Vol. 111 No. 52
20 pages
2020 in a nutshell . . . While it may appear this critter is making a getaway with a skilful dive, it is rather an inglorious and frozen end for these racoons. The rodents kind of signify everything about 2020 - let’s hope 2021 goes a bit better! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Happy New Year
????????, ?????????31, ??, 2020 ???? THURSDAY, DECEMBER
Biggar Legion Awards Students
The Biggar Legion awarded students from Biggar Central School 2000 and St. Gabriel School for their efforts during this past November’s Remembrance Day. The kids showed off their creative side in posters and poems, being awarded a small amount of cash for their efforts. Congratulations to everyone who participated! The winners are as follows: Kindergarten: 1st - Nora Barber; 2nd - Kylie Sagon. Grade 1: 1st - Quinn Beadle; 2nd - Jethan La Tamas; 3rd Cody Tavanetz. Grade 2: 1st - Mia Meschishnick; 2nd - Braydon McKinley; 3rd - Louise Trinidad. Grade 3: 1st - Erid Mundt; 2nd - Emily Jezowski; 3rd Gracie Moody. Primary Winner Colour Poster: Mia Meschishnick. Junior Colour: 1st - Dausha Ilyasov; 2nd - Kabrie Metz; 3rd - Kennedy Laventure. Junior Black and White: 1st - Yevheniia Taranukha; 2nd Jared San Pascual; 3rd - Eliza Lancry. Intermediate Colour: 1st - Samantha Molberg; 2nd Sophie Swindler; 3rd - Danica Evanisky.
Dausha Ilyasov, left, with BCS Principal Kim Fick.
St. Gabriel students Jethan La Tamas, Quinn Beadle.
St. Gabriel students Kabrie Metz, Kennedy Laventure.
Yevheniia Taranukha, left, with BCS Principal Kim Fick.
St. Gabriel students Louise Trinidad, Mia Meschishnick, Braydon McKinley.
St. Gabriel students Danica Evanisky, Sophie Swindler, Lily Barber, Samantha Molberg
Jared San Pascual, left, with BCS Principal Kim Fick.
St. Gabriel students Gracie Moody, Eric Mundt, Emily Jezowski.
St. Gabriel students Kylie Sagon, Nora Barber.
Happy New Year
Council Minute highlights
The regular meeting of Biggar Town Council was held December 1, at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Attending the meeting were Mayor Jim Rickwood, Aldermen Alan Boyle, Dakota Ekman, Nicole Hoppe, Kevin McNicholls, Edward Young, and Ivan Young. Council resolved that Recreation Director Erin Poitras be authorized to purchase a new refrigerator for the kitchen at the Biggar Community Hall from Geanel Restaurant Supplies Ltd. in the amount of $3,986 plus taxes. Council resolved that the General Accounts Paid in the amount of $114,879.90, and the General Accounts Payable in the amount of $96,182.41, be approved. Council resolved that the following correspondence be accepted for Council’s information and filed: Government of Saskatchewan - Elected Officials Information; Great Plains College - Partnership with Stakeholders; SARM - Letter; Municipalities of Saskatchewan -
Response Letter; Viterra - Traffic Impact Assessment Update; PIWIK November 2020 Web Site Report; MMSW - 2021 Payment Structure; CP Welcome Letter. Council resolved that the tax cancellation in the amount of $89.97 for Lot 8 Block 5 Plan D4770, be approved. Council resolved that the Bylaw No. 17-787 being a Bylaw to Establish Property Tax Discounts and Penalties, be reviewed. Council resolved that the Town of Biggar enter into an Easement Agreement with Sask Power for Block/Parcel E Plan 101481971 Ext. 19 and Sw 08-36-14-W3 Ext. 1. • Meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.
God loves Cowgirls, Cowboys . . . and Santa . . . These horse bound folks made some people very happy, Saturday, December 18, as they escorted Santa Claus around the Biggar Long Term Care Home and Hospital, giving residents and those in care, a visit from the most important fella of the season. Hats off to those who made this possible. It really brightened the day for many! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Community involvement needed for Revitalization Project Biggar residents are being asked what they would like a substantial donation to go towards to help set the course for the future of our community. A matching donation from a former Biggarite, would give the community
a much needed boost. The philanthropic investment requires the community to get involved in a series of open house meetings this January 22 and 23. The as yet unnamed Biggarite will make the matching donation,
asking the community to decide for themselves where the money should go. Dubbed the “Biggar Revitalization Project”, the plan will reveal, invigorate and celebrate the town’s core. The
transformation will weave Biggar’s rich heritage, strong sense of community, and bold aspirations into inviting, cohesive spaces and opportunities. Again, a community open house will be
held this January 22 from 3 to 8 p.m., and January 23, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Preregistration is required by calling the Town Office (306) 9483317 to schedule a time.
Update on eHealth cyberattack and potential privacy breach In consultation with the Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC), eHealth Saskatchewan (eHS), the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) and the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health are providing an update on the eHealth malware attack reported in January 2020 and advising Saskatchewan residents that a privacy breach of personal health information may have occurred as a result of the malware attack. eHS, SHA and Ministry of Health take the safeguarding and protection of personal health infor-
mation very seriously and immediately launched a months-long forensic investigation following the ransomware attack. Following the forensic investigation, eHealth advises that a breach of personal health information has potentially occurred. The breach impacted information on systems administered by eHS for the SHA and Ministry of Health. While the forensic investigation rendered no evidence that personal health information was compromised, the investigation was unable to rule out a breach of personal health infor-
Knights of Columbus make draw . . . Father Ed Gibney makes the draw for the Half-and-Half Knights of Columbus draw. This year’s winner was Trevor Fisher. Congratulations! (Independent Photo by Daryl Hasein)
mation. The inability to absolutely verify that no privacy breach occurred is leading to public notification of a potential privacy breach involving personal information or personal health information. Upon discovery of the malware attack, eHealth Saskatchewan managed to contain and eliminate the malware and restore compromised files. However, the conclusion of a likely privacy breach follows findings in the forensic investigation that some files were sent to a suspicious IP address. Those files had been encrypted dur-
ing the attack, and were restored from back-ups. Therefore, it is impossible to say with any accuracy precisely what information from the larger group of files was sent to the IP address. eHS continues to monitor and scan the internet for any signs that Saskatchewan files have found their way into improper hands. The latest six-week scan was completed in November and to date there continues to be no evidence to show this has happened. The ransomware attack occurred after an employee in the health care sector opened a suspicious attachment in an e-mail and malware was spread throughout Saskatchewan’s IT system. This points to the limitations of cyber-security measures and the need for everyone to be extremely cautious about opening e-mail attachments. This is particularly important at a government workplace, where sensitive information is held. Since the malware attack, eHS, SHA and Ministry of Health have intensified training for employees on the dangers of opening e-mail with suspicious attachments. eHealth is also continuously making security upgrades to its IT network to strengthen the security environment.
All active SHA staff are required to take mandatory privacy training every three years or as directed. The SHA also has standard privacy and confidentiality policies, including requirements for staff to sign confidentiality agreements to help protect personal health information. eHS has also recently procured a new program for providing IT security education to health system physicians and staff that will strengthen knowledge among health care workers about the steps they can take to better protect personal health information from malicious cyber-attacks. The OIPC has advised eHS, SHA and the Ministry of Health that the malware attack and subsequent response are a topic of a forthcoming investigation report by the OIPC. eHS, SHA and the Ministry of Health await the final findings and recommendations of the OIPC to inform further action that will
be taken to address the breach and protect the personal health information of Saskatchewan residents. This ransomware attack can serve as a reminder to health system employees and every Saskatchewan resident to take these basic steps and protect their information: • Monitor all accounts and report suspicious activity immediately; • Update all security software and operating systems regularly since these update will include security patches and updated virus definitions; and • Use complex passwords and different passwords for all accounts. If you do suspect a breach of your personal health information, you can contact SHA’s Privacy Office at privacy@ saskhealthauthority.ca. Anyone with a concern about privacy and protection of their personal health information can contact the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner.
Numbers for December 31 B8 - N32 - N39 - G46 - O65
Opinions Happy New Year
Here is hoping your New Year is better than 2020 We look to the future during these pandemic times, awaiting a bit of hope and happiness. And as a new year passes and a time of reflection is upon us, we hope you all have a true sense of optimism. With the world still embraced with the COVID nightmare, a vaccine - in fact, several - are awaiting. My sleeve has been rolled up since the announcement, awaiting not only the added protection to my immune system, but the utter release from the dark depression and overwhelming sense of hopelessness I’m sure you too are experiencing. The isolation at this, the most social time of the year, is not natural. Anyone who has said “New Normal” usually gets a nasty look. Be grateful - I have a potty-mouth, and any “New Normal” or “Social Distancing” talk sets my blood into full on nuclear, criticalmass meltdown. There is nothing “Normal” about this pandemic, nor should we accept that this is going to be the accustomed way of living. Having said that, we are a resilient bunch of people. We are lucky in Biggar and area. We have people who truly care about one another. Our systems of interactions are more robust than those found in larger centres. We generally know those around us - shop keepers and businesses are often neighbours or people we interact with outside of work - there are no real strangers in small-town Saskatchewan. And while that can be somewhat disconcerting to those raised in the “Big City”, it has been a blessing during the pandemic. People are really looking out for others. That is something to build upon when the virus is finally consigned to history. But be vigilant. I’m already preparing for mask-burning parties, but am still aware we haven’t yet crossed the finish line. Let’s just hope that 2021 is better than 2020, and that you find your life approaching something better than what it was before the pandemic. Happy New Year! K.B.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ARE WELCOME They MUST be signed, approximately 300 words in length and are subject to editing. Thank Yous will not be permitted in letters
A legitimate demand for oil industry investment?
by Rashid Husain Syed Opposing interest groups are endeavouring to sway crude oil market sentiments. The global oil industry needs some $12.6 trillion in investments through 2045 to meet the demand, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) secretary general Mohammed Barkindo said at a videoconference. This declaration came despite the fact that earlier the month in its Monthly Oil Report, OPEC revised its global oil demand forecast for 2021, saying demand next year will only increase by 5.9 million bpd (barrels per day), 350,000 bpd lower than its earlier projection. The International Energy Agency is underlining that sufficient long-term oil supplies “should not
be taken for granted.” It said it wasn’t clear if adequate investment in oil supplies “will come in time and, if it does come, where it will come from.” In its role as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) energy watchdog, overproduction helps IEA achieve its political objectives. Norwegian consultancy Rystad Energy said in a recent report the world would run out of the oil supplies it needs by 2050 unless there’s a sharp rise in exploration. It said $3 trillion in capital spending was needed. Energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie said: “Only about half the supply needed to 2040 is guaranteed from fields already onstream. The rest requires new capital investment and is up for grabs.”
With global oil inventories declining due to the strengthening demand from Asia, investment banker Goldman Sachs remains bullish, expecting Brent crude oil to average US$65 a barrel next year. Structural under-investment in oil and gas will put upward pressure on oil prices, Goldman Sachs’ Jeffrey Currie told CNBC. This may stimulate short-term demand for oil, with Currie expecting it to rise over the next few years while green-energy infrastructure is built. Commodity trading giant Trafigura also expects a rebound in oil demand next year, thanks to mass COVID-19 vaccinations, which will push crude oil prices to $55 to $60 a barrel, Argus Media reported, citing Trafigura’s chief economist Saad Rahim.
Oil prices – defined as an average of Brent, West Texas Intermediate and Dubai prices, in American dollars – are expected to rise to an average of $44 per barrel next year and $50 a barrel in 2022, up from expected $41 in 2020, the World Bank said. But others are looking at things differently. “The peak of (crude) consumption may have already passed,” Russian Deputy Finance Minister Vladimir Kolychev told Bloomberg. President Vladimir Putin was more blunt. Russia is successfully weaning itself off oil revenues, Putin said on Thursday. “This means that, while we’re not completely there, we are nonetheless starting to get off the socalled oil and gas needle,” he added. The possibility of lift-
Phone: 306-948-3344
Fax: 306-948-2133
Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Thursday at the office of publication, 122 Main Street, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Dale and Trudy Buxton Editor - Kevin Brautigam Composition - Fallon Neugebauer
ing sanctions on Iran is also beginning to dampen spirits. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Thursday he was certain the incoming administration of president-elect Joe Biden will return the United States to its nuclear deal commitments and lift crippling sanctions on his country. Already there’s a murmur in the market that the volume of Iranian oil reaching the markets has gone up. In recent months, Iran has succeeded in circumventing the U.S. sanctions and exported more oil to China and other countries. TankerTrackers.com estimated Iranian crude oil exports hit 1.2 million barrels per day over the fall, up from 481,000 bpd in February, Benoit Faucon reported. Libya also continues to boost production, with its average daily output hit-
ting 1.28 million barrels. Meanwhile, Baker Hughes’ latest report for the U.S. showed the most rig additions since January, fuelling worries about crude oversupply. A number of factors are in play, so the exuberance over crude oil’s future seems a bit premature. Toronto-based Rashid Husain Syed is a respected energy and political analyst. The Middle East is his area of focus. As well as writing for major local and global newspapers, Rashid is also a regular speaker at major international conferences. He has been asked to provide his perspective on global energy issues by both the Department of Energy in Washington and the International Energy Agency in Paris.
E-mail: tip@sasktel.net
P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.
Happy New Year
dles” they were “sheaves” left when a “binder” cut a crop of grain and “stooked” in long rows to help them dry out! (IE) For those not familiar with the words “sheaves”, “binders” and “stooks”, go to the nearest Western Development Museum and ask . . . we could be here all night! So, I just sit back and let the young people zip by, giving me the odd pitying glance as they go, possibly thinking “I’m glad I’m not sitting around like that old guy!” And not realizing that their turn is going to come soon enough - mebbe sooner! There is an advantage though, in just sitting around enjoying life as it goes by! Old folks know that their jobs are done and they can rest a bit. It sure helps to have a few memories, too! There have been quite a few times in the past when Y.T. did desperately want to sit down and let things go, like that time a fire got into the crop in 1950 or when everything went wrong when i was farming out in the hills . . . Y.T. sat down that day and darn near cried, but now i just sit here and smile when I think about it! Mebbe, as a boy, there were a few memorable times when I sat down. Like that time when hiking along the river hills. I flopped right on top of a prickly-pear cactus patch that I thought was clover! Ouch! Or when, as an amorous youth, Y.T. escorted a pretty girl into a dark theatre and mistakenly fell backward onto the floor because there was no seat beside her! Ouch again! Also, the time when Dad caught me “Taking Five” when Walt and I were stooking! Y.T. doesn’t want to appear lazy, but there were quite a few times while helping our workoholic neighbour, that he almost forced me to tell
Bob Mason
There was a time not many years ago when Your’s Truly would have thought this “sitting around” attitude wasn’t the thing to have, and right now I hope there are a lot of young people who think the same way! As one gets older though, they don’t feel that bad about folks sitting, although as a boy, Y.T., against his own judgement, used to feel bad everytime he looked at that painting of Whistler’s Mother! One does feel a little sorry though for those folks who don’t have any choice. But on account of most of us who don’t have the power to perform miracles (like John 5:8) we just have to accept their misfortunes as being part of life! When we were kids, the folks seemed to have quite a few “rocking chairs”, and as our grandparents used them a lot, mebbe that is why we always associate older people as “sitting.” Whistler’s Mother again, eh? Sitting and rocking is a kind of excercise though, and not very strenuous either. Of course everybody knows that Y.T. could go out and do a days work anytime he wanted, but just sitting here watching those waxwings flitting around the crabapple tree seems a lot more attractive then pitching bundles ever was! (IE) For those not familiar with the word “bun-
Heartfelt Greetings and Best Wishes To Our Valued Customers and Friends at this Special Time Of Year
Attention Randy/Roxan
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting from Atttention: Leroy/Dakota last year @ $223.65 plus gst; and I am attaching your Christmas Greetagain run for New Year’s (same size, different from last colour year @ $112.50 plus gst content if desired) for half ing price FREE and again for New Year’s (same size, $111.67. different content if desired) for 1/2 Deadline approval/changesprice is byFREE return email$56.25 colour or by November 29 please. Deadline approval/changes is by return Thanks for your prompt attention and participation email or by November 30 please
ENDENT Welcome The Season!
Thanks for your prompt attention.
There may be a chill in the air at the holiday season, But we’re filled with much warmth and you are the reason. So to our many good friends both far and near,
We bid a most joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you to our customers for their support.
Have A Jolly Holiday Wishing all of you a most Merry Christmas, and Best Wishes for the New Year.
Notable Notes
him to rest a bit! clouds drifitng by! I suppose this “sitThen there is TV, eh? ting around” is all part Surely there were Couch of nature, eh? We come Potatoes in our midst into the world full energy, long before television do our part, rest, (that’s was invented, but if we Y.T.’s part right now) keep on watching it from then finally disappear! morning until night, it I’m defense of these won’t be long until legs sedentary types, there are are obsolete! some fairly famous “sitOur educational proters” in the art galleries gram covers almost every of the world along with other angle, but it doesn’t Whistler’s Mother. “The tell us how to grow old, Artist” (by Vermeer) and especially “gracefully.” even “The Last Supper” And mebbe this “sitting” (by both Tintoretto and bit has had it’s influence Da Vinci). there, too. As a matter-of-fact, Heck, “Whitey” sat at his when a person poses for desk in our old school, so an artist or sculptor, it is long that the extra presknown as a “sitting”! sure of that seat must And then there was this have injured his brain! Buddha guy, who found He was the only one in a kind of peace by just our class who ever got a sitting under a tree by a minus mark in a spelling river . . . I think there is test! a lesson in there someMebbe thats how come where! And I remember some of the people who even seeing a huge statue “sit” in the worlds parliacalled “The Sitting Bud- ments got that way, eh? dha”. I think there is a From the time that our lesson in there some- parents (Bless Them) told where, too! us to “just sit there and Just sitting there, try- be good!”, and the school ing to drum up a peaceful teacher who insisted that feeling known as “Nir- we pay attention, to the vana” , doesn’t seem to old iron seats on our own be much of a ambition sulky ploughs and the compared to watching carved out resting places Managementstuff and Staff todays sensational in our slit-tranches, “sit201 Turnbull Ave. Biggar on televison, or Buddha’s ting” has always been opposites, the very high- an important part of our 306-948-2544 class rich who sit on lawn lives. So why not now! chairs in front of their Here we are! The O.A.S, mansions, sipping mint the CCP and all that penjuleps! sion stuff is supposed In our ever-expanding to take the place of that society, its getting a little active youth we all wish more difficult all the time we had again . . . even cofto fend a bit of person- fee row, eh? al seclusion anywhere, So we just sit here and and one often feels a look back . . . little envious of those old bachelors we used to know who didn’t have to conform to anyone elses plans but their own! Y.T. can’t recall any of them having statues carved in their honour, but I can understand them liking to be alone! In the rush, rush, rush of todays way of life, we miss an awful lot of it’s best parts as we hurry by, and there is a kind of niceness just sitting here dreaming . . . A lot of people won’t appreciate this mebbe, but one does feel a little closer to the real world when they watch the
OWNER/PUBLISHER THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 122 MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
~ Board, Management, Staff and Participants
Happy New Year and sincere thanks to each and every one of you. We look forward to seeing you again in the new year.
Management and Staff 201 Turnbull Ave., Biggar 306-948-2544
admin@prairiebranches.ca 306-843-2088 (Marylou Canong)
OWNER/PUBLISHER THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
Happy New Year
COVID-19 Has Gotten to the Snow Leopards
om New red)
A snow leopard from the tective equipment,) and Louisville Zoo has tested undergo temperature positive for the coronavichecks and Atttention: Ann a series of rus that causes COVID- questions daily. 19 in humans, and two “We continue to take others may be infected as these precautions and do are here! I am attaching a Christwell. everything that we can to Get your fresh flower mas Greeting for your Neecee, a 5-year-old keep our guests and anipest centrepieces for your With our dee snow leopard, was tested mals safe,” zoo Director perusal @ $110.25 plus your home or gifts for theand when the zoo gratitude for found John Walczak said. e. g for Dec. 13 edition. Christmas Season! out the results ongst kind patrona Friday, These precautions Have a they announced it. extended to wearing Here’s hoping health, and good y! lidahappiness beautiful ho The two additional enhanced personal proin or fortunereign supreme innthe yearStop ahead. Deadline approval/ , Kare snow leopards have been tective equipment includAnn, Virginia People like you callThanks! today! iesall worthwhile. familit andmake tested as well andchanges the zoo ing facereturn shields, disposis by is awaiting the results for able coveralls, and using email or by December 5 both of those cats. They disinfecting baths. please are both male, and along Zoo officials have said 121 Main Street, Biggar with the positive case, the that the latest informa306-948-2643 • Biggar cats have only been expe- tion available suggests Thanks for riencing mild symptoms that your the riskprompt of infect anithus far. mals spreading the virus attention. “The three snow leop- to humans is low. As of ards began exhibit- now, the snow leopards Get your fresh flower ing minor respiratory have been separated. centre pieces for your symptoms, including an The animals have been home or gifts for the occasional dry cough or pulled out of the exhibit Holiday Season! wheeze, within the last while NeeCee recovers, two weeks. It is suspected and until the others get that NeeCee acquired the their tests back. Domestic infection from an asymp- cats, dogs and mink have tomatic staff member, also been infected with despite precautions by the virus. the Zoo.” So far, minks are the It was reported that the only animals to get snow leopards are “not severely ill, and are also lethargic, and they don’t the only animals known miss a meal,” according to transmit the virus back BUXTON 121 Main Street, Biggar to senior staff veterinari- DALE to humans. Up until now, OWNER/PUBLISHER an Zoli Gyimesi. The staff there are no cases of cats THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT that works directly with or102 dogs passing the virus AVENUE WEST - 3RD OWNER/PUBLISHER the animals are all decked on to humans. P. O. BOX 40 Check out our large supplyINDEPENDENT of 41 years of serving THE BIGGAR Biggarproand area BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 souvenirs all at 122 MAIN STREET out in PPE (personal 1979-2020 “Clearance Pricing” P. O. BOX 40 telephone: 306-948-3344 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 fax: 306-948-2133 telephone: 306-948-3344 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
Designs by Ann
• 306-948-3666 •
New Horizons Report by Chasity Kreutzer Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from New Horizons! We’ve been moving at a reduced pace down at New Horizons since the beginning of the COVID19 pandemic. The new restrictions mean that we need to reduce the pace even more. We are allowed to continue our exercise classes with no more than eight attendees as long as masks are worn and three metres is maintained between exercisers. We are also still operating the courtesy Car. All attendees must wear a mask and are urged to use hand sanitizer when entering the car. Let’s follow precautions to keep everyone safe and reduce the spread so that we can start getting back to normal. With the closure of bingo halls, we will not be having any more bingos in the New Year. We
did have one bingo in November and one in December to report on. Our November bingo had a small turnout of five people. The winner of both our half-and-half and blackout game was Pat Turner. At our Christmas bingo on December 16, we had 12 people in attendance and a couple new faces. There were presents under the tree for the winner of each of the games and everyone received at least one gift. The winners of the half-and-half game were Gail Herzberg and Linda Vermette, and the winner of the blackout game was Joanne Kral. Congrats! The stitching club has decided to discontinue meeting up until further notice. We are hoping that once COVID-19 slows down, we can get things started back up again. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! Stay safe!
Designs by Ann
DALE BUXTON 306-948-3666 •
ENDENT INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT 41 years of serving Biggar and area 1979-2020
Carter Plumbing & Heating
Carter Plumbing & Heating
Water Heaters, Softeners, Pumps, Furnaces, Underground Sprinklers, Air conditioning
Water Heaters, Softeners, Pumps, Furnaces, Underground Sprinklers, Air conditioning
Hope your hoiday is trimmed with every happiness.
Thanks for Shirley/Jim hanging with us all year! Atttention:
Happy New
TOP IT OFF I am attaching your Christmas Merry Christmas! with Cheer! Year
Greeting last year @ $84.00 plus WITH WARM WISHES AND HEARTFELT THANKS TO OUR gst and again for New Year’s (same CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS THIS HOLIDAY SEASON. IT’S size, different content if desired) for BEEN A PLEASURE SERVING 1/2 price FREE $42.00 YOU THIScolour YEAR!
As the celebration begins, we recall the good times we’ve had this past year serving you, and hope that wherever life takes you in the year ahead, that you are blessed with much love, happiness and good fortune.
With our sincere appreciation for your invaluable friendship and support!
M& Repair Troy,N Kerry and everyone
Mike,at… Darlene and staff th Ave. E, Truck Route East,is by 701-4 Deadline approval/changes Street Market Biggar or • 306-948-3996 return email by November 30 115 Main St., Biggar
“Your Local Market Grocery”
Thanks Shirley and staff • 306-948-3337
for your306-237-7671 prompt attention.
Hope it’s a Banner Year! We loved serving you every day this past year! We thank you for your patronage and look forward to seeing you again in 2021
Happy New Year
With appreciation DALE BUXTON OWNER/PUBLISHER for your patronage THE BIGGAR this past year. RD INDEPENDENT 102 - 3 AVENUE WEST Mike, Darlene and staff Troy, Kerry and P. O. BOX 40 701-4th Ave. E, Truck Route East, everyone BIGGAR, at… SK. S0K 0M0 Biggar • 306-948-3996
M & N Repair
telephone: 306-948-3344 306-237-76 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
Happy New Year
Renewed commitment to develop young ag leaders in Sask The Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan are announcing $200,000 in renewed funding for the Next Gen Agriculture Mentorship Program (Next Gen), a Saskatchewan initiative delivered by Canadian Western Agribition (CWA). The funding will take
the program into 2023, allowing for two additional cycles of mentorship matches. “Canada’s young agricultural professionals and producers are key to the future success of our sector,” said federal Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Marie-Claude
Bibeau. “Our government province,” Agriculture is working hard to ensure Minister David Marit our youth have access to said. “This program offers the necessary training mentees new opportuniand opportunities that ties for knowledge sharpeace, joy,to harmony contentment visit expanwillMay allow them devel- anding and network your home during this special time of year. op their skills to become sion while ensuring they areresources sincerely leaders in the agricul- have We the they grateful and look ture industry. By ensur- need to contribute to our forward to your ing they are equipped for thriving industry.” continued friendship. the future, we can build a Next Gen is funded stronger, more prosper- through the Canadian ous agriculture industry Partnership, 233 - 1st Agricultural Ave. West, Biggar in Saskatchewan and a five-year, $388 million 306-948-2700 across the country.” investment in strategic Jack, Carolyn,Jacob, The objective of the initiatives for SaskatchDaniel families program is to develop ewanand agriculture by the young leaders and pre- federal and provincial pare them to take on governments. active roles in industry “It’s exciting to watch leadership, governance the Next Gen AgriculThank youto for making year run so program and efforts build publicourture Mentorship Attention Jack trust. The program grow as it good has over the smoothly.We wouldn’tdoes be here without this friends by pairing each suclast two years,” CWA and customers like you. cessful applicant with an President Chris Lees said. established member of in “To see what the mentCome on the agriculture industry. are getting out of the we will help makeees your Itwinter serves driving as an imporprogram and the connecmore enjoyable!! tant part of our efforts tions they’re making is to increase engagement something CWA is proud between experienced to be a part of.” professionals and the This year, eight appliManagement and Staff next generation of induscants will be selected and 103 SK Hwy 14paired with a mentor for try leaders. This renewed Biggar, Sask. an 18-month mentorship funding will allow 16 new mentees to enter the pro- experience beginning in 306-948-2298 gram over the next two February 2021. Appliyears. cants should have clear “The agriculture sector developmental goals and Thanks for your driver promptofattention participation is an important exhibitand strong leadership economic activity in our potential. Urla
We are sincerely grateful for your friendship and patronage in 2020 and look forward to your continued friendship in 2021
Randy Weekes, M.L.A.
233 - 1st Ave. West, Biggar 306-948-2700
Jack, Carolyn, Jacob, Daniel and families
“Merry Christmas”
Biggar-Sask Valley Constituency 306-948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880 Box 1413, 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting from last year @ $84.00 plus gst; and again for New Year’s (same size, different content if desired) for half price FREE colour $42.00
Wishing you a New Year of bright and exciting days. Thank you for shopping with us this pastFrom year the desk and we look forward to serving you in 2021
Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 30 please.
tion Randy/Janet....
Happy New Year
ADVERTISING CONSULTA THE BIGGAR INDEPEND 122 MAIN STR Management and Staff P. O. BO 103 SK Hwy 14 BIGGAR, SK. S0K Biggar, Sask. telephone: 306-948-3 fax: 306-948-2 306-948-2298 e-mail: tip@saskte www.biggarindepende
attaching your Christmas GreetingOver from30 Years in Business 306-882-2283 ear @ $84.00 plus gst; and Can you spot the person Surprise, for New Year’s (same size, differ-www.allwestsales.com who has hearing loss? They All Do! ntent if desired) for half price FREE Atttention: r $42. I am sending a Christmas Greeting ine approval/changes is by return that could be used for this year the or by November 29 please. price is $94.50 plus gst and again for New Year’s (same size, different for your prompt attention and participation content) for 1/2 price, $47.25, FREE DALE BUXTON OWNER/PUBLISHER colour DALE BUXTON THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT From all us we “Thank You” for your patronage this OWNER/PUBLISHER BIGGAR INDEPENDENT past year andTHE look forward to serving you in 2021
Deadline approval/changes is byDo you have hearing loss? return email or by November 30 40% of adult canadians have hearing loss telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 please Risks associated with
122 MAIN STREET O. getting BOX 40 If the snowP. is BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 too much, come on in telephone: 306-948-3344 and have a look at our fax: 306-948-2133 “NEW ARRIVALS” e-mail: tip@sasktel.net from www.biggarindependent.ca
Schulte and Farm King, snow equipment. Check with Daryl for a great price.
Highway 7 West Rosetown Box 1054 • S0L 2V0 P:306-882-2283 • 306-882-2024 • F: 306-882-3336
Contact the knowledgeable staff at All West Sales
(CHMS 2012-2015)
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hearing loss: www.biggarindependent.ca
fatigue, tension, stress and depression avoidance or withdrawal from social situations Reduced alertness and increased risk to personal safety Impaired memory and ability to learn new tasks Diminished psychological and overall health
(306) 445-5700 #2 11204 Railway Ave. E North Battleford, SK
Dogs are the newest weapon in Florida’s battle against pythons
We’ve covered cases with an energetic bark. of dogs helping humans In return, they will get a many times before. From “recognition reward�. As we pop open a New Year, sniffing out COVID-19 “The dog and handler we, the management of Biggar infections to helping out then back away from the in the military, these good area, clearing the way for Bowl, would like to share our boys and girls have a long the FWC biologist to pinbest wishes with all of our vallist of merits. point the exact location They can now add so they can safely catch ued friends and customers here nature conservation to and remove the python in the community. that as well. In Florida, from the wild,� the FWC dogs are helping wildlife said. Thanks for the oupouring of officials combat an invaTo learn how to catch support you’ve shown us! sion of a foreign species. the snakes, Truman and No, it’s not giant mur- Eleanor spent more than der hornets or maraud- a month training with ing crustaceans. This FWC personnel. time, we’re talking about Using dogs to detect snakes, and big ones at things is nothing new, Management and staff even in the FWC’s toolWe’re Allthat. SMILES at Christmas 119 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar In case you didn’t know box. The agency has previlike didn’t you, we–have everyused dogs to detect – neighbours and we sure ously 306-948-2255 With friends and has an and issue everything from bed bugs reason to smileFlorida at the holidays allwith year! We hope Burmese pythons. These to sea turtle nests. you have a merry and bright Christmas 12-foot-long snakes are According to the USGS, among the largest in the human deaths from nonworld, and apparently venomous snakes are they’re decimating Flori- exceedingly rare, and all da’s wildlife. known constrictor snake Dr. James Dessouki, Dr. Danielle staff in the U.S. were But now FloridaBriere Fishandfatalities and Wildlife Nova Wood Bldg., eastConservaentrance, the fault of a captive tion Commission (FWC) snake. 306-948-3408 106 - 6th "WF & #JHHBS t is seeking dogs to help “There have been no them put an end to human deaths from wildthe snake invasion. On living Burmese pythons December 8, the brand- in Florida. Overall, the new FWC Detector Dog risk of attack is very low,� Team caught its first the USGS said. python. If you live in Florida The eight-foot-long and encounter a python, male snake was caught, the USGS still recomcaptured, removed from mends that you take the the Rocky Glades Pub- same precautions as you lic Small Game Hunting would with an alligator. Area. And it’s all thanks Don’t get close to them, to two brave dogs – and back away, and call the their handlers, but we’ll authorities. say it was mostly the The FWC encouragdogs. es the public to help in The FWC Detector Dog controlling the snakes, Team has at the moment though. In fact, they OWNER/PUBLISHER two members. One of actively remind people THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT them is Truman, a black that it’s legal to kill a Bur102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST Labrador retriever, while mese python in Florida, P. O. BOX 40 the other half of the team with the landowner’s perconsists of Eleanor, a mission. BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 point setter. “Pythons can be According to the FWC, humanely killed on pritelephone: 306-948-3344 snake-catching or bytheNovember 30 duo vate lands at any time fax: 306-948-2133 goes hunting five days a with landowner permise-mail: tip@sasktel.net week. In the field, they’re sion – no permit required accompanied by a dog – and the FWC encouragwww.biggarindependent.ca handler and an FWC es people to remove and biologist. kill pythons from private Thank you for the opportunity to When either of the dogs lands whenever possible,� serve you this year and warm wishes for smells out a snake, they the agency said. will follow the scent trail That also applies to any holidays and a Happy New Year!! until they are three feet of Florida’s 25 Wildlife away from the python. Management Areas, PubGot to keep a safe dis- lic Small Game Hunting Dr. M. O. Isinger and family, tance, you know. Areas, and Wildlife and They will then alert Environmental Areas. Paulette Ireland-Hegland their human companions “There is no bag limit
and pythons may be humanely killed by any means other than traps or firearms,� the FWC said. FWC even hands out free T-shirts to anyone
bringing in a dead python as an incentive to encourage their humane eradication. If you’re not feeling particularly bloodthirsty, though, you can always call the agency for help.
ast year ar’s (same price
mail or by
A new year is making the rounds, and we hope it brings you endless blessings.
Happy New Year From Our Whole Team
Dr. James Dessouki, Dr. Danielle Briere and staff Nova Wood Bldg., east entrance, 106 - 6th "WF & #JHHBS t 306-948-3408
Atttention: Brittany
I am attachingDon/Rochelle a Christmas Greeting Atttention: for your perusal @$73.50 plus gst andI am again, same size, New Years ediattaching youratChristmas tionGreeting for 1/2 price $36.75 plus gstplus FREE last year @ $84.00 colour gst and again for New Year’s (same DALE BUXTON Feel freedifferent to makecontent any changes/correcsize, if desired) for tions. 1/2 price FREE colour $42.00
Dashing through the Snow to deliver Our Best Wishes
As we dash toward Christmas Day, we’d like to wish you and yours a very happy holiday! Hope it’s merry and bright with just the right amount of excitement. We appreciate your patronage, and we wish you all the best!
Deadline approval/changes is by return Deadline approval/changes is by please 29 return email or by November Friends Makeemail The the please Season Special Thanks for your prompt attention. Thanks for your prompt attention.
Biggar Veterinary Clinic
Don, THEPerry, BIGGAR INDEPENDENT Cole and Rochelle 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST 306-658-2002 P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0
telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
telephone: 306-948-3344 Eston 306-948-2133 The Foundation wishes tofax: thank all who have assisted with Harris e-mail: tip@sasktel.net their monetary donations. Without your help, we could not www.biggarindependent.ca
Plenty Landis Perdue
From Your Central Plains family in DALE BUXTON Rosetown, Eston, Plenty, Harris, OWNER/PUBLISHER Landis,THE and Perdu e BIGGAR INDEPENDENT
support many local organizations with their projects. May this Christmas season remind all of us of the joy in our lives and of the joy given to others due to your support.
Biggar & District Community Foundation extends to all a Joyful Christmas and Happy New Year! Box 489, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Atttention: Atttention: Board Members/Marty Baroni Mike/ kshimoda.cpcl@sasktel.net
122 MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
Happy New Year
Your Grandma’s more likely to die from surgery if it’s the surgeon’s birthday
Happy New Year!!!
Many thanks for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you in 2021
As a basic principle, you ers wrote. shouldn’t let outside fac“These findings suggest OMETHING OMETHING tors impact your work. If that surgeons might be Biggar Flower Shoppe you have a job to do, it’s distracted by life events Main Street Biggar 948-2616 your duty to do it whether that are not directly relatTO ELEBRATE TO ELEBRATE you’re having a great or EACH ed to work,” they added. MAY HAPPINESS AND BEAUTY ADORN EACH MAY HAPPINESS AND BEAUTY ADORN horrible day. SEASON. WE HOPE In terms of numbers, DAY OF THIS FESTIVE SEASON. WE HOPE DAY OF THIS FESTIVE Of course, limits apply. the 30-day mortality rate YOUR HOLIDAY AND THE COMING YEAR ARE YOUR HOLIDAY AND THE COMING YEAR ARE If WITH you’re, say, seriously from 5.6 per cent to STREWN WITH GOOD FORTUNE, HEALTH, STREWN GOOD FORTUNE , HEALTHrose , sick, by all means 6.9 per cent when it was JOY AND PROSPERITY. JOY then AND PROSPERITY . a dayALL off.THE THINGS WE ARE the surgeon’s birthday. AS WE CELEBRATE ALL THE THINGS WE ARE CELEBRATE AS WE take But dedi- YOU That might sound small, GRATEFUL FOR THIS YEAR, WE COUNT YOU GRATEFUL FOReven THIS the YEARmost , WE COUNT AMONG OUR BLESSINGS. THANK YOU FOR cated of employees is not but as we said, it is a 23 AMONG OUR BLESSINGS . THANK YOU FOR THE PLEASURE OF YOUR COMPANY AND psychology. THE Pimmune LEASURE OFto YOUR COMPANY ANDper cent increase when YOUR FAITH IN OUR BUSINESS. Try FAITH as weINmight to stay you look total numbers. YOUR OUR BUSINESS . stoic, having something According to the sciengood or bad happen to tists, this result is comyou can have a drastic parable to the mortality APPY OLIDAYS APPY OLIDAYS effect on the quality of rate increase that can be your work. seen over holidays (like At times, being dis- Thanksgiving or Christtracted at work can even mas) and weekends. have lethal consequenc- Another study has found Tyler Kachur, Alan Koop and Partners Tyler Kachur, Koop and Partners es. A Alan new British study that Scottish patients 306-657-8999 306-657-8999 has highlighted this grim going to the hospital durew N r reality when it comes to ing public holidays had a Ou Try Menu!! surgeons. 27 per cent higher mora Pizz The study, published in tality rate than those who the British Medical Jour- went on a normal day. nal, found that elderly However, the researchU.S. patients undergoing ers conclude that using surgery are much more the birthday as a mealikely to die if their opera- surement point is more tion falls on the surgeon’s revealing. birthday. The 30-day “Our use of surgeon mortality rate in such birthdays as a ‘natural cases leaps up by a whop- experiment’ is arguably As we gear up for OWNER/PUBLISHER ping 23 per cent. better than using other another holiday season, THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT This isn’t some isolat- distracting events used in we’d like to send you our 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST ed statistic, either. The previous studies, because best wishes for a very P. O. BOX 40 researchers took a look at those events not only OWNER/PUBLISHER Merry Christmas and BIGGAR, SK. S0K980,876 0M0 operations, car- affect physicians’ perforTHE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT Many thanks for all your support in the past year RD ried out by 47,489 surmance but also influence a Happy New Year! 102 3 AVENUE WEST Christmas has always meant and we look forward to seeing you in 2021306-948-3344 geons. patients’ decision to seek P. O. BOX telephone: Thanks for your trust in 40 reflecting upon one’s blessings. The highlighted operacare,” they said. BIGGAR, SK. S0K fax: 306-948-2133 from...Management and Staff us. isWe look forward to 0M0 Here’s hoping the holiday Hope the coming year filled with cause for tions included 17 ofseason the In other words, people e-mail: tip@sasktel.net soon. brings most all ofcommon your wishes to life! tend to not go the hospicelebration forserving our manyyour goodagain friends. telephone: 306-948-3344 emergency www.biggarindependent.ca Homestead Family Restaurant fax: 306-948-2133 surgical procedures per- tal over holidays unless 902 Main Street e-mail: tip@sasktel.net formed on patients aged they’re really, really sick. 948-948-5656 www.biggarindependent.ca 65 to 99. Among them Seriously ailing patients were heart operations, naturally have a higher operating under Integra Tire Auto Centre “Your Family Restaurant” hip and leg surgeries, and chance of dying, so that Chris, Raelynn, Ron, Christine, Don, appendectomy. skews the mortality rate The researchers picked up during holidays. Damon,Teena, Logan,Heather, Mazie, Shawn, Tyrelle only emergency This could mean that EASON S REETINGS Teena, Heather, proceLarry and Stuart dures study in birthdays kill more peoThe wreaths and the trees and the parties Larry for andthe Stuart 306-948-3346 order to eliminate poten- ple than holidays. Aren’t what we need to convey 306-948-3346 tial selection bias. They It’s the birth of our Saviour, Jesus wanted to make sure that The real reason for this holiday. patients picking their surgeons – or vice versa – didn’t have an effect on the results. We wish to Out of the nearly thank our loyal one million cases they customers, reviewed, 2,064 fell on and wish you the surgeon’s birthday. the best in And indeed, the patients 2021. coming out of those surgeries were more likely to die within 30 days. “Among Medicare benOWNER/PUBLISHER eficiaries who underwent THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT common emergency sur102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST geries, those who received P. O. BOX 40 surgery on the surgeon’s THANKS FOR GIVING US SO MUCH TO BE EXCITED ABOUT IN BIGGAR, THE NEW Y EARS0K . 0M0 SK. birthday experienced YOUR TRUST MEANS THE WORLD TO US! higher mortality comtelephone: 306-948-3344 pared with patients who fax: 306-948-2133 operating under Integra Tire Auto Centre underwent surgery on e-mail: tip@sasktel.net other days,” the researchChris, Raelynn, Ron, Christine, Don www.biggarindependent.ca Adrian and Barbara de Haan, Lyle Zbeeshko Damon, Logan, Mazie, Shawn, Tyrelle
Atttention: Tyler
I am attaching your Christmas Your Engines… Greeting last year @ $126.00Start plus gst and New Year’s (same size, difChristmas is Coming! content) for 1/2 price FREE DALEferent BUXTON colour
Happy. Magical.
I am mas plus DALE BUXTONand FRE I jus plea
Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 29 please
Thanks for your prompt attention.
’ G
Busse Law Professional Corporation
Excell Tire
Busse Law Professional Corporation
Atttention: Stuart, Larry, Teena and Heather
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting last year @ $126.00 plus gst and New Year’s (same size, different content) for 1/2 price FREE colour Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 30 please
Excell Tire Thanks for your prompt attention. Biggar Electrical Services 306-948-5291 306-948-3376
Dea is by Nov
Tha atte
Happy New Year
The Saskatchewan Traveller
Peace and Hope for 2021 Happy New Year to all Thank you for shopping local. We look forward to serving you in 2021. 102 Main Street Biggar 948-3849
by Trudy and Dale Buxton Since we bought a trike in the early summer we have had some amazing adventures. We started just by going to North Battleford and taking some short trips, where
eventually started making our adventures a whole weekend thing. Along the way we have met some incredible people and we have seen many things that this province of Saskatchewan has to offer. We have ridden with some really good friends, riding with friends makes the experience that much better. We have travelled over 5000kilometres on our trike and we didn’t have to leave Saskatchewan. I will have to say for the most part the highways were pretty darn good. There will always be need for improvement but considering the distances traveled between destinations the roads are not that bad. I would rate that highway from Smiley to Kindersley and the west side of Gravelbourg the absolute worst pieces of road that we encountered. Some of our highlights include the trip to Wadena and munching down on a fresh baked doughnut, and then to top that off, a meal at the Damn Smokehouse in Nipawin later that day. Another highlight was
travelling to Shaunavon and spending an incredible evening at the Harvest Eatery with a first class meal. All along the way we tried to visit different restaurants of the local area’s. We stayed away from the fast food eateries, as we can get that type of food anywhere. It is truly amazing how many little mom and pop food places there are, and all just trying to stay afloat with this pandemic going on, its always nice to support the ones that need it. I have found out many cool facts of each of the towns we visited, one of the cool facts was discovering a old time hockey game in Maple Creek or finding out that Meadstead has a toilet paper factory. Did you know that the Cochin
telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
Lighthouse had 153 steps to climb? The next time we visit some of these communities I am going to look up some of these businesses and attractions and pay a visit. Some other highlights include staying overnight in Moose Jaw and staying at the spa, what a great way to relax when you have been on the road all day. Another great highlight was travelling through Leader and Fox Valley . . . amazing country. I had never been there so it was a treat to travel through these communities. Gravelbourg was another highlight, what a unique little community. Then there is the Berry Barn, who can resist the treats from this place, and so close that you could visit more than once in a year. One of the best highlights was having a partner who enjoyed the trips just as much as I did. Our biking season came to a screeching halt with a terrible accident, however there are more adventures to write about and there will be more trips on the bike in the future to enjoy and talk about. We have more stories from other communities visited in Saskatchewan and we are going write about those places. Stay tuned for more adventures.
Angie’s Hair Salon & Barber Shop
Our best wishes to you and yours at the New Year. Thanks for doing business with us!
Biggar Esso
As we celebrate this holiday season during these unpredicatble times we’re also celebrating all of the priceless relationships we enjoy in this community. We apprectiate having such supportive friends, neighbours and customers. And we thank-you for making this town such a warm and welcoming place.
219 Main St., Biggar
Merry Christmas all and Happy Holidays …from of the staff 306-948-3696 Dallas, Sherry, Tammy, Angie and Trevor
Please call ahead and wear your mask
219 Main St., Biggar
306-948-3696 Please call ahead and wear your mask
It has been a rewarding experience working with you and may this New Year bring forth many such rewarding moments for us to share Dallas, Sherry, Tammy, Angie and Trevor
Happy New Year
Our close bond with dogs has a long history, study shows The close bond between humans and dogs stretches back into the last ice age, according to new international research involving a University of Alberta archeologist. Genetic analysis of the remains of 27 ancient dogs shows that at least five major ancestry lineages had diversified by 11,000 years ago, “demonstrating a deep genetic history of dogs during the Paleolithic,” write the authors of the study published recently in Science. “Right after the end of the ice age, there’s already quite a bit of differentiation in these dogs, which means domestication originated well into the ice age – maybe 15,000 years ago or earlier,” said Robert Losey, an archeologist in the Faculty of Arts and one of the study’s 57 international authors. The new findings bolster growing evidence of a deep link between humans and dogs going back tens of thousands of years, said Losey, who has excavated ancient dog remains in North American, the Siberian Arctic and Eastern Russia. “As soon as we see skeletal remains that look like the modern dog – about 14,000 years ago – we see dogs being buried,” he said, adding there are
more prehistoric burials of dogs than any other animal, including cats and horses. “Dogs were treated just like people when they died. They were carefully placed in a grave, some of them wearing decorative collars, or next to other items like spoons, with the idea being that they had souls and an afterlife.” Modern dogs are believed to have descended from the Eurasian grey wolf, one subspecies of which branched off and began interacting with humans between 30,000 and 40,000 years ago. Before this latest study, there was precious little DNA evidence of ancient dogs to work with, said Losey, because most remains did not yield high-quality results. But in recent years, archeologists from Europe, Asia, North Africa and the Americas have been sending remains to geneticists as part of an international collaborative project, and they’ve had better luck. “We now are starting to get glimpses of really high-definition information about the evolution of the dogs,” said Losey. Most striking is that changes in dog genetics tend to track with changes in human genetics,
“particularly related to major population movements.” Geneticists compared genomes of the 27 dogs with those of 17 humans who lived at the same time and place in what is now modern Europe. The results show that when humans migrated, they took their dogs with them. “As humans and dogs started to expand into Europe with agriculture, the dogs that show up in those sites look like a mix of the pre-existing dogs in the Near East,” said Losey. Dogs were certainly useful for practical purposes, such as hunting, herding and security, but “people clearly had emotional attachments to their dogs from the very beginning,” he added. “So it’s really not surprising that when human populations moved, they took their dogs with them in many cases. It does speak to that bond.” Losey said while the latest study helps archeologists better understand the evolution of dogs, their precise origin has yet to be determined. “Where in Eurasia did they first appear? What wolf populations founded dogs originally? We still don’t know.
Holiday Hours December 24th Closed at 3pm December 25th & 28th Closed December 31st Closed at 3pm January 1st Closed
Then a steely-eyed man in red moseyed into town . . . Santa ditched the reindeer for a horse, December 18, making a patrol of town, obviously checking to see who was naughty and who was nice. Local riders escorted the Santa around town and the Hospital and Long Term Care Home, bringing some cheer to the day! (Independent Photo by Daryl Hasein)
Happy New Year
May the coming year be filled with peace, prosperity and plenty of good times.
Just down the line . . . The iconic Saskatoon CN Station is featured in a picture from 1919, so much a starting and ending point for travellers during those times. Imagine being able to get on a train at 7 p.m. going east at Biggar’s station, getting off at the ‘Toon CN Station and then walking down to the Bessborough for a special dinner, and in the morning, a big shopping spree! (Submitted by the Biggar Museum and Gallery)
Talk about Terroir: Winery discovered in Alabama sewage plant INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT ENDENT Friendship • Love • Joy • Peace Prosperity • Health • Fun • Success Laughter • Adventure
Natural wine is the lat- nothing but gratitude for tanks. The guy seems like est fad in the boujee food the people who do it, and a grandfather who took and beverage world. they probably don’t make up a new hobby. Then, It’s wine made without enough money. his wife and kids banned Rod and Jennifer Campbell chemical interference One thing I’d never confrom the winery. Unlike sidered, when not think117 - 3rd Ave. West., Biggar mainstream labels that ing about working in a 306-948-4430 or 306-98-4460 taste predictable year sewage plant, was that it after year, natural wine could not only be gross, showcases various envi- but it’d also be boring. ronmental changes in There are easier ways to each vintage. Results are make money on the side, so you have to assume the Hope theunpredictable holidays bringand youfawned good cheer, overwith by connoisseurs sewage winery was born and fill you the spirit of theand season. plebs alike. from a genuine interOWNER/PUBLISHER So Allen Maurice Stiefel, est in fermentation and THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 62, may have been onto winemaking. It’s also not 102 - 3RD AVENUE something when he con- easy, aging and bottling We’reWEST very verted a section of the 100 gallons of hooch – it P. O. BOX 40 grateful Rainsville sewage plant takes some understandBIGGAR, SK.for S0K 0M0 your into a makeshift winery ing of chemistry and a patronage. this past year. fair amount of manual telephone: 306-948-3344 Unfortunately for him, labour. Please come fax: 306-948-2133 it’s illegal to produce over Rainsville is a town of and 15 gallons of alcohol as about 5,100. There’s no e-mail: tip@sasktel.net see us soon. www.biggarindependent.ca an unlicensed “home” word yet on who in town operation. Authorities was purchasing the illegal busted the enterpris- wine. Or, whether they Your visits and your trust mean so much to us, and we ing Stiefel with over 100 knew from where it came. look forward to serving you this holiday season and for gallons of red and white Ancient cultures used to many more to come, Merry Chritmas to you! wineLana in fermentation and Cindy and mix wine with water to Thanks for choosing us bottling stages. It’s either “purify” it, so it’s doubtful ignominious end to a that there was anything Lana and Cindy OWNER/PUBLISHER an306-948-3575 We appreciate your business!! Tina, Ashlyn, Baylee, INDEPENDENT 15-year career in public dangerous or poisonous THE BIGGAR serviceThanks or a glorious start about the vintage just RD Tyra Jean, Cristina, Brooklyn for your prompt attention and participation 102 - 3and AVENUE WEST to a new endeavour as because of where it was 805 Main Street, Biggar 306-948-3397 P. O. BOX 40 a winemaker Urla for Stiefel; made. 306-948-2248 SK. S0K 0M0 depending on your feelYou’ve got to feel for www.lesliesdrugstore BIGGAR, @sasktel.net ings about hooch, rot gut, Stiefel in this situation. telephone: 306-948-3344 moonshine, sauce, et cet- The mayor suspended era. him without pay, and he fax: 306-948-2133 Like most of us, I’d faces a felony charge for e-mail: tip@sasktel.net wager, I have thought lit- the wine. Based on picwww.biggarindependent.ca tle about the ins-and-outs tures of the operation, it of what it takes to work in wasn’t a slapdash affair. sewage. While I’m both The equipment looks prosqueamish and ignorant fessional, with organized about the subject, I’ve got and labelled fermentation
Wishing You a New Year Filled with Every Happiness!
Campbell Accounting Services the
him from crowding the garage or basement at home with his beakers and things.
Attention Tina…
I am attaching a Christmas Greeting for your perusal @ $94.50 plus gst; and run for New Year’s (same size, different content if desired) for half price FREE colour $47.25.
Deadline approval/changes is by theBiggar Liquor Board return emailStore or by November 30
BUXTON Leslie’s DALE Drugstore
Biggar Liquor Board Store • 306-948-3575
Wishing You a Atttention: Lana Merry Christmas I am attaching your Christmas Greeting last year @ $84.00 plusIt’s gst Time to
and New Year’s (same size, different content) for 1/2 price FREE colour Say…
Happy Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 30 please
for your pe; and , different EE colour
Thanks for your prompt attention.
Happy New Year
Time sure flies when we’re having fun with THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT great customers and102 friends like you.WEST - 3RD AVENUE DALE It’s time for holiday fun and gathering the familyBUXTON We wish you all the best! P. O. BOX 40
together to share a warm, wonderful festivity.OWNER/PUBLISHER We THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT hope the holidays bring everything you 102 want! - 3RD AVENUE WEST
BUXTON Leslie’s DALE Drugstore
AGI Envirotank
tttention: Shanon
New Year!
May the peace and happiness of the Christmas We wish you and P. O. BOX 40 OWNER/PUBLISHER season carry you and your family through the new Tina, Ashlyn, Baylee, yours the best We wish you and yours the best season ever. BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 THE BIGGARyear INDEPENDENT and beyond. Thank you for your patronage. Jean, Cristina, Tyra season ever.Brooklyn and RD 102 - 3 AVENUE WEST 306-948-3397 telephone: 306-948-3344 Management & Staff P. O. BOX 40 Management &www.lesliesdrugstore@sasktel.net Staff fax: 306-948-2133 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca Fred, Patsy, Teagon #4 South, Biggar • 306-948-5262 telephone: 306-948-3344
urn email or
It’s time for holiday fun and gathering We’dtogether like to take this the family opportunity to wish all of to share a warm, wonderful our friends, customers and Christmas neighboursSeason. a happy and healthy We hope the New Year. Thanks! holidays bring everything you want!
Spyder AutoBody 306-948-2044 AGI Envirotank
401 Hwy #4 South, Biggar • 306-948-5262
fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
Attention Patti/Fred...
telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
Spyder AutoBody 306-948-2044
Fred, Patsy, Teagon
Happy New Year
3 col/6
Chef Dez on Cooking Perfect Nachos for New Year’s Eve An unsatisfying visit to a franchise restaurant, has compelled me to write this column on nachos. With fierce competition in the restaurant industry, it surprises me that there are any menu options that lack flavour, let alone something as simple as nachos. For approximately $10 (plus the cost of adding chicken or beef) I was presented with a mediocre sized plate of bland nachos. The presentation was colourful, but flavour was very scarce. There was nothing special about them. One would like to assume that restaurant owners/ managers actually taste their wares and make efforts to offer the most superior product within their means and food cost budget, but obviously this menu choice was missed. Flavour comes from a variety of ingredients that will produce a complex complimentary taste in the final product. First, let’s discuss seasoning. The chips weren’t even seasoned – not even a
light dusting of salt. This gave the impression that the nachos were made with pieces of crispy cardboard. The so-called “spicy chicken� that accompanied the toppings was even bland. Seasoning is very crucial. For example, if one was consuming tomato slices, a light seasoning of salt and pepper would enhance the natural tomato flavour. Also, a sandwich or salad with a light dusting of salt and pepper will always taste better. If preparing nachos for your family on New Year’s Eve, make sure to use a number of toppings to add depth of flavour and to increase the presentation value. I recommend starting with salted tortilla chips that are thick enough to support a number of toppings and inhibit sogginess. Rather than placing all of the ingredients on top the nachos, build two or three layers of chips, cheese, and toppings. This ensures that toppings are in abundance throughout
NDENT Landis Producers Co-op
Management & staff Landis
Thanks for making time for us in 2020. Please know you can always count on us!
the dish, and no one is left with plain chips once the top has been consumed. One can use an array of ingredients, but I recommend the following: aged cheddar cheese, beef or chicken cooked with blackening spice or taco seasoning, fresh diced tomatoes, sliced black olives, green onions, and jalapenos. These array of colours alone will get everyone excited with anticipation. Furthermore, season each layer with a light sprinkling of salt, pepper, and chili powder. The additional seasoning will guarantee the full taste of the toppings will be prominent. Make a habit of being selective with ingredients in any recipe you prepare and you will have a more superior tasting product. For example, instead of using mild cheddar cheese, use extra-old aged cheddar – the taste will be more prevalent throughout. For the other topping suggestions, normally I would recommend “fresh� whenever possible, but pickled jalapenos from a jar are much tastier on nachos and typically not as spicy. Serve with side dishes
of sour cream, fresh salsa, and homemade guacamole for the perfect accompaniments and you will have everybody raving about your celebratory fare. All the best to you in 2021! Dear Chef Dez: Is it just me, or do you find that jalapeno peppers aren’t as hot as they used to be? John M. Chilliwack, B.C. Dear John: You are absolutely right. When I was a teenager, it was considered daring to order these fiery green rings on nachos and downing three or four slices was a feat in itself. I won’t reveal how long ago that was, but the demand for these peppers have grown considerably over the years. Through some investigation, I learned that in many instances they are now cultivated to be milder. This is done to expand the appeal of this pepper to a larger consumer market and thus increase sales even further. Chef Dez is a Chef, Writer, & Host. Visit him at chefdez.com. Write to him at dez@chefdez. com or P.O. Box 2674, Abbotsford, B.C., V2T 6R4.
Jim Reiter, M.L.A.
Rosetown-Elrose Constituency
306-882-4105, toll free 1-855-762-2233 jimreitermla@sasktel.net Monday - Friday, 9 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 215 Main Street, Rosetown Our wish is for a holiday season ďŹ lled with enough warmth and happiness to ďŹ ll every heart with gladness. May your Holiday Season be everything you’re wishing for and more!
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There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays! ~ and ~
With warm wishes from all of us for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2021 ...Brett Barber and staff
Personal Training, Kickboxing, Sweat with Brett Fitness Classes, Nutrition Consulting
May your home be blessed with peace, love, joy and contentment throughout the Yuletide season. We feel blessed to have such wonderful friends and neighbours like you. Thanks!
~ and ~
Personal Training, Kickboxing, Sweat with Brett Fitness Classes, Nutrition Consulting
Merry Christmas from all of us heres to a season of love, health and harmony. WITH THE VERY BEST OF WISHES ‌ Brett Barber and staff FROMDALE OUR HOME T O YOURS BUXTON
Shannon and Vince Morgan OWNER/PUBLISHER Sunshine Family Residents and Staff THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 102 - 3 Ave. West, Biggar, Sask. 306-948-9750 102 3 AVENUE WEST Care Home P. O. BOX 306-948-3644 40 Owned and operated by Brett Barber
Attention Shannon....telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133
Owned and operated by Brett Barber
102 - 3 Ave. West, Biggar, Sask. 306-948-9750 rd
Happy New Year
California Thanks to all of our customers and friends man dressed for your patronage and we look forward to serving you in 2021 as Santa gets Happy Holidays stuck in power the From Everyone at... lines Santa found himself a little more tied up than usual this time of year. A Northern California man impersonating Santa Claus and flying … to wish you all a very on a powered parachute Happy and Prosperous New Year! was rescued Sunday after Here’s hoping your New Year delivers it all! he became entangled in Thank you for dropping in this year. power lines, authorities said. The incident happened shortly after the man took off near a school in Rio “Selected on CBC Radio Blue Sky as one Linda to deliver candy of Saskatchewan‛s Hidden Food Gems” canes to children in his community. He flew into 306-948-3335 • Main Street, Biggar a maze of power lines and wound up suspended in them, a Federal Aviation Administration spokesman told KCRATV. The man, who wasn’t identified, was not injured. Video from the rescue shows the redwhite-and-blue aircraft dangling overheadas Santa sat fastened to the pilot seat. Neighbours watched from the ground as crews worked. OWNER/PUBLISHER THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT Thank you 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST for filling our year with so P. O. BOX 40 many memories. BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0
It’s Almost Time…
Hannigan‛s Hamburgers & Pizza
etgst fere
Holiday Cheer
Colleen Bousliman, who lives nearby, said the pilot flies overhead often. “He flies just around so people can see and flies around people’s houses,” she said. “This was the first time he was in his Santa suit.” Power was shut off during the rescue to about 200 customers in the Rio Linda area, according to Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District spokesman Chris Vestal. “It’s unfortunate, but we all need to remember that there’s still a lot of good out in the world, there are people doing good things and to look at the brightness of the holiday season,” Vestal said.He said it didn’t take long to rescue the costumed pilot and lower him to safety. “W/o a scratch & full of good cheer we made sure Old St. Nick will use his reindeer when he sees you later this year,” the fire department said in a tweet after the incident.
Randy Weekes, M.L.A.
In this season of celebration, we are reminded of Valley Constituency bothBiggar-Sask the diversity and bounty that nature provides us, and are grateful for the richness and 306-948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880 rd wondrous season. beauty of this Box 1413, 106-3 Avenue West, Biggar We are also grateful to share it with good people likethough you, and you all the during Even snowwish is blanketing thebest landscape, this special time of year. we’re warmed by having such good friends
and neighbors around us this season. We hope you have a joyful and festive holiday, and a very happy and Dale, Bill, staff and families healthy year ahead.
Wylie Seed & Processing 306-948-2807
We are grateful for the all telephone: the fantastic friends and 306-948-3344 customers like you fax: 306-948-2133
e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
Westwinds Motor Hotel “Experience the Westwinds Difference” Dayna, Trent and staff
OWNER/PUBLISHER THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 122 MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca We thank you for your patronage
and friendship and we wish you all the best in 2021
Darren, and Staff Biggar, Sask. 306-262-5980 diehl465@gmail.com
We know we have much to celebrate this year, including privilege of serving great RandytheWeekes, M.L.A. peopleConstituency like you! Biggar-Sask Valley 306-948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880 Wylie Seed
I am last aga ent col
De em
In this photo provided by the California Highway Patrol, a man dressed as Santa Claus who was flying on a powered parachute on his way to deliver candy canes to children is seen stuck on power lines in Rio Linda, Calif., on Sunday, Dec. 20, 2020. The man was rescued uninjured. The incident happened shortly after the man took off near a school in Rio Linda and then hit and became suspended in power lines. (Photos by California Highway Patrol)
rom or New ired)
& Processing
Box 1413, 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar
Even though Dale, snow isBill, blanketing landscape, staffthe and families we’re warmed by having such good friends 306-948-2807 and neighbors around us this season. We hope you have a joyful and festive holiday, and a very happy and healthy year ahead.
From our branch to your family and business, we wish you a happy holiday season.
Drop by and visit Kristy, Kari-lee, Destiny, Naty and the team during the holidays at: RBC Biggar branch 303 Main St, Biggar SK 306-948-5001
May you have a safe and happy holiday season.
® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada.
Attention Kristy Smith, Royal Bank Manager...
39540 (11/2017)
Happy New Year
May you and yours revel in the splendor of the season.
Sports & Recreation R.M. of Biggar #347
The Year’s Best Quips, Quotes and Chuckles Council and staff 306-948-2422
Part two . . . July through but won’t be seen in pubDecember, 2020 lic in a Covid mask.” • RJ Currie of sportsdeke. • Baseball writer Buster com: “Reuters reports a Olney of ESPN, on Dr. British man spent five Anthony Fauci’s wild years building a high- ceremonial first pitch to performance vehicle from start the MLB season: scratch, despite being “A socially distant first blind. So what’s the NY pitch.” Knicks’ excuse?” • Comedy writer Alex • Public-service tweet Kaseberg: “Effective from Ottawa Public immediately, Washington Health: “We admit, some- will call itself the Washtimes wearing a mask in ington Football Team. public isn’t the most fash- Apparently the name ‘We ionable or comfortable Can’t Think of Anything choice. But some people Else’ was already taken.” wear Leafs jerseys, so • Sean McIndoe, in the yeah. Just saying.” Athletic, surmising how • Dwight Perry of the Seat- a decision may have been tle Times: “Sheila Ford made about how the Hamp, 69, has replaced Columbus Blue Jackets her mother, 94-year-old were named: “As if a todMartha Firestone Ford, dler was asked to name as Detroit Lions owner a team based on the first and chairperson. In other thing he saw on the floor words, the Lions traded in his front hallway.” in their 1925 Ford for a • RJ Currie of sportsdeke. 1951 model.” com: “The Jays released • Patti Dawn Swans- left-handed reliever Marc son, aka the River City Rzepczynski. He was Renegade, on attempts hampered by a high pitch by major league sports count and a low vowel to resume playing: “I’m count.” more excited to see toilet • From the Seattle Kraken paper back on the shelves Twitter feed: “Fun fact: than shinny on the ice, We are the only team that hoops on the hardwood Connor McDavid has not and rounders in the bal- scored against.” lyard.” • Craig Calcaterra of NBC• Headline in TheOnion. sports.com, via Twitter, com: “Washington Red- on Nationals catcher Tres skins Change Their Name Barrera’s 80-game susfor bringing so much joy to our To The D.C.Thanks Redskins” pension for testing posi• Headline at abcnews. tive for Dehydrochlormyear with your visits. com: “(Redskins owner) ethyltestosterone: “If he greatlyheappreciate your Daniel SnyderWe realizes can spell it business on the first really likes money and and your try,friendship. they should reduce will look into changing his suspension to 40 his team’s name.” games.” • Jack Finarelli of Sports- • Tim Hunter of EverCurmudgeon.com, on QB ett’s KRKO Radio, on Bobby Layne putting a other COVID-19 victims, curse on the Lions when Big Ten and Pac-12 footPERDUE /SWIFT CURRENT they traded him following ball:/SASKATOON “I’m waiting for their 1957 title season, the leaves 306-237-4212 to announce vowing they wouldn’t win they’re not turning colour another one for 50 years: this year.” “He underestimated the • Another one from Alex ineptitude of the fran- Kaseberg: “The city of chise.” Los Angeles is going to • Comedy writer Brad name a street after Kobe Dickson of Omaha, on Bryant. It will be like any Nebraska Cornhusker other street except you football fans: “There’s are not allowed to pass something seriously on it.” wrong with people who • Comedy writer Brad will wear a rubber corn- Dickson of Omaha: “On cob head on their noggin the news tonight all they
talked about were boy- • @rslashpatriots, via ver Broncos, who played fans.” cotts, protests, riots, vio- Twitter: “The Jets are the NFL game without a Care to comment? E-mail lence, dissension, dis- 750:1 to win the Super legitimate quarterback, b r u c e p e n t o n 2 0 0 3 @ ease, lawsuits and court Bowl, meaning if you bet thanks to COVID-19: “I yahoo.ca. cases. And that was just $100 on it, you would felt bad for the cardboard the sportscast.” lose $100.” • Patti Dawn Swansson • Steve Simmons of the again, after Saskatch- Toronto Sun: “Leafs have ewan premier Scott Moe signed Joe Thornton. eace rosperity declared Sept. 6 to be They’re aiming to win the ood ortune Roughriders’ Day across 2012 Stanley Cup.” the province and for • Dwight Perry of the ood heer everyone to wear green Seattle Times: “Provinand white: “A melonhead cial authorities have May your New Year be filled needs urging to wear told the Ontario Hockey with reasons to celebrate! green and white like a League that if it wants priest needs a reminder to play amid a pandemic to say prayers on Sun- this season that it will day.” have to ban bodychecking Council and staff • Headline in the New and fighting. In a related 306-948-2422 York Daily News: “Nor- story, Don Cherry’s head malcy in 2020 at last ... just exploded.” Jets remain Jets!” • Michael Farber of • Sign of the times, from si.com, on Twitter: Dwight Perry: “Banner “Watching a parade from towed behind an airplane the bullpen early in a 1-0 above Dodger Stadium World Series game is as when Houston paid a entertaining as watchrecent visit: “Hey, Astr*s, ing Bryson DeChambeau try stealing this sign!” check his notes.” • Joel Beall of GolfWorld, • Another one from Alex on Matthew Wolff shoot- Kaseberg: “Federal agents ing a third-round 65 at are questioning USC Winged Foot during football players in conthe third round of the nection to a fraud investiU.S.Open. “He did so hit- gation. And the penalties ting from spots requiring could be stiff. Some of the a compass rather than a players may be forced to yardage book, needing a attend classes.” weedwacker instead of a • Fark.com: “Jimmy Kimwedge.” mel to Clayton Kershaw • Brad Dickson again: and Cody Bellinger: ‘Was “In Nebraska high school it easier to win the World football Franklin defeated Series when the other We wish you a happy holiday filled Elba by a score of 60-6. team wasn’t cheating?’” with joy and cheer to last the entire year. The Elba coach said his • Conor Russell, head pro players could’ve come at Portmarnock in IreThanks for your patronage back from such a deficit land, on public opposiand we’ll see you in the coming year! if only they were playing tion to the government the Atlanta Falcons.” declaring a six-week • Boxer Gerald Meer- ban on golf to help fight schaert, who lost his last COVID-19: .”At end-offight in 17 seconds, on day (petitions) could be Ed Kolenosky and family Twitter while watching as useful as an ashtray on 306-948-2879 the Trump-Biden debate: a motorbike.” “I wish this debate lasted • Alex Kaseberg again: 306-948-7207 as long as my last fight.” “The New York Jets are Biggar • Dwight Perry again: going to follow Donald “The Yankees - for the Trump’s lead and are first time in their 120-year going to sue all 16 teams history - hit into five dou- that beat them.” ble plays and committed • Headline at @NotSportsfour Thanks errors for in stocking the same Center: “Report: Trevor our year with good memories. game in a 4-3, 10-inning Lawrence says his dochave brought muchhave joy intold 2020him and he’ll we lossYour to visits the Marlins. Or ustors as the 1962 Mets used to be cleared from COVID look forward to serving you again in 2021 call such an occurrence, to play football again as Friday.” soon as the Jets draft • RJ Currie of sportsdeke. another QB.” May your cart com: “The Nebraska State • Steve Simmons of the Fair broke a record for Toronto Sun: “History overflow the longest parade of old and irony: The mayor of with tractors when over 1,100 Montreal is calling for good tidings showed up. In Canada, all the citizens to wear and joy that’s just part of the last- masks. Her name is Planminute Labour Day crowd te.” and may Wish List at Mosaic Stadium.” • Patriots QB Cam New• Cheer your heart • Patti • Dawn Swansson ton, to reporters, on his Love full with again: • Good “ITidings think (Jets’ dietary be habits: “Just Blake) Wheeler is still a because I’mlove veganand doesn’t • Contenment useful player, but a year mean I just go outside and • Health contentment. from• Friendship now he’ll be slow- pick up grass and, you • Happinessa sports writer er than know, put This ranchholiday on it. … I • Strength for the bar tab.” reaching still love good food.” Lets welcome together a new season and • Joy • Reader Steven S., • Charles Barkley, on tryyear filled with new hope, beyond! responding to Sean ing hypnotism to help McIndoe’s TheAthletic. correct his funky, hitchy new joy and good health! com story on theMerry 1977 Christmas golf swing: “All I got was NHL draft, where it was a good nap. I woke up OWNER/PUBLISHER Happy New Year and thanks choosing pointed out Larry Rob- forwith the us! same crappy THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT and thanks for choosing us! inson’s brother Moe was swing.” - 3RD AVENUE WEST drafted by the Habs in • Sign in front of102 a church the third round: “I think in Winnipeg: “Wear a P. O. BOX 40 the big question is who mask. It’s not like we’re SK. S0K 0M0 BIGGAR, drafted Curly Robinson?” asking you to wear a RidReader Tim M. countered ers’Community jersey.” Committed to our telephone: with: “I could have sworn • Saints coach Sean Pay- 306-948-3344Committed to our Community Greg, Naomi and staff he played for the Canyuk- ton, after his team’s 31-3 fax: 306-948-2133 Greg, Naomi and staff 306-948-5144 306-948-5144 nyuk-nyuks.” win over hometown e-mail: Den- tip@sasktel.net
R.M. of Biggar #347
There’s No Place like Home for the holidays Thank you for making us feel so welome here. We can’t think of anywhere else we’d rather be at Christmastime and all year.
Happy New Year!
I am attaching a Christmas Greeting from last year displayed in The Independent @ $73.50 plus gst; and run again, same size for New Year’s for 1/2 price FREE colour (changed content but same size), $36.75.
Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 29, 2019 please
Stay Safe, shop local and Stock up on
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115 - 1st Avenue West Rosetown, Sask.
Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
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Passenger Services 122 Main St. - Biggar Depot Macklin to Saskatoon & towns in-between Kindersley to Saskatoon & towns in-between
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is a full service law office Please proof Business that practices‌
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948-2879, evenings 948-7207, daytime Ed Kolenosky • Driveways • Sod • Concrete • Patio • Garage Pads Blocks • Pruning • Snow • Planting Removal • Topsoil • Fences • Lawn Care ‌and • Leveling much more
AdS 948-5352 or 1 co Price: $225 plus gst for30626 weeks (6 months) Can reaCh More 306244-9865 (Regular price is $28.98 plus gst per week x Than We are able to offer this to you when we ge
Busse Law 520,000 ProfessionaL Nice to have met you, and I’m looking forward to poTenTial CuSToMerS.
CorPoration Barristers & Solicitors Urla Tyler, Advertising Consultant One phone call
coversBiggar the entireIndependent Stuart A. Busse, QC The Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. province. phone: 948-334 Expand your market fax: 948-2133 and increase your 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK profits. email: tip@sasktel.net 306-948-3346
Phone‌ 306-948-3344
Biggar Independent 122 Main Street, Biggar, Sask.
‌serving your community since 1972
Tel: 9 9 Ple 9 Wh
for any 9 Ple Â… OK Â… Ma Â… Ma withou
ARIES CANCER Mar 21/Apr 20 Jun 22/Jul 22 Aries, it may take time Cancer, even if you’re to make a nutritional feeling out of sync this overhaul, especially week, you will manage if indulging in drinks to find someone who and sweets has become 2 col/6 is marching along to a habitual. Be patient with similar beat. This peryourself and you’ll be son can become a true successful. friend. DB Brett… SAFETY TAURUS LEO BRETT’S DECORATING & DESIGN SERVICE Apr 21/May 21 Jul 23/Aug 23 Taurus, if you’ve Price… inchesbeen = $201.50Start to clean house, 1ST AID2.5 s FLOWERS considering a move lateLeo. Avoid any distractplus gst per 6-month prepaid TRAINING s CUSTOM WEDDING ly, you may find youring habits that might get DECORATING & EVENTS 1st Aid commitment. training on-line self putting the wheels s RENTALS… 4ENTS in your way. You don’t or classroom. $120 "OUNCY #ASTLE inPlease motion pretty soon. Re-Certs $85 get back to me withneed anything to derail Begin to make Red Crossa list of 306-948-9750 Canadian your positive plans for changes/corrections by return rd For More Info: what you need to pull the future this week. 102 - 3 email this morning. dale@dtjssb.ca this off. VIRGO Ave. West, or GEMINI Aug 24/Sept 22 Biggar, Sask. Thanks Urla 951-7700 May 22/Jun 21 Virgo, find a new newufitness@sasktel.net 948-3344 Direct communication muse and begin a cre/WNED AND OPERATED BY "RETT "ARBER does not always come ative project. There may easy to you, Gemini. be some obstacles along DB SAFETY Give it a try and convey the way, but you will SERVICE your feelings to someone see creative endeavors 1ST AID you love. Be honest and through to completion. welcome the response. TRAINING
Aboriginal Owned • Mobile Welding & Fabrication • 24/7 Emergncy Service • Repairs? Got a project in mind? • We cater to ALL give us a call industries… farming, for a quote. commercial, oil field, • NOW offering industrial Skidsteer, Transport, • CWB Hot Shot Service! Certified CAll Chance Parenteau @ 306-948-9465 or sarah nagy @ 306-290-9766
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1st Aid training on-line or classroom. $120 Re-Certs $85 Canadian Red Cross For More Info:
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BIGGAR INDEPENDENT BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 306-948-3344 tip@sasktel.net SUBSCRIPTION RATES…per year ONLINE… $40.00 + $2.00 gst = $42.00 Inside 40-mile Radius… $45.00 + $2.25 gst = $47.25 Outside 40-mile Radius… $50.00 + $2.50 gst = $52.50
in your business.
BE SEEN in the Business Directory call
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LIBRA Sept 23/Oct 23 A former flame may try to heat things up again, Libra. If you’re single, you may be interested. But steer clear of this person if you’re attached because it spells trouble. SCORPIO Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, embrace healthy debate and don’t try to bowl anyone over with your big ideas. Afford others their own right to have an opinion, even if it differs from your own. SAGITTARIUS Nov 23/Dec 21 You have learned many lessons about financial responsibility, Sagittarius. When an item catches your eye, it might be very tempting to indulge. Stay the course.
CAPRICORN Dec 22/Jan 20 Personal affairs often make you a closed book, Capricorn. But you may have to spill a few secrets to a trusted friend to get the advice you need right now. AQUARIUS Jan 21/Feb 18 Clean up any unresolved parts of your life before the year draws to a close , Aquarius. It’s a large undertaking, but you have the means and the support to get it done. PISCES Feb 19/Mar 20 Cease to compromise on your core values, Pisces. You do not have to sway to the desires of others. Stand your ground on important issues.
18 - tHe independent, Biggar, SK Biggar independent Online
For Rent
OBITUARIES Rene Walter Igini
Charter/ Sherwood Apartments in BIGGAR
Central Park Place
age 81, died peacefully at home on Novemhas apartments for ber 24, 2020. seniors available Rene was born April 28, 1939 in in Biggar. 1 or 2 bedroom, Biggar, SK to Oswald and Alice Igini. heat and water Call 948-3901 Rene grew up on the family farm with supplied, wired or 948-7824 three brothers, Oswald, Dave, Albert for cable TV and and six sisters Vera, Evi, Leona, Margie, satellite systems, Feed & Heidi and Yvonne. laundry facilities, Rene worked and lived on the family farm all his life. Rene appliances, some Seed suites with dishnever seemed to want for material things. He worked hard wahers, air conand enjoyed the simple pleasures in life. Farming, his cattle, ditioning, parking fishing, hunting and a gathering of family and friends at the with plug-ins. farm brought the most of joy to him. n Loving Memory Attention: Loretta For more inforTwenty-eight years ago, Rene met and married Darlene mation call: Risa CERTIFIED SEED they enjoyed tending to the garden and yard and getLaceyand Elizabeth Management atthat we send Karren Longworth asked this for your Wheat ting away to the lake when they could. 3 0 6 6 6 5 2 3 0 0 Longworth G o E arly , Pintail . paper, If you print on December 27, please insert Rene- Dec. is survived Oats or Andre at 306eb. 12, 1987 29, 2010by his wife, Darlene and many close then, if not put in next week. aC JuniPEr, aC MorGan, friends relatives. 831-4430 ou will always be and the first thing He was predeceased by his parents, aC MustanG, DErby, familysomeone members think of when saysand friends. so1 suPEr oat. Her Make a Wish” Barley A private family service was held o Friday, November 27,billing address is aMisk, busby, CErvEza, 2020 at St. Gabriel Roman Catholic Church, Biggar, SK.264, Harris, S0L 1K0; Box austEnson, CDC AgRIcUlTURE CDC orever loved and missed... Interment took place at the Biggar Memorial Gardens. MavEriCk, sunDrE. phone 306-656-4724
Mom, Dad, Rebecca and Shelby
In Loving Memory of
Lacey Elizabeth Longworth
Feb. 12, 1987 Dec. 29, 2010 You will always be the first thing I think of when someone says “Make a Wish”
Duties inc, in part: pressure washing heavy equipment, trucks and trailers. Cleaning shops. Assisting where required. Heavy lifting involved. Mechanical aptitude an asset; must be safety conscious and able to work around heavy equipment. Must have a clean driver’s abstract. Position located in Arborfield, Sk. Camp accommodation provided if necessary. Send resume and work references to: Bryden Construction Box 100, Arborfield, Sk. S0E 0A0; Fax: 306-769-8844 Email: brydenconstruct@ xplornet.ca www. brydenconstruction andtransport.ca
FoR S ale Urla Thanks, FARMLAND WANTED
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Heavy Duty Mechanics required: Late model, clean CAT, JD equip; winch, dump, gravel trucks, and trailers. Both camp and shop locations; R & B provided Wage negotiable. Clean drivers abstract a must. Send resume and work references to: Bryden Construction Box 100, Arborfield, Sk. S0E 0A0; Fax: 306-769-8844 Email: brydenconstruct@ xplornet.ca www. brydenconstruction andtransport.ca
Doug Rue, for further information 306-716-2671 saskfarms@shaw.ca www.sellyourfarm land.com
Real eState Primrose Chateau Residents of Primrose Chateau continue living independently; doing the things they love, while we provide the support to make it possible. During this time of isolation being in a safe environment with full services such as meals and social activities is very important for your health and well being. Please call to discover how our home can become your home. Atria Retirement Canada Dale 204-291-5891 www.primrosechateau.ca
St. Gabriel Roman Catholic Church 109 - 7th Ave. W, Biggar Father Edward Gibney Parish Phone: 306-948-3330 SATURDAY MASS TIME • 7:00 p.m. SUNDAY MASS TIME • 11:00 a.m.
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, Landis SUNDAY MASS TIME • 9 a.m. Presbyterians, Anglicans and Lutherans will be suspending in person worship for December and January due to the rise in COVID cases. For more information/pastoral services, phone Cindy Hoppe at 948-2947 or John Bennett at 948-2852.
BiggaR aSSociated goSpel cHuRcH Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m. 312 - 8th Ave.W. and corner of Quebec St., Biggar
Biggar United ChUrCh 907 Quebec St./corner Turnbull Ave., Biggar
No services January 3 Services resume January 10 Services 11 a.m. Covid 19 Guidelines Apply
I am currenlty PURCHASING single to large blocks of land.
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Forever loved and missed… Mom, Dad, Rebecca and Shelby
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Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS
IN THE ESTATE OF RALPH CRAWFORD, LATE OF THE VILLAGE OF PERDUE, IN THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN, DECEASED: ALL CLAIMS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE, duly verified by Statutory Declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 31ST day of December, 2020. BUSSE LAW PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Barristers and Solicitors 302 Main Street, Box 669 BIGGAR,Saskatchewan S0K 0M0
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INDEPENDENT Immunization of 1,950 Health Care Workers Begins in Saskatoon INDEPENDENT the
Happy New Year
With thanks and glad tidings from us this holiday season.
With thanks and glad tidings fromus this holiday season.
Certificates nized will include staff restrictions Gift on moving Masri, second in line to Gift Certificates from ICUs, Emergency the vaccine. Theavailable immu- receive the vaccine, said. available Departments, COVID nization will take several “I’ve seen the impact this units, testing and assess- days to complete. disease has on patients, ment centres. Additional “It’s been a difficult families, health care priority groups will be year and I recognize the workers, and our comconsidered depending holidays be noInstallation excep- munities. This vaccine Pro •will Stereo Ceramic Pro • Stereo Installation We’re ďŹ lled with warm Ceramic on uptake. However, tion,â€? Health Minister gives us hope. It lets us wishes and lots of Vehicle Vortex Spray-in Boxknow linersthat the end to this Vehicle Wraps • Vortex Spray-in Box liners the focus on these initialWraps Paul • Merriman said. “I goodcontinue cheer doses will be hope everyone is heartmay be in sight. We Autoto Accessories • Detailing • Trailerfight Rentals Auto Accessories • Detailing • Trailer Rentals For all the kind people health care workers who ened by the fact that the can’t stop following the can travel to thethis vaccinafirst stage of the Regina guidelines – hand washwe’ve served 1st Ave. East, Biggar • 306-948-8085 227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar • 306-948-8085 tion site, because Pilot is nearly done and ing, wearing our masks, past year.227of- the Phase 1 of the Vaccine social distancing, closing Thanks, friends! Delivery Plan has begun. our bubbles – but we can By the end of the month, start thinking about life nearly 4,000 health care after COVID-19.â€? workers will have received As of December 21, their first dose of the 1,519 health care workCOVID-19 vaccine. Pend- ers have received their ing approval, we expect first dose of the Pfizer the first shipment of the vaccine through the pilot 306-237-4373 Moderna vaccine before in Regina. The vaccine is Attention Kevin the end of the month.â€? also being made available Twenty people will be to select staff at Parkside immunized today in Sas- Extendicare, who will be Here’s hoping katoon, your followed by 183 among the remaining 431 holiday delivers a bundle December 23 and up to health care workers to be people each day after immunized in the coming of joy and436 good cheer. yourover prompt attention and participation that,Thanks with a for break days in Regina. AccordMerry Christmas! the holidays. In addition, ing to the Saskatchewan more doses will arrive Health Authority, both in Saskatoon next week, the booking and admina further 487 istration of the vaccine Parrish &enabling Heimbecker health care workers to be have gone smoothly. With best wishes to you and your family for Limited immunized. The second It is expected that coma happy, healthy and prosperous year. dose of the vaccine will plex travel restrictions Hanover Junction We’re truly grateful for your generous support. be administered to recipi- for the Pfizer vaccine will Biggar, Sask. ents within three to four be revised in the coming weeks. days, and more vaccines “As an ICU physician will become available, I’ve been at the frontline Attention: including Moderna. This 801 - 6th St., Perdue, Sask. Erika www.parrishandheimbecker.com of this pandemic since the will enable the delivery 306-237-4373 beginning,â€? Critical Care plan to move into our priThanks for your prompt Dr. attention and participation OWNER/PUBLISHER Specialist Hassan sequencing,a which Iority am attaching Christmas Greetincludes long-term care THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT Urla ing advertised in The Indeand that personal care home 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST residents, those in the 80 P. O. BOX 40 pendent newspaper in Biggar, and over age range, resiBIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 dents over 50 in@ northSask. last your year $126.00 plus Thanks prompt ern and for remote areas andattention gst FREE telephone: 306-948-3344 and participation those in the colour; 70 to 79 year age range. fax: 306-948-2133 and, we offer that‌ you may run As we lift our glasses,we’re ďŹ lled with cheer; Phase 2 of the delive-mail: tip@sasktel.net OWNER/PUBLISHER As we recall the good friends ery plan is size tentatively again same for New Year’s www.biggarindependent.ca BIGGAR INDEPENDENT expected toTHE start in April we’ve made this year! (different content ifthedesired) for 2021 and will include122 MAIN STREET May your good days be many, beginning of immunizaO. BOX 40 and your troubles few, half price FREEpopucolourP. $63.00. tion of the general BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 That’s our New Year’s wish for you! lation. the In the meantime, Since other terminals down it is essential for telephone: all Sas- 306-948-3344 fax: rail lineresidents are participating and Parrish & Heimbecker the katchewan to 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net continue to follow public you are newlyincluding open, I’ve attached Limited health orders www.biggarindependent.ca wearing a mask and pracgreetings for your approval. At the holidays more than ever, Hanover Open since Junction June 2018 ticing the basics such as ,&--: #-0$,Ç&#x;1"3- ($ $" we appreciate how much joy friends like Biggar, Sask. This will be when published staying home sick, in our REFORD TERMINAL ,&--:#-0$,.1 $" you bring to each day. frequent handwashing Christmas Greeting Edition on Hwy 14, south of Wilkie, Sask. and working from home Thank you and if possible. December 12, 2019 Thursday, 1-306-800-6874 www.parrishandheimbecker.com Merry Christmas! OWNER/PUBLISHER and New Years Greeting Edition THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT on January 2, 2020. 122 MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 306-948-3344 May the joy of telephone: this holiday season fax: 306-948-2133 lift your spirits and tip@sasktel.net ďŹ ll you withe-mail: happiness. www.biggarindependent.ca
St. Paul’s Hospital ICU Registered Nurse Kathy Pickerl was first in line to receive the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine in Saskatoon, December 22, as the province moved into the early stages of Phase 1 of the Vaccine Delivery Plan. Other recipients among the 1,950 health care workers being immu-
KRF Attention Auto Centre Brad‌
KRF Auto Centre
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting from last year @ $63.00 plus gst; and then run again for New Year’s the (same size, different content if dePERDUE sired) for half price FREE colour AGENCIES $31.50 LTD. Attention Terry and advertising manager‌ Deadline approval/changes is by at the Holidays return email or by November 29 I am attaching your I am attaching your Christmas please. Greeting from Greeting last year @ $63.00Christmas plus last(same year @ $110.25 plus gst; and again for New Year’s gst; and size, different content if desired) foragain for New Year’s (same size, differhalf price FREE colour $31.50. ent content if desired) for Deadline approval/changes half is byprice FREE colour the email or by November 30 $55.13. PERDUE AGENCIES return LTD. 306-948-1990 please. Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 30 please.
Sending Our Best
INDEPENDENT A Toast To You At The New Year
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
We’re thrilled to be ringing in another year with great folks like you. Thanks and best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year!
Hwy 14, south of Wilkie, Sask.
Deadline approval/changes is by return email November 29, 2019 please. Thank You for your prompt attention and participation. Thanks to all of the members and friends who have kept us going strong this past year. See you in 2021
Diamond Gym
Thuro-Janitorial Services
telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
As we ring in another holiday season, we’d like to send a message of thanks to our network of valued customers for your loyal support this year. Wepast oweyear! our success to all of you and we We loved serving you every day this appreciate your business. We thank you for your patronage and look Here’s hoping Santa answers all of your wishes this Christmas and always!
Hope It’s a Banner Year!
M & N Repair Mike, Darlene and staff 701-4 Ave. E, Truck Route East, • SASKTEL CELLULAR & HIGH SPEED Biggar • 306-948-3996 Wishing you a season filled with • MAX TV STREAM lots of love, laughter and joy. For all your support, we are deeply grateful. • HIGHSPEED FUSION th
Christmas edition (Dec. 13), $126.00 plus gst, FREE colour run again, same size for New Years (Jan 3), 1/2 price… 63.00
Thanks for your prompt attention.
Jann,103 Solana family - 2ND Aand VE. E., BIGGAR • 306-948-2266 STORE HOURS • MON. - FRI., 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. 306-948-5453
103 - 2ND AVE. E., BIGGAR • 306-948-2266 STORE HOURS • MON. - FRI., 9 A.M. - 6 P.M.
Wishing You Pure Joy in the New Year We appreciate your trust in us.
Thanks for your loyal support and friendship
OWNER/PUBLISHER THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT Stick, Skates, Gloves, Helmet . . . Mask . . . Biggar Minor Hockey U7 players 122 MAIN STREET STORE HOURS • MON.306-948-3344 - FRI., 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. telephone: hit the ice at the Jubilee, December 21 for a practice, suitably attired in all the gear P. O. BOX 40 fax: 306-948-2133 plus the mask. The practices are limited in numbers but still give players a bit of Atttention: Rus BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net normalcy in an otherwise turbulent world. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautiwww.biggarindependent.ca I am attaching a Christmas Greeting similar to last year’s size @ $126.00 gam) telephone: 306-948-3344 plus gst and run again for New Year’s, same size, (different fax: 306-948-2133 content if desired) for 1/2 price ($63.00) FREE colour Deadline approve-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca al/changes is by return email or by November 29 please.
103 - 2ND AVE. E., BIGGAR • 306-948-2266
Treemendous Thanks With apprecition from our entire team, we wish you all a fun-filled and
Happy New Year!!! Wishing all of our customers and friends a happy, healthy and festive New Year! We look forward to sharing more good times with you in 2021, so please stay safe and celebrate responsibly.
Merry Christmas!
Thanks so much for supporting us this past year. We look forward to serving the community in the future.
Biggar & District Health Services Foundation Inc. Box 1003, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Atttention: Jo/Patti 304 Main St., Biggar 306-948-2204
Landis 306-658-2044
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting last year @ $157.50 plus gst and New Year’s (same size, different content if desired) for 1/2 price FREE colour