The Independent

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Vol. 111 No. 29


16 pages


Sailor’s Delight? . . . The old axiom of “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight” usually means good weather is about to follow, and here, Friday evening held pink cottony clouds with remnants of stormy blue in the east, all reflected in a slough north of Biggar. Pink sky usually means moisture, and a short while later, thunderstorms were back in our area. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)


????????, ????????? ??, 2020 ???? THURSDAY, JULY 16,

Weather for our area has been anything but pleasant as of late, but it does make for some dramatic skies. From red sky evenings after a storm to an impending boomer, summer in Saskatchewan really is the “Land of Living Skies”.

(Independent Photos by Kevin Brautigam)



B2 - B7 - I27 - N45 - G49 THIS WEEKʼS NUMBERS JULY 16

Council Minute highlights

Ground Attack . . . A Clayton Air Services Air Tractor pulls in to reload at Biggar Airport, July 9, as field operations for some farmers take the “high ground”. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Biggar, Perdue record first COVID cases There are 31 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on July 13. In addition, there were two cases reported on July 11 and 23 cases reported on July 12, and Biggar and Perdue have recorded cases. The Saskatchewan Health Authority is urging residents to take precautions as new cases emerge. The new numbers are in southwest and west-central Saskatchewan. This brings the total number of COVID-19 cases in Saskatchewan to 871, as of July 13. The regional data is as follows: July 11 - one new case in the Central region and one in the South. July 12 - 13 new cases in the South, five in the Saskatoon area, three in Central and two in the Regina area. July 13 - 27 new cases in the Central region, two in the Regina area, one in the Saskatoon area and one in the South. Previously reported COVID-19 infections in the Southwest now stretch farther and there is growing evidence of spread throughout Southwest and West-Central Saskatchewan. This includes cases in the following Rural Municipalities: Biggar (No. 347); Perdue (No. 346; Eagle Creek (No. 376); Harris (No. 316); Maple Creek (No. 111); Auvergne (No. 76); Carmichael (No. 109); Lac Pelletier (No. 107); Newcombe (No. 260); Kellross (No. 247; Prairiedale

(No. 321). The majority of cases are reported as being communal in nature. The Ministry of Health and the Saskatchewan Health Authority are working together with the Hutterian Safety Council to address the situation. Their cooperation has allowed for increased testing and contact tracing in these areas, which greatly contributed to identifying these new cases and ensuring residents are receiving the support they need. Over the next number of days increased testing and contact tracing resources will be deployed to the affected communities and surrounding areas. Saskatchewan residents in these communities and across the province, are strongly encouraged to follow the necessary public health measures and personal safety precautions, including selfisolating if you or a close contact have tested positive for COVID-19. As of July 14, 871 reported COVID-19 cases in Saskatchewan, 90 are considered active. A total of 766 people have recovered. Three people are in hospital. One individual is receiving inpatient care in Saskatoon. Two people are in intensive care; one in Saskatoon and one in the South. Of the 871 cases in the province: 174 cases are travellers; 487 are community contacts (including mass gatherings); 128 have no known exposures; and 82 are under

investigation by local public health. Overall in Saskatchewan: 57 cases are health care workers; however, the source of the infections may not be related to health care in all instances. 339 of the cases are from the Far North, 198 are from the Saskatoon area, 120 from the North, 84 from the Regina area, 83 from the South and 47 from the Central region. 121 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, while the remainder are adults. 309 cases are in the 20-39 age range; 269 are in the 40-59 age range; 149 are in the 60-79 age range; and 23 are in the 80-plus range. 52 per cent of the cases are females and 48 per cent are males. 15 deaths related to COVID19 have been reported to date. To date, 75,161 COVID?19 tests have been performed in Saskatchewan. As of July 11, 2020, when other provincial and national numbers were available from the Public Health Agency of Canada, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 55,404 people tested per million population. The national rate was 85,473 people tested per million population. Safety precautions include physical distancing to maintain two metres of separation, implementing proper hygiene practices and complying with provincial health orders, including limiting the size of outdoor gatherings.

Anyone with symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath, headaches, aches and pains, sore throat, chills, runny nose or a loss of sense of taste or smell, should protect themselves and others, especially the vulnerable, by staying home, self-isolating and getting tested for COVID-19. Beginning July 14, COVID-19 testing will be available universally to anyone who requests it, regardless of whether they have symptoms or not. A referral for testing can be made by contacting HealthLine 811. SHA laboratories are currently processing approximately 600 tests per day, with capacity to perform upwards of 1,800 tests per day.

The regular meeting of Biggar Town Council was held June 16, at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Attending the meeting were Mayor Ray Sadler, Aldermen Alan Boyle, Penny McCallum, Kevin McNicholls, Kirk Sherbino, Edward Young, and Ivan Young. Council resolved that the minutes of the May 19, 2020 Regular Meeting of Council, be accepted as presented. Council resolved that the minutes of the June 15, 2020 regular meeting of the Biggar and District Recreation Board, be accepted as presented, and that the recommendations contained therein be approved by Council. Council resolved that the Administrator’s Report be accepted as presented by the Chief Administrative Officer, Barb Barteski. Council resolved that the RCMP report for the month of May 2020, be accepted as presented. Council resolved that the Community Development Officer’s report to June 16, 2020, be accepted as presented by the Community Development Officer, D’Shae Bussiere. Council resolved that the quote from 4 imprint, in the estimated amount of $11,000 for promotional items, be approved. Council resolved that the invoice from Solarcor Energy Inc. for the Jubilee Stadium Solar Project in the estimated amount of $69,000, be accepted. Council resolved that the Town Foreman’s Report to June 15, 2020,

be accepted as presented by the Town Foreman, Mark Haynes. Council resolved that the General Accounts Paid in the amount of $195,213.09 and the General Accounts Payable in the amount of $115,283.87, be approved. Council resolved that the following financial reports for May 2020 be accepted as presented: Bank Reconciliation; Statement of Financial Activities. Council resolved that the following correspondence be accepted for Council’s information and filed: SLGA - Cannabis Retail Update; Government Relations - Revenue Sharing; Wheatland Regional Library - Update; Community Planning - Subdivision Approval; Biggar New Horizons - Annual Report. Council resolved that the quote from Solid State Renovations Ltd. for the Main Street Park, in the amount of $35,000, be approved. Council resolved that the Concept Plans for 2015 be reviewed by the Planning and Development Committee. Council resolved that their signing authorities execute the contract to sell Lot 5 Block 68 Plan 102029880 in the amount of $55,000 plus tax. Council resolved that the Biggar Well No. 4 rehab quote from Hayter Drilling Ltd. in the amount of $14,450, be approved. • Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Drive-in . . . The Biggar Recreation Valley held another outdoor movie, Friday evening. A second show was cancelled due to poor advance ticket sales, and the earlier kids show was not a complete sell-out. While it may be the last for the season, high marks for organizers putting on the event. With COVID-19 making life a bit of a chore, an evening out - socially distanced, of course - is a welcome break from the tension. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)




Like a hog in slop, Trudeau rolls “WE, WE, WE” to a half-hearted apology Justin says he got “Creative” when it came to the WE Charity. “Creative”. That’s what he called it. So I guess Bonnie and Clyde were just two misunderstood “creative” souls. Pretty lame apology for knowlingly breaking the rules in awarding your family about $312k, in addition to helping finance minister Bill Morneau’s daughters get connected to WE. Well this just gets more criminal - sorry, I mean “creative” - as we go on. Never mind that you have wanna-be elites like the Trudeau’s taking money from a children’s charity, but the fact that they took it from Canadian taxpayers to then pay themselves? Wow that’s “creative”. Other notable celebs like Theo Fleury, singer Jully Black, have spoke at WE events . . . for free. Trudeau apologized further by saying he should have stepped away from the decision to award the now-cancelled $912-million contract. “I’m sincerely sorry for not having done that,” the drama teacher, now PM said. I’ll bet he’s only sorry for having been caught. He also says he regrets not knowing how Mom Marg and Brother Comrade Alexandre made money on the speaking circuit. The WE scandal is the third time the Ethics Commish is investigating you. Get your house in order - you of all people should know what is a conflict or an outright crime. Trudeau says an “independent recommendation” to select WE “reassured us.” Who gave you the “independent recommendation”? Your SNC-Lavalin buddy, Gerald Butts? Global News has said the controversy over awarding the $912-million Canada Student Service Grant to WE has “dominated debate on Parliament Hill for weeks”. Okay, dominated is a good word, but “Debate”? Trudeau tries his hardest to avoid Parliament Hill, reducing the number of actual days “Debate” is accomplished. That’s machiavellian, although that might be a “WE” bit gratious in Trudeau’s case. It certainly is “Creative”. K.B.

What was Trudeau thinking? That he can do whatever he wants by Doug Firby, President and Publisher Troy Media Just when you think our prime minister may actually be growing into his job, he does something so ill-considered, so tonedeaf and so contrary to generally accepted political convention that all the confidence he has earned in the past few weeks evaporates in a flash. Such was Justin Trudeau’s foolish and inexplicable attachment to the WE Charity, an organization to which he and his wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau have a personal connection. WE was initially granted a $19.5-million sole source contract to administer the $912-million Canada Student Service Grant. Finally, after a string of critical stories about its internal turmoil and labour practices, the group mercifully exited the contract late last


week. It was pretty much impossible for the contract to continue in the face of such controversy. But WE’s withdrawal comes too late to spare Trudeau’s image – so carefully cultivated through his daily COVID-19 briefings – as a prudent and thoughtful leader. Instead, Canadians are once again asking themselves: “What was he thinking?” WE is clearly in no state to run a federal program as it deals with its internal upheaval. The chairs of both WE’s Canadian and U.S. boards of directors resigned in the spring. Most of the other members of both boards have been replaced and staff have been laid off in response to the COVID19 pandemic. Michelle Douglas, the former Canadian chair of the board of directors, tweeted that she resigned on March 27. She added

that “almost all” of those on the Canadian and U.S. boards resigned or were replaced around the same time. When approached by CBC News, she refused to say why. In defending his decision to award the contract to WE, Trudeau claimed: “Quite frankly, when our public servants looked at the potential partners, only the WE organization had the capacity to deliver the ambitious program that young people need for this summer that is so deeply impacted by COVID.” The Public Service Alliance of Canada, which represents 140,000 public servants, immediately denounced Trudeau’s claim as not only factually wrong but also “insulting to our members.” Conservative finance critic Pierre Poilievre jumped on that point. In an interview broadcast Saturday, he said the Canada Summer

Jobs program, which has been run by the federal government for nearly two decades, could easily have been retooled to give more placements for students with charities and other non-profits. Meanwhile, NDP MP Charlie Angus said the $912 million allocated to the program could have been used to better effect. He said he and other MPs were asked to identify 25 organizations in their ridings that could use youth this summer to help with the pandemic. He did so, but Canada Summer Jobs funding never came through for most of these recommendations. Beyond all those points, however, here’s the problem with Trudeau’s WEgate moment: He and Sophie clearly are not at arm’s-length from the organization. Although WE says that neither has been paid for their contributions to WE, Sophie’s travel expenses have been


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Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Thursday at the office of publication, 122 Main Street, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Dale and Trudy Buxton Editor - Kevin Brautigam Composition - Fallon Neugebauer

covered in the past. As an experienced politician, Trudeau ought to have stayed away from recommending WE for any federal work. To do otherwise merely reinforces the deeply-rooted public belief that the leader in power gets to throw favours to his buddies, if not for financial gain then at least to win a popularity contest with his cohort. Such behaviour is so deeply beneath the dignity that Canadians expect from their leaders that it leaves one slack-jawed. And it adds fuel to the fire of the mistrust and cynicism we all feel. Sunny ways have been replaced with dark days of the same old cronyism we believe haunts the halls of power. When Trudeau’s poor judgement has been exposed in the past, he has asked for the public’s forgiveness. Canadians have generally been pret-

ty gracious and most have given our PM the benefit of the doubt, even for the egregious black-face racist makeup he wore when he was a younger, seemingly less mature, man. Canadians did so because they believe a person can change and acquire wisdom with age. But that’s not always the case. Sometimes, people who are forgiven for past sins use it as a hall pass that merely sets them up to test the public’s tolerance yet again with new outrages. Trudeau doesn’t appear to be a humble and contrite person who is learning from past indiscretions. Instead, he more and more appears to be the kid who thinks he has his parents wrapped around his finger. We expect more, so much more, from a national leader.


P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.


Neighbourly News

Chef Dez on cooking

Chef Dez on cooking

Old men forget!

“Old men forget, yet all shall be forgot, But he’ll remember, with advantages, What feats he did that day. Then shall our names, Familiar in his mouth as household words We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.” William Shakespeare On account of my getting old, I thought that we should mark down some of the familiar names that were used around horses from Y.T.s generation. The meaning of the word “nosebag” has changed. It used to be a screen-guard over a horses nose to keep the flies away. But over the years, it has been changed quite a bit. Now it is a small,

Peggy Hasein

Chef Dez

handheld thing called a eaten the horses and were memories. I thought of smartphone or “known pitching horseshoes to the next “yoke” a few guard” to check against see who got the “Britch- times but all Y.T. came up old-timers not telling the ing”! with was It’s quite possible that that it truth! “Britching” was a har- this story isn’t true, but held the ness designed for horses, Saskatchewan mosqui- “ W a g o n to pull on when backing toes are a special breed Tongue”, up or slowing down, and only seen by old farmers! so . . . One of the next “yokes” enter the fit over the horses when the driver called “Back!”. we hear is that of the the farmWhen horses went out “Horse Collar”! The clos- er and his of style, the “R” of britch- est Y.T. has come to this wife, hauling was eliminated, and is when he heard a grav- ing some the word was mostly used elly voice cry out “Under w h e a t to town when people didn’t like the ‘B, 14’!” I’m sure that some are with their what they got - mostly at mealtime! Not the nicest still around somewhere, sleigh one part of the whole harness but we seldom see them winter. “Isn’t it story! on the barn pegs anyOne story goes that an more! The generation w o n d e r old farmer tied his horses that remembers them has ful how Peggy Hasein theMason two to the hitching post while almost completely gone! Bob he had dinner. When he Mebbe I shouldn’t laugh, h o r s e s work so well together,” came out, two Saskatch- eh?! Enter one of my last she gushed. “Don’t you ewan mosquitoes had

Neighbourly News

Notable Notes

5 Heartwarming Animal Heroes You’re familiar with Balto’s story; he was the Alaskan sled dog who raced through storms and danger to bring essential medicine to the small town of Nome. He was a sled dog doing the job he was bred for, but he’s still considered a furry hero. There’s a statue of him in Central Park. You can view his remains at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History if you’re into the macabre. Some animals become heroes on their own. Here are five heartwarming stories of heroic animals. Sea Otter Monterey Bay Aquarium, CaliforniaCalled a “super mom” by Monterey Bay Aquarium, Joy, raised 16 orphaned otter pups during her life. She helped more abandoned sea otters than any other surrogate mother in the aquarium’s rehabilitation program. Marine biologists found Joy at just 5-days old, abandoned on Twin Lakes Beach. Named for a John Steinbeck character, like all the exhibit animals at the aquarium, Joy lived to be 14. Three years she spent in the wild, playing with kayakers and divers. Throughout her life, she was a favorite of her caretakers and aquarium guests. Lions

Seven men kidnapped California caused widea 12-year-old girl in spread evacuations, Ethiopia, holding her in bringing desperate times a remote section of the to animal shelters and country. They beat her barns. In Simi Valley, a and would have likely fire broke out around 6am, raped her before forcing destroying over 1,600 her into marriage. Three acres before the Venture lions mistook the girl’s County Fire Department cries for the mewing of a could bring it under conBruce Penton cub in distress and Bruce came Penton trol. At an area stable, to her rescue. They chased rescuers worked to evacoff the men and then uate beloved horses from stood guard with the girl danger. One thoroughfor a half-day before the bred broke free from the police came to her rescue. do-gooders and rushed The girl was reportedly back into the blaze. Turns “shocked and terrified” out, two horses got left after the ordeal. behind, one of which was Pigeon a baby. The heroic horses Cher Ami was just a guided the other two to small bird who flew into safety, risking his own life a barrage of German to make sure his companmachine-gun fire during ions got to safety. World War One to save Dolphin 194 men of the 77th DiviMoko, a young bottlesion, known as the Lost nose dolphin, was sepBattalion. While not an arated from his pod at ideal way to relay sensi- a young age and made tive military information, the area around Mahia American soldiers used Beach in New Zealand his carrier pigeons to com- home. In 2008, he was municate when radio was nearby when a pygmy unavailable. Cher Ami, sperm whale and her calf the final pigeon of the became disoriented and 77th Division, carried beached themselves on vital information about a sandbar. When locals the Lost Battalion’s coor- tried to guide the whales dinates. Germans shot out, they’d become him down at least once, confused and stranded and he lost one of his legs again. That’s when Moko and the sight in one eye. showed up and escorted But he saved the Ameri- the whales out of the can soldiers and received sandbar area and back France’s highest military out to sea, saving their honor for his gallantry. lives before returning to Horse play in the surf. Last year’s wildfires in

Penton on sports

In Biggar - Dale Buxton 306-951-7700

Penton on sports



Chef Dez

wish that we could do things so well?” “That’s not odd,” sez the hubby. “They only have one wagging tongue between them!” I was going to quit there but then I remember a song Mother sang years ago. W h e r e you goin’ Laddie? Bob Mason Far across the seas, Lassie! So far away that many

Notable Notes

Calvin Daniels

a day, Before I’m home again, Lassie! That song writer must have a speech defect or some Scotsman called “Hame”. Hame, eh? Upon the forest side of Grasmere Wall, There dwelt a shepherd Michael was his name. And Grasmere was his hame. * Need I write more? After all, Shakespeare did write that “Old men forget”! * “Hame” in Scottish has two meanings: two curved supports attached to the collar of a draft horse to which Calvin Danielsthe traces are fastened. It also is the Scottish variant of home.


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Water Tower, a beacon for home

New Horizons Report by Chasity Braitenbach We are happy to say that New Horizons started our Courtesy Car back up on June 22, after two months of being closed due to COVID-19. So far the car hasn’t been overly busy each day, which is nice for our drivers who have to wear masks. Summer months tend to be slower for the car, and with many seniors still isolating, our days have been moving at a leisurely pace. Our drivers have been following guidelines set by the government on proper cleaning of the Courtesy Car, as well as guiding our passengers on our new safety procedures. With seniors using the car, we are doing our best to be especially careful. It seems that even with being open only Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, we are having trouble finding enough drivers to fill the days that

we are open. If anyone is interested in volunteering to drive the Courtesy Car please contact our office at 306-948-5115 or by email at We would greatly appreciate any help we can get. We’ve had a lot of questions as to when we might be able to re-open the hall for activities. We don’t have a date set yet but are looking into the possibility of starting up bingo again in August, given that we are able to implement all of the government guidelines. We have also had a lot of inquiries as to when we plan to host our “Taste of the Colony” banquet. This is something that will depend greatly on government guidelines as well but we are hoping to host it in late Fall. We are also giving refunds for anyone that is wanting to return their tickets. Have a great week and stay safe!



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Dr. Shaw in front of water tower, circa 1915. (Photos courtesy of the Biggar Museum and Gallery). WaterTower, Creamery and AutoCamp, circa 1920.

by Delta Fay Cruickshank for the Biggar Museum and Gallery How many of you who have been away for a long time and cannot wait to get home? And look forward to seeing the Biggar Water Tower on the horizon? The relief it brings . . . I made it, I’m home! I was asked this week how long has the water tower been there? Gees, I had no idea, so off I went on a hunt. I found these pictures; thank goodness we have most of our photographs online now. I found a picture of Dr. Shaw standing out in a field with the water tower behind him. The description of the photo was Dr. Shaw, Biggar water tower and creamery, circa 1915. Another one I found was described as Biggar water tower, creamery, and Auto camp circa 1920. Think . . . thousands of people have looked at that tower with a sense of relief, knowing that they will soon be home.

Some of the worst men’s fashion trends of the last two decades When it comes to fashion, women get most of the attention. Most brands and retailers focus the bulk of their efforts on pushing new and creative styles for women. But men like to look good, too. The problem is that, over the years, a number of bad styles have come and gone. And if you don’t know how bad they truly are, you’re susceptible to embarrassing yourself. Fashion is, like art or taste in food, subjective to some degree. Just because one person thinks your outfit is hideous doesn’t mean it is. But at the same time, you don’t want to be caught with a look that’s downright offensive to the majority of fashionconscious people. The truth is, though many don’t like to admit it, basic fashion is relatively easy. Without much effort, most men can adopt a sleek and

attractive style that both instills confidence and impressive others. Here are the basics for a timeless, fashionable look. Stick with the classics. First, try to stick with the classics. Wardrobe staples, like a nice pair of chinos, can fit a wide range of situations, and have been around for decades — so it’s a good bet that they’ll be around for decades to come. Neutral colors, well-made materials, and traditional looks are typically “safe” here. Find a good fit. Next, find a good fit. Too many men buy clothes that simply don’t fit them right — as if they never tried them on in front of a mirror. If you struggle to find clothes off the rack that fit you perfectly (as many men do), consider working with a tailor to get them custom fitted — it’s less expensive than you think.

Complement your figure. Different body types require different types of attention. If you’re tall and athletic, you’re going to need a different style of clothing than someone who’s short and stocky. Make an investment. Consider upgrading your clothing budget as well — in many cases, you get what you pay for. Highercost clothes often look nicer, and they almost always last longer than their less expensive counterparts. If you follow these basics, you shouldn’t ever have to worry about succumbing to a terrible fashion trend that future generations will laugh at. In the meantime, you can laugh with us at some of these worst fashion trends of the past 20 years. Square-Toed Shoes We’re not sure why the square toed shoe trend came back in style, but we’re ready for it to be

gone. Fauxhawks Fauxhawks, the art of styling hair upward and down the middle similar to a mohawk (but without all the attitude) briefly resurged in fashion. Fanny Packs For a time, there were thousands of people pushing for fanny packs to “come back” in style, as if they were ever in style. And to date, we’re not entirely convinced they were serious. Rompers Rompers, a semi-popular fashion choice for women since the 1940s (off and on), don’t necessarily look bad — on women. But on men, there’s something terrible about them. There was a brief, yet powerful surge in interest in men’s rompers around 2017, but after that, thankfully, the trend largely died off.




Take the high-ground – Drones inprove ag bottom-line There is little doubt that pressures can vary too, moving forward techno- based on a variance of logical advancements will factors. be the biggest change for Mapping the soil profile, producers in the coming increasingly from above years. using drones, There is a allows more good chance precise applithe influence cation of of technology needed nutriwill be most ents, and keenly felt herbicides in the area to deal with of field mapweeds where ping since they exist, that offers not necessarthe greatest ily across an potential to entire field. maximize So, the yields on a more detailed near squarethe informaCalvin Daniels foot by tion a drone square-foot can provide, basis, while also target- the more useful it can be ing the financial commit- in targeting management ment to where the dollars techniques when it comes do the most good. to applying inputs. A field, even a small Of course the level of one, is not the same cor- drone technology is at ner to corner, varying the heart of its ability to from a wind-swept hill, gather information. to low spots where water Considering the broad pools, to areas with stone, interest in drone technolto saline patches. ogy in fields beyond agriThe nutrient level of culture, forestry, mine areas of course can vary exploration, and military in accordance with some applications among them, of the topographical con- the development pace ditions. of technology is likely to And of course weed advance more quickly


than would be the case if they were merely for farm use. So, farmers can expect better and better drones arriving with agricultural potential. For example, an imaging system for drones that offers 10 spectral bands has recently been released by MicaSense, a Seattle-based developer of multispectral imaging hardware. The company already offers a five spectral band camera with five separate lenses called RedEdgeMX, as well as its higherresolution Altum multispectral camera that captures five bands but also captures a radiometric thermal layer. Simply put, more cameras offer more diverse imaging opportunities from a single pass, and that allows for more information to be extrapolated from the varied spectral images. Ultimately, a producer ends up with a more complete picture of the field in terms of soil conditions and nutrient needs. The better the predicted needs are, the better the

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response to those needs can be in a targeted fashion, investing in nutrients and crop protection products at optimum levels in increasingly smaller

areas of a field to maximize returns. Of course the drone data results need to be married to GPS applications in terms of drill fertil-

izer placement and spray applications, but the soil data is the key first link in the chain, making drone development critical to farming’s future.

Germany goes nuts over sausage vending machines Quick, name a food associated with Germany. There’s a pretty good chance you came up with either beer or sausage. It’s a bit of a tired stereotype at this point, but there’s no denying facts: Germans love their beer and sausages. But what are Germans to do when they leave the beer hall late at night and a craving for a snack hits them? It must’ve been a common problem, as the ever-so-practical Germans have come up with an answer. Enter the sausage vending machine. It sounds like a joke, but sausage vending has become a booming business in Germany in the past few years. According to the German Press Agency, the machines are particu-

larly popular outside cities. Butcher shops in less developed areas close earlier, but the German stomach doesn’t always abide by business hours. Vending machines are just a response to demand. “Especially in structurally weak, rural areas, vending machine solutions are becoming increasingly popular,� industry spokesman Heike Richter said. “There is a strong development towards the vending machine, which is used to deliver meat, milk, eggs and other products to customers outside of core opening times.� The most popular kinds of sausages – such as bratwurst and bockwurst – are common fare in the vending machines, but that’s not all. Some of them also sell barbequed

meats, steak, potato salad, vegetables, milk. Basically, they vend anything you’d expect to find at a German butcher’s shop. You could get a whole dinner out of these things. There are currently more than 570,000 sausage vending machines in Germany. Their growing popularity has also seen them pop up in neighboring countries, like France. But fans of traditional German brick-and-mortar shops don’t need to worry. According to trade authorities, the machines are an extension – not a replacement – of a normal shop. Leave it up to the Germans to put sausages and engineering together.


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recently, awarded a Certificate of Recognition (at the Squadron level). She was one of eight in the province to receive the much appreciated kudos. The Certificate of Recognition has been instituted for Canadian Forces personnel and for other persons or organizations

that have provided outstanding service to the Air Cadet League of Canada. Stevenot was recognized for her important and significant contributions that benefited local Air Cadets. Congratulations, Deanna!

Woman tries to take photo with wild bear, lives to tell the tale A couple weeks ago we wrote about the dumbest tourist ever who tried to pet a lion in Tanzania. Now a woman in Romania has proven that you don’t need to travel to Africa to almost get mauled by wild beasts. The incident reportedly happened in Bacau, Romania, in late June. An unnamed woman decided to pose for a photo with a wild bear that had stopped by the side of a road. The bear, who clearly didn’t appreciate being made into a photo prop, lunged at the woman. A man by the name of Alessandro Bacaoanu managed to get the whole scene on video. In the video, we can see the woman – dressed in a white shirt and blue shorts – gingerly approach the bear. A voice in the car Mr.

Bacaoanu is sitting in expresses exasperation at the young woman’s antics. “I have to film it. Look how she is holding her hand, stupid girl.” While the commentary is pretty rude, the person speaking is not exactly wrong. The video next shows the bear, which appeared calm, suddenly launch at the woman. She bolts and runs off to the road, accompanied by gasps from the onlookers on the video. Luckily, the bear decides she’s not worth mauling and sits back down. “Can you see how stupid she is? Go into the car. All that risk for a picture with a bear?” one of the people taking the video chides her. Soon after, the woman had disappeared into a black car. She’s not only lucky the bear didn’t get her, but also that there wasn’t any

traffic on the road. Her mad dash could’ve easily gotten her run over. In addition to heckling comments from an online audience, the incident has drawn condemnation from the authorities. It seems their repeated warnings to not approach bears encountered by roads are falling to deaf ears. Romania’s Minister of the Environment, Costel Alexe, said: “The bear is a wild animal protected by law, not a pet. I say once again to the citizens of this country: a bear which has tasted biscuits, wafers, and feels that he can get his food in this way, will never be able to adapt to the forest again.” In all seriousness, the authorities are doing the right thing by repeatedly telling people to stay away from bears.



There and back again: a chicken’s unexpected journey to Costco and beyond In a story twist that could’ve popped straight out of a Pixar writers’ brainstorming session, a curious chicken recently went on a journey of a lifetime. And just like the studio’s best animated features, this animal story has a happy ending. Reba is a Rhode Island Red hen living in Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas, as a pet of the Matthews family. Her quiet chicken life was interrupted on July 1 when she unwittingly became a stowaway in a delivery driver’s car. On the morning of that fateful day, Reba was outside with her two chicken sisters, Wynonna and Patty. Somewhere in the yard her family’s dog Scout was running about. Then, around 10 a.m., a delivery driver arrived at the yard. A video from the Matthews’ security camera system shows him leaving the trunk of his car open as he goes to deliver a package. The strange car must have piqued Reba’s curiosity. The video shows her flapping up to the side of the car and eventually hopping inside the trunk. Her two sisters, perhaps blessed with more common sense, continued with their chicken business on the ground. The delivery driver, having dropped off his package, then returned to the car. Distracted by his phone – most likely looking up his next delivery address – he closed the trunk without looking inside. He got into the driver’s seat and took off . . . unknowingly taking Reba with him. Several hours passed before Reba’s owners Jennifer and Justin Matthews even noticed that she wasn’t around. “I didn’t see her when I took them food and water. I assumed she was in the coop laying an egg,� Mrs. Matthews said. “It wasn’t until later when I realized she was gone that I thought maybe a raccoon or a hawk had taken her. But typically,

you’d see a bunch of feathers if that happened.� Wanting to confirm whether Reba had met such a gruesome end, the Matthews pulled up their security camera footage. Instead, the video revealed the delivery driver’s unintended chicken-napping. “She always had more of a personality than the others. I wasn’t surprised to see her jump into that car,� said Mrs. Matthews. The Matthews rushed to the phone and called the delivery company. A helpful customer service representative connected them with the driver and acted as an interpreter from Spanish to English. After concluding his business at the Matthews house, the driver had headed for his next stop – a local Costco. He told the family that he had discovered Reba when he opened his trunk and the confused hen had fluttered out. He’d assumed it must’ve been some kind of a prank. At least the Matthews now knew Reba was alive when she got to Costco. Mr. Matthews hopped into his car and drove over. Unfortunately, he saw no sign of Reba in the parking lot. He asked some of the Costco employees whether they’d seen an out-ofplace chicken – or the remains of one – near their store. Mr. Matthews received both good and bad news. The good news was that the employees had indeed seen a “fat chicken� running around the parking lot. The bad news was that some ladies in a white car had picked her up and driven off. At this point, the Matthews hopes of ever seeing Reba again were starting to fade. But when you love your pet, you will take any measures you can to get them back. “I was glad to hear she hadn’t been run over. We posted about it on Facebook, but I thought there’s no way we’d ever get her back,� said Mrs.

Matthews. The Facebook post on Mr. Matthews profile, with the video from their security camera, quickly went viral. Within 24 hours it had gathered more than 154,000 views and 2,800 shares. Meanwhile, in San Antonio, sisters Susan Almarez and Zobeida Perry came home from Costco with a chicken. Only, this chicken wasn’t wrapped in plastic and ready to roast. “We were looking for a parking spot when we saw this chicken walking around. We were worried she’d get run over, so we stopped to try and catch her,� Almarez explained. “Who goes to Costco and comes home with a live chicken? We were laughing the whole time.� Once they’d caught Reba, the sisters wrapped her in a towel and took her to the Perry house. There, they placed her in a cage they usually kept bunnies in. Almarez posted about their unlikely incident on Facebook. Very soon, she got a message from a friend linking her to a news story about a lost chicken. Then more messages started coming in.


is looking to turn Reba’s story into a children’s book. Reba herself is back to laying eggs as if nothing ever happened. But she does have her own Instagram now.

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“Apparently, all of San Antonio was looking for this chicken. When I called to tell my sister, she was a little sad. She’d already fallen in love with her,� said Almarez. Still, Reba had a home and it was only right to return her there. Almarez connected with the Matthews through Facebook and on July 3 she pulled up to their driveway. “When we took her out of the kennel in my sister’s car and put her on the ground, she took off like a thoroughbred out of the gate, running to Wynonna and Patty. It was the cutest little chicken run I’ve ever seen,� Almarez laughed. Reba’s journey made an impact on everyone who crossed her path. Perry said she is now determined to start raising chickens. Mr. Matthews





RETAILS FIREWORKS ARE HERE TO PURCHASE COME ON DOWN TO THE INDEPENDENT In case you didn’t know, owls sleep face down We all know that babies are born with heads too big for their bodies. It turns out, this happens in the animal world, too, to baby owls. Baby owls are born with heads that are so heavy, that they have to sleep face down. How is that not the cutest damn thing you heard all day? People first saw this as a meme because it had the whole, “go home owl, you’re drunk” vibe. Of course people right away didn’t want to believe it was true but as more and more photos surfaced of the young owls lying down to sleep, everyone just continued to love on

the images. So the thing is that adult owls sleep standing up because they are fully developed. Younger owls struggle to hold the weight of their heads up as they are not yet fully developed, and thus, they have to lie down. Twitter users began sharing images of the sleeping animals and one wrote: “I’ve been trying to find the original photographer for this image, but no luck. It’s obviously a captive bird. Regardless, yes, young nestling owls do sleep, or rest lying down. Their heads are too heavy for their bodies.”

A non-profit environmental organisation dedicated to conservation also confirmed the silly sleep habits in an article. A listener of BirdNote, the society’s podcast, shared how he discovered the two baby owls and was then asked to observe them as they nap. The listener shared that he was delighted to find that the two baby owls sleep on their stomachs with their head turned to the side. ‘Their naps are short, and when they are asleep, they do not like to be awakened, even to be fed.’

Challenging rescue operation for horse stuck in mud Have you ever seen The NeverEnding Story? If you have, then you will remember the horse in the swamp scene. It’s one of the most heartbreaking moments in film history and seeing it as a child scarred many of us for life. An incident very reminiscent of the infamous clip played out near Bognor Regis on the southern coast of the UK. Only this time, the horse had a happy ending. On the evening of July 29 a white horse named Millie got herself stuck in deep mud. She’s even the same color as Artax, the horse from the movie. It’s just too uncanny. Around 6 p.m. that night, the West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service got a call for help from Millie’s owner. According to the owner, Millie was stuck shoulder deep in a muddy pond. Firefighters from the Bognor Regis Fire Station and officers from the service’s Technical Rescue Unit rushed to Millie’s aid. The TRU Crew Manager Adrian Kirkpatrick said they arrived to a scene that

wasn’t quite as dramatic as the one in the movie. Sure, Millie was stuck but she seemed calm and the owner wasn’t wailing. “We found Millie standing quite calmly in the water, but she was unable to climb back out again as the bank was so muddy, and quite steep,” Kirkpatrick recounted. The rescuers began the operation by doing the same thing they do whether dealing with people or animals – talking. “The first and most important action you can take is to try and talk them in to the side without having to go into the water yourself,” said Kirkpatrick. “But despite all our reassurances, and those from the owner as well, Millie was having none of it and was unable to climb out on her own.” And so, the rescuers decided it was time to get down and dirty. Two officers from the team, trained in swift water rescue, geared up and got into the water. Carefully wading waistdeep through the mud, they reached Milly and fitted her with a harness. But even though they tried several tricks to get her moving, the horse wouldn’t budge. “It became clear quite quickly that she would need to be lifted out as she wasn’t going anywhere under her own steam,” Kirkpatrick said. He complimented Millie’s owner for deciding for calling the rescue service. “The owner was right to give us a call to get Millie out of the water, as we would never advise members of the public to attempt a rescue from water – especially when there is a large animal involved.” With horse- and manpower having failed, the rescuers decided to rely on machinery. They connected the harness wrapped around Millie to a winch attached to one of the rescue service’s off-

road vehicles. “After lining the bank with some thick plastic sheeting so she wasn’t injured as we hauled her out, we pulled her slowly back up onto dry land,” said Kirkpatrick. Unlike Atrax in the movie, Millie rose from the mud and laid down on the ground beside the pond. But all was not yet well. Despite her having gotten out of the water, Millie made no effort to get back on her feet. Could it be that she had been injured by the operation? Luckily, that was not the case. Kirkpatrick explained that not all horses will happily bounce back onto their feet after such an ordeal. “Their legs can go to sleep if they’ve been in the water for a prolonged period of time, and sometimes the shock of the situation they find themselves in can all just be too much,” he said. It wasn’t the rescue service’s first time helping out a horse and they knew just what to do. With great care, they rolled Millie over from laying on one side to the other. “This did the trick,” Kirkpatrick said. “This was the adrenaline rush she needed to get back up again.” For all their strength, horses can be surprisingly delicate creatures. Especially their legs are prone to various injuries and ailments. So, a lot could have gone wrong during the operation. “Horse rescues can be incredibly complex, and this one was no exception,” said Kirkpatrick. “Thankfully, Millie was none the worse for wear for her ordeal, just a little damp and wet from being in the water.” This particular horse rescue ended well, but it’s one more number in a concerning statistic. Incidents with sick or injured horses in West Sussex – and all of the UK – have gone up during the coronavirus pandemic.






CENTRAL PARK PLACE has apartments for seniors available in Biggar immediately. Call 948-5626

Central Plains Co-op is recruiting for the position of Full Time Petroleum Driver for the Bulk Petroleum Department based out of Rosetown. We are seeking an individual who has a desire to work closely with our Bulk Petroleum team to increase the bulk petroleum business in the area. Duties will include but not limited to:  Delivering bulk petroleum products to customers  Assisting with oil sales  Maintenance and cleaning of fuel delivery units  Providing exceptional customer service  Other duties as assigned Candidates must possess a positive ambitious attitude, be a team player, and have a valid Class 3A or better drivers license. Central Plains Co-operative serves West Central Saskatchewan communities of Landis, Eston, Perdue, Plenty, Harris and Rosetown. Central Plains Co-op offers competitive salaries, a comprehensive benefit package including an employer-contributed pension plan. We encourage our Team Members to take advantage of learning opportunities, to grow and develop and to foster a culture of teamwork and innovation. Please apply with detailed resume to: Jordan Kammer Human Resources Advisor Central Plains Co-operative Ltd. Box 970 Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0 Phone: (306) 882-2601 Fax: (306) 882-2210 E-mail: We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Charter/ Sherwood Apartments in BIGGAR 1 or 2 Bedroom, Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins. For more information call: Risa Management at 306665-2300 or Andre at 306-831-4430


Handel Multiple 4-H Club would like to sincerely thank our steer buyers.

Adam and Jennifer Hodgson Carla Hoffman and family Cloan View Grain Cleaning Connie Hall Country Ford Darren and Michelle Hango Don and Sandra Beckett Flat Out Trucking Gabriel Elmgrove Farms Hill Acme Machine Ltd. Integra Tire Jillian Schommer Joel and Des Seime John Gillies and family Jo Toye and Kevin Weenk Lakeview Aggregate and Environmental Larry and Dawne Toner MABR Holdings Mike and Regan MacDonald Mitch’s Contracting Novlan Bros. RM of Winslow #319 Shepherd Acres Turk Family Farm Ltd. Weese Electric

Thank you for supporting our 4-H youth!

SALE BY TENDER The R.M. of Grandview No. 349




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will accept written tenders for the sale of NE 03-34-18-W3 Plan BD5526 Ext 1 The Ruthilda Well Site Property is 14.17 Acres located in the former Village of Ruthilda. Consists of the well house and storage tower Tenders will be accepted until: Tuesday August 4th 4:30 p.m. For more details call (306) 932-4911 Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Sealed tenders marked “Well Tender” on the outside will be accepted in person or by mail to Box 39, KELFIELD, SK S0K 2C0.

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Open Monday and Thursday

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We will call and arrange for signatures and pickups.


Independent Classifieds


WEEKLY REFLECTION Hearing God’s Voice by Sue Bernier, Biggar United Church Does God speak to you? Maybe you don’t realize that it’s God – just something in the back of your mind that tells you it’s either a good idea or not. A couple of weeks ago the grandsons were procrastinating going to bed. They were to sleep out in the tent set up in the yard. Bedtime came and went and they still didn’t have their bedding ready so Mom decided they should sleep in the house. Good thing - a moose ran through the yard that night and right through the tent. I think he must have gotten tangled in the guy-wire because the tent was absolutely trashed in the morning. I’m truly glad that my daughter listened to that voice that told her to keep the boys in that night. You may not agree that it was God speaking but I believe. I believe God speaks to us all the time but most of the time we are too busy to really listen. Left or right turn on the highway? Went left and missed the roll over. Grocery store or department store? Went to the grocery store and got a smoking good deal on an item we always thought too expensive to purchase. We don’t need to be in a church or sanctuary to hear God, He will speak to us in the car or grocery store. I believe God is at work in our lives daily and if we only take a bit of quiet time to listen, God will lead us to live our best lives. So go ahead and listen - God is calling. Amen

Everyone Welcome! ST. GABRIEL ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 109 - 7th Ave.W, Biggar

Father Edward Gibney

Parish Phone: 306-948-3330 3!452$!9 -!33 4)-% s P M SUNDAY MASS TIME s A M AND P M "Y !PPOINTMENT 0HONE THE 0ARRISH TO "OOK 9OUR 4IME

OUR LADY OF FATIMA CATHOLIC CHURCH, Landis 35.$!9 -!33 4)-% s A M


JULY 12 , 2020 8034)*1 t " . 3&%&&.&3 -65)&3"/

JULY 26 , 2020 8034)*1 t " . 3&%&&.&3 -65)&3"/

For more information/pastoral services, phone Cindy 948-2947 or John 948-2852

BIGGAR ASSOCIATED GOSPEL CHURCH 312 - 8th Ave.W. and corner of Quebec St., Biggar

Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m. Pastor Doug Motz, Church ofďŹ ce phone, 306-948-3424

BIGGAR UNITED CHURCH 907 Quebec St./corner Turnbull Ave., Biggar

Watch for further re-opening details INQUIRIES CALL CHURCH OFFICE 306-948-2280 LEAVE MESSAGE

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To be continued To be honest Thanks in advance Too much info Ta ta for now Thanks Talk to you later Are you okay? You are You are welcome What would you do? Excellent You only live once You’re welcome

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Dave Molberg

CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20

It may not be easy to get things done this week, Capricorn. You might find it challenging to muster up the energy to be effective. If so, look to others for motivation.

LIBRA – Sept 23/ Oct 23

AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18

SCORPIO – Oct 24/ Nov 22

PISCES – Feb 19/ Mar 20

This week’s overall outlook is positive for you, Libra. However, you may have to work a little bit for that positivity. The attitude you present is what you will get in return.

Aquarius, lately you have been challenged to assert yourself in many different ways. You tend to thrive in a leadership role, but don’t let the stress get the best of you.

Scorpio, embrace Many things come You may want to your creative side rath- to you naturally. Examlook up old friends who er than your analytical ine your strengths and you haven’t seen for side. Employ your crefigure out how to be a while, Cancer. You ativity this week and as productive as possihours,senas per phone call on 26, 2019ble in the days ahead. may be feeling you may beFeb. surprised timental or sociable at the results. and a simple text or phone call can be effective.

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You will be able to get to the root of problem this week if you put in some serious effort, Virgo. It may involve receiving and analyzing feedback from many different people.


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VIRGO – Aug 24/ Sept 22

You may have to rethink certain principles that you have adhered to for years, Sagittarius. After some reflection, you may realize life has changed and you must adjust.

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You like to have the final say in all matters, Leo. But there is a fine line between taking charge and being a control freak. Let others’ reactions help you fine tune your delivery.

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Redskins finally making name change No clearer evidence that money talks came recently when the owner of the Washington Redskins said he would undertake a “thorough review� of the team’s nickname. In essence, a name change for the National Football League team is imminent. Through the years, Redskins’ owner Dan Snyder has strongly resisted calls from the politically correct and racially sensitive segments of society to rid the franchise of the name which, as a New York Times story said, “recalls a violent ritual of taking human bodies as trophies.� The web site says ‘redskins’ means “a contemptuous term used to refer to a North American Indian.� Snyder constantly fought back against critics of the name, saying in 2013 he would NEVER change it, telling the lnterviewing USA Today reporter to use all capitals in his story for emphasis. Well, ‘never’ apparently didn’t last very long. If embarrassment about having a racial slur for a team name wasn’t motivation enough for change, financial threats from giant corporations Nike and FedEx seemed to have done the trick. Nike said it would eliminate Redskins-logoed gear from its shops and online selling sites, and FedEx, whose CEO is a minority ownership partner of the team and whose company has naming rights at the Washington stadium, said it was time for a new name. The implication, of

course, was that FedEx could actually take effect and its millions might before the 2020 season disappear if Snyder didn’t begins. Considering it’s been 28 years since their co-operate. Many media outlets have last Super Bowl title, it’s been refusing to use the not as if ‘Redskins’ has name ‘Redskins’ for the been a lucky name. A past couple of years, given new moniker just might be the start its inapof a redirecproprition the team ateness. needs. Hardlin• Dwight ers who Perry of view the the Seattle pressure Times: “New to change Jersey resithe name dent James a result Micioni died of politiin March at cal cor97, leaving rectness his unsus(along the pecting heirs same lines with a colas the lection of removal vintage baseof Conball cards federate Bruce Penton in excellent flags from condition NASCAR race sites and the dis- - including ones automantling of statues of fig- graphed by Babe Ruth, ures whose shady pasts Lou Gehrig and Jimmy are just now coming to Foxx - worth potential light) are fighting what millions. This just in: they view as capitulating Gehrig now has competition for Luckiest Man to the liberal elite. But on the same day as on the Face of the Earth the Redskins name con- honours.â€? • Another one from troversy hit the media, owners of the Cleveland Perry: “Here’s one sports Indians announced that clichĂŠ you might not be they would be under- hearing for a while: ‘We taking a similar name just wanted to take the review. In Canada, the crowd out of the game.’â€? • Former Mississippi name question came up in the case of the Edmon- State QB Kyle York, 37, ton Eskimos, and team via Twitter, after buying management promised one of his old jerseys for a review in consultation $20 on eBay: “How do with Inuit representa- I know this was mine? Easy. I put it on and tives. Word out of Washing- immediately threw an ton is that the process of interception.â€? • Patti Dawn Swansson, changing the team name won’t take long - ‘War- the River City Renegade, riors seems to be the on the approval given favourite - and that it for the Blue Jays to play

Penton on sports

home games in Toronto despite the supposed closure of the U.S-Canada border: “I’m no epidemiologist, but I’d feel safer telling Mike Tyson his face tattoo looks stupid.â€? • British pro golfer Eddie Pepperell, on Twitter: “With every drive Bryson (DeChambeau) hits, I see my impending barista job come closer.â€? • From media company ‘Baseballer’: “How do we know baseball is America’s pastime? Because kissing a girl is called getting to first base, not getting a first down.â€? • Jeff Macke on Twitter: “Reminder: Everything was fine before Kan-

sas City won the Super Bowl.â€? • Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg: “In Arizona, a former marine who played receiver in college football caught a 3-yearold thrown from a thirdstorey fire. The child is fine, but the catch has been overruled as the receiver tested positive for performance enhancing drugs.â€? • Greg Cote of the Miami Herald: “Cubs pitcher Jose Quintana lacerated his thumb while washing dishes. Jose. You make big-league money. Look into this really neat invention. It’s called a dishwasher!â€?

• From Someone’s An Idiot, via Twitter, after a man driving a stolen car crashed into a woman driving another stolen car in Newberg, Ore: “Grand Theft Auto VI: a love story.â€? • Jack Finarelli of, on QB Bobby Layne putting a curse on the Lions when they traded him following their 1957 title season, vowing they wouldn’t win another one for 50 years: “He underestimated the ineptitude of the franchise.â€? Care to comment? E-mail brucepenton2003@


Kentucky arm-wrestling match leads to guns and cops We all know that fatherson rivalries are not only a thing, but are practically a right of passage. But this arm-wrestling match went too far. This is what happened. Curtis Zimmerman was drinking when he challenged his son to an arm-wrestling competition. After losing to his son multiple times, the 55-year-old dad became “agitated,� and the two got into a physical fight. The father then grabbed a gun and shot two bullets into the ceiling when

he son was going upstairs. Police were dispatched to the scene around 12:58 a.m. Monday after reports “of a subject with a weapon.’ Two family members were unarmed and outside when the deputies arrived. But immerman refused commands from officers to go outside, and thus led to an eight-hour standoff. Boone County Sheriff’s Office SWAT Team and the Florence Police Department SWAT Team came to assist with the

standoff. Throughout the morning, a hostage negotiation team talked with Zimmerman and he eventually surrendered without incident just before 8:30 a.m. the next morning. Zimmerman is set to be evaluated at a local hospital before being transported to the Boone County Detention Center. He has been charged with one count of wanton endangerment and will have a $5,000 cash bond.

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Canadian Flowers Week, July 16-22

A week that celebrates our homegrown floral bounty

by Bailey Dueker, Boondock Flower Farm Canadian Flowers Week is an annual advocacy, education and awareness campaign that celebrates Canadian grown flowers. Throughout the week, the goal is to engage the floral industry, the public, policy makers and the media, in a conversation about the origins of our flowers. Locally grown, Canadian blooms are as abundant and diverse as our natural landscape. Growers embrace the challenges that come along with four seasons and provide a range of flowers all year round. From long-lasting, sturdy, bigheaded blooms to delicate, full-of-scent flowers that could never survive the rough handling and long shipping process of imports, our greenhouse and field crops are fresh and awe-inspiring. And now, for one week, the flower industry across the country will unite to celebrate and show off its beautiful bounty. Inspired by the success of domestic flower promotion weeks in the UK, USA and Australia, Canadian Flowers Week aims to raise awareness about Canadian grown blooms and the floral industry in

our communities. Growers, wholesalers, designers, florists and retailers will be holding events and building installations throughout the week to promote locally grown blooms across the country. Canadian Flowers Week believes that local flowers are just as important as local food. They bring seasonality into our lives, making us realize when the best time of year is for sweet peas, just like we know when it’s the best time to eat tomatoes. The public is becoming more engaged, and is keen on finding out where, when and how their flowers are being grown. Following closely on the heels of the locavore and slow food movements, “slow flowers” and the local flower community is helping to strengthen relationships between farmers, florists and consumers, while supporting local economies. Due to the increasing consumer demand for knowledge about local goods and processes, the aim is to start a public conversation about the origins of our flowers. Together, we can develop long lasting social impact which in turn will benefit local economics and bring Canadians the best quality flowers for years to come.

designers across Canada. mee Wiens); City Girl Many of the flowers uniqueness. that are sold in Canada Some statistics* for you: For more information Flower Farm, Saskatoon; are imported from the 97% of people want to buy about them, visit canadi- Black Fox Distillery, SasUnited States and South local flowers but don’t katoon; Maybelle Farm, Your local flower farmer Saskatoon; Mistik Acres, America; and as a result, know what’s in season; bouquets have become 2,000+ (and increasing) is closer than you think. Alvena; North Wind Flowvery generic. Roses, lilies, flower growers in Canada; In Saskatchewan, here is a ers, Prince Albert; Lark freesia, and carnations 100+ flower varieties are brief,but incomplete list: Farm, Regina; Red Barn Boondock Flower Farm, Blooms, Pense; Whistling are staples because they grown across Canada. have been bred for uniCanadian Flowers Week Biggar, (Bailey Dueker); Prairie Flowers, Climax. formity, they ship well, is powered by a diverse Lynne Road Petals n’ Edi- *pickOntario survey at and often lose their natu- and passionate team bles, Asquith; Grandma’s Canada Blooms, 2010. ral fragrance in the pro- of flower farmers and Garden, Herschel (Jimcess. Not to mention pesticide use required due to import regulations. The founders and partners of Canadian Flowers Week want to change this and increase the percentage of local flowers that are used by floral designers and purchased by Canadian consumers. Our Canadian growers work hard to evolve with the latest design trends and growing techniques. They strive to produce their flowers using responsible farming methods like integrated pest management, diverse cropping systems, and low-input fertilization programs. Their farms encourage important biodiversity, soil health, and water conservation. By raising awareness of flower seasonality in Canada and connecting Booddock Flower Farm is a, new as of Spring 2020 local cut flower farm, located with growers, both the North East of Biggar. industry and consumers Contact owner, Bailey Dueker, for your fresh cut flower needs. can start to make locally Call (306) 948-7232 conscious purchase deci-1/4 Page sions without having to sacrifice quality and

Fresh & Permanent Flowers for all occasions •Birthday & Anniversary •Wedding‘s & Special Occasions •Funerals & Sympathy •Special Holidays •Just Because Cooler is always full with “grab and go” pre made arrangements. They are designed with unique fresh flowers & greens made with creativity, knowledge, experience and love!

Delivery Options Available!!

Serving Biggar with 14 years experience 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Sask. 306-948-9750

Cut flower care tips The best way to get the longest vase life from your flowers is by purchasing locally grown. The less time spent in transport, means more time for you to enjoy. Here are our top 3 tips: 1. Avoid bacteria build up: As soon as you get home with your flowers, trim the stems at a 45 degree angle and place them in a clean vase or container with water. Bacteria is the main reason for short vase life. So keep foliage above the water line to ensure less bacteria grows in the water. 2. Keep hydrated: Don’t assume your vase should be filled with cold water! The only blooms that like cold water are bulbs - tulips/hyacinth/ et cetera. The rest, they prefer luke warm water. Don’t be shy about sprinkling your water with flower food, it will extend the life of your flowers. But, what your flowers

really want is for you to feed them fresh water every other day. If you really want to make them happy, clean your vase between water refreshes. 3. Consider where you place your blooms: The window sill is often a go-to location for fresh blooms. But don’t do it! Keep your flowers cool and out of direct sunlight. The sun will make them

wilt, and nothing is sadder than a fresh bunch of flowers gone limp. Ethylene is not a friend of flowers either. So keep your arrangements away from ripening fruit and tomatoes, which produce ethylene. Ethylene is a naturally-occurring plant hormone that is released as fruits ripen, but for flowers, it causes them to spoil prematurely. 1/4 Page

Grandma’s Garden is located among the rolling hills of Herschel, SK. We provide a wide array of fresh fruit, veggies and fresh cut flowers to local markets and communities surrounding Herschel. You can also find us on FB and Instagram @grandmasgardensask.

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