Webpaper 07

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Vol. 108 No. 07


20 pages


Warm sky, warmer weather . . . A balmy sky contrasts the snowy landscape, Monday, as warmer temperatures return to the province. From the cold, cold weather of recent, this is a pleasant and welcome change. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)



A spirited effort at home in Game 2 as the Nationals faced the Macklin Mohawks in the SWHL playoffs, February 8. Derek Argue celebrates the game winner (top) with Liam Boyle, while netminder Ryan Kerpan (bottom) was strong between the pipes. Game 3 in Macklin, February 12; however, had the SWHL season come to an end as the Mohawks took the decider, 3-2. (Independent Photos by Kevin Brautigam)



Biggar RCMP 2016 Year in Review (continued from last week)

2016 Highlights: Traffic Collisions: 1 fatal; 6 injury; 61 property damage only. Provincial Traffic: 1,168 investigations, 894 charges laid. 612 charges alone for speeding; 51 charges for operating unregistered vehicles. Biggar RCMP jurisdiction is also patrolled regularly by the Combined Traffic Services Section. This unit is a partnership between SGI, RCMP and Saskatoon Police Service. The positions are funded through SGI. From time to time citizens may have seen Saskatoon Police Service vehicles on patrol. All municipal officers of the unit have jurisdiction across the province. The traffic unit augmented Biggar RCMP throughout the year for check stops and roving patrols. This enhanced overall visibility as directly attributed to a very high clearance rate for provincial traffic violations (90 per cent). Criminal Code Driving: 39 investigations, 25 files cleared by charge. 21 impaired driving charges; 2 driving while disqualified charges; 2 charges laid in relation to dangerous driving and/or pursuit related offences. Provincial Statutes (except traffic) 294 investigations. Highlights include: 19 Liquor Act charges; 135 investigations involving use of 9-1-1; 9 Coroners Act (non-suspicious sudden deaths); 16 Fire Prevention Act; 41 Mental Health Act; 19 Trespass Act. Municipal By-Law: 12 investigations. Other Criminal Code 101 investigations. Highlights include: 36 charges for breaching court conditions/release conditions/ fail to attend court; 24 harassment based investigations; 20 Utter Threats investigations; 6 cleared by charges; 19 Cause a Disturbance investigations; 5 Resist arrest/Obstruction investigations; 3 cleared by charges; 3 Public Mischief investigations. Controlled Drugs and Substances: 19 investigations: 2 files cleared by charge. Several investigations are ongoing. Sexual Based Offences: 5 investigations. Assaults 60 investigations. 23 investigations cleared by charge. Property Crime (theft related): 128 investigations: 51 investigations involved thefts of vehicles/ thefts from vehicles and

only 2 cleared by charge; 15 possession of stolen good investigations with 7 cleared by charge. Property Crime Break and Enter: 37 investigations with 5 cleared by charge. It is important to note that while thefts of motor vehicles largely are unsolved, police were able to recover a majority of stolen vehicles found in possession of individuals which is why possession of stolen property statistics have a higher clearance rate. A substantial amount of thefts of vehicles/from vehicles is the direct result of insecure vehicles. The majority of time vehicles are insecure and the keys are left in the vehicle. Investigators spend a significant amount of time on the recovery of stolen vehicles and investigating how people came into possession of the stolen vehicles. Police could dedicate resources elsewhere if the theft had not occur in the first place. Biggar RCMP is encour-

aging citizens to safeguard their property. Lock up your vehicles, don’t leave valuables in a vehicle and do not leave keys in your vehicle. Property crime is a crime of opportunity. Take away the opportunity. The use of video surveillance equipment has been instrumental in the recovery of stolen vehicles in 2016. If citizens or businesses are interested in purchasing home surveillance equipment police encourage ensuring it is a high quality system. If the imagery is not of a high quality the data is often useless. Fraud: 28 investigations; largely telemarketing fraud. As was the case in 2015, Biggar RCMP received files in regards to Canada Revenue Agency scams. Citizens were told they owed taxes and they would be arrested or had warrants of arrest. These are entirely fraudulent. Another type of fraud investigated is what is …see RCMP, pg 16

Tanya Sampson, centre, gets in a bit of a tizzy with Cory Langelotz, left, while fellow New Creation Community Players actors, Dale Buxton, Gillian Massie and Debbie

Social Services Minister, Tina Beaudry-Mellor, paid tribute to the volunteers who manage the social housing projects in their community. “This local hands-on approach ensures that the Saskatchewan Housing Corporation responds effectively to the needs of each community.” Saskatchewan has a network of 260 housing authorities and more than 1,400 volunteer members who assist with management of housing units

(Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

New Creation set to run ‘Sister Act’ this March 30 New Creation Community Players (NCCP) is offering the hilarious musical comedy, ‘Sister Act’ as this year’s production at the Majestic Theatre, March 30 to April 2. Popularized by the movie of the same name, with Whoopi Goldberg as a Reno lounge singer who has been put under protective custody in a San

Molberg reappointed to Biggar Housing Authority John Molberg has been reappointed to the Biggar Housing Authority Board of Directors in the office of Chairperson. Other members of the board of directors are Ronald Scott, Margaret Wheaton, Leslie White and Gloria de Haan. The Biggar Housing Authority is a communitybased organization that provides daily management of 83 housing units constructed and operated under the terms of a federal provincial municipal cost sharing agreement.

Kurulak-Milne await the outcome. Cast and crew were rehearsing for their upcoming musical, ‘Sister Act’.

throughout the province for seniors, low income families and persons with disabilities. Persons interested in volunteering to serve on the board of directors for the Biggar Housing Authority are encouraged to contact the mayor of Biggar. A local nominating committee recommends board members. Applications for accommodation are available from the manager of the Biggar Housing Authority.

Francisco convent, NCCP will run four shows at Biggar’s Majestic Theatre. One of the most financially successful comedies of the early 1990s, grossing $231 million worldwide, the film was rated no. 83 on Bravo’s The 100 Funniest Movies list. Deloris Van Cartier is a struggling lounge singer trying to make it big in the club of her married lover Curtis who is also a Mob boss. After seeing Curtis murder one of his thugs, Deloris runs to the police and tells a cop what happened. That cop is Eddie, who Deloris recognizes from high school. Eddie is sure to protect her and sends her to Mary Queen of

Angels Convent. There, Deloris has to act like a nun, pray like a nun, and follow the rules that are set out by Mother Superior. What else can Deloris do but take over the nuns choir and help them in a way that they never imagined. The nuns, in return, come to Deloris’ aid when she is abducted by the Mob - the hilarity continues throughout this wonderfully inventive, funny and unique tale with an incredible musical score. Mark the dates March 30, 31, and April 1 and 2, as Deloris and the Sisters will have you all laughing and dancing in our seats. Tickets are on sale now at The Independent.

GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15, 2017… 10:00 a.m. (stations randomly selected)

Biggar ............................................... 97.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock ........................... 95.9¢/L Perdue… ........................................... 97.9¢/L Landis Cardlock… ............................ 97.9¢/L Wilkie ............................................... 95.9¢/L Unity ................................................. 95.9¢/L North Battleford… ............................100.9¢/L Rosetown… ....................................... 97.9¢/L Saskatoon ......................................... 97.9¢/L Kindersley ........................................ 94.9¢/L Lloydminster .................................... 95.9¢/L Humboldt ......................................... 93.9¢/L Swift Current .................................... 99.9¢/L

Lottery Numbers 649 - Sat., February 11 10, 11, 21, 28, 38, 44 Bonus 17 Extra 1135987 649 - Wed., February 08 03, 04, 08, 12, 13, 46 Bonus 26 Extra 5089432 Western 649 - Sat., Feb. 11 10, 11, 12, 20, 30, 43 Bonus 40

Western 649 - Wed., Feb. 08 03, 06, 09, 13, 35, 37 Bonus 48 Lotto Max - Friday, February 10 11, 16, 19, 22, 24, 38, 41 Bonus 48 Extra 1277684 Western Lotto Max - Fri., Feb. 10 05, 17, 21, 31, 33, 44, 48 Bonus 36

This We Th Week . . . Pee Wees lay a lickin’ on Hawks . . . Biggar Pee Wee Nationals hosted the Outlook Ice Hawks at the Jubilee,

Sunday. The Nats weren’t the gracious hosts, pounding the visitors by a 20-5 final. (Independent Photo by Daryl Hasein)

Opinions ....................................... 4 Agriculture .................................... 9 Sports ........................................... 13 Classifieds .................................... 14 - 16 Business & Professional Directory .. 17 - 18



Trade deals good for the economy It seems our Prime Minister may be having a bit of an identity crisis. Unfortunately, he is living in the shadow of his father, PET. So, he has that legacy to contend with and now the White House Press Secretary has just renamed him “Joe”. Sean Spicer may have been having a bad day at the press briefing following Justin Trudeau’s visit to Washington. Except, Spicer also mispronounced the name of the Prime Minister of Australia. Putting that misstep aside, Canadians were more interested in the outcome of the visit to our southern neighbours than Americans were. The news story of the day in the U.S. was the firing of Flynn, whereas we were more concerned with the impact of Trump’s trade policies. It was reassuring, then, that both Trump and Trudeau recognized the importance of trade, the movement of goods and people across borders and the need to work closely together. Both said as much in their statements. Trump is bent on “tweaking” NAFTA. Which is probably not a bad idea. So much has changed since the original agreement that both sides will probably benefit from revisiting the agreement. A meatier trade agreement with our closest neighbour plus the added news that Europe has ratified a trade deal with Canada and we should be well on our way to exporting more of our products and getting our economy back on track. P.H.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are welcome. They MUST be signed, approximately 300 words in length and are subject to editing.

Slow-growth fiscal reality bites Canadian health care Glen Hodgson, Senior Fellow, Conference Board of Canada Canada’s health and finance ministers met prior to Christmas to discuss the next phase of health-funding transfers from the federal government to the provinces. After a decade during which transfers grew by 6 per cent annually, Ottawa’s last offer was to increase them by 3.5 per cent a year. The offer would also provide an additional $11.5-billion in targeted funding over 10 years, focused in areas such as mental health and home care. However, no agreement was reached on a new overarching formula to determine federal funding levels, as a series of bilateral health funding agreements have become the substitute for a national agreement. Why did the pan-Canadian negotiations fail to reach an agreement? Fundamentally, federal projections on available revenues did not line up with provincial expectations on transfers. Federal conditions on how specific funds would be used also complicated the negotiations. Regardless, a slow-growth fiscal reality is now biting in every Canadian jurisdiction, affecting health care and other priority programs. The prognosis is no

better for the years ahead. Government revenue growth is determined principally by income growth in the economy, which reflects the combination of real economic growth and inflation. As the Conference Board of Canada had warned for years, Canada’s annual real growth potential has steadily dropped to below 2 per cent, down a full percentage point from a decade ago. Growth potential is even weaker in some provinces. Canada has been unable to reach even this modest growth rate in recent years, due to global turbulence, depressed commodity prices, limited productivity growth, and weak exports and private investment. Meanwhile, Canadian inflation has been below the Bank of Canada’s 2-per-cent target since the 200809 financial crisis. Low inflation combined with slow growth leads to a government revenue base that is growing much more slowly. The Conference Board expects nominal growth (real economic growth plus inflation) of only 3.4 per cent in 2017. Modest growth now and in the years ahead will constrain federal funding of many worthy programs. The slow-growth reality bites

omy is looking more and more like a realistic approach. Among the provinces, British Columbia is balancing its provincial budget and received the highest scores in the Conference Board’s report card on Canadian health-care performance. This results shows that provinces can maintain a healthy fiscal balance and a healthy population. Quebec has succeeded in balancing its books and is trying to slow healthcare spending growth to just more than 4 per cent annually. But slower growth in federal transfers will place even more pressure on provincial governments to manage their healthcare budgets prudently. They will need to seek out efficiency gains, find ways to boost productivity performance, share and scale up best practices, and innovate in the design and administration of their health-care systems. A slow-growth fiscal reality is here in every Canadian jurisdiction, and health-care funding and delivery will not be spared. Provincial health-care system design and administration will have little choice but to respond to that reality.


thee Phone: 306-948-3344

especially hard on Canadian healthcare spending. Health-care spending absorbs almost half of provincial budgets, crowding out other long-term priorities that are essential for a wellfunctioning economy and society. Following growth in health-care costs of nearly 6 per cent annually, many provinces are now stuck in a healthcare spending trap. It is now budget season. Federal and provincial finance ministers and their teams are working long hours in an effort to make their government’s revenue projections and spending pressures add up to something the voting public will accept. The federal government shifted into fiscal deficit last spring and a stable public debt ratio was offered as the new fiscal anchor. A federal fiscal deficit in the range of $20-billion to $25-billion is now a likely outcome for 2016-17. Maintaining a credible mediumterm federal fiscal plan will be demanding. There will be limited spare federal cash available for existing programs, such as health care, or for new priorities. Increasing health transfers to the provinces in line with growth in the nominal-income econ-

Fax: 306-948-2133

Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Thursday at the office of publication, 122 Main Street, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Anastasiia Krasnova

E-mail: tip@sasktel.net

P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.



The sport of curling has evolved over the years It’s not just a rock. It’s forty-two pounds of polished granite, with a beveled underbelly and a handle a human being can hold. Okay, so in and of itself it looks like it has no practical purpose, but it’s a repository of possibility. And, when it’s handled just right, it exacts a kind of poetry - as close to poetry as I ever want to get. The way it moves.... Not once, in everything I’ve done, have I ever felt the same wonder and humanity as when I’m playing the game of curling. ~Paul Gross, John Krizanc, and Paul Quarrington, Men with Brooms As we were waiting in the Las Vegas airport for our flight home, one couple started a conversation. “Did you come down for the “Spiel?” he asked. Well, of course we had but I wouldn’t call a sporting event such as

the Continental Cup a of Curling in Canada. It ‘Spiel. tells of the establishment You of curling could tell clubs across the felthe country. low was, As the game not only is commonly a curling linked to fan, but Scottish a curler origins, from the game years developed gone by. as settlers ‘Spiel is a arrived. Parcolloquiticularly on alism for the Prairies bonspiel where so which many Scots conjures arrived via up a picrail. Peggy Hasein ture of The curlfriends ing rink gathering to throw a few became a hub in the rocks and have some community. It was a beers after the game. place where politics was Today’s curlers (dare we discussed and the many almost call them profesproblems solved; relisionals) are more athletic gion, business and no and serious about the doubt a fair amount of game. gossip became the talk Archives Canada has around the table. It has a website devoted to been said that curling the history of curling requires “self-discipline, -- Bonspiel! The History persistence, patience

Neighbourly News

and co-operation”; qualities which are similar to those required by early settlers. Perhaps that is why the game was such so popular. As curling clubs sprang up, a foursome would gather once a week (or more) to curl. Then, weekends a bonspiel could usually be found at some curling rink. The entire family would attend. Sometimes the prize was a sum of money which added to the excitement. The archives tells of a report concerning the Manitoba Legislature. When Scottish curlers visited in 1903, the Winnipeg Bonspiel and the Industrial Exhibition were the two major events of the year in Winnipeg. The sitting of the Manitoba Legislature had to be cancelled for lack of a quorum because so many members were at the bonspiel. The sport has evolved

(2 February, 2017)

Saskatchewan’s manufacturing sales are leading the nation. Despite ongoing world commodity price challenges, this sector and our economy is showing signs of strength. According to Statistics Canada, manufacturing sales were $1.2 billion in November, up 12.2 per cent (seasonally adjusted) over last year, and nearly six times the national average. The challenges we have faced with lower resource prices has had an impact on the labour market and other sectors, but forecasts and other signs show our economy will rebound this year. We need to maintain our competitive advantage in Saskatchewan. Right now, our competitiveness is being threatened by the Prime Minister’s insistence on imposing an ill-conceived national carbon tax plan on the province of Saskatchewan. We need to protect the people and sectors that are being targeted by the carbon tax. Twelve organizations representing thousands

of Saskatchewan farmmake our agriculture, ers, small businesses and mining and energy secemployees tors less have unitcompetitive ed against globally the federal while doing governnothing ment’s to reduce plan to global force a emissions. carbon When tax on our asked province. about this, In a letthe Prime ter to the Minister Prime says that Minisall of the Randy Weekes, MLA, ter, they carbon tax Biggar-Sask Valley express cash his concern governthat his ment colcarbon tax plan will hurt lects will be returned to our economy and put the the provinces and could incomes and livelihoods simply be given back to of Saskatchewan families those who paid it. at stake. So, what is the point of They’re right – and we this bureaucratic merrystand with them in fight- go-round? Good quesing this tax on our people tion. and economy. The Prime Minister In a recent vote in the says that it’s up to SasLegislature, the NDP katchewan to determine refused to support our how best to help the government’s position, businesses and families proving how badly out hurt by his new tax – of touch they are with and we’ve already figured the vast majority of Sasthat out. katchewan people. Don’t impose a carbon Like their Alberta coun- tax in the first place. terparts, the SaskatchMake no mistake, ewan NDP support a Saskatchewan wants to carbon tax. contribute to this counThey support a new try economically and tax that will impact your in every way, including household budget and the fight against climate

Curling is a strong in Canada but not so much with our southern neighbours. In fact, 90 per cent of the audience watching the curlers in Las Vegas were from Canada. Not surprising really.



TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. @ end of Main Street.

“FISH from Northern Lakes” also

On SALE… 10# box Northern Pike 4# bag assorted fish

Report from the Legislature Federal carbon tax plan threatens Saskatchewan economy

over the years and is now an Olympic event. Everyone remembers the “double-double” win the last winter Olympics when Canada won a gold medal in both men’s and women’s hockey and curling.

change, but we will defend our interests. Saskatchewan’s White Paper on Climate Change outlines an alternative approach to the Prime Minister’s national carbon tax plan.

SAUSAGE… Mennonite Farmers Sausage SALE… $12 per ring or 5 for $55.



The 3 RĘźs and I!


The Majestic Theatre Biggar



~ FEBRUARY ~ à A Dog’s Purpose Genre: Adventure/Comedy/Drama Rated: PG

I understand the lady who wrote “The Egg and I�, became rich and famous. Where as by the time Yours Truly finishes pulverizing the above partly plagiarized title (pretty good alliteration there, eh?) he will be neither rich nor famous. So - because things have changed so much over the years (even the old country schoolbells are now collector’s items!) along with everything else Y.T. is going to send this piece about Education (his!) into The Independent anyway! Along with everything else the meaning of Education has changed quite a bit - but not its environment, as preschool children, in those country-school days, we often saw young animals being born and little birds hatching. Life and the reason for life was all around us! Mebbe we didn’t become rich and famous - but we did understand a lot of things that seem “past� now. Below is a kind of odd-

1 hr. 40 min.


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ball rundown of how Y.T. fared “R� number 1 - “’Readin� I almost feel that I am wasting the Reader’s time as they look at this stuff, but then again we wouldn’t have known that Homer wrote “The Iliad� if we hadn’t read about it somewhere. And we wouldn’t be able to text our girlfriend if she didn’t know how to read! Y.T’s reading education mebbe wasn’t very high class either. I think one of my first memories of of the printed word was the number 1925 on an old calendar! About that time, the number 15 MPH appeared on a sign near our hometown. Our Mother had been a school teacher for years and our Dad read a lot, so over our young years we picked up quite a few words like dange, slieu, et cetera, and once that they felt we should know! I’m a little sorry about this, but we also picked up a few that we didn’t need! I’m also a little sorry about this! One of my most memorable times concerning reading, was when one of our school mates got up with his class: “Above the pines, the moon was slowly drifting, The river sang below; The dim Sierras far beyond uplifting their minarets of snow.� Then, “R-i-i-i-i-p!� Everyone in the schoolroom knew that someone had let a huge amount of abdominal gas go, and almost stopped breathing (which might have been a good idea!). But not “they�. “The glowing campfire in rude-humour painted

The ruddy tints of health On haggard face and form that drooped and fainted, In the fierce race for wealth!� We may not remember who wrote that dramatic piece, but although that was over 90 years ago, we still remember. Bob Mason I suppose a fellow could tell here about Herbie’s top-secret file that read: “Top secret, do not read!� But the Editor would begin to think that some of Y.T’s stuff wasn’t true! Glau-

he proudly showed Mother and Dad - they even laughed: “A polar bear charged at me, across the Arctic sands; I shot him with my rifle - and hit him in the glands.� Well, we didn’t take anatomy in our school! Mother criticized that there were few deserts in the Arctic, while Dad said with a smirk “I think that bear was running straight at you. What “glands� were you aiming at?� You can’t win them all “R� number 3 - “’Rithmetic� (don’t fall asleep yet!) Looking back now, and being (an old bridge player) match, or arithmetic, was never my long suit! As a matter of fact, Y.T. was in trade before he realized that “Algebra� wasn’t another language!

coma is going to catch up with old Bob anyway! “R� number 2 - “’Ritin� There are all kinds of writers, some good and some like Y.T.) well I wanted to appear a little humble there!). But actually, at my old “country school�, I was an outstanding student! On a day when the “Inspector� drove by, he saw me standing by the school steps (actually he saw me two or three times) and when he asked the young teacher, she told him that when she found a small verse in my arithmetic book, she always sent Y.T. out there to mull over the “nine-times� table! One of Y.T’s dramatic verses (while still young)

It was a big thrill to young Bobby though, when the pretty young school teacher always handed my arithmetic scrabble back all covered with x-x-x, which everyone knows stand for love and kisses. Little Mary’s always seemed to be covered with c-c-c which must have meant something else! We never did get to understand that H2SO4 bit though! “Good old Golden Rule Days,� eh? None of the pretty school girls wrote my slate, “I love you, Joe!�, but I always like to think that was because Y.T. didn;t have a slate - and his name wasn’t Joe! So much for “Education�, eh?

Notable Notes


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Planning a Road Trip for the Family Day Long Weekend? Here’s Some Safe Driving Tips from CAA Monday, February 20 is Family Day, a recognized holiday in Saskatchewan. For families who are planning a winter road trip, CAA has prepared some safe driving tips to keep in mind. • Check weather and road conditions before traveling. If conditions are poor, delay travel if possible. • When the temperature falls below -15 degrees Celsius, it’s important to plug in your vehicle. • Check to make sure the block heater and cord are in good working condition. • Test your vehicle’s battery. Colder temperatures can weaken the battery and cause it to fail. • Adjust your driving speed to weather and road conditions and make sure you have a full tank of fuel. • Leave a safe distance between vehicles, use turn signals well in advance and allow extra

room to stop. • Plan your route in advance. Allow extra time for travel and let others know your route and estimated time of arrival. • Carry a fully charged mobile phone and a phone car charger should you need to call for help. • Wear warm clothing and footwear, and pack extras of these items for the driver and passengers. • Use primary roads and highways which are regularly maintained. • Pack a roadside vehicle kit that contains nonperishable food, water, blankets, extra clothing, flashlight, candle or matches and tin can, first aid supplies, booster cables, and a shovel. • Take your vehicle to a facility for possible maintenance or servicing. • Remember to slow to 60 km/h on Saskatchewan highways for tow truck operators assisting motorists in need. It’s the law. After checking their mirrors, drivers should


Doreen’s Discount Day Leslie’s Drugstore Main Street, Biggar • 306-948-3397

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slow down and move over, changing lanes if possible. • While Saskatchewan Law requires motorists to slow down to 60 km/h

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Call Property manager, Emil, 306-948-3901 (h) or 306-948-5626 (w) for more information and viewing.

Biggar Bowling Scores February 6-9 Monday Mixed: MHS, John Hammond, 219; WHS, Brett Dorosh, 225; MHT, John Hammond, 579; WHT, Brett Dorosh, 584. Tuesday New Horizons Seniors: MHS, Jack Eckart, 168; WHS, June Hoppe, 192; MHT, Jack Eckart, 462; WHT,

June Hoppe, 524. Thursday Afternoon Seniors: MHS, Glen Shockey, 190; WHS, Bonnie Roesch, 198; MHT, Glen Shockey, 486; WHT, Bonnie Roesch, 549. YBC Biggar Bowl (February 8-9) Bowlasaurus: HS, Gavin Dorosh, 74. Pee Wee: HS, Everett

Danskin, 108; HD, Everett Danskin, 192. Bantam: HS, Sawyer Heimbecker, 167; HT, Sawyer Heimbecker, 423. Junior Boys: HS, Julian Heimbecker, 214; HT, Julian Heimbecker, 433. Junior Girls: HS, Madison Genailie, 177; HT, Hailey Boobyer, 472.

Biggar Lodge News by Karen Kammer, Recreation Coordinator Another week has flown by. I can’t believe the weather has been warm and then cold in the matter of a couple days. I will not complain about the weather being nice. Also a happy belated Valentine’s Day to each and every one of you. Monday at Biggar Health Centre we started Monday with exercises and then Blast from the Past in the afternoon. Tuesday morning was current events. After lunch the Grade 6 and 8’s from BCS were here to visit and read to the residents. It was great to see young adults interact with seniors. Wednesday morning

was our quarterly resident council meeting. The residents brought up different things that mattered to them like food, activities, and other general topics. Then the Grade 7 and 9’s from BCS were here to visit with the residents. Thursday morning we had Bible Study with Coffee. We read about gratitude and love because you know it’s Valentine’s Day time. Then we tried something new that the residents wanted to try at our resident council meeting... basketball. We made two teams and the residents passed the ball to whoever had the same colour piney. Of course the object of the game is to get it into the net. They had more fun just

passing it to each other. Many said they never played it before even in school. Then at 2:30 we had our favourite activity of bingo. Friday morning we had Breakfast club down Willow. I was in the cooking mood, I cooked eggs, sausages, bacon, toast and tried even waffles instead of pancakes for a change. PAL’s were here for a sing along of gospel music. Bean Bag toss was on in the afternoon. Saturday morning was Valentine’s Day Bingo. They watched a movie in the afternoon called “The Colt”. Sunday morning was 1-1 time. Jantzens were here for church this week. Have a great day.




Hearing Clinic Planned for RM of Reford, Buffalo HEARING CLINIC FOR FARMERS

What animal found on the farm is loud enough to damage your hearing? Are earmuffs more effecFor the ratepayers of the tive than earplugs? Do Rural Municipality of Reford #379 & you know how to prevent Rural Municipality of Buffalo #409 noise-induced hearing WEDNESDAY, FEB. 23 loss? Do you have hearing loss? What type of 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. hearing protection should at the RM Office in Wilkie I use? Call 306-843-2342 for an appointment. To offer answers to those questions and much more

TAX ENFORCEMENT LIST Town of Biggar Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforcement Act that unless the arrears and costs appearing opposite the land and title number described in the following list are fully paid before the 16th day of April, 2017, an interest based on a tax lien will be registered against the land. NOTE: A sum for costs in an amount required by subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act is included in the amount shown against each parcel. Assessment Lot Blk Plan Mer. Title Total Advertising Total Number Sec. Twp Rge Number Arrears Costs Arrears 495000100-01 1 31 G167 495001500-01 9 32 G167 495002250-01 2 33 G167 495002250-01 3 33 G167 495003450-01 21 33 G167 495003750-01 1 34 G167 495003750-01 2 34 G167 495004350-01 13 34 G167 495004350-01 14 34 G167 495004350-01 15 34 G167 495004550-01 17 34 G167 495005500-01 4 36 G167 495008250-01 22 39 G167 495008250-01 23 39 G167 495009200-01 13 40 G167 495010600-01 27 41 77S21957 495011000-01 4 42 G167 Ext 2 495011000-01 5 42 G167 Ext 2 403900300-01 7 96 67S22956 504900700-01 5 96 G606 Ext 24 504904100-01 1 102 65S05233 504906250-01 43 102 74S26264 505000900-01 18 1 D4770 505000900-01 19 1 D4770 505000900-01 20 1 D4770 505001700-01 34 1 D4770 505001700-01 35 1 D4770 Ext 1 505003750-01 34 2 D4770 Ext 5 505003750-01 35 2 D4770 505004200-01 41 3 101562218 Ext 19 505004200-01 42 3 101562218 Ext 20 505004200-01 43 3 101562218 Ext 21 505004200-01 44 3 101562218 Ext 22 505004200-01 45 3 101562218 Ext 23 505008500-01 7 5 D4770 505008800-01 13 5 D4770 505008800-01 14 5 D4770 505008800-01 15 5 D4770 505008800-01 16 5 D4770 505008800-01 17 5 D4770 505012600-01 42 7 101562252 Ext 6 505015550-01 21 8 D4770 505016300-01 37 8 D4770 505017550-01 20 9 D4770 505021100-01 3 11 D4770 505021100-01 4 11 D4770 505025900-01 9 13 D4770 505030600-01 8 17 D4770 505030650-01 9 17 D4770 505030850-01 13 17 D4770 505031700-01 10 18 D4770 505033150-01 18 19 D4770 505033850-01 12 20 D4770 505037050-01 1 23 D4770 505040400-01 5 26 D4770 505041850-01 14 27 D4770 505043050-01 B 28 73S26064 505044050-01 9 29 D4770 505044650-01 1 30 D4770 505045640-01 20 30 D4770 505100850-01 3 67 G187 505110300-01 9 84 G187 515100050-01 NW 32-35-14-W3 CG7890 Ext 1 515100050-01 NW 32-35-14-W3 CG7890 Ext 2 495008300-01 24 39 G167 Dated this 16th day of February, 2017

138121398 132345929 140151710 140151754 140421114 129852276 138188829 114593924 114593935 114593946 114593957 144021473 138609007 138608961 138826862 113866847 129532822 129532866 146622461 114535380 142159103 142274123 139583289 139583290 139583302 114517885 114517896 144146134 144146156 143389659 143389660 143389671 143389682 143389693 114519269 147543868 147543879 147543891 147543903 147543925 132206420 114520632 146446511 127180560 141005652 141005663 138014007 114681809 135775930 143210438 143404365 141363503 114682383 129236564 141771045 146010057 143248776 135558210 144111226 142358733 140616514 140016697 139155453 139155431 138608916

$ 953.50 $ 5.57 $2,063.91 $16.71

$ 959.07 $2,080.62

$ 672.72 $ 5.57 $3,026.56 $11.14

$ 678.29 $3,037.70




$1,034.10 $ 5.57 $1,598.52 $ 5.57 $2,393.10 $11.14

$1,039.67 $1,604.09 $2,404.24

$1,168.13 $ 5.57 $2,992.36 $ 5.57 $1,290.38 $11.14

$1,173.70 $2,997.93 $1,301.52

$ 892.47 $1,268.78 $1,087.55 $2,577.19 $1,215.75

$ 5.57 $ 5.57 $ 5.57 $ 5.57 $16.71

$ 898.04 $1,274.35 $1,093.12 $2,582.76 $1,232.46




$ 593.84


$ 604.98




$1,849.11 $ 5.57 $2,853.40 $27.85

$1,854.68 $2,881.25

$1,645.28 $ 681.06 $1,110.23 $1,035.30 $1,122.41

$ 5.57 $ 5.57 $ 5.57 $ 5.57 $11.14

$1,650.85 $ 686.63 $1,115.80 $1,040.87 $1,133.55

$ 821.08 $1,098.94 $1,533.62 $ 408.59 $1,038.49 $1,062.27 $1,100.15 $ 904.57 $3,792.87 $1,326.86 $1,080.56 $1,146.52 $ 901.12 $1,400.69 $1,126.35 $1,129.20 $ 463.68

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$ 826.65 $1,104.51 $1,539.19 $ 414.16 $1,044.06 $1,067.84 $1,105.72 $ 910.14 $3,798.44 $1,332.43 $1,086.13 $1,152.09 $ 906.69 $1,406.26 $1,131.92 $1,134.77 $ 474.82


$ 5.57


Barb Barteski, Treasurer

information, appointments can be made for a Hearing Clinic for Farmers which is being held for the ratepayers of the RM of Reford and RM of Buffalo on Wednesday February 22, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the RM office in Wilkie. To book an appointment please call (306) 843-2342. The clinic will include a visual inspection of the ear canal and ear drum and a hearing screening with explanation of those

results. Participants will be shown how to insert earplugs and will receive information to take home. When necessary, referrals are made to the appropriate agency. Hearing aids are not sold at the clinic. “On the farm, there are many noises including those from augers, tractors, shotguns and squealing hogs at feeding time that can damage your hearing,” says Kendra Ulmer, Nurse and Clinic Coordinator for

the Agricultural Health and Safety Network, at the Canadian Centre For Health and Safety in Agriculture, University of Saskatchewan. The clinic is being offered to RM 379 and RM 409 ratepayers because they are members of the Agricultural Health and Safety Network and is cosponsored by the Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture and Saskatchewan Agriculture.

Saskatchewan Breeding Bird Atlas taken flight

This summer, birdwatchers across Saskatchewan will embark on the largest citizenscience project ever attempted in the province. Made possible by dedicated volunteers, the Saskatchewan Breeding Bird Atlas aims to document breeding birds across Saskatchewan. This ambitious bird conservation effort is being led by a partnership between Bird Studies Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, the Nature Conservancy of Canada, Nature Saskatchewan, the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, and the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation. “People are generally interested in and curious about birds. As a group, birds offer viewing opportunities that are unparalleled by other types of wildlife. When you harness this interest in birds within an organized framework, there is real potential to gather important information that helps us to learn

about the state of our natural environment,” says Dr. Kiel Drake, Saskatchewan Program Manager for Bird Studies Canada. The Saskatchewan Breeding Bird Atlas is the most recent in a sequence of provincial or regional atlases in Canada. Atlases are scientifically designed five-year surveys aimed at recording all breeding bird species across an entire region. Because they repeat at 20-year intervals, atlases play a vital role in understanding large-scale changes over time. These repetitions allow researchers to measure changes in bird distribution and abundance, which may indicate significant changes in land use, habitat, climate, or other natural and man-made forces. Results from atlases are extremely valuable for decision-makers. Atlases have played major roles in everything from conservation planning and environmental assessments, to education and ecotourism.

Volunteerism is at the heart of breeding bird atlases. “We anticipate that more than 1,000 volunteers will participate in the project between 2017 and 2021,” says Dr. Drake. Participants spend time throughout the summer exploring the outdoors, and recording their observations. “Atlases are great for getting people into areas they might not otherwise explore. You really get to know a place and the birds that call it home,” remarks Saskatchewan Atlas Coordinator LeeAnn Latremouille. The Web site contains all the information needed to participate, including contact information for Regional Coordinators. Volunteer Regional Coordinators are the backbone of the atlas, providing invaluable guidance and support for participants. While the final product will not appear until 2023, the interactive Web site will allow people to track progress from year to year.



Climate change will have significant impact on farmers by Calvin Daniels The year 2050 may seem to be far off from the perspective of 2017, but three decades in the grand scheme of things is a blink of the eye. And that is what makes the warnings being talked of in terms of climate change three to five decades ahead so concerning. One such concern came out recently in a Western Producer story. (Ian) “Mauro, a geography professor who is part of the Prairie Climate Centre in Winnipeg told farmers at Keystone Agricultural Producers’ annual meeting Jan. 25 that the Canadian Prairies will see even more extreme temperature increases than the world average because they are located in the centre of a continent and not moderated by oceans. Instead of the 2C average increase in temperatures forecast for the planet, the Prairies will see 3.4 C, according to forecasting models,” the story detailed. “That will have many impacts. Beyond just the average increase, it will also produce many more days of scorching temperatures, Mauro said. “There are now only 10 to 11 days of higher than 30 C per year, but this could increase to 50 to 54 by 2050-80.” Farmers need to let that sink in a little.


Remember Monday 5 p.m. is the deadline for all submissions to The Independent 306-948-3344 tip@sasktel.net

Canola is now the number one crop in terms of returns and acres across much of the Canadian Prairies, a crop which does not respond well to extreme high temperatures, especially during the crucial flowering stage. “Hot days (28-30°C and up) and warm nights (16°C and up) from bud to mid-flowering stages can have a significant effect on canola yield,” details canolawatch.org. So what happens to canola production if we see two months of plus

30 temperatures? The likely answer is that canola becomes a less attractive crop. Now some might hold out hope Premier Brad Wall is smarter than a growing legion of scientists worldwide, when

through the Lieutenant Governor in Saskatchewan’s 2016 Throne Speech he stated : “It is troubling that today, there are some in this country who, given the opportunity, would shut down Calvin Daniels major


parts of Saskatchewan’s economy and put thousands of hardworking Saskatchewan people out of work, all in the name of some misguided dogma that has no basis in reality,” in response to climate change. But, while I might allow for discussion regarding the reasons for change, I am firmly on the side of science that it is occurring. And it will be the efforts of science in the years ahead which will be required to help Canadian Prairie farmers being

productive. While some agricultural areas of the world may actually become far less productive in terms of producing food for the world population, Canada can stay productive by adapting. Crops such as corn, already making inroads, can gain importance with more heat units to improve growth potential. The key will be plant breeding varieties for new conditions here, and farmers evolving in the face of whatever climate change brings.




Below normal snowpack impacting spring runoff outlook in most of the province


Doreen’s Discount Day Leslie’s Drugstore Main Street, Biggar • 306-948-3397

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February 9, the Water Security Agency (WSA) released the 2017 preliminary outlook for spring runoff. Most of the province received below normal snowfall resulting in a below normal runoff potential across most of Saskatchewan. Many areas saw the snowpack almost completely melt or lost to sublimation in January due to above normal temperatures.

This melting of snowpack would have saturated the soil surface, reducing the infiltration capacity available for the melt of any late season snow. The southeast portion of Saskatchewan is the exception. The snowpack in the southeast is near normal, increasing to well above normal in the very southeast corner. Above normal runoff is expected in the lower Souris River Basin below Rafferty and

Alameda Dams, including the Antler River, Gainsborough Creek, and Lightning Creek basins. This is a preliminary outlook and the snowpack could continue to develop for another six to 10 weeks. Also, it is important to note that a majority of the province was wetter than normal going into freeze-up in November of 2016. Higher than normal precipitation going forward and/or a rapid spring melt could

significantly increase the runoff potential. Although the snowpack in most areas is below normal, even a below normal runoff could compound flooding issues in regions with closed basins as many of these areas are at well above normal or record levels following several high runoff years. The Water Security Agency will be coming out with the 2017 Spring Runoff Forecast in March.

Provinceʼs population continues steady increase


½½ ¥ÊÙ EÊÃ®Ä ã®ÊÄÝ Bii ggar & District Biggar Diistriict Credit Credii t Union Uniion will be accepting nominations for vacant positions on the

Board of Directors ĨƌŽŵ &ĞďƌƵĂƌLJ ϵ Ͳ Ϯϯ͕ ϮϬϭϳ ĞĂĚůŝŶĞ ĨŽƌ ŶŽŵŝŶĂƟŽŶƐ ŝƐ Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 4:30 pm &Žƌ ŵŽƌĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͕ ǀŝƐŝƚ ǁǁǁ͘ďŝŐŐĂƌĐƵ͘ĐŽŵ Žƌ ĚƌŽƉ ŝŶ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ŝŐŐĂƌ Žƌ WĞƌĚƵĞ ƌĂŶĐŚ

The 2016 Census population count released February 8 by Statistics Canada shows that Saskatchewan grew by 64,971 people in the past five years since the 2011 Census. Over the past decade, from the 2006 to the 2016 Census, Saskatchewan grew by more than 130,000 people. That’s a complete turnaround from the previous decade – 1996 to 2006 – when Saskatchewan’s population actually dropped by 22,000 people. Saskatchewan had the second-highest growth rate among the provinces at 6.3 per cent. Saskatoon was third among Census Metropolitan Areas at 12.5 per cent. Regina was fourth at 11.8 per cent. “The new census num-

bers show how far Saskatchewan has come in the past decade compared to the decade before that, when we were still losing people and some said it would be impossible for Saskatchewan to grow by even 100,000 people in 10 years,” Premier Brad Wall said. “Obviously, given the current fiscal situation, a growing population presents some challenges for our province, but I would much rather be facing the challenges of growth than the challenges of decline.” According to the 2016 Census count, there were 1,098,352 people living in Saskatchewan in May of 2016. That number is lower than Statistics Canada’s quarterly population estimates because a

few thousand people are typically missed by the Census enumeration. The quarterly population estimates will be adjusted to account for this “undercount” in 2018. In the 2011 Census, the undercount was about 33,000 people. All 16 Saskatchewan cities saw their populations increase from 2011 to 2016, by a total of 59,189 people or 9.9 per cent. Saskatchewan towns saw their populations increase by 3,939 people or 2.7 per cent while Saskatchewan villages saw their populations increase slightly by 228 people or 0.5 per cent. Rural municipalities saw their total populations increase by 1,934 people or 1.1 per cent.



Join the 20th Great Backyard Bird Count Birdwatchers around the world take part, February 17-20 A lot has changed since the first Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) was held in 1998. Each year brings unwavering enthusiasm from the growing number of participants in this now-global event. The 20th annual GBBC is taking place February 17-20 in backyards, parks, nature centres, on hiking trails, school grounds, balconies, and beaches - anywhere you find birds. Birdwatchers count the birds they see for at least 15 minutes on one or more days of the count, then enter their checklist at birdcount. org. All the data contribute to a snapshot of bird distribution and help scientists see changes over the past 20 years. “The very first GBBC was an experiment,” says the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Marshall

mated 163,763 birdwatchers from more than 100 countries submitted 162,052 bird checklists reporting 5689 species - more than half the known bird species in the world. “The Great Backyard Bird Count is a great way to introduce people to participation in citizen science,” says Audubon Vice President and Chief Scientist Gary Langham. “No other program allows volunteers to take an instantaneous snapshot of global bird populations that can contribute to our understanding of how a changing climate is affecting birds.” Varying weather conditions so far this winter are producing a few trends that GBBC participants can watch for during the count. eBird reports show many more waterfowl and kingfishers remaining further north than usual because they are finding open

ed in the northern half of the United States. Jon McCracken, Bird Studies Canada’s National Program Director, reminds participants in Canada and the U.S. to keep watch for snowies. The GBBC has done a terrific job of tracking irruptions of Snowy Owls southward over the past several years. We can’t predict what winter 2017 will bring, because Snowy Owl populations are so closely tied to unpredictable ‘cycles’ of lemmings in the Arctic. These cycles occur at intervals between two and six years. Nevertheless, there are already reports of Snowy Owls as far south as Virginia. In addition to counting birds, the GBBC photo contest has also been a hit since it was introduced in 2006. Since then, tens of thousands of stunning images have been submitted. For the 20th anniversary of

A curious bird makes a perch atop a photographer. (Photo for The Independent by Ann Foster)

Biggar & District Arts Council celebrating 38 years presents …

Tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers… Adults/Seniors… advance, $20, at the door $25; Students… advance, $12, at the door $15; 12 and under, $5


FEB. 28

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… presented by Biggar & District Arts Council, Stars for Saskatchewan Series Patrons… de Moissac Jewellers, Westwinds Motor Hotel , Shop Easy Foods, Wylie Seeds, Biggar & Landis Insurance Services, Grondin Funeral Services Sponsors…

DOOR OPENS @ 7 p.m.

Biggar & District Credit Union

Cari Perih, REALTOR® Cell: 306-948-7995


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water. If that changes, these birds could move southward. Also noted are higher than usual numbers of Bohemian Waxwings in the Pacific Northwest and northern Rocky Mountains. And while some winter finches have been spotted in the East, such as Red Crossbills, Common Redpolls, Evening Grosbeaks, and a few Pine Grosbeaks, there seem to be no big irruption so far. A few eye-catching Snowy Owls have been report-

the GBBC, the public is invited to vote for their favourite top photo from each of the past 11 years in a special album they will find on the GBBC website home page. Voting takes place during the four days of the GBBC. Learn more about how to take part in the Great Backyard Bird Count at birdcount.org where downloadable instructions and an explanatory PowerPoint are available.


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Iliff, a leader of the eBird program. “We wanted to see if people would use the Internet to send us their bird sightings. Clearly the experiment was a success!” eBird collects bird observations globally every day of the year and is the online platform used by the GBBC. That first year, birdwatchers submitted about 13,500 checklists from the United States and Canada. Fast-forward to the most recent event in 2016. An esti-

135 Wright Cres.


A Bohemian Waxwing. (Submitted Photo)



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Biggar Nationals vs Macklin Mohawks Biggar Nationals Goalie Stats # 1

Biggar Nationals Player Stats #




Player Ryan Kerpan (L)

22 Cruz McNulty (B) 4 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 20 21 27 51 61 89

Liam Boyle Gage Gray Kevin Fick Zach Wourms Mike Ferguson Travis Granbois Keaton Silvernagle Derek Argue Kyle Endicott Curtis Piecowye Ryan Robillard Brock Castle Joe Bristow Kyle Dilosa Dylan Haynes Matt Bourgeois

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2

0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2

0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 2 4 16 0 2

SH 39

SV 36









Nationals Mohawks

1 0

0 2

1 1

2 3





Nationals Mohawks

16 12

10 18

February 12 Scoring Summary Period 1: Nationals, 17:55 - Dylan Haynes (Matt Bourgeois, Travis Granbois). Period 2: Mohawks, 17:10 - Sheldon Reschny (Dylan Lauinger, Cody McKinnon); Mohawks, 1:02 - Brian Hills (Ashton Feser, Cody McKinnon).


MIN 59:00


24 9

50 39

Period 3: Mohawks, 13:14 - Alexander Neufeld (Kyle Stang, Josh Stang); Nationals, 0:27 - Travis Granbois (Joe Bristow, Matt Bourgeois). Penalty Summary Period 1: Mohawks, 19:50 - Jason Baier, high sticking (2); Mohawks, 19:40 - Zak Stebner, cross checking (2); Nation-

als, 19:40 - Joe Bristow, unsportsmanlike conduct (2); Nationals, 14:43 Brock Castle, too many men (2); Mohawks, 11:57 - Colby Shapka, slashing (2); Mohawks, 8:59 - Team Penalty, too many men (2); Mohawks, 7:25 - Sheldon Reschny, cross checking (2); Nationals, 7:25 - Curtis Piecowye, cross checking (2); Mohawks, 5:29 - Cody McKinnon, hooking (2); Nationals, 5:29 - Kevin Fick, interference (2). Period 2: Mohawks, 8:09 - Alexander Neufeld, roughing (2); Mohawks, 8:09 - Kyle Stang, cross checking (2); Nationals, 8:09 - Matt Bourgeois, roughing (2); Nationals, 8:09 - Kyle Dilosa, cross checking (2); Mohawks, 7:45 - Sheldon Reschny, hooking (2); Nationals, 6:35 - Joe Bris-

tow, high sticking (2); Mohawks, 4:09 - Alexander Neufeld, slashing (2); Nationals, 4:09 - Zack Wourms, cross checking (2); Nationals, 1:42 - Kyle Endicott, interference (2); Mohawks, 0:00 Josh Stang, roughing (2); Nationals, 0:00 - Kyle Dilosa, roughing (2). Period 3: Mohawks, 15:08 - Wyatt Watson, interference (2); Nationals, 15:08 - Kyle Endicott, roughing (2); Mohawks, 14:14 - Sheldon Reschny, roughing (2); Nationals, 14:14 - Kyle Dilosa, roughing (2); Nationals, 14:14 - Kevin Fick, roughing (2); Mohawks, 9:44 Josh Stang, high sticking (2); Nationals, 2:15 - Kyle Dilosa, misconduct (10; Nationals, 0:36 - Zach Wourms, interference (2).





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Nats season comes to a close . . . Nationals D-man, Matt Bourgeois, right, jumps into Watrous Winterhawks territory, Friday at the Jubilee. Game 2 of the total point series was a 9-7 loss while Game 1, a 7-0 blowout for the ‘Hawks, ending the provincial run. With the first round defeat at the hands of the Macklin Mohawks in Sask West play, the Nats are done for the year. (Independent Photo by


Kevin Brautigam)

Commercial Building For Sale by Tender 40 x 48 ft. building with two 14 ft. overhead doors. Single phase 100 amp power service, 16 ft. ceilings, radiant heating, and fenced compound. All offers must be unconditional and received at Hammond Realty by 5 p.m. March 1, 2017.

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Always exciting to watch, Travis Granbois wheels versus the Winterhawks, Friday at the Jubilee. Tallying more points than games played (66 points - 24 goals; 42 assists in 18 games) Granbois always hit the score sheet in every game. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)



Jimmie Johnson gunning to be NASCARʼs best Jimmie Johnson has two Daytona 500 titles and seven NASCAR Cup Series championships in his glove compartment. Anyone want to bet against No. 3 at Daytona February 26 and No. 8 at the end of the 2017 racing season? Johnson, at 41, is the youngest of the three men who have achieved seven season championships (the sports’s legends, King Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt, won their seventh at ages 42 and 43.) The California native starts the 2017 season driving to become the first NASCAR racer to win eight season titles. Since Johnson and his Hendrick Motorsports crew chief Chad Knaus are still at the top of their games, there’s no reason to believe Johnson can’t rack up No. 8, and he’s likely to not stop there. “I truly believe he will get eight,” the recently retired Jeff Gordon told yahoo.com. “He will go for eight, and I don’t think he stops until he gets it.” While Tiger Woods sits at 14 major golf titles and

look forlornly at Jack Nicklaus’s now unreachable 18 while his game and his body are a combination of shambles and disarray, Johnson looks at the big number 8 up on racing’s mountaintop and gets ready to roar while he’s at the top of his game. Retirement is not on the horizon. “I have been kind of watching all this, but I’m still pretty far away,” Johnson told the Los Angeles Daily News of retirement talk. “There is an internal struggle of knowing the age that you should retire.” As long as he keeps winning, why would he quit? There’s no reason to believe Johnson hasn’t got eight, nine or even 10 championships within his grasp. One thing he has going for him is his ultra athleticism. In his spare time, Johnson competes in triathlons, keeping his body firm and fit for the gruelling racing season. No matter how much he wins, though, racing fans are unlikely to show him the love that was bestowed on King Rich-

ard or the driver of Car No. 3, Earnhardt, known as the Intimidator. Johnson winning five consecutive championships (from 2006 to 2010) left many race fans rooting against him just because he won so much. If he reaches eight season titles, or even nine or 10, all those Petty and Earnhardt fans are going to have that much more reason to dislike a guy who could be labelled racing’s best driver of all time. • RJ Currie of sportsdeke.com: “New England quarterback Tom Brady says he wants to play another 10 years. In Patriots’ years, that’s equivalent to five Super Bowl appearances.” • Pro golfer Graeme McDowell, to AP, recalling a round of golf with Tom Brady in the

Bahamas: “I said, ‘Come on, mate. You’re married to Gisele, you’re Tom Brady the quarterback and you’re hitting it 20 yards by me. Stop it. Be bad at something.’?” • TC in BC, with the last word on Tom Brady/ Deflategate: “Tom Brady took the air out of the entire state of Bruce Penton Georgia.” • Scott Ostler of the San Francisco Chronicle, on the 49ers new braintrust choosing its quarterback: “(Kyle) Shanahan and (Jed) York will explain that the team will explore its options, evaluate various candidates, discuss it with input from everyone involved, then pick a name out of a hat.” • Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: “The

Penton on sports

Macklin Mohawks vs Biggar Nationals February 8 Scoring Summary Period 1: Mohawks, 7:55 - Raegan Feser (Dustin Bast, Jason Baier); Nationals, 3:11 Curtis Piecowye (Travis Granbois). Period 2: Nationals, 12:50 - Travis Granbois (Kyle Dilosa); Nationals, 2:49 - Kevin Fick (Kyle Dilosa, Ryan Kerpan). Period 3: Nationals, 13:43 - Derek Argue (Travis Granbois, Curtis Piecowye); Mohawks, 11:33 - Sheldon Reschny (Cody McKinnon, Zak Stebner); Mohawks, 4:38 - Josh Stang (Sheldon Reschny); Nationals, 0:04 - Joe Bristow (Travis Granbois).

Penalty Summary Period 1: Mohawks, 6:43 - Tyler Reinbold, elbowing (2); Mohawks, 3:44 - Raegan Feser, high sticking (2). Period 2: Nationals, 19:16 - Travis Granbois, hooking (2); Nationals, 16:55 - Derek Argue, cross checking (2). Period 3: Nationals, 19:13 - Kevin Fick, interference (2); Mohawks, 10:16 - Sheldon Reschny, kneeing (2); Nationals, 6:46 - Joe Bristow, tripping (2); Mohawks, 4:52 - Zak Stebner, roughing (2); Nationals, 4:52 - Derek Argue, slashing (2); Nationals, 0:15 - Curtis Piecowye, interference (2).






Mohawks Nationals

1 1

0 2

2 2

3 5





Mohawks Nationals

14 5

8 17

11 21

33 43

on them.” • Alex Kaseberg again: “That hissing noise you hear? That is NFL quarterbacks letting the air out of balls so they too can take a month off the start of the season and be rested so they can win a Super Bowl.” • Conan O’Brien of TBS: “Vladimir Putin is scheduled to play an exhibition hockey game against former professional hockey players. Putin is scheduled to win by 12 goals.” • Jimmy Kimmel on the Super Bowl: “Just like the election - a rich white guy married to a model from another country, who seemingly had no chance of winning, actually did win.” • Jimmy Fallon of NBC: “Congratulations to the New England Patriots, who won their fifth Super Bowl last night. You can tell that they’ve won a lot because when the commissioner presented the trophy, they just said, ‘Eh, just throw it in the car.’” Care to comment? E-mail brucepenton2003@yahoo.ca.


Doreen’s Discount Day Leslie’s Drugstore

Biggar Nationals Player Stats

Main Street, Biggar • 306-948-3397





4 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 27 51 61 89

Liam Boyle Gage Gray Kevin Fick Zach Wourms Mike Ferguson Travis Granbois Keaton Silvernagle Derek Argue Kyle Endicott Curtis Piecowye Joe Bristow Kyle Dilosa Dylan Haynes Matt Bourgeois

0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0

0 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 2 1 2 0 0

0 0 2 0 0 2 0 4 0 2 2 0 0 0

Biggar Nationals Goalie Stats # 1


Australian Open featured a match between Anastasia Sergeyevna Pavlyuchenkova and Natalia Konstantinovna Vikhlyantseva. The match was cheered by their fellow Russians and booed by the National Association of One-Column Headline Writers.” • Jim Barach of WCHS-TV in Charleston, W.Va., on NBA All-Star Weekend’s Taco Bell Skills Challenge: “What does that mean, spectators have to watch a power forward put together a chalupa?” • Brad Dickson of the Omaha World-Herald: “The day after his team lost the Super Bowl, Atlanta Falcons offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan was named head coach of the San Francisco 49ers. Man, the crushing blows do not stop.” • Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg: “In honour of the Super Bowl, I heard a rumour a KFC in Atlanta is serving Falcons instead of chickens. They start off tasting great, but then you choke

Player Ryan Kerpan (w)

22 Cruz McNulty (B)

MIN 60:00

SH 33

SV 30





tth he



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Summer job at the Biggar Museum‌ Are you or anyone you know in school now and plan on going back to school in the fall? The museum is now accepting applications for the full time 12 week position for a Marketing and Program Development Assistant. Please apply in person at the Biggar Museum, 105 - 3rd Ave. West in Biggar or submit resume via email at biggarmuseum@ sasktel.net. 7c4 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! In-demand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-855-768-3362 to start training for your work-at-home career today! Peter’s Bros. Paving, south Okanagan paving company seeking experienced paving personnel (min. 3 years) for their highway division throughout BC. Relocation allowance may be available. Competitive wage $24.00 to $31.00 per hour plus benefits, full time seasonal. Please send resume to petersbros@shaw.ca

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ptions Subscri expired , Dec. 31 2016 For FAX service, see us at The Independent, 122 Main Street, Biggar



WATCH for Doreen’s Discount Days @ Leslie’s Drugstore,

205 Main St., Biggar 306-948-3397




Eliza Ann (Lila) Stagg

(1978); sisters, Annie Langstaff (1982), and Florence Wild (1987); husband, William G. (Bill) (1990); granddaughter, Joanne Stagg (1993); son, Tom (2005); and brother, Fred Kidley (2011). The family extends a sincere thank you to Dr. Anton Muller and all staff who have cared for Lila over her years in Diamond Lodge and Biggar Long Term Care. Cremation has taken place. There will be a Celebration of Lila’s life followed by a family interment ceremony in the summer. In lieu of flowers, donations to New Horizons Club. Box 631, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0, Canadian Diabetic Association, 104 - 2301 Ave. C North, Saskatoon, SK, S7L 5Z5, or a charity of your choice is appreciated. Grondin Funeral Service, Biggar entrusted with arrangements, “Our family serving your family since 1963�, 306-948-2669, www. grondinfuneralservice.com gfsc1

lian, Chrystian (Ashley) and Skyler; Shirley (Ron) Montgomery of Biggar, Sask. and son Ron (Tricia) and children Jordyn, Joelle, Christopher, Jessie, and son David (Nicole); Doug (Nancy) Kissick of Kinderlsey, Sask. and children Michael (Nicole) and children Avery, Caleb and Autumn, and Taryn (Eric) Kosolofski and children Rylan, Dayson and Kaiden; Rick Kissick of Biggar, Sask. and daughter, Kathy (Ryan) Power and children Carson and Cora, and daughter, Kayla and Karla; and Don Kissick; and many nieces and nephews. Effie was predeceased by her husband, Dave; sisters, Mildred, Thelma, Ethel, Stella and Ina; and brother, John; and her mother and father. Tributes may be directed to Heart & Stroke Foundation, 279 - 3rd Ave. N., Saskatoon, SK S7K 2H8 or Lung Association of Sask., 1231 - 8th St. E., Saskatoon, SK S7H 0S5 G r o n d i n Funeral Services, Biggar entrusted with ar rang ements, “Our family serving your family since 1963�, 306948-2669, www. g r o n d i n f u n e ralservice.com gfsc1

April 20, 1915 - February 8, 2017 Eliza Ann (Lila) Stagg passed away February 8, 2017 at 101 years of age at Biggar & District L o n g T e r m Care, Biggar, Sask. in her 102nd year. Lila was born April 20, 1915 i n Canning Town, West Ham, England, second daughter for John and Florence (Wild) Kidley. Lila emigrated to Canada with her parents and siblings in 1926, landing in Halifax from Southampton, England on board the S.S. Penland, travelled by train to Kinley, Sask. arriving April 19. They lived with Jim Wild and family, southeast of Kinley for about four years, then started farming nearby. Lila attended Kinley School with her younger brother and sister, Fred and Annie Kidley. Lila married William G. Stagg on October 6, 1932. They raised four children, Shirley, John, Dennis and Tom. Bill and Lila farmed in the Kinley district for 44 years. Lila was active with the Kinley United Church and was founder of the Kinley 4-H garden club, instilling her love of gardening in the young. Lila was an active life member of the Perdue Agricultural Society. She took many prizes for her vegetable garden and produce over the years, also in baking and handicraft exhibits. In 1966, Bill and Lila retired and moved to Biggar, Sask. where they continued their love of gardening. Lila always had a delightful show of beautiful flowers. Lila’s hobbies included many types of handicrafts. Her knitted slippers were always prized Christmas gifts received by grand and great-grandchildren. Over the years, she knit many pairs for the Biggar Hospital Auxiliary. Lila very much enjoyed her membership with the New Horizons, the Carpet Bowling Club, the UCW, and the Citizen’s Social Club. She enjoyed travelling on senior coach tours from Biggar, also trips to Grand Bahama Island and Ontario to visit with her children and grandchildren. Lila is survived by three of four children, Shirley (Jim) Irwin of Southampton, Ont.; John (Eleanor) Stagg of Prince Albert, Sask.; Dennis (Anita) Stagg of Stump Lake, Sask.; 12 grandchildren, 27 greatgrandchildren; and 10 great greatgrandchildren; nieces and nephews. Lila will be missed by her family and friends. She was predeceased by an infant brother before emigrating to Canada; infant daughter, Florence Grace (1933); infant son (1934) William Henry (1935); parents, John (1967) and Florence (Wild) Kidley

Effie Dinah Kissick July 4, 1924 February 4, 2017

Effie Kissick was born July 4, 1924 in the Crane Creek District near Cando, Sask. and passed away in Kindersley, Sask. on February 4, 2017 at the age of 92 years. She grew up on the family farm with two brothers and five sisters. As a young woman, she moved to Biggar to work at St. Margaret’s Hospital. That is where she met her future husband, Dave. They married and went on to have six children, Gordon, Tom, Shirley, Doug, Rick and Don. She was always busy,

cooking, gardening, crocheting, sewing, reading, knitting and doing puzzles. Her family was her greatest joy. Funeral Service was held on Thursday, February 9 at 2 p.m. from Biggar United Church with Rev. Jo-Ann Hills officiating. Eulogist was Sharon Moncrief, organist was Doreen Dubreuil. Honourary Bearers were all those who share in Effie’s life; active bearers were Gordon Kissick, Thomas Kissick, Shirley Montgomery, Doug Kissick, Richard Kissick, Donald Kissick. Interment was held in Biggar Cemetery, Biggar, Sask. Effie is survived by her loving children‌ Gordon Kissick of Biggar, Sask.; Tom (Arlene) Kissick of Turtle Lake, Sask. and children, Robert, Sharon (Scott) Moncreif and children Ashton, Samantha, Justin, Jil-









Mary Walker Morbeck

the relatives. Mary was loved dearly and will be sadly missed. Prayers were held on Monday, February 13, 2017 at 7:00 p.m., Mass of Christian Burial was on Tuesday, February 14 at 11:00 a.m. both from St. Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Church, Biggar, Sask. with Father Michel Bedard as celebrant. Readers were Karen Morbeck and Curtis Adair, Register Book Attendant was Carly Adair. Honourary Bearers were all those who shared in Mary’s life. Active Bearers were Steven Adair, Curtis Adair, Kim Adair, Parker Adair, Colten Adair, Lane Adair. Interment followed at the Harris Cemetery, Harris, Sask. Tributes may be directed to Biggar & District Health Centre Long Term Care Activity Fund, Box 130, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 or Harris Cemetery, Box 124, Harris, SK, S0L 1K0 Grondin Funeral Services entrusted with arrangements, “Our family serving your family since 1963�, 306-948-2669, www. grondinfuneralservice.com gfsc1

The family of the late Effie Kissick would like to thank Grondin Funeral Service, United Church ladies, Rev. Jo-Ann Hills, organist and choir, Dr. Muller, hospital staff and all those who expressed sympathy. Thanks to all the individuals who sent food, flowers and donations. It was all deeply appreciated by the family. 7bfs1

ANNOUNCEMENT: Organizations using the Biggar Community Bus will be charged $2.30 per kilometre, starting on March 1, 2017. 6c3

December 20, 1921 – February 10, 2017 Mary leaves to mourn her son, Bernie Morbeck (Karen); and daughter, D o n n a Adair (Bill), grandchildren, Steve Adair ( g r e a t grandchildren, Colten and Lane), Curtis Adair (greatg r a n d ch i l d re n , Carly and Parker), and Kim Adair. She is also survived by many nieces and nephews. Mary was predeceased by husband, Charles; and granddaughter, Janet Morbeck. She was also predeceased by brothers, Alf and Frank Garner and sister, Myra Husband and their spouses. She was the last of her generation in both the Garner and Morbeck families. Mary was born in Saskatoon, Sask. and raised in the Bents district and graduated from the Olympic School in the Bear Hills. She went to hairdressing school in Saskatoon and met Charles Morbeck at a dance while he trained with the RCAF. After the war ended and he returned from overseas they were married in 1946 and moved to Bluesky, Alberta where they farmed for seven years. They moved back to the Bents area in 1953. Bernie was born that same year and Donna two years later. The farm was a mixed farm. Mary helped in the spring and trucked in the fall during harvest. She also fed the pigs and helped clean the hog barn. She grew a garden and cooked meals. She loved to make desserts and always had some to share at coffee time. Bernie married Karen in 1975 and Charles and Mary moved to Biggar in retirement. Mary volunteered for a few years at the Biggar Library and enjoyed doing so. She loved having coffee and talking with her friends in Biggar. Charles passed away in 1988 and Mary lived on her own since then. Her biggest enjoyment was family and friends and seeing her grandkids. She was very happy to have been able to attend the Garner family reunion in 2015 and her 95th birthday party just this year. She was able to touch base with a lot of



Antique & Collectibles Sale, February 20-26 during mall hours at Market Mall, 2325 Preston Avenue, Saskatoon. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28: Pancake Supper, at Biggar New Horizons, 5 - 7 p.m. Pancakes, ham, sausages and a beverage, $10 per person. Gluten free available. Donations/volunteers, call Merle Massie at 306-948-3660. Sponsored by St. Paul’s Anglican Church. 6c3 MARCH 30, 31 & APRIL 1 @ 7:30 p.m.; and APRIL 2 @ 2:00 p.m.: Reserved seating Tickets available @ at The Biggar Independent, 122 Main St./306-948-3344, $20, for New Creation Community Players musical production of “Sister Act� at The Majestic Theatre, Biggar, Visa/ Mastercard accepted. 5c7


Mary Kammer ~ April 9, 1933 - January 29, 2014

Alex Kammer ~ Januryar 8, 1930 - February 17, 2013 “As another year passes, memories of you both will never fade away, they will just grow deeper in our hearts. God wanted you more than we all knew, and when you both left, you left us with this hole deep in our hearts which will never be forgotten. We all love you and miss you daily.â€? ‌ Your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren LEHNERT, Joseph Peter: January 21, 1926 - February 8, 2012 “A special smile, a special face, In our hearts, a special place. Memories are a gift to treasure, Ours of you, will last forever.â€? Johanna; Georgina, Tom and families; Ronald, Lynne and his families; Sharon, Darren, Kyra




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Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Landfill OR contact Quentin Sittler at 306-6582132 tfn MAIN STREET GARAGE SALE is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 306-9481773 or 306-9485393. Pick-up available. tfn

HARDY TREE, SHRUB, and berry seedlings delivered. Order online at www. treetime.ca or call 1-866-8733846. New growth guaranteed. P ROV I N C E WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 550,000 readers weekly. Call this newspaper NOW or 306-649.1405 for details.

“Mother of the Year�now being


accepted Mother of the Year Tea will be held Tuesday, May 2nd ‌submit your favourite Mom letter, around 150 words or less, stating what makes this lady so special. All submissions will be honoured. ‌Drop off letters to the Prairie Branches, Nova Wood Centre, 104 - 6th Ave. East, Box 1690, Biggar or Biggar Independent. 122 Main Street,Box 40, Biggar.

DEADLINE APR. 14, 2017 ‌support Prairie Branches with their annual recognition & fundraiser. *NOTE‌mothers from various communities, service clubs and individuals will all come together to be honoured on the day of the tea.

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$31.00 + $1.55 gst = $32.55 Inside 40-mile Radius‌

$36.00 + $1.80 gst = $37.80 Outside 40-mile Radius‌

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BIGGAR ASSOCIATED GOSPEL CHURCH corner of 8 Ave.W. and Quebec St., Biggar

REAL ESTATE Acreage for rent‌ 1880 sq ft, 4 bedroom, 2 bath bungalow, 4 miles from Biggar. Asking $1,175 per month. Phone 306-9487022 5p3



Three-bedroom house for rent, one block from school, partially furnished, F/S/ W/D, microwave, A/C. Phone 306948-5291 7c3

Sunday Worship • 10:50 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Ladies Bible Study, Wednesdays, 9:45 a.m. Pastor Doug Motz, Church office phone, 306-948-3424

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Real Estate





Biggar & District ARTS Council are available for bar tending services at your functions/ events. Contact Denise @ 306948-2452 19tfn

Stop in to‌


LAND FOR SALE R.M. of Marriott

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If YOU are‌ • NEW to our communities of Biggar/Landis/Perdue • Have a new baby



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‌ RCMP 2016 Year in Review, cont. from pg 3

referred to as the “romance scam.� This can be an elaborate scam generally starting when someone befriends the suspect on social media such as Facebook. There is the honeymoon period where the person says what the victim wants to hear. They will come off as very affectionate, compassionate. Generally the person purports themselves to be a business person living abroad. They will typically have a cover story. Meaning if the victim was to search the city or town the suspect supposedly lives in, it will exist. Business names will exist and there may often be references to the person at the business they say they work for. The problem is there never seems to be a way to get a hold of the person or there is difficulty

physically meeting them. There is always an excuse. Within a short period of time the person has gained the trust of the victim and starts asking for money. Usually the money is needed because certain business transactions or loans have not cleared yet. Again, there is always an excuse. Do not fall for this scam. Never give anyone money who you have never met. Would you unquestioningly give thousands of dollars to someone who came up to you on the street and asked? Don’t be a victim. Biggar RCMP encourages citizens to educate themselves on the latest scams by visiting the Canadian Anti-

Fraud Centre Web site: antifraudcentrecentreantifraud. ca. Fraud scams can be reported directly to the Canadian AntiFraud Centre as opposed to police. Generally, police investigations into telemarketing/ social media scams meet dead ends because the perpetrators are from other countries. Other Activities: 44 Suspicious persons/vehicles investigations; 23 abandoned vehicles; 22 animal calls; 79 false alarms (residential and business); 4 missing persons (all located). B i g g a r Detachment would like to wish everyone a safe 2017 and we thank you for your support.


Doreen’s Discount Day Leslie’s Drugstore

205 Main St., Biggar • 306-948-3397





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Landis Of¿ce Hours:

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Located at the Biggar & District Credit Union 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK • 306-948-3352 Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc., and mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities Inc. ®Credential is a registered mark owned by Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license.








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Plant located 8 miles south of Biggar on Hwy #4, Âź mile west on Triumph Rd.

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Dr. Kirk Ewen Photos by Dr. Michelle Jocely n Skoretz Doctors of Optometry Portraits, Family, Weddings & Sports Photography Biggar, Sask.



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A Sign of


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Photos by Jocelyn

Portraits, Family, Weddings & Sports Photography Biggar, Sask.



If you DO NOT receive your Independent in a timely manner, please call your local post office or Canada Post @ 1-866-607-6301

Pkg. of 8.5x11 white bond paper, $5.99 @ The Independent122 Main St., Biggar



Unemployment rate drops for third straight month In January 2017, Saskatchewan’s unemployment rate dropped from 6.6 per cent in December to 6.4 per cent in January (seasonally adjusted). Saskatchewan had the fourth lowest unemployment rate among the provinces. There were 558,600 people employed in January 2017, 4,800 fewer than in January 2016. “Our unemployment rate has dropped for the

third consecutive month, however our economy continues to feel the impact of low resource prices,” Economy Minister Jeremy Harrison said. “Although the overall number of Saskatchewan people employed has decreased over the past year, there are positives including increased employment for offreserve aboriginals, and increases in the trade, technical and transporta-

Big Chase the Ace winner . . . Edith McComb is presented with her Chase the Ace winnings of $3,114 by Legion President Dale Buxton. The next pot will start at $1,000, and is drawn every Friday at 7 p.m. at the Legion clubroom. (Submitted Photo)

New Horizons Activities by Chasity Braitenbach Hope everyone has been enjoying the warm weather. Now we just need all the ice to melt! We’ve been running short on Courtesy Car drivers lately. Quite a few of our drivers take holidays down south where it’s warm in the winter (I don’t blame them). If anyone is interested in volunteering please let us know. On February 6 we had 12 people come out to play Kaiser. Our first place winner was Don Swyryda with 246 points, second place was Pat Turner with 241 points, third place

was Bill Fisher with 233 points, and fourth place was Ken Pearce with 215 points. The highest scoring game was Pat Turner and Nicole Otterson with 76 points. Congrats to everyone and try not to spend all your winnings in one place! On February 7 we had our weekly carpet bowling. The first place team was Gail Herzberg, Florence Hammond, Mildred Henne and Pat Turner. The second place team was Marie Roesch, June Hoppe and Jean Tweddle. Thanks for coming out! Have a great week!

tion sectors.” Other January 2017 highlights include: • Major year-over-year gains were reported for trade, up 6,000; profes-

sional, scientific and technical services up 4,800; and transportation and warehousing up 1,300. • Off-reserve Aboriginal employment was up

4,300 for seven consecutive months of year-overyear increases. Aboriginal youth employment was up 1,100 for nine consecutive months of year-

over-year increases. • Youth unemployment rate was 11.0 per cent (seasonally adjusted), third lowest among the provinces.




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