issue 51 christmas

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May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope The spirit of Christmas which is peace The heart of Christmas which is love

Monday, December 12, 2011


Merry Christmas


Christmas traditions around the globe Families across the globe cherish their Christmas traditions. Customs may be unique to every family, but many countries boast their own unique traditions as well. • Australia: Many Australians celebrate Christmas by coming together at night to sing carols outside. That’s not as chilly as it might sound, as Christmas in Australia actually falls during summer vacation. In fact, many of the country’s most popular Christmas traditions occur outside. • England: Contrary to Australia, England’s weather around Christmastime is much colder. Many of England’s traditions resemble those popular in North America, including wrapping gifts, hanging stockings

over the fireplace and gathering around the Christmas tree. Kids in England write a letter with their wishes to Father Christmas, but unlike mailing those letters like many North American children do, English children toss their letters into a fire so their Christmas wishes can go up the chimney. • France: Christmas celebrations in France begin several weeks before December 25, but Christmas Eve is most special to many natives of France. On Christmas Eve, church bells ring as people sing noels, or carols. The following day, a feast is enjoyed upon returning home from church. • Germany: In Germany, the weather is cold during the Christmas season, and in the weeks leading up

Another great season is shaping up and we owe it all to you, our members and friends. Thank you for your support… Diane LaRouche Ellard and family and staff

~ and ~

Ladies 30 min. Workout …Nova Wood Centre, 104- 6th Ave. E. (south door), Biggar • 948-2208

to Christmas families bake sweet bread, cakes with candied fruits and spicy cookies. Advent wreaths are popular in Germany and are purchased four Sundays before Christmas begins. The wreaths have places for four candles, and families light a candle on the wreath each Sunday. • Mexico: Families in Mexico celebrate Christmas by decorating their homes with lilies or evergreens. Because the weather is warm, many families also cut designs into brown paper bags before inserting a candle and then setting the designs, called farolitos, along the sidewalk, on windowsills, on rooftops, and along outdoor walls. Many communities in the southwestern United States have adopted this tradition, which they often refer to as

luminaria. • Sweden: Christmas celebrations in Sweden begin on December 13, the day the country

celebrates St. Lucia’s Day. Celebrations for St. Lucia, the patron saint of light, are intricate and involve the whole family.

A couple of days before Christmas is when many families select their Christmas tree.

The origins of the yule log The burning of a yule log has been a Christmas tradition in many European countries for centuries. It is believed to have originated at pagan winter solstice festivals or yule festivals among Germanic people. Eventually it turned into a Christmas tradition -one where a piece of wood is burned in the hearth, oftentimes overnight until Christmas arrives. Even now, people who have fireplaces in their homes often participate in the yule log tradition.

But for the many others who don’t have a fireplace, an enterprising television executive devised a solution back in 1966. Fred M. Thrower, President and CEO of WPIX, Inc., a local television station in New York, was inspired by a commercial showing Santa Claus in front of a roaring fire. He came The thing we value most about our up with the concept of business …and is the chance to meet a continuous loop to you, ourpeople customers andairing friends! of a yule log burning so like you! Merry Christmas and much that viewers without happiness to you this holiday season. fireplaces could enjoy the magic of the yule log with seasonal music playing in accompaniment to the mesmerizing flames. The 221 Main St. • Biggar original piece of film was Kelly, Floyd, Amanda (Ryan), a loop of only 17 seconds Jeffrey and Makenzie; and staff. of film and individuals could tell it was artificial …Nova Wood Centre, by its jerky appearance. Eventually the yule log 104- 6th Ave. E.

Hats Off To A New Year

was refilmed. Annual airing of the yule log took place up until the 1990s. But fans of the holiday staple protested and, after 11 years of being off the air, the yule log returned in 2001, a few months after the September 11th attacks. Television executives cited that people wanted “comfort food television” and restored the yule log. The yule log is now broadcast through many WPIXaffiliates, and many other stations have done their own yule log broadcasts of different ornate fireplaces throughout North America. Some yule log performances can even be purchased on DVD as a portable yule log while traveling.

Friends like you are just our style. Happy Holidays from all of us to all of you. Thanks for stopping by this past year.

Christmas is a time for renewing our faith — in God, in ourselves and in our fellow man. For your faith in us we are ever so grateful and we look forward to your continued friendship. Happy Holidays!

216 Main St., Biggar

E-Kay Enterprises

Sandy, Larry, Linda and Vickie

George and Joan Ekman, Leroy and Tracy Ekman 948-2544


Here’s hoping your holiday is programmed with enough joy and laughter, to last all year round. We value your business and thank you for doing business with us this past year.

Biggar Leisure • Flat Panel TVs • Appliances • Computers and Computer Repairs • SaskTel Cellular and Highspeed • Digital Camera • Wii, Xbox 360, PS3 216 Main St., Biggar • 948-2266 Larry, Sandy, Doug, Brock, Martine and Steve

Merry Christmas



Tips to avoid those holiday pounds The holiday season is a time of year with many traditions, from family outings to the local Christmas tree farm to get-togethers over holiday meals to gift exchanges with coworkers. However, not all traditions are as popular as gift giving or Christmas vacations. One such tradition that many would like to avoid is packing on a few extra pounds during the holiday season. While that’s certainly the healthiest decision to make, it’s also the most difficult, particulary for those who find themselves spending ample time attending the host of holiday-themed social gatherings throughout the season. For those who find themselves looking to shed a few extra pounds each January, the following plan should help accomplish that first goal of the New Year. • Practice portion control. Oftentimes, many people don’t have a problem with what they are eating, but how much they’re eating. Resolving to avoid certain items is likely going to increase desire for those items, which is a

recipe for overindulgence should you eventually cave in. When it comes to holiday foods, simply manage your portions and eat every meal in moderation. • Don’t save up your calories. Though it might seem like it doesn’t matter when you get your 2,000 calories a day, it actually does. For example, you can’t forgo breakfast and lunch with the idea of cashing in on your daily calorie intake at dinner. You will end up overeating under such a circumstance, and it’s also unhealthy to skip meals.

• Consider that you might just be thirsty. The symptoms of dehydration can be quite similar to those of hunger, as the stomach will make noise when you’re dehydrated just as when you’re hungry. If you find your stomach growling shortly after eating a meal, there’s a strong chance you need a glass or two of water. Dehydration can also make you feel fatigued, so keep up your energy by staying hydrated throughout the day. Another tip is to drink water while cooking. This will help you avoid

overeating when the dinner you’ve been cooking is finally served. Cooks also commonly eat while they’re cooking, but having a glass or two of water could be a good replacement for such unnecessary snacking. • Don’t overeat because everyone else is. Nearly every adult recalls doing something foolish as a child just because friends were doing it as well. And Mom or Dad likely said something like, “If Timmy jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge, would you do that, too?” The same principles can be applied to weight loss as

Wishing everyone a wonderful Holiday Season and all the Best in 2012 Thanks to all my customers for your support and I look forward to serving you in the New year!

Ron and Cheryl Amy Rosetown Mainline Motor Products 1-877-979-7999 948-5338 (home)

well. Just because others are still indulging after the holiday season, be it with leftovers or just everyday meals, doesn’t mean you can also afford to do so. It can be hard

to stop overeating after spending the holiday season doing just that, but in the long run it will pay off, and you’ll be better off for having done so.

May you and your family enjoy a Christmas stuffed with lots of magic, merriment and delight. We know we’re Àlled with appreciation when we think of the many good folk we’ve had the pleasure to serve this year.

Happy Holidays!

Biggar Shop Easy F•O•O•D•S Committed to our Community Greg, Naomi and staff




Friday, December 23, 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 2:30 on Friday, December 23 through Tuesday, December 27. Wednesday, December 28 and Thursday, December 29, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday, December 30, 8 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. on Friday, December 30, through to Monday, January 2. Tuesday, January 3 for regular business hours.


Merry Christmas


Eight ways to create new holiday traditions Much of what makes the holiday season so special is the traditions that people hold dear. While families have traditions that stretch back decades, there is plenty of opportunity to embrace new means of celebration to breathe new life into Christmas, Chanukkah or the season’s other holidays. Chances are you’re already hanging stockings or going caroling this year. You can add some of these and modify as they fit for your family. 1. Feed the wildlife. During the cold days of winter, birds and small animals that don’t

hibernate may find it difficult to forage for food. By trimming an outdoor pine tree in edible snacks you’ll have a beautiful tree and one that benefits the wildlife as well. String peanuts and other nuts for the squirrels. Make little ornaments out of suet and string for the birds. Berries and corn can be enjoyed by all. Be sure to choose a tree that is far enough away from the home, so you don’t have too many scavengers hunting and pecking around the house. 2. Create a photo Advent calendar. Make your own Advent calendar that has small doors that open

Hope the holidays bring you good cheer, and Àll you with the spirit of the season. We’re very grateful for your patronage. Please come and see us soon.

Biggar Liquor Board Store Lana and Cindy


up to photos of different family members. Or use a collection of children’s pictures that showcase how they’ve changed as they’ve grown older. 3. “Adopt” a child for holiday gifts. Each year you can bring a smile to a child in need by purchasing a present for an underprivileged kid. Some post offices sponsor “Letters from Santa” events where participants can respond to one of the thousands of letters mailed to The North Pole. Or work with a local charity that organizes events to bring gifts to children in hospitals or in foster care. 4. Holiday story countdown. Every night in December watch a movie or read a story that tells an uplifting holiday tale. Use this as a method of counting down until

Christmas. On the night prior, reading “’Twas the Night Before Christmas” should suffice. 5. Remember someone who has passed on. The holiday season is one made beautiful by lit candles and twinkling lights. Remember a loved one or a friend who has passed away by lighting a remembrance candle in his or her honour. It’s a way this person can still be part of the festivities. 6. Have a holiday singa-long. Sure it may be tradition to go around the neighbourhood singing carols, but it’s just as fun indoors. Have a singing party where guests are given lyrics to popular tunes they can sing around the piano or karaoke machine. 7. Bring some joy to a public servant. Police officers, firefighters, military personnel ...

many of these workers do not get off for the holidays. There are a certain number of public servants who must remain on call in the event of an emergency. Treat these people to something enjoyable when they may be missing their own festivities. Cook or cater a meal for a fire house, deliver cookies to the police station or put together care packages for people living on a military base. 8. Banish the holiday blues. When the holidays are set to go for another

year, many people find they become a little down. After all, a home that was once filled with merry trinkets may now go back to the bare essentials. Create a tradition where everyone in the family receives one more gift -a personalized ornament that can be packed away for use next year -that’s given in January before the decorations are packed away. It’s another opportunity to open a present, and it symbolizes looking forward to the joy of next year.

Your generous support has helped to put us on the map. With heartfelt gratitude and warm wishes to all for the very merriest of holidays ever!

Holiday traditions are fun. This year it may be time to begin some new ones to add even more enjoyment.



To all our friends and customers out in Biggar and area -- we appreciate your business and wish you all a Happy & Healthy New Year.

~Murray & Lori McNally~

222 Main Street, Biggar • 948-3382

Norm, Ellie, B.J. and Candace


525 - 44 St. E., Saskatoon • 242-2225 “We do things right allomatically”

Friends Make The Season Special Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this year and warm wishes for holidays and a Happy New Year!!

Biggar Veterinary Clinic Dr. M. O. Isinger and family, Paulette Ireland-Hegland

Christmas has always meant reÁecting upon one’s blessings. We wish much happiness to all who bestowed good fortune upon us this year. God bless you all!

Busse Law Professional Corporation

Yvonne, Teena, Jade, Bonnie Larry and Stuart

Signs of the season are everywhere, from the frost on the ground to the chill in the air, spirits are rising and goodwill abounds as Santa gets ready to go on his rounds. So we’d like to join in and spread some good cheer by thanking the folks who have stopped by this year. Your friendship and loyalty we’ll never forget, and we hope you’ll enjoy the best Christmas yet!

Misty Shadows Massage Therapy ~ Michelle Spuzak ~ 948-9710

New Beginnings Wellness Centre ~ Wayne Baldwin ~


Merry Christmas



The winter solstice Each year individuals count down to the first day of winter, be it in anticipation of the new season or with anguish that the warmer weather is a distant memory. The first day of winter is also known as the winter solstice. The winter solstice occurs exactly when the axial tilt of the earth is the farthest away from the sun. The winter solstice features the shortest number of daylight hours and the longest number of nighttime hours. Therefore, the winter solstice is also often referred to as the shortest day of the year for people living in the Northern Hemisphere. The winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere also marks the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere, because locations below the equator experience the opposite seasons as in the north due to the tilt of the earth toward the sun. At the extreme poles - the Antarctic circle in the Southern Hemisphere and the Arctic circle in the Northern - there is a different type of phenomenon that takes place. The Arctic circle falls under 24 hours of

darkness on the winter solstice, while the Antarctic circle has 24 hours of daylight. Without the tilt of the earth there would be no seasons around the planet. Around the latitudinal lines the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn, there really is no fluctuation in season because the sun is never low in the sky -- meaning it is always hot and humid. Only those living above and below experience varied seasons. Due to less sunlight at the winter solstice and for much of the winter months, individuals may want to take steps to boost their exposure to the sun while they can. This can improve mood and also contribute to the production of vitamin D in the body, an essential vitamin for bone health and physical well being. Those who experience seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, where pronounced feelings of the blues occur in conjunction with the longer hours of darkness, light therapy, vitamin supplementation, counseling, or medication may help alleviate symptoms. To maximize the hours

of sunlight received at home, people can clear away branches and shrubs from windows and open up the drapes widely to allow rays to shine through. The installation of skylights or sun ports can enable the sun to reach indoors wherever it is in the sky at a given time. Despite the chilly weather, workers can take walks on their lunch breaks or simply spend the hour outdoors just as they would when the summer is in full swing. Artificial light can help banish the doldrums associated with the winter solstice. Turning on holiday lights or other accent lighting and candles can create

There are fewer hours of sunlight during the winter solstice, also known as the shortest day of the year. an intimate feeling on this day.

No matter where you live or spend the holidays, we hope our best wishes will Ànd you. With warm regards from all of us for a very merry holiday season.

Tim Hammond Realty


To All Our Membe rs W

e ’ve ha But we d a great yea r k That w now that it’s true, e could n’ Withou t all of t have done it you!

113-3rd Ave.West, Biggar

In this season of celebration, we are reminded of both the diversity and bounty that nature provides us, and are grateful for the richness and beauty of this wondrous season. We are also grateful to share it with good people like you, and wish you all the best during this special time of year.

Wylie Farms Ltd. Seed Cleaning Dale, Bill, staff and families 948-2807


Wylie Farms Ltd. Seed Cleaning Big gar & Dis tric Bo ard,



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Merry Christmas



Toys through history that caused a ‘feeding’ frenzy ‘Twas the night before Christmas when all through the store; Parents seek the hottest toy, while sales clerks shout, “No more!” Few holiday seasons have come and gone without a must-have toy causing pandemonium among shoppers. In the months leading up to Christmas, one toy always seems to grab kids’ attention and

become a must-have item. These could be quirky digital-voiced animals or video game consoles. Naturally, children put these gifts on their letters to Santa or wish lists. But as the days wind down to Christmas, manufacturers often cannot meet the demand for the season’s most popular item. It’s then left to parents to find

the toys and gadgets by whatever means necessary. Certain toys throughout history have caused a frenzy that results in desperate parents scouring wiped-out toy stores or making blackmarket deals to land themselves a hot toy. Here is a list of them. • Shirley Temple Doll (1934): Shirley Temple was the inspiration

behind the first recorded toy to cause a shopping frenzy. The demand for the doll elevated after the actress’ breakout film, “Bright Eyes,” was released three days before Christmas. • G.I. Joe (1964): Hasbro came up with the male action figure after watching Barbie dolls become such a popular toy for tots. The action figures were an instant hit, garnering over $16 million in 1964 alone. • “Star Wars” Action Figures (1977): No one expected George Lucas’ franchise to become such a smash hit. The merchandising company associated with the project didn’t have time to make associated toys beyond a few board games and coloring books once “Star Wars” fever took hold. Therefore, “Early Bird

Certificate” vouchers were sold and the action figures were shipped out a few months later. These action figures can still thrill, with eBay auctions bringing in $1,200 and up for figures that once retailed for just a few dollars. • Cabbage Patch Kids (1983): What little girl in the mid-1980s didn’t want a chubby-faced Cabbage Patch Kid to adopt as her very own? The demand for this fad doll became so heated that adults fought over them and price gouging ensued. • Teddy Ruxpin (1985): If kids weren’t seeking a Cabbage Patch doll, they may have been hoping to find a Teddy Ruxpin doll under their tree. Teddy Ruxpin was an animatronic bear who interacted with the child and told stories. It was

Looks like another great season is shaping up around here, and we owe it all to you, our members, neighbors and friends. From all of us to all of you, go our best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season. We look forward to seeing you again.

Diamond Gym and Thuro-Janitorial Services Laurie, Cliff and staff


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! From Our Hearth To Yours Biggar Insurance Services Anita S., Lisa, Chandra, Michelle, Anita L., Sue

Landis Agencies Erin

It’s the holiday season and we’re all aglow As we recall all the good folks that we’ve come to know!

Season’s Greetings!

Bear Hills RDC Board and staff


Happy Holidays from

Prairie Malt Limited Employees

When it comes to Christmas, we’ve got you covered -- with our warm wishes and heartfelt thanks.

based on the animated figures kids would see at theme parks or at their local play areas. Shortages around the holidays played into frenzied behavior. The doll was expensive for its day, coming in at around $68. • Tickle Me Elmo (1996): “Sesame Street” fans fell right into the hype offered by Tyco Toys and Children’s Television Workshop. Stampedes occurred in toy stores, people were injured and reports of extreme price gouging ensued, all in an effort for people to get their hands on the giggling, red furball. • Furby (1998): This creature reminiscent of the popular 1980s film “Gremlins” came out of the box speaking its own language and slowly learned English over time. The animated pet/ friend became the musthave toy of the year, but production numbers were scant in comparison to demand. • Nintendo Wii (2006): Video game aficionados were wowed by the motion-sensing game controllers of this new system. This helped push the Wii to the top spot for video game consoles for that year and created a demand that led to limits on units purchased, diminished inventory, and even vouchers or wrist bands being offered by stores to get your hands on the Wii.


Merry Christmas


Kids and gifts: How many is too much? Despite the many messages from all corners promoting a “more is better” philosophy when it comes to holiday gifts, the truth is far more complex -- especially for children. While most parents work hard to give their kids everything they need and much of what they want, it is often hard to draw the line, prompting many well intentioned moms and dads to ask, “How much is too much?” In general, the answer lies within each family. Parents should purchase what makes sense to them and what they believe their children will use and appreciate. However, in recent years, child psychologists and experts in child development have returned to these questions as economic conditions have forced many families to scale back, both throughout the year and during the holiday season. Books such as “The Pampered Child Syndrome” (Jessica Kingsley, 2006) by Maggie Mamen and “Give Me, Get Me, Buy Me” (HCI, 2010) by Donna Corwin and several others on the same topic offer similar conclusions: When

children are given too much over the course of their childhoods, they can develop a serious case of entitlement, become unappreciative of what they have and begin to equate love with “stuff.” And for younger children, receiving a huge pile of gifts in one sitting can be both overwhelming and overstimulating. If you have been

wondering about these issues, here are some general guidelines for having a fun-filled holiday with just enough stuff. Make a gift plan Before setting out on your first shopping expedition, devise a

plan that makes sense for your family. If you have younger children, decide on the number of gifts for each. With older children, you might want to establish a dollar amount rather than a gift amount. Once you’ve made the plan, stick to it -- no matter what. Draw names Particularly in bigger families, gift-giving can become a financial and emotional burden if everyone buys for everyone. Drawing names not only reduces those burdens, but often results in more meaningful gifts all around. Opt for a shared experience Consider pooling the money you would have spent on individual gifts and putting it toward a special outing, vacation or shared item for your

home. Long after the toys have broken and the electronics have stopped working, your children will cherish their memories of a holiday that focused on sharing time together. Communicate If Grandpa Mike or Aunt Emily has a reputation for heaping on the presents at Christmas or Chanukah, let them know ahead of time that one will do, then offer a suggestion that is sure to please your son or daughter. If they insist that they want to do more, consider asking them to make a donation in your child’s name to a charitable organization or to purchase a gift for a local child in need. Collaborate Sometimes one big gift makes a lot more sense. If your child would

With best wishes and gratitude to our loyal patrons and friends. Merry Christmas!

love a new bike or a trampoline or horseback riding lessons, consider asking extended family

A world of thanks and best wishes to our neighbours, customers and friends.We feel fortunate to serve great folk like you!

1-866-948-2643 • Biggar

Wishing you a season Àlled with lots of love, laughter and joy. For all your support, we are deeply grateful.

WTSL Mobile Grain Services With thanks and glad tidings from us this holiday season.

members to contribute to that item or to items that go with it, such as a helmet or other gear.

WTSL Mobile Grain Services

Mobile Grain Cleaning Custom Combining Wayne and Tracy Dollansky


Mobile Grain Cleaning Custom Combining Wayne Jann, and Tracy Solana and family Dollansky



948-5453 948-7247

KRF Automotive Detail Centre • Granitex Baked-on Coating • Vortex Spray-in Box liners • Auto Accessories • Detailing • Trailer Rentals 227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar • 948-1722

May the peace and joy of this holiday season be with you always

With thanks to all of those who’ve inspired us this past year. We are truly grateful for your friendship and continued loyalty

May your holidays be Àlled with seasonal joy, old-fashioned traditions, and the blessings of family and friends.


Thank you for shopping with us. We look forward to your continued patronage with much appreciation.

Season’s Greetings… Melanie, Lorraine, Crystal, Brittany, Joyce, Helen and Pat

Season’s Greetings… Shirley, Jason and staff •

Melanie, Lorraine, Crystal, Brittany, Joyce, Helen and Pat


Duperow Co-op Management and staff

Merry Christmas



Host a merry, memorable holiday party The holidays are the most festive time of the year, and no holiday season is complete without a party or two with family and friends. Be it to celebrate a religious holiday or to ring in the New Year, a holiday party is an essential element to the

holiday season. While it’s always great to be a guest, hosting a holiday party is a great way to show friends and family how much they mean to you. This holiday season, consider the following tips to ensure your holiday party is as memorable as the season

Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and every happiness in the New Year.

32 years of serving Biggar and area 1979-2011

Carter Plumbing & Heating

Water Heaters, Softeners, Pumps, Furnaces, Underground Sprinklers, Air-conditioning


is merry. • Make it a themed party. The holiday season is filled with festivities, from office parties to neighbourhood gatherings to gatherings with family. For more casual affairs, set your party apart with a theme. For example, a Christmas sweater party, where each guest wears a Christmas sweater, can be a fun way to excite guests and inspire a few laughs. Give a prize to the guest with the most ornate sweater. If sweaters aren’t your thing, then encourage guests to dress up like some favorite holiday characters, including Santa Claus, Frosty the Snowman or even Rudolph. • Don’t forget the holiday fare. Just like parties are a staple of the holiday season, so, too, are certain foods and types of music. Few people indulge in some eggnog outside of the holiday season, so make sure there’s plenty of eggnog on hand. And don’t forget the gingerbread cookies, either. As people enjoy holiday goodies, make sure they do so with holiday music playing in the background. Choose

songs that guests know and to which they can sing along. Such singalongs might become especially memorable once guests have a glass or two of eggnog in them. • Host a holiday giveaway. Though it can

game that encourages guests to compete for prizes. Prizes can be small and inexpensive, but guests will be sure to enjoy some friendly competition for holidaythemed prizes. • Don’t be afraid to take it outside. For those

sure to remind guests to dress appropriately. And make sure there’s plenty of hot chocolate ready once everyone goes back inside to warm up. • P r e a r r a n g e transportation home for guests. A successful holiday party is one

be fun to do a Secret Santa, chances are guests already have enough gifts to buy. But hosts can spice things up with a holiday giveaway that rewards guests. Host a holiday-themed round of Trivial Pursuit or a holiday movie trivia

who live in regions with significant snowfall, consider inviting guests outside to have some fun in the snow. While fun in the snow is often left to the kids, don’t assume adults won’t enjoy building some snowmen or a good old fashioned snowball fight in the backyard. If outdoor fun is going to be on the docket, be

that is safe, so be sure to prearrange travel home for guests just in case anyone overindulges in holiday cheer. When sending out invitations, seek volunteers to be designated drivers, and avoid drinking alcohol yourself. For larger parties, call a local taxi service and arrange for a couple of cabs to be on call when the party ends.

Sweet facts

Here’s hoping your holiday season turns out to be a real classic. May it be filled with good old-fashioned days of friendship, love and laughter. We thank you for blessing us with your visits this past year. Seeing customers like you is always a treat.

May you and yours revel in the splendor of the season.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Westwinds Motor Hotel “Experience the Westwinds Difference”

R.M. of Biggar #347

Dayna,Trent and staff

Council and staff


Candy canes are very popular holiday treats and are often used to decorate Christmas trees. That hooked shape certainly makes them whimsical and able to hang on tree boughs. But candy canes weren’t always the curved and colorful

he ringing we hear, could be Santa’s sleigh Bringing our thanks and warm wishes long with our hopes for peace on earth And a season that’s Àlled with joy and mirth. o wherever you’re headed and whatever you do May our glad tidings travel with you!

Thanks for your valued patronage!

Excell Tire operating under Integra


Tire Auto Centre George, Ann, Ron, Curtis, Troy, Ian, Ryan and Wyatt

May you and your loved ones get your Àll of love, laughter and levity during this holiday season. We thank you for your friendship and support this past year and look forward to seeing you again soon.

Style Station Salon & Spa

wish to send all clients a Hairy! Christmas Nicole Hoppe, Shantell Redlick, Robin Silvernagle 948-1711

treats they are today. In the 1700s, candy canes were nothing more than straight white sticks of sugar candy used to decorate Christmas trees. A choirmaster at Cologne Cathedral decided that having the ends bent to depict a shepherd’s crook and passing them out during church services would help keep children quiet. It was not until roughly the 20th century that candy canes acquired their red stripes. Some surmise that the candy cane is shaped like a shepherd’s crook to represent Jesus Christ, who tended to his flock of supporters. Others say that it’s a “J” for Jesus. Regardless of their shape, hundreds of thousands of candy canes are now manufactured and shipped for the holiday season each year.


Merry Christmas


Randy Weekes, M.L.A. Biggar Constituency 948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880 May your holiday season be filled with lots of good times and cause for celebration. Your support gives us much cause for good cheer. Thanks, everyone!

Serving the community for over 10 years 212 Main St, Biggar Pizza Ray (aka Mayor Ray) and staff • 948-4800

The Independent will be closed from Dec. 23 until Jan. 3, 2012

With our deepest gratitude for your kind patronage.

Have a beautiful holiday!

Box 1413, 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar Even though snow is blanketing the landscape, we’re warmed by having such good friends and neighbors around us this season. We hope you have a joyful and festive holiday, and a very happy and healthy year ahead.

We’d like to chime in with our best wishes and thanks.

Merry Christmas!

Fe\ Jkfg ?Xi[nXi\ Jean, Emil, Heather, Collette, Shari & Dave


Sunshine Family Care Home ~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~

Get your name on Our List, so when YOU are ready, WE are ready!!!


Designs by Ann


121 Main St., Biggar

May your home be blessed with peace, love, joy and contentment throughout the Yuletide season. We feel blessed to have such wonderful friends and neighbors like you. Thanks!


Shannon de Vries, residents and staff

Merry Christmas



Ministerial ReÁections brought to you by the Biggar Ministerial Association

Wow, have I got a story to tell you (A modern slant on the Christmas story) Rev. Jane Gallagher, Biggar United Church It’s that time of year, in which we tell the ancient yet fascinating story of Jesus’ arrival on earth. While the story, from God’s end, starts who knows how long ago, our human telling of it goes back to prophets and kings, and then

starts unfolding with a surprising pregnancy announcement to an older couple named Elizabeth and Zechariah, well past their childbearing years. That in itself should signal God is up to something. God likes to spring strange things on us to get our attention. Poor old Zechariah was left speechless, he was so stunned by it all. It seems

their baby was going to prepare people for a pretty special arrival that would be born soon after their own little Johnny (aka ‘the Baptist’) showed up on the scene. That same famous angel who showed up on Liz’s and Zach’s doorstop, then showed up on another unsuspecting young woman -- so young she was probably

a teenager, who was engaged to be married to a local heartthrob named Joseph. But the news of having a baby with God, while it sounded good at the start, didn’t go smoothly, since she and Joseph weren’t married yet, and here she was in the family way. God had given her a choice about it, and it seemed like a good idea at the moment,

The holiday season is a time to gather with our friends and families to enjoy the blessings in our lives. It is also a time when we reÁect on the passing year, look ahead to the future and make goals for ourselves and our community. ReÁecting on the past year, 2011 proved to be exceptional. We hosted the Centennial Celebration and the RCMP musical ride which were both very successful events. Numerous projects were completed such as curbing, paving, installing a water slide at the pool, an outdoor volleyball court and shingling Jubilee Stadium. Renovations were done in the Town OfÀce and the Community Hall. Other exciting projects are still in progress such as the Little Apple Park and the Downtown Centennial Park. One very important and much needed project that will be commencing in the very near future is the construction of a new Diamond Lodge long term care facility. As we embark into a New Year we hope each of you take the opportunity during the holiday season to relax and spend time with friends and family enjoying love and laughter. On behalf of the Council, Administration and staff, we wish you a Christmas that vies contentment, happiness and love, and we wish one and all a very happy and prosperous New Year!

Town of Biggar

Council, Administration and Staff

but now, as Mary’s belly started to swell, her folks and Joseph’s folks weren’t as thrilled about it as they were -- soon the neighbours would be gossiping. Joseph had some choices to make, and in the end decided that if God had set all of this up, then it couldn’t be all bad -- that, and he really loved Mary way too much to let this unplanned pregnancy get in the way of their being together forever -- so he did the right thing and married her. But life gets in the way when we are busy making plans. Down the Roman road, dear old Caesar decided it was as good a time as any to have a head count, so he ordered a census to be taken, to make sure he was getting all the taxes due to him (in his mind anyway), which meant everyone had to travel to their ol’ hometown where they were born and raised. It wasn’t exactly best timing for Mary and Joseph -- she was so big and ready for the baby to be borne by then, but there were no exceptions to the rule, so she lumbered off with Joseph to his home town of Bethlehem, so they made do with a barn -which gave them shelter and some warmth, but wouldn’t you know it, Mary’s water broke and the time came forth for her to have that baby. And so she did, she and Joseph, all by themselves, surrounded by the company of animals. God smiled. God likes to do things in strange and mysterious ways, and God likes to do it up good when God has something exciting on the go. So the angels were let loose in the sky, and they had a whale of a time, telling anyone who would listen to them, about what was

happening that night. And the stars ... oh how the stars themselves shone; one was so proud it just about burst its corona! It was so bright travellers from far away decided they better check it out, and started out on the trek of a lifetime. Yes, God’s love was born that night, in the strangest, most humbling of ways. If that wasn’t enough, God’s love would grow up and show the world what it means to live as God’s children, and would even die to get the message across to just how much God loves us all (and even then God had the best of all surprises to spring on us). Along the way Jesus taught us about the new plan God is hatching -God’s way of doing things coming to life on earth, called the “kingdom” -- God’s kingdom, the kingdom of life, the real big show. So you see, the story is far from complete -- and only if you enter into it, and write your own part to the story, will you really get what this Christmas story is all about, or what God is up to these days. God is still waiting for us to get into the action, so don’t show up late. Run, don’t walk to your dusty ol’ Bible and give it a read. Run, don’t walk, to your local place of worship, so you can keep growing in the faith. Run, don’t walk, into the story God is writing for all the earth. Don’t miss out on the beginning of the story, but most of all show up for the rest of it, because God has plans for you too. God is waiting for you to get into the act. This is the real thing, so don’t mess around with the little things in life. God has big plans for you. Are you going to show up, or what?


Merry Christmas


Christmas -A sacramental sign in the fulness of time Fr. Raphael Vezhaparambil, VC, St. Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Church Christmas is hope in despair, light in darkness, awakening in dormant state, wisdom in absurdity, order in disorder, certainty in uncertainty, love in lovelessness, peace in restlessness, and joy in despair. The Sun says: “Be disciplined like me and wake up”. The Sky says: “Reach great height like me and try”. The Wind says: “Always on the move like me and grab it”. Christmas says: “Look at Me (Jesus) and have peace and joy in everyone’s heart!” Certainly, Christmas is a vibrant sign to all of us, since it was a moment

when all the dreams of generations had come true or fulfilled. From the beginning of the creation of the world, from the time of Abraham, from the time of liberation of Israel out of Egypt by Moses, from the time of the anointing of King David, from the time of the foundation of the city of Rome, in the 42nd year of the Empire of the Octaian Augustine, when the whole world was asleep, in the 6th age of the world, Jesus the Son of the Eternal Father, hav-

ing conceived by the Holy Spirit, is born in Bethlehem of Judea, having become Man, of the Virgin Mary. This great enthusiastic Christmas which we celebrate all over the world, is a sign of hope for nations, a sign of peace and joy for all those people who are good at heart and is a sign of contradiction for all who are reluctant to believe. As the writer Benny Hill poetically describes: “Roses are reddish Violets are bluish If it weren’t for Christ-

mas We’d all be Jewish.” Again, Christmas is the fullness of time. It is a time of selfless love, a time of self-giving (kenosis), a time of forgiving each other and a time of a homecoming under one roof. All roads are leading to Bethlehem, all hearts are craving for Christmas -- the great Gift of God, Jesus Christ, the Sacrament -- the Visible Sign of the Invisible God. Let Christmas be a celebration of all the children of God -- the whole humanity. Wishing you all a wonderful, happy and a warm Christmas.

when they happened, and the Magi to find the new born King and worship Him with their gifts. The words of God’s spokespersons provide us today opportunity and an atmosphere to build our faith in God, and they reveal His love

and His plan of salvation for the world He sent His Son into (see John 3:16). May the wonder and wisdom of God surround your celebration of Christ’s birth this Christmas.

Wonder and wisdom at Christmas Mary’s fiancé Joseph was concerned when he knew she was carrying a baby that was not his, but God sent His angel to tell Joseph the baby was conceived of the Holy Spirit, and would fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14. After Jesus’ birth, angels announced it to shepherds, who then went to see the child in a Bethlehem stable, and returned to their fields declaring what they had seen and glorifying and praising God. And what was the wisdom of God in appointing such spokespeople? It gave

Divine Destiny said a child would be born who would be a son given, and He would be a future ruler (Isaiah 9:6,7). The prophet Micah spoke of a Ruler of Israel who would come out of Bethlehem Ephrathah (Micah 5:2). The angel Gabriel was sent by God to both Mary, a young, chaste, unmarried woman, and her fiancé Joseph, both from Nazareth. The angel told Mary she would conceive a son by the Holy Spirit of God and He would be named Jesus, meaning Jehovah is salvation. He would be great, called the Son of the Most High, and God would give Him the throne of His ancestor, King David.

“Sure, you came from God! Didn’t we all?” “Not quite in the same sense, as I recall.” “Sure, you say that you will die, who won’t?” “But you can’t live forever, if I don’t.” “I’ll do the best I can; I’ll be okay.” “Can you love God perfectly, for just one day?” “Whatever I believe, is adequate.” “Believe thin ice is solid - and you’re wet!” “So, are you then my only hope?” “You won’t be rescued by some other rope.” “The lambs you love may I be one of them?” “Ah, this is why I came to Bethlehem!” Archie Jantzen, Arelee

hope to faithful people, like the priest Simon, and the prophetess Anna (see Like 2:25-38), to look for the promised Messiah and Servant Saviour. It enabled people, like the chief priests and scribes, and King Herod, to identify the events

Christmas Season Services OUR LADY OF FATIMA ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Landis ~

The Biggar and District Ministerial Association wishes you all the joy and blessings of the Christmas Season.

reveal the wisdom of God in orchestrating the events of Christ’s birth. Consider the spokespersons God used -- His prophets and angels. Hundreds of years before the event, the prophet Isaiah told of a virgin who would bear a son named Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14). He also



SAT., DEC. 24…6:30 p.m. SUN., DEC. 25…No service SUN. JAN. 1…10:50 a.m., New Year’s Day service, 10:50 a.m.

SUN., DEC. 18… 11 a.m. - Christmas Service of Music led by the United Church Joy Singers. SAT., DEC. 24… 7:30 p.m. - Christmas Eve Service No worship service December 25 and January 1. Regular services return January 8 at 11 a.m.

SUN., DEC. 18… Service of Carols, 11 a.m. No services December 25 and January.1. SAT., DEC. 24…8:15 p.m. ARELEE MENNONITE BRETHREN CHURCH ~ SAT., DEC. 24… Christmas Eve Service - 7 p.m.

SAT., DEC. 24…6:30 p.m. SUN., JAN. 1…9 a.m.

ST. GABRIEL’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ SAT., DEC. 24… 9:30 p.m. - Christmas Eve Mass SUN., DEC. 25… No Mass SUN., JAN. 1… 11 a.m.


SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST ~ Worship Service… SATURDAYS, 11 a.m. Bible Study… SUNDAYS, 10 a.m.

Rev. Terry Wicks, interim Pastor of Biggar Associated Gospel Church As a kid there was always an element of wonder for me at Christmas. When I heard the Christmas story, I wondered sometimes how Mary and Joseph, the shepherd and the Magi, felt as events unfolded. Mostly back then, my wonder centered on Santa Claus and the gifts I expected him to bring. How did he know what I wanted when I only told Mom and Dad?How did he get around to everyone in one night and get it right? Certainly a lot of myths have surfaced over the years about Santa Claus, yet there was an element of truth when you read the historical account of a fourth century bishop named Saint Nicholas. He became a model from which the story of Santa Claus originated. Myth or fact? You decide. But the coming of Jesus Christ as a baby in Bethlehem that first Christmas was not a myth. And certainly there is a great degree about the accounts in the Bible that lead us to a sense of wonder and awe. The Scriptures also

PERDUE UNITED CHURCH ~ SUN., DEC. 18… Service of Carols, 9:30 a.m. SAT., DEC. 24… 7 p.m. No services December 25 and January 1. PALS COMMUNITY CHURCH ~ SUN., DEC. 18… 7 p.m., Service of Lessons & Carol, St. Paul’s Anglican Church SAT. DEC. 24… 7 p.m., Christmas Eve Service, Redeemer Lutheran Church SUN., DEC. 25 & SUN., JAN. 1… 10:30 a.m., Redeemer Lutheran Church



Merry Christmas


Ministerial ReÁections continued from page 11

Brought to you by the Biggar Ministerial Association

Is there really a Christ Child? Marjorie Fortney, Biggar Seventh-day Adventist Church Is there really a Christ Child, or is it a figment of someone’s imagination? Isaiah 7:14 states: “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign: Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” In the gospels of Matthew and Luke we read about the fulfillment of this prophecy from

Isaiah. I read through 47 of these Old Testament Messianic prophecies along with the New Testament texts of their fulfillment. Even though some of these prophecies were made hundreds of years before the Christ Child, all were fulfilled, every detail met with absolute accuracy. So when we read: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the

government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The

Another opportunity to tell you how much we appreciate your support.

Happy Holidays!

~ Board and staff ~

In this season of merrity, we thank you with all sincerity!

Kevin Kurulak, 304 Main Street, Biggar • 948-5211 “Credential Financial Strategies is a member company under Credential Financial Inc., offering Ànancial planning, life insurance and investments to credit unions and their communities. Credential® is a registered mark of Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license.”

Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish

it with judgment, and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The Zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this.” Isaiah 9:6-7 We can rejoice, be glad and believe. It is true. The Divine Christ Child was born in a manger in Bethlehem. He lived, died, and was resurrected. He came to rescue mankind from the bondage of sin. His mission was successful, and now he offers to everyone the gift of eternal life. Whether you receive the gift is up to you. Ask and you will receive. Yes, there really is a Christ Child. Merry Christmas to all and a Blessed and Happy New Year!

Biggar Electrical Services 948-5291 Adrian and Barbara de Haan Lyle Zbeeshko

Christmas blessings Reverend Bev Dyck, Biggar Church of God It is a dim memory. It is not so long ago. My mother and sister and I were in the local hardware store. We were in wonder. There were the most beautiful dolls with moveable arms and legs. They were just the right size. You could hold them in your arms. It felt like we were in a fairy land. Mother had to pull us away. The winter days went by. The snow was in high banks. Sometimes we had new squealing piglets behind the wood stove. They had been born in the night and father was trying to warm them up so that he could return them to the sow. Sometimes there even was a newborn calf, in a cardboard box, trying to warm up enough to go back outside. We played inside a lot and in the barn while mother and father were hand milking our 10 cows. Then one day it was Christmas. And there were two of those beautiful dolls that we had seen in the hardware store. I do not remember at all what my brother and the baby got. I only saw the “twin dolls”. They were identical. I was amazed at the lovely twin dolls. They

also were dressed identically. Mother had stayed up and made them matching red plaid skirts and tops. She had done this using the kerosene lamp and the treadle machine. My little heart was so grateful for mother’s hard work and for my twin doll. I had not even dared to wish that one of those dolls could be mine. We may never have dared to wish that the God of the Universe would reach down and love us. But He did. The Bible teaches that God gave Jesus before the creation of the world. “God demonstrated His love towards us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Christmas

is a time when we demonstrate our love towards family and friends and towards strangers. Christmas is a time when we remember that God desired a relationship with us and made the provision for us to be in a relationship with Him. Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas season.

Merry Christmas



Ministerial ReÁections continued from page 12

Brought to you by the Biggar Ministerial Association

Rejoice! Earl Nostbakken, PALS Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7 The words above were written by St. Paul to the Christians at Philippi. In the emphasis on joy and peace, they echo the words spoken by the angel to the shepherds shivering in the cold and darkness on a hill near Bethlehem that first Christmas night: Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people. Luke 2:10 In both cases the message is somewhat surprising. The shepherd’s life was lonely, hard and sometimes dangerous as he protected the sheep from thieves and wild animals. He lived apart from the rest of society associating largely with men like himself, mostly young, unmarried and poor. It was not a profession sought after or respected by the rest of society. In addition these shepherds were part of a conquered people who chaffed against the rule of Rome. Despite all this, God chose this group of what might be considered dismal social outcasts to be the first recipients of the good news of the Savior’s birth. Later that night after they had trooped in to see the miraculous newborn, they returned

to their hillside rejoicing and sharing the good news with everyone they met. The dismal conditions of their lives had not changed but their hearts had. The message of peace, joy and hope had lit up the darkness of their lives. When Paul wrote to the Philippians, he was languishing in prison, probably in Roman, where he awaited the very real possibility of execution. However desolate the conditions of his life may have been, his message to the Philippians, like the one to the shepherds, is filled with joy and confidence.

Paul and the shepherds discovered that peace, joy and hope do not depend on the conditions of life but on the loving presence of Christ. The message of Paul and of the angel comes to us today, too. It is not a message just to brighten things a little during this holiday season in the middle of winter, but rather it is a message for a lifetime. It is a message that is there for us whatever the

stress and loneliness in our lives, whatever the grief and pain we may experience. It is a message that brings light to the darkest corners of our lives. Christ has come! As Paul and the shepherds knew, it is a message worth sharing. May we all experience its deep, abiding joy, and may we all share that joy with a needy world. Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice!

This holiday greeting is trimmed with best wishes and thanks to our clients and friends. …Jeanne Marie de Moissac, Brett Dorosh and Colleen Hobman

208 Main St., Biggar



We’re sending this little note your way. To wish you a happy holiday Filled with enough joy and cheer, To last throughout the coming year. Thanks for your patronage and we’ll see you next year!


Merry Christmas! With thanks and warm wishes from all of us to all of you.

Ed Kolenosky and family

948-2879 or 948-7207

Phillips Electric Biggar • 948-5393 Dave and staff

Best Wishes for 2012 GPC Board of Directors, Staff and Students

May the peace and happiness of the Christmas season carry you and your family through the new year and beyond. Thank you for your patronage.

Spyder AutoBody 948-2044 Fred, Patsy, Curtis, Roy, Bryor and Teagon



Significance of Midnight Mass

Christmas is one of the most celebrated dates on the Christian calendar. Commemorating the

birth of the Saviour J e s u s C h r i s t is only surpassed i n importance by the celebration of Easter, a time when Christians remember Christ’s sacrifice of life for His people. Christmas is often celebrated with much joy and fervour all around the world, with exchanges of gifts and special acts of charity all month long. One component of the Christmas

celebration that has long been tradition and holds special meaning to celebrants is the Midnight Mass. Churches all around the world hold four different Christmas celebrations, including three masses and a Christmas vigil. The Midnight Mass is perhaps the most cherished. Mass, a Christian liturgical rite that often involves the sacrament of the Eucharist, may begin prior to midnight and include Biblical readings that focus on the story of Christ’s birth depending on the church. At midnight on December 24, carols may be sung and the ringing of church bells to signify the birth of Christ as December 25 arrives. In Israel, a procession takes place from Jerusalem to Bethlehem on Christmas Eve. In the Catholic Pope’s home of Vatican City, the Pope himself heads the Midnight

Mass and people in large numbers pray for peace among mankind. Many theologians say that the Midnight Mass evolved from individuals making pilgrimages to Israel and the actual birthplace of Christ. Because the Bible states that Jesus was born at night and in a manger, to fully immerse oneself in the story and the liturgical significance of the moment, a Midnight Mass seems the best place to achieve these goals. The darkness and the gentle hush that nighttime provides helps set the scene and enhance the spiritual component of Christmas. The Nativity of Jesus takes place in two Gospels of the Bible: the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of Matthew. The version of Luke goes much more deeply into the story of Mary’s virgin conception through the time of Christ’s birth in Bethlehem. Here is

Christ’s birth according to the Gospel of Luke: In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that the whole world should be enrolled. This was the first enrollment, when Quirinius was governor of Syria. So all went to be enrolled, each to his own town. And Joseph too went up from Galilee from the town of Nazareth to Judea, to the city of David that is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David, to be enrolled with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. While they were there, the time came for her to have her child, and she gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Now there were shepherds in that region living in the fields and keeping the night watch over their flock. The angel of the Lord

appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were struck with great fear. The angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the city of David a saviour has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord. And this will be a sign for you; you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.’ Later, the Gospel continues, “He was named Jesus, the name given him by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.” Midnight Mass has become an important component in the celebration of Christmas for the faithful. While secular celebrations may focus on the arrival of Santa Claus at the midnight hour, religious celebrations often involve filling churches at midnight to spread the word of Christ’s arrival.


Duane Neufeldt Serving Biggar and Area

948-8055 Peace, joy and thanks to all of you this holiday season. We couldn’t have come this far, without the support of good people like you.

Nothing could be sweeter for us than knowing people like you.

K & S Contracting

It’s always a treat to see you and we look forward to your continued friendship.


Biggar Esso

Karen, Steven and family

Ted and Olivia 948-3600 Spring into the holiday season with health, happiness and plenty of cheer.

A Special Christmas Wish

Season’s Greetings! 1st Avenue Collision Center Ltd. 948-3356 Jeff, Cindy, Dan, and Chad

Here’s hoping you enjoy generous portions of love and laughter with family and friends for the main course of your Christmas season!

Hannigan·s Hamburgers & Pizza 948-3335 • Main Street, Biggar

Here’s hoping your holiday season Ànds you laughing all the way!

Merry Christmas and many thanks for your generous support.

BIGGAR HOTEL Tammy, Monty and staff


Merry Christmas


Giving on a tight budget As global economic woes continue, holiday spending remains difficult to predict. In 2010, holiday spending rose more than five percent from the year before, according to MasterCard AdvisorsTM SpendingPulseTM. That increase surprised forecasters, many of whom predicted holiday spending would decline for the fifth straight year. With the holiday season on the horizon once again, no one truly knows what consumer response will be. But many consumers figure to exercise some restraint this holiday season, sticking to a budget when buying gifts for family and friends. While budgets are good ways to limit spending, a holiday spending budget doesn’t mean shoppers can’t still put a smile on their loved ones’ faces. In fact, with a few tips, holiday shoppers can stick to their budgets and still enjoy a happy holiday season. • Get creative. Holiday gifts don’t have to be bought at the local mall or from an online retailer. Gift-givers with unique talents can create their own gifts and save some money along the way. For example, shoppers skilled at woodworking can create a personalized wood carving for a friend or family member. Good at knitting? Knit a scarf, mittens or even a blanket for a loved one who lives

in a cold weather region. Such personalized gifts are often especially meaningful to their recipients, who appreciate the time and effort such keepsakes take to create. • Be patient. Nowadays, many families are so spread out geographically that they don’t always get together on Christmas Day. If that’s the case and you won’t be seeing your family until a few days after Christmas, take advantage of the special sales offered in the days after the actual holiday. Items are often heavily discounted, and if you can stay patient, your patience might just pay off with substantial savings. • Establish spending rules with family members before the shopping season begins. In an effort to reduce some of the financial burden of the holiday season, many families have begun to place spending limits on holiday shopping. This saves everyone money and ensures no one finds themselves with substantial debt come the new year. • Do a gift exchange with family and friends. Many larger families have also begun to do a gift exchange rather than asking members of the family to buy gifts for each and every member of the family. In a gift exchange, each

... Is the chance to let you know how grateful we are for your friendship and support as we wish you all a very merry season and a happy New Year.


member of the family draws a name out of a hat and then only buys

a gift for that specific person. This even has the added benefit of

Wishing you a holiday Filled with merriment and mirth — Plus lots of love and laughter, With joy and peace on earth! With our thanks for your valued patronage. Stay safe this holiday, don’t drink and drive. Call us to drive you.

New York Taxi Linda and staff

allowing shoppers to buy something a little more expensive for a family member since they aren’t obligated to buy gifts for anyone else. • Start early. The earlier you begin your holiday shopping, the more you can spread out your spending. This reduces the financial

stress of the season while still allowing shoppers to get something special for everyone on their shopping list. Holiday spending may or may not increase this holiday season. But savvy shoppers can still make the most of their spending without breaking the bank.

... And from the heart, too, Go our very best wishes To each one of you! Merry Christmas and many thanks for your kindness and your continued business!

Angie’s Hair Salon & Barber Shop Angie, and Sherry

Your Healthy Living Weight Loss & Wellness Centre Ann Livingston

219 Main St., Biggar • 948-3696



Home Is Where The Heart Is! May the true spirit of Christmas reside in your heart, and may glad tidings follow wherever you go this holiday season. Thank you for visiting us this year.

Doctors Vision Care 223 Main St., Biggar 1-855-651-3311 Kirk, Karen and Claire Ewen

With sincere best wishes to our neighbors, patrons and friends. Your support means everything to us. Thanks!

Chico’s Autoworks Richard Livingston


It’s been a gift for us serving folks like you. Thanks!

The Lord is come: let earth receive her King! Let every heart prepare Him room, and heaven and nature sing. – Joy to the World

WEASIE’S Gourmet Blends Louise and staff Loui 211 Main St, Bi Bigggar • 948-1795

God bless you and your family this holiday season. Thanks for your support this past year, and we’re looking forward to serving you in the New Year

May you find everything you want under the tree, and in your heart this holiday season. Wishing our four-legged friends, all the creature comforts of a joyous and memorable holiday season Àlled with lots of good times and good memories. Season Greetings and sincere thanks for your kind support.

The Country Clipper Janet Moon and staff • 948-2091

For the gift of your friendship, we are sincerely grateful.

Ivan and Bernice Young 948-3381

Biggar Flower & Gift Shop Ed and Evonne • 948-2616


Merry Christmas


Little known facts about Chanukah FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS We’d like to extend our warm wishes and gratitude to all our kind neighbours this holiday season. It’s been a privilege and a pleasure serving you.

McNulty’s Mobile Seed and DW Upholstery

Chanukah is a Jewish holiday that occurs around the same time as Christmas, making it one of the better-known holidays of Judaism. Although Chanukah is now much about flickering candles and eight days of celebration, there are many lesser known traditions and facts about the holiday.

To non-celebrants, Chanukah is commonly considered the “Jewish Christmas.” However, the holiday actually predates Christmas by several years and has a very different origin than what Christians celebrate at Christmas. Also, even though Chanukah is more talked about than other

Wayne, Dorothy, Kenneth and Megan


Country Christmas Greetings We’re wishing you lots of wholesome country cheer. Hope you enjoy every ounce of your holidays thanks for all the kindness you’ve shown us.

Warm Holiday Wishes Best wishes during this season of peace and joy! The Board and Staff of Prairie Spirit School Division

MONARCH MEATS Modern Licenced Abbatoir


holidays, including Rosh Hashannah or Yom Kippur, it is considered by some religious scholars to be of less religious significance than other holy days. In fact, for most of its history, Chanukah was a very minor holiday. However, from the late 1800s on, its popularity grew. Eventually Chanukah became one of the most celebrated Jewish holidays. The story of Chanukah isn’t even mentioned in the Torah. The events that led to the holiday occurred after the Torah period in 164 BCE. Here are some other lesser-known facts about Chanukkah. * Although many people refer to the Chanukah candelabra as a “menorah,” a true menorah has seven branches to hold candles and is associated with the Temple. The ninebranched candelabra that holds Chanukah

candles is known as a “Hanukkiah.” * Chanukah can be spelled in many different ways, including Hanukah, Hanukkah, Chanukah and Chanukkah. * Chanukah is a communal holiday. It is best to light the Hannukiah where others can see it and hear you recite blessings. * Chanukah is based on the struggle led by the Maccabees, a Jewish tribe family, against the Hellenistic overseers of the Land of Israel. Hellenized Jews, including King Antiochus Epiphanes, had decreed that local religions, including Judaism, cease practice and that their traditions be outlawed on penalty of death. Hellenistic rituals and sacrifices defiled the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, which Chanukah. . . . cont’d on page 17

Located 8 miles north and 3 miles east of Biggar

Brent, Dwayne and families

Randy Weekes, M.L.A. Biggar Constituency 948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880 Box 1413, 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar

And may the spirit of Christmas warm your heart and hearth this season. We appreciate the gift of your patronage and look forward to seeing you in the new year.

May your Christmas and the New Year be Ålled with health, happiness and prosperity.

Steven Balzer and staff 1-800-667-6919

The smells of gingerbread, cinnamon and cookies baking, stir our memories of Christmases past and remind us of how fortunate we are to be a part of this community.

Central Plains Co-operative Ltd.

Merry Christmas and many thanks for making us feel so welcome here.

Branches in Rosetown, Eston and Landis “Moving ahead by giving back.” Board, Management and staff


May peace, joy, harmony and contentment visit your home during this special time of year. We are sincerely grateful and look forward to your continued friendship.

1st Ave. West, Biggar • 948-2700

M & N Repair

Jack, Carolyn, Josh and families

701-1st Ave. E, Biggar • 948-3996

Mike, Darlene and staff

MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2011 Chanukah. . . . cont’d from page 16

Merry Christmas eventually had to be cleaned and rebuilt. * Jewish tradition concerning Chanukah isn’t cut and dry. As said, it’s not included in the Torah, and much of the history of Maccabean events survived into modern times only through texts written in Greek. For the classic Jewish view of Chanukah origins, individuals must turn to the Talmud, a record of rabbinic discussions pertaining to Jewish law, ethics, philosophy, customs and history. What can be found is

this: “On the 25th day of Kislev [begin] the eight days of Hanukkah, on which lamentation for the dead and fasting are forbidden. For when the Greeks entered the Temple, they defiled all the oils in it, and when the Hasmonean dynasty prevailed over them and defeated them, they searched and found only one bottle of oil sealed by the High Priest. It contained only enough for one day’s lighting. Yet a miracle was brought about with it, and they lit [with that oil] for eight days. The following year

THE INDEPENDENT, BIGGAR, SK -17 they were established as a festival, with Hallel (prayers of praise) and Thanksgiving.” * It has been said that the Maccabean war was the first war of ideology. The Maccabees weren’t warriors by nature. They were pious men stirred to action by beliefs. * There are actually two miracles associated with Chanukah. First is that a flask of oil was found at all. The second is that the scant amount of oil found was enough

to light the temple for eight days. * Chanukah is celebrated on the same day each year according to the Hebrew calendar. But because the Hebrew calendar doesn’t correspond to our modern calendar, the day seems to fluctuate. * Gift-giving was not traditionally associated with Chanukah, but rather a few sweets or money were exchanged. Eventually it grew into a gift-giving holiday.

What’s red and white and seen all over? It’s Santa ... and he’s delivering our best wishes along with our thanks to all our good customers and friends.

It’s time for holiday fun and gathering the family together to share a warm, wonderful yule. We hope the holidays bring everything you want!

, Branch 567 Teri and Terri


We wish you and yours the best season ever.

Management & staff

AGI-Envirotank Hwy #4, Biggar • 948-5262

Warm Wishes

for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year We value your business and look forward to serving you in the new year.

Boisvert Underground Fred and staff 948-2298

Please accept Best Wishes from Judy and I for Peace and Joy at Christmas and Prosperity throughout the Year.

Hon. Gerry Ritz, P.C., M.P. Minister of Agriculture & Agri-Food Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board Battlefords - Lloydminster

The board, staff and management of

Landis Credit Union 658-2152

It’s Been A Pleasure Serving You!

love peace of joy blessings the season Wishing you and your family, all the gifts of this magical time of year. For your friendship and support, we are deeply grateful and look forward to serving you in the year ahead.

Merry Christmas! Grondin Funeral Services Ltd. 948-2669

Happy holidays and many thanks for your kind patronage this past year.


NCM Home Maintenance Nick Maguire 948-4558

There’s no place we’d rather be at Christmas than right here, with all our good friends and neighbours. For your goodwill, we are truly indebted, and we wish you all a beautiful holiday and a happy and prosperous New Year.

Biggar Accounting Services

Garry, Sharon, Corey, Christopher and staff

Merry Christmas



Six strategies for tranquil holiday travel Traveling during the holiday season is a mixed blessing. School vacations and time off from work provide great opportunities to spend a “White Christmas” with faraway family and friends or sneak in an endof-year getaway via “The Polar Express.” At the same time, holiday travel can be both expensive

and stressful. While it’s all but impossible to avoid the costs and crowds completely, with these time-honored travel strategies, travelers can prevent “The Nightmare Before Christmas” and find yourself uttering, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Book now, go later. The first rule of thumb for holiday travel is to make

travel plans as far in advance as possible. By booking months ahead of your departure date, you can lock in lower airfares and seat assignments. For Christmas travel, make every effort to purchase tickets by early October. Go off-peak. Weekend travel, which often includes Fridays and

Mondays, is almost always more expensive than travel during the week. If possible, schedule both departing and returning flights for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Timing is everything. Typically, there is less demand for the first and last flights of the day, which means less

competition for seats and the possibility of lower fares. If you can fly on the big day itself, even better. While you may be able to snag great deals on Thanksgiving or Christmas day flights,

January 1st tends to be a more popular travel day. Another option? Plan your trip for the

Travel. . . . cont’d on page 19

Keep the holiday spirits high, and the good cheer Áowing. We’re happy you stopped in this year. Many thanks for your friendship.

Perdue Hotel

from the Board of Directors and Staff at

Feudal Co-op Bulk Petroleum Cardlock Convenience Store Highway 14 • Perdue

237-4639 or 1-877-358-9677

237-4224 From all of us to all of you, Merry Christmas and many thanks for your continued support. Your friendship makes it all worthwhile!

To Our Valued Customers at the Holiday Season

Lynn and Chuck Strate and staff


The Independent will be closed from Dec. 23 until Jan. 3, 2012

Flying late evening or during the week are strategies for saving money and preventing holiday travel stress.

Season’s Greetings!!!

We’re Àlled with warm wishes and lots of good cheer For all the kind people we’ve served this past year. Thanks, friends!


All of us here are ho...ho...hoping your holiday delivers a bundle of fun! We really appreciate all the good times we’ve shared with you this past year.

Village of Perdue May your season be blessed with joy and success.

Keelar Contracting Ltd. Larry, Colleen family and staff


Mayor Dave Miller, Council, and staff

Holiday Greetings

With heartfelt thanks from all of us. We really appreciate the gift of your friendship.

Management & staff Perdue • 237-4272

Now with eight locations

Merry Christmas


Travel. . . . cont’d from page 18 week between Christmas and New Year’s, when many travelers have already settled in their destinations. Be flexible. If you know you want to get away, but aren’t sure where to go, let availability and price be your guide. And don’t forget to check flights to and from alternate airports. For example, you may be able to save on a flight to San Francisco by flying into San Jose. And when heading to the New York City area, flights to LaGuardia and JFK might be less expensive than those bound for Newark. Mix and match. Great deals can be had by using different carriers for incoming and outgoing flights or by booking two one-way flights rather than a round-trip. By checking a variety of sites — including both individual airlines

and aggregator sites such as and b o o k i n g b u d d y. c o m , which search several different travel sites simultaneously — you can rest assured that you got the best available prices and flights. In addition, by booking flights, hotels and rental cars through the same travel site, be it a single site or a travel aggregator, you may be able to score even better deals. Don’t dodge the details. These days, airlines are once again charging passengers for a variety of items that were once included in their posted airfares. Be sure to note whether a published airfare includes all taxes and fees and check each

carrier’s baggage policy. And when reviewing airfares, make sure that you are comparing “apples to apples.” In other words, be certain that the two airfares both include or exclude taxes, fees and baggage charges, snacks, and


things like upgrade fees for additional legroom. Do delay! Sometimes waiting until the eleventh hour isn’t such a bad idea, especially when last-minute fares can save you money or open the door to a spur-of-themoment vacation.

May your year be Àtted with good times, good friends and good fortune. We thank you for your generous support and look forward to serving you again.

Crop Production Services Management and staff

Hwy #4, Biggar, • 948-1753

Warmest Holiday Greetings… Joy, peace and good health to you and those you love!

Heartland Health Region

from Rick & Staff ROSETOWN


HOLIDAY HOURS S We’re sowing our best wishes with the hope that they grow into joy and prosperity for the folks that we know!

Management and staff Wilkie, SK. 306-843-3113

Dec. 24th Closing at 7 p.m. Dec. 25th Closed Dec. 26th Open 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Boxing Day Specialss Dec. 27th Open 6 a.m. - 10 p.m m. m. Resume Normal Hoours rs Dec. 31st Open 6 a.m. - 8 p.m m.. Jan. 1st Closed


Merry Christmas


Last-minute shopping for the holidays It’s December 22 and you’ve just barely made it through half of your holiday shopping list. The panic may have set in that you just don’t have enough time to get everything done. This is a common scenario around the holidays. Shoppers have the best intentions to get their gifts early, but whether because of work obligations or social events, the task seems to get pushed further and further into December. Soon many are staring down the calendar experiencing sweaty palms. Many others may be putting off holiday shopping simply because of affordability.

For the scores of shoppers who consciously or subconsciously wait until the last possible minute to shop, there are ways to survive and surprise friends and family with great gifts. • Gift cards: They may not have sentimental meaning behind them, but gift cards are fast and easy. Chances are you can run into a store and be out with a handful of gift cards in less than 15 minutes, depending on lines at the checkout counter. Also, many supermarkets, bookstores and other retailers offer gift card kiosks enabling you to shop for different gift cards all in one place.

• Food and beverages: While everyone is heading to the mall in droves, you can be stepping inside of a gourmet food or spirits store. Splurge on fine cheeses or that trendy bottle of liquor that a gift

recipient has mentioned but not yet purchased for him- or herself. • M a g a z i n e subscription: A magazine subscription is an easy fix as a last-minute gift. Purchase one copy of the magazine at the

Many people wait until the last minute for Christmas shopping. But there are still gifts and deals to be had.

newsstand and wrap it up nicely. Put a note that a year’s worth of this periodical is on the way. No one will suspect that the gift was a lastminute thought. •E-certificates: Retailers like music or book sellers will e-mail a gift certificate code to the person of your choice on a selected date. For those who are never without an e-reader or mp3 player, digital gifts could fit the bill. • Gas card: It may sound funny and tacky, but a gas card from a brand-name station is a universally acceptable gift for anyone who drives regularly. With

fluctuating gas prices, filling up the tank can be an expensive venture. Having a pre-paid gift card can help. Online retailers are also there to help last-minute shoppers. Many online retailers guarantee in-time-forChristmas shipping even on gifts ordered as late as December 23. However, overnight shipping charges will cost more. But it’s all worth it to get the item in time. Waiting until the last minute for shopping can induce some anxiety. But knowing about easy gifts for procrastinators can take the stress out of this type of shopping.

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