The Independent

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We are Closed for holidays August 2-6 there will be no paper on August 5 This picturesque setting on the prairies reminds us of the much needed water that our part of the world desperately could use. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Vol. 112 No. 30


16 pages




The Prairie Art Road Trip 2021 was held on July 24 and included stops at 4 venues near Biggar and Perdue with multiple artists and mediums. Featured were acrylic, oil and encaustic paintings, fibre art, iron forge work, flowers, photography, metal sculptures and alpacas. Here are a few of the artists and their work. Attendance was very good for being the first time and preparations are being made for 2022!



Biggar and District Farmer’s Market has been keeping busy with a variety of vendors and products available. After getting some community feedback the Farmer’s Market team has decided to temporarily extend the market hours for a 2 week trial to accomodate folks that work later than 5 pm. Go out next Tuesday, August 3 from 3 pm - 6pm and show your support to keep the Market open late.

Biggar Revitalization Update

Biggar Revitilalization Project has some excitng donor opportunities available for the community. You can show your love for Biggar by joining the NYBBB Club and show your pride or name a town block after you or someone you care about and leave a legacy. . .

Battleford RCMP Report July 21- July 27 Battleford RCMP responded to 543 calls for service in the noted time period. These included: 7 Missing Persons reported. 1 investigation is still active. • Update: Skyler Tinker, 13 is still missing. Skyler continues to have a presence on social media and appears to be evading efforts to locate him. He is believed to be in or around the city of Saskatoon. 13 Assault Investigations. • Report of an male being assaulted with bear mace on the 800 block of 106th Street in North Battleford on July 27 shortly after 1 am. A suspect has been identified, investigation is still ongoing and charges are currently pending. • On July 24 at 11:15

pm a 36 year old male was arrested on 2nd Avenue in Battleford for outstanding warrants found to be in possession of Bear Mace. Will be facing new charges in connection with this offence when he makes his first appearance on September 20. Also facing one count of Possession of Methamphetamine. 10 Break and Enter investigations. • Break and enter to a residence on the 1300 block of 108th Street in North Battleford sometime in the early morning hours of July 22. Cash and personal property reported missing. Vehicle Thefts. • Grey 2001 Dodge Grand Caravan with Saskatchewan License 923MEA reported stolen from the Mosquito First Nation on the morning

of July 21. • Blue 1984 Pontiac Trans Am with Saskatchewan License 870 LNB reported stolen from the 1200 block of 102nd Street in North Battleford on the morning of July 25. • Grey 2010 GMC Terrain with Saskatchewan License 055KJD reported stolen from a rural location near North Battleford on the morning of July 22. • Black 2001 Dodge Ram with Saskatchewan License 723MHI reported stolen from the Cochin area on the morning of July 22. • Blue 1997 Ford F150 Supercab with Saskatchewan License 921LZK reported stolen from Panton Avenue on the afternoon of July 27. 12 Mental Health Act investigations. 4 Charges relating to

Impaired Driving • On July 24 just after 4 am on 9th Avenue in North Battleford, police attempted to stop a vehicle which fled from the scene. The vehicle was located a short time later on 105th Street and a male suspect taken in custody. Police located a stun gun during a subsequent search of the vehicle. Quarte Merasty, 21, is facing charges which include Flight from police, Possession of a weapon for a Dangerous purpose, Breach of Probation X 3, Possession of a Prohibited Weapon and Operation of a vehicle while impaired. He was remanded into custody and made his first appearance in North Battleford Provincial court on Monday July 26. 13 Traffic Collisions reported.

New York is Big but this is Biggar Club Many of us have reasons to be grateful for our connection with Biggar, whether it’s a great place to have grown up, to have raised a family, to run a business or build a future. The New Your is Big But this is Biggar (NYBBB) Club is a way to give back, is matched by the Brownlee Family Foundation donation, and helps re-energice and reviltalize our community. For a donation of $1,000 or more you will receive a certificate of life-time membership in NYBBB Club and you can wear your pride on your sleeve with a beautiful NYBBB Club bunny hug (crafted by Sara Colbert from Sew by Sara). You can even honour someone special by gifting a life-time membership in their name.

Block Naming Program Do you have a special connection with a particular block in town? Maybe where you played kick-the-can, road hockey, or had your first kiss! The Block Naming Program allows you to place your family name on a sign off Main Street that holds a special place in your heart. Naming Opportunities are going quick! Contact a campaign volunteeer or town office today if you are interested in leaving a legacy in your name. Did you know... That you can pay your donation over a period of up to 5 years? Your gift can be made on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis. The Town has planned for bridge financing to cover any interim financing throughout the pledge period offered to donors.

U16 Provincials were hosted in Regina this past weekend. The local girls on the team are Kenzie Harrabek, Emily Molberg and Lara Suter (picture offset). (Photos Submitted by Andrea Harrabek) These girls started ball in parent pitch with Biggar Minor Ball through to U10 but due to lack of numbers in their age groups the girls have been playing out of town the last few years making Kerrobert Kougars their home base. This Kerrobert provincial team was built with a crew from Kerrobert, Plenty and Kindersley. The weekend started with a tough loss to Macklin but there was no stopping them from there. They played their hearts out and gave it all they had with some nail biter games that came down to the bottom of the last inning including the provincial final! These girls ended up Provincial Champions with a record of 6 wins and 1 loss, amazing weekend of ball!

Bingo Numbers for

JULY 29 B8 I21 N40 G56 O65



Forward to the past or back to the future? The appointment of Governor General Mary Simon comes at a critical time for Canada and its relationship with our Indigenous people. An Inuk from Kuujjuaq in northeastern Quebec, Simon, brings a unique perspective to that role. An advocate for Inuit rights, as our first Indigenous GG, she can shine a light on those concerns during her time in office. As a former diplomat, she understands how the machinery of government works. Sometimes it grinds slowly; sometimes it runs in reverse. Right now, Canada needs someone who can build bridges between our first nations and the rest of Canada. Healing means you must stop scratching at the scars. Yes, we must always remember our history, but until we look to the future and bring first nations into the full Canadian experience, we’ll never move forward. A first step would be to stop criticizing Simon about her lack of French. Canada’s languages commissioner has launched an inquiry after receiving hundreds of complaints that Simon isn’t bilingual. In fact, she does speak two languages: English and her mother tongue, Inuktitut. It’s pure arrogance to suggest she’s any less qualified because she can’t speak French. She’s pledged to learn the language. As if to underscore that assurance, she spoke some French at her swearing-in on Monday. We realize the language commissioner has to justify his salary, but it’s time to let this one go. The Governor General’s office operates entirely in French and English. No one will be denied service because she doesn’t speak their language. Simon spoke of the need to pay more than just lip service to reconciliation. Too often, governments offer empty pledges of clean drinking water on reserves when an election rolls around. Then they fail to deliver. “A lot of people think that reconciliation will be completed through projects and services. All Canadians deserve access to services,” she said. “My view is that reconciliation is a way of life and requires work every day. Reconciliation is getting to know one another.” All Canadians were horrified by the discovery of unmarked graves at the sites of former residential schools. Much as we should acknowledge history, we must now move forward together. Bickering about languages only takes us right back to the past.


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ARE WELCOME They MUST be signed, approximately 300 words in length and are subject to editing. Thank Yous will not be permitted in letters

Moe, Sask. Party surviving pandemic Four years ago, things were looking as bad for the Saskatchewan Party as they have looked since it took power in 2007. This requires a bit of perspective. This party is on an amazing historical run. By the end of this term, the Sask. Party will have enjoyed the third longest streak of consecutive years in office in provincial governance history. They have become Saskatchewan’s natural governing party. And not even a sizeable dip in popularity in 2017 seriously threatened that. In 2017, the then leaderless NDP pulled somewhat close to the Sask. Party in the province opinion polls - largely because it actually pulled ahead of the Sask. Party in cities like Regina. However, the Sask. Party’s substantial rural base


would have likely meant another majority, had an election been called then. What 2017 tells us, however, is that governments facing harsh circumstances are governments that are politically vulnerable. This is clearly the case in Alberta and Manitoba where Premiers Jason Kenney’s and Brian Pallister’s respective conservative-minded administrations could quite fall to the NDP. What it doesn’t really explain is why Sask. Party Premier Scott Moe continues to do phenomenally well and not only compared with other conservative premiers on the Prairies. Arguably, Saskatchewan faces worse circumstances now than it did in 2017. In 2017, the province faced what was approaching a billion-dollar deficit and an economy slowed

by a decline in oil prices. The political situation was made even more severe when then-premier Brad Wall - the most successful premier on electionday and the most popular premier since the invention of modern-day polling - announced he was stepping down. At that time, there was no obvious successor to the charismatic Wall. Flash forward to 2021 and compare that political situation with the situation that Scott Moe now finds himself in. Moe is still staring down a worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. Notwithstanding substantial progress in reducing case numbers, Saskatchewan still has more active cases per 100,000 people than any other jurisdiction outside the Yukon and Manitoba. And we have highest percentage of unvaccinated

people in the country. Moreover, Saskatchewan lost 6,500 jobs from May to June - a time of a year when the number of working people in this province usually skyrockets. Reopening in July will certainly encourage job hiring, but the economy remains a big problem. Notwithstanding a recovery in oil prices, a drought should have us all worried about the economic problems that lie ahead. After all, bad economic news quickly translates into bad budget news. Last year’s 2020-21 rivalled the 2016-17 budget when it came to the size of the deficit and this year’s 2021-22 deficit is nearly double last year’s deficit. This has not been lost on the bond rating agencies. Moody’s of New York has already lowered Sas-


Phone: 306-948-3344

Fax: 306-948-2133

Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Thursday at the office of publication, 122 Main Street, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Dale and Trudy Buxton Editor - Kevin Brautigam Composition - Fallon Neugebauer

katchewan’s credit score. DBRS Morningstar kept Saskatchewan at its current rating and even offered optimism that the Sask. Party government was “laying the groundwork for a strong recovery once the pandemic subsides.” That said, the bond-rating agency also observed that adding $3.1 billion in public debt in the last two years was equivalent to 3.7 per cent of province’s entire GDP. Yet through all this, Moe remains among the most popular premiers in Canada. And there is little to indicate that his Sask. Party has lost much popularity since the October election. It might partly have something to do with current NDP leader Ryan Meili’s struggles to connect with most Saskatchewan people. The contrast with Moe as clearly

Provincial Viewpoint Murray Mandryk

favoured the Sask. Party. It also has something to do with Wall making tough, unpopular decisions in 2017 by increasing taxes and reducing services - decisions that Moe has so far avoided. But the simple reality is, Moe is surviving the COVID-19 pandemic - the worse situation his government has faced better than most.


P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its Letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.



Forgotten People

Notable Notes Bob Mason

I’ll bet that if a fellow got right down to recalling all the people they have known (right here in Perdue even) They could list dozens of them who aren’t even mentioned anywhere in our local history books! Often Y.T. wonders’ where they all are! After this amount of time Y.T. himself is getting kind of old (well, not any kinder just older!) and a lot of these “contemporaries” have either “passed on” or are darn near a hundred by now ... but where are they? A person doesn’t have to look very far in many of our world histories to find over-familiar names like Victoria, Bing, Hitler, Columbus, John A.

McDonald or George Washington, but one never sees the names of these so-called “little unimportant people” who were also here at the same time! Even Looking back over his (however ordinary) life Y.T. wonders whatever happened to some of the people who happened to be in it! Names like Charlie, a remittance drifter from England. Leige, an old bachelor homesteader who moved away in the 1930’s. Tom, the hired man who claimed he got his black eye by being hit by a baseball. Olga, who spoke very little English, but boiled Dad’s woolen underwear or Evangeline, dear Evangeline, whose European folks moved away in the 1930’s too! These people came into our communities and lives, were part of them for a while, then moved on and were never heard of again. There were so many of the “forgotten” people who never made it into a history record of any kind ... and one often wonders where they are now! If life, in any form, has been provided is it only the so-sought-after sat-

isfaction of winners or Alpha types that are worthy of being remembered? ... Or is there something else about it, far greater, that we don’t know ... or ever will know? Are the victories of the above mentioned “great” people so wonderful compared to the satisfactions (however far apart) of the (also above mentioned) forgotten ones? “Nobody knew where he came from; and nobody knew where he went. But all of us knew he had been here; and how part of his life was spent. ...” Thinking hard about this for awhile, the only conclusion Y.T. could come to was that much of our present worship of figureheads has been given to the wrong people. Of course I don’t know (and mebbe I’m not suppose to know) but my values and way of looking at things are mine, much as every other person has theirs! Sure Horatius kept the bridge (McCauley said so!) and down the road of history many heroic deeds have been done, which we accept as examples ... but

this hero-worship stuff is all a man-made thing, leading us away from the fact that every least one of us is important, at least to ourselves! Not long ago Y.T. had the occasion to scribble a bit about roads and how sometimes they’re divided. It even included a quote from Robert (Hey, there’s a good name!) Frost’s “The road not taken”, and in an effort to interpret the impression it gave me, I realized everyone of us follow the branch we have chosen, follow it, and live with the consequences, wherever it leads! It would be nice (I think) to believe that in life, all went well for everyone, but most of this rosy attitude is left to the selection of Hollywood. Great actresses and actors portray what all of us want to feel (mebbe this is why we watch T.V. so much!) but in reality life isn’t exactly like that ... there are so many losers, and so few winners. If those so well portrayed winners had to stand up beside the losers (and be judged) I wonder who would feel the most fulfilled, the ones

1/4 Page

Let’s Meet a Biggar Revitalivation Donor We wish to recognize and say “Thank You!” to the following individuals and businesses who made contributions to the Biggar Revitalization

Project. Gerald and Norma Baum, Fred and Donna Baum, Dorothea and David Stier, Ursula and Bill Hodgson, Cathy and

Jeff Polsfut, Rick Covey, Georgina Covey, Leah Covey, Bill Covey, Keith Covey, The Bentley Family, Eleanor Scharf, Rusu Financial, Garfield and

We are set up to do SGI and private vehicle collision estimates as well as windshield installations at KRF Customs in Biggar.

Please call (306) 378-2828 to book!


walk up to a person, a credited person, and tell them that they don’t count? After all to that, (what we call society) mebbe they don’t, but to their true, honest, individual selves there can be no more important person on the earth! So ... Y.T. sits here at his desk and thinks and writes (notice that I put “thinks” before “writes” eh?) Trying desperately to prove (mebbe mostly to himself) that even these lost insignificant forgotten people also count quite a bit! Y.T.’s efforts penwise must seem a little futile and meagre, in a way, compared to what he would really like to explain (and probably never will!) namely the real, personal actual meaning of life! He scrawls and scrawls his lines about these forgotten people, inwardly hoping (I think) that mebbe other folks might too!

Jim Reiter, MLA

Rosetown-Elrose Constituency 215 Main Street, Rosetown Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 5:00 Tel: 306-882-4105 Fax: 306-882-4108 Toll free; 1-855-762-2233 E-mail: Box 278, Rosetown SK S0L 2V0 Please call with questions or concerns

Val Elliot, and Marty and Destiny Baroni. With these donations, our fundraising total is 1/4 Page $1,093,875!

Midtown Auto Body Ltd is now serving Biggar and area!!

• • •

who pretended that life had dealt them a winning hand or the ones who had been dealt a lousy one, played it, and faced up to whatever happened next! Far far too much onus is placed on the ones who win, and none at all on these other forgotten types, who came and went and were never ever entered into records anywhere! ... And who are we in our ignorance of these things, to criticize their not having won? Like stated before, these people came and went down the same self-chosen road that everybody goes. They came to the place where it divided and, (like everyone else) went down this branch or that! “And this has made all the difference’ (R.F again!) Society owes these people just as much (or even more ) than the people, the famous ones whom we are told to remember! How can it be otherwise? Can we, in any conscience


We have top technicians in all fields that take care to do the best quality work for you and are proud to say we are backed by 50 years experience in the automotive industry.

Owner: Kirston Rouse, General Manager: Scott Knezacek, Office Manager: Jill Hamilton

Jim Reiter, MLA

Rosetown-Elrose Constituency 215 Main Street, Rosetown Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 5:00 Tel: 306-882-4105 Fax: 306-882-4108 Toll free; 1-855-762-2233 E-mail: Box 278, Rosetown SK S0L 2V0 Please call with questions or concerns



A word or two from the mayor of Biggar

As always, summer seems to be passing us by quickly. A short month from now the pool will close for the season and our students will be back in school, our high school graduates will be preparing for further education or embarking on their future career paths. Time never stands still and days pass by very quickly. It’s important to make the most of our summer for so many reasons and it seems that there are more people staying around town for stay-cations this year. Biggar has so many amenities for everyone - it’s no wonder that our facilities are being put to good use. As Biggarites, our tax dollars fund all of the great recreation facilities that are available to us, and so much more. Paved streets, sidewalks, infrastructure, schools - the

list is seemingly endless. Our town depends on tax dollars to provide all of our amazing services and more, and its very easy to defend the need for our modest taxation so we can continue providing the amazing quality of services we often overlook. It’s our town, let’s make efforts to keep our properties looking good. Sharing a smile and time with others is rewarding, very satisfying and hopefully contagious! I want to thank everyone that came out on July 13 for “the launch” downtown. Although we still have the need to be cautious of the health of our population, it was great to see so many faces in an unmasked form. The spirit of our citizens was amazing that day and with future events in the works its just a beginning of our bright future. A special thank you to all the volunteers that made the event possible and to the donors as well. Generosity of time, labour and product is what makes Biggar’s volunteers and donors stand out and conquer challenges and projects! We are all so proud of you!!! The Revitalization Project is moving forward at a great pace. Momentum is key to accomplish the


project and support is much appreciated! Our future depends on it! If you’re looking for information on how to participate, call the Town Office. It’s just that easy!!! A drive through the regional park displays the many hours committed to the improvements that have been in the works this summer. Hats off to those dedicated people! Our regional park and rec valley areas are truly underused gems. Please use with diligence and respect to ensure they are there for all to enjoy for the future. We have so many exciting things coming up in the future it’s really difficult to imagine how we survived without the social interactions over the last year and a half. Please keep an eye out on social media, especially the Town of Biggar’s Facebook page for upcoming events - we really need support and participation from everyone! If you’re looking for something to do, join us on August 11 at 7pm at the Community Hall to get the low down on an exciting opportunity for Biggar and area, and on August 12 for another chance to wear our heart on our sleeves (details will be shared soon).

Improvements to our solar, infrastructure and some further green initiatives will be obvious very soon and it will be difficult to find a town more progressive than ours!!! Stay tuned!!! Safety of our residents is always a major concern. As the days shorten, and the weather continues to encourage outdoor activity in the evenings, please be safe during your eve-

ning walks by avoiding the wearing of dark coloured clothing and focus on bright colours with some element of light reflective safety wear. It’s often difficult for drivers to distinguish dark objects at night. An injury to one is an injury to all. Our farming industry has endured a dry sweltering season and harvest will be somewhat different this year. Thoughts

are certainly with you all and I hope that you are safe as the crop season winds down. If anyone has the ability to play piano, please check out the corner of Main and Third Avenue East. Favour us all with a tune and make music echo through town. Be well and watch for Biggar things ahead of us!

Fuel 94 of Wilkie, SK & Kavar Petroleum Distributor Ltd. of Provost, AB are pleased to have partnered up to Donate $1000.00 to contribute to the Town of Biggar, Sask project! Fuel 94 was started back in 1994 with a group of farmers that decided to tender their farm fuel, it started out with 11 farmers and grew over the years, at one time having 108 members! Kavar Petroleum of Provost, and Fuel 94 of Wilkie have joined together to donate money to a lot of towns for all kind of projects and for a number of years have given money to stars.


Steak Sandwich $13.95 Wings or 1 Pound Bone-In Ribs $10.95 (21 flavors) Happy Hour Beer All Day $4.25 Domestic $4.75 Import

RIDERS vs LIONS (7:30p.m.)



Agriculture Dry Matters

the Prairies. A recent moisture conditions map from the provincial government shows a rather bleak picture. Topsoil moisture for Saskatchewan’s cropland was rated as eight per cent adequate, 39 per cent short and 53 per cent very short. The problem becomes worse as August arrives because it will soon become too late for moisture, should it come, to do crops a lot of good. The situation is one which obviously hits grain producers hard as the drought conditions are going to cut yields significantly, no matter what happens the rest of the summer, a level of damage in terms of yield potential has hit almost every crop. The situation is perhaps even worse for many cattle producers. Pastures which are supposed to feed herds through the summer are not producing as they should, which will force producers to feed more hay. In some cases, water sources such as dugouts are drying up as well, making the situation more immediate and dire. Of course hay yields are

Agriculture Calvin Daniels

by Calvin Daniels It’s just past mid-July. It should be a time when farmers, in particular grain farmers can pause and exhale, just a little. It is that time between seeding and spraying just completed and the hectic time ahead that is harvest. It is a time when maybe a producer gets to the lake to fish for a day, or to take the family camping without getting other work undone on the farm. This year however, this lull in the work schedule is quite simply a time of stress for most. The combination of too many days where the temperature has surged past 30C, and far too many days without significant moisture has put huge drought stress on crops across Saskatchewan and

short due to the drought, and that brings forth questions of what producers will feed this winter. Since there is a drought buying hay is becoming a very high cost option that won’t be financially viable for many producers. The situation for cattle, and sheep producers, may be to sell off portions of the herd/flock. A sell-off of course tends to push prices down and lower returns, and it also means the loss of herd genetics often created through years of a carefully laid out breeding program. It’s a no-win situation for farmers needing pasture and hay to operate. The situation is bad news for more than producers too. While government is starting to respond with programming to help producers, they will not generate the incomes of a good crop. With less income, farmers will not be spending money as they normally would, and since agriculture is an economic driver on the Prairies it will hurt business. Coming on the heels of the economic impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had the past 18 months, the drought is bad news for business too.

Regal Motors

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Enjoy buying your next vehicle at Regal Motors!

• • • • •

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to walk-ins HERE TO ASSIST YOU Closed but here to assist

Our constituency office is here to assist with government services and programs. Please contact us by phone or email to maintain social distancing. Call the HealthLine - 811 if you are experiencing symptoms and require medical advice For the latest information on COVID-19 visit Public inquiries may be emailed to For general not health-specific inquires related to COVID-19 call 1-855-559-5502 The Business Response Team can be reached at 1-844-800-8688, emailing support for or by visiting Information on support for workers who have had their employment impacted by the current economic situation is found at

Randy Weekes MLA for Biggar-Sask Valley / 306-948-4880 / 1-877-948-4880

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2020 FORD F-150 LARIAT REGAL PRICE $63,995 +licensing and taxes Mileage: 34,418 km Exterior: White Drivetrain: 4WD 2.7L V6 24V DOHC TwinTurbo Automatic


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Protect your farm equipment, improve productivity and help ensure higher quality hay with Jiffy’s unique Hayland Float. The Hayland Float easily levels molehills, humps and hollows that can lead to expensive repairs to haybines, discbines, balers and forage harvesters, costly livestock injuries and dirt in your hay or silage.

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The Saskatchewan Traveller

Our journey continues east on Highway 40, leaving Neilburg. Did you know that just outside of Neilburg about 10 kilometre’s there once was a community called Freemont, on Highway 40. In the early years Freemont once had a post office, doctor, 2 grain elevators, municipal office and some stores. The community never had a school, so the children that lived in the area attended Flat Land School about 5 miles north. The community was boarded up around 1971 when the last standing business closed, the post office. An interesting fact about Freemont was that back in 1956 a cyclone had devastated the community of Freemont, Nebraska. A lot of money was raised, from Freemont, Saskatchewan with the help of residents in nearby Neilburg, to help in aid of the people in Nebraska. Interesting enough there is another community that was also boarded up and that is the community of Balwinton, which was a small village on the branch line railway from Cut Knife to Lloydminister. Named after Stanley 1/4 Page Baldwin, Prime Minister of Great Britian. Next up Cut Knife. Home to the “World’s Largest Tomahawk”, built in 1971 as a symbol of unity and friendship with the native people and is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. It is a full service community with a population of around 600 residents. The Town of Cut Knife was established in 1912, named by the founding fathers, after the largest hill in the area. Back in the early 1800’s it is believed that there was a battle between the

resident Cree and their invading visitors from the Alberta region, the Sarcees Nation. As the story goes the Sarcees Chief, “Broken Knife” was defeated on the large hill, that sits just north of the present day town. The Cree at the time were so impressed by the fighting skills of Broken Knife that they named the hill and location in his honour. The name later changed to Cut Knife in English. Today there is a landmark that is referred to as Broken Knife Lookout or Chief Poundmaker Hill. Cut Knife has several attractions nearby to enjoy including Atton’s Lake Regional Park, that has a golf course, clear water lake and sandy beaches. There is also a couple of museum’s that show the rich history of

• • • • • • •

the area and it’s development. Including the Battle of Cut Knife that occured in 1885, when Bands of Cree lead by Chief Poundmaker went to Battleford and fought against the Canadian army and Mounted Police. The initial purpose of going to Battleford was to get better supplies for the starving Band members. But the residents of Battleford, in hearing that there were large numbers of Cree and Assiniboine making their way to the community, feared for their safety. The fight soon happened on the east side of Cut Knife Creek. Cut Knife has a beautiful entrance way into the community with its lined trees along the streets and is a nice place to visit. Stay tuned for more adventures...


Biggar Homestead Restaurant 948-5656




Local culinary talent participate in the Saskatoon Food Truck Wars festival

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The Saskatoon Foodtruck Wars Festival was held this past weekend July 22-24 and for the first time Flora Dalisay of Cucina Ni Flora and Marcy Ellis of Biggar Bites Catering were involved with their food trucks. The weekend had beautiful weather, lots of customers and both represented Biggar very well. Good Job Ladies!! (Independent Photo’s by Dale Buxton)

Government increases seniors income plan benefits Effective July 1, 2021, the maximum monthly benefit provided through the Seniors Income Plan (SIP) will increase by $30 per month. Along with this year’s increase, the maximum SIP benefit will also increase by an additional $30 each year for the next two years. “Our government is fulfilling our commitment to improve seniors’ quality of life through our increase to the Seniors Income Plan,” Social Services Minister Lori Carr said. “This extra money will help Saskatchewan seniors live more comfortably and securely as they continue participating in and contributing to

communities across the province.” The maximum monthly benefit is an increase from $270 per month to $300 per month for single pensioners and from $470 per month to $530 per month for a twopensioner household. The minimum benefit will also increase from $10 per month to $15 per month. Since 2008, the Government of Saskatchewan has made six previous increases to the SIP. The program supports more than 15,000 Saskatchewan seniors. Saskatchewan’s Seniors Income Plan provides seniors with financial

Proudly serving Biggar & surrounding communities for 48 years and counting!

assistance to help meet their basic needs. The monthly benefit is available to seniors who receive little or no income other than the federal Old Age Security pension and the Guaranteed Income Supplement. Eligible seniors automatically receive this benefit based on the filing of their most recent income tax return. The Seniors Income Plan is a monthly incometested benefit, meaning that seniors receive different levels of support depending on the amount of their pension, taxable income or living arrangement. The benefit is high1/4 Page er for seniors with lower income.

Pizzeria Adria and Ray’s Vinyl A Perfect Combination “Walley sometimes things get so messed up, shouting is the only thing you can do”

Pizza Guy

Ray’s Vinyls

Thanks for your Business 948-4800

! !


Perdue Cattle Show


Well the Perdue Cattle Show is a wrap! Had a great couple of days with the Junior, commercial and jackpot shows yesterday. Our judges for the day Alvin Pawlitza, Mary Kate Robertson and Junior judge Georgia Pawlitza of Hills Galore Stock Farms did an excellent job with an outstanding group of cattle to pick from. The purebred shows today had a strong showing of top cattle owned by progressive breeders from Alberta, Saskatchewan & Ontario. Lee & Dawn Wilson from Miller Wilson Angus made the drive over from Alberta to judge the purebred breed offering as well as the Perdue Cattle Show Beef Supreme. This year marked the first year that this show became a qualifer for Canadian Western Agribition’s Beef Supreme sponsored by CN.

Photo’s by (C2IT Photography)

Passing lanes deliver $7.5 million in safety improvements to Highway 2 With the construction of two new sets of passing lanes between the City of Prince Albert and Christopher Lake, the safety on Highway 2 will be greatly improved. “Highway 2 is an essential gateway to the North,” Minister of Highways Fred Bradshaw said. “Passing lanes offer

opportunities for motorists to pass, leading to improved traffic flow and also ensuring everyone gets to their destination safely.” This morning, Minister Bradshaw was joined by MLAs Joe Hargrave, Nadine Wilson, Alana Ross and Delbert Kirsch, as well as members from

the Lac La Ronge Indian Band and Rural Municipality of Buckland, to hold a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new sets of passing lanes. These passing lanes improve traffic flow for commuters to and from communities and parks in the Prince Albert area and the province’s north. The total investment for this project is $7.5 million, the first passing lane project completed under the province’s $2.4 billion stimulus program. “This investment is greatly appreciated by

residents and motorists travelling to and from Prince Albert,” MLA for Saskatchewan Rivers Nadine Wilson said. “Highway 2 is such an important corridor for the area and these new passing lanes will benefit so many people through safety and expanded capacity for an evergrowing area.” Over the next two years, the Government of Saskatchewan is constructing 30 new sets of passing lanes, building on the 27 sets constructed in the last four years. Studies

Prairieland Collision Centre COURTESY CARS AVAILABLE

306-882-2289 Darren Wenzel Kelan Deibert 601 Colwell Road, Rosetown, SK.

have shown passing lanes can reduce collisions by as much as 25 per cent. Highway 10, the province’s first major passing lanes pilot project, has seen 75 per cent fewer fatal accidents five years after its completion. The Government of Saskatchewan has invested more than $10.6 billion in highways infrastructure since 2008, improving more than 17,100 km of Saskatchewan highways. This is in addition to more 1/4 thanPage 1,350 km of provincial highways constructed this year as part

of the 10-year Growth Plan goal to build and upgrade 10,000 km of highways. With this year’s projects, the province is ahead of the pace needed to meet this target. If you’re planning to travel, check the Highway Hotline at saskatchewan. ca/highwayhotline or call 511 for up-todate information on construction, emergency road closures, the status of ferries, barges and other road activities.

Working with the local communities, Mid-Sask helps address the needs of local business through: • A combination of localized long range strategic planning • Counseling and business development • Financial assistance up to $150,000 to small, medium sized business and entrepreneurs Mid-Sask Community Futures 500 Progress Avenue, Box 176 Outlook, SK S0L 2N0 P: 306-867-9566 Fax: 306-867-9559




Siem: good golfer, great attitude

Penton on sports Bruce Penton

No one is even sure what to call it - the ‘British Open’ is apparently offensive to those living in the UK; the ‘Open Championship’ seems pretentious, as if it’s the only Open of consequence in the world; and the plain ‘Open’ offends many Americans, who rightly say, ‘hey, we have an Open, too’ - but the tournament held in mid-July in Sandwich, England, was a beauty. However, we’re not here to talk about Collin Morikawa, who won the event, or Louis Oosthuizen, who lost it; or Brooks

Koepka, who thinks he should always win these majors; or Bryson DeChambeau, who wants to grab all the headlines, or Jordan Spieth, whose putting is about as dependable as a sixmonth-old trying to put porridge into his mouth with an oversized spoon. No, we’re here to talk about the comparatively unknown Marcel Siem, who played in the Open Championship and was so grateful for the opportunity. Siem, you see, was in 2012-14 a top-50 player in the world. But he fell victim to a golfer’s common malady changing his swing to try to find another 20 yards off the tee - and his game plummeted so badly he soon found himself on Europe’s Challenge Tour. The Challenge Tour is the equivalent to the minor league Korn Ferry Tour in the U.S., where up-and-coming stars, or aging veterans still trying to ‘find it’, grind it out on bad courses, in

small towns, with few fans, for small purses, in an attempt to get back to the big leagues, the PGA Tour, home to great courses, big cities, huge purses and major media coverage. On the Challenge Tour, Siem was in that ‘aging veteran’ class, but the golfer with the man-bun and the enthusiastic fist pumps who became a fan favourite at St. George’s knows the reality of his existence, and accepts it with dogged determination. Golf Digest reporter Daniel Rapaport told Siem’s story, and it was heart-warming. “There’s a lot of guys my age going back to the Challenge Tour,” Siem told Rapaport. “If you don’t accept that you lost your card, and (believe) you’re still a European Tour player ... and you should play for (millions), you cannot compete on the Challenge Tour. There’s no chance. You’re grumpy. You’re upset all the time. Once… you accept that’s

where I am, that’s the only way forward. I’m so happy to understand that. You have to show the Challenge Tour some respect.” That attitude of acceptance has obviously led Siem to some better golf and now, thanks to his 15th-place showing at the Open Championship, he has earned the right, again, to compete on the European Tour. You don’t have a heart if you don’t wish for many good days ahead for the German. • RJ Currie of “According to Orange New, some tourists in Portugal were charged with gambling after playing bingo for drinks. Closer to home, the RCMP suspect CFL teams in 2021 will be playing for peanuts.” • Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg: “Tom Brady played the whole season, and won the Super Bowl for Tampa Bay, with a torn ACL. Yes, Tom is incredibly tough. But he is also so slow he could play a year with a torn

ACL and nobody could tell.” • Broadcaster and former PGA tour player Colt Knost, after Collin Morikawa won the Open Championship, taking the Claret Jug away from 2019 winner, Irishman Shane Lowry: “I think the Claret Jug will get a lot more sleep this year.” • Patti Dawn Swansson, on Twitter: “Adam Larsson defects from the Edmonton Oilers to the Seattle Kraken. Looks like every Oil win next season will have to be a 10-9 score.” • Alex Kaseberg again: “The Cleveland Indians will be named the Guardians. So does this mean they’re in charge of Britney Spears’ estate?” • Comedy writer Brad Dickson of Omaha: “It’s getting bad in Tokyo. The Olympic Torch just tested positive for Covid.” • Dickson again: “The Cleveland Indians have dropped ‘Indians’ to improve their image. Good start. Now they just need to drop ‘Cleve-

land.’” • Greg Cote of the Miami Herald: “The Stanley Cup got dented during Tampa Bay’s boat parade. Gotta be a way to blame Tom Brady, no?” • RJ Currie of sportsdeke. com: “There’s a reason Milwaukee won the NBA championship. After falling behind 2-0 in the series to the Suns, the Bucks upped the Antetokounmpo.” • Headlines at theonion. com: 1. “Giannis Criticized For Poor Footwork While Hoisting Finals MVP Trophy.”; 2. Lone Wheel From Pileup Rolls Across Finish Line In Tour De France Victory.” • From “Algerian forfeits from judo because of Covid. Nah, just kidding, he didn’t want to fight an Israeli.” • Another headline: “Bear breaks into Olympic softball facility TWICE. This bear’s repeating.” Care to comment? E-mail brucepenton2003@




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Landis Office Hours:

Mon.-Tue, & Fri., 8:30am - 4:30pm Wednesday, 10:00am - 4:30pm

Thursday CLOSED

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Website: Email:

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Ph: 306-948-5133 306-657-8999

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Fax: 306-237-TROY email:

Rockin D Trucking & Cattle • Cattle Hauling with 21 ft. gooseneck trailer • Grain Hauling • round and large square bale

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Since 1977, Primerica has offered term life insurance, giving families the coverage they need at a price they can afford. In Biggar - Dale Buxton



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Judy Kahovec: Biggar, . Franchise Advertising Payables & Sask Inquiries gar, Sask. 882-4313, Cell 831-7935 Carey Krchov: 882-3213 SEED CLEANING Southeast entrance of Avenue, #102 - 9622 - 42 306-948-7267 Nova Wood Bldg. Edmonton, AB T6E 5Ya WYLIE SEED & Hours… Phone: 780-448-2166; PROCESSING INC. A Sign of Monday - Thursday, Fax: 780-438-1233; 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Qualilty! email: Friday,

115 - 1 Avenue West Rosetown, Sask.


Photos by

t +BDLFUT t 8JOETVJUT Portraits, Family, t 4IJSUT t )VOUJOH (FBS Teams, Corporate and DENTAL Please proof Business &Wedding, Professional directory ad to be published for t #VOOZIVHT t $BQT Sports, Personal Attire t 5PRVFT t #BHT the next 52 weeks (year)Passport for $403.00 plus gst. & Firearm CLINIC Judy Check outKahovec… our new website: Photography th has been sent Bill 306-882-4313, cell 306-831-7935 104 - 6 Ave. East, Big-





Attention: Deanna Stevenot Jocelyn BIGGAR

Dr. Kirk Ewen Dr. Michelle Skoretz Doctors of Optometry


Every Tuesday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Biggar Professional Building, 223 Main St., Biggar

For appointments…




For all your home, business and rural needs Owners/Operators • Dallas Young • Claude Young

Biggar, Sask.


Journeymen Plumber, Gas Fitter, & Electrician on staff

Canadian Seed Institute Accredited Pedigree, Commercial & Custom Cleaning FULL line of Cleaning Equipment including Gravity Table

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Biggar Sand & Gravel

• trenching • trucking Jerry Muc Bill: 948-7457 Dale: Phone: 306-948-2958 The948-6045 Biggar Independent • water & sewer Plant located 8 miles south Fax: 306-948-5699 • sand & gravel Tel: 948-3344 of Biggar Fax:on948-2133 Contact: Urla Hwy #4, ¼ mile west on Triumph Rd. excavating accuracy. 9 Please check this copy carefully for spelling• and Office … 9 When you OK this proof, we cannot be held responsible 306-230-4653 for any errors that remain noon, Fri. April 25 9 Please approve and return by:_______________________ Rebel Landscaping OK as is. 948-2879, Aboriginal Owned evenings Make corrections as noted and schedule additional proof. t .PCJMF 8FMEJOH 'BCSJDBUJPO t &NFSHODZ 4FSWJDF 948-7207, t 3FQBJST (PU B QSPKFDU JO NJOE Make corrections as noted and proceed with production daytime t 8F DBUFS UP "-- Give us a call Ed Kolenosky JOEVTUSJFTy GBSNJOH without additional proof. for a quote. s $RIVEWAYS s 3OD DPNNFSDJBM PJM GJFME Initials____________ s #ONCRETE s 0ATIO t /08 PGGFSJOH JOEVTUSJBM For all your Cereal and Pulse Cleaning


4LJETUFFS 5SBOTQPSU )PU 4IPU 4FSWJDF CALL Chance Parenteau @ 306-948-9465 or Sarah Nagy @ 306-290-9766

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“Setting a Higher Standard”

We offer 10 Year Workmanship Warranty and Liability/Torch On Insurance, Excellent Local References For a FREE estimate please call… Biggar Office306-948-5453 Saskatoon Office 306-717-2818 Email: ∆New Construction

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hours, as per phone call on Feb. 26, 2019 ∆Inspections ∆Torch-on ∆Tile ∆All repairs




is an investment

in your business.

Attention: Karen Here is a draft of Business & Professional ad for your approval. If you get back to me by 5 p.m.

Business & Professional …





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2 col/6

~Kiley and Sever Ellis~

Cell: 306-948-7524



Passenger Services 122 Main St. - Biggar Depot Macklin to Saskatoon & towns in-between Kindersley to Saskatoon & towns in-between

Naty/Michael… This is what I worked up for the Business & Professional section in back of paper, 6 month commitment for $161.20 plus gst

Special Event, Airport Service or Doctorʼs Appointments

PHONE......306-951-0078 or 306-951-0098




D.J. Music for all occasions, pop, rock, country, new, edm, light show included Marriage Commissioner For More Info:


2 col/6 951-7700 948-3344 Brett… Price… 2.5 inches = $201.50 plus gst per 6-month prepaid commitment.

fireworks? 306-948-9750 For More Info:

Please get back to me with changes/corrections by return email this morning.

Biggar,951-7700 Sask.

Thanks Urla

102 - 3rd Ave. West, or


Taurus, it can be difficult to know when to stop talking and start listening. It is a fine line to walk, but be patient and feel out the room before offering your input.

Devote some time to figuring out the details of your spending habits. A little financial discipline now may pay big dividends down the road.



951-7700 948-3344


"OUNCY #ASTLE quality retail

LIBRA – Sept 23/ Oct 23

LEO – Jul 23/Aug



TAURUS – Apr 21/ May 21

Cancer, remember to treat others how you want them to treat you. This simple approach is a great way to build lasting friendships and strong relationships.

1st Aid training on-line or classroom. $120 Re-Certs $85 Canadian Red Cross For More Info:


Have fun with family and friends in the days to come, Virgo. Make the most of this precious time to relax with those you love. It will provide the kickstart you’ve been seeking.

CANCER – Jun 22/ Jul 22

(Answers on Page 14)

102 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar

Aries, you may have to tend to family matters this week. Seek input from trusted family members and work together to come to a solution that everyone can embrace.

Things that appear to be confusing or intimidating may not be as complicated as they seem, Gemini. Keep doing your research and don’t be scared away.

Co-Ed Fitness Centre

…owned and operated by Brett Barber

VIRGO – Aug 24/ Sept 22

GEMINI – May 22/ Jun 21

- together with -

Healthy Lifestyle Weight Loss Personal Training Fitness Classes

ARIES – Mar 21/ Apr 20


Get as much work done around the house as possible this week, Leo. You may soon be pressed for time, so now is the time to tackle projects.

SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, seek others’ input when faced with a tricky situation. Sometimes a fresh perspective is all that’s needed to make sense of a perplexing problem.

SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, expect to make some progress on financial situations that may have seemed daunting in the past. A financial professional can help you navigate some confusing waters.

CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 Connecting with friends has been a priority for you lately, Capricorn. In the days ahead, pend as much time as possible with those you hold near and dear.

AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Hidden strengths come to the surface when you are thrust into an unfamiliar situation, Aquarius. When forced to think on your feet, you realize you can adapt on the fly.

PISCES – Feb 19/ Mar 20 Connect with your community in any way you can this week, Pisces. Give back by volunteering or by offering financial support.

DEADLINE for ads, classisifeds and news MONDAY - 5 P.M.



email us at




Thank You to all and neighbors who came out to help with the fire on July 22. Thank you to the Wilkie and Palo Fire Departments. God Bless to all, Good People Marilyn Braithwaite


ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING Thursday August 26, 2021 7:00 p.m. at the New Horizon’s Board Room Please have a representative from organizations on the list to attend


Main tasks Responsible for the cost accounting and general plant accounting responsibilities for the Biggar and Sheboygan plants, through: - Development and reporting of pertinent KPIs. - Coordination of the delivery of required financial information to third-party contacts including auditors, tax advisors, and insurance brokers. - Establishes and maintains standard cost estimates and bills of materials in the SAP system. - Ensuring the timely and accurate monthly financial close with adequate controls and reviews in place. - Analyze production costs on a monthly basis against both budget and history to ensure proper accounting treatment. - Coordinate year-end physical inventory count and support plants in monthly cycle counts. - Maintain inventory reserve analysis for excess and obsolete inventory. - Develops and maintains plant cost accounting policies and procedures. - Create reporting and analyses to support the business. - Seeks opportunities for improvements in inventory management and cost accounting practices.

Masters of Malt’s treasure We offer an attractive salary and benefits package and as part of a global organisation can offer career opportunities internationally. As Masters of Malt we want to be a great employer, focusing on flexibility, inclusion, collaboration and health and wellbeing. We live our values, putting people at the heart of what we do. "Strive - our ambition is to be the best maltster that's why every day we commit to challenge ourselves to achieve the highest level. "Care - our strength is magnificent when we care for our earth, our colleagues and our business partners. We encourage trust, respect and treat each other with respect. We believe that Diversity makes us stronger. “Inspire - We adopt a long-term orientation delivering sustainable performance through innovation and digitisation, becoming praised Masters of Malt. “Explore – thinking out of the box and embracing pioneer ideas to become a source of motivation, we like challenging the status quo to develop full potential.

To apply Boortmalt (the malting business of the agro-industrial French cooperative group Axereal) is the largest malting company globally with 3 million tonnes of malt sold throughout the world each year. Our 1000 employees spread over 5 continents are focused on producing an extensive range of high-quality malt types in order to meet the exacting requirements of our brewing and distilling customers around the world. By using the most modern production techniques and with our far-reaching logistics capability, we are able to supply world markets both effectively and efficiently.

Answers: A. prizes B. rides C. games D. admission

The Biggar Independent will be closed from August 2 - August 9 No Paper on August 5 GONE BIKING

1 or 2 bedroom, heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite system, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins. For more information call: Risa Management at 306-665-2300 or Andre at 306831-4430

Central Park Place

has apartments for seniors available in Biggar Call 948-3901 0r 948-7824


Looking for a part time Job ? Do you like meeting BIGGAR VET CLINIC people? Would you

Bachelor’s in Accounting required 5+ years related accounting work experience Knowledge of accounting principles Experience with SAP ERP and Excel (Advanced) Strong analytical skills and attention to detail

Charter/ Sherwood Apartments in Biggar

Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 844-4493547


Master we are looking for ?


like to sell a BE product WILL CLOSED that helps families AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 30 protect themselves? FOR HOLIDAYS Lo-Cost Entry HAVE A andSAFE SUMMER Free Education For More Info:


951-7700 and Welders Labourers 948-3344 wanted at the Monarch Trailer Factory 13 miles east of Biggar and 1 mile north on Bear Hills Road. Contact Vern at: 306-237-4748

Estate Sale by Tender: 3 Quarters in RM of Leask #464. Tenders close Sept.1/21. Call Gerald Muller, C&C Realty, MUSIC 306-570-7743. D.J. Music for all occasions, pop, rock, Put on your TV country, new, edm, Ears and TV light showhear included with Marriage unmatched Commissioner clarity. TV Ears For More Info: Original were originally $129.95 - NOWorWITH 951-7700 THIS SPECIAL 948-3344 OFFER are only $59.95 with code MCB59! Call 1-888-802-0141

Looking to buy good quality retail fireworks? For More Info: or

951-7700 948-3344

LAND FOR SALE 310 - 6TH AVE.W BIGGAR, SK. $10,000 Call 306-441-7655

THURSDAY, JULY 29, 2021 Marjorie Fortney, Seventh-day Adventist Church John chapter eighteen includes the story of Jesus before Pontius Pilate. Jesus spoke the following words: “Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.” To which Pilate responded, “What is truth?” Philosophy now defines truth as something that is true at all times and in all places. It is something that

email us at

REFLECTIONS exercise dominion

is always true no matter what the circumstances. It is a fact that cannot be changed. In John 8:32, Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Freedom in Jesus is everything to a Christian. Though prison walls may limit their movement, freedom in Christ remains in their heart. Adam and Eve were not created as robots, but with individual freedom to make their own choices. Unfortunately, throughout history there have always been those

who insisted on controlling others. Power and greed were the driving forces in their lives and many people suffered. They paid no attention to the truth of individual freedom. This is totally contrary to the truth of God’s word. In Matthew 20:25-27 we read: But Jesus called them unto Him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles

over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you let him be your minister; and whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: Sadly, today, we see a repetition of greed and power that is totally opposite to truth and the values that made our country one of the greatest in the world. Individual freedom is truth. It does not change. Judaeo Christian

values are the principles our country is built on. For one hundred and fiftyfour years we have enjoyed peace and prosperity, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press. If we change the foundation stones peace and prosperity will vanish and there will be violence in the land. Perhaps now is when we as Christians should sing: Dare to be a Daniel Dare to stand alone Dare to have a purpose firm And dare to make it known.



Father Edward Gibney

Parish Phone: 306-948-3330

3!452$!9 -!33 4)-% s P M SUNDAY MASS TIME s A M

OUR LADY OF FATIMA CATHOLIC CHURCH, Landis 35.$!9 -!33 4)-% s A M

Presbyterians, Anglicans and Lutherans look forward to seeing you at St.Pauls Anglican on July 11th and July 25th at 10:30 a.m. Please contact Cindy Hoppe at 948-2947 or John Bennett at 948-2852 for pastorial services or a ride out to the North Church.

BIGGAR ASSOCIATED GOSPEL CHURCH 312 - 8th Ave.W. and corner of Quebec St., Biggar Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.

All are welcome to come and join us as we celebrate the Lord Jesus CHURCH IN THE PARK AUGUST 15, 2021 BRING A LAWN CHAIR! 1/4 Page


907 Quebec St./corner Turnbull Ave., Biggar


Prairie Malt

BOORTMALT (the malting business of the agro-industrial French cooperative group AXEREAL) is the world leader malting company with 3 million tonnes of production capacity. The group is present on 5 continents with 27 malting plants. Our employees are spread over 7 countries in Europe, and Canada, U.S.A, Argentina and Australia. We are focused on producing an extensive range of high-quality malt types in order to meet the exacting requirements of our brewing and distilling customers around the world. By using the most modern production techniques and with our far-reaching logistics capabilities; this enables us to supply world markets both effectively and efficiently. At our site in Biggar, Saskatchewan, we are currently looking for a Journeyman Plumber. As the Journeyman Plumber, under the responsibility of the Maintenance Manager, your role will involve: Must be willing to work 10 hours shifts and be available for periodic non-scheduled call-ins. Must be able to work partially outdoors, indoors, and in dusty or humid environments. Must be able to ascend and descend stairs, ladders, and work in elevated areas of the plant. Must be able to lift up to 25 pounds frequently and up to 50 pounds occasionally. Good time management skills and the ability to prioritize tasks. Must be able to proficiently use computers including entering and retrieving data. Demonstrated high performance safety and attendance record. Required to wear hearing and respiratory personal protection devices such as ear plugs, dust masks, and respirators. • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Journeyperson Industrial Plumber General Gas Fitter License (or be able to pass the exam) Fireman Boiler Operator Ticket (or be able to pass the exam) Minimum of two years working experience within an industrial maintenance environment piping techniques with larger diameter piping such as groove-lock, PVC, Ability to read blueprints and drawings Basic knowledge of industrial safety, food safety and environmental regulations Strong problem - solving skills, good written and verbal communication skills Strong work ethic and a desire to be part of a high performing team Must be flexible with schedule of working hours including longer hours, weekends, and on call Ability to work in various work conditions (noise, heat, odours, dust) Must be legally entitled to work in Canada on a non-temporary basis Must be capable of being on a rotating on-call schedule

Preference will be given to Plumbers that possess a strong working knowledge of gas control or burner logic and instrumentation

Salary is as per the collective agreement If you have an interest in this exciting role please send a resume and a cover letter to HR by email to:


S-D A C


MID - YEAR SPECIAL Try a subscription for only $15.00 plus GST and get it in your mailbox for the rest of the year Check out the ““NEW WEBSITE”” for on-line options

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The Blanket Classifieds are a great place to advertise your livestock for sale. 51 local community newspapers Delivered into over 450 communities Circulation of over 450,000 Pricing starts at just $209.00 Reaching the people of Saskatchewan like no other medium can. 306-649-1405 Classified@swna. com … Need to Re-certify? … need your First Aid Course certification? … Don’t have time to leave work or tie-up your weekend!

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it pays!

Dan, a 72 year old artist from B.C. is creating this masterpiece for Perdue resident Clark Moir. Using only a chainsaw and a tree stump in Moirs yard. Can be seen across from the Co-op in Perdue. (Independent Photo’s by Dale Buxton)

FAT CAT is having a party and you’re invited! ®

Please help us celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of FAT CAT® Splash Park! Tues., August 17th 1:30-3:30 PM At Fat Cat Splash Park (rain or shine)

FAT CAT® will be

there with treats and fun for all!

ò ÙùÊÄ is welcome! Presented by:

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