Vol. 104 No. 10
Box 40, 102 3rd Ave West, Biggar, Saskatchewan S0K 0M0
email: tip@sasktel.net
20 pages
Phone: 306-948-3344
Surgical wait times continue to drop S
askatchewan people are receiving surgeries sooner – with improved safety procedures – thanks to the Saskatchewan Surgical Initiative. The Saskatchewan health system is making good progress toward its April 2014 goal of providing all patients an offer of surgery within three months. However, it is clear that Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region will not reach the target on schedule. Statistics as of December 31, 2012 show that a reduction in the number of patients across Saskatchewan waiting more than six months for surgery was offset by an increased number of patients waiting in Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region (RQHR). The overall provincial number increased by 233 people from last month’s update to 4,504. Since 2007, the number of patients waiting more than six months for surgery has fallen 58 per cent. The Surgical Initiative’s interim goal is that by April 2013, no one wait will more than six months for surgery. “When we began the Saskatchewan Surgical Initiative in 2010, we knew this was an ambitious undertaking,” Health Minister Dustin Duncan said, February 27. “We set bold targets, where others
set none. We are proud of what we have accomplished, to provide Saskatchewan people with improved access to quality surgical services. With one exception, our health regions look to be on track to meet the wait times target on schedule. My expectation is that Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region will meet the target, even if they are delayed a year. Patients in this region, and across Saskatchewan, deserve treatment that meets this new standard of care.” “We are committed to aggressively reducing our surgical wait times,” RQHR CEO Keith Dewar said. “We are confident we will be able to provide all surgeries within three months, but we will need more time to accomplish that.” Despite the setbacks in RQHR, 90 per cent of Saskatchewan people needing non-emergency surgery receive their procedure within six months and 78 per cent receive their procedure within three months. Since November 2007, the number of patients waiting more than three months has been significantly reduced – dropping 46 per cent from 15,537 to 8,345. The Saskatchewan Surgical Initiative was launched in April 2010 involving government, surgical teams, health administrators and patient representatives in a high-priority joint effort
to streamline surgical processes, improve the quality of patient care and reduce wait times. Some Saskatchewan projects contributing to surgery improvements include: • Adoption of the surgical safety checklist before surgeries and processes to reduce post-surgical infections; • An online specialist directory to empower patients, in consultation with their primary health care provider, to make informed choices about referrals to specialists; • The use of pooled referrals to route patients to the next available specialist appropriate for their condition; • Referral of patients on the public wait list to contracted third-party surgical centres; • New patient-flow software introduced in Regina and Saskatoon to help move patients through the health system better and faster; • Increased surgical capacity in Regina, Saskatoon and other centres; and • Assessment centres to support early diagnosis and treatment of serious hip and knee problems and back problems. “Bringing down wait times is a top priority,” Duncan said. “Our expectation is that through the lens of Patient First, surgical teams will work together to achieve more timely treatment for
All the lucky numbers in a row . . . St. Gabriel School student, Connor Sunderland, raises his arm in victory as Angel Rei Dalisay looks on, February 27. The school held a Family Fun Night fund raiser for Telemiracle, pulling in $650. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Biggar accepts in motion Community Challenge B
Card Sharps . . . Geoff Cooke, Wayne McLean, Vera McNeil, Gord Besse (left to right, all seated) wait for new hands as Don Swyryda looks on, February 27. The Biggar New Horizons held a ‘Beat the Blues’ card party - the competition was definitely heated, but the friendship, well, that simply beat the winter blahs! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
iggar residents will benefit from active living as the community is one of 27 communities taking part in this year’s in motion Community Challenge. Not only will people be encourage to live an physically fit life, but the community could benefit from a monetary prize! The winner of a $10,000 grand prize will be chosen through an online challenge beginning Friday, March 1 through Friday, March 15, 2013. For a community to win, they must rally friends, neighbours, coworkers, teachers, and families to register their minutes of daily physical activity each day on the in motion Community
Challenge Web site. Anyone can put their minutes towards a community project of their choice! The community that has the most minutes of physical activity registered on the Challenge Web site from March 1-15, will win $10,000! Prize money must go toward a project that will increase physical activity opportunities for children, youth and families. The winner will be announced Monday March 18. Every minute counts! The in motion Community Challenge is designed to get communities working together to make a positive difference and make
physical activity the easy choice for children and youth. In addition to Biggar, the following communities are participating in the Challenge: Bienfait, Maple Creek, Maryfield, C a r o n p o r t , O x b o w, Cudworth, Pinehouse Lake, Cumberland House, Quill Lake, Dalmeny, Smeaton, Davidson, Spiritwood, Debden, St. Louis, Gull Lake, Strasbourg, Hudson Bay, Unity, Indian Head, Watrous, James Smith Cree Nation, Weyburn, Kipling, White City, Lampman. Fo r m o r e d e t a i l s, please visit: challenge. saskatchewaninmotion. ca.
Tickets for ‘The Wiz’ going fast Musical icon set for Majestic Theatre this March 15, 16, 17 by Lauren Epp This year’s NCCP production, ‘The Wiz,’ is shaping up magically! With only one week left until show time, cast and crew alike are working overtime to bring another amazing musical to the Majestic Stage. Here are some of the whimsical and wicked characters the audience will be introduced to on Dorothy’s quest to find the Wizard . . . Addaperle is the first witch Dorothy runs into, played by Lisa Auton. Lisa, her husband, and two children are new to Canada arriving just last August here in Biggar. They are keen to be involved in many activities within Lisa Auton the community. As a young child and teenager, Lisa danced ballet, tap, modern, dancing in pantomime, musical shows, and in later years has been involved with amateur theatre groups in England. Lisa enthusiastically joins NCCP’s production of ‘The Wiz’ and the NCCP is thrilled to have her! The Wizard is played by Art Beadle. Art began his Biggar stage career in 2005 as Morris in A Family Affair and has been addicted to the stage ever since. He has performed in six other NCCP Art Beadle productions and all three Biggar on Broadways. He enjoys the stage and the fine people he gets to work (and play) with while onstage. His fellow actors, the orchestra, the backstage people, lights, sound, production crew, and board of the NCCP all make it a truly enjoyable experience. The next witch Dorothy encounters is Evilene, played by Susan Lehnert. Susan has been performing since she was a youngster in Gladstone, Manitoba. Her Susan Lehnert first musical with NCCP was Annie in 1996 and she has been actively involved with the organization ever since. She has also been fortunate enough to be part of New York is Big but This is Biggar and all three Biggar on Broadways. In 2007, Susan partnered with Kelly
Poitras to form Apple Core Theatrics, a venture where they could share their passion and knowledge of theatre with youth in workshop format. She loves ‘The Wiz’ and is thrilled to be part of it for the second time - the first time being in high school (1981) where she was still young and cute enough to play a munchkin! Now she is cast as Evilene - but hopes the evolution from cute munchkin to horrible evil witch is not art imitating life! She considers herself blessed to be able to share this experience with her boys, Graham (17) and Griffin (10). A love of performing must be genetic! The last witch Dorothy meets is Glenda the Good Witch, played by Stephanie Lichkowski. Stephanie is an 18 year old college student studying Stephanie massage therapy. Lichkowski This will be my third time in an NCCP production, as
she was also in Godspell in 2010, and Lucky Stiff in 2011, and has been in various musical theatre performances. She is looking forward to performing in this play for it has a wonderful cast and crew! And of course Dorothy’s faithful side kick is Toto the Dog, played by Molly Auton. Molly and her brother Chester moved
here with it! Molly just t h e i r loves people and owners is always happy f r o m to say hello. “The England Wiz” will be Molly’s in August debut musical last year. performance. The nine Tickets for h o u r reserved seating are flight was still available at the somewhat Biggar Independent Molly Auton n e r v e - $20 per person. w r a ck i n g Don’t miss this at times but they made great musical!
Tanya Schultz has a chuckle after being caught by her fellow cast members, Sunday, as they rehearsed for the upcoming New Creation Community Players production of ‘The Wiz’. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Weight restrictions go into effect March 1 Weight restrictions on some of Saskatchewan’s highways will begin taking effect March 1, according to the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure. “The province’s Plan for Growth
will require reliable roads and infrastructure for the safe and efficient movement of goods and people, so it’s imperative we protect and preserve our network,” Highways and Infrastructure
Hockey stars of tomorrow . . . Local Initiation players hit the Jubilee Stadium last Saturday for some fast and furious action. The Nats played the Perdue
Minister Don McMorris said. “Truckers and shippers are advised to monitor their loads and watch for restrictions during what is a very sensitive period for some of our highways as the roadbed thaws.” …see Weight Restrictions pg 17
Pirates, showing that the wee stars of today will soon be the top dogs of tomorrow. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Opinions ........................................................... 4 Agriculture ......................................................10 Sports ...............................................................12 Classifieds ................................................13 - 16 Business & Professional Directories ........16 - 18
Idle No More . . . But now what? by Pastor Mark Kleiner The recent emergence of the Idle No More movement, originating in Saskatchewan and quickly spreading worldwide, has brought renewed attention to the state of relations between First Nations and the residents of Canada. Voices within the Idle No More movement have drawn attention to the treaties signed between the Canadian government, as representatives of the British Crown, and First Nations. These treaties established a legal groundwork for the vi-
The reality, however, has in many ways fallen
Lyndon Linklater
far short of the vision. In order to better understand the discontent expressed by the Idle No More movement, and to move towards the promising picture set forth by the treaties themselves, we need to learn from our history. The land of Saskatchewan includes territories covered under five different treaties. And the treaties do not just apply to those who are First Nations – all who live in Saskatchewan are ‘treaty peoElder Ray Sanderson ple’ by virtue sion they set forth, of a of being Saskatchewan future wherein all peo- residents. Here in Biggar, we fall ple in this country would mutually benefit from under Treaty Six, signed the gifts of this land and in 1876 between repreour relationships with sentatives of the Crown and leaders from the one another.
Cree, Saulteaux, and Assiniboine First Nations. Many of us do not know what this means. What does Treaty Six say about how First Nations and non-First Nations residents of this region are to live together? How can this knowledge help us move towards a better future, with First Nations and Saskatchewan people growing in relationship based on the values of fair dealing, trust and respect? On Monday, March 11 at 7 p.m., PALS welcomes Lyndon Linklater from the Office of the Treaty Commissioners’ Speakers’ Bureau (OTC) to New Horizons. For the past 13 years, he has travelled throughout Saskatchewan, speaking about treaty issues to audiences ranging in age from kindergarten to seniors, and has developed a technique to help people look at these matters from a new perspective. Joining him at New Horizons will be Ray Sanderson, an elder from the James Smith First Nation, and also a veteran who served overseas in 1961-1964 (2nd Battalion Black Watch of Canada) and 1965-1969 (PPCLI) speaking about his experience as a residential school survivor. The residential school system was established to meet treaty commit-
ments to provide education for First Nations people. Both Lyndon and Ray were recently awarded the Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal for Community Service for promoting awareness on First Nations issues in their respective communities. Mr Linklater recently answered a few questions from his office in Saskatoon. Why should people care about this? What I would say is because it’s the Canadian thing to do. . . Our country’s the best country in the whole world, it really really is, and we’re all Canadians, and at the same time, though, our country didn’t just happen, it didn’t pop out of the blue. It has a history; it has strong roots, and
unfortunately a majority of Canadians don’t know the story, for the simple reason [that] they were never taught in school, and what I find when I do my presentation is that it really opens their eyes. The story I tell really helps them to understand, a little bit anyways, why things are the way they are today. There’s a lot of realities that exist in our country today that a lot of Canadians simply do not understand or aren’t aware of. What I find [is that] Canadian people are fairminded people, and once they understand a certain issue, they’ll look at it in a different way. One of our values, I believe, in Canada here is if you have a chance to correct a wrong, then you have a moral responsibility to
correct that wrong; but if you don’t know, you’re not going to be in any position to try and change anything. You’ll be less apt to try and make a difference. What do you say to those who say that it is time to stop talking about what happened with the past, and just get over it and get on with life? Easier said than done. You need to know some realities and some actual facts that have occurred. It’s very difficult to move in a vehicle of change – how are we going to move on when there’s no gas in the tank? We have to do something to get gas in the tank. In your 13 years as a speaker for the OTC, have you noticed any signs of improvement in …see Idle No More, pg 16
Saskatchewan E. coli case connected to beef burger recall A case of E. coli infection in Saskatchewan has been linked to a national recall of frozen beef burgers. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) issued a recall of frozen beef burgers distributed in Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories on February 19, after the products caused illnesses due to E. coli infection. The Saskatchewan case occurred in Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region and was likely contracted prior to the
recall. The individual affected is recovering. Frozen beef burgers included in the recall (Gourmet Meat Shoppe and Butcher’s Brand, as detailed at the links below) should either be returned to the location of purchase or discarded. Consumers are reminded to take simple steps to reduce their risk of E. coli infection. “All meat should be cooked thoroughly, and anyone handling or preparing food should thoroughly wash their hands first,” Saskatchewan’s Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Saqib Shahab said. Symptoms of E. coli infection include severe abdominal pain, watery or bloody diarrhoea,
vomiting, nausea and headaches. Symptoms usually appear within three to four days but can occur up to 10 days later and last five to 10 days. People most at risk of developing serious complications from E. coli are pregnant women, people with compromised immune systems, young children and the elderly. Those with severe or prolonged symptoms should see a doctor or go to an emergency department. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Public Health Agency of Canada and the provincial ministry of health continue to monitor the situation, in collaboration with health regions.
GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… Wednesday, March 06, 11:00 a.m. (stations randomly selected)
Biggar .............................................121.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock .........................120.9¢/L Perdue… .........................................120.9¢/L Landis… .........................................120.9¢/L Rosetown… ....................................120.9¢/L North Battleford….........................121.9¢/L Unity...............................................118.9¢/L Saskatoon .......................................121.9¢/L Humboldt .......................................111.9¢/L Lloydminster ..................................111.9¢/L Kindersley ...................................... ¢/L Swift Current .................................118.9¢/L
Lottery Numbers
Rack Attack . . . Local business, The Rack, held a hockey tournament, February 28, taking the farm out of the boy, and putting a hockey stick in hand. No doubt, fun was had, but by the next day, you guessed
it, business as usual - but someone gets to brag for the year, champions and all! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
649 - Sat., March 02 06, 29, 31, 33, 40, 43 Bonus 48 Extra 1657166 649 - Wed., February 27 11, 15, 19, 25, 34, 39 Bonus 22 Extra 2419673 Western 649 - Sat., March 02 04, 17, 21, 22, 30, 46 Bonus 18
Western 649 - Wed., February 27 14, 19, 21, 30, 37, 38 Bonus 46 Lotto Max - Friday, March 01 01, 02, 05, 06, 38, 39, 46 Bonus 33 Extra 1329468 Western Lotto Max - Fri., March 01 07,10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 32 Bonus 33
Another successful Telemiracle Last weekend marked the 37th rendition of Kinsmen Telemiracle. It’s hard to believe it has been 37 years since the very first Telemiracle aired on Saskatchewan’s airwaves. At that time Biggar had both Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs who raised funds for this cause. Not only did the members of this service club hold fundraising events but over the years many volunteered their time working various jobs from answering phones to backstage jobs. That very first year was a bit of a surprise as the end neared the total reached the $1 million mark. When organizers first touted the idea of a telethon it was thought that maybe the clubs in the province could raise $500,000 for the cause. Everyone soon realized that goal could be surpassed. This year the total amount raised by the event over the years topped the $100 million mark. Over the years Saskatchewanites have been treated to some spectacular talent during Telemiracle. Not only talent on a professional level but on a provincial level featuring local talent from our communities. And the donations -- from people all over the province large and small. From individuals who have made bequeaths and from corporations. From co-workers who challenge each other to school students who sponsor events. It all comes together and adds up. Of course, the real winners who benefit from the weekend are all those who have received help from the Kinsmen Foundation at some point. We may be a small province but we are certainly capable of giving generously with big hearts.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are welcome. They MUST be signed, approximately 300 words in length and are subject to editing.
A review of Saskatchewan’s Crowns should be a priority Premier Brad Wall’s 2012 year-end CBC interview suggests the government may be receptive to the idea by Sheldon Schwartz, Former Chief Financial Officer, Crown Investments Corporation Distributed by Troy Media, www.troymedia. com Saskatchewan’s political climate appears to be heating up when it comes the future of its commercial Crown corporations. In November 2012, the provincial government introduced legislation authorizing the sale of voting shares in Investment Services Corporation (ISC), a commercial Crown corporation that provides registry services, and announced that it is contemplating a 60 per cent partial privatization through a stock offering. In a 2012 year-end CBC interview, Premier Brad Wall indicated that he would like to provide Saskatchewan voters with a clear policy on the privatization of the
province’s commercial Crowns before the next election. Wall said that “It can’t be about ideology. . . It has to be what’s pragmatic”, adding that he would welcome a “rational” public discussion about Saskatchewan’s Crown corporations. Saskatchewan’s first commercial Crown corporations were established for pragmatic public-policy purposes. According to Crown Investments Corporation (CIC), the holding company for Saskatchewan’s commercial Crowns, “Private sector companies either did not offer services, offered them only to major centres, or charged rural customers significantly higher rates than urban customers. Saskatchewan’s first commercial Crown corporations were established because essential services such
as telephone, power, and hail insurance for crops were not available from private companies, or not available to all residents on a fair and equitable basis”. The commercial Crowns also provide head office jobs in Saskatchewan that otherwise might not exist. As recently as the 2003 provincial election, accusations that the Saskatchewan Party had a hidden agenda to privatize Saskatchewan’s commercial Crown corporations became a major issue that helped to re-elect the incumbent NDP government. In 2004, the Saskatchewan legislature, with support from all political parties, passed The Crown Corporations Public Ownership Act, which specifies nearly all of Saskatchewan’s commercial Crown corporations, and creates
a daunting barrier to their potential sale. However, Investment Services Corporation (ISC), a commercial Crown corporation that provides registry services, was not specified in the 2004 legislation. Saskatchewan’s commercial Crown corporation sector represents a large investment of public money, with consolidated assets of about $12.8 billion as of September 30, 2012. It is both pragmatic and prudent to review periodically how these assets have performed, their situation and outlook, the continuing public policy purpose of government ownership, and to involve the public in the review process. In 2008, I developed a framework for conducting a nonideological, pragmatic
Crown review. It called on the provincial government to establish an independent public review of Saskatchewan’s commercial Crown corporations based upon rigorous, objective and transparent analysis with open public input and debate. A Crown Review would foster informed public debate, and would help the government and opposition parties to develop clear policies on the commercial Crowns. A Crown Review would provide a pragmatic alternative to ideology in assessing the benefits, costs, risks, and continuing public policy purpose of government ownership of the various commercial Crowns, and in deciding which, if any, should continue under government ownership and which, if any, should be privatized. It thus makes good
sense and the provincial government would show good faith not to proceed with any partial privatization of ISC until after the completion of a Crown Review and the release of a clear policy. It has been more than 15 years since the last Crown Review. When I proposed the framework for a new kind of Crown Review five years ago, the government indicated that conducting such a review was not a priority. Wall’s 2012 year-end interview suggests a possible change in the government’s receptiveness to the idea. Sheldon Schwartz is the former VicePresident of Finance and Administration and Chief Financial Officer of Crown Investments Corporation. He writes here for the Frontier Centre (http://www. fcpp.org).
Phone: 306-948-3344
Fax: 306-948-2133
Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Monday at the office of publication, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Delta Fay Cruickshank
E-mail: tip@sasktel.net
P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
Government maintains current legal drinking age I love reading murder mysteries. In fact, you could say I am addicted to them. Romance novels are boring, sci fi just doesn’t pique my interest but reading about a good murder somehow satisfies my bibliophilia needs. As for authors, there are lots to choose from. Perhaps one of the most well known authors is Agatha Christie and her characters -- Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot. These books have been transformed to the television and movie venues where millions are exposed to their cunning and wit in solving crimes. Another very popular lady detective is Jessica Fletcher of Murder, She Wrote fame. This author turned crime solver was a favourite with fans for many years. Angela Lansbury starred in the television series keeping everyone guessing until the last seven minutes of each episode. But, there is one super sleuth that commands attention. Sherlock Holmes. Everyone relates to his signature hat called a deerstalker. So called because of the checkered pattern in a twill fabric which was used in hunting clothes
(especially deerstalkers). It has a pair of fore and aft brims with two flexible side flaps. Another tell tale feature of the detective is his coat -- a wool cape coat called an Inverness Cape which is very popular in Scotland and still worn by some pipers when playing in poor weather. As for the pipe, Holmes had three -- a clay, a briar and a cherrywood. His favourite was the clay described as a churchwarden style. He smoked this one so much it had turned black from use. Fans will remember Watson referring to it as “his disreputable clay.” The other two pipes were rarely mentioned. This famed detective celebrated his 159th birthday in January this year. Never mind that he is a fictional character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, super fans gathered in New York to party and blow out the candles anyway. Well known for solving crimes through the use of “deductive reasoning”, Holmes first appeared in 1887. Watson describe his habits and lifestyle as “bohemian” and eccentric. Here
is a passage in which Watson describes his friend: “Although in his methods of though he was the neatest and most methodical of mankind, he keeps his cigars in the coal scuttle, his tobacco in the toe end of a Persian slipper and his unanswered correspondence transfixed by a jack knife into the very centre of his wooden mantlepiece. He had a horror of destroying documents, thus month after month his papers accumulated until every corner of the room was stacked with bundles which were on no account to be burned.” Holmes was a hoarder! His fans willingly excuse him as he stores information in his brain and eventually solves cases, often coming up with a surprising conclusion. He is a fascinating study and a pop culture icon. According to the Guinness World Records he is the most portrayed movie character -- 70 actors in over 200 films. Quite a career. Happy Birthday to this mastermind detective. He is sure to have many more as his fan base continues to climb.
March proclaimed Rural Women’s Month in Saskatchewan The Government of Saskatchewan has proclaimed the month of March as Rural Women’s Month in Saskatchewan. “The contributions of Saskatchewan’s rural women have played a vital role in placing our province as a global leader in agriculture,” Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart said Monday. “I am pleased to see more women getting involved and taking leadership roles within the agriculture industry. Women will be key contributors to our industry’s continued success as we prepare to meet the growing global demand for food.” Nearly one quarter of
farm operators in Saskatchewan are women. Rural Women’s Month is a time to recognize these women and the valuable contributions they make in their communities and on their farms. “Rural Women’s Month is an opportunity to recognize the multiple roles that rural women play that are key to maintaining our farms, our families and our communities,” Social Services Minister and Minister responsible for the Status of Women June Draude said. “They are small business owners, agrologists, health care providers, teachers, caregivers, mentors and community leaders en-
suring that our province continues to be the best place to live and work and to raise a family.” Rural Women’s Month will be observed through a variety of events held in March by women’s groups in communities across the province. These activities will acknowledge the positive contributions of rural women in enhancing agricultural and rural development in Saskatchewan. Thin & Healthy’s Total Solution…
Eat real grocery store food.! One-on-One coaching. Safe. Easy. The Healthy Choice. Call 306-948-2208 to find out about us. You have likely seen our results working for your friends!!!
The legal drinking age in Saskatchewan will remain at 19 years, the government announced Monday. “We have heard from stakeholder groups and from people across the province that government should not change the drinking age in Saskatchewan,” Minister responsible for Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority Donna Harpauer said. “While there were also some people that supported reducing the age to 18 years, it became clear that the majority urged government to maintain the status quo.” The legal drinking age in Saskatchewan is consistent with the majority of other provinces. Only Manitoba, Alberta and Quebec have lower drinking ages (18 years). The issue of possibly lowering Saskatchewan’s legal drinking age to 18 was considered by government as a result of a resolution passed in November at the Saskatchewan Party’s
annual convention. “The decision to maintain the current legal drinking age is the right one and supported by police chiefs across the province,” Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police Executive Member
Dale Larsen said. “We know that young people are already involved in a disproportionate amount of incidents involving alcohol so allowing young people to legally consume alcohol earlier would only make it worse.”
70th Annual Meeting of Landis Credit Union Limited Thursday, March 21, 2013 Landis Community Complex Supper 6 p.m. - $10/person, $40/family Supper tickets available at Landis Credit Union
The Roaring Game! by Bob Mason
One winter, when we were just little boys, out on the farm, Dad cut some puck-sized blocks off of the end of a dry poplar pole and showed us hoe to “Curl” with them on a new bit of front-room flooring. We thought that it was okay and kind of entertaining until Mother pointed out to us that her nice new linoleum was put there to walk on, not play on! Living some snowy miles from town, we did play a few “Jam Can” games on the oiled floor of the old country school, until one group scored an eight-ender” against the teacher and
she banished us to the cement basement to continue our “last man standing hockey! The girls never came down to play that game with us, because they refused to cross-check their classmates with our homemade (ahem?) hockey clubs sticks! We were lucky to survive those though, and after we grew up a little watched some genuine bonspiels at the local rink - where we always wondered why a sweeper, with a formidable looking broom in his hand, would take so much verbal abuse from that other fellow who stood in the “house”
Liver Disease Your liver is a very busy organ performing over 500 functions. It fights infection, neutralizes toxins, makes proteins and hormones and helps clot your blood. It does it all. As busy as your liver is, it has little time for complaining. It will continue working hard even if two-thirds of it has been damaged. To help it out, follow Canada’s Food Guide and choose foods lower in fat. Make sure to drink plenty of water daily. Limit how much alcohol you drink. Lastly, don’t forget regular exercise.
Heartland Health Region Board Meeting The next Board meeting will be held Wednesday, March 27th, 2013 in Kindersley. (Note: location has been changed for this meeting) Board packages can be obtained from the Regional Corporate Office within one week of the meeting. Please call the office to arrange for printing and pick up. Contact Christa Garrett at 306-882-4111 ext 236 or by e-mail christa.garrett@hrha.sk.ca.
For toll-free health information 24 hours a day.
and hollered at him! We also wondered why the “skip”, in a very loud voice, could ask the poor broom guy to do more, when it was obvious he was already doing his best! Over the years, the spirit of the game got to us quite a bit, and even though Yours Truly is a lousy curler (ask Bill Kiesman!), his brothers finally got so that they could “Hit the Broom” now and then . . . (ie) Advice (or excuse!) from local professionals: Not “hitting the broom” sometimes confuses the opposition a little! It seems to me that in those days, very few curlers slid out to the hogline like they do now. they just kept one foot
in the “hack”, lifted the rock as they threw - and let her go! I’m not sure whether someone charged it all or not, but it seems that now a curler slides 40 feet or so, and never lifts the rock off of the ice! I suppose, like everything else, curling methods and equipment change over the years. For example, I doubt if modern hockey teams use Eaton catalogues for shin guards anymore! If I remember right (and often that statement is arguable) YT sent a piece in to The Independent about curling, a few years ago. I apologize if some of the phrases used then also appear in this one, after all, “old men forget . . . “ Now that a lot of veterans have disappeared, and a whole raft of technical entertainment toys been invented, Yours Truly sure misses the annual Legion curling bonspiels we used to have in Perdue! Some years ago, my brother Walt (remember Walt?) was giving out the curling prizes, when
he came to a central European name that he couldn’t pronounce. So . .. “Jim, who”” he yelled. And right away one of the Biggar Legion boys came up to accept the trophy. Also (if I can remember right again!), my wife Phyllis won what is known as a “Wet Turkey” during a Legion Bonspiel, and wondered why it didn’t shiver and gobble! Our Legion bonspiel may not have had many of the world’s best curlers, but it did have some of the world’s most sociable people! Like many another Saskatchewan Type, YT always looked forward to having a few good games of cribbage before that January weekend was over. Having quite a few annular rings on his trunk, he would rather lift a playing card than a curling rock! Yet, win or lose, the most outstanding feature of that weekend was the sociability of it all! Sometimes it makes me wonder though, how come snipers who used to hit a 25¢ piece, one hundred yards away with a bullet, yet cant “hit” a broom a hundred feet away with a rock! Watching a good game of curling on TV, is sure a great substitute for the real thing. But waistline-wise, its a lot better to have a forty pound rock in your hand than a forty ounce mug of beer, eh? Quite a few years ago, YT was living upstairs in
got stuff to sell?
Deaf and Hard of Hearing clients of Healthline can call the TTY line at 1-888-425-4444. Smokers Helpline 1-877-513-5333 or www.smokefree.ca Questions about Medication? Call 1-800-665-DRUG (3784). Ask questions online www.usask.ca/druginfo Mental Health & Addictions Centralized Intake Line 1-866-268-9139 Monday to Friday 8:00 am—4:30 pm
Heartland Health Region www.hrha.sk.ca
the Rutherford Rink at U of S, when a knock came at the door. As he only could find three men for his curling team, one of the professors wondered if Yours Truly could come down to take the “leads” place! Just imagine, the same dumb old cluck pushing this pen, ina game with some of Saskatchewan’s intellectuals! However, they didn’t seem to be impressed with any of my bank shots! It wasn’t a long time later, that the forces issued YT with a machine gun, hoping he could hit something with it! Ho-hum, eh? So our winters go by, even this one! The last perfectly pebbled ice that I saw was out at the Oasis Golf Course during a freezing rain-storm last fall! One of the local Beau Brummels was guiding my wife out to my small truck, when he slipped and fell down himself! It took more than a few minutes to get home that day! They tell me that just before he fell asleep up in the Adiron docks, Rip Van Winkle thought he heard Thor bowling overhead! In Saskatchewan thunder sounds a lot more like a rock sliding down the ice! To each his own, eh? In the army, people kept on telling me where to go, and often I wonder what kind of ice they have down there! Bonjour . . . or is it Bonspiel?
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The Independent call
Museum announces February Toonie winner The Biggar Museum and Gallery announced the February winner of their popular Toonie Draw. The February winner was Flo Peterson of Biggar. Flo pocketed $117! Congratulations, Flo! You can participate in the draw by going into any Biggar business for your chance to win!
BCS news by Taylor Darroch and Sabrina Yurchak Last week our school held our annual Telemiracle fundraiser and raised $854.05. The more we raised, the more crazy things our staff and students have to do at Term Awards. Some funny sights our students will enjoy include Mrs. Darroch and Mrs. McMahon dressing up as nerds, Mr. Braman dressing up as a fairy while Ms. Chupik dresses up as a football player, Kyle and Marcus will be dressing up as girls, Jamal is getting
a coloured stripe in his hair, and the Junior Boys basketball team is singing Soft Kitty. In sports, this past weekend was busy for our basketball teams. We sent our Senior Boys team to Davidson where they placed second. Our Senior Girls team headed to Asquith where they played hard, finishing fourth out of eight teams and playing the last game with only six players. Our Junior boys hosted districts and placed second, enjoying a strong end to their season. We’re so proud of all
our teams and athletes. On Tuesday our Senior girls headed to Elrose while on Wednesday our Junior girls travelled to Rosetown. This weekend we’re sending both senior teams off to Conferences. The boys will be heading to Watrous and the girls will be going to Saskatoon. Good luck you guys. Our SRC and SCC are teaming up to provide hot lunches for the students every Tuesday. This past week was smokie and perogies and next week’s meal is chili and garlic bread. Enjoy.
Diamond Lodge News Welcome from the residents and staff at the Diamond Lodge. What a nice week, as our staff that was away in China all returned safe and sound. They had all kinds of stories and pictures to show us. Monday started the week off with our exercises to get us all in shape. In the afternoon, we played Wheel of Fortune. Linda Arnold celebrated her 103rd birthday. She received many calls and well wishes for this grand occasion. Tuesday, the weather didn’t cooperate. CNIB had to cancel due to the ice on the roads. We had current events and a game of swing bowl. Wednesday, we had men’s coffee group. The ladies were all getting their hair done. In the afternoon we played floor yahtzee. Thursday morning we exercised again. In the afternoon, we had the ever popular bingo. Friday, we Thin & Healthy’s Total Solution…
Deadline for Classified is now monday at 5:00 p.m. NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL TOWN OF BIGGAR Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Town of Biggar for the year 2013 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the ofÀce of the assessor from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the following days: Monday to Friday, March 8, 2013 to May 8, 2013. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipality Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required.
discover the magic that is working in Biggar! We provide Weight Loss, Movement and Motivation, and we’ve helped Biggar lose over 2500 pounds and 2792 inches.
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Meticulous 1252 sq. ft. 3 bed, 3 bath, bungalow home with double attached garage, built in 1984, situated on 50’x130 ft. corner lot. MLS#454767.................... $290,000
This meeting is for the transaction of business as prescribed by The Education Act. All electors are urged to attend this very important meeting. Dated at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, this 20th day of February, 2013. Ryan Smith Superintendent of Business
PRE-OWNED VEHICLES… 2003 Jeep Liberty Limited 4x4, 108,053 ....................$ 8,400 2005 Ford Freestyle, 3.0V6, 133,145km .....................$ 8,900 2005 Hummer H2 SUV, 158,703km ...........................$24,900 2006 Toyota 4-Runner, 223,900km ............................$15,900 2006 Ford F-350 King Ranch crew, 239,004km ..........$15,900 2006 Dodge Ram Quad. Cab 3500, 59T, 134,515km ..$26,900 2006 GMC ¾ crew 4x4, 6.0, 228,688km ....................$11,900 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan, 129,717km ...................$ 9,900 2007 GMC Yukon Denali, 6.2L, 141,185km ..............$29,900
2008 Cadillac Escalade 78,560km
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2007 Pontiac Torrent LT AWD 177,000km
2008 Chev Silverado ½ crew LTZ, 67,200km .............$26,900 2008 Chev ¾, 4x4, 6.6T, 178,000km ........................$32,900 2008 Chev Uplander Ext LS, 7 pass, 45,000km ..........$13,900 2008 GMC SLE crew 3/4 6.6T, 113,767km ................$36,900 2008 Cadillac SRX4 AWD, 101,000km ......................$24,900
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Notice is Hereby Given That The Annual Meeting of Electors of the Sun West School Division No. 207 will be held in the gymnasium at ESTON COMPOSITE SCHOOL, ESTON, Sask. on TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 2013 starting at 7:00 p.m.
2009 Chev ¾ crew, 6.6T, 65,842km .........................$41,900 2009 Chev Avalanche LTZ, 21,491km .......................$11,900 2009 GMC Acadia SLT AWD, 112,629km .................$26,900 2009 Chev ¾ crew, 6.6T, 107,385km .......................$39,900
Telemiracle was heard throughout the building. Everyone watched the fabulous talent we have here in Saskatchewan. In the afternoon we had church service provided by Jantzen’s from Arelee. They gave a wonderful service and was appreciated from all the residents. Thank you. This is good bye till next week. Please have a safe and wonderful week ahead.
Call 306-948-2208
Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to Àle his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $50.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, Town of Biggar, P. O. Box 489, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 by the 8th day of May, 2013. Dated this 8th day of March, 2013.
had 10 lucky residents be treated to Breakfast Club. In the afternoon we had a special treat as Karen showed us pictures of China and lots of keepsakes she brought home with her. Saturday in the morning we played Home Sweet Home Bingo. The afternoon, we watched Tim Horton’s Brier. Sunday morning was spa day. Some residents got their nails and hair done.
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BCS2000 Pr Principal’s report by Terry Braman These weeks seem to fly by a lot faster now. It must have been my public mockery of Mrs.
Fick being patient last week as she has now had her baby. Drew Kinley Fick was born on Monday, February 25 at 8:42 p.m.
Congratulations to Kim, Kevin and Jayce on the new addition to their family from everyone here at BCS 2000.
It is hard to believe we are into March already and speeding towards the end of the school year. There are many
big events happening inside the school in the next while, none of which is biggar than our K-9 report cards getting handed out. The crowd goes wild . . . the K-9 Term 2 report cards will be handed out the week of March 18. We will then be setting up our Parent/Teacher/ Student interview nights for March 26 and 27. Reminder: Friday, March 22 there is no school It is a day in lieu for the interview evenings. The milestone event of Graduation is approaching quickly and we have set a meeting for all parents Thursday, March 7 at 6:30 p.m. at the school. This meeting will be for parents only and will discuss graduation academic requirements, banquet, exercises, and Grand March. It will be a brief meeting so I hope to see everyone at the school that evening. The winter sports season is wrapping up and the spring sports are anxious to begin. The curling teams are all finished and I want
to congratulate them on a great season. The Senior basketball teams being their playoffs this weekend when they attend Conference’s. Our Junior boys basketball team hosted the district championship this past Saturday. They finished second after a hard fought two point victory over Kindersley. Congratulations to Mr. Johnson and his team on another successful season. Look out world, badminton season is on its way. Best Bunch for Lunch will continue this week on Fridayasteachersnominate the deserving students who are best exemplifying the attributes of our Character Counts program. The benefits of this program are being recognized around the elementary end on a daily basis and our teachers are doing a fantastic job of promoting these much needed life skills for all of our students. This is where I will wrap things up this week . . . and leave you with a quote again. “the future depends on what we do in the present.” Mahatma Gandhi.
planting, pruning & puttering . . . planting by Delta Fay Cruickshank of The Independent
There is another superfood, like chia seeds, but this one can be grown here! Apparently there are some growing on 20th Street in Saskatoon! I am talking about the goji berry! Found at health food stores in a dried form, it is a shriveled orange/reddish dried berry that doesn’t look like much, but it does have a nice ‘nutty/fruity’ avour after chewing it a bit. Also known as ‘wolfberry’ this little berry grows on a woody plant that belongs to the nightshade family. This family also includes tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplant. The berry grows on the Lycium barbarum, a hardy bushy vine. It can withstand -30ËšC winters and +40ËšC summers. Once established it is drought resistant. It can grow up to 12 feet long, but produces better berries if kept pruned. They prefer sunny locations, but can grow in partial shade. They can even be planted in pots, just never allow the soil to get wet and soggy. Sure sounds like a plant that could be very attractive here! Seeds are available online, ask the garden centres to see if they have been able to import plants if you are tempted like myself to grow a plant. Or, get in touch with a farm growing and selling the goji plants just south of Lumsden, saskgojipower.ca. Grown commercially for over 600 years along the Yellow River in China, the berry is harvested for their nutritional value. Chuck full of antioxidants which boost the immune system, lower cholesterol, prevent cancer and slow the aging process. We are always hearing how berries like blueberries and cherries contain powerful antioxidants, as do the goji berries! The health benefits of goji berries claim to boost mental well-being and brain health, thus protecting age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s. But, don’t take my
word for this, do your own research and try them, in moderation! All things in moderation are good for you! There are some great legends that are associated with the goji/wolfberry. It is known as the Fountain of Youth, the legend starting during the Tang Dynasty in China (around 800 AD). A well had been dug beside a wall near a temple that was covered with goji vines. Over the years, countless berries had fallen into the well. Those who prayed there and drank of the well had a ruddy complexion of good health, and even at the age of 80 they had no white hair and had lost no teeth, simply because they drank the water from the well. That well became a Fountain of Youth for them. Also during the time of the Tang Dynasty, a caravan on the Silk Road stopped for a rest at an inn and noticed a young lady reprimanding and whipping an old man. A merchant approached them and inquired of the young lady, “For what reason are you assaulting and abusing this elderly person?� The lady replied, “I am disciplining my great-grandson. It is none of your business.� Everyone at the scene was shocked by her reply. Further inquiries revealed that the lady was more than 300 years old! The old person was being punished because he refused to take the berries and had started to age!
A bushy vine, pretty owers and fruit and packed full of health beneďŹ ts . . . as well as hardy enough to grow in our own backyards! Can’t get much better than the Goji berry (also known as the wolfberry)! This ‘superfood’ has been known for centuries in China, is now available here in Saskatchewan! Now we can grow our very own “fountains of youthâ€?! (Top and below photos from saskgojipower.ca and left photos from google.com/images.)
As far as eating them, think of them as exotic raisins . . . so eat them as you would a raisin. Over cereals, hot or cold, by the handful, or rehydrate them in water and use them in mufďŹ n or scone recipes. The Chinese throw them into soups, either whole or mushed up. So, it needs sunshine, well drained soil, and it is a vine; I wonder if it will ďŹ t into my shady woodland-like garden? But, I do have a sunny south facing front yard? Imagine being able to harvest your very own “fountain of youthâ€??!
Monday, March 18 at the Harris Community Centre Supper • 6:30 p.m. Meeting to follow Please call to reserve your $5 supper tickets
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Looking for a challenging career in a growing organization? Iff you enjoy helping others, working with ever-changing technologyy and being part of a fun, positive team, then we want you! We rrequire We equi uire ire a Fu Full-time F Full ull-t -ti tim ime Member ime Memb Me mber ber Services Ser ervi vice ice ces s Representative Repr Repr Re pres esen es enta en tati ta tiv ti ve ttoo provide ve prov pr ovid ov idee id cash sservices cash ervi vice ces an andd ot other the h r cr cred credit edit it uuni union nion on ppro products rodu duct ctss an andd se sservices rvic rv ices es too ou ourr me memb members mber erss in tthe in he B Biggar igggar ig gar br bran branch. anch c . TThe he ssuccessful ucce uc cess ssfu fuul ap applicant ppl p ic ican annt ma mayy al also so bbee requ re required equ quir ired ir ed ttoo wo work ork occasionally occa oc casi ca siion onal ally al lyy aatt th the he Pe Perd Perdue rddue bbranch. ranc ra nchh. nc h. $SSOLFDQWV PXVW SRVVHVV D SRVLWLYH DWWLWXGH WRZDUG OHDUQLQJ DQG FKDQJH VKRZ LQLWLDWLYH ZRUN LQGHSHQGHQWO\ DQG EH IULHQGO\ RXWJRLQJ DQG UHOLDEOH 0LQLPXP *UDGH HGXFDWLRQ LV UHTXLUHG DV ZHOO FRPSXWHU H[SHULHQFH LQ :RUG ([FHO DQG JHQHUDO 3& RSHUDWLRQV &DVK KDQGOLQJ DQG FXVWRPHU VHUYLFH H[SHULHQFH ZRXOG EH EHQHĂ&#x20AC;FLDO Why work here? We offer a competitive compensation structure, 8% PDWFKHG SHQVLRQ JURXS EHQHĂ&#x20AC;WV DQG D +HDOWKFDUH 6SHQGLQJ $OORZDQFH <RX¡G ZRUN ZLWK D FRPPLWWHG WHDP LQ D FKDOOHQJLQJ \HW UHZDUGLQJ HQYLURQPHQW ,QWHUHVWHG DSSOLFDQWV PXVW VXEPLW WKHLU UHVXPH E\ 0DUFK WR Biggar & District Credit Union 3 2 %R[ %LJJDU 6. 6 . 0 $WWQ +XPDQ 5HVRXUFHV
Price uncertainties face farmers
by Calvin Daniels
by Calvin Daniels It is the time of year crop price prognosticators spend a lot of their days, and likely a few of their nights, over their crystal balls and Ouija boards trying to get a handle on what prices will do in the coming months. And farmers flock to producer seminars and read every article they can to figure out what is best to plant once the snow disappears. In the last couple of years farmers have been able to
focus more on crop rotations and worry less about potential prices because almost every crop has seen profitable prices. This year there is more volatility on the horizon for prices. That is not unusual given the current situation. High prices mean there was a generally tight supply of grains and oilseeds, and that usually means farmers, not just here, but around the world, will push production.
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They will plant more acres of crops which they think can make them the most money. That is a pattern about as old as supply demand economics and food supplies. When supplies grow tight prices rise, farmers produce more, and prices drop. Regardless of outside influences, government subsidies, weather and similar, prices were going to face downward pressure based
on increased production. But this year appears one of those when prices could topple off the table, or bounce back to record highs. The trend lower is the easy scenario. Higher production and normal yields would be enough to take prices lower. The better worldwide yields, the greater the influence downward. In normal circumstances, recognizing normal in crop production is a fleeting
thing, one would expect pressure on prices. The reverse though is certainly possible. Less than ideal weather in 2012 puts American production this year into question. Less than ideal spring weather south of the border would be the signal for markets to move higher. If any other weather issues were to affect the 2013 crop, for example here on the Canadian Prairies, then
the sky could be the limit for prices. Of course the triggers for the highest prices could mean farmers face low yields, meaning capturing the high prices may be difficult. So like most years, farmers will face price uncertainty, but there are scenarios which could see recent strong prices continue through 2013.
Government investment makes flax crop even sweeter for farmers The Harper Government is providing an investment to Prairie Tide Chemicals Inc. (PTC) so that it can recover bioactive peptides and test them for safety for use in pharmaceuticals and neutraceuticals. The announcement was made Monday by the Honourable Lynne Yelich, Minister of State for Western Economic Diversification and member of Parliament for Blackstrap, on behalf of Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. “This is a great example of innovation - finding value-added uses for what was previously considered waste,” said Yelich.“Creating additional revenue streams from flax will make the crop more valuable for farmers and help the agricultural sector continue to thrive.”
Flax and flaxseed oil are popular health foods because they are sources of omega-3 fatty acids. The bitter taste of these products can be sweetened to make them more palatable, and this process produces a waste by-product of peptide-rich concentrates and pure peptides. These natural peptides could replace more expensive synthetic peptides that are currently used in health foods, pharmaceuticals, and skincare products. Monday’s investment of more than $200,000 will help develop methods for commercial-scale recovery of flax peptides from the waste of the flax sweetening process, and then use these fractions of peptides to understand how they work and whether they are safe
for entry into the bioactive market. Over the longer term, the development of safe bioactive peptides could create opportunities in the pharmaceutical sector. “Flaxseed oil was used as a medicine by Hippocrates and is used by the healers of many civilizations,” said Martin Reaney, President and CEO of PTC. “We now know that the orbitides make a significant contribution to the health benefits of flax. PTC will make new and healthier flaxseed products that will enhance the flax value chain.” Canadian farmers will benefit from technology that transforms a waste byproduct into a high-value bioactive ingredient for use in consumer products. Saskatchewan farmers grow 70 per cent of Canada’s flax and 20 per cent of world production. This project will give the Canadian flax industry access to neutraceutical and bioactive markets and
open the way for product innovation. This project is funded under the Agricultural Innovation Program - a $50-million initiative announced as part of Canada’s Economic Action Plan 2011. This program is part of the government’s commitment to help Canadian producers benefit from cutting-edge science and technology.The Agricultural Innovation Program boosts the development and commercialization of innovative new products, technologies, and processes for the agricultural sector. The new Growing Forward 2 agreement signed by ministers in September will continue to drive innovation and long-term growth in Canada. In addition to a generous suite of business risk management programs, governments have agreed to invest more than $3 billion over five years in innovation, competitiveness, and market development.
NOTICE Central Plains CO-OPERATIVE LTD. will be holding their
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY, MARCH 21st, 2013 at the Elks Hall (Highway #4 North) in Rosetown. A Sampling of Co-op label products will start the evening at 7:00 p.m. with the meeting to begin at 7:30 p.m. Any member wishing to bring forth a resolution to the Annual General Meeting of the Co-operative must submit the resolution, in writing, to a member of the committee or to the General Manager no later than 12:00 noon on the day of the Annual General Meeting.
INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS will be held in Landis at the Landis Community Centre on MONDAY, MARCH 25th and in Eston at the Recplex on TUESDAY, MARCH 26th Both of these evenings will begin with a sampling of Co-op label products at 7:00 p.m. with the meeting to begin at 7:30 p.m.
Gov’t invests in improvements to Rosetown’s community infrastructure Monday, Kelly Block, Member of Parliament for Saskatoon-RosetownBiggar, on behalf of the Honourable Lynne Yelich, Minister of State for Western Economic Diversification, announced support for five Rosetown recreational and civic facilities under the Harper government’s C o m m u n i t y Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF). “I am proud to see Rosetown benefit from the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund,” said Block. “This investment will help create jobs, growth and leave a lasting legacy of modernized community facilities for future generations, supporting the prosperity of the community for years to come.” The Harper government’s investment of $170,865 will enhance the recreational and community services
provided by the Town of Rosetown. Five facilities will be upgraded to increase their long-term viability while making them safer and more energy efficient. The arena will undergo a number of improvements including upgrades to its lighting, heaters and insulation, and the installation of a reverse osmosis system. A boiler and filter system will be replaced at the pool, and the tennis courts will be resurfaced. Finally, the library and Civic Centre will receive new windows, and air conditioning will be installed at the library. “If it wasn’t for the funding provided through the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund, the improvements to our facilities would
not be possible,” said Brian Gerow, Mayor of the Town of Rosetown. “The upgrades will mean our facilities will continue to provide the residents of Rosetown and area a high-quality recreational and cultural experience, whether attending a hockey game at the SaskCan Centre, swimming in the pool, or reading a book at the library. We’re proud of the facilities Rosetown has to offer and thank the government for investing in our community.” In Economic Action Plan 2012, the Harper government announced further support to help communities across the country modernize their infrastructure. The government committed $150 million over two years for the Fund. The Fund supports projects
that look to improve existing community infrastructure accessible for use by the public, such as community centres, recreational buildings, local arenas, cultural and other community facilities. Since 2006, the Harper government, through WD, has invested in job-creating small and medium-sized businesses, aerospace, marine and defence industries, and supported innovative entrepreneurs in pursuing emerging markets. By continuing to promote new economic
opportunities, WD is helping to create jobs,
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Perdue Bowling results Club 55: MHS, Tom Davies, 260; LHS, Elizabeth McMahon, 216; MHT, Tom Davies, 617; MHT, Kay Munro, 540; THS, Bee Gees, 1,158; THT, Bee Gees, 3,199; MHA, Al Levitt, 191; LHA, Kay Munro, 163. Ladies league: LHS, Donna Eaton, 278; LHT, Donna Eaton, 610; THS, Bleepers, 1,113; THT, Bleepers, 3,110; LHA, Dorrie Labersweiler, 186.
Men’s league: MHS, Al Levitt, 241; MHT, Don Froese, 589; THS, TriHards, 772; THT, TriHards, 2,189; MHA, Al Levitt, 183. Mixed league: MHS, George Bartley, 252; LHS, Joan Edmison, 192; MHT, George Bartley, 661; LHT, Joan Edmison, 504; THS, DJs, 1,078; THT, DJs, 3,125; MHA, George Bartley, 190; LHA, Joey Levitt, 172.
Alley Katz results Tuesday mixed league: MHS, Jason Raschke, 253; MHM, Jason Raschke, 647; WHS, Cindy Watson, 219; WHM, Cindy Watson, 580. New Horizons: MHS, Geoff Cooke, 216; MHM, Geoff Cooke, 533; WHS, Donna Eckart, 168; WHM, Mona Davidson, 431.
Wednesday YBD: Bowlasaurus high score, Axle Danskin, 48; Pee Wee high score, Kiersten, 103; Bantam high score, Tristan Cirrico, 131. Thursday Senior League: MHS, Bill Roach, 223; WHS, Barb Bierness, 208; MHM, Glen Schockey, 604; WHM, Barb Beirness, 548.
After some lengthy battles, the season has finally come to an end for local junior boys basketball players. Here, Biggar Central School Blazer, Brock Thomson battles with St. Gabriel Saint, Anton Ocampo (top) for possession, February 26. Blazers took the contest 41-22. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Junior Boys Basketball wraps up season The 2012-13 Junior Boys Basketball team ended their season this past Saturday as they hosted the West Central District playoff on their home court.
The Blazers started the day with a loss to the squad from Davidson. They then played Kindersley and came away with a hard fought two point win. This meant the boys
ended up with a strong second place finish. Good luck to the Blazers Grade 9s, Liam Hammond, Tyrus Thomson, Mitch Lehnert and Calvin Lichkowski in senior
ball next year. Thank you to all the referees, teachers, students and parents who made this year a successful one. Good luck to the team next year.
Monarch 4-H news M e m b e r s of Monarch Multiple 4-H Club compete at the public speaking competitions held in Biggar on March 10. (Submitted photo)
Rookie earns scholarship
Winners of the Monarch public speaking: Jenna Boisvert, Joel Hanson, Jesse Tavanetz, Luke Gray. (Submitted photo)
Dylan Haynes, a rookie with the West Central Rage of the Prairie Junior Hockey League (PJHL), is the most recent recipient of the Barry Karst Memorial Scholarship. Haynes’ school, sports and community achievements are many and include: Student Representative Council, School Community Council, football, badminton, track, cross country, honour roll, Monarch Multiple 4-H club member, 4-H District
23 executive and of course hockey. Dylan grew up in the Biggar Minor Hockey system, playing, officiating and helping with the power skating program. As a player his midget career culminated in a provincial title with the Rosetown Midget B squad. Dylan currently attends the University of Saskatchewan at the Edwards School of Business (College of Commerce) where he is pursuing a
degree in accounting during the day and drives two hours west to Kerrobert for Rage practises and games during evenings and weekends. He was presented with the award by League President Bob Dybvig in the Kerrobert Memorial arena before the Rage game on Sunday, February 10. In 32 games with the Rage this season, Haynes had amassed 14 points (14-4-14) and 28 penalty minutes.
call: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 email: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca Box 40, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
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SUBSCRIPTION RATES… Pick up… $29.00 + $1.45 gst = $29.45 Inside 40-mile radius/ONLINE $34.00 + $1.70 gst = $35.70 Outside 40-mile radius… $39.00 + $1.95 gst = $40.95
Helen Regina Kanz “Our Mother kept a garden, a garden of the heart, She planted all the good things that gave our life its start. She turned us to the sunshine and encouraged us to dream, Fostering and nurturing the seeds of self-esteem… And when the winds and rain came, she protected us enough… But not too much because she knew we’d need to stand up strong and tough. Her constant good example always taught us right from wrong-Markers for our pathway that will last a lifetime long. We are our Mother’s garden. We are her legacy-And we hope today she feels the love reÀected back from us.” Helen Regina Kanz passed away on January 24, 2013 at
the age of 83. Helen was born to August and Emily Hirschfeld near Cando, Sask. She married Bill Kanz in 1947 where they farmed and ran a service station then retired to Battleford, Sask. She was predeceased by her loving husband, Bill; parents, August and Emily; sister, Tillie Mantai; brother Ed Hirschfeld; brothersin-law, George and Henry Kanz. Left to cherish her memory are her daughter, Marilyn (Dennis) Remeshylo; son, Jim (Cindy) Kanz; grandchildren, Dean (Krista) Remeshylo, Dyan (Jann) Zdunick, Bobbi Jean Kanz, Jamie (Blair) Michaud; greatgrandchildren, Jordan, Jared and Luke Remeshylo, Raegan Zdunick, Jacob and Kalyn Dick, Paige, Janae and Luc Michaud. Helen’s greatest love, her home and family was reÀected in all the babysitting she did for her grandchildren and greatgrandchildren and in the large garden from which she grew and preserved fruit and vegetables to give to all her children. A private interment will be held at a later date. Thank you to the caring staff at BDCC, all the staff at Battleford Union Hospital and Bob MacKay for his professional services. 10p1
Sharon Lynn Cornish It is with great sadness that the family of Sharon Lynn Cornish (nee Baptist) announce her passing on February 26, 2013 at Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon, Sask. due to complications from cancer. Sharon was 64, a loving wife, a devoted mother and cherished by family and friends. Sharon was born October. 30, 1948 in Foam Lake, Sask. where she took her primary schooling, surrounded by an extensive and loving family, then later moving to the Biggar area with family to continue her classes. Sharon completed her education at Marvel Beauty School in Saskatoon in hairdressing and cosmetology, a trade she excelled in for many years with many loyal clients and friends. It was in these years that she met and married her husband, Bob, sharing 42 wonderful years. Sharon also enjoyed owning and operating a small independent book store for several years, an extension of her joy of reading. Sharon placed employment on hold for many years when her very special son, Ryan, was born with special needs, and took great pride in him as he grew so strong under her loving care. Later in life she worked for many years as a cook, a passion of hers throughout her life, she delighted in family gatherings, when no one went home hungry. Over time, rheumatoid arthritis prevented working and she retired to the Jack¿sh Lake area sharing life and love for many years with her little family. Sharon is survived by her loving husband, Bob; and son, Ryan; sisters-in-law, Eileen Baptist of Unity, Sask., Dale (Earl) Donahue of Williams Lake, B.C.; brother-in-law, Larry (Judy) Cornish of Nova Scotia; mother-in law, Mary Cornish of Red Deer, Alta.; nieces, Michelle (Levi) Piehl of Alaska, Laurie Davis of Saskatoon, Sask., Carolyn (Gary) Loadman of Unity, Sask., Donna (Vern) Hof¿nger of Landis, Sask., Cheryl (Lee) Williston of Williams Lake, B.C., Carolle Cornish of Nova Scotia; and nephews, Keith Davis of Perdue, Sask., Ross Donahue of Prince George, B.C., Jordan Donahue of Williams Lake, B.C. Brent Cornish of Calgary, Alta; and 14 great nieces and nephews. Sharon took great delight in the stories of all their young lives and adventures. From a large family, Sharon’s life was blessed with the love and support of many aunts and uncles, and numerous cousins and friends all of which she held dear to her heart. Sharon was predeceased by her parents, Rose (Bryksa) and Lloyd Baptist; brother, Joe; sister, Jean; and brother-in-law, Murray Davis. Sharon will truly be missed by all. A family and friends gathering will be held at the Leney Cemetery (Perdue), mid summer when all can gather together. The family would like to thank Grondin Funeral Services, Biggar for their help in arrangements. In lieu of Àowers, please make donations in Sharon’s name to an Autism Society of your choice. gfsc1
MEMORIAMS McMAHON, Linda-Taupin, April 19, 1953 - March 16, 1997; GRUN, Shawn, July 7, 1964 March 11, 2010 In loving memory… “You are never more than a thought away Quietly remembered everyday No need for words except to say Still loved and missed in every way.” … Liane Thurmeier and Luke Grun and Bob and Carol Lemon
CARD OF THANKS 10c1 The family of William Bretsch would like to thank Dr. Crane, Dr. McKee and all the nursing staff of Biggar Hospital for the care that William received while a patient in the hospital.
COMING EVENTS 10p1 SUNDAYS in March: Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans will be worshipping at Redeemer Lutheran Church at 10:30 a.m. For pastoral services or information, please contact Pastor Mark Kleiner at 306-9517122 or leave a message at the of¿ce, 306-948-3731. 48/10tfn SUNDAYS… You are invited to the weekly services of Biggar Associated Gospel Church, corner Quebec St. and 8th Ave. West; Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.; Worship Service at 10:50 a.m.; an Ladies Bible Study at 9:45 a.m. on Tuesday mornings. Everyone is welcome to join us. Contact our church of¿ce 306948-3424, Tuesday through Thursday. 36tfn WEDNESDAYS during LENT: 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Pastor Mark Kleiner will be leading a short morning and evening prayer service at St. Paul’s Anglican Church as a Lenten Devotional. Everyone is welcome. 7c5 FRIDAYS during LENT: Interdenominational services at 12:05 p.m. followed by lunch at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, corner of King St. and 4th Ave. East, Biggar. Sponsored by the Biggar and District Ministerial Association. Everyone welcome. 6c6 MARCH 5 - MARCH 23: “A Celebration of Student Expression” - Students Art Show, now showing in the Credit Union Gallery at the Biggar Museum, 1 - 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. 9c3 THURSDAY, MARCH 7: Biggar Music Festival vocal competitions all day starting at 9 a.m. in The Majestic Theatre, Biggar. Musical theatre performances start at 7 p.m., $2 per session. 10c1 FRIDAY, MARCH 8: Biggar & District Arts Council presents… “Jesse Peters Trio”, 7:30 p.m. at The Majestic Theatre, Biggar. Adults/Seniors $25 (advance $20); Students, 13 and older $15 (advance $12); children, 12 and under $5. Advance and Season Tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar, 306948-2452. 7c4 SATURDAY, MARCH 9: Biggar Musical Festival Performers Concert, 7 p.m. in The Majestic Theatre, Biggar, $5 per person or $12 per family.
10c1 SUNDAY, MARCH 10: 2 - 4 p.m. at Biggar Hospital Board Room, Information Session for Wheat free or Gluten-free Diet. Silver collection. Refreshments. Q & A, learning, tasting, recipes. Call Barbara-Ann at 306-9485291. 8c3 MONDAY, MARCH 11: 7:00 p.m. at Biggar New Horizons, PALS presents an information session with Lyndon Linklater from the Of¿ce of the Treaty Commissioner. He will speak about residential schools, treaty rights and obligations and be open to questions and discussion. Everyone is welcome. 7c4 THURSDAY, MARCH 14: 1 p.m., Biggar Museum & Gallery annual meeting. Everyone welcome. 9c3 THURSDAY, MARCH 14: Biggar Wildlife Federation meeting at Westwinds Motor Hotel, 7:30 p.m. 10c1 FRIDAY, MARCH 15: 8 p.m.; SATURDAY, MARCH 16: 8 p.m.; SUNDAY, MARCH 17: 2:30 p.m.: NCCP annual musical production of “The Wiz” adapted from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, arranged through Samuel French @ The Majestic Theatre, Biggar. Tickets for reserved seating available at The Biggar Independent, 102 3rd Ave. West, Biggar or phone with visa/mastercard to 306-9483344. Tickets: $20 per person. 3c9 MONDAY, MARCH 18: The annual meeting of the Biggar & District Community Foundation, 5:30 p.m. at the Biggar Town Of¿ce. The report of the auditor will be presented and remarks from the Board of Directors. All interested persons are invited to attend. 9c3 SATURDAY, MARCH 23: Biggar & District Community Health Care Inc. annual meeting, 7 p.m. in Biggar New Horizons Hall. Everyone welcome. 10c3 MONDAY, MARCH 25: Biggar Majestic Theatre annual meeting, 7 p.m. in the Bielby Hall (back of theatre). Everyone welcome. 10c3 TUESDAY, MARCH 26: Biggar & District Chamber of Commerce annual meeting, 7:30 p.m., Biggar New Horizons Lounge (upstairs). Everyone welcome.
10c3 FRIDAY, APRIL 6: Biggar & District Arts Council presents… “Rosie and The Riveters”, 7:30 p.m. at The Majestic Theatre, Biggar. Adults/Seniors $25 (advance $20); Students, 13 and older $15 (advance $12); children, 12 and under $5. Advance and Season Tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar, 306-9482452. 9c6 SUNDAY, APRIL 14: Ruthilda UCW Spring Supper, 5 - 7 p.m. at Ruthilda Hall. DABBER Bingo to follow. See you there! 9p1 JULY 12, 13 & 14: Ruthilda Centennial Celebration. Contact 306-9323-2075 or 306-932-7722 for more info.
INVITATIONS 9c1 SATURDAY, MARCH 9: Bridal shower for Heather McKinley, bride-elect of Levi Hodgson, 2 p.m., Westwinds Centennial Room, Westwinds Motor Hotel. Cards in drugstores. 9p2 Calling all emerging artists! Enter your works in Biggar Arts Council Local Adjudication. Entry forms available at Biggar Museum. Call 306-948-3451. Deadline for entries April 25th, 2013. Adjudicator, Miriam Korner
AUCTION 10c6 One HOME QTR & 18 Parcels of Farmland Davidson, Saskatchewan. Sorgaard Ranches Ltd - 2290+/- title acres. 3 bedroom bungalow, 30 X 50 ft. garage, selling at the Saskatoon Auction March 19/13. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers: 1-800-
NOTICE 491-4494; rbauction.com. Families, clubs, churches and businesses are invited to do a Heritage Page to be on permanent display at Biggar Museum. Share your history! For more information call 9483451 or visit museum 1 - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. 7tfn This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered.
Check classiÀeds, photos/videos online @ biggarindependent.ca
Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514.
RECREATION www.yourapprovedonline.com. 1985 Yamaha Virago, 1,000 cc, new rubber, carbs and forks redone. Phone 948-7521. 36tfn 1985 Honda Goldwing, new rubber, shocks redone this spring, new battery, $3500 obo; phone 948-3344
REAL ESTATE 9p3 Two serviced lots, side by side in Biggar, 100’x140’, $79,900. Call 717-4681 (cell) 5tfn FINAL PHASE FOR SALE. 55 PLUS ADULT ONLY Ground Level Townhome INFO www. diamondplace.ca. CALL 306 241 0123 WARMAN, SK
NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Gerald Leidl, late of Biggar, in the Province of Saskatchewan, Retired, deceased. All claims against the above estate, duly veriÀed by Statutory Declaration, and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before March 28, 2013. Concentra Trust Executors 333 - 3rd Ave. North Saskatoon, SK S7K 2M2
BIG BUILDING SALE... “THIS IS A CLEARANCE SALE YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS!” 20x20 $3,985. 25X24 $4,595. 30X36 $6,859. 35X48 $11,200. 40X52 $13,100. 47X76 $18,265. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. www. pioneersteel.ca. STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206
tfn AT LAST! An iron ¿lter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions: www. bigirondrilling.com. Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.
Deadline, Mondays 5 p.m.
32tfn WRECKING TRUCKS all makes, all models ..Dodge.. GMC..Ford..Imports. Lots of 4X4 stuff...Diesel..Gas.. Trucks up to 3 tons.. We ship anywhere. CALL 306-821-0260 Bill... (lloydminster) reply text.....email...call blackdog2010doc@ hotmail.com... We ship same day bus..dhl...transport
TIM HAMMOND REALTY RM #318 East of Plenty, SK, N 1/212-33-18-W3, 319 cult. acres. Assessment $131,900. Asking $490,000. MLS#453206. 306948-5052 http://Hamilton. TimHammond.ca 7c4 LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER R.M. 494, Canwood, Saskatchewan. 800 acres pasture plus 880 acres crown lease. Closing 31/03/13. Information: Box 88, Parkside, Sask. S0J 2A0 or jaunrau@
Land for Cash Rent by Tender… SW 1/4-08-33-15-W3rd, R.M. Marriott #317, 48,900 assessment written tender accepted until April 3, 2013. Any tender not necessarily accepted. Enquiries contact, A. Curda, 12515-40th Ave. NW, Edmonton, AB, T60 0S7
HOUSES FOR SALE 10p4 Three-bedroom home, completely renovated. Fully modern, energy package. Quiet neighbourhood. Close to school. Priced to sell. For viewing call: 948-9517 or 948-5627.
CANADIAN MANUFACTURED backed by 10 year warranty -multi family, single section, motel style homes -Qualify for C.M.H.C.Financing -starting at $69,000 FOR MORE INFO CALL 1.800.249.3969 kent.medallion@sasktel.net dean.medallion@sasktel.net jason.medallion@sasktel.net
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WANTED www.crownsteelbuildings.ca Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Land¿ll OR contact Quentin Sittler at 658-2132
Now representing purchasers from across Canada, the United Kingdom and Mainland Europe!”
www.lanerealty.com Please arrange to pick up your photos that have been submitted for publication. ... thanks, The Independent
1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins. For more information call: Karen/Kevin • 948-9115 302 - 8th Ave. W. • Biggar
If YOU are… • Moving • Expecting a Baby • Planning a Wedding • Anticipating Retirement Call WELCOME WAGON at 948-2563 - Lisa Haynes We have gifts and information www.welcomewagon.ca www.craigshomesales.com. Bob Foster Locksmith Services. Phone 306-831-7633
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 26tfn Biggar Golf Club is seeking applications for clubhouse workers and course maintenance positions for the 2013 season. Applicants applying for the clubhouse positions must be a minimum of 19 years of age. Applicants applying for course maintenance positions must have a valid class 5 driver’s license. Mail resumes and cover letter stating which position you are applying for by March 29, 2013 to: Biggar Golf Club, Box 1431, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 10c3 JDL Underground Ltd. is now accepting applications for: a) Class 1A truck driver; b) grader operators; c) equipment operators; d) labourers. JDL Underground is committed to Safety Excellence and will assist in training an applicant who safety conscious has a positive attitude, good mechanical aptitude and a willingness to learn. Currently positions are casual on call basis with the opportunity to advance into full time position for the right candidate. Apply to: Melanie Peiffer, JDL Underground, P. O. Box 1041, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0; fax: 306-948-4811; email: jdlundergroundltd@sasktel.net 10c3 Local truck driver needed to run semi trailer between Biggar and Wilkie. Must have valid 1A license. Contact Saskcan Pulse Trading, Regina. Email: dgibson@saskcan.com, fax: 306-525-4463 8p3 Attention Semi Operators! Are you looking to downsize? Haul RVs from USA to western Canada! 5-6 day round trip. Looking for 1 ton and 3 ton O/O. 1-866-736-6483; www. speedwaymovingsystems.com NEWCART CONTRACTING LTD. is hiring for the upcoming turnaround season. Journeyman/ Apprentice; Pipe¿tters; Welders; Boilermakers; Riggers. Also: Quality Control; Towers; Skilled Mechanical Labourer; Welder Helpers. Email: resumes@ newcartcontracting.com. Fax 1-403-729-2396. Email all safety and trade tickets. DRIVERS WANTED: Terri¿c Career Opportunity with outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Rail Experience Needed!! Extensive paid travel, meal allowance, 4 weeks vacation and bene¿ts package. Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time, Valid License with air brakeendorsement. Compensation based on prior driving experience. Apply at www.sperryrail.com under careers, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Wendland Ag Services Ltd. is an independently owned Ag-retail business founded in 1955 with current locations in Waldheim, Blaine Lake, Rosthern, Domremy, Delmas, Cut Knife and Saskatoon. We offer a fun yet challenging work environment with a dynamic and friendly team always willing to lend a hand. We are currently accepting applications for the following:
Maintenance Technician Service and Operations Cut Knife and Delmas, Sask. Full Time, Permanent This is a long term opportunity for someone who values a career in mechanical repair with an established company serving agriculture. The successful applicant will conduct service and repair of Àeld equipment, road delivery units and product handling facilities for fertilizers and other crop inputs. Interact closely with Operations and Management to ensure all equipment and buildings are functioning safely and in good order. Inform supervising manager of repairs and upgrades required and assist in determining capital and R&M budgets. Applicant should have some experience in mechanical or farm machinery repair with preference given to heavy duty mechanics. Knowledge of fabrication and large equipment repair including welding would be a deÀnite asset. We will assist in training an applicant exhibiting a positive attitude, good mechanical aptitude and a willingness to learn. The successful applicant is required to exhibit good body health and strength as this is a physically demanding position. Individual must display a high degree of self-motivation and self-initiative and the ability to work unsupervised. Must be able to manage time and priorities effectively. Good communication and interpersonal skills along with ability to work well with others is required. Valid driver’s license with Saskatchewan abstract and good driving record is mandatory. Wendland Ag Services is committed to the growth and development of our employees through training and advance opportunities. Group health beneÀts and RSP package is available for employees. Interested candidates are encouraged to email their cover letter and resume to shawnn@wendlandag.com or via fax to 206-895-2195.
Crop Production Services, Biggar CROP PRODUCTION ADVISOR -- Biggar, Sask. Full time/regular SpeciÀc responsibilities include… • sells company products and services • responsible for meeting annual sales goals and proÀt margin objectives • monitors competitive activity and trends • may be required to keep records and prepare reports on sales activities • knowledge of product -- features, beneÀts and use • interprets soil, tissue and water analysis • researches and responds to technical inquiries • develops proprietary fertilizer formulations • perform initial credit review of customers to determine credit risk • provide credit department with necessary information to determine credit limits QualiÀcations of the position include… • agricultural based degree or diploma • demonstrated experience in vocational, agricultural, or a combination of education and work experience. • minimum 2-3 years sales experience • possesses CCA or PAg designation, or is working towards achieving it • strong time management, planning and multi-tasking skills • excellent communication and people skills, both written and oral • strong computer skills including all Microsoft applications (Word, Excel and Outlook) • ability to work independently or as part of an effective team • conducts themselves in a professional manner, and able to keep information conÀdential • ability to meet the CPS policy requirements by completing a Criminal background check. • drug/alcohol testing, and Driving record abstract Closing date… when Àlled
Apply with resume at 801 Highway #4 south, Biggar, Sask. Phone: 306-948-1753 Fax: 306-948-1754
WW1310 WW1309 NEED A HOME PHONE? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We Can Help. Everyone Approved. Call Today. 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect
New York Taxi is looking for mature, reliable drivers, day and night shifts, $14/hour, minimum class #4.
North American Lumber, Biggar require two full-time yard personnel to start immediately.
Call 306-948-4949
Drop off resume to 805 Main St., Biggar or call Sharon or Ed at 306-948-2248 for info.
Crop Production Services, Biggar Position Posting -- OPERATIONS SUPPORT Temporary, 3 - 4 month term Job Requirements… • help with inventory counts • help with fertilizer load and unload • help with loading of customers product • ensures nothing is loaded without proper paper work • site and equipment maintenance • contribute to maintenance and cleanliness of warehouse • report incidents and/or spills • perform job within EH & S guidelines • high school diploma • valid driver’s licence • valid WHMIS certiÀcation • Safety Sensitive -- drug and alcohol testing required. • Other duties as assigned
Apply with resume at 801 Highway #4 south, Biggar, Sask. Phone: 306-948-1753 Fax: 306-948-1754
SALES REPRESENTATIVE If you love to sell and are interested in a new challenge, want to pursue selling in a new industry, or are mechanically inclined and enjoy talking about the way equipment works, we'd like to talk to you. Ram Industries Inc. is growing and we need individuals to join our sales team! Candidates must be able to relocate to Yorkton, SK. www.ramindustiries.com Apply by email to jobs@ramindustries.com
Stop in to…
NOW HIRING: Journeyperson 30 MILLWRIGHTS 50 PIPEFITTERS 20 WELDERS with industrial experience for a large project in Vanscoy, SK. Wages $34 - $40/hour, plus retention & completion bonuses,14/7 shift rotation, paid benefits, RRSP’s. Travel & living out allowance (for eligible candidates). Successful candidates must complete a pre-access A&D test & CSTS 09 training. Apply with current resume and references to jobs@monad.ca or WWW.MONAD.CA or fax 1-888-398-0725 or in person at 9744-45 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T6E 5C5
1st Ave. West, Biggar 948-2700
ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED or IN A BRIDAL PARTY! Your friends and relatives have lost a total of 2511 pound and 2792 inches. You can have the same results and look fabulous! Call Thin & Healthy’s Total Solution for info on bridal packages, 306-948-2208
For FAX service, see us at The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar
DEADLINE For news, classifieds and ad copy MONDAYS • 5 P.M. • for publication on thursday
REQUIRED … GENERAL LABOURERS REQUIRED to work at our Fertilizer Plant in Biggar, Sask.
TOWN OF BIGGAR is accepting applications for the following Seasonal Positions: Biggar Aquatic Centre: • Pool Manager • Full-time and Part-time Lifeguards/Instructors *Please include photocopies of all current certificates *Please indicate if you are looking for a full or part time position. Summer Day Camp: • Supervisor • Assistants * Please include photocopies of First Aid and CPR certification. Recreation Maintenance: • Recreation Department Grounds Keeper * Must have valid driver’s licence. WITH RESPECT TO THE ABOVE POSITIONS… • Specify on resume which position(s) you wish to be considered for. • Start dates vary, please include the earliest date you could commence work. • Positions will run until approximately August 30, 2013. Day Camp Assistant positions will run until August 23, 2013. • Include any dates that you would not be able to work due to other commitments. • For more information on duties and wages of positions contact Erin at the Town Office, 306-948-3317.
Deadline for all applications/résumes is March 22, 2013. Apply to: Biggar and District Recreation Board P. O. Box 1360 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Fax: 306-948-5134 Email: e.poitras@townofbiggar.com The Town of Biggar wishes to thank all prospective candidates; however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
…Idle No More, cont. from page 3 relations between First Nations and non-First Nations people here in Saskatchewan? I play a small role in what the Office of the Treaty Commissioner does, but it is a role, and one of the things the Office has been able to accomplish is that it’s now compulsory in Saskatchewan to teach treaties in
the classroom, and we’re the only province in Canada that does that, so from Kindergarten all the way up to Grade 9, they’re actually teaching treaties in the classroom, so what that involves is even the teachers have to learn, and this has been going on for five to seven years now. More
• Start date: April 15, 2013 • Guaranteed 12-hours per day • Applicants must be physically Àt, this is a fast-paced environment. • Duties will include driving skid steer (Bobcat), unloading railcars, and other duties as directed by the supervisor. • Rotation of days and nights. • Experience preferred, training will be provided to suitable applicants. • Steel-toed work boots will be required. To apply, send resume to… Kevin McNicholls Rack Petroleum Box 837 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Email Kevin: kevin.therack@sasktel.net Rack Petroleum is an equal opportunity employer.
and more residents of Saskatchewan are having a much [better] understanding about the treaties and what role they have in our country, and even though they’re every separate issues, this Idle No More movement, it actually started in Saskatchewan, and it’s taken a lot of the country by storm – it’s even international now, and I don’t know if [treaty education in the schools] has something to do with it, but I wouldn’t be surprised. What does it mean that we are all ‘treaty people’? What it means is being able to benefit from the treaties, that all parties to the treaty benefit, and as a result of that benefit, we move together to build this new coun-
try, and the country that we’re building is called Canada. The sad reality in our country here is that many, many First Nations people simply live in poverty, and that shouldn’t be – if those treaties would have been honoured to begin with, we wouldn’t have the social demographics that exist and plague one certain group of Canadian people. It’s very complex, the issues surrounding those [statistics], but that’s a very sad reality in our country. There are some reserves that actually live in Third World conditions, and this is what a lot of Canadian people don’t understand - “Why can’t the people help themselves?” A lot of money gets sent to them, they’re funded, and they’re still . . . and
Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for:
Saskatoon - Biggar Office
•Farm •Residential •Commercial •Acreage
DUANE NEUFELDT 403 Main St., Biggar
306-948-8055 Fax: 306-948-2763 www.DuaneNeufeldt.com
Proud sponsor of Children’s Wish Foundation
FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS… • Selling/Buying • Residental • Farm/Acreage • Commercial • Recreational
this is what I try and talk about – understanding - and people can understand it a lot better than before I presented to them anyway, so it’s a start. In the face of such intransigent problems, what do you say to people who have simply given up hope that things will ever change? My simple answer, is that for a 137 years, the Treaty Six hasn’t been followed, basically, so to think that we’re going to fix it overnight – it’s going to take a long time. These problems didn’t [just] pop up, they’ve been in the making over a century and there’s systemic structure involved here, and that’s what we’re trying to address. So it takes time, and we ask for patience
Tim Hammond,
Wally Lorenz
306-948-5052 (office) Cell 306-948-4478
www.TimHammond.ca www.FarmsofCanada.com
BSA, P.Ag., Broker
Licenced for: •Residential
113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar
306-948-5052 (office) Cell 306-948-7995 Cari McCarty
Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for: •Farm •Acreage •Residential • Commercial
306-948-5052 (office) Cell 306-948-9168
Sales Associate
Cell: (306) 843-7898 Bus: (306) 446-8800 znerol.w@sasktel.net
113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar
Proud to handle Biggar’s Real Estate Needs
1391 - 100th St. North Battleford, SK S9A 0V9 Day or Night
and understanding, but change is happening and positive change is taking place. More First Nations people are getting an education, more of them are getting into the work force, more of them are going back to their traditional ways, more of them are escaping poverty, more so and more so, and they’re building their communities – their communities are becoming well, and these communities, some of them – they’re actually leaders and they’re helping not only themselves, but [also] the surrounding communities that aren’t First Nations, and it’s really rewarding to see that. That’s what we want to do. That’s the road we want to walk on, all of us. That’s what I’ve seen.
113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar
Tim Hammond Realty of The Battlefords Independently Owned and Operated
Rack Petroleum is an equal opportunity employer.
Licensed For: • Residential • Acreage • Farm
• Start date: April 8, 2013 • Guaranteed 6-week contract (leading to full-time positions for suitable candidates) • $25 per hour O/T after 40 hours • Bonus upon completion of contract (subject to no accidents or safety violations) • Applicants will require: at least one year driving experience the ability to drive on gravel roads and in Àelds • Willingness to assist in maintenance of truck/trailers • To work long hours and weekends Apply to… Kevin McNicholls Rack Petroleum Box 837 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Email Kevin: kevin.therack@sasktel.net
Dave Molberg BSA
Exposure, Experience and Effort.
Housing for families and seniors Rent based on income
Call: 306-948-2101
www.TimHammond.ca http://Cari.TimHammond.ca
Residential Sales
Biggar’s Top Performing Residential Agent
For PROFESSIONAL printing…contact The Biggar Independent, 948-3344
www.TimHammond.ca www.FarmsofCanada.com
Call 948-3344
• Notary Publics • Home & Agro Insurance • Auto & Commerical Insurance • Health Insurance • Motor Licence Issuer Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday 304 Main Street • Biggar
Phone: 306-948-2204 or 306-948-3886
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation Box 327 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Helping you Help yourself Phone:
306-948-2295 Fax: 306-948-5050 ELECTRICAL
• Sewer • Water • Power • Drainage • Footings
HOME IMPROVEMENTS McCARTY CONSTRUCTION • Commercial • Residential • Design Builder • Insurance Claims • Renovations • Drafting Service
“Big or Small -We Do Them All” Licenced Journeyman Carpenters Troy McCarty 306-948-5627 (H) 306-948-9280 (C) Mitch McCarty 306-373-8254 (H) Serving Biggar ... Since 1968
Electrical Installation & Maintenance • Commercial • Industrial • Residential
Electrical… 306-658-3004 Excavation… 306-951-7667
BIGGAR ELECTRICAL & REFRIGERATION SERVICES Authorized Appliance Depot Electrical Wiring Trenching Licensed Journeyman Adrian de Haan
PHILLIPS ELECTRIC • Residence • Commercial Wiring For free estimates Ph: 306-948-5393
Cell: 306-221-6888
Dion Harrabek 306-948-2657 cell: 306-948-9136 dionh@sasktel.net
• framing • additions • windows & door sales • siding • rooÄng • drywall & Änishing
• Five Inch Seamless • Fascia
for all your electrical needs Construction, consulting and Maintenance Licensed Journeyman
Dan… 306-281-5090 Chad… 306-280-1524
For all your home, business and rural needs
Email: nix1@sasktel.net
MADGE CONTRACTING LTD. For all your rooÀng needs… ¬New Construction ¬Metal ¬Torch-on ¬Re-roofs ¬Tile ¬Asphalt ¬All repairs ¬Shakes We offer 10 Year Workmanship Warranty and Liability/Torch On Insurance Excellent Local References For a FREE estimate please call… 306-948-5453
306-717-2818 www.madgerooÀng.com Biggar, Sask.
available to do…
• painting & Ӿnishing • decks & small buildings • light plumbing • windows & doors • laminate & hardwood ӿoors • general repairs
Call Jim @ 306-948-3333
interior & exterior painting, textured ceilings, drywall, mud & tape
New Stucco & Restoration… acrylic Ànish, full system foam, paper/ wire, pargings/ICF blocks, custom pillars & battons, repair/service
Biggar, Sask.
modernlookhomerenos@gmail.com www.facebook.com/modern.look.35
Journeymen Plumber, Gas Fitter, & Electrician on staff
Kirk Ewen Doctor of Optometry
Your Healthy Living
Wood and Steel Buildings Floor & Trusses GEORGE STAHL
In Biggar Every Tuesday. Biggar Professional Building, 223 Main Street, Biggar
For appointments… 1-855-651-3311
Photos by Jocelyn
(306) 948-3776 cell: (306) 260-6503 Ph:
Portraits, Family, Weddings & Sports Photography
Small Ads Work… You’re reading this one!!!
Consultant & Coach Anne G. Livingston •Ideal Protein Weight Loss Clinic •Epicure Selections •Walden Farms Products •Young Living Essential Oils •Beauticontrol Skin Care www.beautipage.ca/annelivingston
Located in Angie’s Hair Salon 219 Main St., Biggar Call 948-7274 or 948-3696
Biggar, Sask.
Weight Loss & Wellness Centre
For FAX service, see us at The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar
jacklinandrews@ gmail.com
Michelle Spuzak, R.M.T. (NHPC member) Located @ New Beginnings Wellness Centre, 114 - 2nd Ave. W., BIGGAR
Services available…
• Shamanic Healing • Psychosomatic Therapy • Massage • Emotional Release Therapy
104 - 6th Ave. East, 10 Biggar, Sask. Southeast entrance of Sou N Nova Wood Bldg. Hours… H Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
306-948-3408 DR. GLENN RIEKMAN Dentist
~ Gift CertiÅcates ~ Evening, Saturday and in-home appointments available. 306-948-2548 or 948-9710
115 - 1st Ave. W. Rosetown, Sask.
OFFICE HOURS Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. - together with -
Ladies Only
…owned and operated by Brett Barber
Jacklin Andrews, MSW, Counsellor
30 min. Circuit Gym
Owners/Operators • Travis Young • Dallas Young • Claude Young
Phone: 882-2123 Emergency (after hours) 882-2006
Wylie Farms Ltd. SEED CLEANING
Located in the Nova Wood Centre (back entrance) 104 - 6th Ave. E., Biggar
Canadian Seed Institute Accredited Pedigree, Commercial & Custom Cleaning FULL line of Cleaning Equipment including Gravity Table
For all your Cereal and Pulse Cleaning
New Beginnings Wellness Centre “Putting PERSONAL back into fitness training!” Wayne Baldwin, PFT, CPTA, CNHC
Specializing in Exclusive Seasonal Personal Training Sessions! …for weight loss, body sculpting, strength training.
Offering… One-on-One Rehab & Therapy Sessions * Limited Memberships available to fully equipped Private Fitness Studio & Cardio Room Gift Certificates available
Visit us @ 114- 2nd Ave. W., Biggar
Excellent Quality at a Reasonable Price! Call: Bill: Dale:
Plant located 8 miles south of Biggar on Hwy #4, ¼ mile west on Triumph Rd.
Mundt’s Mobile Custom Grain Cleaning ^PSS JSLHU ^OLH[ IHY SL` K\Y\T *7: ^OLH[ VH[Z WLHZ HUK SLU[PSZ
9LHZVUHISL YH[LZ For bookings, call Jason
Where you can feel right at home! Phone… 306-948-2548 Cell… 306-948-8048
ADVERTISING is an investment in your business.
306- 948-2807 or 948-5609 948-5394
Custom Cleaning of H.R.S. & C.P. S. Wheat
Phone: 306-948-5678
… Weight Restrictions, cont. from pg. 2 Since December, winter weights which allows trucks to carry heavier loads, have been placed on some Saskatchewan highways.These will start being removed at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, March 1 with the first winter weight restrictions to be published online
at highways.gov.sk.ca/ restrictions under the “New Winter Order” link. Regularly scheduled updates of the winter restriction orders will be provided every Tuesday and Friday by 12:30 p.m. until March 15 when winter weights are no longer in effect.
The freeze period during winter strengthens the road and supports heavier truck loads, providing shippers an opportunity to transport heavier loads during the colder winter months. Typically, these winter weights run from midNovember through mid-
March. Meanwhile, truckers also need to be aware of upcoming spring road bans and follow weight limits on secondary roads during this most fragile six week thaw period. Truckers can see the latest road restriction
orders and related information online at h i g h w a y s . g o v. s k . c a / restrictions or by calling the Highway Hotline as follows: Regina and area at 306-787-7623; Saskatoon and area at 306-933-8333; across Canada at 1-888-3357623; and on the SaskTel
Cellular Network at *ROAD. In addition, technical and regulatory information is available from Transport Compliance at 1-866933-5290, which operates weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except stat holidays.
If you DO NOT receive your Independent in a timely manner, please call your local post office or Canada Post @ 1-866-607-6301
BUSSE LAW PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Barristers & Solicitors Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. Bonnie L. Reddekopp, JD 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK
306-948-3346 …serving your community since 1972
Chartered Accountant Notary Public 201B-2nd Ave. West
P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, Sask.
Phone: 306-948-5133
after hours George: 948-4042 Corner of Main Street & 1st Avenue West, Biggar
¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Criminal Law Commercial Law Real Estate Law Wills and Estate Law and our lawyers, William Roe, Q.C. Jason Peszko Lisa Watson look forward to assisting you and can be contacted at:
223 Main Street Biggar Box 580 Biggar, SK SOK OMO
OPEN: Mon.-Fri. • 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday • 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
948-2700 Your Auto Parts and Accessories Dealer Open: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. • 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
948-2183 Email: ddolack@sasktel.net Website: www.hrblock.ca
A small Àrm that provides quality professional services to our clients on a personalized and timely basis.
Services include:
Roderick B. Campbell, CMA • Bookkeeping • Tax Returns • Financial Statements
•Auditing and Accounting •Corporate and Personal Tax •Financial Statement Preparation •Farm Tax and Agristability We are accepting new clients in Saskatoon and surrounding area. 624 Duchess St. Saskatoon, SK S7K 0R1
Ph: 306-933-2970
Ph: 306-948-4430 or 306-948-4460
rod.campbell@sasktel.net Box 988, Biggar, SK
Jeff Gorman, C.A. Spencer Beaulieu, C.A.
INVESTMENTS For all your investment needs, Visit…
Rosetown, Sask.
Small moves and deliveries with ½ ton truck
Ph/fax: 306-948-3856 or cell: 306-948-7896
SGI Safety Inspection Auto Repair TIRES
KRF Auto Centre
Panasonic, Samsung,
Qualilty! • Wood, metal, plastic signs • Vehicle & window graphics • Banners, stickers and Magnetic signs
Jerry Muc Phone: 306-948-2958 306-948-5699
306.237.7671 Take’n the pain outta haul’n your grain!
Modern Licenced Abbatoir • custom slaughter, cut and wrapping • sausage making, curing and smoking
• sides of Beef available
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.
YH Truck, Ag & Auto
Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc., and mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities Inc. ®Credential is a registered mark owned by Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license.
Phone: 306-948-5600 • Heavy truck parts • Agriculture parts • Automotive parts & accessories www.yhtruckagauto.com
Hwy 14 East, Biggar 948-2109
• All Breed Dog Grooming • Boarding Kennels (Bordetella Mandatory) • Pet Supplies • Saleboard for dog and cat related items
For appointments and inquiries, call Janet at 306-948-2091
Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 6 pm. 2 mi N on Hwy #4, 2-½ mi E on Golf Course Rd.
NORTHLAND PAINTING and SANDBLASTING •Texas Gates •Spray Foam Insulation •Sandblasting & Painting •Internal Coatings •Rock Guard Coatings g
Mobile Units Office: 948-2805 05 Cell: 948-6062 email: northland83@yourlink.ca
Pat Wicks,
Living Books Distributor
To fax…stop in at The Independent
A Sign of
Owned & operated by Kevin Fick
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.
Kevin Kurulak
306-948-3312 sales@gvsigns.ca
The Country Clipper
227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar
info@twhÀnancial.ca www.twhÀnancial.ca
t Delivery
Ask Abou
Super B outÀts hauling grain and fertilizer in Alberta and Saskatchewan
Robert Hoesgen, CFP
222 Main Street 306 948 5377
• Laser Engraving • Promotional products (mugs, mousepad, etc)
Pamela Eaton
• Snow Removal • Fences …and much more
“Your complete decal and signage shop”
Troy May, owner/operator Fax #306.237.TROY
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist, Wealth Consultant Credential Asset Management Inc.
Financial Planning Estate Planning Life Insurance
• Topsoil • Lawn Care • Leveling • Sod • Patio Blocks
Your authorized
LG, Frigidaire, Shaw, Yamaha Audio Dealer; and Your authorized
SaskTel Mobility and High Speed Internet Dealer
Heavy Duty Journeyman Mechanic
Heavy Truck Repair
• Driveways • Concrete • Garage Pads • Pruning • Planting
Open Monday-Saturday
Investment Advisor Credential Securities Inc.
403 Main Street, Biggar
J. G. Smith
Mike Nahorney, Interprovincial
Lyndsey Sacher
Investment Rep Insurance Broker P. 306 948 5200 F. 306 948 5207 Appointments Preferred
948-2879, evenings 948-7207, daytime Ed Kolenosky
Biggar, Sask.
Dean McCallum, CFP, CIM, FCSI
Located at the Biggar & District Credit Union 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK • 306-948-3352
Rockin D Trucking & Cattle
701 - 4th Ave. E., Biggar
Toll Free: 866-403-2298
Email: garethmckee@burntorangesolutions.com Website: www.burntorangesolutions.com
…for bookings contact
Prairieland Collision
“Where we do it all for you!!”
Do you just want to know if your premiums are fair with the right coverage?
Tel: 306-986-2600
Tridem & Super B trailers
• Cattle hauling with 21 ft. gooseneck trailer • round and large square bale hauling with step-deck or highboy semi-trailers • also buying and selling straw and forage • also machinery hauling Home • 306-948-2037 Alex • 306-948-7291 Dan • 306-948-7843
• Detailing • Vortex Spray-In Box Liners • Granitex Baked-on Coatings for Decks and Cement Flooring • Auto Accessories • Trailer Rentals
Are you looking for Life, Living Benefits Insurance and/or Investment Strategies?
222 Main St., Biggar
Rebel Landscaping
Let Vortex protect your truck and your investment with the Vortex Seamless Sprayed on Liner System
100% handwash
Want a truly independent advisor who will find your unique solution?
Gareth McKee
Cell: 306-948-7524
Custom Grain Hauling
306-948-5352 or 306-244-9865
Rural/Urban • Computer Sales • Support and Consultancy • Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery • Cloud Email • Wired/Wireless Networking
~Brian and Cathy Fick~
1st Ave. West, Biggar
Roe & Peszko is a full service law office that practices…
• Biggar to Saskatoon • Same day Service • Monday to Friday • 24-hour Answering Service
BIGGAR COURIER Service Truck Full Mechanical Service Mon - Fri • 8 a.m.-5 p.m. phone: George
Garry A. Faye
205-3rd Ave. East, Biggar Books, gifts, cards. Shop at my home! Call 948-3427 for appts.
Sewing & Embroidery • Jackets • Windsuits • Shirts • Hunting Gear • Bunnyhugs • Caps • Toques • Bags Check out our new website: classicmakings.ca Judy Judy Kahovec: Kahovec… 882-4313, Cell 306-882-4313, cell831-7935 306-831-7935 Carey Krchov: 882-3213 Carey Krchov…882-3213
Anne G. Livingston
CertiÀed Custom Picture Framer • photographs • paintings • art prints • memorabilia • collages, etc. Call Anne @ 306-948-7274 greengables2@sasktel.net
948-3955 Battery Chargers Electric Fencers Repaired/Rebuilt/ Built
Phillips Radio Shop 109 Main St., Biggar
Phone: 306-948-2442 Fax: 306-948-2484
658-4474, Landis, SK
Biggar Sand & Gravel • trenching • trucking • water & sewer • sand & gravel • excavating Call Colin Graham at 306-948-5455 CWB CertiÀed Light Fabrication Mobile Welding
230 - 1st Ave. W., Biggar Phone: 948-7117 email: chase14welding@sasktel.net
…call 306-948-3344
THE INDEPENDENT, BIGGAR, SK -19 Local duo shines at Telemiracle . . . Biggar singers/performers (photo left) Kyle McCarty and Graham Lehnert, right, pose backstage at Telemiracle. The pair performed at the Saskatchewan annual icon, presenting a cheque for $2,630.05 money raised from a hot dog sale at BCS ($611), money collected from the school ($804.05), a St. Gabriel School fund raiser ($650), and money collected from the community ($565). Good job boys! And a good job to any who donated, as well! (Photo for The Independent by Cari McCarty)
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to The Municipalities Act, public notice is hereby given that the Town of Asquith intends to restructure by adding the following lands from the Rural Municipality of Vanscoy No. 345 to the Town of Asquith. The land to be added to the Town of Asquith is Parcels A, B and C, NE ¼ Section 3336-9-W3 Meridian.
The reasons for the proposal are for future urban residential development, as well as the fact that water and sewer infrastructure is installed adjacent to the property that will facilitate development.
Deadline for classiÀeds and ad copy is Monday at 5:00 p.m.
Rosetown - Elrose - Biggar - Outlook - Davidson - Central Butte
Spring Oil & Filter Sale! March to April Come talk to us about
Bulk Oil Available at Western Sales
15W40 plus 50-2 Hygard Why bulk oil? t Easy and Convenient to use t Comes in 1000L totes with a pallet base making it convenient to handle t Options for electric or air pumps with metering handles
A public meeting will be held at 6:45 p.m. on March 12, 2013 at the Asquith Town OfÀce. Any person who wishes to object to the proposed restructuring may Àle a written objection, stating clearly their reason for their opposition, with the administrator of the Town of Asquith at the address below: Town of Asquith Box 160 Asquith, SK S0K 0J0 A written notice of objection must be received by the administrator by April 2, 2013. The complete proposal may be viewed at the Town of Asquith ofÀce between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Dated at the Town of Asquith, Saskatchewan, this 25th day of February, 2013 Holly Cross, Chief Administrative OfÀcer Town of Asquith
National Farm Safety Week: Vehicle and Machinery Safety on the Farm Picture a farm andyou might imagine a quaint, wholesome place complete with green tractors, baby animals and hay bales. While this picture is idealistic, the tragic reality is that farms can be deadly places for their occupants, workers and visitors. Machinery greatly increases efficiency and productivity in farm workplaces, but at the same time introduces some deadly hazards. In fact, 70 per cent of agricultural fatalities are machinerelated due to machine rollovers, runovers and entanglements. This National Farm Safety Week, the Canada Safety Council encourages all farming families, workers, and visitors to recognize the vital need for safety around all vehicles and machinery on the farm. Our goal is to raise awareness of the deadly hazards that exists and provide recommendations about what can be done to
prevent injuries and tragedies. The statistics From 1990 to 2008, an average of 104 people died every year from agricultural incidents in Canada, according to the Canadian Agricultural Injury Reporting (CAIR) program. Agriculture ranks the fourth most hazardous industry in Canada, with 12.9 deaths per 100,000 farm population. Agriculture creates a unique environment, where children have direct access to the workplace. The most common locations for agricultural fatalities involving children are fields and the farm yard. Of the 248 children who died due to agriculturerelated injuries between 1990 and 2008, 63 per cent of the fatalities were machine-related. Seventy per cent of agricultural fatalities occurred from May to October, and 92 per cent of people who died in agricultural injury events were male. Along with the human loss and
suffering, economic losses from largely predictable and preventable agricultural incidents cost $465 million in one year. Transportation collisions accounted for $91 million of this total.
your machinery or vehicle before starting the equipment. Children, pets, farm animals or debris may be hiding in your blind spots. • Know the terrain of the land that is being
“. . . the tragic reality is that farms can be deadly places for their occupants, workers and visitors.”
Recommendations Make your farm a safer place by developing good practices for operating vehicles and machinery. • Do not operate farm machinery or vehicles when impaired. Impairing substances include alcohol, some medications and drugs. Impairment can also take other forms. These include fatigue,emotional stress and distractions. • Always walk around
farmed. When possible, avoid steep ditches and other areas where rollovers are more likely to occur. • Use machinery and vehicles for their intended purposes only. • Do not carry more passengers on machines or vehicles than recommended. • Always keep your hands, feet and body in general clear of moving parts. Use safety guards and keep the machinery
in good repair. • Keep work areas neat and clean. • Underage persons should not operate vehicles or machinery. • Teach children safety fundamentals. This includes clearly identifying where farm machinery and vehicles are operated, and where they may not play. Children need to develop a healthy respect for the potential dangers of being near a moving machine or vehicle, and learn how to stay safe. • If you are the owner/ operator of a farm, clearly communicate to your staff that risk-taking involving machinery or vehicles is not allowed or tolerated.Your employees should understand that you expect them to always operate in a safe manner. This includes no speeding and no impaired or distracted driving. • Make sure operators are competent, confident and capable when it comes to using machinery. If additional training or instruction is necessary, make safety the priority. Take the time to read
manuals, ask questions and consult industry experts who can give you answers. • Have an emergency plan and review it often with anyone who is regularly at your farm. This plan should include contact information for local emergency responders, and contact information for friends or relatives who can be called if something goes wrong. • Motorists, give farmmachinery operators the room they need on the road. Be patient and pass with caution when it is safe to do so. Like many aspects of farming life, safety is a shared responsibility and a team effort. It is absolutely necessary that everyone does their part to reduce injuries or deaths involving machinery and vehicles. Safety on the farm not only saves time and money, it reduces human suffering. Together, everyone can make the farm a safer and healthier place to live, work and play.
Is your time worth money?
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