From All of Us at The Independent Daryl Urla
Peggy Kevin Ana
Have A Jolly Holiday Wishing all of you a most Merry Christmas, and Best Wishes for the New Year.
~ Board, Management, Staff and Participants
The wreaths and the trees and the parties Aren’t what we need to convey It’s the birth of our Saviour, Jesus The real reason for this holiday.
We wish to thank our loyal customers, and wish you the best in 2017.
Biggar Electrical Services 306-948-5291
The story of the birth of Jesus their engagement, which Christmas Joseph took shelter in a Attention:traditions was allowed under Jewfocus on several differstable and prepared to Prairie Branches Liaisonish Support law. But God soon ent aspects of family welcome their son. sent another angel, this and spiritual life. While Jesus’ Arrival Christmas Greeting approval by in 10aa.m. to Joseph, many stories are shared fortime According to the Gosdream. The angel reasaround Christmastime, pel of Luke, Mary gave on Mon. Nov. 30 perhaps none bears more sured Joseph that his birth to her firstborn, a marriage to Mary and significance than the son, while in the stable. Price $40.32 plus gst forthe Dec 17 of Christmas birth this child editionShe wrapped him in origin of the Christmas of The Biggar Independent. were His will. Joseph celebration. Sharing the cloth and placed him in awoke from his dream Christmas story is an a manger because there and took Mary as his integral part holiday was no guest room availThanks forofyour participation, wife soon after, ready gatherings, reminding able for them. Urla Tyler, Advertising Consultant families that faith is fore- and willing to raise the And there were shepS the pubREETINGS child despite most during this festive EASON herds living out in the The wreaths and the he trees and thefields parties lic humiliation may time of year. nearby, keeping Aren’t what we need to convey experience. The Conception of watch over their flocks The Census Jesus at night. An angel of the It’s the birth of our Saviour, Jesus During this time the Mary was a woman livLord appeared The real reason for this holiday. to them, Romans had control over and the glory of the Lord ing in the Galilee area many parts of the world, of Nazareth. She was shone around them, and including where Joseph engaged to a Jewish carthey were terrified. But and Mary resided. Ruler penter named Joseph. the We angel wish tosaid to them, Caesar Augustus decreed “Do not be afraid. I bring An angel visited the Virthank our loyal that every person living gin Mary and told her you good news that will customers, under Roman rule had that she would conceive cause great and wish youjoy for all to return to his town of a child - a son - by the the people. the best in Today in the origin to participate in a power of the Holy Spirit. town of David a Savior 2017. census so everyone could has been born to you; he When the son was born, be taxed accordingly. she would name him is the Messiah, the Lord. Joseph, hailing from Jesus. Mary questioned This will be a sign to the angel, who reassured Bethlehem, had to return you: You will find a baby to this town with his very wrapped in cloths and her that anything was pregnant bride. possible by God and that lying in a manger.” They traveled for many Jesus would be God’s Suddenly a great comdays and, upon arrivown son. pany of the heavenly host ing in Bethlehem, found Joseph was troubled appeared with the angel, that the inns were full when he found out Mary praising God and saying, and there was no availwas with child and even “Glory to God in the able lodging. Mary and considered breaking highest heaven, and on
Christmas tree facts
s an eliver day d t matter i l o h ha ur eess, pe yo gifts t We ho nce of the lth, happin ne. tu da ea abun cluding h d good for ! n rs n i a u , t o e s lov mo nd y ship, you a d n o t e i s r f ishe Best w
Phone 306-937-7474
earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. -Luke Chapter 2 Many people visited the baby Jesus, including three wise men from the East who traveled by following a guiding star to bestow gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh on the baby king. When Joseph and Mary had performed all the things necessary according to the law of the Lord, they returned to Nazareth with Jesus, who was growing strong in spirit and filled with wisdom and the grace of God.
Adrian and Barbara de Haan, Lyle Zbeeshko
Merry Christmas to you and your family from our families at Battleford Furniture!
’ G
Biggar Electrical Services 306-948-5291
Adrian and Barbara de Haan, Lyle Zbeeshko
192-24th Street West, Battleford
Fax 306-937-7676
One of the most recognizable symbols of the holiday season, Christmas trees can be seen in private homes, public spaces and many prominent locations beginning each December. Christmas trees come in all shapes and sizes, and families may prefer certain types of trees, including aromas, needle types and fullness. Christmas trees have a diverse history. The following are some facts about Christmas trees that holiday celebrants may or may not be familiar with. · Many harvested Christmas trees do not grow in the wild, but are raised on farms. Christmas trees are an agricultural product. · Roughly one million acres are dedicated to tree farming. · Approximately 25 to 30 million real Christmas trees are sold in the United States every year. · The top Christmas tree-producing states are Oregon, North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Washington. · It can take as many as 15 years for a tree to grow to the typical height required of a Christmas
tree. · Every state in the United States grows Christmas trees. · Germans are credited with bringing the first Christmas trees into the home and decorating them in the spirit of Christmas. The first recorded reference to the Christmas tree dates back to the 16th century. · Tree farms are benefi-
cial to the environment because they reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and help counter global warming. · The most common Christmas tree species are balsam fir, Douglasfir, Fraser fir, noble fir, Scotch pine, Virginia pine and white pine. · Christmas trees can be recycled into mulch.
The history behind some beloved Christmas songs
Joyous Greetings To all our good friends, let us extend our sincere thanks and warm wishes for a very, merry holiday season.
Rosetown - Biggar - Elrose Outlook - Davidson - Central Butte
Holiday traditions vary from family to family, but one component of the holidays that seems to be universally enjoyed is a good Christmas song. Music is piped throughout malls and stores to entertain shoppers, and favorite tunes may be on the radio or streamed through a digital music service as families decorate their homes. Many people may love Christmas songs and carols, but not everyone shares the same favorites. Thankfully, there’s no shortage of material when it comes to Christmas songs, ensuring there’s something for everyone. In 2014, Time magazine researched records at the U.S. Copyright Office to determine the most popular and most recorded Christmas songs since 1978. when copyright registrations were digitized. The following are some of the more beloved holiday tunes and a bit of history about each song. · “Silent Night”: One of the most rerecorded songs in history (733 versions since 1978), “Silent Night,” was composed in 1818 by Franz Xaver Gruber and put to lyrics by Joseph Mohr. It was first performed on Christmas Eve at St. Nicholas parish church
in Oberndorf, a village in Austria. Today’s version is a slow lullaby, but it’s believed the original was a dance-like tune in 6/8 time. · “O Holy Night”: This popular song was composed by Adolphe Adam in 1847 to a French poem titled, “Minuit, chrétiens (Midnight, Christians).” Many notable performers, including Perry Como, Céline Dion, Josh Groban, Michael Crawford, and Lea Michele, have performed “O Holy Night.” · “Silver Bells”: Now a Christmas classic, “Silver Bells” originally was written for the Bob Hope film, “The Lemon Drop Kid.” Songwriter Jay Livingston wanted to title the song “Tinkle Bell,” but his wife dissuaded him from using the word “tinkle.” · “White Christmas”: Irving Berlin believed his song “White Christmas” would be an instant hit. His prediction was correct, especially after singer Bing Crosby recorded it. · “Jingle Bells”: Although it has become one of the more popular Christmas songs, “Jingle Bells” really was written for Thanksgiving. It’s also one of the oldest holiday songs of American origin. James Lord Pierpont, the song’s
author, was inspired by the famous sleigh races of Medford, Massachusetts. · “Do You Hear What I Hear”: Noel Regney wrote this song as a call to peace during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The original context has long been forgotten, and “Do You Hear What I Hear” is now a staple of holiday celebrations. · “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”: James Gillespie wrote this tune while riding a subway and reminiscing about his childhood with his brother. It became a hit after being performed at the famed Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. · “The Christmas Song”: This classic Christmas song was written in 1944 by Bob Wells and Mel Tormé. It’s usually subtitled “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire.” The song was written during a heat wave as a way to think cool thoughts. It only took 40 minutes to write the music and some of the lyrics. Nat King Cole’s rendition of the song is among the more popular versions. Christmas songs are enjoyed and performed year after year. Popular songs continue to endure and attract new fans.
To All Our Membe rs W
e’ve ha But we d a great yea r k That w now that it’s tru e Withou couldn’t have e, t all of done it you!
Boar d, M
t and
Welcome The Season!
There may be a chill in the air at the holiday season, But we’re filled with much warmth and you are the reason. So to our many good friends both far and near,
We bid a most joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you to our customers for their support.
Enjoy an eco-friendly holiday season The color green is synonymous with the holiday season, as Christmas trees, mistletoe and holiday wreaths feature prominently throughout the month of December. But there are ways to make this holiday season even greener. Going green around the house can save homeowners substantial amounts of money and benefit the planet in various ways. Yet come the holiday season, many people unintentionally eschew eco-friendly practices in an effort to make their homes as festive as possible. Fortunately, there are several ways to enjoy an eco-friendly holiday season. · Choose LED holiday lights. Holiday light-
Tidings of Comfort & Joy
Wishing you a warm and cozy Christmas filled with family, friends and all the comforts of home. We thank you for giving us such a warm welcome in the community.
ing displays help make the season even more special. But traditional incandescent holiday lights consume considerable amounts of energy and burn out much more quickly than more ecofriendly alternatives. According to, LED holiday lights consume less energy than incandescent holiday lights, and they’re also safer because LED lights burn cool, reducing the risk of combustion. In addition, LED lights are more resistant to breaking than incandescent bulbs, which should please homeowners who want to avoid broken or burned out bulbs that can ruin holiday lighting displays. Get creative with wrapping paper. The United States Environmental Protection Agency notes that household waste increases by 25 percent between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day.
That translates to about one million extra tons of waste in the roughly five-week holiday season. Much of that waste is wrapping paper. Instead of purchasing holiday wrapping paper that will ultimately end up in landfills, wrap gifts in reusable gift bags or old newspapers lying around the house. If you must use wrapping paper, choose recycled paper. In addition, save bows, ribbons and undamaged wrapping paper to use again next season. · Turn down the thermostat. Holiday music fans know that the weather outside can be frightful during the holiday season. But holiday hosts inviting friends and family over this year can turn down the thermostat to save energy and make conditions inside the home more comfortable. Extra bodies inside the house will warm the place up, allowing hom-
eowners to turn down the thermostat during parties. If you’re traveling for the season, program your thermostat so you’re not heating an empty home. · Send e-cards. Holiday cards are a tradition in many families. But paper cards contribute heavily to that extra million tons of holiday-related waste noted by the EPA. In lieu of paper cards, send e-cards. E-cards can be emailed to friends and family, saving the cost of postage and the fuel required to deliver those cards. In addition, e-cards save families the hassle of signing each individual card. The holiday season is not the most eco-friendly time of year, but celebrants can take steps to reduce their carbon footprints between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day.
Happy Holidays!
‘Almost Home’ Care Home
114 - 4th Ave. W., Biggar Management, staff & residents �
Merry Christmas
2� 0� 1� 6�
Best Wishes for a Joyous Christmas and a Healthy New Year! From all of us at Heartland Health Region
Did you know? Christmas songs provide the soundtrack for holiday magic. Such songs evoke strong feelings in people, and various songs have become staples at holiday celebrations. Some interesting facts and history surround many popular Christmas songs. “White Christmas,” for example, is the bestselling Christmas song
of all time. However, “Silent Night” is the most recorded Christmas song in history, says TIME. “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” is considered a jolly song, but songwriter James Gillespie was unemployed and had just lost his brother prior to writing the song. Still, he was able to look past his grief to pen the classic. Many are unaware
that “Jingle Bells” originally was supposed to be a Thanksgiving song. While many beloved Christmas songs have been around for decades, one artist managed to tap into the success of classic Christmas music. Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You” is a popular modern-day Christmas song.
Tips to prolong the life of your Christmas tree
Christmas trees are symbols of the holiday season and the spirit of giving that the season champions. Choosing and decorating a Christmas tree is a tradition for many families, and depending on the trees they choose, families may have some work to do to keep their trees glowing all season long. Artificial Christmas trees require little, if any, maintenance. But live Christmas trees, which some people feel are more authentic and welcoming than their artifi-
cial counterparts, require daily maintenance. In addition to supplying the tree with water at least once per day, live Christmas tree owners can take these steps to prolong the life of their trees. · Protect the tree on the way home. Your tree might be vulnerable to damage as you transport it from the farm to your living room. Unwrapped trees placed atop vehicles can be dried out by the wind. Prevent wind damage by wrapping the tree if you plan to place it atop your vehicle. If possible,
lay the tree in the bed of a pickup truck and close the cover over the bed. If you don’t have access to a pickup truck but can use a minivan or SUV to transport your tree, see if the tree fits inside your vehicle. If it doesn’t, wrap it tightly in a blanket or another form of cover, making sure the cover won’t blow off in the wind when you hit the open road. · Have the tree cut before you take it off the lot. If you typically purchase your tree from a florist or tree lot instead of a tree farm, then remember to ask the seller to recut the stem of the tree before you take it home. Tree farm trees are freshly cut, but trees sold away from the farm might have been chopped down weeks before they are ultimately sold. During the interval between being cut down and sold, trees’ vascular systems can clog and prevent the tree from getting the water it needs to survive the season. A fresh cut of the stem unclogs the system and ensures the tree will be able to consume water. · Avoid placing the tree near heaters or drafty windows. Many people
know that placing a live tree near a potentially hot heating vent poses a fire hazard. But doing so also can dry out the tree, decreasing the chances it will make it through the season. Placing the tree near drafty windows also can dry out the tree, so try to find a spot in your home with a consistent temperature. · Water the tree often. Christmas trees need lots of water to make it through the season. You may notice the water in the tree stand disappears quickly when you first bring the tree home. That’s because freshly cut trees will consume more water than trees that were cut several weeks ago. As the season goes on and the tree’s vascular system begins to clog, you might not need to water the tree as much as you did when you first brought it home. But check the tree’s water stand twice per day when you first bring it home, refilling the stand with water whenever necessary. A few tricks of the trade can help holiday celebrants maintain lush, awe-inspiring Christmas trees throughout the holiday season.
Reduce waste this holiday season The holiday season is a time for families to gather and express their love and appreciation for one another. Exchanging gifts has become a big part of the holiday season, and while such a tradition is well-intentioned, giftgiving annually produces substantial amounts of waste. Food plays a big role at many holiday celebrations, and uneaten food contributes heavily to the excess waste during the holiday season. Time magazine reports that an estimated 1.3 billion tons of food, or about one-third of global production, is lost or wasted each year. The United States alone wastes 34 million tons of food annually, and a considerable amount of that waste is produced during the holiday season. Food is not the only thing wasted during the holiday season. Everything from packaging to gift wrap to the number of gifts purchased can contribute to excess holiday waste. As big a problem as holiday waste has become, there are several simple ways to reducing holiday
waste. · Make a list and stick to it. Retailers are very good at upselling and getting people to purchase items they do not need during the holiday season. Stick to a shopping list for food or other supplies for the holiday season and beyond. Do not be tempted to buy more than is necessary. · Scale back the menu. If you typically have lots of leftovers after the holiday, you’re likely overestimating just how much people will eat. Learn from past experience and cook less this year. If you have a lot of leftovers, send guests home with their own plates instead of letting them pile up in the refrigerator and spoiling. And keep in mind that leftover food can always be donated to nearby food banks and homeless shelters. · Reuse whatever you can. Diligently collect and store holiday wrappings and trimmings that are in good condition and put them to use again and again. Gift bags and boxes are easily reused. Once materials have passed their prime, attempt to repurpose and
Dashing through the Snow to deliver Our Best Wishes
As we dash toward Christmas Day, we’d like to wish you and yours a very happy holiday! Hope it’s merry and bright with just the right amount of excitement. We appreciate your patronage, and we wish you all the best!
Management and staff 306-658-2002
Jolly. Happy. Magical.
Christmas has always meant reflecting upon one’s blessings. Here’s hoping the holiday season brings all of your wishes to life!
Busse Law Professional Corporation
Teena, Heather, Blair, Elizabeth, Larry and Stuart 306-948-3346
Wishing You Cart loads of Joy recycle them before discarding them. · Compost food scraps. Eggshells, coffee grounds and vegetable peels can be put to use in the garden when composted. · Give an experience rather than “stuff.” When gifting, think about giving experiences rather than traditional gifts. Experiences may include trips to a museum or tickets to a concert or a play. Such gifts will make for memorable experiences and, because experiences are not packaged, will help cut back on holiday waste. · Make your own gift tags and wrapping. When wrapping gifts, use comics, maps, old calendars, and items that you would otherwise discard. You
even can decorate newsprint with rubber stamps or drawings from the children. · Purchase a rooted tree. Look for a tree that has the root intact so it can be planted afterward. · Decorate with items from around the house. Costume jewelry and other trinkets can adorn the limbs of Christmas trees. Look throughout the house to see what you might have that can serve as replacements for heavily packaged, storebought decorations. Reducing waste during the holiday season can be accomplished without affecting the festive atmosphere synonymous with this time of year.
We hope your holiday is filled with lots of good stuff… happiness, friendship, peace, gratitude, goodwill and more of your favourite things!
MERRY CHRISTMAS and thanks for choosing us!
Committed to our Community Greg, Naomi and staff
The history of holiday lights Hope the holidays bring you good cheer, and fill you with the spirit of the season. We’re very grateful for your patronage. Please come and see us soon.
Biggar Liquor Board Store Lana and Cindy
Holiday celebrants employ holiday lights in various ways. Certain individuals may be content to hang lights on their Christmas trees and call their decorating complete. Others may get their holiday jollies by making sure each square inch of their home is covered in twinkling lights. Still, other people prefer the more subdued effect of lights framing one picture window of the house. The tradition of Christmas lights stretches
Sending Our Best
Biggar Liquor Board Store Lana and Cindy • 306-948-3575 back to early modern cent bulbs all around the
at the Holidays
Here’s hoping your holiday delivers a bundle of joy and good cheer.
Merry Christmas! Parrish & Heimbecker Limited Hanover Junction Biggar, Sask.
Merry Christmas A Toast To You At
and The New Year Happy New Year!!! As we lift our glasses we’re filled with cheer; As we recall the good friends we’ve made this year! May your good days be many, and your troubles few, That’s our New Year’s wish for you!
From Our Hearth To Yours
Parrish & Heimbecker Limited Hanover Junction Biggar, Sask.
304 Main St., Biggar 306-948-2204 Landis • 306-658-2044
When it comes to Christmas, we’ve got you covered -- with our warm wishes and heartfelt thanks.
Germany when people used candles to decorate Christmas trees in Christian homes. Those candles were harbingers of what would come when electric lights replaced gas and other open flame illuminating devices that were commonplace prior to the 20th century. Thomas Edison, the inventor of the first successful practical light bulb, also created the first strand of electric lights that would be used in holiday decorating. By 1880, Edison had standard incandescent light bulbs well sorted out and desired a way to better advertise his invention, so he decided to make the most of the holiday season and put his light bulbs on display. According to a 2003 article in American Heritage magazine titled “The Wizard of Your Christmas Tree,” Edison strung incandes-
compound of his Menlo Park, NJ, laboratory. Edison constructed an eight-mile underground wiring system in order to power this grand light display. Because the laboratory was situated along the railroad that passed between Manhattan and Philadelphia, thousands of people were able to see the display. The concept of electric holiday lights took a bit of time to catch on. Edison’s friend and associate Edward Johnson was tasked with stringing together colored lights in 1882 and placing them on an evergreen tree. Johnson hand-wired 80 red, white and blue light bulbs. In 1895, President Grover Cleveland requested the White House family Christmas tree be illuminated by multi-colored electric light bulbs. In 1903, when General
Electric began to offer pre-assembled kits of holiday lights, stringed lights were reserved for the wealthy and electrically savvy. For example, in 1903 a single string of electric lights cost $12, or around $300 today. It would take several more years before holiday lights became a national tradition. On Christmas Eve 1923, President Calvin Coolidge began the country’s celebration of Christmas by lighting the National Christmas Tree on the Ellipse located south of the White House with 3,000 electric lights. Today, illuminated strands of lights have become a large part of holiday celebrations and have even been adopted for use during various year-round events. Such lights can be a beautiful and festive addition to many celebrations.
Home for the holidays Christmas carols and festive songs help make the holidays complete by setting the mood for the festivities to come. Songs resonate differently with people during the holiday season. For example, some celebrants find certain holiday tunes or lyrics especially poignant. Those who might be missing home or planning on visiting friends and relatives who live far away during the holiday season often find the words to “(There’s No Place Like) Home for the Holidays,” are an accurate portrayal of the sentiments of holiday traveling. Composed by Robert Allen, with lyrics by Al Stillman, “(There’s No Place Like) Home for
the Holidays” was published in 1954. The bestknown recordings of the song are by Perry Como, who recorded it twice once in 1954 and then again in 1959 with a different musical arrangement. The first version reached #8 on the Billboard magazine chart in
the United States. The Carpenters recorded another popular version of the song for their 1984 album, “An OldFashioned Christmas.” Nora Jones and Cyndi Lauper also recorded a duet version of the song in 2011.
Safety first when stringing holiday lights Holiday decorations help make a special time of year even more memorable. Whether you’re hanging mistletoe above a doorway or decking the halls, safety must be a priority when decorating a home for the holidays. Accidents can happen no matter what type of holiday decorating you’re doing, but stringing holiday lights around your home may be especially dangerous. This season, keep the following safety tips in mind when stringing lights so this season of celebration starts off safe and sound. · Work with at least one partner. Never go it alone when stringing holiday lights. Make sure someone is there to hold the ladder steady as you climb up and down. Partnering up when stringing holiday lights allows decorators to use both of their hands to climb up ladders instead of using one of their hands to carry lights. Once they reach a point where it’s safe to hang lights, they can then have a helper hand them the lights. If possible, work in groups of three so someone can hold the ladder steady at all times. · Inspect lights before hanging them. Lights are not built to last forever, and over time holiday lights can suffer damage that has the potential
Another great season is shaping up and we owe it all to you, our members and friends. Thank you for your support… Brett Barber and staff
~ and ~
Personal Training, Kickboxing, Sweat with Brett Fitness Classes, Nutrition Consulting OPEN… - 7 days a week -- 5 a.m. - 11 p.m. 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar •
306-948-2208 or 306-948-9750 (cell)
to be dangerous. Wires can fray, and sockets can crack or break. Inspect lights and wires before hanging them, replacing any that pose a hazard. When replacing bulbs, be sure to replace them with bulbs of equal wattage. · Use an extension cord of adequate length. Exterior holiday lights are often plugged into extension cords that extend to a shed or garage. Do not connect several extension cords to power holiday lights; instead, use just a single cord that’s lengthy enough to reach the outlet. Connecting extension cords is a fire hazard. In addition, make sure the amperage of the decorations matches the amperage
rating of the extension cord, which can be found on the product label or possibly on the manufacturer’s website. Make sure the extension cord is not plugged into the power source while you are hanging the lights. · Make sure lights do not pose a safety hazard inside. Some people string holiday lights indoors as well. Lights might be hung on Christmas trees or along hallways. Such lights and the cords connecting them to power sources should never pose safety hazards, so make sure they are not lying on the floor. Staple lights to the wall and never place them beneath furniture or rugs. Lights can overheat
when placed beneath rugs, and lights that are not properly secured to a wall can pose certain dangers, including being potential tripping hazards. · Hang the correct lights. When stringing lights, make sure you hang lights designated as exterior lights on the exterior of your home and those designated as interior lights inside your home. Hanging lights in the wrong places poses a fire hazard and creates additional safety concerns, so adhere to manufacturer instructions when stringing lights. Safety should reign supreme when stringing holiday lights around the house.
Brett… Please proof and get back to me by return email. Thanks for your participation, Urla
Filled With Our Gratitude We’re hoping your holiday season is an equal mix of harmony and joy. For your goodwill and trust, please accept a generous measure of our sincere gratitude.
PHARMASAVE® Management and staff
215 Main St., Biggar • 306-948-3315
Why you should support local businesses this season (NC) With fierce competition and online shopping platforms gaining popularity, many small businesses have experienced hard times over the last few years and a few have been forced to close up shop. But these closures are not without consequences, as local shops help create a neighbourhood’s culture and atmosphere. According to a recent survey, approximately nine-in-ten Canadians agree that local businesses play an important role in their neighbourhood and 71 percent agree that they would rather live close to local businesses,
rather than large retail establishments. Supporting small local businesses directly contributes to the vitality of neighbourhoods and the sustainability of communities. It’s therefore essential for everyone to make an effort to ensure their longevity. This is why Shop The Neighbourhood, a great social accountability program developed by Yellow Pages, is highlighting the importance of local commerce. It aims to contribute to neighbourhood development and promote behavioural change in consumers. “Local businesses are
We Just Called to say,
“Merry Christmas!”
at the heart of Canadian neighbourhoods and communities,” declares François Ramsay, Senior Vice-President, Corporate Affairs at Yellow Pages. “We believe in
this program as it provides the opportunity for all of us to contribute to the vitality of the neighbourhoods in which we live, work, and play.”
Biggar Leisure (AVU)
216 MAIN ST., BIGGAR • 306-948-2266
STORE HOURS • TUES. - SAT., 9 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.
Great gifts for seniors items they may need or want. Many seniors tend to fall into the latter category. Shopping for holiday gifts for seniors can be difficult if shoppers don’t know what seniors want. But the following are a
Every holiday shopper ends up with at least one loved one on their shopping list who they can’t seem to find anything for. Some people seem to have it all, while others may be less than forthcoming with regard to
There’s No Place
Like Home for the Holidays
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and every happiness in the New Year.
36 years of serving Biggar and area 1979-2015
Carter Plumbing & Heating Water Heaters, Softeners, Pumps, Furnaces, Underground Sprinklers, Air-conditioning
Randy Weekes, M.L.A.
handful of gift ideas that might make this holiday season that much more special for seniors. Books A 2015 survey from the Pew Research Center found that 69 percent of adults age 65 and over acknowledged reading at least one book in the previous 12 months. That makes books a good bet for shoppers who don’t know what to get their 65-and-over loved ones this holiday season. But shoppers might want to opt for more traditional print books rather than e-books, as the survey found that only 15 percent of readers age 65 and over had read an e-book in the previous 12 months. Gym membership According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, more than 80 percent of adults do not meet the guidelines for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities. That can be especially troubling for seniors, who are at greater risk for osteoporosis, a medical condition in which age-related tissue loss contributes to brittle, fragile bones. Physical activity, including muscle-strengthening activities like weight
Biggar-Sask Valley Constituency 306-948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880
StudiesŽ found that training, can help com25 percent of retirees bat osteoporosis. Family admitted they wished members stuck on what they would have saved to get aging loved ones more for retirement may want to consider travel. Holiday shopgifting a membership to pers can light up seniors’ a local gym. Many gyms smiles by gifting travel offer heavily discounted gifts this holiday season. memberships to seniors, and such gyms may even One idea is to transfer offer senior fitness class- airline miles to an elderly loved one so he or she es at no additional cost. can get a free or disTravel gifts counted flight. If that’s Many retirees love to not a possibility, some travel, but not every new luggage or a Global senior has the means Biggar-SaskHotel Valley CardTM sponsored to take off for parts Constituency by OrbitzŽ, a gift card unknown. A 2013 survey 306-948-4880, tollcan free that be redeemed at from the Transamerica 1-877-948-4880 70,000 hotels across the Center for Retirement
Randy Weekes, M.L.A.
Box 1413, 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar
Box 1413, 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar
Even though snow is blanketing the landscape, we’re warmed by having such good friends and neighbors around us this season. We hope you have a joyful and festive holiday, and a very happy and healthy year ahead.
‘Tis the Season‌ for giving and sharing, for days full of laughter and hearts full of caring‌
Christmas (SFFUJOHT ‘Tis the Season‌ for gifts large and small, for warm celebrations and goodwill to all‌
‘Tis the Season‌ for dreams coming true the season for wishing all good things to you.
My wish is that you will be blessed with continued Good Health, Great Happiness and Success in all you do. May the Magic of this Christmas Season be yours throughout the year.
Merry Christmas from my family to yours.
Cari Perih, REALTORÂŽ Cell: 306-948-7995
Shoreline Realty Office: 306-867-8380/ 306-856-0066
Randy Weekes, M.L.A. Biggar-Sask Valley Constituency 948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880
Box 1413, 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar Even though snow is blanketing the landscape, we’re warmed by having such good friends and neighbors around us this season.
globe, is sure to please. Family time Shoppers who are especially stuck on what to get seniors for Christmas can just resolve to spend more time with their elderly loved ones. Many seniors genuinely have everything they need, and such men and women may only want to spend more time with their children and grandchildren. Make a New Year’s resolution to spend more time with the special seniors in your life if the perfect gift is eluding you.
Cari‌ This one is $161.28 plus gst for xmas, half price 80.64 for new years FREE colour Please get back to me by return email today/Monday!!!!
Randy Thanks for your participation, Urla Weekes, M.L.A.
Biggar-Sask Valley Constituency 306-948-4880, toll free ,&--: #-0$,!1"3- ($ $" 888 ,&--:#-0$,.1 $" 1-877-948-4880 Box 1413, rd 106-3 Avenue West, Biggar
Five ways to make holiday guests comfortable The time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day marks one of the busiest periods of the year for long-distance travel. The United States Department of Transportation says that come Thanksgiving, the number of long-distance trips (50+ miles away) increases by 54 percent, and around Christmas that number rises by 23 percent over the remainder of the year. Those travelers ultimately need a place to rest their heads, and many stay with family and friends. Entertaining during the kindly is by being aware holiday season involves much as possible. When of any special dietary accounting for guests’ in doubt, consult with needs they may have comfort, and that often the guest so he or she when it comes to premeans hosts must put feels welcome and does paring holiday meals their visitors’ needs over not go hungry. or other foods during their own. Although 2. Make sleeping spaces their visits. Some guests some sacrifices need to as private as possible. may require low-sodium be made, there is a way Not everyone has a diets, while others may to find a happy comproseparate guest room for be monitoring their mise that can help the overnight stays, but try holidays go smoothly and blood-sugar levels and to make sleeping areas as must dine accordingly. happily.The Consider these private as you can when Foundation wishes to thank all who have assisted with Vegetarians and vegans ways to help guests feel visitors spend the night. their monetary donations. Without we could not limit the foods theyyour eat, help, welcome whether they Use privacy screens or support may with their projects. whileorganizations others may avoid stay for a few hours or a local set guests up in a family based on religious May this Christmasfoods season remind all of us of thethat’s joy inaway ourfrom few days. room preferences. Offer a vari1. Cater to specific the center of activity. lives and of the joy given to others due to your support. ety of foods and try to dietary needs. One of Hosts may want to give cater to guests’ needs as the ways to treat guests up their own rooms for the comfort of guests. 3. Offer storage space. One way to make guests feel comfortable is to give them their own Box 489, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 storage space. This can include space in a closet, May the coming year bring a couple of drawers to peace, joy and enlightenment stow their belongings, or hangers in the entryway to you and those you cherish. for coats and other winter attire. Not only will this keep things more organized, it can provide
Biggar & District Community Foundation extends to all a Joyful Christmas and Happy New Year! Merry Christmas
from all of us
Village of Landis
guests with comfort. 4. Include guests when preparing for entertaining. Many guests like to feel involved, and by including them in meal preparation, decorating or shopping, you can help them feel included and appreciated. 5. Keep snacks and other creature comforts readily accessible. Guests may feel sheepish scavenging through cabinets or drawers looking for items. Make things easy to find by leaving items out on counters or indicating where items can be found. For example, if you know a guest enjoys an evening cup of tea and some cookies, leave out the cookies, tea bags and kettle so that he or she can indulge when the urge comes. Guests are a large part of the holiday season. Help them feel comfortable whenever they visit your home.
…from the Board and Volunteers of… 322 Main St., Biggar For ALL shows, events and times, check our website at
Council and staff
There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays!
The Foundation wishes to thank all who have assisted with their monetary donations. Without your help, we could not support may local organizations with their projects. May this Christmas season remind all of us of the joy in our lives and of the joy given to others due to your support.
Biggar & District Community Foundation extends to all a Joyful Christmas and Happy New Year! Box 489, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Board Members/Ron Arnold
May your home be blessed with peace, love, joy and contentment throughout the Yuletide season. We feel blessed to have such wonderful friends and neighbours like you. Thanks!
Shannon Morgan, Sunshine Family Residents and Staff From the desk of… 306-948-3644 Care Home
Simple ideas to make your holiday party planning easier
In this season of celebration, we are reminded of both the diversity and bounty that nature provides us, and are grateful for the richness and beauty of this wondrous season. We are also grateful to share it with good people like you, and wish you all the best during this special time of year.
Wylie Seed & Processing Dale, Bill, staff and families 306-948-2807
WISHING YOU A HAPPY, We Hope Your Holiday & HEALTHY Twinkles With PROPEROUS Happiness 2017
As another Christmas season lights up, our hearts are aglowWe with happiness gratitude. know we haveand much to We count customers like you among the many celebrate this year, including gifts we cherish at the holidays and all year long. Thanksthe forprivilege brightening our daysgreat with of serving your visits. We wish you and yours all the best! people like you!
de Moissac Jewellers Wylie Seed & Processing
Denise, Ross, Elisabeth, Cathy, Alena 217 Main St., Biggar
Dale, Bill, staff and families 306-948-2452
(NC) Planning a holiday party is hectic, between accommodating busy schedules, picking the right playlist to set the mood, and putting out the right spread to appease all appetites and dietary restrictions. Try these creative holiday hacks to keep your next party running smoothly from start to finish. 1. Make as much as you can ahead of time. Preparing beforehand is the key to actually enjoying your own party, saving you valuable time and energy. Be choosy about what you make from scratch. Look for appetizers that
you can freeze and prep in advance to alleviate stress on the big day. 2. Choice is king. Options are guaranteed to please your guests. Trendy charcuterie platters with lots of variety are easy, look beautiful, and will satisfy everyone. Go beyond just cheeses, breads, and meats by putting out unique spreads and dips. Jams, honey, and flavoured butters can really spice up a holiday tray. Try Lactantia’s new tomato basil butter for an unexpected and savory surprise. 3. Set up a self-serve cocktail station. Avoid
playing bartender all night by setting out a station for your guests where they can mix their own cocktails using delicious spirits, liquors, juices, and tonics. Be sure to have garnishes and shot glasses, and choose cocktails that don’t need ice to prevent running back and forth to the freezer. Don’t forget to have some great non-alcoholic options as well. 4. Rent a coatrack. An affordable rental can make the in and out process much easier, and will help keep party-
goers in the main party room and out of your bedroom. 5. Keep some extra gifts on hand. Don’t get caught off guard when a guest turns up with a present by having a few pre-wrapped gifts stored in a closet. That way, you’ll have a great book or candle on hand to gift back.
‘Christmas Vacation’ still a top pick for holiday flicks Holiday films hold a special place in many people’s hearts, and perhaps no holiday movie of the last 30 years has resonated as much as “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.” The oft-quoted holiday favorite turned 25 years old in 2014, yet the film remains as popular as ever. Fans of “Christmas Vacation” can no doubt quote their favorite lines from the film, but the following are a few tidbits that even the most ardent “Vacation” fan might be unfamiliar with. · The movie is based on a story titled “Christmas 59,” which was written by the same man, John Hughes, who wrote and
produced the film. The film pays homage to this story when Clark Griswold is rummaging through the attic and finds a movie reel named “Christmas 59.” · Frank Capra III worked as an assistant director on the film. In one scene of the film, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” which was directed by Frank Capra III’s grandfather, is on a television in the background. · Actress Mae Questrel (Aunt Bethany) provided the voices for Betty Boop and Olive Oyl in the 1930s. “Christmas Vacation” would be her final film. · “Christmas Vacation” featured a handful of “Saturday Night Live” alumni. In addition to
the film’s star, Chevy Chase, SNL alums Randy Quaid, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Brian DoyleMurray appeared in the film. · The role of Cousin Rocky had no lines in the film. · In the “Lampoon” films that preceded “Christmas Vacation,” Rusty was the older child of the Griswold clan. However, he is the younger sibling in this film. · “Christmas Vacation”
Happy Holidays
from Happy from Holidays Prairie Malt Limited Cargill Limited -Prairie Malt Employees
May your holidays be filled with seasonal joy, old-fashioned traditions, and the blessings of family and friends. Thank you for shopping with us. We look forward to your continued patronage with much appreciation.
Shirley and staff • 306-948-3337
marked the directorial debut for Jeremiah Chechik, who went on to direct “Benny & Joon” and 1998’s “The Avengers.” · The movie had a large budget ($27 million) for a comedy with no special effects. · Surprisingly, “Christmas Vacation” had its own sequel that few are familiar with. The made-for-television “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation 2: Cousin Eddie’s Island Adventure” was released in 2003. · Cousin Eddie’s fashion style, in particular the sweater/Dickie combination, was the brainchild of actor Randy Quaid’s wife. · No part of “Christmas Vacation” takes place on Christmas Day. The film culminates with the antics that take place at the Griswold home on December 24. · Brian Doyle-Murray, who played Frank Shirley, is the brother of another famous comic actor: Bill Murray. · “Christmas Vacation” was the only movie in the series up until then that did not feature Lindsey Buckingham’s song, “Holiday Road.”
Gifting extended for one more day Celebrated each year on December 26 in Great Britain and the Commonwealth nations, Boxing Day may sound like a day to clear a home of the boxes that accumulate during Christmas gifting celebrations. Some people may think it’s a time to head to the gym and work off some of those extra holiday pounds by landing a few hits on the punching bag. Despite its name, Boxing Day has nothing to do with heavyweight fighters or post-holiday cleanup. In fact, the holiday’s origins can be traced to Great Britain and the practice of bestowing gifts on the lower classes, primarily house servants and the working class. Centuries ago, among family members and friends of equal station, Christmas gifts were exchanged on or before Christmas Day. Presents for the working class were bestowed the day after. A gift from one’s employer was called a “Christmas box.” The Oxford University Press defines a Christmas box as a present or gratuity
given at Christmas. In Great Britain, it was usually confined to gratuities given to those who were employees or paid by the grantor of the gift or a customer. Although the holiday was once based around gifting, today it is primarily known as a shopping holiday, much like Black Friday in the United States. Banks and non-retail businesses are closed on Boxing Day, but shoppers flock to stores to use gift cards or other funds to purchase or
fans to see their favorite teams play. In the United Kingdom, football and rugby leagues host a full schedule of matches on Boxing Day. In Australia, cricket matches are held. Boxing Day also marks the start of the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. Boxing Day also may be an opportunity for wild game hunts across the UK.
Boxing Day is a day for residents of Australia, Britain, New Zealand, and Canada to celebrate and take advantage of great deals offered by retailers. Boxing Day isn’t about donning gloves and sparring. Instead, it’s a holiday geared around giftgiving and shopping.
Your Friendship… Makes It all Worthwhile! This is our chance to let you know how grateful we are for your friendship and support as we wish you all a
VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Happy New Year. It’s been a gift for us serving folks like you. Thanks!
WEASIE’S Gourmet Blends Louise and staff 211 Main St., BigGAR s 306-948-1795
Jim Reiter, M.L.A.
Rosetown-Elrose Constituency
306-882-4105, toll free 1-855-762-2233 Monday - Friday, 9 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 215 Main Street, Rosetown
return gifts. Sales are prevalent, and the day presents yet another opportunity for retailers to maximize yearend profits. In the world of sports, Boxing Day is an opportunity for
Our wish is for a holiday season filled with enough warmth and happiness to fill every heart with gladness. May your Holiday Season be everything you’re wishing for and more!
May you and yours revel in the splendor of the season.
May you and yours revel in the splendor of the season.
R.M. of Biggar #347
R.M. of Biggar #347
Council and staff 306-948-2422
Council and staff 306-948-2422
Start Your Engines… Christmas is Coming! As we gear up for another holiday season, we’d like to send you our best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thanks for your trust in us. We look forward to serving your again soon.
Excell Tire
operating under Integra
Tire Auto Centre Chris, Raelynn, Ron, Damon, Wil, Curtis, Dayce, Don and Dale
Atttention:Chris I am attaching your Christmas Greeting @ $120.96 plus gst and New Years for 1/2 price FREE colour I just need updated names please. Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by Monday, December 5th please Thanks for your prompt attention.
YOU THIS YEAR! Troy, Kerry and everyone at‌
New Year’s celebrations across the globe Much of the world who want something Tower at the stroke of exclusive to Sydney, rings in the new year slightly different might midnight. as London also hosts in grand fashion. Celwant to try Rio, where Sydney, Australia celebratory fireworks ebrations may include residents take to the Fireworks fanatics who displays along the River fireworks, concerts and, beaches to celebrate can’t make it to the City Thames. When the of course, champagne. But while there might be common elements to New Year’s celebrations regardless of geography, the parties can vary greatly depending on where celebrants happen to be. The following are some of the more raucous places in the world to ring in the new year. New York, NY Times Square is in the heart of midtown Manhattan and is a sight to behold any time of year. But the New Year’s celebration in Times Square is a truly unique event that many people insist they must experience at least once in their lifetimes. Each year, roughly one million revelers The famed London Eye is at the center of one of the world’s most stunning New Year’s celgather at the intersection ebrations. of Broadway and Seventh Avenue, so anyone planning to attend the the dawn of a new year. of Light might want to fireworks are finished celebration should aim book a trip down under exploding from the tower Flowers are thrown into to get there long before the waves at the stroke to Sydney. Each year, around Big Ben, one of midnight if they want to of midnight before the revelers in Sydney gather the world’s most recogTime sure ies when we’re having fun with see the famed ball drop. city erupts into parties to witness awe-inspiring nizable tourist attracgreat customers andthat friends like Paris, France loaded with dancing and fireworks displays tions,you. the magic then We wish all the best! Fireworks dominate the explode music. fromyou the Sydcontinues at another of Parisians’ celebration of ney Harbour Bridge and London’s famous landthe dawn of a new year. some surrounding build- marks, the London Eye. The world renowned ings. The Sydney waterFireworks explode from Champs-ÉlysÊes is lined front adds to the celebra- the famed ferris wheel with revelers who can’t tory ambiance. as Londoners ring in the wait to catch a glimpse London, England new year in style. of the fireworks that New Year’sCurtis, waterfront Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Fred, Patsy, Teagon, Bryor explode from the Eiffel celebrations are not New Year’s revelers
It’s Time to Say‌
Happy New Year!
May the peace and happiness of the Christmas season carry you and your family through the new year and beyond. Thank you for your patronage.
Spyder AutoBody 306-948-2044
Fred, Patsy, Curtis, Teagon, Bryor
Spyder AutoBody 306-948-2044
Clean up pesky pine needles Our best wishes for a holiday filled with good cheer, happiness, love and contentment. Thank you for your continued support! Staff and Families of
6OJUZ 4, t
Despite how well you may tend to Christmas trees and wreaths, you can expect some pine needles to find their way onto your floors during the holiday season. Such needles can become imbedded in carpeting or stuck in socks and furniture, proving to be quite a nuisance. Attempting to vacuum them all up can be frustrating, as some vacuums simply do not have the suction power to handle all of those heavy needles. Plus, they can become lodged in the inner cavities of the vacuum and clog it. To lessen the mess, wrap a tree bag around the base of the Christmas tree when you are setting it up and hide it under the tree
skirt. This bag will catch many of the needles that fall off during the season. Each day, sweep any needles that make it to the floor so they are not tracked around the house throughout the month of December. Think about making a homemade sticky needle catcher. Wrap duct tape around your hands or a broom with the sticky
side facing out, then pat areas of the floor where needles have accumulated, and the needles will likely stick to the tape. If you want the evergreen aroma to last a little longer in your home, place collected pine needles in a cloth satchel and make a potpourri bag for an inexpensive air freshener.
Exploring the origins of New Year’s resolutions For millenia, people around the world have commemorated the arrival of a new calendar year by adhering to various traditions. Once such tradition is making resolutions for the year ahead. Resolutions are promises to oneself geared around personal fulfillment and betterment. Resolutions are widely practiced, but some people may not understand the origins of New Year’s resolutions and why they have become the norm. Some historians tie the practice of making resolutions to the ancient Babylonians. More than 4,000 years ago, the Babylonians celebrated the New Year in March rather than January. The spring harvest was in March, and a festival called Akitu, which lasted 12 days, was celebrated. An important part of the festival was the crowning of a new king. Special rituals also
affirmed a connection to the gods. The Babylonians made promises to the gods, which included vows to return borrowed objects and pay outstanding debts. Resolutions can also be traced to ancient Rome. The Romans were instrumental in creating a more formal calendar, and the start of the new year was moved from March to January (January and February were added to the Roman calendar under the rule of Numa Pompilius). Julius Caesar wanted to honor January’s namesake, Janus, the Roman god of beginnings. Janus’ two faces enabled him to look back into the past and forward into the future. Sacrifices to Janus were made, and worshipers exchanged gifts with one another. A custom of setting resolutions began during this period as well, with Romans promising to be good to one another.
Eventually, these resolutions were funneled into prayers and fasting when Christianity was adopted by the Roman Empire. Other religious parallels include the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, which is a day of atonement and reflection as celebrants examine their wrongdoings and seek forgiveness and to behave better moving forward. Yom Kippur follows Rosh Hashanah, Judaism’s own new year. Resolutions also may be loosely tied to Medieval times. During this time, knights took a “peacock vow” at the end of the Christmas season. Each year, these knights would reaffirm their commitment to chivalry. Today New Year’s resolutions are largely a secular tradition, but they’re still connected to a desire to be a good person and put one’s best self forward.
known. However, certain monks and nuns attended liturgical services at midnight every day in ancient times, and the Christmas Midnight Mass very well may have been adopted from these practices. Regardless of the basis behind the celebration, it can be a breathtaking and
McNulty’s Mobile Seed Wayne, Dorothy, Kenneth and Megan
Behold , the virgin shall conceive and bear a
and they shall name him
Celebrating Midnight Mass Many families have their own unique holiday traditions, but one tradition that unites millions of Christians all over the world is the celebration of Midnight Mass. In many parishes, Midnight Mass is the first celebration of Christmas Mass. The origins of Midnight Mass are not exactly
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We’d like to extend our warm wishes and gratitude to all our kind neighbours this holiday season. It’s been a privilege and a pleasure serving you.
emotional service thanks to the memorable passages read and the inclusion of church choirs. Many Midnight Mass celebrants feel the Mass serves as an impressive reminder as to the true meaning of Christmas.
which means
“God is with us.”
Merry Christmas!
Acres of Expertise. Hammond Realty would like to thank Dave Molberg for his outstanding contributions to the success of our company. Dave leverages his vast experience, valuable knowledge, and comprehensive network of contacts to deliver exceptional results to his clients. By providing Buyers with the highest quality selection of farmland listings, he provides Sellers with extraordinary results. Congratulations Dave Molberg on a very successful year! We sincerely appreciate your loyalty, expertise, professionalism, collaboration and commitment to providing your clients with the highest level of satisfaction. You truly have Acres of Expertise. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Saskatchewan’s Ag Real Estate Professionals Biggar
Dave Molberg
306 9484478
Behind the scenes of two beloved holiday films We hope your holiday hits all the high notes! With a song in our hearts, we wish all of our neighbours here a most Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We sincerely appreciate your patronage and friendship at the holidays and all year!
Campbell Accounting Services Rod and Jennifer Campbell 117 3rd Ave. West, Biggar 306-948-4430 or 306-948-4460
With thanks to all of those who’ve inspired us this past year. We are truly grateful for your friendship and continued loyalty .
Season’s Greetings… Sandy, Helen, Jeffery, and Liz
Holiday movies have a way of making audiences laugh and cry while inspiring those warm and fuzzy feelings that perfectly complement the season of family and giving. Depending on the individual, favorite movies may include old classics or new releases. A lot of work goes into making movies, and holiday films are no exception. Fans may be surprised by some of the events that went on behind the scenes of their favorite holiday films, as well as background information about the actors and settings of the movies. Get into the festive spirit by learning about the following beloved holiday films. “It’s a Wonderful Life” Anyone who has ever wondered what life would be like if they took a different path or made different decisions can relate to this classic Christmas film. It’s difficult to make it through the holiday season without seeing “It’s a Wonderful Life,” and many people make it a point of to view it every year. The following are some interesting tidbits about George Bailey and the film that put savingsand-loan managers on the map. · The movie began as a short story titled “The Greatest Gift.” Writer Philip Van Dornen Stern was unsuccessful at shopping the story and turned it into a Christmas card for 200 friends
and family. A producer at RKO pictures got a copy and purchased the movie rights for $10,000. · Many now agree that Jimmy Stewart was the perfect choice to play lead character George Bailey, but studio heads originally had Carey Grant in mind for the lead. The role went to Stewart when Frank Capra signed on to the film and named Stewart his leading man. · Although Donna Reed was a seasoned actress prior to the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life” marked her first starring role. · Bedford Falls, the fictional town in the movie, is reportedly based on upstate New York towns Bedford Hills and Seneca Falls. Nearby cities like Story” follows a 1940’s Rochester and Buffalo Indiana family anchored are referenced in the by Ralphie, the cynical movie. However, the but lovable schoolboy movie was not filmed on played by actor Peter location. It was filmed Billingsley. The movie in the summertime on a was based on autobioback lot in the San Fergraphical tales penned by nando Valley section of author and radio personLos Angeles. ality Jean Shepherd, who · The movie received narrates the film. a technical Academy · The movie was a lowAward for the snow budget film that used vireffects, which were cretually no special effects. ated by using a “snow” It also used tracking mixture of water, soap shots instead of Steadiand a fire-fighting chem- cam. ical called Foamite. · The setting for the · The movie was not movie is based on Shepwell received upon its herd’s hometown of release in 1946. The film Hammond, Indiana. received mixed reviews, Shepherd grew up on which might surprise Cleveland Street and those who consider it aHelen,went to Warren G. HardSandy, cinematic classic. Jeffery, and Lizing Elementary School. “A Christmas Story” However, the movie was An equally beloved filmed in Cleveland, holiday film and a cult Ohio, and Toronto, favorite, “A Christmas
Season’s Greetings…
Ontario, Canada. The house from the movie still stands in Cleveland. Part of the decision to film in Cleveland stems from the willingness of Higbee’s department store to allow crews to film inside the store. · Darren McGavin played Ralphie’s father, a role he won over Jack Nicholson. McGavin might have won the role because of Nicholson’s typically large salary demands. · For the scene in which “Flick’s” tongue sticks to the flagpole, a hidden suction tube was used to safely create the illusion that his tongue had frozen to the metal. · Three leg lamps were made for the movie, and all three broke during filming.
Serving Biggar & area for over 40 years!
Anne & Richard… Please proof and get back to me by retrun email. Sorry for the rush! Urla With sincere best wishes to our neighbors, patrons and friends. Your support means everything to us. Thanks!
Chico’s Autoworks
Looks like another great season is shaping up around here, and we owe it all to you, our members, neighbors and friends. From all of us to all of you, go our best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season. We look forward to seeing you again.
Biggar Weight Loss & Wellness
Diamond Gym and Thuro-Janitorial Services
306-948-5077 306-948-7274
Richard and Anne Livingston
Laurie, Cliff and staff s 306-948-5600
Revisit lesser-known Christmas traditions Clebrants participate in many different traditions year after year, but some may not fully understand the meaning behind such activities. A Christian holiday, Christmas did not originate with all activities centralized to the church. In fact, many of the traditions people hold dear have pagan roots, which were adapted as Christmas celebrations evolved. People who hang mistletoe in doorways may be surprised to learn that this tradition dates back to the ancient Druids. The Druids believed mistletoe possessed mystical powers that brought good luck to the household and warded off evil spirits. Evergreen trees are now associated with Christmas trees, but evergreen boughs were once used to decorate homes during the winter solstice to help people envision the spring to come. Christians often look at evergreen trees as a sign of everlasting life and their relationship
with God. However, while many Christmas traditions continue to be an integral part of annual celebrations, there are some customs that have fallen out of favor. Although these traditions may no longer be widely practiced, anyone can revive them and make them part of their holiday celebrations. Wassailing is a custom that has ancient origins and is not as popular today as it once was. “Wassail” comes from the AngoSaxon phrase “waes hael,” which means, “good health.” Wassail is a drink made of mulled ale, spices and other ingredients. To go wassailing meant to travel door-to-door singing and offering a drink from a wassail bowl in exchange for gifts. Wassailing has been mentioned in certain Christmas carols, including “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.”
Largely an English tradition, wassailing was brought to America by British settlers. January 17th, the old Twelfth Night, is the traditional date for wassailing. Although wassailing has largely fallen by the wayside, increased interest in ales and craft brewing may help revitalize this Christmas tradition, which can inspire community spirit.
soaked in spirits. Fruit cakes have been enjoyed all over the world, but Americans may never have embraced the Christmas fruit cake tradition as much as those from other countries. However, with the right recipe and an open mind, it may be possible to resurrect the fruit cake tradition once again. Mummers plays are another British tradition
want to research such dramas and include them in this year’s festivities to liven up celebrations even more. Traditions passed on through the years help make Christmas a favor-
A world of thanks and best wishes to our neighbours, customers and friends.We feel fortunate to serve great folk like you! Gifting with fruit cake is another tradition that has been much maligned and does not enjoy the same popularity that it once did. Fruit cake is a cake made with chopped candied fruit, nuts and spices and is occasionally
that arrived in North America with settlers but has largely fallen by the wayside. Mummers plays involved miming folk dramas, and the plays were commonplace around the holiday season. Celebrants may
306-948-2643 • Biggar
New Year’s Eve safety tips
New Year’s Eve is one of the most festive nights of the year. Many people spend the final moments of the year celebrating with family and friends. As joyous as such celebrations tend to be, it’s important that New Year’s revelers keep certain safety precautions in mind when celebrating the end of one year and the dawn of the next. · Arrange for transportation in advance. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, an average of 304 people die in drunk-driving crashes in the days surrounding Christmas and New Year’s Eve each year. Before heading out on New Year’s Eve, celebrants should ensure their safety by arranging for transportation to and from the festivities. Choose a designated driver to drive throughout the night, or agree to utilize a taxi or shuttle service if everyone plans to consume alcohol. Men and women who volunteer to be designated drivers should be especially alert on the roadways, preparing to drive in potentially inclement weather and
being on the lookout for fellow motorists who might be driving erratically. If possible, take public transportation to and from the festivities so no one is tempted to drive after consuming
alcohol. · Pick a meetup spot in case anyone gets separated from the group. New Year’s Eve celebrations in public places such as bars, clubs or town squares tend to become crowded as midnight draws near. It’s easy for groups of friends or family to be separated, so choose a meetup spot where everyone can gather after the ball drops. Choose a spot that’s well lit and easily accessible to all, and confirm the location of the meetup
ite time of celebration. People may want to explore the less popular traditions today and once again make them interesting parts of this year’s festivities.
spot via a group text message before heading out for the night. · Stay sober. Many people feel pressured to overindulge with alcohol on New Year’s Eve, but men and women should
be responsible with regard to their alcohol consumption. Overconsumption of alcohol makes it difficult for men and women to stay alert, and that loss of alertness can be difficult to manage on nights as hectic as New Year’s Eve. While it’s acceptable for men and women of legal drinking age to raise a glass of champagne at midnight, it’s best to limit alcohol consumption throughout the festivities so the party is memorable for all the
right reasons. · Be a responsible host. When hosting a New Year’s Eve party, hosts must prioritize the safety of their guests. Make sure guests don’t drink too much, which can leave hosts open to criminal or civil action should guests leave their home and cause an accident. Serve plenty of food and nonalcoholic beverages so guests who are drinking have something in their systems other than alcohol. Schedule things to do throughout the night so guests have more to do than drink alcohol. In addition, make room for potential overnight guests should someone be incapable of driving home at the end of the night. Keep contact information for local taxis or shuttle services readily available so guests know they don’t have to drive themselves home. New Year’s Eve is a festive night, but one where safety needs to be as big a priority as having a good time.
Duane Neufeldt
Serving Biggar and Area
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Tyler Kachur, Alan Koop and partners
Biggar: 306-948-5133
Saskatoon: 306-657-8999
Holiday travel tips Millions of people travel to visit family and friends each holiday season. According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, during the Christmas and New Year’s holiday period, the number of trips to and from a destination 50 miles or more away rises by 23 percent compared
to the average number for the rest of the year. While many people look forward to reunions with family and friends come the holiday season, long-distance holiday travel can take both a physical and financial toll. But there are ways to enjoy holiday travel and maybe even save
The thing we value most about our business is the chance to meet people like you! Merry Christmas and much happiness to you this holiday season.
221 Main St. • Biggar Kelly, Floyd and Makenzie,
Time to pause and be thankful for what we have, a great community surrounded by family, friends and good neighbours!
from the Landis Credit Union Team Board and Staff
Your local Credit Union serving Landis since 1942 and looking forward to serving you in the years to come. We provide Financial Services to our members, but our business is people!
Landis Credit Union Limited 306-658-2152
Have A HAPPY Y! A D I L O H We’re sending this little note your way. To wish you a happy holiday Filled with enough joy and cheer, To last throughout the coming year. Thanks for your patronage and we’ll see you next year!
REBEL LANDSCAPING Ed Kolenosky and family
306-948-2879 or 306-948-7207
some money at the same time. · Be flexible with your travel dates. Holiday travelers who are flexible with regard to their travel dates may be able to avoid traffic or long lines at the airport. The BTS notes that people traveling between 50 and 99 miles away from home are most likely to travel on Thursday and return on Saturday. So those making short trips who want to avoid traffic may actually benefit by driving home on Sunday after leaving home on Friday rather than traveling on Thursday and Saturday. The BTS notes that travel days are spread out almost equally among people who travel 100 miles away from home or more, so the day travelers choose may not matter as much as the time of day they choose to travel. Flights during off-peak hours, for example, may help travelers avoid long check-in and security lines at airports. · Be flexible with airports. Air travelers who are flexible with regard to theirAttention: departing and Bob arriving airports may be able to save time and
money. Small airports might not boast the shopping and dining amenities of large airports, but small airports have less flights and, as a result, tend to experience less flight delays, saving travelers time. Small airports also may not charge as much for overnight parking as large airports. When considering flights from various airports, factor in the cost of parking and transportation to and from each airport. A flight that takes off at your ideal travel time but costs more than the alternative might actually save you money if you save please, on transportareturncan email I threw
Final Proof by in some free colour
tion and parking. · Book early flights. Early flights may be less likely to be delayed than flights in the afternoon and evening. The later into the day your flight departs, the more likely that departure might be affected by delays or inclement weather at other airports and in other cities. Waking up early might not be ideal for everyone, but checkin and security lines tend to be short in the early morning hours as well. Those lines get longer as morning becomes afternoon and afternoon becomes evening. · Save money with package deals. Holiday
travel is expensive, as airlines and hotels recognize the holiday season is peak travel season. Package deals from sites such as Orbitz® combine flight and hotels into one price, and such deals may even include rental cars. Travel bundles can save travelers considerable amounts of money. Compare the prices when booking each individually to the price of a package deal, and choose the one that best suits your budget. Savvy men and women can save both time and money by employing a handful of strategies when booking holiday travel.
Tis the season to ship smart
Price: $80.64 for Christmas, 1/2 price for New Years, $40.32. We’ll invoice you separately. ping fees, which can be The holiday season can send gift-wrapped items
be hectic, and thanks to Merry Christmas, that sometimes frenetic pace, it can be easy to put things on the back burner. While it’s OK to put off some things until the holiday season has come and gone, shipping gifts to loved ones does not fall into that category. Shipping can be expensive, especially for last-minute shoppers who want to ensure their gifts arrive in time for the holidays. But the following are a handful of ways to ship smart and save both time and money. · Ship directly to the recipient. Last-minute shoppers who are buying online can save money by shipping gifts directly to the recipient. 80.64 While shipping directly to the recipient may seem less personal than sending a gift you wrapped yourself, many online retailers allow shoppers to
directly to another perUrla son. Just be sure to have the recipient’s correct address when choosing this option. · Ship early. Waiting to ship all gifts at the same time may be more convenient, but it can prove more costly as well. If you typically finish your holiday shopping just a few days before Christmas, then waiting to ship everything will cost more money than shipping gifts as you buy them. The longer you wait to ship gifts, the more you can expect to pay if you expect those gifts to arrive on time. Shipping gifts as you buy them, especially if you get much of your shopping done early, can save you short-term or overnight ship-
significant. · Comparison shop. Much like you can save money by comparison shopping for holiday gifts, you can save by comparing shipping costs as well. Pack-andship companies compete for consumers’ business during the height of the holiday shipping season, so compare the costs between the various pack-and-ship companies, including the postal service, to see which offers the best deal.
· Insure the items you ship. The holiday season is the busiest time of year for the pack-andship industry. While the industry is often remarkably effective at delivering gifts intact and on time, items are sometimes lost or damaged. By insuring your packages, you’re ensuring you won’t be out of luck should your package be lost, damaged or stolen before it reaches its destination.
Ensure your gift doesn’t get returned this year (NC) No one wants to give a gift that the recipient won’t use or enjoy. According to a recent survey, six in 10 Canadians agree that they often receive trinkets or other gifts they will never use. A majority also agree that they would prefer to receive a charitable gift that will help someone else instead of a traditional gift like a pair of socks or a sweater. When deciding what type of charitable gift is right for your loved one, try to make it as personal as possible. Think about what is important to
the recipient: Are they a cook? An animal lover? A sports enthusiast? Take the time to select something that aligns with their personality to make it more meaningful. A great option for parents or anyone who loves kids is a donation to the Canadian Red Cross in support of maternal, newborn, and child health. In developing countries, women and children bear the greatest burden of disease. When those countries face conflict or disaster, it’s women’s and children’s health and lives
May your year be fitted with good times, good friends and good fortune. We thank you for your generous support and look forward to serving you again.
that are most affected. A mother and child kit from the Red Cross provides medicines and
medical supplies for 10 babies and mothers.
Crop Production Services Management and staff
Hwy #4, Biggar, • 306-948-1753
Three tips for shopping for the perfect toys (NC) Hunting for the right gift for everyone on your list can be daunting. In fact, a recent survey shows that one in five Canadians is spending more than 40 hours preparing for the holidays. Go a little easier on your wallet and nerves this season with these tips for shopping for the perfect toys. 1. Make a list and check it twice. A list will keep your budget on track and ensure you don’t forget an important kid. Jot down a price range that is reasonable for each child on your list and remember that great gifts don’t have to break the bank. 2. Choose age-appropriate toys. Avoid being overwhelmed standing in the aisle. Top choices for kids under
two include Hasbro Love2Learn Elmo and Fisher-Price Bright Beats Learnin’ Dance Mat. The former is an interactive plush with more than 350 responses, while the latter lets movement trigger lights and sounds, teaching ABCs, numbers, colours, shapes, and dance moves. For kids, three to five, playsets such as the Shopkins Happy Places Home, Hot Wheels Ultimate Garage Playset, Kinetic Sandbox Set, and team of Paw Patrol figures and vehicles are all great choices. 3. Shop in comfort. Some people prefer doing all their holiday shopping in-store, enjoying touching
and testing everything first. Others want to get the majority of their shopping done online from the coziness of home. Make the experience much more enjoyable by shopping in the environment that gives you the greatest comfort.
With apprecition from our entire team, we wish you all a fun-filled and
Merry Christmas!
Thanks so much for supporting us this past year. We look forward to serving the community in the future.
Biggar & District Health Services Foundation Inc. Box 1003, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Rick & Staff at A&W - Rosetown would like to wish one & all a very
10 PC. CHICKEN DINNER FREE Only COFFEE $ 14.99! All Day! HOLIDAY HOURS Dec. 23 Dec. 24 Dec. 25 Dec. 26 Dec. 27-30 Dec. 31 Jan. 1 Jan. 2
Treemendous Thanks
6 am - 12 am 6 am - 8 pm CLOSED 8 am - 10 pm 6 am - 12 am 6 am - 10 pm CLOSED Regular Hours 6 am - 12 am
$15 tion
Attention: Theresa/Kelli
Last-minute holiday shopping tips
Here is the Christmas greeting on the left for approval, I’ve made it 3.25”x3” colour for $110.48 plus gst
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Hon. Gerry Ritz, P.C., M.P. Battlefords - Lloydminster
Christmas is a time for renewing our faith — in God, in ourselves and in our fellow man. For your faith in us we are ever so grateful and we look forward to your continued friendship. Happy Holidays!
E-Kay Enterprises
George and Joan Ekman, Leroy and Tracy Ekman 306-948-2544
Holiday shopping it can be harder for lastseason typically begins minute shoppers to stick PLEASE let me know by return email if possible. the day after Thanksgivto their budgets because ing and extends all the they have less time to for your wayThanks to Christmas Eve. participation, comparisonUrla shop and While that’s a considerhunt for deals. As the able amount of time for holiday shopping season shoppers to find gifts for winds down, resist the everyone on their shoptemptation to go over TheIfBiggar ping list, many people budget. a gift youIndependent Tel: Fax: will still find948-3344 themselves had in948-2133 mind is availableContact: Urla putting9holiday shopping than you can Please check this but copymore carefully for spelling and accuracy. off until the last minute. spend, look for some9 When you OK this proof, we cannot be held responsible In certain ways, lastthing else. Overspending for any errors that remain or 5 p.m.., Dec. 1 minute9holiday shopon return holidayby:_______________________ shopping in Please approve and ping is easier than ever. December is a recipe for OK as is. Thanks to online corrections retaildebt in January, and noadditional proof. Make as noted and schedule ers who can ship prodshopper wants to begin Make corrections as noted and proceed with production ucts overnight, men and the new year weighed without additional proof. women who delay their down by consumer debt. Initials____________ holiday shopping have · Shop local. National more options at their chains and big box retaildisposal than they did ers are renowned for before the arrival of the rolling out great deals Internet. And unlike the during the holiday seadays of yore when the son,We but such stores maywe say really mean it when best deals were largely havethat very limited or we loved every minute of exclusive to Black Friunimpressive inventory serving you this past year. day, some shoppers left by the time last-minfind that competition ute shoppers shopHappy begin New Year and between online retailers ping. Localsincere retailers are thanks and traditional brickoftentoincapable of slasheach and every one of you. buy gifts for their loved and-mortar stores is ing prices as significantly We look forward to ones. Visit stores early so great that deals can as their larger competiseeing you in the morning or late at be found regardless of tors, and that may mean again in the new year. when they begin shopthey have more extensive night, or schedule a midweek afternoon shopping ping. But while waiting inventories available trip so you aren’t spenduntil the last minute to throughout the holiday ing what little time you begin holiday shopping shopping season. In have left waiting on lines may not be as risky as it addition, shoppers who or hunting for parking. used to be, shoppers may stick with local retail· Give something less and Joan Ekman, still benefit by sticking ers won’t haveGeorge to pay Holiday and Tracy traditional. Ekman to certain strategies so shipping costsLeroy to ensure gifts need not come 306-948-2544 they can find the perfect items arrive on time. from stores. Rather than gifts without breaking · Shop during off-peak spending their time the bank. hours. Shopping during shopping for gifts for · Stay within your budoff-peak hours can help loved ones who seemingget. Even last-minute last-minute shoppers ly have it all, last-minute shoppers have holiday make efficient use of the shopping budgets. But limited time they have to shoppers can give the gift of a donation in their
E-Kay Enterprises
loved one’s name. Lastminute shoppers who want to give something more tangible can create a homemade gift that’s both unique and heartfelt. If your DIY skills are lacking, give a loved one the gift of a night out on the town at your expense. Shoppers who wait until the end of the holiday shopping season to begin their searches for holiday gifts can still find great gifts without going broke.
Help holiday gifts arrive on time The Lord is come: let earth receive her King! Let every heart prepare Him room, and heaven and nature sing. – Joy to the World God bless you and your family this holiday season. Thanks for your support this past year, and we’re looking forward to serving you in the New Year
Biggar Flower & Gift Shop Ed and Evonne • 306-948-2616
The end of December is prime shopping and shipping time for holiday gifts. Shipping giant UPS calls this time of the year its peak season, and FedEx and the United States Postal Service also cite the weeks between Thanksgiving and New 100.80 Year’s Day as some of their busiest weeks. Jingling bells and Christmas carols once were the foremost sounds of the season, but now those noises have been replaced by the sounds of conveyor belts, trucks and airplanes rushing to get packages to their destinations. According to research firm Forrester, online sales now account for 10 percent of all shopping and 15 percent of holiday shopping. USPS expects
to deliver roughly 15 billion letters, cards and packages during the holiday season. While the postal service and the major pack-and-ship companies are incredibly reliable, shoppers can take the following steps to further ensure their gifts arrive on time. · Shop in-store. Choose off-peak hours, such as early morning and late evening, to visit brickand-mortar stores. The crowds will not be too large, and you will have the added peace of mind knowing that you don’t need to wait for gifts to arrive via the mail. If you like the convenience of online shopping, shop online but take advantage of in-store pick-up when available. If items are in stock, this can save
you the hassle of making your way through crowded stores. · Follow cut-off dates. Many online retailers will post “purchase by” dates to ensure specific delivery times. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these dates so your items will arrive on time. If time is ticking away, you may have to pay more for expedited shipping. · Avoid backordered items. Popular gifts may sell out quickly, and retailers could put you on backorder lists. Research similar products as potential backups should your primary choice be on backorder. · Shop well in advance. Shopping early is the best way to ensure gifts arrive on time. Shopping early also gives shoppers
time to make exchanges in the event an item is not up to par or is damaged. Thanks to the popularity and prevalence of online shopping, it has become very important for shoppers to take shipping concerns into consideration before making purchases.
Healthy meals for the holiday hustle quick solution to getting meals on the table, but chef Matt Basile of Toronto’s first street food experience company, Fidel Gastro has a better solution. He recommends creating healthy recipes with the Panasonic Steam Convection Oven that can be
(NC) Favourite foods, seasonal soirées, and spending time with family and friends are just a few things that define the holidays. But these seasonal staples also mean busy schedules with little time to prepare nutritious meals. Fast food may be a
With deep gratitude for your loyal support, we wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season! 703 - 4th Ave. East, Biggar (off truck route, next to M&N Repair)
306-948-1700 The smells of gingerbread, cinnamon and cookies baking, stir our memories of Christmases past and remind us of how fortunate we are to be a part of this community.
Merry Christmas and many thanks for making us feel so welcome here.
Atttention: Darlene/Jim
made in less time than it takes for delivery, without compromising on flavour. Here’s one of his favourites. Spicy Buttered Lemon Chicken Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes Ingredients: • 1 whole chicken, cut into 8 pieces • Half a bunch of rapini • 4 tbsp (60 mL) butter • 4 tbsp (60 mL) sambal • 1 lemon • 1 tbsp (15 mL) canola oil • Salt to taste Directions:
1. Lightly salt chicken in a bowl. Melt butter, sambal, and lemon juice together in a small saucepan. Pour sauce over chicken in bowl, leaving some off to the side to brush over the chicken. 2. Place rapini on oven’s glass dish on the middle rack. Select Steam 1 and steam the rapini for 8 minutes. Remove and place in a bowl with tablespoon of oil and lightly salt. 3. Remove glass dish from the oven and replace with grill pan. Place chicken on grill
pan on the middle rack and cook on Combination 4 setting for 20 minutes. 4. Remove and paint chicken with more sauce,
Discover a twist on a traditional cheesecake Management and staff (NC) Try something • 1/4 cup (50 mL) unsaltnew, with this creamy 703 -ed4th Ave. churned butcountry and delicious no-bake East, ter, melted Biggar
parchment paper. 2. Toast coconut in dry frying pan over low heat 5 to 7 minutes, stirring frequently until golden and fragrant. Set aside to cool. 3. Stir together coconut, graham crumbs, and butter. Press onto bottom of prepared pan. Chill 15 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, place sugar and lime zest in food processor; pulse on and off until well-mixed. Add cream cheese; process until smooth. Add avocado and lime juice; process until completely
cheesecake recipe. This • 3/4 cupnext (175 mL) gran(off truck route, tropically-inspired spinto M&N ulated sugar Repair) on a traditional cheese• 2 tsp (10 mL) finely cake features a richly 306-948-1700 grated lime zest flavoured toasted coco• 2 pkg (each 250 g) nut crust, topped with cream cheese, cubed and a creamy avocado and at room temperature zesty lime cream cheese • 1 pkg (400 g) PC frozen blend. avocado chunks, thawed It’s a gorgeous shade of • 1/3 cup (75 mL) fresh lime green that contrasts lime juice beautifully with the gar• 1/2 cup (125 mL) fresh nish of red raspberries. raspberries This velvety dessert has Directions: the perfect amount of 1. Line bottom and texture and will leave sides of 9-inch (2.5 L) guests stunned once they spring-form pan with learn the key ingredient. Avocado Lime and Coconut No-Bake We loved serving you every day this past year! Cheesecake We thank you for your patronage and look Makes: 12 servings Ingredients: forward to seeing you again next year! • 3/4 cup (175 mL) shredded sweetened coconut • 3/4 cup (175 mL) gra- Mike, Darlene and staff ham cracker crumbs 701-4th Ave. E, Truck Route East,
Hope It’s a Banner Year!
I am attaching a Christmas Greeting (left) for you to peruse @ 80.64 plus gst and run again for New Years (right, same size, new content ) for 1/2 price FREE colour Deadline M &approval/changes N Repair is by return email or by Thursday, M & N Repair Mike, Darlene and staff December 1st please th 701-4 Ave. E, Truck Route East, Biggar • 306-948-3996
Thanks for your prompt attention.
placing rapini around it. Set on Grill 1 for 7 minutes. Remove when done and lightly salt before serving.
Biggar • 306-948-3996
From the desk of…
URLA M. TYLER We’re sowing our best wishes with the hope that they grow into joy and prosperity for the folks that we know!
Management and staff Wilkie, SK. 306-843-3113 Attention: Management
Here is the Christmas and New Year’s Greeting that you ran last year.
ADVERTISING CONSULTANT THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail:
smooth. 5. Pour cream cheese mixture over crust and smooth top. Cover; chill 6 hours or until set. 6. Unclasp side of pan and remove ring. Carefully peel parchment away from side of cake. Place cheesecake on cake plate and mound berries on top. Garnish with lime slices and fresh mint, if desired. Nutritional information per serving: Calories 360, fat 24 g, sodium 220 mg, carbohydrates 31 g, fibre 3 g, protein 6 g.
Here Comes Christmas!
We’re all revved up for the holidays, and we can’t think of a finer place to celebrate than right here at home with good folks like you.
Thanks to our customers, neighbours, associates and friends for making 2016 an excellent year for us. We really appreciate your friendship and support.
s istma
r y Ch Merr o All! t
Pizzeria Adria
Serving the community for over 15 years 212 Main St., Biggar 306-948-4800
Pizza Ray (aka Mayor Ray) and staff
Price: $80.64 plus gst
Christmas cookies made simple
any number of creative of these include no-bake Baking cookies is a recipes can begin by utiversions of favorite desholiday tradition for lizing a premade baking serts. No bake cookies many families. Come the mix. These mixes already come together in a matholiday season, many have most of the dry ter of minhomes are filled with the cookie ingredients sifted utes, but inviting scents of vanilla, together, including flour, still employ cinnamon and melting May your holiday baking soda, baking powa host of chocolate. season be filled with der, salt, and sugar. All delicious Baking cookies can lots of good times and you have to do is add the ingredients. be a social occasion in cause for celebration. wet ingredients and any Recipes frewhich family members Your support gives extra embellishments to quently feaand friends gather to creusmuch cause for make the mix your own. ture similar ate recipes passed down good cheer. If mixes are too much ingredients through generations. Or Thanks, everyone! work, purchase refrigerto tradibaking can be a solitary ated or frozen cookie tional cookventure in which cookies dough. Include your own ies, but rely are prepared and packadd-ins, such as nuts, on chocoaged as holiday gifts. white chocolate chips, late, honey Either way, people who bits of dried fruit, or or peanut bake during the holiday crumbled candy canes, to butter as season understand that give the premade dough the setmaking Christmas cookServing the community for over 15 years a unique flavor. ting agent ies can be a time-con212 Main St., Biggar 306-948-4800 · Prepare ahead. Many to keep them together. suming, yet rewarding, Pizza Ray (aka Mayor Ray) and staff cookie dough recipes can Bakers may also like not process. be made and stored for having to turn on their This year, holiday later use. In fact, refrigovens. bakers can embrace a Years Half Price: 40.32 plus gst free colour New erating a log of cookie · Recycle leftover number of time-saving dough can make it easier cookies. If you have a tips and tricks to reduce to cut or handle later fair amount of cookies the amount of time they on. Spread out the bulk remaining or several spend in the kitchen and of your baking over two that broke apart or do possibly even improve on days and you might feel not look good enough to existing recipes. less taxed. serve, never fear. Such · Use a cookie mix. · Try a no-bake recipe. cookies can be used as Who says you have to Creative culinary experts part of another delicious toil and make cookies continually reveal their dessert. Grind cookies from scratch? It’s the clever tricks, and many into crumbs that can thought that counts, and
Happy New Year!
s at
hank T r u O ith
d n E s ’ r Yea
Atttention: Ray
As we count down to the New Year, I am attaching your Christmas Greeting from last year @ $80.64 plus gst and run we count friends and customers like you Delight a blessings peppermint candy again for New Years for 1/2 price FREE colour with among the we appreciate most.
serve as a pie crust for pudding pies or no-bake cheesecakes, or mix
cookie crumbs with cake frosting or a nut butter and roll into balls. Dunk the balls into melted chocolate, add a lollipop stick and make delicious cookie pops. Cookies may be holiday traditions, but there are ways to reduce the amount of work and time required of holiday baking.
cane dessert
Thank you, and best wishes foruntil a happy (NC) Peppermint candy • 1/4 tsp (1mL) pepperfoamy. With mixer 90 minutes or until healthy New Year! cane could be the official mintand extract (optional) running, gradually add meringue is golden and taste of Christmas. For • 12 to 15 mini candy sugar. Increase speed to cooked through. Let cool added whimsy, add a canes (about 100 g) high and whisk until egg completely. Bright holiday wishes to the best people around… our friends and sprig of holly and a bow • Dark chocolate curls whites are glossy, thick, 5. Using an electric customers! We wish you all the best at this special time of year. to make this dessert look Directions: and hold stiff peaks; mixer on high, whip Management & staff Thanks for choosing us. We appreciate it! like a festive wreath. 1. Preheat oven to cream with sugar and 307 Main St.,about 4 to 7 minutes. Stir Biggar Management & staff Candy Cane Pavlova 300°F (150°C). Line a vinegar with cornstarch peppermint until it 306-948-3712 307 Main St., Biggar Serves: 8 baking sheet with parchuntil smooth. Whisk into forms soft peaks. Spoon 306-948-3712 Ingredients: ment paper. Trace a 10 egg whites. into indentations in • 6 egg whites inch (25 cm) circle with 3. Spoon mixture onto meringue. Roughly crack Attention Murray • 1 3/4 cups (425 mL) a marker on the parchprepared sheet following 4 candy canes into large granulated sugar ment, then add a 4 inch the marker lines to crepieces and sprinkle over • 1 tsp (5 mL) white vinate a wreath. Use the whipped cream, then Please check the xmas greeting over for me and get back to me with changes(10 cm) inner circle. by return email. egar When marker dries, back of a large spoon to place 8 whole ones even• 1 tsp (5 mL) cornstarch flip it over so that the create indentations for ly apart so each serving Price: $80.64 plus gst. Daryl will invoice. We also• 2 cups (500 mL) whipthen offer New Year’s greetings at half price $40.32, same size marked side is facing the whipped cream. gets a candy cane. as xmas and free colour. ping cream down. 4. Place pan in the oven From the desk of… Please indicate if you wish to go for both by return• 3 tbsp (45 mL) granuemail. 2. Whisk egg whites and reduce temperature lated sugar using an electric mixer to 250°F (120°C). Bake
Deadline approval/changes is by return email or by Thursday, December 1st please Thanks for your prompt attention and participation.
You’re on Our List
Thanks for your participation Urla Tyler, Advertising Consultant
…of good folks we want to thank this year!
Merry Christmas!
1ST AVENUE COLLISION CENTER LTD. 306-948-3356 Jeff and Cindy
Randy Weekes, M.L.A.
Biggar-Sask Valley Constituency 306-948-4880, toll free 1-877-948-4880 Box 1413, 106-3rd Avenue West, Biggar
ADVERTISING CONSULTANT THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT 102 - 3RD AVENUE WEST P. O. BOX 40 BIGGAR, SK. S0K 0M0 telephone: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 e-mail: May peace, joy, harmony and contentment visit your home during this special time of year. We are sincerely grateful and look forward to your continued friendship.
233 - 1st Ave. West, Biggar 306-948-2700
Jack, Carolyn, Jacob and families
Create a delicious dessert for holiday celebrations Lavish meals are a large part of holiday celebrations, with many people indulging in dinners and desserts throughout the holiday season. This is a time when many families display their best recipes, and these may include certain desserts that can be laborintensive to make or something more fitting for a special occasion. Cheesecake is an example of a dessert that, due to the time it takes to create and the richness of the dessert itself, is not something many people eat on a regular basis. However, with a time-saving recipe, cheesecake can become a dessert prepared in little time for holiday festivities. Try “Cinnamon Caramel Cheesecake Squares” from “Pampered Chef Season’s Best, Fast, Fun & Fabulous” by Pampered Chef® Test Kitchens. Cinnamon Caramel Cheesecake Squares Makes 24 squares 2 8-ounce packages seamless crescent dough 2 8-ounce packages cream cheese 1 egg 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 3/4 cup sugar, divided Flour for dusting
May you find everything you want under the tree, and in your heart this holiday season. For the gift of your friendship, we are sincerely grateful.
Ivan and Bernice Young, Paul Ogrodnick, Mel Swyryda 306-948-3381
1 tablespoon cinnamon 1/2 cup caramel topping 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. Unroll one package of crescent dough into a shallow baking pan. Roll out the dough to edges. 2. Heat the cream cheese in a microwavesafe bowl, uncovered, on high for 30 to 40 seconds, or until softened. Whisk until almost smooth. 3. Add the egg, vanilla and 1/2 cup of the sugar to the bowl. Whisk until smooth. Spread over the
crescent dough. 4. Lightly sprinkle the flat side of a cutting board with flour. Unroll the second package of crescent dough and roll it into a 13- by 12-inch rectangle. 5. Fold the dough in half from the short end; gently lift and place in the pan. Unfold and gently stretch the dough over the cream cheese layer; press the edges to seal. Cut off corners of dough hanging over and discard. 6. Bake 22 to 24 min-
utes, until golden brown. 7. Combine the remaining 1/4 cup sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl. Place the caramel topping in a 1-cup measuring cup. 8. Remove the pan from the oven. Immediately pour the caramel topping over the cheesecake and spread to the edges of the crust. Sprinkle with the cinnamonsugar mixture; let stand for 10 minutes. 9. Using a utility knife, cut into 4 x 6 rows to make 24 squares.
Merry Christmas!
May your Christmas and the New Year be filled with health, happiness and prosperity.
May the peace and joy of this holiday season be with you always
Duperow CO-OP Management and staff 306-948-2706
Central Plains May the peace and joy of this Co-operative Ltd. holiday season be with you always Serving West Central Saskatchewan Management Board,and staff 306-948-2706 Management
Duperow CO-OP and Staff
With thanks and warm wishes from all of us to all of you.
Phillips Electric Biggar • 306-948-1773 Dave and staff
TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AT THE HOLIDAYS Christmas is our favourite time of year because it gives us the opportunity to express our gratitude for the good fortune of serving people like you.
We’re filled with warm wishes and lots of good cheer For all the kind people we’ve served this past year. Thanks, friends!
Design the perfect holiday tabletop to match your aesthetic Attention: Audrey Final proof
(NC)This Holiday décor hot this — and for is just a little larger thanyear a business card size, is all about the details. good reason. These hues price $50.40 plus gst. This year, why not add a warm up a space, addtouch of charm to your ing a trendy yet polished email homePlease with anadvise elegantby return look. “Forgo the average tablescape that suits your greens and reds for more personal aesthetic? contemporary colours,” Thanks, Urla To Tyler, Advertising Consultant help take the guesswork Travis advises. “My top out of holiday decorattip when using metallic ing, design guru Debbie accents is do it sparingly. Travis shares her tips to Pair them with other create a captivating dincolours and textures so ing space. they stand out.” To create an air If you’re seeking of glitz and glam, traditional charm, icy blues and captivatbring the outdoors in ing crystals nod to the and have a frosty temperatures of little DIY fun the season and create a Withby creating best wishes ato you and your family for stunning tabletop. Travis a rustic happy,centrehealthy and prosperous year. recommends using sparthat’s for your generous support. We’re piece truly grateful kling crystal wine glasses both beautiful and pairing them with and budget a cool toned table runfriendly. Travis ner for a subtle pop of suggests 306-237-4373 buying colour. The combination your own large creates a sophisticated glass bowl or ambiance, ideal for any vase and adddinner party. ing a collection For an edgy eleof pinecones gance, metallics are or beautiful your go-to. Brass, copChristmas per, and gold décor are crackers for a
Hope It’s Feative, Hope It’s Fun,
Hope It’s Lucky For Everyone! We Hope You Get Your Fill of Good Times This Christmas! As another Christmas comes in for a landing, we’re filled with cheer and gratitude for wonderful customers and friends like you.
Merry Christmas & Many Thanks from our Entire Crew
Biggar Esso
Ted, Okso, Marlyn and Leonora 306-948-3600
Our best wishes to you and yours at the New Year.
Thanks for doing business with us!
Biggar Esso
With thanks and glad tidings from us this holiday season.
Ted, Okso, Marlyn and Leonora 306-948-3600
Gift Certificates available
KRF Auto Centre
• Vortex Spray-in Box liners • Auto Accessories • Detailing • Trailer Rentals
love peace of joy blessings the season
Wishing you and your family, all the gifts of this magical time of year. For your friendship and support, we are deeply grateful and look forward to serving you in the year ahead.
We Hope You Get Your Fill of Good Times This Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
As another Christmas comes in for a landing, we’re filled with cheer and gratitude for wonderful customers and friends like you.
Grondin Funeral Services Ltd. Merry Christmas & Many Thanks from our Entire Crew 306-948-2669
Biggar Esso
Ted, Okso, Marlyn and Leonora 306-948-3600
All of us here are ho...ho...hoping your holiday delivers a bundle of fun! We really appreciate all the good times we’ve shared with you this past year.
227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar • 306-948-1722
It’s time for holiday
Village of NEWPerdue YEAR’S
Your generous Dave supportMiller, makes it all possible, and your friendship makes it all worthwhile.
Council, and staff Happy New Year & many thanks!
fun and gathering $60.48
the family together to share a warm, wonderful yule. We hope the holidays bring everything you want! We wish you and yours the best season ever.
Management & staff
Grondin Funeral Services Ltd. AGI-Envirotank 306-237-4337 306-948-2669
401 Hwy #4 South, Biggar • 306-948-5262
Fun By The Numbers Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
Give the gift of sport this holiday season (NC) With the holiday season right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about the perfect gifts for your loved ones. Below are helpful tips on sharing the gift of sport with everyone on your list. For the hockey lover. Consider a jersey of their favourite player or team. To personalize it even more, get their name monogramed on the back. Many stores offer cresting in-store so you can customize any jersey. Tickets to a game are a great addition, offering not just a material gift but an amazing experience. For the fashionista. Go snow chic for the fashionista. Try a stylish padded jacket, two-tone leggings, or carbon fibre skis to help them be ontrend with this season’s slope style. For the basketball buff. Sneakerheads unite — basketball fans will love the latest pair of Curry’s or LeBron’s. Add that to an NBA jersey and you’ll score yourself an invite to the next game. For the gamer. Waiting for football season to pick up again? Gamers will love the latest Madden NFL video game. The football player on your list can practice their skills virtually until the snow subsides. For the golfer. Beginners and experts alike will enjoy a set of
aerodynamic golf balls and golfing accessories like visors, gloves, and tees. Thank goodness for those heated driving ranges. For the yogi. You can’t go wrong with a membership at their favourite studio. Accessorizing is also a hit this holiday season. Hot yoga towels, mats, blocks, and foam rollers are sure to win you a spot on the mat next to them. Still unsure about a gift? If you’re worried about sizing and colour, you can opt for a gift card at a favourite sports store.
To all our acquaintances both old and goes our gratitude and our best wish ... And from the heart, too, Go our very best wishes To each one of you!
Happy New Year!
Wishing you a season filled with lots of love, laughter and joy.Angie’s Hair
Merry Christmas and many thanks for your kindness and your continued business!
Angie’s Hair Salon & Barber Shop Angie, Sherry, Tammy, Shelyna, and Kaydre 219 Main St., Biggar • 306-948-3696
Sa & Barber Sho For all your support,
Angie, Sherry, T we are deeply grateful. Shelyna, Kay
MADGE ROOFING 219 Main St., Biggar • 306-948-3 Jann, Solana and family
Wishing you all Peace, Joy and Love of the Season! The holiday season is a time to gather with our friends and families to enjoy the blessings in our lives. It is also a time when we reflect on the passing year, look ahead to the future and make goals for ourselves and our community. Reflecting on this past year, we would like to extend a warm welcome to the new owners of Integra Tire and Biggar Accounting; and to new businesses, including F.T.B. Parts, Remax Shoreline Realty, and The Biggar Bar. Several businesses celebrated milestones or awards including Leslie’s Drugstore, AGI Envirotank, Rack Petroleum, and RBC. Other businesses have invested in renovations, including Beautiful-U Enterprises, Biggar Leisure, and New U Fitness. We wish all businesses in Town continued success in the New Year and beyond! In 2016, the Town spent over 2.05 million dollars on projects including paving, sidewalks, replacing sewer and water main lines, construction of a new lift station, construction of a new dressing room at the rink, and renovations to the rink’s kitchen and lobby. The Town will continue to replace aging infrastructure on an ongoing basis and to plan for future projects. The election in October resulted in welcoming Kevin McNicholls, Ivan Young and Ed Young to our Council. We would like to thank all the candidates who ran for office. The Town of Biggar Council would like to thank Ron Arnold, Gene Motruk and Jim Besse for their many years of dedication and service to Town Council. The Town of Biggar would like to welcome to our team Marissa Cempron as our Clerk Typist and Trevor Quessy into our Recreation Department. In 2017, we look forward to celebrating Canada’s 150th Anniversary. A wide range of activities are being planned that we hope will be inspiring and celebratory for all of us. We are looking forward to seeing a lot of red and white around town!
We’d like to chime in with our best wishes and thanks.
Take time during the rush of the holidays to enjoy the things in life that really matter. Take in the serene moments spent with friends and loved ones, and may the wonder of Christmas surround you throughout the holiday season.
One Stop Hardware
On behalf of Council, Administration and staff, we wish you a Christmas that is full of contentment, happiness and love, and we wish one and all a very happy and prosper-
Merry Christmas!
Jean, Emil, Heather, Tammy, Joyce and Dave
ous New Year!