Vol. 114 No. 50
A16 B24 pages
And, 3, 2, 1, limp ... Santa’s job may seem like one of the best in the world, but sometimes things just don’t go to script. Every once and a while, nerves get the best of kids, and that meeting with Santa doesn’t go to plan! Santa took part in the annual Santa Day at the Majestic Theatre, Saturday, giving kids a chance to go one-on-one and deliver that wish list. See Page 2 for more Santa Day pictures.
(Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
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The Man In Red, Santa, and a “legion” of helpers hit the back hall of the Biggar Majestic Theatre, Saturday, for the annual Santa Day, hosted by the Biggar Legion. Biggar Daycare parents were also busy Santa-helpers, handing out free hotdogs and hot chocolate to go along with a bag of goodies from the Legion, all to eager kids who bent the ear of Santa, wishing him well and getting in a few Christmas “requests”. Santa also made a stop at the Group Home, delivering cheer and well-wishes. The Majestic Theatre held a free movie for the kids earlier, and the day was topped off with an evening parade through the streets of Biggar.
Biggar RCMP report by Sgt. Dereck Crozier, Biggar Detachment This past week Biggar Detachment had 32 reported occurrences. In relation to traffic, eight tickets were issued and seven warning provided. A 16-year-old and their 2001 white GMC Sierra met with the Traffic Services Unit about stunting and poor driving practices. Report of a deer strike on Highway 14, and a single vehicle
rollover of a 2003 Red Chev Blazer during slippery road conditions, had the response of all emergency services and STARS. Suspicious vehicle with three males reported out on Highway 51 - members were unable to relocate and no further calls received. Report of two males fighting in the street on Fifth Avenue East. They dispersed on their own prior to police arrival. Report of a stolen/lost iPhone at the Red Apple. Tracking by owner shows
the phone has made its way to Saskatoon. Report of a family dispute over an urn. This weekend members were out to participate in the Red Apple’s fill the sleigh campaigned with the Biggar Long Term Care Home being the beneficiary from the community support. Great job by the organizers and volunteers for the Santa parade around town on Saturday evening. Glad we were able to participate and be part of the event. Take care out there!
SIRT investigates death at Wilkie RCMP Detachment On Wednesday, December 6 at approximately 1:10 a.m., the Saskatchewan Serious Incident Response Team (SIRT) received a notification from the Saskatchewan Royal Canadian Mounted Police regarding a death following contact with police in Wilkie. SIRT’s Civilian Executive Director accepted the notification as within SIRT’s mandate and directed an investigation by SIRT. On December 5, at approximately 7:45 p.m., RCMP responded to a request to conduct a wellness check at a residence in Wilkie. While police were initially unable to locate the subject of the call, at approximately 9:30 p.m., RCMP received a 911 call from another residence in Wilkie, where the subject of the initial call, a 35-year old female, was located. The individual was uncooperative with police, but following the use of de-escalation techniques, was taken into custody under The
Mental Health Services Act without incident. The individual was taken to the Wilkie RCMP detachment, and EMS was contacted to assess minor injuries that are believed to have occurred prior to contact with police. RCMP members transferred the woman directly from their vehicle into an ambulance. After approximately 15 minutes in the ambulance, the individual went into medical distress and was transported to Unity and District Heath Centre where she was pronounced deceased. Immediately following the notification, a SIRT team consisting of the Civilian Executive Director and three SIRT investigators were deployed to begin their investigation. Several knives and a quantity of a controlled substance were recovered from the residence where the woman was located and have been seized as exhibits in SIRT’s investigation. The Saskatch-
ewan Coroners Service has been notified and is conducting an investigation, which will include a post-mortem examination, toxicology and microscopy. SIRT’s investigation will examine the conduct of police during this incident, including the circumstances surrounding the woman’s detention and the cause of her injury. The RCMP will maintain responsibility for the investigation into the original inciting incident. No further information will be released at this time. A final report will be issued to the public within 90 days of the investigation ending. SIRT’s mandate is to independently investigate incidents where an individual has died or suffered serious injury arising from the actions of on and off-duty police officers, or while in the custody of police, as well as allegations of sexual assault or interpersonal violence involving police.
Cst. Ramel Canceran stands guard at the Biggar Red Apple, helping out Santa’s helpers at the Biggar Main Street store as held their annual “Fill the Sleigh” campaign, all to benefit long term care home residents. (Photo for The
Independent courtesy of Sgt. Dereck Crozier, Biggar RCMP)
Council minute highlights The regular meeting of Biggar Town Council was held November 21 at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Attending the meeting were Mayor Jim Rickwood, Councillors Alan Boyle, Dakota Ekman, Nicole Hoppe, Kevin McNicholls, Edward Young, and Ivan Young. Council resolved that the minutes of the November 13, 2023 Saskatchewan Health Authority Meeting be accepted as presented. Council resolved that the minutes of the November 14, 2023 Committee Meeting of The Whole be accepted as presented. Council resolved that the Community Development Officer’s Report to November 20, 2023 be accepted as present-
Another Nat OT home game ... Biggar National d-man, Chris Kerstens comes to grips with Macklin Mohawk, Corey Doetzel, Saturday. Another home game and another exciting overtime, but this time it didn’t go in the Nats’ favour as they fell 3-2. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
ed by the Community Development Officer, Cassidy Burton. That the Town Foreman’s Report to November 20, 2023 be accepted as presented by the Town Foreman, Mark Haynes. That the Assistant Administrator’s Report to November 21, 2023 be accepted as presented by the Assistant Administrator, Amanda Flasch. That the Chief Administrative Officer’s Report to November 21, 2023 be accepted as presented by the Chief Administrative Officer, Marty Baroni.” Council resolved that the following financial reports for October, 2023 be accepted as presented: Bank Reconciliation; Statement of Financial Activities. Council resolved that the General Accounts Paid in the amount of $62,115.74 and the General Accounts Payable in the amount of $33,329.89 be approved. Council resolved that the following correspondence be accepted for Council’s information and filed: Saskatchewan Health Authority - Rental House Report. Access Communications - Underground Digging Notification. Net Zero Communities Accelerator - Progress Update. Association of Consulting Engineering - ACEC-SK Future Leaders Award. Commission-
aires of Saskatchewan - November 14, 2023 Bylaw Report. SUMA - 2024 Group Benefits Program. Federation of Canadian Municipalities - FCM Voice. SUMA Municipal Update. Council resolved that the following be transferred to reserves in the following amount for 2023 for additional donations received from September 1 to November 15, 2023 for the Biggar Revitalization Project: Grand Central Park$ 10,625. Biggar Revitalization - $236,960. Council resolved that the following be transferred from reserves in the following amount for 2023 for expenses occurred from January 1, 2023 to November 15, 2023 for the Biggar Revitalization Project: Grand Central Park - $ 31,118.47. Gateway - $ 17,644.46. Biggar Revitalization (Business Core and Transition Zone) $211,275.20. Council resolved that the following transfer of property cleanup costs to 2023 taxes be approved: Lot 19 Block 22 Plan D4770 $166.50. Council resolved that the deadline for the Nuisance Order issued to Lot 13 Block 36 Plan G167 for removal of a sea can from the property be extended to November 30, 2024. • Meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
Biden and Trudeau ignore calls to step down at their own peril
by Doug Firby, former Calgary Herald Editorial Page Editor It must be difficult to keep your perspective when you are the leader of a wealthy and privileged nation. How else can one explain the foolhardy obstinance with which both Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau cling to their jobs? Both are facing polling numbers that suggest their continued presence as leaders of their respective parties could lead to electoral disaster. Both are being told that a new leader in their position holds a better chance of keeping their party in power, their progressive values intact, and their agendas front and centre. And yet neither appears to be ready to step aside. It’s almost as though they are ignoring every bit of folk wisdom ever collected - things like, “Quit while you’re ahead” and “Know when to fold ’em.” They are also turning a blind eye to the lessons to be drawn from hubrisfuelled leaders over history, like Roman General Gaius Marius and French General Napolean Bonaparte. They are doing so not only at their own peril but at the risk of undoing whatever good they
achieved in the past. Polls, of course, should always be viewed with a detective’s skeptical eye. One poll can be wildly misleading. Yet consistent findings in poll after poll collected over months establish truths as undeniable as they are inconvenient. Let’s look at the evidence collected on these two leaders in recent times. In the United States, Joe Biden has said he is running in the 2024 presidential election because he needs to stop Donald Trump from gaining power. But this is where the Messiah complex plays its mischief. Americans don’t seem to agree that Biden is the Chosen One. A November 2023 NBC News poll, for example, found Trump leading Biden by two points, 46 to 44, and - importantly - when voters were asked to choose between Trump and an unnamed Democratic candidate, the generic Democrat won 46 to 40. The same poll found when voters were asked to choose between Biden and an unnamed generic Republican, the Republican candidate led Biden 48 to 37. Things are even more grim in Canada for incumbent Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
An October poll by the Angus Reid Institute found that the ruling federal Liberals trail the opposition Conservative Party by 11 points in voter intention. More than half of Canadians (57 per cent) in the same poll said Trudeau should step down, and only three-in-10 said he should lead the Liberals into the next election, expected in 2025. Among those who voted for the Liberals in 2021, only 44 per cent said he should stay on, while a nearly equal number (41 per cent) favoured a fresh face. In other words, even Trudeau’s fans have serious doubts about him. All this bad intent comes even though there is little love for Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre. Fewer than two in five (37 per cent) of those surveyed viewed Poilievre favourably in the Angus Reid poll. One could darkly chuckle at the prospect of Trudeau telling the party faithful: “Vote for me. At least I’m not as hated as the other guy.” Call it ego, hubris … whatever you like. The one thing we know for sure is that anyone who aspires to succeed in politics needs to have a healthy ego to start with and a skin thicker than elephant leather.
Humble leaders - and here I’m thinking of nice guys like Jimmy Carter in the U.S. and, oh, let’s say Ed Stelmach in Alberta - tend to get eaten alive and driven from power. That hasn’t changed over the millennia, but what has changed is the relentless and merciless scrutiny public figures encounter during the no-boundaries age of social media. There’s a very powerful psychological effect at play, a syndrome that applies to progressives and conservatives alike but even more strongly to history’s despots, like Hitler, Stalin, and Putin. Historian Lawrence W. Reed wrote insightfully about it in a probing 2017 essay on the fall of the Roman empire: “It’s a mental poison that twists and warps even the best of men and women if they allow it to take root in their souls. I refer to power - the exercise of control over others. Simply the pursuit of it, whether one ultimately attains it or not, is itself an intoxicant.” Biden is not the only U.S. politician under the influence. Trump is steamrolling towards the Republican Party nomination even though polls suggest another (as-yet undetermined) leader would
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ARE WELCOME They MUST be signed, approximately 300 words in length and are subject to editing. Thank Yous will not be permitted in letters
stand a better chance of winning the election. Interestingly, just as Biden is running to prevent an autocracy under Trump, the MAGA chief claims he needs dictatorial power to “save” the U.S. from the insidious creep of socialism. All these leaders, it seems, feel they have a calling to save us. A lot can change between how people feel today and what they choose to do on election day. Both Biden and Trudeau seem to be hoping for some magic to come their way in the next few months. And there IS the troubling question of who might be in a position to succeed either of these leaders. The process of weeding candidates down in both countries is so vicious and open to manipulation that
it’s entirely possible the next leader would be no better than the one we’ve got. In the U.S., there are serious doubts about Vice-President Kamala Harris’s ability to win the hearts of Americans; in Canada, the heir-apparent, Chrystia Freeland, is seen as too chummy with the PM and his ideas to convince voters she can lead the country down a better path. With every change, however, there is risk. What we know for certain is that, in the minds of voters, these two leaders have had their day. It’s time, as former PM Pierre Trudeau said of his decision to leave, to take a walk in the snow, swallow your pride and step aside.
Fall sitting shows we aren’t adapting to a changing world
Provincial Viewpoint Murray Mandryk
It was a fall sitting at legislature all about a Saskatchewan Party government wanting to hold on to its past and the province’s past. That may sound more negative than it is. We are all tempted to do what’s worked in the past. And in the recent
past in this province some things the Sask. Party government has done worked rather well. In the last two decades - 16 years of which have under Sask. Party rule - has seen a province that couldn’t quite break the one-million people barrier soar by 200,000 in what has been a new 21st century wave of immigration. Maybe we a still losing our children born here to Alberta. But we have more people working here than we ever did and jobs grow in November, year-overyear, was spectacular. We also have the lowest unemployment rate in the country. So one supposes it’s legitimate to ask: Why should we change? What’s so bad about holding on to the past? Well, maybe it’s not all
bad, but those running government need to realize there’s a reason why we call them the bygone days. The world is constantly changing and the mistake of past governments - a mistake that is seemingly being repeated by this administration - is an unwillingness to recognize that change and adapt. Or at least, there seems to be an unwillingness to recognize change that doesn’t quite fit the government’s beliefs and agenda. It is no small irony that the Premier Scott Moe spent the waning days of the fall sitting at world environmental summit in Dubai to emphasize trade over the conference’s stated goals which are to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Again, many will rightly argue that there’s
nothing wrong with a trade-dependent province to go wherever it needs to go to sell trade opportunities. Some will further and rightly argue that there is nothing wrong with being in Dubai for this purpose if what you are selling is cleaner potash and oil production or better farming techniques like zero-tillage that reduce carbon footprints. Perhaps there’s also justification in going to Dubai to promote new opportunities Saskatchewan has in lithium or helium. It is hard to suggest this is living in the past. But when a government convinces itself this is enough and that you can do keep doing the same things in a changing world and expect the same results, maybe it is living in the past. We simply can’t ignore
outcome and pat ourselves on the back for the great job we’re doing. Yet the waning days of session were spend announcing ways to preserve coal mining in Coronach? But there is another more immediate way in which the changing world hits home. Two weeks ago, we saw the biggest midyear budget negative turnaround from a billion-dollar surplus predicted when the 2023-24 budget was presented in March to a quarter-billion deficit with half a year to go. Why did this happen? Well, Finance Minister Donna Harpauer attributed it to higher crop insurance costs and forest fire costs. Both of these can be linked to a changing climate. Whatever the reason, it still requires budget adjustments. But often
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seems such change is the furthest thing from the minds of Sask. Party government. Notwithstanding a plethora of problems like having to sense women to Calgary to a private clinic for mammograms at a cost of ten times much of the government’s time and energy this fall was policies resisting change. It began with the pronoun bill that seem unnecessary. We saw legislation to secure our right to wear poppies. And then there was the endless squabbling Ottawa over environmental issues. Some of this may have been necessary, but far too often this seemed about appeasing voters less accepting of change. Unfortunately, governing is all about change.
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COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.
Bob Mason
“I have seen you before someplace!” he said as he clutched me by the hand. The bus was waiting the light was red. My ticket was in the stand. The doors were open to let him down. I’m a city ablaze with light. But he stared at me with a puzzled frown. And my hand, still holding tight! “I have seen you before ...” but the words were lost as the bus rolled on again. The great wheels groaning into the frost. Distracted, his thoughts in vain. For he grasped my shoulder and led be back. ‘Til we came to an empty seat.
We talked of the places that we had been. And the people that we had known. ‘Til we found ourselves on another scene. From the peace of the bus ride flown. And those grizzled hands that were on his lap. Reached out in the tender flow. To a keyboard white with the candle light. Of a dozen men or so... Those greasy, knotted and gnarly hands. So haunting a sound to leave. ‘Til I clutched them tight and yelled outright. “Why, Buck! It was Christmas eve!” It was Christmas eve on the Tilburg Road. In that winter of fortyfour. And the far off burst of the Bren tip-toed.
“Buck” (B.46400)
Like a thief through the skies of war. In a land where laughter had disappeared. Montgomery’s famous moon. In the place of a gaslight somehow cheered. A street by an old saloon. A broken bar - and a smokey gleam. Candles, the songs of men. Calloused fingers that took our dream. And wove it, like new again. Brought back the meaning of hope and care. From the jaws of a giant trap. Now looking so lost and lonely there. As they lay on his ragged lap! I looked in his eyes and behind the mask. That said, “The Devil may care!” Was the proof of a question I needn’t ask. How much of old Buck was there? The same old guy with the same old hands. And the same old magic touch. Or was part of him still in that other land. Where the hours had meant so much!
What will farming look like in the future?
Agriculture Calvin Daniels
by Calvin Daniels So the Toronto Blue Jays didn’t sign Shohei Ohtani. Oops that isn’t ag related all is it, although I expect a lot of farmers follow sports - I know my dad listened to Roughrider games as soon as a radio was available in the tractor cab. It is funny to think that I am old enough to recall the days of tractors before cabs were standard fare. I know my hair has thinned considerably and my beard is snow white but I am not that old, and yet the farm tractor has changed so dramatically in my lifetime. I also recognize that
is hardly a unique situation. My grandfather cleared almost every acre of his homestead with an axe and horse, and lived into the 1970s, so he saw crazy changes. My father quit school after Grade 8, so he could stay home to work his much-loved horses in the field and farmed into the late 1980s. Imagine for a moment the changes in farming he saw. I suppose such thoughts are popping through my mind as I look at the last days of 2023 draining away, but I can’t help but wonder what a youngster on a Saskatchewan farm will see in their lifetime? There are so many technologies which are still in the emergent stage that it is of course impossible to imagine where the science and technology will take it? And, therein lies the greatest optimism for farming and for the rest of who need food production. The biggest question that is likely to impact what comes down the pike in the years ahead is what regulations governments impose as they try to appease what they feel consumers want.
There is of course a fine line between what consumers might believe is best - goodness knows the line between good science and social media babble is increasingly blurred - and what will be needed to feed a growing population. Does that mean everlarger implements, or a devolution to smaller autonomous units likely powered by non-fossil fuel energy? Do we continue to turn to crop protection products, or find alternatives which still allow for high yield production? Even the crops which are produced are likely to change - in part forced to change as the climate changes - you decide if the change is normal, or due to human impact, and by what crops produce the best as populations grow. The one constant from before my grandfather’s time through to the old age years of my children and beyond will be change, and that promises exciting times ahead for farmers.
In a year of peace we will never find. (Though we travel the world the more) Those humble parts that are left behind. By a man in a world of war! And I think I saw a tear in his eye. And maybe I saw it wrong. As we passed a party of youngsters by. Singing their Christmas song. “I will see you again someplace,” he said. (And I’m sorry I didn’t smile) As he rose from his seat and plunged ahead. Alone in the empty aisle. I saw his hand on the bus rail. Shaking and kind of slow. And wondering if it could “roll the scale.” As it had so long ago! For although it seemed but a minute gone. Those signs of a tragic day. Has slowly withered as time went on. And finally passed away. Leaving two lost and lonely men.
In whom fellowship at last. Could only be brought to life again. By the Ghost of Christmas Past! I could see his hand in the candlelight. I could hear the boys around. As we harmonized on that Holy Night.
On that ever so thankless ground. This was a part of Christmas in the winter of 1944 in Holland. Some of those guys that sang that night never made it through ‘til spring though. Merry Christmas anyway!
The Majestic Theatre Biggar DECEMBER Í Trolls Band Together
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Notable Notes
Then he threw his luggage into the rack. And we rode on down the street! So we sat in the rushhour, side by side. As the rest of the world went on. We seemed alone on the lonely ride. And the rest of the crowd had gone.
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Ask The Money Lady Christine Ibbotson
Dear Money Lady, I am stumped on the stock and bond movements when interest rates move up or down. I always thought, when interest rates increased, bonds would also increase, and stock values would decrease, and the reverse would be true when interest rates decreased. However, when I look at the current situation I do not see this, so I am confused, or have I been mistaken all a long? Could you please clarify how this is working in the current environment or how it really works? And would it be a good idea to by bond mutual funds in my TFSA next year? Thanks, Ron Dear Ron, That is a great question - one that a lot of people would like clarification on, so thank you for asking. The stock market is very progressive and regressive at times and the reaction to interest rates here at home as well as the reaction from world-wide instabilities has a lot to do with it. Stock prices react to good or bad world events very quickly due to the speed in which news is spread. Global events and especially events from our closest neighbour
by Delta Fay Cruickshank for the Biggar Museum and Gallery Have you checked the Long-Range Weather Forecast? I did on the
the United States has a lot to do with market swings. Interest rate increases from central banks do cause stock prices to decline. This is because the higher interest rates translates into higher borrowing costs for businesses, and when this happens a company must spend more on their loans and therefore reduce production or halt expansions. This company slowdown in growth due to increased loan costs causes the share prices to fall. Conversely, if enough companies have the same problem, they could drag down entire market indices and effect the S&P or TSX Composite Index. If we turn now to the effect on the bond market and interest rates you will see that they have an inverse relationship. That means that when interest rates go up, the bond values go down. Really I don’t believe you should be that concerned with this phenomenon if you plan to purchase institutional bonds in a laddered portfolio. If you intend to hold the bond to maturity, the interest rate risk is of no concern since it only applies if you need to sell the bond before it reaches maturity (selling at a discount to par value - or below the bonds guaranteed sale price at maturity). Bonds that are traded in the secondary market are completely vulnerable to fluctuating supply and demand and of course any minor changes in interest rates. Let me give you an example, Ron, so you
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2023 can see how it works. Let’s say that Ron buys a $1,000, 10-year bond with a coupon rate of two per cent sold at a discount to mature at par. That means he paid $800 for the bond and as long as he holds it to maturity it will earn $200 in interest and mature at $1,000. Now then, interest rates have risen, and another investor can buy the same 10-year bond with a coupon rate of three per cent. This investor could purchase at a discount too, for $700 and as long as they also hold the bond to maturity it will earn $300 in interest when it matures in 10 years. Here’s where most people get confused. The first bond now becomes less valuable because it technically is producing less income and therefore its market value has declined. If Ron wanted to sell this first bond before the 10-year term ends, they would have to sell it for less than the $1,000 value in the secondary market. Economists then conclude that the rise in interest rates pushes down the bond market value over time. Okay - so yes, all that is true with the secondary bond market. But who cares? Unless you are buying and selling bonds daily, or you are buying bonds in MFs and ETFs (mutual funds and exchange traded funds). When you buy bonds in a managed account it definitely matters if the interest rates rise since your Bond-MF value most likely will decrease substantially. Bond MFs or ETFs are usually buying and sell-
ing bonds continuously over time and definitely before maturities so any change in interest rates will make a difference in your investment value. The best way to get into the bond market, and something I used to do for my clients in the past, is to purchase institutional bonds directly, in a laddered fixed income portfolio and hold them to maturity. You will therefore use the rising rates to buy more institutional Triple-A bonds, to hold
more and make more in the future. I have seen a lot of investors do very well with this method, one that I use myself. Canada currently holds over $1.976 trillion dollars in fixed income investments as of Spring 2023. Here is a tip: BMO Nesbit Burns holds the largest Bond Desk in Canada with all other financial institutions using their platform. If you can, speak to a BMO NB investment advisor
will be Sponsoring the New Horizons Courtesy Car for the week of December 18 - December 22 AVAILABLE FOR ALL SENIORS OF BIGGAR Call New Horizons
Merry Christmas from the Biggar United Church
A Brown Christmas?
Weather Network. Warmer than usual and no snow; no precipitation at all! We were discussing the possibility of a brown Christmas at exercise
this morning, and not many could remember a brown Christmas. I went into MemorySask, because I could swear, I remember a picture of a group and
to create your own laddered investment portfolio and guarantee a secured future. Good Luck and Best Wishes! Written by Christine Ibbotson, author, finance writer, national radio host, and now on CTV Morning Live, and CTV News @6, syndicated across Canada. Send your money questions (answered free) through her website at askthemoneylady.ca.
it was obvious there was no snow. And I found it! The convenience of having our photo inventory online! This is a photo from
1928 in front of the clubhouse at the Biggar Golf Course. There doesn’t seem to be any snow then. And they are golfing for goodness sake! This information
in the caption is from the back of the photograph taken in 1928.
1928 - Thirteen men, three women, and one child standing in a row in front of the clubhouse at the Biggar Golf Course. People identified as (from left to right): Harold Brown, Mr. Jack Hodgson, Mr. Bill Brown, Mr. Poole, Bob Briggs, Bill Brownlee, W.D. Moore, Mrs. Heathfield, Mrs. Small, Mrs. Brown, Mr. Heathfield, L.G. Armstrong, Mr. Norman Fenby, W.J. Small, Dr. W. Brace, H.C. Skinner, Mr. James Flemming. (Photo for The Independent by the Biggar Museum and Gallery)
Biggar Legion makes donations in the community
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Pictured are Comrade Daryl Hasein of Biggar Legion No. 138 giving a donation to Barb deHaan (top right picture), representing the Food Bank, and Josephine Angelopoulos (top left picture), representing Secret Santa, each receiving $1,000 to help local people in the Christmas season. Also pictured is Comrade Kevin McLeod and Legion Comrade President Dale Buxton (bottom picture), along with Civilian Committee Jennifer Massie and Air Cadet Commanding Office Captain David Dram as they present the cadets with $500 to help with some expenses in future endeavours. (Photos for The Independent by Dale
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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2023 by Trudy and Dale Buxton We continue our travel on Highway 26 north and we pass through the Village of Mervin. Back in the day Mervin was an important stopping place on the old trail that ran from Paynton, across the river and up to St. Walburg. The stopping place was run by the Gremmell’s. They named this location after their son Mervin. After the community was established, the railway made its way through from North Battleford and onto St. Walburg. Mervin, incorporated as a village in 1920, is still a vibrate agriculture community of around 160 people. Next up is the community of Turtleford. A couple of gentlemen, one from the United States and one from Britain, met at a place along the Turtle River where it is very shallow and can walk across, a “ford”. The two gents, Frank Webb and John Bloom, decided to stay and settle down at this spot and the name Turtleford was born. A post office opened in 1913 and by 1914 the railway had found its way through the community. With the railway Turtleford became the major centre in the area. Today’s population is around 500 people and the community boasts the world’s largest turtle statue named “Ernie the Turtle”. Turtleford is almost a full service community with two intersecting highways for easy access and many businesses for all needs. It has many year-round activities with curling, hockey,
“Light up the Christmas Night” Lighting Contest Email us with your Christmas Display at your house and you could win some nice prizes at Ray’s Pizza, Ray’s Vinyl or The Independent. Email to tip@sasktel.net or text your pictures to 951-7700 Make sure to include your name and address. Contest ends December 17
ball diamonds, many hiking trails and two golf courses near by. The Thunderchild First Nations, located nearby, is an independent Cree First Nations band government with no affiliation to any Tribal Council. Thunderchild is an important part of the community. After a short visit we continue our journey into St Walburg for lunch. Always a favourite destination, there are lots of activities to do and is a great place to eat and rest. St. Walburg was named after Walburga, wife of an early settler, Rudolph Musch. The pair homesteaded just south of the present day community and had a store. When the railway came through and set up a settlement the Musch’s made the move and started up the first store in the community. St Walburg boasts a population of around 600 people and is home to the Imhoff Museum,
1/2 & 1/2 Chas e the Ace
who was Count Berthold von Imhoff a world renowned painter that painted many religious murals and paintings in various places. In 1937 he was awarded a Knighthood in the Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great by Pope Pius XI. The museum is a heritage property. Off to lunch, there are a few places to eat in St. Walburg, but today we tried “Route 26 Coffee House”. When drive into the driveway you know that this is going to be a treat. All homemade meals, simple sandwiches, homemade pizza and homemade drinks, which is something you don’t see everywhere. The menu is simple but very good. I am told that the bakery is also fantastic but they were sold out by the time we got there. This is defiantly a place to try when you are in the area. Stay tuned for more adventures of The Saskatchewan Traveller.
Come out and support our team
Next Home Game
Friday December 15th @8:30pm vs: Unity Miners
Remembrance Day winners
Biggar Legion recognized local students for their Remembrance Day efforts recently. Biggar Legion President Dale Buxton handed out some cash prizes to some pretty excited students from Biggar Central and St. Gabriel schools. The following, in no particular order, are the winners from both schools. Intermediate Poem: Camryn McKinley. Senior Essay: Danica Evanisky. Intermediate Black and White Poster: Yevheniia Taranukha, Madison Gerein, Carl Labuca. Intermediate Colour: John Haroldson, Jake Keefe, Madisson
Trayhorne. Junior Colour: Loreen Trinidad, Kenzie Metz, Carson Taylor. Junior B/W: Misha Mariukhnich,
Jo Angelopoulos, right, of Secret Santa, gets a cheque from Biggar and District Credit Union’s Hailey Metz, centre, and Shantelle Downton, both representing the employees of the Perdue, Biggar and Landis branches. (Independent Photos by Kevin Brautigam)
Barb deHaan, centre, of the Biggar Food Bank receives a donation from the employees of the Biggar and District Credit Union, represented by Hailey Metz, left, and Shantelle Downton. Credit Union employees from Perdue, Biggar and Landis, instead of a Christmas gift exchange, pooled appropriate gifts and cash together to aid the Food Bank.
Christmas Sleigh of Fun (Contents Only)
(approx.value $500) Tickets: $5 each Draw: Thurs. December 21 2022 From: Any Nationals Executive or The Independent & Westwinds
Dilyn Ireland, Anara Hoppe. Senior Colour: Ayden Owens-Nahorney, Haley Mantyka, Jordan Painchaud. Senior B/W:
Vlademir Villanueva, Jenna Vos, Narie Bebillo. Primary Colour: Nova Barber. Primary B/W: Liviya Redlich. Grade
1: Rhema Tuico, Patrick Son, James Stevenot. Grade 2: Meredith Wheaton, Brooklyn Taylor, Severen Bennett.
Grade 3 B/W: Liviya Redlich. Grade 3 Colour: Nova Barber, Sophie Gurel, Joohee Seo.
The Cadet Program
Air Cadets change squadron leader ... Biggar Air Cadets No. 300 Fisher Squadron changed command recently. Jailyn Irwin, left, was promoted to Warrant Officer 2nd Class and squadron commander, taking over from Warrant Officer 1st Class Kalaen DhilStevenot, right, who aged-out. Captain David Dram, centre, Commanding Officer of No. 300 Fisher Squadron, helped with the transition. (Photos for The Independent by Dale Buxton) by Warrant Officer 2nd Class, Jailynn Irwin When I first joined Cadets, I had no real passion for leadership or teamwork. It had never occurred to me that I was the right fit for all the responsibility it came with. However, as I progressed, my passion for mentoring others
has grown immensely and I can’t imagine a Wednesday night where I’m not teaching youth valuable life lessons or helping them have a positive impact on our community. The program has created interests in my life such as band and aviation that I never thought I’d have, and
now those activities have become regular interests and hobbies. In my first few years, my motivation for staying in the program was the thought of having fun while doing activities like gliding and camping. But as I’ve grown, I realize that I now put on my uniform in anticipation of passing down my
skills and helping our youth become the best citizens they can be. I truly hope my efforts have made a difference in someone’s life, whether big or small. I really enjoy the Cadet program and I hope to see it grow and flourish to its full potential in the near future.
Thank you to all the bowlers who came out to compete in the West Sask Zone for Fun Bowl. Bowlers from Rosetown, Cut Knife, Lashburn, Perdue and Biggar tried out for two teams headed to Provincials in Saskatoon this February. Congratulations to A Team: Tristan Otterson (Biggar), Max Bozhok (Rosetown), Rhonda Nash (Rosetown), Bridget Berg (Rosetown). B Team: Brent O’Donnell (Cut Knife), Alvin Anderson (Lashburn), Yvonne Markewich (Biggar), Diane Smith (Cut Knife). (Submitted Photos)
Biggar Bowling League
On the doorstep ... Biggar National U9 hosted the rival Wilkie Outlaws, Saturday at the Jubilee in a highscoring contest. Back and forth action ended in a 13-9 tally for the Outlaws. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Biggar Bowl weekly scores
Biggar Bowl weekly scores Monday Adult Mixed: Ladies High Single - Marilyn Miller 211. Ladies High Triple - Melissa Raschke 499. Mens High Single - Brandon Markewich 208. Mens High Triple - Brandon Markewich 527. Tuesday Night Mixed: Ladies High Single Melissa Raschke 238. Ladies High Triple - Melissa Raschke 672. Mens High Single - Michael Hebert 274. Mens High Triple - Michael Hebert 610. Thursday Afternoon Seniors: Ladies High Single - Nina Curruthers 186. Ladies High Triple - Nina Curruthers 495. Mens High Single - Greg Love 229. Mens High Triple - Greg Love 607. YBC: Bowlasaurus - Benjamin Olson 65. Pee Wee Single - Ashton Kramer 121; Double - Ashton Kramer 222. Bantam Single - Nash Wheaton 120; Triple - Peter Olson 350. Junior Single - Bentley McNaughton 194; Triple - Bentley McNaughton 457. Senior High Single - Noah 306; High Triple - Noah 741.
Pirates fall to Jets ... The Perdue Senior Pirates played a home game in Biggar, Friday against the Maidstone Jets in Saskatchewan Prairie Hockey League action. The Pirates played a spirited game, better than the score indicated, with Maidstone coming out on top 8-4. Perdue will have another home game in Biggar on December 16 against the Turtleford Tigers. (Photo for The Independent by Dale Buxton)
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Fitting celebration to end of Sinclair’s career
Penton On Sports Bruce Penton
The best aspect of the sendoff to Christine Sinclair’s glorious career as a soccer superstar in Canada is that it didn’t open with a minister telling the gathering that her’s was a life well lived. So many athletic, entertainment and political icons are lionized after death, but the Sinclair celebration came when she was fully alive, engaged and still able to play - although not at the highest, international level to which she has been accustomed.
The Canadian soccer world paid tribute to the retiring Sinclair Dec. 5 in Vancouver, renaming B.C. Place as “Christine Sinclair Place” for one night while the Canadian women’s national team defeated Australia 2-0 in a friendly match that was dominated by tributes to the greatest female soccer player in the world. And she’s Canadian. A B.C. girl who is now 40 years old and will continue to perform, for one more year, anyway, on the pitch as a member of the Portland Thorn in the National Women’s Soccer League. Humble and selfdeprecating, like any good Canadian, Sinclair’s retirement from the international game drew the appropriate celebration. The 48,000 people in attendance roared when her name was announced as part of the starting lineup. When the game clock hit ‘12’ minutes, a full stadium standing ovation took place in deference to Sinclair’s jersey number. A video tribute drew cheers from
the crowd and tears from Sinclair, who was accompanied pre-game on the field by her two nieces. Sinclair, who grew up in Burnaby, was but a child of 16 when she made her debut with Canada’s national team. She has since won 14 player of the year awards for Canadian soccer and has helped Canada win gold, silver and bronze medals at the Olympics. Internationally, she scored goals in five of six World Cups in which she competed and is No. 1 when it comes to goals scored in international play, with 190. American legends Amy Waumbach and Mia Hamm are second and third, respectively, with 184 and 158. Overwhelmed with the tributes pouring in from all over the world - messages came from Prime Minister Trudeau, actor Ryan Reynolds, American soccer star Megan Rapinoe, and others - she did only a couple of TV interviews following the match with Australia and said the overriding emotion was
“Honestly, just joy.” “I’ve done everything I can on this national team,” she was quoted as saying in a Canadian Press story. “I’m 100 per cent satisfied and content. And to go out with a win in front of my friends, in front of my family, honestly, it’s been the perfect night.” Our Gretzky retired, our Ronnie Lancaster retired and our Fergie Jenkins retired. All athletes’ careers have to eventually end and now our Christine Sinclair has retired. What a great run she had and all Canadians can be proud of her storied career. • From Jack Finarelli, at his sportscurmudgeon. com site, quoting a long retired NFL player, Alex Karras: “I never graduated from Iowa, but I was only there for two terms - Truman’s and Eisenhower’s.” • Headline from fark. com: “Ex-Clemson, Oregon State QB DJ Uiagaleilel to enter the transfer portal (again) in his unending quest to find more vowels.” • Charles McDonald of Yahoo Sports, on the
New England Patriots’ 6-0 homefield loss to Los Angles Chargers: “The Patriots play(ed) with the same urgency as a hibernating bear.” • PGA Tour player Rickie Fowler, an opponent of the plan to ‘roll back’ the golf ball about five to 10 per cent, with a mock conversation to a new golfer: ‘Oh, you love the game? Yeah. Hey, thanks for joining us over COVID. Now we’re going to make you hit it 20 yards shorter.’” • Mike Bianchi of the Orlando Sentinel: “And you wonder why college football is considered a cesspool of corruption? What’s it tell you about the soul of a sport in which a player being injured is part of the CFB Playoff criteria, but a coaching staff that cheats (see Michigan) is not part of the selection process?” • Janice Hough of leftcoastsportsbabe. com: “Well, of course the baseball world is 100 per cent focused on where Shohei Ohtani signs, especially since playing with Mike Trout he brought the Los Angeles
Angels so many World Series championships.” • Jack Finarelli again, on quarterback Brett Rypien signed by four different NFL teams within an 11-month period: “He is more likely to be named ‘Man of the Year’ by United Van Lines than he is by any NFL fanbase.” • From fark.com: “Two-time world darts champion reveals drinking four pints before final helped him win his first title and beat Dan ‘Fat Belly’ Gutbucket.” • Another one from fark. com: “Tiger Woods’ marriage to Nike, which most thought would be eternal, is dissolving. TaylorMade could be the new Perkins.” • Doug Molitor, on X: “Sports Illustrated comes under fire for running erroneous articles written by AI. Suspicions were first raised when SI’s Swimsuit Issue featured nothing but swimsuits.” Care to comment? E-mail brucepenton2003@ yahoo.ca.
Sask West Hockey this week That’s two ... Biggar Nat, Jonathan Redlick gets hauled down by Macklin Mohawk, Tyler Kunz. Kunz got two for holding with a mere four seconds remaining in regulation and a two-all tie. Nats couldn’t capitalize, falling in the overtime frame. (Independent Photo by Kevin
National Chris Henry busts around visiting Macklin Mohawk, Tyler Kunz to pot the tying goal, Saturday, sending it to OT. Nats didn’t end up with the win as the ‘Hawks pulled out a 3-2 overtime win. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
by Phil Heilman It was another quieter weekend in the Sask West Hockey League (SWHL). The Wilkie Outlaws were idle this weekend and continue to lead the league at 7-0. The Kindersley Sr Klippers sit in second with a 5-2 record, followed by the Biggar Nationals at 4-4-1. The resurging Macklin Mohawks hold down fourth spot with a 4-3 record, tied with the Hafford Hawks in the win category with a 4-4 record. The Edam 3 Stars (2-3-1) and the Unity Miners (0-7-1) round out the standings as of Dec. 10. On Saturday night, the Biggar Nationals welcomed the Macklin Mohawks into the Jubilee Stadium and it took overtime for the visitors to become triumphant 3-2. Macklin came out flying in the first, and it finally paid off as Hunter Steinhubel and Carson Pickett scored in a 20 second span to give the Mohawks a 2-0 lead after 20 minutes. The Nats started pushing back in the second, but couldn’t beat goaltender Owen Bosch as the Mohawks held their 2-0 lead after 40 minutes. In the late stages of the third, the goose-egg was finally broken as Dylan Haynes squeaked one
in, and 2:30 later, Chris Henry also found twine to bring the Jube to life and tie the game at 2. Overtime was an all out assault on each end of the ice, but it was Colton Waltz firing a rocket past Nats tender Brett Matlock to steal back the second point for the Mohawks. Bosch saved 35 of 37 shots in the overtime win while Matlock stopped 36 of 39 shots in the overtime loss. The previous Friday night, the Biggar Nationals took the trek to the Credit Union Legacy Centre for a tilt with the Macklin Mohawks and it was another close game as the Mohawks came out on top 4-2. Newcomer Jetlen Houcher scored twice in the first to give his Mohawks a 2-0 after one period. Keaton Haynes scored his third of the year short-handed to cut the deficit to 2-1 after 40 minutes. Jared Hillis restored the two-goal lead seven minutes into the third, but Jonathan Redlick cut it back to 3-2, ensuring another fantastic ending. With the goalie pulled, Colton Waltz put it away into the empty cage to finish out the scoring. Brett Matlock took the loss stopping 44 of 47 shots, while Trevor Martin saved 28 of 30 shots for the win.
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ARIES – Mar 21/ Apr 20
LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23
TAURUS – Apr 21/ May 21
VIRGO – Aug 24/ Sept 22
CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20
LIBRA – Sept 23/ Oct 23
AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
SCORPIO – Oct 24/ Nov 22
PISCES – Feb 19/ Mar 20
Take it easy this week, Aries. You may need to coast for a little bit rather than racing that car around every turn. Enjoy all the simple things you can do and cherish the memories.
Taurus, if you cannot be yourself with your friends, then with whom? Let down your defenses and do what you want this week, especially if you are celebrating at a social event. No one will be judging.
GEMINI – May 22/ Jun 21
Gemini, devote some time to planning your vision of the future, rather than just focusing on the work in front of you. It is wise to be planning months ahead to set yourself up for success.
CANCER – Jun 22/ Jul 22
Others may tell you to get your head out of the clouds, Cancer, but you can leave it right there. It pays to dream a little because you never know when great ideas will come to you.
Put your emotions first, Leo. Rather than thinking with your head, you need to think with your heart. You have to trust your gut and make decisions based on intuition right now.
Virgo, empathy will come very easily to you this week, when you can easily put yourself in someone else’s shoes and know just what they are feeling. Continue to support your friends.
Motivations may be running low right now regarding improving your health, Libra. You can start thinking of strategies to put into effect for New Year’s resolutions.
Try to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground this week, Scorpio. Various distractions are trying to knock you off course, but you don’t have time for that now.
You need to put family first right now, Sagittarius. Every other thing that is in your orbit should take a back seat to familial obligations and the needs of loved ones.
Capricorn, a conversation with a neighbor or colleague can begin on a casual note and then grow into something much more profound. Always keep your eyes open to possibilities.
There are more ways to increase your income without having to resort to backbreaking work, Aquarius. Look around to explore the possibilities that might be out there.
Pisces, rather than trying to fit in this week, march to the beat of your own drummer. You’ll soon find a squad who thinks similarly to you. Then you can enjoy longlasting friendship.
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Presbyterians, Anglicans and Lutherans
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SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23 7:30p.m., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24 7:30p.m., Christmas Vigil Liturgy SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25 11:00 a.m. Christmas Vigil Liturgy
BIGGAR UNITED CHURCH ~ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17… 11:00 a.m. Sunday of Advent SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24… 11:00 a.m. Candlelight Service
BIGGAR ASSOCIATED GOSPEL CHURCH ~ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 10:30 a.m., Christmas Service & Childrens Program
PALS COMMUNITY CHURCH ~ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17 10:30 a.m. Lessons & Carols at Redeemer SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24 7:00 p.m., Christmas Eve Service at Redeemer
SEVENth DAY ADVENTIST ~ SATURDAY DECEMBER 16 10:00 a.m. Christmas program followed by lunch
SUNDAY DECEMBER 17 10:30a.m. Christmas Service followed by lunch SUNDAY DECEMBER 24 10:30a.m. Carol Sing Along
St.Pauls Anglican 205 4th Ave. E
The Biggar and District Ministerial Association wishes you all the joy and blessings of the Christmas Season.
1. Angry 4. Mr. Claus 9. Minerals 11. Gluten-free diet disease 12. Nickel-cadmium accumulator 14. Day or rest & worship 15. King of Magadha (273-232) 16. Satisfy an appetite 17. Stage signal 18. Durable aromatic wood 19. Something used to lure 20. Actress Basinger 21. A rare and exceptional person 24. Quick head movement 25. Yeddo 26. Mythological bird 27. Root mean square (abbr.) 28. Chart of the Earth’s surface 29. Fish eggs 30. Recto 37. The cry made by sheep 38. Pitcher 39. Supports climbing plants 40. Arbitrager 41. Winglike structures 42. Singer Ross 43. Belonging to Barney & Betty 45. “Promises” author Wendi 46. Swindles 47. In widespread existence 48. Those opposed to 49. Used to be U___
1. Grace’s Principality 2. No longer seated 3. Translate into ordinary language 4. Point that is one point E of SE 5. Linen vestment worn by priests 6. A B vitamin 7. Ryan O’Neal’s daughter
Redeemer Lutheran 319 7th Ave. E
Worship - 10:30 a.m.
December 10 - REDEEMER LUTHERAN December 17 - LESSONS & CAROLS 10:30 REDEEMER December 24 - 7:00 PM CANDLE LIGHT SERVICE REDEEMER Rev. Daphne Bender Pastor’s cellular Phone: 1-306-621-9559 Office Phone: 306-948-3731 (Messages are forwarded to Pastor’s phone immediately)
Biggar associated gospel church 312 - 8th Ave.W. and corner of Quebec St., Biggar Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. All are welcome to come and join us
SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH SATURDAY SERVICES BIBLE STUDY 10:00a.m. CHURCH SERVICE 11:00a.m. 320 - 6th ave.east contact: 306-951-8445 3 abn
NEW BEGINNINGS CHURCH ...In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope...1Pe 1:3
You are Invited
Sunday Tea and Coffee -10:15am Worship - 10:30am NEW HORIZONS 117 3rd Ave. W, Biggar For more info - Philip Watson - 250-487-8476
November 26, 1958 - December 23, 2005
18 years since you left us but we think and talk about you daily. We have so many memories but we wish we had you. Love Mom and families 8. Dull steady pain 10. Seaport on Osaka Bay 11. Cowpunchers 13. Mend a sock 14. Ship’s canvas 16. Aformentioned 19. Big man on campus 20. English actress Stark 22. Malaria mosquitoes 23. Many subconsciousses 26. A scrap of cloth 27. Cry loudly 28. Actress Farrow 29. S. Korean Pres. Syngman (1948-65)
30. Rectangular grooved joint 31. “___ the night before Christmas” 32. Male parents 33. Earlier in time 34. Rampart of felled trees 35. Scoundrel (Yiddish) 36. Pencilmark remover 37. Danish ballet dancer Erik 40. Blood clams genus 41. Subsititutes (abbr.) 44. Spoken in the Dali region of Yunnan
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Great gifts for the family foodie
Food features prominently throughout the holiday season. Family meals around the holiday dinner table are a cherished tradition in millions of households, and food also plays a central role during seasonal gatherings with friends and colleagues. Food also can feature prominently throughout Chanukah and on Christmas Day, particularly if a loved one qualifies as a full-fledged foodie. Many families feature at least one foodie. Foodies always know the best place in town to grab a bite or when a trendy new restaurant will open its doors. But such individuals also enjoy making meals at home, and the following gift ideas can make this holiday season more flavorful for the family foodie. • Tabletop firepit: Shoppers who want to impress their food-loving loved one with something truly unique can give a tabletop firepit.
Safe for indoor use, tabletop firepits enable s’mores-loving foodies to indulge in a traditionally summertime favorite all-year-round. Tabletop firepits are small enough to be stored on a kitchen countertop or in a cabinet. When in use, the s’mores-friendly accessory is smokeless, removing perhaps the lone disadvantage to making this beloved treat. • Club subscription: Monthly subscriptions are a gift that can keep on giving all the way until next holiday season. Sweets lovers will undoubtedly appreciate receiving a box of fresh chocolates each month, while those with more unique tastes may anxiously await the day their monthly shipment of pickles arrives at their doorstep. The options are endless, ensuring there’s a monthly subscription out there to tickle every foodie’s fancy. • Sauce sampler: Amateur sauciers may find
inspiration in a sauce sampler set. Sampler set options abound, so shoppers can find something for foodies who love a spicy sauce, something more sweet or even in between. Of course, sampler sets also provide a range of sauces, making them ideal for foodies who want something spicy tonight before pivoting to a sweeter dish tomorrow. Flavored olive oil sampler sets also can be a great gift for cooks who love to experiment with new flavors. • Charcuterie board and knife set: Foodies who love to host their fellow food fanatics will no doubt fall in love with a new charcuterie board and knife set. A 2023 report from Kroger revealed that the supermarket chain expected charcuterie boards to
remain popular over the course of the year. That popularity makes sense, as anything from meat to cheese to fruit to crackers has a home on a charcuterie board, making the item especially appealing to foodies who routinely share their homes and love of food with friends and family. • Espresso maker: Of course, foodies aren’t just about food. Beverages also figure prominently in many foodies’ lives. A high-end espresso maker can ground fresh beans and brew multiple cups in no time at all, making it an ideal addition to any foodie’s culinary arsenal. Food is a vital component of the holiday season and can even be incorporated into holiday shopping.
All of us here are wishing you a Safe and Happy Holiday Season. All the best in the New Year!
Mayor Terry Fyson; Councillors, Graham Bindle, Jason Zbeeshko, Kerry Donahue, Jim Nicholls and staff
Randy Attention Andrea/Perdue Village Council. Weekes, M.L.A. I am attaching your Christmas Greeting fr
Randy Weekes, M.L.A.
Biggar-Sask Valley Constituency 306-948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880 Box 1413, 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar
Even though snow is blanketing the landscape, we’re warmed by having such good friends and neighbors around us this season. We hope you have a joyful and festive holiday, and a very happy and May you and yours healthy revel in year ahead. the splendor of the season.
R.M. of Biggar #347 Council and staff 306-948-2422
Biggar-Sask Valley Constituency last year @ $105.00 plus gst; and again fo 306-948-4880, toll free Year’s (same size, different content if des 1-877-948-4880 Box 1413, for half price FREE colour $52.50. 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar
Deadline approval/changes Jim Reiter, M.L.A.is by return e Rosetown-Elrose or by November 29Constituency please. 306-882-4105, toll free 1-855-762-2233 I am attaching your Christmas Greetjimreitermla@sasktel.net Thanks for your prompt attention and participation ing last year @ $63.00 plus gst; and Monday - Friday, 9 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 215 Main Street, Rosetown again for New Year’s (same size, different content if desired) for half priceOur wish is for a holiday season filled with enough warmth and happiness to fill every heart with FREE colour $31.50. gladness. May your Holiday Season be everything you’re wishing for and more! Attention Randy/Janet.... Deadline approval/changes is by I amreturn attaching yourorChristmas Greeting email by November 30 from last year @ $84.00 plus gst; and please. again for New Year’s (same size, differThanks for your prompt attention and participation ent content if desired) for half price FREE colour $42. Attention Sandi, Karen
Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 29 please.
Peace Prosperity Good Fortune Good Cheer Randy Weekes, M.L.A. Biggar-Sask Valley Constituency R.M. of Biggar #347 306-948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880 May your New Year be filled with reasons to celebrate!
Thanks for your prompt attention and participation
and staff Box 1413, 106-3 Council Avenue West, Biggar 306-948-2422 rd
Even though snow is blanketing the landscape, we’re warmed by having such good friends and neighbors around us this season. We hope you have a joyful and festive holiday, and a very happy and healthy year ahead.
Merry Christmas Wishing you and your family peace, health, happiness and prosperity this holiday season and in the coming New Year!
Village of Landis Council and staff
OWNER/PUBLISHER THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 122 MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
OWNER/PUBLISHER THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 122 MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
How to make Christmas Eve special for kids
joy g you en e in p o h of lov Here’s portions mily s u o r e n ge h fa hter wit g u la d the an nds for and frie e of your urs main co s season! a Christm
Hannigan‛s Hamburgers & Pizza
“Selected on CBC Radio Blue Sky as one of Saskatchewan‛s Hidden Food Gems” 306-948-3335 • Main Street, Biggar
Christmas Eve is viewed Attend Mass at differently by differmidnight ent people, even those Practicing Christians who live under the celebrate the birth same Santa-ready roof. of Jesus Christ on Adults may see Christ- Christmas. On Christmas Eve as crunch time mas Eve, churches ofwhen they must prepare ten hold celebrations food for the next day or that may include lateset up presents for their evening or midnight children to open in the masses that celebrate morning. Children, on the birth of Christ when the other hand, are focused on Santa’s visit the calendar switches over to December 25. and little else. Parents naturally want While it does make to make Christmastime for a late night, it can … to wish you a very be all thought-provoking as special as possible Happy and Prosperous New Year! and a unique for their children, and for kids Here’s hoping your New Year delivers it all!any that may involve ensur- experience unlike Thank you for dropping in this year. ing that Christmas Eve other. is just as memorable as Christmas Day. The folBake fresh lowing are some ways cookies to impart moreon magic one “Selected CBC Radio Blue like Sky to as leave Children into Christmas Eve out of Saskatchewan‛s Hidden Foodof Gems” a plate cookcelebrations. 306-948-3335 • Main Street, Biggar ies and a glass of milk
It’s Almost Time…
Hannigan‛s Hamburgers & Pizza
Season's Greetings from Atttention: Nid/Ahber I am attaching your Christmas Greet306-948-7685 ing from last year @ $97.50 plus gst martinsexcavating@outlook.com and New Year’s ad (same Box size, differ1392 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 ent content if desired) for 1/2 price FREE colour $48.25
Merry Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 30 Christmas please ... please... from the please!!!! Thanks for your prompt attention. staff at
for Santa. That makes Christmas Eve a perfect time to whip up a fresh batch of cookies. Explore different recipes to come up with a unique offering each year.
bed can be too stimulating when it’s time for children to wind down for bed. Choose a holiday tale or tales that can be read as a Christmas Eve bedtime story. Reciting the poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas (‘Twas the Night Before Christmas)” is a great way to set the Christmas Eve mood.
Make a batch of ‘reindeer dust’
Why should Santa’s reindeer be left out when it comes to receiving treats? Reindeer dust, made from a combination of oatmeal, rice cereal, dried fruits, and glitter (if desired), is purported to attract Santa’s rein-
deer and provide them a nibble at the same time. Plus, it’s generally safe for other animals in the yard to eat.
Go caroling
Caroling may not be the norm, but some families may want to revive it. Close-knit communities can organize family-centric caroling opportunities and roam the cul-de-sacs and other pedestrian-friendly areas singing popular songs. Christmas Eve is a great time to embrace various traditions that help to make the season even more special.
Read a Christmas story
Watching television or looking at a tablet BUXTON or DALE mobile phone before OWNER/PUBLISHER
THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
East Breeze Liquidation
802 Main Street, Biggar
This will be a sign for you... Thank you for your business and we look forward to serving you in 2024
... you ^PSS ÄUK H JOPSK ^YHWWLK PU IHUKZ VM JSV[O HUK S`PUN in a manger. Luke 2:12
Merry Christmas!
Art by Piper at Georges Vanier Catholic Fine Arts School
Corner of Main Street and 6th Ave. Biggar, Sk. 948-5494
Open Daily 6 a.m. - 11 p.m.
1/4 Page
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
“Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” has been recorded by many artists over the years. It was written in the 1940s by composers Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane. The song was featured in the movie “Meet Me in
St. Louis” and sung by Judy Garland, who immortalized it. More than 10 years after Garland introduced the world to the song, Frank Sinatra released a Christmas album to revitalize his music career and wanted to
include “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” though he asked composer Martin to tweak the lyrics to give it a lighter tone. Martin obliged, and the newer version has since widely become the standard.
Merry Christmas Happy New Year
“Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” Have yourself a merry little Christmas, Let your heart be light, From now on our troubles Will be out of sight.
from: Karen and the Gang Landis. Sk. 306-658-2052
Have yourself a merry little Christmas, Make the yuletide gay, From now on our troubles Will be miles away.
Here we are as in olden days, Happy golden days of yore, Faithful friends who are dear to us, Gather near to us, once more.
• • • • • • •
639-480-8439 (TIDY) Ask for Katy or Sharon trustytidying@ gmail.ca
Through the years we all will be together, If the fates allow, Hang a shining star upon the highest bough. And have yourself a merry little Christmas now. Here we are as in olden days, Happy golden days of yore, Faithful friends who are dear to us, Gather near to us, once more. Through the years we all will be together If the fates allow, Hang a shining star upon the highest bough, And have yourself a merry little Christmas now. Written by Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane Lyrics courtesy of Azlyrics.com
DEPENDENT May the holiday spirit be with you today, and throughout the New Year. To those that are missing someone special and grieving over the holidays, take comfort knowing that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Washing Walls Cupboard Cleaning Oven Cleaning Fridge Cleaning Light Fixtures Carpet Cleaning Organizing of closets 639-480-8439 (TIDY) Ask for Katy or Sharon trustytidying@ gmail.ca Connect with us on Facebook@Contact Us Thankful to clean for Biggar regularly Tuesdays-Thursdays
• Washing Baseboards • Washing Walls • Cupboard Cleaning • Oven Cleaning • Fridge Cleaning • Light Fixtures • Carpet Cleaning • Organizing of closets
Thankful to clean for Biggar regularly Tuesdays-Thursdays
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas Happy New Year from all of us at
Saskatchewan’s Ag Real Estate Professionals
Dave Molberg (306) 948-4478 Biggar
BIGGAR 306-948-2669 WILKIE 306-843-2222 UNITY 306-228-448 CUT KNIFE 306-398-2469
Dave.Molberg@HammondRealty.ca 113 3rd Ave W Biggar SK (306) 948-5052
Bake up a sweet holiday treat
Entertaining is a big part Sour Cream Cookies of the holiday season. Makes 22 cookies Calendars are packed 11⁄2 cups all-purpose flour, spooned and leveled this time of year with 1 teaspoon baking powder gatherings with friends, 1⁄4 teaspoon salt family and professional 1⁄2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened colleagues. 3⁄ 4 cup granulated sugar Entertaining requires 1 large egg, at room temperature keeping plenty of 11⁄2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract refreshments on hand to 1⁄2 cup sour cream, at room temperature ensure guests maintain their holiday spirit. Vanilla Buttercream Frosting Dessert is no stranger 1⁄2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened to the season, with 11⁄2 cups powdered sugar office break rooms, 1 tablespoon heavy whipping cream or milk dining tables and buffet 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract stations brimming with Gel food coloring (optional) sweet treats to tempt celebrants’ palates. 1. To make the cookies: Preheat the oven to 350 F. Line two large baking Everyone should have sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mats and set aside. a go-to dessert to bring 2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt along to a holiday party until well combined. Set aside. EASON S bowl REETINGS or to offer guests when 3. and In the of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment or in a The wreaths the trees and the parties hosting their own fêtes. large mixing bowl Aren’t what we need to using conveya handheld mixer, beat the butter and granulated Cookies are a standard sugar together for 1 2 minutes, or until well combined. It’s the birth of ourtoSaviour, Jesus due to their versatility 4. Mix in the egg and vanilla extract until fully combined, making sure to The real reason for this holiday. and portability. stop and scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed. Festive “Sour Cream 5. Mix in the dry ingredients in two additions, alternating with the sour Cookies” provide all of cream. Make sure to mix in each addition until just combined, and be careful the holiday feels and can not to overmix the batter. We wish to thank our loyal scoop, scoop the cookie dough onto the 6. Using a 11⁄2-tablespoon cookie be customized in color customers, prepared baking sheets, making sure to leave a little room between each to reflect celebrations of and wish you one. Christmas, Chanukah, the best in 7. Bake for 14 to 16 minutes, Kwanzaa, or New 2023. or until the tops of the cookies are set and spring back when touched lightly. Remove from the oven, and allow to cool Year’s. Bake up a batch, on the baking sheets for 10 minutes, then carefully transfer the cookies to a courtesy of “Live Well wire rack to cool completely. Bake Cookies” (Rock 8. To make the vanilla buttercream frosting: In the bowl of a stand mixer Point) by Danielle Rye. fitted with the whisk attachment or in a large mixing bowl using a handheld mixer, beat the butter for 1 to 2 minutes, or until smooth. Add the powdered sugar, 1⁄2 cup at a time, mixing in each addition until well combined. 9. Add the heavy whipping cream, vanilla extract, and gel food coloring (if using), and continue mixing until fully combined. Biggar 10. Electrical Services Once the cookies have cooled completely, spread the frosting on top of the cookies. 306-948-5291 Store de theHaan, cookies an airtight container at room temperature or in the Adrian and11. Barbara Lyle in Zbeeshko DALE BUXTON refrigerator for up to 4 days.
DEPENDENT We look forward to serving you in 202 . Season’s Greetings IURP WKH 6WD̆ DW
102 Main Street Biggar 948-3849
The wreaths and the trees and the parties Aren’t what we need to convey It’s the birth of our Saviour, Jesus The real reason for this holiday.
We wish to thank our loyal customers, and wish you the best in 2024
ng your Christmas $ .00 plus gst and me size New Years ntent if you wish) FREE colour,
Biggar Refrigeration Services 306-948-5291
proval/changes is Adrian by and Barb deHaan or by 'HFHPEHU
Atttention: Adrian/Barbara
’ G
of our
ll r I amattenattaching your Christmas Greeting last year @ $105.00 plus gst ou to a your prompt Y k for you n s a d telephone: 306-948-3344 n Th e i fr d forwar and New Year’s from last year for 1/2 price FREE colour 52.50 ustomers and w fax: 306-948-2133 e look e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
ays d i l o yH p p a H DALE BUXTON c d age an you in 2024! patron n i g to serv
Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 29 please
Thanks for your prompt attention.
7(( ),/47 % the *4 7&+3%$ /%03% )& )*43&2#, 3! 37&
Ûº¯i & ' 7 *
OWNER/PUBLISHER THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
We thank you for your generous support and look forward to serving you again.
From the Management and Staff at
Hwy #4, Biggar, • 306-948-1753
To another great year of THE INDEPENDENT, BIGGAR, enjoyment with movies, concerts,SK - 7 musicals and all the talent showcased from our community.
‘Twas the Night Before Christmas ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there; The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads; And mamma in her kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap, When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below, When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer, With a little old driver, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick. More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name: “Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! on, Cupid! on, Donder and Blitzen! To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall! Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!” As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky; So up to the house-top the coursers they flew, With the sleigh full of Toys, and St. Nicholas too. As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky; So up to the house-top the coursers they flew, With the sleigh full of Toys, and St. Nicholas too. And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof The prancing and pawing of each little hoof. As I drew in my head, and was turning around, Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot, And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot; A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back, And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack. His eyes--how they twinkled! his dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow; The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath; He had a broad face and a little round belly, That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself; A wink of his eye and a twist of his head, Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread; He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk, And laying his finger aside of his nose, And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose; He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, And away they all flew like the down of a thistle. But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight.
… from the Board and Volunteers …
322 Main St., Biggar For ALL shows, events and times, check our website: majestictheatre.ca
Reel Merry
Thank you for joining us this past year.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
INDEPE INDEPENDENT … from the Board and Volunteers …
the For ALL shows, events and times, check our
website: majestictheatre.ca
Wishing You a Merry Hope It’s a Banner Yea ChristmasWe loved serving you every day this past y
We thank you for your patronage and lo
M & N Repair Mike, Darlene and staff
701-4th Ave. E, Truck Route East, Biggar • 306-948-3996 :LVKLQJ \RX D VHDVRQ ÀOOHG ZLWK
For all your support, we are deeply grateful.
For all your support, we are deeply gra
May the peace and happiness of the Christmas season carry you and your family through the new year and beyond. Thank you for your patronage.
Spyder AutoBody 306-948-2044
Fred, Patsy, Teagon 0DFN
There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays! Attention Patti/Fred...
Attention Jan
With sincere best wishes to our neighbors, patrons and friends. Your support means everything to us. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the
“Tax Professionals”
Management, Staff and Families 223 Main Street Professional Building Biggar, Sask. 306-948-2183 hrbbiggar@sasktel.net
WITH THE VERY BEST OF WISHES FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS I am attaching your Christmas Greeting fr I am attaching your Christmas Greeting last year @ $114.50 plus gst; and again fo from last year @ $84.00 plus gst; Year’s (same size, different content if des and for half price FREE colour $57.25.
again for New Year’s (same size, differDeadline approval/changes is by return e ent content if desired) for half priceor FREE by November 30 please. colour $42. Sunshine Family Thanks for your prompt attention and participation Urla
Care Home Deadline approval/changes is by return Shannon and Vince MorganDALE BUXT email or by November 29 please. :M[QLMV\[ IVL ;\Iٺ OWNER/PUB
THE BIGGAR INDEPE 102 - 3RD AVENU P. O. May your home be blessed with peace, love, joy and contentment throughout the Yuletide season. BIGGAR, SK. S We feel blessed to have such wonderful friends and neighbours like you. Thanks!
Thanks for your prompt attention and participation
telephone: 306-9
The Twelve Days of Christmas Though it may be unlikely, it’s not outside the realm of possibility that the founding fathers of the United States might recognize “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” The words to the now instantly recognizable Christmas song were first published in London in 1780. Though it’s unlikely General George Washington had time
T’is the season to say thank you We wish you a wonderful holiday season and new year filled with prosperity and success.
to read those lyrics, countless others did and have continued to do so well into the twentyfirst century. One fun, relatively recent tradition associated with the song is to calculate the present-day cost of the gifts mentioned in the song. According to PNC Bank, buying all of the gifts in the song in 2022 would have set shoppers back $45,523. On the sixth day of Christmas my true love sent to me Six geese a-laying Five golden rings Four calling birds Three french hens Two turtle doves, and A partridge in a pear tree
“The Twelve Days of Christmas” On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me A partridge in a pear tree Viterra Biggar 306.948.2643
On the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me Two turtle doves, and A partridge in a pear tree
On the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me Seven swans a-swimming Six geese a-laying Five golden rings Four calling birds Three french hens Two turtle doves, and A partridge in a pear tree
On the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me Three french hens Two turtle doves, and A partridge in a pear tree
Ter-Shel Construction Biggar, Saskatchewan 306-948-5320 306-948-6882
On the tenth day of Christmas my true love sent to me 10 lords a-leaping Nine ladies dancing Eight maids a-milking Seven swans a-swimming Six geese a-laying Five golden rings Four calling birds Three french hens Two turtle doves, and A partridge in a pear tree
On the eighth day of Christmas my true love sent to me Eight maids a-milking Seven swans a-swimming Six geese a-laying Five golden rings Four calling birds Three french hens Two turtle doves, and A partridge in a pear tree
On the fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me Four calling birds Three french hens Two turtle doves, and A partridge in a pear tree On the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me Five golden rings Four calling birds Three french hens Two turtle doves, and A partridge in a pear tree
Renovations & Construction
Seven swans a-swimming Six geese a-laying Five golden rings Four calling birds Three french hens Two turtle doves, and A partridge in a pear tree
INDEPENDENT Licensed and Bonded Journeyman
Terry, Ryan and Keaton
the Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me 11 pipers piping 10 lords a-leaping Nine ladies dancing
On the ninth day of Christmas my true love sent to me Nine ladies dancing Eight maids a-milking
Eight maids a-milking Seven swans a-swimming Six geese a-laying Five golden rings Four calling birds Three french hens Two turtle doves, and A partridge in a pear tree On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me 12 drummers drumming 11 pipers piping 10 lords a-leaping Nine ladies dancing Eight maids a-milking Seven swans a-swimming Six geese a-laying Five golden rings Four calling birds Three french hens Two turtle doves, and A partridge in a pear tree Lyrics courtesy of Genius.com.
Attention Ed
The origins of I am attaching your Christmas Greeting last year @ 12 $84.00 plus gst; and “The Days of Christmas” again for New Year’s (same size, dif-
:H ZLVK \RX D KDSS\ KROLGD\ ÀOOHG with joy and cheer to last the entire year. Thanks for your patronage the DQG ZH·OO VHH \RX LQ WKH FRPLQJ \HDU
Christmas carols can be which the song is based for Catholicism in the content half price heardferent far and wide from if all desired) the way backfor to 1780. country. However, no documentary evidence That’s three years before Thanksgiving weekend FREEChristmas colour $40.88. through the signing of the Treaty exists in support of Day. “The 12 Days of of Paris, which officially that theory, and many Christmas” is oneapproval/changes of ended the American Deadline is by historians feel it is War. inaccurate. Others the most recognizable Revolutionary November carols,return and foremail good or Theby song has long been 29indicate that, while 1780 reason, as the popular suspected to have been is likely the first time the please. song can trace its history a way for Catholics in poem was printed, the back several centuries. Britain to teach their poem is likely much older Thanks for your prompt attention and participation Researchers have traced children the catechism, than that, with origins the earliest printed as the 1700s was a potentially in France or version of the poem on controversial period Scotland. What is known
INDEPENDENT REBEL LANDSCAPING Ed Kolenosky and family 306-948-2879 306-948-7207
Troy, Kerry and everyone at…
is that the version many people recognize today, namely in song form, can be traced to the early twentieth century, when English singer and composer Frederic Austin first popularized the melody for the song. Austin performed that version of the song beginning in 1905, and it was first published in 1909.
Holiday Greetings with many good wishes for the Holiday Season and the New Year! 521 Main Street Biggar SK 1-306-948-1313
• Overstock • Returns • Slightly Used • Damaged Attention From a BIG BIG Major Box Store! Troy/Kerry.... DALE BUXTON OWNER/PUBLISHER THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT
I am attaching your
Tidings of Comfort & Joy
Wishing you a warm and cozy Christmas filled with family, friends and all the comforts of home. We thank you for giving us such a warm welcome in the community.
INDEPE Happy Holidays!
‘Almost Home’ Care Home
114 - 4th Ave. W., Biggar Management, staff & residents
Atttention: Sandra
Merry Christmas
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting @ $94.50 plus and New Year’s for 1/2 price FREE colour (changed co
Spreading Christmas Cheer ... Larry Goodall from Wilkie was in Biggar spreading a little Christmas Cheer to some kids and adults by making them balloon candy canes. It was a beautiful day to walk up and down the streets and visit some businesses. (Photo
Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by Nov Thanks for your prompt attention.
for The Independent by Dale Buxton)
May your holidays be filled with seasonal joy, old-fashioned traditions, and the blessings of family and friends. Thank you for shopping with us. We look forward to your continued patronage with much appreciation.
Have A Jolly Holiday Wishing all of you a most Merry Christmas, and Best Wishes for the New Year.
~ Board, Management, Staff and Participants
Angie’s Hair Salon & Barber Shop
Main Street Market
Attentio 0LFKHOOH 115 Main St., Biggar Prairie Branches Adverising Manager Shirley and staff • 306-948-3337
I am attaching your Christmas GreetShirley.... ing last year @Attention plus GST plus Happy Holidays we are also offering a New Years ad from with free colorIatam 1/2 price of your your Christmas attaching Greetin Christmas greeting. ir @ $112.50 plus gst; Haalso tcan ayear last Gre If you would like we Doesn’t happen increase your and ad forby more exposure in chance It happens the pa-per. Please let us knowby how we appointment run Season again for New Year’s,same size, ( be of service. Maycanthe Holiday
Angie’s Hair Salon & Barber Shop
219 Merry Chri s t m as be different content if desired) for hal fill your home with &Happy Holidays FREE colour $56.25. warmth, your heart with Main St., Biggar 306-948-3696
Angie and Trevor
219 Main St., Biggar 306-948-3696
A Safe & Happy Year! loveHave and your life New with Deadline approval/changes is by retu Highway 14 West We Wish You A Prosperous 2024 306-948-9465 laughter! orAngie byand November 29 please. Trevor 306-290-9766 Chance Parenteau @ or Sarah Nagy @
Thanks for your prompt attention and participation
Biggar Church of God Reflections by Rev. Bev Dyck, former pastor, Biggar Church of God This year we had the delight of meeting a young couple from Sri Lanka. They are a delightful couple and just celebrated their first year in Canada. One day he shared an interesting story. As a young boy, he grew up in a Christian family. His father was a pastor and they as a family moved to a remote rural place to promote the Gospel. One day Samaritan’s Purse came to their village. He told us how wonderful it was for him to open his box and find such lovely things: pencils and crayons and notebooks and other things. He said it was so special to own these lovely new things. He
said that in his family, they were not able to afford these things, so they were treasures to him. In his village, there were 70 children, each of whom was given their own special shoebox of gifts. The gifts meant so much, but also in each box there is a special message that Jesus came to earth to die for us and rose again, and He wants each one of us to come to know Him. This year this young man and his wife had the privilege of going together with another couple to Calgary to the Samaritan’s Purse Warehouse and were able to help with the sorting, checking and praying over the boxes collected in that depot. He said the depot was sending out 30,000 Christmas boxes. He and his wife were thrilled to be a part of the giving end of the
Christmas Shoeboxes. This story makes me think of the Christmas story. This reminds me of the lowly shepherds watching their flocks and then the angel of the Lord told them not to be afraid because of the wonderful message of the birth of the Saviour who was born that day. And then a host of angels joined in and praised God and said, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests.” Luke 2:14. The shepherds then went and saw the baby Jesus and rejoiced. They told everyone they met about this newborn King of glory! Christmas needs to be that kind of time for all of us now. A time of celebrating Jesus Christ the King and letting others know of our wonderful Saviour.
Pals Reflections by Rev. Daphne Bender, PALs “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favours!” Matthew 2:14 (NRSV). War after war after war. People fighting for peace. People dying for peace. Throughout the history of our world, the search for peace has always ended in a price paid by human lives. At the time of Jesus’ birth, the world’s search for peace was no different than it is now. Children, women, and men died in the search for peace. King Herod had no qualms about ordering that all children under the age of two, in and around Bethlehem, be killed so that no one could threaten his hold on power. Imagine the anguish of parents’ hearts at that time, who suffered the death of their children for the sake of so-called
peace. Imagine how Mary and Joseph would have feared for their little child as they held him that night of his birth, had God not told them that Mary’s child was God’s answer to the world’s prayer for peace. God’s angels announced to the shepherds on the first Christmas that the end of war and grief had come by way of a baby. On the first Christmas night, God announced to the world through an infant named Jesus that true peace was born. There is true peace in God every time a child is held in safety - every time an adult has no fear. That peace is celebrated every Christmas when all of humankind receives the gift of childlike faith in our God who promises to carry us in safety throughout our journey on earth. When we place our trust in God to keep us
safe, there is no need for war to defend our safety. When we open our hearts to every man, woman, and child because they are God’s children, we are living in the peace that God intends for us. Today and every day I pray for peace - the peace that God gives through Jesus Christ.
A guide to Advent from the United Church of Canada by Pastor Dale Worrell, Biggar United Church Advent is the start of the Christian Church Calendar. Advent traditionally starts four Sundays before Christmas Day. The word “Advent” is a mashup of two Latin words: adventus (arrival) plus venire (come). This makes sense because during Advent we anticipate and prepare for the arrival of the coming (or more accurately the second coming) of Christ and reflect on what that means for us. How do you hope to
improve or enhance your spiritual health this year? What steps can you take to deepen your relationship with Jesus? How do you grow closer to people in your life whom you love? One way to strengthen your spiritual health is to develop a rule of life, which is sort of like a guideline or goal for your daily behaviour. Many have attributed a rule of life from the writings and teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. (particularly from his instructions to demonstrators). This rule includes things like meditate daily on the teaching and life of Jesus, walk, and talk in the manner of love, and seek to perform regular service for others and the world. It is especially important to show generosity to each other. The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi can be your guide, “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.”
And who doesn’t remember “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” Charlie Brown cries: “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?” Linus, with his security blanket, takes centre stage and recites the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 2, verses 8–14. During his recital Linus drops his blanket (like a mic) and at the end, picks up his blanket, returns to Charlie Brown, and says: “That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.” Linus is speaking truth! As we experience Advent, a time of expectant waiting for the Christmas miracle, I pray you are able to again celebrate this time and experience the story of our faith. It is a story of hope, bravery, and a willingness to have faith in God. It is also a story of humans caring for each other. In closing we wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! And may God bless you and keep you. May God’s face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May God look upon you with kindness and give you peace. Amen.
Biggar/Landis Roman Jesus is the greatest gift Philip Watson, New so much that he gave his manger. It is through Catholic Church Reflections byBeginnings Church - one and only Son, so that our belief in that baby by Father Edward Gibney, Biggar/Landis Roman Catholic Church At Christmas we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, and we do so every year, even during moments of great difficulty. Each year we thank God for the great gift of His Son, who became a human being to save us all. We celebrate with trees and decorations; with presents and love; with joy and care for each other. But above all, we celebrate with family. Even if we cannot be personally with them; through technology or through simple joyful remembrance, we come together with our families, at Christmas. We should not forget that Jesus entered the world as a member of a family. He chose to enter into the world within the holy family of Nazareth, with the support and loving care
of Mary his mother and Joseph his father, and their extended families as well. God wants us to understand that the family is the basic building block of community, and we see this proven when we acknowledge that our hearts desire to be with family at Christmas. Saint John Paul II once stated, “The birth of the Lord gladdens us. The mystery of the Holy Family gladdens us. Everyone wants to share in this joy: this is the joy which we want to wish to everyone.” However, as Christians, we recognize that while we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, there continues to be great conflict and war in the world. We hear a great deal about the Russian/Ukrainian War, and the Israeli/ Palestinian Conflict, but that is not the extent of current war in our world.
Often overlooked are the innocent people caught in the many civil wars and terrorist actions that continue to rage in many countries, today. However, while Christmas may occur during times of distress, to those suffering people, the birth of our Lord offers a message of joy, healing, and hope. We pray that the world would gain permanent peace, but through faith in Jesus we all can attain some personal peace and hope in troubling times. This hope is rooted not in the human events of the day, but in Jesus’ eternal message of salvation. And so, I invite you to search for, and find, joy, healing, and hope this Christmas Season, not because there are no difficulties, but because God has come down to earth to support each one of us and to embrace us as family.
Biggar Associated Gospel Church Reflections by Sharon Ospina, Biggar Associated Gospel Church I am often asked “Where are you from?” Sometimes I don’t know how to answer that simple question. Being a daughter of missionaries and then being a missionary myself, I have been blessed to call five different countries my home over the years. There is something special, however, about pulling into Biggar and seeing the sign “New York is Big, but this is Biggar”, especially since I was born in New York. Years ago, my grandparents, Bill and Susie Jasper, retired from their farm in Struan, and lived their last years in the Town of Biggar, giving it a special place in our hearts. We always looked forward to coming to visit them, although it was never
often enough. When we have been in town, it has always been a highlight to attend the Biggar Associated Gospel Church and reconnect with friends that are like family to us. God has blessed us with faithful friends that have prayed for us and stood with us as we have been on the mission field over the years. Christmas has always been a special time of year, no matter what country I’ve been in. Living in Colombia, Panamá, and now in Mexico, we’ve never had a frosty, white Christmas, like you enjoy in Biggar. But though there has been no snow, the most important things have always been present: family, friends, and most of all, remembering Christ’s birth so many years ago. He came to earth as a
baby, lived a sinless life, and died as a sacrifice to forgive our sins and restore our relationship with the Father. This is the true Christmas message which transcends all borders and cultures. We currently live in Mexico and the Mexican people love to celebrate Christmas. It’s very important to be with family and loved ones. The big day for them is the 24th, and their special meal is usually eaten in the late evening or even as late as midnight. The 25th is usually a day to rest and recuperate from the celebration the day before. Although we as a family have kept our tradition of eating our Christmas meal on the 25th, we do share what really matters with our Mexican friends grateful hearts to our Saviour, Jesus Christ, who unites us as brothers and sisters regardless of our language, culture, or Christmas traditions.
Biggar We are entering a season where we wish to pour out our love for others by giving them gifts. The Christmas season opens a time where we can express our feeling of charity to not only our immediate family but to the extended family and to the strangers who live within our spheres of influence. We extend kindness to the homeless, we extend kindness to the less fortunate as well as to those who live a more blessed life. It makes me think of the well recited verse from the book of John “For God loved the world
everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” We see the example of God as the ultimate gift giver. The bible shows us in Romans 6:23 NLT, “the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” God not only continues to give us the gift of eternal life but also the gift of His Grace (Eph 2:8 NLT), God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God) and many other spiritual gifts. God has given us the greatest gift of all, in the form of a baby in the
that we can receive the many other gifts that God wants to impart into us. Jesus is a gift to the world that grew into a man, who walked the path of love and compassion, setting an example for us to follow. As we receive the many gifts of love and kindness through out this month lets continue to remember that God gave us the greatest gift, His son and that when we believe in Christ, God can pour out more gifts into our lives. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!
Significant Hope by Pastor Tammy Owen at Biggar Seventh-day Adventist Church He was just a baby. Small, insignificant, born in the back of a barn. The cow’s feed bucket was just the right size to hold his tender little body. She was just a teenage girl, insignificant, pregnant before she was married. And yet she knew that this child was so very special. He was just a man, insignificant, trying to follow the God of his fathers. A humble man who decided to follow God’s leading in his life. They were just shepherds, insignificant, keeping their sheep safe on a dark night. Angels, glorious angels, appeared to the shepherds that night, “this shall be a sign to you. You will see a baby lying in a manger wrapped in “swaddling cloths” (Luke 2:12) Sacrificial lambs were to be perfect, without blemish. When the pregnant ewe was ready to give birth they led her to the special cave prepared to receive the flawless lamb. When the lamb was born they wrapped it in swaddling cloths to keep them unharmed and free from blemish. Swaddling cloths described in the Bible consisted of a cloth tied together by
bandage-like strips. The Angels had told them exactly where to go, the shepherds knew many mangers, but only one where flawless babies were found . . . and as they arrived to meet a new born king they knew it was Him because his mother had wrapped Him like a newborn lamb. The significance of the swaddling cloths is not lost on us. We see that God is in all of the tiny details, that one day this sweet babe would be the Hope of all the world. The shepherds were significant in that they were quite possibly the Levitical shepherds, tasked with the job of raising sacrificial lambs. Joseph was significant as a man, a descendant of a king who once chased after the very heart of God. Mary was significant in that she believed and humbled her teenage
heart to dare to believe that the Son of God would be born through her body. And Jesus, His significance has rippled throughout all time. It is significant that you are reading this article today, remember God is in all of the tiny details of each of our lives. This baby, Jesus, came as a tender little one with a big hope for the future. That hope is that by accepting that He is Lord of your life you will be ready for when He comes again to take His loved ones home to Glory. As we enjoy the beautiful Christmas lights and sounds and gifts this time of year, may we not forget the significant beginning of a baby who is called Jesus or Emmanuel (God with us) He became our Sacrificial Lamb and is now our Shepherd.
Up on the Housetop
Attention Tina…
The beloved Christmas television personality song “Up on the Kimberley Locke in Housetop” is believed 2005. That those to have been inspired by two renditions were another popular piece of performed more than holiday writing. Written half a century apart by American composer is a testament to the Benjamin Hanby in 1864, enduring popularity of “Up on the Housetop” “Up on the Housetop,” was at least in part which can be heard inspired by Clement C. in department stores Moore’s 1822 poem, “A and at holiday parties Visit From St. Nicholas” throughout December. (now more widely referred to as “The Night Before Christmas”). Since Thanks Hanby wrote for your prompt attention and participation Up on the housetop reindeer paws, out jumps good old Santa the song nearly two Urla centuries ago, it has been Claus performed by countless Down through the chimney with lots of toys artists. Two of the more All for the little ones, Christmas joys notable renditions were Ho, ho ho! Who wouldn’t go? Ho,ho ho! Who wouldn’t go? performed by famed singing cowboy Gene Autry in 1953 and Up on the housetop, click, click, click
I am attaching a Christmas Greeting for your perusal @ $94.50 plus gst; and run for New Year’s (same size, different content if desired) for half price FREE colour $47.25.
Your visits and your trust mean so much to us, and we look forward to serving you this holiday season and for many more to come, Merry Chritmas to you!
Leslie’s Drugstore
Tina, Baylee, Ashlyn, Jean, Cristina, Aidan, Brooklyn, Tyra, Anna & Althea 306-948-3397 www.lesliesdrugstore @sasktel.net
“Up on the Housetop”
Down through the chimney with old Saint Nick
First comes the stocking of little Nell Oh, dear Santa fill it well Give her a dolly that laughs and cries One that can open and shut her eyes Ho, ho, ho! Who wouldn’t go? Ho, ho, ho! Who wouldn’t go?
The Foundation wishes to this thank all who have assisted with We’d like to take their monetary donations. opportunity to wishWithout all of your help, we could not support many local organizations with their projects. our friends, customers and Mayneighbours this Christmas season remind all a happy and healthy of us of the joy in our lives and New of theYear. joy Thanks! given to others due to your support.
Up on the housetop, click, click, click Down through the chimney with good Saint Nick Look in the stocking of little Bill Oh, just see what a glorious fill Here’s a hammer and lots of tacks Whistling ball and a whip that cracks
Biggar & District Community Foundation extends to all a Leslie’s Drugstore Joyful Christmas and Happy New Year! Tina, Baylee, Ashlyn, Jean, Cristina, Aidan Brooklyn, Tyra, Anna & Althea Box 489, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 306-948-3397 www.lesliesdrugstore@sasktel.net
DALE Ho, ho ho! Who wouldn’t go? Ho, ho, ho! Who wouldn’t go? BUXTON OWNER/PUBLISHER Up on the housetop, click, click, click THE BIGGAR Down through the chimney with good Saint Nick INDEPENDENT 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0
Atttention: Board Members/Marty Baroni
telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting from last year @ $126.00 plus gst and New Year’s for 1/2 price FREE colour (changed content but same size)
DIRECTORS & DISTRICT We THE are asking if you wouldOF likeTHE to runBIGGAR the DALE BUXTON SERVICE FOUNDATION WISH TO THANK sameHEALTH ad or change it up for this year. OWNER/PUBLISHER Deadline approval/changes by return email THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT THE RESIDENTS OFis BIGGAR & AREA FOR YOUR 102 - 3 AVENUE WEST or by November 29 please GENEROUS SUPPORT THIS PAST 13 YEARS. P. O. BOX 40 RD
WE LOOK FORWARD TO CONTINUING THE SUPPORT telephone: 306-948-3344 Thanks for yourSERVICES prompt attention. OF HEALTH IN BIGGAR ON YOUR BEHALF. fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net MERRY CHRISTMAS AND WE WISH EVERYONE Awww.biggarindependent.ca HAPPY AND HEALTHY 2024 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0
Biggar & District Health Services Foundation Inc. Box 1003, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Warm holiday wishes this chri-Melissa, stmasJason and Staff Biggar Bowl 119 1 Ave, East 306-948-2255
Tips to ensure holiday road trips are safe and stress-free
After a 2020 holiday season in which the pandemic forced the postponement or cancellation of festivities, families are planning to get together once again in 2021. Many people will head home for the holidays this year, and the vast majority will take to the highway to do so. The U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics says the Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Year’s holiday periods are among the busiest for long-distance travel. The highways will be busy with motorists criss-crossing the country to visit loved ones. Holiday travel may require covering a long distance in a limited amount of time. Finding ways to be efficient in regard to time management can reduce stress and improve safety. Travel at night If you can safely manage it, you may experience considerably less traffic in the evening hours than during other times of day. In addition, if kids are in tow, they may sleep much of the way, helping to reduce the number of times they ask, “Are we there yet?” Share driving responsibilities with another person so that each driver can take a break to prevent drowsy driving. Get a vehicle maintenance check No one wants to get stranded on the side of the road with a car filled with gifts and treats. It’s well worth
BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON AND A JOYOUS NEW YEAR 210 MAIN STREET, BIGGAR, SK 639-384-5889 the investment to have a mechanic give a vehicle a checkup prior to leaving. Get an oil change even if it’s a little early to do so. Look at tire tread wear and ensure that you have the right tires for the road conditions where you’ll be headed. Plan your route People often rely on mobile phone or dashboard GPS systems to get where they need to go. However, it helps to have a general idea of the route so that if service drops out you can still find your way. Scout out rest stops or acceptable restaurants online prior to leaving so you have a plan for making stops in safe areas. Stock the car While presents may be taking up valuable real estate, pack a cooler with snacks and beverages to help reduce how many times you need to get off the highway. Also, games or other forms of entertainment can keep children occupied on long trips. Slow down in inclement weather
Merry Christmas wishes from Diane, Craig and Duncan Diane Akister deaz.beadz@outlook.com Biggar, SK
The holiday meal can be reheated if you’re late, so don’t feel compelled to speed or drive erratically when the weather is stormy. It’s not worth the risk of getting into an accident that can cause serious injuries. Travelers United, a nonprofit organization that represents all travelers, also warns that quick storms that pop up after a long dry spell can immediately make road surfaces extremely slippery. Use caution. Planning and preparation are essential to getting home safely this holiday season.
“Enriching Our Community Through the Arts”
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Biggar & District Arts Council Thank you for your continued support
Merry Christmas and Happy Year From all of Us at
All Out Water Well Services & Drilling LTD. 111 Highway #14 east Biggar, SK 306.948.3380 Contact us for a free estimate Committed to safe, reliable results
1/4 Page
Here’s to a season of Love, Health and Harmony From all of us, Brett Barber and staff
Ne Owned and operated by Brett Barber
102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Sask. 306-948-9750 WWW NEWUFITNESS CA s WWW BEAUTIFUL U CA
Atttention: Ryan Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year I am attaching your Christmas Greeting last year @ $105.00 plus gst and again for New Year’s (same size, different content) for 1/2 price FREE colour 'MPSB -VDLZ %BMJTBZ cucinaniflora@gmail.com Biggar, SK
Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 30 please
The most popular gift 25 years ago It’s easy for adults to ex- on the secondary mar- on a single doll. To put perience a little nostal- ket, with figures that will that latter figure into gia when holiday shop- undoubtedly drop some perspective, data from ping for their children. jaws even now, a quarter the U.S. Bureau of EcoThe holiday season has century after the Tickle nomic Analysis indicates long been considered a Me Elmo craze erupted. that the average price of special time of year, and Though the Tickle Me a new car in 1996 was much of that magic can Elmo doll retailed for $18,525. And according be traced to the joy kids around $30 in 1996, to Yahoo! Finance, drivfeel when unwrapping some parents intent on ers in the market for a gifts from mom, dad and, getting their youngsters used car in 1996 could OWNER/PUBLISHER of course, Santa Claus. the most in-demand have purchased a 1986 THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT Many parents who now RD gift that year reportedly four-door Oldsmobile 102 - 3 AVENUE WEST have youngsters at home spent more than $1,000 for just over $2,600. P. O. BOX 40 grew up in the 1990s. BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 When such moms and dads are shoppingtelephone: for 306-948-3344 holiday gifts this season, fax: 306-948-2133 they might wonder what e-mail: tip@sasktel.net was the must-have item www.biggarindependent.ca for them back when they anxiously awaited the arrival of Christmas morning? According to In4 years of serving Biggarand area sider.com, who worked 1979-202 in conjunction with the Strong National Museum of Play in RochesWater Heaters, Softeners, Pumps, Furnaces, ter, New York, 1996 was Underground Sprinklers, Air Conditioning the year of “Tickle Me 306-948-2624 Elmo.” This ticklish toy was the most sought-after item of the 1996 holiday season, and it was so popular that retailers experiencedor shortages. by December 5 Those shortages led to some surprising sales
Thanks for your prompt attention.
lued cu for being our va d trust in us Your support an iated. are much apprec im Karen, T Paige, Marcel
?M IZM 7ٺMZQVO W]Z [XMKQIT KWTTMK\QWV of +PZQ[\UI[ .TW_MZ[ *W]Y]M\[ Order your +PZQ[\UI[ .TW_MZ[ Today!
Atttention: Ann
I am attaching a Christmas Greeting for your Carter Plumbing & Heating perusal @ $110.00 plus gst for Dec. 13 edition.
theby Ann Designs
Deadline approval/ changes is by return email please
121 Main Street, Biggar • 306•948•3666
Atttention: Ross
Thanks for your prompt Atttention: Shirley/Jim attention.
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting from last year @ $94.50 plus gst and Our Hearth Tosize, Yours again From for New Year’s (same different desired)we’ve for 1/2 price When it content comes to if Christmas, got you covered FREE $47.25 withcolour our warm wishes and heartfelt thanks. Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 30 please Thanks for your prompt attention. 4HPU :[ )PNNHY 3HUKPZ 7LYK\L
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting last year @ plus gst and again for New Year’s (same size, different content if desired) for 1/2 price FREE colour $ Deadline approval/changes is by returnWeemail by without November 30 wouldn’tor be here the generous support of friends and neighbors like all of you please and we wish you all the very best at the holidays and always
de Moissac Jewellers Thanks for your prompt attention. Ross, Elisabeth, Elena, Shirley, Susan Melissa Sivernagle and Marc Holt 217 Main St., Biggar
MERRY CHRISTMAS Fire safety protocols to keep in mind when holiday decorating
Decorating the interior and exterior of a home is a beloved holiday season tradition in millions of households. Such decor makes it easy to dive into the festive nature of the season. Many people could not imagine a holiday season without decorating their homes, and it’s vital that celebrants do so safely. Fire safety is especially important during a time of year when string lights and potentially dried out trees feature so prominently. These fire safety tips can ensure this holiday season is safe. • Buy the safest lights. It might be tempting to buy the most inexpensive lights, especially given all the extra costs already associated with the holiday season. However, safety should be the utmost priority when buying new
lights. Testing laboratories such as CSA, Intertek and UL certify products to ensure they’re safe for use. Products that aren’t certified should be avoided. • Use lights and cords where they’re intended to be used. The packaging on lights will indicate if the product is intended to be used indoors or outdoors. It’s vital that individuals decorating their homes with lights pay attention to these labels. Never decorate the exterior of a home with interior lights, and vice versa. Extension cords made for indoors also should not be used outdoors and vice versa. • Be especially careful with candles. Candles should only be burned when adults are in the room and should always be extinguished before leaving the room or going to bed. When burn-
ing candles, place them on heat-resistant surfaces that are beyond the reach of curious kids and pets. Never place candles within arm’s length of Christmas trees or houseplants, including poinsettias. • Ask an electrician to inspect your exterior outlets and circuits. Ground fault circuit interruptor (GFCI) outlets are designed to prevent electric shocks and reduce the risk of electrical fires. Most areas now require new homes be built exclusively with GFCIs, which are recognizable because they feature two buttons between the outlets. But older homes may not be equipped with GFCIs, particularly with exterior outlets. GFCI installation is not an especially expensive job, so homeowners should ask an electrician to inspect their interior and exterior
outlets and replace nonGFCIs with GFCIs. • Do not pinch light cords. Stringing lights can be a hassle, but cords should never be pinched in doors or windows or beneath interior and exterior furniture. Doing so increases the risk of damage to the cord, which in turn increases the likelihood of fire. • Avoid overloading circuits. Overloaded circuits pose a significant fire hazard. When plugging in lights, choose outlets that aren’t already occupied by devices and other electronics. If need be, unplug appliances like televisions and devices while lights are on and plugged in. When decorating this holiday season, celebrants are urged to do everything they can to reduce the risk of fire in their homes.
Heartfelt Greetings and Best Wishes To Our Valued Customers and Friends at this Special Time Of Year
“Now serving you from our new location in Perdue” 306-948-2544
The Christmas story
In the city of Nazareth in Galilee, there lived a young girl named Mary. She was engaged to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. God sent the angel Gabriel to her. The angel said: “Do not be afraid Mary, you will conceive a child, to whom you shall give the name Jesus.” At that time, Roman Emperor Augustus ordered that all people in his empire be counted and entered into tax lists. So everyone went to their town to be enrolled, and Joseph also set off. From Galilee, the city of Nazareth, he went to Bethlehem, the city of David. Joseph wanted to be registered there, together with Mary, his fiancée, who was pregnant. When they got to Bethlehem, it was time for the delivery. Mary gave birth to her son, swaddled him and put him in a manger, as there was no room for them in the inns of the town. Nearby, there were shepherds keeping watch over
their flocks at night. The angel of the Lord came to them and said, “Do not be afraid, today the Saviour, the Lord, has been born unto you. You will find a child wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.” The shepherds hurried to the stable in Bethlehem and found both Mary and Joseph and the child in the manger. They praised and worshipped God for everything they had heard and seen. No sooner was Jesus born than three Wise Men from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where can we find the new-born King of the Jews? We have seen his star and have come to worship him.” When King Herod heard this, he was frightened and said to them, “Go and inquire about the child, and when you have found him, let me know. I wish to go and worship him too.” They set off and followed the star, which led them to the stable. They entered and found the child in his
mother Mary’s arms. Great joy overcame them, and they laid their treasures in front of the child: gold, frankincense and myrrh. In a dream, God commanded them not to return to Herod. So they returned to their country along a different route. An angel also appeared to Joseph that night in a dream and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother and go from here to Egypt. Herod is after you.” So Joseph got up in the middle of the night and left Bethlehem with Mary and the child. But Herod noticed that the Wise Men had betrayed him. He sent his soldiers to look for the child, yet the soldiers found only an empty stable in Bethlehem.
Atttention: Leroy/Dakota
am attaching your Christmas GreetMay the joy of thisIholiday season lift your spirits ingand from last year @ $112.50 plus gst ÀOO \RX ZLWK KDSSLQHVV and again for New Year’s (same size, different content if desired) for 1/2 price FREE colour $56.25
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Diamond Gym
Laurie, Cliff and staff • 306-948-5600
Thanks for hanging with us all year!
Merry Christmas!
Laurie/Cliff… Price: $126.00 plus gst for publication on Thursday, December 12 Christmas Edition. We also offer a New Year’s ad with same content or change it up for 1/2 price of your Christmas Ad. Free color on both ads. Deadline for approval /changes is by November 29, 2019
M & N Repair Mike, Darlene and staff
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Biggar • 306-948-3996
Hope it’s a Banner Year! We loved serving you every day this past year! We thank you for your patronage and look forward to seeing you again in 2023
M & N Repair
‘Puerto Rican eggnog’ could be a hit for the holidays
Tidings of Comfort & Joy
Wishing you a warm and cozy Christmas filled with family, friends and all the comforts of home. We thank you for giving us such a warm welcome in the community.
@ nd size, or lour
/ n mber
Tradition reigns supreme during the holiday season. Putting up Christmas trees, stringing lights, singing carols, and filling stockings with trinkets
Happy Holidays!
‘Almost Home’ Care Home
114 - 4th Ave. W., Biggar Management, staff & residents
Atttention: Sandra I am attaching your Christmas Greeting @ $94.50 plus gst and New Year’s for 1/2 price FREE colour (changed content but same size)
Happy New Year
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fam ily from our fam ilies at Battleford Furnitu re!
OWNER/PUBLISHER THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
Best w
192-24th Street West, Battleford
Phone 306-937-7474
are just a few of the season’s many cherished traditions. However, amid the typical holiday hustle and bustle, there also are traditions that are unique to various cultures and ethnicities — particularly those pertaining to foods and beverages. From minced pies in England to kutia in Ukraine to spiced hot chocolate in Peru, many different foods and beverages are savored this time of year around
the world. Individuals of Puerto Rican descent might enjoy whipping up batches of coquito around the holidays. Coquito, which means “small coconut,” is made in batches with recipes passed down through families. It is similar to traditional eggnog, but Puerto Ricans will tell you it’s even better. The beverage is served throughout Navidad, or starting
after Thanksgiving and ending in mid-January with the celebration of Fiestas de la Calle San Sebastián. Those interested in making homemade coquito can follow this “Traditional Coquito” recipe, courtesy of Discover Puerto Rico.
Traditional Coquito
an livers ay de matter d i l o hat ur h eess, pe yo gifts t We ho nce of the lth, happin ne. tu da ea abun cluding h d good for s! in an ur , t o e s v y o o l d m an u ship, o d y n e i o fr hes t
Fax 306-937-7676
OWNER/PUBLISHER THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
1 can of condensed milk 1 can of evaporated milk 1 can of cream of coconut (most Puerto Ricans prefer Coco López) 1⁄2 cup white rum (preferably Don Q or Bacardí) 1⁄2 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (add more to taste) In a blender, add evaporated milk, cream of coconut, sweetened condensed milk, rum, vanilla extract, and cinnamon. Blend on high until mixture is well combined, 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer mixture into glass bottles and chill in the refrigerator until cold. To serve, pour coquito into small serving glasses and garnish with ground cinnamon or a cinnamon stick. Note: This is traditional Coquito. Individuals can experiment with different flavors, like chocolate, guava or even mango coquito if they desire.
Away In a Manger “Away In a Manger” is a popular Christmas carol that has endured for well over a century. One of the first known appearances of the song was in the journal The Christian Cynosure in 1882, which indicates it is now more than 140 years old. That publication titled the hymn ”Lu-
ther’s Cradle Song,” and a brief description of the song preceding the lyrics indicates it was written by the German religious reformer Martin Luther. However, the University Libraries at The Ohio State University note that historians have since dispelled that notion, with some sug-
gesting the song was written to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Luther’s birth (the reformer was born in 1483). Regardless of its authorship, the song remains a popular and moving hymn that can be heard far and wide during the holiday season.
“Away In a Manger” Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head. The stars in the sky looked down where he lay, The little Lord Jesus asleep in the hay. The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes, But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes. I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky And stay by my cradle til morning is nigh. Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay Close by me forever, and love me, I pray. Bless all the dear children in thy tender care, And take us to heaven, to live with Thee there.
Merry Christmas
from Dylan and Amy Haynes at
201B 2nd Ave W Biggar, SK 306•948•3558 info@biggaraccounting.ca
4 fun facts about the month of January January marks the start of a new year, and that sense of a new beginning is palpable for millions of people across the globe. New Year’s resolutions are typically made at the start of January, and those can serve as a springboard to an enjoyable year. As the calendar turns to January, there’s much to learn about this meaningful month. 1. The Roman god Janus is the namesake for the first month of the year. Janus was considered the protector of gates and doorways and the god of beginnings and transitions, among other things. Given those qualities, it’s no wonder Janus is the namesake for the first month of the year. 2. Though it’s not considered part of the
holiday season, January boasts its fair share of holidays, and some Christians even consider it the end of the holiday season. Celebrated by some on January 6, the Epiphany is a Christian feast day that commemorates the visit of the Magi, the baptism of Jesus Christ and the wedding at Cana. Though some Christian celebrants may take down their holiday decorations, including their Christmas trees, before the dawn of the new year, those who commemorate the Epiphany may wait until January 6 to pack things up. In addition to the Epiphany, the January calendar also features holidays such as New Year’s Day and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. 3. Though they might
not be officially recognized holidays, two very influential figures in American history were born in January. Founding Father Benjamin Franklin, who helped to draft the Declaration of Independence, was born on January 17, 1706, in Boston in what was then known as the Province of Massachusetts Bay. Nearly 230 years later, Elvis Presley was born on January 8, 1935, in Tupelo, Mississippi. Though he was not official royalty, Elvis is still considered the “King of Rock and Roll,” and one can only wonder what Benjamin Franklin might have thought about that designation had he been around to hear it. 4. The Farmer’s Almanac reports that there is some
folklore associated with January weather. Though some might welcome a warmer January than they’re accustomed to, the prevailing folklore around January weather suggests a summer-like January will result in a winter-like spring. In addition, fog in January is associated with a wet spring. So anyone hoping for a warm and dry spring might want to hope for and subsequently grin and bear any cold weather that comes their way in January. TF241613
Journeymen Plumber, Gas Fitter, & Electrician on staff
Authorized Dealers for Coleman Furnaces and Logix Water Softeners
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
SOCIAL MEDIA TEXT: As the calendar turns to January, there’s much to learn about this meaningful month.
Fun ways to spend the first day of the New Year New Year’s Day marks the unofficial culmination of the holiday season, which some feel begins months earlier with Halloween. Retailers have had all sorts of party and decorative goods filling shelves throughout the holiday season, and much emphasis has been placed on celebrating with friends and family. The revelry that comes on New Year’s Eve is hard to match, particularly for those who attend lavish parties or venture to city centers to ring in the new year with others. While January 1 may be a bit more quiet, there are still plenty of ways to enjoy this first day of the year. Plan a hiking excursion There’s a good chance you have not been out hiking for awhile, with your most recent venture having been a leafpeeping trip. Enjoy the natural scenery during an entirely different season, with much lighter crowds at parks and on trails. If you’ve resolved to exercise
more this year, hiking is a great start. Host a relaxing brunch With all the merrymaking the evening before, most people may need a little time to recuperate before heading out. Brunch is a great way to get people fed and help them shake off fatigue from a late night of partying. With a focus on conversation and food, rather than dancing and drinking, this can be an intimate way to set the tone for the new year. Queue up the movies The hustle and bustle of the holidays can be exciting yet exhausting. Take an opportunity on January 1 to slow down for perhaps the first time in at least two months. Ask household members to choose their favorite films, then spend the day binge watching movies. Eat leftovers or order in so no one needs to leave the comfort of the sofa.
gifts because the idea may be spontaneous and pets require a lot of care. For those who have been thinking of welcoming a pet into the family, this may be a good time to visit an animal shelter (if any are open) or peruse online adoption postings. The slow pace of the postholiday months might be the ideal time to help an animal get acclimated to a new home. Go shopping It may seem like the average person has exhausted all of his or her shopping energy by this time, but postChristmas sales are great ways to stock up on holiday decor for next year at reduced prices. If stores are open on New Year’s Day, shop around for ornaments, lawn figures, lights, and more at steep discounts. Then spend the rest of the day sorting and organizing holiday items and discarding those that have seen better days.
local nonprofit group that delivers meals to homebound locals or one that visits nursing home residents. Start spreading New Year’s cheer early on. New Year’s Day is a good time to spend quality time and have fun with loved ones. TF241627
MERRY CHRISTMAS We hope your holiday season is filled to the brim with happiness and good fortune!!
Westwinds Motor Hotel “Experience the Westwinds Difference” Dayna,Trent and staff
Merry Christmas & Dayna.... Happy New Year Attention 222 Main st. from the staff at
Biggar I am attaching your Christmas Greeting f last year @ $105.00 plus gst; and again fo 306-948-5377 Year’s (same size, different content if des for half price FREE colour $52.50.
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Adopt a new pet Many charitable animal groups advise against giving pets as holiday
Help at a nonprofit Volunteer time at
Thanks for your prompt attention and participation
Merry Christmas
In this season of celebration, we are reminded of both the diversity and bounty that nature provides us, and are grateful for the richness and beauty of this wondrous season. We are also grateful to share it with good people like you, and wish you all the best during this special time of year.
Wylie Seed & Processing Dale, Bill, Brian, Mark and families
Merry Christmas From all of us at
Serving Saskatoon, Warman and Biggar Call 306-649-3100
Have a groovy holiday season from Ray and Staff
Good Pizza Good Vibes
Simple tricks to disentangle holiday lights
Ray’s Vinyls
Thanks for your Business 948-4800
Seasons Greetings All the best in your future endeavors for 202
y Christma r r e M s
The joyous holiday season is enhanced by the beautiful and festive decorations that adorn homes and businesses during this special time of year. Twinkling lights are part of the holiday decorating equation. However, tangled lights in storage bins and boxes can sap anyone’s holiday spirit. Christmas lights can turn into a tangled mess no matter how hard people work to avoid such an outcome. Christmas lights get tangled partly because of their design. There is a metal wire inside the cord to help with the packaging of the lights, which gives the cord a natural curve. Furthermore, most light cords are made from twisted or braided wires that have spaces throughout. The lights themselves can get snagged in these pockets between the wires. Although it can be frustrating to deal with tangled lights that look like balls of yarn in a knitting basket, there are ways to disentangle them with relative ease — and then pack them in a way that can reduce further tangles. Begin by plugging all lights into the outlet to see if they work. If most of the bulbs are burnt out or the lights do not go on at all, discard the strand. There’s no point untangling lights only to learn they don’t work. Start slowly, beginning on the plug end, when untangling the lights. Keep the strand you’re working on separate from the other lights so
they do not inadvertently become entangled. Tackle this job in a space with a lot of room. Lay the lights out on a large table or sit on the floor to do the untangling. Utilize a pen or pencil to fish out more stubborn snags. This can help you loosen any knots and make it easier to pull snags through. Lay the untangled strands out in a safe area away from your working space as you work through each strand. One of the ways to avoid the hassle of tangled lights is to remember to store the lights in ways that will reduce their propensity for tangling in the first place. • Rather than wrap lights around your hand or arm to condense the strand, use something else. A piece of cardboard, a
hanger and some PVC tubing can keep lights from becoming tangled. • Store lights in a ziptop bag to keep them from tangling with other strands stored together. • Save the original boxes and return the lights to them after each use. • Icicle lights have hanging strands of lights on longer strands, which can compound tangling issues. Use a rubber band to gather the hanging “icicles” together, or use some plastic wrap for the same purpose. • Invest in a cord reel, similar to what you might use for a garden hose. Longer light strands or wires are stored on such reels, and they can be used with Christmas lights. Patience and care can prevent holiday lights from becoming tangled.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year We thank you for all of your business in 2023 and we look forward to serving in 2024.
ap p y New Year SWIFT CURRENT
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901 Avenue K Perdue, SK 306•237•4304
Fun books to read to children this holiday season
The holiday season is a special time of year for people of all ages, but children might be the most enthusiastic celebrants come December. Children spend much of the holiday season anticipating the arrival of the man in the red suit, and that enthusiasm can be contagious. Families have their own unique traditions during the holiday season, but one popular way to harness kids’ enthusiasm between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day is to read them holiday stories. There’s no shortage of great holiday books for kids, but here are a handful that kids may remember well into adulthood. • “The Polar Express,” by Chris Van Allsburg: The beloved tale is the story of a young boy who boards a mysterious train bound for the North Pole. • “The Littlest Elf,” by Brandi Dougherty: Part of a series, this story focuses on a tiny elf named Oliver and a series of misadventures as he navigates his way through Santa’s workshop. • “Olive, the Other Reindeer,” by Vivian Walsh: Olive is no ordinary reindeer. In fact, Olive is a dog who heads to the North Pole believing she is a reindeer. Her decision to join Santa’s team ultimately Abenefits the
Just a little note to say… We hope you have a great holiday! Thanks for making this community such an inviting place to do business! We really appreciate your patronage.
the big man and his trusty reindeer. • “The Miracle of the First Poinsettia: A Mexican Christmas Story,” by Joanne Oppenheim: A little girl named Juanita is the star of this retelling of a traditional Mexican tale with a valuable lesson. • “Gingerbread Mouse: A Christmas Holiday Book for Kids,” by Katy Bratun: A fallen tree branch almost ruins Christmas for Mouse, whose determination and resourcefulness mixed in with a little Christmas magic ensures she finds a place to call home in time for the holidays. • “A Night in Santa’s Great Big Bag,” by Kristin Kladstrup: Santa saves the day in this tale starring a young boy’s favorite stuffed animal, whose excitement for Christmas compels him to climb into Santa’s
big bag of presents on Christmas Eve. • “Santa Claus and the Three Bears,” by Maria Modugno: This twist on the popular tale “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” finds three unsuspecting bears encountering a familiar fellow in a red suit upon returning home after a nighttime walk. • “Twas the Night Before Christmas: Edited by Santa Claus for the Benefit of Children of the 21st Century,” by Clement C. Moore: Parents will appreciate this updated version of the popular tale that, among other things, has removed the reference to Santa smoking. • “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” by Dr. Seuss: Children can join generations of fans that came before them as they hear the redemption story of the Grinch who was once determined to ruin Christmas for the happy people of Whoville. • “The Nutcracker,” by the New York City Ballet: The classic story is retold based on famed choreographer George Balanchine’s production. The holiday season is steeped in tradition. Reading new and classic holiday stories to children is one tradition any family 1/4can Pageembrace.
805 Main Street, Biggar 306-948-2248
Start Your Engines… Christmas is Coming!
I am a mas G As we gear up for another holiday season, plus g Attention Dennis/Kim… we’d like to send you our and N best for a very I am attaching a wishes Christmas Greeting fo FREE Merry Christmas and rusal for this year @ New $86.00 a Happy Year!plusIgst; justan your trust in size, d run again forThanks Newfor Year’s (same please us. We look forward to content if desired) for half price FREE serving your again soon. $43.00. Deadl
Excell Tire
operating under Integra Tire Auto Centre the
Attentio Thank attenti I am at
Hwy 14, south of Wilkie, Sask.
Deadl is by ber 2
Chris, Raelynn, Ron, Christine, Don Damon, Logan, Shawn, Tyrelle, Ian
Thank attent
At the holidays more than ever, we appreciate how much joy friends like THANKSyou FOR GIVING US SO MUCH TO BE EXCITED ABOUT IN THE NEW YEAR. REFORD TERMINAL bring to each day.
Thank you and Excell Tire Merry Christmas
Chris, Raelynn, Ron, Christine, Don, Damon, Logan, Shawn, Tyrelle, Ian
is by r Novem
ing tha penden Sask. l gst FR and, w again s (differe half pr
operating under Integra Tire Auto Centre
We’re thrilled to be ringing in another year with great folks like you. Thanks and best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year!
Hwy 14, south of Wilkie, Sask.
7 ways to organize and store holiday decorations
from...Management and Staff
Decorating a home province, with these 2. Store smaller items for holidays is quite residents taking out inside larger decor popular. A survey from decorations 4.3 weeks items. Decorative the National Retail ahead of Christmas Day baskets or wrapped Federation found that 53 on average. boxes brought out for percent of respondents With so many avid Christmas or Chanukah said they were planning holiday decorators, are ideal places to keep to decorate their home individuals will need to smaller tchotchkes or yard for Halloween in find ways to organize like ceramics, dreidels, 2023. Lombardo Homes and store their seasonal candlestick holders, or Thanks to all of our customers and friends here in town polled 1,000 Americans items. Holiday decor mantel hooks. Delicate for dropping in on us in 2023. Your visits mean the world in 2021 and 94 percent comes in many different items can be tucked into Many thanks for all sizes your support in the past said they celebrate — from theyear Christmas stockings or to us, and we look forward to Christmas and in we at look least smallest tree ornaments forward to seeing you in 2024 wrapped and stored in some way, and 84 percent to illuminated statues a fluffy tree skirt. Egg continuing to serve you in the coming year. the Love ofyard Good Food cartons can be used to said they For decorate. for the or inflatable According to Time2Play, items. Figuring out a keep small items safe as which surveyed 1,000 Family storage plan can take a well. Homestead Restaurant Canadians about their little effort. These seven 3. Label everything so 902 Main Street 902 Main Street holiday decorating 948-948-5656 tips can help. you will not need to dig 948-948-5656 habits, Manitoba puts 1. Purchase clear, through boxes or bins to up Christmas decor similarly sized storage know what is inside. This “Your Family Restaurant” “Your Family Restaurant” earlier than any other bins and shelving might be a good year to racks, hanging them ask for a label maker for where you plan to keep the holidays! the decorations. Most 4. Use overhead or wall Thanking our customers for people prefer an out-of- storage for holiday their business in 202 Wishing the-way spot, such as decor. Overhead $105.00 plus tax in the garage, attic or spaces in the garage everyone the gifts of the season $ 52.50 plus tax (New Years) basement. Label each or basement walls can – Peace, Joy, Hope. bin by holiday and put be good spaces to keep the bins in chronological holiday decorations. order to make finding Always keep bins and items more convenient. boxes off the floor so Uniform bin sizes make they are not vulnerable it easier to stack and to damage related to store. leaks or floods.
Homestead Family Restaurant
~LANDIS 306-658-2002 ~ Don, Cole, Brandon, and Rochelle
Check us out at
PEPPERMINT MOCHA BITES A bite size Christmas treat to relish as a snack, or to have handy for those unexpected social visits. WHAT YOU WILL NEED • 3/4 cup raw almonds • 1/2 cup Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts • 1 cup medjool dates, pitted • 2 tbsp. cocoa powder • 1 tsp. espresso powder • 1 tsp. vanilla extract • 1/8 tsp. peppermint extract • 1/4 cup mini dark chocolate chips • 3 candy canes, crushed [optional – for rolling the bites in] PUTTING IT TOGETHER 1 Add the almonds to a food processor and blend until they are finely ground but not turned into a flour. 2 Put the hemp hearts and dates in and blend until it forms a sticky dough. 3 Add the cocoa, espresso powder, vanilla and peppermint extract and blend to combine. Then add in the chocolate chips and pulse a few times so they are mixed in. 4 Scoop the dough by heaping tablespoons and roll into balls. You can roll the balls in the crushed candy canes or hemp hearts if desired. 5 Store extra bites in the fridge in an airtight container.
Resounding thanks to everyone who helped make our year so special! • • • • • • •
5. Garment bags can protect larger decorations, such as wreaths, artificial trees or signs. If you have a large number of mechanical, illuminated or inflatable lawn ornaments, consider investing in a small shed where these items can be safely kept. Wrap the extension cords and any bracing stakes or strings used with the decorations so it’s easy to find. 6. Utilize pieces of cardboard as well as toilet paper or paper towel tubes to keep lights and wires tidy. Tuck cords into the toilet paper tubes, and wrap lights around the cardboard to avoid tangles. 7. Each year, take inventory of your decoration collection and toss out anything that is damaged or has seen better days. Storing holiday decorations will take some time, but once you establish a system, things will be simple year after year.
Max Motors Auto Body & Sales Ltd Free Courtesy Cars with Claims Autobody & Paint Repair Oil Changes and Mechanical Needs Tires, AC Recharge on All Vehicles Windshield Replacement Vehicle Inspections 3527 Faithfull Ave
Greetings of the Season May peace, joy, harmony and contentment visit your home during this special time of year. We are sincerely grateful and look forward to your continued friendship.
Saskatoon, SK 306-955-5566 233 - 1st Ave. West, Biggar 306-948-2700 Jack, Carolyn, Daniel and families
Christmas Trivia
Question: Which popular Christmas beverage is also called “milk punch?” Answer: EGGNOG Question: What did the other reindeer not let Rudolph do because of his shiny red nose? Answer: Join in any reindeer games Question: How many ghosts show up in A Christmas Carol? Answer: Four Question: Where was baby Jesus born? Answer: In Bethlehem Question: The movie Miracle on 34th Street is based on a real life department store. What is it? Answer: Macy’s Question: What are the two other most popular names for Santa Claus? Answer: Kris Kringle and Saint Nick Question: Elvis isn’t going to have a white Christmas he’s going to have a.... Answer: Blue Christmas Question: What do people traditionally put on top of a Christmas Tree? Answer: An angel Question: In “Home Alone”, where are the McCallisters going on vacation when they leave Kevin behind? Answer: Paris Question: In the movie It’s A Wonderful Life, what happened every time a bell rang? Answer: An angel got his wings Question: What words follow “Silent Night” in the song? Answer: Holy night Question: Which Hollywood actor played six different roles in The Polar Express? Answer: Tom Hanks Question: In Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, what was the first name of Scrooge? Answer: Ebenezer Question: Which country did eggnog come from? Answer: England Question: Which real-life person is Santa Claus based on? Answer: The Christian bishop St. Nicholas Question: What did Frosty The Snowman do when a magic hat was placed on his head? Answer: He began to dance around Question: Which Christmas song contains the lyric “Everyone dancing merrily in the new old-fashioned way Answer: “Rocking Around The Christmas Tree” Question: What are you supposed to do when you find yourself under the mistletoe? Answer: Kiss Question: Which one of Santa’s reindeer has the same name as another holiday mascot? Answer: Cupid Question: Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree? Answer: Germany Question: In the song “Winter Wonderland,” what do we call the snowman? Answer: Parson Brown Question: In the movie Elf what was the first rule of The Code of Elves? Answer: Treat every day like Christmas Question: What’s the name of the main villain in The Nightmare Before Christmas? Answer: Oogie Boogie Question: What was the highest-grossing Christmas movie of all time? Answer: Home Alone Question: Whose eyes are all aglow in “The Christmas Song?” Answer: Tiny tots Question: Which fairy tale was the first gingerbread houses inspired by? 3 col/6 Answer: Hansel and Gretel
Thank you and best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season. It’s been a pleasure serving you.
Happy Holidays
from the lawyers and staff at
Peszko & Watson
Jason Peszko Madison Taylor Nancy Farenick
Bailee Massett Sarah Roesler
Biggar Professional Building 223 Main Street, Biggar 306-948-5352 306-244-9865 We’re offering up a round of thanks to all our good friends and neighbors. May you enjoy our warm wishes for the very merriest holiday season, ever!
PASSENGER SERVICE 951-0098 / 951-0078
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
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Happy Holidays
In the spirit of kindness and generosity, our best of wishes go to our valued customers.
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“Merry Christmas”
Thank you for making our year run so smoothly.We wouldn’t be here without good friends and customers like you. Come on in we will help make your winter driving more enjoyable!!
JDL Tires & More Management and Staff 103 SK Hwy 14 Biggar, Sask. 306-948-2298
Merry Christmas Happy New Year Atttention: I am sending a Christmas Greeting that could be used for this year the price is $94.50 plus gst and again )FBMJOH )BQQFOT )FSF for New Year’s (same size, different �XXX QSBJSJFTLZSFDPWFSZ DB content) for 1/2 price, $47.25, FREE 1•888•519•4445 colour Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 30 please
It’s time for holiday fun and gathering the family together to share a warm, wonderful Christmas Season. We hope the holidays bring everything you want! We wish you and yours the best season ever.
Whole Turkey with Apricot, Raisin & Pistachio Stuffing
Happy Cooking Time: New Year Serves: 8 -12
Preparation Time:
Australian Sunshine Christmas Cake
Preparation Time: 25 minutes Cooking Time: 1 hour 10 minutes
35 minutes
2 hours 25 minutes
Ingredients Sunbeam Sultanas It’s time for holiday fun and gathering 150g the family 75g Sunbeam Raisins 150g Sunbeam Raisins together to share a warm, wonderful festivity. We 80g Sunbeam Pistachios 100g Sunbeam Glace Cherries, cut in half hope the holidays bring everything you want! 200g Angas Park Apricots, chopped Ingredients
110g Sunbeam Macadamia halves 1 large 4kg whole turkey 250g Angas Park Australian Apricots We wish you and yours the best season ever.fresh orange juice 2 tbs butter 250mls 1 onion,finely diced 50mls brandy 2 cups fresh white breadcrumbs Management & Staff 250g butter, softened ¼ cup chopped parsley 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar Juice and rind of one lemon, reserve juiced halves 3 eggs 1 egg, lightly beaten 1 ½ cups self-raising flour 401 Hwy #4 South, Biggar • 306-948-5262 Sea Salt 1 ½ cups plain flour ¼ cup olive oil Method ¼ cup melted butter Preheat oven to 150ºC. Kitchen string and skewers 1. In a bowl combine sultanas, raisins, cherries and
Management & Staff
AGI Envirotank
401 Hwy #4 South, Biggar • 306-948-5262
Atttention: Shanon Welcome The Season!
AGI Envirotank
brandy. Cover and allow to soak for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 200ºC. Place apricots and orange juice in a small saucepan and simmer for ten minutes. Allow too 1.To prepare turkey, pat down with paper towel and cool for ten minutes then puree. remove the neck. Using a spoon, begin at the neck 2.Cream butter and sugar in a small bowl until light and cavity and gently ease the skin away from the breast. fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time, beating well 2.In a small frying pan melt butter, add onion and between each addition. cook for 2 minutes. Place in a large bowl along 3.Sift flours into a large bowl, add pureed apricots, with breadcrumbs, apricots, raisins, pistachios, soaked fruit, nuts and butter mixture and mix well parsley, lemon, egg and season with salt and to combine. Spoon into greased & lined 22cm or by November 30 pepper. Mix well to combine. square cake tin and bake for 1 hour or until an 3.Loosely fill the prepared neck cavity of the turkey inserted skewer comes out clean. Leave to cool in with stuffing and press over the exterior of the the tin before turning out There may be a chill turkey to shape. Fill the body cavity with juiced in the air at the lemon halves. Thread a season, skewer through the skin at holiday each cavity opening to secure, tuck wings But we’re filled with much warmth underneath and fix wings andand legs with kitchen you are the reason. string to secure. Cover with a clean dry tea towel So to our many and allow too restgood for friends 1 hourboth on bench. Sweetly through the night, comes the 4.Place turkey onfar a greased baking tray, brush with and near, Weand bidmelted a most butter and season OWNER/PUBLISHER distant chime of bells, combined olive oil Hark, and hear the story that their joyous pealing joyous Christmas with sea salt and pepper. Cover stuffed turkey THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT and a Happy tells; Like the song of angels, to us mortals RD breast section with foil to avoid burning while 102 - 3 AVENUE WEST New Year. Comes the silver music, sounding through cooking and bake for 2 hours. Remove foil and P.given, O. BOX 40 Thank you to the star-crowned Heav’n. cook for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and allow BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 our customers too rest for 10 minutes. Serve cut into thick slices List! The happy music makes all nature for their support. 1-866-934-6675/306-934-6675 with your preferred sides. telephone: 306-948-3344 sound, Hear the answering hill-tops in echo sweet
Welcome The Season!
I am attaching your Christmas Greeting @ $67.50 plus gst and New Years for 1/2 price FREE colour Deadline approval/changes is by return email Thanks for your prompt attention.
There may be a chill in the air at the holiday season, But we’re filled with much warmth and you are the reason. So to our many good friends both far and near,
Christmas Chimes Story
We bid a most joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you to our customers for their support.
Atttention: Dwayne
fax: 306-948-2133 resound; ‘Tis of One they sing, One of lowly e-mail: tip@sasktel.net birth, Who left a crown of glory, and came to www.biggarindependent.ca sinful earth. Now they tell the tale of shepherds I am attaching your Christmas Greeting from 20 @ $105.00 plus gst from afar, Watching through the dark night to see the glittering star; Now they tell the story, of the and New Year’s for 1/2 price FREE colour (may change content but same size) wondrous love Of Him, who lived and suffered, the Great King above. Chime, ye bells of Heav’n, o’er the sleeping Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by November 30 please earth, Let your tongues sing out the story of the heavenly birth; Chime throughout the long night, Thanks for your prompt attention. nor cease your joyful lay, Chime until the awaking of the glorious day. OWNER/PUBLISHER
THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca
From: Rick, Gerry and Staff
ǖ Ǘ Lj
Closed Christmas Day & New Years Day
Festive films that make for a perfect family movie night this season
A family movie night makes for a great way for families to bond and enjoy some relaxing time together. Such nights are a tradition in households across the globe, and they can even become a fun way for extended families to celebrate the holiday days together. When hosting overnight guests this holiday season, hosts can plan a family movie night and line up any of these family-friendly holiday movies. • “A Christmas Story” (1983): This beloved classic based on the writings of author Jean Shepherd focuses on young Ralphie Parker and his humorous family. That family includes his father, played to much laughs by legendary actor Darren McGavin. All Ralphie wants for Christmas is a coveted Red Ryder air rifle, and generations of fans have enjoyed watching this film to see if Ralphie’s dream comes true. • “Home Alone” (1990): Not unlike “A Christmas
Story,” this instant classic devotes much of its story to a young boy. Eight-year-old Kevin McAllister (Macaulay Culkin) awakens to an empty house after his parents forgetfully leave him behind as they depart on a holiday trip to Paris with their extended family. That proves to be bad news for bungling burglars Harry (Joe Pesci) and Marv (Daniel Stern), who are outwitted by Kevin at every turn. • Elf (2003): Middleaged Buddy (Will Ferrell) grew up in the North Pole believing he is an elf, despite being significantly larger than the kind-hearted elves who raised him. Upon learning he is not an actual elf, Buddy is determined to reunite with the father (James Caan) he’s never known. Hilarity ensues as the innocent Buddy ends up in the big city in search of his father. • “It’s a Wonderful Life” (1946): Among the most beloved holiday movies
Thanks for stocking our year with good memories. Your visits have brought us much joy in 202 and we look forward to serving you again in 202
ever made, this classic stars Jimmy Stewart as George Bailey, a devoted family man who set aside his own big-city dreams to save the family business and, ultimately, his small hometown of Bedford Falls. Lamenting some bad luck that leaves him on the cusp of financial ruin, George wishes he’d never been born, only to be shown by an especially kind and patient angelin-training (Henry Travers) how much worse off Bedford Falls and its residents might have been had George Bailey never existed. • “Jingle All the Way” (1996): Featuring a future Governor of
California in the lead role, this hijinks-filled holiday classic follows the efforts of Howard Langston (Arnold Schwarzenegger) as he tries to secure the musthave gift of the season for his son, Jamie (Jake Lloyd). Howard soon finds himself competing against a father (Sinbad) who’s equally devoted to find the coveted TurboMan action figure. A holiday movie night makes for a fun, familyfriendly evening when hosting overnight guests during this special time of year.
Wish List
• Cheer
• Love
• Good Tidings
• Contenment
• Health
• Friendship
May your cart overflow with good tidings and joy and may your heart be full with love and contentment.
This holiday season and beyond!
• Happiness • Strength • Joy
Merry Christmas and thanks for choosing us!
Committed to our Community 306-948-5144
Sending Our Best
Christmas Ad Price - $120.00 at the Holidays
Here’s hoping your New Years 1/2 price - $60.00 holiday delivers a bundle of joy and good cheer.
Merry Christmas!
Jolly. Happy. Magical.
Parrish & Heimbecker Limited Hanover Junction Biggar, Sask.
A Toast To You At The New Year
As we lift our glasses,we’re filled with cheer; As we recall the good friends we’ve made this year! May your good days be many, and your troubles few, That’s our New Year’s wish for you!
Parrish & Heimbecker Limited Christmas has always meant reflecting upon one’s blessings. Here’s hoping the holiday season brings all of your wishes to life!
Busse Law Professional Corporation Teena, Heather, 0DGG\ Larry and Stuart 306-948-3346
Atttention: Stuart, Larry, Teena and Heather
Lets ye ne
Hanover Junction Biggar, Sask.
Hope the coming year is filled with cause for celebration for our many good friends.
Busse Law Professional Corporation Teena, Heather, 0DGG\ Larry and Stuart 306-948-3346
Atte adve
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Thank and pa
In this season of reflection and gratitude, we take time to celebrate the many individuals, families, organizations, and businesses who share time, talents, and resources all year round, making our community Biggar and better - together. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! -The Town of Biggar Staff, Mayor, and Council
the 1/4 Page
It has been a joy to serve the citizens of Biggar and District and we wish you all good health and happiness for 202 Merry Christmas from all of us at the Biggar Detachment
Hours of Operation Tuesday - Saturday 9am - 5pm Closed Sunday & Monday Free Tours Available
Biggar Museum & Gallery
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Thank attent