the independent

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Stick around, little bug . . . Hannah Palmer, right, and Jayla Boobyer stare intently at a stick bug at St. Gabriel School last Wednesday. The St. Gabriel Kindergarten

class invited Tiny Tot Nursery kids over for a visit, a bit of play time, and a bit of some mucky, yucky bugs! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Four elections in seven years Block amazed opposition forcing Canadians back to polls by Kevin Brautigam of The Independent

Sitting MP for SaskatoonRosetown-Biggar, Kelly Block finds it hard to believe opposition party’s have the best interests of the country in mind. Block, campaigning in the area last week, was disap-

pointed when NDP leader, Jack Layton, minutes after the Conservative budget had finished reading, moved to topple the government, sending voters to the polls, May 2. “Four elections in seven years,” Block says. “I truly believe that we had put

forward a budget that would be hard for the opposition to not support. We addressed a lot of issues that Canadians had raised with us throughout our pre-budget consultation process, and it was a budget that allowed us to implement some measures

while continuing to manage the economy and ensure that we would still get to a balanced budget by 2015.” Canada may be better off economically than other countries, but still, an election doesn’t help as the world financial slump grinds on, Block agrees.

Wildlife Federation hands out awards at annual banquet. See Page 15

“An election always cre- fail, Canada’s Economic Acates some uncertainty in tion Plan was cited as someterms of the outcome, and thing that had to be done, so when we see that we’ve and that it was working.” managed the economy reThe recent federal budget ally well coming out of the was to be the next phase of worst recession since the the Plan. Great Depression, it was “It was a good budget. unnecessary, to my way of Many good measures like thinking, unnecessary and the volunteer firefighters opportunistic.” tax credit, we were raising Block added that she be- GIS -- we were looking at inlieves Canadians have a vesting another $300 million choice on May 2 between for the Guaranteed Income a “strong, stable Conserva- Supplement. There was the tive government to continue Children’s Art Tax Credit. strengthening the economy, Many different things that creating jobs, or they can were going to be implechoose a coalition led by mented in the Budget that I Michael Ignatieff.” believe were addressing the She admits that it’s been needs that were raised durinteresting being on the ing the pre-budget consultaHill, trying to make things tions, and should have been work as her government supported by the opposition managed the economy, if they truly wanted to work knowing they were con- together, and were truly putstantly living unting Canadians der the opposition first and our threat of bringing economy.” Canadians to the Running for polls. the New Demo“It’s felt like we’ve crats in Saskahad to be ready toon-Rosetownsince the last elecBiggar is Nettion because we’ve tie Wiebe. Vicki lived under that Strelioff of Sasconstant threat.” katoon will run Kelly Block Pre-budget confor the Green sultation meetings Party. Strelioff, in the riding had many who grew up on the famresidents concerned that ily farm in Arelee, going to Canada continue to do well school in Perdue, works at and that the economy re- St. Paul’s Hospital. cover, Block said. For the Liberals, Lee Re“I asked constituents who aney will run. Little inforattended, ‘What did we do mation was received as of well?’,” she said. “Without press time.

Provincial funding improves patient safety at Biggar Hospital Heartland Health Region is nearing the completion of $4.3 million in projects to make health facilities across the region safer and more comfortable for patients, long-term care residents, employees and visitors. On April 1, local MLA Randy Weekes toured the Biggar Hospital to see for himself, the improvements made through the Ready for Growth VFA funding. Funding from the provincial government’s $1.5 billion Ready for Growth infrastructure initiative has enabled Heartland to make numerous upgrades, including replacing the roofs of nine health facilities, upgrading air conditioning

and ventilation in five facilities, and upgrading fire alarms and nurse call systems in nine facilities. “The government is committed to infrastructure renewal in Heartland Health Region, making the health system safer and more secure for patients, clients, visitors and health providers,” explained Weekes, on behalf of Health Minister Don McMorris. “These investments are one more way this government is putting patients first.” Weekes toured Biggar Hospital to see work on improvements to patient baths, and the impact of the new roof, upgraded fire alarm and nurse call systems and the

installation of handicap accessible doors. “The $4.3 million in funding for capital repairs and upgrades have gone a long way to improve our buildings and has helped address many of our highest infrastructure priorities,” said Director of Environmental Services, Wayne Pierrepont. Since 2008, the region has spent approximately $2.9 million on roofing systems, $456,000 on air conditioning and ventilation upgrades, $280,000 for life safety system upgrades, $300,000 to replace worn flooring systems, $90,000 for improved handicap accessible doors, and $35,000 for water heater

Biggar Hospital Care Team Manager, Deb Kurulak-Milne shows Biggar MLA Randy Weekes a room at the health facility that is currently undergoing upgrades to better meet patients needs. (Independent Photo by Daryl Hasein) upgrades. Another roof repair project with resume this spring.

The region is continuing to develop plans for the replacement of long-term

care homes in Biggar, Kerrobert and Rosetown.


MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011

Gov’t fulfils commitment to hire 120 police officers The province is ensuring the safety of Saskatchewan residents by fulfilling its commitment to hire 120 new police officers over four years. Funding from the 201112 provincial budget has been provided to hire the remaining 30 police officer positions, resulting in a total of 120 new positions since 2008-09. “Our government recognizes the needs of the

RCMP and municipal police services across the province,” Corrections, Public Safety and Policing Minister D.F. (Yogi) Huyghebaert said last Monday. “The addition of these officers provides valuable resources to police enforcement units to reduce organized crime and increase public safety throughout Saskatchewan.” Since the 2008-09 bud-

get, officers have been deployed to the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit (CFSEU), the Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) Unit, and the Northern Drug and Gang Enforcement Unit. Since then, the ICE unit has laid 194 charges against 71 individuals and has been involved in more than 400 Internet related investigations involving abused children.

In the last two years, officers from the CFSEU and the Northern Drug and Gang Enforcement Unit have made several significant seizures of cocaine, crack cocaine and marijuana. Cash and assets from organized criminal enterprises have also been seized. “By working closely with the provincial government and our policing

partners, we are better able to address crime in both rural and urban communities,” RCMP Assistant Commissioner Russell Mirasty said. “The addition of 120 new police officers is important as it helps us support our efforts to keep communities safe and reduce criminal activity across the province,” Saskatchewan Association of


Chiefs of Police President Dale McFee said. Since 2008-2009, 51 positions have been allocated to the RCMP and 39 positions assigned to municipal police services. Consultations will take place this spring with police leaders to determine how the positions will be allocated based on crime rates and local needs.

MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011


Council Minute highlights The regular meeting of Biggar Town Council was held March 15, at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Attending the meeting were Mayor Ray Sadler, Aldermen Ron Arnold, Jim Besse, Don Cleaveley, Penny McCallum, Eugene Motruk, and Kirk Sherbino. Council resolved that the General Accounts Pa i d i n t h e a m o u n t of $64,899.34 and the General Accounts Payable in the amount of $25,125.50, be approved. Council resolved that Ray Sadler be authorized to attend and bring greetings from the Town for the Century Club Celebration to be held on May 20 at the Biggar Community Hall. Council resolved that

the Town hire the Biggar Youth Travellers 2011 to water the hanging baskets and planters on Main Street from June 19 to September 30 for a total of $3,800. Council resolved that an advance of $20,000 be allocated to the 100th Centennial committee to develop the downtown park located at 224 Main Street, and further that the commemorative clock be located on the same site. Council resolved that Al’s Flooring Centre Inc. be contracted to re-sand and refinish the hardwood floor in the Biggar Community Hall at a cost of $5,400. Council resolved that Bill Wright from Catterall and Wright be authorized to carry out a study on a potential

building for the Town’s recycling depot. Council resolved that upon review of costing for the McPhee Street subdivision, the 11 lots will be available for sale for $55,000/lot plus GST, and further that these lots be advertised for sale with a deadline of April 30, 2011, and further that a draw will be made for lot choice, if required, with a down payment of 25 per cent of the purchasing price. Council resolved that the following individuals be appointed at the Town of Biggar’s Bylaw Enforcement Officers: Peter Flaman, Arlene Flaman, Ellen Ballantine, Harvey Thiessen, Jacqueline Regier, Lincoln Florell, Linda Dieno.

Gettin’ down . . . Author Sigmund Brouwer, left, air drums with a Biggar Central School student last Thursday during his ‘Rock and Roll Literacy’ presentation. Brouwer, along with fellow author, Holly Preston, were part of the school’s Author Showcase, an annual celebration of the written word, and an encouragement to read, write, and imagine. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam) Council resolved that the invoice from the Biggar Health Centre totalling $6,000 be approved for payment.

Council resolved that Eugene Motruk and Don Cleaveley be authorized to attend meetings of the

doctor recruitment and retention committee. • Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Biggar RCMP warn residents of fraudulent cheque scheme A new and nefarious subterfuge by crooks has Biggar RCMP asking residents to be aware and cautious when using the financial promissory bank note. Termed ‘Cheque Overpayment Fraud’, illicit cheques are used in a variety of scams such as advance fee letter fraud, overpayment and prize-pitch, to name a few.

Overpayment scams are the type of fraud where the person receiving the cheque is actually owed money for goods sold. The seller receives a counterfeit cashier’s cheque, personal cheque, or corporate cheque from the “purchaser” in an amount in excess of the amount owed; is asked to deposit the cheque and wire the excess

funds immediately back to the sender/purchaser or the purchaser’s agent or shipper; and, the deposited cashier’s cheque is subsequently returned as counterfeit and charged back to the seller’s account. Anyone selling goods should be suspicious of any cheque, especially if it is for more than the agreed selling price. Consider an alternative

method of payment, such as an escrow service or online payment service. Talk to your bank about the safest way to receive funds from overseas. To p r o t e c t y o u r s e l f against this sort of scam, never agree to a deal in which the payer wishes to issue an amount for more than the agreed price and expects you to reimburse the balance. The scammers

use a variety of excuses to explain the overpayment, but any such excuse should be treated with the utmost suspicion. In order to avoid o v e r p ay m e n t s c a m s, remember the following general words of advice: • Know who you are dealing with; independently confirm your buyer’s name, s t r e e t a d d r e s s, a n d telephone number; • Never accept a cheque for more than your selling price: • Never agree to wire back funds to a buyer. A legitimate buyer will not pressure you to do so, and you have limited recourse if there is a

problem with a wire transfer; • Resist pressure to “act now!” If the buyer’s offer is good now, it should be good when the cheque clears; if you accept payment by cheque, ask for a cheque drawn on a local bank or a bank with a local branch. You can visit that bank branch to determine if the cheque is legitimate. I f t h e b u y e r wa n t t o use a service you have not heard of, be sure to check it out to ensure it is reliable. Check its Web site, call its customer service hotline, and read its terms of agreement and privacy policy. If you do not feel comfortable with the service, do not use it.

GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… Friday, APRIL 8, 11:15 a.m. (stations randomly selected)

Biggar ....................................... 123.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock ................... 121.9¢/L Perdue… ................................... 121.9¢/L Landis… ................................... 121.9¢/L Rosetown… .............................. 121.9¢/L North Battleford…................... 124.9¢/L Unity ........................................ 124.9¢/L Saskatoon ................................. 123.9¢/L

Lottery Numbers


Chefs du jour . . . Sara Thompson and McKenna Mair, right, cook up a bit of a storm last Tuesday at Biggar Central School. The program, ‘Kids in the


Kitchen’, open to all kids, shows how to plan and create health meals. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

third page

649 - Wednesday, APR. 06 1, 3, 23, 26, 35, 38 Bonus 11 Extra 3916892 649 - Saturday, APR. 02 16, 21, 26, 28, 45, 46 Bonus 49 Extra 2658458

Western 649 - Wednesday, APR. 06 3, 6, 11, 14, 34, 36 Bonus 4 Western 649 - Saturday, APR. 02 10, 11, 37, 38, 44, 49 Bonus 23 Lotto MAX - Friday, APR. 01 5, 6, 11, 12, 24, 26, 34 Bonus 49 Extra 6046419

This Week . . . Opinions ...........................................................4 Agriculture ..................................................... 8 Sports ..............................................................10 Classifieds ...............................................17 - 20 Business & Professional Directory.........21 - 22

MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011


Opinions User friendly is a must in a website Monday, May 2 is election day in Canada. Not news to the vast majority of Canadians. Also not news to the vast majority of voters is the process for voting. Elections Canada has chosen to keep Canadians in the dark about this issue. They spurn normal avenues of advertising and like to direct people to their website. A site that is hopelessly flawed. This user tried to find out the names of the candidates running in SaskatoonRosetown-Biggar. The home page prompted me to type in the postal code which I did -- S0K 0M0. Apparently Elections Canada and Canada Post are not compatible because that postal code was not accepted and I was re-directed to a page prompting me for my

home address. Again I dutifully filled out my home address only to receive the message “Your address did not identify a polling station. Please recomfirm your address and try again. If your addreess information does not identify a polling station, please call the office of the returning officer for assistance.” Either Elections Canada does not have a map of Biggar or Saskatchewan (I’m not sure which) but residents of Biggar do not, as of this date, have a polling station. I would call the office of the returning officer but trying to find the officer for this riding is another process in itself. After a half hour searching the very unuser friendly Elections Canada website the returning officer is a person from Saskatoon located at the

West Venture Mall (wherever that is) at a 1-800 number. It is also necessary to produce identification before you can cross off your X on the ballot. Another point that Elections Canada is very remiss in telling Canadians. They obviously don’t know how many people in rural Saskatchewan just “pop” in to the polling stations when they have time -- especially given that the month of May could be a time when farmers are trying to get their spring seeding in (this year maybe not). It’s a telling point that Elections Canada feels Canadians should conform to their regulations without even considering our lifestyles. If the agency really wants to prove it uses modern technology

then it should be providing ballots online. Of course, first and foremost the website will have to be extremely user friendly.

A concept that Elections Canada does not fully understand. P.H.

Putting Canada’s environmental performance on the right path by Roy Romanow, distributed by Troy Media Corporation One of Canada’s foremost environmentalists, David Suzuki, once observed “I feel like we’re in a giant car heading at a brick wall at a million miles an hour. Someone’s got to say, ‘For God’s sake, put the brakes on and turn the wheel’. But everybody in the car is arguing about where they want to sit.” A few days ago, the Canadian Index of Wellbeing released a report tracking trends in Canada’s environmental performance from 1994 to 2009. My hope is that it will empower Canadians to say, “For God’s sake, put the brakes on and turn the wheel”, because we can no longer accept – in this country or any other – the degradation stemming from our seemingly endless and unsustainable appetite for fossil fuels, water, metals and energy. The notion of limitless growth is no longer a viable economic paradigm. Clear warning signs Canada today is not a country in crisis. But there are clear warning signs

of potential threats to our environment and wellbeing. Soaring greenhouse gasses (GHGs), increasing waste generation and energy use, declining stocks of large fish species, and shrinking water supplies in parts of the country – are offsetting gains like declining air pollution emission levels, good water quality, and healthy forest bird populations. Some of these trends could eventually result in poorer health, a weaker economy, a lower standard of living, and diminished quality of life. A starting point for better protecting, managing, and restoring our natural environment – now valued at more than one trillion dollars – is to recognize that it does not exist in a self-contained silo. The health of our natural environment is intricately interwoven with many other dimensions of our quality of life. Scientists tell us that concentrations of GHG emissions (Canada’s are up 24 per cent since 1990) are reaching a level not seen in thousands of years, with a trajectory for levels not seen

in millions of years. Climate change is already having an impact on our economy through droughts, floods and invasive species, which have reduced crop yields and eradicated vast tracks of forests in parts of the country. The landmark Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change predicts that climate change will decrease global GDP by up to 20 per cent. Increased waste generation (up in every Canadian province and three times higher per capita in Alberta than New Brunswick) can harm community vitality (landfills are a divisive issue), and skew our time use by creating a society where people work longer hours to obtain more “stuff”. Shrinking freshwater supplies in parts of the country (down 8.5 per cent in Southern Canada over the past 30 years) coupled with growing demand, can restrict recreation activities like fishing, boating, and use of community pools. Declines in select species populations ripple forth in a variety of ways. One need only consider the widespread impacts on wellbeing that


the cod-stock collapse had in Atlantic Canada – from living standards to community vitality. Fortunately, we Canadians are not caught up in some form of pre-deterministic drift, rushing headlong toward an inescapable future. We have the collective capacity to shape our future, to decide which values we will embrace which visions we will pursue and which policy decisions we will enact. But preserving our natural resources and improving our environment for future generations will require more far-sighted policies and enforcement by government, better stewardship by industry, and lifestyle changes by individuals. Ideas for positive change The CIW Network – an independent, non-partisan group of Canadian and worldleading experts now based in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences at the University of Waterloo – has put forward a number of ideas for positive change. These include: improving enforcement of environmental policy, encouraging consumers to

spend their money in a way that “votes” for the type of world they would like to see, sharing ownership of resources like bicycles and cars, and becoming ecologically literate and passing that learning on to future generations. The path towards ensuring resilient and sustainable ecosystems is ultimately a human choice. We must begin to recognize the true value of our environment through policies, pricing, and cultural attitudes. We must think about the value of natural capital not only to address environmental concerns, but to provide a stable foundation for human wellbeing in all of its dimensions. The Hon. Roy J. Romanow is Chair of the Canadian Index of Wellbeing Advisory Board, former Premier of Saskatchewan and former Commissioner on the Future of Health Care in Canada. The CIW’s Environment Report is available online at The CIW Network is based at the University of Waterloo in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences.


Phone: 306-948-3344

Fax: 306-948-2133

Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Monday at the office of publication, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Delta Fay Cruickshank


P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011

Single line. Dual line. Foil. Diamond. Delta. Fibreglass frame. Carbon graphite. Loops. High dives. Ground hugs. Figure 8. Box. All these terms pertain to kite flying, a favourite spring past-time. I was surfing the ‘Net and came across a website titled “spring season activities”. Number 5 on the list was flying a kite. Kite flying is a perfect activity for our windy spring days -- even in the summer while at the lake. Kids love it -- and you know what, so do adults. We always have a supply of kites in the garage and in the

motorhome. If anyone is bored it is time to dig them out, head off to an open space and toss them into the air. I have found that the more simple the kite (like a diamond shape) the easier it is to fly. And, when you have kids you want to make the task as easy as possible or they will get frustrated and their interest will wane. Apparently kites were flown in China (the origin of so many things) about 2,800 years ago. The reason is that the materials needed to make a good kite could be found there: bamboo for the


frame and silk for the sail. We all know the legend of Benjamin Franklin who flew his kite in a storm and discovered electricity. While kites have been used in war time and for scientific research, most kite flyers find it relaxing and peaceful and indulge in the activity purely for pleasure. Of course, today kites are made from man made materials and come in many shapes and colours. All sorts of designs can be printed on the fabric -- my grandson likes Spiderman but my granddaughter likes

Biggar New Horizons news by Karen Itterman The sidewalks are all clear of snow and ice making it easy for the seniors to walk downtown. Everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather. Courtesy car drivers for the past week were Don Swyryda, Karen and Ray Itterman, Larry Wirachowsky and Dennis Robillard. Volunteer office workers were Pat Turner, Dinah Kegler, Marie Winsel and Betty Mundt. For the month of March the courtesy car made 666 trips with 67 members using the courtesy car. The highest amount of trips was on March 2 with 37 trips with Ron Scott as a driver. Kaiser scores for March 28 were Reg Turner 262, Marie Roesch 244, Bernard Zimmer 241, and Evelyn Potter 235. Bingo winners on March 29 were Barb Swyryda winning the half-andhalf and Evelyn Poletz winning the blackout. Bowling on March 30 had Jack Eckart winning MHS and MHT with 210 and 538. June Hoppe was LHS and LHT with 165 and 454. Shuffleboard on March 31 had Pat Turner and Barb Swyryda coming in first place, second place to Don Swyryda and Aileen Smith, third place to Myrtle Althouse, Mary Johns, Phyllis Martin and Lydia Kolberg. Cribbage was played on April 1 with Mike Plysiuk in first place, Joan Smith second place and Phyllis Martin third

place. Donna Hoogeveen provided the lunch and was host for the afternoon. Wed evening Kaiser on March 30 had 12 players with Bernard Zimmer coming in first place with a score of 241 followed by Ray Silbernagle with his score of 237. Third place went to Bill Fisher with a score of 225 and fourth place went to Ken Pearce with a score of 214. Kaiser scores for April 4 were Howard Newton 250, Maxine Sully 246, Mary Johns 242, Tillie Zimmer 214. Highest scoring game of 72 went Grant Gamble and Maxine Sully. Carpet bowling on April 5 had Barb Swyryda, John Nyquist and Marie

Roesch coming in first place and Aileen Smith, Florence Hammond and Mildred Henne in second place. Memberships for the New Horizons are now overdue. To use the courtesy car a membership is necessary. Memberships are $15.00 per year. Invitations are currently being delivered to those seniors that are 90 years and older for our “Century Club Celebration Tea” on Friday, May 20. This event is to honor seniors who have contributed to our community. The general public is welcome to attend. Have a great week everyone.

Another lucky winner! . . . Marlene Flasch, right, was this month’s lucky winner of the Biggar Museum and Gallery toonie draw. Hilda Dielsen of the museum presented a cheque for $154 to Marlene. Congratulations!

Dora. It probably doesn’t make a difference in the actual flying of the kite but you will have a hard time convincing them of that. There are those that fly kites professionally and attend kite festivals competing for prizes. But, the best part about the sport of kite flying is just to participate for fun. Throw your kite into the sky, catch the currents and away your kite will sail -- as high as you want, as much as you let out your string. (Or, if you’re like my grandson just throw the kite over your shoulder and take off on the run -- it’s sure to catch the current sooner or later and then it’s clear “sailing” from there). One of the tag lines on a commercial site was: “The great thing about kites is that they are so bright and beautiful and so cheap to buy.” How true. This sport is very inexpensive -- the cost of the kite is minimal and nothing else is needed. Then just let the wind take your kite where it wants to. Sometimes, I can even do a loop, or a dive, or a figure 8 -- not necessarily on purpose. The sport can be very humbling. The best thing about kite flying is the laughter. And, the bragging rights -- “look how high my kite went”.

UNCLAIMED RAFFLE PRIZE NUMBERS-BWF Banquet April 2, 2011. Prizes will only be available to be claimed on Thursday, April 21, between 4:00 and 7:00 p.m. at the Westwinds Motor Hotel (enter through the Lobby). Bring your winning ticket. Any prizes unclaimed after that time will be forfeit for next year’s Banquet. 1303968 1304948 1302847 1302213 1304315 1305167 1303111 1302306 1304348 1305338 1303165 1302345 1303253 1304349 1305385 1302395 1303711 1304551 1305399 1302498 1303716 1304743 1305647 1302551 1305747 1303732 1304769 1302579 1305748 1303798 1304779 1302696 1305921 1303822 1304923 1302701 1302809

Addressing Substance Use as a Community PRESENTATION MONDAY, APRIL 18 • 7:00 p.m. MacPherson Hall (former Elks Hall), Biggar Focus on: • Is there a problem? • Why people Àrst choose to use • Neuro-Chemistry of Substance Use • Current Trends in Biggar • Identifying a Substance User • Effective Actions/Options • RCMP speaker • Questions ‘n’ Answers For more information contact Dan Chegus, Addictions and Prevention Worker 306-948-3323 ext 230


MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011

Westwinds Motor Hotel would like to announce OFF-SALE Beer Prices have GONE DOWN. We would like to send a BIG THANK YOU to the Saskatchewan Party for our retailer discount.

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Rosetown Mainline Motor Products Ltd.

The Biggar Wildlife Federation would like to THANK the following for their generous donations to the RafÁe at the Banquet and Awards night on April 2, 2011. A&D Foods Perdue AGI- Envirotank Anderson Accounting Biggar Accounting Biggar Courier Biggar & District Credit Union Biggar Flower and Gift Biggar Hotel Biggar Insurance Services Biggar Leisure Centre Biggar Sand & Gravel Biggar Sausage & More Biggar Veterinary Clinic Biggar Wildlife Federation C2 IT Greenhouse Cam Don Motors Chico’s Auto Works CIBC Country Clippers Credential Financial Strategies Crop Production Services de Bussac Farms de Moissac Jewellers Designs by Ann Dorosh Painting Duperow Co-op Elite Taxidermy Ficks Small Engine and Repair Fox Fire Farms Grondin Family Integra Tires J2 Glass JDL Underground Jiricka Farms Kelly’s Kitchen KRF Auto Detailing Leslie’s Drugstore, PharmaChoice Louis Dreyfus Lynda’s Hair Design MacLeods True Value McKinley Farms Monarch Meats Moody’s

NAPA Auto Parts Nevada's Cutting Room New York Taxi North American Lumber OK Tire & Auto Service Party Lite Gifts (Leanne Garchinski) Petro Canada Farm Center Pharmasave Phillips Electric, Floors and More Pizzeria Adria Poletz Cattle Company Prairie Malt Limited Quick Stop Rack Petroleum Rebel Landscaping Royal Bank SaskPower Shop Easy Foods Silhouette Ladies Wear Style Station & Spa Subway Super A Foods TarBoyz & TownGirlz The Bargain Shop The Biggar Independent Tim Hammond Realty Touch of Grey TWH Financial Planner Viterra Western Sales (1986) Ltd. Westwinds Motor Hotel WTSL Investments Corp. Wylie Farms & Seed Cleaning Fred Baum & Wayne Wiese Mike and Linda Covey Pat Gerein Milo & Olive Hanson Christina Kennon Mike & Sophie Kisser Janet Moon Poitras Family Yaroshko John & Diane

Progress -- I think by Bob Mason I was looking through an old 2008 Readers Digest while resting up here (I was supposed to be planting potatoes), and laughing a bit at The Best Medicine pages, when a big coloured one caught my eye, so I stopped and read it. Along with comments by John Lennon, Martin Luther King, Jimmy Carter and John Kennedy, was one by Albert Einstein no less. And here are some of the thoughts that one of the world’s best brains had: “Any intelligent foot can make things bigger more complex and more violent, but it takes a touch of genius to move in the opposite direction.” Eventually I cut that page out of the RD and put it in my scrapbook with my other important (to Y.T. anyway) thing. For many, many years, old generations (like my own) have voiced their concern about the passing of “the good old days”. They have been ignored because they don’t seem able to accept the “necessity” of “progress”. According to us, things should stay the way that they were in our time -and it was really something to read what Einstein said. Maybe to satisfy our current economics we do need to have it, for we are already far down that road. But I often wonder if some of the natives in some far-off remote region who, over the centuries, have adapted and developed their own way-of-life thing that we are moving too fast. After all, “there is a time” (Ecclesiastic 3:110) There must be volumes written about that. The airwaves are full these days of how to protect nature. And how it can get along with us, and I wonder (again) if we should approach this problem from the other way around. ie Dear Reader: Maybe it is a good thing that Y.T.’s ideas aren’t classed with those of Adam Smith, Malthus, Darwin and Karl Marx. They sure sound good (to Y.T. anyway) but in real practise maybe they won’t work so well. I realize that a lot of this

stuff sounds like some kind of a day dream, but darn it all, whether we believe in them or not, a lot of us daydream. Maybe life itself is partly a daydream, too. I know that this sounds a bit pessimistic (so what else is new) but why is there all this hurry to change. Thousands of years ago bees pollinated that apple tree in the Garden of Eden, and bees haven’t changed (neither has man, as far as that goes). If all our technology were to suddenly disappear, it would be a great disaster. But if the world’s bees and insects went, it would be the end of civilization. We’ve got to have change? So what’s important to us? “Man may count on his technical knowledge for many modern things, but we count on nature for our very existence. Have things changed so much? I’m not trying to win any votes here, but we all know that civilization has always relied on food. And along with the bees and insects, the most important people on earth are the ones that produce it. World Bibles (and there are many of them) all explain this reality, but I’m sorry to say the word “technology” can’t be found in any of them. And man’s pitiful ideals of right and wrong almost seem a mistake ... Like Einstein says, should we go back? Or should we plunge ahead into a man-made technical world that means our annihilation? Yours Truly (Y.T.) doesn’t write these things in order to tell folks what to do (we leave our leaders to do that) but he does (even to himself) present the choices that he does have. Maybe civilizations and technology can coexist (I dunno). In the future

(maybe the far future) we will find out. As it is, here in 2011, all seems well. Hopefully great minds are ruling the world (again, we don’t know) but as mentioned, we hope. All of us know right from wrong, and yet maybe we have to go back to what Jimmy Carter, expresident of the U.S.A. had to say on that R.D. paper: “We cannot be both the world’s leading champion of peace, and the world’s leading supplier of arms.” And yet we keep on It is obvious to all of us, that some parts of the world are wealthy because in the name of peace, they supply weapons of violence. Why? What is right? All of us agree that war is wrong, and yet we keep on having them. The piece below was written many years ago: The Song of the Sandbags (Robert Service) “I wonder Bill if Hans and Fritz, is wondering like me! What’s at the bottom of it all? What all the slaughters for? He thinks he’s right (of course he ain’t) but this we both agree If them as made it had to fight, there wouldn’t be no war! If them who lie in feather beds, whilst we lie in the mud If them who make their fortunes while we fight for them like hell! If them that slings their pot of ink just had to sling their blood: By Crust, I’m thinking there would be another take to tell!” The above dissertation (some word) maybe isn’t that practical, pro or con, but it does make on think (including Y.T. and it’s darn near a first for him!) For far too long he has just accepted what came his way and didn’t complain too much and it’s sure a great feeling for The Independent to let him have his say. Maybe the people running world affairs are doing what they feel is right. Let’s hope so anyway. Maybe democracy is working a lot better than we pessimistic writers think. Maybe these visions of ideal things are just that -- visions. But at least they are something we think about ... and it’s up to us.

MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011


Diamond Lodge News week of March 28-April 3 Hello to all from the Diamond Lodge. We have been very busy again this week, and have enjoyed lots of company as well. The residents started out their Monday with exercises in the morning. It felt good to stretch the muscles. We then kicked the exercise ball around, which is good for lots of laughs. In the afternoon we played a game of Yahtzee. Tuesday morning we joined in the Activity Room for a cup of coffee, and listened while a volunteer caught us up on the last week’s current events. After lunch we enjoyed a movie and some popcorn twists. The ladies met for a Tea Party on Wednesday morning, enjoying a visit with friends. Later in the morning we played a game of Jeopardy. In the afternoon we enjoyed

Happy Hour with friends and family. It was a pleasant afternoon, with music playing, snacking on some treats, and some residents even played a few games of crib. On Thursday morning we met in the Activity Lounge for another exercise session. It is good to keep moving as much as we can, and we also have a large exercise ball that enables us to move our feet as well. After lunch, we played bingo. The smell of bacon wafted through the halls, as the activity staff got breakfast ready for the Breakfast Club. Each week, 10 residents are invited to the Activity Room to share bacon, eggs, sausage, pancakes, and all the other goodies. We met in the Activity Lounge in the afternoon for our sing song, with the help of some more wonderful volunteers. Spring is here! A few

of us met in the Activity Room and did some planting. We hope the tomatoes, cilantro, green peppers and marigolds grow for us. What fun we had digging in the dirt, and putting in the seeds. After lunch we watched Giant, starring Elizabeth Taylor and Rock Hudson, and munching on some chips and popcorn twists. Sunday morning we had a tea party and did some reminiscing. We are still patiently waiting for the warmer weather to arrive. The snow is melting gradually around the area, so we just have to be patient I guess. The Arelee Brethren conducted our Sunday service. That is all for this week. Hope everyone had a good week. We are looking forward to next week-we always enjoy the activities, and the help of volunteers makes it more fun.

More Photos and Videos Online at Under Galleries

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Eccentric, maybe odd, always making a difference . . . On Wednesday, April 6, St. Gabriel School students were both entertained and challenged by John and Mason from Face to Face Ministries. Thanks to a grant from the Catholic Schools Foundation, Face to Face shared a message: Make a difference in the world by sharing your gifts and talents with others. (Photo for The Independent by

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MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011


Agriculture Let’s keep risks in perspective by Kevin Hursh The nuclear crisis in Japan is likely to have a big impact on the future development of the nuclear industry around the world. In a less direct way, it could also lead to more starving people. The link between the two issues is trust. Nuclear power generation is safe, we’ve been told. The problems at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl should never happen again. Unfortunately, no one seems to have fac-

tored in the possibility of a record earthquake, followed by a tsunami and the impact the two would have on facilities built back in the 1970s. With radiation spewing from the damaged reactors, we have another reason not to believe scientists when they declare that something is safe. A good scientist will never say there is zero risk, only that risk is minimal or negligible. Unfortunately, that isn’t good enough for consum-

RM #347 - Sealed Tenders will be accepted by Mennonite Trust Ltd. on behalf of the Executors of the Estate of John (Jack) Allen until noon, May 11, 2011, for the following land.

by Calvin Daniels The Saskatchewan government appears to be staying the course in terms of promoting biofuel production in the province. In the recent March 23 budget the Saskatchewan Party announced a 13cent per litre incentive for companies that make at least 500,000 litres of biodiesel annually. The subsidy is one which brings Saskatchewan’s government incentive up to a level which is comparable with other jurisdictions. At present the province


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reject all aspects of intensive agriculture. Go ahead and buy organic vegetables and free range chickens if it makes you feel better. But we can’t feed the world without the continuing application of biotechnology. There will be seven billion people on the planet by the end of this year and nine billion by 2050. World food production is falling behind the growth in demand. Throw in climate change or at least climate variability. Add in the fact that we want to reduce the use of pesticides. We don’t want to take more land out of its natural habitat, but we pave over good farmland every day to grow our cities. And many nations are running out of the water they

need for irrigation. We can reduce food waste and spoilage and people in affluent countries should actually be eating fewer calories, but this won’t be enough to meet the increasing food demand coming from developing nations. We can accept biotechnology as a tool to improve yields, food quality and the nutrient utilization or crops. Or we can let the food supply become ever more precarious and expensive and deal with the ramifications of starving people. Let’s choose the path with the lower risk. Kevin Hursh is a consulting agrologist and farmer based in Saskatoon. He can be reached at

Biodiesel expansion set for Saskatchewan


1. SE 22-36-14-W3 2. NW 22-36-14-W3 3. NW 26-36-14-W3 4. NW 35-36-14-W3 5. SE 35-36-14-W3 6. SW 35-36-14-W3 7. SW 2-37-14-W3 #1 contains a personal residence with natural gas to the house, well water, basic utilities and steel grain bins. Interested bidders may contact Mennonite Trust Ltd. to view the house. #3 - #7 is ideal recreational land or has been very good pasture. The purchaser must rely on their own inspection and knowledge of the property and not on the above or any particulars made by the Executors, or Mennonite Trust Ltd. All bids are to include a cheque payable to the estate for 10% of the offered price. Unsuccessful bids will be returned uncashed once the successful bidder(s) are contacted. All bids are subject to Executor and beneÀciary approval, and the highest or any offer may not necessarily be accepted. Possession date will be June 30, 2011. All offers should be addressed to ESTATE OF JOHN (JACK) ALLEN c/o Mennonite Trust Ltd. Box 40 Waldheim, SK S0K 4R0 Phone: 306-945-2080

ers when it comes to the food supply. It’s now been 15 years since the introduction of genetically modified crops. A lot of consumers don’t even realize that GM crops have been part of their diet for more than a decade. If you ask them, they’d prefer not to have any GM crops because it sounds scary. Canada was actually the first country in the world to grow a GM crop. This was canola back in the mid-90s. Worldwide, the main GM crops are corn, soybeans and cotton. So far, herbicide tolerance and insect resistance have been the traits commercialized. Both have been a boon to production while helping to preserve the environment. We’re just at the cusp of GM traits that will more directly benefit consumers -- drought tolerance, special food quality attributes and nitrogen use efficiency. Those benefits may never be realized if the consumers of the world grow more risk adverse. There are 100 million farmers growing GM crops, most of them in developing nations, but major opposition to the technology still exists particu-

larly within Europe. After 15 years of growing GM crops, there is not a single credible health concern. The term genetic modification is actually a misnomer. We’ve been doing that for centuries through various plant breeding methods. The new technology is better described as genetic engineering. If anything, it provides more precise control over the outcome. The technology is intensely regulated.Approval of new traits requires exhaustive research. Is the risk zero? No, but it’s extremely low and the risk isn’t zero under conventional plant breeding methods either. Affluent Canadians, Americans and Europeans can afford to reject technology. In fact, many

Scott Anderson Manager of Agronomic Services Viterra

Perdue - Ag Retail Brad Federspiel 306.237.4304

has only one major biodiesel manufacturer, that being Milligan Bio-Tech Inc. in Foam Lake, so the announcement will be well-received there. However, the real success of the incentive program may be if the 13-cents per litre is enough to attract the investment by others to expand biodiesel production in Saskatchewan with additional facilities. Certainly in a province with an a number of major canola crushing facilities already in production the opportunity to expand into biodiesel production would be easily possible if the incentive is deemed lucrative enough. Of course the question of whether making biodiesel from canola makes sense is one which is not easily answered. In general terms canola is still a premium food oil in the world market, which likely lessens interest in turning it into a fuel. In terms of world biodiesel palm oil and others may make greater sense in terms of volumes, although canola offers some values such as not gelling on cold temperatures. There are though good reasons to look to produce

biodiesel. On one hand biofuels in general have merit in that they offset use of finite non-renewable resources. There are those who will argue the cost in fuels related to producing biodiesel outweighs the benefits at present, but then again numbers are often able to be turned to two sides of any argument. What is not in question is the fact the production of biodiesel from canola here in Saskatchewan would mean new jobs should additional plants come on stream. One only needs to look at Yorkton to see the dramatic impact on the local economy the new canola crushing plants had on the community. A biodiesel plant would have similar economic benefits. And, there is the fact biodiesel plants would be an additional market for canola, which is a good thing for farmers. The plants can use lower grade seed as well, that which does not market well to the food market, so biodiesel production would provide a sort of insurance for farmers in a province where canola is always a major crop. When all the factors are considered the budget announcement regarding biodiesel is the gem of the document for the farm sector.

MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011


complete farm


Saturday, April 23 12:00 noon

KEN & PAMELA IRVING Harris, Saskatchewan (Rosetown area)

Cookies must be just so! . . . Biggar Central School’s Lisa Egert pours out a bit more icing for students Coye Kelliher, Tacy Bartusek and Savana Ellis. The students were getting some treats ready for Author’s Showcase on Thursday. The kids were enjoying their work -- probably due to snitching a bit of icing and the odd cookie when no one was watching! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

SELLER CONTACT(s): Ken & Pamela Irving, (306) 656-2121 AUCTION COORDINATOR(s): Michael Higgs, 306-445-5000

AUCTION DAY SCHEDULE: 12:00 - Shop Tools & Misc. Farm Supply 1 p.m. Live Internet Bidding on Major Equipment DIRECTIONS: From Harris go 4 miles north on #768 then 2 miles west (just past the Eagle Creek)

HI-LITES INCLUDE: TRACTORS: 1990 Case IH 9150 4wd w/ ps trans, pto, 6600 hrs showing; MF 1105 2wd w/ Leon 707 FEL, 6635 hrs showing; COMBINE -1992 JD 9600 s/p w/ JD 914 p/u hdr, 2510 thr / 3603 eng hrs showing; 1993 JD 930 30' str cut rigid hdr; SWATHER - CI 722 26' s/p w/ 2201 hrs showing; SEEDING & TILLAGE - Morris 9000 38'

Sask. moves forward with helicopter air medical service Saskatchewan is proceeding with a major new component of emergency medical services. Medical helicopters based in Saskatoon and Regina will support faster, more responsive emergency medical care for patients across the province. The province has signed a service agreement with Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS), a non-profit organization that provides rotary wing air medical transportation in Alberta. Premier Brad Wall made the announcement April 6 in Regina with STARS President and CEO Dr. Greg Powell and private sector partners. “This is an opportunity to save lives and better serve patients and families,” Wall said. “Helicopter air medical service can clearly benefit patients, particularly those in rural and remote areas. Our goal is to provide all Saskatchewan people with access to highly-skilled medical professionals and timely emergency care. This initiative is possible because of the vision and support of STARS and generous financial contributions from our private sector partners.” “We are excited to work alongside the existing emergency services and health care providers in the province,” STARS President and CEO Dr. Greg Powell said.“Together, we will work to ensure the critically ill and injured receive a high level of medical care and rapid transportation. We commend and appreciate the leadership and support of the Saskatchewan government as well as our corporate partners who have demonstrated their commitment to the people of Saskatchewan.” The province is investing $5 million in the initiative in

2011-12, and an estimated $10 million annually in future years. The remainder of the estimated costs of developing and operating the service will come from STARS fund raising and from contributions from the community and corporate sector, including $5 million from lead donor Crescent Point Energy. Mosaic also announced its commitment to the program with a $5.5 million contribution, April 6. “Investing in the health of Saskatchewan people makes sense,” Mosaic Potash Operations Senior Vice President Norm Beug said. “Mosaic is excited to help bring STARS to Saskatchewan and we look forward to working with government, corporate partners and local communities on this important initiative.” “We’re proud to be a part of this great initiative,” Crescent Point Energy’s Vice President of Marketing and Investor Relations Trent Stangl said. “The STARS program is an essential service that will benefit everyone in Saskatchewan. We’re excited to see it launched.” Husky Energy, Rawlco Radio and Enbridge have also committed financial support to the service. Details about other corporate sponsors will be announced in the coming weeks. The Premier acknowledged the support of Health Minister Don McMorris and the contributions of MLA Rod Gantefoer, who led the project team for helicopter air medical service. The service is expected to be available in the spring of 2012 in southern Saskatchewan, and autumn of 2012 in central and northern Saskatchewan. It will be used primarily to serve critically ill and injured patients

in rural and remote areas of the province. Helicopter air medical service will be coordinated with Saskatchewan’s existing ground and fixed wing air ambulance services. Currently, more than 100 road ambulance services provide emergency medical transportation for patients across the province. Saskatchewan Air Ambulance (Lifeguard) operates three fixed-wing aircraft based in Saskatoon.


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MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011

Province preparing for potential highway damage The Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure is taking extra measures this spring to prepare for potential highway and bridge damage caused by flooding. “Extensive sections of the highway network were under water, or in the case of Highway 1 near the Alberta border, wiped out entirely by


flooding last year,” Highways and Infrastructure Minister Jim Reiter said, Thursday. “The ministry is making every effort to be as prepared as possible in the event that we see more flooding this year.” While construction on a massive arch culvert began last summer in the new westbound lanes

of Highway 1 to prevent future flooding of that section of highway, other plans and preparations have taken place during the winter and spring of 2011 to ensure a quick response to potential problem areas on the highway network: • Data from the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority and minis-

try historical experience is being used to assess potential flooding locations. • Extra equipment and supplies have been ordered including steamers to thaw out frozen culverts, water pumps and additional signage and barricades. For example, additional supplies in the southern region alone

include: 60 portable lighting stands, 1,400 signs and markers, 150 sets of barricades, eight 400 gallon water tanks, 11 pumps, 56 night flagging kits, 250 barricade lights and 10 steamers. • Bridge replacement components have been stockpiled to ensure quick restoration of bridge structures.

• Emergency trailers have been assembled throughout the province, and ministry staff will be redeployed from drier areas of the province to respond to trouble spots where needed. • A detailed list of contractors and equipment, including backhoes, track-hoes, loaders, steamers and water pumps, has been compiled so ministry staff can quickly arrange to bring in extra help. • Ministry staff have met with local urban and rural municipalities, the Saskatchewan Watershed Authority, the RCMP and other stakeholders to ensure coordination of efforts. Every spring the ministry clears culverts, bridges and other drainage structures so they can handle runoff at their design capacity. An aggressive surveillance program is underway to flag trouble spots and provide immediate repairs where possible, as well as keeping the general public informed with the most up-to-date information through the Highway Hotline. Motorists are urged to view the interactive highway conditions map online at or for hand-held devices. Motorists may also wish to call the Highway Hotline toll-free number at 1-888335-7623 or *ROAD on the SaskTel network. For more information on potential flooding and flood preparedness in Saskatchewan go to

Deadline Wednesday 5 p.m. Check out the

Galleries section for more photos and videos at

MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011


Landis School Community Council

Report from the Legislature

Annual General Meeting THURSDAY, APRIL 14

by Randy Weekes, MLA, Biggar Improving Emergency Medical Services Timely access to emergency medical services is a challenge in Saskatchewan. We are a large province with a lot of our population living in rural and remote communities, which is why our government is pleased to announce we have signed a service agreement with Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS), a non-profit organization that provides rotary wing air medical transportation in Alberta.

The new service will support our existing air and ground ambulance programs, resulting in faster, more responsive emergency air medical services for Saskatchewan people. Our government provided $5 million to this initiative in the 2011-12 budget and an estimated $10 million annually in future years. Private sector donations also play a critical role in the funding of the STARS program. STARS is expected to be operational in Saskatchewan by the spring of 2012. More help for Multiple Sclerosis

There is more good news for people and families affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Manitoba recently announced they are following Saskatchewan’s lead and investing $5 million in clinical trials for the MS liberation procedure. Last year, Saskatchewan became the first province to provide $5 million to fund these clinical trials in an effort to get answers for people who suffer from this devastating disease. With Manitoba now on board, clinical trials will produce more extensive data and may ultimately

Province introduces Renewable Diesel Legislation The Government of Saskatchewan introduced The Renewable Diesel Act in the Legislature today that will help to grow the renewable diesel industry in the province. “This is an excellent start in developing the renewable diesel industry in Saskatchewan,” Enterprise Minister Jeremy Harrison said, April 4. “It is good for the economy, good for our environment and good for Saskatchewan canola producers. This began as a recommendation from Enterprise Saskatchewan’s Board of Directors and sector team. Enterprise Saskatchewan will be meeting with stakeholders to continue consultations on related issues, as well as to

finalize regulations in the coming months.” “Biodiesel is a better way to drive and an innovative way to fuel our economy,” Renewable Fuels Association President Gordon Quaiattini said. “The Renewable Diesel Act will help moderate price by adding to our fuel supply, create new jobs and benefit farmers and drivers alike. The new legislation calls for fuel distributors to include two per cent renewable diesel content in diesel fuel sold in Saskatchewan as of July 1, 2012 on annual average basis. The legislation also establishes a mechanism to administer and monitor compliance of the fuel mandate.” “This provincial mandate

along with the recent federal government’s biofuels announcement helps to ensure that alternative energy programs and opportunities are shared initiatives across the country,” Milligan Bio-Tech Inc. President and CEO Joe Holash said. “The residents of Saskatchewan should feel good about their government’s decision to participate in the efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Canada.” A Renewable Diesel Program was introduced in the 2011-2012 provincial budget. It provides $26 million over the next five years in direct incentives to eligible renewable diesel producers.

determine whether or not the liberation procedure is a valid treatment for MS. More police officers Our government is moving forward on keeping the remainder of our election promises. Most recently, we provided further funding in the 2011-12 budget so that we can fulfil our commitment to hire 120 new police officers for Saskatchewan. Our government understands that the safety and security of you and your family is extremely important, and adding new officers will help to increase public safety throughout the province and give you more peace of mind.

at Landis School Library Supper included @ 5:30 p.m. Meeting and elections @ 6:30 p.m.

ALL are Welcome!

Biggar Soccer REGISTRATION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 7:00 p.m.

Biggar Jubilee Stadium Lobby Registration forms available at Town OfÀce until April 21st. NO applications after the 21st.


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MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011

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Sigmund Brouwer signs a book for Coye Kelliher in the commons area at BCS during Author’s Showcase. In addition to autographing his books, Brouwer inspired kids to read and, more importantly, write. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

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Author Holly Preston shows off her children’s book ‘Always’ to BCS kids last Thursday during the school’s annual Author’s Showcase. The book, a slice of Rider pride, was a pretty big hit with the kids. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

5:00 p.m every Wednesday to place your classified ad in the Biggar Independent, 102-3rd Ave. W. Biggar,


MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011



MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011

Ne ettie and the New Democrats de emand a review of railway rates Right now, railways are overcharging farmers. Conservatives promised a performance re re eview—but that won’t fix the $200 million pe pe er year railways owe us. New Democrats de de emand a real costing review and lower fre eight rates. e

Nettie Wiebe

Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar 975-1055 | | Paid for and authorized by the official agent for the candidate



Monday, April 18 9:00 am



PARTIAL LISTING ONLY! MORE ITEMS ARRIVING DAILY SEE for daily updates DELIVERY DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY APRIL 13 HI-LITES INCLUDE: TRACTORS: JD 8650 4wd; JD 8450 4wd; 1994 JD 7800 MFWD; Case 2090 2wd; JD 1830 2wd w/JD 146 FEL; MF 1105 2wd; JD 4630 2wd; 1950 Massey Harris 44; 1948 Ford 8N; Ford 900; McCormick W30; COMBINES - 1998 Case IH 2388 S/p w/2374 thr/3039 eng hrs showing (recent work order); 2003 Case IH 30 ft rigid str cut header; IHC 1682 pt; MF 1859 20' str cut header; SWATHERS: JD 2360 25' sp, 2264 hrs showing; Hesston 200 series 30' p/t; SEEDING & TILLAGE: 1994 Bourgault 8800 40' air seeder; 1995 Bourgault 8800 36' air seeder & Bourgault 3225 pull behind air tank; JD 610 35' seeding tool w/John Deere 787 Cart; Bourgault 2115 air seeder tank; Bourgault 534-42 40' air seeder w/Bourgault 138 tank; Bourgault 40' wing type packer bar; 2006 Riteway RFP 2137 37'Packer bar; Alteen 335 30' HD tandem disc; Case IH 18' tandem disc; GRAIN HANDLING: 2006 Sakundiak HD7-1400 auger w/mover; Buhler Farm King 16104 16"x104' auger; 2 - Buhler Farm King 1041 10"x41' augers w/movers; Westfield MK1051 auger; Good selection of grain bins see internet for details; SPRAYING: 1994 Ro-Gator 854 80' sp high clearance; 2002 Spray Air 2100 82' pt; Bourgault Centurion 3 83' p/t; 1992 Bourgault 850 Centurion II 90' pt; Flexicoil 65 XL 100' pt; Flexicoil XLT 65 100' pt; Flexicoil 65XL pt; Flexicoil System 65 100' pt; Spray-Tek Systems truck sprayer; 1992 Melroe 220 Spra Coupe 66' s/p; HAYING & LIVESTOCK: 1986 Case IH 3450 rd baler; NH 1112 Speedrower sp hay bine, 2307 hrs showing; Tonutti RCS12 hay rake; 2000 Hi Hog Bison squeeze; selection of new livestock handling equip; INDUSTRIAL: Caterpillar D4 Crawler dozer; JD 450 Crawler backhoe; Thomas T133 Skid steer; Rowse 5 yard hyd pt scraper; Davis Fleetline 10+2 Chain trencher; TRUCKS: 1998 IH 4900 Steamer washer truck; 1999 Freightliner FL 60 Flatbed Dump Truck; 1983 Chevrolet 70 3 ton flatdeck truck w/2000 gallon Kyle welding water tank; 1979 International 1954 tandem axle grain truck; LIGHT TRUCKS: 2008 Ford F350 Lariat Crew cab 4x4 truck, diesel, 88,398 km showing; 2006 Ford F250 XL Super Cab short box 4x4 truck; 2001 Ford F350 4wd crewcab flatdeck truck; 2001 Ford F350 XLT Super Cab long box 4x4 pickup truck; 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 4wd short box quad cab truck; 1981 Chevrolet 3500 1 ton dually flatdeck truck w/TTS20 ladder lift; 1994 Jeep YJ SUV; 1996 Ford F350 4wd dual wheel service truck; 2003 Ford 4x4 Super crew; TRAILERS: 2009 Southland 16' stock trailer; 2010 H & H Canada 14 dump box trailer; 2008 H & H Canada Speedloader MX18 flatdeck trailer; 2009 Royal LCHS29-612-72 Cargo trailer; 2009 Royal LCHS29-510-64 Cargo trailer; 2010 Southland 18' flat deck car hauler; 2005 Royal 28' enclosed HD snowmobile trailer (custom made to also haul skid steer); 1998 Wilson 20' GN aluminum stock/horse combo trailer; Cargo Mate Trail Blazer 5x8 cargo trailer; Cargo Mate Trail Blazer 6x10 cargo trailer; 1984 Arnes 45' low bed equipment trailer; 1986 Keen 20' gooseneck stock trailer; 1986 Lode King grain pup trailer; 1980 Decap 34' tandem axle belly dump gravel trailer; LAWN & GARDEN: 2006 John Deere 2210 MFWD tractor & FEL 200 hrs; Kubota B6100 MFWD yard tractor w/FEL; Kubota L1500 Diesel, 3pth hitch tractor; 3 - new Turco TC180 6' rototillers ; 4 - new Turco TL125 4' rototiller; RECREATIONAL: 2006 Husaberg FE 450 motor bike; 2007 Prowler 270FQ holiday camper trailer, hardwall w/slide put; 1998 Kustom Koach 27.5 5th wheel holiday trailer; 1988 Komfort 22' holiday trailer; 2005 Polaris Switchback Snowmobile; OTHER: 20'x30'x12' Commercial storage canopy; new yard gates; new generators and water pumps; new tool boxes and much more. Partial listing only - See full list and pictures on the internet at or call 306-445-5000 for more information IMPORTANT NOTICE: This listing is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration.

SK Provincial Licence #914618

1-800-529-9958 See more photos and information at

Bird’s the Word . . . BCS Junior Blazer, Mitch Lehnert makes the return as teammate, Tyrus Thomson watches. The pair were taking part in Sectional play last Tuesday at BCS. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Perdue Perdue bowl Club 55: MHS, Tom Davies, 230; LHS, Carol Lemon, 203; MHT, Al Levitt, 613; LHT, Kay Munro, 514; THS, Hopefuls, 1071; THT, Bee Gees, 3101; MHA, Al Levitt, 191; LHA, Kay Munro, 182. Ladies league: LHS, Joey Levitt, 229; LHT, Joey Levitt, 638; THS, Other Frame, 1034; LHT,

Zeroes, 3016; LHA, Joey Levitt, 192. Men’s league: MHS, Don Froese, 245; MHT, Jim Nicholls, 586; MHS, WWF, 767; MHT, Avengers, 2125; MHA, Al Levitt, 191. Mixed league: MHS, Dennis Notschke, 251; LHS, Trudie McBeth, 250; MHT, Al Levitt, 613; LHT, Trudie McBeth, 503; THS, D.J.’s, 1140;

THT, D.J.’s, 3004; MHA, Curtis Watson, Chai Senglow, 204; LHA, Joey Levitt, 189. YBC -- Bowlasauras, Santana Anderson, 100; B a n t a m b o y s, R y l e e Moody, 93; Bantam girls, Dakota Anderson, 92; Junior girls, HS, Danielle Munro, 139; HT, Danielle Munro, 373; Junior boys, HS, Jason Munro, 224; HT, Jason Munro, 564.

Building permits rise over last February Saskatchewan’s building permits were up considerably between February 2010 and February 2011 (seasonally adjusted) according to a report released by Statistics Canada last Thursday. Building permits were up by 43.1 per cent in February 2011 over last February, the second highest percentage in-

crease among the provinces. Non-residential construction was up 51 per cent while residential construction was up by 37.9 per cent. “The construction industry has certainly picked up over the last year, which is not surprising, given the fact that our population is up and the growth of our econ-

omy continues to lead the country,” Enterprise Saskatchewan Minister Jeremy Harrison said. “In addition, business confidence is on the rise, signalling we can expect the growth to continue.” Nationally, building permits were up only 6.5 per cent over the same period.

MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011


BWF 35th annual awards banquet and dance The Biggar Wildlife Federation held their annual Awards Banquet and Dance on Saturday, April 2. Tickets for the event started to sell out about a week prior to the banquet and 300 attendees enjoyed a wonderful meal featuring such wildlife delicacies as antelope, buffalo, deer, and moose meat. Highlights of the evening included the many plaques and trophies awarded to the following recipients: Award winners: Mike Desrosiers, Northern Pike, 18 lbs 8 oz; Ken Andreas, Canada Goose, 12 lbs 1 oz; Ken Scott, Antelope, 73 3/8; Jim Tapp, Antelope-Black Powder, 72; John Zagoruy, Moose, 123 7/8; Mike Plysiuk, Whitetail Typical, 169; Derek Meger, Whitetail Typical-Crossbow, 144; Keith Dueker, Whitetail Nontypical, 149 5/8; Norm Irvine, Mule Deer Typical, 154 4/8; Greg Goring, Mule Deer Nontypical-Black Powder, 205 2/8; Ceejay Lehnert, Mule Deer Typical Junior, 169 1/8; Riley Dueker, Whitetail Nontypical Junior, 137 2/8; Melissa Kowalchuk, Whitetail Typical Junior, 150 2/8. Trophy winners: Mike Desrosiers, George Yaroshko trophy; Ken Scott, Adam Evashenko Trophy; Ceejay Lehnert, Lancer Music Trophy; Jim Tapp, Walter Pavloff Trophy. There were no junior fish entries. The BWF is very excited and proud to be able to honor our junior hunters and fishermen and hope to see many more such entries for next year’s banquet. Gifts for the raffle table and ”Wheelbarrow of Fun” were donated by generous individuals and businesses in the Biggar area. Many lucky winners carried home their prizes. Unfortunately many prizes were left unclaimed. Unclaimed ticket numbers are published elsewhere in the Independent along with instructions

good work of ensuring the continuation of local and provincial programs such as: Habitat Trust, Wildlife Tomorrow, Youth & Adult Outdoor Education, Fisheries & Wildlife Enhancement, Henry Kelsey Big Game Records and Provincial Angling Records.

2011 scenery winner -- Diana Dolack on how to claim prizes. The photo contest featured both wildlife and scenery photos from around Saskatchewan, as well as a new category for junior photo enthusiasts. Diana Dolack won the scenery category with her photo of a beautiful Saskatchewan country sky scene. The wildlife category was won by Brett Dorosh with a whimsical look at a squirrel stealing peanuts. Young Jesse Tavanetz claimed the winning junior entry with his frostcovered birdhouse. This year, Biggar Wildlife was honoured to have as special guests, two of the Directors from the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation, David Pezderic (Region 5), and Brad Dahl (Region 2). One of the past-presidents, Brad Pattinson also attended and presented President Milo Hanson with an award from the SWF for donations exceeding $100,000.00 from the Biggar branch over the years. We also received an award for donations over $60,000 to Habitat Trust. After supper and the awards presentations, the band “Touch of Grey” entertained the crowd until the wee hours. The music was enjoyed by all, whether they danced or preferred to sit and visit with friends. As always, the Biggar Wildlife Federation ensures that everyone has a safe trip home. The Biggar Insurance Services picked up the tab for taxi rides from

2011 wildlife winner -- Brett Dorosh Brad Pattinson presents Milo Hanson (right) with an award from SWF.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011 2011 junior winner -- Jesse Tavanetz

the hall. The Biggar Wildlife Federation appreciates the community support evidenced by the enthusiastic attendance. As this event is the main yearly fund-raiser, much of the meat for the supper is donated by generous hunters. The meat is cooked and served by volunteers and their efforts are appreciated and applauded. Kate Sagon Catering supplied the rest of the delicious food. The money raised helps the Wildlife Federation continue the

Springwater Community Hall Springwater, Sask. Supper • 6 p.m. Tickets…$5, available at the door Meeting • 7 p.m.

• Financial Statement • Reports • Election of Directors • Door Prizes

ns, uestio q y n A 8-2706 call 94

Paid for and authorized by the official agent for the candidate

Ne ettie and the Ne ew Democrats ew su upport: p D P Protecting workers’ private pensions when their p employer goes broke e $ $700 million a year for the Guaranteed Income G Supplement to lift seniors S out of poverty. o

Nettie Wiebe

Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar 2011 award winners at Biggar Wildlife Banquet | Phone (306) 975-1055



Tim Hammond Realty 113 3rd Ave. W. Biggar, SK Tim Hammond, BSA, P.Ag. Owner - Broker Cari McCarty - Residential Grant Anderson – Farms Dave Molberg – Farms

Farmland for Sale (MLS) Wardrop Vogel Vogel Stephan Dixon HillCor Gray Whitmore Holbrook Orton McKee Gray Lalonde Robinson Martin Crozier Bayet Lamotte

RM 317 RM 068 RM 097 RM 310 RM 346 RM 466 RM 346 RM 316 RM 280 RM 255 RM 376 RM 346 RM 345 RM 405 RM 347 RM 347 RM 378 RM 344

2099 ac. 2071 ac. 1277 ac. 751 ac. 640 ac. 490 ac. 480 ac. 320 ac. 317 ac. 317 ac. 307 ac. 161 ac. 160 ac. 160 ac. 160 ac. 158 ac. 158 ac. 150 ac.

Acreages for Sale (MLS) Gerein Clarke Krivoshein Egert Crozier Woods Road Serson Elliott

RM 379 RM 287 RM 376 RM 377 RM 347 RM 347 RM 347 RM 257

$670,000 $589,900 $329,000 *$290,000 *$225,000 $199,900 $189,900 $85,000

Homes for Sale in Biggar (MLS) Current Listings $356,000 $299,000 *new* $245,000 $234,900

320 2nd Ave E 412 7th Ave W 406 7th Ave E

$230,000 $189,000 $178,900

102 5th Ave E 409 3rd Ave E

*new* $173,900


111 4 Ave E *new* $159,000 403 4th Ave E *new* $95,000 307 6th Ave E $79,900 405 6th Ave E *new* $75,000

403 4th Ave. East

Demaine Hotel Nickells & Diamonds

A & D Foods Howard Concave

Demaine Rosetown Perdue Rosetown

$399,900 $185,000 $179,900 $160,000

*denotes Exclusive Listing

Out of Town Property Perdue 801 Ave J Landis Lot

$197,500 $22,500

Sale Pending!! 405 6th Ave E


Recently Sold!! 215 4th Ave E 220 8th Ave W

$127,500 $109,000 Kinley 101 2nd Ave E $110,000

Featured Listing


Featured Listing


Spacious 1 & ¾ story 3 bedroom home. This home boasts an efficient floor plan with an updated kitchen, dining room and open living room and spacious master bedroom and main floor laundry. Landscaped yard with single detached garage. A must see!

409 3rd Ave. East

Featured Listing


Gorgeous 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 storey home. Features a beautiful large open kitchen with modern European cupboards & garden doors to wrap around deck. Incl: DW, C/A, C/V, 4 appliances, developed basement, 16 x 21 detached garage, newer laminate flooring, updated full bathroom with ceramic tile finishing.


$65,000 $39,900 $30,000 $27,500

Incredible 2 story 4 bedroom home at a great price. Main floor features a spacious kitchen, LR, adjoining DR & 2 pc bathroom. 3 bedrooms & 4 pc bathroom upstairs and 4th bedroom and rec room downstairs. Fenced yard with a 24 x 26 single detached garage & 12 x 20 storage shed. Call today!

2235 ac. 160 ac. $427,500 $169,900 $125,000 $35,000

Commercial Property (MLS)

419 3rd Ave E 209 4th Ave E 104 6th Ave E (Lot) 206 4th Ave. W (Lot)


102 5th Ave. East RM 380/381 RM 377 Outlook McCormick RM 347 Levenne RM 349 Spring Creek RM 317

Current Listings

105 8th Ave W 202 3rd Ave E 212 3rd Ave E 402 7th Ave E

Recently Sold Unity CLA Land Viterra

306.948.5052 Main Office 306.948.9168 Tim’s Cell 306.948.7995 Cari’s Cell 306.831.9214 Grant’s Cell 306.948.4478 Dave’s Cell

Author’s Showcase receives boost . . . Biggar Credit Union’s Cathy Archibald, centre, presented a cheque for $750 to Biggar Central School 2000 teachers, Natalie Chupik, left, and Cheryl Isinger. The money went to the school’s annual, and very popular, Author’s Showcase.

Final report released on Regional College Review Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration Minister Rob Norris has received the final report of the 2010 Regional College Review. The Regional Colleges Act requires a review of the regional college system at least once every five years. Dr. Michael Atkinson, Executive Director and Professor of the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy led the review. “I want to thank Dr. Atkinson and his colleagues for their thoughtful insight and for identifying the op-

portunities and the challenges faced by the Regional Colleges and the Province,” Norris said, Thursday. “This report will serve as an excellent platform from which we can develop an action plan to refine the Regional College system for the benefit of today’s students and students in the future.” The report contains 20 recommendations including: • The need for a cohesive and co-ordinated Regional College system; • The need for quality assurance procedures; • Improved board governance; and • A modernization of The Regional Colleges Act. “Saskatchewan’s regional colleges are evolving amidst broader global changes in

the nature of employment and the availability of postsecondary education,” Dr. Atkinson said.“I hope people will read the report and take the recommendations as an opportunity to help colleges and the province respond to the needs of students.” There are seven regional colleges in Saskatchewan, which include: Northlands, North West, Cumberland, Carlton Trail, Parkland, Great Plains and Southeast Regional Colleges. The regional college system is accessed by more than 24,000 students each year. The Atkinson report Saskatchewan’s Regional Colleges: Towards a New System is available at aeei.

Heartland Health Region Board Meeting The next Board meeting will be held Thursday, April 28th, 2011 in Rosetown. Board packages can be obtained from the Regional Corporate Office within one week of the meeting. Please call the office to arrange for printing and pick up. Contact Caron Keens at 306-882-4111 ext 236 or by e-mail

Oral Health: Good for Life Oral pain is often ignored until it is unbearable, which is different than how we generally treat pain in other parts of our bodies. Oral disease and infections need to be treated as any other medical condition. See your dentist regularly. Keep your mouth clean by brushing and flossing. Limit foods and drinks high in sugar and acidic content. Avoid all tobacco products. For more information on dental health, contact your dental health professional or Heartland Health Region’s Dental Health Educator. For toll-free health information 24 hours a day. Please call 1-888-425-4444(TTY) if you have hearing or speech difficulties Smokers Helpline 1-877-513-5333 or Questions about Medication? Call 1-800-665-DRUG (3784). Ask questions online Mental Health & Addictions Centralized Intake Line 1-866-269-9139 Monday to Friday 8:00 am—4:30 pm

Heartland Health Region

MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011

Classi¿ed Box 40, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

call: 948-3344 fax: 948-2133





Edward Silvernagle

Stan Grondin

“It’s been four years, DAD Since you were called away, How well we do remember That sad and sorry day. We thought of you with love today, But that is nothing new. We thought of you yesterday And the day before that too. In tears we saw you fade away, Our hearts were sadly broken. You fought so hard to stay. But then it was over, you fell asleep, So peaceful, free of pain. We could not wish you back To suffer that again. Our lives go on without you. And nothing is the same. We try to hide our heartache When someone speaks your name. Sad are these hearts that love you. Silent are the tears that fall. Living our lives without you Is the hardest part of all.” Love Pearl and family

“It’s been ten years since you left us, You were truly a faithful husband, trusting and loving father and grandpa.” Oh, how we miss you.… Your family

December 1, 1931 April 16, 2007

May 8, 1926 April 14, 2001


25 words or less ....................................$12.00 per week Over 25 words .................................. - per word 25¢

Repeats -- 3 weeks for the price of 2

If The Independent Box Number is used add $3.00

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PLEASE READ YOUR AD -- Advertisers should read their advertisement THE FIRST ISSUE IT APPEARS and report any errors in time for the next insertion. The Independent is responsible subject to the conditions noted above, for ONLY the Årst incorrect insertion. NO REFUND on classiÅeds. Times to run must be stated at First Insertion. Enclose cheque, money order, Visa, MasterCard or American Express for your classiÅed. Other Advertising Rates Available upon Request. The BIGGAR INDEPENDENT accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publication by this newspaper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. SUBSCRIPTION RATES… Pick up… Inside 40-mile radius… Outside 40-mile radius…

$28.00 + $1.40 gst = $29.40 $33.00 + $1.65 gst = $34.65 $38.00 + $1.90 gst = $39.90

David Jordan July 17, 1959 April 16, 2006

OBITUARIES Emma Puff (nee Redlich) It is with sadness that the family announces the death of Emma Puff (nee Redlich) occurred at her residence, Porteous Lodge, in Saskatoon, Sask. on Tuesday March 29th 2011. Emma is survived by her son, Ronald (Julia) Puff; grandson, Herman Puff; sister-in-law, Alma Redlich; as well as numerous nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her husband, William Puff; parents, Emilie and Albert Redlich; mother and father-in-law, Henry and Elizabeth Puff; and brother and sister-in-law, Robert and Mary Redlich; brother, Arthur Redlich, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, Henry and Catherine Puff, John and Georgina Puff, and Arthur and Elizabeth Nesselbeck. Emma was born in Lang, Sask. Her family moved to Biggar, Sask. district when Emma was a young child to a homestead north of Biggar. In the 1920s the family moved to a farm directly south of Biggar. Emma married William Puff in 1938. Their son, Ron was born in 1943. They farmed in several locations south of Biggar from 1938 to 1944. In 1945 they moved to the Dale farm in the Triumph District south of Biggar. They formed many lifelong friends in the Biggar town and district. Bill and Emma moved to Saskatoon in 1962, but continued to farm for a number of years. They joined Augustana Lutheran Church in 1962 and enjoyed active church involvement for the remainder of their lives. Emma lived in her own home until 2009 when she fell and broke her arm. Following this, her health declined and she resided at Porteous Lodge until her death. Emma and Bill had a lifelong love of classical music. They met in the 1930’s as a result of having the same music teacher. Emma was a skilled seamstress. She was always eager to learn new creative skills. In her later years, Emma’s greatest passion was quilt making. She produced hundreds of quilts for the charity project at Augustana Lutheran Church until the day she moved out of her home. Emma loved entertaining family and friends in the 50’s at their cabin at Cochin Beach. She kept in close touch with her many close friends and family her entire life. For those so wishing donations in Emma’s memory may be made to a charity of choice. A Visitation was held at Saskatoon Funeral Home on Sunday, April 3, 2011 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Funeral Services were held at Augustana Lutheran Church, 1201 Broadway Ave., Saskatoon, on Monday, April 4, 2011, at 2:00 pm with interment at Woodlawn Cemetery followed by a reception in the church hall. Condolences may be sent to Arrangements have been entrusted to SASKATOON FUNERAL HOME. 244-5577 15c1 Please arrange to pick up your photos that have been submitted for publication. .…thanks, The Independent

“Remembering Your smile Your laugh Your wit Your jokes Your voice Your love You were an amazing father, husband and friend, You maybe gone, but you will never be forgotten. Smile and Remember.” We miss you everyday. Love always and forever… Rhonda, Mitchell, Kiley, Jessie and Jakob HAGEN: In loving memory of Lionel, who passed away April 10, 1991. “Like falling leaves, the years go by But love and memories never die. No longer in our lives to share, But in our hearts you are always there Each of us in our own special way Remember you with love always.” Love Sylvia and family 15p1

Ray Gaudet August 12, 1949 April 13, 2010

“God called him home, it was His will, But in our hearts we love him still; His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away. We often sit and think of him When we are all alone, For memory is the only thing That grief can call its own.”

Fondly remembered by Doreen; Darryl and Dean Gaudet and their families TROJAN, Vera: In loving memory of a dear sister who passed away April 7, 1996 “You are not forgotten, sister, Nor ever will you be, As long as life and memory lasts, We will remember thee.” Lovingly remembered by her family 15p1

COMING EVENTS SUNDAYS in April: Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans will be meeting for worship at 10:30 a.m. at St. Paul’s Anglican Church. Everyone is welcome. 48/10tfn FRIDAYS during LENT: Ecumenical Noon Hour Service and Lunch at St. Paul’s Anglican Church begins at 12:05 noon. Sponsored by Biggar & District Ministerial. Everyone welcome. 9c6

Compassionate Friends “Sharing Meeting” (self-help group for parents who have experienced the death of a child)

Wednesday, April 13 7 p.m. Wellness Centre BCS 2000 701 King St., Biggar For more info or interested in attending contact


COMING EVENTS TUESDAY, APRIL 12: 9 a.m.-7 p.m., Biggar Museum Sandwich, Salad and Desserts @ Biggar Business Garage Sale @ MacPherson Hall (former Elks Hall), 1st Ave. East, Biggar. 13c3 FRIDAY, APRIL 15: CIBC Biggar, 100 years Celebration, 12 noon - 3 p.m. Free hot dog and drink, noon-1 p.m.; Celebration and Cake Cutting @ 1:30 p.m.; Live entertainment to follow. Door prizes. 15c1 April 27 is the Canadian Cancer Society’s Daffodil Day. Do something helpful for someone experiencing cancer. Show your support by wearing a daffodil lapel pin during Daffodil Month. MONDAY, MAY 2: Family Centre annual general meeting, 7 p.m., Nova Wood Centre. All welcome. 15c3 TUESDAY, MAY 3: 2 p.m., ‘Mother of the Year Tea’ at Biggar Community Hall, sponsored by Biggar Community Connections. Come honour the Mothers of the Year!. Open to everyone. Silver collection. 15c4


Darren and Tracey would like to announce the arrival of their son,

Nicholas Samuel Paul Kushner born on December 22, 2010, weighing 8 lb. 1 oz. at Rockyview General Hospital, Calgary, Alta. Proud grandma is Pauline Kushner.

YARD/GARAGE SALES TUESDAY, APRIL 12: Biggar Chamber of Commerce Annual Spring Garage Sale in MacPherson Hall (former Biggar Elks Hall), 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Lunch served by Biggar Museum & Gallery. Everyone welcome! 14c2

ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTENTION RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL SURVIVORS! If you received the CEP (Common Experience Payment), you may be eligible for further Cash Compensation. To see if you qualify, phone toll free 1-877988-1145 now. Free service!

Mike and Tanya Hebert (nee Guran) are proud to announce the arrival of a new brother for Chloe, Xander Lennon born May 29, 2011, weighing 7 lb. Proud grandparents and great-grandparents are: Rejeanne Tremblay and Armand Hebert of TroisRivieres, Que., Larry and Sandy Guran, Sally Bell and Frank and Agnes Guran, all of Biggar, Sask.

NOTICE Families, clubs, churches and businesses are invited to do a Heritage Page to be on permanent display at Biggar Museum. Share your history! Do yours prior to the centennial celebrations! For more information call 948-3451 or visit museum 1 - 5 p.m., Monday Friday. 7tfn

Classi¿eds Work Phone 948-3344



MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011



FOR SALE BY TENDER The R.M. of Reford No. 379 invites tenders on the following: 1979 CASE 2090 8,500 hours, 787 hours on motor job, A/C and heater, power shift, 4 hydraulic remotes, 23.1 - 34 single rear tires in good shape, no Áuid. Inspections are invited, contact 306-658-2098. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m. local time, May 4, 2011 and will be reviewed at the May 5, 2011 regular meeting of council. The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted, and the R.M. of Reford No. 379 reserves the right to reject any or all tenders.

Submit sealed tenders to: Sherry Huber, Administrator R.M. of Reford No. 379 P. O. Box 100 Wilkie, SK S0K 4W0

NOTICE This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. 31tfn Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at tfn

MISCELLANEOUS BOSCH 800 Watt Mixers $489ACTIFRY Fryer uses 1 tbsp oil $229- Port ICEMAKER 199Keurig Coffee Makers on sale for Mother’s Day Call Hometech 1-888-692-6724 Regina DO-IT-YOURSELF STEEL BUILDINGS PRICED FOR SPRING CLEARANCE - Ask about FREE DELIVERY to most areas! CALL FOR QUICK QUOTE and FREE BROCHURE - 1-800-668-5111 ext. 170. STEEL BUILDING SALE... SPECIALS from $4 to $11/sq.ft. Great pricing on ABSOLUTELY every model, width & length. Example: 30x40x14 NOW $7995.00. End walls included, doors optional. Pioneer Steel Manufacturers 1-800-668-5422. DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM Helping Canadians repay debts, reduce/eliminate interest, regardless of credit. Steady Income? You may qualify for instant help. Considering Bankruptcy? Call:1-877-2203328 FREE Consultation Government Approved, BBB Member A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Don’t Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll-Free 1-866-884-7464. COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE, 2 year old: $1.49/each for a box of 150 ($223.50). Full range of trees, shrubs, cherries & berries. Free shipping. 1-866-873-3846 or Diesel Engines Remanufactured. Save time, money and headaches. Most medium duty applications 5.9L, 8.3L, ISB, CAT, DT466, 6.0L. Ready to run. Call today 1-800-667-6879

MISCELLANEOUS DISCONNECTED PHONE? ChoiceTel Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call ChoiceTel Today! 1-888-333-1405. www.choicetel. ca GENERATOR SETS. Buy direct and save. Oilpatch, farm, cabin or residential. Buy or rent - you’ll get the best deal from DSG. 1-800-667-6879 www.dsgpower. com Coupon # SWANA G1101 Major engine manufacturers say that quality fuel treatments are an essential part of diesel engine protection. Get the best value with 4Plus 1-800-6676879 More Power Less Fuel for diesel farm equipment. Tractors, combines, sprayers or grain trucks. Find out about safe electronics from DSG. Call today 1-800-667-6879. www. NEVER SHOCK CHLORINATE AGAIN! New! Continuous Shock Chlorinator. Patent Pending Canada/U.S.A. No mess, effective year round for smell, iron bacteria, slime. Inexpensive. Phone 1-800-BIGIRON; SAWMILLS - Band/Chainsaw - SPRING SALE - Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. MAKE MONEY and SAVE MONEY in stock ready to ship. Starting at $1,195.00. www. 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT.


Standing forage; 100 acres cattlemens mix standing hay and 600 acres of alfalfa. Phone 228-3727 13p6

WANTED Accepting donations, new and handmade for Biggar & District Arts Council/Museum Centennial Silent Auction on July 1 and 2. Please drop off at the Museum by June 15. 15c10 Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Land¿ll OR contact Quentin Sittler at 658-2132 3tfn Main Street Garage Sale is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 948-1773 or 9485393. Pickup available. 32tfn

CARS & TRUCKS Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514.

RECREATION For Sale: 1995 Corsair Excella 26.5 ft 5th wheel RV, 3 season, heated tanks, boat hitch and RV plug. Excellent condition, stored inside, low mileage. Phone 9482736. 15c4 TWO WHEELIN’ EXCITEMENT - Learn to repair street, off-road and dual sport bikes. Hands-on training. On-campus residences. Great instructors. Challenge 1st year apprenticeship exam. 1-888-999-7882; www.gprc. LEARN SMALL ENGINE REPAIR. Hands-on training on ATV’s, snowmobiles, personal watercraft. Excellent Instructors and shop equipment. Oncampus residences. Write apprenticeship exams. GPRC Fairview Campus. 1-888-9997882;

LIVESTOCK Charolais Bulls for sale, white and red factor. Semen tested and delivered. For more information call Domes Charolais, 306-9485260, John. 13p3 Polled yearly Charolais bulls, semen tested and delivered. Bull with bred in calving ease, lots of hair and performance. Layne and Paula Evans, Kenaston, Sask., 306-252-2246. 12c8 Wanted...yearlings, calves, culls. Market through or buy off-farm. Contact Owen, 9482387. 34/09tfn NORDAL LIMOUSIN and Angus Bull Sale. Saturday, April 16, Saskatoon Livestock Sales, Saskatoon. Selling 40 black and red polled 2 yr. old Limousin, 30 Black and Red Angus yearling and 2 yr. old. Contact Rob Garner, Simpson, Sask. 306946-7946. Catalogue available @



Three bedroom, 1-1/2 bath house for rent in Biggar, $500/ month plus utilities, washer and dryer included, 129-2nd Ave. West. Available June 1st. Call 306-220-7509 13p3 Three bedroom home (fully modern). Available January 31, 2011. For viewing, contact 9483674 or 948-7022 or 948-9517 2tfn

Do you have CHRONIC pain? Imagine rapid, drugfree pain relief ... Discover the revolutionary new science of ICE WAVE patches. www.2bpainfree. com (306) 541-5951 Distributor Inquires Welcome

FOR RENT Charter/ Sherwood Apartments 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins. For more information call:

948-3820 302 - 8th Ave. W. • Biggar

REAL ESTATE Two serviced lots, side by side in Biggar, 100’x140’, $79,900. Call 717-4681 (cell) 5tfn REGISTER NOW! Saskatoon Active Adult Large Ground Level Townhomes www.diamondplace. ca

LAND FOR SALE/RENT For Rent: RM 346, Perdue, Section 01-36-11-W3rd, 400 cultivated acres. 306-2374773. Leave message. 15c3 RM of Glenside #377, SW 24-39-14-W3, assessment 47,400, 97 cultivated acres all in SMF. Priced at 98,000. Contact Duane Neufeldt @ 306-948-8055 RE/MAX Saskatoon MLS. 15c3 Land for Tender…NW 1/4-22-3818-W3rd, RM Reford. Accepting tenders until April 22, 2011. Highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. Send tenders to Iris Dresser, Box 1630, Unity, SK, S0K 4L0 11c6


Two bedroom basement suite, $500/month includes utilities, internet included, available immediately. Phone Andrea, 306-380-1635 14p3 Brand new 3-bedroom, 3 bath townhouse for rent. All appliances, garage, 1200 sq ft. No smoking, No pets, No parties. Starting at $1100/month. Call Dave 306-221-6888. Available October 1, 2010. 41tfn


If YOU are… • Moving • Expecting a Baby • Planning a Wedding • Anticipating Retirement Call WELCOME WAGON at 948-2563 - Lisa Haynes We have gifts and information


nderson ccounting

Murray Anderson B.Comm. Farm and Personal Computerized Tax Credit Union Basement 302 Main Street • Biggar Box 1588 • 948-2022

CRIMINAL RECORD? Guaranteed Record Removal since 1989. Con¿dential, Fast, Affordable. Our A+ BBB Rating assures EMPLOYMENT \\ TRAVEL & FREEDOM. Call for your FREE INFORMATION BOOKLET. 1-8-NOW-PARDON (1 866 972 7366). www.

DATING SERVICE. Longterm/short-term relationships, CALL NOW. 1-877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes. 1-888534-6984. Live adult casual conversations - 1on1, 1-866311-9640, meet on chat-lines. Local single ladies. 1-877-8045381. (18+) $500 LOAN, NO CREDIT REFUSED. Fast, Easy and Secure. 1-877-776-1660 www.



ATTENTION! Build a business at home. No parties or driving. Turn 10 hrs/wk into excellent income. Free online Training; Àex hrs.

Three bedroom home in Biggar with single attached garage, ¿ve appliances plus water softener included. New furnace and water heater in 2009. For inquiries 306-760-1355 13c3 For Sale…Character home, new kitchen, hardwood Àoors, gas ¿replace, 3 bdrm, 1-1/2 bath, ¿nished basement, garage/ shop, fenced/landscaped yard. For more info call 948-5490 41tfn

WORK FROM YOUR CASTLE! Do you have 10 hrs a week?< Teach over the internet. Free online training. Flexible hours.<\#202> Great retirement income. www.key2wellness4all. com 80% COMMISSION TRAVELONLY has 500 agents across Canada. Business opportunities with low investment, unlimited income potential, generous tax/ travel bene¿ts. Run your travel company, full-time, part-time from home. Register for FREE seminar,, 1-800-608-1117, Ext. 2020.


Stop in to… 1st Ave. West, Biggar 948-2700

READY FOR A Career Change? Less stress? Better pay? Consider Massage Therapy. Independent Study in Calgary or Edmonton. Excellent instructors, great results. Affordable upgrade to 2200 hours. 1-866-491-0574;

Deadline: Wednesday 5 p.m.


MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Biggar Housing Authority requires a part-time grounds person (four months). Phone 948-2101 for details by April 30, 2011. 15c3 Biggar Golf Club is now accepting applications for the 2011 season. Clubhouse staff must be a minimum of 19 years of age and Course staff must be at least 16 years of age. All staff are required o hold a valid driver’s license. Send resumes and a cover letter stating which position you are applying for to: Biggar Golf Club, Box 1431, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0. Deadline for resumes is April 8, 2011 13c2 CONCRETE FINISHERS. Edmonton-based company seeks experienced concrete ¿nishers for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; John@ Cell 780660-7130. Fax 780-444-7103. EXPERIENCED WINCH TRACTOR and Bed Truck Drivers for drilling, rig moving trucking company. Phone, fax, email or mail. Email: rigmove@ Phone 780-842-6444. Fax 780-842-6581. H & E Oil¿eld Services Ltd., 2202 - 1 Ave., Wainwright, AB, T9W 1L7. IDEAL FOR Semi-retired Couples: Service Master Security is accepting applications for contract oil¿eld security workers from mature responsible couples. Skills & requirements: Basic computer literacy, excellent communication skills & work ethics, reliable 4x4 transportation, handy-man & equipment maintenance abilities an asset, must pass criminal records check & qualify for Guard Licensing, must be willing to obtain Safety training as required. Job speci¿c training is provided. Contact for details: 403-348-5513. Fax resume: 403-348-5681. Email: LUK Plumbing + Heating LTD. operating in Saskatchewan is seeking Journeymen Plumber and/or HVAC techs. F/T, Top Wages, Bene¿ts, RRSP. Commercial, Residential, com PARTS PERSON. Case IH/ NH Dealer in northern central Alberta. Ag background preferred. Motivated individual with computer skills. Year round employment. Dental/Health plan. Wage = experience. Hi-Line Farm Equipment, Wetaskiwin, Alberta, 45 minutes South of Edmonton. Fax resume to 780-352-9777 or email: jimr@ R e p o r t e r / P h o t o g r a p h e r. Reliable vehicle and a valid drivers licenserequired, bene¿ts available. Wages commensurate with experience and education. Send resume, clips of recent stories and photos to the Weyburn Review, Box 400, Weyburn, Sk. S4H 2K4. Attention Darryl Ward, publisher. Email:

ACCOUNT MANAGER The Biggar & District Credit Union is looking for an individual to provide lending functions to our commercial & agriculture members. Previous banking or related education would be an asset. Please submit resume to the Biggar & District Credit Union, c/o Murray Sunderland, P.O Box 670, Biggar, Sask. S0K 0M0 or email


SALES SPECIALISTS - Financial prosperity is sometimes just a matter of being in the Right place at the right time with the right products. Saskatoon Hyundai is the right place, now is the right time and the Hyundai product lineup is stunning. We need 3 more Sales Specialists NOW!Minimum earnings guarantee 30% commission and exciting bonus program - Full tier 1 company bene¿ts and perks state of the art training and sales tools - relocation assistance - respect, appreciation and reward. Send your resume to Dwight@saskatoonhyundai. com. If you have previous car sales experience – just call Dwight at (306) 664-6767 to arrange for an interview.

HOMEWORKERS Get paid daily! Now Accepting: Simple Full/Part Time Data Entry & Online Computer Related Work is available. No fees or charges to participate. Start Today, www.

TOWN OF LANIGAN E M P L O Y M E N T OPPORTUNITY. The Town of Lanigan invites applications for the position of Director of Recreation & Community Development. The ideal candidate should possess the following: Certi¿cate/Diploma from a recognized Recreation Program or equivalent - Work experience in a ¿eld of Economic Development & Tourism would be an asset. Current salary range is $32,000 to $36,000 annually plus a comprehensive bene¿ts package. For a list of duties, contact the Town of Lanigan at (306) 365-2809 or email town.lanigan@sasktel. net. Resumes complete with 3 references should be sent to: Town of Lanigan, Box 280 Lanigan SK S0K 2M0 or faxed to: (306) 365-2960. Application deadline is Wednesday, April 20th, 2011. A PROGRESSIVE, multibranch, full service hydraulic component re-manufacturing company has a need for Journeyman Machinists or equivalent experience in our Edson, Alberta location. Consideration will be given to existing apprentices. We offer a competitive wage and bene¿t package. Fax: 780-723-7883 or email:

NEED A HOME phone? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We can help. Everyone approved. Call today 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect.

TOWN OF BIGGAR Applications are being accepted for the

Seasonal Public Works positions for the period: May - September, 2011. Applicants shall state earliest date available for employment and dates not available for work due to other commitments. Information on duties and wage rates can be obtained from the undersigned. Deadline for applications/resumes: April 15, 2011. Apply to: Richard Olson, Town Foreman Town of Biggar P. O. Box 489 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Fax: 306-948-5134 Email: townofÀ


The Town of Biggar wishes to thank all prospective candidates; however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

SOUTH ROCK LTD. is hiring Milling Personnel, Paving Personnel (Pavers, Rollers, Packers), General Labourers (Screed, Raker, Flag), Heavy Duty Mechanic. Experience with asphalt preferred. Valid drivers licence required; careers@ Fax 403-5681327; THINK BIG! Heavy Equipment Service Technician Training. $1000. entrance scholarship. Paid practicum with Finning. High school diploma and a mechanical aptitude required. On-campus residences. GPRC Fairview Campus. 1-888-9997882;


West Central Saskatchewan’s Independent Grain Company -“Farmer Owned and Proud of it”

Full Time Employment Concrete Grain Facility, between Plenty and Dodsland, Saskatchewan Facility Assistant • The successful applicant will be responsible for performing duties related to the operation of the grain, crop input and maitnenance facilities as directed by the Managers of Plant Operations. • Strong communication and customer service skills are necessary. • A comprehensive salary and bene¿t package will be provided.

Maintenance Assistant

Job Posting --

Administrative Assistant AGI-Envirotank requires an Administrative Assistant to be responsible for a wide variety of administrative duties in support of senior management. The Administrative Assistant will possess typical secretarial and receptionist skills in addition to the ability to perform more complex duties and services such as, but not limited to, employee time sheets, project hours tracking, supply ordering, daily bank deposits and invoicing. AGI-Envirotank offers competitive salaries, a comprehensive beneÀt package and career advancement opportunities. QualiÀed applicants should email resumes to sheather@ or fax (306) 948-5263 Attention: Shanon.

• The successful applicant will be responsible for assisting with duties related to the repair and maintenance of all grain handling and crop input assets as directed by the Maintenance Supervisor. • Strong mechanical skills, training and/or experience would be considered an asset. • A comprehensive salary and bene¿t package will be provided.

Plant/Cleaner Operators • The successful applicant will be responsible for the operation and housekeeping of the grain handling and grain cleaning equipment. Plant/Cleaner Operators will also assist with duties related to grading, binning, shipping grain and crop input retail warehousing as directed by the Managers of Grain Operations. • Strong commodity grading skills, training and/or experience would be considered an asset. • A comprehensive salary and bene¿t package will be provided. Deadline for applications is Friday, April 22, 2011. Please send resumés to: Prairie West Terminal Attention: Brent Sivertson, GM Grain Operations Box 244 – Plenty, SK S0L 2R0 or via email to:

ASSISTANT MANAGER Big Sky Farms, one of the largest hog producers in Canada and one of Saskatchewan’s “Top 100” companies, is recruiting for the following position at the Eagle Creek Unit located near Plenty, SK: Assistant Manager – This position is responsible for assisting with the daily operations of the barn & ensuring Big Sky’s standards of animal welfare are met. Come be part of an established Company that provides training, competitive compensation, quarterly bonuses, employer paid benefits, matched pension, plus additional perks! To apply, please call Devin at 932-4450 or call 682-5041 for an application. Resumes can be sent to:

Big Sky Farms Box 610, Humboldt, SK, S0K 2A0 Fax: (306) 682-1926 Email: For PROFESSIONAL printing…contact The Biggar Independent, 948-3344

MEMBER SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE Student Employment Opportunity A Temporary Full-time Member Services Representative is required for our Biggar Branch. Employment will commence approximately May 9, 2011 until August 26, 2011. THE POSITION: This position reports to the Member Services Team Leader. The core function of the position is to respond to member’s needs by delivering cash services and other Credit Union products and services, and to promote member use of the Credit Union. QUALIFICATIONS: The applicant must be a student enrolled in postsecondary education in the fall of 2011. The position requires an individual that is con¿dent, has a positive attitude toward learning and change, shows initiative, can work independently, and is friendly, outgoing and reliable. Minimum Grade 12 education is required. A working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and general PC operations, as well as cash-handling experience, would be considered bene¿cial. COMPENSATION: The salary for the position will be commensurate with quali¿cations and experience. Interested applicants must submit their resume by April 18, 2011 to: Biggar & District Credit Union P.O. Box 670 BIGGAR, SK S0K 0M0 Attn: Human Resources Email:






CITI TRENDS INC is looking to work alongside individuals who have: Brilliant Customer service and interpersonal skills. No experience as we will offer full informative workshops for applicants. No matter what your career goal, you have to start somewhere. Enjoy the dealing with people but not able to advance or progress in your career? No Worries! We are looking for professional applicants who are available for immediate starts. Do you have good communication skills? Looking for an immediate start? Send resume to hr@cititrendinc. com or

Rural wells and your health: Protecting your groundwater supply by the Public Health Inspectors of Heartland Health Region Did you know that 30 to 35 per cent of the wells in Saskatchewan exceed safe levels of bacteria? A surprising, 99 per cent of the province’s wells exceed guidelines for at least one parameter. Rural well water quality is an important issue in Heartland Health Region since roughly 35-40 per cent of the population relies on private water sources such as wells and cisterns. Compare this to 13 per cent of the Canadian population that uses well water. Well water quality

changes over time. Wells that were good in the past may not be safe to drink from anymore. Some common issues in our area are bacteria, nitrate, uranium and arsenic. Each of these contaminants can cause health effects that are both urgent and life long. Bacteria live in surface water, and are not usually found in ground water, but many wells in Heartland test positive for bacteria! Old wells that are no longer used, but have not been decommissioned are a major source of contamination of ground water. The old well will funnel contaminants into the ground water every

Biggar Community

Majestic Theatre



FRIDAY, APRIL 15 & SATURDAY, APRIL 16 8:00 p.m. Mars Needs Moms FRIDAY, APRIL 29 & SATURDAY APRIL 30 8:00 p.m. And Diary of a Wimpy Kid


spring and summer. Septic systems that were poorly constructed and ageing septic tanks are major sources of ground water contamination, with or without rainfall. Sometimes ground water is contaminated over and over again by surface water. In this case the water is called Ground Water Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water. Even though there may not be a river or lake nearby, snow melt and rainfall can contaminate shallow wells. The snow melt and rain flush bacteria on the surface into the ground water. When bacteria from the surface get into your well, parasites can enter your water too. You cannot see or taste bacteria and parasites. Periods of drought also change the water quality of shallow wells. Nitrates are a greater concern for shallow wells in Heartland during dry years. Deep well water is not affected very much by rain and snow. In Heartland, most deep wells have high mineral content. Minerals change the taste of water; however you can’t taste bacteria and parasites. Deep wells do not have the same problems with nitrate, bacteria, and parasite contamination,

For bookings and information please phone Bear Hills RDC @ 306-948-2295 This space is compliments of The Biggar Independent

but some deep wells in Heartland have uranium and arsenic. Deep wells in our area tend to have high sodium, which is a concern for people on low sodium diets. Clay soils and bedrock protect wells better than sand and gravel formations do. If a well is located in or near a gravel pit, a spring, a dugout or body of water, it is at a higher risk of bacteria and nitrate contamination. Sand points, dug wells, or bored wells that are less than 60 feet deep are the most easily affected. The type of casing used in a well is key to protect the ground water. Wells built of wood, concrete rings or corroded galvanized steel don’t protect ground water. These materials allow bacteria in surface water to contaminate the well. Wells that have a well pit are commonly contaminated by surface water. The site of a well impacts water quality. If the well is near a tree, the roots grow and punch holes in the well casing. If puddles collect on the ground around the well, the puddles will have bacteria and sometimes parasites that can contaminate

shallow wells. Many shallow wells in our area are located in sand and gravel deposits. Rain and snow melt travel easily through this type of formation, and flush contaminants into wells. Sand and gravel deposits collect surface water from a large area and wells in this type of formation routinely have bacteria in them. The water you drink affects your overall health and well-being. Make sure you are using

a safe water supply every day. Many people in Heartland have problems with their well water. If your well has any of the issues discussed above please contact your local public health centre and ask to speak to the Public Health Inspector. Written by the Public Health Inspectors of Heartland Health Region.

BLANKET CLASSIFIED ADS can reach more than 520,000 potential customers One phone call covers the entire province Expand your market and increase your proÀts.

Phone… 948-3344 Biggar Independent, Biggar, Sask.

Randy Weekes, M.L.A. for the Biggar Constituency 1-877-948-4880 OfÀce Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 - 5 p.m. Phone: 306-948-4880 106 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar Fax: 306-948-4882 e-mail:

Web site: P. O. Box 1413 Biggar, SK. S0K 0M0

MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011


Business & Professional … FOR RENT



Saskatoon DUANE NEUFELDT Serving BIGGAR and Area

Licensed For: • Residential • Acreage • Farm

306-948-8055 Fax: 306-948-2763

The sign you want. The agent you need.

Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for:

Housing for families and seniors Rent based on income

Call: 948-2101

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation

HOME IMPROVEMENTS McCARTY CONSTRUCTION • Commercial • Residential • Design Builder • Insurance Claims • Renovations • Drafting Service

“Big or Small -We Do Them All” Licenced Journeyman Carpenters Troy McCarty 948-5627 (H) 948-9280 (C) Mitch McCarty 373-8254 (H) Serving Biggar ... Since 1968

Box 327 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

•Farm •Residential •Commercial •Acreage rd

113 - 3 Ave. W., Biggar

948-5052 (office) Cell 948-9168

Tim Hammond, BSA, P.Ag., Broker

Proud to handle Biggar’s Real Estate Needs

Kent Dubreuil, E.D.O. Phone: 306-948-2295 Fax: 306-948-5050


Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for: •Residential

9Residential 9Commercial 9Automotive

113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar

948-5052 (office) Cell 948-7995

Cari McCarty Residential Sales

Biggar’s Top Performing Residential Agent

Tim Hammond Realty

For all your glass needs …owned and operated by Matt Poitras

104 - 2nd Ave. West Biggar

948-4846 MANUFACTURING A Sign of Qualilty!


113 - 3 Ave. W., Biggar

Cell 948-4478 Dave Molberg


FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS… • Selling/Buying • Residental • Farm/Acreage • Commercial • Recreational


Wally Lorenz Sales Associate 1391 - 100th St. North Battleford, SK S9A 0V9 Day or Night

Cell: (306) 843-7898 Bus: (306) 446-8800

948-5291 PHILLIPS ELECTRIC • Residence • Commercial Wiring For free estimates Ph: 948-5393

Cell: 306-221-6888


Bear Hills Rentals & Machine Works • Machine Shop Service • Rentals • MASTER FEEDS dealer • COMMERCIAL SOLUTION Ag Parts dealer • Drive line parts & service • KANE VET supplier

Phone: 948-4844 Fax: 948-4845


BIGGAR ELECTRICAL & REFRIGERATION SERVICES Authorized Appliance Depot Electrical Wiring Trenching Licensed Journeyman Adrian de Haan

Jerry Muc Phone: 948-2958 Fax:

Exposure, Experience and Effort.

of The Battlefords Independently Owned and Operated

• Wood, metal, plastic signs • Vehicle & window graphics • Banners, stickers and Magnetic signs


For all your home, business and rural needs Owners/Operators • Travis Young • Dallas Young • Claude Young

Biggar, Sask.

948-3389 Journeymen Plumber, Gas Fitter, & Electrician on staff

E Es timat Call us for… es • Insurance jobs • Renovations • New home building • Drywall & Painting • Flooring (hardwood, ceramic, etc.) • Residential/Commercial • CertiÀed installer for Logix ICF


For all your rooÀng needs… ¬New Construction ¬Metal ¬Torch-on ¬Re-roofs ¬Tile ¬Asphalt ¬All repairs ¬Shakes We offer 10 Workmanship Warranty and Liability/Torch On Insurance Excellent Local References For a FREE estimate please call… 306-948-5453

306-717-2818 www.madgerooÀ Biggar, Sask.




available to do…

• painting & Ӿnishing • decks & small buildings • light plumbing • windows & doors • small rooӾng jobs • laminate & hardwood ӿoors • general repairs

Excellent Quality at a Reasonable Price! For all your Cereal and Pulse Cleaning

948-2807 or

Call: Bill: Dale:

948-5609 948-5394

Plant located 8 miles south of Biggar on Hwy #4, ¼ mile west on Triumph Rd.


Custom Cleaning of H.R.S. & C.P. S. Wheat

with draper or hydraÁex headers

115 - 1st Ave. W. Rosetown, Sask.

OFFICE HOURS Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone: 882-2123 Emergency (after hours) 882-2006

BIGGAR DENTAL CLINIC 104 - 6 Ave. East, Biggar, Sask. Southeast entrance of Nova Wood Bldg. Hours… Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. th

IT’S ALL INCLUDED! • 5 Year manufacturer’s warranty on all Oticon Hearing Aids • 5 Year supply of batteries • 5 Year premium service plan • Risk-free ZERO MONEY DOWN trial period


1-877-979-4543 #16-1945 McKercher Drive, Saskatoon


Mundt’s Mobile Custom Grain Cleaning


Michelle Spuzak, R.M.T. (NHPC member) NEW LOCATION… 219 - 4th Ave. E., BIGGAR • ParafÅn Wax • Thai Herbal Massage • ReÆexology • Hot Stone Massage • Engergy Work


Wayne Dollansky 306-948-7247

Located in Angie’s Hair Salon 219 Main St., Biggar Call 948-7274 or 948-3696



Box 917, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

Consultant & Coach Anne G. Livingston •Ideal Protein Weight Loss Clinic •Epicure Selections •Walden Farms Products •Young Living Essential Oils •Beauticontrol Skin Care

Other Services available…



“Annie Things Possible” Health, Beauty & Spa


Call Jim @ 948-3333

Phoenix M4 Mobile Grain cleaning and sizing

HEALTH/ WELLNESS Weight Loss Clinic

Canadian Seed Institute Accredited Pedigree, Commercial & Custom Cleaning FULL line of Cleaning Equipment including Gravity Table

Flooring, Appliances, Custom Cabinets, Electrolux, Paint and supplies 204 Main St. • Biggar

Custom Combining JD9770


Wylie Farms Ltd.

Phone: 948-5678 FRE


Licenced for: •Farm •Acreage •Residential

948-5052 (office)


Helping you Help yourself


~ Gift CertiÅcates ~ Evening, Saturday and in-home appointments available.

948-2548 or 948-9710

Ladies Only 30 min. Workout …owned and operated by Diane Larouche Ellard, Can-Fit-Pro Certi¿ed Personal Trainer

in Nova Wood Centre 104 - 6th Ave. E., Biggar

948-7967 NEW BEGINNINGS WELLNESS CENTRE “Putting PERSONAL back into fitness training!” Wayne Baldwin, W

NO Certified Fitness Trainer, N Health Consultant, OPE NaturalPhysical Therapy Aide Over 20 years resistance training experience!

• Personalized Fitness/Nutrition Programs • One-on-One PersonalTraining • Injury Prevention and Rehab • Active Isolated Stretching • Limited Memberships to Private Fitness Studio Gift Certificates available.

Visit us @ 219 - 4th Ave. East, Biggar Where you can feel right at home! Phone… 948-2548 Cell… 948-8048


Grape Moments Kirk Ewen Doctor of Optometry

…located in The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar • 948-3344 •

9LHZVUHISL YH[LZ For bookings, call Jason

948-2887 VY JLSS 948-6969

In Biggar Every Tuesday. Biggar Professional Building, 223 Main Street, Biggar

For appointments… 1-855-651-3311

LACK OF ADVERTISING is like winking at a pretty girl in the dark…YOU KNOW what you’re doing, BUT NO ONE ELSE DOES!


MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011

Business & Professional LEGAL SERVICES



223 Main Street Biggar

Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B.

Box 580 Biggar, SK SOK OMO

302 Main Street, Biggar, SK

OPEN: Mon.-Fri. • 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday • 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

948-3346 …serving your community since 1972


Roe & Company

306-948-5352 or 306-244-9865

Email: Website:


FFinancial Plan nning Estate Plann ning Life Insuran nce

220 Main Street 7 306 948 5377

M & N REPAIR 301 - 1st Ave. E, Biggar

948-3996 Open Monday-Saturday

SGI Safety Inspection Auto Repair TIRES

KRF Automotive Detail Centre 100% handwash


Your Auto Parts and Accessories Dealer Open: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. • 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

in Biggar Insurance Bldg.


YH Truck, Ag & Auto

Phone: 948-2204 or 948-3886 • Heavy truck parts • Agriculture parts • Automotive parts & accessories

521 Main St., Biggar 948-2109

Chartered Accountant Notary Public

Let Vortex protect your truck and your investment with the Vortex Seamless Sprayed on Liner System

Modern Licenced Abbatoir • custom slaughter, cut and wrapping • sausage making, curing and smoking

This space available for… our 26-week commitment in this directory $ 2.89/week = $75 + g.s.t. (regular price $9.52 per week) One column x 1 inch size Call



To fax…stop in at The Independent


Ph: 237-4777

of Biggar, SK

• sides of Pork & Beef available


> CWB certified > Portable truck

Ivan Young, Biggar Tree services available… • cut trim and removal • post holes • landscaping • cement removal • trenching • holes for piles • driveways • garage pads • basements

REBEL LANDSCAPING Biggar, Sask. • driveways • cement pads • pruning • sod • planting • lawn care • patio blocks • fences • and much more

Phone Ed -948-2879 evenings; 948-7207 days

Phone: 306-948-5286 or 306-948-2401 Cell: 306-948-7354 or 306-948-7790 Email:

NORTHLAND PAINTING and SANDBLASTING •Texas Gates •Spray Foam Insulation •Sandblasting & Painting •Internal Coatings •Rock Guard Coatings g

Mobile Units Office: 948-2805 05 Cell: 948-6062 email:


BIGGAR COURIER • Biggar to Saskatoon • Same day Service • Monday to Friday • 24-hour Answering Service

~Brian and Cathy Fick~

Cell: 306-948-7524

Phillips Radio Shop 109 Main St., Biggar



Fax: 948-2484

;% N% Lg_fcjk\ip ¾ ¾ ¾

Residential Commercial Automotive

For FREE estimates or enquiries CALL Wayne or Dorothy at


Wood and Steel Buildings Floor & Trusses

Bob Kobelsky

Battery Chargers Electric Fencers Repaired/Rebuilt/ Built

MR. JOHN G. SMITH * Local Handyman/ Drayman plus Independent Sales Consultant for SWEPCO Building Products & Lubricant Phone: (306) 948-3856 Mobile: (306) 948-7896 Email: johngsmith1@


Biggar, Sask.

216 Main St., Biggar

658-4474, Landis, SK

(306) 948-3776 cell: (306) 260-6503

Portraits, Family, Weddings & Sports Photography




Photos by Jocelyn

Panasonic, StarChoice, Bell, Xplornet Internet dealer and Your authorized SaskTel Mobility and High Speed Internet Dealer

Independent Rep

WERKZ O ART PHOTOGRAPHY Call Art Beadle @ 948-2576

Your authorized




nothing happens!!!


Sales & Service Call Steven 948-2489



On location portraits…family, groups, individuals, baby & boudoir.

Chartered Accountant Credit Union Building 302 Main Street P. O. Box 1750 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0


Pssst...Did you hear that you can still buy REGAL?

Rosetown, Sask.

Phone: 948-5133


Anne G. Livingston


P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, Sask.

948-2222 or 948-2029

Judy Judy Kahovec: Kahovec… 882-4313, Cellcell 831-7935 306-882-4313, 831-7935 Carey Krchov: 882-3213 Carey Krchov…882-3213

CertiÀed Custom Picture Framer

Prairieland Collision

for info and bookings.

201B-2nd Ave. West

Check out our new website:

Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 6 pm.

948-3381 948-2700

304 Main St., Biggar

• Jackets • Windsuits • Shirts • Hunting Gear • Bunnyhugs • Caps • Toques • Bags

“Where we do it all for you!!” • Detailing • Vortex Spray-In Box Liners • Granitex Baked-on Coatings for Decks and Cement Flooring • Auto Accessories • Trailer Rentals

1st Ave. West, Biggar


Sewing & Embroidery

For appointments and enquiries, call Janet at 948-2091

• photographs • paintings • art prints • memorabilia • collages, etc. Call Anne @ 948-7274

SERVICES Beadle’s Computer Solutions

• All Breed Dog Grooming • Boarding Kennels (Bordetella Mandatory) • Pet Supplies • Saleboard for dog and cat related items

Contact Nancy Duns



Garry A. Faye

Corner of Main Street & 1st Avenue West, Biggar

Owned & operated by Kevin Fick

Phone: 244-7464 for appointment


after hours George: 948-7533

227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar




Heavy Truck Repair


Anita Silvernagle, Lisa Haynes (Notary Publics) • Home & Agro, Auto & Commerical Insurance • Blue Cross • Motor Licence Issuer Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday 304 Main Street • Biggar

Service Truck Full Mechanical Service Mon - Fri • 8 a.m.-5 p.m. phone: George

Mike Nahorney, Interprovincial Heavy Duty Journeyman Mechanic


100-128-4th Ave. South, Saskatoon, SK S7K 1M8


The Country Clipper


is a full service law office that practices… ¾Family and Criminal law ¾Commercial law ¾Real Estate ¾Wills and Estate, and our lawyers, William Roe, Q.C. Jason Peszko, Ian Mokuruk, Treena Sikora look forward to assisting you and can be contacted at:



Box 736, Biggar


948-5600 948 5600


Custom Grain Hauling 306-948-9278 Landis, Sask.

Atkinson Trucking Landis, Sask. …For all your Local Grain Hauling Needs Bailen Atkinson 658-4460 or 948-4450

Rockin D Trucking & Cattle

• Cattle hauling with 21 ft. gooseneck trailer • round and large square bale hauling with step-deck or highboy semi-trailers • also buying and selling straw and forage • also machinery hauling Home • 306-948-2037 Alex • 306-948-7291 Dan • 306-948-7843 Biggar, Sask.



MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011


PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTE, EFFECTIVE SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2011 summer hours will be in effect at the Biggar Sanitary LandÀll. The LandÀll will be open to the public for garbage disposal during the following times:

MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY… 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Garbage disposal must be carried out in accordance with the Town’s regulations and will be under the direct supervision of the attendant on duty. Your co-operation in separating your garbage in accordance with the separate areas that have been established at the landÀll is appreciated.

ABSOLUTELY NO DUMPING is allowed outside the fence or in the landÀll when the supervisor is not on duty. Private salvage operations are prohibited.

Somethin’s cookin’ . . . Joel Hanson whips with Amanda Carruthers’ help while Benson Garchinski, right, works on another dish last Tuesday. Kids in the Kitchen program shows kids how to make healthy meals. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Canadian Wheat Board Bulletin (Dated April 4) At a glance The CWB has announced acceptance of all Prairie farmers’ durum wheat that has been offered for delivery so far this crop year. The acceptance level for Series B delivery contracts for durum has been set at 100 per cent. Series B acceptance for wheat was announced in mid-February, also at 100 per cent. The CWB and CP have signed an agreement to improve rail service for grain. The agreement, reached last week, will see both parties work together to identify key performance indicators for placement and movement of the grain fleet. Meeting these performance indicators will enhance productivity and increase supply chain capacity for the movement of Canadian export wheat and barley. Over the remainder of the crop year, the focus will be on joint initiatives such as bulk scheduling, improved order sequencing, and consistent reliable service from country to port. Daily sign-up for CWB Producer Payment Options (PPOs) was extended until midnight CDT between April 6 and June 15. This extension has been introduced in recognition of demands on farmers’ time during the busy spring seeding season. The signup window for the various PPOs is available each day beginning at 3 p.m. Previously, the sign-up period expired each day at 9 p.m. Values and sign-up information can be found by visiting and clicking on the “PPO Snapshot” tab. Sign-up of the 80 per cent Early Payment Value for CWRS, CWHWS and CWSWS has been terminated under the CWB Early Payment Option (EPO) program. Producers with these wheat classes can still choose values representing 90 and 100 per cent of the

CWB Pool Return Outlook (minus a discount) through the EPO. The 80 and 90 per cent values have also been terminated for millinggrade durum, but the 100 per cent value option remains available. The 80 per cent value has also been terminated for feed wheat and Nos. 4 and 5 durum, but values remain available at 90, 100, 125, 150, 175 and 200 per cent of the Pool Return Outlook. The EPO program is designed to provide producers with greater cash flow shortly after delivery. The new EPO programs for feed wheat and feed durum also create an opportunity to lock in a minimum guaranteed price. A Guaranteed Delivery Contract (GDC) is available for top-quality durum, for delivery by April 15. No. 1 Canada Western Amber Durum that has been committed to Series A, Series B or GrainFlo can be moved onto this GDC, and participants can choose to price in either the 2010-11 or 201112 crop year pool at no additional fee. This high-quality durum is urgently needed to fulfil existing sales commitments with two major long-term customers. Farm photographers are reminded that April 15 is the deadline to submit photos for the CWB’s 2011-12 crop-year calendar photo contest. The theme for the calendar is “A Slice of Life”, representing a favourite memory, experience or place. Prizes are awarded for winning photographs, which will be featured in the popular calendar. It is mailed each July to farmers across Western Canada along with their regular copy of Grain Matters, the CWB’s bimonthly publication for producers. The 2011-12 Advance Payments Program (pre-harvest) began April 1, with the following per-tonne rates in

place: wheat $137, durum $147, barley $85. Farmers can receive up to $400,000, with the first $100,000 interest-free. Applicants must have 2011 all-risk provincial crop insurance to be eligible. Agristability can be used as security if crop insurance is not in place. Forms are available at most grain-handling facilities and on the CWB Web site at Information is also available at 1-800-275-4292.

The Town would like to remind residents and contractors that it is their responsibility to ensure that any material being hauled to the landÀll is secured and tarped. By securing and tarping loads, this will ensure that material is not littering the roads, which can cause numerous Áat tires and will keep the road and ditches free of litter.

PLEASE NOTE the provisions of the Highway TrafÀc Act state that no person shall put on any public highway any nails, tacks, glass or other material that might destroy or cause damage to the tires of a vehicle. Fines can range up to $1,000 for individuals and $2,000 for corporations. Site usage will be rigidly enforced and citizens are asked to co-operate to make it possible to operate the landÀll in a non-offensive manner, while keeping the costs to the taxpayer to a minimum.

Please clip and save this notice for future reference.

Town of Biggar Clip & Save

Oil & Filter Sale!

March 14th to April 15th

Don’t miss it!






Central Butte







Oil 12% Off!

Ask about No Payments No Interest Programs on your Preferred AgLine Account

Case of Grease 12% off

Send us a list of your oil and filter needs for the whole year. Stock up at the best price! Place your order by: Phone, Fax, E-mail, or in person. Check your parts stock and save emergency trips to Western Sales. Air Seeder Hose Booking 1” & 2½” 100’ rolls 10% off

Come in and check our selection of openers. Book yours today!

Baler Twine & CoverEdge Give us a call today for your needs tomorrow.

Summer fuel conditioner TY26785 - 5% off with oil & filter order.

Filters 12% Off!

Batteries 10% Off!


MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011

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