets New Yorkers, they may be happy to be outside parts of Finland, some of which get less than six hours of sunlight on the solstice. 3. )The word “solstice” is derived from Latin and means “sun stands still.” It was chosen to describe this cosmic phenomenon because the solstice sun seemingly appears in the same position at noontime for several days before and after the winter solstice - at its lowest point in the sky. 4.) It is easy to mistake the solstices for the equinoxes, which also occur twice a year. However, the equinoxes occur in fall and spring and mark when the sun is directly above the equator and night and day are of equal length. 5.) Despite the winter solstice indicating the beginning of the astrological winter, it may not be the coldest time of the season. Usually those temperatures are reserved for January and February. 6.) The Farmer’s Almanac reports that many cultures marked the
arrival of the solstice as a time of death and rebirth. Early man also kept track of the days by observing the sun’s position in the sky. In fact, historians believe Stonehenge was created to monitor the sun’s yearly “movement.” 7.) Many traditions associated with Christmas originated during Pagan celebrations for the winter solstice. For example, Scandinavians would burn a juul (yule) log in the hearth in honor of the god Thor. Thor’s job was to bring the sun’s warmth back to the people. While the winter solstice and the lack of sunlight synonymous with it may not be something everyone looks forward to, there is a silver lining. Following the winter solstice, the hours of sunlight gradually increase by the day, eventually paving the way for the spring equinox.
Reel Merry
Thank you for joining us this past year.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
… from the Board and Volunteers …
the For ALL shows, events and times, check our website: majestictheatre.ca
Health and Happiness Good Luck and Good Cheer We Wish You All This and More at Christmas Time and the New Year
Merry Christmas Happy New Year
Biggar Veterinary Clinic Dr. M. O. Isinger and family, Paulette Ireland-Hegland 306-948-3642
1/4 Pa
Atttention: Marty/Paulette
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting from last year @ $136.50 plus gstand New Year’s (same size, different content) for 1/2 price FREE colour $68.25 Deadline approval/changes is by return It has been a joy to serve the citizens of Biggar and District and email orweby November 30 please wish you all good health and happiness for 2021 Thanks for your prompt attention.
Merry Christmas from Sgt. Dean Kabaroff, Cst.Chad Doucette, Cst.Karlo Malik, Cst.Jonny Horsman, Cst.Bethany Charbonneau, Cst.Chris McLeod, and Vicki Little
Merry Christmas
Hope It’s a Banner Year!
We loved serving you every day this past year! We thank you for your patronage and look
M & N Repair Mike, Darlene and staff
Wishing you a season filled with lots of love, laughter and joy. For all your support, we are deeply grateful.
701-4th Ave. E, Truck Route East, Biggar • 306-948-3996 Wishing you a season filled with
lots of love, laughter and joy.
For all your support, we are deeply grateful.
Jann, Solana and family
Jann, Solana and family
Attention Jan Red and green have become the traditional colours of Christmas, just as blue and white symbolizes Chanukah. Wishing You a But how did this colour palette come to evolve? I am attaching your Christmas Greeting Merry from last year @ $84.00 plus gst; Why are Christmas colors red and green? Christmas It’ssolstice Timeblom. to and Many people may not toms of winter company denies the conget in the holiday spirit again for New Year’s (same size, differwithout decorations and the trimmings. ent content if desired) for half priceallFREE Chances are strong that colour $42. if you have containers full
celebrations of ancient Sundblom was an artist peoples, including the commissioned in 1931 by Celts. Ancient Celtic peo- the Coca-Cola company to ple revered holly plants, create an image of Santa believing they brought Claus for the company’s of items just waiting to beauty and good fortune upcoming holiday ads. see the light of day again in the middle of winter - a Until this point, verthis holiday season, those time when the landscape sions of Santa were items are red or green or is normally bleak and rarely consistent, with some combination there- holly plants thriveOWNER/PUBLISHER and his clothing vacillating BIGGAR of. stand out. THE Celts wouldINDEPENDENT between green, blue and Thanks for your prompt attention and participation Red and greenTime flies when we’re having fun WEST 102 - 3RD AVENUE havesureregularly bring in sprigs red. with He also wasn’t the P.you. O. BOX 40 fellow assogreat customers friends become the traditional of holly and and decorate theirlikeplump, jolly S0K 0M0 colours of Christmas, just homes plants, We wishwith you the all BIGGAR, the best!SK. ciated with Christmas as as blue and white sym- which feature shiny, ser- we know him today, but bolizes Chanukah. But rated leaves and telephone: bright, 306-948-3344 rather thin and elf-like. fax: 306-948-2133 May the peace and happiness of the Christmas how did this colour pal- red berries, as a way to Sundblom portrayed him e-mail: tip@sasktel.net season carry you and your family through the new ette come to evolve? guarantee a prosperous as a chubby man wearwww.biggarindependent.ca year and beyond. Thank you for your patronage. Just like many traditions new year. ing red robes, likely as a of Christmas, the red and Holly also came to be nod to Coca-Cola’s own green scheme has origins associated with the crown red logo, even though the Fred, Patsy, Teagon that pre-date the Chris- of thorns Jesus Christ was tian celebration. forced to wear during his Fred, Patsy, Teagon Christmas has borrowed crucifixion. from many of the cusThe custom of using red and green continued into the 14th century. Dr. Spike Bucklow, a research scientist at the University of Cambridge, says red and green also were used to paint medieval rood screens, which were partitions installed in churches to separate the congregation from the priest and altar.OWNER/PUBLISHER THEnotes BIGGAR Dr. Bucklow thatINDEPENDENT 122 MAIN STREET Victorians also extended 40 the association of these P. O. BOXRosetown BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 colours as a physical telephone: 306-948-3344Eston boundary to another Thanks for your prompt attention and participation fax: 306-948-2133Harris boundary: the marking of Urla the end of the olde-mail: year tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca and the beginning of a new one at Christmastime. While red and green had associations with Christmas in early times through holly and other from sources, the connection was perhaps best solidified thanks to a man named Haddon Sund-
Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 29 please.
Happy New Year!
nection. Santa was featured in front of a green background. The ads proved popular and Sundblom’s Santa became the preferred depiction. Santa’s red robes perfectly complemented the green background and other green components of the holiday, such as Christmas trees and holly, that already had been solidified as Christmas imagery. Colour plays a strong role in creating Christmas nostalgia. Red and green are put on vivid display throughout the season.
Spyder AutoBody 306-948-2044
Spyder AutoBody the 306-948-2044
Attention Patti/Fred...
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting from last year @ $114.50 plus gst; and again for New Happy Year’s (same size, differentHolidays content if desired) for half price FREE colour $57.25. Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 30 please.
Plenty Landis Perdue
Prairie Malt EMPLOYEES
Atttention: Tamara Weir-Shields
Atttention: Mike/ kshimoda.cpcl@sasktel.ne
Merry Christmas
O Christmas Tree
THE INDEPENDENT, BIGGAR, SK - 5 “Bringing The World To Biggar�
“O Christmas Tree� is a wildly popular holiday song. In fact, the song is so popular that there are many different versions, each of which is based on a traditional German folk song. That song, “O Tannenbaum,� is centuries old and has nothing to do with Christmas.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Biggar & District Arts Council
“O Christmas Tree� O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree Thy leaves are so unchanging O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree Thy leaves are so unchanging Not only green when summer’s here But also when it’s cold and drear O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree Thy leaves are so unchanging O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree Such pleasure do you bring me O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree Such pleasure do you bring me For every year this Christmas tree Brings to us such joy and glee O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree Such pleasure do you bring me O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree You’ll ever be unchanging A symbol of goodwill and love You’ll ever be unchanging Each shining light, each silver bell No one alive spreads cheer so well O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree You’ll ever be unchanging
YOU THIS YEAR! Troy, Kerry and everyone at‌
&Happy Holidays
Attention Troy/Kerry....
I am attaching your Christmas & " +#( ' " Greeting last year @ $84.00 plus gst; and again f $$ " && ' & # + Year’s& &#" " +#( #% (same size, different content if de +#(% &($$#%' " for half price FREE colour $42.00.
Staff and Families of
Thanks for your prompt attention and participation Jason‌
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting fromlast year @ $223.65 Asplus we ring in another holiday season, we’d like to send a message of thanks to our network of gst; and then run it again valued customers for your loyal support this for New Year’s (sameyear. We owe our success to all of you and we appreciate your business. size, different content ifHere’s hoping Santa answers all of your desired) for half price wishes this Christmas and always! FREE colour $111.83.• SASKTEL CELLULAR & HIGH SPEED
Our best wishes for a holiday filled with good cheer, happiness, love and contentment. Thank you for your continued support!
Deadline approval/changes is by return or by November 29 please. " '% ' - %
Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 29 please.
Thanks for your prompt attention and participation
Merry Christmas Friends!
Unity, SK • 228-3735 www.northwestterminal.com
103 - 2ND AVE. E., BIGGAR • 306-948-2266 STORE HOURS • MON. - FRI., 9 A.M. - 6 P.M.
103 - 2ND AVE. E., BIGGAR • 306-948-2266 STORE HOURS • MON. - FRI., 9 A.M. - 6 P.M.
Ch $12
ru Y
Merry Christmas
Fun facts about Three Kings Day Thanks for stocking our year with good memories. Your visits have brought us much joy in 2020 and we look forward to serving you again in 2021 May your cart overflow with good tidings and joy and may your heart be full with love and contentment.
Wish List
• Cheer
• Love
• Good Tidings
• Contenment
• Health
• Friendship
This holiday season and beyond!
• Happiness • Strength • Joy
Merry Christmas and thanks for choosing us!
The holiday season begins with Thanksgiving, and many people believe that the festivities come to a close after ringing in the new year. In fact, for the faithful, the Christmas season does not end until January 6 (January 12 in Eastern churches). January 6 marks the celebration of the Epiphany, sometimes referred to as Three Kings Day, Little Christmas, the Baptism of Jesus, and Día de los Reyes. The Epiphany is celebrated 12 days after December 25. In fact, that isLets where welcome the phrase thetogether a new January 6 marks the celebration of the Epiphany, sometimes referred to as Three Twelve Days of ChristKings Day,hope, Little Christmas, the Baptism of Jesus, and Día de los Reyes. year filled with new mas, and the song of the and good health ! in divine birth. Finally, the been considered more samenew name, joy originated. reflection and prayer Christians believe that anticipation of the birth myrrh stood for Christ’s important than ChristHappy New Year the real celebration of of Jesus Christ, the 12 mortality. mas day. However, those and thanks us! Christmas are Many celebrants will tides have largely shifted the holiday season doesfor choosing days of not begin until December times of great celebra- bake ring-shaped cakes in outside of Latin Ameri24 and then continues tion. On the Epiphany, which they will hide plas- ca and areas dominated through Three Kings Day. children may leave their tic baby figurines that are by large populations of While the four weeks pre- shoes out for presents in meant to symbolize Jesus people who have Latin Committed to our Community ceding Christmas, also similar Christ. The cake is called American heritage. Greg, Naomi aand staff fashion to the known as Advent, are way stockings are hung. The Kings Ring, or Rosca Christmas and New 306-948-5144 supposed to be times of Gifts are exchanged, de Reyes. Year’s garner considerreminiscent of the three In Latin America, the able attention during gifts the magi presented three magi are more holiday celebrations, but to the Christ child of gold, prominent figures than Three Kings Day also is frankincense oil and a Santa Claus and are an important date on resin called myrrh. The greatly revered by chil- the calendar for faithful gold represented Christ’s dren and adults alike. Christians. royal standing. The frank- Until the 19th century, incense marked Christ’s the Epiphany may have
Stay Safe, shop local and Stock up on
Committed to our Community Greg, Naomi and staff
FromAdour Christmas Pricebranch - $120.00
to your family and business, we wish you a New Years 1/2 price - $60.00 happy holiday season.
Warm up with a rich, chocolate beverage
Drop by and visit Kristy, Kari-lee, Destiny, Naty and the team during the holidays at: RBC Biggar branch 303 Main St, Biggar SK 306-948-5001
May you have a safe and happy holiday season.
® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada.
39540 (11/2017)
Nothing beats sipping a hot, soothing beverage after a day of choosing the perfect Christmas tree or lobbing snowballs in the backyard. Teas, hot toddies, coffees, and mulled ciders certainly can fit the bill, but a mug of rich hot chocolate is a holiday season staple. Hot chocolate can be whipped up quickly from premade packets, but many such packets are loaded with sugar. Chocolate lovers should have a reliable hot
chocolate recipe to lean on when the moment is right. This recipe for “Real Hot
Chocolate” from “Chocolate” (Parragon) by the editors of Love Food is sure to please.
Real Hot Chocolate (Serves 1 to 2) 11⁄2 ounces semisweet chocolate, broken into pieces. 11⁄4 cups milk. Chocolate curls to decorate. Place the chocolate in a large, heatproof pitcher. Place the milk in a heavy-bottom saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour about one-quarter of the milk onto the chocolate and leave until the chocolate has softened. Whisk the milk and chocolate mixture until smooth. Return the remaining milk to the heat and return to a boil, then pour onto the chocolate, whisking constantly. Pour into warmed mugs or cups and top with the chocolate curls. Serve immediately.
Attention Kristy Smith, Royal Bank Manager... Attached is your Christmas ad from last year, the price was $126.00 plus gst with free colour. We are also offering a New Years ad with same content or different content for 1/2 price. Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 29 please. Thanks for your prompt attention and participation kristy.smith@rbc.com who forwarded to kari-lee.litterick@rbc.com
OWNER/PUBLISHER THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 122 MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 lovers should have a reliable hot chocolate recipe e-mail: Chocolate tip@sasktel.net to lean on when the moment is right. This recipe for “Real www.biggarindependent.ca Hot Chocolate” from “Chocolate” (Parragon) by the editors of Love Food is sure to please.
Attention Randy/Roxan
Merry Christmas
Holiday gifts for four-legged family members Holiday shoppers who are busy making lists and checking them twice should make sure they don’t overlook the family pet. Christmas has gone to the cats and dogs, as a greater number of people include their companion animals when selecting gifts each year. A study by OnePoll conducted by Rover.com, the nation’s largest network of dog sitters and walkers, found that 95 per cent of pet owners have bought holiday gifts for their pets. Gifts can range from everyday needs, like food and treats, to more lavish extravagances like spa treatments. Pet owners who plan to get their pets gifts this year may want to consider some of the emerging pet trends as they browse wares and services. The Balance, a business, career and industry information site, says pet industry trends point
toward these segments seeing growth. Natural pet products Just as people are interested in protecting the health of the planet and their own personal health, so, too, are they extending this concern to companion animals. Natural pet products, which can include natural flea and tick remedies, holistic foods, organic items, and all-natural grooming products, can make great gifts. Specialty pet services The American Pet Products Association says the demand for high-end pet grooming and other services is substantial. In addition, personalized training, behavioral consulting, portrait photography, dog sitting, and upscale spa treatments like pet Reiki and massage are booming. Mobile pet grooming Mobile pet grooming has become the norm in many areas. Mobile pet
grooming can reduce the potential stress on animals, and tends to be very convenient for customers, particularly seniors and others who have mobility issues. Beyond these growing trends, pet owners have a bevy of other ideas from which to choose. Here are just a few different suggestions: • tests to detect pets’ DNA and trace breed and ancestry, • interactive puzzles to keep pets engaged and
We hope your holiday hits all the high notes!
banish boredom, • stylish storage baskets for pet toys, • hidden cat litter or dog crate items that camouflage commonly used pet items, • heated pet bed for cozy nights and mornings, and • signature vests, coats and sweaters to look good and remain comfortable. Pet gifts are popular this time of year, ensuring all members of the family have a treat to open.
With a song in our hearts, we wish all of our neighbours here a most Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We sincerely appreciate your patronage and friendship at the holidays and all year!
Campbell Accounting Services
Thanks for bringing so much joy to our year with your visits. We greatly appreciate your business and your friendship.
Rod and Jennifer Campbell 117 3rd Ave. West, Biggar 306-948-4430 or 306-948-4460
Atttention: Jennifer/Rod
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting last year @ $84.00 plus gst SOMETHING and New Year’s (same size, different Atttention: TO CELEBRATE content) for 1/2ANDprice colour, Did you know? MAY HAPPINESS BEAUTYFREE ADORN EACH DAY OF THIS FESTIVE SEASON. WE HOPE The holiday season is rife was wandering through the $42.00. with tradition. Some holitown and heard of YOUR HOLIDAY AND THE COMING YEAR ARE I am attaching aman’s Christmas Greeting from day traditions, such as holiday lighting displays, are impossible to miss, while others are more subtle and possibly even unknown to many celebrants. One tradition that falls into the latter category involves the placing of oranges into Christmas stockings. The origins of Christmas stockings are rooted in legend, and one of the more popular tales involves a widowed father of three beautiful girls. According to Smithsonian. com, this father was struggling to make ends meet and was concerned that his financial struggles would affect his daughters’ ability to find a spouse. As the legend goes, St. Nicholas
his concerns. Recognizing that the man was unlikely to accept charity, St. Nicholas slid down the chimney of his house and placed three gold balls in the girls’ recently laundered stockings, which were hanging by the fire to dry. The value of the gold balls, which were discovered the following morning, was enough to ensure the girls could eventually wed. So what does that have to do with oranges? Those who wanted to replicate the tale could not so easily come upon gold balls to place in stockings, so they chose something similar in appearance: oranges.
last year displayed in The Independent @ JOY AND PROSPERITY. Deadline approval/changes is by AS WE CELEBRATE ALL THE THINGS WE ARE $73.50 plus gst; GRATEFUL FOR THIS YEAR, WE COUNT YOU returnAMONG email or by November 30 OUR BLESSINGS. THANK YOU FOR and run again, same size for New Year’s THE PLEASURE OF YOUR COMPANY AND please for 1/2 price FREE colour (changed con- YOUR FAITH IN OUR BUSINESS. tent but same size), $36.75. ThanksHfor yourHprompt attention. APPY OLIDAYS ! STREWN WITH GOOD FORTUNE, HEALTH,
Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 29, 2019 please
Tyler Kachur, Alan Koop and Partners 306-657-8999
Christmas tree recycling Atttention: Tyler
Happy New Year!!!
When choosing a real spring. • Sink an old tree in a make scented sachets for Christmas tree for holiday • Use boughs to insulate personal pond. Fish and closets or drawers. celebrations, consumers perennials in the garden. tadpoles will live and lay There are many should thinkMany about the for • Keep some branches to eggs around this sheltered imaginative ways to come thanks your many ways thatcontinued trees can support up with handy uses for use as kindling in a wood area. be repurposed after the Christmas trees once the stove or fireplace, or as • Collect some pine and we look forward holiday season. holiday season ends. aromatic logs for next needles and sew them to seeing you in 2021 Some towns collect year’s yule fire. into fabric packets to discarded trees to use them for various purposes. Biggar Flower Shoppe Street Biggar 948-2616 However, Main homeowners can get in on the action as well. The Old Farmer’s Almanac offers these great ideas for postholiday tree use. Get your fresh flower • Prop up the tree near eepest d r u o h it W a bird feeder to provide centrepieces for your your another perch and shelter gratitude for . home or gifts for the to birds that stick close to atronage kind pOWNER/PUBLISHER home in winter, such as a Christmas Season! Have INDEPENDENT THE BIGGAR chickadees and finches. ! y a RD d li o h uti-fu3l AVENUE WEST • String the tree with bea102 Stop in or Karen various treats for birds nn, Virginia, P. O. BOX 40 A BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 and put it in a sheltered call today! and families location. Ideas include homemade suet, telephone: 306-948-3344 cranberries and millet. fax: 306-948-2133 • Mulch the tree and use e-mail: tip@sasktel.net it in the garden in the 121 Mainwww.biggarindependent.ca Street, Biggar
The Lord is come: let earth receive her King! Let every heart prepare Him room, and heaven and nature sing. Thank you for making us – Joy to here. so welome feelyou We hope enjoy every moment the World anywhere of season. can’t We of thisthink special we’d rather be at Mayelse it find you surrounded by Christmastime and all year.
There’s No Place like Home for the holidays
Merry Christmas
love, friendship and happiness!
Happy New Year!
Biggar Flower Shoppe Main Street Biggar 948-2616
Atttention: Ryan
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting last year @ $126.00 plus gst and New Year’s (same size, different content) for 1/2 price FREE colour
Deadline approval/changes is by are here! return email or by November 29 please
I m p g
Designs by Ann
D c e p
Thanks for your prompt attention.
• 306-948-3666 •
T a
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! From Our Hearth To Yours
304 Main St., Biggar 306-948-2204 Landis 306-658-2044
When it comes to Christmas, we’ve got you covered -- with our warm wishes and heartfelt thanks.
EPENDENT Atttention: Anita/Lisa
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting from last year @ $223.65 plus gst and New Year’s (same size, different content if Merry desired) for 1/2 price FREE colour
Christmas Deadline approval/changes is by return email or to you and by November 30 please your family from Thanks for your prompt attention. our families at Battleford Furniture! rs an delive tter y a d i ma hol your e gifts that ineess, e p o We h nce of th lth, happ ne. tu da ea abun cluding h d good for s! n in a ur , t o e s v y o m nd p, lo a i h u s o d y frien es to
Best w
192-24th Street West, Battleford
Phone 306-937-7474
Fax 306-937-7676
Simple ways to prolong the life of poinsettias Poinsettias and their bracts are actually modi- are sensitive to drafts and rich red, white or varie- fied leaves. The flowers changes in temperature. gated colour schemes are of the plant are the yel- So it’s best to keep pointhe ideal backdrop for low clustered buds in the settias away from drafty Christmas celebrations. center called “cyathia.” doors, windows, radiaIn fact, poinsettias are Choose poinsettia plants tors, or fireplaces. among the most popular that have buds which are, • Don’t drown the roots. decorative flowers during ideally, not yet open. Wait until the surface of the holiday season. • Keep the temperature the compost dries out According to the 2013 consistent. Poinsettias before watering the plant USDA Floriculture Sta- prefer a room tempera- anew. Also, the decorative tistics report, poinsettias ture between 60 and 68 foil wrapper that covers accounted for about one- F during the day and 10 pots can trap water and quarter (23 per cent) of degrees cooler at night. lead to root rot. Remove all flowering potted plant Humidity levels between it or poke holes in the sales that year. 20 and 50 per cent are bottom to allow for drainRoughly Wishing 34 million plants age. a all ofideal. our Group customers andonfriends poinsettia plants are sold water-filled trays full of • Cut back plants. Come happy, andto festive New Year! in a given season. Indige-healthy pebbles help increase mid-March, cut back the nous to Central America, humidity levels. We look forward to sharing more goodplant timesby half to encourthe plant was introduced • Place near sunlight. age new shoots, suggests 2021,Kingdomso please the University of Illinois to North America inwith the you The inUnited 1820s when Joel Roberts based Perrywood floral Extension. The plants stay safe and celebrate responsibly. Poinsett, the first United company advises placing also can be placed outside States Minister to Mexi- poinsettia plants near a in the spring after the co, brought the red-and- bright windowsill but not risk of frost has passed. green plant back with in direct sunlight. Do not Bring poinsettias back in him from a trip abroad. let a poinsettia touch cold around mid-September While millions of poin- window panes. to early October to force settias will be purchased • Avoid drafts. The plants them to bloom again. for the holiday season, many mistakenly think 304 utility Main St., Landis their endsBiggar once 306-948-2204 306-658-2044 New Year’s Day has come and gone. But with proper care poinsettia plants can continue to thrive and bring warmth and beauty to a home long after the holiday decorations have been tucked away. • Choose a hearty plant. Experts with the University of Vermont Extension Department of Plant and Soil Science say that many people mistake the The red foliage on poinsettias are actually modified plant’s leaves for its flow- leaves called bracts. The flowers are the small, yellow ers. The red, white or pink buds in the centre of the plant.
Happy New Year!!!
OWNER/PUBLISHER THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
Merry Christmas
Christmas puzzle Fun Solve the code to discover words related to Christmas trees. Each number corresponds to a letter. (Hint: 19 = e)
Solve the code to discover words related to Christmas. Each number corresponds to a letter. (Hint: 18 = e)
With thanks and glad tidings fromus this holiday season. Gift Certificates available
KRF Auto Centre
Ceramic Pro • Stereo Installation Vehicle Wraps • Vortex Spray-in Box liners Auto Accessories • Detailing • Trailer Rentals
227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar • 306-948-8085
Attention Kevin
8*4)*/( :06 "
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting last year @ $63.00 plus gst; and again for New Year’s (same size, different content if desired) for half price FREE colour $31.50.
.&33: $)3*45."4
Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 30 please.
For unto you this day a Saviour is born.
Thanks for your prompt attention and participation Urla
kelly.block@parl.gc.ca kellyblockmp.ca
Start Your Engines… Christmas is Coming! As we gear up for another holiday season, we’d like to send you our best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thanks for your trust in us. We look forward to serving your again soon.
Excell Tire
operating under Integra Tire Auto Centre
Chris, Raelynn, Ron, Christine, Don, Damon, Logan, Mazie, Shawn, Tyrelle
I am ma plu and FR I ju ple
Dea is b No
Tha atte
3 24 18 12 18 Clue: Thoughtful items
1 17 16 Clue: Santa’s
24 18 16 Clue: Antlered
12 19 Clue: Man
25 23 entryway 23 7 animal
23 10 in red
Answers: A. ornament C. 2 14 22 Clue: Branch
19 C. bough
D. tinsel
B. 19 24 19 12 13 Clue: Keeps its leaves A. 14 12 21 15 6 Clue: Decorative item
B. evergreen
D. 26 8 21 25 19 Clue: Shiny decoration
12 19
19 21
19 26
Merry Christmas
6 ways to stick to a holiday budget INDEPENDENT
Merry Christmas
The holidays are an exciting, fun and joyful time of year. And for many people, the holidays also are expensive. According to the Motley Fool Company, a financial wellness resource, the average American spent $882.45 on Christmas gifts, food, decorations, travel, and other holidayrelated expenses in 2019. Around 56 per cent of gift shoppers set a budget for holiday spending, but only 64 per cent stuck to it. In addition, As 21.5 theper celebration begins, we recall the good times cent of respondents wenthad this past year serving you, and hope we’ve into debt due tothat holiday wherever life takes you in the year ahead, that shopping. you are blessed with much love, happiness Who doesn’t want to and good fortune. have a super holiday With with our sincere appreciation for your delicious foods on the invaluable friendship and support! table and lots of presents to share with family and friends? While that’s 115 Main St., Biggar tempting, such a bounty should never result in “Your Local financial peril. These six Market Grocery” strategies can make it easy to establish and stick Shirley and staff • to a budget this holiday season. 1.) Budget for everything. When working out holiday spending plans, factor in all of the expenses associated with the holidays - not just the most obvious, like gifts. Costs for gas, parking lot fees, greeting cards, postage, travel expenses, and much more should be included in your final number. OWNER/PUBLISHER 2.) Determine how much any deficit by curtailing range for each person and 41 years ofstick serving THEdining BIGGAR you can spend. Money for expenses like outINDEPENDENT to it. Biggar and area 122 MAIN STREET gifts and other holiday or entertainment extras. 4.) Pay in cash as much 1979-2020 P. O.possible. BOX 40 It’s easy expenses should ideally Many people plan to use as BIGGAR, come from your disposable credit cards to pay now SK. to S0K know0M0what you’re telephone: 306-948-3344when using income. Look at your and worry about the spending fax: cash 306-948-2133 finances in advance of aftermath later. Only use as opposed to credit. the holiday season and credit cards if you e-mail: have tip@sasktel.net There is some risk with www.biggarindependent.ca figure out how much the money in the bank carrying around cash, but Heaters, Softeners, extra cash you have Water for and can pay off the Pumps, entire Furnaces, that risk may be offset by Underground Air conditioning the holidays, and use that bill whenSprinklers, the balance due the benefit of spending figure to determine how is in January. only what you can afford much you should spend. 3.) Set a spending limit to spend. Find ways to make up for individuals. Based on 5.) Track all purchases. your numbers and how Save the receipts and much you plan to spend keep a running total of overall, start allocating expenditures so you can money to categories, see how your spending including gift recipients. is measuring up to your Come up with a spending budget. If necessary, scale
Happy New Year
May your holidays be filled with seasonal joy, old-fashioned traditions, and the blessings of family and friends. Thank you for shopping with us. We look forward to your continued patronage with much appreciation.
Main Street Market
Market the Main115Street Main St., Biggar
Shirley and staff • 306-948-3337
Attention Shirley....
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting from last year @ $112.50 plus gst; and run again for New Year’s,same size, (may be different content if desired) for half price FREE colour $56.25. 41 years of serving Biggar and area 1979-2020
Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 29 please.
Carter Plumbing & Heating
Thanks for your prompt attention and participation Water Heaters, Softeners, Pumps, Furnaces, Underground Sprinklers, Air conditioning
Atttention: Shirley/Jim
Carter Plumbing & Heating
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
May the joy of this holiday season lift your spiritsyour and Christmas I am fillattaching you with happiness.
Greeting last year @ $84.00 plus gst and again for New Year’s (same size, different content if desired) for 1/2 price FREE colour $42.00 Thanks to all of the members and friends who have kept us going approval/changes strong this past Deadline is by year. returnSeeemail or by November 30 you in 2021
Diamond Gym and Thuro-Janitorial Services
Laurie,prompt Cliff and staffattention. s 306-948-5600 Thanks for your
back on one category if you’ve tipped the scales in spending on another. 6.) Shop sales and deals. High-end stores may have the impressive tag, but their prices can set you back. Instead, look for comparable gifts at discount stores and other retailers. Also, if you must use a credit card, use one that earns you a cash-back bonus for added savings. A holiday budget is a must to avoid overspending and finding yourself in debt early next year.
OWNER/PUBLISHER THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
We’re filled with warm wishes and lots of good cheer For all the kind people we’ve served this past year. Thanks, friends!
Merry Christmas
Start new carolling traditions
Carolling is a symbol of community that once was a wildly popular holiday tradition but has largely fallen by the wayside. According to the Pew Research Center, about 16 per cent of Americans reported carolling in 2017. However, this once-beloved tradition can be brought back with vigour. History of carolling Carolling evolved from the practice of wassailing. The word “wassail” is derived from the Old Norse phrase “ves heill,” which translates to “be well and in good health.” As early as the 13th century, people in England would travel between houses to go wassailing and wish their neighbours well during the winter months. In some places, the word “wassail” referred to a hot and thick spiced beverage given to travellers to help them stay warm. It is the precursor to modern-day mulled wines, cider and eggnog. Carolling largely remained separate from Christmas until Saint Francis of Assisi incorporated similar well wishes and songs into his Christmas services. Music was embraced as part of liturgical services during the
holiday season. Carolling today Many carolling sessions now take place inside of churches or schools as part of choral performances. However, with social distancing limitations in place, it may be the ideal time to once again implement doorto-door carolling. This can help bring cheer to people who may be missing loved ones who can’t travel, and may even buoy the spirits of those who have been spending more time alone in their homes. These tips can make carolling more successful. • Find someone with some musical knowledge to guide the group. While everyone needn’t be the next star singer, it helps if one person can help keep the group in time and in tune. • Choose familiar songs. Select a body of music that is familiar to all. Songs such as “Silent Night,” “Joy to the World,” “Deck the Halls,” and “The 12 Days of Christmas” are easily recognizable. The more familiar the song, the easier it is for carollers to follow the tune. Have roughly 10 songs and rotate as needed when visiting homes.
• Map out your course. Carolling can take place over several days as carollers visit various parts of their communities. A carolling session may last about an hour or two. • Dress for weather. Layer clothing and agree on some festive trimmings that unite the carolling group. Wear comfortable shoes for walking. • Advertise your inten-
tions. Let others know that carollers will be stopping by on particular dates so they can come out on their front porches or doorsteps. Follow social distancing guidelines if necessary and urge spectators to avoid congregating too closely in one place. Carolling is a great way to enjoy the holiday season responsibly.
to its verses. The event is sponsored by the National Bible Association and the US Catholic Council of Bishops. The timing of National Bible Week in the U.S was perhaps intentional. The end of November marks the beginning of the season of thanks, faith and family. It’s a time of year full of community- and family-centric holidays. Incorporating faith into the mix can make the celebrations even more complete. Even though National Bible Week may have a
We’re offering up a round of thanks to all our good friends and neighbors. May you enjoy our warm wishes for the very merriest holiday season, ever!
PASSENGER SERVICE 951-0098 / 951-0078
May peace, joy, harmony and contentment visit your home during this special time of year.
We are sincerely grateful and look forward to your continued friendship.
INDEPE 233 - 1st Ave. West, Biggar 306-948-2700
Jack, Carolyn,Jacob, Daniel and families
Attention Jack
Connect with faith this season
Reading scripture can be an integral part of participating in one’s religion and bringing a faithful community together. Scripture is an essential component of weekly faith services, but the Bible can be embraced any day of the week. Many may be surprised to discover that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt first declared the week of Thanksgiving as National Bible Week in 1941. National Bible Week encourages people to read the Bible or listen
decidedly Christian slant, people of all religions can choose to rekindle or fully embrace their respective faiths and make them a priority this time of year. The following are just a few ways to be more faithful in honour of this event. • Pair youth with older adults and encourage them to read religious passages together. • Choose a favourite piece of scripture and share with others why it is so meaningful to you. • Get a head start on the Christmas season by
rediscovering Biblical passages that refer to the birth of Jesus Christ. • Share God’s word in social media or exemplify it by being more patient, loving and supportive of people in your community. Caption: Even though National Bible Week may have a decidedly Christian slant, people of all religions can choose to rekindle or fully embrace their respective faiths and make them a priority this time of year.
I am attaching your Christmas Greetin from last year @ $84.00 plus gst; and again for New Year’s (same size, diffe ent content if desired) for half price FR colour $42.00 Your visits and your trust mean so much to us, and we look forward to serving you this holiday season and for many more to come, Merry Chritmas to you!
Deadline approval/changes is by retur email or by November 30 please. Leslie’s Drugstore
Tina,prompt Ashlyn,attention Baylee, and participation Thanks for your Urla Jean, Cristina, Brooklyn and Tyra 306-948-3397 www.lesliesdrugstore @sasktel.net
Sending Our Best at the Holidays
Here’s hoping your holiday delivers a bundle of joy and good cheer.
Merry Christmas!
We’d like to take this opportunity to wish all of Parrish & Heimbecker our friends, customers and Limited neighbours a happy and healthy Hanover Junction New Year. Thanks! Biggar, Sask.
306-948-1990 Leslie’s Drugstore
Tina, Ashlyn, Baylee, Jean, Cristina, Brooklyn and Tyra 306-948-3397 www.lesliesdrugstore@sasktel.net
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Merry Christmas
(Re)Discovery in the Age of Covid
by Diana Dolack on behalf of PALS. A world pandemic is certainly changing our lives, including how we celebrate the Advent, Christmas and Epiphany seasons in our churches. No full churches, enthusiastic carol singing, hugs all around or big family gatherings - we need to be responsible and caring towards each other and forego these things this year. So what is the “good” side of a world pandemic? Where has the human spirit risen to the situation? Many of us have (re) discovered the world of baking as evidenced by the shortages in yeast and flour this summer. Some of our inner carpenters and painters have burst out, as evidenced by the shortage in lumber and building materials. I won’t claim to know what the early run on toilet paper says! Now it’s Christmas trees as so many more families are celebrating in their own smaller family groups and are finding some cheer in the decorating of a Christmas tree, perhaps for the first time ever. I’d like to suggest one more (re)discovery that
might make our Christmas more satisfying: the lost art of Christmas card writing and mailing. As a kid, 50-plus years ago, I remember how mom started out our Christmas season with cards. It would begin a week long, every evening project, starting with digging out the address book (in a real paper book), and all the little return address labels she had saved from the previous year, so we could update to current addresses. Cards were carefully selected and had to have a Bible verse in them, after all it was the Season of the Birth of Christ. No Santas or reindeers or Frosties ever went out of our home as a Christmas greeting. Then the list . . . ah, Uncle Max and Aunt Emma. Then reading a dozen cards and finding just the right message. She never just signed our names, but there was always a personal and individually written message, whether a couple of sentences or a couple of pages. Nothing massproduced. We would chat about the person getting the card, how they were related (as I didn’t know many of the great aunts and uncles and more distant cousins). We would
start with dad’s relatives in Michigan (many of them!) and gradually move to her relatives mostly in Manitoba and Alberta and then try to get them to town whenever someone was going. Lastly, the local friends and relatives, who maybe didn’t get a long letter as you saw them frequently, but the act of sending a card was important. There was no Internet or e-mail, no fancy animated “cards” you could send with a click to 100 people in 10 seconds in your address list. You took the time to write a message, as perhaps it was the only one of the year and then eagerly anticipated a return card in the mail and enjoyed quiet evening time, opening the cards, reading and rereading the words, the feel of the paper card, the fancy design, the glitter, and you knew Christmas was getting close. Rather like Advent - the season of preparation and waiting for God’s gift of his Son as celebrated at Christmas time. Perhaps 2020 will be a Christmas of (re)discovery for you and your family. God’s peace and blessing to all. Stay safe, care for each other and keep hope for Christmas 2021.
The Greatest Gift
by Pastor David Baker of the Seventh-day Adventist Church In times past I remember Christmases surrounded by my family and friends. There were so many gifts under the tree that the tree would be crowded out. There was so much family gathered around the table that every chair in the house would be used. There’s no question that the way we celebrate the holidays will be different this year, but Christmas is still a special time. Not even COVID can take that away, but unfortunately many of the things that make it special for us are empty if we see those things as an end in themselves. Giving gifts can be a real joy, but if we miss the reason for the season it becomes simply a comparison between, my gift
is better than yours, or I never got a Christmas card, so I won’t give one to you. Gifts can be a great thing if they are given with a prayer in your heart of how that gift will make an impact upon the life of the receiver. You might think, this is just a pair of socks or just a box of chocolates. The Bible states in 1 Corinthians 10:31, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” That means that every aspect of our life needs to reflect that glory. We reflect that glory through the gifts that we give. Those gifts serve as a reminder of our Heavenly Father who loves us so much that He sent us His ultimate gift. You remember the story. We share it every Christmas. It’s about God’s
grand entrance into our world, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and lying in a manger. That precious gift of Jesus Christ has made all the difference for you and me and life everlasting. I challenge you not to forget the reason for giving gifts. Let’s pause to remember God, in every gift given or received. A gift that you won’t grow tired of, a gift that won’t find itself in the back of your closet one day. A gift that you won’t say “you shouldn’t have, and really mean it.” A gift that is sure to fit. A gift that won’t go to somebody else when you die. Gods greatest blessing, the greatest gift He gives us, is the gift of Himself. Make that your focus and I know that God will bless you as you remember.
A Christmas Reflection by Father Edward Gibney, St. Gabriel and Our Lady of Fatima Roman Catholic Churches The image of Our Lord, born in Bethlehem and laying in a simple stable is rather incongruous. This is a description of the Almighty; the Son of God coming to earth and lowering himself to be a mere human. It is difficult for us to get our heads around such an idea, especially in the knowledge that this child is both King and God, positions of strength and power. But God chose to come to us in weakness, not someone to fear but someone to love. Christmas is, after all, about love; God’s love. How much does God love us? God loves us so much that He gave us the most precious gift imaginable, Jesus, God’s own Son. God’s love runs deep, and that is the heart of Christmas. This great and wonderful love calls us to love one another. We share love in our human relationships and in that love
we express our love for God. Love isn’t always a warm and cozy feeling; love is a commitment and a decision to stick by others, come what may, through thick and thin, when the going is easy and when the going gets more challenging. The love that we share in our human relationships, especially in times of difficulty, is a reflection of the love of God, calling us to give of ourselves for others. And so, in this year of the pandemic, this Christmas will stand out, not for the fact that families will not be able to get together as easily as in past years, but for the fact that the love that is the central element of this season will be deeper and more heartfelt for it will surpass the miles that would normally bring families together. We will find that the love we have for each other is deeper than simply the family getting together for a meal. We will find that each of us possess a portion of that love that God has for all of humanity for it will
be expressed by a longing and a desire to be together, not just in the presentation of gifts and cards. And the other thing that we learn from the image of the Child Jesus in a manger is that Jesus, like so many in the world today, was born into poverty. And if you are looking to see the face of Jesus, this Christmas, you will find him in the faces of the poor; those whose income was restricted over the past nine months, those whose Christmas celebration will be more subdued this year. These are ones who could benefit from our willingness to share God’s love. On behalf of the Parishioners of the Roman Catholic Churches of Saint Gabriel the Archangel in Biggar and Our Lady of Fatima in Landis, I offer you the joy, the love, the hope and the holiness that will always be part of the celebration of Christmas. May the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ bring peace and happiness to all your families and friends.
Thank you Mr Dickens by Sue Bernier for the Biggar United Church Okay, I admit it. Guilty as charged. I watched the Muppets Christmas Carol last night on the Disney channel. Netflix, Disney Channel and live TV all are advertising their Christmas movies and shows and I broke down to watch an annual favourite. Normally we begin with the Alistair Simms black and white movie Scrooge but this was easier than setting up the DVD player and finding where we hid the movie last year. Mr Dickens really knew how to tell a story. I think we can relate to the feeling of “Bah! Humbug!” this year due to the COVID virus. Family gatherings, Christmas parades, trips to the mall to see Santa, carolling house to house and was-
sailing with friends and neighbours has been put on hold. Restrictions have shoppers rushing in and out of stores quickly, or ordering on line and keeping the UPS and FedEx drivers fit and trim running from doorto-door with packages. The feel of anticipation has turned to one of anxiety. I wonder if that first Christmas felt differently than today. I’m certain that anxiety ran high, what with the trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem, Mary being away from family and friends and so close to her due date. Joseph must have been in a panic after arriving and finding no where for his young wife to have her baby. Thank goodness the inn keeper took pity and found them a warm place to bed
down. Not ideal birthing conditions but God was with them. While the conditions this year may not be ideal for a “Merry Christmas”, remember God is with us as well. God wants us to share when and where we can; Secret Santa, Meals on Wheels, adopt a senior, the Food Bank. Maybe smaller groups of five or less can carol for shutins. Phone your distant family members. Wear a mask for a friend or neighbour. Let God shine thru you this Christmas season. Remember “that when you serve the least of these you are serving the Lord.” Mr. Dickens knew how to tell a Christmas story. God lives the Christmas story every day. In the words of Tiny Tim “God bless us, everyone!”
For God so loved the world, that He gave His begotten Son, that whosever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
Merry Christmas
The Miracle of Christmas! by Pastor Doug Motz, Biggar Associated Gospel All of us like to hear about miracles, especially when they happen close to home – either in our own lives, or in the lives of those closest to us! Maybe you’re out there in the reading area, and don’t believe in miracles – thinking they aren’t anything but a hoax. Personally speaking, I’ve experienced a number of miracles in my day, which if I’d go into any detail about them, it would take volumes. Let me remind us that if the single most important Miracle of all time hadn’t happened, bottom line, we wouldn’t have anything to celebrate about at Christmas! Oh, I know things won’t be quite the same this year because of this pandemic, but that doesn’t change the fact that Christ’s first Advent was a miracle! That is the brightest truth and fact we have to hold onto even in the midst of all the chaos and confusion in our world today. This Miracle was predicted thousands, and hundreds of years before it actually happened by many of the Prophets in the Old Testament. Moses wrote; Genesis 3:15; 12:3; the Prophet Isaiah wrote; Isaiah 7:10–14; 9:6 & 7; the Prophet Micah wrote; Micah 5:2, and many others. Do we realize that prior to Christ’s first Advent that the world was chaotic, similar to the world today? People were looking for answers – someone to rescue them! The Apostle Paul wrote these words in Galatians 4:4 & 5; “4.) But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His
Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5.) to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.” Before we look at Luke 1:26–35, let me briefly state the context. Zacharias, John the Baptist’s Dad, received a visit from the angel Gabriel while Zac was doing his priestly duties in the temple in Jerusalem. His wife Elizabeth wasn’t able to have children. But God promised that she would give birth to John: ( Luke 1:11–25, 57-66). About six months later, Mary receive a visit from the same angel telling her that she would conceive and give birth to Jesus the Son of God. But this conception wouldn’t happen in the usual way. You see, even though Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph, she was still a virgin. The One Triune God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, was involved in this historic Miracle. The conception of the Lord Jesus Christ into Mary’s womb could never have happened through some scientific method, or mystical transcendental “Karma” mind game! It was only through the Living God of Heaven who loved the world so much, and desired to reconcile us back into a right relationship with Himself, that sin had cause for separation, that He willingly sent His One and Only Begotten Son, Jesus, whose life and death and resurrection provided salvation and reconciliation! God overshadowed Mary shortly after the angel’s announcement with the Glorious presence of the Holy Spirit,
and placed Jesus into her womb and nine months later, Christ was born (Luke 1:35; 2:1–7). Understand this, God the Holy Spirit didn’t have some mystical union with Mary! The word “overshadow” means: “to cover with a cloud”, like God’s Shekinah Glory spoken of in Exodus chapters 16 & 19. Jesus entered the womb of a woman who was born in sin like all the rest of us, something only God could do! Think of it this way. Jesus the Living Word of God (John 1:1–3) the Creator of all things, left heaven to be conceived and born into human flesh and blood! The very One who created humanity; the One who integrately designed our bodies. He Alone was the engineer of our fleshly make-up, was willing to become that seed and be planted in Mary’s womb and nine months later be born to take on human flesh and blood, is nothing more than a miracle! God did this because He loved us beyond our imagination! If you feel like life just isn’t worth living for anymore, I urge you to rethink those thoughts (Please read Psalm 139). God would never have miraculously sent His One and Only Son, Jesus as Human Flesh and Blood; taking on humanity, if He considered you to be of no value to Him! He Loves you, and wants more than anything to have you spend all eternity with Him in Heaven some day. I warn all of you, don’t resist Him, or turn your back on Him, because He wants you to know and have a personal relationship with Him!
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: “Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which whill be to all people, Unto you is born this day a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11
Christmas 2020
by Rev. Bev Dyck, Church of God I always looked forward to Christmas. What did I like about Christmas? I loved the Christmas Carols. I loved the bright lights. I loved the decorations and the Christmas Tree. I loved the tinsel that we always hung on the tree. I loved the baking and tasting things. It was the one time of the year that we could have all the candy and peanuts that we wanted. Dad would buy a number of bags of candy. And no one stopped us from having candy whenever we wanted – until all that candy was gone! I loved the anticipation of Christmas – all the Christmasy things we would do at school. And getting ready for the Sunday School Christmas program. Dad would take us extra times for the practises, and often as we drove the gentle snowflakes would be falling. And of course, the candy bags after the program was done. And there would be the Christmas break to look forward to. I also looked forward to the surprise of what would be waiting for me on Christmas morning. Even when we had a Christmas Tree, my parents still placed our gifts on our places on the kitchen table. As I grew up, I was told that I was too old for toys and dolls. Sometimes my gifts then would be a new pair of under-panties, and a new sweater – like from Macleods. And when I opened my package even in the dim light, I could see that the sweater was yellow. I had never liked yellow - I liked pink, and my sister was given a pink sweater. So there was disappointment amidst all of this glitter and anticipation. And some Christmases, my parents bought us each a story book. We would eagerly read our own book and then trade and read each other’s. And we re-read those
books all year long. Over-all I enjoyed Christmas and our time as a family and I knew that my parents did all they could to make it a meaningful time for us. But I dreaded being around other people or going back to school. I dreaded it because people would always ask: “So what did you get for Christmas?” I would hear other people tell of receiving expensive gifts and recite long lists of gifts. It was easy for me to remember that I got panties and a yellow sweater, so what could I do? I began to make many gifts for my family, and my siblings must have made me some gifts, too. So when I was asked this dreaded question, “What did you get for Christmas?”, I was able to hum and haw as I recited my ‘list’: a sweater, a notepad, (or other things my siblings made for me), panties, et cetera, to make my list sound reasonably long and normal. This Christmas we put up a shining Christmas tree early so as to enjoy it with the abundance of snow that we received. I am looking to prepare for Christmas. I am very aware that this Christmas all of us are knowing that we will be facing many disappointments because of Covid–19 this year. We are having Social Distancing instead of closeness. Singing is being discouraged because of moisture particles, so singing Christmas Carols in public will not be happening, or at best muffled behind our face masks. No Children’s Christmas Concerts at school or church. Gatherings of all kinds are limited. CovidCovid-Covid is almost all we hear. What do we do with all this disappointment? We look for the real meaning of Christmas. We look for real possibilities to connect and show love to one another. Things will be different, but in our disappointment and derail-
ment from the ordinary, we perhaps will come to some new and wonderful discoveries. And Christmas was born out of hardship. Mary was asked to carry the Christchild and she was misunderstood, mistaken at first by her fiancé as having been a permiscuous woman. The Roman government ordered that all the world must go to their birthplace to be taxed. That would have been a hardship and expense at the best of time. But for Mary, it was travelling in the late stages of pregnancy. And when they arrived at Bethlehem, there was no room for them anywhere. She then gave birth without a midwife or her mother there, and without the comforts of home. She didn’t get to share her darling new son with doting grandparents. She and Joseph stayed on in Bethlehem until they were warned by an angel to flee for their lives. We glamorize the Christmas Story, however, it was anything but glamorous. But the angels sang, and rough Shepherds rejoiced, and Kings from the East paid homage as the Lord of Hosts came to live among mankind. This year we have Covid–19 and we get to celebrate the coming of the Saviour of all the Earth. We get to sing with angels, though it may only be in tiny, limited groups. We get to worship and rejoice as did the Shepherds and the Wisemen. And we get to experience what the angels announced so long ago: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests.”(Luke 2:14). Yes, it may be the most wonderful Christmas that we have ever experienced – because of Jesus Christ whose birth we celebrate! Together with the Biggar Church of God, I wish you and yours a blessed Christmas of knowing Him!
Merry Christmas
8 best things to buy in December and January
All of us here are wishing you a Safe and Happy Holiday Season. All the best in the New Year!
Mayor Terry Fyson; Councillors, Graham Bindle, Jason Zbeeshko, Kerry Donahue, Jim Nicholls and staff
Oh the weather outside is frightful. Rather than succumb to cabin fever, people can use the winter months as the perfect time to visit area stores and score a few deals. Savvy shoppers understand that key items go on sale at specific points throughout the year. Learning how to shop the sales can lead to considerable savings. December 1.) Toys: Toys are perhaps the best items to purchase in December. Apart from Christmas gifts, it is a good time of year to stock up on toys children have coveted, which can be put away for birthday presents or other occasions. Retailers tend to lower toy prices as Christmas approaches. 2.) Holiday decor: Decorative holiday items also tend to be heavily discounted in December. Stores slash prices on ornaments, gift wrap, artificial trees, holidaythemed baking items, and much, much more. If it has a passing connection to the holidays, chances are stores will cut prices by 50 per cent or more once Christmas is over. 3.) Televisions: It’s possible to find discounted TVs even after the Black Friday sales have come and gone. Keep eyes
Savvy shoppers understand that key items go on sale at specific points throughout the year. Learning how to shop the sales can lead to considerable savings.
trained on the circulars the latter half of Janu- other linens. 7.) Fitness items: Januand jump when sales are ary, retailers are eager to advertised, as inventory liquidate their stock of ary is the ideal time to scarves, sweaters, boots, purchase a new gym may be limited. 4:) Bubbly: Competi- and winter coats. This is membership or fitness tion in the market will a prime time to replenish equipment since these purchases tie into New help drive down the cost wardrobes. 6.) Linens: “White Year’s resolutions to get of champagne and other sparkling wines. Accord- sales” are traditionally fit. Gyms may waive extra ing to research, 22 per in January, with home fees or offer discounted cent of all champagne goods retailers running rates. December and January sales are run during the discounts all month long. These sales gener- are great times to grab month of December. ally encompass towels, steep deals on an array of January 5.) Winter apparel: As bed sheets, curtains, and products. the winter progresses, the amount of clothing stock in stores starts to dwindle enjoy u o y g to free up room for a new opin Here’s h ortions of love season’s worth of attire. sp u y l o i r e m n a f e Starting in late Decemg h hter wit he g u a l ber and continuing into d an OWNER/PUBLISHER ds for t n e i r f d an ur o y f THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT o e urs main co s season! 122 MAIN STREET … to wish you all a very a Thanks for your prompt P. O. BOX 40 Christmattention and participation Happy and Prosperous New Year! BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 Here’s hoping your New Year delivers it all! telephone: 306-948-3344 Thank you for dropping in this year. Christmas Day is the Day than any other dayfax: 306-948-2133 most popular day to get during the year. e-mail: tip@sasktel.net engaged. Christmas Eve was the www.biggarindependent.ca According to the 2020 second most popular day WeddingWire Newlywed to pop the question, while “Selected on CBC Radio Blue Sky as one CBCthe Radio Blue SkyChristas one Report,“Selected more coupleson who Sunday before of Saskatchewan‛s Hidden Food Gems” were married in 2019 got mas Eve came in fourth of Saskatchewan‛s Hidden Food Gems” on Christmas •(New Year’s Day rounded 306-948-3335 • Main Street, Biggar engaged 306-948-3335 Main Street, Biggar out the top three). Attention: Erika The appeal of Christmastime proposals I am attaching a Christmas Greethelped make December the month ingmost that popular advertised in The Indeto get engaged, as more pendent newspaper in Biggar, than 19 per cent of couSask. yearin@2019 $126.00 plus ples wholast married got engaged in the final gst FREE colour; month of the year. and, we offer July proved the that… second you may run most month againpopular same size fortoNew Year’s pop the question, as nine (different content if desired) for per cent of couples who half price FREE colour $63.00. wed in 2019 reported getting engaged in July. Since the other terminals down Tradition still has a place OWNER/PUBLISHER thewedding rail line are participating and Hope you’ll be in proposals, as INDEPENDENT THE BIGGAR “Rockin Around The Christmas Tree” 84 per cent of proposRD you are newly 102 open, attached - 3 I’ve AVENUE WEST and ers reported asking on P. O. BOX 40 greetings for your 65 approval. At the holidays more than ever, Open since June 2018 bended knee, while BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0doing the “Jingle Bell Rock” right into we appreciate how much joy friends like Thiscent willacknowledged be published in our per REFORD TERMINAL the New Year. you bring to each day. 306-951-7700 asking parents’ permisChristmas Greeting Edition on telephone: 306-948-3344 Hwy 14, south of Wilkie, Sask. sion prior to popping the Thank you and Thursday, Decemberfax: 12,306-948-2133 2019 Merry Christmas question. 1-306-800-6874 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net Merry Christmas!
Attention Andrea/Perdue Village Council....
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting from last year @ $105.00 plus gst; and again for New Year’s (same size, different content if desired) for half price FREE colour $52.50. Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 29 please.
It’s Almost Time…
Did you know?
Hannigan‛s Hamburgers & Pizza
Hannigan‛s the Hamburgers & Pizza
Atttention: Nid/Ahber
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting from last year @ $97.50 plus gst and New Year’s ad (same size, different content if desired) for 1/2 price FREE colour $48.25 Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 30 please ... please... please!!!! Thanks for your prompt attention.
and New Yearswww.biggarindependent.ca Greeting Edition on January 2, 2020.
Merry Christmas
Christmas tree tips and tricks
With sincere best wishes to our neighbors, patrons and friends. Your support means everything to us. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the
“Tax Professionals”
Management, Staff and Families 223 Main Street Professional Building Biggar, Sask. 306-948-2183 hrbbiggar@sasktel.net
Christmas trees are an iconic symbol of the holiday season. Whether they are personal trees nestled in the corner of a living room for families to enjoy or towering evergreens serving as the focal point of a town square, Christmas trees are a wonder to behold. Many people have fond memories of time spent around the Christmas tree sharing gifts and family traditions. Live trees and their pine-like aroma can be especially nostalgic trees to include in holiday plans. Approximately 25 to 30 million real Christmas trees are sold in the United States every year. North American trees hail from all 50 states and areas of Canada.
While freshly cut trees can be particularly beautiful and aromatic additions to the season, they require a bit more work than artificial trees in order to remain beautiful and thrive throughout the holiday season. Maintenance can help keep Christmas trees as perfect as possible. Even though it is tempting to buy a real tree as early as possible, their shelf life is limited even with the best care. Under the best conditions, a real tree should last up to four weeks before drying out. Consider the needles when looking for a real tree. Pull your hand toward your body along the branches. If many needles fall off, the tree is past its peak.
Think about the room in which the tree will be located. Leave at least six inches between the tip of the tree and the ceiling, accounting for the height of the tree stand as well. If needle retention is a goal, the Scotch pine variety has the best needle retention and a high survival rate, lending to its popularity, offers Precision Tree and Landscape. Douglas fir and balsam fir are other durable trees. If possible, buy a freshly cut tree from a reputable nursery or tree farm. Many pre-cut trees sold elsewhere were likely cut weeks before and may not be fresh. Cut the bottom of the tree trunk before bringing it home to facilitate the uptake of fresh water
daily. Trees can absorb as much as a gallon of water in a day, so make sure the tree gets fresh water every day. Keep trees away from as many heat sources as possible and away from direct sunlight to prolong longevity. To make a Christmas tree last longer, boil a gallon of water and then dissolve one cup of sugar in the water. Allow to cool. After freshly cutting the trunk, pour in the warm sugar water. Continue to add fresh, cool, plain water to the tree stand afterward. Once needles begin to fall off with frequency, the tree is reaching its prime. Remove it so it does not become a fire hazard.
May the holiday spirit be with you today, and throughout the New Year. To those that are missing someone special and grieving over the holidays, take comfort knowing that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Atttention: Deanna
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting @ $88.50 plus gst and for New Year’s (same size, different Merry Christmas content) for 1/2 price, $44.25 if you Happy New Year would like.
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Thanks for your prompt attention.
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stmas ad for Biggar you to look 105.00 plus gst
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telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 Freshly cut Christmas trees are farmed specifically for the holiday season and support local economies. They e-mail: tip@sasktel.net also tend to last a bit longer than pre-cut trees available elsewhere. www.biggarindependent.ca
Atttention:Acres Denise of Expertise. Congratulations Dave Molberg on a very successful year! Your integrity, loyalty, expertise, professionalism, collaboration and commitment to providing your clients with the highest level of satisfaction is appreciated by everyone you work with.
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting from last year @ $94.50 plus gst and DALE BUXTON OWNER/PUBLISHER againRealty forwould New Year’s (same size, Hammond to thank Dave Molberg for hisdifoutstanding THElike BIGGAR INDEPENDENT contributions to the success of ourAVENUE company. Dave leverages his vast 102 3 WEST ferent content if desired)comprehensive for 1/2 price experience, valuable knowledge, and network of P. O. BOX 40 contacts to deliver exceptional resultsSK. to his clients. BIGGAR, S0K 0M0 By providing Buyers FREE colour $47.25 RD
with the highest quality selection of farmland listings, he provide Sellers with Acres of Expertise. telephone: 306-948-3344
Dave Molberg 306 9484478
Dave.Molberg@HammondRealty.ca DaveMolberg.HammondRealty.ca
Atttention: Tim/Michele
Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 30 please fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
Thanks for your prompt attention.
We wouldn’t be here without the generous support of friends and neighbors like all of you and we wish you all the very best at the holidays and always
de Moissac Jewellers Denise, Ross, Elisabeth, Elena, Shirley 217 Main St., Biggar
Merry Christmas
Here’s hoping your holiday season delivers a full spectrum of peace, love, joy and contenment.
May the coming year be filled with peace, prosperity and plenty of good times.
BIGGAR COURIER 306-948-7524
1/4 Page
Atttention: Cathy I am attaching your Christmas For those who want to focus back on the spiritual side of this special time of year, the following suggestions can help in those efforts. Greeting @ $42.00 plus gst and run again same size New …corner Hwy 4 south and Biggar 901 - 1 Avenue West, Years (different content if you 306-948-2435 wish) for 1/2 price FREE colour, The holiday season is a conception, as she was embrace peace and love hold a carolling perfor$21.00 special and spiritual time a virgin when visited by and share special time mance at a centralized
Spiritual Christmas traditions to embrace
location. Select religious an angel who informed with others. of year. w her that she was to carry Sing carols ebe N hymns, but also include It can sometimes r y Ouinenthe u!! God’s son. At the time Spread the holiday some secular favourites. easy to getTrlost aM The holiday season is more commercial Pizz aspects of Christ’s birth, all Jew- spirit through song. Get of the holiday season, and ish people had to be together with a group of a great time of year to there’s certainly nothing counted by Roman sol- friends or neighbours reconnect with one’s faith OWNER/PUBLISHER and go door-to-door, or and spirituality. wrong with shopping for diers for tax purposes. THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT gifts that will show your That required people toRD 102 - 3 AVENUE WEST loved ones how much return to their places of P. O. BOX 40 Mary you love and appreciate birth. As a result, BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 them. and Joseph set out on an For those who want to arduous journey to Bethtelephone: 306-948-3344 focus back on the spiri- lehem. Upon arriving in fax: 306-948-2133 tual side of this special Bethlehem, inns had e-mail: no tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca and time of year, the follow- vacancies, but Mary ing suggestions can help Joseph were given shelter in a stable where Jesus in those efforts. for all your supportborn. in the past year was ultimately Share theMany story thanks of Christand we look forward to seeing you in 2021 Attend Mass mas Churches and traditionally The Gospels offrom...Management Mark Staff and Luke offer differing hold religious services Christmas Eve and accounts of the birth of on Homestead Family Restaurant Christmas. These Jesus Christ. Both indi-902 Main Street services are joyful expressions of cate that Jesus was born 948-948-5656 to Mary, who was engaged faith, music and community spirit. But Christmas to Joseph, a carpenter. “Your Family Restaurant” Mary became pregnant mass is not the only time through immaculate to head to church. During Advent, the four-week period preceding Christmas, Catholics prepare and repent. Advent calendars help count down the days until Christmas. Set out a nativity scene Make a nativity scene the primary focus of Christmas decorations and encourage children to play with the figures Management and Staff and act out the Christmas 201 Turnbull Ave. Biggar story. 306-948-2544 Focus on gifts for good Families can focus their energies on faithful endeavours and the spirit of giving that’s synonymous with the season. Do good deeds for others,
Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 30 please Thanks for your prompt attenew tion. ur N
O Try Menu!! a Pizz
Thanks to all of our customers and friends here in town for dropping in on us in 2021. Your visits mean the world to us, and we look forward to continuing to serve you in the coming year.
Merry Christmas
from...Management and Staff
PENDENT Homestead Family Restaurant 902 Main Street 948-948-5656
“Your Family Restaurant”
$105.00 plus tax $ 52.50 plus tax (New Years)
We thank you for your generous support and look forward to serving you again.
From the Management and Staff at
Hwy #4, Biggar, • 306-948-1753
Heartfelt Greetings and Best Wishes To Our Valued Customers and Friends at this Special Time Of Year
Atttention: Leroy/Dakota I am attaching your Christmas Greet-
Merry Christmas
Boxing Day extends holiday fun The end of the year presents plenty of opportunities for shopping and celebrating. There is a steady supply of days geared around generosity and merriment, counting down to the holiday gifting and entertaining season. Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and all of the weekends preceding Christmas are prime opportunities to snag discounts and deals. However, for those in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom, giftgiving doesn’t cease with the passing of Christmas. Boxing Day, which falls the day after Christmas, has nothing to do with bringing empty gift boxes out to the recycling bin. While it has transformed into another day to grab
seasonal deals, Boxing Day has historically served as a day to give to the less fortunate. During the Victorian era in Britain, servants were not given off on Christmas Day because they had to work during their employers’ celebrations. Therefore, they were allowed off the following day - December 26 - to spend time with their own families. The holiday became standard practice in 1871. Boxing Day may have gotten its moniker from wealthy people who would give their employees boxes filled with small gifts, Christmas dinner leftovers and money as recognition for their service. Others believe it refers to alms boxes placed in churches for the collection of donations
for the poor. December 26 also is the feast day of St. Stephen, the patron saint of horses, so Boxing Day has been tied to sporting events involving horses. This includes horse races and fox hunts. Even though the British established early residency in America, the Boxing Day tradition did not travel over to the
colonies from England. However, Canadians and other former British strongholds celebrate it as a public holiday. Offices are closed and public transportation may run on holiday schedules. Boxing Day is yet another end-of-year opportunity to share gifts and well wishes with loved ones and the less fortunate.
Low temperatures, harsh winter storms and a scarcity of food can make it challenging for wildlife, including birds, to thrive
Happy Holidays
INDEPE From Everyone at...
We wish you a happy holiday filled with joy and cheer to last the entire year. Thanks for your patronage and we’ll see you in the coming year! While it has transformed into another day to grab seasonal deals, Boxing Day has historically served as a day to give to the less fortunate.
How to care for wild birds this winter The arrival of winter forces everyone to confront the changes synonymous with the season, and local wildlife is no exception.
Thanks to all of our customers and friends for your patronage and we look forward to serving you in 2021
throughout the winter. Even though several species of birds are migratory and travel to warmer climates to wait out winter, many others stay put. The Audubon Society says that keeping close to home helps some species of birds maintain their territories. Some birds will puff up to retain heat; others will seek shelter in dense foliage or cavities to avoid the elements. Many birds will huddle together to share warmth. Another way of keeping warm is building up fat as an insulator and energy source. The Audubon Society says more than 10 per cent of some
birds’ winter body weight may be fat. That can be challenging to maintain when common sources of food, such as insects and berries, disappear as winter wears on. This is when some human intervention can prove handy, advise ornithologists. A few simple efforts may benefit birds and other wildlife that may not hibernate winter away or escape to the tropics. • Have a supply of food, bird feeders, houses, and any other bird-related gear at the ready before the storms really rev up. • Invest in nutritious A few simple efforts may benefit birds and other food, such as black oil wildlife that may not hibernate winter away or escape sunflower seeds or blends to the tropics. that are high in black oil sunflower seeds. You also can make available more foods that are high in fat, such as suet, peanut butter or even whole peanuts. Add meal worms if they can be found. • Choose feeders that will keep seed dry; otherwise, it will be prone to bacterial and fungal growth. • Don’t discard fallen Home is where your story begins. leaves or any downed My wish for you and your loved one’s is that you twigs or pruned boughs will be blessed with continued good health, great from trees. This will happiness and success in all give birds material for your endeavours creating shelter or hiding away when the weather From my family to yours gets especially brutal. Merry Christmas and When the Christmas tree is finished for the season, all the best in 2021 place it in the yard as a Biggar-Sask Valley Constituencywindbreak for birds. • Put shallow water 306-948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880 sources around so birds Box 1413, 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar can drink. Replace Your local Realtor® them frequently if water Even though snow is blanketing the landscape, freezes. RE/MAX Shoreline Realty we’re warmed by having such good friendsWild birds can benefit Cell: 306-948-7995and neighbors around us this season. from some help when carip@remax.netWe hope you have a joyful and festive the temperatures start to drop in winter. homes for sale at SoldbyCari.ca holiday, and a very happy and
REBEL LANDSCAPING Ed Kolenosky and family 306-948-2879 306-948-7207 Biggar
Hope the holidays bring you good cheer, and fill you with the spirit of the season. We’re very grateful for your patronage. Please come and see us soon.
Randy Weekes, M.L.A.
Biggar Liquor Board Store Lana and Cindy
Atttention: Lana
Randy Weekes, I am attaching yourM.L.A. Christmas Greetin Valley and New Year’s Biggar-Sask (same size, different c Deadline
Constituency 306-948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880 approval/changes is by Box 1413, 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar
Thanks for your prompt attention.
Cari Perih
“Keeping our community strong one sale at a healthy yeartime... ahead. because I call it home, too!”
Atttention: Cari
Attention Randy/Janet.... I am attaching your Christmas Greeting from
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Silent Night
INDEPENDENT Wishing you and your family peace, health, happiness and prosperity this holiday season and in the coming New Year!
Village of Landis Council and staff
In 2018, the popular Christmas carol “Silent Night” celebrated the 200th anniversary of its first performance. The lyrics to “Silent Night” were written by Austrian Roman Catholic priest Joseph Mohr in 1816. Over the years, the melody has been credited to the likes of legendary composers such as Mozart and Beethoven. However, a manuscript handwritten by Mohr and discovered in 1995 revealed that the Austrian composer Franz Xaver Gruber composed the music to this beloved song.
“Silent Night” Silent night! Holy night! All is calm, all is bright Attention Sandi, Karen Round yon Virgin Mother and Child, Holyyour infant so tender I am attaching Christmas Greet- and mild, Sleep inplus Heavenly ing last year @ $63.00 gst; and peace! Sleep in Heavenly peace!
May you and yours revel in the splendor of the season.
R.M. of Biggar #347
again for New Year’s (same size, different contentSilent if desired) for halfHoly price night! night! Shepherds quake at the sight; FREE colour $31.50.
Council and staff 306-948-2422
Glories stream from Heaven afar, Heavenly hosts Deadline approval/changes is bysing Alleluia, Christ, the Saviour, is born! return email or by November 30 Christ, the Saviour, is born!
Silent night! Holy night! Thanks for your prompt attention and participation
Peace Prosperity Good Fortune Good Cheer May your New Year be filled with reasons to celebrate!
R.M. of Biggar #347
Council staff of In this season of celebration, we and are reminded 306-948-2422 both the diversity and bounty that nature provides us, and are grateful for the richness and beauty of this wondrous season. We are also grateful to share it with good people like you, and wish you all the best during this special time of year.
Wylie Seed & Processing Dale, Bill, staff and families
WISHING YOU A HAPPY, HEALTHY & Thank you for the time that you’ve spent with us this year. We greatly appreciate your support and PROPEROUS trust in us. Friends and family like you make every day special!
Merry Christmas We know we have much to celebrate this year, including the privilege of serving great people like you!
Wylie Seed & Processing
Dale, Bill, staff and families
306-948-2807 Darren, and Staff Biggar, Sask. 306-262-5980 diehl465@gmail.com
Hello Darren;
Son of God, Love’s pure light Radiant beams from Thy Holy face, Attention Dalethe anddawn Bill… of redeeming grace, With Jesus, Lord at Thy birth, I am attachingJesus, your Christmas Lord Greetat Thy birth. ing last year @ $94.50 plus gst; andJoseph Mohr. Lyrics written by
again for New Year’s (same size, different content if desired) for half price FREE colour $47.25.
Did you know?
Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 29 please.
Thanks your prompt attention and participation Passover is afor celebration of the liberation of Jews from Egyptian slavery. OWNER/PUBLISHER Along with Sukkot and THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT Shavuot, Passover is one of the Three Pil122 MAIN STREET grimage Festivals that P. O. BOX 40 feature agricultural BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 offerings and several telephone: 306-948-3344 unique mitzvot. The fax: 306-948-2133 seder, an elaborate meal that customare-mail: tip@sasktel.net ily takes place on the www.biggarindependent.ca first night of the holiday, is at the center of Passover celebrations. According to ReformedJudaism.org, “seder” means “order” and refers to the 15 separate steps that are taken in traditional order as expressed in the book “Haggaddah.” Blessing, washing, eating a vegetable, breaking of matzot, OWNER/PUBLISHER story telling, and many THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT other components 122 MAIN STREET comprise the seder. P. O. BOX 40 Other traditional symbols are featured on BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 the seder plates and telephone: 306-948-3344 We thank you for your patronage tables, each of which fax: 306-948-2133 have specific ties to thefriendship and we wish you and e-mail: tip@sasktel.net Exodus and history of all the best in 2021 www.biggarindependent.ca Jewish slavery. Passover is one of the most Darren, and Staff commonly observed Jewish holidays and a Biggar, Sask. 306-262-5980 time to reflect on one’s blessings. diehl465@gmail.com
Jolly. Happy. Magical.
Christmas has always meant reflecting upon one’s blessings. Here’s hoping the holiday season brings all of your wishes to life!
Busse Law Professional Corporation
Teena, Heather, Larry and Stuart 306-948-3346
Atttention: Stuart, Larry, Teena and
Merry Christmas
Are poinsettias poisonous?
Season’s Greetings from the Staff at
Peace and Hope for 2021 Happy New Year to all Thank you for shopping local. We look forward to serving you in 2021.
102 Main Street Biggar 948-3849
102 Main Street Biggar 948-3849
The Full MERRY Atttention: We HopeJO You Get Your Fill of Good Times This Christmas! As another Christmas comes in for a Christmas landing, we’re ďŹ lled with cheer I am attaching your and gratitude for wonderful customers and friends like you. Greeting @Merry $42.00 plus gst Christmas & Many Thanks from size our Entire and run again same NewCrew the (different Years content if you Biggar Esso wish) for 1/2 price FREE colour, 306-948-3600 $21.00
As much as it suits holiday decor and seems tailormade for that special time of best wishes Our year betweentoThanksgiving you and yours at the New Year. and the first of January, the Thanks for doing business with us! poinsettia has a reputation that few plants would want.
‌from all are of the Christmas trees, Santa settias notstaff deadly. In because they’re not fatal, plants that call to mind Claus, menorahs, and 306-948-3600 fact, the NCPC notes that celebrants can continue the colours of the holiday glittering lighting dis- the rumour that poinset- to display these beautiful season. plays are just a few of the tias are deadly may have many prominent symbols been around for more Hope your hoiday is trimmed with every happiness. of the holiday season. than a century, tracing its EASON S the REETINGS ERRY HRISTMAS And while mistletoe origins all way back The wreaths and the trees the parties The wreaths and the trees and the parties might garner more atten- to a child who was and found Aren’t what we need to convey Aren’t what we need to convey tion and inspire more dis- dead lying next to a poinplays of affection, poin- settiaIt’s plant. It’s the birth of our Saviour, Jesus the birth ofOWNER/PUBLISHER our Saviour, Jesus or by November 30 settias are another promiThe plant was blamed THE BIGGAR The real reasonINDEPENDENT for this holiday. The real reason for this holiday. RD nent sign that the holiday for the child’s death, 102 - 3and AVENUE WEST season has arrived. even though that blame P. O. BOX 40 Thanks to its bright was misplaced, the stig- SK. S0K 0M0 BIGGAR, red and green colours, ma stuck. WebMD notes We wish to We wish to the poinsettia is perhaps that others trace the falsethank telephone: 306-948-3344 thank our loyal our loyal the ideal holiday plant. rumours surrounding fax: customers, 306-948-2133 customers, But as much as it suits poinsettias to 1919,e-mail: when and tip@sasktel.net and wish you the wish you holiday decor and seems parents blamedwww.biggarindependent.ca the death the best in Mike, Darlene and staff best in 2021. tailor-made for that spe- of their daughter, who 2021. 701-4th Ave. E, Truck Route East, cial time of year between they thought had eaten Biggar • 306-948-3996 Thanksgiving and the first poinsettia leaves, on this of January, the poinsettia ubiquitous holiday plant. has a reputation that few Even today, when plants would want. researchers have long OWNER/PUBLISHER Thanks for your prompt attention and participation First discovered in Mex- since proven that poinsetTHE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT Urla ico and brought to the tias are not deadly, many 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST United States by Dr. Joel people still believe they P. O. BOX 40 Poinsett, the poinsettia can be fatal if consumed. BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 has long been rumoured The NCPC notes that, to be poisonous. Howev- in most cases, exposure telephone: 306-948-3344 er, the National Capital to any part of a poinsettia fax: 306-948-2133 Poison Center in the Unit- plant in children or pets Attention e-mail: Adrian and Barbara de Haan, Lyle Zbeeshko Adrianhas and little, Barbara Haan, Lyletip@sasktel.net Zbeeshko Darlene/Mike ed States notes that poinif deany, effect. www.biggarindependent.ca However, if the plant is swallowed, some people and pets may experience symptoms including nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. ~ and ~ Some who touch the plant ~ and ~ may develop a rash after contact. While poinsettias are CO-ED FITNESS FACILITY not deadly, the NCPC still CO-ED FITNESS FACILITY Personal Training, Kickboxing, Sweat with Brett advises those who plant Personal Training, Kickboxing, Sweat with Brett Fitness Classes, Nutrition Consulting to include the plant in Fitness Classes, Nutrition Consulting their holiday decor to take every measure necessary to prevent children OWNER/PUBLISHER and pets from THE swallowBIGGAR INDEPENDENT ing it. Placing poinsettias 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST We hope your holiday season beyond the reach of kids P. O. BOX 40 is ďŹ and pets is one BIGGAR, simple SK. S0K 0M0 lled to the brim with happiness Thanks for your prompt and goodattention fortune!! and participation way to accomplish just that. telephone: 306-948-3344 Poinsettias are seem-fax: 306-948-2133 Owned and operated by Brett Barber Owned and operated by Barber “Experience theBrett Westwinds Differenceâ€? ingly everywhere come e-mail: 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Sask. 306-948-9750 rd tip@sasktel.net Dayna, Trent and staff 102 3 Ave. West, Biggar, Sask. 306-948-9750 the holiday season. And WWW NEWUFITNESS CA s WWW BEAUTIFUL U CA www.biggarindependent.ca
Deadline Ted approval/changes is by Attention return email Iplease am attaching your Christmas Greeting
’ G
! Thanks for hanging with us all year!
Merry Christmas!
last year @ $84 plus gst; and again for New Year’s (same size, different Thanks for your prompt atten- content iftion. desired) for half price FREE colour $42.00 Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 30 please.
M & N Repair
Biggar Electrical Services 306-948-5291
Biggar Electrical Services 306-948-5291
am all attaching With warm wishesI from of us for a your Christmas Greeting last year happy, healthy andfrom prosperous 2021. (updated picture) @ $84.0 plus and gst;staff I am attaching your Christmas Greeting last year @ $105.00 plus‌gst Brett Barber Atttention: Adrian/Barbara
and again for New Year’s (same size, differDeadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 29 please ent content if desired) for half price FRE colour $42.00. DALE BUXTON Merry Christmas from all of us Thanks for your prompt attention. Deadline approval/changes is by return heres to a season of MERRY CHRISTMAS email or by November 30 please. and New Year’s from last year for 1/2 price FREE colour 52.50
love, health and harmony. ‌ Brett Barber and staff
Westwinds Motor Hotel
Your Friendship… Makes It all Worthwhile! This is our chance to let you know how grateful we are for your friendship and support as we wish you all a
VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas
3 strategies for enjoying a safe New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Eve is one of the most festive nights of WEASIE’S Gourmet Blends the year. Counting down to a new Louise and staff year while simultane211 Main St., BigGAR s 306-948-1795 ously saying goodbye to Angie’s Hair Salon the current year provides 219 Main St., Biggar & Barber Shop grounds for celebration 306-948-3696 Attention Louise.... for millions of people Please call ahead across the globe. and wear your mask New Year’s celebrations I am attaching your Christmas Greeting from vary depending on where It has been a rewarding the partying is taking last year @ $52.50 plus gst; and place, but it’s common experience working with again for New Year’s (same size, different for people to check their As we celebrate this you and may this New Year holidayif season during these inhibitions at the door on content desired) for half price FREE colour unpredicatble times we’re also celebrating all of the priceless December 31. That can bring forth many such relationships we enjoy in this $26.25. community. We apprectiate make for a fun evening, having such supportive friends, rewarding moments for us neighbours and customers. but also puts celebrants And we thank-you for making in jeopardy this townapproval/changes such a warm and Deadline isSt.,by return email of or making 219 Main Biggar to share welcoming place. bad decisions or con- Adhering to three simple safety strategies can increase the chances that this New 306-948-3696 Christmas and Happy Holidays byMerry November 29 please. fronting the consequenc- Year’s Eve is memorable for all the right reasons. Please call ahead es of others’ poor deciDallas, Sherry, Tammy, Angie and Trevor and wear your mask Dallas, Sherry, Tammy, Angie and Trevor Thanks for your prompt attention and participation sions. Adhering to three night, New Year’s Eve age of 300 people died night. simple safety strategies revelers can make them- each year in drunk drivNew Year’s Eve is a fun can increase the chances selves less vulnerable to ing crashes in the week but potentially dangerthat this New Year’s Eve criminals. between Christmas and ous night. However, a is memorable for all the 2.) Don’t overindulge in New Year’s Day. To avoid few simple safety strateright reasons. becoming such a statistic, gies can make sure New alcohol 1.) Travel in packs The National Highway New Year’s revelers can Year’s Day conversations Most people who are out Traffic Safety Adminis- celebrate at home and are all about the fun from and about on New Year’s tration notes that people invite others to stay over- the night before. Eve are focused solely who consumeOWNER/PUBLISHER alcohol THE BIGGARa INDEPENDENT on having fun. However, begin experiencing loss 122their MAIN STREET some criminals see New of judgment when Year’s Eve as an oppor- blood alcohol concentra-P. O. BOX 40 Thank you for making our year run so BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 tunity to prey on unsus- tion, or BAC, reaches .02. telephone: 306-948-3344 smoothly.We wouldn’t be here without good pecting men and women That means it only takes fax: 306-948-2133 friends and customers like you. who may not be as alert a relatively smalle-mail: amount tip@sasktel.net There may be a chill to danger as theyThere are may on be of alcohol before people’s a chill www.biggarindependent.ca Come on in in the air at the in theyear. air at the other nights of the judgment begins to falter, holiday season, we will help make your season, For example, aholiday recent and judgment only suffers But we’re filled with But we’re fi lled with report from Australia’s further with each addiwinter driving more enjoyable!! much warmth and much warmth and Bureau of Crime Statistional drink. The pressure you are the reason. you are the reason. tics and Research found So to our many So to our manyto overindulge in alcohol that the numbergood of friends vio- both on New Year’s Eve can good friends both lent offenses between 9 be considerable, but revfar and near, far and near, Management and Staff p.m. and 3 a.m. We on bid New We bid a most elers should avoid situa most 103 SK Hwy 14 Year’s Eve is nine times joyous Christmas ations where they might joyous Christmas Biggar, Sask. higher than it is on and a Happy andother a Happybe tempted to drink too 306-948-2298 New Year. nights of the year.New By Year. hit- much. Such overindulThank you to you to gence only makes people ting the town withThank friends our customers our those customersvulnerable to bad deciand staying with for their support. 1-866-934-6675/306-934-6675 friends throughout for their support. 1-866-934-6675/306-934-6675 the sions and even criminals looking to prey on inebriated victims. 3.) Don’t get behind the wheel Even people who avoid alcohol on New Year’s Eve May the Christmas are vulnerable to potenSeason fill your tially unsafe highways. home with Love, That’s because everyone and your life with shares the roads, and drivLaughter. Sincerelyor by November 30 ers never know who else thank you for your will be on the road when patronage and New Year’s Eve festivities looking forward to end and everyone goes brighter days home. The U.S. DepartOWNER/PUBLISHER for our THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT ment of Transportation Families, Friends & 3RD AVENUE WEST notes that, over 102 the- last Community, and to P. O. BOX 40 serving you in 2021 half-decade, and averBIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 It’s been a gift for us serving folks like you. Thanks!
Welcome The Season!
Welcome The Season! the DALE BUXTON
“Merry Christmas”
Atttention: Dwayne
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting from 2018 @ $105.00 plus gst and New Year’s for 1/2 price FREE colour (may change content but same size) Deadline approval/changes is by return email
Thanks for your prompt attention.
DALE BUXTON I am sending a Christmas Greeting that could be used for this year the price is $94.50 plus gst and again for New Year’s (same size, different telephone: 306-948-3344 A world of thanks and best wishes to our fax:content) 306-948-2133for 1/2 price, $47.25, FREE neighbours, customers and friends. e-mail: tip@sasktel.net We feel fortunate to serve great folk like you! colour www.biggarindependent.ca Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 30 306-948-2643 • Biggar please Attention Adam....
the Merry Christmas
THE INDEPENDENT, BIGGAR, SK - 21 It’s time for holiday fun and gathering the family together to share a warm, wonderful Christmas Season. We hope the holidays bring everything you want!
INDEPE We wish you and yours the best season ever.
Management & Staff
AGI Envirotank
401 Hwy #4 South, Biggar • 306-948-5262
Atttention: Shanon Few confections symbolize the holidays more so than gingerbread.
How to create a durable gingerbread house equation, but those who “glueâ€? to adhere gingerare crafting from scratch bread pieces. Beddall can employ these tips as says icing should be thick they build their ginger- like peanut butter and bread houses. not runny. • Go for form and not • Mind the dough. Do not flavour. Few gingerbread roll out the gingerbread houses ever get eaten, so dough too thin or it may focus on finding a dough become brittle after being that will bake up rock cooked. Always cut out hard as opposed to one shapes before the gingerthat tastes good. bread is baked. Let the • Get the right icing tex- baked pieces sit overnight ture. Pastry artist Cath-1/4 to Page cool completely before erine Beddall says royal using them to build. icing is the preferred • Patience is key. Allow the icing to dry for at least a couple of hours after adhering each piece and before moving and handling the house, says Beddall. Work in stages so that individual items can be decorated and allowed to dry. Then the walls can be put together, followed by the roof pieces. • Kids likely will need help. Children may not have the patience or steadiness to handle complete gingerbread construction. They Home of the can decorate the separate pieces of the house while the components are layCheck out our new food menu ing flat, which is easier for kids. Adults can do the main assembly later Thank you for your business on. and we look forward to serving you in 2021 • Utilize a template. Freehanding may not be easy. Cut out templates using cardboard or posterboard for various gingerbread pieces. One of the most important tips is to have fun. Don’t take gingerbread house making too seriously as a novice. Rather, enjoy the experience and the centuries-old tradiCorner of Main Street and 6th Ave. tion. Biggar, Sk. 948-5494
Gingerbread cookies and houses are one of the many symbols of the holiday season, alongside Christmas trees and twinkling lights. In fact, few confections symbolize the holidays more so than gingerbread. Many a child (or a child at heart) has spent hours carefully trying to create decorative gingerbread houses. Although gingerbread recipes span various cultures, gingerbread
houses originated in 16th century Germany. The fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel� helped solidify the popularity of gingerbread, which became part of Christmas traditions. Even though gingerbread houses can be fun to make, there’s no denying it can be exacting work - especially for those who strive for perfection. Pre-packaged kits attempt to take some of the guesswork out of the
I am attaching your Christmas Gree and New Years for 1/2 price FREE
Deadline approval/changes is by re
Thanks for your prompt attention. 221 Main St. • Biggar Kelly, Floyd
Monday - Friday 6am - 4pm Homemade Soups Daily Specials
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting previously run @ $84.00 plus gst; and again for New Year’s (same size, different content if de WK 6WUHHW :HVW sired) for half price FREE colour 6DVNDWRRQ 6. 6 / ; SKRQH $42.00. WROO IUHH
+RXUV 0RQ WR )UL DP WR SP Thanks for your prompt attention and participation 6DWXUGD\ DP WR QRRQ Urla 9LVLW XV RQOLQH ZZZ ED]DDUQRYHOW\ FRP
“All Day Breakfast�
Atttention: Don/Rochelle
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting last year @ $84.00 plus gst and again for New Year’s (same size, different content if desired) for 1/2 price FREE colour $42.00 Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 29 please
Thanks for your prompt attention.
Dashing through the Snow to deliver Our Best Wishes
As we dash toward Christmas Day, we’d like to wish you and yours a very happy holiday! Hope it’s merry and bright with just the right amount of excitement. We appreciate your patronage, and we wish you all the best!
~ Landis ~
Don, Perry, Cole and Rochelle 306-658-2002
Merry Christmas
New Year’s traditions around the world We’re All SMILES at Christmas
With friends and neighbours like you, we have every reason to smile at the holidays and all year! We hope you have a merry and bright Christmas
Each December 31st, people anxiously await and count down to the arrival of the new year. January 1 often is a A new year is making the rounds, and time for reflection and we hope it brings you endless blessings. for making future plans. It also is a holiday Happy full of New Year From Our Whole Team tradition. Notable New Year’s traditions include toasting champagne beneath Dr. James Dessouki, Dr. Danielle Briere and staff skies lit up by fireworks, Nova Wood Bldg., east entrance, kissing one’s sweetheart 106 - 6th "WF & #JHHBS t 306-948-3408 at midnight and making resolutions to better oneself in the year ahead. New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day traditions vary Management & Thanks for across the globe. The folstaff making time for lowing is a look at the us in 2020. New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day traditions vary across the globe. The following Landis unique ways people ring Please know is a look at the unique ways people ring in the new year throughout the world. in the new year through306-658-2050 you can always out the world. count on us! year. calendar, celebrants paint • Filipinos embrace tery. • In China, where the their doors red or hang • Burmese people end round fruits for the new year. The custom includes the Thingyan water fes- new year is celebrated red curtains or cut-outs gathering 12 different tival on New Year’s Day. on February 5 this year on windows to symbolize round fruits for each Since April, they have according to the lunar good luck. month of the year. The celebrated the arrival of round shape symbolizes Thagyamin, a celestial Buddhist figure, with the wealth and prosperity. • Around Stonehaven, firing of water cannons. Scotland, people wield The water-logged revelry large fireballs for 3the col/6 ends with the new year. • Siberians celebrate the Hogmanay festival on OWNER/PUBLISHER New Year’s Eve. The idea new year’s with the plantTHE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT is to ward off evil spir- ing of the “New Year’sRD 102 3 AVENUE WEST its by swinging balls of Treeâ€? underneath frozen P. O. BOX 40 fires over the heads of lakes. This “yolkaâ€? is said BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 trained professionals and to symbolize the coming Biggar-Sask Valley Constituency then tossing them into of Father Frost, but also telephone: 306-948-3344 306-948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880 the sea. The tradition has represents starting over. • Grapes are a hallmark fax: 306-948-2133 Box 1413, 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar endured for more than e-mail: tip@sasktel.net Rosetown-Elrose Constituency of Spanish New Year’s 100 years. www.biggarindependent.ca 306-882-4105, free 1-855-762-2233 Even though snow istoll blanketing the landscape, • In the Eastern Ortho- celebrations. Throughout jimreitermla@sasktel.net we’re warmed by having such good friends dox Greek Church, Christ- Spain, revellers gobble Monday - Friday, 9 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and neighbors around us this season. mas isn’t celebrated until a grape per second as 215 Main Street, Rosetown January 7. Aghios Vassi- they count down the last We hope you have a joyful and festive lis, the Greek Santa Claus, 12 seconds of the year. holiday, and a very happy and Our wish is for a holiday season ďŹ lled with enough makes his rounds on New Each grape corresponds healthy year ahead. warmth and happiness to ďŹ ll every heart with to good luck for the 12 Year’s Day. gladness. May your Holiday Season be • Chilean families cel- months of the new year. everything you’re wishing for and more! • In Denmark, resiebrate the arrival of the new year by commemo- dents break old dishes rating deceased friends on the doorsteps of famand family members. It ily and friends on New is common for those in Year’s Day. The bigger Chile to set up chairs next the pile, the more friends to graves in the ceme- and good will in the new OWNER/PUBLISHER THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0
Dr. James Dessouki, Dr. Danielle Briere and staff Nova Wood Bldg., east entrance, 106 - 6th "WF & #JHHBS t 306-948-3408
Atttention: Brittany
Time to pause and be thankful for I am attaching a Christmas what we Greeting have, a great community for your perusal @$73.50 plus gst surrounded by and again, same size,family, at New Years edifriends and tion for 1/2 price $36.75 plus gst FREE good neighbours!
Landis Producers Co-op
colour Feel free to make any changes/corrections.
Landis Producers Co-op Management & staff
Deadline approval/changes Landis • 306-658-2050is by return email or by November 30 please Thanks for your prompt attention.
Attention Jerome
the the
Randy Weekes, M.L.A. Jim Reiter, M.L.A.
Thank you and best wishes I am attaching a healthy Christmas and New for a happy and holiday season. It’s been a pleasure serving you. Year’s Greetings for your perusal, Xmas @ $73.50 plus gst. You may run a New Year’s greeting Happy Holidays for from New the Year’s edition January 3, lawyers andon staff at same size, free colour and you can Peszko & Watson the Jason Peszko content Lisa Watson have different for half price. Logan Marchand Bailee Massett Nancy plus Farenick $36.75 gst Omobolanle Abioye
INDEPENDENT Biggar Professional Building 223 Main Street, Biggar 306-948-5352 306-244-9865
Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 30 please. Thanks for your prompt attention and participation
The Foundation wishes to thank all who have assisted with their monetary donations. Without your help, we could not support many local organizations with their projects. May this Christmas season remind all of us of the joy in our lives and of the joy given to others due to your support.
Biggar & District Community Foundation extends to all a Joyful Christmas and Happy New Year! Box 489, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Atttention: Board Members/Marty Baroni
telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
Randy Weekes, M.L.A.
Biggar-Sask Valley Constituency 306-948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880 Box 1413, 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar
Even though snow is blanketing the landscape, we’re warmed by having such good friends and neighbors around us this season. We hope you have a joyful and festive holiday, and a very happy and healthy year ahead.
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Merry Christmas
Christmas Lasagna
Red Cookie Layer: • 1 package 17.5 ounces sugar cookie mix; • half cup 1 stick butter, softened but not melted; • 2 Tablespoons flour; • 1 large egg; • one-third cup Andes Peppermint Crunch or crushed peppermints; • Red food colouring. White Cream Cheese Layer: • 1 box 8 ounce cream cheese; • 1 cup powdered sugar; • 1 teaspoon peppermint extract; • 1 cup heavy whipping cream. Green Pudding Layer: • 2 boxes 3.3 ounces instant white chocolate pudding mix; • 3 cups cold milk; • half cup white chocolate chips melted; • Green food colouring. Topping: • 2 cups cool whip; • quarter cup Andes Peppermint Crunch or crushed peppermints; • quarter cup mint chips.
Hope you have a ball this holiday season with plenty of good times to spare for the New Year! Thanks for rolling with us this year. It’s been our pleasure to serve you, and we hope to see you again very soon.
Season’s Greetings!
Biggar Bowl
greetings from Management and staff 119 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar 306-948-2255
Instructions Red Cookie Layer: • Preheat oven to 350°. Line a 9”x13” pan with parchment paper and spray with non-stick spray. • In a large mixing bowl, add sugar cookie mix, butter, flour, and egg mix well. When well combined, add Andes peppermint crunch and mix in. • Add red food colouring a little at a time until you have a pretty Christmas red. • For a thick crust, add all the dough to the pan and spread evenly, pressing down. If you want a little thinner crust, divide the dough in half and press half the dough into the bottom of the pan. The other half can be used for cookies. • Place in oven and bake for 20 minutes until edges are slightly browned. For the thinner version you may need to remove in 15 minutes. • Cool completely before adding layers. White Cream Cheese Layer: • Using a mixer, beat cream cheese, powdered sugar and peppermint extract in a large mixing bowl. • When well mixed gradually add heavy cream and whip till stiff peaks form. • Spread evenly on cooled cookie layer. Place in the refrigerator or freezer for 30 minutes to help set the layer. Green Pudding Layer: • Using a mixer, beat both boxes of pudding and milk in a large mixing bowl. Beat till thickened. • Add melted white chocolate chips and beat till combined. • Add green food colouring a little at a time until you are happy with the colour. • Spread over white layer and place back in the freezer or refrigerator for another 10 minutes. Topping: • Spread cool whip over the green layer and sprinkle Andes peppermint crunch around the top. Sprinkle mint chips around the top. • Store in the refrigerator or freezer until ready to serve. Notes May be stored in the refrigerator up to one week or in the freezer for one month. Make sure to wrap tightly with plastic wrap before storing. If stored in the freezer, you can serve as a frozen dessert (cookie base can be very hard when frozen), or let sit 20 minutes before serving for a softer dessert.
Attention Melissa/Jason....
I am your Justattaching a little note to say…Christmas Greetin We hope you have a great @ $73.50 plus gst; andholiday! again for New size,Thanks different content if desired) for h for making this community FREEsuch colour $36.75. an inviting place to do
INDEPEN business! We really appreciate your patronage. Deadline approval/changes
November 30 please.
is by retur
Thanks for your prompt attention and participation Urla 805 Main Street, Biggar 306-948-2248
Attention Dennis/Kim… I am attaching a Christmas Greeting rusal forMerry this yearChristmas @ $86.00 plus gst run again for New Year’s (same size content ifFrom desired) for half price FRE All of Us $43.00.
As we deck the halls and trim the tree, Deadline approval/changes is by ret it’s very clear for us to see, bythat November 29 do Please. folks like you truly make Thanks for your prompt attention and participation us want to laugh and celebrate! From our bunch to you, best wishes for a healthy, happy and safe holiday season. Your trust and kindness fill us with gratitude at Christmas time and all year!
Board, Management and Staff
Merry Christmas!