Vol. 107 No. 02
16 pages
Nats third in SWHL . . . Biggar Nationals Bryan Bridges comes out of his net versus the visiting Unity Miners, Friday at the Jubilee. Nats dropped the home contest 4-3, but still sit in third in the Sask West. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Jazz man and local boy, Marc Holt brought some close buddies to the Majestic Theatre, Saturday for the fourth show of the Biggar and District Arts Council concert season. The talented musicians put forth a delightful mix of classics and new pieces, all merged with their unique spin, played in a hall where the five recorded their first EP, ‘The Majestic Sessions’, playing a passionate blend of tunes that delighted the audience. Bryn Becker
Nevin Buehler
Marc Holt Dylan Smith
Michael Stankowski
Independent Photos by Kevin Brautigam
Biggar RCMP 2015 Year in Review
From left to right: Sgt. Colin Sawrenko, Cst. Andrew Park, Cst. Arvind Parmar, Cst. Mark Wright, Cst. Brianne Hathaway, Cst. Cory Winslow. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
by Sgt. Colin Sawrenko, Detachment Commander Biggar Detachment provides policing services to the Town of Biggar, Village of Perdue and communities within the Rural Municipalities of Biggar, Perdue, Eagle Creek, Glenside and Rosemount. The detachment boundaries reach north to the North Saskatchewan River, west near to Landis, east to the junction of Highway 376 at Highway 14, and south near Tower Road on Highway 4; As well as all points in between. Fully staffed the detachment has five Constables, one Sergeant and two Public Service employees. The sheer distance of the patrol area poses challenges which are compounded when there are resourcing shortages. Biggar Detachment had a challenging 2015. There were some tragic occurrences and complex investigations. Despite staffing shortages during the year, the officers and support staff persevered. The fatal automobile, ATV collisions and helicopter crash were amongst the most difficult investigations. Police and emergency services are profoundly impacted by exposure to such tragic events. Biggar RCMP had 1,837 occurrences opened in 2015. Statistically this works out to 367 files per Constable at full strength (self-generated and calls for service). Of those investigations some include multiple offences. This is important to remember because the overall statistical information for Biggar RCMP
lights are operational, service alarm systems regularly. Residential or business, a high quality HD camera system goes a long way in assisting police in identifying and apprehending persons responsible for property based crime. Spend the extra money and consult with a professional when going this route. The extra money can save you grief in the long run and help police identify suspects. 2015 Highlights: Traffic Collisions: 4 fatal (automobile and ATV’s); 9 injury; 68 property damage only. Provincial Traffic: 1,454 investigations, 1,216 charges laid. 997 charges alone were speeding tickets. Biggar RCMP jurisdiction is also patrolled regularly by the Combined Regional Traffic Service unit. This unit is a partnership between SGI, RCMP and Saskatoon Police Service. The positions are funded through SGI. From time to time citizens may have seen Saskatoon Police Service vehicles on patrol. All municipal officers of the unit have jurisdiction across the province. The traffic unit aug-
for 2015 reflects 2, 950 leaving for winter vacascoring incidents with tions (municipal or rural 1,952 incidents cleared citizens) have someone by charges or otherwise. checking your home Nearly 70 per cent of regularly, leave lights all incidents were inves- on/alternating lights/ tigated and cleared in lights on timers/exterior some capacity. This motion lighting, leave a includes investigations vehicle parked outside where complainants/ and move it occasionally, victims did not wish to service alarm systems pursue charges. regularly and include A tremendous effort on a loud audible alarm, investigations was put ensure yard lights are forth by Biggar RCMP bright and functioning in 2015. Property crime properly. Yard lights had low clearance rates. should be strategically For example, nearly all placed so as to shine vehicle thefts or thefts directly on points of from vehicles were a entry. Businesses should direct result of owner be leaving interior lights negligence. Vehicles on, ensuring exterior were left insecure, valuables in plain view and keys either in the ignition/plain view or easily found in the vehicles. Education the hard way is not a solution. Police urge everyone to secure their vehicles, remove valuables and report all suspicious activity. These are crimes of opportunity. Take away the opportunity. Police observed a spike in break and enters between the months of February, March and April. These months contributed to 43 per cent of all reported breakins. 45 per cent of all reported break-ins occurred between 8 p.m.–8 a.m. This is valuable information for home and business owners. Be diligent year round in securing property and be extra Down but not out . . . Biggar Central School Senior cautious during these Blazer, Nathan Hawkins still manages to get off the particular months. pass during the Green and Gold’s home tourney, JanuWhether it be crimi- ary 8-9, on their way to taking second. The boys defeatnal “spring fever” or ed Rosetown in their opener, 75-18, before winning a crimes of opportunity close contest versus Delisle by three, meeting North it is wise to take extra Battleford in the final but falling by 10 points. Check precautions during biggarindependent.ca this Friday for more pictures. this time of year. When (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
mented Biggar RCMP throughout the year for check stops and roving patrols. This enhanced overall visibility as directly attributed to a very high clearance rate in this category (84 per cent). Criminal Code Driving - 73 investigations, 38 files cleared by charge. 28 impaired driving charges; 7 driving while disqualified charges; 5 charges laid in relation to dangerous driving and/or pursuit related. Provincial Statutes (except traffic) - 229 investigations. Highlights include: 21 Liquor Act charges; 109 investigations involving use of 9-1-1; 11 Coroners Act; 23 Fire Prevention Act; 23 Mental Health Act. Municipal By-Law/ Parking - 12 investigations. Other Criminal Code - 90 investigations. Highlights include: 56 charges for breaching court conditions/release conditions/fail to attend court; 16 harassment based investigations; 29 Utter Threats investigations (8 charges laid); 15 Cause a Disturbance investigations; 7 Resist arrest/Obstruction charges laid; 3 Public Mischief investigations. Controlled Drugs and Substances - 19 investigations. 7 charges laid. Sexual Based Offences - 9 investigations. 5
charges laid. Assaults - 38 investigations. 13 charges laid. Property Crime (theft related) - 160 investigations. 39 investigations involved thefts of vehicles/thefts from vehicles and only 4 charges laid; 26 charges laid for other theft related investigations. Property Crime Break and Enter - 55 investigations. 3 charges laid. Fraud - 25 investigations, largely telemarketing fraud. Biggar RCMP received numerous files in regards to Canada Revenue Agency scams whereby citizens were told they owed taxes and they would be arrested or had warrants of arrest. These were entirely fraudulent. The calls appear to have originated out of country. RCMP encourage citizens to educate themselves on the latest scams by visiting the Canadian AntiFraud Centre Web site: antifraudcentre-centreantifraud.ca. Other Activities: 47 Suspicious persons/ vehicles investigations; 26 abandoned vehicles; 22 animal calls; 83 false alarms (residential and business); 4 missing persons (all located). Biggar Detachment would like to wish everyone a safe 2016!
GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… Wednesday, JANUARY 13, 2016… 9:30 a.m. (stations randomly selected)
Biggar ............................................. Duperow Cardlock ......................... Perdue… ......................................... Landis Cardlock… ......................... Wilkie ............................................. Unity............................................... North Battleford…......................... Rosetown… .................................... Saskatoon ....................................... Kindersley ...................................... Lloydminster .................................. Humboldt ....................................... Swift Current .................................
86.9¢/L 85.9¢/L 84.9¢/L 84.9¢/L 88.9¢/L 86.9¢/L 84.9¢/L 84.9¢/L 82.4¢/L 87.9¢/L 81.9¢/L 86.9¢/L 87.9¢/L
Lottery Numbers
649 - Sat., January 9 05, 22, 30, 33, 45, 48 Bonus 29 Extra 4827265 649 - Wed., January 6 02, 35, 37, 39, 43, 44 Bonus 20 Extra 2340854 Western 649 - Sat., Jan. 9 09, 10, 29, 34, 36, 40 Bonus 24
Western 649 - Wed., Jan. 6 20, 21, 29, 32, 37, 46 Bonus 14 Lotto Max - Friday, January 8 13, 15, 21, 24, 25, 36, 48 Bonus 10 Extra 3874030 Western Lotto Max - Fri., Jan. 8 04, 11, 20, 28, 33, 41, 43 Bonus 27
This Week . . . Opinions ......................................................... 4 Agriculture .................................................... 8 Classifieds ..............................................13 - 15 Business & Professional Directories ......11 - 12
O’Leary vs Notley: Round One Kevin O’Leary is known for being outspoken and saying what he thinks whether it is popular or not. Sort of like Donald Trump -- and look at his popularity. He tackles all sorts of issues with equal gusto usually ruffling feathers along the way. Not surprising then, that O’Leary would, at some point, tackle the NDP government in Alberta. A strong supporter of “conservative” politics, it was destiny that this would happen. And, so it did. During an interview Kevin bluntly stated, “I’ll invest $1 million in Canadian energy companies if out of grace - and for the absolute good of Canada - the premier of Alberta resigns.” He went on to say that Notley was way out of her league and her government is “completely out of control.” It’s true that Saskatchewanians have taken the opportunity to poke some fun at Albertans over the election results. It was mainly payback due to the many years of ribbing we took from our neighbours (many of them who were former Saskatchewan residents) whenever we voted in an NDP government. So, when O’Leary spoke out so strongly, it was just one more chance to give our friends and family a bit of a poke. Even though the outspoken celebrity has his own share of naysayers. What is surprising is Notley’s response. “Bring it on,” she says. This is a no-win scenario for her: one has to wonder why she even bothered to respond. Being a political figure means you need to develop a thick skin and let some remarks slide off. Maybe O’Leary is right -- she is inexperienced and it is starting to show. P.H.
Council Minute highlights The regular meeting of Biggar Town Council was held December 15, at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Attending the meeting were Mayor Ray Sadler, Aldermen Ron Arnold, Jim Besse, Alan Boyle, Penny McCallum, Eugene Motruk, and Kirk Sherbino. C o u n c i l resolved that the Town Foreman be authorized to purchase manhole risers, grade rings and frame and covers at a cost of approximately $3,500 as per the quote from Wolseley Canada Inc. C o u n c i l resolved that the General
Accounts Paid in the amount of $62,373.25 and the General Accounts Payable in the amount of $59,319.28, be approved. C o u n c i l resolved that the Town enter in the Contribution Agreement with New Building Canada Fund Small Communities Fund for the water and sewer infrastructure replacement project located and including all of the 100-300 blocks of Fourth Avenue West. C o u n c i l resolved that the following correspondence be accepted for Council’s information and filed: Catterall and Wright - WSA
Report; SUMA - Update; MuniCode Services Ltd. - Alternate Compliance Model Response; Flaman Investigations - December 10, 2015 Report; Sask. Housing Corporation - 2014 Settlement; Sask. WCB - 2016 Premium Notice; Government of Sask. - Contribution Agreement. C o u n c i l resolved that the Application to Subdivide Land for the proposed Parcel E - Residential Subdivision, be approved to proceed. C o u n c i l resolved that correspondence dated December 11, 2015 from Heartland Health Region
regarding a nursing shortage, be received. C o u n c i l resolved that Altus Geomatics be authorized to complete the Application to Subdivide Lands for LDS 13-614-3 Parcel C, Plan 101482152, Parcel B, Plan 101482141, NW 1/4 Section 6-36-
and Parcel C Plan 67S23253 for monitoring wells as part of an investigation for Canadian Railway on their northern adjacent property. C o u n c i l resolved that the request from the Diamond Lodge Replacement Partnership for the next instal-
ment for the new Diamond Lodge in the amount of $38,505.86, be approved for payment. C o u n c i l resolved that the Town of Biggar Community Hall Organizations Free Usage Policy C (9), approved November 1, 2004 by resolution 04-830 be
repealed and replaced with the Biggar Community Hall Organizations Free Usage Policy C(9), attached hereto and forming part of these minutes, be approved effective January 1, 2016. s -EETING adjourned at 8:51 p.m.
Stolen vehicle recoverd near Cando Battlefords RCMP received have recovered a stolen vehicle left in a Red Pheasant Cree Nation yard site, January 6. The vehicle was reported as stolen from Wilkie the day before. While on scene, RCMP members were advised that three youth walked away leaving the stolen vehicle in the yard. The youth were located and arrested a short distance away from where the
vehicle had been abandoned. They face multiple charges with respect to stolen vehicles: possession of stolen property obtained by crime, and break and enter - all of which recently occurred in the Wilkie and Red Pheasant Cree Nation area. Two youth were released for court and a third was held for court the morning of January 8.
the the Phone: 306-948-3344
14-3 at a cost of approximately $10,000, and further that the Letter of Engagement with Altus Geomatics be duly signed. C o u n c i l resolved that Golder and Associated be authorized to drill four boreholes on Parcel C Plan EJ3265
Fax: 306-948-2133
Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Thursday at the office of publication, 122 Main Street, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Tom Larson
E-mail: tip@sasktel.net
P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
House planners - or maybe they’re called architects - take great care to draw out any blueprint keeping in mind lifestyles and clients’ interests. The living room gave way to a family room and then it was called a great room and now it’s called an open plan family room. Some home owners want a movie room, living space in the basement, sunrooms, master suites and bonus rooms. But, for the wealthy in the United Kingdom the latest trend in luxury homes is the snoring room.
Yes, that’s right. A separate bedroom, often described as the “second master suite”. His and her bedrooms. A place where your loved one (depending on which spouse) retires to his or her own space, especially if they snore. The demand for this must have room has taken over and developers are responding by including this option in their building plans. According to the Sunday Times who received statistics from a study by the Sleep Council, one in six British couples do not share a double bed, with
Happy New Year! Biggar New Horizons is off and running with their activities for 2016. Those keen Kaiser players were here on December 28, where Ken Pearce placed first with 241, second with 226 was Pat Turner, third was Marie Roesch at 224, and in fourth Bill Fisher with 221. Tied for high game were Bill Fisher and Grant Gamble with 69 points each. Monday, Jan. 4 – first Mildred Henne 216, second Bill Fisher 204, third Ken Pearce 160, and fourth Joyce Colbert 155. High scoring game for this day was tied once again, Grant Gamble and Marie Roesch, with 60 points each. Tuesday Carpet Bowling resumed once again on Jan. 5. First place team was Judy Rickwood, Pat Turner, and Aileen Smith. Second place for this day was Rosie Clark, Dinah Kegler, and June Hoppe. Seniors afternoon
bowling started on the 7th and the Biggar New Horizons morning bowling gets rolling this Tuesday the 12th. The needlework group is once again meeting on Monday afternoons from 1-4 p.m. in the boardroom. Their projects always look so intriguing and their snacks taste wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing ladies! Wednesday, Activity Group 3 met to place volunteers for the Bingos on Jan. 14 and 28 and the monthly Jam Session. These groups would be greatly enhanced by more volunteers. If you, as a member would consider joining a group, it would be greatly appreciated. Exercises on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings have a dedicated group of participants determined to lose all the extra ounces gained from holiday treats. On Friday, Carmen from Pharmasave came
most preferring separate rooms. There are probably many readers who are nodding at this and thinking what a great idea. Especially those who have spouses that snore -- or like to stay up late watching television or reading. From unusual house living to workplaces with a difference. There is a firm in Mill Valley, California that is taking a page out of Europe. At Autodesk, employees can take a six week paid sabbatical every four years. Added to that, when you are
in the office, employees are encouraged to bring their dog along too. The financial research firm of FactSet likes to make sure its employees eat well. Employees get free lunches not to mention the on site pie truck, Chinese truck and cupcake truck. Don’t despair there is an on site gym to help burn off those calories. Tech firms are known for their laid back and casual workplaces. Google provides bocce ball courts and bowling lanes at their California headquarters. If you work at the New York office you have the option of getting your eyebrows shaped. Meanwhile Microsoft’s Washington campus had an organic spa for its software engineers. Perhaps the best place
New Horizons Activities in to speak to our group on “Fact or Fiction?” Two of the many topics she discussed were the benefits of calcium vs. cardio risk and the benefits of coconut water. Join us next month, for heart attack and stroke – Signs and symptoms. Pearl Silvernagle was the lucky door prize winner of a bottle of Vitamin D. Tickets have been selling like hotcakes for the Feb. 6 “Taste of Scotland” dinner and entertainment evening. Only 80 tickets will be sold to members at the outstanding price of $25 each. Monday, Jan 11 was our first monthly Birthday Potluck of the year. January birthdays were celebrated with lunch, friendship and cake. Twenty-one members and guests were in attendance. Bob Wiseman won the halfn-half and generously donated his portion back
PUBLIC NOTICE DOGS & CATS 2016 Dog and Cat Licenses are now due and payable at the Town Office
LICENSES SHALL BE PURCHASED BY FEBRUARY 29, 2016. The Town’s Dog Bylaw prohibits certain dogs in Town. Please contact the Town Office for a complete list of prohibited dogs. Dangerous Dog License… $100.00 Spayed and neutered cat and dog license fee… $15.00 Male and female cat and dog license fee… $25.00 Third and subsequent dog or cat at same household license fee… $100.00 per animal. If you no longer have your cat or dog that was registered in 2015, please advise the Town Office of this.
LICENSE RENEWAL LETTERS WILL NOT BE SENT OUT IN THE MAIL!!! Dog and Cat licenses are valid for the calendar year January 1st - December 31st.
to Biggar New Horizons. Thank you Bob! Emily Liska won the door prize donated by Ann Muc. And “The Frankliin” a retirement centre in Saskatoon donated two complimentary stays in February or March. These were won by Jean Tweddle and Bob Wiseman. Constable Parmar from the Biggar RCMP came in at 12:30 to speak to us on scams and telephone fraud, a topic so relevant to many of our Seniors. His information was greatly appreciated by all and helped us feel more confident in asking questions, saying no, and not opening the door to strangers. And finally, that sun on the wall of the hall is prompting speculation. Stay tuned!
THE INDEPENDENT, BIGGAR, SK - 5 to work is at Mattel. thought of couples sleepThis famous toy maker ing separately, at the end closes its offices every of the day, it that is what Friday at 1 p.m. allowing it takes to catch the employees to go home right amount of “zzz’s” and “play”. Perhaps it’s then so be it. the company’s way of Similarly there is worktelling workers to “find ing for a living then their inner child.” there is working for a Creature comfort living. it is much easier plays a huge part in to go to work is you people and their health like your job and your -- whether at home or workplace. Finding the at work. Getting a good perfect fit never happens night’s sleep is important for some, so those who in order for your body to have found the secret are function. While our lifeamong the lucky few. style may smirk at the
GREAT PLAINS COLLEGE LONG-SERVICE AWARDS On December 3 and 4, Great Plains College held its annual Staff Gathering in Kindersley and recognized eight employees for their long service. Each individual has put their own special touch on the college and the student experience. Their dedication, input and commitment is impressive and inspiring. The college would like to extend its gratitude and hearty congratulations to the following individuals: FIVE-YEAR RECIPIENT Janine Oosterlaken TEN-YEAR RECIPIENTS Sharon Coburn Melanie Kristmanson Joyce Sherbino FIFTEEN-YEAR RECIPIENT Brigitte Monteith TWENTY-FIVE YEAR RECIPIENTS Rhonda Kennon Karen Richmond THIRTY-YEAR RECIPIENT Louise Heinrichs
1 (866) 296-2472 greatplainscollege.ca/gpc_careers
Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority - Liquor Permit Under the provisions of The Alcohol and Gaming Regulations Act, 1997 Notice is hereby given that Erica Forster has applied to the Liquor and Gaming Authority for a Tavern with Off-sale. Permit to sell alcohol in premises known as Biggar Bar at 115 - 1st Ave. W., Biggar, Sask. of which the following is a correct legal description: Lots 13 - 17; Block 5; Plan No. D4771 Surface Parcel #118711582, 115 - 1st Ave. W., Biggar. Written objections to the granting of the permit may be filed with SLGA not more than two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Every person filing a written objection with SLGA shall state their name, address and telephone number in printed form, as well as the grounds for the objection(s). Petitions must name a contact person, state grounds and be legible. Each signatory to the petition and the contact person must provide an address and telephone number. Frivolous, vexatious or competition-based objections within the beverage alcohol industry may not be considered, and may be rejected by the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Licensing Commission, who may refuse to hold a hearing. Write to: Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority Box 5054 Regina, SK S4P 3M3
by Bob Mason
Saints Y.T. has known! The following few mixed-up items were put in my old L&T (Life and Times) books years ago, and, believe it or not, are about some of the “Saints” that have crossed Y.T.’s path over the years! I’m afraid that anyone who reads this, won’t be very interested, but having clung to a lower rung of society’s ladder most of his life, Yours Truly wants to point out that he knew a few “Saints” one time! Years ago Y.T. promised himself that he would never resort to quoting the old L&T again but promises apparently are made to be broken. Also, that long-straying muse of mine hasn’t shown up, so what is a fellow supposed to do, eh? Here are a few paragraphs of how he saw
things! Forgive this old guy if he seems to be running out of gas – it wasn’t his idea to get old! Somehow the fellow who started writing this column when he was 70-something, looked in that L&T the other day and found that he was now 90-something! No wonder that he has almost forgotten some of these things! There is an old overused statement that you’ve probably heard before: “You can’t win them all, eh?” Yours Truly isn’t sure just when all those entries were put into the L&T (another sign that his “towel throwing” days are getting close!) but, after adjusting his glasses, squinting quite a bit and holding his desk-lamp a bit closer, he is going to try and
look back . . . About 600 A.D. St. Augustine (a Roman missionary) was sent to England, and is reported to have said: “Some men go forth and marvel at the height of the world’s huge mountains, the huge waves of the sea, the broad flow of rivers, the vast compass of the oceans, even the course of the stars – and never wonder for a moment, about themselves!” Of course Y.T. doesn’t know if Augustine ever said that, or why his words were entered into the Old L&T, but who cares, eh? The sentiment was right! Far too often we (intelligent man!) in our “vanity”, ignore that we are part of the world too! Mebbe that saying of St. Augustine was in the old L&T because the question inferred was so plain . . . and yet so unanswerable! That was many years ago, and we still have no answers! Mebbe we aren’t looking close enough, eh? A fellow didn’t meet many “Sainted” men in the army, and although a person can recall a few comrades with “St.” in front of their names, “St. Michaels Gestel” the huge monastery south of
2011 FORD F-250 4X4, REG. CAB, 6.2 GAS, 107KM ............................................$23,900 2010 FORD FOCUS SES, 100,000KM, very good, SK TAX PD ............................$ 9,900 2010 F-150 XLT 4X4, CREW CAB, 100,000KM, VERY GOOD .......................................$21,900 2010 FORD EXPLORER XLT, ONLY 88,000KM, VERY GOOD .......................................$17,900 2009 EDGE LIMITED, ONLY 100,00KM, VERY GOOD ..............................................$16,900 2009 GMC SIERRA CREW SLT Z71, 4X4, ONLY 105,000KM, SK TAX PD....................$20,900 2008 F-150 S.C. 4X4, 4.6 AUTO, 195,000KM VERY GOOD .......................................$ 7,900
5.4 AUTO, 77,000KM, EX GOVT UNIT
THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2016 – and people who wish the wars of this Century, looked back (and continue they were!” Frity and Y.T. worked to look back) with pride. as the same place for They often harbour, howyears, and I never heard ever, a deep resentment, him complain or take for when they return offence when some igno- home, they find that their rant type made a wise- lot had not improved but crack about his heritage. had worsened! “This was especially “This disease I’ve got,” sometimes he replied, true if they had resigned “starts around a fellow’s their Indian status. “Major ‘Big Jim’ Stone eyes whenever folks call (later a Lieutenant Colome a nigger!” Phyllis and Y.T. spent nel!), noted this in the a little while at the lake response made by Serwith Frity and his wife geant J.G. Saint Germain Beryle, and enjoyed made to a compliment Stone gave him during every minute of it! “By Gosh, Mason,” he the bitter Christmas told me one time, “if I’d fighting at Ortona, Italy been in the war with you, in 1943. “‘That’s fine Sir, but I we’d have won it a lot sooner. I’m too small for hope I get killed before it anyone to hit, and too is finally all over! Here, black for anyone to see I lead a platoon, and the boys all call me ‘The me at nighttime!” Over the years I don’t Saint’, but if I get back to remember having a hard Canada, I will be treated word with that “Saint” as just another goddamn Indian!’ ... “Ironically, Sergeant And then there was Saint Germain. St. Germain would be Although there was a St. granted his wish, leadGermain in the Argyll ing his platoon across and Sutherland High- the Navigli River near landers, I never met this Rapallo, Italy!” If the reader doesn’t man. I heard tell of him in Camp Shilo, Manitoba believe what Germain one time, but Y.T. read said, look up Tommy about him in a book by Prince on the Internet! Y.T. thinks that all of Major General Lewis us are capable of being Mackenzie. “Saints”, but few of us Quote from page 329: “Native Canadians ever make it! who served Canada in
Biggar Lodge News by Karen Kammer, Recreation Coordinator Hello everyone, hope you are doing well today. I will give you all a brief write-up about our previous week. Monday the 4th we had exercises in the morning then Scategories in the afternoon. Tuesday morning was current events. We read about numerous events that happened in 2015. At 2:30 we had a coffee party. This allowed the residents to get together and see their friends from all over the lodge. The men had their own
table and so did the ladies. Wednesday was our monthly birthday party night. Gary Donahue and Dennis Cratty played the party. The Biggar CWL did evening lunch. There were only two birthdays! Very small party indeed. It was a great time. Thursday was exercises and bingo. Friday morning was Breakfast Club down Prairiescape. We served eggs the way the residents wanted them made, bacon, sausage, toast and
pancakes. After that was all done, we sadly took down all of the Christmas decorations. We look forward to putting up the beautiful decorations again in late November. To end the day we had Happy Hour. The residents enjoy this special get together of course it was made better with freshly made popcorn. Saturday morning was Jackpot Bingo and a coffee party. Sunday was 1-1 time and the Associated Gospel Church did worship for this week.
2004 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS ULTIMATE, 110,000KM, SK TAX PD....................$ 5,900 2002 DODGE CARAVAN, ,km...$ 4,250 2001 ACCURA MDX, LOCAL, LOADED..$ 6,900
2002 FORD F-150 XLT
s-Hertogenbosch was the “St.” we remember most! When the whole regiment came back from its “holding” position south of the Maas River, we were billeted for most of the week in St. Michaels. I could name the Order of that monastery but this pen would go dry first! It had been built many years before by a group of Dutch monks as a refuge for the thousands of orphans resulting from the European wars and was a large 200-foot square with two cross sections forming four small courtyards. What a huge, if primordial, place. We stayed there for some time over the Christmas of 1945-46 and found it so peaceful that many of us wanted to stay. Sorry! The Bugle Sounded! St. Elmo Pingue: In a way, Your’s Truly can’t say enough about this guy. St. Elmo (almost noted to everyone who knew him as “Frity”) was one of the most interesting people I ever met! Frity had been born in Jamaica and raised in England, he was a Negro – and proud of it! Often Y.T. heard him say: “There are Negros
1998 IHC 8100, 300HP, 10 SPD, 300,000 MILES, NEW 20’ BOX, FRESH SAFETY.....$52.900 1998 L9000 DAYCAB, N14/18 SPD, NEW RUBBER ...........................................$24,900
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Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the Town of Biggar intends to adopt a bylaw in accordance with The Municipalities Act and the Public Notice Bylaw No. 06-665. This bylaw will be known as the Council Procedures Bylaw, No. 16-767. The purpose of the Council Procedures Bylaw is to establish clear transparent, consistent and accessible rules for conducting business at meetings, for council members, administrators and the public to follow and participate in governing the municipality and for council in establishing council committees. The proposed bylaw will be considered by council at their regular meeting held on Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at the Town office in Biggar, Saskatchewan. Issued at Biggar, Saskatchewan, this 7th day of January, 2016. Barb Barteski, CAO
Unity Miners (4) @ Biggar Nationals (3) (Friday, January 8)nd st
Scoring: Miners – (1 ) 0, (2 ) 2, (3rd) 2, Total: 4. Nationals – (1st) 2, (2nd) 1, (3rd) 0, Total: 3. Shots: Miners – (1st) 8, (2nd) 11, (3rd) 15, Total: 34. Nationals – (1st) 12, (2nd) 9, (3rd) 11, Total: 32. Power Plays: Miners – 0 for 9. Nationals – 0 for 8. Scoring Summary Period 1: Nationals at 6:59 – Kyle Dilosa from Travis Granbois; Nationals at 5:58 – Kevin Fick from Clark McNulty. Period 2: Miners at 19:45 – Adam Shirley from Michael Shirley and Behn Robertson; Miners at 14:35 – Cam Chalmers from Bobby Davey and Michael Shirley; Nationals at 1:03 – Dylan Haynes from Travis Granbois and Cody Danychuk. Period 3: Miners at 11:27 – Adam Shirley from Behn Robertson and Cody McCubbing; Miners at 8:27 – Behn Robertson from Josh Lacousiere and Mark Ganter. Penalty Summary Period 1: Miners at 17:22 – Alex David
for Slashing (2); Miners at 15:24 – Bobby Davey for Holding (2); Nationals at 8:23 – Kyle Dilosa for Cross Checking (2). Period 2: Miners at 17:23 – Michael Shirley for Hooking (2); Nationals at 13:55 – Kyle Dilosa for Misconduct (10), Unsportsmanlike Conduct (2); Nationals at 11:02 – Kevin Fick for Spearing (4). Period 3: Miners at 18:13 – Cody McCubbing for Slashing (2); Nationals at 15:30 – Travis Granbois for Tripping (2); Miners at 15:11 – Josh Lacousiere for Slashing (2); Miners at 14:40 – Mark Ganter for Tripping (2); Miners at 13:46 – Cam Chalmers for Hooking (2); Nationals at 13:32 – Cody Danychuk for High Sticking (2); Nationals at 9:27 – Keaton Silvernagle for Tripping (2); Miners at 1:10 – Dustin McAleer for Slashing (2); Nationals at 1:10 – Kevin Fick for Slashing (2). Miners Goalie Stats: No. 70, Stephen Wolf (W), Min.: 60:00, SH: 32, SV: 29. Nationals Goalie Stats: No. 1, Bryan Bridges (L), Min.: 60:00, SH: 34, SV: 30. No. 35, Mike Skirving (Backup), Min.: 0:00, SH: 0, SV: 0.
Biggar National Liam Boyle and the rest of the Nats found themselves dropping a home contest to the Unity Miners, Friday. They defeated the Mallards, Jan. 9, by a 8-7 score.(Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Around or through . . . Biggar Senior Blazer Katelynn Zagoruy looks for a way around a Kindersley Kobra, Wednesday. The Blazers defeated the Kobra’s 65-36, going into a weekend tourney in Maple Creek, coming home with the silver. They host their home tournament this weekend. More photos will be posted on biggarindependent.ca this Friday. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Wondering how global economics will impact your farm in 2016? BIGGAR
Residential Property for Sale (MLS®)
4 level split. Located near schools. 5 bedrooms 4 bathroom layout. Gas fireplace, modern oak kitchen with stainless steel appliances. Completely fenced back yard.
112 8th Ave W 2,786 sq ft
$289,900 606 7th Ave W 1,394 sq ft
Quality built bungalow with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and finished basement. Fenced yard, concrete driveway, and fire pit area.
Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar
601 8th Ave W 112 8th Ave W 606 7th Ave W 410 4th Ave W 114 7th Ave W 208 4th Ave E 314 6th Ave W 407 5th Ave W 602 Main Street 413 5th Ave E 216 4th Ave W 103 4th Ave E 224 2nd Ave W
$479,000 $305,000 $289,900 $249,000 $209,000 $175,000 $174,500 $158,000 $110,000 $105,000 $85,000 $65,000 $48,000
Perdue Milden Wilkie Landis Milden Perdue
908 8th Street 302 1st Street 507 1st Street 102 2nd Ave W 110 3rd Street 705 Ave M
$244,000 $105,000 $66,900 $59,000 $35,000 $20,000
Cari Perih Residential Salesperson
(306) 948-7995 For all current listings, please visit our website
Please join us on January 28th at the Westwinds Centennial Room 9:00-2:00 (lunch provided)
d limite s i e c Spa -948-3352 6 Call 30 your seat to book
The Biggar & District Credit Union program features Brad Magnusson. He will provide participants with a concise evaluation of current market conditions, expected trends in crop and livestock income potential and management implications.
Profound weather changes affecting ag
by Calvin Daniels
We have heard literally hundreds of stories over the last half decade, or so, regarding the changing environment. It started out as being touted as global warming, and has evolved to now being more broadly encompassed as weather change. I suspect that is a term which is not quite accurate in reflecting the current urgency of the situation. Weather change is not exactly a new thing. We see it in terms of short term effects, as well as longer term change. The Thames River in London in the time of author Charles Dickens froze, and does not now, an indication of a rather significant weather change. A shorter term effect
MC: Michael Ball Guest Speakers: Scott Schultz John Chick
would be the drought of the 1930s across the North American prairie region. What is being talked of more recently are changes that will be far reaching, changing the very patterns of regions, an effect which will alter cropping conditions across major areas of farmland, and impact other sectors such as forestry and wildlife habitats. Of course the extent of change is a matter being hotly debated. Some see it as no more than the natural changes which have always occurred. Some are sticking their heads in the sand as they say, and simply deny change is even happening. And others are talking doom. In terms of farming, the impact of weather is of course critical. Long has the impact of drought, flood and frost impacted production, and in turn prices. The weather changes being expected now will
be more profound on farming. On the Canadian Prairies the impact may not be as dramatic as some. If some expectations come to pass we could become South Dakota in terms of weather, which would change how farmers farm, but crops would still be grown. Some areas though could be altered to impact production much more dramatically. Of course any changes will not be overnight, although we do seem to already be seeing a trend toward more severe weather events. Flooding rain storms, heavy snow in some areas, little in others, warmer periods in winter and other weather conditions seem to be far more common in the last few years, and reports suggests we’ll see more of that. That is worrisome, especially if you are in an area having experienced the impact; Yorkton, as an example, having extensive property damage from flooding
Saturday, March 12 Cocktails 5 pm Dinner 6 pm
Entertainment: $50 / ticket Tickets available at the Biggar & District Credit Union and Town Office
caused by rain in the past few years. Severe weather events are hard to plan for. Certainly in Yorkton the urban municipality has moved to invest millions in flood water retention ponds and related infrastructure in case another flood were to hit, but even that sort of preparation will only be partly successful, depending on
the severity of weather. There is less a farmer can do in terms of protecting a crop. The longer terms shifts will afford some time to adapt too, but severe weather events cannot. Ultimately whatever happens with weather it will have an impact on farming in terms of what can be grown, and where it can be grown,
and in turn that will impact food production for a growing population. And the situation has the possibility of being more impactful in terms of food production when impending weather change is over laid with the loss of soils worldwide, but that is a topic for next week.
Western Sales will move into the new year by bringing a new set of ag solutions to customers in west central Saskatchewan with the acquisition of Valley West Irrigation of Outlook. The friendly acquisition will see the irrigation business continue to be operated by the Simonson family for the immediate future while the companies develop a strategy for integration of the Valley brand through the Western Sales dealer network. “We firmly believe that Saskatchewan producers can be more successful and productive with the expansion of irrigation infrastructure,” explained Grant McGrath, president and chief executive officer of Western Sales. “Saskatchewan has a wealth of water resources that are currently underutilized in agriculture, and we believe Western Sales can drive the
development of environmentally responsible irrigation in several regions of the province that will increase land values and provide for more consistent cropping practices. Western Sales is equipped with the right agronomic experts in our FieldSmart division and a strong dealer network to expand the scope of irrigation in this province in a sustainable fashion.” Arlin Simonson, general manager of Valley West, says Western Sales will bring the necessary capital and logistic support they need to drive expansion of irrigation in the province. “We believe that Saskatchewan producers are under-served by the current state of irrigation in the province and an alliance with Western Sales will permit those of us who are passionate about agriculture to expand irrigation solutions to all those produc-
ers who should rightly have access to a sustainable source of water to improve the consistency and volume of production.” Western Sales has secured the right to deliver Valley brand irrigation equipment throughout the province. Outlook will remain the primary location for the immediate delivery of Valley products and related services, which will continue to be delivered through Valley West’s current retail location under Simonson and his staff. Western Sales anticipates merging the Valley products and services with both their Outlook and Central Butte operations in the foreseeable future. The majority of Valley West’s employees will continue working in the delivery of irrigation services under the new arrangement. “This is an exciting new chapter in Saskatchewan agriculture and we are excited to be at the helm with the addition of Valley West,” concluded McGrath.
Western Sales acquires Valley West Irrigation
Location: Biggar Community Hall
In support of the
Early Bird Draw Buy by January 31, 2016 and be entered in a draw for a $200 voucher for the Biggar Golf Club.
at The Legion Main St., Biggar
Monday at 5:00 p.m. is the deadline for ads and classifieds
Biggar benefits with family’s generosity by Delta Fay Cruickshank of the Biggar Museum and Gallery Happy New Year from the Biggar Museum and Gallery! Our year has started off very well! We received a generous charitable gift from the Edmonton Community Foundation representing the David and Janet Bentley Family Fund; it is made in the memory of the William and Esther Covey. Janet Bentley’s (nee Covey) father was William Covey. He was born in Colby, Kansas about 1889. We know he was in Biggar in 1912, because that is when he met his future wife, Esther. He worked on the Grand Trunk Railway, then the Canadian National Railway as a conductor for his whole career. He also operated a garage
business in town, and sat on Town Council. Esther was born in Dundee, Scotland around 1894 and came to Biggar with her family around 1912. She taught school here in Biggar and met William. They had six children: Ralph, Shirley, Kenneth, Bill, Janet and Alan. Ralph and Ken spent most of their careers with CNR. Two of Ken’s sons, Jim and Mike worked for CNR out of Biggar; so three generations of Coveys were active in railroading from the Biggar Divisional point. Janet married David Bentley in 1956 and raised their three children in Alberta. Esther died in 1969 and William died in 1980. The history of the Covey family is recorded in our Heritage Album Volume 1. Over a century
Biggar Town Council in the late 1940’s – L-R: William Covey, Elmer Ford, James Smythe, unknown, William J. Wright, Frank Hopkins, Elmer McKenzie, Lloyd G. Armstrong, Cephas T. Rodman. (Photos courtesy of Glenbow Archives)
FOR SALE BY TENDER The Village of Landis offers for sale by tender a tax title property in which the house must be demolished by July 15, 2016. After demolition of the house, the property must be left in a state satisfactory to Village Council’s approval before the title is transferred. Details are as follows: Property: Legal Address: Lot 19 -20, Block 7, Plan C5881 Land with Improvements Civic Address: 107-3rd Ave West Zoned: Residential Size of Lot: 50’ X 140’ Tax Recovery: $2488.15 Tender must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Property Tender” addressed to Village of Landis, Box 153, Landis, SK S0K 2K0. Tenders must be received at the Village Office by 3:00 p.m. on February 9, 2016. Tenders must include use of property. Payment in full will be required within 5 days of the tender being awarded. All reasonable tenders will be considered. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information regarding this property, you may call Alicia at the Village Office at 658-2155, Tuesday - Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm. Dated this 14th day of January, 2016. Alicia Leclercq, Administrator
ago William and Esther made Biggar their home, and raised their family here. Their son Ken and his wife Alma were important members of our community and of the Biggar Museum and Gallery. The pictures on their family history page are of places familiar to our community. The support of the family will be represented by their name going on a large brass plaque on
our Giving Tree, found right at the entrance of the museum. This work of art was created by Doug Potter, another very influential person in the history of our town. Their names will be among the many other people who have chosen to make donations towards preserving the history of Biggar! The whole community benefits from donations to the museum. Preserving
the history of our town is not something unimportant. Our history plays a vital role in our everyday life, we learn from our past in order to achieve greater influence over our future. The Biggar Museum has over 3,000 visits a year; people interested in seeing our history, researching their own family history, seeing the ever changing art works, getting a hot dog,
pie, pancakes, burgers or buying their Christmas gifts and souvenirs. There is always something happening at the museum, all year! The dedication and work that families like the Coveys have displayed over a century here in Biggar, manifests every day here in our town, “A city that is sat on a hill cannot be hid” (the headline on the very first newspaper in Biggar).
Adoption of Rural Municipality of Rosemount No. 378 Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 5-2015 Adoption of Rural Municipality of Rosemount No. 378 Zoning Bylaw No. 6-2015 NOTICE Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the Rural Municipality of Rosemount No. 378 intends to consider the adoption of a new Official Community Plan (“RM of Rosemount Official Community Plan”) and Zoning Bylaw under the Planning and Development Act, 2007. These bylaws will be referred to respectively as Bylaw No. 5-2015 and Bylaw No. 6-2015. INTENT OF OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN The proposed Bylaw establishes municipal land use policies addressing, but not limited to, the following subjects: xGeneral Policies xAgricultural Resources xCountry Residential Development xThe Hamlet of Cando xPublic Utilities, Facilities and Health and Safety xGround and Source Water Protection xNatural and Ecological Resources xRecreational and Tourism Amenities xCultural and Heritage Resources xCommunity Economic Development xTransportation Networks xNatural Resources The Official Community Plan contains a Future Land Use Map (contained in this notice) which graphically displays , in a conceptual manner, the present, intended short and longer term future location and extent of general land uses within the RM of Rosemount. This will assist in the application of general goals, objectives and policies of the Plan. The policies in the Official Community Plan will be implemented primarily through administration of the municipality’s Zoning Bylaw. INTENT OF ZONING BYLAW Intent of the proposed Zoning Bylaw establishes local provisions and regulations for development within the RM of Rosemount. The Zoning Bylaw implements the District Plan and the Official Community Plan and the use of land for amenity of the areas for the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants of the municipality. The Zoning Bylaw establishes zoning districts which regulate permitted, discretionary and prohibited principal and accessory uses of land in the RM of Rosemount as well as provides development permitted processes and standards. The Zoning Districts include: xAgriculture Resource (AR) xCountry Residential Acreage (CR) xCommercial/Industrial (C/I) xHamlet District (H) xFlood Hazard Overlay (FH) xSlope Hazard Overlay (SH) xEcological Sensitive Overlay (ES) AFFECTED LAND All land within the corporate limits of the RM of Rosemount as shown on the Future Land Use Map and Zoning District Map contained in this notice, is affected by the new Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw.
Your property may be directly affected by the provisions in the new Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw. Please check the full version of these documents that are available for viewing at the RM Municipal Office. REASON FOR OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN The RM of Rosemount Official Community Plan will help direct and manage growth and development in the RM of Rosemount for the next twenty-five plus years. REASON FOR ZONING BYLAW The RM of Rosemount Zoning Bylaw will help implement the Official Community Plan with site-specific provisions and regulations of the RM of Rosemount. PUBLIC INSPECTION Any person may inspect the proposed Bylaws at the RM of Rosemount Office during regular hours. Copies of the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw may also be obtained at the municipal office. PUBLIC HEARING The Council of the RM of Rosemount will hold a respective public hearing at: Landis, Saskatchewan from 1:00pm to 3:00pm on February 22, 2016 at the Municipal Office to hear any person or group that wishes to comment on the proposed bylaws. The Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing or delivered to the RM Office before the hearing. Issued at the RM of Rosemount, this 15th day of January, 2016. Signed: Kara Kirilenko, Administrator
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INSURANCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation Box 327 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
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Goldburg Electric Ltd.
This space in this directory is available for only $161.20 plus gst…
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OFFICE HOURS - together with -
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Phone: Fax: 306-948-5050
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BIGGAR DENTAL CLINIC 104 - 6 Ave. East, Biggar, Sask. Southeast entrance of Nova Wood Bldg. Hours… Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. th
Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK
• Bookkeeping • Tax Returns • Financial Statements
Ph: 306-948-4430 or 306-948-4460
rod.campbell@sasktel.net 122 Main St., Biggar, SK
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Ph: 306-948-5133
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INVESTMENTS Kirk Ewen Doctor of Optometry
Financial Planning Estate Planning Life Insurance 222 Main Street 306 948 5377
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In Biggar Every Tuesday. Biggar Professional Building, 223 Main Street, Biggar
For appointments… 1-855-651-3311
INVESTMENTS For all your investment needs, Visit…
Dean McCallum, CFP, CIM, FCSI
Lyndsey Poole
Investment Advisor Credential Securities Inc.
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist, Wealth Consultant Credential Asset Management Inc.
Pamela Eaton Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.
Located at the Biggar & District Credit Union 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK • 306-948-3352 Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc., and mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities Inc. ®Credential is a registered mark owned by Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license.
ADVERTISING is an investment in your business.
DUANE NEUFELDT 403 Main St., Biggar
Licensed For: # # #
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Proud sponsor of Children’s Wish Foundation
M & N REPAIR 701 - 4th Ave. E., Biggar
306.948.3996 Open Monday-Friday
113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar
Mike Nahorney, Interprovincial Heavy Duty Journeyman Mechanic
306-948-5052 Cari Perih Residential Salesperson
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Cell: 306.843.7898 Bus: 306.446.8800 znerol.w@sasktel.net Web site: www.remaxbattlefords.com
Landis OfÂżce Hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon., Tues., & Fri., 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wed., 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thurs., CLOSED
304 Main St., Biggar Phone: 306-948-2204 Toll Free: 1-855-948-2204
Website: www.biggarinsurance.ca Email: biggar@biggarinsurance.ca
100 - 2nd Ave. W., Landis Phone: 306-658-2044 Toll Free: 1-855-658-2044
Website: www.landisinsurance.ca Email: landis@landisinsurance.ca
“We’ll getcha covered� COURIER/HAULING
Auto Repair TIRES 1st Ave. West, Biggar
Photos by Jocelyn
Portraits, Family, Weddings & Sports Photography Biggar, Sask.
306.948.2700 Your Auto Parts and Accessories Dealer
SERVICES Your authorized
Open: Mon.-Fri.
Panasonic, Samsung,
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You’re reading one! Trucking &this Cattle
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306.237.7671 TROY MAY, owner/opertor Fax:306-237-.TROY email: tmay@hotmail.ca Super B outÀts hauling grain and fertilizer in Alberta and Saskatchewan
Corner of Main Street & 1st Avenue West, Biggar
KRF Auto Centre 100% handwash h7HERE WE DO IT ALL FOR YOU v s $ETAILING s Vortex Spray-In Box Liners s Granitex Baked-on Coatings for Decks and Cement Flooring s !UTO !CCESSORIES s 4RAILER 2ENTALS
YH Truck, Ag & Auto
Cell: 306-948-7524
216 Main St., Biggar
after hours George: 948-4042
~Brian and Cathy Fick~
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For a FREE consultation, call Cheryl Irvine @
(WY %AST "IGGAR 306-948-2109
FOR RENT BIGGAR HOUSING AUTHORITY Housing for families and seniors Rent based on income
Call: 306-948-2101
t Delivery
Ask Abou
306-948-3312 sales@gvsigns.ca
Rebel Landscaping 306-948-2879, evenings 306-948-7207, daytime Ed Kolenosky s $RIVEWAYS s #ONCRETE s 'ARAGE 0ADS s 0RUNING s 0LANTING
Goldburg Gravel Ltd. • Pit Run • Base Gravel • Road Gravel
• Crushed Rock • Top Soil
Certified Scale and Ticketed Loads Serving the Rosetown & Biggar Areas
Phone‌ Leam Craig
Jerry Muc Phone: 306-948-2958 Fax:
• Laser Engraving • Promotional products (mugs, mousepad, etc)
A Sign of
227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar
• Biggar to Saskatoon • Same day Service • Monday to Friday • 24-hour Answering Service
Service Truck Full Mechanical Service -ON &RI s A M P M phone: George
Judy Kahovec‌ 306-882-4313, cell 306-831-7935
“Your complete decal and signage shop�
High Speed Internet Dealer
Biggar Of¿ce Hours‌
Teams, Corporate and Personal Attire
SGI Safety Inspection
Ăż Auto & Home Insurance Ăż Farm & Commercial Insurance Ăż Health & Travel Insurance Ăż Life Insurance & Investments Ăż Farm Succession & Estate Planning Ăż Notary Publics
Custom Embroidery
RED APPLE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES “Administrative Services to Meet Your Business Needs�
Heavy Truck Repair
Cell 306-948-7995
of The Battlefords Independently Owned and Operated
207 Main St. Biggar
Phone: 306-948-5678
Burnt Orange Sales Repair Virus Removal
Custom Cleaning of H.R.S. & C.P. S. Wheat
Saskatoon - Biggar OďŹƒce
Computer Sales and Repair
Biggar Sand & Gravel
306-948-2801 or 306-948-7279 HONEYBEE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Bob Kobelsky
306-658-4474, Landis
• trenching • trucking • water & sewer • sand & gravel • excavating Office ‌
306-948-5455 BIGGAR & DISTRICT FAMILY CENTRE nd 130 - 2 Ave. W., Biggar
OPEN: Tues., Thurs., & Fri., 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Your family remembered forever! in the Heritage Albums for only $25 at the Biggar Museum, 306-948-3451
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biggarindependent.ca to sign up
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Coming Events
Employment Opportunity WW1529
BIGGAR ASSOCIATED GOSPEL CHURCH corner of 8th Ave.W. and Quebec St., Biggar
Sunday Worship • 10:50 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Ladies Bible Study, Wednesdays, 9:45 a.m. Church office number, 306-948-3424
BIGGAR UNITED CHURCH 907 Quebec St. and corner Turnbull Ave., Biggar Sunday Worship Service • 11 a.m. Coffee and fellowship to follow service.
Potluck after service on first Sunday of the month. SUNDAY SCHOOL‌ first two Sundays of each month. Church office number, 306-948-2280, Rev. Jane Gallagher.
PRESBYTERIANS, ANGLICANS AND LUTHERANS (PALS) JANUARY WORSHIP @ REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH 319 - 7th Ave. East, Biggar • 10:30 a.m. For more information/pastoral services, phone Pastor Mark Kleiner @ 306-948-3731, 306-951-7122.
ST. GABRIEL ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 109 - 7th Ave. W, Biggar Father Michel Bedard Parish Phone: 306-948-3330
MASS TIME 3UNDAY s A M Sunday School during service
Larry E. Silvernagle September 28, 1956 - January 13, 2015
“Beyond the far horizon When we’ll finally be together, Where love will be eternal, And life will last forever‌ I am with you always.â€? ‌Loved and missed by Linda; son, Colton and Melissa, grandsons, Reid and Rylan; and son, Brock. SILVERNAGLE, Larry Edward: In loving memory, September 28, 1956 January 13, 2015. “We will always remember your Laugh, your Smile and your Big Heart. You are thought of each and every day.â€? In loving memory of our SON, BROTHER, UNCLE. Always in our hearts‌ Mom; Karen; Trent and Anita; Derek and Sandi; and families. 2p1
James (Jim) Hoult May 16, 1946 - January 19, 2015
“One year ago, our brother was called to his eternal rest; His smiling face and pleasant way, are a pleasure to recall. Gone where the angels sing so sweet, and taken when God knew best. We miss him here so very much, His presence oft seems nigh, But we all hope in Heaven to meeet Where no one says good-bye.â€? ‌Sadly missd by Brenda (Ray) and family; Bob (Donna) and family
Cards of Thanks I want to thank everyone for the flowers, cards, food, visits, calls, good wishes and prayers following my knee surgery. It is very much appreciated. ‌Linda Tapp 2p1
Everyone Welcome!
MONDAY, JANUARY 25: Donors Choice Annual Meeting, 7 p.m. at Biggar New Horizons boardroom. Donors Choice Board Members and a Representative from local organizations supported by Donors Choice, please,please attend. We need your support. 2c2 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2: Biggar & District Arts Council presents . . .�LUKE McMASTER� , 7:30 p.m. at The Majestic Theatre, Biggar. Adults/Seniors $25 (advance $20); Students, 13 and older, $15 (advance $12); children 12 and under $5. Advance tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar, 306948-2452. 52c5
Garage Sales S AT U R D AY, JANUARY 16: Moving/Garage Sale‌ Carruthers Acreage, 1/2 mile west on Hwy #51, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 51, 1, 2 p3
Invitations S AT U R D AY, JANUARY 16: A shower for the soon-to-be MRS.: for CHELSEY ANTONENKO. Please join us at 2 p.m. in Westwinds Motor Hotel Centennial Room, Biggar. 1p2 SATURDAY, JANUARY 23: You are invited to a 90th Birthday Party for GABE SILVERNAGLE, 2 - 4 p.m. at Westview Apartments, Biggar. No gifts please. 1p3
For Sale Maytag washer and dryer for sale. Phone 306-9483676 1p3
Fax Service available at Th Independent
Office for Rent/ Lease‌ Main Street, Biggar, 800 sq. ft. Office furnishings included. For more information, call Teri, 306-2279905 2tfn
Land for Rent
1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundr y facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwasher s, air conditioning, parking with plugins. For more information call: Karen/Kevin 948-9115 302 - 8th Ave. W. Biggar
If YOU are‌ • NEW to our communities of Biggar/Landis/Perdue • Have a new baby Call WELCOME
WAGON at 306-948-3837 Sheila Itterman We have gifts and information www. welcomewagon.ca
Houses for Rent One bedroom house for rent includes fridge, stove, washer and dryer, walking distance from downtown. $550/month. Phone 306-9482233 52p3 Two and three bedroom houses for rent. Close to downtown and school. Fridge and stove included. For viewing call 306948-3674 or 306948-9517 or 306948-7022.
Contact US for professional printing of oďŹƒce supplies, forms and services.
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Employment Opportunity CHRYSLER DEALERSHIP Hiring immediately in Killam, AB. 3rd/4th year Automotive Journeyman Technician. Competitive wages, clean atmosphere, full benefits. Send resume mcwes@telus.net MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! Indemand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-855-768-3362 to start training for your work-at-home career today! Golf Course Superintendent Required
The Biggar Independent 122 Main St., Biggar 306-948-3344
Please visit our website at: manitougolf.com for details
Employment Opportunity METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER seeking sales representative. Previous building sales experience preferred. Company provides leads and additional training. Please send resume and salary requirements to: jobsdmstl@ gmail.com EOE Passionate about travel? Flight Centre is hiring Travel Consultants in Saskatoon. For more info, visit www. f lightcentre.ca/ careers
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Pre-employment Boom Truck, Crane & Hoist Operator Program
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H E A LT H C A R E DOCUMEN TA TION SPECIALISTS in huge demand. Employers prefer CanScribe graduates. A great workfrom-home career! Contact us now to start your training day. www. canscribe.com. 1.800.466.1535. info@canscribe. com.
Auctions PEAK FITNESS EXERCISE EQUIP. Dispersal #8, 771050 Ave., Red Deer, AB. Sat., Jan. 23, 2016 @ 11 AM. Cardio, Spin Bikes, Selectorized & Plate Loaded Weight Equip., Dumbbells, Benches, Racks, Tanning Bed, TV’s, Lockers, Office, Daycare, & More See www. montgomer yauctions.com or call 800-371-6963
For Sale
For Sale
PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 500,000 readers weekly. Call this newspaper NOW or 306-649.1400 or email classifieds@swna.com for details.
Shipping. Replacement guarantee. 1-866-873-3846 or www.treetime.ca
REFORESTATION NURSERY SEEDLINGS of hardy trees, shrubs, & berries for shelterbelts or landscaping. Spruce & Pine from $0.99/tree. Free
STEEL BUILDING SALE... “REALLY BIG SALE - YEAR END CLEAR OUT!� 21X22 $5,190 25X24 $5,988 27X28 $7,49830X32$8,646 35X34 $11,844 42X54 $16,386. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422 www.pioneersteel.ca
The Majestic Theatre Biggar
Genre: Comedy Running Time: 1 hr. 58 min.
Ă Rated: R
Friday, JAN. 15 Saturday, JAN. 16 8:00 p.m. Sunday, JAN. 17
LAND FOR RENT, pasture in R.M. of Eagle Creek. Call for details, 306-9489186. 22tfn
Charter/ Sherwood Apartments
2 p.m. matinee ($5 admission)
Real Estate
For Rent
Wanted Looking to buy Indian arrowheads and any associated stone tools. Phone 306-717-3232. 41tfn Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Landfill OR contact Quentin Sittler at 306-658-2132 tfn MAIN STREET GARAGE SALE is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 306-9481773 or 306-9485393. Pickup available. tfn
For bookings and information please phone Bear Hills RDC @ 306-948-2295 This space is courtesy of The Biggar Independent
Monarch 4-H begins New Year . . . The monarch multiple has kicked off the year with Beef and Lighthorse projects underway. As a club we attended the Vetavision that was held in Saskatoon and on January 3 the club went bowling for their Christmas party. (Submitted Photo)
www.biggar independent.ca
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$41.00 + $2.05 gst = $43.05
Seed & Feed
For Sale
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Wrecking over 250 units... cars and trucks. Lots of trucks... Dodge... GMC... Ford... Imports... 1/2 ton to 3 tons... We ship anywhere... Call or text 306-821-0260. Lloydminster
Firewood for sale – Pine and Birch in tote bags. 306-873-9556 Dealers Welcome
Seed & Feed Buying/Selling FEED GRAINS heated / damaged CANOLA/FLAX Top price paid FOB FARM
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Saints sweep Davidson St. Gabriel Junior Boys basketball team had another successful tournament this past Saturday in Davidson.
The Saints played well, winning all three games: 41-24 against Kindersley, 63-30 against Warman B, and a close game against the home town Davidson Raiders, 4542. Their next action is Wednesday, January 20 against their cross-town (or more specifically, downthe-street) rivals the BCS2000 Blazers. Their next tournament action is in Unity on January 22 and 23.
Guard, Junel Villanueva, eagerly dribbles down the court, with a blurry Justin Hanson as backup. (Photo for The Independent by Rick Garchinski)
Biggar Bowling Centre scores Thursday Senior’s (December 17) Thursday’s YBC: Bowlasaurus: High Score – Andie James, 77. Pee Wee: High Score – Ayden Campbell, 89; High Double – Ayden Campbell, 89. Bantam: High Score – Jayla Boobyer, 143; High Triple – Jayla Boobyer, 352. Juniors: High Score – Madison Genaille, 160; High Triple – Justin Otterson, 394. (December 21) Monday Mixed League: MHS – Jason Raschke, 228; WHS – Krista Remeshylo, 224; MHT – Jason Raschke, 611; WHT – Krista Remeshylo, 596. Tuesday New Horizons: N/A.
Thursday Senior’s League: N/A. (January 5-8) Monday Mixed League: N/A. Tuesday New Horizons: MHS – Jack Eckart, 231; WHS – Donna Eaton, 206; MHT – Jack Eckart, 596; WHT – Donna Eaton, 574.
League: MHS – Glen Shockey, 206; WHS – June Hoppe, 200; MHT – Glen Shockey, 487; WHT – Dianna Meger, 484. Thursday’s YBC: Bowlasaurus: High Score – Dominic Raschke, 66. Pee Wee: High Score – Sawyer
Heimbecker, 79; High Double – Sawyer Heimbecker, 141. Bantam: High Score – Maggie Genaille, 124; High Triple – Maggie Genaille, 307. Juniors: High Score – Julian Heimbecker/ Madison Genaille, 147; High Triple – Julian Heimbecker, 411.
Perdue Bowling scores (January 4-8)
Ladies League: LHS – Deb Broeckel/Marilyn Miller, 258; LHT – Deb Broeckel, 668; LHA – Dorrie Laberswieler, 186; THS – Other Frame, 1,143; THT – Bleepers, 3,190.
Mens League: MHS – Glen Shockey, 219; MHT – Glen Shockey, 550; MHA – Glen Shockey, 178; THS – JAG, 739; THT – JAG, 2,110. Club 55: LHS – Kay Munro, 256; MHS –
Gerald Nicholls, 197; LHT – Kay Munro, 654; MHT – Al Levitt, 450; LHA – Joey Levitt, 178; MHA – Al Levitt, 163; THS – DJ’s, 1,162; THT – DJ’s, 3,335. Youth Bowling: N/A.
WHICH CHEQUE IS YOURS?… $ 47.00 498.00 4,343.00 441.00 845.62 3,020.00 249.14 687.00 187.36 163.00 63.00 4,865.00 146.00 11.15 4,275.00 488.95 7,660.00 260.00 196.00 568.00 8,265 .00 677.00 114.00 144.00 176.00 255.00 82.00 206.21 38.00 236.89 266.05 99.68 96.00 86.27 212.00 530.00 17.00 316.00 3,296.00 12.00 224.00 157.76 104.00 89.00 639.78 37.00 389.00 19.00 17.00 215.39 56.00 30.00 86.00 91.00 55.00 50.00 25.00
224.00 12.00 206.00 3,833.00 382.00 11.00 8,799.00 93.67 86.03 281.61 247.30 45.00 141.37 285.00 205.00 791.00 247.00 47.00 75.00 98.00 1,032.00 160.22 232.20 806.83 653.00 39.00 111.00 42.00 227.00 13.00 82.00 27.00 21.00 245.00 204.40 74.00 903.00 31.00 59.00 374.11 74.00 47.00 2,257.00 104.00 79.00 487.00 137.00 1,499.62 23.00 25.00 34.00 44.00 420.00 1,384.00 110.00 15.00 25.00
52.00 73.00 55.00 22.00 109.91 201.16 98.00 79.00 49.00 20.00 46.00 55.00 47.00 221.00 70.69 71.00 22.00 38.58 435.00 231.00 29.00 35.06 99.64 40.00 98.00 150.00 17.00 48.84 79.00 424.00 14.00 78.00 90.91 96.00 48.00 17.00 102.23 59.00 24.00 31.00 11.00 224.10 372.58 61.00 101.00 12.00 50.00 38.43 165.00 245.00 97.00 32.00 109.61 25.00 1,722.31 45.00 584.00
38.00 115.00 65.00 37.00 100.00 79.07 1,132.97 17.00 17.00 55.00 11.00 99.00 888.00 56.00 55.00 171.00 172.00 35.00 55.00 222.44 540.00 29.00 200.00 66.00 10.00 19.00 53.00 75.00 66.00 201.40 160.09 162.65 40.23 1,074.76 212.43 64.81 586.76 27.75 65.76 70.00 309.14 85.62 1,397.87 215.78 204.03 212.75 1,334.11 232.85 281.05 158.04 10.00 10.91 27.73 3,357.83 1,217.27 2,853.33 767.71
3,406.15 109.70 3,602.00 328.60 100.00 200.00 1,622.00 25.00 98.00 5,849.00 788.00 1,124.00 4,214.00 51.53 59.79 83.41 12,999.66 322.00 1,124.00 1,415.91 13,270.91 166.00 300.66 84.00 974.83 72.37 451.20 211.79 45.72 13,610.00 4,171.00 1,397.00 404.00 2,155.00 2,369.00 133.00 2,682.00 6,482.00 780.00 278.00 82.00 4,847.00 2,236.92 4,849.00 659.81 1,449.00 68.60 97.54 1,386.00 102.00 180.66 2,084.00 259.48 4,881.00 526.00 550.00 500.00
1,254.00 735.00 1,925.00 200.00 2,460.40 396.54 96.14 200.00 3,595.07 1,220.53 923.92 6,935.59 14.00 98.00 3,886.00 848.00 98.89 1,163.45 225.49 81.00 5,733.00 42.68 153.00 4,439.00 226.69 151.00 14,987.50 16.00 52.00 66.00 831.00 40.00 65.00 2,122.75 47.56 13.00 145.00 219.00 200.00 200.74 286.00 261.39 211.25 857.00 374.38 77.00 177.00 530.00 5,219.00 10.32 85.00 241.00 3,223.00 3,286.43 399.00 2,426.00 81.00
1,250.15 1,976.00 671.00 127.00 136.70 6,681.00 71.00 23.00 791.00 87.00 308.00 6,381.00 570.00 238.00 3,950.00 127.70 1,965.86 14.00 354.00 280.00 10.00 848.00 466.00 204.00 83.00 47.00 80.00 979.98 2,358.00 1,130.00 1,631.89 1,116.00 301.19 289.32 94.00 28,736.00 1,267.00 353.00 622.60 87.18 129.00 127.54 362.00 337.00 174.14 1,074.00 4,983.00 231.00 24.62 2,641.00 100.00 8,156.00 15.00 1,806.00 33.00 37.49 373.00
82.00 52.00 197.00 159.00 44.89 97.62 59.93 397.59 73.00 81.00 57.00 125.00 148.00 26.00 31.00 57.00 90.00 37.00 263.39 52.00 26.00 31.00 156.00 623.08 117.00 1,404.46 125.00 50.00 188.00 29.00 38.00 29.00 44.00 77.00 731.00 196.00 10,462.00 57.00 11.00 149.00 38.00 22.00 147.30 90.00 15.00 641.00 11.00 129.86 108.00 446.00 225.84 36.00 72.00 66.00 29.00 19.00 79.64
128.00 15.00 119.00 83.00 83.00 1,533.00 153.00 66.00 96.00 94.00 161.00 295.00 2,301.00 35.00 29.00 142.00 1,384.00 88.00 48.00 219.00 36.00 46.27 77.00 114.00 79.00 80.00 266.81 80.00 130.00 475.00 95.00 7,367.00 127.00 58.00 105.00 91.00 39.00 10.00 40.00 73.00 98.00 91.00 502.00 78.00 137.00 174.00 178.00 208.00 119.00 392.00 38.00 523.00 121.00 298.27 206.20 58.69 377.28
The above amounts were paid by cheque to Duperow Co-op members during this last year. $414,791.85 returned to the community.