It’s a Dog’s life . . . This laid-back pooch is just taking it all in last week, dreaming, no doubt about Thanksgiving and all the turkey scraps that happen to go astray. Here’s hoping it was a wonderful time with those you love and cherish . . . both human and pet! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Vol. 111 No. 42
16 pages
????????, ?????????15, ??, 2020 ???? THURSDAY, OCTOBER
Biggar Central School Senior Blazers are still taking to the field for practices, hoping for some game time action. The Recreation Complex is a busy place with both Biggar schools hitting the fields for outdoor, socially distanced workouts. The student athletes are eager and ready - let’s just hope things can go ahead with a bit of playing time. (Independent Photos by Kevin Brautigam)
Biggar resident and Food Bank member, BarbaraAnn deHaan, has been appointed to the Food Banks of Saskatchewan Board of Directors. The two-year term begins immediately. “Small food banks, like us, need to have a voice at the top,” deHaan said, adding that rural food banks have far different issues than their city counterparts. “I hope to be a voice for the little guys.” For deHaan, a five-year member of the Biggar Food Bank, this is the first time at the provincial level. In the current travails of COVID-19, food banks have taken on an important role. The six volunteers at the Biggar Food Bank are holding their own during this pandemic. deHaan credits that to federal aid money (Canada Emergency Response Benefit or CERB, et cetera) with helping keep things calm and measured. But with those cash aids com-
deHaan elected to Food Banks Sask
ing to an end, deHaan says food banks may see a dramatic increase in use. The local Red Apple store is doing a huge push, helping alleviate some of the need in our area while other groups may also hold food drives. Still, with the pandemic looking to go on for a while longer, food banks may soon find themselves strained. The “mechanics” of running a food bank have been changed due to social distancing. “We’ve revamped things. The weather has been good so we have had people wait in the parking lot instead of coming through Tim Hammond’s building [the Biggar Food Bank location], and serving them one at a time we use to have two, three people at a time, loading up boxes - so we now load up a box and we hand them out the door, and restrict how many volunteers are working at one time in our facility.” Some good news of late is that Parrish and Heim-
becker has once again donated several cases of pancake mix, a big hit last fall, deHaan says. Big Rose Colony also donated a massive amount of fresh produce last month. “We [small food banks] don’t get any big government grants . . .we really do rely on the generosity of businesses and people in our area.” With deHaan on the provincial board or directors, new tricks will be learned but, more importantly, a voice and representative for small food banks like Biggar’s will be heard.
Fleet of feet . . . Biggar Central School Principal and cross country coach, Kim Fick, right, gives last minute instruction to her racers at the Recreation Complex last week. While competition may be on hold for the season, workouts are still underway for both schools, much to the delight of the student athletes. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
DEHAAN SASK FOOD BANKS Barbara-Ann deHaan, right, seen recently with Shop Easy’s Greg Pidwerbesky, is now a voice for rural food banks on the provincial level. (Independent File
Council Minute highlights The regular meeting of Biggar Town Council was held September 22, at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Attending the meeting were Mayor Ray Sadler, Aldermen Alan Boyle, Penny McCallum, Kevin McNicholls, Kirk Sherbino, Edward Young, and Ivan Young. Council resolved that Recreation Director Erin Poitras be authorized to purchase a new 2021 Zamboni, Model 446 with backup alarm and auto snow breaker from FerMarc Equipment Ltd. in the amount of $114,210 plus applicable taxes. Council also resolved that Recreation Director Erin Poitras be authorized to purchase a gazebo for the Fat Cat Splash Park from V and R Sawing in the amount of $9,457 plus applicable taxes. Council resolved that the following financial reports for August 2020 be accepted as presented: Bank Reconciliation; Statement of Financial Activities. Council resolved that the General Accounts Paid in the amount of $149,440.58, and the General Accounts Payable in the amount of $625,013.31, be approved. Council resolved that the following correspondence be accepted for Council’s information and filed: Saskatchewan Housing Corporation - Committee Appointment; Canadian Pacific Rail Safety Week 2020; Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan - Multicultural Week; Biggar Muse-
um and Gallery - Year in Report; Municipalities in Saskatchewan - 2021 Convention Update; Government of Saskatchewan - Federal Safe Restart Canada Plan. Council resolved that the Town of Biggar retain title on the following TTP to become part of the municipal holdings by paying the amount of all outstanding taxes as per section 31(7) of the Tax Enforcement Act: Lot 32 Block 8 Plan D4770 - Municipal: $997.26; School: $967.88. Lot 1-6 Block 40 Plan G167 - Municipal: $8,261.63; School: $5,414.08. Lot 36 Block 2 Plan D4770 - Municipal: $9,137.01; School: $257.71. Council resolved that the Town make a monetary settlement to the dedicated lands account in the amount of $483. Council resolved that the following be transferred to reserves for 2020 - Dedicated Lands: $52,000; Sick Payout: $63,000; Transit Van: $4,000; Tennis Court Surface Coating: $29,000; Cabinet Doors in Community Hall: $8,000; Pool (underground sprinklers): $16,000; Parks (Lloyd Hock Park Solar Lights): $16,000; Regional Park (shower
house): $25,000. Council resolved that the following payment amounts be transferred to the Capital Trust Fund as per the 2020 budget: General Fund - $215,884; Water and Sewer Fund $7,000. Council resolved that the Town renew the agreement with Loraas Recycling Environmental Services Ltd. for the biweekly curb side collection of residential and commercial recyclable materials. Council resolved that they support the application for an Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) grant for the Second Avenue West water and sewer replacement and all associated works , and Council agrees to meet legislated standards to meet the terms and conditions of the ICIP program to conduct an open tendering process, to manage the construction of the project, to fund ongoing operation and maintenance costs, and to follow any mitigation measures as required by the federal Impact Assessment Act and the Environmental Assessment Act (Saskatchewan). • Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
B9 - B15 - N38 - G49 - O72
This Weekʼs Numbers October 15
Plastic ban? Won’t. Do. A. Thing. Justin “Juice Box Water Bottle Thingy” and his merry band of Liberal malcontents will take away single-use straws to make the world a better place. (Cue the fluffy music as we all skip away into the sunset.) Who knew saving the plant was so easy? Well, Justin’s useless ban on single-use plastic is simply another appeasement to Millennial, man-bun wearing, pseudo-intellectuals who believe these useless gestures make a difference. Hit a big-box store and buy a product, any product. Come home and open said product. A half hour after trying to open the product you are faced with an impressive mound of plastic bits and wrappings. Banning straws, plastic bags, soft-drink rings, while admirable, is not even the tip of the plastic mountain. But this is the Liberal way of operating - a grand and meaningless gesture. Nice photo op, Justin. Time for the selfie. If you want to solve this, tell companies to stop packaging their product like it’s protecting Fort Knox. And stop leaving the impression that Canadians are solely responsible for the plastic pollution in the world’s oceans. The reality is that Asia dumps more in the ocean - roughly 80 per cent. Canadians? ‘Bout two per cent. Environment Minister Jonathan Wilkinson’s attempt at saving the world by taking away your straws and grocery bags points the blame at you. How about criticising China? Don’t hold your breath. The cowards in power only pussyfoot it when it comes to China, the two Michaels in a communist prison while Huawei exec, Meng Wanzhou is in a cushy Vancouver penthouse, are proof of that. While we are obsessed with saving the plant, we never look up from our smart phones to see the environment outside - clean and pristine. We have our problems, for sure, but we just believe in the propaganda that plastic phone and the Liberals feed us - that everywhere is a garbage dump. And the Liberals use that to make dramatic gestures. And entice a new group of brainwashed followers. Let’s just hope those followers use a cardboard, water bottle thingy when they drink the Liberal freshie. K.B.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ARE WELCOME They MUST be signed, approximately 300 words in length and are subject to editing. Thank Yous will not be permitted in letters
Trudeau’s infrastructure announcement raises a host of red flags
If a door-to-door salesman pitched you on a “win-win” sale, your first reaction would probably be skepticism. Unfortunately, a similar level of skepticism is called for whenever a politician declares their latest spending project to be a “win-win.” That’s exactly what Prime Minister Justin Trudeau affirmed was the case when he announced that the “independent” Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) would be spending $10 billion over the next three years on a list of things that just happen to align precisely with his government’s own priorities. The plan, he declared, would create 60,000 jobs, all while fighting climate change to boot! What’s not to love? As it turns out, a lot. For starters, there is the
curious transformation of the CIB from a purportedly arms-length entity (“governed by an independent board of directors”), into a de facto government department that co-hosts press conferences with its political masters. What happened to the need to give confidence to prospective private-sector partners that their investments would be inoculated from political interference? Even stranger, it turns out that the $10 billion in question doesn’t actually represent new money: it’s simply part of the CIB’s existing budget, which, even more strangely for a government entity, it couldn’t seem to figure out how to spend over the past three years. (Given the state of the country’s finances, perhaps we should thank it.) Apparently, the Trudeau
government has now solved this problem for the CIB by simply telling it where to spend the money. But perhaps we needn’t worry, because this is not any old spending. It’s infrastructure spending. This, we are often told, is very different than regular spending. It’s big! It’s bold! It’s forward-looking! It’s an “investment.” The notion that not every “investment” yields a positive return does not seem to occur to politicians. But it happens - a lot. Just ask Japan, which embarked on a massive infrastructure spending plan in the 1990s and 2000s with the goal of stimulating its moribund economy. The result: government debt at 180 per cent of GDP and anemic economic growth. It turns out building bridges to nowhere is a bad idea.
Worse, government-led projects can crowd out viable private-sector ones, leading to a tragic misallocation of resources. We can’t know for sure, but for every bridge to nowhere that consumed scarce labour and money, there might have been 1,000 other, less politically favoured, projects that would have been far more useful. Another problem is the nebulous definition of the term “infrastructure” itself. Ever since the Trudeau government began applying the label to all and sundry, including such new innovations as “social” and “green” infrastructure, it has been necessary to first establish when it’s proposing to build actual infrastructure, and when it’s simply proposing more program spending. But looking at the
Phone: 306-948-3344
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Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Thursday at the office of publication, 122 Main Street, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Dale and Trudy Buxton Editor - Kevin Brautigam Composition - Fallon Neugebauer
Trudeau government’s recent announcement in particular, there are huge red flags. Retrofitting (i.e., renovating) buildings may lead to reductions in carbon emissions, but there’s no guaranteed long-term economic benefit. Clean power has already been subsidized to the hilt and, in some cases, has inflicted immense economic damage. And blindly splurging on transit such as electric buses when the pandemic may have permanently altered traffic and commuting levels - and therefore the demand for transit in the first place - seems dubious. All of which brings us to perhaps the greatest danger of ill-advised infrastructure spending: the opportunity cost. Every dollar spent on a white elephant project had an
alternative use, either by government or taxpayers. That dollar could have gone into a school or a hospital or remained in the pockets of Canadian families and businesses to direct to their own priorities. Contrary to some of its boosters, infrastructure isn’t a magic category of spending that’s immune to waste. Politicians can, and do, screw it up as badly as they do run-ofthe-mill programs. Before the pandemic, the CIB couldn’t identify projects that were enticing enough to secure private investors. That politicians are now driving the (electric) bus and insisting future investments will be a “win-win” should make Canadians very worried indeed.
P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.
Out of gas
Everyone knows that I can’t hear or see very well, but the other evening at coffee time, I hear an old fellow beside me say, “I wonder if that old guy is ever going to run out of gas?� “Eureka!�, eh? For the last days, Y.T. had wondered what he should make for a new article and then, all of a sudden, there it was . . . “Out of gas�, something that is not new these days! I looked back and this is what I found . . . everyone has run out of gas, and was Y.T. ever relieved to find something that he hadn’t written about before. Read on. It was a bright summer
purple gas stories, and checking my list for them all is almost out of control! Mebbe Y.T. had better find another subject, eh? Sorry about that! Y.T. has written some pages and never got a giggle out of anyone! Yet, I must tell about Walt’s gas tank! My brother Walt liberated an old - and empty - gas tank from an old machine we had. He washed it clean and made sure it was empty before he put it on the garage roof so he could fill it with nice clean water so on a nice sunny day we could have some nice warm showers. Our young wives decided they should try it. They stripped down and turned it on just as the Feudal gasoline truck driver came in to fill the nearby tank with gas! Now you can laugh, eh!
The Majestic Theatre ~
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the empty tube to the carburettor line, cut a hole in the top of the tube and poured in a little gasoline. We pointed the car toward home, put a little gas in the carb and moved the car to the nearest hill. Forward home! Of course we let the car “free wheel� down the slope, and were we ever lucky that by climbing the slope and gliding, we went within half a mile of Perdue! Boy, did the filling stating boys laugh! Don’t laugh when you read this! I don’t want anyone to snicker as I tell about being out of gas - it is not, again, “NOT� funny to find you are far from home and that you are out of gas. I recall giving a couple of gallons of purple (farm) gas to a policeman . . . and we didn’t laugh! There must have been many things done like that! It was not many years ago that we set clear jugs out, full of purple gas, which lost its colour in a few days! There must be lots of
Notable Notes
day and we took off in our car to find berries on the hills west of Perdue. It wasn’t our fault, we had a full tank of gas, some pails and we were going to find some berries up there no matter what! We went north on the Centre Road between Perdue and Biggar, and were idling along through some prairie pasture when an ignorant rock reached up and bent a hole in our gas tank! What do do? We looked underneath the car and saw the gasoline dripping away. It was dripping quite fast and we lost no time in putting one of our pails under it. We searched for a container of some kind and we finally found two old beer bottles. Now what, eh? We rinsed out the bottles and filled the two of them with the gasoline we had saved. Jim, about 13 years old, pointed out that the air nozzle on the spare tire tube was about the same size as the hose going to the carburettor. We found an old file in the trunk and connected
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The Rural Municipality of Biggar No. 347 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 2020 NOTICE OF VOTE Whereas nominations were received from the following for Reeve:
• Jeanne Marie de Moissac • Keaton Donahue
And Whereas nominations were received from the following for Councillor, Division 3
COUNCILLOR: TOWN OF BIGGAR PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that provision has been made for an advance poll: Voting will take place on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2020 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. at the BIGGAR COMMUNITY HALL 117 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Sask. Dated at Biggar, this 22Nd day of October, 2020.
Marty Baroni, Returning Officer
NOTICE OF POLL 1. A poll has been granted for the election of:
NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT OF POLL WHEREAS, Bradley Poletz, nominated for the office of Councillor, Division 1, is the only candidate, I hereby give notice that no voting for this office will take place on November 9, 2020
Mayor: Town of Biggar Councillor: Town of Biggar 2. Voting will take place on Wednesday, the 9th day of November, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the polling place listed below. 3. I will declare the result of the election at the Biggar Town Office on the 4th day of November, 2020, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. Address 319-3rd Avenue East Biggar, Sask.
Dated at Biggar, this 22rd day of October, 2020.
WHEREAS, Greg Mundt, nominated for the office of Councillor, Division 5, is the only candidate, I hereby give notice that no voting for this office will take place on November 9, 2020. Dated at Biggar, Saskatchewan this 8th day of October, 2020
Marty Baroni, Returning Officer
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that: A vote will be held for the election of Reeve and Councillor, Division 3 on Monday, the 9th day of November, 2020 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at tyhe RM Municipal Office 201-2nd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan I will declare the result of the voting at the RM Municipal Office, 201-2nd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan on the 9th day of November, 2020 at 8:30 p.m. NOTICE OF ADVANCED POLL PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that ADVANCE VOTING will be held in the RM Municipal Office, 201-2nd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
Polling Place Biggar Community Hall
• Wesley Goring • Dale Thomson • Mathew Danychuk
Sandi Silvernagle Returning Officer COVID-19 Protocols: The RM of Biggar will follow the same in person voting procedures for our election as Election Saskatchewan has set out for the provincial election that will be held before our municipal election.
1/4 P
Important role fulfilled here in Biggar by Delta Fay Cruickshank for the Biggar Museum and Gallery We just received the latest edition of ‘Museum’, a magazine published by the Canadian Museum Association. I would like to share a few lines from the magazine on the importance of museums in our communities. “Museums play a crucial role in society. They have the capacity to unite us and defend our common good as they make significant contributions to our economy and societal well-being. Museums matter
Museums are at the heart of a just and knowledgeable society. They educate and inspire. They house our culture and history. They create a sense of community and belonging. They allow us to better understand our past, our present and shape our future. They spark conversations and reflection. They build empathy and understanding for each other and remind us how diversity makes us stronger. “ Muse Fall/Automne 2020 The worldwide pandem-
ic has affected museums. Did you know that 90 per cent of world’s museums have faced temporary closures, and it is estimated that one in eight museums worldwide could close permanently. “So what!” many will say. Please look at the function of the museum in your community. The Biggar Museum and Gallery seeks to preserve, protect, and present the history of Biggar and area. In an average year we host 600 student visits, and then up to 40 children visit during Muse-
NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT OF POLL The Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 2020
um Days in the summer. We exhibit at least four Saskatchewan artists free exhibits with the help of OSAC and the Biggar and District Arts Council. All shows and events are open to the public and the schools. On an average year we have up to 4,000 visitors to Biggar come through our doors and learn the importance of Biggar in the growth of the Saskatchewan and Canadian economy. These visitors are looking for a pleasant experience while they are in Biggar; they go shopping, they buy souvenirs, meals, etc. Here at the Biggar Museum, we are the tourist Information site, and we do our best to help everyone who comes in looking for advice or
help. With the support from our wonderful volunteers and bakers we bring pies, burgers, cookies, hot dogs, and pancakes to hungry Biggarites. We provide hayrides and free hot chocolate to the youth. Our events are traditions and are a big part of growing up in Biggar. These are fond memories many take with them or continue to participate in year after year. The board of the Biggar Museum and Gallery are endeavouring to continue with these traditions, despite COVID. We are coming up with changing things so that we can still present the hayride, cookie sale and Christmas Magic Silent Auction. The methods may be differ-
ent, but the traditions will carry on! The museum is now open to the public for tours and investigation into the past of our beautiful town and farming community. We observe all the regulations, wear a mask if you wish, we adhere strictly to the sixmetre social distancing rule and sanitization sites are throughout the building. Preserving our history is a road map to the future . . . we learn what not to do in the future from our past. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, repeatedly. There is always something happening in the Biggar Museum and Gallery all year round.
Whereas, a poll is not required pursuant to The Local Government Election Act for the office(s) of: Revee: Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 Councillor: Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 Division No. 1 Councillor: Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 Division No. 3 I hereby give public notice that no voting for the said office(s) will take place on Monday, November 9,2020, and that the following person(s) are elected by acclamation: Elmer Dove, Reeve Andrea Owen, Division 1 Coady Dehr, Division 3 Dated at Biggar this 9th day of October, 2020.
Saturday night in Biggar, circa 1916-1918.
Joanne Fullerton, Returning Officer
The Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 Election 2020
The Rural Municipality of Rosemount No. 378
Whereas, Albert L. Kammer, nominated for the office of Reeve, Where as Sarah Tebb, nominated for the office of Councillor of Division No. 1, Where as Jerry Kirilenko, nominated for the office of Councilloe for Division No. 3 were the only candidates nominated for each position, I hereby declare them elected by acclamation and give notice that no voting for these offices will take place on November 9, 2020. Dated this 8th day of October, 2020.
Kara Kirilenko, Returning Officer
NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT OF POLL The Rural Municipality of Grandview No. 349 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 2020
Whereas, Steven Suter, nominated for the office of Reeve, is the only candidate. I hereby give notice that no voting for this office will take place on November 9, 2020 Where as Raymond Althouse, nominated for the office of Councillor of Division No. 1, is the only candidate. I hereby give notice that no voting for this office will take place on November 9, 2020 Where as Allan Turk, nominated for the office of Councillor for Division No. 3, is the only candidate. I hereby give notice that no voting for this office will take place on November 9, 2020
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that: 1. An election will be held for the office of Councillor for Division No. 5 for the Rural Municipality, on Monday, November 9th from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Candidates: Kim Custer Richard Wintersgill 2. The advance poll will take place on Wednesday, the 4th day of November, 2020 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 3. Both polls to be held at: R.M. of Glenside Office, 113-6th Avenue East, Biggar Sk Dated at Biggar, this 9th day of October, 2020.
Joanne Fullerton Returning Officer
MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 2020 Whereas, a poll is not required pursuant to The Local Government Elections Act, for the offices of: Mayor: Village of Kinley Councillors: Village of Kinley
Where as Gerry Germsheid, nominated for the office of Councillor for Division No. 5, is the only candidate. I hereby give notice that no voting for this office will take place on November 9, 2020
I hereby give public notice that no votoing for the said offices will take place and the following persons are elected by acclamation: Mayor: John Kirstein Councillors: Jim Olson and Seven Quiring
Dated this 16th day of October, 2020.
Dated this 8th day of October, 2020.
Shona Toner, Returning Officer
E. Lynne Tolley, Returning Officer
Murky future for hogs Agriculture Calvin Daniels
by Calvin Daniels This week is very much a nostalgic one for yours truly, and it all relates to coming across a story from several weeks ago. The story at producer. com which ran in August was about Leah Predy from Ponoka, Alberta, who was raising Lacombe pigs after moving back to the family farm a few years ago. Fewer than five farms in Canada have registered Lacombes today, and Heritage Livestock Canada puts the current population of the species at 10 to 15 adult breeding females and two active breeding males. These numbers are so low, Lacombes are listed as being in danger of becoming extinct. That hit a real nerve for me, and even as I type
the gilt home to mate and in about four months I was sitting near her stall in the barn dreaming of the litter she was about to have and how I’d no doubt take the Lacombe world by storm with all her offspring. She farrowed, giving birth to one bouncing baby boar, which while doubling my herd size, did not exactly do much for the future growth of my herd. Back then of course, the late 1970s, Lacombes were far from endangered with breeders such as Ernie Hirsch, who I purchased the gilt from, Doug and son Don Brooks of Rosthern, Ken Leask at Marcelin, and Walter and son Jurgen Preugschas of Five Lakes Farms at Matherthorpe, Alta., having sizeable herds that regularly headed to major shows of the era. To think the breed is now on the brink of disappearing is incredibly sad from my perspective and I am left remembering my past as I also hope for the future of Lacombe pigs.
this I feel greatly saddened by the prospect for Lacombes. The reasons for my sadness are twofold. In general terms I have always been a proponent that rare livestock breeds need to be preserved because they are part of agriculture’s history, and one cannot predict what genetic traits might serve the sector best in the future. More specifically to the case of Lacombes, they are one of the few livestock breeds developed in Canada, in Lacombe back in 1947, to be precise, and they are a breed of pig I myself raised a few decades ago. I grew up on a farm where my dad raised registered Yorkshire pigs. Of course there came a day I wanted pigs I could call my own, and like many kids I didn’t want the same thing dad had. So, I did some extra chores, begged some extra dollars, and at a swine sale in Melfort purchased an open (not bred) Lacombe gilt. The seller was good enough to offer to take
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The Saskatchewan Traveller
by Dale and Trudy Buxton We continue our travels on another bright summer day as we head south on Highway 4, now we all know that the highway to Rosetown isn’t the smoothest of highways and a little bumpy, but once you get to Rosetown it is a lot better. The town motto for Rosetown is “Heartbeat of the Wheatbelt”, and it’s easy to see why with rich farmland completely surrounding the community. Rosetown is a large town of around 2,450 people and is mainly a farming community. However, Rosetown is also a good central location for government offices that brings employment to the community. Rosetown is very sports minded especially with recent attempts of the Canadian AAA hockey championship and “the Allan Cup”. Continuing on Highway 4 south we come upon the community of Elrose. Elrose has a population of around 500 people and is right in the middle of a strong agricultural industry as well has an economy based on the oil business. A couple of attractions in Elrose is the Lil Mills Memorial Garden, which offers a tranquil setting and some picnic tables to enjoy your lunch in the downtown. The other attraction year-round is the Elrose Uniplex which features hockey, curling and is the focal point of the community. Next up the community of Kyle, “Home of the Woolly Mammoth”. The
Kyle area is rich in tradition and history. Agriculture is the main industry but tourism in the area is fast becoming a major of the economy with both Clearwater Regional Park and Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park close by. Next up down the road we have Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park. Sask Landing straddles the South Saskatchewan River Valley and the west end of Lake Diefenbaker. Sask Landing is a historic first crossing of the South Saskatchewan River and is one of the most popular provincial parks in Saskatchewan. The area is enjoyed by all ages, the park is popular for its fishing, hiking, and swimming. There are annual
Walleye tournaments on the lake. The hiking is spectacular through the beauty of the rolling hills. There are a number of campsites and cabins for camping. If you’re a golfer then the Sask Landing Golf Resort is the place to be. It offers a full golfing experience over looking the valley. Continuing down the road we travel south to Swift Current or to some “Speedy Creek”, which is a small city of about 17,000 people on the banks of the South Saskatchewan River. Swift Current has all the amenities that you could ask for, good place to stop. Stay tuned for our next adventures!
Reflecting . . . Winter is a comin’ but nature is putting on a grand finale before the flakes fly. Here, trees reflect in the water east of Biggar. (Independent Photo by
Kevin Brautigam)
Can you spot the person Surprise, who has hearing loss? They All Do!
Do you have hearing loss?
40% of adult canadians have hearing loss (CHMS 2012-2015)
Jannuela Villanueva presents Lindsay Hunsdale with the prize for the Culture Day raffle. Lindsay and Mike, newcomers to Biggar, came in to see the Culture Day, Rightful Place Exhibit that was displayed for the month of September. For over a century, the town and citizens have welcomed people from many cultures and nations to build the prosperity of our town and surrounding areas. How appropriate that a new comer from Ontario was able to be drawn to win the prize. Welcome to Biggar Lindsay and Mike. (Photo by Delta Fay Cruickshank)
1 2 3
Do you feel people are mumbling? Do you turn up the television? Do you have ringing in your ears?
4 5 6
Do you experience difficulty hearing in a crowd? Do you ask friends or family to repeat themselves? Is it hard to hear someone from a different room?
usually over the age of 40, and typically white. It stems from an idea or stereotype of people likely to ask to ‘speak to the manager.’ Over the years, the ‘Karen meme’ has come to make fun of entitlement. For many people, sharing ‘Karen’ stories has been immensely cathartic. No one likes injustice and entitled attitudes. However, the meme seems to have evolved beyond all recognition, impacting on how many people view others called ‘Karen’ across the board. Those who defend the Karen meme will state that it’s purely a stereotype. It started as a satirical way to fight back against entitled behavior. However, as recent statistics show, it’s perhaps having an impact on completely innocent Karens! There are a few schools of thought on the matter. Some feel that you shouldn’t be defined by your name, and that ‘Karen’ identifies an ugly attitude. Others, however, feel that it is a harmful stereotype that is impacting genuinely innocent people. Since the ‘can I talk to your manager’ meme first emerged at the start of the 2010s, claims of unwarranted negativity towards people called
Karen have been growing in number. As with all memes, this trend is likely to fizzle out after a while. However, well-adjusted, friendly women called Karen shouldn’t worry too much in any case. Providing you continue to be kind to others and to demonstrate a responsible attitude, there are no reasons why you should have to put up with persecution. In the internet age, it’s strange to see stereotyping of this nature become so commonplace. Satire and humour should never be censored. However, the next time you meet someone called Karen, don’t just assume that they are going to cause an unnecessary fuss for the sake of it!
fatigue, tension, stress and depression avoidance or withdrawal from social situations Reduced alertness and increased risk to personal safety Impaired memory and ability to learn new tasks Diminished psychological and overall health
(306) 445-5700 #2 11204 Railway Ave. E North Battleford, SK
62% of Brits think if you’re called ‘Karen,’ you’re obnoxious The internet is a strange place. If you’ve spent any time online in recent years, you’ll likely have some vague grasp of ‘memes’ and the culture that comes with them. These jokes are often highly adaptable - and what’s more, they have a strange habit of wheedling their way into everyday life. One such meme - used to identify a particular ‘type’ of middle-aged woman - seems to have had a negative impact on how a relatively ordinary name is perceived. We’re talking about ‘Karen,’ of course, and all the strange negativity that seems to come with the name. Whether you purely use the web to play games at Casino Winner online casino, to browse social media, or to create memes of your own, you may have come across this trend. So, what’s it all about? A British study appears to show that traits and behaviors now associated with the name may be changing how we perceive people with this moniker. In fact, a survey suggests 62 per cent of Brits believe all Karens are naturally obnoxious. Where does this come from? On the web, the word ‘Karen’ has come to describe a rude woman,
Risks associated with hearing loss:
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1/4 P
Russians are beloved on ice, 48 years later
Penton on sports Bruce Penton
Young baseball stars blossom Who was better? Hank Aaron or Mike Trout? Babe Ruth or Reggie Jackson? Carl Yastrzemski or Rickey Henderson? Pick an era of Major League Baseball and you’re apt to find two or three players - often a trio - who stand above the rest. That’s playing out this year as three young stars are performing at a sensationally high level and destined for superstardom and, eventually, the Hall of Fame. Ronald Acuna, Jr., of Atlanta Braves and Juan Soto of Washington Nationals were 2018’s superstar rookies, with Acuna winning the Rookie of the Year award in a tight race. That studly duo has now been joined at the upper echelon of youthful stardom by Fernando Tatis, Jr., of the San Diego Padres. Tatis, Jr., hit 17 homers as a rookie in this year’s 60-game regular season. Eleven of them
were swatted in September when baseball fans in North America began to notice that this guy was no ordinary freshman. In his third year, Soto won the National League batting title and led the league in OPS (on-base percentage plus slugging average), while Acuna missed 14 games and still finished in the top 20 in most of the NL’s key offensive categories. While Soto, Acuna, Jr., and Tatis, Jr., may come to dominate baseball headlines for the next decade or so, it’s fun to look back on other eras for comparison. Such as the trio of Mike Trout, Bryce Harper and Mookie Betts, who were the alpha males five or six years ago until the aforementioned three flashy kids came along. Baseball fans won’t forget 1988, when the trio of Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa played out a season-long home run derby that eventually was determined to have been spiked by performance enhancing drugs. The 1980s had George Brett, Tony Gwynn and Rickey Henderson, all of whom are currently in the Hall of Fame. Maybe the 1970s trio of Yastrzemski, Johnny Bench and Reggie Jackson is the best threesome in baseball history. Anyone my age might argue that the 1960s trio of Mickey Mantle, Hank Aaron and Willie Mays has no peer.
Ten years from now, Soto, Acuna and Tatis will be yesterday’s news, and a fresh crop of superstar youngsters will be smashing home runs, running down outfield liners and gathering millions of Twitter followers. And more than a few old-timers will still be maintaining that these kids today couldn’t carry Mantle’s cleats. • RJ Currie of sportsdeke. com: “The Nebraska State Fair broke a record for the longest parade of old tractors when over 1,100 showed up. In Canada, that’s just part of the lastminute Labour Day crowd at Mosaic Stadium.” • The late MLB outfielder Jay Johnstone, who died of COVID-19 at age 74: “When there’s no game, Philly fans go to the airport to boo bad landings.” • Patti Dawn Swansson, aka the River City Renegade: “Hendrick Motorsports was fined $100,000 recently for spending too much time in a wind tunnel. Curt Menefee can relate. He has to sit beside Terry Bradshaw for five hours every weekend on Fox NFL Sunday.” • Gary Gramling of, writing about Philip Rivers’ 400th career touchdown: “Of his career, not of the game. (He was playing the Jets, so that clarification is necessary.)” • Headline from “Rob Manfred Confident MLB Doing
Second chance lottery ticket gets lost in the mail What’s your biggest dream? Would it be to win the lottery, even if it was the second chance lottery? What if you won, but then you didn’t win? Because that’s what happened to this lady. Well, not exactly. She actually won the second chance drawing on July 29 but when she sent the certified letter to Florida Lottery’s headquarters, it never arrived. According to Sue Burgess, the officials in Tallahassee told her “no ticket, no prize.” Second chance drawings only allow a limited time to turn in tickets and claim the prize. Options are for winners to put the ticket into a drop box at a local lottery ticket office, (which weren’t open due to COVID-19) or mail them into the headquarters. Burgess felt it would be safer to send the ticket via certified mail through the U.S. Postal Service. The tracking informa-
tion states that the ticket arrived on August 12, at 7:12 a.m., at the Tallahassee post office. However, online tracking shows that the ticket never made it to the lottery. Burgess called and they told her that without a ticket, the prize would go to an alternate winner. Because the second chance game includes previous winners, the lottery has a record of their names and contact information. Burgess has said that she was notified by a lottery official who originally called to give her the good news. Lottery winners of more than $600 can submit winning tickets in person at their local lottery office, or via mail because of the offices being closed during the pandemic. Burgess said that she only had one week to submit the ticket but because she had missed an email about winning and having to send in her ticket, so by the time they con-
tacted her by phone call, she only had two days to get it post-marked. “That’s why you chose certified mail,” Burgess said. “With COVID, I understand the mail is a little bit slow. But for safety sake, certified mail usually has priority.” Lottery officials still claim that the ticket never made it to headquarters. The claims department told her to contact the postal service to find out where the letter is but all they could tell her is that they are investigating what happened. The postal service offered her an apology for any “inconvenience.” If the letter does make it, lottery officials said they would bend the rules and pay Burgess the $1,000 if it was postmarked by the original deadline. “Ms. Burgess’ situation is an unusual circumstance and, to our knowledge, no other winner has experienced a similar issue,” the lottery said.
Enough To Market Stars Like Mike Trout And The Japanese Guy” • Another headline: “Mitch Trubisky Studying Game Tapes In Hopes Of Discovering What Bears Saw In Him In First Place” • Patti Dawn Swansson again: “I think (Jets’) Blake Wheeler is still a useful player, but a year from now he’ll be slower than a sports writer reaching for the bar tab.” • Swansson, on Tampa Bay Lightning’s boat parade to celebrate their Stanley Cup, replacing the traditional motorcade: “In keeping with the water theme, coaches and players drank American beer.” • Reader Steven S., responding to Sean McIndoe’s TheAthletic. com story on the 1977 NHL draft, where it was pointed out Larry Robinson’s brother Moe was drafted by the Habs in the third round: “I think the big question is who drafted Curly Robinson?” Reader Tim M. countered with: “I could have sworn he played for the Canyuknyuk-nyuks.” • Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg, after Tom Brady lost track of how many downs he had left in a recent game: “Five!” What Tom Brady yells when he hits into the group in front of him on the golf course.” • From “Swiss
Skydiver wins Preakness. Odd, would have thought a horse would win.” • Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: “With the Cowboys yielding 36.5 points and 430.5 yards a game, just gotta ask: When will allas get its D back?”
• @rslashpatriots, via Twitter: “The Jets are 750:1 to win the Super Bowl, meaning if you bet $100 on it, you would lose $100.” Care to comment? Email brucepenton2003@
Notice of Abandonment of Poll Whereas a poll is not required under the Local Government Election Act, 2015, for the office of: BOARD MEMBER: ST. PAUL’S ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL DIVISION NO. 20, SUBDIVISIONS NO. 1, 2 and 3 I hereby give public notice that no voting for the said office will take place and that the following persons are elected by acclamation: Subdivision 1: Wayne Stus Subdivision 2: Debbie Berscheid Subdivision 3: Bonita Elliott Dated this 9th day of October, 2020. Ron Walter Returning Officer
NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT OF POLL The Rural Municipality of Eagle Creek No. 376 Municipal Elections 2020 WHEREAS Ed Fertuck and Clinton Berglund nominated for the offices of: REEVE and COUNCILLOR for DIVISION 5 respectively, are the only candidates, I hereby give notice that no voting will take place on November 9th, 2020 for these offices. Dated at Arelee, Saskatchewan, this 8th day of October, 2020.
Trent Smith Returning Officer
NOTICE OF VOTE The Rural Municpality of Eagle Creek No. 376 Municipal Elections 2020 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that: A vote will be held for the elction of COUNCILLOR for both Divisions One and Three The vote will take place on: Monday, November 9th, 2020. from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the municipal office in Arelee, Saskatchewan. I will declare the result of the voting at Arelee on Monday, the 9th day of November, 2020 at the hour of 9:00 p.m. Dated at Arelee, Saskatchewan, this 8th day of October, 2020.
Trent Smith Returning Officer
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ARIES CANCER Mar 21/Apr 20 Jun 22/Jul 22 This week you may Cancer, you may run feel more rooted in the into an old flame over past than the present, the course of the week. Aries. Feeling nostalgic In preparation, be sure 2 col/6 for old times, including to leave the house lookthe people and places of ing your best. This will your past, is healthy. help boost your confiTAURUS dence. DB Brett… SAFETY Apr 21/May 21 LEO BRETT’S DECORATING & DESIGN SERVICE People move in and Jul 23/Aug 23 out of AID your circle. Price… 2.5social inches = $201.50You may feel that life 1ST s FLOWERS It’s a natural transition has gotten a tad dull, plus gst per 6-month prepaid TRAINING s CUSTOM WEDDING that everyone experiLeo. It is time to do DECORATING & EVENTS 1st Aid commitment. training on-line ences. Embrace opporsomething about that. s RENTALS… 4ENTS or classroom. $120 "OUNCY #ASTLE tunities to meet new and Try a new restaurant. Re-Certs Please$85 get back to me with interesting people. Engage in a new hobby. Red Cross 306-948-9750 Canadian changes/corrections by return GEMINI Connect with new For More Info: 102 - 3rd email this morning. May 22/Jun 21 friends. Ave. West, or Gemini, if you take VIRGO Biggar, Sask. Thanks Urla a951-7700 trip down memory Aug 24/Sept 22 lane at some point, don’t Spirituality and reli948-3344 /WNED AND OPERATED BY "RETT "ARBER be surprised if family gion may be on your members dominate your mind, Virgo. You may DB SAFETY thoughts. Think about want to figure out how SERVICE rekindling a lost relation- to embrace your values ship. and beliefs, as they can 1ST AID improve your life. TRAINING
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LIBRA Sept 23/Oct 23 Waking up feeling optimistic and energized is a great thing, Libra. On top of it you may be surprised to find that someone has a crush on you. Go out if you’re single. SCORPIO Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, if restlessness sneaks up on you, look for new opportunities to add a bit of excitement. It could be taking an online course in a subject that interests you or a vacation. SAGITTARIUS Nov 23/Dec 21 Something you read in a book may prove to be an “ah ha” moment for you, Sagittarius. You may have a new perspective on life and be excited to make changes.
CAPRICORN Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, you may be feeling that someone close to you is ill or not himself or herself. These intuitions will not cease until you check out the situation for yourself. AQUARIUS Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, a desire to learn new things may be very strong for you right now. It is never too late to return to school and finish a degree or to begin pursuit of a new one. PISCES Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, don’t take love too personally this week, especially if your romantic partner has been playing it cool. Things will come around.
Independent Classifieds
God has again shown mercy - Give thanks to Him” Pastor Doug Motz, Biggar Associated Gospel As challenging as this year of 2020 was, it will go down in history as a year never to be forgotten! But in spite of this fact, we still have more to be thankful for than we have to grumble and complain about! Yes, this Covid virus has caused many disruptions in our world. Some of those disruptions have been down the lines of health concerns, which has s timulated fear, uncertainty, much paranoia, and added to that most financial disruptions! It has placed a unique challenge on the families – with children having to be dismissed from schools this past March, and shifting all learning from your home devices online learning, rather than the classroom learning. But we can all be thankful that we’ve all experienced overall good health – which by the way – we all must recognize that God’s hand of protection has been upon us! I’d like us to meditate on the following passage of Scripture taken from an Old Testament passage in 1Chronicles 29:10 - 15. Just a brief background of this passage is as follows. King David was nearing death, and he was about to inaugurate his son Solomon as King over God’s people Israel. All the materials for the building of the Temple in Jerusalem had been made ready and available for the construction of the Temple once Solomon became king. We now come to the passage I mentioned above, as David reflected and then penned as lead by Holy Spirit of God of God’s Greatness, and Goodness, and Provision – which was cause for him and us to take to heart what is written in this Biblical account! “10. Therefore David blessed the Lord before all the assembly; and David said: “Blessed are You Lord God of Israel, our Father, forever and ever. 11. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness the power and the glory, the victory and the majesty; For all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head over all. 12. Both riches and honour come from You, and You reign over all. In Your hand is power and might; In Your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. 13. Now therefore, our God, we thank You and praise Your glorious name. 14. But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly as this? For all things come from You, and of Your own we have given You. 15. For we are aliens and pilgrims before You, as were all our fathers; Our days on earth are as a shadow; And without hope.” As was true of King David of old who recognized that the Lord God of heaven was truly the One and only One who had provided for God’s people Israel, I want to Deadline challenge our hearts with the fact that it’s been the Lord God of heaven, our True and Only Creator of ALL things who we need to be giving thanks, and forpraise to, for all He alone has done for us in taking us through 2020 as He has!! Classifieds I challenge us to look around us in the midst of all the chaos in the world, and take is inventory of all the good things God has done for us this year! I’ve mentioned some already – but there Monday is more! For you farmers – this has been an exceptionally good year, harvest wise! The weather – which by the way God controls – not the weather-man, has been one ofatthe best falls for you guys and gales in at least five or more years. You were able to garner in an exceptional crop! I’m sure for the most part you 5 p.m. were able to harvest it testing dry, and a good grade to boot! So, I challenge all of us out there to give credit where credit is due! give thanks this Thankgiving to the God of Heaven who alone is worthy to be thanked and praised. You might think that credit should go to yourselves for all the skills, and abilities you’ve been given – by God Himself by the way! You might want to pat yourself on the back for having good farming practices. But remember, God is ultimately in control of everything! Remember, our time on this earth is but for a moment of time! So, as David reflected, I challenge us to do the same – on the goodness and mercies that the God of Heaven has shown us, and provided for us all! Blessed Thankgiving to all!
Everyone Welcome! St. Gabriel roman CatholiC ChurCh 109 - 7th Ave.W, Biggar
Father Edward Gibney
Parish Phone: 306-948-3330 SATURDAY MASS TIME • 7:00 p.m. SUNDAY MASS tiMe • 11:00 a.m. By Appointment, Phone the Parrish to Book Your Time
our lady of fatima CatholiC ChurCh, Landis SUNDAY MASS TIME • 9 a.m.
Presbyterians, anglicans and lutherans (Pals) OctOber ServiceS - St. Paul’S anglican church For more information/pastoral services, phone Cindy Hoppe 948-2947 or John Bennett 948-2852
Biggar associated gospel church 312 - 8th Ave.W. and corner of Quebec St., Biggar
Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m. Pastor Doug Motz, Church office phone, 306-948-3424
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saturday services
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tHUrSdaY, OCtOBer 15, 2020
Biggar independent Online
oBITUarIEs Aileen Dorothy Smith
March 20, 1930 – September 28, 2020 Aileen Dorothy Smith was born on March 20, 1930 in Madoc, ON. She lived in Madoc, and later moved to Belleville, ON to work as an assistant at a doctors office. Aileen met Ed on a blind date in Belleville, and for both of them it was love at first sight. Ed & Aileen were married on April 21, 1951. Their love grew stronger with each passing year. Dad was her “ownself ”, and Mom was his “own one.” In 1957, Ed & Aileen moved from Belleville, ON, to Saskatoon, and then to Biggar, leaving behind many good friends and family. Biggar became their home for the rest of their lives. Together they enjoyed a wonderful marriage, raising three wonderful children, Darryl, Cheryl & Monica. They celebrated their 63rd anniversary in April of 2014 before Dad’s passing. Mom loved her work at Irene’s Dress Shop, and fashion was always important to her. However, she had a dream, and that was to become a Care Aide. She graduated with her certificate in 1986, and began her real career at the Diamond Lodge, where she worked until her retirement, at the age of 65. She loved caring for the residents and was known for her kindness and compassion. Mom and Dad enjoyed numerous trips back to Ontario to visit friends & relatives. Summer vacations meant camping trips, first in the old canvas tent, and then later upgraded to a little Boler trailer. Then, in 1975, Mom & Dad built their cabin at Turtle Lake. We all loved to spend time at the lake, and have so many wonderful memories of the time we spent together. We all remember sitting on the deck, under the porch light, playing cards, dice games or scrabble. We would be fighting off the moths while trying to keep our eyes on Mom (as she had a knack for ‘cheating’, if she could get away with it. Campfires with grandpa entertaining with his guitar & mouth organ, boat rides in Old Yeller, ball games on the road (with Mom always the pitcher), are just some of the memories that we all hold dear. Mom & Dad loved to dance. They took dancing lessons at Arthur Murray School of Dance, and would never miss an opportunity to whirl around the dance floor. They were also active members of the Biggar Square Dance Club. Mom & Dad loved animals, and had numerous pets over the years. They loved their Beagles and Yorkies. Mom loved to read and to work on word searches. She loved to bake and was well known for her delicious cinnamon twists, gravy, Christmas fudge and cookies, that she loved to bake for her children, grandchildren & greatgrandchildren. Family was Mom’s world. She loved to be surrounded by her children and their children. Every family occasion was celebrated with joy. Mom loved each member of her family deeply, and made each one feel special. She was the matriarch of the family and the glue that kept us all together. Her loss is felt profoundly by all of us. We will all hold her very close in our hearts, and remember how precious she was, and how blessed we were to have her in our lives. She will live on in our treasured memories. We’ll miss you, Mom, Grandma & Great Grandma. Mom is survived by her son, Darryl (Laura) Smith and their children Daniel (Medea) and their children Emery and Karsten, Derek (Annie-Claude) and their child Charlie, Michael (Emilee) and their children, Weston, Griffin, Sterling and Stella; daughter, Cheryl (Marty) Isinger and their children Cassandra (Stetler), Carissa (Chris) and Justin; daughter, Monica (Blair) Slowski and their children, Jeffrey, Kyle (Sabrina & Esme). Mom was predeceased by her husband, Ed of 63 years and great granddaughter, Mathilde.
Card of Thanks The family of the late Aileen Smith would like to express their sincere Thanks for the many messages of sympathy, and gifts of food and flowers. We appreciate your kindness during this difficult time. Sincerely Darryl and Laura; Cheryl and Marty Isinger; Monica and Blair Slowski and families
CoMIng EvEnTs Biggar Museum and Gallery Co-creating with the Creator, an exhibit of sculpture, fabric and paintings by local artists, used to be local artists and artists from the city. Colour, texture and sound, a brand new type of exhibit in the museum! Monday to Friday 1:00 – 5:00 or call 306-948-3451 to arrange a private viewing for yourself and your bubble. October 1- November 10 The Biggar & District Health Services Foundation Inc. Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday, October 20, 2020 at 7 p.m. in the Westweinds Motor Hotel. Current COVID-19 protocol will be in place. Physical distancing and masks are mandatory.
hoUsEs for saLE
tHe independent, Biggar, SK - 15
PROPERTY SERVICES COORDINATOR Are you a handyman with a little extra time on your hands? We are looking for someone to help maintain our buildings in Biggar, Landis and Perdue on a part-time basis ( approximately 3 hours per week). You would be responsible for regular building maintenace as well as coordinating contractors, janitors and suppliers for duties outside your scope. This position reports to the VP Support Services and hours of work would be flexible. This position requires a jack-of-all trades that is trust-worthy, reliable and has exceptional organizational skills. If you would like to discuss this position, please call Bryce Krammer at 306-948-3532. If you would like to be part of our team, please submit your resume by October 21, 2020 to: Biggar & District Credit Union P.O. Box 670 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Attention: Human Resources Email: We appreciate the interest of all applicants; however only those under consideration will be contacted.
noTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES AURAT, 1/4 LATE PageOF THE TOWN/DISTRICT OF BIGGAR, IN THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN, DECEASED: ALL CLAIMS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE, duly verified by Statutory Declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 9th day of November, 2020. BUSSE LAW PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Barristers and Solicitors 302 Main Street, Box 669 BIGGAR,Saskatchewan S0K 0M0
135 Wright Crescent, Biggar
Impressive 2940 square foot home with 4 bedrooms, 2½ bathrooms, expansive master suite, unfinished basement, and double attached garage. Contact Amanda Carruthers for more information or a showing at 306-658-3500.
IN THE ESTATE OF DIANNA LYNN KATHERINE MEGER, LATE OF THE TOWN/DISTRICT OF BIGGAR, IN THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN, DECEASED: ALL CLAIMS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE, duly verified by Statutory Declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 9th day of November, 2020. BUSSE LAW PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Barristers and Solicitors 302 Main Street, Box 669 BIGGAR,Saskatchewan S0K 0M0
For Rent
Central Park Place has apartments for seniors available in Biggar immediately. Call 948-5626 Single/Double Suites for Rent Bethany Asissted Living Homes Rent includes: Meals, Satellite TV, Laundry facilities, Medi-Alert Pendant 40% off the 1st month’s rent Call: 306-8432234
Charter/ Sherwood Apartments in BIGGAR
1 or 2 bedroom, heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwahers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins. For more information call: Risa Management at 306-665-2300 or Andre at 306831-4430
3 col/6
Unreserved Online-Only Auction
Kerrobert, SK · October 27
Ken-Mar Enterprises Inc & Charteris Holdings Inc For a complete list of assets and detailed equipment descriptions, visit
���� New Holland CR����
���� Case IH WD���� Series II �� Ft
���� Versatile ����
���� Apache AS��� �� Ft
���� Bourgault ���� Series II �� Ft
���� Bourgault ����ST
���� Peterbilt ���
���� Versatile ���
���� Mack CH��� & ���� Timpte ��.� Ft
���� New Holland TR��
���� MacDon FD�� �� Ft
���� Riteway ���� �� Ft
���� Meridian HD�-�� � In. x �� Ft
Equipment Highlights:
Trucks & Trailers
Grain Auger · Brandt ��� � In. x �� Ft Grain Auger · Sakundiak
���� Mack CH��� T/A Sleeper Truck Tractor T/A · ���� Peterbilt ���
HD�-�� � In. x �� Ft Grain Auger · Sakundiak HD�-�� � In. x �� Ft
���� Versatile ���� �WD · ���� Versatile ��� �WD · Deutz �WD
Combines & Headers ���� New Holland CR���� · ���� New Holland TR�� · ���� MacDon FD�� �� Ft Flex Draper · ���� Honey Bee ��� �� Ft · ���� New Holland ��� �� Ft Pick-Up
Swather ���� Case IH WD���� Series II �� Ft · Case IH ��� �� Ft Pull Type · Versatile �� �� Ft Pull Type · Versatile ��-�� �� Ft Pull Type
Seeding, Tillage & Breaking ���� Bourgault ���� Series II �� Ft Air Drill · Bourgault ���� �� Ft Air Seeder · ���� Bourgault ����ST Air Tank · ���� Riteway ���� �� Ft Heavy Harrows
Over 30 upcoming auctions
T/A Grain Truck · ���� GMC Brigadier T/A Grain Truck · ���� Ford
Grain Auger · � In End Gate Drill Fill Auger
F��� S/A Grain Truck · ���� GMC ��� Fuel Truck · ���� Schwartz
Precision Farming
�� Ft T/A Step Deck Trailer · ���� Timpte �� Ft � In. T/A Grain Trailer · Degelman R���S Rock Picker
Sprayers ���� Apache AS��� �� Ft · Jetstream ��� �� Ft T/A Field
Grain Handling Equipment ���� Meridian HD�-�� � In. x �� Ft Grain Auger · Brandt ���� MD �� In. x �� Ft Mechanical Swing Grain Auger · ���� Brandt ���� Grain Vac · ���� Farm King ���� �� In. x �� Ft Mechanical Swing
Michael Higgs Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager
GPS: ��.������, -���.������ Legal Land Description: SE ��-��-�� W�
���.���.���� North Battleford Site: ���.���.����
Timed Auction bidding opens � days prior Equipment begins closing on sale day at �� NOON No on-site bidding, call to view equipment
EZ Guide ��� Display · (�) EZ Guide ��� Displays
Other Items Include Tires · Parts · Tools · Snow Equipment · Landscape Equipment
Selling for Bill Flahr: ���.���.���� Highline Bale Pro ���� Bale Processor · ���� John Deere ���� �WD Tractor
Kent Charteris: ���.���.���� Dave Charteris: ���.���.����
· Visit for details
To download the Fall Auction Guide, visit Auction Company License 309645 & 303043