Vol. 111 No. 38
20 pages
Fall visitors . . . A trio of cranes search over a field for lunch with Biggar and Prairie Malt in the background. With fall nearing, the avian visitors are once again hop-scotching along their migratory path, racing the approaching winter months. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
????????, ?????????17, ??, 2020 ???? THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER
For farmers across our province, this is the time when all the hard work pays off. Combines are gobbling up the crops, putting in long hours while the weather holds. Cool nights and the threat of frost is always a reality this time of the year. Viewed from on high, harvest takes on geometric shape, and here Daryle Redlick gets the job done south of Biggar, September 11, while other farmers make their way to nearby fields. Here is hoping the harvest is fantastic and safe! (Independent Photos by Kevin Brautigam)
Town of Biggar Council Minutes The regular meeting of Biggar Town Council was held August 18, at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Attending the meeting were Mayor Ray Sadler, Aldermen Alan Boyle, Penny McCallum, Kevin McNicholls, Kirk Sherbino, Edward Young, and Ivan Young. Council resolved that the minutes of the August 4 Regular Meeting of Council be accepted as presented. Council resolved that the August 5 Biggar Rural Fire District Association Meeting minutes be accepted as presented. Council resolved that the Community Development Officer’s Report to August 18, be accepted as submitted by the Community Development Officer, D’Shae Bussiere. Council resolved that the Town Foreman’s report to August 14 be accepted as submitted by the Town Foreman, Mark Haynes. Council resolved that the General Accounts Paid in the amount of $125,062.32, and the
General Accounts Payable in the amount of $182,517, be approved. Council resolved that the following correspondence be accepted for Council’s information and filed: Biggar and District Arts Council - Spring 2021 Season; Biggar Fire Department - 2020 Fire Call Outs; Election 2020 - Information; Street Signage Review; Government of Saskatchewan - Payment of Federal Gas Tax; Water Security Agency Mechanical Plant Compliance Inspection; Water Security Agency - Lagoon Compliance Inspection. Council resolved that the Town allow the Biggar Rural District Fire Association the use of Parcel CC for a fire department training site. Council resolved that the Town of Biggar amend the MEEP funding agreement by adding the following project: Paving for 2020 in the amount of $100,000. Council resolved that the Town of Biggar enter into an Easement Agreement with Sask Energy for the
following: NW 05-36-14 W3M (Surface Parcel No. 135975459); NW 05-3614 W3M (Surface Parcel No. 135975527); NW 08-36-14 W3M (Surface Parcel No. 118731450). Council resolved that the following remuneration rates be set for the 2020 election officials: Deputy Returning Officer - $250; Poll Clerk - $200; Constable - $175; Training - $40 each. Council resolved that the Town give Viterra Inc. approval to complete the Aquatic Habitat Protection Permit Application. Council also resolved that the Town of Biggar enter into a License Agreement with Viterra Inc. for early access to the lands purchased for the grain terminal to be constructed in Biggar. Council resolved that the Town of Biggar donate $500 to the Biggar gold Club for the Freddie B Memorial Golf Tournament to be held on August 29. • Meeting adjourned at 9:24 p.m.
Biggar RCMP report
by Sgt Dean Kabaroff, Biggar Detachment Commander The Biggar RCMP responded to 64 calls for service in the detachment area over the last two weeks, according to their report for August 31 to September 14 During this time period 53 contacts were made with vehicle drivers. Police would like to remind those hauling their crops on grid roads in the surrounding RM’s of the posted speed limits of 60 km/hr based on weight. Police will be out
enforcing and educating drivers and want to ensure everyone’s safety. Biggar RCMP is asking for the public’s assistance for the following crimes. On Tuesday September 1, between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m. individuals stole numerous candle stick pylons from the Maymont Bridge. Police are asking the public to keep their eyes out to see if these have been discarded on their rural property or have any information as to who might have stolen these items.
On September 3, during the early hours individuals were scene on camera attempting to go through vehicles on the 100 block of Seventh Avenue West in Biggar. Later that morning a truck was stolen from the 300 block of Fourth Avenue West in Biggar. Male suspects were dressed in dark clothing. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Biggar RCMP at 306948-6600 or Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
Needs a little salt . . . An dried up slough leaves a salty scar upon the landscape. As seen from above, trees line the shore in the lower left corner of the picture. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Biggar’s Donor’s Choice campaign set for October 6 -8
Ready for the harvest . . . Swaths lay ready for the combine near Biggar, a sure sign of fall. Here is hoping all farmers in our area have had a great and safe harvest. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
The annual Town of Biggar Blitz has a new format, and is set for October 6-8. There will not be a regular door to door canvass. This year’s goal is set for $25,000 with 33 charities included, 10 of which are local. Past history shows that half of the funds raised have stayed in the Town of Biggar and area. Donor’s Choice is a volunteer-run organization administering a once a year collection for these charities with the aim of making it easier for a donor to give and to keep account of when and what they have given. The donor chooses as many charities as they wish to support and the amount given and receives an income tax receipt. Names and addresses are not given out to these agencies or any other appeal mailing list. No more than two per cent of the donations are used for purchase of receipt books, postage and advertising, the other 98 per
cent goes directly to your chosen charity. This year Biggar Donor’s Choice will be doing a door to door drop of their charity information sheet along with a cover letter indicating methods for you to support our campaign on October 1. With the added stress of COVID-19, it has been very hard on people, thus Donor’s Choice felt canvassers would likely not want to call at households and businesses. Let us all keep everyone as safe as possible. Biggar’s Donor’s Choice have decided on three methods for you, the homeowner, to support this years campaign blitz.
You can use e-transfer, and this information will be in the letter delivered, take your donation directly to the Biggar Royal Bank, or have your information ready and call or text Jim Rickwood at 948-7897 or Jennifer Campbell at 948-4460 with your name, address, and when you are home, and they will drop by your home and pick up your donation. Rural residents are encouraged to take your donation directly to the Royal Bank, as well. Please be generous, as the future of this organization will be based on this years campaign.
I20 - I28 - G51 - G58 - O69
This Weekʼs Numbers September 17
Celebrate some normalcy with kids in school Every year, it is with a perverse sense of joy I watch the downcast faces of children going back to school. Now, I know that is a cruel little joy I’ve just shared with you - my time going back to school has long passed, but the despair I faced every September as my summer holiday came to an earth shattering halt has stayed with me. There was no joy in my heart for school, so watching kids trudge back to class is a guilty pleasure. But this year, I was genuinely happy for them and their teachers. And from the looks of their faces, quite a few really were happy to be back. But let’s take a moment to credit those who have made this happen. Of course, teachers need to be given a hearty handshake - or socially distanced whatever. They have taken an otherwise horrible situation and are putting
some normalcy back into their charges lives. With their professionalism, we can be certain that everything will be done to assure children get an education that makes them productive citizens and the leaders of tomorrow. Yes, it is their job to teach - that is what they have signed up to do. But it is more, especially in these times of uncertainty. Parents have entrusted them to not only teach but keep kids safe. I can’t understand how some of them sleep at night, knowing the trust that has been put in their hands, that a child is under their tutelage for the better part of five days of every week. The janitorial staff are more than unsung heroes. Each facility goes through an amazing amount of work to ready it for kids and staff each day - and that was before COVID-19. Now, the task is monumental.
And like teachers, they too face the very real risks and an overwhelming knowledge that their efforts keep everyone who walks through the doors safe and sound. The office staff are the real bosses of the school. They have their fingers on the pulse of its operations - they grease the wheels, fix the damage, put out the “fires”. Now, they’ve had to find an extra gear - keep one an all on a clear and safe path. There will be trouble, no doubt. But our schools will adapt, they will make things safer, and when the “all clear” sounds, will continue to keep their students best interests in mind. It takes a village to raise a child. Education is the ground floor that we build it upon, and it is the people who make that happen who should receive our praise and, more importantly, support. K.B.
of the Second World War, and thrived even while its giant neighbour China lurched into chaos and murderous tyranny. Hong Kong absorbed thousands of refugees from China, Vietnam and other Asian countries, and yet became one of history’s greatest cities – prosperous, open and free. But the Chinese Communist Party wants to destroy the rule of law, the cornerstone of economic freedom, in Hong Kong. Economic freedom is not possible unless the rule of law protects the freedom and property of all equally. That is not the intention of the party and its crony elites. The COVID-19 crisis represents yet another
worse. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the federal deficit alone will reach $3.3 trillion (or 16 per cent of GDP), with debt likely to reach 100 per cent of GDP next year, the largest U.S. debt and deficit since the end of the Second World War. So how can we get back to something resembling normalcy? As people become used to various subsidy schemes, governments may find it politically difficult to reduce spending back down to where it was, so some may try to maintain spending at a new high level by increasing taxes. But that becomes a mug’s game, as high taxes
Economic freedom on the wane worldwide
by Fred McMahon, senior fellow at the Fraser Institute Two troubling questions lurk behind the results of the Fraser Institute’s 2020 Economic Freedom of the World report, released September 10. This year’s report is based on 2018 data (the most recent available). By 2018, global economic freedom had recovered from the 2008 financial crisis and was at its highest level ever, albeit by just a bit. Canada was among the top 10 economically-free countries. Hong Kong was number one – where it’s been since the first ranking was released in 1970. But now, all this is under threat. The policy response to COVID-19 has put more and more of the global economy into government hands, threatening economic freedom globally and in Canada. And Hong Kong is now thoroughly under the thumb of the freedom-hating Chinese Communist Party. By the time the 2020 data become available for the 2022 report, Hong Kong will almost certainly not rank in the top spot and economic freedom will likely have declined worldwide. Economic freedom is
the ability of individuals and families to make their own economic decisions free of government or crony control. The report springs from a decade-long research project (from the mid1980s to the mid-1990s) led by then-Fraser Institute executive director Michael Walker, famed economist Milton Friedman and his wife Rose. It involved 60 of the world’s top scholars, including three Nobel laureates. Subsequent research has shown that economic freedom helps increase living standards, reduce poverty and contribute to other positive outcomes, including heightened levels of life satisfaction. People simply make better economic and personal decisions for themselves than crony elites or overly-powerful governments. This is easy to see. Just look around the world. Countries with free markets help produce good lives for their citizens, even if they started off dirt poor like in Taiwan or South Korea. Meanwhile, formerly rich countries such as Argentina and Venezuela degraded freedom and their people have suffered. Now consider Hong Kong. It rose from poverty and the devastation
global threat to economic freedom. Governments everywhere are spending wildly, reducing the space for free exchange while supplanting individual liberty and individual responsibility. Many economists believe that an explosion of spending may have been necessary but this has become a nuclear spending explosion. A recent TD analysis of Canadian government finances estimates that the deficit for all levels of government this year will reach $420 billion (or 20 per cent of gross domestic product) and overall debt will equal 85 per cent of GDP. The situation in the United States may be
Phone: 306-948-3344
Fax: 306-948-2133
Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Thursday at the office of publication, 122 Main Street, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Dale and Trudy Buxton Editor - Kevin Brautigam Composition - Fallon Neugebauer
not only reduce economic freedom but also have been shown again and again to stunt economic growth and tax revenues. That can then lead to a vicious cycle of everincreasing taxes never catching up to revenue needs. These two threats to economic freedom are not related. An arrogant Chinese Communist Party will have its way with Hong Kong regardless of economic circumstances. But both the threat to Hong Kong and to global economic freedom could mean we have reached the crest of economic freedom for some time to come.
E-mail: tip@sasktel.net
P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.
ef Dez
on cooking Chef Dez
Calvin Daniels
Move over, Ty Cobb - here come the Leney Atoms!
Notable Notes
Ty Cobb was one of America’s best - and meanest! - baseball players of the early 1900s, and he didn’t have anything to do with the Leney Atoms Lady Softball team. But the Leney softball team were famous around the village as Babe Ruth was around New York! This all happened about Financial 1946 when a good coach moved into our district. Advice Names should not be Inglis used in a thingKim like this, but the heroines of the 1940’s don’t deserve to be forgotten, eh?
started. Note: the first base girl was none other than Sylvia Fedoruk! I was a lousy coach! When I said “Stay!�, the girls ran, and when I said “Run!�, they stayed put. All went fairly well though. The Head Coach (and his dog) must have told the girls the right things because we won the tournament, had our pictures taken, and brought home a big cup. I don’t know what ever happened to that trophy, but we also got little ones that are sitting around somewhere! What a big day we had! We were welcomed back in Leney and Perdue! We played a few more games . . . and they were forgotten. Move back into the limelight, Mr. Cobb! That picture of our great day hung on our wall for years, and it will stay in our family history for years to come! The players are many years
older by now, but we will all remember! You will have noticed that the only names that have been mentioned are Ty Cobb and Sylvia Fedoruk. Cobb, famous in USA baseball history, and Sylvia Fedoruk, famous in Saskatchewan “Halls of Fame�. Leney and the memory
of days like this are all gone. Local sports are almost forgotten - will it ever be back? Can we look forward to that old ‘Spirit of Sport’ from that old time? We older folks remember a few times like these, we shed a few tears, and then even we will soon forget!
$2.9M investment to improve The Majestic Theatre Biggar ambulance response times Ă ~ SEPTEMBER ~ Access to emergency services will be improved in Saskatchewan through a $2.9 million investment to boost Emergency Medical Services (EMS). The Government of Saskatchewan is providing $2.13 million for additional paramedic staffing in Saskatoon and Regina, and $780,000 for additional staffing at the Royal University Hospital (RUH) Emergency Department in Saskatoon. “We value the incredible work that EMS professionals do to serve our residents and we are committed to providing Saskatchewan patients with timely access to emergency medical services,â€? Rural and Remote Health Minister Warren Kaeding said. “This funding will increase capacity for current EMS resources and will lead to better patient outcomes.â€? Over the past five years, EMS in Regina and Saskatoon have experienced an increase in call volumes. In 2019-20, Regina EMS answered more than 26,700 calls and Saskatoon EMS answered more than 31,900 calls, a 7.0 per cent and 11 per cent increase respectively since 2014-15. The $2.13 million in new funding will be used to provide additional staffed ambulances in Saskatoon
and Regina over the next two months to improve emergency response times in these cities and the surrounding areas. “With the growth of our communities comes increased call volume for emergency care in Saskatoon and our surrounding communities,� Medavie Health Services West Chief Operating Officer, Chief of EMS Gerry Schriemer said. “The added resources will go a long way to ensure we can respond to residents in their time of need, provide a safe delivery of care and have an immediate impact on the stressors our Paramedics are currently facing. Through our partnership with the Saskatchewan Health Authority we have been able to work together to present the data needed to support this decision.� The additional $780,000 will be used to increase staffing at the RUH Emergency Department to provide a quicker transition of care between EMS and Emergency Department staff. This will allow both rural and urban ambulance services to return to service sooner. This new investment will help to improve offload delays in the near-term while the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) continues to review and
work toward systemwide improvements to patient flow. The SHA anticipates these positions to be filled and the additional service operational within the next few months. “This provincial investment into additional EMS resources will ensure that our EMS providers in Saskatoon and Regina are able to respond in a timely manner to urgent care calls,� Saskatchewan Health Authority Provincial Programs Vice Presi-
dent Corey Miller said. “Also, the investment into the RUH Emergency Department will see significant improvement in the transition of patients from incoming EMS ambulances. This will provide improved turnaround times for rural and remote EMS providers that are transferring patients into the urban centre, thus improving EMS response times and coverage throughout the entire province.�
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Bob Mason
and the team was quite good. They played a few successful games and were beginning to work together. Then came that so-important game in 1947! . . . or was it 1948? The coach, having formed a good team, entered the team in a big tournament in Saskatoon. We still didn’t have a first-base coach, though. The head coach asked a few of the local “Good Time Charlie’s� if they would be the first-base coach, but most of them wouldn’t. I often think they believe they would have been on a losing team! In desperation, he finally asked Y.T. who had recently been a pitcher! Wow! So off we went. I’ve almost forgotten that time, but I do remember it was a big day for me when I walked out to first base when the big game
Read on! The whole thing started when a fellow took over the Catherwood store (believe me, there was a Catherwood one time!), and he was a softball enthusiast. It wasn’t long until he got the local girls - all softball enthusiasts - Agriculture together, named their team the Leney Atoms (believe it or not, there Daniels once was aCalvin Leney too!), and all was on its way! Tyrus Raymond Cobb stepped aside and the Leney girls became the centre of our attention! The new coach made a few wise rules, such as attendance, et cetera, and the whole community became softball enthusiasts. The girls took this coach’s advice and folFinancial lowed his instruction. All was beginning to blosAdvice som on the Leney ball Kim Inglis diamond! In 1946 (Phyllis and Y.T. were married that year!) the girls practised
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Adoption of Bylaw to Amend the RM of Rosemount No. 378 Zoning Bylaw
Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Rural Municipality of Rosemount No. 378 intends to consider the adoption of a bylaw to amend the Zoning Bylaw No. 6-2015 under the Planning and Development Act, 2007. INTENT OF ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT: The proposed amendments will further clarify policies to improve interpretation and implementation and provide for the development of OutďŹ tter Base Camps within the municipality. The amendments are summarized below: 1. Section 2: “DeďŹ nitionsâ€? is amended by adding a deďŹ nition for OutďŹ tter Base Camp and OutďŹ tting Equipment. 2. Section 4: “General Regulationsâ€?, is amended by adding a new sub-section for OutďŹ tter Base Camps. 3. Section 5: “Discretionary Use Standards For Developmentâ€?, and Section 8: “Discretionary Usesâ€?, are amended by adding a new sub-section for OutďŹ tter Base Camps. PUBLIC INSPECTION: Any person may inspect the proposed bylaw to amend the Zoning Bylaw during regular ofďŹ ce hours at the RM of Rosemount No. 378 municipal ofďŹ ce. Copies are available at cost. PUBLIC HEARING: The Public Hearing shall be held on October 8th, 2020 at 8:00 AM at the RM of Rosemount No. 378 municipal shop. Issued at the RM of Rosemount No. 378 this 17th day of September, 2020. Kara Kirilenko, Administrator
NOTICE OF CALL FOR NOMINATIONS RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF EAGLE CREEK NO. 376 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office(s) of: Reeve Councillor for Division No. 1 Councillor for Division No. 3 Councillor for Division No. 5 will be received by the undersigned on the 7th day of October, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Monday to Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from September 22, 2020 to October 6th, 2020 at the municipal office in Arelee, Sakatchewan. Nomination forms may be obtained at the municipal office in Arelee, Saskatchewan. Dated this 14th day of September, 2020 Trent Smith, Returning Officer
NOTICE OF CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Rural Municipality of Reford No. 379
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the offices of: Reeve Councillor for Division No. 1 Councillor for Division No. 3 Councillor for Division No. 5 will be received by the undersigned at the Municipal Office during normal office hours until Wednesday, the 7th day of October, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. The Municipal Office hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to Noon and 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Nomination forms may be obtained from the Municipal Office . Dated this 17th day of September, 2020
Sherry Huber Returning Officer
NOTICE OF CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Rural Municipality of Rosemount No. 378
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the offices of: REEVE Councillor for Division No. 1 Councillor for Division No. 3
Be aware of ticks this fall
The Ministry of Health is reminding Saskatchewan residents to be vigilant for ticks on themselves and pets during the fall season. Blacklegged ticks, which can cause Lyme disease, are rare in Saskatchewan. Introduced by migratory birds in early spring, blacklegged ticks mature into adults and remain active throughout fall, particularly in tall grass, brush or wooded areas. As of April 1, 2020, the Government of Saskatchewan in collaboration with researchers at the University of Saskatchewan launched eTick (etick. ca), an image-based tick identification platform. Now, you can simply submit photographs of ticks found on humans or animals using the new eTick online system in order to receive timely information about the type of tick that bit you (or your pets and livestock animals) and your risk of exposure to tick-borne diseases. “Data received through the eTick platform will allow us to monitor the distribution and level of establishment of ticks, specifically blacklegged tick populations, and assist in monitoring the risk of Lyme disease across the province,” Consulting Medical Health
Officer Dr. Denise Werker said. “While the risk of Lyme disease is low in Saskatchewan, it is still important for people to take precautions against ticks.” Precautionary measures include: • Wear pants, long-sleeved shirts and shoes that don’t expose your feet. • Pull socks over your pant legs to prevent ticks from crawling up your legs. • Wear light-coloured clothes so ticks can be seen easily. • Use insect repellents that contain DEET or Icaridin. Apply repellent to clothes as well as your skin. Always read and follow the directions. • In Canada, clothing that has been treated with the insecticide permethrin has been approved for use by people over the age of 16. • Shower or bathe as soon as possible after being outside to wash off loose ticks and inspect for attached ticks. • Do “full body” tick checks after being outside on yourself, your children and your pets. If you find a tick attached to your skin or on your pet: • Carefully remove it with fine-tipped tweezers and grasp the mouth parts of the tick as close to the
skin as possible. • Pull slowly upward and out with a firm steady pressure. • Be careful not to squeeze, crush or puncture the body after removal as this may also contain infectious fluids. • Do not put Vaseline, gasoline, or other noxious substances on an attached tick which may cause it to regurgitate. • Submit photos of your tick using the eTick system and hang onto your tick in case we request it for further testing. Ticks can be euthanized by placing it in a bag and storing it in the freezer for 24 hours. • In Saskatchewan, any ticks found in the fall are likely to be ticks of interest, such as the blacklegged tick. Most ticks found in Saskatchewan are the American dog tick. This species is active from mid-April to the end of July and is not capable of transmitting Lyme disease to people. In Saskatchewan, 3,022 ticks have been submitted between April and July, 2020. Only 11 were blacklegged ticks and of the six tested to date, three were positive for the bacterium that causes Lyme disease.
will be received by the undersigned at the municipal office during normal office hours until Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Nomination forms may be obtained from the municipal office . Dated this 17th day of September, 2020
Kara Kirilenko Returning Officer
NOTICE OF CALL FOR NOMINATIONS PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office(s) of: Reeve: Councillor: Councillor: Councillor:
Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 Division to be elected: 1 Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 Division to be elected: 3 Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 Division to be elected: 5
will be received by the undersigned on the 7th day of October, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377, Office located at 113-6th Avenue East, Biggar, Saskatchewan, and during regular business hours on Thursday, September 17th, to Wednesday October 7th, 2020 at the Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377, Office located at 113-6th Avenue East, Biggar, Saskatchewan. Nomination forms may be obtained at the following location: Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 Office, 113-6th Avenue East, Biggar, Saskatchewan Dated this 14th day of September, 2020
Joanne Fullerton, Returning Officer
NOTICE OF CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Rural Municipality of Biggar No. 347
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office(s) of: Reeve:
Rural Municipality of Biggar No. 347
Councillor: Rural Municipality of Biggar No. 347 - Division No. 1 Councillor: Rural Municipality of Biggar No. 347 - Division No. 3 Councillor: Rural Municipality of Biggar No. 347 - Division No. 5 will be received by the undersigned during regular business hours 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. local time from Friday, September 18, 2020 to Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at the municipal office 201A - 2nd Ave. West, Biggar Nomination forms may be obtained at the following location: RM of Biggar #347 Municipal Office 201A - 2nd Ave. West Biggar, SK. Dated this 17th day of September, 2020
Sandi Silvernagle Returning Officer
Science expanding the scope of agriculture
Agriculture Calvin Daniels
It is sometimes strange how one thing leads to another when you write a regular column on a rather specific topic like agriculture, which I have been doing for more than three decades now. Last week I focused on the idea the farm sector should be smiling over the prospect of what a recent science accomplishment could mean. It was recently reported at producer.com that “on Aug. 10, University of Saskatchewan and Agriculture Canada researchers said they had decoded the full genome of the black mustard plant. Black mustard is grown
in India and other countries in South Asia. It’s closely related to the mustard and canola grown in Western Canada.” With the new science as a guide I noted it may be possible to increase drought resistance, increase tolerance for saline soils, or for the plant to do a better job of nutrient absorption. It all comes down to discovering genes that make a difference, and transferring within a plant family. Longer term transfer from unrelated crops; say alfalfa to canola, may be possible. Imagine a nitrogen fixing canola and what that would mean to the farm sector. These things are being made more possible because transfer technology now has a map to be more efficient, and that appears to be happening which is big news for agriculture. Flash forward a week and there is similar news coming out regarding advancements in genome mapping in the livestock sector, and what that could mean to the industry long term.
According to a story at producer.com, “scientists at the University of California, Davis, have successfully produced a bull calf that has been genome-edited to produce more male offspring. They did this by inserting the SRY gene into the bovine chromosome 17.” While I readily admit the science behind the bull calf now on the ground is far beyond my understanding in terms of the details of the science, the goal of the process is much easier to grasp. The long-term goal of the research is to produce more male cattle. It is hoped the genomeedited bull now on the ground does that. The reason is simple economics. Males are about 15 per cent more efficient at weight gain than females and they tend to be processed at a heavier weight, notes the story. In theory a producer can market the same amount of beef with fewer animals if the percentages of calves that are born male are increased. Conversely, one can see
the dairy sector excited by the technology if through genome-editing the number of females can be ticked up as they are the
key to the industry. Again this is research in its rather early stages, and just where it might take livestock production
long-term is unknown, but the potential may only be as big as the visions of researchers.
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Hello to all the great folks of the Town of Biggar. I am Dhruv Patel, the new retailer at FasGas. I would like to make the most of this fabulous opportunity given to me to interact with this great town and with its people. I would like to start by giving some in and out of my journey to Biggar. My roots start from India, I was born and raised, moved to the land of opportunity and to this great country of Canada. The year 2016 marks my starting days as an international student in Canada. The journey started
from Centennial College in Scarborough, Ontario. Along with my studies I was working as a cashier for a gas station in Scarborough. Moving forward I completed my diploma in finance in September 2017. Later that year in November I moved to Stettler, Alberta for work after transferring my study permit to a work visa. I was working as a supervisor at Tim Hortons and part time cashier for FasGas in Stettler. I got my permanent residence status of Canada in September of 2019.
By this time the retailer business drew my interest and so I decided to give up on the Tim Hortons job and took the position of full-time manager at FasGas in Stettler, and with this, the journey to be a future retailer started. Now that I was working as a manager of a store, the territory manager of Alberta area showed me this great opportunity that was waiting for me in the Town of Biggar as a retailer. There was some issues that were going on with the store, but today with the help of The Indepen-
dent as a platform, I would like to say that myself and my friendly team is here to serve you with an open and big heart. We are always open to work on your suggestions that will make your visit into our store as pleasant as it should be, and I will try and make all possible ways to work on a great customer experience. The store was a happy place in the past and I am trying to bring those happy days back again.
We have introduced the new breakfast menu and all new lunch menu. Give us a chance to serve you again, slowly I will increase the product availability of the store. I am up for the challenge of making the store a busy place again and I am looking for the support of the town. Come on out and try our breakfast and lunch menu and have a look at our great in-store promo’s. We are also going to continue with 5
cents off on fuel with the Litre Log on every Saturday. Store hours are now open at 6 a.m. till 11 p.m. every day. Lastly, I would like to say that I am looking forward to serving each and everyone and thanking in advance for welcoming us to the community with such a great heart. Dhruv Patel.
Independent Photos by Dale Buxton
Detroit woman almost embalmed while still alive
File this one under Serious Nightmare Fuel. Paramedics were called to the home of Timesha Beauchamp because she was unresponsive. They spent a half-hour trying to revive her under the consultation of an emergency room doctor. It was that doctor who pronounced the 20-year-old Beauchamp, “deceased based upon medical information provided.” No word on what that medical information was,
but it seems like it was just wrong. Incorrect. Not right. We know that because when Beauchamp arrived at the James H. Cole funeral home over an hour later in a body bag, she was still alive. Her eyes were open when staff unzipped the body bag in a dual-nightmare scenario, probably giving them the scare of a lifetime. “They would have been draining her blood to be very, very frank about
it,” said Geoffrey Fieger, hired by the Beauchamp family to handle this mess. There’s a long history of panicked people worrying about being buried alive. “Safety Coffins” were popular in the 18th and 19th centuries, before embalming. They had mechanisms to help prematurely buried people stay alive. Safety features allowed the entombedbut-living person to signal the topside they were
conscious. One model featured a dual-purpose periscope. First, it let air into the coffin. And the occupant could turn it to inform an unfortunate passerby know something was afoot underground. Philomele Jonetre “died” in 19th century France from cholera. Gravediggers had just finished filling her grave when they heard a faint knocking sound coming from the ground. Showing some real initiative,
they undid all their hard work and dug up the fresh grave. Sure enough, Jonetre had a heartbeat and injuries on her hands from knocking on the coffin’s interior. She passed the next day, either from cholera or the stress of getting buried alive. Timesha Beauchamp is in critical condition at the Detroit Medical Center. There’s an investigation underway to determine if the mishap was due to negligence from
the paramedics, or possibly the rare Lazarus Syndrome. The syndrome’s named for the Bible story of Lazarus, who Jesus brought back to life. In patients with Lazarus Syndrome, there’s a delayed return of circulation from CPR. “This is a terrible, tragic thing,” said Fire Chief Johnny Menifee, “We feel terrible about this. Like I said, the entire city feels terrible about this.”
Italian Flat-Earthers sail for edge of the world, end up on island in opposite direction Italian Flat-Earthers have made a journey to the “edge of the world” that didn’t exactly go according to plan. The debacle happened back in April, but the story about it was only made public this past week. One of the reasons for the secrecy might be that in April Italy was under strict COVID-19 lockdown. The authorities may have wanted to discourage others imitating the reckless – and at the time illegal – stunt pulled off by the couple. And for good reason. But what did the couple actually do, then? Well, they are of the inexplicable opinion that the Earth is flat, and that its edge is on Lampedusa. Lampedusa is an island in the Mediterranean Sea, some 140 miles from the coast of Sicily. How the couple determined it’s the edge of the world, nobody knows. The belief seems even more alien considering that the island is a mere 80 miles from the coast of Tunisia. As far as we’re aware, Tunisia is not located beyond the boundaries of the physical world. But what do we know. In any case, that’s the belief these people held and decided to act upon. Somehow they wanted to show that by reaching the edge of the world, they would once and for all prove that the Earth is indeed flat. The pair of unidentified flat Earth adventurers – who hail from the region of Veneto in northern Italy – started their journey by hopping into their car and heading south. Once they reached the port city of Termini Imerese in northern Sic-
ily, they sold the car. With the money, they bought a boat. Despite having practically zero sailing or navigation ability, the couple then took to the sea. But hey, they had faith in their cause. That’s got to count for something, I guess. Unfortunately, the harsh truth is that reality often doesn’t give a hoot or a holler about what you believe in. Due to their inability to actually steer their boat, the couple ended up sailing towards the island of Ustica. Ustica is around 60 miles northwest from Termini Imerese, while Lampedusa is to the south of Sicily. So the couple was sailing in pretty much the opposite direction from where they actually wanted to go. If going in the completely wrong direction wasn’t enough, the incompetent adventures were barely able to make landfall on the island. Local media reports that the pair reached the harbour on Ustica “tired, thirsty, and risking shipwreck”. Salvatore Zichici, a doctor at the maritime department of the Italian Ministry of Health, was apparently pretty flabbergasted by the wouldbe sailors. “The funny thing is that they oriented themselves with a compass – an instrument that works on the basis of terrestrial magnetism, a principle that they, as Flat-Earthers, should refuse,” he told La Stampa newspaper. If Zichici was dumbfounded, so were the mayor, the carabinieri, and the coast guard of Ustica. First of all, they were surprised the couple
could ever make it that far. Secondly, they were probably trying to comprehend just how many laws they were breaking. As we mentioned, in April, Italy was completely locked down as the coronavirus was rampaging through the nation. Therefore, there shouldn’t have been any unannounced boats coming from the mainland to Ustica. The couple was given medical attention and promptly escorted back across the sea to Palermo. Once there, they were quarantined on their boat for 15 days. That didn’t sit well with them, so they decided to escape. By taking their boat and sailing back out to the sea. Because that worked so well last time. This time, however, wasn’t any different. Despite them getting a three-hour head start, the Palermo harbour master apprehended the pair again near the Sicilian coast. The law enforcement officers deduced that keeping the adventurers on their boat wasn’t a good idea. So, they decided to quarantine them on land. They escaped again. The story doesn’t tell exactly what happened, but they apparently ended up in the home of a “mythomaniac” man who claimed – falsely – that he was COVID-19 positive. How this plays into the big picture, we have zero idea. But it’s what happened. Finally, the couple was returned to their home by land, to the public’s “understandable general relief” as La Stampa put it. Though it’s probably only a matter of time before they try to pull
something again. This isn’t the only flat earth-related misadventure we’ve seen during this year. In February, “Mad” Mike Hughes attempted to launch himself 5,000 feet into the air in a homemade rocket. Like the Italian couple, Hughes was trying to prove the Earth was really flat. He reasoned that
by taking off the planet’s surface, he could bring back proof by taking some real pictures of the disc-shaped Earth, unlike those hacks at NASA. Sadly, it wasn’t a long, long time before this rocket man made contact with the ground again. Shortly after launch, his steampowered craft crashed into a Californian desert,
instantly killing Hughes. If there’s a lesson to learn from all of this, let’s make it this one: the next time you try to debunk science, please do it in a way that doesn’t risk killing yourself, or anyone else for that matter.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the offices of:
Village of Perdue
Village of Perdue Number to be elected (four)
will be received by the undersigned on the 7th day of October, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Village of Perdue Office, and during regular business hours on September 17th to October 7, 2020 at the Village Office Nomination forms may be obtained at the following location: Village of Perdue Office - 1103-9th Street, Perdue. Dated this 17th day of September, 2020
Andrea Ball, Returning Officer
NOTICE OF CALL FOR NOMINATIONS PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the offices of:
Town of Biggar
Town of Biggar Number to be elected 6
will be received by the undersigned on the 7th day of October, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 202-3rd Avenue West, Biggar, Saskatchewan. Nomination forms may be obtained at the following location: Biggar Town Office - 202-3rd Avenue West, Biggar, Saskatchewan Dated this 17th day of September, 2020 Marty Baroni, Returning Officer
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the offices of:
Mayor: Councillor:
Village of Landis (Number to be elected One) Village of Landis (Number to be elected Four)
will be received by the undersigned on the 7th day of October, 2020 from 9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m. at the Village of Landis Office at 100 - 2nd Avenue West and during regular business hours on September 22nd, 2020 to October 7th, 2020 at the Village Office at 100 - 2nd Avenue West Nomination forms may be obtained at the following location: Village of Landis Office - 100 - 2nd Avenue West, Landis, Saskatchewan Dated this 17th day of September, 2020 Shantell Redlick, Returning Officer
The Saskatchewan Traveller..
by Trudy and Dale Buxton Our journey continues northward on Highway 35 towards Nipawin. Our first encounter not far from Tisdale is the memorial site for the Humboldt Bronco bus crash. When you stop and look at the crosses that are assembled it is hard not to remember that fateful 1/4 late Page afternoon when 16 people lost their lives when a semitrailer truck went through a stop sign, at the intersection of Highway 35 and 335, and collided with the bus that was its way to Nipawin to play a hockey game. The site is a stunning reminder that we should all expect the unexpected when travelling on any road and to watch out for others.
Can you spot the person Surprise, who has hearing loss? They All Do!
Continuing on we soon come upon the Town of Nipawin. Nipawin lies on the Saskatchewan River portion of Tobin Lake. Nipawin has often been referred to as one of the best places to fish and to live. The fishing around Nipawin is spectacular with an abundance of Walleye and Northern Pike, there are fishing derby’s that attract many visitors to the area. Nipawin`s name comes from a Cree language meaning “standing place”. Nipawin also has a very nice 18 hole golf course if that is your fancy. Nipawin has extensive facilities to play host to a number of conventions and is a favourite destination for a lot of organizations in Saskatchewan. Nipawin has an extensive and friendly downtown area with many options to purchase a souvenir from the area. Also, the town has many eating establishments to choose from, but I wouldn’t pass Nipawin without having a meal at The Dam Smokehouse. This restaurant has everything that is smoked, the portions are very generous and the service is very friendly. I would rate this restaurant on the top 10 of eating establishments - you certainly don’t leave there hungry. Nipawin is also a major
agricultural producer with a variety of crops and livestock producers in the area. The town is also a major producer of honey with about 36 honey producers. This is a great place to visit. Continuing on Highway 55 towards Prince Albert we first travel by White Fox which is a little recreational village that provides for many outdoor enthusiasts. Next up is Love, Saskatchewan, known as the gateway to the Narrow Hills. Canada Post has given Love its own unique Teddy Bear post mark because of the thousands of letters that go through this little post office in a year, especially around Valentine’s Day when the mail is exceptionally busy. Love also plays hosts to a number of annual events in the year. Up next we have the Town of Choiceland, which is nestled between the Torch and the North Saskatchewan Rivers. Choiceland is the
largest community between Nipawin and Prince Albert and is in short distances from major Regional Parks. Choiceland has a thriving business community and has a strong agricultural background, but also rich in forestry and diamonds. Continuing on Highway 55 we travel by the village of Smeaton. Smeaton is on the intersection of Highway 55 and 106, which will take you to further adventures in Flin Flon. After Smeaton we come across the Village of Meath Park, which isn’t very big but it intersects with Highway 120 that will take you on to Candle Lake, one of Saskatchewan’s favourite recreational areas. To finish up this portion of our trip we arrive at the City of Prince Albert. The highway that we had just travelled was very nice and the scenery was just as nice. Stay tuned for more adventures . . .
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Photos Submitted
We Do Laminating
Ladies wind up year at Biggar Golf Course On Thursday, September 10, the Biggar golf course hosted the ladies yearend wind up. The course had a number of ladies come out and play their last ladies Thursday game for the season. The ladies did nine holes of regular golf. This year at Biggar Golf Course the ladies had
to change their routine somewhat due to COVID19. Amanda Carruthers got all of the provincial rules, and put ladies golf into slowly into play starting in July with it building up every Thursday in August, taking it to a September conclusion. Amanda deserves a great amount of credit for all of
the hard work she continues to do at Biggar Golf Course and she always completes all of her awesomeness with Thursdays for the ladies. Our hats off to you, Amanda! To wind up the evening the ladies got to enjoy an appetizer evening put on by Lauri Ann Larochelle. Throughout the golf season the ladies put their names in a draw every time they came out for Thursday night golf. Community businesses supported the Ladies wind-up with fabulous
prizes. The following are the donations and who was lucky enough to take one home. Angie’s Hair Salon won by Marsha Besse; Bretts New u Fitness won by Nina Carruthers; Biggar and District Credit Union won by Kristen Newton; Westwinds Motor Hotel won by Amanda Carruthers; Pampered Chef Laurie-Ann Larochelle won by Laurel Besse; Style Station and Spa won by Jacqueline Hoffman. Photos Submitted
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Want to Stay Active and Warm This Winter?
Come try LEAGUES at
Leagues start September 14th Adults: Monday from 7-9 p.m. Adult & Age 15+ Tuesday Mixed League 7-9 Seniors: Thursday from 1:30 to 3 p.m. YBC: Thursday 4 to 6 p.m. & 7 to 9 p.m. REGISTER NOW!!!
Call Melissa, 306-948-2255,
to register or send Biggar Bowl SPONSORED BY a message on Facebook to reserve your spot!
Biggar New Horizons report by Chasity Braitenbach Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been a while since we had a New Horizons report in the newspaper. There wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a whole lot happening here over the last couple months with many of our programs still not up and running yet. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve recently started testing the waters with getting some of our programs going again. We decided that we would start up our bingoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s again and that we would change the dates to the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month rather than the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. That meant that our first bingo was on September 9 at 1:30 in the hall. We had a small attendance of five players. The half-andhalf winner was Joanne Kral and the blackout winner was Moe Goring. We have plenty of space for physical distancing and appropriate COVID19 precautions in place as described by the Government of Saskatchewan. We have plans to start up the exercise program again this month and are
in discussions to start up the stitching club again as well. For more information on programs please call New Horizons on Monday, Wednesday or Friday at 306-948-5115. New Horizons had its 47th Annual Meeting on September 2 with physical distancing in mind. We had 15 members in attendance at the meeting. The Building and Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s report and were given by Don Swyryda, the Financial and Coordinators report was presented by Chasity Kreutzer, Joanne Kral presented the Activity/Bus Committee report and the Courtesy Car report was given by Jim Tapp. Board Members with one year remaining on their term are: Gail Herzberg, Joanne Kral, Pat Turner, Emily Liska and Judy Rickwood. Don Swyryda, Jim Tapp, Bill Fisher and Ken Pearce were re-elected for another two year term and we welcomed three new board members: Larry Herzberg, Gord Evans and Richard Olson joined the board for a two year term. Welcome to the
Board! At the Board Meeting on September 9, it was discussed that starting in October, we try to go back to being open five days a week, provided that we have enough volunteers willing to drive the Courtesy Car and attend the office. If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a New Horizons volunteer, please contact our office at the above number. Many hands makes for light work. We had planned to postpone our Annual Banquet, â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Taste of the Colonyâ&#x20AC;?, but with how slowly the provincial reopening plan is progressing, we decided that we would cancel the event. We are offering two options for purchased tickets: 1.) tickets can be refunded or 2.) we can provide you with a charitable receipt that can be used as a tax write-off in the amount of the tickets purchased. Donations are always appreciated, especially during these times. Have a wonderful week!
Chef Dez on Cooking - Benefits of Citrus Zest There are obviously many benefits gained from using the freshest of ingredients possible when cooking and using the zest from citrus fruits is no exception. Whether you are using limes, lemons, oranges, or grapefruit, the zest from these fruits will not only add an abundance of flavour as an ingre-
dient, but also create a decorative garnish if you choose. I will always remember eating peeled oranges as a child and they still had large pieces of the white part of the peel attached to them and tasted very bitter. This is normal. The pale underside of the peel of any citrus is called the pith. It is always more
Notice of Call for Nominations
School Division Elections
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office of: BOARD MEMBER: ST. PAULâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL DIVISION NO. 20, SUBDIVISION NO. 3 Will be received by the undersigned on the 7 t h day of October 2020, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Biggar Town Office, 202 - 3rd Avenue West, Biggar, SK and during regular business hours on September 14th, 2020 to October 6th, 2020 at the Biggar Town Office. Nomination forms may be obtained at the following location(s): & " & % ffi $ # !" & " ! " " ! ffi " " !" ! " & " ! " " ! % ! " %%% ! ! " Dated this 14th day of September 2020. Marty Baroni Deputy Returning Officer
bitter tasting than the flesh of the fruit or the outer coloured part of the peel, called the zest. There are many ways to include zest as an ingredient. A seafood dish, for example, will always benefit from the addition of lemon zest. Lemon and seafood are a classic combination. Limes are often used in salsas and Mexican cooking so their zest will also enhance many of these types of recipes. Basically, a rule of thumb would be to use zest in any recipe that already has citrus juice as an ingredient. This being said, the flavour of an orange chicken stir-fry will taste more complete with addition of orange zest added as an ingredient in the recipe or as a garnish on top of the finished dish. Also zest will compliment many desserts as well. Imagine a piece of spiced pumpkin cake topped with a dollop of whipped cream, delicate curls of bright yellow lemon zest, a vibrant green mint leaf, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. As a garnish, zest will brighten up the appearance of the final plating of your recipe but should almost always be married up with other contrasting colours. In the cake example above we paired the yellow lemon zest with a green mint leaf and the warm rusty colour of cinnamon. For the orange chicken stirfry, I mentioned, use the
orange zest, but maybe some thin diagonal slices of green onion as well. Your imagination is your playground in the kitchen, and you should experiment as much as possible to bring enjoyment and attractiveness to the table. There are basically three ways to remove zest from citrus fruits. Using a knife is one of them but it is not the most effective way, as you always run more of a risk of removing the bitter white pith as well. You are better off using a micro-plane grater or a zester. Micro-plane graters are small, long graters with very fine teeth. When placed across the top of a bowl and the citrus fruit is rubbed on it, the bowl will capture the fine gratings of the zest. The downside of using one of these graters is that one always runs the risk of grating too far and getting the white bitter pith as well. I find zesters are a much better tool. It is a small handheld tool that has five little circular blades at one end. When it is dragged across a citrus fruit from top to bottom, it produces beautiful curls of zest while leaving the bitter pith
behind. The obvious benefit of using a zester is for the long curls that are perfect for garnishing. The downside however, would be that if using zest as an ingredient you would then have a second step of chopping. If you currently do not own either tool, I would recommend buying a zester instead of a grater. The zester is less expensive, gives you garnishing versatility and chances are if you are cooking, you already have a knife and cutting board out, so chopping the zest for an ingredient is not as much of a chore as you may first think. Whichever tool you choose, please remember that you usually get what you pay for. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t expect a zester purchased for one dollar to work very well. Buying premium kitchen tools are an investment into the health and enjoyment of home cooked meals. When taken care of properly they will last you a lifetime and thus be well worth the money you paid. Dear Chef Dez: What is finely chopped lemon zest? Is it grated lemon rind? Marvin M. Lomond, Alta. Dear Marvin:
Chef Dez on cooking Chef Dez
The zest is the outerpart of the peel of any citrus fruit - so not the white bitter pith of the peel but the outer coloured part of the peel. This holds a ton of essential oils of the citrus fruit and is screaming with flavour and aroma. In fact it smells more like the fruit than the fruit itself. Use a zester or a fine grater to remove it without removing any of the white bitter part of the peel underneath (the pith). Send your food/cooking questions to dez@ chefdez.com or P.O. Box 2674, Abbotsford, B.C., V2T 6R4. Chef Dez is a Food Columnist, Culinary Travel Host and Cookbook Author. Visit him at chefdez.com.
Public notice is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office of:
Board of Education Members: Sun West School Division No. 207
Subdivision No. 1 (Eatonia, Eston, Marengo) Subdivision No. 2 (Coleville, Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Arcy, Plenty) Subdivision No. 3 (Biggar) Subdivision No. 4 (Dinsmore, Harris) Subdivision No. 5 (Beechy, Elrose, Kyle, Lucky Lake) Subdivision No. 6 (Davidson, Kenaston, Loreburn) Subdivision No. 7 (Town of Outlook) Subdivision No. 8 (Town of Rosetown) Subdivision No. 9 (Town of Kindersley)
Number to be elected: 1 Number to be elected: 1 Number to be elected: 1 Number to be elected: 1 Number to be elected: 1 Number to be elected: 1 Number to be elected: 1 Number to be elected: 1 Number to be elected: 1
will be received by the following election officers on the 7th day of October, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and during regular business hours from: September 16th to October 6th, 2020 inclusive or by fax 1-306-882-3366 or email elections@sunwestsd.ca Rhonda Saathoff or Bonnie Giles Sun West School Division Office, 501 - 1st Street West, Rosetown Nomination forms may be obtained at the following locations: 1. the Division Office in Rosetown; 2. the schools in each subdivision; and 3. on the Sun West School Division website www.sunwestsd.ca Dated this 16th day of September, 2020 Rhonda Saathoff, Returning Officer
Museum September â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s It?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; . . . Well, the Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s It? lady stumped you all again last month. Will she do it again this month? Come in to the Biggar Museum and Gallery and fill out a ballot if you know what this artifact is! (Photo for The Independent by Delta Fay Cruickshank)
Sports giving a boost to Canadians’ spirits
Penton on sports Bruce Penton
Despite the 26th consecutive year without a Canadian franchise winning the Stanley Cup, and despite the Canadian Football League going dark for the 2020 season - thanks a lot, coronavirus - the state of sports in Canada is pretty darn good. Three Canadian men made the round of 16 at the U.S. Open tennis championship in New York, confirming the developmental efforts put forth by Tennis Canada are bearing fruit. Denis Shapovalov, Vasek Pospisil and Felix Auger-Aliassime were the Canucks making noise at the Flushing Meadows Tennis Centre, and they’re all young and on the verge
of better things. Don’t forget, too, that Bianca Andreescu was the defending U.S. Open women’s champ and unable to defend her title due to injury. While the Open was in progress, Eugenie Bouchard of Montreal lost in the final of the Istanbul Cup, a World Tennis Association event. In basketball, the entire country was on the Raptors bandwagon as they strived for two NBA titles in successive years. Their thrilling seven-game Eastern Conference semifinal series with Boston Celtics captivated Canadians, but they came up five points short. Canadians on the PGA Tour are no longer viewed as oddities. At last count, there were seven Canadian regulars on the Tour. One of them, Mackenzie Hughes, qualified for the 2020 Tour Championship - the top 30 in the Fed-Ex Cup standings earn the right to play in this exclusive event - and wound up 14th, earning $620,000. Next year, the Canadian contingent on the Tour
will be increased by one as Ontario’s Taylor Pendrith will have full status thanks to his great play on the developmental Korn Ferry Tour. And while Hughes, Adam Hadwin, Nick Taylor and Corey Conners all have PGA Tour victories to their credit, players such as David Hearn, Michael Gligic and Roger Sloan have full- or part-time Tour status, too. Brooke Henderson came within a whisker of winning the LPGA’s first major, the ANA Inspiration, but she lost in a playoff. And then there’s Canada’s baseball sweethearts, the Blue Jays, who are young, filled with potential and on the verge of qualifying for this season’s playoffs, which have been expanded and modified beyond recognition due to COVID-19. Even without star slugger Bo Bichette for a good portion of the 2020 season, the Blue Jays (2020 home base: Buffalo) are a solid second in the A.L. East and are due to give Canadians some exciting playoff action. Slugger Teoscar Hernandez, take
Asquith Council news for September Asquith Town Council held its September regular council meeting on Wednesday, September 9. Attending were Mayor Gail Erhart, Councillors, Sue Sawicki, Dylan Claypool, Jeff Eide, Harold Edwards, and Ted Goodnough. Also attending was CAO Kathy Picketts and Foreman Darren Kraft. The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. A motion was made to accept the August 19 regular council meeting minutes as presented. Council made a motion to accept the August 2020 financial statements and August 2020 bank reconciliation’s as presented to them at the meeting. Accounts Paid in the amount of $20,491.99 and Accounts Payable of $81,455.68 were accepted as presented. The Town of Asquith Nomination Day is set for October 7. The Town of Asquith
Advance Election Poll will be held at the Asquith Elk’s Hall on Thursday, October 22. A new sign of Cemetery Regulations will be ordered and posted to replace the old worn out sign at the Asquith Cemetery. Northern Blacktop has been contracted to pave Clark Avenue to Charles Street and Charles Street to South Avenue at a cost of $103,620. $91,842 of this money was received in a grant called Municipal Economic Enhancement Project (MEEP). This project will commence the week of September 21. Reminder that there is another “Clean Waste” day this month on September 26 at the old landfill. You can only dispose of clean waste such as tree branches, unpainted and untreated wood, leaves, garden refuse, et cetera. “Fall Clean Up Week-
end” was on Saturday, September 12 and Sunday, September 13. Everything ran smoothly and was another success. There was a Family Cleaning Day in the Town also on September 12. A few families showed up and got through the whole town picking up garbage! A reminder goes out to all individuals that the Town of Asquith has A Burning Bylaw which dictates that one can have a fire in town for recreational use only. Only clean wood/firewood can be burned in your fire pits - no painted/treated wood, refuse, leaves, et cetera should be burned. Be kind to your neighbour and to the environment and burn only clean wood materials. Also, no bonfires are allowed please keep the size of your backyard fires moderate. Stay safe everyone!
a bow. You, too, pitcher Hyun Jin Ryu. Will Buffalo get the parade if the Jays shock the world and win the World Series? So while the overall situation in Canada is glum - thanks to the virus, the economy and uncertainty about the future - Canadian athletes and Canadian-based teams continue to provide entertainment and positivity to a nation in need of uplifting news. • Patti Dawn Swansson, the River City Renegade, after Saskatchewan premier Scott Moe declared Sept. 6 to be Roughriders’ Day across the province and for everyone to wear green and white: “A melonhead needs urging to wear green and white like a priest needs a reminder to say prayers on Sunday.” • Jay Busbee of yahoo. com, on Houston Texans’ QB Deshaun Watson: “Watson can’t be thrilled that his No. 1 target, DeAndre Hopkins, left town for the NFL equivalent of some off-brand soup.” • Comedy guy Steve Burgess of Vancouver, on
Twitter after No. 1 seed Novak Djokovic was disqualified from the U.S. Open after a ball he smashed in anger injured a line judge: “Bah! John McEnroe once beat an umpire to death with a piano leg and was assessed a double fault.” • Baseball writer Mark Bowman on Twitter during the Braves’ 29-9 demolition of Miami Marlins Sept. 9: “Braves lead 29-9 in the seventh. This seems safer than 28-3 in the fourth.” • NOT SPORTS CENTRE, on Twitter: “BREAKING: Texans fans have opted out of the 2020 season, citing safety concerns of what watching Bill O’Brien coach for 15 more games might do to their physical and mental health.” • Comedy writer Brad Dickson of Omaha, on the eve of the NFL’s first game: “The 2020 NFL season kicks off tonight. I’m really looking forward to the next 12 days until the 2020 NFL season ends.” • RJ Currie of sportsdeke. com: “The Raptors set a
franchise record with 18 turnovers - 18! - in losing Game 7 to the Celtics. Much of the night they were bum Raps.” • Currie again: “Sorry Houston Texans: 20 points wasn’t enough to beat the Chiefs on Thursday Night (in the NFL opener). And it wouldn’t have been enough to beat the Atlanta Braves, who scored 29 the night before.” • At Fark.com: “Padres’ Eric Hosmer suffers fractured finger. On the other hand, he’s fine.” • Chris Carlin of 98.7 ESPN New York, on the COVID face shield worn by Chiefs coach Andy Reid: “It’s foggin’ up like teenagers makin’ out in a car. Please, someone, get him a windshield wiper at halftime.” Care to comment? E-mail brucepenton2003@ yahoo.ca.
Warsaw Zoo treats depressed elephant with CBD 5 of the most haunted places around the world
How much of this stuff are you going to need to get an elephant to mellow out? The increased quality and potency of CBD has opened whole new avenues of use for the stuff. One of the more novel uses for CBD has emerged in Poland, where zookeepers are trying to use it to help a depressed elephant. That’s right. Elephants are sensitive and intelligent animals, and can have strong reactions to negative life changes – just like people. ElephantVoices – a charity dedicated to protecting elephants – says wild elephants can
become grief-ridden and depressed. Some observed causes include abduction for their natural environment, stillbirth of an infant, or a death in the herd. It seems elephants in captivity are not immune to sadness either, as a death of a loved one is what starts this story. In March, the African bush elephant herd of Warsaw Zoo went from four to three, wrote BBC. Erna, the largest elephant in the zoo and the herd’s matriarch, passed away. African elephants usually live to 40-60 years old, but Erna was only 35 when she died. The death of the herd’
leader affected all the the test subject as she was other elephants. But a undergoing stress and young elephant known as also because elephants Fredzia took the loss par- are “relatively easy to ticularly hard. monitor”. “It’s not very potent. According to the zookeepers, they noticed an The only side effect almost immediate change will be some behavioral changes. We will have to in Fredzia’s behavior. “Fredzia reacted manage these to achieve strangely when she saw the results we want,” she Erna’s body. She was said. The drug will be adminreally excited. But you could see that she was istered to the elephants also grieving actually, as drops or mixed into she was also depressed,” their food. According to said Warsaw Zoo Animal Czujowska, Warsaw Zoo Rehabilitation Depart- is the first place in the ment head Dr. Agniezska world to attempt elephant stress treatment Czujowska. CBD oil was one of the with CBD. potential experimental cures. According to1/4 BBC, Page Fredzia was chosen to be
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Labor Day is next week, meaning it’s now fall, meaning it’s the spooky season! Although, this year’s been chock full of horrors right from the start. But now we can all pretend to be scared about things that won’t phase us at all. Ghosts? Poltergeists? Angry, unmasked Karens are the only thing making anyone’s blood run cold this fall. But, if you’re craving some good old-fashioned jump-scares, try visiting these five super-haunted places worldwide. Aradale Asylum, Victoria, Australia. This psychiatric hospital operated for 126 years until 1993, housing Victoria’s mentally ill. During the height of its operation, the building was home to over 1000 patients. Aradale is just one of 65 buildings in this “city within a city.” The entire property spans well over 600 acres. During one of the two-hour tours offered to the public, you explore the Ararat Hospital’s wards and treatment halls. You can also visit J Ward, which housed the criminally insane. Ghost tours visit the gallows and gravesites for a real spooky experience. The Portland Underground, Oregon, United States. For almost a century, Portland, Oregon, was the site of human trafficking. Saloon-owners outfitted their Portland operations with trapdoors, making it easy for them to seize drunk men in the bars and drop them into the Portland Underground. They then drugged the men and sold them as unpaid labor to ships. Ghost tour participants get a flashlight before descending into the underground network where ghosts of dead victims haunt the passages. Men who survived often worked for years as captives on ships, sometimes
making their way back home. Poveglia Island, Venice, Italy. This island is even more spooky thanks to the events of this year. It’s the place where the term “quarantine” originated. Venice forced incoming ships to dock on Poveglia Island for 40 days to prove they didn’t carry the plague. Consequentially, the island was the last resting place for over 160,000 people. Rumor says human remains make up over half the island. Although the island’s closed to the public, five ghost-hunting Americans attempted to spend the night in 2016. They called for a midnight rescue, claiming harassment by malicious spirits. The Ancient Ram Inn, Gloucestershire, England. Built on top of a pagan ritual ground in the 12th century, guests now stay in Wotton-under-Edge’s haunted inn to experience the paranormal phenomenon. Legend states devil-worshipping pagans once sacrificed children on the site. Now, visitors claim to hear screams and babies crying, feel invisible hands pushing them, and even see mist ascending the staircase. Burg Wolfsegg, Wolfsegg, Germany. Ulrich Von Laaber built this castle in the 13th century to act as a stronghold in the area. War took him from home, leaving his young, beautiful wife a little bored. When her distractions included an affair, Laaber had her killed. It’s now her spirit, the White Woman, who haunts the castle’s hall. Rumor has it there’s a mysterious hole in the woods filled with the bones of Von Laaber and his sons. Still, the hole remains hidden in the forest while the castle’s open for public tours.
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Love is a smile, a tear and a touch Love says little but means so much Love is forever and I give it to you DB SAFETY From the husband who thought the world of you MUSIC
D.J. Music for all Loved and Rembered occasions, pop, rock, Bob Mason country, new, edm, light show included Marriage Everyday in some small way, Commissioner For More Info:
we miss you more than words can dale@dtjssb.ca In our hearts you will always or 951-7700 stay loved and remembered.
Loved and Remembered The Mason and Polovick Families
2:00pm Westwinds Motor Hotel Centennial Room
October 6th, 7th, and 8th New Format - No Door to Door Canvassers On October 1 all home owners and businesses will get a charity package left at the door, respecting Covid safe practises. All instructions will be in the package. For any questions Call jen 948-4460 or Shirley 948-5303. Thank you for your support.
1st Aid training on-line or classroom. $120 Re-Certs $85 Canadian Red Cross say. For More Info:
You are Invited to a Come and Go Bridal Shower for Amy Ottman (bride elect of Dylan Haynes) Saturday September 19, 2020
Biggar and District Donors Choice Campaign Blitz
We have free range pasture pigs available for purchase. These porkers are featuring a distillers grain, anti-biotic free diet. We butcher for $2.50/pound. We have teamed up with Mel at Biggar Sausage to handle the cutting and wrapping. Cut and wrap $175.00 for the whole pig. Delivery to Melâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s for free. We offer whole pig or 1/2â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
dale@dtjssb.ca or
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Looking for a one bedroom basement suite for my worker. Call Maggie at the Snow White Restaurant 948-2861
Looking for a singe room basement suite for a single person. Starting October 1st for 6 months Phone Dwayne at 306-361-2133
951-7700 948-3344
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CENTRAL PARK PLACE has apartments for seniors available in Biggar immediately. Call 948-5626
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Independent Classifieds
WEEKLY REFLECTION The New â&#x20AC;&#x153;Normalâ&#x20AC;?
by Sue Bernier for the Biggar United church I flipped the calendar page and there it was- September 1, as big and bold as brass. What happened to the summer? How come my summer to do list is still stilling in the bottom of the junk drawer with only a couple of tasks crossed off? Normally, at this time of year, we are putting up fruit and vegetables for winter, combining the grain and watching the clouds to make sure that rain doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sneak up on us, airing out fall and winter jackets (the mornings have been quite brisk) and purchasing school supplies. You notice I said normally. This year â&#x20AC;&#x153;normalâ&#x20AC;? isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t so much. School has been delayed. Usually the children are in that bittersweet area of excitement; getting back to class and friends; and having to take the bus back to school (cue scary music). Some children will be returning to class and others will be learning from home. Church life is the same. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Normalâ&#x20AC;? wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be so familiar anymore. We wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be able to sit in our â&#x20AC;&#x153;podsâ&#x20AC;? but be aware of social distancing, singing will be at a minimum (probably muffled as everyone will be wearing masks), and no social coffee and snacks after the service (say it isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t so.). There will be no hand shaking. Greetings and visiting will be from across the room. Everything touched will have to be sanitized. The new â&#x20AC;&#x153;normalâ&#x20AC;? will look differently. Biggar United Church is planning to reopen for services soon, with a whole new set of precautions and protocols set in place. The Leadership Team has met frequently to ensure we have a contingency plan in place and all the safety gear possible to keep members and visitors safe. We hope to see you at service. We will wave from across the room and try to make your visit a friendly, albeit safe one. God promises that â&#x20AC;&#x153;This too shall pass.â&#x20AC;? We pray that it happens quickly. Be safe and God Bless.
Everyone Welcome! ST. GABRIEL ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 109 - 7th Ave.W, Biggar
Father Edward Gibney
Parish Phone: 306-948-3330 3!452$!9 -!33 4)-% s P M SUNDAY MASS TIME s A M "Y !PPOINTMENT 0HONE THE 0ARRISH TO "OOK 9OUR 4IME
OUR LADY OF FATIMA CATHOLIC CHURCH, Landis 35.$!9 -!33 4)-% s A M
SEPT. 13, 2020 8034)*1 t " . 3&%&&.&3 -65)&3"/
SEPT. 27, 2020 8034)*1 t " . 3&%&&.&3 -65)&3"/
For more information/pastoral services, phone Cindy Hoppe 948-2947 or John Bennett 948-2852
1/4 Page 312 - 8
Ave.W. and corner of Quebec St., Biggar
Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m. Pastor Doug Motz, Church ofďŹ ce phone, 306-948-3424
to all the fantastic BIGGAR UNITED CHURCH 907 Quebecwho St./corner Turnbull Ave., Biggar work in th Re-Opening for Services October 4, 2020 agricultural indu Covid 19 Guidelines Apply Masks Required we say thank you fo INQUIRIES CALL CHURCH OFFICE 306-948-2280 LEAVE MESSAGE bountiful harve S������-D�� A�������� C�����
We Specialize in..... â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
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Cď?¨ď?ľď?˛ď?Łď?¨ Sď?Ľď?˛ď?śď?Šď?Łď?Ľâ&#x20AC;Śď&#x2122;&#x201E;ď&#x2122;&#x201E; ď?Ą.ď?. Tď?Ľď?ď?°ď?Żď?˛ď?Ąď?˛ď?š Lď?Żď?Łď?Ąď?´ď?Šď?Żď?Ž ď?Ąď?´: ď&#x2122;&#x2021;ď&#x2122;&#x192;ď&#x2122;&#x2020; ď&#x2122;&#x2026;ď?Žď?¤ ď?Ąď?śď?Ľ. ď?Ľď?Ąď?łď?´ ď?Šď?Ž Bď?Šď?§ď?§ď?Ąď?˛ Cď?Żď?Žď?´ď?Ąď?Łď?´: ď&#x2122;&#x2020;ď&#x2122;&#x192;ď&#x2122;&#x2030;-ď&#x2122;&#x152;ď&#x2122;&#x2021;ď&#x2122;&#x2039;-ď&#x2122;&#x2026;ď&#x2122;&#x2021;ď&#x2122;&#x2039;ď&#x2122;&#x201E; www.amazingfacts.org
We Do Laminating
let us do the work for you LAND SALE NOTICE
The R.M. of Eagle Creek No. 376 is accepting bids on the following property acquired through tax enforcement: Lots 12 and 21, Block 5, Plan G692 (Sonningdale) Anyone wishing to make an offer on the property must do so, in writing, before Sept. 30th, 2020. Any offer will not necessarily be accepted. Offers must be sent to: R.M. of Eagle Creek No. 376 Box 278 Asquith, SK S0K 0J0 Or emailed to rm376eaglecreek@xplornet.ca Dated Sept. 9, 2020. Trent Smith, Administrator
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Attention: Deanna Steven
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is a full service law office Please proof Business that practicesâ&#x20AC;Ś
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ADS 948-5352 or 1 co Price: $225 plus gst for30626 weeks (6 months) CAN REACH MORE 306244-9865 (Regular price is $28.98 plus gst per week x THAN We are able to offer this to you when we ge
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Urla Tyler, One phone callAdvertising coversBiggar the entireIndependent Stuart A. Busse, QC The Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. province. phone: 948-334 Expand your market fax: 948-2133 and increase your 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK proďŹ ts. email: tip@sasktel.net 306-948-3346
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â&#x20AC;Śserving your community since 1972
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for any 9 Pl Â&#x2026; OK Â&#x2026; M Â&#x2026; M withou
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D.J. Music for all occasions, pop, rock, country, new, edm, light show included Marriage Commissioner For More Info:
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CANCER – Jun 22/ Jul 22
Aries, let yourself Cancer, it may drift off into a creseem like you are jugative mode this week. gling a hundred things Explore any artistic at once. Take a step endeavor and dream2 col/6 back to exhale and as big as your mind recharge your batterallows. Don’t limit this ies. This will prove a expressive outlet. welcome break.
tic, Taurus. Consider hard to make a decicommitment. DECORATING & EVENTS 1st Aid training on-line s RENTALS… 4ENTS treating your special sion. Instead, select or classroom. $120 "OUNCY #ASTLE someone to a homeRe-Certs $85 Please get back to me withtwo or more and cooked sample which is best. Red meal Cross or going 306-948-9750 Canadian changes/corrections by return rd For More Info: for a stroll in the park. Don’t let indecisiveness 102 - 3 email this morning. derail your plans. GEMINI – May 22/ dale@dtjssb.ca
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ARIES – Mar 21/ Apr 20
TAURUS – Apr 21/ LEO – Jul 23/Aug DB Brett… SAFETY May 21 23 BRETT’S DECORATING & DESIGN SERVICE This week you may Leo, when faced FLOWER SHOP 1ST Price… inches = $201.50 AID2.5especially be feeling with too many choics FLOWERS plus gst perroman6-month prepaid loving and es, you may find it TRAINING s CUSTOM WEDDING
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Jun or 21 Thanks Urla Gemini, if things 951-7700
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in your business.
VIRGO – Aug 24/ Sept 22
Calming, relaxing activities are the best way to fill up your week, Virgo. Spend time taking long walks with friends or hanging out without much advance planning.
LIBRA – Sept 23/ Oct 23
Libra, one minute you feel one thing and another you’ve changed your mind. Sit down and think over the pros and cons of each direction before making a final decision.
SCORPIO – Oct 24/ Nov 22 Scorpio, your social schedule fills up quickly this week. You may enjoy getting out of the house or the office, but remember to do it in a responsible and safe way.
SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21 No one but you can start working toward your goals, Sagittarius. Stop dragging your feet and put a good plan into action in the next few days.
CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20
Capricorn, whether you realize it or not, you have a great deal of freedom to do what you want. Be spontaneous and start pursuing some of your goals.
AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
People may not be receptive to your usual brand of humor this week, Aquarius. Do more listening than talking. Try to keep sarcasm to a minimum and lay low.
PISCES – Feb 19/ Mar 20
Don’t be overly concerned with what others think about you, Pisces. Even if you’re feeling like a fish out of water, forge ahead with your unique ideas.
LAWN SIGNS FOR EVERY OCCASION Come see us for Pricing and Design
â&#x20AC;Ś need your First Aid Course certification? â&#x20AC;Ś Need to Re-certify? â&#x20AC;Ś Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have time to leave work or tie-up your weekend!
One Biggar puddle . . . A very large slough south of Biggar is a beautiful cobalt-blue amongst the the golden fall fields awaiting harvest. Cool weather is bringing fall closer and closer. (Independent Photo by Kevin
Study: Refusing to wear a face mask could mean youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a sociopath
Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not much good thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s come out of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. But at least itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s giving us new, fascinating insights about the humans. In June, a Swiss study discovered what kind of personality traits fuelled the toilet paper hoarding brought on by the initial coronavirus panic. Now, a Brazilian team of researchers has found another link between a certain type of COVIDrelated behaviour and a particular personality type. Namely, they discovered that people who refuse to wear face masks in public just might be sociopaths. We have been instructed by governmental officials, such as those from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to wear masks to inhibit the spread of the coronavirus. However, there has been and still is a portion of the population worldwide that vehemently refuses to don one. Luckily, their numbers have dropping as the coronavirus keeps rampaging around the world. According to the Pew Research Center, the percentage of US adults who had worn a mask in public within the last 30 days increased from 65 per cent in June to 85 per cent in August. Still, some people continue refusing to wear one for various reasons. Others say that forcing them to put on a mask is a violation of their right to self-determination, while others claim that COVID-19 is still nothing but a hoax. Despite their reasons, though, this new study
claims that they have something in common. The research team, led by Dr Fabiano Koich Miguel from the State University of Londrina in Brazil, discovered that people who recorded high on â&#x20AC;&#x153;antisocial traitsâ&#x20AC;? were less likely to comply with COVID-19 containment measures. These â&#x20AC;&#x153;antisocial traitsâ&#x20AC;? are prevalent in people with the antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). In more common terms, these people are known as sociopaths. According to the US National Institute of Mental Health, roughly one per cent of US population have ASPD. However, unlike popular culture might have you think, these people are not raging murderers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The antisocial pattern group presented higher scores in all ASPD typical traits,â&#x20AC;? the study reads. These typical traits are callousness, deceitfulness, hostility, impulsivity, irresponsibility, manipulative behaviour, and risk-taking. In addition, they rated lower in Affect resonance, a method used to measure empathy. Basically, people exhibiting ASPD traits are less likely to feel things like guilt or remorse. In general, the research found that â&#x20AC;&#x153;adherence to containment measures is more challenging to people with a pattern of antisociality in comparison to those who have an empathy pattern.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;These traits explain, at least partially, the reason why people continue not adhering to the containment measures even with the increasing numbers
of cases and deaths,â&#x20AC;? the researchers say. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Exposing oneself and others to risk, even when it can be avoided, is a typical trait for people with antisocial tendencies and with low levels of empathy,â&#x20AC;? they add. The results of the Brazilian study seem to fall in line with the results of other personality research carried out in the wake of COVID-19. For example, a Polish study found that people who exhibit the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dark Triadâ&#x20AC;? of personality traits are less likely to comply with COVID-19 measures. The Dark Triad of personality quirks consists of Machiavellianism (manipulativeness and cynicism), narcissism, and good old-fashioned psychopathy â&#x20AC;&#x201C; that is callousness and impulsiveness. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Dark Triad traits are correlated with various behaviours that affect peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s health, suggesting the traits may play a role in responses to the COVID-19 virus,â&#x20AC;? the study says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Those higher, for example, in rivalrous narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy were less likely to comply with governmental restrictions geared toward reducing the spread of the virus.â&#x20AC;? Yet another study, this time in the US, also found similar traits. The studyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s author, Pavel Blagov from the Whitman College, found that â&#x20AC;&#x153;darkâ&#x20AC;? personality traits, such as meanness, disinhibition, and â&#x20AC;&#x153;overall psychopathyâ&#x20AC;? went hand in hand with lower intent to participate in social distancing and hygiene. Not only that, Blagov
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discovered that those exhibiting such traits were even ready to put others at risk of infection, â&#x20AC;&#x153;knowingly and perhaps deliberatelyâ&#x20AC;?. But what do all these results mean? Is everybody who refuses to wear a mask, even at face of possible infection, a sociopath? Well, no. But they likely have some of the associated personality traits.
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Call Dale Buxton for more information
Biggar, SK
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PHONE 948-5144
Our Store Hours
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Open Monday and Thursday
9:00 am - 4:00 pm or by special appointment. Hope everyone is being safe and we hope you have a great summer. If you have questions please call
(306) 948-2183
We will call and arrange for signatures and pickups.
Open Monday - Friday 9:30am - 5:00pm Located at the New Horizon’s We are seeing clients by APPOINTMENT ONLY ! Please phone Rod at 948-4430 or Jen at 948-4460 Pickups can be arranged
Monday - Friday 8:30am-7:00pm Saturday 8:30am-6:00pm Sunday 11:00am-6:00pm • • •
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Working safely for you! We’re here for you!
We strive to serve our clients as safely as possible, and the safest way is remotely. You can do almost anything by phone or online! However, if you need to come see us, please be prepared to sanitize, wait in line, and practice social distancing.
We strive to serve our members as safely as possible, and the safest way is remotely. Did you know you can do almost anything by phone or online? However, if you need to come see us, please be prepared to sanitize, wait in line, and practice social distancing.
Our regular business hours are in effect in Biggar and Landis offices. For full details, go to www.biggarlandisinsurance.ca
Our regular business hours are in effect in Biggar, Landis and Perdue branches. For full details, go to www.biggarcu.ca
• •
Use hand sanitizer provided at door. Please respect the 6 foot social distance while shopping in the store. Please shop alone (caregivers with young children and shoppers needing assistance are exempt) Be patient and wait for others to move while shopping Please refrain from standing and visiting as you are blocking others and stopping the flow of people. When filling water jugs please wait outside until machine is not being used. Limit of two jugs when others are waiting. Please carry out your own water. Please consider using grocery cart to carry out your own groceries. We may at times be limiting amount of customers in the store. FOR CURBSIDE PICKUP
email: biggarshopeasy@sasktel.net
Thank you for for being considerate to everyone and shopping with us in our awesome community. Stay Safe Everyone! In Biggar - Dale Buxton 306-951-7700
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