Break Bread . . . The first of five interdenominational Lenten services were held at the Biggar New Horizons, February 23, sponsored by the Biggar and District Ministerial Association. The noon hour service, ministered by the Biggar Associated Gospel Church, was quickly followed by a tasty lunch and great fellowship. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Vol. 109 No. 09
16 pages
New Creation Community Players upcoming musical comedy, Young Frankenstein promises to be an adult content laugh-fest, March 23-25, as cast and crew go through their lines, putting a polish on the Mel Brooks classic. With four shows to choose from, tickets are still on sale at The Independent, $20 a person. Loosely based on the classic horror tale, the musical comedy follows the events after the original Mary Shelley story with hilarious consequences. Tickets are going fast! (Independent Photos by Kevin Brautigam)
Biggar RCMP faced a busy 2017 Biggar RCMP has released the 2017 calendar year policing statistics. Biggar Detachment polices the Town of Biggar, Village of Perdue, Hamlet of Kinley as well as the Rural Municipalities of Eagle Creek, Perdue, Biggar, Glenside, and Rosemount. The detachment has one Sergeant Detachment Commander, five Constables, and two Public Service employees. The detachment was fully staffed through 2017. The combined years of service of the officers is approximately 35 years. Sgt. Colin Sawrenko would like to point out that the spike in year over year stats beginning in 2016 was in part due to a change in reporting of provincial traffic tickets. Prior to 2016 fiscal year tickets were bulk filed as opposed to individual files being generated. 2016, 2017 are a true reflection of the work and dedication the detachment puts forward in the area of visibility and enforcement. The overall clearance rates over a five year period are as follows: 2017: 75.3%; 2016: 63.8%; 2015: 51%; 2014: 56.8%;
2013: 52.8%. Clearance rate percentage indicates the number of founded complaints that were investigated and dealt with by way of charges or charges were possible but for various reasons were not laid. Overall reported property crime has been declining in the jurisdiction since 2015. The vast majority of vehicle thefts are preventable if citizens would have locked their vehicles, removed the keys, and the valuables. Sgt. Sawrenko points out that the category of mischief, while falling under property crime, largely deals with removal of unwanted persons at homes or disturbing people’s enjoyment of property, as opposed to actual property crime. Biggar RCMP has partnered with the Arelee and Area Internet Rural Crime Watch for the past three years. This strong partnership is a contributing factor in the overall reduction of property crime in the rural areas. People are more aware of their surroundings and report anything suspicious to police.
Significant efforts are made to remain engaged with the communities. Sgt. Sawrenko meets with RM Elected Officials quarterly. He also meets with Biggar Town Council monthly. He attends quarterly meetings with the Biggar Emergency Preparedness Committee comprised of EMS, Fire, school officials and Biggar EMO personnel. The detachment has dedicated school liaisons that delivery a variety of talks to all levels of youth. The detachment is committed to intelligence led policing. Biggar Detachment is a top contributor of the Central District for information gathering. This has led to the increased detection of drug traffickers. Several drug arrests were made and charges laid. The detachment appreciates the support of the citizens and reminds everyone that policing is a community responsibility. “Helping the police makes your communities safer and stronger. Together we do make a difference,” says Sgt. Sawrenko.
Asquith Fire Dept continuing future growth to meet growing needs by Blaine Ganchar, Captain, Asquith Fire Department In 2011, the Asquith Fire Department (AFD) completed a five year strategic plan. This plan was a roadmap to get from where we were to where we wanted to be. One of the goals identified in the strategic plan was a three-bay addition to the fire hall to house all of our apparatus. Timeline of events for the addition: • The official ground breaking on the fire hall addition took place on November 8, 2016; • The grade beam was poured June 2, 2017 and back-filled a week later; • Materials arrived at the fire hall on November 27, 2017; • Structure started being erected on November 29, 2017; • Basic structure completed December 20, 2017; • Roof tin and soffits installed January 12, 2018; • Overhead doors installed February 22, 2018. This is currently where the addition sits today, a completed shell that is closed in and lockable. While this will allow the Asquith Fire Department to park all of their apparatus inside, there is still a long way to go before
the addition will be finished. To say that it has been a long road from when we first embarked on this endeavour is an understatement! All of the funds raised over the last few years by the Asquith Fire Department/Asquith First Responders (AFD/AFR), just over $100,000, have been directed towards the fire hall addition. We estimate, based on quotes, that it will take another $100,000 to finish the addition. So this will entail more fundraising events by AFD/AFR. As well, we are in talks with the surrounding RM’s pursuing a more equitable cost sharing approach for fire/first responder coverage for their ratepayers who live closer to Asquith. To be fair, what was adequate first call compensation in 2001 does not equate to 2018 costs. We are also addressing funding for the fire hall addition with the surrounding RM’s; an RM is not only required to provide fire fighting coverage for their ratepayers, but adequate fire fighting coverage. A recent structure fire in a neighbouring RM highlighted the importance of this fact. On the journey to com-
pleting the addition to our fire hall, we will have reached three of the goals identified in our strategic plan; building the addition to our fire hall, expanding our training/ administration areas and along the way we have acquired a tanker truck to support our rural fire fighting capabilities. The Asquith Fire Department/Asquith First Responders thank everyone for their continued support as we strive to provide our very best service. Total Calls for Emergency Response: • 2011–56 Calls (30 Fire Department, 26 First Responders); • 2012–56 Calls (18 Fire Department, 38 First Responders); • 2013–79 Calls (33 Fire Department, 46 First
Someday . . . Olympic Glory! . . . Biggar Junior curler, Trishell Solanik hits the Biggar Curling Club ice for some practice time, Monday, learning the necessary skills to perhaps one day, play for Team Canada. Junior curlers are still at play, working to advance. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Responders); • 2014–77 Calls (29 Fire Department, 48 First Responders); • 2015–105 Calls (33 Fire Department, 72 First Responders); • 2016–110 Calls (50 Fire Department, 60 First Responders); • 2017–86 Calls (29 Fire Department, 57 First Responders). 2017 Calls for Service– Fire Department • Fire–13; • MVA–12; • Medical–0; • STARS–0; • False Alarm–2; • Carbon Dioxide-2. 2017 Calls for Service– First Responders • Fire–4; • MVA–14; • Medical–39; • STARS-1.
GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 2018… 11 a.m. (stations randomly selected)
Biggar ...............................................112.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock ...........................101.9¢/L Perdue… ...........................................110.9¢/L Landis Cardlock ...............................110.9¢/L Wilkie ...............................................103.9¢/L Unity .................................................103.9¢/L North Battleford… ............................103.9¢/L Rosetown… .......................................110.9¢/L Saskatoon .........................................110.4¢/L Kindersley ........................................110.9¢/L Lloydminster ....................................107.9¢/L Humboldt .........................................102.9¢/L Swift Current ....................................105.9¢/L
Lottery Numbers… 649 - Sat., February 24 03, 13, 19, 26, 33, 44 Bonus 05 Extra 3401598 649 - Wed., February 21 10, 11, 24, 25, 30, 49 Bonus 47 Extra 3683055 Western 649 - Sat., Feb. 24 11, 13, 25, 39, 48, 49 Bonus 47
Western 649 - Wed., February 21 04, 05, 10, 29, 32, 48 Bonus 13 Lotto Max - Friday, February 23 13, 17, 24, 32, 33, 44, 45 Bonus 48 Extra 3125681 Western Lotto Max - Fri., Feb. 23 07, 11, 17, 28, 32, 44, 49 Bonus 20
This We Wee ek k... The new Asquith fire hall is coming along nicely with the interior finishing work about to proceed. (Submitted Photo)
Opinions ....................................... 4 Agriculture .................................... 7 Sports ........................................... 8 Classifieds .................................... 10 - 12 Business & Professional Directory ...13 - 14
Public meeting called: you need to show up “Where are the cops?” “They’re never around when you need them.” “Our police should be doing this and that . . . “ It is not unusual to hear these comments on coffee row or whenever a group gets together. Citizens often wonder what the RCMP does (or doesn’t do) in town. Perhaps it is because we seldom see them during the daylight hours. Well, check out this week’s issue of The Independent, a story on page 3 and on page 9 there are more stats to see exactly what the Biggar Detachment has been up to in the last year. It may surprise you. Added to that, Sgt. Sawrenko will be the host at a public meeting on Monday, March 5 at 7 p.m. He will be talking about goals and what the RCMP will be focused on over the course of the year. There will be an opportunity for discussion. In order for a public meeting to be successful there must be two sides. Sgt. Sawrenko has done his part in organizing a meeting. Now, it is up to the residents of Biggar to attend the meeting and get the facts on what is being done in town in terms of policing. Don’t just sit back and let your neighbour attend. Don’t say it is up to someone else to be interested. It is up to you to come out and find out what is happening. This is your chance!!!! Make sure to come to the Community Hall and get the facts. P.H.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are welcome. They MUST be signed, approximately 300 words in length and are subject to editing.
Can we trust Canada’s new energy process? by Martha Hall Findlay, president and CEO of Canada West Foundation. The federal government is putting a new face on the National Energy Board, now to be called the Canadian Energy Regulator, and the Environmental Assessment Agency is being replaced by the Impact Assessment Agency. One of the major promises being made is that these new rules will improve trust in the process and, in so doing, make it more likely to get major energy projects built, built sustainably and built in a timely way. We commend many of the stated intentions and several of the proposed changes – some of which we had recommended. However, issues of major concern remain. One in particular is the fact that the process still allows for political veto by the minister or cabinet at the end. If the problem in the old process is one of trust, how can politicians expect Canadians to trust this new process any more, if they don’t? No matter how transparent the process, no matter how much engagement with Indigenous communities there is, no matter how thorough the impact-assessment process is, no matter how much time, effort and money is spent on the preapplication process or the actual assessment process and no matter whether a proponent is able to meet all conditions that may be put on a project – the minister of the environment and/or the federal cabinet can still, at the end of it all, just say, “Shucks, sorry, we’ve changed our mind.” If there is a single aspect of what we had before that needed to be changed, that was it. But it’s still there. Politicians say that they must ‘ensure
that government is accountable,’ that ‘they are elected to make decisions that are in the national interest.’ We absolutely agree. It is a fundamental part of our democracy – we vote for people to make just those very decisions. Except that it should be done up front, where the vision, the strategy, the approach can be debated and confirmed. Leaving it to the end leaves it open to politicians to act, not necessarily in the national interest, but in their political interests. This ‘wait until the very end’ veto power, by just one politician or a small group of politicians, renders the whole system uncertain and subject to political whim. Canada depends on investment, both domestic as well as foreign. Without investment, we die. If we can’t compete for that investment – if potential investment chooses to go somewhere else – we all suffer. This may offend some people, but it’s how the world works. It’s how most of us make a living. More investment means more prosperity. Less investment means less prosperity. No investment means … you get the idea. Canada would be in deep trouble. But investors need one basic thing: confidence in achieving a return in a reasonable period of time. There is always some risk – will the price of a commodity go down too far? Will the price of an input go too high? But those are risks that the investors manage. The things that are beyond their control – the political and legal environments – need to be reliable. So-called banana republics of the past were mostly shunned by investors because they didn’t know if their investment would be nationalized or expropriated from one government or dictator to
the risks and costs of heavy oil pipelines. The other two involved Indigenous rights and economic opportunity and a financial commitment ostensibly to address risk viewed as borne by the province. Another year passed with Kinder Morgan working diligently and in good faith to meet these extra conditions. In 2017, the B.C. government said, “Okay, you’ve met them.” Then the B.C. government changed hands (like the federal government had in 2015) and now, the new gang are saying that having met all of those prior commitments is still not enough. If, in Canada, the commitment of a government is worthless when that government changes, who in their right mind would spend years, and huge amounts of money, without some certainty that if they comply with all of the rules, they will be able to build? Particularly when other places beckon, such as Mexico, with its newly opened energy sector, or the United States, now with lower taxes, an effort to reduce regulatory burden and a far more welcoming attitude? This may make certain activists happy. It most certainly makes U.S. oil companies very happy to pay half-price for Canadian oil because we can’t get it to any other market. But the majority of Canadians should be furious at how a small number of people are jeopardizing such an important part of our economic prosperity – our national interest. Let our elected politicians make the decisions and the rules that we elect them to make – but up front. But if we are to trust those rules, we need to know that the politicians do, too.
the the Phone: 306-948-3344
the next, or would be a pawn in another coup. Because investors need certainty above all else, one of the key reasons for Canada’s prosperity is that it has been an attractive, reliable, rule-of-law kind of place to invest. Unfortunately, that reputation has been disappearing. In the energy sector alone, we have seen several major projects cancelled by proponents because of the time and money our regulatory system costs. But most problematic are two examples of the uncertainty caused by political veto. The Northern Gateway project cost anywhere from $500-million to a billion dollars and took 10 years to be approved, with conditions, by the federal government, only to have the next federal government kill it, for politics, after more time and money spent in good faith to meet the first government’s conditions. The NEB approved the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain expansion (TMX) in 2016, with 157 conditions. TMX met the conditions and the federal government gave final approval. But then, the government of British Columbia issued five additional demands. Some argued that this requirement went beyond B.C.’s constitutional rights given that TMX is a federal undertaking – but Kinder Morgan agreed to comply with all five. Three of those were that TMX successfully complete B.C.’s own environmental-review process; that there be established worldleading marine oil-spill response, prevention and recovery systems for B.C.’s coastline and ocean, specifically to manage and mitigate the risks and costs of heavy oil pipelines and shipments; and that the systems to manage and mitigate
Fax: 306-948-2133
Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Thursday at the office of publication, 122 Main Street, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Anastasiia Krasnova Irvine
P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.
Author of beloved poem loved writing
Neighbourly News
actors. She was awarded an Arts Council Travelling Scholarship which presented her the opportunity to spend time in Austria and Eastern Europe working in translation. Her poems have been used in song and choral works in Great Britain and U.S.A. She received a scholarship to Oxford University and trained as a newspaper reporter. She spent 18 months in South Africa before her first book was published. Elizabeth Lucas was granted exclusive rights to the poem for greeting cards. After an article in the Reader’s Digest, the poem took off. Now, the poem inspires an entire product line of its own -- prints, T-shirts, sweat shirts, purple tote bags, snack trays, framed quotations, boxed note cards -- anything you can think of. She inspired many to
Three men that I knew! 1.) Leige Moore! Old Leige lived south of us along the North Saskatchewan River. He was Y.T.’s first impression of a bachelor and did a fine step-dance during our lunch-break at the local country-school parties! Old Leige gave me my first inspiration about writing. Here is a sad example: “and tho’ old Leige, as years wander by, and my boyhood dreams will all wither and die, I will never forget that far look in your eye as we gazed across the wide river!� Y.T. never did finish that verse because my boyhood vocabulary didn’t include a satisfactory rhyme with “River�, “lives�, “poor giver� et cetera! However I do write of him here as the man who sold my Father 20 oat bundles at 2 cents per bundle in the 1930’s. 2.) Joe Finlay I think that most of the people who knew Joe Finlay have passed on so I can write here anything I want about his personality (or lack of it!) There must be hundreds of “Joe Finlay� tales to be told! Below is one! When Phyllis and Y.T. moved into a corner of the country, Joe decided that he should wash his smoke-grimed walls. He tried soap and water but finally, on my advice, got a can on the lye and mixed it with water!
He bought a can of lye, all right, and mixed the whole thing in a small pail of water. Next time Y.T. went down there, Joe proudly showed me
Notable Notes Bob Mason
his nice clean smokeless walls. “But,� he said, “why is my skin all peeling off?� It took a bit of explaining, but we spent quite a few more years with our neighbour Joe!� 3.) “Harry� This old gentlemen may be the last bachelor on the list, but certainly not the least! I understand that he came to the Eagle Creek District in the early days and was an entertaining member of it for many years. Phyllis and Y.T. met him much late on, I think during Y.T.’s Cominco days. We called on him quite a few times and sure found
him a very friendly guy, but one time sticks in my memory more than most. We rapped on his small shack door... “Just a moment!� he replied from inside, and in a moment his door opened! Out stepped a man, a body of hair covered by a towel! “I was just taking my morning shower,� he announced. Talk about a hairy chest! Wow, a lot of sheep didn’t have that much, and strong, hairy legs that would be the envy of many a Highland Piper. “Come on in,� he said. Phyllis hesitated, but not good old Bob. He walked in as though he owned the place! “Sorry,� sez Harry. “I was just taking a warm shower in the porch. I have a hot tank on the roof.� On the roof of the porch? What a fine sturdy figure of a man he was! And, as we visited with him, how well educated he seemed. I was then that we noticed all the books lining the walk of his kitchen. Not only that, but an inch-thick pile of newspaper in his kitchen, put there after every meal! We never did find out where he went! But I never really realized how much of the world bachelors knew! They passed on and
disappeared! And after a while we almost forgot them. But they were here, and often I think society is better because they were!
thing of the aging process in a different light telling women to enjoy their life, do things they wanted, and never mind about convention. Joseph didn’t mind her poem taking off but
interestingly when she was asked is she wore purple her response was, “I can’t stand purple. It doesn’t suit me.� Jenny passed away on January 8, 2018 at the age of 85.
The Majestic Theatre Biggar
The Maze Runner: The Death Cure
What started as a simple poem written by Jenny Joseph quickly catapulted into fame as its message of nonconformity. The poem is more famous than its author but that doesn’t matter to Joseph. Published in 1984 but written in 1961, the poem has many titles. Warning, When I Am An Old Woman, I Shall Wear Purple is just one. The title is sometimes shortened to Warning, but others include: When I Am An Old Woman, The Purple Poem, Old Woman, I Shall Wear Purple or simply Purple.
It is a light hearted won several awards. Her poem about growing old first piece was Unlookedon your own terms and is for Season written in cherished 1960. Fourby many. teen years It became later in 1974, the corshe penned nerstone Rose in the of the Red Afternoon. Hat SociBetween that ety. This span she group of published fun lovsix children’s ing ladies books, wrote believes three books there is fun of poetry, after fifty. all since the Indeed, the age of 69. In group is 1999, Joseph so popular was made a Peggy Hasein fellow by the that there are over Royal Soci40,000 chapters in over ety of Literature. 30 countries around Joseph was born in the world. All take their Birmingham, England. inspiration from the She worked at varipoem. The women are ous jobs from lecturing easily identified by their English literature and red hats and purple outlanguage to being a pub fits. landlady. In addition to But, what about the publishing prose and author herself? poetry, she has worked Joseph has published with photographers, 13 books of poetry and painters, musicians, and
When I am an old woman I shall wear purple With a red hat that doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me, And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves And satin sandals . . .
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For bookings and information please NEW phone no. 306-951-8244
Scam Alert!! The Grandparent Scam AKA “Hey Grandmaâ€? Scam is making the rounds in the Biggar area What is it: In a typical Grandparent Scam (also called an Emergency Scam), a con arĆ&#x;st calls or emails the vicĆ&#x;m posing as a relaĆ&#x;ve in distress or someone claiming to represent the relaĆ&#x;ve (such as a lawyer or law enforcement agent). The “relaĆ&#x;veâ€? of the grandparent explains he/she is in trouble and needs their grandparent to wire them funds that will be used for bail money, lawyer’s fees, hospital bills, or another ficĆ&#x;Ć&#x;ous expense. Usually the potenĆ&#x;al vicĆ&#x;m is instructed to send money via wire transfer or through prepaid cards, or other types of giĹŒ cards. The vicĆ&#x;m is urged not to tell anyone, such as the parent of the “grandchildâ€? because they do not want them to find out about the trouble they’ve goĆŠen themselves into. The grandparent never hears from their fake grandchild again and is tricked out of hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
Warning Signs - How to protect yourself: • Confirm with other relaĆ&#x;ves the whereabouts of the family member or friend • Police, judges or legal enĆ&#x;Ć&#x;es will never make urgent requests for money • Never voluntarily give out family members’ names or informaĆ&#x;on to unknown callers • Always quesĆ&#x;on urgent requests for money • Be aware that fraudsters aĆŠempĆ&#x;ng this scam may call late at night to confuse potenĆ&#x;al vicĆ&#x;ms • Call or come in and see us for advice
Biggar and District Music Festival Celebrates 90 Musical Years!
75th ANNUAL MEETING Serving Members for 75 years
Monday, March 19, 2018 Landis Community Complex Supper 6 p.m. - AGM to follow Advance Tickets $7.50 per person may be purchased at the branch “Working together to build a better Community”
For many years Biggar and area has been producing musicians both amateur and professional with the encouragement from our annual Music Festival. This year marks the 90th anniversary of this wonderful event which runs March 5th through 10th. Every year our young musicians, along with their teachers and family, gather together to perform, learn, and celebrate a shared love of music. Over the years the faces and venues have changed but the knowledge gained, barriers broken, and friendships made have always remained. This year we are privileged to have three esteemed adjudicators joining us; Heather Godden Waldner for piano, Casey Peden for vocal, and James McCarthy for the band section. Please take a moment to read their bios and come and see their expertise, along with our very talented musicians live at the Majestic Theatre March 5-10. Programs are available at Biggar Pharmasave and Leslie’s Drug Store.
Adjudicator Bio: Heather Godden Waldner
Heather Godden Waldner teaches in her private studio in Warman, Saskatchewan and is a member of CFMTA and SRMTA. For almost 50 years, she has maintained private studios in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario, teaching piano at all levels from beginners to ARCT, to students age four to adult. She also teaches trombone, composition and all theoretical subjects including pedagogy. While studying with Dr. Lyell Gustin in Saskatoon, Heather achieved both ARCT (Royal Conservatory) and LTCL (Trinity College, London) in piano performance. She completed further studies with Dr. Lorne Watson in Winnipeg with an emphasis on E-Gré piano technique. Ms. Waldner is a senior practical examiner with RCME and has conducted numerous theory and practical workshops for them. She has also presented workshops across Canada, including “The Art of Practising: Repertoire and Technique”, “Festival and Exam Preparation”, and “The Published Music of Heather Godden Laliberte”. An adjudicator with the Saskatchewan Music Festival Association, Heather has adjudicated piano competitions as well as brass and woodwinds, ensembles, bands, and piano classes in music festivals across Canada. Adjudicator Bio: Casey Peden
Performance from the University of Alberta. Her professional development continued through Tafelmusik’s Baroque Summer Institute, the Early Music Vancouver Vocal Summer School and private lessons. Peden has been heard as a soloist with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, Pro Coro Canada, Madrigal Singers, Alberta College Womens Choir, Da Camera Singers, Schola Cantorum, the Dutch Renaissance Ensemble Verboden Frucht and most recently with the Saskatoon Symphony Chamber Orchestra. Peden will be a soprano soloist in Bach’s Magnificat with the Saskatoon Symphony Chamber Orchestra in May, 2018. In addition to her recital singing, Casey stays active with her studio, adjudicating, and volunteering with the Community Youth Choir in North Battleford. Adjudicator Bio: James McCarthy
Jim McCarthy is an established freelance musician with accolades in a wide range of skills — performing — composition — arranging— studio production - music education and instrument design and building. He graduated from the University of Adelaide in 1996 with a Masters degree in Music Performance — Percussion. Jim currently maintains annual tours in Australia performing with Musica Viva In Schools as well as running various masterclasses and clinics. He also arranges music for school bands and produces sequences and recordings for The Fun Music Company. Additionally Jim runs a web based business that
focuses on designing and building custom percussion instruments, as well as a subscription web site that produces video tutorials for marimba technique and monthly critiques of percussion performances on youtube. Jim currently performs with “The Rhythm Works” for Musica Viva and has done so every year since 1996 — as well as other occasional contracts. Throughout his career he has been a long serving member of the “Lights” New Music Ensemble, the Adelaide Wind Orchestra, R@taque Percussion Duo and the Adelaide Percussion Quartet. He has also performed occasionally with the State Theatre Company of SA and the Melbourne Philharmonic Orchestra. Jim’s performance skills focus on percussion instruments, so much of his earlier compositions featured these. Most notable are Justification (percussion duo), Synergetic Oxymoron (concerto for percussion and chamber ensemble), the Water Suite (percussion duo and small ensemble), Project Arcadia (marimba and percussion trio) and his Concerto for marimba and wind orchestra. Many of these compositions feature Jim’s gigantic Contra-Bass marimbas which he has a passion for building. Jim has held positions working with both individuals and ensembles in thirteen schools and universities since 1988. As a specialist in rudimental snare drum and drumming technique, Jim has become highly sought after to give clinics and master-classes throughout Australia. His book Stick Technique is recognized globally as a definitive work on the subject. He also has a strong interest in developing beginner musicians and in 2001 completed a textbook and video tutorial series for first time drummers - Begin Drumming.
Jim Reiter, MLA
Casey Peden holds a Master of Music in vocal Performance and a Bachelor of Music in vocal
Rosetown-Elrose Constituency 215 Main Street, Rosetown Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 5:00 Tel: 306-882-4105 Fax: 306-882-4108 Toll free; 1-855-762-2233 E-mail: Box 278, Rosetown SK S0L 2V0 Please call with questions or concerns
New tech shouldn’t detract from ag bottom line by Calvin Daniels It should be stated from the outset that I am generally pro technology. While there have been missteps at times, in general technology, especially in agriculture has taken the industry forward. While we sometimes fail to remember, the first iron plow was a technological step forward from its wooden predecessor, and a huge step forward in terms of soil tillage. And while I am still a huge fan of the draft horse, I in no way lament the emergence of tractor technology and what it meant in terms of farming. The combine is a huge step forward from the stationary threshing machine, direct seeding technology was a huge step in preventing soil erosion, and geo-mapping has been an aid in the most productive applications of fertilizer. And I do not doubt as the world population grows and land acres capable of growing traditional crops decline, we will become more reliant on technological advancements to meet our demand for food. But there are times I admit to shuddering when I read about the cutting edge of technology and just where it is headed. In this space in the past I have written about worldwide concerns that bee populations
have appeared to be in decline. As recently as last August, wrote that the problem might be reversing itself writing in an online story; “The
Agriculture Calvin Daniels
number of U.S. honeybees, a critical component to agricultural production, rose in 2017 from a year earlier, and deaths of the insects attributed to a mysterious malady that’s affected hives in North America and Europe declined, according a U.S. Department of Agriculture honeybee health survey.” That has to be looked at as an immediate positive, but since we don’t seem to have an understanding of what caused the decline or more importantly how to prevent it happening in the future, it is unsettling. The majority of crops around the world, an estimated three-quarters
such as apples to canola, rely on pollination by bees and other insects. There are concerns the pollinator insect population is being negatively impacted from a wide range of things including land clearing and climate change to the use of pesticides. Severe population declines would cause problems for farmers. One solution might be to use technology, in this case robotic drones which can pollinate flowers much as bees do. “Eijiro Miyako at Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, and his colleagues have used the principle of cross-pollination in bees to make a drone that transports pollen between flowers,” according to an article at “The manually controlled drone is four centimetres wide and weighs 15 grams. The bottom is covered in horsehair coated in a special sticky gel. When the drone flies onto a flower, pollen grains stick lightly to the gel then rub off on the next flower visited. “In experiments, the drone was able to crosspollinate Japanese lilies (Lilium japonicum). Moreover, the soft, flexible animal hairs did not damage the stamens or pistils when the drone landed on the flowers.” It’s certainly intriguing tech, but the science fiction reader in me wor-
Catherwood 4-H Beef and Sheep Club Report Catherwood 4-H Beef and Sheep Club held their organizational meeting on October 1, 2017 at Mike Millar and Donna Asher’s house. Brandy Magnus is the 4-H club’s new General Leader with beef leaders Tiffany Peters and Stephanie Huber and sheep leaders Louise Grinde. Catherwood 4-H club has 14 members who elected a new club executive as follows: President: Alex Johnson; Vice President: Dayne Whelan; Treasurer: Shyanne Magnus; Secretary: Brynn Whelan; Club reporter: Claire Huber. Catherwood 4-H club has had a busy year thus far. The club has held two fundraisers that includ-
ed preparing and selling appetizer boxes before Christmas and cleaning MacDon equipment for the Crop Production Show in Saskatoon. Both fundraisers were fun club building activities.
At Christmas, our club enjoyed jumping on trampolines at Apex in Saskatoon and then a potluck supper at Magnus’s house. Continued on page 12.
ries about a world that could become reliant on patented technology to pollinate our food supply. The potential to use the tech for financial gain with the threat to our
dent by Stephanie Huber)
effort goes into ensuring pollinating insects prosper naturally so that the drones become a fascinating but little used solution.
2nd Annual Steak Night Friday, March 9
at Dean-O’s Place (Old Elks Hall), 127 - 1st Ave. E., Biggar Cocktails, 6 p.m. ~~ Supper, 6:30 p.m. Admission… $25/person (includes one drink) Take-Away… $20/person, 6:00 pickup or $2 Delivery
TICKETS available at Biggar Daycare and de Moissac Jewellers
‘Trivia’ and ‘Minute to Win It’ GAMES Childcare available at the Daycare! $20/child or $30/family 6 p.m. to Midnight opens February 23 and closes 10:00 p.m. on March 9 Call 306-948-3616 for details Facebook Group: Biggar Daycare Online Auction
Online Auction
2000 IHC 4900
2010 IHC PROSTAR, NEW CUMMINS, LONG BLOCK, 485HP, 18 SPD, 46,000, FRESH SAFETY, NEW 24” DRIVERS.........................................CALL FOR PRICE 2009 F150, 4X4, SWB, 20” RUBBER, ATC, ONLY 52,000 KM .................................................... $15,900 2009 F-250 SUPERCAB, 4X4, 6.4 DSL, ONLY 180,000KMS, FLEET UNIT, GOOD RUBBER.... ........ $18,900 2009 F-550 REG CAB, 6.4DLS, DECK, 2WD, ONLY 200,000 KMS..................................................$15,900 2009 F250, 4X4, SWB, 20” RUBBER, 5.4, ATC, ONLY 52,000 KMS................................................... $15,900 2007 FREIGHTLINER, BUNK, 500 DETROIT, 18 SPD, FULL LOCKERS......................................................... $29,900 2008 F-350 CREW 5.4 AUTO 4X4 8’ DECK, READY TO WORK, FRESH SAFETY ........................................ $10,900 2001 FL80, 300 HP, 3126 ALLISON AUTO, FRESH SAFETY ................................................. $29,900
$22,900 2010 GMC 1500
200,000 KMS
Call 306-237-4212
MORE Intermediates, left to right: Shyanne Magnus, Julie Grinde, Danielle Matonovich. (Photo for The Indepen-
food production a threat that would not need to be spoken to know exists is a bit too real. While one has to marvel at the new tech, one is left hoping as much
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Mostly quiet on baseballʼs Free Agent front ‘Collusion’ is a hot word these days in the world of American politics, but it’s also being whispered around Major League Baseball as dozens of solid major leaguers wait patiently for their agents to strike a deal with a team willing to shell out millions of dollars for their services. Actually, ‘collusion’ is a word to be avoided among Major League teams, because it’s a word that cost owners millions of dollars in the 1980s after an arbitrator found them guilty of deceitful practices that kept free agents from signing mas-
sive contracts. Today, the ‘C’ word has been replaced by what owners call the Double C — cost consciousness — to explain why so many free agents are still unsigned. In a normal off-season, a player coming off a 25-home run season would be wined and dined by a number of MLB teams before bringing his talents, his family, his agent, his chauffeur, his masseuse, his banker, his financial advisor and his pizza delivery man to his new city. Invariably, the player — a veteran, obviously, because young players haven’t built up
GLASSIC 19 + Hockey Tournament
MAR C H 1 6 & 1 7 Biggar Jubilee Stadium Hockey Draft, Friday • 6:30 p.m.
REGISTER with Erin, 306-948-3317 or reply on Facebook $80/player (includes Glassic Jersey)
Help US Help the Rink!
resumes to command and Arizona last year, large contracts — perwas ignored until Feb. 19 forms well below expecta- when finally signed by tions because: a) his talBoston. ents are eroding with age; Columnist Greg Cote in b) he has so much money the Miami Herald ripped in the bank the new that motivaMarlins tion to excel ownership is, except in and Derek rare instancJeter, their es, lacking. front man, Team ownfor breakers are in ing up a the business potentially because competithey love tive team baseball, but for the sake even more so of profits, because they leaving the love making fans out to money, and dry. The the realizaMarlins Bruce Penton got rid of tion has occurred to sluggers many of them that their Giancarlo Stanton (59 team might be able to HR) and Marcel Ozuna contend without expen(37 HR), along with talsive free agents, going ented starters Christian instead with lower-paid Yelich and Dee Gordon, younger players. in exchange for cheap But what team couldn’t contracts and ‘prospects.’ use the services of slugger The new ownership’s Carlos Gonzales (32 years prospectus to investors, old and a .288 career bat- Cote wrote, shows a $68 ting average)? How about million profit for the pitching? Jake Arrieta, Marlins in 2018, which coming off a 14-10 season should bring in a whack with the Cubs, is availof investment cash from able, as is Lance Lynn (71 some of Florida’s wealthy wins in the last five searetirees. Maybe that prosons with the Cardinals). spectus can be taught to Slugger J.D. Martinez, track down fly balls, or 45 homers with Detroit lash a curveball to centre. • Former Anchorage Daily News desker Roy Neese, via Facebook,
Penton on sports
after the U.S. topped Canada to reach the goldmedal match in men’s curling: “That’s like the U.S. beating Italy in pasta-making.” • Vegas Golden Knights twitter feed: “ QUESTION: If the Canadiens get a goal and Jeff Petry gets an assist on a nice pass, do they ever call it a Petry Dish?” • Bob Molinaro of (Hampton, Va.): “As is my quadrennial habit, I wonder if the four-man bobsleds at the Winter Games come with cup holders.” • Brad Dickson of the Omaha World-Herald: “According to the North Korean medal tracker, Kim Jong Un won every single Winter Olympics medal.” • Dickson again: “It’s getting bad. Now it turns out that Russia colluded to determine the outcome of the Winter Olympics figure skating competition.” • RJ Currie of “Top three reasons Olympic viewers love curling: 3. The game has a peel; 2. It’s great with takeout; 1. Action is end to end.” • Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg: “At the Olympics, a Russian bobsled pilot, who wore a t-shirt that said, ‘I Don’t Do Doping’, tested positive
for a banned substance. Her name is Ivana Cheatsmyassoff.” • Kaseberg again: “At the Olympics, the Canadian ice dancing pair of Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir skated to a score of the Rolling Stones, Santana and the Eagles. ‘That was a perfect 10,’ said the year 1976.” • Headline at TheOnion. com: “Uphill skiing competition enters sixth day.” • Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: “Soccer parent’s lament: Our kid patterns his game after Ronaldo, but his bedroom is totally Messi.” • Canadian curler Brent Laing, to Ted Wyman of the Winnipeg Sun, after a Russian counterpart failed a doping test at the Winter Olympics: “Beer and Advil, those are the only painkillers I’ve ever heard of for curling. I imagine it wasn’t that. Hopefully not, or else I’m in trouble.” • Michael Rosenberg of, on the U.S. sitting sixth in the medal count halfway through the Winter Olympics — behind Russia: ”Which isn’t even officially here. I was pretty fired up about that. That’s like losing a bar bet to an empty stool.” Care to comment? E-mail
Biggar athletes off to Winter Games
Thursday, March 8 Fiske from 5:30 p.m. – Fiske Bonspiel Supper (Fiske Rink)
Monday, March 12 Vanscoy from 7:30 — 8:30 a.m. at Robin’s Nest (331 Railway Ave East) Harris from 9:00 — 10:00 a.m. at Harris Tessier New Horizons Hall ( 214 Main Street) Rosetown from 10:30 —11:30 a.m. at A&W (309 Highway 7) Herschel from 3:00 —4:00 p.m. at Herschel Community Hall (West Street)
Tuesday, March 13 Grandora from 9:00 — 9:30 a.m. at Sandyridge Gas & Groceries (Hwy 14) Biggar from 10:30 —11:30 a.m. at Weasie’s Gourmet Blends (211 Main Street)
Wednesday, March 14 Asquith from 10:00—11:00 a.m. at Asquith New Horizons (515 Main Street) Sonningdale from 2:00—3:00 p.m. at Sonningdale Pensioners & Pioneers Hall
Thursday, March 15 Delisle from 10:00—11:00 a.m. at the Dragon’s Diner (100 2nd Street West) Warman from 2:30—3:30 p.m. at the Wagon Wheel Family Restaurant (520 Central Street)
Friday, March 16 Martensville from 10:00—11:00 a.m. at A&W (61 Centennial Drive North)
Come for a coffee and visit at one of these loca ons! PLEASE NOTE Should the temperature fall below –40 (with the wind chill) on any day, Kelly’s a endance will be cancelled and rescheduled.
2018 Saskatchewan Winter Games Rivers West bowling athletes from Biggar: Tristan Otterson (Prairie Central fill athlete), left, Girls team coach Nicole Otterson, middle, Kiersten Raschke, right and Cassie Raschke, kneeling.
Biggar RCMP 2017 Statistical Year in Review Reported = Number of occurrence type reported to police Unfounded = Police investigation determined
the offence reported did not occur, nor was it attempted. By Charge = Charges laid. Reported
Traffic Collisions Reportable and 93 Non-Reportable Municipal Traffic Bylaws 7 Provincial Traffic Offences Fail to Stop or Remain at Accident Scene 2 Dangerous Driving (Prov./Ter.) 1 Driving without Due Care or Attention 13 Driving While Disqualified or License 54 Suspension Seatbelt Violations 51 Intersection Related Violations 66 Speeding Violations 1300 Other Moving Traffic Violations 77 Motor Vehicle Insurance Coverage Violations 90 Other Non-Moving Traffic 239 Roadside Suspensions - alcohol related 7 Municipal Bylaws — Traffic 7 Written Traffic Warnings 285 Totals 2192 Criminal Code Drivinq Offences Failure to stop or remain 1 Driving while disqualified/prohibited 5 Impaired Operation and/or over 80 mg% of 37 Motor Vehicle Impaired Care or Control of Motor Vehicle 4 Impaired Operation (by a Drug) of Motor 1 Vehicle Failure/Refusal to Provide Breath Sample 2 Failure/Refusal of Approved Screening Device 4 Totals 54 Provincial Statutes Liquor Act (Prov./Terr.) - Offences Only 15 Dog Act - Offences Only 1 Fire Prevention Act - Offences Only 1 Litter Act - Offences Only 5 Mental Health Act - Offences Only 1 911 Act - Offences Only 18 Off-Road Vehicle Act - Offences Only 8 Summary Conviction Act - Offences Only 24 Trespass Act - Prov./Ter. - Offences Only 8 Other Prov./Ter. Statutes - Offences Only 5 Liquor Act (Prov./Ter.) - Other Activities 3 Child Welfare Act - Other Activities 7 Coroner’s Act - Sudden Death/Other Activities 12 Family Relations Act - Other Activities 12 Fire Prevention Act - Other Activities 16 Litter Act - Other Activities 1 Mental Health Act - Other Activities 31 911 Act - Other Activities 121 Off-Road Vehicle Act - Other Activities 1 Trespass Act - Prov./Ter. - Other Activities 4 Other Prov./Ter. Statutes - Other Activities 10 Municipal Bylaws 6 Firearms Act 2 Totals 312 Other Criminal Code Failure to comply with condition of under28 taking or recognizance Fail to comply/appear 14 Fail to Comply with Undertaking given to 2 officer in charge/peace officer Disturbing the peace/Causing a disturbance 17 Resists/obstructs peace officer 4 Resists/obstructs public officer 1 Fail to attend court 8 Fail to comply probation order 13 Uttering Threats Against Property or Animal 1 Interception of private communication 1 Defamatory libel — publish 3 Injure or endanger cattle 1 Causing animals or birds unnecessary suffering 2 Child Pornography — Possession 1 Child Pornography — Accessing 1 Disobeying order of court 1 Public Mischief 4 Totals 102 Weapons Offences Weapons trafficking 1 Possession of weapon for dangerous purpose 1 Unauthorized possession firearm/ prohibited weapon/restricted weapon 2 Unsafe storage of firearms 1 Careless use of a firearm 3 Explosives: make/possess/control 1 Totals 9
Other Federal Statutes Youth Criminal Justice Act - Offences Only Corrections and Conditional Release Act Other Activities Family Orders & Agreements Enforcement Act - Other Activities Tobacco Act Totals
Otherwise = Police investigation supported charges; Circumstances/ officer discretion a charge not laid.
Unfounded By Charge Otherwise
0 0 0 1
2 1 7 51
0 0 5 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
47 54 1141 21 84 196 1 0
4 12 153 16 6 21 0 3
0 0 7
0 5 12
0 0 0
0 0
4 0
0 0
0 0 7
2 4 27
0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 8
7 0 0 0 0 1 6 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 40
5 0 0 1 1 16 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 2 0 46
0 0
13 2
0 0
4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 11
0 4 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 58
11 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 21
1 1
0 0
0 0
0 0 0 0 2
1 1 2 1 5
0 0 0 0 0
Drug Enforcement Trafficking - Schedule l: Cocaine Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking Cocaine Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking Schedule I Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking Cannabis Trafficking Cannabis Trafficking Methamphetamine (Crystal Meth) Possession for Purpose of Trafficking Methamphetamine (Crystal Meth) Production Cocaine Possession Cocaine Possession Cannabis Resin more than 1 gram Possession Cannabis Marihuana Possession Cannabis Resin more than 1 gram Possession Methamphetamine (Crystal Meth) Totals Persons Crime Sexual Assault Sexual Interference Robbery - with Firearm Extortion without firearm Intimidation Criminal Harassment Indecent communications Harassing communications Uttering threats against a person Mischief - causing danger to life Forcible confinement Assault With Weapon or Causing Bodily Harm Assault Pointing a firearm Assault on Police Officer Totals Property Crime Other theft under $5000 Theft of bicycle under or equal to $5000 Theft of electric/gas/telecommunication under or equal to $5000 Theft under or equal to $5000 from a motor vehicle Other theft over $5000 Theft of car Theft of truck Theft of minivan Theft of sport utility vehicle Theft of other motor vehicle Taking Motor Vehicle/Vessel without consent of owner Possession of property obtained by crime over $5000 Possession of property obtained by crime less than or equal $5000 Possession of matter stolen from mail Mischief - Damage to, or Obstruct enjoyment of property Break and Enter - Business Break and Enter - Residence Break and Enter - Other Being unlawfully in a dwelling house Arson - damage to property Arson - For fraudulent purposes Totals Fraud Unauthorized use of computer Obtain food/lodging by fraud Fraud (money/property/security) greater than $5000 Fraud (money/property/security) less than or equal to $5000 Unauthorized use of credit card data Identity Fraud Totals
2 2 2
0 0 0
1 0 1
0 1 0
3 1 1 1 19 1 10 49
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
3 0 1 1 15 1 3 29
0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3
1 1 1 1 1 8 1 14 38 1 1 4 51 0 1 124
0 1 0 0 0 2 0 7 12 0 1 0 6 0 0 29
2 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 9 0 0 4 18 1 1 39
1 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 8 0 0 1 19 0 0 33
46 3
17 1
6 0
4 1
9 5 2 8 1 3 2
0 2 1 1 0 1 0
2 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 1
0 0
4 0
3 0
110 10 11 10 1 3 1 245
15 3 4 1 0 0 0 46
5 1 0 0 0 0 0 24
45 0 1 0 1 0 0 60
1 2
0 0
0 1
0 0
15 2 2 26
4 0 1 5
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 3
1 1
0 0
0 0
1 0
1 4
0 2
0 0
0 1
Other Police Activities Offender Management Letter Writers/Talkers Nonsensical Abandoned Vehicles Suspicious Person/ Vehicle/ Property Animal Calls False Alarms Items Lost/Found - except passports Breach of Peace Assistance to General Public Person Reported Missing Peace Bonds Wellbeing Check Totals Year to year Comparison 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Unfounded By Charge Otherwise
6 1 26 22 34 82 18 5 2 3 3 25 227
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
2434 1532 760 700 606
117 117 88 67 64
1990 1026 248 303 191
588 389 157 121 130
JOB OPPORTUNITY ADMINISTRATOR The Village of Landis is seeking a self-motivated and innovative person for the part time position of Administrator. The successful candidate will be responsible for the preparation of tax and assessment rolls, handling customer inquiries, accounts payables and receivables, payroll, and other accounting functions. You will be required to prepare for and attend all meetings of council, ensure all policies and bylaws are current and in place, and advise Council on legislative requirements. Qualifications Ë? Preference will be given to those who hold a Certificate in Local Government Administration or who are willing to obtain their Certificate. Ë? Prior accounting experience would be an asset Ë? Strong written and verbal communication skills Ë? Proficient in use of Microsoft Office applications Ë? Must be bondable The Village of Landis offers a competitive benefits program. Expected start date will be as soon as the successful applicant is available. Please submit your resume and letter of application including salary expectations and three work related references by March 14, 2018 to: Village of Landis Box 153, Landis, SK S0K 2K0 Telephone: (306) 658-2155 Fax: (306) 658-2156 Email:
TOWN OF BIGGAR is accepting applications for the following
Deadline for all applications/rĂŠsumes is March 16, 2018. "QQMZ UP #JHHBS BOE %JTUSJDU 3FDSFBUJPO #PBSE 1 0 #PY #JHHBS 4, 4 , . 'BY &NBJM SFDSFBUJPO!UPXOPGCJHHBS DPN The Town of Biggar wishes to thank all prospective candidates; however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
HELP WANTED‌ 30+ hours per week. Cashier, stocking shelves, bottling water, greenhouse work and working with other staff to provide customer service. One Stop Hardware, 116 Main St., Biggar, Sask. Phone 306948-5626 8c3
MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! Indemand career! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get online training you need from an employertrusted program. Visit: CareerStep. ca/MT or 1-855768-3362 to start training for your
work-at-home career today!
For FAX service, see us at The Independent, 122 Main Street, Biggar
Applications are being accepted for the seasonal Public Works positions for the period: May - September 2018. Applicants shall state earliest date available for employment and dates not available for work due to other commitments. Information on duties and wage rates can be obtained from the undersigned. Deadline for applications/resumes: April 6, 2018. Apply to: Mark Haynes, Town Foreman Town of Biggar P. O. Box 489 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Fax: 306-948-5134 Email: townoffice@townof The Town of Biggar wishes to thank all prospective candiates; however, only those candiates selected for an interview will be contacted. 18031RR1
Seasonal General Laborers - "% ! ' ' %' , % # !' ! % - (' & '" ! ( "# % ' ! & &' % (! " ! % %& ! ! % !' ! ! - ' %' ' #% % - ! ( * "!'% ' "(% & '& +& ! '&
Experienced NH3 Seasonal Class 1 Drivers - "% ! %" "(% % " ' "! - (' & '" ! ( ) % ! ! + %"(& "! '" "(% % (&'" %& !' ! ! $( # !' ! & '+ " # !' ' ' &
Seasonal Class 1 Drivers - "% ! %" "(% % " ' "! - (' & '" ! ( ) % ! %+ %' , % '" "(% % (&'" %& ! &(##"%' "(% (&'" ## ' "! ) & "! - ' %' ' #% ' - ! ( * "!'% '
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APPLY NOW FOR APRIL 2018 Kindersley 1 (866) 296-2472
A selection of
MEMORIAL VERSES is available for you to choose from in memory of your loved one(s)‌ @ The Biggar Independent.
Stop in at 122 Main St. Biggar
OBITUARIES Loretta Louise SIMPSON April 20, 1931 - February 7, 2018 Mrs. Loretta Louise Simpson was born in Biggar, Sask. on April 20, 1931 to Michael and Kathleen Schwann nĂŠe Welder, the tenth in a family of eleven children. Loretta married Gordon Simpson on November 16, 1949 in Biggar, Sask. Together they farmed northeast of Rosetown, Sask. where they raised their two daughters, Sharon and Susan. In 1990, she and Gordon retired to Rosetown. Loretta and Gordon enjoyed their time at the lake, golfing and spending winters in the south. She was a lifelong member of Rebekah Lodge. She passed away at Poplar Courts, Wilkie, Sask. on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at the age of 86. Loretta is survived by her daughters, Sharon Burgoyne of Wetaskiwin, Alta., and Susan (Cameron) Stanek of Rosetown, Sask.; grandchildren, Darren Burgoyne of Grande Prairie, Alta., Lana (Derek) Sebastian of Yorkton, Sask. and Rob (Jo-Anne) Stanek of Rosetown; great-grandchildren, Darci (Graham) King, Rebecca Burgoyne, Jessica Burgoyne, Alex Burgoyne, Burke Sebastian, Logan Stanek and Hailey Stanek; sister-in-law, Millie Simpson of Rosetown; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her dear husband, Gordon; grandson, Dale Burgoyne; her parents; siblings, Marion, John, Jacob, Nicholas, Dorothy, Leonard, Anthony, Josephine, Theodore and Lieta; and numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral Service was held on Monday, February 12, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. at Shanidar Funeral Chapel, Rosetown, Sask. with Reverend Jo-Ann Hills officiating. Pianist was Brenda Hamilton playing the congregational hymn “How Great Thou Artâ€?; Soloist, Carmen Ledding sang “Ave Mariaâ€?; Audrey Walker and Evelyn O’Shaughnessy attended the register and ushers were Darren Wenzel and Brent Wenzel. Honourary pallbearers were Ken Hillacre, Norman Stevens, Al Linklater, Laurence Mutlow and Lewis LaFayette. Interment followed at Rosetown Cemetery with Terry Bodnarchuk, Larry Wood, Bill Mann, Warren Heatherington, and Jim Crossman acting as pallbearers. Donations in memory of Loretta may be made to the Canadian Diabetes Association, 104-2301 Ave C North, Saskatoon, SK, S7L 5X5 or a charity of choice. To send online condolences please visit shanidarfuneralservices. com. Arrangements in care of Pierre A. Charpentier. 9c1
CARDS OF THANKS Biggar United Church would like to take this opportunity to THANK all the local talent of individuals and groups, and supporters for the overwhelming success of the Benefit Concert for Biggar Food for Thought Food Bank on Friday evening. THANKS to everyone for their donations of talent, money, food and baking; and most of all, attendance. It was a fabulous variety night from singing and dancing to comical recitations. 9c1
FRIDAYS until MAR. 23: Last five Fridays in Lent, Interdenominational services at 12:05 p.m. followed by lunch at Biggar New Horizons. Sponsored by Biggar and District Ministerial. Everyone welcome. 7c6 WEDNESDAYS, MARCH 7, 14, 28: 7 p.m. at St. Paul’s Anglican Church… PALS Lenten Services, Private Confession and Absolution, and Silent Prayer in the Sanctuary. (No service on March 21.) 8c4 THURSDAY, MARCH 8: Biggar Museum & Gallery invite everyone to their Annual General Meeting, 1:00 p.m. Since 1972, the museum has brought the citizens of Biggar… programs, events, art, history and culture. There is always something happening at the museum! Would you like to be a part of the dynamic group that governs the participation of the museum in our community?, or, feel you have a few hours per month to participate as a volunteer. Please call 306-948-3451 for more information. 7c3 SATURDAY, MARCH 17: Eagle Creek Wildlife Federation annual fundraiser and awards at Perdue Complex. Cocktails, 5:30, supper, 6:30; dance, 9:00. Adults, $25, Youth (7-14), $10. 6+under free. Presale tickets, Shelley Sarvas, 306-668-4959. 9p2 THURSDAY, MARCH 22: Biggar & District Arts Council presents… “SWEET ALIBI”, 7:30 p.m., The Majestic Theatre, Biggar Adults/Seniors $25 (advance $20); Students, 13 and older, $15 (advance $12); children 12 and under, $5. Advance tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar, 306-9482452 or online 7c6
Coming p m SATT FRIDAY, MARCH 23: 7:30 p.m., URDAY, MARCH 24: 2:00 & 7:30 p.m.; SUNDAY, MARCH 25: 2:00 p.m.… New Creation Community Players presents “The New Mel Brooks Musical, YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN” at Biggar Majestic Theatre. Reserved seating tickets on Sale at The Biggar Independent, 122 Main Street, Biggar or phone 306-948-3344. $20 per person, Visa and M/C accepted. Warning: Suggestive Themes, Adult Content and Language. 5c8
Prairie Spirit School Division invites TENDERS for 2018-19 SUMMER YARD CARE. Tender packages are available on our website of
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Dining room table and six chairs; large dresser with mirror; chest of drawers. OFFERS. Phone 306-9483374 8p3 PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 550,000 readers weekly. Call this newspaper NOW or 306-649.1405 for details.
W A N T E D : REWARD paid on info leading to purchase of 426 Hemi motor from 1970 Road Runner serial # N-RM27R0G15756 also 1970 Road Runner/GTX/Satellite/ Charger complete or parts car. Also old advertising/dealership signs, antique gas pumps, etc. Call 306-221-5908 or 306-369-2810.
WANTED MAIN STREET GARAGE SALE is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 306-9481773 or 306-9485393. Pick-up available. tfn WANTED: OLD TUBE AUDIO EQUIPMENT. 40 years or older. Amplifiers, Stereo, Recording and Theatre Sound Equipment. Hammond Organs, any condition. CALL Toll-Free 1-800947-0393.
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LAND FOR SALE Farmland for Sale by Owner… SW 15-36-14-W3rd, 145 acres with 120 cultivated plus an additional 10 acres hay. 306948-6026 7p3 FARMLAND WANTED NO FEES OR COMMISSIONS! PURCHASING: SINGLE TO LARGE BLOCKS OF LAND. PREMIUM PRICES PAID WITH QUICK PAYMENT. GREAT References Available A TOTAL OF 590 QUARTER SECTIONS SOLD ACROSS SASKATCHEWAN RENT BACK AVAILABLE Call DOUG 306-716-2671
Land Description
Submit tenders to, or questions contact:
Young Law Office
Box 70, Wilkie, SK S0K 4W0 P/F: 1-877-843-0843 Closes March 23, 2018, noon Acceptance of tender at land owner’s absolute discretion.
LAND FOR RENT, pasture in R.M. of Eagle Creek. Call for details, 306948-9186. tfn
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$37.00 + $1.85 gst = $38.85 Outside 40-mile Radius…
$43.00 + $2.15 gst = $45.15
REAL ESTATE SASK. FARMS & RANCHES COMPEER, AB: 7237 ac. - 6,541 ac deeded + 696 ac. leased, 2,010 cult ac, 1,929 ac tame grass and hay, 2,590 ac. nat. grass includes oil lease revenue. Property in both AB & SK, livestock and equipment list available. C O N S O RT, A B : 9722 ac. - 7969 ac. deeded + 1752 leased ac., steel grain storage, fertilizer storage, 3 yard sites w/homes on each. Includes Surface Lease Revenue and Farm Machinery! Call for details! Visit us at AGRI-EXPO in Lethbridge, AB
Feb. 28-March 2, 2018! Contact ‌ Murray Murdoch, Cell: 306-858-8000
FOR RENT Charter/ Sherwood Apartments 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundr y facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwasher s, air conditioning, parking with plugins.
email: lanerealtycorp@ WITH OVER 36 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS! To view full colour feature sheets for all of our CURRENT LISTINGS, visit our Website at:
HEALTH & WELLNESS DISABILITY? ADHD? Do you have a DISABILITY? We can help you get up to $50,000 back from the Canadian Government. BBB Accredited. FOR DETAILS CALL US TODAY Toll-Free 1-888-875-4787 or Visit us at:
If YOU are‌ • NEW to our communities of Biggar/Landis/Perdue • Have a new baby Call WELCOME
WAGON at 306-948-3837
Sheila Itterman We have gifts and information www.
Biggar & District ARTS Council are available for bar tending services at your functions/ events. Contact Denise @ 306948-2452 19tfn
Sunday Worship • 10:50 a.m. Children’s Sunday School during the worship service
Sunday Worship Service • 11:00 a.m. Sunday School on first Sunday of the month
PALS MARCH Worship Services
Biggar United Church’s benefit concert donated to Food for Thought . . . Cpl. Mark Wright, left, President of Biggar Food for Thought accepts a cheque for $1,839 from the Biggar United Church’s Ben Bernier, centre, and Jim Tapp, a member of the United Church and Biggar Food for Thought. The money (and a half ton truck of food) were raised during the recent and very successful United Church Food Bank Benefit Concert, February 23. (Submitted Photo)
‌Catherwood 4-H, cont. from page 7 Each member researched a preassigned beef or sheep breed and presented their findings at the
Pastor Sarah Mowat, 306-951-7286
ST. GABRIEL ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 109 - 7th Ave. W, Biggar Father Edward Gibney Parish Phone: 306-948-3330 MASS TIME: 11 a.m.
/52 ,!$9 /& &!4)-! #!4(/,)# #(52#( Landis, Sask. MASS TIME: 9 a.m.
Cloverbud member, April Huber.
JESUS MIRACLE CRUSADE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY %6%29 35.$!9 3%26)#% s ! - 0 - -)$7%%+ 3%26)#% s 7%$.%3$!93 0 - /6%2.)'(4 02!9%2 s &2)$!93 0 - ! - CONTACT RAMIL, MARILYN OR ORLANDO, 306-951-0029 OR 306-951-0095 OR 306-948-3021
3%6%.4( $!9 !$6%.4)34 #(52#(
NOW is
corner of 8th Ave.W. and Quebec St., Biggar
Church office phone, 306-948-2280, Rev. Linsell A. Hurd
Pastor Doug Motz, Church office phone, 306-948-3424 For more information call: Karen/Kevin 306-948-9115 302 - 8th Ave. W. Biggar
LANE REALTY Saskatchewan’s Farm & Ranch Specialists™ 124 REGISTERED SALES IN 2017!
7 pm
Membership NOT required to play!
at The Legion 118 Main St., Biggar
Pre-Bud member, Patrick Huber.
Christmas party. All Members learned more about ruminant nutrition as presented by Stephanie Huber in November. After the nutrition talk, members went home and counted how many times their beef or sheep project chews their cud. Beef project members met in January at Bill and Virginia Peters’ farm where they watched a cow have a calf naturally on the TV monitor as captured by the cow camera outside. Members also learned how to put calving chains on the calf’s feet, discussed the signs and stages of cow labor and newborn calf health. Members also started work-
")",% 345$9x ! - #(52#( 3%26)#%x ! - TH !6%.5% %!34 ")''!2 #/.4!#4
Everyone Welcome!
Juniors, left to right: Cameron Cook, Shelby Peacock, Claire Huber, Jeynessay Magnus, Carter Grinde.
THE BIGGAR INDEPENDENT on NEWSSTANDS @ • Leslie’s Drugstore • Pharmasave • Super A Foods • Shop Easy Food • Quick Stop • Biggar Esso • Weasie’s Gourmet Blends • The Store, Perdue • Central Plains Co-op, Perdue Seniors: Dayne Whelan, Brynn Whelan, Wyatt Millar. (Photos for The Independent by Stephanie Huber)
ing on their feed records in their project record books. In February, beef members took their calf projects to Saskatoon Livestock Sales to weigh, wash and clip. Sheep project members have also been busy constructing lambing pens and learning more about lambing and newborn health. Club and District 23 4-H Speeches were held on February 11 at Lord Asquith School. Thank-you to our four wonderful judges, Lorraine Gilchrist, Donna Seymour, Kimberly Goran, and Heather Braun for their comments and placings of each speech. Family and friends enjoyed an afternoon of great speeches. Members moving onto Regional Speeches are April Huber as a Cloverbud member with her speech “My dog Joy�, Claire Huber as a Junior member with her speech “Life on the Farm�, Danielle Matonovich as an Intermediate member with her speech, “Social Media and Teens�, and Wyatt Millar as a Senior member with his speech, “My Food Story�. Regional 4-H Speeches, hosted by District 23, will be held on Sunday, March 25 at the Perdue Community Complex in Perdue.
BIGGAR ELECTRICAL & REFRIGERATION SERVICES Commercial and Industrial Electrical Wiring
PHILLIPS ELECTRIC • Residence • Commercial Wiring For free estimates, call…
Goldburg Electric Ltd. • Residential • Commercial Contact Matt Craig
Cell: 306-221-6888 Store: 306-948-1773
PREPAID COMMITMENT (regular price is $20.16 per week = $524.16 plus gst)
EAVESTROUGHING Danny Pickett Travis Poletz 306-230-4535 306-948-6570
FREE ESTIMATES ɽ Eavestrough ɽ Sof¿t/Fascia ɽ Siding ɽ All other Exterior needs....
For all your home, business and rural needs Owners/Operators • Travis Young • Dallas Young • Claude Young
Biggar Of¿ce Hours…
Landis Of¿ce Hours:
304 Main St., Biggar Phone: 306-948-2204 Toll Free: 1-855-948-2204
100 - 2nd Ave. W., Landis Phone: 306-658-2044 Toll Free: 1-855-658-2044
Phone:306.882.2123 New Patients Welcome!
BIGGAR DENTAL CLINIC 104 - 6 Ave. East, Biggar, Sask. Southeast entrance of Nova Wood Bldg. Hours… Monday - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. th
Healthy Lifestyle Weight Loss 30-minute Circuit Personal Training Fitness Classes
306-948-3408 LEGAL SERVICES
Located at the Biggar & District Credit Union 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK • 306-948-3352 Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc., and mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities Inc. ®Credential is a registered mark owned by Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license.
Peszko &Watson is a full service law office that practices… ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Criminal Law Commercial Law Family Law Real Estate Law Wills and Estate Law and our lawyers, Jason Peszko Lisa Watson Nicole Hataley look forward to assisting you and can be contacted at:
306-948-5352 or 306-244-9865
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ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES “Administrative Services to
Meet Your Business Needs” ~ One time projects or long term service
For a FREE consultation, call redappleadmin
306-948-2183 Email: Website:
BE SEEN in the
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon., Tues., & Fri., 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wed., 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thurs., CLOSED
Ph: 306-948-5133
Box 580 Biggar, SK SOK OMO
…serving your community since 1972
Investment Advisor Credential Securities Inc.
P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
302 Main Street, Biggar, SK
Lyndsey Poole
201B - 2nd Ave. West
223 Main Street Biggar
Journeymen Plumber, Gas Fitter, & Electrician on staff
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist, Wealth Consultant Credential Asset Management Inc.
(New Horizons Bldg) Biggar
Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B.
Biggar, Sask.
Investment Advisor Credential Securities Inc.
117 - 3rd Ave. W.,
Dean McCallum, CFP, CIM, FCSI
102 - 3 Ave. W., Biggar
For all your investment needs, Visit…
Ph: 306-948-4430 or 306-948-4460
Cheryl Irvine @
• Bookkeeping • Tax Returns • Financial Statements
…owned and operated by Brett Barber
Pamela Eaton
¾ Auto & Home Insurance ¾ Farm & Commercial Insurance ¾ Health & Travel Insurance ¾ Life Insurance & Investments ¾ Farm Succession & Estate Planning ¾ Notary Publics
Box 277, Perdue, SK S0K 3C0
Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Call Making Biggar Smaller!
Co-Ed Fitness Centre
$161.20 PLUS GST…
115 - 1st Avenue West Rosetown, Sask.
Weight Loss Coach Anne G. Livingston 317 Main St., Biggar
- together with -
• ‘Ideal Protein’ Weight Loss • ‘Slender You’ Figure Salon • H20 Massage Bed
www.madgesaskroo¿ Biggar, Sask.
Weight Loss & WELLNESS Centre
Licensed Journeyman Adrian de Haan
“Setting a Higher Standard” ¬New Construction ¬Re-roofs ¬Torch-on ¬Tile ¬Metal ¬Asphalt ¬All repairs ¬Shakes ¬Inspections NOW DOING ¬ Eavestroughing ¬ Downspouts ¬ Soffit & Facia We offer 10 Year Workmanship Warranty and Liability/Torch On Insurance Excellent Local References For a FREE estimate please call… 306-948-5453
Go to… to sign up
For FAX service, see us at
The Independent, 122 Main Street, Biggar
Shoreline Realty
Cari Perih
Acres of Expertise.
SERVICE TRUCK FULL MECHANICAL SERVICE Mon - Fri • 8 a.m.-5 p.m. phone: Chris
306-948-3376 Corner of Main Street & 1st Avenue West, Biggar
Housing for families and seniors Rent based on income
1st Ave. West, Biggar
Call: 306-948-2101
• Cattle hauling with 21 ft. gooseneck trailer • round and large square bale hauling with step-deck or highboy semi-trailers • also buying and selling straw and forage • also machinery hauling Home • 306-948-2037 Alex • 306-948-7291 Dan • 306-948-7843 Biggar, Sask.
Phone: 306-948-5678
WYLIE SEED & PROCESSING INC. Canadian Seed Institute Accredited Pedigree, Commercial & Custom Cleaning FULL line of Cleaning Equipment including Gravity Table
Excellent Quality at a Reasonable Price! For all your Cereal and Pulse Cleaning Call: Bill: Dale:
306- 948-2807 or 948-5609 948-5394
Plant located 8 miles south of Biggar on Hwy #4, ¼ mile west on Triumph Rd.
INDEPENDENT Custom Grain and Fertilizer Hauling Darren Diehl
306-262-5980 Biggar
• Biggar to Saskatoon • Same day Service • Monday to Friday • 24-hour Answering Service
~Brian and Cathy Fick~
Cell: 306-948-7524
SMALL ADS WORK You’re reading this one!
Jerry Muc Phone: 306-948-2958 Fax:
Teams, Corporate and Personal Attire Judy Kahovec… 306-882-4313, cell 306-831-7935
Your authorized
Panasonic, Samsung, LG, Frigidaire, Shaw, Yamaha Audio Dealer; and Your authorized
Biggar Sand & Gravel • trenching • trucking • water & sewer • sand & gravel • excavating OfÀce …
Open: Mon.-Fri.
8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. • 8 a.m. - Noon.
YH Truck, Ag & Auto • Heavy truck parts • Agriculture parts • Automotive parts & accessories
Hwy 14 East, Biggar
FTB Parts
703 - 4th Ave. E., Biggar (just off Truck Route)
Heavy Duty parts Automotive parts
OPEN… Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday • 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
KRF Auto Centre 100% handwash “Where we do it all for you!!”
Dr. Kirk Ewen Dr. Michelle Skoretz PHOTOGRAPHY Doctors of Optometry
Rebel Landscaping 306-948-2879, evenings 306-948-7207, daytime Ed Kolenosky • Driveways • Concrete • Garage Pads • Pruning • Planting
• Topsoil • Lawn Care • Leveling • Sod • Patio Blocks
• Snow Removal • Fences …and much more
Danny Vogelsang
306-222-6081 Landscaping, Snow Removal, Topsoil, Clay, Gravel, Sand Bobcats, Excavator, Gravel Truck Serving Perdue and area for the past 10 years
Biggar, Sask. Brody Ellis, Sever Ellis, Stetler Heather
306-948-3380 306-948-2234
Call today for a FREE estimate!
LEADING EDGE WELDING LTD. Aboriginal owned • Mobile Welding & Fabrication • 24/7 Emergncy Service • Repairs? Got a project in mind? • We cater to ALL Give us a call for a FREE quote. industries… farming/ commercial/oil field/ • NOW offering Skidsteer, industrial Transport, Hot Shot Service! CALL Chance Parenteau @ 306-948-9465 or Sarah Nagy @ 306-290-9766
Portraits, Family,
Biggar Professional Building, Weddings & Sports 223 Main St., Biggar Photography
For appointments… Biggar, Sask. 1-855-651-3311
306-948-2814 PHOTOGRAPHY
Photos by Jocelyn Portraits, Family, Weddings & Sports Photography Biggar, Sask.
Pkg. of 8.5”x11” white bond paper,
Owned & operated by Kevin Fick
227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar
306-948-1722 for ads, classisifeds and news MONDAY - 5 P.M.
t Delivery
Ask Abou
Photos by In BIGGAR Jocely n Every Tuesday
• Detailing • Vortex Spray-In Box Liners • Granitex Baked-on Coatings for Decks and Cement Flooring • Auto Accessories • Trailer Rentals
• Laser Engraving • Promotional products (mugs, mousepad, etc)
• Biggar Esso • Leslie’s Drugstore • Pharmasave • Quick Stop • Super A Foods • Shop Easy Foods • Weasie’s Gourmet Blends • Central Plains Co-op, Perdue • The Store, Perdue
216 Main St., Biggar
Your Auto Parts and Accessories Dealer
“Your complete decal and signage shop”
Custom Embroidery
SaskTel Mobility and High Speed Internet Dealer
Farm & Acreage Salesperson (306) 948-4478
Rockin D Trucking & Cattle
• Wood, metal, plastic signs • Vehicle & window graphics • Banners, stickers and Magnetic signs
701 - 4th Ave. E., Biggar
Dave Molberg
Fax: 306-237-TROY email: Super B outÀts hauling grain and fertilizer in Alberta and Saskatchewan
Cliff Forsyth
Mike Nahorney, Interprovincial Heavy Duty Journeyman Mechanic
Office: 306-867-8380
TROY MAY, owner/operator
Open Monday-Friday
Cell: 306-948-7995
A Sign of
Box 736, Biggar
M & N REPAIR 306-948-3996
CALL 3069483344
@ The Independent 122 Main St., Biggar
Because their expertise makes it easy for you!
©2018 Western Canada Press (403) 288-8828
City Centre Bingo
Precision Denture Clinic
Saskatoon’s #1 Charity Fund Raising Hall
The Difference is in Your Smile
310 22nd St. W. Grand Central Plaza, Saskatoon (Ave. C & 22nd St.) Hot line 306- 244-6100
1492-100 St., North Battleford 306-445-2322 toll free 1-844-445-2322
The game of bingo was invented in 1936, and since that time, millions of people have enjoyed playing this exciting game. Participants who visit City Centre Bingo enjoy a chance to get out and socialize with friends or make new ones, and of course the anticipation of winning a cash prize has added tremendously to the games popularity. City Centre Bingo is a bingo hall that is totally dedicated to people who appreciate a fun atmosphere in a bingo hall staffed by local volunteers with your community spirit at heart. City Centre Bingo is a 100% non-profit organization managed by people who know what their customers appreciate, great programs and loads of fun year round. The bingo hall offers huge Payouts, with numerous card purchase levels and game playing formats. Play with traditional paper bingo cards or the new electronic bingo machines that automatically mark the card for you making playing even more fun. Guided by Doug Paulson General Manager, City Centre Bingo offers numerous card purchase levels and bingo game formats, plus balls event tickets. They have a full concession with tasty food and beverages, a babysitting service, and a free shuttle bus service (within Saskatoon) call 306-241-5347. City Centre Bingo is open 7 days a week for your enjoyment. Matinee 1:00 pm, Evening events 7:00pm and Late night 10:30pm. Drop by City Centre Bingo, where you’ll discover a great source of enjoyment, and at the same time help local charities in their fund raising efforts. You can Like them on Facebook.
Water Well Services & Drilling Ltd.
Tooth loss is caused by cavities, gum disease and trauma. Numerous medications can also damage teeth. The latest federal figure by Health Canada indicate that more than one million people over the age of 60 have no natural teeth. Although numerous Canadians may wear dentures, many of them are dissatisfied because of the poor fit and inferior esthetics. A set of attractive, quality built dentures, skillfully crafted to the patient’s mouth by a highly trained Denturist, will make a positive impact on their lifestyle. Building numerous years of experience in denture fabrication, as well as professional customer service, Precision Denture Clinic has been serving the region faithfully since 1980 and pride themselves in getting to know you, and helping you feel completely at ease while you enjoy the process of getting your new smile. Apart from the annoying clicking and slipping endured by some denture wearers, ill-fitting dentures can also effect your enjoyment of food and proper nutrition. Poor fitting dentures can make it difficult and embarrassing to speak and socialize. Inferior dentures can also wear excessively and can lead to wrinkles around the mouth and cheeks, aging you needlessly. Local owner Rod Sternig Licensed Denturist takes pride in offering personalized denture services providing full and partial dentures, implant retained dentures, relines and same day repairs. They also provide mouth guards and teeth whitening. Your smile is an investment and more than just function. They want you to look your best and smile with confidence. Contact Precision Denture Clinic a family-run business to book your free consultation and start smiling. You can also visit their website for further information. They are open Mon-Thurs 9:00am-5:00pm, Friday 9:00am3:00pm. Saturday by appointment only.
Your One Stop Wedding Shop
Where Experience Counts
When choosing a well drilling contractor, consider such things as reputation, reliability, equipment, competence and experience. All Out Water Well Services & Drilling Ltd. fulfills all these important factors, making them a very popular choice in the region. They have the ability to properly locate a well site in accordance with site location and geological conditions. Experienced technicians use proven methods and specialized equipment to ensure an adequate yield to meet your needs. All Out Water Well Services & Drilling Ltd. are familiar with the area geology and hydrology allowing them to determine the best well design to meet your needs, as well as assist you in selecting a location that will offer a long term supply of clean water. They strive to get the job done quickly and properly at a reasonable rate. All Out Water Well Services & Drilling Ltd. passionately strives to identify, develop and understand the best techniques to deliver water to each and every customer. Their comprehensive practices include residential wells, commercial wells, lake and cabin well and projects farm and agricultural wells, trenching and excavation, decommissioning of old wells, pump supply and installation, well jetting and service. Local owners, Brody Ellis, Sever Ellis and Stetler Heather and their team at All Out Water Well Services & Drilling Ltd. have years of combined experience and would be pleased to answer your questions, address your concerns and share their experience and knowledge with you. They are proud to be fully licensed and registered with the Saskatchewan Water Security Agency with a great reputation in the region. For customers who will be interested in the grant programs available, please feel free to call All Out Water Well Services & Drilling Ltd anytime for information and a free estimate. Also Like them on Facebook. All Out Water Well Services & Drilling is now taking water well bookings for the spring of 2018.
Your trucking partner offering the best in sales & service 303 50th St. E., Saskatoon Collision Centre 2616 Northridge Dr., Saskatoon
306-242-3411 1-800-667-3098 306-664-DENT (3368)
Cervus Equipment-Peterbilt is committed to giving each and every customer the very best in service and support. It is important to them that your experience at Cervus Equipment-Peterbilt is nothing less than great. Guided by local Saskatoon Branch Manager Don Cates, Cervus Equipment-Peterbilt provides exceptional heavy truck sales and service, PacLease truck rental and leasing, flexible financing, everything you need to succeed in business. They also have a great selection of pre-owned Peterbilt models on-highway, medium duty and vocational heavy trucks, for those on a budget. If your truck needs professional service or repair, their shop has certified technicians and state-of-the-art tools and equipment ready to get you back on the road. Rapid Check ensures you get in and out of their shop quickly. Cervus Equipment-Peterbilt understand up time is key in the trucking industry. When your Check Engine Light comes on, drop by Cervus Equipment-Peterbilt as they have the most advanced diagnostic computers to retrieve the fault code from your truck’s onboard computer, analyze the findings and provide you with a game plan to get your truck back on the road. Appointments are preferred, but emergency situations are no problem, as they provide 24/7 roadside assistance, never leaving you stranded on the road. For expert professional truck collision repairs and expert custom painting depend on Cervus Equipment Collision Center in Saskatoon (call 306-664-3368). This impressive SGI Elite accredited state-of-the-art body shop provides auto body repair for heavy trucks, buses, RV’s half tons, SUV’s and cars. Other services include glass repair and replacement, industrial and box liner coatings, out of province insurance repairs, along with province wide towing. Stop by the dealership today or visit them online at www. for more information, or to view their inventory of quality trucks.
152 2nd Ave. N., Saskatoon
There are numerous decisions to be made when planning a wedding. Unveiled Dress Co. is ready to assist you with the most important decision of all--the selection of your dream bridal gown and formal wear. Local owner Aimee Schneider and the consultants at Unveiled Dress Co. understand very well that when brides come through their doors, they’re placing their trust in them. They trust that not only will they take their dreams to heart as they help them find the perfect gown, but they’ll see them down the aisle with as much care as if they were their own sisters or daughters. Unveiled Dress Co. features the largest selection of bridal gowns in the West. There’s no question that Unveiled Dress Co. is a full service boutique and has an excellent selection of bridal gowns by leading designers including Pronovias Barcelon, Mikaella, Poloma Blanca, Eddy K, and Justin Alexander. They offer a wide range of services that will simplify the selection of your choice of bridal apparel and accessories. They also feature formal and graduation gowns and local accessories designers. The goal of Aimee and her staff is to ensure the complete satisfaction of each and every person who walks into their store. Unveiled Dress Co. always offers a pleasant relaxed, stress-free atmosphere and creates the ideal shopping environment. They offer individual and personal consultations, Private Champagne Shopping Parties, plus alterations by their own inhouse seamstresses. You can visit their website to view their bridal gowns, read the blog, book a Champagne, Lace or Sequin shopping party appointment online, plus learn more on this exceptional business that we highly recommend. Unveiled Dress Co. is open Monday-Wednesday 10:00am5:30pm. Thursday 10:00am-8:00pm, Friday 10:00am-5:30pm, Saturday 9:30am-5:00pm. Sunday from September to May 12:00 noon-5:00pm June to September By Appointment Only. Appointments are recommended. Like them on Facebook.
Helping to Maximize Productivity Hwy 4 North, North Battleford
Quality, reliability, and outstanding service have been the foundation of Parkland Farm Equipment (2004) Ltd. since it’s roots. Guided by Corey Thompson they are committed to providing their customers with solutions to meet their needs through the sale and service of new and used farm equipment. Parkland Farm Equipment (2004) Ltd. are part of a network of 3,150 independent dealers and distributors for quality equipment by AGCO, that includes Massey Ferguson®, RoGator®, Gleaner, Sunflower, Spra Coupe Lines, and Challenger®. They also feature equipment by Kubota, Morris, Land Pride, Rite Way, REM, Horst, Farm King, Meridian®, Grain Bags™, NuVision, and Demco to mention a few. Parkland Farm Equipment (2004) Ltd. provides the best tractors, hay and forage products, tillage, crop production and harvesting equipment, material handling equipment, seeders, sprayers and more. It’s very discouraging when your equipment stops working. You can’t do your job and earn money. Luckily, you have your friends at Parkland Farm Equipment (2004) Ltd. to help you out. They offer inspections to make sure your equipment is in good condition and service to repair your equipment when it’s not. If your operation has outgrown your machinery that’s possibly in need of repairs, then buying something that is better suited to handling the increased workload is a smart move. Buying a new piece of equipment or updated used equipment from Parkland Farm Equipment (2004) Ltd. will improve your operation over the outdated machinery that has broken down. Newer equipment is more efficient, and has modern technology that will make your job a lot easier. Farm equipment is a big investment, and you want to make sure you are getting the most out of yours. Parkland Farm Equipment (2004) Ltd. offer parts and accessories which will make your farming more enjoyable, help your equipment to run more efficiently or replace broken or run down parts. Drop by today or visit their website www. for new and used sales, read events, news, view videos and How To information online.
2240B Ave. C. North, Saskatoon
At Magic Paint & Body and Auto Sales a family owned business, your vehicle is returned to its pre-collision appearance, factory specifications and safety. Skilled technicians trained in the latest industry procedures use high-tech measuring and diagnostic systems equipment, plus environmentally friendly waterborne paints with expert computerized colour matching and blending. A clean, re-finished car of which you can be proud and a new car pride, enhancing the value of your vehicle, starts at Magic Paint & Body and Auto Sales. They are an SGI Elite accredited collision repair shop, that is certified by SGI to access accident damage. Services include vehicle customization pin striping, decals, plus bug deflectors, auto glass replacement, window visors, tonneau covers, rocker panels, wheel flames, dent repair, scratch removal, bumper repair, gravel guards, commercial truck and fleet painting. Local owners, Kelly Ewert and his wife Pat Ewert Administrative Manager and their son and partner Ryan Ewert Journey Autobody technician and painter and their certified technicians at Magic Paint & Body and Auto Sales recognize the importance of customer service, responsiveness and vehicle turnaround time. If safety, value retention and enjoyment of your vehicle are important to you, arrange for your estimate at Magic Paint & Body and Auto Sales our first choice. They offer a pickup and delivery service. Free courtesy vehicles are available. Magic Paint & Body and Auto Sales is also a great place to buy a pre-owned vehicle. They purchase various makes and models of vehicles, fix them up, make sure they have the required safeties, and then sell them. Drop by and see their selection, they are an Auto Broker that can help you find the perfect vehicle. Call today or visit their website to learn more about this exceptional business who we are pleased to review and highly recommend. Like them on Facebook.
Unit D 1501 8th St. E., 306-956-2245 (Cumberland Square Mall ) Saskatoon At Pet Planet they believe that cats and dogs deserve to eat the best food for a healthy and active life. After all, we try to eat natural whole foods to improve our health- so why not do the same for our pets? Pet Planet features the best in all-natural, holistic, and organic pet foods and the highest quality pet supplies. They carry top brands of dry kibble, canned (wet), dehydrated food, raw pet food, and treats for your ‘furry’ family members. Pet Planet carry quality pet foods by Horizon Pet Nutrition, Go Natural, Champion Pet Foods (Acana and Orijen), Pulsar, Blue, Merrick, Kong, The Honest Kitchen, Grandma Lucy’s, Canadian Naturals, plus raw food by Spring Meadows and Nature’s Variety just to mention a few. Pet Planet was founded in Calgary, in 1996 as a proudly Canadian, family run business, and now has over 54 locations across Canada. Mike and Rochelle Heebner are the proud owners of the Saskatoon Pet Planet store, and invite you to come in and meet their team of pet experts. Pet Planet is a community-minded business and strives to provide the highest quality pet foods and supplies at competitive prices along with personal and knowledgeable service to help you take the best care of your pet. They want you and your pets to be happy with all of your purchases, so they stand behind their products with a 100% satisfaction guarantee! Products in this pet-friendly store include nutritional supplements, chew toys and treats, stylish collars and apparel, leashes, custom travel harness, plus feeders and pet beds etc. Pet Planet has a Rewards Program and Frequent Feeder program to earn free products. Seniors receive discounts every Sunday. Gift Cards are available for any occasion. Pet Planet wants you to have the best possible service and quality for all of your pet care needs. Keeping your pet happy and healthy is their core mission. Drop by today and experience the Pet Planet difference! Like them on Facebook www.facebook, follow on Instagram.
Hwy 4 N., North Battleford ( the bright green building)
Since opening their 11,000 sq. ft. showroom in September 2012, Battlefords Flooring Centre has been providing expert flooring advice and exemplary customer service. Owner Larry Sager, his wife Collyne and son Daniel and their team of knowledgeable experts, design–savvy flooring consultants and passionate craftsmen tackle the most demanding flooring projects and unique decors. Larry has over 43 years of experience. Whether it’s resurfacing one room in the home, a set of stairs, or bringing increased value and style to an entire home, or flooring for commercial spaces Battlefords Flooring Centre has the right selection of products for the job. Battlefords Flooring Centre will help you understand the wear rating systems, warranties, the advantages of each flooring style, and its maintenance requirements. Let them provide you with custom in-home measuring and free estimates. Their prices, products and workmanship guarantees are hard to beat. In addition to beautiful carpeting made from premium stain and crush resistant fibres, the showroom at Battlefords Flooring Centre features resilient LVT Luxury vinyl flooring and laminate flooring, which are great where high traffic areas call for a cost-effective, low maintenance finish. Gorgeous ceramic, porcelain and natural stone tile are the choice for many new buildings and upgrades. Many customers have chosen the natural warmth and warm rich glow of solid hardwood flooring and engineered hardwoods, plus many environmentally friendly options such as cork and bamboo. They also have a good selection of beautiful area rugs, and money saving remnants. Battlefords Flooring Centre is one of 2,600 Mohawk® Colorcenter Elite Dealers in North America. They also carry all other quality products. Qualified installation crews from Battlefords Flooring Centre take pride in their workmanship for exceptional fit and finish second to none. They are proud to offer a lifetime labour guarantee for every residential and commercial client, which you will receive from no other flooring business in Saskatchewan. They are Insurance claim specialists. For more information visit their website www. Like them on Facebook. Battlefords Flooring Centre is open 7 days a week for your convenience.
Book by
Music and Lyrics by
Mel Brooks and Thomas Meehan Mel Brooks Original Direction & Choreography by Susan Stroman
FRIDAY, MARCH 23 ~ 7:30 p.m. ~
SATURDAY, MARCH 24 ~ 2:00 p.m. ~
SATURDAY, MARCH 24 ~ 7:30 p.m. ~
SUNDAY, MARCH 25 ~ 2:00 p.m. ~ @ The Majestic Theatre, Biggar
RESERVED SEATING TICKETS on Sale @ The Biggar Independent, 122 Main St., Biggar or phone 306-948-3344 Only
20 per person
“Young Frankenstein� is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.
New Horizons Activities by Joanne Kral Our fourth annual banquet got underway on Sunday, February 18. This year’s theme was the Philippines and the hall was suitably decorated with the bunting which we were told is present at all Filipino celebrations. The meal was catered by Flora Dalisay who introduced us to “arrox caldo�, a tasty soup, stir fried noodles with chicken and mixed vegetables, pork springrolls called “Lumpiang shanghai�. Dessert was “leche flan�, a caramel custard. Between courses, the crowd was entertained by “Biggar Bulletproof�, a group of young Filipinos, who did hip-hop dance numbers as well as singing in both English and
Filipino. We are more than grateful to Flora who arranged everything including decorations and entertainment. The fact that Monday, February 19 was a holiday did not deter the Kaiser players from coming out to play. There were three tables in play with Ann Muc and Mildred Henne having the highest scoring game of the day. At the close of play, Mildred Henne had the highest total score with Bill Fischer in second place. Joyce Colbert was third, and Pat Turner, fourth. There was a single carpet in play for bowling on February 20. The team of June Hoppe, Pat Turner, Mildred Henne and Judy
Rickwood defeated the team of Gail Herzberg, Dinah Kegler, Agnes Small and Marie Roesch. Judging by the laughter coming from the hall everyone was well entertained. Dwight Hemmerling, Bill Haffermehl, Bob McQuire and Gordon Laycock combined their talents to provide an enjoyable afternoon for those who came out to the jam session on Wednesday, February 21. There was a small group of bingo players in the hall on February 22 for the last bingo of the month. Pat Turned was the half-and-half winner while Linda Vermette and Toni Aabye tied for the blackout.
Biggar RCMP Detachment Commander, SGT. COLIN SAWRENKO is hosting an
OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC MONDAY, MARCH 5 t Q N BU #JHHBS $PNNVOJUZ )BMM THURSDAY, MARCH 8 t Q N BU 1FSEVF $PNQMFY Each fiscal year, RCMP Detachments set initiative goals by designation specific areas that will be focused on over the course of the year. Sgt. Sawrenko will provide insight on the value of these initiatives by discussing the statistics from the previous year regarding policing in the detachment area. Following the presentation, there will be an open floor discussion.
DOWN SIZING MADE EASY Join us for a wonderful, highly informative presentation with Natasha Solvason of Home Free Organizing Solutions. Thursday March 15, 2018 2:00pm.
Please RSVP by March 13th to 306-664-1250
Freshly Made Snacks & Refreshments Provided
915 Saskatchewan Cres. W. | 306-664-1250 |