Webpaper 01

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Asquith athlete honoured with Saskatoon Sports Hall of Fame induction. Page 9 Vol. 107 No. 01

Health Services Foundation donates huge sum to Biggar EMS. See Page 3 THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2016

Santa’s Sledder . . . Sawyer Heimbecker, suitably attired in Christmas head ware, is all smiles as he cuts through the snow near the old Diamond Lodge, Tuesday. Here’s hoping you had a fantastic Christmas; all that you desired was under the tree, and you spent a joyful time with the ones you love! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

16 pages




Area minor hockey players hit the ice over the holiday, pitting their skills against rival teams. Big League dreams are born here, and the love of the game endures in rinks like these around the country. Check them out - you really might be seeing the stars of tomorrow!

(Independent Photos by Daryl Hasein)



New Essential Services legislation takes effect January 1 Starting New Year’s Day, amendments to essential service legislation (Part VII of The Saskatchewan Employment Act) will take effect. Key changes to the legislation include: s 2EMOVING THE definition of “essential services”. The parties will determine what services are essential for their respective organizations. s %STABLISHING AN independent thirdparty dispute resolution body that will render decisions on what services are essential. An Essential Services Tribunal can also rule whether an essential services agreement substantially interferes with the exercise of a strike or lockout. s 0ROVIDING FOR BINDING mediation-arbitration when an essential services agreement is found to substantially interfere with the

exercise of a strike or lockout. s 2EQUIRING THE PARTIES to include in the Notice of Impasse whether there are essential services to be maintained in the event of a strike or lockout. s #HANGING THE COOLING off period from 14 days to seven days in cases where essential services are identified. s %STABLISHING A maximum of 60 days for binding mandatory mediation/conciliation, except where the parties mutually agree to a longer time period. “The amendments to the essential services legislation ensure alternative methods are available to settle workplace disputes,” Labour Relations and Workplace Safety Minister Don Morgan said. “They foster ongoing, productive and effective relationships between workers

Holiday best from your Biggar RCMP . . . Biggar RCMP Detachment members pose for a fun picture prior to Christmas. The RCMP are hoping you had a prosperous and safe holiday season.

From left: Sgt. Colin Sawrenko, Cst. Andrew Park, Cst. Arvind Parmar, Cst. Mark Wright, Cst. Brianne Hathaway, Cst. Cory Winslow. (Independent Photo by

and employers while protecting the public.” The new legislation received Royal Assent on November 19, 2015, and addresses all concerns raised by

rights to take job action. “The amendments came from stakeholders working collaboratively with government,” Morgan said. “Together, we created legislation

the Supreme Court of Canada in its January 30, 2015 decision. The ruling recognized essential services must be maintained while respecting workers’

Kevin Brautigam)

that is fair and balanced and does not diminish existing rights and privileges of the working people of Saskatchewan.”

Health Services raises cash for area ambulances

Biggar and District Health Services Foundation members Gene Motruk, left, and Jo Angelopoulous show off the new Zoll X cardiac monitors/defibrillators with Biggar EMS’s Doug Beeson. The Foundation made the $58,000 donation recently, making Biggar EMS services some of the best equipped in the area. (Independent Photo by Daryl Hasein)

The Biggar and District Health Services Foundation recently purchased two Zoll X Series cardiac monitors/defibrillators for Biggar EMS. The Foundation, which raises money to provide equipment and other needs to Biggar health providers, came up with the cash to make our ambulances some of the best equipped in the

province. Biggar EMS has two ambulances and the equipment is stocked exactly the same in both units thanks to funding and past donations from local businesses and the community. Now, thanks to a very generous donation from the Biggar and District Health Services Foundation, Biggar EMS has two new Zoll

X Series units, replacing older equipment. The new monitors/defibrillators are smaller, lighter, meet military durability standards, and are compatible with the monitors STARS use. With the technology that comes with the Zoll, staff will be able to work at their full scope of practice and provide a higher level of care

to patients on-scene and during transport. Capabilities like 12 lead cardiac monitoring and End Tidal CO2 monitoring will also help with detecting changes in the patient’s condition earlier and also help with transport decisions so the patient can get to definitive care earlier. They are also able to transmit cardiac rhythms directly to receiving facilities such as Royal University Hospital. The new equipment will also attract Advanced Care Paramedics to Biggar in the future. Having these monitors will also allow them to work at their full scope of practice. Heartland says they are very fortunate to have the Biggar and District Health Service Foundation supporting the purchase of these monitors/defibrillators. A little over a year ago, the Foundation purchased two Zoll Auto Pulse resuscitation machines. These provide quality chest compressions during CPR that humans cannot maintain efficiently for

extended periods of time. The cost for these two units totalled $91,000. Biggar and District Health Services Foun-

dation provided $58,000 for the two new monitors/defibrillators.

GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… Wednesday, JANUARY 6, 2016… 11 a.m. (stations randomly selected)

Biggar ............................................. Duperow Cardlock ......................... Perdue… ......................................... Landis Cardlock… ......................... Wilkie ............................................. Unity............................................... North Battleford…......................... Rosetown… .................................... Saskatoon ....................................... Kindersley ...................................... Lloydminster .................................. Humboldt ....................................... Swift Current .................................

92.9¢/L 87.9¢/L 89.9¢/L 89.9¢/L 89.9¢/L 89.9¢/L 88.9¢/L 89.9¢/L 87.9¢/L 89.9¢/L 85.9¢/L 90.9¢/L 89.9¢/L

Lottery Numbers


649 - Sat., January 2 10, 12, 16, 20, 27, 36 Bonus 25 Extra 2666387 649 - Wed., December 30 17, 19, 21, 30, 39, 44 Bonus 16 Extra 3802861 Western 649 - Sat., Jan. 7 01, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32 Bonus 15

Western 649 - Wed., Dec. 30 03, 06, 09, 17, 34, 36 Bonus 43 Lotto Max - Friday, January 1 06, 10, 13, 14, 25, 41, 46 Bonus 08 Extra 3565210 Western Lotto Max - Fri., Jan. 1 05, 09, 10, 16, 22, 30, 49 Bonus 35

This Week . . . Opinions ......................................................... 4 Agriculture .................................................... 8 Classifieds ..............................................11 - 12 Business & Professional Directories ......13 - 14



Don’t reform a system that isn’t broken . . . improve instead One of the hot topics that is appearing on PM Trudeau’s urgent agenda (I use that term loosely) is electoral reform. Really!!!!!! Not the economy. Not trade issues. Not terrorism. Not the rising of Western alienation. No - electoral reform. And, it must be reviewed and a new process put in place within 18 months. One has to wonder what all the rush is about. The fix is not easy and the alternatives are not tried - nor would they represent voters fairly. Globe and Mail columnist Margaret Went offered this perspective: Here’s an opinion poll you can do totally on your own. Next time you’re in Timmies, ask the first five people in line what they think are the most urgent issues facing our country. They can list as many things as they want. Write down their answers. Keep on asking everyone who comes in the door. Note how many times they mention “electoral reform.” I’ll bet you a box of Timbits the answer is “zero.” I happen to agree. That’s not to say the election process does not need to be revamped or modernized. That is an entirely different issue. Voting at advance polls was up in the last election. Young people often say they are too busy to find a polling station on election day. Maybe these two responses are telling us that we need a longer time to vote. Remember, when Confederation first came into being, voters were given a week to cast their ballots. Also, this is the age of technology. It is no longer necessary to be a slave to paper and pencil. Arm the polling stations with iPads and computers logged into a main database. Streamline the process as much as you can. There are many ways to entice voters to the polls without having to scrap a system that has worked well for years. P.H.

What the economy needs to shift out of first gear in 2016 by Glen Hodgson, Senior VicePresident and Chief Economist Forecasting and Analysis The Canadian economy has been stuck in first gear for most of the past five years – it has even stalled a few times along the way. Since 2010, growth has fluctuated around the 2-per-cent mark on a quarterby-quarter basis, and of course Canada experienced a technical recession in the first half of 2015. Is there any reason to think

things will improve in 2016? If you have the joy of driving a standard transmission vehicle regularly, you know that the shift from first gear to second is the hardest and the most important. That’s when you actually begin to pick up speed and get somewhere. If Canadian growth is to pick up speed in 2016, a number of things have to work in our favour. First, global oil prices need to stabilize. Ideally, they would even

recover a bit. Oil-sector investment in Canada, the United States and many other oil-producing regions dropped sharply in 2015, but it will take time for related oil supply to respond in a meaningful way. Meanwhile, OPEC members have failed to limit their own production, which is dumping new oil supply from countries such as Iran and Iraq onto global markets and further depressing prices. While oil

market conditions are dismal right now, we expect oil prices to eventually form a bottom in 2016 and begin to improve modestly – although predicting the path for any commodity price is a challenging proposition. A modest improvement in other commodity prices, from copper to fertilizer, would also help shore up growth in specific sectors and regions of the Canadian economy. Next, the building U.S.

recovery has the potential to solidify and boost demand for Canadian exports to our next-door neighbour. In our view, the U.S. economic recovery is at last real and sustained, although it has taken a full seven years after the 2008 financial crisis to reach this point. More robust and widespread U.S. growth, anchored in the private sector, is arguably the best possible news for exporters of Canadian goods and services. However, it is not automatic that Canadian businesses can quickly respond to the positive signals from the U.S. market. Private-sector investment has been perhaps the weakest component of Canadian economic performance

for the past four years. Our research indicates that the absence of available capacity is already limiting the ability of many Canadian firms, particularly manufacturing firms, to meet new orders. For more robust growth to occur in 2016, Canadian firms will need to dip into their cash reserves and begin to rebuild their productive capacity by accelerating their investment in plants and equipment. Action by the new federal government should add a bit of support to Canadian growth in 2016. Ottawa’s plans to run a fiscal deficit and increase spending on infrastructure add about a quarter of a percentage point

to the Conference Board of Canada’s 2016 outlook, depending on the nature and timing of the added spending. That said, we believe it is important to keep reducing the federal debt-to-GDP ratio while the economy is growing; that commitment will be an important anchor for federal fiscal policy. And as always, there will be risks to the Canadian outlook from the external environment. Over the past five years, the global and Canadian economies were hit by a succession of unanticipated external negative shocks: the Greek and euro zone debt and financial crisis; the hopes of the Arab Spring, and those hopes

largely being dashed; U.S. congressional fights over the debt ceiling and budget; and the collapse in commodity prices. What could shock the system in 2016? It would be naive to think there will not be geopolitical turmoil, military conflict or terrorism in some form next year, not to mention the rise of extremist politics. Taking all of those factors into account, and absent another major external shock, Canada should achieve positive economic growth in 2016; if events align, we might ease the economy into second gear and realize sustained growth of about 2 per cent. But a number of good things will need to happen, and it’s a risky world out there.


Phone: 306-948-3344

Fax: 306-948-2133

Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Thursday at the office of publication, 122 Main Street, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Tom Larson

E-mail: tip@sasktel.net

P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.



Monday at 5:00 p.m. is the deadline for ads and classifieds

1st Aid Course

Taking bookings for courses in January inquire about the online course (Limit of 10 per course)

phone: 306-951-7700

The Majestic Theatre Biggar




Genre: Drama/War Running Time: 1 hr. 53 min.

Rated: 14A

Friday, JAN. 8 8:00 p.m. Sunday, JAN. 10 • 2 p.m. matinee ($5 admission)


Jan. 19, 2015 In November of last year (2014) the European Space Agency created quite a stir world-wide as Philae landed on Comet 67P. This was a journey 10 years in the making and the scientific world as well as amateur buffs were elated. Two Canadian companies were involved. One was SED Systems which is located on the University of Saskatchewan. This company built three ground stations that were used to communicate with the Rosetta spacecraft. The other was a company from Ottawa which provided MOIS (manufacturing and operating information systems) software which supported the procedures and command sequences. Jan. 26, 2015 I was sitting with my coffee one Saturday morning looking out


Officers invested . . . Acacia No. 3 Order of the Eastern Star Installation was held on Saturday, December 19 at Biggar Masonic Hall. Several visitors and members enjoyed the afternoon and banquet. Over the year, Acacia made several donations from many fund raisers… Heart, Cancer, Pediatric Cancer, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, International Peace Gardens, ESTARL (Eastern Star Training Awards for Religious Leadership), Biggar Communiy Calendar, Legion Poppy Fund and Teale Scholarship for BCS 2000. Acacia collects eyeglasses and lenses, pop can tabs, soup labels and envelopes with cancelled stamps to raise fund-

National Thank You Month, National Eye Care Month, National Volunteer Blood Donor Month and National Soup Month. Jan. 12, 2015 Brrr! It’s cold out was probably the most common phrase uttered the first week in January. s 4HE LAKE EFFECT storms lasted one day in western New York and east of Lake Ontario. s 4HE STORM WAS blamed for five deaths -three from heart attacks. s 3NOW DRIFTS WERE reported to be as high as houses which trapped people in their homes and forced motorists to abandon their cars on roadways. It didn’t take long for the cars to be buried in the blizzardlike conditions. (Remember the storms that hit the Eastern coast and the record snowfalls that happened in 2014)

“Chase The Ace” at The Legion Fridays


2016. The beginning of another year. I thought I would take a look at last year’s January columns and make a bit of a comparison. Jan. 5, 2015 January is the second month of winter and typically the coldest month of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, but in the Southern Hemisphere it is summer (equivalent to our July for those who live in Australia or New Zealand). The Saxons called January the “wolf month” because hungry wolves would come into their towns in search of food. As with all the months, January has some celebrations. The most celebrated is New Year’s Day but there is also Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Robbie Burns Day. In terms of celebrated “months” it is National Book Month,

the window at the trees covered with hoar frost. What a beautiful sight. I have a Siberian dogwood in my front yard and the combination of red bark and white icicles was stunning. I couldn’t help but think most of us wish the winter away but if you stop and take a look there are some great moments to enjoy. Hoar frost being one. January 2016 There are definitely some differences between this year and last. So far, January has seen little snowfall and the temperatures are relatively mild (although the weather man is predicting a drop in the mercury for a few days). Philae still has not responded but the Northern Lights are prominent in the skies and appreciated by many sky gazers, both by avid skywatchers and those less avid. The hoar frost is still beautiful. It is one winter scene that you never tire of seeing. One of the many reasons to give thanks for a winter season.

For bookings and information please phone Bear Hills RDC @ 306-948-2295 This space is courtesy of The Biggar Independent



ing for cancer dressings and children’s hospital equipment. Plans are underway to cater to the Lodge birthday party in March; and the 100th Anniversary celebration of the Grand Chapter of

Saskatchewan to be held in April. Front row, left to right, Debbie Robinson, Janet Mair, Jim Reid, Rick Rann. Middle, Donna Sweet, Cheryl Rann, Sylvia Thomson, Linda White, Bev Ot-

suka, Urla Tyler. Back, Gordon Mair, Vera McNeil, Don Tokaryk, Morley Reis and Les White. Missing, Myrtle Robinson, Nancy Pike, Elizabeth McMahon.

$312.00 at The Legion Main St., Biggar




by Bob Mason

Happy People Yours Truly thought that he would never resort (and “resort” is the right word!), to writing about this kind of subject again. After all, if some readers don’t like this kind of stuff, there may be a few that do! Either way, Y.T. isn’t telling you anything you don’t know . . . but here goes! Not wanting to appear as though he knew something most of us don’t know, and sitting up here in this nice quiet room, Yours Truly often wonders how come most of us can disregard some of the basic things

that we all need, namely “doing something”, and all stemming from that old saying: “Busy people are happy people!” All of us know these things. And yet, in the light of many other life-goals (mostly leading to a life of ease!) we never get around to doing some of them that a thousand generations before us have shown are the right ones to do! If Yours Truly were half as smart as he thinks he is, he would be out there shovelling the walk instead of trying to explain some of the odd ball thoughts he

has, eh? All through history little axioms have appeared now and then, telling us what things we have to do. Things like “know thyself”, and “by the sweat of thy brow” et cetera. But do we listen? Sometimes I wonder . . . This might seem to some as an odd ball comparison (a little crazier than usual!) but a sick animal seems to know instinctively what to do to get well! Are humans so much more ignorant? (Animals also instinctively know when they are going to die!) When we were kids, going to school in the 1930s, if we saw an animal standing apart from the rest, we could expect to see them, lying there, when we passed the next day! For some reason, we humans just sit there and hope we don’t! They seem to know, over the ages, some of the things that “man” has almost forgotten! The slaves that helped build the “wonders of




Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the Town of Biggar intends to adopt a bylaw in accordance with The Municipalities Act and the Public Notice Bylaw No. 06-665. This bylaw will be known as the Council Procedures Bylaw, No. 16-767. The purpose of the Council Procedures Bylaw is to establish clear transparent, consistent and accessible rules for conducting business at meetings, for council members, administrators and the public to follow and participate in governing the municipality and for council in establishing council committees. The proposed bylaw will be considered by council at their regular meeting held on Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at the Town office in Biggar, Saskatchewan. Issued at Biggar, Saskatchewan, this 7th day of January, 2016. Barb Barteski, CAO

Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority - Liquor Permit Under the provisions of The Alcohol and Gaming Regulations Act, 1997 Notice is hereby given that Erica Forster has applied to the Liquor and Gaming Authority for a Tavern with Off-sale.

the world” were probably happy just to be fed! Their needs were being supplied, and they left another wonderful example, “Busy people are happy people!” Our “wants” however, have really changed. No longer are pyramids (or anything else) being built by food payments. We want “cash on the barrel head”, plus overruns! And no longer are we physically fit to do things like that! Sometimes Y.T. think that our impressions of “slavery” are a little wrong. As a matter-offact, some historians think that the slavery of ancient times was mans first step toward civilization! We don’t know, but surely mans feeling for his fellow man must have appeared somewhere, sometime! Heck, in the hopelessness of the 1930’s, one of my uncles had a “hired man” who never claimed anything but to be clothed and fed – no whip – no Simon Legree sneer, just a human agreement that people need food and shelter! Democracy may have been far down the road yet, in those pyramid building days, but humanity wasn’t! And I’ll bet that those 100,000 builders were proud of what they had

THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2016 done! digging tunnels and tryHesitant note: If any- ing to escape, in order one takes exception to to keep from going “conthis “food for value” idea, finement crazy”! And they should go without the trials of the Great Depression, when everyeating for a while! Bad joke: They tell me thing seems hopeless, that “slavery” is illegal, have inspired many peoyet some people think ple to “do” something, that “the eagle” is a sick anything! All of our so-called bird! (That one went out generation with “travelling sales- “special” should read (and underman” stories, eh?) Y.T. is trying to make stand) the verses writthe point that a peasant, ten by Robert Service shovel in hand, is just entitled “The joy of being as happy and proud as poor!” a king “counting out his People have known money”! about these things from Mebbe Y.T. isn’t doing way, way back, but most much of a job of it, and of our trouble comes he’s not sure anything from not doing them! will result from his Samson must have scribble, but the above done quite a few pushmentioned “king” proba- ups before he took on the bly can’t do 100 yards in Philistines, eh? (Judges 15:15) I mean, after all, 10 seconds flat either! The also above men- if you are going to slay a tioned peasant may thousand people with a hang up his hoe for a jawbone, you’d better be few minutes but he also in good shape! I’ll bet hat the guys knows that it is just as important to take it on the Gaya “coffee row” down again. The king, had a lot to say about on the other hand, may that one, eh? have to donate a little Dear Reader: Excuse of his money to the local some of my oddball health spa and do a little claims! None of us “running on the spot” for (especially Y.T.) know a while! some of these things. Many times, over the But all of us know that centuries the advan- “Busy People are Happy tage of “busy people” People”. So, Y.T. will has been pointed out to keep on writing as long us. In a book that Yours as you keep on reading! Truly read recently, There must be a light the P.O.W.s (Prisoners at the end of this tunnel of War), in Stalag Luff somewhere, eh? III (Poland) spent years

Biggar Lodge News by Karen Kammer, Recreation Coordinator Happy 2016! I am finally back to work after being away from surgery. Thank you to everyone for thinking of me while I was away with cards, prayers, et cetera. I sure missed not seeing the residents every day. Today I thought I would tell you about some things we did over at the Lodge last week. Monday was exercises and that afternoon

we had Jeopardy. The residents and myself learned a few new things like Prince Charles likes to collect toilets supposedly? I wouldn’t add that to my list of hobbies personally but we sure had a good chuckle. Tuesday was current events. At 2:30 we had a coffee party. Wednesday morning was shuffleboard and then we had Shake Loose a Memory. Thursday morning

Permit to sell alcohol in premises known as Biggar Bar at 115 - 1st Ave. W., Biggar, Sask. of which the following is a correct legal description: Lots 13 - 17; Block 5; Plan No. D4771 Surface Parcel #118711582, 115 - 1st Ave. W., Biggar. Written objections to the granting of the permit may be filed with SLGA not more than two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Every person filing a written objection with SLGA shall state their name, address and telephone number in printed form, as well as the grounds for the objection(s). Petitions must name a contact person, state grounds and be legible. Each signatory to the petition and the contact person must provide an address and telephone number. Frivolous, vexatious or competition-based objections within the beverage alcohol industry may not be considered, and may be rejected by the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Licensing Commission, who may refuse to hold a hearing. Write to: Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority Box 5054 Regina, SK S4P 3M3

Travel Voucher winner! . . . The final winner of the 2015 Travel Voucher draw was Hiren Gajjar. Hiren took home a $2,000 voucher, while Don McKinley won the $100. Congratulations! (Submitted Photo)

was Bible Study. We are looking into more about Jesus as a young boy learning his teachings from God. Later in the morning we got ready for New Year’s Eve. At 2:30 everyone gathered into the Activity Room for our New Years Eve party. We had balloons, party hats, beads, noise makers, a photo booth and even connect the dots puzzles. We were very lucky to have the kitchen girls over to see us “Someone’s in the Kitchen with Dinah”. It was sure fun to see them. We had cupcakes, cheese and crackers along with punch for our snack. At 3:00 we blew our noise makers and balloons fell from the ceiling. Friday was New Year’s Day so everyone just took her easy from the busy night yesterday. Saturday was Home Sweet Home Bingo and a coffee party. Sunday was 1-1 time and Church of God did worship for us. Thank you to everyone for reading and taking part in our fun at the Biggar Lodge.



2016 Recreation Board Travel Voucher Tickets Oath of the Gatewatch is just around the corner, and while most of the set still remains a mystery as of writing, one thing has been made abundantly clear: Colourless matters. The concept of colourless cards has been around since long before the Devoid mechanic came about, and the same goes for colourless mana. Perhaps the biggest change to come out with this set, more so than Surge being the first keyword mechanic to care about team members, is that colourless mana is finally getting a codified symbol for use as a cost and an associated basic land. By creating this new symbol, and hopefully being consistent in its use going forward, should help to dispel any confusion and conflation between colourless mana and generic mana. Generic mana is often seen in costs of cards and abilities. It is the 2 you pay in the 2R cost for Nettle Drone, or the 4 in the 4W you pay to activate Cliffside Lookout’s ability. If it is in the top right of a card, or to left of a colon in the body of text, you are dealing with generic mana. Generic mana doesn’t care about what hue goes into it, so long as the cost is paid. Colourless mana, on the other hand, has for the past 23 years been produced with the same denotation as the costs for generic mana, merely living on the other side of the colon. In a set where colourlessness matters as much as it does, Wizards of the Costs has finally decided to codify colourless mana and give it its own symbol, while also invoking that same symbol in the costs of spells and abilities.

Thus, we now have Wastes, a basic land (with no basic land type) that taps for C, the new tex denotation for colourless mana, which looks like a diamond when printed on a card. We now have cards like Deceiver of Form that costs 6C, requiring a colourless mana along with six generic mana (which can be paid with colourless mana just as easily as mana of any colour) and Prophet of Distortion who’s activated ability costs 3C. This also means a number of retroactive changes to the game. Ancient Tomb for example used to tap for 2 and dealt 2 damage to you. Now it taps for CC and deals 2 damage to you. It is important to know that this is mechanically identical, but the writing has changed to better illustrate the production of colourless mana. This means that a lot of old cards are going to change in their Oracle wordings, but they will all work in the same way. Cloudpost and the and the Urza-tron will both still continue to produce silly amounts of mana, and that mana can still be used to pay for the X in Fireball’s casting cost. Invariably, this will lead to some noise and confusion when the set first comes out, but as time moves on it will simply become accepted as part of the game in much the same way as hybrid mana and phyrexian mana did. All that remains to be seen it to what extent they push colourless as a cost as a mechanic. In a block like Return to Zendikar, the absence or presence of colour matters immensely. Where else this will be invoked remains to be seen.

$100 each 12 chances to win a $2,000 travel voucher Plus 12 chances to win $100 cash First draw is January 15th, 2016 (2 draws every month) Get your ticket at the Town Office or call 306-948-3317 with your credit card information.

2015 Winners: Month: January February March April May June July August September October November December

Travel Voucher: Donna Baum Jim and Gerry Besse Mike & Cheryl Desrosiers Mike & Deb Jiricka Doug & Robin Minish Rita Tavanetz David Keith Shannon Heather Lori Hendry Andrea Ball Lauren Wylie Hiren Gajjar

$100 cash Cherry Dalisay Linda Covey Bonita Elliot Pat Hankey Len & Donna Lozinsky Donna Donahue Bob & Brenda Steeg Mike & Deb Jiricka Pamela Eaton Donna Fines Patsy & Fred Polsfut Don McKinley


Adoption of Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 5-2015 Adoption of Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 Zoning Bylaw No. 6-2015 NOTICE Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 intends to consider the adoption of a new Official Community Plan (“RM of Glenside Official Community Plan”) and Zoning Bylaw under the Planning and Development Act, 2007. These bylaw will be referred to respectively as Bylaw No. 5-2015 and Bylaw No. 6-2015. INTENT OF OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN The proposed Bylaw establishes municipal land use policies addressing, but not limited to, the following subject: General Policies Agricultural Resources Country Residential Development Public Utilities and Health and Safety Ground and Source Water Protection Natural and Environmental Areas Recreation and Tourism Cultural and Heritage Resources Community Economic Development Transportation Networks Natural Resources The Official Community Plan contains a Future Land Use Map (contained in this notice) which graphically displays, in a conceptual manner, the present, intended short and longer term future location and extent of general land uses within the RM of Glenside. This will assist in the application of general goals, objective and policies of the Plan. The policies in the Official Community Plan will be implemented primarily through administration of the municipality’s Zoning Bylaw. INTENT OF ZONING BYLAW Intent of the proposed Zoning Bylaw establishes local provisions and regulations for development within the RM of Glenside. The Zoning Bylaw implements the District Plan and the Official Community Plan and the use of land for amenity of the areas for the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants of the municipality. The Zoning Bylaw establishes zoning districts which regulate permitted, discretionary and prohibited principal and accessory uses of land in the RM of Glenside as well as provide development permitted processes and standards. The Zoning Districts include: Agriculture Resource (AR) Country Residential Acreage (CR) Commercial/Industrial (C/I) Flood Hazard Overlay (FH) Slope Hazard Overlay (SH) Ecological Sensitive Overlay (ES) Heritage Resource Overlay (HR) AFFECTED LAND All land within the corporate limits of the RM of Glenside as shown on the Future Land Use Map and Zoning District Map contained in this notice, is affected by the new Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw. You property may be directly affected by the provisions in the new Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw. Please check the full

version of these documents that are available for viewing oat the RM Municipal Office. REASON FOR OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN The RM of Glenside Official Community Plan will help direct and manage growth and development in the RM of Glenside for the next twenty-five plus years. REASON FOR ZONING BYLAW The RM of Glenside Zoning Bylaw will help implement the Official Community Plan with site-specific provisions and regulations of the RM of Glenside. PUBLIC INSPECTION Any person may inspect the proposed Bylaws at the RM of Glenside Office during regular hours. Copies of the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw may also be obtained for a charge of $25.00. PUBLIC HEARING The Council of the RM of Glenside will hold a respective public hearing at: The RM of Glenside No. 377 office from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on January 22, 2016 at 113 6th Avenue East, Biggar, SK to hear any person or group that wishes to comment on the proposed bylaws. The Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing or delivered to the RM Office before the hearing. Issued at the RM of Glenside, this 7th day of January, 2016. Signed: Joanne Fullerton, A/Administrator



Calvin peers into a murky crystal ball

by Calvin Daniels

At this time of year everyone tends to take a look into a crystal ball for a glimpse of what may lie ahead for the new year. While there are always mists of uncertainty surrounding such a look, sort of like the rabbit ears’ reception on an old black and white television, this year’s view is not one most are going to be happy with. The world had been enjoying some 10 years of commodity prices buoying the overall economy. Prices for iron ore to make steel, gas to fire industry, and as a result most other commodities taken along for the ride, have seen some record highs

over the past decade, and in general terms steadily high prices. That was until 2015, when the commodity market slipped into a standstill, and without the momentum of the recent past, prices began to roll back like a boulder up a hill when those pushing it up the incline became too tired to take it higher. In this case the pusher of commodity prices had been China. China’s industrial growth, which was the driving force for commodities such as iron ore and oil, ground to a halt. Without what had been near double digit growth

numbers for years, that country’s appetite for more and more raw materials disappeared in 2015, and frankly there was nowhere else in the world capable of buffering the system against that decline. In very real terms commodity prices were a case of having all their eggs in one basket, with China the basket, and it simply broke. One report throughout the news agency Reuters had iron ore prices tumbling by 40 per cent this in 2015 due to global oversupply and shrinking Chinese steel demand. In coal, thermal prices fell almost a third in 2015. Copper and zinc shed a quarter of their value, and nickel collapsed more than 40 per cent. If that doesn’t sound regressing, it should, as the prospect for a recovery in 2016 seems remote. For Canada, a country so reliant on commodity exports the hit is rather direct. Here on the Prairies we feel the impact of low oil prices in reduced jobs in

601 8th Ave W, Biggar

For Sale in Biggar (MLS) 601 8th Ave W 112 8th Ave W 606 7th Ave W 410 4th Ave W 114 7th Ave W 208 4th Ave E 314 6th Ave W 407 5th Ave W 602 Main St 413 5th Ave E 216 4th Ave W 103 4th Ave E 224 2nd Ave W

Impressive high-end 2,235 sq. ft. home with 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. The interior features cathedral ceilings, wood floors, a gas fireplace, sauna, and marble accents. You can see each room has its own elegant detail, from the beautiful butcher block island in the custom kitchen and the stunning spa like master ensuite with Jacuzzi tub, just to name a few. Outside you will find the vast covered deck, ready for entertaining, and the double attached garage which is insulated, gyprocked, and has direct access to the main floor, basement, and to the front and back yards. This house is a must see! Asking $479,000 MLS 544753

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$479,000 $305,000 $289,900 $249,000 $209,000 $175,000 $174,500 $158,000 $110,000 $105,000 $85,000 $65,000 $48,000

Out of Town Properties (MLS) 908 8th St Perdue $244,000 302 1st St Milden $105,000 507 1st St Wilkie $66,900 102 2nd Ave W Landis $59,000 110 3rd St Milden $35,000 705 Ave M Perdue $20,000

Reduced Properties 507 1st St Wilkie


Recently Sold 114 2nd Ave W

Cari Perih Residential Salesperson (306) 948-7995 Cari.Perih@HammondRealty.ca


the sector, and the loss of buying power because of it, which hits the retail sector. Potash has not been immune to the commodity decline, with a mine in Eastern Canada simply shutting its doors. The result is a Canadian dollar that is tumbling like a hungarian partridge winged in hunting season. That does help bolster exports to the United States, a key market for Canadian pork, beef and a range of other products, but there is a point where too low a dollar impacts consumers in a very negative way as in store items

reflect the low dollar. We already see that on items such as books. We are also going to see the impact of the low commodity prices when it comes to revenue expectations in provincial budgets on the Prairies in 2016. And the low dollar will not be a friend in those budgets either. So we can expect austere budgets provincially, and federally, more red ink than many are going to be happy with. Now a slight positive is that agricultural commodities have not declined to the same degree as oil and minerals.

However, ag products do not operate in a vacuum independent of other commodities either, so the general drag will make any 2016 rallies harder to kick start, unless there are major weather issues at play. So farmers are going to find themselves hoping that prices can dig in and hold the line, which is likely the most optimistic vision one will have been able to crystal ball. In the end farmers, like most of us, will need to batten down the hatches, because it looks like there will be some rough economic waters ahead this year.

Cargil staff and Sunshine donate to families in need . . . Cargil’s Melissa Silvernagle, kneeling, right, and Sunshine Care Home’s Shannon DeVries along with residents were truly in the holiday spirit. Cargil Rosetown/Kindersley staff with the help of the communities they serve, filled hampers of food, gifts and grocery gift certificates to give to 12 families - everything they need for a Christmas dinner, breakfast and of course some treats, as well as a gift for each member of the family and stocking stuffers for the kids. Three of those hampers went to families in Biggar, and Sunshine Care Home donated $200 towards the hampers to purchase gifts for local families. Sometimes Santa’s helpers are closer than you think! Thank you Sunshine and Cargil for your spirit and warmth over this past Christmas season. (Independent Photo by Daryl Hasein)

Students return to school Motorists, please slow down and watch for children in school zones The holiday season is coming to an end and children will have returned to their classrooms. CAA Saskatchewan reminds motorists to be alert around schools and playgrounds. Here are a few more safety tips for motorists: s 3LOW DOWN TO THE posted speed limit. s "E PREPARED TO STOP for CAA School Safety Patrols on duty in school zones. s !LWAYS STOP FOR SCHOOL buses that are loading or unloading students. s !LLOW STUDENTS enough time to cross the

street safely especially as intersections can be covered in ice and snow. s 7ATCH FOR CHILDREN darting out from between parked cars or buildings. CAA also encourages parents, caregivers and teachers to help children stay safe on the way to and from school by teaching them a few pedestrian safety rules such as: s 3TOP LOOK BOTH ways and listen before crossing the street. s #ROSS AT INTERSECTIONS or at corners and refrain from jay walking. s 7AIT FOR THE SIGNAL OF

the on duty CAA school safety patroller when crossing the street in a school zone. s %NSURE WINTER apparel such as toques and scarves do not obstruct children’s vision or hearing. CAA Saskatchewan has sponsored the CAA School Safety Patrol program since 1951 and approximately 4,293 patrollers assist in 59 communities with 155 schools around the province. CAA Saskatchewan provides training materials, stop paddles and reflective vests free of charge.



Asquith athlete enters ‘Toon Sports Hall of Fame Lisa Down, daughter of Marg and Don Down was inducted into the Saskatoon Sports Hall of Fame in November. Lisa started playing softball in Asquith at the age of 6, first playing in the Eagle Creek minor softball league and then later joined the women’s team to participate in many of the local sports day tournaments. Following graduation for Lord Asquith School, she attended the University of Saskatchewan and joined the Saskatoon Amateur Softball Association. While playing between 1983 and 1996, she participated in many provincial, western and

Canadian Championships as a pitcher. During this time she also joined the executive of SASA, serving in the position of treasurer for 26 years. In 1992, Lisa was first elected to the Board of Directors of Softball Saskatchewan and then elected as president in 1995. She was elected to the Board of Softball Canada in 1998 and is currently in her eight consecutive two-year term. Various roles within the softball organizations provided Lisa the opportunity to travel extensively throughout Canada and to many interesting areas around the world. Lisa was named as the Board

AGI comes up big for KidSport . . . Chelsea Edwards of AGI Envirotank, left, presents Town of Biggar Rec Director and Biggar KidSport rep, Erin Poitras with a cheque for $3,200. Money was raised by AGI employee’s with AGI matching the amount - a Christmas present KidSport greatly appreciated! (Submitted Photo)

Liaison to the Women’s National Softball Team program in 2005 and has travelled with both the Junior and Senior teams as either the Head of Delegation and/or Team Leader to several World Championships including Cape Town, South Africa; Haarlem, Netherlands; Brampton, Ontario; San Juan, Puerto Rico and Whitehorse, Yukon. One of the highlights was travelling with the senior team to Beijing, China in 2007 and 2008 for a test Olympic event and then for the 2008 Olympics. Lisa also served in the role as Team Leader for the women’s team at the 2015 Pan Am Games in Toronto where both the Men’s and Women’s Softball teams captured Gold. The Women’s final game versus the USA ended in dramatic fashion with a 4-2 extra inning win after going scoreless through seven innings. This was the first time since 1983 the Canada defeated the USA in the final game of the Pan Am Games, bringing an end to seven consecutive silver medals. Lisa has also spent many years involved in coaching education for softball coaches. This has included attaining Level

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3 Softball Certification as a coach and then becoming an instructor of the coaching program within Saskatchewan, eventually transitioning into the Softball Master Learning Facilitator which involved training other facilitators in the province who present the clinic to coaches. Since 1998 Lisa has been an active member of the Softball Canada Coaching Development Committee

including developing the course content for many of the coaching clinics provided throughout the country. Lisa also had the opportunity to hold a coaching role within the Provincial Softball Team program in either an assistant or head coach. This included attending the 2003, 2011 Western Canada Games and the 2005 Jeux Canada Games. Lisa has also served as

a long-time volunteer on many of the host committees for softball events held in Saskatoon since 1990. The highlight includes three very successful world championships where Lisa was part of the leadership group of the 2002 Women’s, the 2009 Men’s and the 2015 Men’s events. In the 2009 and 2015 events Lisa held the positions of Vice-Chair and Director of Volunteers.

November 23-27 Ladies League: LHS – Marilyn Miller, 261; LHT – Marilyn Miller, 649; LHA – Dorrie Laberswieler, 183; THS – Other Frame, 1,119; THT – Other Frame, 3,252. Mens League: MHS – Al Levitt, 232; MHT – Al Levitt, 631; MHA – Glen Shockey, 177; THS – JAG, 816; THT – JAG, 2,306. Club 55: LHS – Joey Levitt, 240; MHS – Al Levitt, 248; LHT – Joey Levitt, 629; MHT – Al Levitt, 604; LHA – Joey Levitt, 175; MHA – Dennis Notschke, 172; THS – Bee Gees, 1,1164; THT – Bee Gees, 3,351. November 30 – December 4

Ladies League: LHS – Dorrie Laberswieler, 211; LHT – Sonya Evers/Dorrie Laberswieler, 561; LHA – Dorrie Laberswieler, 183; THS – Bleepers, 1,088; THT – Bleepers, 3,200. Mens League: MHS – Glen Shockey, 237; MHT – Dennis Notschke, 602; MHA – Glen Shockey, 178; THS – WWF, 786; THT – WWF, 2,272. Club 55: LHS – Joey Levitt, 292; MHS – Dennis Notschke, 255; LHT – Joey Levitt, 610; MHT – Dennis Notschke, 620; LHA – Joey Levitt, 178; MHA – Dennis Notschke, 174; THS – Hopefuls, 1,120; THT – Hopefuls, 3,244 December 7-11

Ladies League: LHS – Dorrie Laberswieler, 227; LHT – Dorrie Laberswieler, 612; LHA – Dorrie Laberswieler, 185; THS – Other Frame, 1,098; THT – Other Frame, 3,121. Mens League: MHS – Bob Lemon, 274; MHT – Bob Lemon, 590; MHA – Glen Shockey, 178; THS – JAG, 858; THT – JAG, 2,328. Club 55: LHS – Kay Munro, 212; MHS – Al Levitt, 180; LHT – Kay Munro, 582; MHT – Peter Hofmiester, 471; LHA – Joey Levitt, 176; MHA – Dennis Notschke, 173; THS – DJ’s, 1,117; THT – DJ’s, 3,095.

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Chef Dez on cooking

Culinary resolutions for 2016

Look Good, Feel Great & Be Well

Ah, the start of a fresh year. What better time is there to make a pact with oneself to start anew? In the position of a culinary instructor, I encounter many situations with people wanting to improve areas of the culinary arts within their home kitchens and lifestyles. If you are undecided about making a resolution, contemplate making one focusing on the culinary aspect in your life. The most common culinary resolution would be one of dietetic and health boundaries. Many people have the aspiration to start the New Year with a promise of either losing weight or getting in better physical shape. The change in what you consume on a daily basis will obviously influence your success, or lack there of. Try making a resolution to yourself to investigate

low fat, low carbohydrate, and/or high protein cooking. This promise will involve educating yourself in these areas, and putting the acquired information into practice. Go to the library, research the Internet, buy a cookbook, and take a cooking class. Maybe a more suited resolution would be to revamp the state of your pantry and the food supply in your kitchen. Perhaps you have always wanted to have a pantry that is more focused on your favourite cuisines. For example, someone who loves Italian and Greek cuisine would stock their pantry with varying types of olives, capers, tomatoes, grape leaves, olive oils, balsamic vinegars, et cetera. The refrigerator and freezer can also be coordinated to contain the perishables of the same cuisine. Motivation to focus more on cooking certain cuisines in your household

THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2016 will start with having the ingredients at your fingertips. One can even take this to the extreme in organization by creating labels and segregating areas in your pantry for different food groupings. The simplest of all culinary resolutions however, would be to blow dust off your cookbooks and start making some new dishes. Whether it is of small or large proportions, we all have collections of cookbooks . . . with many of them going unused. Make it a goal in your home to open up a cookbook once or twice a week, and try a new recipe. If you choose to do this, make sure you are setting yourself up for success. Decide on and investigate the recipe prior to the date you plan on making it. Purchase the ingredients ahead of time, and ensure that you have the basic equipment and utensils necessary to successfully complete the task at hand. This will help eliminate any stress that you may encounter during preparation. “Attitude is everything”. This is the best advice I can give you. Whatever you approach in life, from making a resolution, making new friends or making a new

Make 2016 ‘YOUR’ year of Wellness Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol

recipe, proceed in a positive fashion. You will always find what you are searching for. If you look for the positives in something or someone, you will always find them. The same applies if you are seeking out negatives. Be aware of what you are looking for and your experience will always be more rewarding. Dear Chef Dez: I noticed in your “Healthy Choices” class, you mention that you had a significant weight loss years ago within a six-month period. How

enough calories in my diet, I never had enough energy to maintain a regular exercise program. Please keep in mind that I am not a dietician or medical professional. Everybody is different and I believe that a successful method exists for everyone. Send your food/cooking questions to dez@chefdez. com or P.O. Box 2674, Abbotsford, B.C., V2T 6R4. Chef Dez is a Food Columnist, Culinary Travel Host and Cookbook Author. Visit him at chefdez.com.

Daryl Hasein)

?? A S F T a P or S R R n a g in n i t s e v n i e Should I b Rule of Thumb




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Tony R. Abbotsford, B.C. Dear Tony: I did this by exercising and limiting fat grams and sugar - I didn’t count calories. The more lean muscle mass a body has, the more calories the body will burn - even when sleeping. Therefore, going to the gym is extremely important. Calories are energy and too many times prior I wasted my efforts limiting them too extensively in my total food intake. Without

Our Biggar Winner! . . . Biggar Independent Advertising Consultant Urla Tyler, left, congratulates our Christmas promotion winner Madelyn Leschinski. Madelyn received $700 gift certificate to be redeemed at any merchant who was in our annual Christmas promotion event. Congratulations Madelyn - we hope that took the sting out of the holiday shopping budget! (Independent Photo by

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Coming Events

BIGGAR ASSOCIATED GOSPEL CHURCH corner of 8th Ave.W. and Quebec St., Biggar

Sunday Worship • 10:50 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Ladies Bible Study, Wednesdays, 9:45 a.m. Church office number, 306-948-3424

BIGGAR UNITED CHURCH 907 Quebec St. and corner Turnbull Ave., Biggar Sunday Worship Service • 11 a.m. Coffee and fellowship to follow service.

Potluck after service on first Sunday of the month. SUNDAY SCHOOL‌ first two Sundays of each month. Church office number, 306-948-2280, Rev. Jane Gallagher.

PRESBYTERIANS, ANGLICANS AND LUTHERANS (PALS) JANUARY WORSHIP @ REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH 319 - 7th Ave. East, Biggar • 10:30 a.m. For more information/pastoral services, phone Pastor Mark Kleiner @ 306-948-3731, 306-951-7122.

ST. GABRIEL ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 109 - 7th Ave. W, Biggar Father Michel Bedard Parish Phone: 306-948-3330



Valorie Helen Weir

KALUZY: In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, George, who passed away December 29, 1973. “No further away than a picture A smile or remembered phrase; Our loved ones live in memory’ So close in many ways.� Ever remembered by the family. 1p1

(nee Nahorney) Valorie (aka “The Angel�) passed away peacefully on Christmas Day. She lived a life full of purpose and joy; counting family, friends and colleagues as her greatest joys. She enjoyed a long career in social work, specializing in child protection and foster care. Val is greatly missed by her husband of 18 years, Paul Weir; and by her extensive family. She is survived by her mother, Helen Nahorney; sisters, Eleanor (Ken) Fisher, and Jeanette (Michael) Amico; brothers, Mike (Darlene), and Steve (Joanne); sisters-inlaw, Lynn (Arnold) Maki, and Kathi (Martin) Lewis Curtis; nieces, Brianna and Lyndsay Weir, Anita LaHay, and Amanda Maki; nephew, Adam Maki; her dear friend, Linda McNeil; along with numerous other family members and many, many friends; and by her beloved dog, Bugsey. Valorie was predeceased by her father, William (Bill) Nahorney; and her brother, Lorne. If friends so desire, memorial tributes may e made to the Edmonton Humane Society or to the Canadian Diabetes Association. To send condolences, please visit www.connelly-mckinley. com 1c1

MASS TIME 3UNDAY s A M Sunday School during service DEADLINE


Monday • 5 p.m.

Everyone Welcome!

Garage Sales SATURDAY, JANUARY 16: Moving/Garage Sale‌ Carruthers Acreage, ½ mile west on Hwy #51, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 51, 1, 2 p3





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ALL Subscriptions expired Dec. 31, 2015

S AT U R D AY, JANUARY 9: Biggar & District Arts Council presents . . .�THE MARC HOLT QUINTET� , 7:30 p.m. at The Majestic Theatre, Biggar. Adults/Seniors $25 (advance $20); Students, 13 and older, $15 (advance $12); children 12 and under $5. Advance tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar, 306948-2452. 48c6 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2: Biggar & District Arts Council presents . . .�LUKE McMASTER� , 7:30 p.m. at The Majestic Theatre, Biggar. Adults/Seniors $25 (advance $20); Students, 13 and older, $15 (advance $12); children 12 and under $5. Advance tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar, 306948-2452. 52c5


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S AT U R D AY, JANUARY 16: A shower for the soon-to-be MRS.: for CHELSEY ANTONENKO. Please join us at 2 p.m. in Westwinds Motor Hotel Centennial Room, Biggar. 1p2 SATURDAY, JANUARY 23: You are invited to a 90th Birthday Party for GABE SILVERNAGLE, 2 - 4 p.m. at Westview Apartments, Biggar. No gifts please. 1p3 Classified Ads Work 306-948-3344 tip@sasktel.net



For Sale Maytag washer and dryer for sale. Phone 306-9483676 1p3

Wanted Looking to buy Indian arrowheads and any associated stone tools. Phone 306-7173232. 41tfn Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Landfill OR contact Quentin Sittler at 306-6582132 tfn MAIN STREET GARAGE SALE is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 306-9481773 or 306-9485393. Pickup available. tfn

Land for Rent LAND FOR RENT, pasture in R.M. of Eagle Creek. Call for details, 306948-9186. 22tfn

Houses for Sale/Rent Three-bedroom home with all new appliances, partly furnished with finished basement, air conditioner, garage with door opener, lovely yard, close to hospital and nursing home. Possession January 1, 2016. Call 306-9482098 51p3

REAL ESTATE SASK. FARMS & RANCHES ARDATH: 1499 ac. 724 cult ac., + 747 ac. pasture, cattle facilities, 1380 sq. ft. home on well treed yard. ELROSE: 160 ac. - 148 ac. tame hay, barbed wire fencing, assess. 52,800. KERROBERT: 5.2 ac. - 1552 sq. ft. home on well treed/ landscaped yard on Highway #51. Contact ‌ Murray Murdoch, Cell: 306-858-8000

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Houses for Rent One bedroom house for rent includes fridge, stove, washer and dryer, walking distance from downtown. $550/month. Phone 306-9482233 52p3 Two and three bedroom houses for rent. Close to downtown and school. Fridge and stove included. For viewing call 306-948-3674 or 306-948-9517 or 306-948-7022. 50tfn


For Rent Charter/ Sherwood Apartments 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundr y facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwasher s, air conditioning, parking with plugins. For more information call: Karen/Kevin 948-9115 302 - 8th Ave. W. Biggar


Advertisements d andd statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Asso2ciation and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at www. swna.com.

Employment Opportunity NEW-WAY IRRIGATION

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$41.00 + $2.05 gst = $43.05




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This space in this directory is available for only $161.20 plus gst…

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Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK



• Bookkeeping • Tax Returns • Financial Statements

Ph: 306-948-4430 or 306-948-4460

rod.campbell@sasktel.net 122 Main St., Biggar, SK

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Lyndsey Poole

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Mutual Fund Investment Specialist, Wealth Consultant Credential Asset Management Inc.

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Located at the Biggar & District Credit Union 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK • 306-948-3352 Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc., and mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities Inc. ®Credential is a registered mark owned by Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license.

ADVERTISING is an investment in your business.







DUANE NEUFELDT 403 Main St., Biggar

Licensed For: # # #



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Proud sponsor of Children’s Wish Foundation


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Landis OfÂżce Hours:

Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon., Tues., & Fri., 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wed., 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thurs., CLOSED

304 Main St., Biggar Phone: 306-948-2204 Toll Free: 1-855-948-2204

Website: www.biggarinsurance.ca Email: biggar@biggarinsurance.ca

100 - 2nd Ave. W., Landis Phone: 306-658-2044 Toll Free: 1-855-658-2044

Website: www.landisinsurance.ca Email: landis@landisinsurance.ca

“We’ll getcha covered� COURIER/HAULING


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Photos by Jocelyn

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You’re reading one! Trucking &this Cattle

• Cattle hauling with 21 ft. gooseneck trailer • round and large square bale hauling with step-deck or highboy semi-trailers • also buying and selling straw and forage • also machinery hauling Home • 306-948-2037 Alex • 306-948-7291 Dan • 306-948-7843 Biggar, Sask.

306.237.7671 TROY MAY, owner/opertor Fax:306-237-.TROY email: tmay@hotmail.ca Super B outÀts hauling grain and fertilizer in Alberta and Saskatchewan



Corner of Main Street & 1st Avenue West, Biggar

KRF Auto Centre 100% handwash h7HERE WE DO IT ALL FOR YOU v s $ETAILING s Vortex Spray-In Box Liners s Granitex Baked-on Coatings for Decks and Cement Flooring s !UTO !CCESSORIES s 4RAILER 2ENTALS

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Cell: 306-948-7524

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after hours George: 948-4042


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For a FREE consultation, call Cheryl Irvine @





(WY %AST "IGGAR 306-948-2109

Rebel Landscaping 306-948-2879, evenings 306-948-7207, daytime Ed Kolenosky s $RIVEWAYS s #ONCRETE s 'ARAGE 0ADS s 0RUNING s 0LANTING



Goldburg Gravel Ltd. • Pit Run • Base Gravel • Road Gravel

• Crushed Rock • Top Soil

Phone‌ Leam Craig

Jerry Muc Phone: 306-948-2958 306-948-5699

Biggar Sand & Gravel

306-948-2801 or 306-948-7279 HONEYBEE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Bob Kobelsky

306-658-4474, Landis





• trenching • trucking • water & sewer • sand & gravel • excavating Office ‌

306-948-5455 Anne G. Livingston

CertiÀed Custom Picture Framer • photographs • paintings • art prints • memorabilia • collages, etc. Call Anne @ 306-948-7274 greengables2@sasktel.net



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306-948-3312 sales@gvsigns.ca



Housing for families and seniors Rent based on income

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Ask Abou

A Sign of



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Service Truck Full Mechanical Service -ON &RI s A M P M phone: George



Judy Kahovec‌ 306-882-4313, cell 306-831-7935

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High Speed Internet Dealer

Biggar Of¿ce Hours‌

Teams, Corporate and Personal Attire

SGI Safety Inspection


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Custom Embroidery

RED APPLE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES “Administrative Services to Meet Your Business Needs�

Heavy Truck Repair

Cell 306-948-7995

of The Battlefords Independently Owned and Operated

207 Main St. Biggar

Phone: 306-948-5678



Burnt Orange Sales Repair Virus Removal

Custom Cleaning of H.R.S. & C.P. S. Wheat

Saskatoon - Biggar OďŹƒce

Computer Sales and Repair

130 - 2 Ave. W., Biggar

OPEN: Tues., Thurs., & Fri., 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.


Contact THE INDEPENDENT 306-9483344 to have your business listed here, ‌ask about special rates and sizes!

Your family remembered forever! in the Heritage Albums for only $25 at the Biggar Museum, 306-948-3451

DEADLINE for ads, classisifeds and news MONDAY - 5 P.M.


Wilkie Outlaws (7) @ Biggar Nationals (3) (Saturday, January 2) Scoring: Outlaws – (1st) 3, (2nd) 3, (3rd) 1, Total: 7. Nationals – (1st) 1, (2nd) 1, (3rd) 1, Total: 3. Shots: Outlaws – (1st) 14, (2nd) 11, (3rd) 9, Total: 34. Nationals – (1st) 9, (2nd) 8, (3rd) 11, Total: 28. Power Plays: Outlaws – 0 for 8. Nationals – 0 for 7. Scoring Summary Period 1: Outlaws at

18:38 – Andrew Herle from Mike Sittler and Rick Cey; Outlaws at 18:27 – Brett Harrison from Rick Cey and Will Rathje; Outlaws at 11:44 – Rory Gregoire and Dustin Glackin and Derek Keller; Nationals at 2:24 – Kyle Dilosa from Travis Granbois. Period 2: Outlaws at 15:39 – Garrett Cameron from Brock Harrison and Mitch Suchan; Outlaws

at 11:32 – Rory Gregoire from Dustin Glackin and Will Rathje; Outlaws at 7:25 – Brett Harrison from Rick Cey and Rory Gregoire; Nationals at 6:32 – Kyle Dilosa and Derek Argue and Clark McNulty. Period 3: Outlaws at 17:10 – Mitch Suchan from Garrett Cameron; Nationals at 1:55 – Kevin Fick from Matt Bourgeois.

Penalty Summary Period 1: Wilkie Outlaws at 19:28 – Derek Keller for Misconduct (10), Roughing (2); Nationals at 19:25 – Travis Granbois for Misconduct (10), Roughing (2); Nationals at 19:25 – Kyle Dilosa for Boarding (2); Nationals at 16:44 – Steve Makway for Hooking (2); Outlaws at 15:26 – Brett Schell for Charging (2); Outlaws

THE INDEPENDENT, BIGGAR, SK - 15 at 14:20 – Brett Harrison at 5:48 – Will Rathje for for Interference (2); Hooking (2); Outlaws at Nationals at 8:13 – Kyle 2:10 – Brett Schell for Dilosa for Elbowing (2). Roughing (2); Nationals Period 2: Outlaws at at 2:10 – Zach Wourms 17:55 – Garrett Cameron for Slashing (2). for Interference (2); Period 3: Nationals at Nationals at 15:39 10:44 – Kyle Dilosa for – Bryan Bridges for High Sticking (2). Misconduct (10); Outlaws

The KAYETTE CLUB of BIGGAR would like to THANK the community of Biggar and surrounding areas for your generous support to the 2015 Secret Santa Project. Your donations are appreciated very much and allowed our group to assist 37 families which included 85 children. We recognize the following… The Dollar Mart AGI-Envirotank The Red Apple Pharmasave St. Gabriel School CIBC Royal Bank

Biggar & District Credit Union Tim Hammond/Hammond Realty The Majestic Theatre Leslie’s Drugstore Biggar United Church Biggar Community Connections Biggar Home Hardware

Biggar National Kyle Dilosa hammers away on Wilkie Outlaw net minder Jared Herle, January 2 at the Jubilee. Dilosa tallied two goals on the night, but the Nats fell 7-3 to the yet undefeated Outlaws. (Independent Photo by Daryl Hasein)









Also, SPECIAL THANKS to each and every individual who donated toys, gifts, monetary donations which were used or will be used by Secret Santa for families within this community. We are proud to live within such a generous and caring community!


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