Vol. 104 No. 12
Box 40, 102 3rd Ave West, Biggar, Saskatchewan S0K 0M0
email: tip@sasktel.net
24 pages
Phone: 306-948-3344
Stories shared build a deeper understanding by Pastor Mark Kleiner
onday, March 11 PALS (Presbyterians, Anglicans and Lutherans in Service) hosted an information meeting at New Horizons Hall in Biggar, with special guests, Lyndon Linklater from the Office of the Treaty Commissioner’s Speakers’ Bureau in Saskatoon, and Elder Ray Sanderson from the James Smith First Nation. Linklater spoke first and with his engaging personality, reminded us of our oral traditions through songs and customs that immediately give us our culture. Linklater effectively put us in the place that First Nations peoples were in over a century and a half ago, when they negotiated for the future of their people with a race they had little common ground with. Linklater shared with us the three fundamental beliefs for all First Nations. The first is belief in God, sometimes referred to as the Creator or the Great Spirit. Great Spirit created everything and each creation – from a rock to a plant to a human being – is imbued with its own spirit, so we are surrounded in all directions and dimensions, within and without, by spirits. That is the second principle. The third principle is that the land is Mother Earth who gives us our life and continues to nurture us. By using simple analogies, Linklater put us in our treaty partners’ shoes in a far more effective way than showering us with history dates and names. He had more material that he could have given us, but he wanted to leave time for us to hear Elder Ray’s story. Elder Ray Sanderson took the floor and told us that he would not be as entertaining as Linklater, but his story of life before, during and after the experience of r e s i d e n t i a l s ch o o l i n g could not have been more
riveting. His simple and dignified presentation of the anguish of being taken from home at the age of 6, enduring the strap, being subjected to multiple abuses from caregivers, and the debilitating loneliness and heartbreak that followed him through his life, allowed us to share some of what he felt. He found the army after high school and started using alcohol to help him cope with the periods of depression that began to haunt him. His alcohol use became more frequent, and eventually led to his departure from the army. He eventually joined a 12-step program and became sober. He was later recruited by the RCMP, but the trauma from the residential school experience continued to dog him, and eventually led to the end of that career as well. When he moved to Saskatoon, he was fortunate to find a doctor that recognized he was a survivor of residential schools and referred him to a psychiatrist, at which point he began to make emotional progress. He now lives with his son and family and feels that his grandchildren are helping him experience the love that he missed as a child. After the two presentations, there was a question and answer session between the 25 people in attendance and the guests. Audience questions about the effects of the Indian Act that has circumvented the Treaties for 137 years, the residential school legacy, and the foster care system, prompted stories from Linklater and Sanderson that provided more glimpses of history and glimmers of hope. Linklater spoke to the case presently in front of the Supreme Court on education underfunding. Chronic underfunding of Social Services and Health has been ongoing problem, yet as a taxpayer, Linklater doesn’t want to pay more taxes either. He would rather see governments negotiate revenue sharing from natural resources like potash, uranium, mines et
cetera, with their treaty partners, the First Nations. This may be an avenue of negotiation that can begin without affecting the Indian Act. Governments have historically made laws that affect First Nations without consultation, and that continues to give
the gift of poverty and despair. More than once, Linklater stressed that he is a proud Canadian and that Canada is the greatest country in the world. In giving presentations across Canada for 13 years, Linklater said that he found
Wizard of a show . . . New Creation Community Players cast members Tanya Schultz, left, and Gillian Massie get ready for Sunday’s matinee musical, ‘The Wiz’. All the past months of hard work really paid off as
Canadians everywhere to be fair minded, kind, of good humour and law abiding. When Canadians understand they are reaping the benefits of being Treaty people at the expense of their Treaty partners, they question the fairness of that and wonder
why their governments have not done better. There is always more to learn about this complex issue and sharing personal stories helps to create the beginnings of relationship, understanding and healing.
cast and crew put on an incredible, highly entertaining performance. You missed a good one! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Asquith residents honoured with Jubilee medal T
he Town of Asquith held a Diamond Jubilee Awards Tea in Asquith on March 3, at which time eight worthy recipients received Diamond Jubilee Medals in honour of their contributions to their community. The eight award recipients were as follows: Les Dahlseide, Marg Down, Gail Erhart, L o r n a G u t s ch , S a n d y Hass, Neil Millard, Tom Morrison and Les Stack. The afternoon was an enjoyable one, and the community showed up to show their pride in the recipients. SaskatoonRosetown-Biggar Member of Parliament, K e l l y B l o ck a t t e n d e d the tea to present the medals along with His
Worship James Maddin. G a l e S t a ck s a n g G o d
Save the Queen and O Canada, accompanied
by Della Phillips on the piano.
Asquith honoured some pretty important members of the community, March 3, as these tireless residents received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. (Submitted Photo)
Government holds the line on Education Property Tax Premier Brad Wall, March 13, announced that the government will hold the line on education property tax in 2013. The overall value of property in Saskatchewan has increased 67 per cent over the past four years, from $58 billion in 2009 to $97 billion in 2013, thanks to Saskatchewan’s strong and growing economy. Wall said while that’s good news for property owners, it could have meant significant property tax increases if the government had left the education property tax rates unchanged. “A few weeks ago, Government Relations Minister Jim Reiter said that our government would take a close look at the impact of this huge increase in property values on property taxes,” Wall said. “Today, I am pleased to announce that despite some significant pressures on our provincial budget, we will hold the line on education property taxes in 2013.” Wall said that means education tax rates will be reduced significantly in next week’s provincial budget to keep the overall
Pee Wee Nats take B side championship . . . Biggar National forward Lara McCarty digs for the puck in Game One of the Highway 14 League B side championship, March 13. The Nats were the most impact on property taxes revenue-neutral in terms of reassessment. “That means some property owners will still see their taxes go up because their assessment went up more than average, while others will see their property taxes go down,” Wall said. “But overall, we are holding the line on education property tax
mill rates.” Wall said that with a growing population and increasing school enrolments, the government may have to look at adjusting the education property tax in the years ahead. “When our government took office, the education property tax funded about 60 per cent of K-12 school costs with the
Biggar local receives Jubilee Medal recognition . . . Barbara-Ann de Haan, centre, receives the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal from SaskatoonRosetown-Biggar MP Kelly Block, left, for her volunteer work for the Canadian Celiac Association. The Saskatoon chapter recognized de Haan with a luncheon with other members, family and friends before the medal presentation. DeHaan was also awarded the Queen Elizabeth Golden Jubilee medal in 2002. Pictured to the right is Peny Fairbrother, President of the Saskatoon Chapter of the Canadian Celiac Association. (Submitted Photo)
gracious hosts to the rival Kindersley Klipper squad, blanking them 4-zip. Nats won Game Two, 7-5 in Kindersley, securing the best of three series. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
remainder being funded by the Government of Saskatchewan,” Wall said. “In 2009, our government delivered the largest education property tax cut in Saskatchewan history.
As a result, education taxes now fund about 35 per cent of K-12 school costs. “We will want to sit down with SUMA, SARM and SSBA and hear from Saskatchewan
people in advance of next year’s budget on how we go forward in terms of the need for financial support for increasing enrolment and education infrastructure demands.”
Broten sets priorities in first week NDP Leader Cam Broten’s first week in the Legislature was used to get to work on the areas he’ll focus on as leader of the official Opposition, Saskatchewan’s NDP. “I’ll cooperate with the government and support things that are working in Saskatchewan,” said Broten, March 15. “But I want to see changes where Saskatchewan deserves better, including a sustainable growth plan for education and better long-term care for seniors.” Broten said that smaller class sizes and putting educational assistants back in classrooms are part of his plan for schools, while his priority list for long-term care includes creating more spaces and more choices for seniors. Broten noted
that moving seniors out of hospital beds and into appropriate care homes would make hospitals more efficient and address hallway medicine and emergency room crowding. The third area of focus for Broten will be forcing the Sask Party government to be more accountable and more transparent. “The Sask Party is stubborn,” said Broten. “It has been pushing ahead on plans without listening and refusing to admit when it makes a mistake. Saskatchewan people deserve a government that listens and a government that puts people ahead of politicians.” Broten and the NDP team raised a number
of issues on behalf of Saskatchewan’s middle class in his first week as leader, and used question period to ask about: • The Sask Party’s controversial IPAC cover-up; • The Sask Party’s short-sighted plans to reduce the size of Moose Jaw’s new hospital by one-third; • The Sask Party’s failure in increasing the stock of rental housing; • A mould problem at Saskatoon’s Parkridge long-term care home; • Why the Sask Party refuses to consider putting a cap on growing class sizes; and • How the Sask Party let lobbyists convince it to put a promised lobbyist registry on hold.
Opinions ........................................................... 4 Agriculture ......................................................10 Classifieds ................................................16 - 18 Business & Professional Directories ........19 - 21
Community Connections and Wilkie counterpart become new entity The Board of Directors for both Biggar Community Connections and Wilkie Independent Living Services held a joint board meeting to sign the official amalgamation agreement papers, March 1. At that time, they also officially elected the new executive for the board of directors for the amalgamated agency, now named Prairie Branches Enterprises Inc. Both organizations’ primary purpose is to support individuals with intellectual disabilities through the provision of residential, day programs and supportive independent living services. The amalgamation will be able to provide better services through economies of scale, sharing of expertise in staffing and board members; the ability to spread volunteer hours over a broader base and offering additional services with a consistent philosophy. April 1 is the official start date for the new agency. The new agency will consist of seven 24-hour homes and three day programs in the communities
of Wilkie, Biggar and Unity, as well as two supportive independent living programs within those communities and surrounding areas. Prairie Branches will support 49 individuals with varying levels of disabilities. The combined agencies mission statement is “Every person is entitled to a safe, inclusive environment; therefore we provide individualized services and opportunities to people with special needs through community awareness and partnership.” The new board executive consists of Gordon Martin, Chair, Cheryl Irvine, ViceChair, Gordon Laycock, Treasurer and Rosemary Fenrich as Secretary. The remaining members consist of Shari Stadnyk, Larry Kirk, Maureen Gutting, Karen Itterman, Jacklin Andrews and
The new board executive of Prairie Branches Enterprises. (Submitted Photo) Arlene Southgate. “We have been and shall continue to be the people that we support’s voice, in the communities and the province,” explained
together we will have much more success on their behalf, than if we were separate agencies.” The main office of Prairie Branches will be
located in Wilkie at 104 Seventh Avenue West with a second office in Biggar located at 104 Sixth Avenue East.
Saskatchewan municipalities receive record revenue sharing in 2013-14 S a s k a t c h e w a n municipalities will receive record revenue sharing of more than $264.4 million in 2013-14, an 11.4 per cent increase from the previous year and a 108 per cent increase since
2007-08. “Saskatchewan’s revenue sharing program continues to provide record levels of funding to municipalities,” Government Relations Minister Jim Reiter
Government directs SGI to amend rate proposal Following concern from motorcycle owners regarding significant insurance rate hikes proposed by SGI, Minister responsible for SGI Donna Harpauer has asked the corporation to amend its rate proposal to cap increases for motorcycles at 15 per cent. In addition, Harpauer has directed SGI to review its rating approach for motorcycles, including the injury benefit levels provided in the insurance coverage, and to examine ways to improve motorcycle safety programs. “We heard loud and clear from the motorcycle community that the proposed increases would cause unreasonable financial hardship for bike enthusiasts, and could negatively impact business owners who deal in motorcycle and related equipment sales,” Harpauer said, March 14. “We’ve asked SGI to implement caps on these hikes to reduce rate shock for motorcycle owners. We’ve also asked SGI to
Gordon Martin, Chair of Prairie Branches. “Together we can be a much stronger advocate for the participants in our programs and
look at other options in terms of coverage levels and increased safety programs that ultimately will help reduce the claim costs associated with motorcycles.” Under SGI’s revised proposal increases for motorcycles with annual rates greater than $1,000 will be capped at a maximum of 15 per cent. Motorcycles with annual rates of $1,000 or less will be subject to a dollar cap instead of a percentage cap, with a maximum increase of $150 annually. SGI will undertake formal consultations with motorcycle stakeholders in the spring, but in the meantime any comments or feedback on the rating structure for motorcycles, safety programs or benefit levels can be sent to motorcycles@sgi.sk.ca. The proposed rates for all vehicles will be revised to accommodate the new capping guideline, and the revised rates will be posted on SGI’s Web site at sgi.sk.ca. If approved, the rate changes would be effective August 31,
2013. The revised rate proposal will be posted on the Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel’s (SRRP) Web site at saskratereview.ca within the next few days. Comments on the rate proposal can be provided to SRRP through its Web site, or by calling toll free 1-877-368-7075 or e-mailing feedback@ saskratereview.ca.
said, Monday. “The level of funding that municipalities are receiving is unique in this province’s history and throughout the country.” Under the Municipal Grants Regulations, the allocation of funding within the pools must be reviewed after every federal Census. The review is conducted in consultation with municipal sector partners and was started early last year following the 2011 Census. As Saskatchewan’s municipal partners were unable to reach a consensus on the allocation of funding for the new fiscal year, the Minister of Government Relations reviewed the allocation as part of the budget process.
“The new allocations strike a balance that provides funding to address both population growth and demands on rural roads while also recognizing the challenges facing northern communities,” Reiter said. In 2013-14, revenue sharing funding will be allocated as follows: Urban municipalities - $170 million ($18.1 million increase); Rural municipalities - $74.7 million ($5.9 million increase); Northern municipalities - $19.7 million ($3.1 million increase). The allocations in each funding pool until 2017-
18 are as follows: Cities - 47.945 per cent; Rural Municipalities - 28.254 per cent; Towns and Villages - 16.345 per cent; Northern Municipalities - 7.456 per cent. Since its inception, the program has provided the highest amount of unconditional funding shared with municipalities by the provincial government in the history of Saskatchewan.Municipal revenue sharing has more than doubled since 2007-08. Revenue sharing totals for individual municipalities can be viewed at http://gr.gov. sk.ca/revenuesharing.
GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… Wednesday, March 20, 10:30 a.m. (stations randomly selected)
Biggar .............................................121.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock .........................119.9¢/L Perdue… .........................................119.9¢/L Landis… .........................................120.9¢/L Rosetown… ....................................120.9¢/L North Battleford….........................121.9¢/L Unity...............................................118.9¢/L Saskatoon .......................................121.9¢/L Humboldt .......................................113.9¢/L Lloydminster ..................................111.9¢/L Kindersley ......................................117.9¢/L Swift Current .................................121.9¢/L
Lottery Numbers
Music Festival Rose Bowl winners . . . The Biggar and District Music Festival recognized for the year two very talented performers: Katherine Aldridge, left, and Jessie Gilchrist. The pair were awarded the coveted Rose Bowl awards at the recent performers concert. (Submitted Photo)
649 - Sat., March 16 04, 14, 16, 25, 45, 47 Bonus 27 Extra 3042840 649 - Wed., March 13 01, 04, 11, 16, 26, 46 Bonus 31 Extra 4800168 Western 649 - Sat., March 16 08, 16, 22, 25, 30, 42 Bonus 39
Western 649 - Wed., March 16 15, 17, 24, 33, 34, 37 Bonus 46 Lotto Max - Friday, March 15 09, 16, 17, 19, 22, 41, 43 Bonus 12 Extra 1462227 Western Lotto Max - Fri., March 15 02, 06, 10, 30, 37, 42, 49 Bonus 47
Keep busy and forget the weather Well, everybody has just about had enough of this weather judging from the comments. And, it has been a long winter no doubt about it. We typically see some melting towards the middle of March but not this year. In fact, we didn’t really get our customary January thaw. Even though complaining about the weather is our favourite past time there is nothing we can do about it but live with it. Spring and warmer temps will come and we will have different issues when the snow does start to melt. I was talking to the town foreman and mentioned that the crew did a great job this year removing the snow and keeping the streets clear. What a year it has been for them but they rose to the occasion. Now, the concern is the spring thaw and the resulting abundance of water. There has to be a bright side to everything. While talking to a fellow gardener we remarked that with all this snow cover we shouldn’t lose too many perennials this year. And there should be enough water to see green grass soon. Spring also brings budgets -- both the provincial and federal. By the time this issue of The Independent hits the streets the provincial budget will have been tabled (Wednesday) and discussed over and over. The federal budget is to be delivered on publication date (Thursday) so it remains to be seen what Canadians will think about that. Hockey may be winding up for some fans but for those Biggarites that have been following the Rosetown Redwings this season there are still lots of games to be played. Many followed the Shellbrook series (some die hards even travelled to Shellbrook via the scenic route) and were not disappointed with the quality of play. The Redwings will be facing off against the Prairie Thunder starting this weekend. Don’t forget Easter is coming up. All this activity is sure to take your mind off the weather. P.H.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are welcome. They MUST be signed, approximately 300 words in length and are subject to editing.
Canada’s inflexible health care system costly to both patients and business The lengthy loss of employees caught in waiting lists creates a headwind for employers competing in the global productivity race surgery in 2013 and I patient unable to handle Fraser study shows the mechanical problems First: unlike Canada’s by Gwyn Morgan, system can’t guarantee you’ll previous duties even median wait time for are evident is likely to monopoly Columnist, Troy Media Distributed by Troy Media, hospitals, get treated in 2014”. after treatment. And orthopedic treatment is worsen the damage. So wherein www.troymedia.com That would mean at then there’s the reality more than twice as high it goes with the human diagnostic facilities and This story will sound least two years from GP that their long term as the average in other body. No wonder that, other infrastructure all too familiar to many referral to treatment. absence combined with medical fields. controlled and despite spending 36 per are Canadians suffering Earlier this month, cent more per capita managed by government Meanwhile, his pain uncertainty of recovery from what our health escalates as his condition forces employers to The Organization for on health care than bureaucracies, all care system labels “non- continues to worsen, replace the worker, Economic Development the OECD average, countries ranking ahead urgent” maladies. Co-operation our system yields the of Canada in independent along with his quality of possibly ending their and In March of last year, life. career and creating long (OECD) released a poorest results. That’s international health care a family member was surveys This hope-sapping term dependency on report entitled “Waiting a personally tragedy for performance diagnosed with spinal story is mirrored by social support. Time Policies in the patients, but the lengthy deliver publically-funded ailments that have thousands Those are the downsides Health Sector”. The 11 loss of employees with services through a of other continuously worsened Canadians whose painful for the patient, but country survey found needed skills creates a competitive combination to the point where his story is condensed to what about the impact that Canada has the headwind for employers of public and private mobility is severely a number on a waiting on Canadian business longest elective surgery competing in the global sources. Second: Canada impaired and he is list. Each story tears productivity? Orthopedic waiting times with 25 productivity race. is the only country with in constant pain. The at the heartstrings, but ailments, such as our per cent of patients It’s not just wait laws that take away a agricultural job he has what about the financial family member’s back waiting more than four times where Canada’s patient’s right to pay held for almost 30 years cost to the patients? problem, are by far the months compared with health care system personally for health has become impossible. A Fraser Institute leading cause of lost eight per cent in New is underperforming. care services. After reviewing an study The result is the same as entitled The working days. And these Zealand, seven per cent Canada also ranks x-ray, his GP suspected Private Cost of Public orthopedic ailments in France, Switzerland, poorly on multi- it would be for any service that he’d need a spinal Queues estimates often afflict workers and the United States, factorial studies. The where competition was fusion. After nine earnings loss to patients already in short supply. and just five per cent 2010 edition of the forbidden; a sclerotic, frustrating months trying waiting for care in Skilled trades including in the Netherlands and Euro-Canada Health inflexible system that to get an appointment, 2011 was more than electricians, carpenters, Germany. This data Consumer Index found stifles innovation, takes a spinal neurologist a billion dollars. The welders, plumbers, is the average of all that, despite the fourth- away patient freedom recently confirmed the author steel elective surgeries and, as highest acknowledged boiler-makers, per-capita of choice and costs need for surgery and this was a conservative workers, power line the Fraser study found, spending, Canadian taxpayers and employers he was placed on a wait estimate and that is technicians, mechanics orthopedic wait times health care ranks 25th dearly. list. Then just last week most certainly true. One and machinists are are more than twice the when compared with 33 Gwyn Morgan is a came devastating news reason is that almost frequently impacted and Canadian average. Canadian business European countries. from the scheduling all health conditions waiting lists make their Continuing to drive What can be done? Here leader and director of nurse: “I don’t see any deteriorate with time, time away from work your car long after are two instructive facts. two global corporations. chance that you’ll get sometimes rendering the unnecessarily long. The
Phone: 306-948-3344
Fax: 306-948-2133
Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Monday at the office of publication, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Delta Fay Cruickshank
E-mail: tip@sasktel.net
P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
I love cookbooks. Leafing through the pages, scanning new recipes to try -- it’s an adventure. I always find something new I can try when I host my group of lady friends. For the most part the creations are edible, only once or twice have I come across a recipe that I would not try again. That’s not to say I pick up every cookbook that is on the shelves. You have to be careful about which ones you will try. I find that cookbooks printed by local groups have the very best recipes. That’s because those recipes tend to be tried and true having been served to the cook’s own family and friends. It’s a matter of pride when submitting a recipe with your name on it. Years ago I was the recipient of a very unique cookbook: For the Breasts of Friends. The background story was touching. A group of ladies from a small town in rural Saskatchewan had published a cookbook in memory of friends who had lost the battle with breast cancer. The proceeds were dedicated to cancer research.
That was in 2004 and since then I have tried many of the recipes and served them to family, friends and various groups -- all with great success. Since then five more cookbooks have been released bringing the grand total to six -For the Breasts and the Best of Friends, Breast Wishes from Breast Friends, Best Wishes for Christmas, Breast Wishes for the Men in Our Lives, Breast Friends Inspire Health. To date the cookbooks have generated $1.4 million in donations. Where do the profits go? As stated on the website profits are donated to cancer agencies, equipment, research or patient needs and to help raise awareness about prevention and treatment. The good news is that the death rate is down 25 per cent but there is still a long way to go. Only 34 per cent of Canadian women over the age of 50 have annual mammograms even though this procedure helps to save lives. Early detection saves lives. But, there is more to this story. Early in 2013, their fifth cookbook,
Breast Wishes for the Men in Our Lives was nominated for an award in the charity/ fundraising category at the International Gourmand Awards -and they won beating out competitors such as Michelle Obama and Microsoft. It has been an exciting and adventurous journey for these women from Foam Lake, Saskatchewan. They never dreamt that Paris, France would be on their list of destinations but that is where they all met to accept the World Award for Best Charity Cookbook in North America. I know, for the ladies, the cookbooks are about cancer awareness. There are however so many side victories. The success of women in rural Saskatchewan and the difference you can make when you believe in a cause. It’s heartwarming but its also about making good business decisions and showing other women that anything is possible. And, it can happen in a small town. You don’t have to be from a “big” city.
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cards, chocolates, > Lottery Terminal Centre > FREE Daily Delivery egg colour kits, Leslie’s Drugstore Ltd. plush toys 205 Main St. • Biggar •
Community Foundation donates to Family Centre . . . Biggar and District Community Foundation’s Dean McCallum hands over a cheque for $2,100 to Biggar and District Family Centre’s Charla de Bussac. The donation goes a long way to helping with the Centre’s programming for the year. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Sell your stuff
in the Classifieds! Call 948-3344
Highlights? by Bob Mason
Some time ago, YT was reading a book in which were the comments of a few “run-of-the-mill” drifters as they faced up to the problems of the Great Depression. The book was written by one of Canada’s leading authors who interviewed those people, mostly on the streets of Winnipeg and later produced as “Ten Lost Years!” (Pax and Age, eh?), and now it is part of our Western Canadian History! Because of B.B’s very personal revelations of “I did this . . .” and “I did that . . . “ being accepted by readers, YT (who isn’t a “Leading Author” by a darnsight), wondered if these highlights of his little
world of “I did this . . .” and “I did that . . .” might be satisfied too! The lines below will never make it to the Archives of any history book anywhere, but they are important to me! Everybody has a few memories about things that have happened in their lives. And while some of these “Everybodies” are very important people (like John A. MacDonald and Gordy Howe), most of us are just ordinary “also rans”! Like mentioned above, these little highlights might be important to me - but about the media, I dunno! Here goes anyway. Like a lot of little children, young Bobby (YT), who was supposed to be asleep in his
Afternoon Snacking Does your stomach growl in the afternoon? Your body is telling you it’s time to refuel. Try fresh or canned fruit, yogurt, vegetables and dip or pretzels for a quick pick-me-up! When the munchies strike, you’ll be more apt to choose a healthy snack if it’s handy. So plan ahead. Make it a habit to bring a few options from home every day. Snacks are a normal part of a healthy diet. Make the most of yours by making wise choices.
cot upstairs, came sneaking down in his nightshirt one evening while his folks were having a few friends in. “What a cute little boy!” one of the local ladies gushed. (I often wish someone would say that now!). I also hear that he has a very nice voice - mebbe he will sing us a short song before he goes back to bed!” That was enough! Despite a few frowns from his folks, “Little Bobby” started to sing a few lines that his mother had taught him . . . “Who’ll man the keelrow, the keelrow, the keelrow Who’ll man the keelrow, the boat that my lads in!” I don’t think that ones memory is supposed to go at that young age, but little Bobbie’s sure did! Try as he might, the next few lines just wouldn’t come to him. So, as a kind of coverup he just kept on singing, (after all, that lady had said he had such a fine voice!) “Who’ll man the keelrow, the keelrow, the keelrow, the keelrow . . .” Finally his mother, seeing his desperation, (and feeling a bit herself!) took him back upstairs to bed!
Yours Truly never did find out who “manned the keelrow” but, as one of the more memorable moments of his life, he never forgot that incident either. As a young preschool boy, back in the 1920’s, YT always envied his older brother Bill, who gaily set off for school each day in our old buggy, driving the small school pony. I’m not sure what they taught him in school, or if most of his inspiration came from our folks, but one day as he was coming home, one of the wheels of that rattly ancient conveyance flew off to pieces! A while later he drove into the yard, having fixed it himself with the “wheel-empty” back axle held up by a travoislike affair! Of course our parents were very proud of their seven-year-old son (we all were!), and in the years to come Bill became the family “mechanic-fixer” for the rest of his life. Bill never became a “Big Time Operator” (he never wanted to be one!) but my memory of that long-past incident (and Bill!) has never left me! A few years later, as young YT was delivering a full can of cream to the local railway station, another buggy wheel flew apart and spilled our whole weeks income all over the road guess who walked home, feeling that he was only a few inches high, and never became a family fixer-upper either, eh? Many years ago, when
we were all a lot younger, the family being three boys, we played a lot of baseball. We never made it to the Big Leagues, and probably made a lot of mistakes, but we really enjoyed just pitching, catching and batting (and, if all went well - running the bases!). So, Yours Truly is playing third base for the local team one sports day, when on of the opposing team’s batters hit a high foul ball way out across the fence in left field. Sixteen year old YT raced like a deer, jumped the single strand fence and snagged the almost uncatchable ball with one hand - wow! There were 50 cars parked around that ball watching the game, but only one of them blew its horn! YT waved and hollered “Thanks Dad!” Like mentioned before many times, there are endless stories to be told about “Make-do”, during the 1930’s, and often I wonder whatever became of Dad’s home-invented five-foot swather! In 1937, much of our crop never developed at all. We got a few bushels of grain from the sloughs and low spots on the farm, but only threshed some 70 bushels of wheat from over 200 acres! At that time Russian Thistle grew wild all over the place, but mostly on the level ground, it got to be a few inches high! Dad never gave up! We had a whole herd of cattle and he decided to cut thistle for feed! Dad cut about 10 pieces of one-inch metal strapping form an old
bedspring that we had, cut it in lengths of one to four feet long, bent them at one end and bolted them under every second guard on the five-foot mower! When he hitched a team of horses and pulled that old machine down a field of thistle, it threw a small swath to the left, so that when it dried, we could easily pick it up with our forks. I think that we stacked nearly 50 loads of that stuff that year! Although we tramped every load we brought in, it didn’t take very long until the 12-foot high stacks, settled until they were only six-feet high. Some of it really moulded, but boy oh boy did the stock really go for that mould! Like mentioned, there are thousand tales to be told about the inventiveness of farmers during The Depression, and one doesn’t have to go very far to find some of those “make-do” leftovers that were made in those years. Yours Truly will always remember the seeming hopelessness of those awful years. Not because of the government handouts that many Saskatchewan residents got, but because of that attitude our seniors showed us, even when things are at their worst, there is always something one can do! Mebbe that old machine is in a junk pile somewhere, I dunno, but one thing is sure, it is one of the highlights of the museum of my memory!
Heartland Health Region Board Meeting The next Board meeting will be held Wednesday, March 27th, 2013 in Kindersley. (Note: location has been changed for this meeting) Board packages can be obtained from the Regional Corporate Office within one week of the meeting. Please call the office to arrange for printing and pick up. Contact Christa Garrett at 306-882-4111 ext 236 or by e-mail christa.garrett@hrha.sk.ca.
For toll-free health information 24 hours a day. Deaf and Hard of Hearing clients of Healthline can call the TTY line at 1-888-425-4444. Smokers Helpline 1-877-513-5333 or www.smokefree.ca Questions about Medication? Call 1-800-665-DRUG (3784). Ask questions online www.usask.ca/druginfo Mental Health & Addictions Centralized Intake Line 1-866-268-9139 Monday to Friday 8:00 am—4:30 pm
Heartland Health Region www.hrha.sk.ca
Off to see ‘The Wiz’ . . . New Creation Community Players cast of Janelle Leschinski, Terry Epp, Tanya Schultz and Graham Lehnert (left to right) perform one of the signature numbers from their upcoming
performance of ‘The Wiz’ for Biggar Central School students, Thursday. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
NDP’s Broten won’t say where he stands on Keystone XL, says Sask Party The Sask Party wants to know where NDP leader Cam Broten stands on the Keystone XL pipeline project. With federal NDP leader Thomas Mulcair in Washington speaking against the Keystone XL pipeline project, Broten is dodging reporters’ questions about where he
stands on an issue and an industry that means thousands of jobs and millions of dollars for the Canadian and Saskatchewan economies. In an article in the March 13 Regina LeaderPost Broten said: “We’ve passed on our comments to Mr. Mulcair,” but he wouldn’t say what those
comments were. Saskatchewan Party MLA Paul Merriman said that shows a complete lack of leadership by Broten. “Cam Broten is saying: ‘I’m accountable to Thomas Mulcair but I’m not accountable to Saskatchewan people.’ That’s not leadership,” Merri-
Fortnightly news
man said. Broten also said he is waiting to see if the National Energy Board approves the project. Merriman noted that the National Energy Board already approved the project - three years ago (National Energy Board Approves Keystone XL Project, March 11, 2010, http://bit.ly/WaGwJl) “Cam Broten needs to do
his homework, or at least a Google search, before he makes these kinds of misinformed statements,” Merriman said. Merriman noted that last year, Broten and his NDP colleagues voted against a resolution in the Legislature in support of Keystone XL. “Saskatchewan people deserve to know where Cam Broten stands on
this important project. Is he going to stand up for Canada and Saskatchewan? Or is he going to join Thomas Mulcair in betraying our national interest?” Yes, you can wear that dress and look great! CALL for more info on our Bridal Packages and get the RESULTS! 306-948-2208 or email: thesolution@sasktel.net
by Alice Ellis Fortnightly met at the home of Tillie Zimmer on March 11. President Loreen Grondin welcomed the ladies on this windy March day. Secretary Tillie Zimmer read the minutes and financial statement. Plans were discussed for the annual spring luncheon. The roll call brought memories of the Great Depression. Teachers spoke of the salary and life style conditions of the time. Families re-
ceived a $5 relief cheque per person or $8 per month for families. The gift from Eastern Canada were truly appreciated. Tillie presented a film on the depression in the central U.S.A.; Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, et cetera. It was called the “Dust Bowl”. With continuos dust storms and no rain, it was caused so much pain and suffering to people and to livestock. At times, it was difficult to bury the hundreds
of people who died of “dust pneumonia” as the families couldn’t find the tombstone in cemeteries filled with dirt from the dust storms; called “black blizzards”. Over lunch, the ladies continued speaking of local experiences. It was a “gut wrenching” time for Prairie residents in Canada as well as the United States. The next meeting will be held at the Westwinds on March 25.
Diamond Lodge News A warm welcome from the residents and staff at the Diamond Lodge. The week started off great, the lock-down was lifted. Everyone finally got over the flu b u g. We s t a r t e d t h e week off with exercises. Then in the afternoon we played Jeopardy. Tuesday we had current events. In the afternoon we had Bean
Bag Toss. Wednesday we carpet bowled. In the afternoon we had happy hour. Thursday we again exercise, in the afternoon we had our ever popular Bingo. Friday we had a very exiting day. We celebrated St. Patty’s day . We had lots of treats and good Irish music.
Biggar School of Dance presents…
Biggar Invitational Dance Festival
APRIL 12, 13 and 14 at The Majestic Theatre, Biggar Sessions, Daily and Weekend admission available. ~lyrical
~hip-hop ~jazz …large groups
Saturday we played Jack Pot Bingo, in the afternoon we watched Bonanza with fresh popcorn. Sunday morning we had a spa morning and One-on-One’s. In the afternoon we were treated to church with The Biggar United Church. Thank you to all who come to visit and all our volunteers .
If you are willing and able to help with any volunteering, please contact Crystal, 306-948-3474 or Tanys, 306-948-5649
…small groups
~tap …duets
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No. 300 Fisher Cadets keep the momentum in a busy training year No. 300 Fisher Air Cadets have had a productive start to 2013. In January, the volleyball team headed to Saskatoon for a sports competition making it all the way to the finals! The squadron also held an effective speaking competition. As a result of this competition Sgt Regan Sittler is advancing and will compete at the zone level in Macklin 23 March, 2013 - good luck! In February, all of the cadets enjoyed a day of flying in Saskatoon at Mitchenson’s Flying Service Center. For a few cadets it was their first flight ever in a powered aircraft! They also
No. 300 Fisher curling Team: Geoff Massie, Garrett McCrea, Braydon Voll, Michael Nicklin and Regan Sittler. (Submitted photos) teams from participated in the zone against curling championships, around Saskatchewan. demonstrating excellent These cadets practiced sportsmanship and drill for several hours taking home well a week and their hard deserved silver medals - work really showed. Many of the cadets were great job!! March saw the drill also awarded Summer Scholarships team compete in the Training Lord Strathcona Drill and are looking forward Competition and put to a summer of adventure in a solid performance and learning at various camps throughout the Prairies. Heading into April, four cadets, Geoffrey Massie, Regan Sittler, Jayden Sittler and Josh Sittler will be traveling
to Penhold, Alberta to participate in Honour Band; a 10 day intensive music workshop and performance concert. There are many fun events still to come for the cadets including gliding, survival, and squadron competition day. The Annual Ceremonial Review is set for May 30 with Lt Col Malcom Young as the reviewing officer. Cadets is open to youth
ages of 12-18. The program f o c u s e s on fitness, leadership a n d citizenship. P a r a d e n i g h t s are held Wednesday nights, Mark Edwards Hall (above the rink).
FSGT Josh Sittler, a No. 300 Fisher cadet currently enrolled in Commercial Pilot Training at SIAST, guides the cadets through a pre-flight inspection.
Duane Neufeldt
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Superb 2010 home consisting of 1128 sq. ft., 4 -bed, 3 bath, finished walkout basement, double detached garage on a 50x140 ft. lot. MLS #453085
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The 2013 No. 300 Fisher Drill Team, Back row, left to right: Michael Nicklin, Geoff Massie, Braydon Voll, Regan Sittler, Garrett McCrea, 2Lt Melanie Sittler (coach). Front: Dalton Keeler, Lindsey Hill, Jordyn Brotzel, Karli deBussac, Justine deBussac.
Cadet Jordyn Brotzel gets ready to climb into this cute little Cessna for a taste of power flying.
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The latest technology arrives in Biggar As part of the refurbishment of B i g g a r ’ s We s t w i n d s Motor Hotel, the latest wireless technology has just arrived to provide customers and staff a better experience when using the Internet. “My clients expect high speed Internet when they stay in our hotel, however we wanted to go further and ensure that they are also safe when they
are online,” explained Dayna McComb, owner and manager of the hotel. “This is why we have engaged with Burnt Orange Solutions to install a greater number of wireless points within the hotel and to ensure they provide a secure connection”. Gareth McKee, owner of Burnt Orange Solutions IT consultancy firm also based in Biggar added
that McComb wanted to ensure her clients and staff’s computers are safe when they are online both from internal and external threats. “We deployed a solution which separates the hotel and guest networks so that one cannot infect the other,” he added. “Also, as Dayna cannot be assured that all her guests have up to date antivirus on their PCs, we have put
security in place to ensure that one guest’s computer could not infect another. Also with BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) being the latest IT buzzword we needed to ensure that any and all devices could connect to the network, this we have done with using the latest wireless points from Draytek”. M c C o m b wa n t e d t o ensure her guests have a good experience while at
the hotel. “To do this we have installed more wireless points than we actually need.” Gareth commented, “This way we have far more capacity than we would ever expect to need, to ensure that both businesses holding
meetings and guests relaxing in their rooms can have top of the range Internet access. We are determined that Dayna’s guests have a pleasant experience when they stay the Westwinds and this is all part of their famous welcome.”
BCS2000 Pr Principal’s report by Terry Braman March 18 is the date I write this but the weather is more like January 18 outside. We need to send a memo to Mother Nature to let her know that it is supposed to be spring now so enough with the snow and freezing cold temperatures! Due to weather situations, all of the Sunwest School Division Bus cancellations are put up on the Web site sunwestsd.ca in the mornings as well as the bus drivers will phone the parents on their route. Hopefully, we will not have to worry about that for very much longer now. Fingers crossed. Sunwest School Division has been busy preparing our school calendar for next year and it has been finalized. It can be found on the Web site mentioned previously if you are interested in seeing what it will look like next year. We had a few different options to choose from but in the end it will remain similar to this years with a February break and an Easter break. The interesting change that will take place is we will be extending our instructional time per day by 15 minutes. The staff
will be meeting to discuss how this will look inside our building very soon. Our K-9 Term 2 report cards were handed out on Monday, March 18. Our entire school Parent/Teacher/Student interviews will be held on the evenings of Tuesday, March 26 and Wednesday March 27. These interviews are by request, either by the teacher or by the parents. Please call the school if you would like any interviews scheduled for you. Our School Community Council continues to be hard at work trying to increase the quality of our school wherever they can. This is a general announcement that our SCC AGM will be held on Tuesday, April at Biggar Central School. We have fantastic parents and community members that would be great to have be a part of our School Community Council so if you are interested please plan to attend that evening. Badminton has gotten going here at our school now. The Junior and Senior teams started practicing last week. If you are interested in coming out to play talk to Mr. Johnson and he can
give you all the details. The Junior badminton team hosts their home tournament this Saturday, March 23 so come out and cheer the kids on. The Character Counts program continues to be a large focus of our school. T h e B e s t B u n ch f o r Lunch will continue this Thursday since there is no
school Friday. It is a day in lieu of Parent/Teacher/ Student interviews the following week. Be sure to be showing your best caring attributes at all times. Time for the farewell quote “The best way out is always through.” Frost Have a great week!
Biggar Central School Principal, Terry Braman, left, appears to have joined the New Creation Community Players’ cast of ‘The Wiz’. Principal Braman was just making good on some Telemiracle promises. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Adaptive farm techniques make Saskatchewan a world leader
by Calvin Daniels
by Calvin Daniels We often hear about farmland being a finite resource in this world of ours.
And of course that is true in regards to acres. Once you minus the mountains, deserts, swamps, lakes, urban sprawl and
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all the other things which restrict land from ever growing a crop. But it goes farther than that as we move forward. Just because land is productive cropland today does not mean it will be tomorrow. Soil degradation is a real issue moving forward. Existing land can lose its productivity for a range of reasons, all relating to affects which damage the topsoil. The most obvious of those is erosion which literally carries nutrient rich topsoil away. Many of us will be familiar with pictures of great clouds of dust billowing over the landscape in the 1930’s. It was blowing topsoil which contributed to the era being known as the ‘Dirty Thirties’.
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Things were not so much better here on the Canadian Prairies in the 1980s either. Land blew. Topsoil flowed into ditches with rain runoff. Topsoil which takes year to build from crop residues was being lost every time rain was heavy, or the winds blew too hard. The good news, at least here, is that farm techniques have evolved to the point where topsoil conditions are actually improving. That was the message from University of Saskatchewan Professor Jeff Schoneau when he spoke in Yorkton recently. Schoneau credited two major changes in how farmers approach cropping as the reason for the improvement. The first is a more diversified cropping rotation. For decades, basically from the time land was first broke, until the 1980s, most farmers on the Prairies focused production on cereal crops. Wheat was king, barley the prince, and oats the
fill-in when needed. And of course in areas durum was important, and rye grown as well. All were cereals. Yes there were acres of rapeseed and flax and a few other options, but they were minor acres. The development of canola, with its unique oil profile put an oilseed crop into almost every farm rotation in a matter of years. The realization farms here could successfully grow pulse crops also changed rotations. Saskatchewan farmers were quick to grow acres of lentils and peas, and that trend may continue as new soybean varieties are making that crop more viable here. Pulse crops in a rotation are particularly good because the crops can fix nitrogen so that the crop actually aids the soil nutrient profile. Of course crop rotations are ultimately influenced by crop prices. Acres naturally gravitate to crops with the highest
potential for profit, so at present are skewing hard toward canola. Still as Schoneau noted the more diverse a rotation the better it generally is for the soil. The bigger impact though was the development of direct seeding technology. The ability to seed directly into stubble still standing from the previous fall had two major impacts on farming. The first, it allowed farmers to continuous crop. Summerfallow is all but nonexistent these days, and without the need to rest fields with summerfallow, more acres are available to production annually. And more importantly in terms of soil health, the stubble and its root system are a built-in shield to the effects of other water and wind erosion. Such adaptations to farm techniques to protect the topsoil we have is critical, in that area producers here have been leaders.
ofÀce is NOW OPEN 302 Main St., Biggar lower level of Credit Union Building, ATM entrance and
is actively seeking NEW clients. Services include… • Bookkeeping • Tax Return preparation and Àiling • Financial Statements • Personal & Corporate Don’t gamble with your Ànances, see me for some professional advice.
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New incentive program to attract doctors to rural Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall announced new funding March 13 to attract more recently graduated physicians to rural Saskatchewan communities and improve patients’ access to physician services. The new Rural Physician Incentive Program will
provide $120,000 in funding over five years to recent medical graduates who establish practice in rural communities of 10,000 or less. “Recruiting doctors to rural areas and keeping them once they’re here is a huge priority for our government,” Wall said.
“We’ve had some really solid success, increasing the Saskatchewan’s overall physician supply, but there are challenges in rural communities. This program will help improve patient access to physician services in rural areas.” “I’ve heard firsthand from many rural residents
that physician services are a serious concern,” Minister responsible for Rural and Remote Health Randy Weekes said. “This is another way that we’re working to keep our commitment to address health care needs in smaller communities.” Eligible physicians will receive a payment at the end of each year of practice, with payments gradually increasing over the five-year period. Wall announced the new program at the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities annual convention in Saskatoon. “We are very pleased the provincial government has developed a program aimed specifically at increasing the number of physicians in rural Saskatchewan,” SARM President Dave Marit said. “Municipalities work very hard to recruit and retain their local
. . . Rural doctors, cont on page 22
Thinking of selling or transitioning? We specialize in farm succession strategies. May 2013 be a successful farming and ranching year for you!
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The Jr chef’s are back at it! . . . Ashley Park, left, and McKenna Boyle with William Diehl and instructor Marcia Besse, were whipping up something tasty, Monday, as Kids in the Kitchen started a new set of sessions. Held Monday’s and Tuesday’s at BCS, the kids learn how to make tasty and nutritious meals.
a commitment the Premier and government made during the 2011 election campaign. “The incentives in this program will benefit patients by addressing the critical shortage of family physicians in rural Saskatchewan,” Saskatchewan Medical
doctors, and we believe this new program will provide a strong incentive for medical graduates to consider rural practice.” Newly graduated doctors typically finish studies with a large debt load due to their many years of education. The incentive is designed to help ease that financial burden. It fulfils and improves upon
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(Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
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Easter brings clarity to gifts and mysteries by Pastor Mark Kleiner, PALS Just as Christmas is both a day and a season ( ‘ t h e t w e l v e d ay s o f Christmas’), so too is Easter both a day (March 31 this year) and a 50 day season, during which we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. In fact, every Sunday when we gather at church is a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, so every Sunday is kind of like Easter - but at Easter proper, we focus with particular clarity upon this most awesome of all gifts and mysteries: that the stone is rolled away, the tomb of Jesus’ death lies empty, and our Saviour is risen! When God raised Jesus from the dead, God did something new, making Jesus “the first fruits of those who have died” (1 Cor 15:20b). We celebrate this fact, and we await Christ’s coming again in glory to complete God’s work of bringing death from life, so that all those who believe in Him should not perish but have eternal life. That is what Easter means in an ultimate sense, but Easter also has meaning in next-to-ultimate - or ‘penultimate’ - ways too, and I invite you during this 50 day Easter season to take time to reflect on the ways God is rolling t h e s t o n e away a n d bringing new life to you, right here and right now. Because the resurrection shows us that at the very heart of God is both the power and the desire to clutch life from the jaws of death, to make dead bones dance, to surprise and amaze and delight
us - all of us - simply because we are God’s kids and our God is good. And our God is in the business of working resurrection in and through us all of the time. A resurrection moment: this past June, I had the opportunity to go attend the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s National Event in Saskatoon. For three days, I heard testimonies from survivors of the Indian Residential School
system, and I heard stories of a lot of pain and suffering. But through all of this, I experienced a very tangible, stubborn and enduring hope that the forces of death that had created such a system would no longer hold sway, and that a better world and future, for ourselves and for the generations to come, was already emerging and rising up, strengthened and not bound by the past. As a worshipping
community, PALs has had many resurrection moments to celebrate over the past year, including the reestablishment of our Sunday school program and Vacation Bible School, and the return of our community newsletter. On a personal note, I spent time over this past year reuniting with some longtime musical partners, completing an album we had abandoned 15 years ago. This process involved both
the creative realization of music we had jettisoned to the scrap heap and left for dead so many years before, but also the renewal of old friendships and the healing of some old wounds. These are just a few things that come immediately to my mind. As you focus this Easter on the overwhelming good news of Christ risen from the dead, I encourage you to take time to recite to yourself the ‘little resurrections’ that are
shining out Christ’s glory through your heart and life. Write them down on post-it notes and put them up around the house to remind yourself, and then also share them with somebody else, because this is part of the good news we have to share, and we all need to hear this good news from one another. Thank you for carrying the signs of Christ’s resurrection in your heart and your life, and happy Easter!
the apple tree, we have free will. Yet God knocks at our door and wants to be let in. When we let God in, great things happen. This Divine energy allows us to bear fruit abundantly. We see new possibilities and others are enriched.
God is proud of us because we are doing all we can to be a reflection of Divinity. Easter - new life - the risen Lord is our saviour and friend. Yes, we are blessed. A Holy and Happy Easter to all of you.
Easter Reflections by Archie Jantzen In any case . . . Let’s assume everybody has a mailing address. Let’s assume a Benevolent Donor, at great cost to Himself, is providing a supply of life-giving, lifesaving product abc. L e t ’s i m a g i n e t w o scenarios. In the first scenario, an adequate supply of abc is simply distributed to every mailing address. In the second scenario, a self-addressed card is sent to every mailing address, asking everyone who wants a supply of abc to sign and return the card. Then all who sign up receive the abc; those who choose not to sign up, don’t receive it. In any case . . . if I automatically receive the product, I should surely find some way of expressing my gratitude to the Benevolent Donor; if I receive the card, I should surely sign it and return it, and then I should surely find a way of expressing my gratitude
to the Benevolent Donor. Search the Scriptures. Whether you believe that God’s sacrifice in Jesus’ crucifixion confers salvation on everyone, or you think that only those who “sign up” receive it, don’t you think there must be some way you can express your gratitude to the One Who gave the Gift that is greater than any other gift? “For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed . . . but with the precious blood of Christ . . .” (I Peter 1:18,19) Happy Easter!
An Easter message By Father Michel Bedard Dear Friends of the area of Biggar and Landis: All winter my apple tree seems dead - no life, no blossoms, no leaves, no apples. The apple tree appears worthless. Yet
God knows its value and God will do great things with it for all those who love its fruit. God cares for this tree all winter. God cares for us even when we seem dead. God wants us to bear fruit, God wants to work through us, unlike
The Precious Blood of Christ (Adapted from ‘Precious’ by Rev. Ken Bombay) by Pastor Terry Wicks, Biggar Associated Gospel Church An Australian pastor was out driving late one afternoon. As he passed through
the hills near Sydney, he witnessed an unusual happening. At first he sighted a hawk circling in the sky. As he rounded a bend, he noticed a herd of sheep, but he lost sight of the hawk. All of a sudden he saw the hawk attack-
The power of Easter by Reverend Jane Gallagher My eyes settled on that one sentence by Johann Christoph Arnold: “Easter is far more than a holiday or celebration; it is a power.” How true! It is a power you feel when you rise in the early hours of Easter morning; words can’t describe it. It is a mixture of deep joy, of peace, of hope; it is a glimmer of a greater reality and truth. It is a feeling like every cobweb, every dusty corner and hidden darkness in our lives, has suddenly been swept clean; like a fresh breeze has blown through lives, and planted seeds of new life, of hope, of new beginnings. It is a knowing deep down in your heart and soul, that God has the defining word in our lives, in our world, for all time. God says enough to death! God has first and the last word - and it is life, not death. Jürgen Moltmann wrote that “The Easter faith recognizes that the raising of the crucified Christ from the dead provides the great alternative to this world of death.” (Jürgen Moltmann, “The Feast of Freedom” in Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter). This world is filled with all kinds of death, not just the ultimate big one at the end of life’s story - death is experienced where love is absent; death is experienced, where injustice exists; death is experienced in the withering of a soul, and the brokenness of a heart. There are so many ways in life, to experience the power of death. Good Friday speaks not only to the story of Christ’s death on a cross, but also to the ways we experience death in life - in the here and now, in times of loss, sadness,
pain and suffering. The cross can represent the ways we continue to betray, deny, and reject God’s love and God’s vision of life for all - and especially for the “last” and “the least” in the world. Good Friday is not only a historic event in time, when Jesus was crucified, but is also the story of how we continue to choose death over life, how we continue to hang love out to die on a cross. Thankfully, God has the last laugh on death. God turns our waywardness, our pain and sadness, and death itself, on its ear. Easter is not only the one time, historic event, celebrating God raising Christ from the dead. Jürgen Moltmann put it well when he said: “Easter is at one and the same time God’s protest against death, and the feast of freedom from death.” . . . “Resistance is the protest of those who hope, and hope is the feast of the people who resist.” Easter is the ongoing protest against death in our world. It is to place our hearts, our hope, our faith and love in the One who raised Christ from the dead, and who raises us from dead - in the here and now and on our last day on earth. Easter is more than a holiday or celebration, it is the power of God’s love the power of love that not only overcomes all forms of death, but transforms it into something new, something vibrant, resilient and full of life. It is to experience the fresh breezes of God’s presence blowing through our lives, raising us to new life over and over and over again, and to trust that with our last breath, that same love will raise us once again. May you feel the power of God’s love this Easter, and every day.
ing a sheep it had isolated. The pastor turned his vehicle off the road and ran into the field. When he reached down to help the sheep, it fell over. But beneath the ewe was a newborn lamb. It was alive, but stained with its mother’s blood. What a picture of the Good Shepherd, Jesus, who gave His life’s blood on the cross to save whoever would receive Him as Savior by faith! In 1 Peter 3:19, the apostle Peter described Jesus’ blood as precious. In Old Testament times God required His people to sacrifice an animal without blemish and shed its blood to cover their sins. This was a temporary means by which God forgave their sins that pictured and pointed to a future perfect and complete remedy for sin and the guilt that accompanies it. That remedy was effected in the death of His sinless Son, Jesus
Christ, who came to earth as a man and died on the cross as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). In reflecting on the death, burial, and rising again of Jesus Christ, why does the Word of God describe His blood as precious? Consider these reasons with me: • It was shed for your sin and mine by One who was sinless (1 Peter 2:2124); • It atones or makes amends for our sin; • It is the means of us being reconciled back to God; • It buys us back (redeems us) from the slavery of sin and gives us freedom from sin’s power; • It delivers us from God’s divine wrath against sin; • It gives us forgiveness from our sins; • It gives us access into the holy presence of God and is the basis on which
PENITENTIAL SERVICE Thursday, March 21 7 p.m. • St. Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Church, Biggar (will include two guest priests)
PALM/PASSION SUNDAY Sunday, March 24 10:30 a.m. • Sunday of the Passion (with the Liturgy of the Palms) with Eucharist, Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans (PALs) at St. Paul’s Anglican Church 11 a.m. • Biggar United Church 11 a.m. • St. Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Church 7 p.m. • Our Lady Fatima Roman Catholic Church, Landis
MAUNDY THURSDAY/ HOLY THURSDAY Thursday, March 28… 6 p.m. • Our Lady Fatima Roman Catholic Church, Landis 7 p.m. • St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans (PALs), with Eucharist and foot washing 8 p.m. • St. Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Church, Biggar
GOOD FRIDAY Friday, March 29… 10 a.m. • Perdue United Church 10:50 a.m. • Biggar Associated Gospel Church, worship with communion 11 a.m. • Biggar United Church 3 p.m. • Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans (PALs) at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 3 p.m. • Our Lady Fatima Roman Catholic Church, Landis, Lay led. 3 p.m. • St. Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Church, Biggar, with Father Bedard
we are declared righteous in His sight and pardoned from the condemnation our sin deserves. A consumer ad some time ago declared: “Some things are priceless. For everything else there is (a
well-known credit card).” How right Peter was in declaring the blood of Christ precious. Thank You, Jesus, for shedding Your Precious, Priceless Blood! Amen!
EASTER VIGIL Saturday, March 30… 8 p.m. • Our Lady Fatima Roman Catholic Church, Landis
EASTER SUNRISE ECUMENICAL SERVICE Sunday, March 31… 7 a.m. • Interdenominational Service at Biggar United Church with Easter Breakfast to follow.
EASTER SUNDAY Sunday, March 31… 10:30 a.m. • Joint Easter Celebration with Eucharist, Presbyterians, Anglicans and Lutherans (PALs) at St. Paul’s Anglican Church. 10:50 a.m. • Biggar Associated Gospel Church, Worship Celebrating the Resurrection 11 a.m. • Perdue United Church 11 a.m. • Biggar United Church 11 a.m. • St. Gabriel’s Roman Catholic Church
planting, pruning & puttering . . . planting by Delta Fay Cruickshank of The Independent
And yet another superfood . . . that we can grow in our backyards! I am referring to the haskap berry, sometimes called the honeyberry. I bought two plants a couple of years ago, and last year I got a crop, not a big one, but a crop nonetheless. And boy, were they delicious! I bought two plants, one was the pollinator, and one was the plant I got the most berries from. Now, I don’t have them in the best spot. These plants would like a full sun spot, and need about four years to get really bountiful. They are looking good, and had blossoms, but my garden is not sunny enough. Lots of trees and shade, I did plant them on the sunniest ledge I have. It is always a conundrum for me, what to do with my backyard. If I cut down a few trees I will have lots more sunshine, therefore creating a larger palette of flowers and vegetables. But, then I will also have more heat, more watering, and most of all, fewer birds. It is all about choices, and whilst I can borrow a
sunny spot for vegetables and herbs, I will choose to enjoy the cool shade and bird song. But, a limited haskap berry crop will be the result. If you have a sunny spot, I suggest getting as many plants as possible! These berries are so good to eat, and early! They were eaten before the strawberries! Two-thirds of a cup of haskap berries will give you 60 per cent of the daily value of Vitamin C you will need! As well, a wonderful source of antioxidants for optimum health. Originally from northern Asia, the University of Saskatchewan has done extensive research on this member of the Lonicera (honeysuckle) g e n u s. T h e y h a v e a number of varieties that are adapted well to our prairie conditions. Their early harvest - flowers can take temperatures down to -7˚C before they are damaged. Their great taste and their high nutritional value will lead to these plants becoming a big favourite in Canadian gardens. Here’s hoping that one day in the future, haskap berries will be available in local farmers markets. The Dragon’s Den was
pitched by a Haskap berry producer. He wanted to keep the processing end of the crop, and hoped to interest the Dragons in owning the orchard. But, because they may not see a good crop for four years, they stayed out of the proposition! But, this fellow was making wine, and jam, jellies, syrups and ice cream with the berries. My mouth was watering thinking about how delicious these would have tasted! It seems one can use the Haskap for anything a berry can do, the haskap. ca site has some yummy sounding recipes for a salad, pork roast and a smoothie. These plants are far from demanding . . . they will grow on any soil, need only a little fertilizer, water during the dry spells and don’t appear to have many pest or disease issues. The one thing that the haskap does need is a ‘pollinator’. That does not mean a male/female situation. Instead, both plants need pollen from another plant to be productive and to set fruit! One plant will not have as much fruit, this is the pollinator. It is the combination of the two pollens that create the tasty fruit! Plant them about five feet about, and
Hardy, productive, early and delicious; four of the best reasons to grow the Haskap berry. I look forward to tasting the ice cream from our berries. The blooms can take -7˚C, making them the earliest of crops. (Photos from google.com/images) there again, my plants are just too close together. I do have a very limited sunny section in our backyard! Whatever you call them, haskap or honeyberry, they are delicious and available. Because of the work by the University of Saskatchewan, they are hardy for our backyards. Superfoods in our backyards . . . despite our short growing season, we still have the ability to grow healthy foods!
In Loving Memory…
Some people come into your life for a season, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season! “ I still talk to you whenever I’m alone, I wonder how you are, what you’re doing way up there, are you laughing or are you crying cause you miss us all down here, It hurts me to know we never got to say goodbye, but you’re never really gone your memory remains, we miss you more than words could ever help me explain, I’ll see you when the sand runs out, when the song is over and the curtain falls down, I’ll see you on the other side, but only god knows when you’ll smile and take my hand, and I’ll see you again”- “ When I see you again” song by Emerson Drive. We all love and miss you Brad!!! Forever and always, Mom, Dad, Adriane and Dave, Corey=.
Lord Asquith School newsletter Principals message by Donna McTavish Thank you to the School Community Council for sponsoring Persephone’s SaskTel Youth Tour. Our students were given the opportunity to see two very informative and entertaining plays. The elementary play highlighted the importance of being your own person and broadening your horizons. The senior play, COPE, dealt with the sensitive issues of depression, suicide and drug use. The students were given the opportunity to discuss these issues with the cast and the staff after the performances. Elementary report cards will be distributed on March 15. Scheduled parent teacher/student interviews will be available on March 20 and 21. Grade 6-12 report cards will be sent home on April 12 with interviews held after school on April 17 and 18. As a staff we appreciate the time that our division board has given us to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress. If these dates do not work for you please let us know so that we can make other
arrangements. Congratulations to our Senior Boys basketball team and coach Shannon McHanson for placing first at conference playoffs. Our boys hosted regional playoffs in Asquith. Congratulations to our Senior Girls’ basketball team and coaches Lori Dufort and Perry Quittenbaum for placing first at conference playoffs. They will be traveling to Meath Park this coming weekend for regional playoffs. We are proud of both teams. What’s happening in education? The Provincial Government with the help of the Ministry of Education has outlined the principles of early childhood education in a document that can be found online: Play and Exploration: Early Learning Program Guide. Early learning programs are holistic, responsive and developmentally appropriate. The focus is on the healthy development of the whole child-social, emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual development. A significant part of the program envisions schools being
able to create an outdoor learning environment that supports child development. Our Pre kindergarten students, parents and Mrs. Molnar have created an outdoor space that we are proud of. We invite you to come and view our newest play space at any time. The new progress report will be implemented in all Prairie Spirit Schools next school year, for all students in Grades 1 to 5. Staff will be attending information meetings this spring. 2013/14 School year calendar Prairie Spirit School Division’s 2013/14 school year calendar is currently being developed and is expected to be finalized in April 2013. Once the calendar has been approved by the Prairie Spirit Board of Education and the Ministry of Education, it will be published throughout the division. The Ministry of Education requires that all school divisions post their school calendars by May 1 each year. Prairie Spirit has a collaborative process in place to determine the school calendar each year,
Now Selling Grain Condos at Hanover Junction
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led by a committee consisting of representatives from the Board of Education, the local teachers association, school-based officials, School Education’s new regulations regarding the school year calendar must be applied to our calendar. As a result, some adjustments
will be necessary for the 2013/14 calendar. Prairie Spirit’s principles and beliefs about learning will guide the development of a learning-centered calendar that optimizes learning conditions for students and staff. Honourable Mention!
Gavin Friesen, a Grade 1 student in Lord Asquith, was on Telemiracle on March 3. He raised a total of $1,360 by selling Helping Hands, filling an 18 litre water jug with change, personal donations, and two bake sales. Great job Gavin!
Something you just don’t see every day . . . Biggar Central School students Kyle McCarty, left, and Marcus Schommer are dressed risqué, while fellow seniors Bailey Seidl and Edyn Keith are all Smurfed up, Thursday, as many students, staff and teachers made good on Telemiracle promises. The school was an interesting place to be on the day. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
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OBITUARIES Irene Rosemary Sarvas (nee Hengen) The family of Irene Sarvas are saddened to announce her passing on Sunday, March 10, 2013 at the Biggar Hospital, Biggar, Sask. at the age of 75. Irene was born February 15, 1938 in Lethbridge, Alta. to her parents Olaf and Mary Hengen. She was the fourth oldest in a family of 11 children. In Irene’s early childhood years, the family settled in Milk River, Alta. Over the years, the family moved to Kelwood, Man. and then they ¿nally settled in Westward Ho, Alta. Irene attended grade school at Milk River and in 1946 she started school at Glenallen in Kelwood until she ¿nished her grade eight. She then attended St. Rose Du Lac Convent for grade nine, grade ten in Kelwood and then ¿nished her grade 11 at West Kidonan Collegiate in Winnipeg, Man. She returned to Kelwood for her grade 12. During her grade 12 year, she attended secretarial school in Winnipeg which she soon decided wasn’t what she wanted. Irene obtained a position with the Bank of Nova Scotia in 1956 in Winnipeg and remained with that until her marriage to Don Sarvas in April of 1959. Irene and Don remained in the Olds, Alta. area until the spring of 1961 when they moved to Biggar where Irene remained until 1984 when she returned to Olds where she was employed by Bird’s Electronics and did some house sitting for friends. Irene retired in 2003 and moved to Landis, Sask. in April of that year where she had resided for the past ten years. Irene loved her Àowers and gardening in the summer. She spent many hours cooking for her family and friends. She enjoyed helping out at the Landis Complex for their many suppers or whatever was asked of her. She enjoyed a good auction or garage sale too. She spent a few years helping George and Colleen Geary with the mail run between Landis and Cando. She was the best clothes mender anyone has ever seen. Irene loved her family and friends, especially her coffee girls at Landis. Irene will be lovingly missed by her children, Bruce (Kathy) and
OBITUARIES their daughters, Kirby (Brent Heitt) and Kiley (Sever) Ellis; Rick (Shannon) and his daughter, Ashley; Dawn Marie (Allen Gorr) and their children, Brittany and Derek; Cory. Her brothers, Ed, Norman, Leonard, Jim, Robert and Erle along with her sisters, Carole, Joyce and Roberta also mourn her passing. Irene was predeceased by her parents, Mary and Olaf Hengen and her oldest brother, Marvin, who passed away February 15, 2013; and her husband, Don. A memorial tea was held at the Landis Complex on Saturday, March 16, 2013. Memories were shared by Irene’s daughter-inlaw, Kathy Sarvas. Irene’s ashes will be interred in the Eagle Valley Cemetery near Westward Ho, Alta. at a later date. Donations in Irene’s memory may be directed to the Landis Community Complex, Box 188, Landis, SK, S0K 2K0. Bob Clothier and Kirby Sarvas of Gondin Funeral Service, Biggar entrusted with arrangements, “Our family serving your family for 50 years”. gfsc1
Nona Custer (nee Besse) February 14, 1935 March 15, 2013 The family would like to announce a Memorial Celebration will be held on FRIDAY, MARCH 22 at 2:00 p.m. in Biggar Community Hall of¿ciated by Pastor Mark Kleiner. 12c1
Alexander Martichenko Alexander Martichenko passed away in Inglewood Care Home, Vancouver, B.C. on March 15, 2013. Memorial Service pending and will be announced at a later date. 12p1
MEMORIAMS BECKETT, Donald: in loving memory, March 21, 1986. “Days go by and turn to years, But our memories of you will never fade.” Love, your family 12p1
CARD OF THANKS The family of Irene “Susie” Sarvas would like to say thank you for the tremendous support that we have received since Susie’s passing. To Biggar Home Care nursing staff, thank you for taking the time to come visit Susie at our house. Thank you to the fabulous staff at the hospital, from the kitchen staff who kept us all fed through the week with her there, to the housekeeping who tidied up after us, to the lab staff who tried not to “hurt” her each and every time she was there, to the maintenance department, thank you for keeping the TV going!! Dr. Muller, thank you for your professionalism and loving support you gave her over the past few years. She absolutely loved you. Dr. McKee, thank you for your assistance during her last couple of weeks. She thought you were so cute and loved your giggle. To our wonderful nurses, we have always known how special and professional you are but you certainly went above and beyond what was expected of you to keep Susie comfortable and to help our family. Even at her passing, it was comforting to know she was looked after with such care. To our friends and family who provided meals and visits at
CARD OF THANKS the hospital, to those who sent Àowers, food and “essentials” to the house last week, it was all so so much appreciated. Pearl, Karen, Bobbie, Loral and Cheryl, we can’t thank you enough. The hugs, the calls and texts and Facebook comments, it makes one proud to live in such a great community. To Irene’s friends in Landis, thank you for welcoming her to your community. She truly loved Landis and everyone there. Thank you also to those who have donated to the Landis Community Complex in her memory. Special thank you to the Landis Complex ladies for providing the tea and dainties at the memorial tea. Thank you to Bob and Kirby at Grondin Funeral Service for their care of Susie and assistance during this time. Once again, thanks from the bottom of our hearts. Bruce and Kathy, Cory, Dawn Marie, Rick, Kirby (Brent), Kiley (Sever), Brittany, Derek and Ashley gfsc1 The family of Pat Wright wishes to convey our sincere thank you to all for your expressions of sympathy on the loss of our mother and grandmother, to friends, neighbours, nurses and staff of Biggar Hospital, you were wonderful. To Dr. Muller and Dr. McKee, you made our journey a little easier, thank you. To Sunshine Care Home, words cannot express our appreciation. Mom loved you all. Be very proud of the care and love you provide your residents. God bless. Kathy, Jane, Mary Lou and families 12p1 I would like to thank the New Creation Community Players for the surprise recognition, (indeed it was), at the Friday performance of “The Wiz”. It has been a rewarding 30 years with NCCP (oh the things we accomplished and did, and the many lifelong friends made!!). I look forward to NCCP’s next 30 years. To the cast and crew of “The Wiz”, the show was fantastic, keep up the professionalism and vision; and most of all, have FUN! All the best, Urla Tyler
COMING EVENTS SUNDAYS in March: Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans will be worshipping at St. Paul’s Anglican Church at 10:30 a.m. For pastoral services or information, please contact Pastor Mark Kleenex at 306951-7122 or leave a message at the of¿ce, 306-948-3731. 48/10tfn SUNDAYS… You are invited to the weekly services of Biggar Associated Gospel Church, corner Quebec St. and 8th Ave. West; Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.; Worship Service at 10:50 a.m.; an Ladies Bible Study at 9:45 a.m. on Tuesday mornings. Everyone is welcome to join us. Contact our church of¿ce 306948-3424, Tuesday through Thursday. 36tfn WEDNESDAYS during LENT: 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Pastor Mark Kleenex will be leading a short morning and evening prayer service at St. Paul’s Anglican Church as a Lenten Devotional. Everyone is welcome. 7c5 FRIDAYS during LENT: Interdenominational services at 12:05 p.m. followed by lunch at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, corner of King St. and 4th Ave. East, Biggar. Sponsored by the Biggar and District Ministerial Association. Everyone welcome. 6c6
MARCH 19 - 23: New U Fitness classes… Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6 - 7 a.m.; Mondays and Wednesdays, 5 - 6 p.m. Starting April 23, running and walking clinics. All classes are designed for all ¿tness levels. For more information, call 306948-2208 or mail: thesolution@ sasktel.net 12c3 SATURDAY, MARCH 23: Biggar & District Community Health Care Inc. annual meeting, 7 p.m. in Biggar New Horizons Hall. Everyone welcome. 10c3 SATURDAY, MARCH 23: Biggar New Horizons Garage Sale, 117 - 3rd Ave. West, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. 11c2 MONDAY, MARCH 25: Biggar Majestic Theatre annual meeting, 7 p.m. in the Bielby Hall (back of theatre). Everyone welcome. 10c3 TUESDAY, MARCH 26: Biggar & District Chamber of Commerce annual meeting, 7:30 p.m., Biggar New Horizons Lounge (upstairs). Everyone welcome. 10c3 TUESDAY, APRIL 2: Springwater 100 year anniversary organizational meeting, 7:30 p.m. in Springwater Hall. If you are interested in helping or have any ideas on this event, PLEASE attend. 12p2 FRIDAY, APRIL 6: Biggar & District Arts Council presents… “Rosie and The Riveters”, 7:30 p.m. at The Majestic Theatre, Biggar. Adults/Seniors $25 (advance $20); Students, 13 and older $15 (advance $12); children, 12 and under $5. Advance and Season Tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar, 306-9482452. 9c6 TUESDAY, APRIL 9: Biggar Barracuda Swim Club Annual General Meeting and Registration Night, 7:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Westwinds Motor Hotel. For more information, call Michele Keith, 306-948-3745. Orders will be taken for BBSC clubwear and suits. 12c3 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10: 7:30 p.m., Biggar Music Festival Association annual meeting in the St. Gabriel School library. Anyone interested in helping with the music festival is welcome to join us. 12c3 SUNDAY, APRIL 14: Ruthilda Spring Supper, 5 - 7 p.m. at Ruthilda Hall. Dabber Bingo to follow 12c3
JULY 12, 13 & 14: Ruthilda Centennial Celebration. Contact 306-932-2075 or 306-932-7722 for more info 12c1
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INVITATIONS Calling all emerging artists! Enter your works in Biggar Arts Council Local Adjudication. Entry forms available at Biggar Museum. Call 306-948-3451. Deadline for entries April 25th, 2013. Adjudicator, Miriam Korner 10c6
NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Nettie Weibel, late of Biggar, Saskatchewan, deceased. All claims against the above estate, duly veriÀed by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 4th day of April, 2013. Solicitors for the Estate. LELAND KIMPINSKI LLP Barristers & Solicitors 800, 230-22nd Street East Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 0E9 Attention: David B. Jahnke
Families, clubs, churches and businesses are invited to do a Heritage Page to be on permanent display at Biggar Museum. Share your history! For more information call 9483451 or visit museum 1 - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. 7tfn This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. tfn Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at www.swna.com. tfn
Stop in to… 1st Ave. West, Biggar 948-2700
TENDER GRASS CUTTING & TILLING TENDERS…Prairie Spirit School Division #206 invites tenders for grass cutting and tilling at all PSSD facilities. Please review the tender package available on our website at spiritsd.ca/ tenders; at our School Services Building at 523 Langley Avenue, Warman, Sask.; or by fax or email upon request at 306-6832875. For further information, please contact Randy Willms, Caretaking Supervisor at 306683-2916 or 306-227-7368. 11c2
MISCELLANEOUS AT LAST! An iron ¿lter that works. IronEater! Fully patented Canada/U.S.A. Removes iron, hardness, smell, manganese. Since 1957. Visit our 29 innovative inventions: www. bigirondrilling.com. Phone 1-800-BIG-IRON.
CARS & TRUCKS WRECKING TRUCKS all makes, all models ..Dodge.. GMC..Ford..Imports. Lots of 4X4 stuff...Diesel..Gas.. Trucks up to 3 tons.. We ship anywhere. CALL 306-821-0260 Bill... (lloydminster) reply text.....email...call blackdog2010doc@ hotmail.com... We ship same day bus..dhl...transport Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514. www.yourapprovedonline.com.
RECREATION 1985 Yamaha Virago, 1,000 cc, new rubber, carbs and forks redone. Phone 948-7521. 36tfn 1985 Honda Goldwing, new rubber, shocks redone this spring, new battery, $3500 obo; phone 948-3344 34tfn
LIVESTOCK Two-year old and yearling Charolais Bulls, white and red factor, polled and horned, quiet disposition, semen tested and delivered. Domes Charolais, Biggar, 306-948-5260 or 306948-9188. 11p6
DISCONNECTED PHONE? ChoiceTel Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call ChoiceTel Today! 1-888-333-1405. P R O V I N C E - W I CLASSIFIEDS. Reach 550,000 readers weekly. this newspaper NOW or 649.1405 for details.
D E over Call 306-
BIG BUILDING SALE... “THIS IS A CLEARANCE SALE YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS!” 20x20 $3,985. 25X24 $4,595. 30X36 $6,859. 35X48 $11,200. 40X52 $13,100. 47X76 $18,265. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. www. pioneersteel.ca.
Two serviced lots, side by side in Biggar, 100’x140’, $79,900. Call 717-4681 (cell) 5tfn FINAL PHASE FOR SALE. 55 PLUS ADULT ONLY Ground Level Townhome INFO www. diamondplace.ca. CALL 306 241 0123 WARMAN, SK
STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca
OKANAGAN REAL ESTATE ALL PROPERTIES, “Best Buys”, fastest & easiest way to check it all at no cost to you. Check out our website: 2percentokanagan. com.
Motel Rooms & Kitchenettes available Craven SK located 20 minutes NW of Regina call 1-306-529-7296
LAND for SALE 268 acre of Sec. 26-35-13W3. 212 cultivated acres. MLS $144900. Dwein Trask Realty Inc. Call Dwein @ 306-2211035 11c4
LAND FOR RENT Land for Cash Rent by Tender… SW 1/4-08-33-15-W3rd, R.M. Marriott #317, 48,900 assessment written tender accepted until April 3, 2013. Any tender not necessarily accepted. Enquiries contact, A. Curda, 12515-40th Ave. NW, Edmonton, AB, T60 0S7 10p4
CANADIAN MANUFACTURED backed by 10 year warranty -multi family, single section, motel style homes -Qualify for C.M.H.C.Financing -starting at $69,000 FOR MORE INFO CALL 1.800.249.3969 kent.medallion@sasktel.net dean.medallion@sasktel.net jason.medallion@sasktel.net
Three-bedroom home, completely renovated. Fully modern, energy package. Quiet neighbourhood. Close to school. Priced to sell. For viewing call: 306-948-9517 or 306-948-5627. 38tfn
High Quality Canadian Built Modular Homes & Cottages Over 175 Plans to Choose from. 60-90 Day Turnkey 10 Year Warranty Regina, SK Toll Free: 1-(855)-494-4743 Visit us online: www.prairiebilt.com
TWO RTM HOMES Plan 125, 1593 sq. ft., $160,000; Plan 126, 1525 sq. ft., $150,000. Many features & options. Email: info@ swansonbuilders.ca Phone 306493-3089 Saskatoon area. www. swansonbuilders.ca
LANE REALTY CORP. For the most exposure that you deserve in the marketing of your farm or ranch property. Contact your local agent:
MURRAY MURDOCH (306) 858-8000
WANTED Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Land¿ll OR contact Quentin Sittler at 658-2132 3tfn Main Street Garage Sale is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 948-1773 or 9485393. Pickup available. 32tfn
Modular, Manufactured or RTM homes. A variety of homes in production or ready to ship Regina,SK 1-866-838-7744 Estevan, SK 1-877-378-7744 www.sherwoodhome.ca
FOR RENT Charter/ Sherwood Apartments 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins. For more information call: Karen/Kevin • 948-9115 302 - 8th Ave. W. • Biggar
www.medallion-homes.ca Hwy 2 South Prince Albert
Real Estate
BOSCH Mixer 800watt $449 VITAMIX Blenders $529, Juicers, Breadmakers, ACTIFRY, Pasta makers, Lefse Grills & more call Hometech Regina 1-888-692-6724
To view full colour feature sheets for all of our CURRENT LISTINGS, visit our Website at www.lanerealty.com
LANE REALTY CORP. Saskatchewan’s Farm & Ranch Specialists™
Ph:(306) 569-3380 Email: lanerealtycorp@sasktel.net“ Now representing purchasers from across Canada, the United Kingdom and Mainland Europe!”
If YOU are… • Moving • Expecting a Baby • Planning a Wedding • Anticipating Retirement Call WELCOME WAGON at 948-2563 - Lisa Haynes We have gifts and information www.welcomewagon.ca
The Biggar & District Family Centre is accepting applications for the position of:
RESTAURANT & GAS BAR FOR SALE: Hwy 5, Margo, SK. Ten mins from Two Resorts. Semi Parking, 40x60 Building, 2x2500 Above Ground Fuel Tanks, Renovated 50 seat Dining. All Equipment Included: Pizza Oven, HP Chicken Cooker, etc, New HE Furnace, New Water Heater. Reputable Business Absolute Turn Key MUST SELL..... Asking $139,900. Phone 1-306-272-7762
PRE-SCHOOL PROGRAM AID (3-positions) from July 8 to August 16 from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Must be energetic, enthusiastic and First Aid and CPR are considered an asset. Please mail or email your resumes with three current references to: Georgina Heather Box 667 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Closing Date is Friday, April 11, 2013 at 5 p.m. Email: bdfcinc@sasktel.net
80% COMMISSION TRAVELONLY has 500 agents across Canada. Business opportunities with low investment, unlimited income potential, generous tax/ travel bene¿ts. Run your travel company, full-time, part-time from home. Register for FREE seminar, www.mytravelonly.ca, 1-800-608-1117, Ext. 2020.
ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED or IN A BRIDAL PARTY! Your friends and relatives have lost a total of 2511 pound and 2792 inches. You can have the same results and look fabulous! Call Thin & Healthy’s Total Solution for info on bridal packages, 306-948-2208
Please arrange to pick up photos that have been used for publications.
VILLAGE OF LANDIS requires a Maintenance Man due to pending retirement. • Must have or be willing to get Level I Water Treatment and Water Distribution Wastewater Treatment and Wastewater Collection Operator • Please include expected salary. Details available at Village ofÀce 306-658-2155 or Email: villageoÁandis@sasktel.net Send resume to Village of Landis Box 153 Landis, SK, S0K 2K0 Closing date: April 9, 2013
…Thanks, The Independent
Crop Production Services, Biggar
Crop Production Services, Biggar
CROP PRODUCTION ADVISOR -- Biggar, Sask. Full time/regular
Position Posting -- OPERATIONS SUPPORT Temporary, 3 - 4 month term
SpeciÀc responsibilities include…
Job Requirements…
• sells company products and services • responsible for meeting annual sales goals and proÀt margin objectives • monitors competitive activity and trends • may be required to keep records and prepare reports on sales activities • knowledge of product -- features, beneÀts and use • interprets soil, tissue and water analysis • researches and responds to technical inquiries • develops proprietary fertilizer formulations • perform initial credit review of customers to determine credit risk • provide credit department with necessary information to determine credit limits QualiÀcations of the position include… • agricultural based degree or diploma • demonstrated experience in vocational, agricultural, or a combination of education and work experience. • minimum 2-3 years sales experience • possesses CCA or PAg designation, or is working towards achieving it • strong time management, planning and multi-tasking skills • excellent communication and people skills, both written and oral • strong computer skills including all Microsoft applications (Word, Excel and Outlook) • ability to work independently or as part of an effective team • conducts themselves in a professional manner, and able to keep information conÀdential • ability to meet the CPS policy requirements by completing a Criminal background check. • drug/alcohol testing, and Driving record abstract Closing date… when Àlled
Apply with resume at 801 Highway #4 south, Biggar, Sask. Phone: 306-948-1753 Fax: 306-948-1754
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY MOBILE MEDICAL EXAMINERS: RNs, RPNs, LPNs, Lab Techs. Insurance Services Co. recruiting in Biggar, Landis, Rosetown, Wilkie, Harris and surrounding. Venipuncture experience reqd. Contact: careers@watermarkinsurance. com 12p3 Biggar Golf Club is seeking applications for clubhouse workers and course maintenance positions for the 2013 season. Applicants applying for the clubhouse positions must be a minimum of 19 years of age. Applicants applying for course maintenance positions must have a valid class 5 driver’s license. Mail resumes and cover letter stating which position you are applying for by March 29, 2013 to: Biggar Golf Club, Box 1431, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 10c3 JDL Underground Ltd. is now accepting applications for: a) Class 1A truck driver; b) grader operators; c) equipment operators; d) labourers. JDL Underground is committed to Safety Excellence and will assist in training an applicant who safety conscious has a positive attitude, good mechanical aptitude and a willingness to learn. Currently positions are casual on call basis with the opportunity to advance into full time position for the right candidate. Apply to: Melanie Peiffer, JDL Underground, P. O. Box 1041, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0; fax: 306-948-4811; email: jdlundergroundltd@sasktel.net 10c3 AGGRESSIVE BUSINESS NEEDS: Production Assistant to successful business owner, some travel required. Class 1 Driver; Semi retired Mechanic; Gravel Crusher Operators, possibly experienced Foreman. Competitive wages. Work area: East Central Alberta. Email: ¿tzcons@telus.net. Fax 780842-5556. BINDERY OPERATOR for Muller Saddle Stitcher, Kansa Inserter. Experience preferred. Willing to train the right candidate. Fulltime. Up to $23/hour. Bene¿ts. Email: hr@starpress.ca. Wainwright, Alberta.
Western Sales, a growing John Deere dealership with locations in Biggar, Central Butte, Davidson, Elrose, Outlook and Rosetown is hiring permanent full time
Apprentice/Journeyman Service Technicians for our Biggar location situated at 101 Hwy 14 East. We require individuals to repair, troubleshoot, adjust, overhaul and maintain heavy duty Ag equipment including combines, tractors, seeders and sprayers. • Must be thoroughly familiar with tractors and farm equipment and have the knowledge and skill to make repairs properly. • Full job description available on request. • Must be able to work extended hours during spring and fall. • Compensation, $24 - $35 - rate is based on level of experience. • Required work experience, 3 - 5 years. We offer a full beneÀt package which includes medical, dental, disability, life insurance and matched pension. E-mail resumes to… Attn: Rome Molsberry, careers@westernsales.ca or by fax to 1-306-882-3389. For more information you can also contact me at 1-306-882-4291
• help with inventory counts • help with fertilizer load and unload • help with loading of customers product • ensures nothing is loaded without proper paper work • site and equipment maintenance • contribute to maintenance and cleanliness of warehouse • report incidents and/or spills • perform job within EH & S guidelines • high school diploma • valid driver’s licence • valid WHMIS certiÀcation • Safety Sensitive -- drug and alcohol testing required. • Other duties as assigned
Apply with resume at 801 Highway #4 south, Biggar, Sask. Phone: 306-948-1753 Fax: 306-948-1754
Seasonal Operations Worker (Summer Student) Viterra is looking for temporary staff for our facility operations. Main responsibilities will include warehousing and shipping of farm supplies along with general yard. Regular and ongoing direct contact with customers in the delivery of high quality service is vital to this role. Candidates must have a valid Class 5 driver’s license. Agricultural experience (farm supplies) is an asset. Positions available in Perdue, Biggar, Landis Please indicate location preference. Viterra offers a competitive salary and beneÀts plan. Tracking Number: 2798 The closing date for applications is March 31, 2013. Visit Viterra.com for further information or to apply.
Only qualiÀed applicants will be contacted. ROADEX SERVICES requires O/O 1 tons and 3 tons for our RV division and O/O Semis and drivers for our RV and general freight deck division to haul throughout N. America. 1-800867-6233; www.roadexservices. com DRIVERS WANTED: Terri¿c career Opportunity with outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Rail Experience Needed!! Extensive paid travel, meal allowance, 4 weeks vacation and bene¿ts package. Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time, Valid License with air brake endorsement. Compensation based on prior driving experience. Apply at www.sperryrail.com under careers, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN CITY OR STATE
iTunes Brand Advocate Full Time position, Retail merchandising for iTunes gift cards, travel required, submit resume to iteamnewhire@amerch.com NEED A HOME PHONE? Cable TV or High Speed Internet? We Can Help. Everyone Approved. Call Today. 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect
For FAX service, see us at The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar
If you DO NOT receive your Independent in a timely manner, please call your local post office or Canada Post @ 1-866-607-6301
The Sky This Month - March 2013 by Gary Boyle, The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Getting Ready For Comet PanSTARRS (Part 2) Located almost half way between M36 and M38 and a bit south is an interesting complex region of an open cluster NGC 1931 along with a lovely combination of a blue reflection and emission nebula catalogued as IC417. An amazing coincidence is the four hot stars that are embedded in this red region of star birth, look just like the four stars that make up the Trapezium of the Orion Nebula. NGC 1931 holds about 30 suns and is situated 10,000 light years away. Epsilon Auriga is a mysterious eclipsing binary. For the past 200 years astronomers have noticed this star drastically dimming for an extended period of 18 months. This long game of celestial hide and seek occurs every 27.1 years. As eclipsing binaries go, the parent star slightly dips in brightness as the
companion star moves in front. In the case of Epsilon, information collected by the Spitzer Telescope has led most astronomers to believe there is a dark disk about eight astronomical units wide, circling the parent star. Many mysteries are still to be resolved on
this peculiar object. Second magnitude Menkalinan is an extremely close eclipsing binary system in which two identical sub-giant stars are orbiting a common gravitational point. These suns have a separation only one-fifth the distance of the planet
Mercury and the Sun or 12-million kilometres. At this close distance, the stars are yanking and distorting each other resulting in egg shaped stars, not round. This pair eclipses each other every 3.96 days with a tenth of a magnitude dip in brightness. Just over a degree in
the eight o’clock position from Menkalinan is a magnitude 6.7 star catalogued as HD 40979. It is 109 light years from us and is the parent star to HD 40979b, an extrasolar planet 3.8 times the mass of Jupiter but orbiting .83 astronomical units from the star or about half way between the orbits of Venus and Earth. One year comprises of 263 days. The planets Mercury and Venus are pretty well lost in the solar glare. Mars is extremely low in the west and only five degrees from the Sun – so for all intense and purposes it is lost in the solar glare as well.
ADVERTISING doesn’t cost ...
Tim Hammond Realty
KEVIN KURULAK Mortgage Associate
Licenced for:
Saskatoon - Biggar Office
113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar
306-948-5052 (office) Cell 306-948-9168
403 Main St., Biggar
306-948-8055 Fax: 306-948-2763 www.DuaneNeufeldt.com
Proud sponsor of Children’s Wish Foundation
Tim Hammond,
www.TimHammond.ca www.FarmsofCanada.com
BSA, P.Ag., Broker
Proud to handle Biggar’s Real Estate Needs
Tim Hammond Realty of The Battlefords Independently Owned and Operated
FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS… • Selling/Buying • Residental • Farm/Acreage • Commercial • Recreational This space in this directory is available for only
$161.20 plus gst… one column x 2 inches for 26-week prepaid commitment (regular price is $19.88 per week = $516.88 plus gst)
Call 306-948-3344
Wally Lorenz
Licenced for: •Residential
Sales Associate 1391 - 100th St. North Battleford, SK S9A 0V9 Day or Night
Cell: (306) 843-7898 Bus: (306) 446-8800 znerol.w@sasktel.net
113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar
306-948-5052 (office) Cell 306-948-7995 Cari McCarty
www.TimHammond.ca http://Cari.TimHammond.ca
Residential Sales
Biggar’s Top Performing Residential Agent
DEADLINE for ad copy, classiÀeds & news
MONDAY 5 p.m.
Broker License #316322
•Farm •Residential •Commercial •Acreage
DUANE NEUFELDT Licensed For: • Residential • Acreage • Farm
Jupiter on the other hand is still a beacon and appears past the meridian during sunset. Jupiter is about 880 million kilometres from us Daylight Savings Time occurs on Sunday March 10 at 2 a.m. and thus spring ahead by one hour in most provinces. This month’s new moon occurs on March 11 at 15:51 EDST and also marks the Chinese New Year – the year of the Snake. A couple of weeks later, the full Worm Moon occurs on March 27 at 5:27 EDST. Until next month, clear skies everyone.
Tim Hammond Realty
403 Main St., Biggar direct. 306.948.5200 cell. 306.303.9025 The Mortgage toll free phone. 1.877.734.3216 Group toll free fax. 1.877.734.3219 License #315872 email. kevin.kurulak@mortgagegroup.com
• Notary Publics • Home & Agro Insurance • Auto & Commerical Insurance • Health Insurance • Motor Licence Issuer Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday 304 Main Street • Biggar
Phone: 306-948-2204 or 306-948-3886
Housing for families and seniors Rent based on income
Call: 306-948-2101
Call 948-3344
Licenced for: •Farm •Acreage •Residential • Commercial
113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar
306-948-5052 (office) Cell 306-948-4478 Dave Molberg
www.TimHammond.ca www.FarmsofCanada.com
Exposure, Experience and Effort.
Check us out ONLINE at biggarindependent.ca
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation Box 327 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Helping you Help yourself Phone:
306-948-2295 Fax: 306-948-5050 ELECTRICAL
AURORA CONSTRUCTION & HAPPY AMPER SERVICES • Sewer • Water • Power • Drainage • Footings
McCARTY CONSTRUCTION • Commercial • Residential • Design Builder • Insurance Claims • Renovations • Drafting Service
“Big or Small -We Do Them All” Licenced Journeyman Carpenters Troy McCarty 306-948-5627 (H) 306-948-9280 (C) Mitch McCarty 306-373-8254 (H) Serving Biggar ... Since 1968
Electrical Installation & Maintenance • Commercial • Industrial • Residential
Electrical… 306-658-3004 Excavation… 306-951-7667
BIGGAR ELECTRICAL & REFRIGERATION SERVICES Authorized Appliance Depot Electrical Wiring Trenching Licensed Journeyman Adrian de Haan
PHILLIPS ELECTRIC • Residence • Commercial Wiring For free estimates Ph: 306-948-5393
Cell: 306-221-6888
Dion Harrabek 306-948-2657 cell: 306-948-9136 dionh@sasktel.net
• framing • additions • windows & door sales • siding • rooÄng • drywall & Änishing
Dan… 306-281-5090 Chad… 306-280-1524
For all your home, business and rural needs
Email: nix1@sasktel.net
For appointments… 1-855-651-3311
www.madgerooÀng.com Biggar, Sask.
available to do…
• painting & Ӿnishing • decks & small buildings • light plumbing • windows & doors • laminate & hardwood ӿoors • general repairs
Call Jim @ 306-948-3333
modernlookhomerenos@gmail.com www.facebook.com/modern.look.35
Your Healthy Living
Wood and Steel Buildings Floor & Trusses (306) 948-3776 cell: (306) 260-6503 Ph:
Photos by Jocelyn Portraits, Family, Weddings & Sports Photography
Weight Loss & Wellness Centre
Consultant & Coach Anne G. Livingston •Ideal Protein Weight Loss Clinic •Epicure Selections •Walden Farms Products •Young Living Essential Oils •Beauticontrol Skin Care www.beautipage.ca/annelivingston
Located in Angie’s Hair Salon 219 Main St., Biggar Call 948-7274 or 948-3696
Biggar, Sask.
For FAX service,
Jacklin Andrews, MSW, Counsellor jacklinandrews@ gmail.com
Michelle Spuzak, R.M.T. (NHPC member) Located @ New Beginnings Wellness Centre, 114 - 2nd Ave. W., BIGGAR
Services available…
• Shamanic Healing • Psychosomatic Therapy • Massage • Emotional Release Therapy
104 - 6th Ave. East, 10 Biggar, Sask. Southeast Sou entrance of Nova N Wood Bldg. H Hours… Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
306-948-3408 DR. GLENN RIEKMAN Dentist
~ Gift CertiÅcates ~ Evening, Saturday and in-home appointments available. 306-948-2548 or 948-9710
115 - 1st Ave. W. Rosetown, Sask.
OFFICE HOURS Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. - together with -
Ladies Only
…owned and operated by Brett Barber
acrylic Ànish, full system foam, paper/ wire, pargings/ICF blocks, custom pillars & battons, repair/service
30 min. Circuit Gym
New Stucco & Restoration…
Biggar, Sask.
Small Ads Work… You’re reading this one!!!
interior & exterior painting, textured ceilings, drywall, mud & tape
Biggar Professional Building, 223 Main Street, Biggar
For all your rooÀng needs… ¬New Construction ¬Metal ¬Torch-on ¬Re-roofs ¬Tile ¬Asphalt ¬All repairs ¬Shakes We offer 10 Year Workmanship Warranty and Liability/Torch On Insurance Excellent Local References For a FREE estimate please call… 306-948-5453
Owners/Operators • Travis Young • Dallas Young • Claude Young
Kirk Ewen
In Biggar Every Tuesday.
Journeymen Plumber, Gas Fitter, & Electrician on staff
Doctor of Optometry
• Five Inch Seamless • Fascia
for all your electrical needs Construction, consulting and Maintenance Licensed Journeyman
Phone: 882-2123 Emergency (after hours) 882-2006
Wylie Farms Ltd. SEED CLEANING
Located in the Nova Wood Centre (back entrance) 104 - 6th Ave. E., Biggar
Canadian Seed Institute Accredited Pedigree, Commercial & Custom Cleaning FULL line of Cleaning Equipment including Gravity Table
For all your Cereal and Pulse Cleaning
New Beginnings Wellness Centre “Putting PERSONAL back into fitness training!” Wayne Baldwin, PFT, CPTA, CNHC
Specializing in Exclusive Seasonal Personal Training Sessions! …for weight loss, body sculpting, strength training.
Offering… One-on-One Rehab & Therapy Sessions * Limited Memberships available to fully equipped Private Fitness Studio & Cardio Room Gift Certificates available
Visit us @ 114- 2nd Ave. W., Biggar
Excellent Quality at a Reasonable Price! Call: Bill: Dale:
Plant located 8 miles south of Biggar on Hwy #4, ¼ mile west on Triumph Rd.
Mundt’s Mobile Custom Grain Cleaning ^PSS JSLHU ^OLH[ IHY SL` K\Y\T *7: ^OLH[ VH[Z WLHZ HUK SLU[PSZ
9LHZVUHISL YH[LZ For bookings, call Jason
Where you can feel right at home! Phone… 306-948-2548 Cell… 306-948-8048
see us at The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar
ADVERTISING is an investment in your business.
306- 948-2807 or 948-5609 948-5394
Custom Cleaning of H.R.S. & C.P. S. Wheat
Phone: 306-948-5678
Contact US for OFFICE SUPPLIES, FORMS and SERVICES… ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Faxing Photocopies Envelopes Letterheads Business Cards Receipts Invoices Statements Rubber Stamps Flyers
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Resumes Posters Menus Programs and Booklets Phamphlets Christmas letters File Folders Sticky Labels Address Labels
; ; ; ; ;
Call now for your FREE quote on all your printing needs Phone: 948-3344
Social Tickets Draw Tickets Calendars and Day Planners Wedding and Anniversary INVITATIONS Presentations
Fax: 306-948-2133 Email: tip@sasktel.net Box 40, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
and more…
If you DO NOT receive your Independent in a timely manner, please call your local post office or Canada Post @ 1-866-607-6301
BUSSE LAW PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Barristers & Solicitors Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. Bonnie L. Reddekopp, JD 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK
306-948-3346 …serving your community since 1972
Chartered Accountant Notary Public 201B-2nd Ave. West
P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, Sask.
Phone: 306-948-5133
after hours George: 948-4042 Corner of Main Street & 1st Avenue West, Biggar
¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Criminal Law Commercial Law Real Estate Law Wills and Estate Law and our lawyers, William Roe, Q.C. Jason Peszko Lisa Watson look forward to assisting you and can be contacted at:
223 Main Street Biggar Box 580 Biggar, SK SOK OMO
OPEN: Mon.-Fri. • 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday • 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
948-2700 Your Auto Parts and Accessories Dealer Open: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. • 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Let Vortex protect your truck and your investment with the Vortex Seamless Sprayed on Liner System
948-2183 Email: ddolack@sasktel.net Website: www.hrblock.ca
A small Àrm that provides quality professional services to our clients on a personalized and timely basis.
Prairieland Collision
Services include:
Roderick B. Campbell, CMA • Bookkeeping • Tax Returns • Financial Statements
•Auditing and Accounting •Corporate and Personal Tax •Financial Statement Preparation •Farm Tax and Agristability We are accepting new clients in Saskatoon and surrounding area. 624 Duchess St. Saskatoon, SK S7K 0R1
Ph: 306-933-2970
Ph: 306-948-4430 or 306-948-4460
rod.campbell@sasktel.net Box 988, Biggar, SK
Jeff Gorman, C.A. Spencer Beaulieu, C.A.
INVESTMENTS For all your investment needs, Visit…
701 - 4 Ave. E., Biggar
SGI Safety Inspection Auto Repair TIRES
KRF Auto Centre
A Sign of
Panasonic, Samsung,
Qualilty! • Wood, metal, plastic signs • Vehicle & window graphics • Banners, stickers and Magnetic signs
Jerry Muc Phone: 306-948-2958 Fax:
YH Truck, Ag & Auto
Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc., and mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities Inc. ®Credential is a registered mark owned by Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license.
306.237.7671 Take’n the pain outta haul’n your grain!
Phone: 306-948-5600 • Heavy truck parts • Agriculture parts • Automotive parts & accessories www.yhtruckagauto.com
Hwy 14 East, Biggar 948-2109
Your authorized
LG, Frigidaire, Shaw, Yamaha Audio Dealer; and Your authorized
SaskTel Mobility and High Speed Internet Dealer
Modern Licenced Abbatoir • custom slaughter, cut and wrapping • sausage making, curing and smoking
• sides of Beef available
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.
• All Breed Dog Grooming • Boarding Kennels (Bordetella Mandatory) • Pet Supplies • Saleboard for dog and cat related items
For appointments and inquiries, call Janet at 306-948-2091
Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 6 pm. 2 mi N on Hwy #4, 2-½ mi E on Golf Course Rd.
NORTHLAND PAINTING and SANDBLASTING •Texas Gates •Spray Foam Insulation •Sandblasting & Painting •Internal Coatings •Rock Guard Coatings g
Mobile Units Office: 948-2805 05 Cell: 948-6062 email: northland83@yourlink.ca
Pat Wicks,
Living Books Distributor rd
To fax…stop in at The Independent
306-948-3312 sales@gvsigns.ca
Owned & operated by Kevin Fick
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• Cattle hauling with 21 ft. gooseneck trailer • round and large square bale hauling with step-deck or highboy semi-trailers • also buying and selling straw and forage • also machinery hauling Home • 306-948-2037 Alex • 306-948-7291 Dan • 306-948-7843
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. . . Rural doctors, cont from page 11 Association President Dr. Janet Shannon said.“I know how challenging it has been for rural communities to recruit and retain physicians, but I also know there are many benefits to living and practising medicine in rural Saskatchewan. The SMA is happy to see a program focussed on easing the financial burden of recent graduates and we believe this program will benefit both rural communities and our doctors.” The program will be retroactive to April 1, 2012, and will be open to both Canadian and international medical graduates. It will be administered by saskdocs, the province’s Physician Recruitment Agency. “Saskdocs is pleased to administer this new incentive program in close collaboration with its partners,” saskdocs’ CEO Ed Mantler said. “The recruitment of physicians, especially to rural or remote communities, is a real challenge. We know that incentives like the one announced today help get a physician to a community, but retention is a challenge as well so we’ll work closely with our partners to find innovative ways to retain physicians in those locations, increasing health care
accessibility throughout the province.” The province’s 2009 Physician Recruitment Strategy is paying off, with overall physician numbers increasing. More than 240 physicians are practising in Saskatchewan today than in 2007. While the number of physicians is increasing, more physicians are needed in rural and remote areas. The Rural Physician Incentive Program is among a number of initiatives underway to address physician recruitment and retention: • Training and residency seats have been added to the College of Medicine in Saskatoon. • More international doctors are coming to Saskatchewan through a new assessment process (Saskatchewan International Physician Practice Assessment, or SIPPA) that accepts applications from a wider range of countries. • More physicians are being trained in rural Saskatchewan, recognizing that experiencing a rural lifestyle increases the chance that they will stay for a longer term. More than 2,000 physicians are currently working in the province.
Report from the Legislature
by Randy Weekes, MLA, Biggar (14 March, 2013) Rural Physician Incentive Program Our government is committed to ensuring Saskatchewan remains the best place in Canada to live, work and raise a family. To that end, we have announced that education property tax rates will be reduced in next week’s budget. The overall value of property in Saskatchewan has increased by 67 per cent over the last five years, which could have meant significant property tax increases. Reducing education property tax rates will help mitigate those increases. While some property owners may still see their taxes go up, others will go down and the overall impact in terms of reassessment will be revenue neutral across Saskatchewan. When we first took office five years ago, property taxes funded about
0-turns in stock NOW
2008 F-350, duals, crew cab, V-10 auto 4x4, 197km, Sask. Safety ............... $17,900 2008 F-250 XLT, 4x4, reg cab, 5.4L, auto, new rubber .................................... $16,900 2007 IHC 8600, 385hp Cummins, 10 spd, 550m/l, new CIM, BHT ................. $64,900 2007 F-150 Supercab long box, 4x4, 5.4L, great work truck ............................ $9,900 2006 Freestar, 3rd row seating, 110,000km ....................................................... $ 7,900 2005 Chev Silverado, extended cab, short box, 120,000km, 8.1 V8, auto..COMING IN 2005 GMC 3/4 ton Sierra SLE Durmax, auto, ext. cab, 190,000km, SK Tax Pd......... ....................................................... $16,900 2004 F-150 XLT, supercab, 2WD, SWB, only 145,000km, very good, SK Tax Pd ....... .....................................REDUCED REDUCED $ 7,900
genfelter’s plan to cut a special deal with First Nations on resource revenues. As a matter of fact, Broten could not think of one thing he would change in the disastrous Lingenfelter election platform rejected by voters on November 7, 2011. Then when asked about his position on the Keystone XL pipeline project, Broten was all over the map. At first, he wouldn’t say where he stood. Then he said he wanted to wait for National Energy Board approval. It turns out though that Keystone received NEB approval three years ago. Broten ended his first week in his new job by saying he did support Keystone, despite the fact that in May 2012 he voted against a motion to support the project. If you have a question about this Legislative report or any other matter, just contact Randy.
Bowling Results Tuesday mixed league: MHS, Gerry Devenny, 209; MHM, Jason Raschke, 545; WHS, Cindy Watson, 185; WHM, Cindy Watson, 463. New Horizons: MHS, Bill Roach, 264; MHM,
Perdue, Sask.
465hp auto shift c/w new CIM BHT
The program will provide $120,000 in funding over five years to recent medical graduates who practice in communities of 10,000 or less. Eligible physicians will receive a payment at the end of each year of practice, with those payments gradually increasing over that five-year period. Not only will the Rural Physician Incentive Program help ease the financial burden many new doctors find themselves under, it also keeps and improves upon a commitment we made during the 2011 election campaign. Promise made, promise kept. And they say that in politics, as in life, you rarely get a second chance to make a first impression. That’s really too bad for new NDP leader Cam Broten. Minutes after delivering his first official speech as leader, he came out in support of Dwain Lin-
Alley Katz results
CAM-DON MOTORS LTD. 2006 Freightliner M2
60 per cent of K-12 school costs. Because of changes made by our government, education property taxes now only fund about 35 per cent of those costs, with the remainder being covered by the provincial government. With a growing population and increased school enrolment, ensuring school divisions have the financial support they need is an important component in planning for growth. Planning for growth also means ensuring Saskatchewan families have timely access to high quality healthcare, no matter where they live. Recruiting doctors to rural areas, and then keeping them there, is a major priority for our government. The new Rural Physician Incentive Program is a significant first step toward improving access to physician services outside major urban centres.
MF 2300 52” 26 hp, $3700 SPRING SPECIAL 2004 Freightliner m2 C7 Cat Cat, auto, t 24’ van c/w power tailgate, 280km, very good ......... ....................................................... $32,900 2004 F-150 XLT 4x4, supercrew, mostly highway kms, local, SK Tax Pd ..... $10,900 2003 F-450 super cab c/c V10 auto, 4x4, very good.......................................COMING IN 2002 F-350 Crew Cab, 7.3 auto, 4x4, dually, 170,000km with deck............COMING IN! 1999 Freightliner 80 c/c 300hp, Cat, 10 spd, air, S?A, fresh safety .............. $12,900 1998 Olds Alero, good winter car..$ 1,495 1995 Pontiac SunÀre 5 spd, SK Tax Pd ...... ....................................................... $ 1,295 1994 Ford Ranger, V6, auto, 4x4.. ............. ....................................................... $ 3,900
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Geoff Cooke, 638; WHS, Barb Archibald, 192; WHM, June Hoppe, 493. Wednesday YBC: Bowlasaurus high score - Kiersten Raschke, 114; Bantam high score, Tristan Cirrico, 174.
Perdue bowling results Week ending March 8. Men’s league: MHS, Dennis Notschke, 276; MHT, Dennis Notschke, 653; THS, WWF, 838; THT, WWF, 2,201; MHA,
Al Levitt, 183. Week ending March 15. Club 55: MHS, John Latta, 238; LHS, Jean Taylor, 157; MHT, Bob
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Thursday Senior League: MHS, Geoff Cooke, 291; WHS, Esther Singer, 209; MHM, Geoff Cooke, 723; WHM, Barb Beirnes, 536.
Lemon, 524; MHT, Jean Taylor, 381; THS, Hopefuls, 1,086; THT, Hopefuls, 3,038; MHA, Al Levitt, 192; LHA, Kay Munro, 163. Ladies league: LHS, Joyce Broeckel, 230; LHT, Dorrie Labersweiler, 602; THS, High Rollers, 1,074; THT, High Rollers, 3,145; LHA, Dorrie Labersweiler, 186. Men’s league: MHS, Al Levitt, 265; MHT, Al Levitt, 680; THS, JAG, 772; THT, JAG, 2,281; MHA, Al Levitt, 185. Mixed league: MHS, Al Levitt, 243; LHS, Joey Levitt, 238; MHT, Al Levitt, 608; LHT, Joey Levitt, 578; THS, DJs, 1,125; THT, DJs, 3,168; MHA, George Bartley, 189; LHA, Joey Levitt, 174. Bantam Girls; Skylar Elliot, 116. Bantam Boys, Adam Munro, 134. Junior Girls, Dakota Anderson, 101.
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Agriculture . . . a growing field Quinoa A popular food, high in fibre
Page 11
Popcorn The new superfood
Page 12
Plant hardiness zones Find Biggar’s zone on the map
Page 3
Box 40, 102 3rd Ave West, Biggar, Saskatchewan S0K 0M0 email: tip@sasktel.net Phone: 306-948-3344 www.biggarindependent.ca
Ag Safety Week organizers encourage farmers to Get with the Plan! Rosetown - Elrose - Davidson - Biggar - Outlook - Central Butte
Your farm operation’ s growth and prosperity takes a lot of hard work, ingenuity, and vision. We understand, and have high standards to help you achieve continued success for generations.
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his March, the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA), the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA), and exclusive corporate sponsor Farm Credit Canada (FCC) want to encourage farmers to “Get with the Plan!” just in time for Canadian Agricultural Safety Week, March 10 to 16, 2013. Canadian Agricultural Safety Week (CASW) is an annual public education campaign focusing on the importance of practicing safe agriculture. In 2013, organizers want to inspire farmers to develop their own written health and safety plans by hearing about the
struggles, and successes of other Canadian farmers. “It’s not just about connecting the dots. It’s not even just about
achieved success with their own safety planning, because producers can learn from one another and motivate each other in the process.”
managing business risks or becoming a preferred employer, although those are all great bene¿ts of safety planning,” says Marcel Hacault, Executive Director of CASA. “It’s about making a commitment to safety. That’s why it’s important for farmers to hear from other producers that have faced injuries, or
“As a farmer myself, I can vouch for the importance of on-farm safety. It makes good business sense, but it’s also a responsibility we have to ourselves, our families and employees. We encourage all farmers to develop a safety plan and to take advantage of the resources available through CASA, including the FarmSafe Forums,”
value of agriculture and the role our producers play in feeding the world,” Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart said. “By allowing our youth to learn more about agriculture we hope that they will have a better appreciation of where their food comes from and will consider a career in agriculture.” The provincial government supports a number of initiatives to help educate youth about agriculture in Saskatchewan, such as Agriculture in the Classroom. The Ministry of Agriculture has provided $150,000 in funding over the past year to the program. “The Ministry of Education is committed to improving the literacy and learning success of all Saskatchewan students,” Education Minister Russ Marchuk said. “Literacy comes in many forms and this week there is an exciting focus on agriculture and the impact it has on our communities.” Agriculture Literacy Week will be observed through a variety of events held in March by he Government of Saskatchewan Agriculture in the Classroom Saskatchewan proclaimed March 3-9 Agriculture and schools across the province. Activities Literacy Week in Saskatchewan. will focus on connecting children and youth “Agriculture Literacy Week is a time with the agriculture industry. to show our youth the importance and
Literacy For over 60 years, we have been proudly serving the farmers in Biggar and the surrounding communities! We believe that farming is at the heart of our community, and we are committed to working side by side, with you, the farmr to better uncdrstand your operations and provide for all your Ànancial needs.. We salute you and the rest of the Agriculture Industry for your contributions to our community!
says CFA President Ron Bonnett. “With an industry that’s growing, there’s even more need to ensure safety in our business practices,” says Remi Lemoine, V i c e President and Chief Operating Of¿cer at FCC. “We’re committed to helping Canadian producers stay safe at work, and encourage thoughtful planning through w r i t t e n health and safety plans. This year’s Canadian Agricultural Safety Week is a great forum to be inspired, and make safety a priority.” Canadian Agricultural Safety Week takes place every year during the third week of March. This year, CASW runs from March 10th to 16th, 2013.
Maps reveal new plant hardiness zones G
ardeners rely on a number of factors when deciding on what to plant in their gardens and around their property. One of the most important things to take into consideration is the climate. Since 1960, the go-to source for climate and relation to agriculture has been the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Plant Hardiness Zone map. In 1967, Agriculture Canada developed their own map that took into consideration Canadian plant survival data and a wider range of climatic variables. The maps remained constant until now. In January 2012, the USDA released an updated zone map. The map is now more precise and reÀects microclimates, heat islands, prevailing wind, elevation, and generally better data. It breaks down the country into 13 unique zones from the previous 11. Individuals who once resided in a particular zone may ¿nd that they are now moved into another zone. This updated map has taken into consideration climate changes that have occurred between 1976 and 2005. You now may be able to try plants that you may have been skeptical about in the past. The new map now offers a Geographic Information System, or GIS, -based, interactive format and is speci¿cally designed to be Internet-friendly. The map website also incorporates a “¿nd your zone by ZIP code” function. Static images of national, regional and state maps have also been included to ensure the map is readily accessible to those who lack broadband Internet access. The new version of the map includes 13 zones, with the addition for the ¿rst time of zones 12 (50-60 degrees F) and 13 (60-70 degrees F). Each zone is a 10-degree Fahrenheit band, further divided into A and B
We salute our farmer friends during Saskatchewan Agriculture Week & National Farm Safety Week Thanks for your support and Good Luck in the 2013 season.
1st Avenue Collision Centre 1st Avenue West • Biggar
• 948-3337 Thank You Farmers of Saskatchewan Main St. • Biggar
Ô Ô We all need YOU. Hours:Monday - Saturday 8:30 - 6 Thursday 8:30 - 8 and Sunday 12 - 5
Hardiness zone maps courtesy of the USDA and Agriculture Canada. 5-degree Fahrenheit zones. A hardiness zone describes a geographically de¿ned area in which a speci¿c category of plant life is capable of growing, as de¿ned by climatic conditions, including its ability to withstand the minimum temperatures of the zone. Summer temperatures are not factored into the mix. Therefore, areas with similar winter patterns and average lows may be in the same zone despite having drastically different highs. Hardiness zones may not take into consideration snow cover, either. Snow helps insulate the soil and hibernating plants. Therefore hardiness zones are more like guidelines instead of foolproof methods of determining viable plants. Although a poster-sized version of this map will not be available for purchase from USDA, as in the past, anyone may download the map free of charge from the Internet onto their personal computer and print copies of the map as needed. When shopping for plants, most will display a hardiness zone right on the container to help you determine whether this particular plant will be acceptable outdoors in your zone. To learn more about hardiness zones, visit www. usda.gov or http://planthardiness.gc.ca. www.kellyblockmp.ca
May your 2013 season be the best yet!
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Thinking of selling or transitioning? We specialize in farm succession strategies. May 2013 be a successful farming and ranching year for you!
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We would like to recognize the farmers of Saskatchewanduring Agriculture Week.
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4 Servings prep. time 15 min. Nutrients per Serving cook time 8 min. Calories 450 Ingredients Fat 25 g 4 English muf¿ns Saturated Fat 8 g 5 tsp (25 mL) olive oil Trans Fat 0 g 3/4 cup (175 mL) pizza sauce Sodium 690 mg 6 small button mushrooms, sliced Carbohydrate 33 g 1/3 cup (75 mL) green pepper, diced Fibre 2 g 6 eggs Sugars 4 g 2 tbsp (30 mL) 2% milk Protein 22 g Salt and pepper, to taste 2 oz (60 g) pepperoni, sliced 1/2 cup (125 mL) Mozzarella cheese, shredded Method Split English muf¿ns in half. Brush with 3 tsp (15 mL) olive oil. Place inside-up on baking sheet and toast in 450°F (230°C) oven until lightly browned. Remove from oven. Spread each with pizza sauce; keep warm. Heat remaining oil in non-stick skillet over medium heat. Cook mushrooms and sweet pepper until soft, about 2 minutes. Whisk together eggs and milk in medium bowl; season with salt and pepper. Pour into skillet with mushrooms and peppers, stirring to form soft curds. Spoon eggs onto English muf¿ns. Top with pepperoni and cheese. Return to oven; heat through until cheese melts and bubbles, about 2 minutes.
March proclaimed Rural Women’s Month in Saskatchewan T he Government of Saskatchewan has proclaimed the month of March as Rural Women’s Month in Saskatchewan. “The contributions of Saskatchewan’s rural women have played a vital role in placing our province as a global leader in agriculture,” Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart said. “I am pleased to see more women getting involved and taking leadership roles within the agriculture industry. Women will be key contributors to our industry’s continued success as we prepare to meet the growing global
demand for food.” Nearly one quarter of farm operators in Saskatchewan are women. Rural Women’s Month is a time to recognize these women and the valuable contributions they make in their communities and on their farms. “Rural Women’s Month is an opportunity to recognize the multiple roles that rural women play that are key to maintaining our farms, our families and our communities,” Social Services Minister and Minister responsible for the Status of Women June Draude said. “They
are small business owners, agrologists, health care providers, teachers, caregivers, mentors and community leaders ensuring that our province continues to be the best place to live and work and to raise a family.” Rural Women’s Month will be observed through a variety of events held in March by women’s groups in communities across the province. These activities will acknowledge the positive contributions of rural women in enhancing agricultural and rural development in Saskatchewan.
Reports: 2013 positive for ag sector by Trudy Kelly Forsythe 2013 is looking good for Canada’s farmers, according to three new reports released this week by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Canada’s Farm Income Forecast for 2012 and 2013, the Medium Term Outlook for Canadian Agriculture and the Farm Income, Financial Conditions and Government Assistance Data Book, 2012, provide an overview of the ¿nancial and market outlook for the sector and offer benchmarks for producers, industry stakeholders and governments as they plan for the years ahead. According to the Farm Income Forecast report, farmers are prospering from continued high commodity and livestock prices. The sector will once again report record-high income levels for 2012 and can count on a continued positive outlook for 2013. While performance varies by sector, the average net operating income for Canadian farms is expected to reach a new record of $74,190 in 2012, 17 per cent greater than the 2011 level and 50 per cent above the 2007–11 average. The net worth of an average farm is forecast to grow by eight per cent in 2012 to reach $1.8 million. Richard Phillips, the executive director of the Grain Growers of Canada, says the report mirrors what they have been hearing at farm meetings across the Prairies and in Atlantic Canada. “The grain growers share the optimistic outlook that is projected for 2013,” Phillips says. Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz says the outlook shows that global demand for agricultural commodities will be driven by growth in developing economies. The Grain Growers of Canada are closely involved in many of the country’s international trade negotiations and also see the demand for food growing globally, both in terms of
population and in terms of the rapidly growing middle class in much of the developing world. “One of their ¿rst demands is access to better quality food, much of which we produce in Canada,” Phillips says. “We have a better educated farm population, and a much better infrastructure to segregate and separate different types and classes of grains in Canada, and are able to identity preserve to meet exact market speci¿cations, much better than many of our low cost competitors.” Assuming normal weather conditions, Canadian grain and oilseed prices are expected to moderate from 2012 peaks but remain at higher than historical levels over the medium term. “The government has been a big help to most of the grains, oilseeds and pulse sector because of their commitment to opening more markets and providing resources to ensure we keep them open, which has helped lead to the increased demand and higher prices we enjoy today,” Phillips says.
Perdue Agencies Ltd. All the best to our farmer and rancher friends for their continued success in the future.
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We would like to remind farmers and ranchers of Saskatchewan to observe all safety rules and have a safe and prosperous 2013. Drop in and check out our agriculture and automotive products to help you on the farm this year! Watch for flyers.
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WE SALUTE THE BARLEY PRODUCERS OF SASKATCHEWAN Prairie Malt Limited, as a value-added agricultural processor, would like to thank the barley producers of this area for putting in the extra effort that is vital to growing world-class malting barley.
Challenges facing farmers today and tomorrow T
We appreciate your dedication and hard work and wish you continued growth and prosperity in the future.
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We appreciate the benefits of the agricultural industry in our communities in rural Saskatchewan
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hough farming was once big business in the United States, by 2012 less than one per cent of Americans were professional farmers. Many challenges face today’s farmers, many of which are largely unknown to the general public. Many people have an outdated view of a farm as a small, family-owned and operated parcel of land where livestock is raised in open pens and crops are handharvested when ripe. The reality is that modernday farms have had to overhaul operations to meet demand and remain competitively priced while adapting to the ever-changing ways technology in¿ltrates all parts of life. Each of these factors present obstacles for today’s farmers. Technology Rural farming communities are expected to make an effort to integrate modern technology into an industry that has been around for centuries. But such a transition in rural areas, where communications systems may not be as up-to-date as those in urban areas, is not always so easy. According to the Manitoba Rural Adaptation Council, a shift from a resource-
Continued Success to the farmers of Saskatchewan Today's farming success stories are bound by one common factor -- the wise and careful use of available technology and information.
Central Plains Co-operative C Ltd. Eston, Rosetown and Landis Rosetown Co-op has a complete line of farm and agriculture products -petro, animal health and feed, farm chemicals and fertilizers.
based to an informationbased economy, compounded by the rapid introduction and expansion of new technology in the workplace, has altered farm operation and the skills in demand. Older workers who have been schooled in one way of agriculture may have a signi¿cant impact on labor supply and the
As the number of farmers has dwindled, the average age of farmers continues to rise, as statistics note that roughly 40 per cent of the farmers in this country are 55 years old or older. This has led to concerns about the long-term health of family farms throughout the United States. Environmental
many people to protest certain farming practices. Protesters claim that certain practices, such as raising livestock, can pollute water, while the use of fertilizers and chemical pesticides is bad for the environment. Many farmers, however, have altered their methods to be more environmentally friendly and self-sustainable in
Greater public awareness of agricultural challenges could help the industry in the future. vitality of farming as a career. Younger adults who are knowledgeable in technology may no longer seek out agricultural careers. Decrease in farming as an occupation
concerns Many farmers have come under scrutiny for how farming impacts the environment. A growing emphasis on sustainability and conservation has led
What is corned beef?
is a meat that is customarily served alongside potatoes and cabbage. Many people understand the “beef”part of the corned beef name, but do not understand the “corned”part. Corning refers to pickling meat in brine. Brines, which are composed of salt water, were often used to preserve meats when refrigeration was not available. The word “corn”comes from Anglo-Saxon times when meat was dry-cured in coarse “corns” of salt. Pellets of salt were rubbed into the meat to preserve it. Corned beef brines today contain more than just salt. They may have different spices and Àavorings to add to the taste of the meat.
t least once a year people gather to enjoy a dish that is widely associated with Irish culture. Corned beef
the process. Climate change is another environmental issue farmers must deal with. Strong storms and severe droughts have made farming even more challenging.
Make sure to check insurance when hiring contractors
arm operators are accustomed to asking contractors for proof of their provincial workers’ compensation insurance coverage and liability insurance before hiring them to do work. A third basic requirement that should be added is asking contractors to demonstrate that they have a health and safety program in place. Just as it is your responsibility to have a health and safety plan for your farm or ranch, it is also the responsibility of each contractor to have a health and safety plan for their business. For most farm operators your business conditions stay relatively the same from one day to the next, whereas with contractors, they could be working at several different locations every week. This makes their health and safety needs uniquely different – and they should have a plan.
Helping farmers and ranchers reduce the risks in their operations is the core message of the
theme Plan • Farm • Safety, a three-year focus for the Canadian agricultural safety campaign. In 2010, the campaign promoted “Plan” with safety walkabouts and planning for safety. In 2011, the focus is on “Farm” including implementation, documentation and training. And in 2012, emphasis was on “Safety” including assessment, improvement and further development of safety systems. Too often, contractors, especially small companies, haven’t developed health and safety programs for their business.
Wildlife damage covered by crop insurance by Neil Billinger Deer are becoming a common sight in Saskatchewan farmyards as they search for feed under challenging circumstances. Heavy snowfall is forcing wildlife to gravitate to hay stacks and other forage sources. All farmers are eligible for up to 100 per cent compensation for wildlife damage to stacked hay, bales, silage, market gardens, tree nurseries and alternative feeding systems, such as corn grazing. Shawn Jaques, Sask Crop Insurance President and CEO, says the number of damage reports are signi¿cantly higher than previous years. Last year, there
In an emergency scenario, this will leave them in disarray as to what to do and will almost certainly conflict with the execution of y o u r emergency p r e paredn e s s plan. T h i s could lead to potential injuries, d a m aged property and equipment, or costly shutdowns. One way to determine the safety culture of a contractor is to ask that their health and safety plan be included in their work-bid as part of the consideration for winning the contract. In the absence of the contractor having a health and safety plan, then this puts greater onus on you to outline and clearly communicate what health and safety measures are expected of all contractors and their employees on your farm, and to do so
were only about 80 wildlife damage claims. “The calls are from across the province and not localized to any one speci¿c area,” Jaques says. He adds that SCI won’t have a good handle on the total amount of wildlife damage until claims are ¿nalized, which typically happens later in the spring when the snow melts. Jaques says it’s important for farmers to contact their local crop insurance of¿ce as soon as wildlife damage is detected. An adjustor will conduct the initial assessment to determine how many animals are involved and what type of damage is being done. Claims are ¿nalized once the damage has stopped and wildlife returns to its natural habitat. Sask Crop Insurance may also be able to provide some damage prevention measures, such as intercept feed or fencing if there are a large number of deer or elk.
before any work begins. Four of the key points to cover include a work site review with the contractor pointing out the location of emergency equipment, power sources, washrooms, etc as well as any potential hazards. Next, ensure the contractor has appropriate means to manage his own safety such as proper tools for the job, scaffolding, personal protective equipment, as such, as required. Third, ensure only authorized people can access the workplace, that they are made aware of hazards, or provided with appropriate supervision. And ¿nally, ensure all contractors and their workers report to you any hazards they become aware of. The bottom line is that you are ultimately responsible for everyone’s safety on your farm or ranch. Therefore it is imperative to set reasonable safety standards for your workplace and communicate your expectations with contractors before the job begins.
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U of S researchers to study impact of WE SALUTE SASKATCHEWAN FARMERS Let’s remember the part farming has played and still does in the development of Saskatchewan.
Angie’s Hair Salon & Barber Shop Angie and Sherry • 306-948-3696
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Remember to be safe when back in the Àeld and have a successful and bountiful year.
We salute our Saskatchewan farmers and families this Agriculture Awareness Week.
chronic wasting disease in the wild, develop an effective oral vaccine for deer, elk
esearchers at the University of Saskatchewan have been awarded funding to study chronic wasting disease (CWD) and its effect on Canada’s wild deer and elk populations, including the development of an oral vaccine to potentially curb spread of the disease. The funding is being provided by PrioNet Canada, a Network of Centres of Excellence, in an effort to address the socioeconomic and health-related impacts posed by prion diseases such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, also known as mad cow disease), CWD, as well as other neurodegenerative disorders, and to accelerate discoveries in these areas. Dr. Scott Napper, a research scientist with the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization
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Saskatchewan farmers are the world's greatest providers of food, Àber, fertilizers and feeds. They create jobs and contribute to our healthy economy as well as our healthy diets. We're proud and thankful for the hard working, dedicated people and their families who make up our Ànest Saskatchewan Agriculture industry.
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at the University of Saskatchewan, has been awarded funding to develop an oral vaccine – one that will attract consumption by elk and deer and can withstand extreme temperatures – to help stop the spread of CWD in the wild. Similar oral vaccines are already used to control rabies in Eastern Canada, where food packets containing the vaccine are widely distributed for consumption by fox and raccoon populations. Dr. Napper is leading this project in collaboration with nine other researchers at the University of Saskatchewan and University of British Columbia, in partnership with PREVENT, the Pan-Provincial Vaccine Enterprise. “The danger is that CWD continues to spread with the potential to generate new strains and infect new host species,” notes Dr. Napper. “At the moment we don’t have a way to effectively control the spread of CWD in the wild which is why the development of an oral vaccine is incredibly important.” Dr. Ryan Brook, Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture and Bioresources at the University of Saskatchewan – working with six researchers across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba – has received funding to examine transmission of CWD between whitetailed deer and elk. Using an extensive database of information collected from radio collars, researchers will determine where the elk and deer populations are located across Manitoba and Saskatchewan, and look at the potential for overlap between the two species. Their work is crucial to ongoing monitoring of CWD in Canada. “Our aim is to better understand the overlap in habitat, diet and range between elk and whitetailed deer, and the associated transmission and environmental contamination of CWD,”
said Dr. Brook, adding that the overall goal is to mitigate the widespread impacts of CWD on animals and humans. The two Saskatoonbased research projects are among 11 across Canada included in PrioNet’s recent infusion of $2.9 million to support 55 researchers across Canada on their ongoing prion-related studies. Prion diseases are fatal, infectious and transmissible diseases of humans and animals associated with a ‘sponge-
had already spread to wild populations where it continues to be an ongoing threat. About PrioNet Canada (www.prionetcanada.ca) One of Canada’s Networks of Centres of Excellence, PrioNet Canada is a pan-Canadian research network that is developing strategies to help solve the food, health safety, and socioeconomic problems associated with prion diseases. The network brings together academia, industry, and public
Our aim is to better understand the overlap in habitat, diet and range between elk and white-tailed deer, and the associated transmission and environmental contamination of CWD
like’ degeneration of brain tissue. In animals, the most common prion diseases include BSE, scrapie in sheep and goats, and CWD in deer and elk. From 2000 to 2004, the Canadian government spent approximately $40 million to try to eradicate CWD from its farmed elk and white-tailed deer; however these measures failed as the disease
sector partners through its multidisciplinary research projects, training programs, events, and commercialization activities to help derive maximum socioeconomic bene¿ts for Canadians. PrioNet is hosted by the University of British Columbia and the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute in Vancouver.
Farmers fund grain-sector innovation at U of S P
rairie farmers, through the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB), have funded a major university endowment designed to tackle emerging threats to Canada’s international competitiveness in the grain trade. The University of Saskatchewan will use $500,000 provided by the CWB to develop strategies that will enhance the economic sustainability of Canadian grain production. The funding, committed in 2009, will be used over the next 15 years. The ¿rst phase will examine new policies that can improve agricultural research investment in Canada. “For our grain to stay competitive in global markets, it is crucial that we ¿nd ways to reverse dwindling investment in Canadian agricultural research,” said Dr. Richard Gray, a globally recognized agriculture policy expert who was appointed this summer as the university’s ¿rst Canadian Grain Policy Chair, a position created by the endowment. Public and producer investment for crop research
in Canada is now much lower than other countries such as Australia, where new policies have encouraged research investment, he said. The CWB’s endowment will be used to examine what policies can best encourage innovation and investment, including quantifying the economic returns that Àow from crop research, variety testing and various funding models. CWB president and CEO Ian White said the research is vital to ensure the economic sustainability of family farms in Western Canada. “The ultimate goal of this research is to improve the pro¿tability of grain producers,” he said. “Encouraging policies that can spark new technology, new production systems, transportation systems, and robust grain research is the best way to help keep our sector sustainable.” Mary Buhr, Dean of the College of Agriculture and Bioresources at the University of Saskatchewan, said grain-sector innovation will rely on forwardlooking policies and regulation that allow farmers to respond to emerging opportunities and capture
value from the marketplace. “This is the most important challenge facing our grain industry today,” she said. “The CWB’s commitment to proactively support unbiased policy assessment is especially commendable at a time when there is renewed global focus on food security and demand for high-quality wheat to feed the world.” She said the funding would be primarily used to support graduate-student projects into better ways to fund, manage and commercialize agriculture research for farmers’ bene¿t. Gray said it is now a critical time for crop-research policy in Canada, and stressed the importance of industry engagement. “Since 1990, we have seen a slowdown in productivity growth in the western Canadian crop sector. An overall lack of investment in agriculture research funding will affect Canada’s long-term international competitiveness in grain. New policies are needed.” Gray is one of Canada’s leading agricultural economists and a professor in
Canadian agriculture has a key role to play in the future of water, FCC Ànds The future of global water age, and managing risks supply and security has in agricultural operations been a topic of growing are critical. international dialogue and Canada is one of the debate. The latest edition largest global consumers of the FCC Knowledge In- of fresh water per capita. sider highlights Canada’s Agriculture, a major conunique posumer of sition as a Agriculture, a major con- water and water-rich sumer of water and pro- p r o d u c e r c o u n t r y ducer of food and energy, of food and a ma- plays an important role and enjor con- in the water-food-energy ergy, plays sumer of nexus – the interplay be- an imporwater, as tween the energy and wa- tant role in well as im- ter needed to create food the waterplications food-enerfor the aggy nexus – riculture industry. the interplay between the Canadian agricul- energy and water needed ture needs a signi¿cant to create food. amount of water and enSome things to consider ergy to meet the growing include: global demand for food. • The link between huThat’s why monitoring man impact, climate water trends, being stra- change and the quality tegic about our water us-
and availability of global water resources. • Exploring opportunities for Canada to become more water smart and provide viable solutions. • Inspiration from Canadian agribusiness owners who are changing their water practices and strategies to better prepare for the future. Experts predict as much as a 40 per cent gap between water supply and future demand. The agriculture industry has a big stake in shaping the future of water. From decisions about water management to technological innovations, there is a lot to learn from other agribusiness owners who are already making big strides in these areas.
RECOGNITION We wish to take this opportunity to recognize the vital role that agriculture plays in our economy.
the Department of Bioresource Policy, Business and Economics at the University of Saskatchewan. He has led the Canadian Agricultural Innovation and Regulation Network since 2003 and has studied agricultural research systems in Europe and Australia. Controlled by western Canadian farmers, the CWB is the largest wheat and barley marketer in the world. One of Canada’s biggest exporters, the Winnipeg-based organization sells grain to more than 70 countries and returns all sales revenue, less marketing costs, to Prairie farmers.
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New Canada Research Chairs to focus on farm injury prevention and public policy
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306-948-2706 We would like to recognize the contribution that the agriculture industry has made to the prosperity of the Province of Saskatchewan… Saskatchewan Agriculture Awareness Week and National Farm Safety Week, Theme: “Get With The Plan”
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niversity of Saskatchewan researchers Catherine Trask and Daniel Béland have been awarded Canada Research Chairs (CRC) to further their work to protect farm workers from injury and better understand social policy and taxation. Trask works with farmers and other agricultural workers, healthcare professionals and policy stakeholders to help preserve the health of working Canadians in agriculture and other industries. She is an assistant professor with the Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture (CCHSA) in the U of S College of Medicine. “The CCHSA has long been a leader in the health of farmers. This investment will allow us to address musculoskeletal disorders like back injuries for the ¿rst time among agricultural workers,” Trask said. “Research on how these conditions develop and how we can prevent them will have an impact on the health of workers in
Saskatchewan and the rest of Canada.” Trask will receive $100,000 per year over ¿ve years from her Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Health, as well as $106, 161 in associated Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) equipment funding. Béland is working to explain policy stability and change as they apply to taxation and social policy, and the interactions between the two. He is a professor with the JohnsonShoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, a joint initiative of the U of S and the University of Regina. Béland’s work will help Canadians and people elsewhere around the world grasp the changing nature of ¿scal and social policies in contemporary society, while improving their knowledge about the root causes and the direction of policy change. “Studying the politics of ¿scal and social policy is more crucial than ever, especially given the debt crisis in the European Union and the United
States, and the future of ¿scal federalism in Canada,” Béland said. “My research will break new ground by offering a more systematic look at the taxation component of welfare state development and of the politics of policy development.” Béland will receive $200,000 per year over seven years through his Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Public Policy. “This $1.9-million federal investment and associated CFI funding recognizes two of our outstanding faculty whose innovative research programs will create new knowledge to guide decisions right from the highest level of government policy making, to practical solutions to keep farmers and their families safe from injury,” said U of S Vice-President Research Karen Chad. Funds from CRCs are used for the researchers’ salaries and for operating their research programs. The chairs also leverage substantial funding from other sources. For example, CRCs receive operating funds
from the Saskatchewan government to set up their research programs. These in turn provide training opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Gary Goodyear, federal Minister of State for Science and Technology, made the national announcement of the new Canada Research Chairs today at Western University in London, Ontario. “Our government is committed to attracting and retaining the world’s best and brightest researchers, supporting innovation, creating jobs, and strengthening our economy,” Goodyear said. “By investing in programs such as the Canada Research Chairs, we are fostering cutting-edge research and the generation of new innovations for the marketplace, for the bene¿t of Canadians.” In total, the federal will provide $90.6 million for 120 newly awarded and renewed Canada Research Chairs at 39 institutions across the country, as well as $4.5 million in associated CFI funding.
Canola area predicted to give way to other crops by Richard Kamchen After years of steady rises in Western Canadian canola acres, industry experts now foresee some of the shine coming off the crop. At Winnipeg’s annual Wild Oats Grain world conference, market analyst Brenda Tjaden Lepp forecasts a shift of canola into spring wheat, as well as a rebound in oats, Àaxseed and pea acres. The chief analyst of FarmLink Marketing Solutions predicts Western Canadian canola acres will drop to 20 million acres, 7.1 per cent less than from a year ago, while spring wheat area will rise 3.2 per cent to 17.5 million acres.
Tjaden Lepp adds that a lack of strong price signals and premiums will cut into durum wheat acreage, which she predicts would fall 8.1 per cent from last year to 4.3 million acres. Barley will likely be Àat at around 7.5 million acres, with feed displacing malt varieties. Oat area should rise 12 per cent from last year’s acreage to 3.2 million acres, returning to near average levels and rebuilding supplies. She expects the same from Àaxseed acreage, climbing 12.2 per cent from last year to 1.1 million acres. Peas -- mostly green -will also likely rebound, up 4.8 per cent to 3.5 million acres.
Nationally, Tjaden Lepp expects expanding acreage in corn and soybeans, pegging corn to rise 8.6 per cent from last year to 3.85 million acres and soybeans climbing 11.9 per cent from 2012 acreage to 4.8 million. Disappointing canola yields and historically high wheat prices in 2012 knocked the once perennial favourite out of farmers’ favour. Although canola prices also reached high levels, just how sustainable they are is uncertain, says Cargill analyst David Reimann. Tight canola and global oilseeds stocks brought prices to their highs, but that’s already been priced into the market. The risk to
the market is any easing of that tightness. For Canada, a return to normal yields would boost canola production from last year in spite of expected lower acreage, Reimann says, but that wouldn’t alleviate the tight supply situation given ongoing strong export and domestic crusher demand. However, the canola market has always taken its lead from the world soybean complex before any domestic considerations, Reimann points out, and forecasts are calling for 2013 soybean production in South America and the United States to rebound from 2012’s drought reduced output.
Quinoa endures to become a popular food, point of pride As more and more people embrace a diet that’s high in protein, quinoa, a grain-like crop that traces its origins to the Andes, is growing in popularity. Quinoa is a complete protein, meaning it contains all of the nine amino acids that are needed to support basic bodily function in the human body. While many health food and exercise af¿cionados are aware of quinoa’s nutritional bene¿ts, they might not know that quinoa traces its roots as an edible food back several thousand years to the Andean region of Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru. The Incas believed quinoa was sacred, but those beliefs were eventually questioned by the conquering Spaniards, who suppressed its cultivation and forced the Incas to grow wheat instead. Quinoa’s endurance is something Hispanics can be proud of, and, thanks to its nutritional value, it’s also something many people might want to share with family and friends. Those who want to celebrate their Hispanic heritage with a delicious and nutritional meal might want to
Saskatchewan Agriculture Awareness Week, National Farm Safety Week, March 14-20
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The farmers and stockmen of this community contribute greatly to the area’s economy. We salute you for your efforts now, and hope you beneÀt from those efforts in the future.
Main Street Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. • Biggar • Saturday - 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 948-3315
Quinoa, a species of goosefoot, is a grainlike crop grown primarily for its edible seeds. It is a pseudocereal rather than a true cereal, or grain, as it is not a member of the true grass family. consider the following recipe for “Saffron Quinoa con Pollo” from Robin Asbell’s “The New Whole Grains Cookbook” (Chronicle Books).
Saffron Quinoa con Pollo
We salute the farmers of Saskatchewan and are proud to be the supplier of their fertilizer, crop protection products and petroleum products.
Serves 4 to 6 1/2 lemon 6 whole artichokes 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cut into 2-inch chunks 1 teaspoon salt, divided 1 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper, divided 1 large onion, diced (about 2 cups) 2 cloves garlic, minced 3 tablespoons tomato paste 1 medium red bell pepper, seeded and chopped 1/2 cup frozen peas or edamame, thawed 1/2 teaspoon saffron threads 1 cup quinoa, rinsed 13/4 cups chicken stock Fill a large bowl halfway with cool water, and squeeze in a tablespoon or so of lemon juice. Pull off the leaves of each artichoke, and discard. Pare out the hairy choke, trim around the artichoke bottom, and peel the stem, leaving only edible Àesh. Cut each in half vertically, submerge in the lemon water, and reserve. Preheat the oven to 350 F. In a large, heavy brazier or Dutch oven, heat the olive oil over medium-high heat and drop in the chicken chunks, then season with a bit of the salt and pepper. Let cook, undisturbed, for 2 minutes before stirring, to get a good sear. Turn the chicken and cook until both sides are browned. Drain the artichoke bottoms, pat dry and add to the pot. Add the onion, garlic, tomato paste, bell pepper, peas, saffron, remaining salt and pepper, and quinoa, and stir to coat. Cook, stirring, for 2 minutes, to soften the vegetables. Add the stock and bring to a boil, covered. Put the pot in the hot oven, and bake for 45 minutes, then check to see if the quinoa is done. If the quinoa is tender but there is still liquid in the pot, uncover and bake for another 5 minutes.
During Agriculture Week, let's remember the part farming has played and still does in the development of Saskatchewan. It has provided us with the essentials to achieve what we have today. By providing food for our millions -natural Àbres for our clothing -- jobs for many of our people. Let's practise conservation to preserve this land that has given us life.
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We salute our farmer friends for their continued community support and we wish them all the success in their future endeavours.
Biggar Hotel 306-948-3641
For all your farm equipment needs…
Contact us at…
We sa farmer lute our s and f riends
1st Ave West, Biggar • 1-306-948-2700
We would like to recognize the contribution that the agriculture industry has made to the prosperity of the Province of Saskatchewan… Saskatchewan Agriculture Awareness Week, March 14 - 20
PERDUE HOTEL 1-306-237-4224 We Salute Our Farming Industry Beeson's Barber Shop …serving the community for 55 years
Biggar FLOWER and GIFT Shop …serving the community for 44 years
During Agriculture Week, let’s remember the contributions that our farming and ranching community has done to develop this great province of ours, Saskatchewan. Congratulations on all your past and future endeavours.
Is popcorn a new superfood?
recommended daily value of whole grain in a diet. People may want to skip those enriched cereals and breads and choose low-fat popcorn instead. Although the ¿ndings about the nutritional value of popcorn are promising, this does not mean individuals should give up on fruits and vegetables. Those foods contain other vitamins and nutrients that popcorn
ove over fruits and vegetables. Popcorn might have more antioxidants and be more capabale of improving the immune system than many items in the produce aisle. Popcorn has been enjoyed as a snack for centuries. Although its inventor is unknown, popcorn ears have been found in Mexican caves dating back 5,600 years. Peruvian Indians in the 16th century were known to eat popcorn and also use it as a decoration on necklaces and head dresses. In North America, popcorn is largely associated with going to the movies. North Americans consume roughly 17.3 billion quarts of popped corn each year. People who enjoy popcorn as a snack may be happy to learn this crunchy food has many health bene¿ts. According to recent information from researchers at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania, popcorn contains more antioxidants than fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants are known to help ¿ght and protect against cancer, heart disease and other ailments. Although it was previously known that popcorn contained antioxidants known as polyphenols, the exact amounts of the phenols remained a mystery. Joe Vinson, a Ph.D. who presented the popcorn ¿ndings at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society, found that there are twice as many phenols in popcorn per serving as there is in sweet corn or fruit. This is largely due to the high water content in fresh fruits and vegetables. Water content in foods can dilute polyphenols by as much as 90 per cent, says Vinson’s research. Popped corn is very low in water so it has a much higher concentration of polyphenols. For those who want to add extra nutrient power to popcorn, consider mixing in dried fruits, like raisins and dried cranberries. Along the same premise, the low water content of dried fruits ensures the dried fruits contain more antioxidants than their fresh, juicy counterparts. Another bene¿t to popcorn is it is made from an entirely unprocessed whole grain. A serving of popcorn can offer more than 70 per cent of the
does not, such as vitamin C. Also, dousing popcorn with salt and butter negates its nutritional bene¿ts. The best way to enjoy popcorn is to pop it with air and eat it plain. Microwave popcorn is another healthy method of making popcorn, provided it’s a no-butter variety. And don’t skip the annoying kernels. It appears that the highest concentration of polyphenols are contained in those hard bits that have a tendency to get caught between the teeth. It has long been known that popcorn is a healthy snack. Now researchers have discovered just how much of an antioxidant powerhouse popcorn can be.
We would like to take this opportunity to salute the farmers and ranchers of Saskatchewan during this
We salute you, farmers and ranchers, for your efforts and your contribution to our community.
Biggar Branch Agriculture Awareness Week and National Farm Safety Week.
AGI Envirotank 401-Hwy 4 South, Biggar, Sask. 306-948-5262
For all your gift needs, visit us at…
A serving of popcorn can offer more than 70 per cent of the recommended daily value of whole grain in a diet.
217 Main Street Biggar • 306-948-2452