The Independent

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Vol. 111 No. 30


Mellow . . . Fields are taking on a somewhat more colourful look these days as canola splashes the landscape with bright hues of yellow. Crops are looking good, but as any farmer will tell you, we’re still a ways from the bin! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

12 pages




It will be the summertime hangout for most kids in the area, and the Biggar Aquatic Centre had a hot day this past Sunday. While it has been a blah-weather summer so far, the heat will come and the pool will be the most popular place to escape, meet up with friends, and blow off a bit of steam and energy! (Independent Photos by Kevin Brautigam)



New Commander for Biggar RCMP The Biggar RCMP will have a new Commanding Officer, Sergeant Dean Kabaroff started his duties with the Biggar Detachment this July 6. Originally from Saskatoon, Sgt. Kabaroff has been with the RCMP for 15 years and has spent the majority of his policing career in northern communities. This is his first posting as a Commanding Officer. “It seems like a nice, clean, welcoming community,” Sgt. Kabaroff said, Monday. “We’re still feeling our way around here. I’m trying to get settled in the new job and in our new house.” In the COVID world we find ourselves in, Sgt. Kabaroff is finding that getting out and meeting folks is a tough go. Cancelled community events, limited access to stores and facilities has meant the usual means of meeting and greeting is severely reduced. The residents he has met have given him a great welcome, and he is eager to get involved with the community. “We are pretty community oriented,” Sgt. Kabaroff said about his wife and two girls. “We like to get in involved in the community.” A former Saskatoon HIlltop, Sgt. Kabaroff is thinking about coaching. His girls play ball and hockey, so the RCMP in Biggar have a sport-oriented family, and one that is eager to get involved in area sports. Sgt. Kabaroff sees the work his predecessors have accomplished and would like to build on it, touching on traffic enforcement, particularly on impaired driving, and other policing concerns. “I have a drug [enforcement] background, so my goal is to start kicking some doors,” he explained, adding that Biggar is no different from other places he has policed. However, over his lifetime as an RCMP officer, he has seen the move from marijuana and alcohol to harder drugs like meth, cocaine and fentanyl. “Every community has drug issues at some level, and my goal is to start enforcing.” Sgt. Kabaroff wants to keep the public in on the state of our area, involving them in the policing efforts for a preventative and enforcement collaboration. Due to his previous stations and policing commitments, we will withhold from printing a picture of our new Commander, but if you wish to see him, Sgt. Kabaroff says he will soon be making the rounds about town. Welcome to the community, Sgt. Kabaroff and family!

Biggar RCMP report by Sgt Dean Kabaroff, Biggar Detachment Commander The Biggar RCMP responded to 31 calls for service in the detachment area. Members have been proactive patrolling the surrounding RM’s and communities and encourage residents to report any suspicious activity. On Friday July 18, RCMP had a check stop at Highway 14 and 376. One ticket was issued and police came into contact with approximately 30 vehicles. In the coming weeks the Biggar RCMP will be out enforcing and educating the public regarding the Traffic Safety Act and targeting impaired drivers to help keep our roads and communities safe. This week, members from the Biggar Detachment attended the youth day camp visiting with the children and staff answering questions. Biggar RCMP is requesting the public’s assistance regarding a mischief complaint. On July 17, in the early hours an ATV drove through a yard on Third Avenue East in Biggar causing significant damage to the property, and then proceeded down the alley . If anyone has any information regarding this mischief they are encouraged to call the Biggar RCMP.

Province and doctors reach tentative contract agreement The province and the Saskatchewan Medical Association (SMA) have reached a tentative fiveyear contract agreement for April 1, 2017, to March 31, 2022. “We value our physicians, both for the exceptional patient care they provide to our citizens and their leadership across the health care system,” Health Minister Jim Reiter said. “This tentative agreement supports fair and competitive compensation that recognizes their integral role

in providing high quality health services.” SMA President Dr. Barb Konstantynowicz said she is pleased that after more than three years of bargaining, a tentative agreement is now being put to a vote by Saskatchewan’s physicians for ratification. “I urge physicians across the province to review the information the SMA is providing on the tentative agreement,” Dr. Konstantynowicz said. “The new agreement supports physicians in many key

ways, and ensures that the profession can properly adapt to the changing needs of patients. The SMA Board of Directors is recommending that members accept this tentative agreement.” More than 2,500 physicians in Saskatchewan are expected to complete the ratification vote by mid- August. Details of the agreement will be released after the ratification process has been completed.

Gloomy Weather . . . Wet weather last Saturday has “greened” up the land but has given us some pretty depressing days. Summer really hasn’t approached us yet and when it does, we’ll just move on to complaining about the heat! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Biggar RCMP warning of fraud phone calls

Blast from the past . . . An attentive reader and advertiser, Daryl Davies snapped this picture of classic iron from Biggar’s past at the ReynoldsAlberta Museum in Wetaskiwin. The old vehicle sure looks tiny compared to the equipment of today, and thankfully proves just how far we have advanced. (Photo for The Independent by Daryl Davies)

The Biggar RCMP are advising residents to be careful following numerous reports of a fraudulent phone scam operating across Saskatchewan and the Biggar area. Over the last few weeks Biggar RCMP have received several complaints from the public about an attempted phone scam. Individuals are making random calls to local residents in which the caller identifies themselves as a representative from either the Canada Reve-

nue Agency (CRA) or Service Canada. They then tell the individuals that their Social Insurance Number has been compromised for fraudulent purposes, and that they are currently under investigation by the RCMP. The caller then further instructs the residents to withdraw all their money from the bank, and that someone will call them back with a safe location so it can be deposited and secured. RCMP advise the public to hang up and do not

send money or provide personal information such as their banking, credit card information or social insurance number. These types of scams are usually made from across sea and are extremely dif-

ficult to investigate. If you receive a call you should contact the Canadian anti fraud section at 1-888495-8501 or your local RCMP Detachment.

B5 - I23 - N42 - G59 - G60 THIS WEEKʼS NUMBERS JULY 23




Letter to the Editor … Dear Editor, Where are all the bluebirds that used to be so numerous around Biggar? They are gone, along with other songbirds, butterflies, bees, et cetera, that are so beautiful and beneficial to us humans. Technology is so amazing and, in fact, is keeping many people, including me, alive, but there have been so many changes just in my lifetime. Improved medical care, communication and food production, to

name a few, but there is another side, too. I am thinking of the chemicals that are applied to our food, crops - aerial spaying especially. Think of the bees working out there, pollinating our food, crops. They are being killed at an alarming rate. Spraying can be a short-term benefit to farmers but on a long-term basis can be so harmful, as beneficial plants, animals and insects are lost. A very high percentage of our food crops depend

on them for pollination. I’m getting hungry just thinking about a coming food shortage. Us humans take, take, take, and often don’t give back to the environment and Mother Nature. Our air, water and soil are all being compromized to the almighty dollar. As I see it we are not on a good path to the future and I am concerned for our children and future generations. I hope we smarten up before it’s too late. Bob Wiseman Biggar

Pierre would not be pleased with Justin’s folly by Dr. Allan Bonner, Troy Media Judging by the amount of money at stake, and cabinet and family involvement, this may be the largest scandal in Canadian history You learn a lot about people’s ethics when money is involved. Even really rich people can take the wrong route for money. The current Trudeau family scandal may be a litmus test. Mother, brother and wife received fees from a charity that received federal government funds. This may be how Justin Trudeau will be remembered, overshadowing any accomplishments. He’s been an MP since 2008 and is in his second term as prime minister. This may be a defining moment, fairly early in his career. Conversely, his father Pierre served as PM with a short interruption for 16 years with no personal financial scandal. He was elected in 1965 and quickly became parliamentary secretary to Prime Minister Lester Pearson, then minister of Justice and then prime minister in 1968. Thirty-five years after Pierre Trudeau left office and 20 years after his death, there’s never been


the controversy around the former prime minister Trudeau that there is with the sitting one. Both Pierre and Justin grew up wealthy. Pierre’s father sold his string of gas stations for $1 million in 1932, and the family enjoyed a chauffeur and domestic help. Pierre made frequent trips to New York City, spent summers at Old Orchard Beach, time in the Laurentian Mountains and canoeing. He could go places and do things his contemporaries couldn’t. Many people who grow up with money are frugal. Many just don’t carry any money – a common rich person’s habit. There are many stories of Pierre’s frugality and some may even be true. He’s said to have had the lapels narrowed on his suit jackets when styles changed, and even the collars of his shirts removed, turned over and sown back on to give them new life. Justin has a net worth in the millions, family property and income from several sources, including his father’s book royalties. He has made as much as $450,000 annually in speaking fees. He makes $357,000 as prime minister and taxpayers look after many expenses. His mother Margaret is about as wealthy and Justin will

likely inherit a good portion of that. Justin dominates a room, as his father did. An old joke in his father’s years was that when Pierre came into a room, the room changed. When his rival Joe Clark came into a room, someone sent him out for coffee. Anyone who ever met or even saw Pierre Trudeau was pretty impressed. Even those who didn’t like his policies were left with an indelible impression of the man. Take the pictures of him at the 1970 Grey Cup game. First, he looks like no other person in the crowd. He’s in a cape (!) and a fedora, and wears both well. Even the good old boys in the crowd wearing Stetsons look enthralled with the man, but likely hated his policies. I encountered the former prime minister a few times, first at a famous dinner at the Seaforth Armoury in Vancouver. He went outside, punched a protester, came back in, borrowed my cutlery and was completely charming for brief bursts. I bumped into him on the street in Montreal after his retirement and at a news conference launching his book. I got the same icy stare to size me up as everyone else got. My father knew Pierre

better. He said he had innumerable intense, 90-second conversations with him as an MP, minister and prime minister. These were because Pierre lived in Cantle House on the corner of Peel and Sherbrooke streets in Montreal. It was one of the first apartment-hotels, used by the great and near great for Expo 67. My father had supervised construction, and then leasing and management of it and the rest of a small real estate empire. Somewhere in my late father’s papers are a few letters from Pierre Trudeau that come to mind. Even before he became Justice minister and rose to prominence, Pierre was dapper, sometimes in an ascot and sometimes in sandals. He was proper, known for having female guests to wait for him in the lobby while he changed. Perhaps it was just necessity – he had a bachelor apartment with little more than books and art. On being elected, sycophants left Pierre magnums of champagne, flowery notes, flowers and such. My father, being a skinflint, placed a two-ounce bottle of rye from an airplane in the Trudeau apartment. He


Phone: 306-948-3344

Fax: 306-948-2133

Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Thursday at the office of publication, 122 Main Street, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Dale and Trudy Buxton Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Dale Buxton Composition/Photographer - Fallon Neugebauer

used the back of his business card to write “for all those little headaches.” Trudeau’s rejoinder letter featured a sprawling PS: “No headaches so far. …” The relevance of this perspective about Pierre to the current scandal involving son Justin is twofold. Pierre was a skinflint bad as or worse than my father. Mirabel would be a functioning airport in the Montreal region if this were not the case. In a cabinet meeting at which Dorval’s shutdown was being discussed, someone noted that it would be about a $150 round trip taxi ride to Mirabel in the near future. Frugal Pierre hadn’t spent much of his own money on daily expenses for years. For him, $150 was a good suit or a weekend in New York, and thus Dorval remained open. As of this writing, $150 is not a bad deal to get to and from major airports in big cities. Pierre was leaving Cantle House or other circumstances required some moving of personal effects. My father kept a gang of workers on staff in the little real estate empire, so made arrangements to move the Trudeau effects, likely from Cantle House to his mother’s home. It

seems my father offered to do this for nothing, having rejected a higher estimate with a moving company, but also noted the few hundred dollars the move actually cost. Pierre wrote a gracious letter indicating he’d pay the reduced and actual amount. Smart move. Good ear for a new PM and his good ear trumped his parsimonious nature. Shame Justin doesn’t have the same ear. If he doesn’t, staff should. If they don’t, cabinet colleagues should. This current scandal involves an enormous amount of money – many times the sponsorship scandal of the turn of the century – and also involves the prime minister’s family members and at least one cabinet member’s family. Judging by the amount of money at stake, and cabinet and family involvement, this may be the largest scandal in Canadian history. Pierre would not be pleased. Dr. Allan Bonner, MSc, DBA, is a crisis manager based in Toronto. He is also a Troy Media Thought Leader.


P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.



Folks I can’t forget! I’m getting near the end of the road, eh? And I feel that there are a few people Y.T. should have written about. Mebbe I have some time ago, but some of these folks have passed on and I will never forget them. So here goes! I should have met Jim Sapsford many years ago when a bunch of school mates drove over a “Bridge Out” sign that had fallen down years before. It was great to feel young again and remember times like that! Years later, when Y.T. had started farming in the hills, Jim was not far away. I made many trips with Jim as he sought out pieces for his tractor collection. They were

Notable Notes Bob Mason

all times to remember! Sometimes we went quite a few miles across northern Saskatchewan looking for old machinery and parts. Jim always had something to find, and he always had some peppermints to share every few miles! Possibly, the most

memorable trip was when we stopped at Maymont Hotel, where the entertainment sang “Lii Marleen” for us. Talk about times to remember, eh?! Jim was a nice guy! I really enjoyed every minute with him! The last time I saw him was at the Perdue Golf Course. They had a family birthday party, and when it was over, Jim rose from his chair, held out his hands almost pleadingly . . . went home and died! We all miss you, Jim! I wrote this because I want to leave a little part for our community. God Bless you, Jim! Sincerely, Y.T.

Pleasing the consumer affecting ag bottom-line

Agriculture Calvin Daniels

by Calvin Daniels Most of the time when the world moves to change one thing, and its impact tends to ripple into areas that whether unexpected, or simply ignored, changes things in ways which may not be the best. It’s easy enough to think of a range of such ripple effects, for example electric cars might be good in terms of stretching the non-renewable fuel resource, but the batteries wear out and there are concerns about their disposal. In terms of farming there is growing consumer concern over the use of the herbicide glyphosate, and that means processors are starting to pay attention. We saw a backlash to glyphosate tolerant canola in some markets, those markets restricting access of such seed.

The reaction to herbicide tolerant canola in some markets squashed development of herbicide tolerant wheat varieties, and in that move farmers lost a tool to weed control. Starting next year, the two largest oat millers in Canada will only buy oats that are free of glyphosate. Richardson International told oat growers in June it will no longer purchase oats if they have been treated with a preharvest desiccant. Back in 2015 Grain Millers, which processes oats in Yorkton, stopped buying oats that are sprayed with glyphosate before harvest. These moves are being made to appease consumers and companies cannot be blamed for making changes to keep customers satisfied. But a crop such as oats is very much a niche opportunity for Prairie farmers these days. Producers can grow oats, and lots of them, but the market is well-defined so that production tends to be focused on well-established demand. But with any niche crop farmers have to see a benefit in producing those crops or the limited acres can easily turn yellow with canola, or switched to wheat.

In Biggar - Dale Buxton 306-951-7700

In the case of oats, if farmers lose access to a long-used, key herbicide, it could push acres out of production, and that has to be worrying for Prairie processors. How squeezing production impacts the consumer is an interesting question, with the most obvious answer prices might inch higher. In the competitive world of breakfast cereals and alternative offerings, that could be a bad thing as consumers are apt to look to cheaper options, if oat products were to increase too much. Of course a bigger question for farmers is what happens with glyphosate use moving forward. If oat processors are moving away from grain where the product has been used, how long before other food sectors follow suit? And, if glyphosate goes by the wayside, what happens to canola, where the chemical resistance bred into many varieties was largely responsible for it becoming the major crop it is today.

Asquith Council news Asquith Town Council held its July regular council meeting on Wednesday, July 8. Attending were Mayor Gail Erhart, Councillors, Sue Sawicki, Dylan Claypool, Jeff Eide, Harold Edwards, Jordan Claypool, and Ted Goodnough. Also attending was CAO Kathy Picketts and Foreman Darren Kraft. The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. A motion was made to accept the June 10, 2020 regular council meeting minutes as presented. A motion was made to accept the June 4, 2020 and June 23, 2020 special meeting minutes as presented. Council made a motion to accept the June 2020 financial statements and June 2020 bank reconciliations as presented to them at the meeting. Accounts Paid in the amount of $45,355.91 and Accounts Payable of $34,155.42 were accepted as presented. The Annual Waterworks Information was present-


ed to council and is also on our Web site for your perusal. The booth at the Asquith sports grounds is currently being painted and looks great so far! The Town of Asquith has the following properties currently for sale, 505 Main Street, and 415 Main Street. Please enquire at the Asquith Town Office for further information. The Asquith Town Council contracted Graham Contracting to apply beet juice to Railway Avenue for dust suppression. Exceed Asphalt has been doing lots of patching on the streets in town. The Town is again having problems with individuals, both youth and adults, not following the policy regarding ATV’s. Some individuals have seen fit to go onto the sportsgrounds doing “doughnuts” causing a lot of damage. There has also been ATV’s, as well as vehicles, speeding down Eagle Avenue on the way to the sports-

grounds creating dangerous situations and loud noises. ATV’s, or vehicles, are not allowed in the sportsgrounds. If there continues to be individuals violating this policy, Council may have to consider barring the use of ATV’s in town entirely and individuals would be required to trailer their ATV’s in and out of town. Please do not abuse the leniency Council has shown in allowing direct access to the rural areas. A reminder goes out to all individuals that the Town of Asquith has a burning bylaw which dictates that one can have a fire in town for recreational use only. Only clean wood/firewood can be burned in your fire pits - no painted/treated wood, refuse, leaves, etc. should be burned. Be kind to your neighbour and to the environment and burn only clean wood materials. Also, no bonfires are allowed - please keep the size of your backyard fires moderate. Enjoy your summer! 20075DE0

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One NHL loser could be a big winner Tanking’ during the regular season for a favourable position in the amateur draft might happen occasionally in the National Hockey League, but tanking in the playoffs? It could happen this summer if and when the NHL tries to salvage what it can from the 2020 pandemic-induced mess that the world has endured since March. While 24 teams will start the playoffs August 1 with a chance to win the Stanley Cup, only one of eight losers in the play-in round will have a chance to win the right to draft Alexis Lafrèniere, the big prize in this year’s amateur draft. Thanks to a surprise development in the NHL’s draft lottery, held in June, one of the eight teams that loses in the first round of the playoffs will be awarded the No. 1 draft pick following a second lottery draw. The top pick is supposed to go to one of the poorer teams, but the very definition of ‘lottery’ deals with an immense amount of random chance, or dumb luck. One of those eight firstround losers will capitalize on that luck. So here’s a possible scenario. A series featuring the Calgary Flames and the Winnipeg Jets two teams with unlikely chances to go all the way through the playoffs to win the Cup - instead find themselves playing (by losing) for a chance to get Lafrèniere, a potential franchise player with Crosby-McDavid-MacKinnon-type talent. The best-of-five series is tied 2-2, with the winner to go on to play first-place St. Louis in the second round. So do the Flames and Jets play for next week? Or do they play for next year, and the next 10 years, with the possibility of a franchise player like Lafrèniere to build around? Fans can only hope a 3-3 tie in Game 5 of this fictitious Flames-Jets game doesn’t go to overtime. It might never end. Coach Claude Julien of the Canadiens runs one of those teams with a) no shot to win the Cup; and b) a 1-in-8 chance to draft Lafrèniere by losing to Pittsburgh in the playin round. Julien told

Penton on sports Bruce Penton

that he realizes a good chunk of Habs’ fans probably want their team to lose to Pittsburgh to have a crack at Lafrèniere. “That’s totally normal. Totally normal. There’s no issues there,â€? Julien said. “I think everybody’s got their opinions and they’re entitled to it because some fans, and rightfully so, get excited about the possibility of having that guy there.â€? It’s been a weird 2020, so keep the weirdness going. And what’s weirder than NHL fans praying their team loses in the first round of playoffs? • Patti Dawn Swansson, aka the River City Renegade: “I note that Vlad (The Bad) Putin has signed a one-way deal to rule Russia until at least 2036, about the same time Tom Brady is expected to show signs of slowing down.â€?

• From Super 70s Sports, on Facebook: “In 1991, Andre Dawson was called out looking by umpire Joe West and then ejected for arguing the call. He was fined $500 by the National League and paid it via cheque with the memo line filled out ‘Donation for the blind.’â€? • Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: The FujiQ Highland amusement park in Japan, saying that droplets from screaming on roller coasters could spread the coronavirus, is urging riders to ‘Please scream inside your heart.’ If you think that’s extreme, wait’ll they try to ban booing in Philadelphia.â€? • Another one from Swansson, on Patrick Mahomes’ $500-millionplus contract: “Mahomes’ new contract is 117 pages long. I’ve lived in towns that didn’t have phone books that big.â€? • Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg: “Green Bay. QB Aaron Rodgers has broken up with his girlfriend, race driver Danika Patrick. Rodgers just felt their relationship was going around and around in circles.â€? • Comedy writer Brad Dickson of Omaha, on Nebraska Cornhusker football fans: “There’s

something seriously wrong with people who will wear a rubber corncob head on their noggin but won’t be seen in public in a Covid mask.â€? • Headline on theonion. com: “Jerry Jones Changes Team’s Name To Redskins Now That It’s Available.â€? • Rockets coach Mike D’Antoni, to reporters, on why coaching while social distancing isn’t an issue for him: “That’s how we guard anyway.â€? • Dwight Perry again: More than 10 umpires will not participate in the pandemic-shortened MLB season. Talk about a mixed message: They want to be safe, so they’re out.â€? • Ex-Florida AD Jeremy Foley, to the Orlando Sentinel, on the COVID cash crunch facing college athletic departments: “You have those reserves to get you through a rainy day, but obviously this isn’t a rainy day; this is a hurricane.â€? Care to comment? E-mail brucepenton2003@

Jim Reiter, MLA

Rosetown-Elrose Constituency 215 Main Street, Rosetown Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 5:00 Tel: 306-882-4105 Fax: 306-882-4108 Toll free; 1-855-762-2233 E-mail: Box 278, Rosetown SK S0L 2V0 Please call with questions or concerns Lightening strike? . . . It was a bit close for comfort for Ron and Marj Crozier, as a tree near their home appears to have taken a lightening strike. Ron figures the tree was hit this past June 7 or 8, and if you look close, you can see the tree is split vertically while leaves have suddenly fallen. Hopefully the tree can revive itself and get back to providing shade on a summer day! (Photo for The Independent by Ron and Marj Crozier)

Jim Reiter, MLA

Rosetown-Elrose Constituency 215 Main Street, Rosetown Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 5:00 Tel: 306-882-4105 Fax: 306-882-4108 Toll free; 1-855-762-2233 E-mail: Box 278, Rosetown SK S0L 2V0 Please call with questions or concerns

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PILLAR DH SERIES DRILLS Green thumbs artistry . . . While the weather has made everything bloom, it still takes a certain flair for coaxing something to grow and become colourful and pleasing to the eye. Here, Marj Crozier has shown her ability and green thumb! The colourful display brightens up the day at their farm! Do you have any great pictures you would like to share? A holiday snap, kids playing and being goofy, maybe a garden you are proud of? Send them to us - we would be happy to share them with our readers in The Independent! (Photo for The Independent by Ron and Marj Crozier)

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On behalf of Alice Ellis we would like to thank everyone who touched her life during her 101 years in Biggar & district. From her farm community, to the museum & the arts, the Eastern Star & the long term care facility. Thank you to the lodge staff for their excellent care during her 5 year stay. A special thank you to Barb & Theresa who took Grandma “under their wing” each & every day for the past few years. Thank you to Leslies Drugs for their years of serving her prescriptions & personal care needs. Thank you to Gerein Funeral service for their excellent professional service. Thank you everyone for their kind words & thoughts, the flower arrangements, the food baskets & donations to the Biggar Museum. Thank you to all who helped her family through their loss. Alice Looking always said Biggar was the best place to live, & she attributed for thatatopart all the special people in this community. She was very MUSIC D.J. Music for all time Job ? grateful & so is her family. occasions, pop, rock, Do you like meeting country, new, edm, people? Would you Wes, Deanna, Tom, Butch, Marilyn & allshow their families. light included like to sell a product that helps families protect themselves? Lo-Cost Entry and Free Education For More Info:




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FOR RENT CENTRAL PARK PLACE has apartments for seniors available in Biggar immediately. Call 948-5626 Charter/ Sherwood Apartments in BIGGAR 1 or 2 Bedroom, Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins. For more information call: Risa Management at 306665-2300 or Andre at 306-831-4430

Independent Classifieds



WEEKLY REFLECTION Are you drowning in despair? by Pastor Doug Motz, Biggar Associated Gospel Church I recall a number of years ago, when our second youngest son was about 3 years old. We as a family were out, with some friends, by some small lake doing a little fishing. And while everyone was enjoying the afternoon, our son decided that it would be fun to jump around on the rocky shoreline. Well, as most of you parents can verify, his mother warned him to move off that rock or you will end up in that water. You guessed it, the inevitable happened!! No sooner had she warned him the second time and splash he was over his head in water! My wife ran plunged into the water, and grabbed his t-shirt and rescued him from drowning! I’d like to share another example of someone in the Bible who also nearly drowned. The story is found in Matthew’s Gospel 14:22 – 34. Jesus had just finished feeding 5,000 men plus women and children, so approximately 20,000 people all together. There was a young boy who had 5 Barley loaves and 2 small fish. Jesus blessed the food broke the bread and fish and asked the disciples to distribute it. After the bread and fish were distributed, and the people were well feed, Jesus asked the disciples to pick up the remains. To there surprise they retrieved 12 baskets full of remains – what the crowd couldn’t eat. Once the meal was over, Jesus sent the crowds home, and the disciples into their boat and they were to meet Him over on the other side of the Sea of Galilee. In the meantime, Jesus went off alone, into the Capernaum hillside to spend the majority of the night in pray with God the Father! Well, it happened. As the disciples were about, way across the Sea, a bad storm made its way down onto the Sea. The storm was so bad, that the disciples could hardly keep their small fishing vessel afloat. Then Jesus came walking on top of the stormy waters toward them. But this was a problem because not only were they frightened out of their wits in trying to keep the boat afloat, but here comes Jesus glowing with the powerful glory of God the Father. In verses 26 & 27, it says; “26. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, “It is a ghost!� And they cried out in fear. 27. But immediately Jesus spoke to them saying, “Be of goof cheer! It is I do not be afraid.�� (MacArthur NKJV Study Bible). Then Peter cried out over the roar of the storm, “Jesus if it is really You have me come out walking on the water to you!� Jesus called back, “Come!� So, Peter started walking, with his eyes fixed on Jesus! But when he had almost arrived to where Jesus was waiting for him, Peter realized what he was actually doing, and at that moment took his eyes off of Jesus, and put his eyes on the stormy sea, and began to sink. Realizing he was drowning in the stormy waters, he cried out in despair for Jesus to save him! Jesus reached out His hand and saved him. Jesus and Peter got back into the boat, and Jesus rebuked the storm, and it grew very calm. Does it seem as though, because of this COVID –19, and since it’s now here in Biggar, that you are drowning in fear and despair? And because you’ve chosen, like Peter to place your eyes on the pandemic storm, maybe even the financial storms, plus many other storms in you life – you don’t know where to turn for help! Do you know that Jesus is only a prayer away? And most important of all, He alone will save your soul from despair, if only you will cry out, repent of your sin, and ask Him to come take possession of your heart and mind and will, and life! And you will know His peace – His calm! Call me if you have any questions! (306) 658 – 3338.

Everyone Welcome! ST. GABRIEL ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 109 - 7th Ave.W, Biggar

Father Edward Gibney

Parish Phone: 306-948-3330 3!452$!9 -!33 4)-% s P M SUNDAY MASS TIME s A M AND P M "Y !PPOINTMENT 0HONE THE 0ARRISH TO "OOK 9OUR 4IME

OUR LADY OF FATIMA CATHOLIC CHURCH, Landis 35.$!9 -!33 4)-% s A M


JULY 12 , 2020 8034)*1 t " . 3&%&&.&3 -65)&3"/

JULY 26 , 2020 8034)*1 t " . 3&%&&.&3 -65)&3"/

For more information/pastoral services, phone Cindy 948-2947 or John 948-2852

BIGGAR ASSOCIATED GOSPEL CHURCH 312 - 8th Ave.W. and corner of Quebec St., Biggar

Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m. Pastor Doug Motz, Church ofďŹ ce phone, 306-948-3424

BIGGAR UNITED CHURCH 907 Quebec St./corner Turnbull Ave., Biggar

Watch for further re-opening details INQUIRIES CALL CHURCH OFFICE 306-948-2280 LEAVE MESSAGE

S������-D�� A�������� C�����


Cď?¨ď?ľď?˛ď?Łď?¨ Sď?Ľď?˛ď?śď?Šď?Łď?Ľâ€Śď™„ ď?Ą.ď?­. Tď?Ľď?­ď?°ď?Żď?˛ď?Ąď?˛ď?š Lď?Żď?Łď?Ąď?´ď?Šď?Żď?Ž ď?Ąď?´: ď™‡ď™ƒď™† ď™…ď?Žď?¤ ď?Ąď?śď?Ľ. ď?Ľď?Ąď?łď?´ ď?Šď?Ž Bď?Šď?§ď?§ď?Ąď?˛ Cď?Żď?Žď?´ď?Ąď?Łď?´: ď™†ď™ƒď™‰-ď™Œď™‡ď™‹-

MEMORIAMS In memory of our brother Bill Kurbis who passed away July 24th, 2016. He was nearly 81 years of age. he is sadley missed by his brother Ed Kurbis of Hanna, Alberta, sisters Ruth Pudrycki of Middle Lake, Doreen Long of Snowden and Janavie Kurbis of Melfort and lots of nephews and nieces. Calm and Peaceful he is sleeping Sweetest rest that follows pain We who loved him and sadly miss him But trust in God to meet again. Love and prayers to everyone from the Kurbis families



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to walk-ins HERE TO ASSIST YOU Closed but here to assist

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Our constituency office is here to assist with government services and programs. Please contact us by phone or email to maintain social distancing.


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Call the HealthLine - 811 if you are experiencing symptoms and require medical advice

Subject to Additions & Deletions. Not Responsible For Printing Errors.

For the latest information on COVID-19 visit Public inquiries may be emailed to

‌ Need to Re-certify? ‌ need your First Aid Course certification? ‌ Don’t have time to leave work or tie-up your weekend!

For general not health-specific inquires related to COVID-19 call 1-855-559-5502 The Business Response Team can be reached at 1-844-800-8688, emailing support for or by visiting Information on support for workers who have had their employment impacted by the current economic situation is found at

Randy Weekes MLA for Biggar-Sask Valley


$120 for CertiďŹ ed Red Cross Course done on YOUR TIME!


Call Dale Buxton for more information

SAFETY SERVICES / 306-948-4880 / 1-877-948-4880

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3/30/2020 1:09:21 PM

Biggar, SK





BIGGAR ELECTRICAL & REFRIGERATION SERVICES Commercial and Industrial Electrical Wiring

Business & Professional ‌


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~Brian and Cathy Fick~

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Licensed Journeyman Adrian de Haan



Sewing & Embroidery Custom Embroidery t +BDLFUT t 8JOETVJUT t 4IJSUT t )VOUJOH (FBS Teams, Corporate and t #VOOZIVHT t $BQT Personal Attire t 5PRVFT t #BHT

Judy Check outKahovec‌ our new website: 306-882-4313, cell 306-831-7935


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Biggar, Sask.

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104 - 6th Ave. East, Biggar, Sask. Southeast entrance of Nova Wood Bldg. Hours‌ Monday - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.



115 - 1st Avenue West Rosetown, Sask.


Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Phone:306.882.2123 New Patients Welcome!



Passenger Services 122 Main St. - Biggar Depot Macklin to Saskatoon & towns in-between Kindersley to Saskatoon & towns in-between

Special Event, Airport Service or DoctorĘźs Appointments

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Call: 306-948-2101

A Sign of



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Located at the Biggar & District Credit Union 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK • 306-948-3352 Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc., and mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities Inc. ŽCredential is a registered mark owned by Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license.



-ON &RI s A M P M phone: Chris


Biggar OfďŹ ce Hours‌

Mon. - Tue, Thur - Fri 8:30am - 5pm Wednesday, 9:30am - 5pm

304 Main St., Biggar Phone: 306-948-2204 Toll Free: 1-855-948-2204

Landis OfďŹ ce Hours:

Mon.-Tue, & Fri., 8:30am - 4:30pm Wednesday, 10:00am - 4:30pm

Thursday CLOSED

100 - 2nd Ave. W., Landis Phone: 306-658-2044 Toll Free: 1-855-658-2044

Website: Email:

“We’ll getcha covered�

In Biggar - Dale Buxton


Jerry Muc Phone: 306-948-2958 Fax:


ACCOUNTING SEEKIN G NE CLIENT W CAMPBELL S ACCOUNTING SERVICES • Income Tax Returns • Bookkeeping • Payroll • Financial Statements


TROY MAY, owner/operator

Fax: 306-237-TROY email:

Ph: 306-948-4430 or 306-948-4460

117 - 3rd Ave. W.,

(New Horizons Bldg) Biggar

Super B outďŹ ts hauling grain and fertilizer in Alberta and Saskatchewan

Rockin D Trucking & Cattle • Cattle Hauling with 21 ft. gooseneck trailer • Grain Hauling • round and large square bale

210 - 616 Main Street Saskatoon, Sask. S7H 0J6

Ph: 306-948-5133 306-657-8999

hauling with step-deck 2 col/6 or highboy semi-trailers • also buying and selling straw and forage • also Machinery Hauling

Dan • 306-948-7843 Naty/Michael‌

223 Main Street This isOPTOMETRISTS what I worked up for the BusinessBiggar & Professional section in Biggar, Sask.

paper, 6 month commitment for $161.20 Box plus580 gstBiggar, SK SOK OMO

Dr. Kirk Ewen Dr. Michelle Skoretz Doctors of Optometry

306-948-2183 Email: hrbbiggar@sasktelnet Website:


Every Tuesday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Attention: Deanna Steven

Peszko &Watson

is a full service law office Please proof Business that practices‌

&P the next 52 weeks (year) f Biggar Professional Building, as per phon Criminal Law hours, Bill has been sent 223 Main St., Biggar Commercial Law RealFranchise Estate Law Advertising Pay For appointments‌ #102 - 9622 Wills and Estate Law - 42 Avenue, 1-855-651-3311 and Edmonton, AB T6E 5Ya our lawyers, 3 col/6 Phone: 780-448-2166; Jason Peszko Attention: Karen Fax:Lisa 780-438-1233; Watson email: Logan Marchand BLANKET Here is a draft30ofminutes Businesscould & Professional Bailee Massett change ad for y tomorrow, February 23, then the would look forward to ad assisting you start o your life!!! CLASSIFIED and can be contacted at:





PROCESSING INC. Canadian Seed Institute Accredited Pedigree, Commercial & Custom Cleaning FULL line of Cleaning Equipment including Gravity Table

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Mike Nahorney, Journeyman

102 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar





Owners/Operators • Dallas Young • Claude Young




in your business.

Biggar, Sask. Brody Ellis, Sever Ellis, Stetler Heather

306-948-3380 306-948-2234

Call today for a FREE estimate!

Biggar Sand & Gravel • trenching • trucking • water & sewer • sand & gravel • excavating OfďŹ ce ‌

306-948-5455 Rebel Landscaping

948-2879, evenings 948-7207, daytime Ed Kolenosky s $RIVEWAYS s 3OD s #ONCRETE s 0ATIO s 'ARAGE 0ADS "LOCKS s 0RUNING s 3NOW s 0LANTING 2EMOVAL s 4OPSOIL s &ENCES s ,AWN #ARE xAND s ,EVELING MUCH MORE

948-5352 or 1 co ADS Price: $225 plus gst for30626 weeks (6 months) 306-244-9865 CAN REACH MORE (Regular price is $28.98 plus gst per week x THAN We are able to offer this to you when we ge BUSSE LAW

PROFESSIONAL 520,000 CORPORATION Nice to have met you, and I’m looking forward to


Barristers & Solicitors

Urla Tyler, One phone callAdvertising Consultant Stuart A. Busse, QC coversBiggar the entireIndependentLarry A. Kirk, LL.B. The province. phone: 948-334 Expand your market 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK fax: 948-2133 and increase your proďŹ ts. email: 306-948-3346

Phone‌ 306-948-3344

Biggar Independent 122 Main Street, Biggar, Sask.

‌serving your community since 1972


Tel: 9 9 Ple 9 Wh

for any 9 Ple Â… OK Â… M Â… M withou


Aboriginal Owned t .PCJMF 8FMEJOH 'BCSJDBUJPO t &NFSHODZ 4FSWJDF t 3FQBJST (PU B QSPKFDU JO NJOE t 8F DBUFS UP "-- Give us a call JOEVTUSJFTy GBSNJOH for a quote. DPNNFSDJBM PJM GJFME t /08 PGGFSJOH JOEVTUSJBM 4LJETUFFS 5SBOTQPSU • CWB )PU 4IPU 4FSWJDF Certified CALL Chance Parenteau @ 306-948-9465 or Sarah Nagy @ 306-290-9766

ARIES – Mar 21/ Apr 20

Aries, an opportuCancer, when nity to overcome past people come to you injustices or things you for advice, it can feel may have felt you did gratifying that others wrong presents itself revere you for your 2 col/6 this week. It may arrive expertise and knowlout of the blue, but edge. This validates you won’t miss it. your insights.

TAURUS – Apr 21/


D.J. Music for all occasions, pop, rock, country, new, edm, light show included Marriage Commissioner For More Info: or

951-7700 948-3344

102 - 3rd Ave. West,


Photos by Jocelyn

Photography Biggar, Sask. or 7700 951-7700 306-948-7267 3344 948-3344


1st Aid training on-line or classroom. $120 Re-Certs $85 Canadian Red Cross For More Info: or

951-7700 948-3344


Shoreline Realty

Cari Perih REALTOR®

Cell: 306-948-7995 Office: 306-867-8380

Acres of Expertise.

Dave Molberg

Farm & Acreage Salesperson (306) 948-4478

BIGGAR INDEPENDENT BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 306-948-3344 SUBSCRIPTION RATES…per year ONLINE… $40.00 + $2.00 gst = $42.00 Inside 40-mile Radius… $45.00 + $2.25 gst = $47.25 Outside 40-mile Radius… $50.00 + $2.50 gst = $52.50

For More Info: – May 22/ GEMINI email this morning. Jun 21

ic for all pop, rock, ew, edm, included Looking to buy good Portraits, Family, age quality retail Wedding, Sports, ssioner fireworks? Passport & Firearm e Info: For More Info:

LEO – Jul 23/Aug

commitment. DECORATING & EVENTS 1st Aid training on-line reconnect as if no time service. Your naturally s RENTALS… 4ENTS or classroom. $120 has passed since your generous spirit can be "OUNCY #ASTLE Re-Certs $85 most recent encounPlease get back to me withrewarded in different Red Cross 306-948-9750 Canadian ter. ways. changes/corrections by return Biggar, Sask.


buy good retail rks? e Info:

CANCER – Jun 22/ Jul 22

DBMay SAFETY 21 23 Brett… BRETT’S DECORATING & DESIGN SERVICE Don’t be surprised if Leo, you feel an old friend calls you rewarded after helping FLOWER SHOP 1ST Price… inches = $201.50 AID2.5 this week and wants people, even if you do s FLOWERS plus gst per 6-month prepaid TRAINING to catch up. Expect to not get paid for your s CUSTOM WEDDING


7700 3344

Business & Professional …


Try developing a Thanks Urla 951-7700 project in secret and working out the kinks 948-3344

before you bring others in on the plan, Gemini. Conduct several trial runs before going forward.

VIRGO – Aug 24/ Sept 22

Someone understands you without having to say a word, Virgo. This is the person you want to permanently have in your camp. Do what you can to make this possible.

DEADLINE for ads, classisifeds and news MONDAY - 5 P.M.




LIBRA – Sept 23/ Oct 23

CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20

SCORPIO – Oct 24/ Nov 22

AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18

Financial matters take a positive spin, Libra. This means you can indulge in some creature comforts that may have been out of reach. Enjoy this good fortune.

Scorpio, do not be afraid to be passionate at some point this week. Whether it is a pet project or a relationship, approach it with renewed passion.

SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21

Sagittarius, if you are single, now may be a time when you spot someone new in the neighborhood who could be a match. Couples will strengthen their relationships.

You have a method of expressing yourself that garners many admirers, Capricorn. Keep up the good work and allow others to express themselves as well.

Keep a conversation flowing with a lot of great ideas, Aquarius. Avoid falling too far into daydreaming mode so you can serve as the catalyst for great conversation.

PISCES – Feb 19/ Mar 20

Shy away from familiar activities and try something completely new, Pisces. Study something you have always enjoyed or try a new hobby.


Chef Dez on cooking Chef Dez

Outdoor cooking is one of the best ways to embrace and celebrate the warmer temperatures now upon us. Greek cuisine is one of my all-time favourites, and this personal recipe of mine for Greek Burgers is sure to be a hit at your next backyard cookout. Feel free to replace the lamb with beef, if youʼre not a lamb lover – but I personally love the flavour of lamb in this recipe. Fresh herbs are a must – this is not a recipe for utilizing your spice rack. 500g lean ground lamb (or lean ground beef); 1 large egg;


Greek Lamb Burgers

7 garlic cloves, crushed to a paste; 3 tbsp finely chopped fresh oregano; 2 tbsp finely chopped fresh rosemary; 1 tsp salt; 1/2 tsp ground pepper; 100g feta cheese, crumbled fine. 1.) Mix all ingredients in a bowl and divide equally into four portions. Shape each portion into a burger patty. 2.) On a preheated barbecue, grill the burgers over medium heat until cooked through or alternatively in a preheated pan over medium heat. Approximately four to five minutes per side but an instant read thermometer is the way to go: 71 degrees C or 160 degrees F. 3.) Serve with Tzatziki, and lettuce, and optional tomato on your favourite burger buns.

Makes four burgers Greek Tzatziki (Do not peel the cucumbers, as the skin adds a lot of colour) 1/2 long English cucumber, grated; 250g plain yogurt; 2 garlic cloves, crushed to a paste; 1 tbsp finely chopped fresh dill; 1/2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil; Salt and pepper to season. 1.) Put grated cucumbers in a clean towel or cheesecloth and squeeze to remove moisture. 2.) Place drained cucumbers in a bowl and add all the other ingredients; stir to combine. Chef Dez is a Chef, Writer, & Host. Visit him at Write to him at dez@ or Box 2674, Abbotsford, B.C., V2T 6R4.

Can you spot the person Surprise, who has hearing loss? They All Do!

Do you have hearing loss?

40% of adult canadians have hearing loss (CHMS 2012-2015)

1 2 3

Do you feel people are mumbling? Do you turn up the television? Do you have ringing in your ears?

4 5 6

Do you experience difficulty hearing in a crowd? Do you ask friends or family to repeat themselves? Is it hard to hear someone from a different room?

Risks associated with hearing loss: fatigue, tension, stress and depression avoidance or withdrawal from social situations Reduced alertness and increased risk to personal safety Impaired memory and ability to learn new tasks Diminished psychological and overall health

(306) 445-5700 #2 11204 Railway Ave. E North Battleford, SK

Request for Proposals - Custodial Services Great Plains College is inviting proposals for custodial services at the Biggar Program Centre. The scope of the proposal will include daily, weekly and periodic services within an approximate 10,000 square foot space. The college will compensate up to $1,400 per month for these services. The closing date for the proposals is August 7, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. (Central Standard Time). For more information about the proposal requirements, visit: Proposals can be submitted to: Great Plains College Attention: David Keast, President & CEO 129 2nd Ave NE Swift Current, SK S9H 2C6 Email: Toll free 1-866-292-2472




Working safely for you!

PHONE 948-5144

Our Store Hours

• • •

• •


• •

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8:30am-7:00pm Thursday 8:30am-8:00pm Saturday 8:30am-6:00pm Sunday 11:00am-6:00pm Use hand sanitizer provided at door. Please respect the 6 foot social distance while shopping in the store. Please shop alone (caregivers with young children and shoppers needing assistance are exempt) Be patient and wait for others to move while shopping Please refrain from standing and visiting as you are blocking others and stopping the ow of people. When ďŹ lling water jugs please wait outside until machine is not being used. Limit of two jugs when others are waiting. Please carry out your own water. Please consider using grocery cart to carry out your own groceries. We may at times be limiting amount of customers in the store. FOR CURBSIDE PICKUP


Thank you for for being considerate to everyone and shopping with us in our awesome community. Stay Safe Everyone!

We’re here for you!

We strive to serve our members as safely as possible, and the safest way is remotely. Did you know you can do almost anything by phone or online? However, if you need to come see us, please be prepared to sanitize, wait in line, and practice social distancing. Our regular business hours are in effect in Biggar, Landis and Perdue branches. For full details, go to

CAMPBELL ACCOUNTING in BIGGAR Open Monday - Friday 9:30am - 5:00pm Located at the New Horizon’s We are seeing clients by APPOINTMENT ONLY ! Please phone Rod at 948-4430 or Jen at 948-4460 Pickups can be arranged

We strive to serve our clients as safely as possible, and the safest way is remotely. You can do almost anything by phone or online! However, if you need to come see us, please be prepared to sanitize, wait in line, and practice social distancing. Our regular business hours are in effect in Biggar and Landis offices. For full details, go to

1/4 Page

YH Truck, Ag & Auto 105 Hwy #14 East, Biggar




Open Monday and Thursday

9:00 am - 4:00 pm or by special appointment. Hope everyone is being safe and we hope you have a great summer. If you have questions please call

(306) 948-2183

We will call and arrange for signatures and pickups.

--COVID-19 is in your community. --Take steps today to protect yourselves and others. --Call HealthLine 811 for a referral to be tested. You can be tested even if you don’t have symptoms --Stay home if sick --Stay away from large gatherings of people. THANK YOU for keeping yourself and those around you safe. Find more information at https://

just operating behind locked doors.

Clubhouse Hours 9am - 9pm Restaurant is OPEN ! Booking tee times is MANDATORY Hand sanitizer must be used before entering the clubhouse. Please do NOT touch agsticks, please use the ball retrieval system with your putter. PHONE 948-5488 for more information. Stay Safe

Are you‌ 1) In need of a hydraulic hose? Please leave it outside on the ground outside the side door Call and let someone know. 2) Here for a pre arranged pickup? It will be on the yellow cart just inside the side door with your name on it. 3) Need a part? Call and we will be happy to help you! If you need to come in to view an item or show us what you need MASKS are MANDITORY. Thank you for helping keep everyone safe!

SERVICE, REPAIR & TIRES. Warranty Aproved Maintenance Centre Certified SGI Inspection Station Shuttle Service


103 Highway 14 East, BIGGAR

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