Vol. 105 No. 17
20 pages
Bringing news to Biggar and area for 105 years! Box 40, 122 Main Street, Biggar, Saskatchewan S0K 0M0
CWB enters into an
agreement to Acquire Prairie West Terminal CWB and Prairie West Te r m i n a l L t d . ( P W T ) announced last week that they have entered into an arrangement agreement whereby CWB, through a wholly-owned subsidiary, will acquire all of the issued and outstanding common shares of PWT. The deal will excluding shares owned by CWB and its affiliates for cash consideration of $2,109.23 per share, representing aggregate consideration of $43,234,996.54. The transaction offers all PWT shareholders liquidity for their PWT shares at a compelling value. PWT’s board will mail a management information circular containing additional details of the transaction in the upcoming weeks to its shareholders for approval at a meeting expected to be held on or about May 30. PWT’s board of directors,
with the benefit of advice from its financial advisors (including receipt of a fairness opinion) and l e g a l a d v i s o r s, h a v e unanimously determined that the arrangement is in the best interests of PWT and recommend that shareholders vote in favour of the transaction. In making this recommendation the PWT board of directors considered a number of benefits of the transaction, including PWT’s longstanding relationship with CWB, and CWB’s access to export markets and its significant grain marketing experience, which will provide a strong, local competitive option for PWT farm customers. In addition to the arrangement agreement, the directors and senior officers of PWT have each executed agreements pursuant to which they have agreed to support the transaction and vote their PWT shares in favour of the transaction at the upcoming meeting of shareholders of PWT. “ We a r e e x c i t e d t o announce this agreement w i t h P r a i r i e We s t Terminal,” said CWB president and CEO Ian White. “PWT has a solid reputation with its farmer customers, and in the community at large. CWB values farmers in this community and intends to foster the relationships that the organization has built with local farmers and the surrounding community.
email: tip@sasktel.net
“This purchase strengthens CWB’s growing network of assets across Western Canada and represents the first opportunity farmers will have to deliver grain to a CWB owned elevator.” “ C W B i s a f a r m e roriented company with an established customer network and unsurpassed
Phone: hone: 306-948-3344 44 4
grain and risk management expertise,” said Chad Campbell, CEO of PWT. “As CWB continues to grow its asset network across the Prairies, we’re excited to be a part of that story. There are a lot of changes going on in the industry landscape, and this transaction will bring a very experienced
Going bananas . . . Jessie Montgomery peels a well past its prime banana as instructor Glenda Schmidtke looks on. The Kids in the Kitchen program were turning the
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marketer of grain to the local market, and ensure the continued success of these facilities and local producers in the years to come. The board of directors of PWT sees significant benefit in the transaction to all stakeholders. It offers shareholders a very attractive return on their investment,
and ensures an ongoing, positive presence in our local community.” The purchase of PWT adds to CWB’s existing asset network, which includes Mission Terminal, Les Élévateurs des Trois-Rivières, Services Maritimes Laviolette, and a minority interest in Prairie West Terminal.
mushy fruit into delicious banana bread. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Funding renewed for Grain Bag Recycling program Last week, federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister
Busy hands . . . Quilters Iris Buxton, left, and Diane Yaroshko pin, measure, fold and create some wonderful and impressive works last week, all in preparation for delivery to some deserving homes. The ladies meet every Thursday to fashion the attractive and functional quilts. This Sunday, they were all blessed at Redeemer Lutheran before being sent on their way. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Lyle Stewart announced $100,000 to extend the Grain Bag Recycling Pilot Project in 2014. The program includes recycling for both grain bags and twine. “The high level of farmer participation in this project demonstrates the importance of responsibly disposing grain bags,” said Ritz, April 16. “Our government is proud to continue to partner with the Government of Saskatchewan to support this program for producers.” “We are pleased to extend the Grain Bag Recycling Pilot Project until a permanent program is implemented,” Stewart said. “With increasing use of grain bags to store the record crop from last year’s harvest, we want farmers to continue to have an option to responsibly dispose of their bags.”
The Grain Bag Recycling Pilot Project was first implemented in March 2011. Since inception, approximately 325,800 kilograms of plastic (2,172 bags) and 6,600 kilograms of twine has been recycled. The Ministry of Environment is currently working on the creation of regulations that will form the basis for an industryled, permanent recycling program for 2015. The Grain Bag Recycling Pilot Project is administered by Simply Agriculture Solutions Inc. (formerly the Provincial Council of Agriculture Development and Diversification Boards) and funded through the federal-provincial Growing Forward 2 framework. “Simply Agriculture Solutions looks forward to continuing to provide an environmentally responsible solution for the
disposal of the grain bags and twine and working with producers across the province as we incorporate additional plastics (silage plastic and net wrap) into the pilot program,” Agricultural Plastic Recycling Coordinator Travis Quirk said. Farmers and ranchers can access collection sites across the province in Cudworth, Hirsch, Humboldt, Kelvington, Macoun, Mankota (twine only), Milestone, Moose Jaw, Mossbank, Oungre, Prince Albert, Rush Lake, Unity and Viscount. If recycling is not an option, producers should check with their nearest landfill to see if they take used grain bags. For more information, producers can contact Simply Agriculture Solutions Inc. toll-free at 1-866-298-7222.
St. Gabriel School once again celebrated the Lenten season with their annual fund raising carnival, April 17. The school was Àlled with the delighted laughs and squeals of students and staff enjoying an afternoon of fun and games, all for two great causes: Chalice and Soni, and Broken Wings Mission. (1) Cara McRann chooses what could be a lucky candy. (2) It was cool outside but the most popular treat by far was the shaved ice, and Isabelle Kitchen (3) patiently waits while her topping of choice is applied. (4) Landon Boisvert’s look of excitement is evident as his putt makes its way to success. (5) Kamryn DeVries is hoping she picks a lucky lolly. (6) Teacher, Rocky Prpick calls out the numbers. (7) Layne Redlich throws the basketball, looking for the dangling hoop for the win. (8) Drop a puck and win a treat (9) Jessie Barber, right, and Kendra Downton purchase a tasty treat from teacher Naomi MacIntyre. A Ànal tally of the money raised wasn’t (Independent Photos by Kevin Brautigam) available, but from past years the amount is usually substantial.
Sew very cool . . . McKenna Mair, left, and Gillian Massie (left picture) and Bronwyn Massie and Emily Goring, right, set to work on some baby bundles, Tuesday at the Redeemer Lutheran Church. The bundles contained all the items
a mom or expectant mom would ever want. The young ladies were creating the packages for Lutheran World Relief. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Council Minute highlights The regular meeting of Biggar Town Council was held April 1, at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Attending the meeting were Mayor Ray Sadler, Aldermen Ron Arnold, Jim Besse, Alan Boyle, Penny McCallum, Eugene Motruk, and Kirk Sherbino. Council resolved that Bylaw No. 14-747, being a bylaw respecting the Biggar Public Utility Service, be read three times and adopted at this meeting. A delegation from the Biggar Wildlife Federation attended the meeting to discuss the damages done at the Biggar Community Hall at their wildlife banquet
held on Saturday, March 22. Council resolved that the General Accounts Paid in the amount of $102,597.14, and the General Accounts Payable in the amount of $27,653.50, be approved. Council resolved that the following correspondence be accepted for Council’s information and filed: Catterall and Wright Demo Rubble; ORKIN Rat Report; Government Relations - 2014 Potential Education Mill Rate; Biggar Credit Union - Interest Dividend; SaskPower/Sask Energy - RF Meters; Bear Hills RDC - Budget Proposals; Catterall and Wright - Jet
Aeration Project; Flaman Investigations - Andreas Summons; Campbell Accounting Systems Town Concerns. Council resolved that the Town enter into an easement agreement with SaskPower for the proposed subdivision Parcel A Plan G388, Parcel X Plan G187 and Parcel N Plan 76S28837. Council resolved that the Destruction of Records Schedule 1014-01, dated April 1, 2014, be approved and attached to and form a part of these minutes. Council resolved that the Heartland Health Region be authorized to use the Biggar Airport for an emergency
Redlick Trophy awarded . . . Darryl Redlick hands over the Ernie Redlick Memorial Award trophy to Biggar Minor Hockey player, Austin Burton, right. The award recognizes the most underrated player with dedication to their team in the Novice division. Congratulations, Austin! (Submitted Photo)
defensive driving course for the Heartland Health Region EMS staff on May 4. Council resolved that the Town purchase a 2006 Elgin Pelican series P street sweeper from R. Ritchot Enterprises
Ltd. at a quoted price of %50,000 plus GST, and further, that the Town contact Q-Line to deliver the sweeper to Biggar at the quoted price of $1,700 plus GST. Council resolved that the Town purchase a
Neptune RF System which includes two handhelds, two belt clip receivers and software, for the quoted price of approximately $20,000 from Flocor. • Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
RM roads, bridges get $25.5-million boost The Government of Saskatchewan announced $25.5 million in funding for 80 road, bridge and culvert projects in 64 rural municipalities (RMs). The Municipal Roads for the Economy Program (MREP) provides funding for municipal roads impacted by increased truck traffic, as well as bridge and culvert projects. Funding for the program is consistent with last year’s budget. “The rural municipal grid road system is an important part of the network that gets our exports to market.” Highways and Infrastructure Minister Don McMorris said. “Our investment in MREP supports individual municipalities and plays an important part in our government’s Plan for Growth.” MREP is administered by the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM). Grants cover up to 50 per cent of the costs of road projects and 30 to 90 per cent of the costs of bridge and culvert projects. “We appreciate the government’s continued support for rural Saskatchewan,” SARM President David Marit said. “Saskatchewan’s growth is fuelled by
projects; $7.3 million for 24 Clearing the Path road construction projects; and 37 bridge and culvert projects totalling $7.7 million. The government has invested a record $4.3 billion in transportation infrastructure since 2008.
resource exports and MREP ensures money is invested back into the rural transportation system that supports those exports.” Highlights of the 2014 MREP grants include: $9.7 million in grants for 19 Heavy Haul-High Volume road construction
GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 11:15 a.m. (stations randomly selected)
Biggar .............................................133.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock .........................131.9¢/L Perdue… .........................................131.9¢/L Landis Cardlock… .........................132.9¢/L Rosetown… ....................................132.9¢/L North Battleford….........................130.9¢/L Unity...............................................130.9¢/L Saskatoon .......................................133.4¢/L Humboldt .......................................133.9¢/L Lloydminster ..................................124.9¢/L Kindersley ......................................129.9¢/L Swift Current .................................129.9¢/L
Lottery Numbers
649 - Sat., April 19 06, 15, 40, 41, 42, 44 Bonus 04 Extra 6337321 649 - Wed., April 16 03, 16, 26, 40, 41, 49 Bonus 14 Extra 3271223 Western 649 - Sat., April 19 18, 21, 26, 27, 31, 35 Bonus 06
Western 649 - Wed., April 16 02, 05, 09, 32, 35, 37 Bonus 12 Lotto Max - Friday, April 18 09, 16, 24, 30, 39, 40, 45 Bonus 14 Extra 5919112 Western Lotto Max - Fri., April 18 04, 09, 11, 17, 19, 27, 42 Bonus 24
Opinions Op O piinio inniio ion ons ns ..................................... ........................................................... ....................... 4 Agriculture A griculture ...................................................... Opinions ...........................................................48 SSports Sp ports ...............................................................10 Agriculture ...................................................... 80 Classifieds C lassifieds ................................................13 155 Classifieds ...............................................14 -- 15 Business B usiness & Professional Directories ........16 188 Business & Professional Directories .......16 - 18
Harbingers of spring As this editorial is being written it is raining outside, a very gentle rain falling gracefully from the sky. Very welcome indeed. There is no doubt we need moisture and an April rain just seems to clean and freshen things up from the winter snow. If you believe the weather man this rain should last for a couple of days so dig out those umbrellas. It’s a sure sign spring may finally be here at last. Of course, spring not only brings showers but potholes. And, yes the streets of Biggar seems to be developing their very own craters designed to put stress on your shocks. The streets are very uneven at the best of times with just about all of them in need of repair and an extra pothole here and there simply adds to the adventure of driving. However, the warmer temps have brought about another developing tradition in town. The parks are open. This is another anticipated welcome to spring as there are sounds of laughter and squeals of delight as the swings swinging and the slides have lots of kids plunging down. This is a good thing. We have some well kept parks with great playground equipment so its good to see our younger residents taking advantage and using them. Meanwhile the duffers are anxiously waiting for the course to open so they can get out and it goes without saying the farmers are getting ready for the annual spring seeding sprint. But it will all come in time as it does every year. For now, just relax and enjoy the rain that brings much needed moisture to the land. Good for both city and country folk.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are welcome. They MUST be signed, approximately 300 words in length and are subject to editing.
The expiry of the 2004 Canada health accord: What’s all the fuss about? Bacchus Barua,Senior Economist in the Fraser Institute’s Centre for Health Policy Studies The 2004 federal-provincial health accord recently completed its 10-year run, and expired on schedule. Though heralded at the time of its signing as a landmark agreement that would solve many of the wait times issues plaguing Canada’s healthcare system, in retrospect it achieved very little and was very expensive to boot. And yet, some misguided news commentators, ex-premiers, and celebrities lamented its demise. These voices were reinforced by a series of nationwide protests (organized by groups like the Canadian Health Coalition) that were designed to scare Canadians into thinking that the expiration of the 2004 health accord will lead to a collapse of Canada’s healthcare system. Of course, it means
nothing of the sort. The Canada Health Act remains fully intact and continues to set the terms and conditions that dictate transfer payments from the federal government to the provinces for health care, .i.e. public administration, comprehensiveness, universality, portability, and accessibility. The 2004 health accord simply specified that the Canada Health Transfer (CHT) – the major federal funding transfer to the provinces for health – would grow at six per cent annually for 10 years until 2014. Additionally, the end of the 2004 Health Accord does not end health transfers to provinces. In fact, the federal government has already promised an extension of the annual six per cent increase in transfer payments until 2016/17. After that, the rate of increase will be set by a three-year moving average of nominal economic
growth, with a minimum three per cent annual increase guaranteed regardless of the state of the economy. Despite all this, some, such as the Canadian Health Coalition, are trying to convince the public that the possibility of smaller increases — note, increases but simply not as large — in years when the economy is not doing well, actually constitutes a decrease or cut in spending to the tune of $36 billion. To help illustrate this absurd logic, all one has to do is look at the CHT projections from the very same report that the coalition cites. It estimates a federal health transfer of $30 billion in 2013/14, and projects a $47 billion transfer in 2023/24. Clearly, no “cut” in spending there. Further, the total federal health transfers to the provinces over this 10 year period add up to almost $400 billion while annual “increases”
after 2013 alone add up to about $17 billion. Again, no “cuts” there either. So, how then do they come up with the $36 billion dollar cut? Why, by employing a hypothetical projection over 10 years that assumes larger annual increases than those increases promised by the federal government - and then simply calling the difference a “spending cut.” Read that paragraph again. No “decreases” in health transfers anywhere. There remains, however, the important question of whether the end of the 2004 health accord might mean longer wait times for patients in the future. The answer to this question is less clear. The previous health accord also created national wait time benchmarks, attempted to tackle wait times, and established the Health Council of Canada to monitor prog-
ress (or lack, thereof). However, not only were the established benchmarks incredibly long (ex. about six months for hip replacement), but they only applied to five “priority” procedures – and even then were generally not met. In fact, the Health Council of Canada itself noted that “wait time benchmarks are not yet fully met in most of the priority areas”, and that “overall, the accords didn’t lead to the major changes that were expected.” Big surprise, given that the decade-old health accord never sought to change Canada’s queuestyle approach to health care into something more European. The result of such non-action, as the Fraser Institute’s annual report on wait times found when other specialties were included, was that Canadians faced an 18 week wait from referral by a general practitioner to receipt of treatment in
2013 – about the same length of time they faced in 2004 (when the accord was introduced) - and significantly higher than the nine week wait they faced in 1993. Unfortunately, given the current government monopoly on healthcare insurance, the lack of appropriate incentives, and unwillingness to consider policies to reduce wait times that seem to have been successful in European countries with universal health care – it is entirely possible that Canadians may continue to experience some of the longest wait times in the developed world. This undesirable situation will, however, certainly not be the result of the end of 2004 health accord. In fact, the experiences of the last decade have convincingly demonstrated that simply throwing more taxpayer money at the waiting time problem will not make it go away.
Phone: 306-948-3344
Fax: 306-948-2133
Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Thursday at the office of publication, 122 Main Street, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Tom Larson
E-mail: tip@sasktel.net
P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
Notice of Preparation of Assessment Roll R.M. of Reford No. 379 Public Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll of the Rural Municipality of Reford No. 379 for 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the ofÀce of the Assessor from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the following days: Monday to Friday, April 25, 2014 to May 26, 2014. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to Àle his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, R.M. of Reford N. 379, Box 100, Wilkie, SK, S0K 4W0 by the 26th day of May, 2014. Dated this 25th day of April, 2014. Sherry Huber, Assessor
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it using the hashtag #insideout. The concept is to make people aware of who makes their clothes from the garment to the machinist to the farmer that grew the cotton. Organizers say there are over 50 countries around the world participating in the movement. They claim it is a way of connecting fashion lovers with those that made their clothes. Not everyone lives and works in a country with safe workplaces and the tragedy at Rana Plaza drove that issue home. What’s even more surprising is that many brands did not even know whether their clothing had been produced in the Rana Plaza building. This is a bit of a call to arms as people can get involved by being aware of where their clothing is made, the conditions the workers endure and the impacts a disaster
Jim·s on 14
Coco Chanel is a legendary fashion designer with quite a few notches in her belt. Among Time magazine’s list of most influential people of the 20th century Chanel is the only fashion designer given that honour. She was famous for trademark suits (Chanel suits) and of course the timeless “little black dress”. Her perfume, Chanel No. 5, is still popular today. Chanel is credited with bringing women out of the dark ages, saying goodbye to the days of corsets and confining garments. It was a revolution in the fashion world. Today there is another fashion revolution
taking place. April 24 is deemed Fashion Revolution Day in honour of the workers killed when the Rana Plaza factory complex in Bangladesh collapsed. That day one year ago, 1,133 people were killed and many more injured. April 24 is a day when those involved in the fashion industry around the world come together to remember the disaster. That includes designers, icons in the industry, high street shops, couture shops, factory workers, cotton farmers, media, campaigners and academics and all those who care about where their clothes are made. In fact, that is the question people are urged to ask, “who made your clothes?” On Fashion Revolution Day, people are encouraged to wear their clothing inside out. For those who have a twitter account, take a photograph and share
not only has on an industry but on families. The idea behind wearing your clothes inside out is to have people stop and take a look at the labels and think about where their garments are made. It is a day for you to be curious about the clothes you wear -- really think about your clothes and their origins. Many of us may not be supporters of fair trade organizations and perhaps we are a little complacent about issues. But, the collapse of a building with thousands of workers killed did have an impact on many popular brand names. For one day, it probably won’t hurt to take a look at the label on your shirt or pants and stop and ponder just for one moment.
“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” Coco Chanel
Rated G
For bookings and information please phone Bear Hills RDC @ 306-948-2295 This space is courtesy of The Biggar Independent
NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll of the Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 for the year 2014 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the ofÀce of the assessor from 9:00 a.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the following days: Monday to Thursday, except all public holidays. A Bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to Àle his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377, Box 1084, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0, by the 30th day of May, 2014. Dated this 21st day of April, 2014. Cheryl A. Martens, Assessor
ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Town of Biggar intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007 to amend Bylaw No. 01-632 known as The Zoning Bylaw. INTENT The proposed bylaw will allow entrance overhead canopies to project into the front yard requirement in the C2 - Highway Commercial District for Hotels or Motels. REASON The reason for the amendment to allow a Hotel or Motel in the C2 - Highway Commercial District to construct an entrance overhead canopy to project a maximum of 6 metres (19.69 ft.) into a required front yard but the reduced front yard shall not be less than 7.5 metres (24.61 ft.). PUBLIC INSPECTION Any bylaw may be inspected by any person at the Town OfÀce in Biggar, Saskatchewan, Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Copies of the bylaw are availabe to persons at a cost of $2.00. PUBLIC HEARING Council will hold a public hearing on the 20th day of May A.D., 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Town OfÀce in Biggar, Saskatchewan to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaw. Council will also consider written comments delivered to the undersigned at the Town OfÀce before 12:00 noon on the 16th day of May A.D., 2014. Issued at Biggar, Saskatchewan this 24th day of April, A.D., 2014. Barb Barteski, Chief Administrative OfÀcer
by Bob Mason
Sklanguage Being a somewhat Saskatchewan type, and considering himself a little “teched”, Yours Truly (Y.T.) figured that the only way to title an observation like this was to darn-well name it as he was it (sounds a little like a ball-park umpire, eh?). Also, claiming to be some kind of provincial patriot, he wanted to include a couple of our Prairie initials in there too, but finding no entries in our big dictionary starting with SK., he had no choice! “Sklanguage” it is! A short run down on some of Saskatchewan’s old phrases! Dear Reader: Just because the writer of this bit seems to be
somewhat confused, try and bear with him a bit, eh? Quite a few years ago (still in his confused state!), Y.T. sent a short write-up in to The Independent entitled “Slanguage”, listing a whole string of slang words that we used every day, stuff like “OK”, “Hey Bud”, “Kill Time”, and all that. And then, having forgotten all about it, started in last week to write the whole thing over again. Well, I did say I was a bit confused, eh? In a way, it did kind of seem familiar, until Y.T. came to the word “Kaput”, realized I had written about it before, and looking back through my books, found
that “Slanguage” had been printed quite a few years ago. “Holy Annie,” I thought. “Another item like that is bound to put any reader to sleep!” Then, suddenly, Thalia, my favourite muse, landed on my shoulder and whispered in my ear (great sensation that “whisper in the ear” stuff, eh?) “Why don’t you just jot down some of the Saskatchewan slang that you have heard in the past?” So, I repeat, “Sklanguage” it is! There is no end of all the oddball words used in every language and because The Independent only allows so much space toward printing Y.T.’s oddball stuff, below are some of the ones we used to hear every day! I imagine that a fellow could send in some more entertaining stuff like: Canadian: “What is an igloo?” American: “A paste to stick “igs” together with.” Canadian: “What does abode mean?” American: “A bode is a thing nailed onto the side of a Texan’s house!” But as most of us are either Eskimos or Texans,
Perdue, Sask.
1989 GMC 5000
$14,900 2010 Chev LT, loaded, leather, 80,000km, tax pd......................................... $22,950 2009 Chrysler Sebring, touring, blue, very good, 103,000km ............... $10,900 2009 F-150 XLT, Super Crew, 4x4, 130,000km, fresh safety ............ $16,900 2008 F-250 4x4 Crew Cab, tires, 5.4, D new$17,900 OL.............. very good, freshS safety 2008 F-250 Reg Cab, 4x4, auto, 160,000km, Sask tax paid, very good, ................................................... $16,900 2008 F-350, 5.4 auto, 2WD, utility body, only 150,000km, fresh safety ..... $13,900 2008 F-150, reg cab, 4x4, very good ................................................... $10,900 2007 F-350 crew cab, V-10 auto 4x4 long box ............................................. $16,900 2006 Chev 2500, ext cab, 4x4, long box, 100,000km, 8.1 V8 auto, V.G..... $17,900
on his old “sulky” onefurrowed plow, he always put up a row of stakes so that I followed a straight line. After making a few “strikeouts” on a field we “worked” the land between them by doing “Haw Arounds” and “Gee Arounds”. Some of those old plow horses knew more about that maneuver than Y.T. did! It took young Y.T. some time to get used to all the sayings that the “stubble jumping” old timers made. When they spoke of the “off” horse in a team, they always seemed to know which one it was, whereas little Bobby always wondered. And how was this 1930 kid supposed to know what a “shortlegger” was? All of us knew what a “runaway” was though, but very few ever even heard of the big “walkaway” when the University of Saskatchewan agro people hitched up 16 horses (four “tandem” four-horse teams) to a machine so they could check how much they could pull, and then hollered “Gidday”. I think a lot of those old horses had forgotten what “whoa” means
but as “eveners” broke, “scotch tops” flew and “cross checks” snapped they strolled away across the Campus . . . My brother Walt became known as a “long-line-skinner” for driving eight two tandem four-horse teams, pulling George Majors brand new combine in 1938. Other than riding quite a few, and driving a “snate team” for a road grading crew up north, Y.T. never became much of a horseman. The war came along and after we went overseas, our horses and saddles just disappeared! As an old guy looks across the countryside and doesn’t see an “elevator” anymore, he almost feels lost. But not to worry! Now we have “GPS” controlled machines everywhere. “T.S.24’s” go roaring past as they build our roads, until “Sklanguage” like this is almost a museum bit! I suppose a fellow should try and educate himself with a whole lot of modern jargon, but it almost tires a guy to remember. Sklanguage, eh?
How to ruin your community
CAM-DON MOTORS LTD. 15’ deck, 6 cylinder diesel, 5 speed, hydrolic brakes, only 38,000km
below are a few phrases we remember from our Prairie boyhoods! (No wisecracks about that “hood” statement, eh?) So when Gus said, “Let’s hightail it out of here and put on the nosebag!” I jumped in his old truck and we “took off” for dinner. Y.T. said something like that at the restaurant years later . . . and the waitress never came back to take my order! Different generation, I guess! Some of these western expressions are fast disappearing. Mebbe it’s a good thing! Also, Y.T. is getting kind of old, eh? A whole bunch of new sayings, like “Cruising the ‘Net” and “That’s so Raven!” are coming up anyway, but here are some of the ones we used to know. I don’t expect that even a 40-year-old person will be familiar with what we used to call a “strikeout”, what with modern G.P.S. (Global Positioning System) “strikeouts” have kind of gone out of style! Mebbe the odd ballplayer hears words like that now and then, but almost all of us have forgotten! When Dad first let me drive “three abreast”
2005 Chev Silverado 1500, 4x4, ext. cab, local, Sask tax paid ................... $7,900 2005 Ford Taurus, 85,000km, very good ................................................... ..$ 7,900 2004 F-150 XLT, super crew, 4x4, only 155,000km ................................. ..$10,900 2003 Sterling, Detroit engine with 3 pedal auto, new box & hoist ............... $62,900 COMING IN... 2000 IHC, 400 hp, Detroit, 10 speed, new box & hoist ................................ $57,900 1999 F-350 Crew Cab, 4x4, 7.3 diesel, auto ........................................... $10,900 1995 F-150, reg cab, 300, 6 cylinder, auto, 100,000km ................................ $ 2750 1991 F-150 reg cab, V8, std, only 120,000 local .......................................... $ 3,900 1988 F-112 Freightliner D Tandem, M11, SOL 9 speed, 19’ box ......................... $23,900
2004 F-350 4x4, V10, crew cab, deck, fresh safety
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The following article was written by an unknown author and has been published in several weekly newspapers in an effort to point out os of the simple things that can make or break a community. Here’s how to ruin your community: • Never attend meetings. Just sit around and criticize the way “they”
are doing things. • Vote against any kind of tax levy, whether the purpose is good or not. “They” just want your money. • Make fun of the fire and police departments. They are just out for the glory and pay. • Don’t ever go to the school concert, ball game, benefit program or exhibit. Sit in a
half-trance in front of that “idiot box.” • Knock the town council. This is a must. Everyone of the alderman is just on the council to get a little kickback. • Stay out of church. You might go at Easter and Christmas just to prove to yourself that the clergyman does not know what he’s talking about and that everyone there is a hypocrite. • Buy everything you can out of a discount catalogue. These firms are the first to come through with donations and service to the community. • Spread any story or rumours that is defamatory or uncomplimentary about the town. Never say anything nice about anybody. All kids are delinquents. All businessmen are crooks. • Above all, always be cynical about anything that is supposed to be good for the community. Your motto should be, “if it’s good, it can’t happen here.”
Lord Asquith School newsletter Principal’s Message by Leanne Gruending One of the most common questions I get from parents is: “What can I do to help my child succeed?” Knowing that parents have the will and desire to partner with the school for their child’s success is something we as educators deeply appreciate. Although every teacher may have their own answer to that question, there is one unifying fact based answer provided by the PISA: What can parents do to help their children succeed in school? • Fifteen year old students whose parents often read books with them during their first year of primary school show markedly higher scores in PISA 2009 than students whose parents read with them infrequently or not at all. • The performance advantage among students whose parents read to them in their early school years is evident regardless of the family’s socioeconomic background. • Parents’ engagement with their 15 year olds is strongly associated with better performance in PISA. So quite simply, just being involved in your child’s education will help them succeed. Reading to your children at a young age and letting them see you read fiction, non-fiction or even magazines as part of your lifestyle will help your children succeed in school. With this factoid in mind the SCC and teachers at LAS have been working hard to create an opportunity for our students, school and community called One Book, One
School, One Community. The SCC has generously supplied one copy of “The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane” to each family grades K-8. The purpose of this book is to bring students, teachers, parents and community together with one book. Each day we will be asking students and parents to read a specific chapter (or two) which will be about 15 minutes of reading. At school, teachers will be working in class with students on activities related to what is going on in the book and tying the curriculum to “The Miraculous Journey.” Our school web site (spiritsd.ca/las) will host a link called “Our Miraculous Journey” to showcase the pages being read, the activities being done and the school wide final project. There will also be constant updates through Twitter @LordAsquith (that you can access from our school web site) that will be documenting our journey with Edward. We will be having a kick off activity for grades K-8 and an opportunity for the community to come on a learning journey with us at the end of our exploration of the book. Teachers will also be asking for parent and community partners throughout our journey. Update: Awards Night News! The Staff and SCC of Lord Asquith School have been discussing the possibility of moving our LAS Awards “Night” to an Awards “Afternoon”. There are a few important reasons for this: 1) All students winning awards will be in attendance. 2) The school as a whole
will be able to celebrate the achievements of our students with the school body present. 3) Parents with students up for awards will be notified in advance. If you are greatly opposed to this idea, please contact Ms. Gruending as the idea has been vetted to the SCC and we are likely to move forward with it. Up and Coming News! It’s Canada Day at Lord Asquith School! On Friday, May 2 at 2 p.m., we’ll be hosting a “Michael Mitchell – Canada is for Kids” show in the gym. This fun, interactive, one-hour presentation of songs and stories of Canada’s heritage teaches us all why we should be happy and proud to be living in this great country. So, break out your favourite Red and White clothing, dig out your Canadian flags and hats and join in the fun. We’ll even provide you with a song sheet so you can sing along! Me To We The “We Create Change” Program has been collecting donations from our school population hoping to build a school ‘brick by brick.’ So far, Kindergarten is in first place having raised $130.81; second place: Grade 9 – $125.60; and third place: Grade 1 – $100.37. Way to go! We have raised $356.78! That’s just over 17 bricks! Every $20 raised buys one brick for a school. Together we can change the world: One coin, one brick, one school at a time. Keep the donations coming! $20 = one brick; One brick = the cornerstone of education; Education = change for the world. Lord Asquith School Grade 3/4’s Wish Quilt
Birthday Party Supply Centre… banners, Colorflame candles, musical candles, musical cake cutters, and more
to the Children’s Wish Foundation, but please let them know it is in support of the wish quilt, as we would like to keep track of the amount we raise. Please feel free to drop by the school to check out the quilt, and support the generous giving spirit of this very special group of students.
Monday at 5:00 p.m. is the deadline for ads and classiÀeds
Cari McCarty Residential Salesperson (306) 948Ͳ7995 Cell Cari@TimHammond.ca
211 5th Ave E Biggar, SK $185,000
This well built 1,262 sqft raised bungalow is the perfect starter home. The main floor consists of a spacious back entry with laundry hook up, kitchen/dining room, living room and 2 generous sized bedrooms, as well as a 4 piece bathroom. The partially developed basement includes another bedroom, a 3 piece bathroom and has great opportunity for future development. Located only a block from the schools and a couple blocks from downtown, makes this house ideal for any family. For more information or to book a viewing contact Cari McCarty (306) 948-7995. MLS 493805
’s r e h Mot … Day Gifts ds r a C
Every year Mrs. Addley’s Grade 4 class makes a quilt that we give away as a random act of kindness. Four years ago, the Grade 4 class made a very special quilt and gave it to Lily Burton, a spirited kindergarten student who was undergoing treatment for Leukemia. This year Lily is healthy and in Mrs. Addley’s class. She suggested that we make a quilt to benefit the Children’s Wish Foundation. And so we did. We made a Wish quilt, and each student painted an amazing quilt square with their wish for the world. Parents are helping us sew up the quilt. It will be ready soon, and will be on display in the elementary hallway. We will be raffling off the quilt and donating the proceeds to the Children’s Wish Foundation. We have set a goal of raising $1,500. Tickets will be $2 a piece or three for $5 and will be available at Lord Asquith School April 1-29. The raffle draw will be on April 30. You may purchase tickets, or donate directly
(some exceptions apply)
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Homes for Sale in Biggar (MLS) $249,900 507 7th Ave W 116 Wright Cres $219,000 $197,500 409 3rd Ave E $199,999 413 7th Ave W $187,000 405 6th Ave W $185,900 415 2nd Ave E $185,000 211 5th Ave E $167,000 103 Wright Cres $125,000 124 3rd Ave W $127,900 201 4th Ave W $109,900 119 2nd Ave E $94,700 304 4th Ave E
Homes for Sale in Biggar (MLS)
203 6th Ave W 230 2nd Ave E 104 6th Ave E (Lot)
$69,900 $68,000 $30,000
Out of Town Property (MLS) 210 4th Ave W Landis $124,900 208 Queen St. Landis $105,000 518 3rd St. Kinley $110,000 $49,900 Landis 104 1st St. $30,000 911 Ave P (lot) 142 x 120
Take advantage of the increased activity in the residential market. buying or selling, give Cari a call. (306)948-7995 Recently Sold 145 Wright Cres Biggar $219,100 Biggar $189,000 401 5th Ave W 102 2nd Ave E Landis $179,900 410 7th Ave W Biggar $155,700 Biggar $69,000 501 Main St. Biggar $60,000 211 4th Ave E
Tim Hammond Realty 113 3rd Ave West Biggar, SK (306) 948Ͳ5052
When things ‘r good . . .
by Calvin Daniels
The idea of diversification in cropping for Canadian Prairie farmers is not a new one, although it is a concept which has been at least put on the back burner at present. That is not surprising given grain prices in general have been strong in recent years. Farmers cannot be blamed for turning back to the tried and true when prices are good. The agronomics associated with growing wheat, barley, oats, pencil out well in times of good cereal prices. The fertilizer regime needed to grow good crops is well understood, the pest control package
generally more diverse, and the crops themselves more forgiving of the issues which can arise weather-wise on the Canadian Prairies. While there are some greater risks in terms of overall input costs, and some added potential for weather-induced losses with canola, but again prices have meant farmers have stuck with a crop now Queen of the Prairies. So it has made sense in recent years to go back to what has generally been the backbone of Prairie grain farming for decades. But it was not so long ago prices for grains and
oilseeds were terrible, and farmers were looking for alternatives. The situation created a book full of good news stories, along with more than a few wrecks too. Farmers learned pulse crops can be grown here, and grown well. We remain a major exporter, although one has the feeling the potential far exceeds what we are doing now. The area of pulses; field peas, lentils, beans, chickpeas, lupins and more, is huge, with size and colour variations creating literally dozens of niche markets, most unexplored by Prairie producers. Spices suited to field scale production, caraway, coriander and the like, were less promising as the markets are so small, even small acreage fluctuations impact prices. Long term the question of the importance of a more diversified range of crops remains. There is little doubt moving forward, with
Prairie Malt Limited
Cargill Cares Council is pleased to support different programs focusing on education, food and security and environmental development within our community. We are now taking applications for donation requests. The application deadline is April 30, 2014. Application forms are available from the Prairie Malt Administration OfÀce. Please contact Shantell Redlick if you require further information.
the federal government systematically reducing public variety developments in most crops, farmers are going to find margins tighten as profit-driven companies hold varietal rights. That will mean new interest in more non-traditional crops once more. It was for that reason I read of ongoing efforts for a trial run at growing thebaine-expressing poppies. According to a recent Western Producer article, “thebaine, an alkaloid, can be processed
into opiate pain relievers, which are a $500 to $600 million market in Canada and a multibillion-dollar market in the United States.” That is what has motivated API Labs in Lethbridge to work for eight years to obtain approval for large scale poppy production in southern Alberta. In the article Glen Metzler, managing director of API Labs noted thebaine poppy growers in Australia earned $3,480 per acre last year. It’s those sorts of num-
bers which have to be compelling to farmers to continually consider new crops. In the case of poppies, Canada has no industry, and no rules to allow them to be farmed at present. But times do change. As an industry agriculture must also look to diversify where it makes sense, and good prices for traditional crops today, should not curb that interest which may strengthen the sector’s future.
Governments announce funding to protect hog barns from PED virus Last week, Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart announced $200,000 in funding to be matched by Sask Pork for a contingency fund to help Saskatchewan’s hog industry respond to potential cases of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) virus. To date, there have been no confirmed cases of PED in Saskatchewan hogs. “Vigilance toward PED is key to reducing its impact on the Canadian agricultural sector and the economy as a whole,” Ritz said, April 17. “This investment will help the Saskatchewan pork industry take proactive
measures to stay in front of this disease.” Governments and industry will provide a total of $400,000 to offset costs related to disease containment strategies, welfare issues, enhanced marketing efforts and mortality management should PED be discovered in Saskatchewan. “This is a very serious issue and I am pleased to partner with the federal government and industry to further enhance on-farm biosecurity measures,” Stewart said. “This funding will enable producers to work with their local veterinarian and marketing agencies to contain PED, locate alternate markets
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for PED positive pigs and ultimately minimize the spread of the disease in Saskatchewan.” The province already offers the Biosecurity Program which provides $150,000 in funding to Saskatchewan producers for improved biosecurity efforts with $300 for an onsite veterinary assessment and $1,000 for onsite changes to enhance biosecurity. Trucking companies are eligible for $500 to complete a biosecurity audit of their wash facility. The province has also committed $90,000 in funding for the surveillance of PED at high-risk sites including assembly yards, abattoirs, renderers and truck facilities. “The swine industry and ministry staff have been working proactively to prevent this from becoming an issue in Saskatchewan and Canada by educating pork producers on effective biosecurity practices,” Sask Pork General Manager Neil Ketilson said. “We are pleased to see government stepping up to match the funding that our organization will provide.” The provincial government has also made PED a notifiable disease in Saskatchewan, requiring laboratories to report the disease to the office of the Chief Veterinary Officer within 24 hours. Saskatchewan currently has 119 active producers raising 91,900 sows and produces about 2.2 million market hogs.
Monarch Multiple 4-H news Monarch Multiple 4-H club started their year in September with registration. Following meetings had election of offices, Halloween games and treats. Club speeches were held in March, with the winners going on to Districts in Asquith, and Regionals in Lloydminster. Winners are: Cloverbuds: 1st Annica Evanisky, 2nd Jared Little. Junior: 1st Wyatt Aman, 2nd Landon Biosvert. Intermediate: 1st Jesse Tavanetz, 2nd Kylah Gray. Senior: 1st Tanner Zagoruy, 2nd Talor Phillips. Our year end is fast approaching and Achievement Day is planned for June 22 in the Rec Valley. Please watch for posters and come out to support your local 4-H club. General Leader is Lisa Haynes Here are the project updates. Outdoor Adventure, Jesse Tavanetz This year in the Outdoor Adventure project we have done many things from October to February. A few things were going fishing at the trout pond and the golf course which was a bit of a disappointment as no one caught a fish. We went for a tour of the Big Rose colony to see their different way of life and the ladies were nice enough to show us around, we had a bowling and record book party. The last activity we did was going to the Hanson’s farm to have a wiener roast and got pulled around on sleds behind the ski-doo, which was lots of fun! That is just a few of our many activities we like to do in the Outdoor Adventure project. Leaders are Michelle Hanson and Rita Tavanetz. Beef, Luke Gray The Monarch Beef project has met two times this winter. We have had a meeting to work on books and practiced judging techniques and we met to weigh our calves. We
look forward to the nicer weather and have plans to get us and our animals together at SLS. Leaders are Mark Haynes and Sandy Gray. Light Horse, Kolby Haynes The Light Horse project has met two times this winter. We made horse cookies and watched a video about helmet safety. Then we went on a field trip to the equine expo where we toured the trade show, watched colt training clinics, cattle sorting with horses and dogs and a guy who had an eight-horse hitch. Once it is nicer outside we will start riding our horses. Leader is Lisa Haynes. Hunting and Trapping, Jared Little My brother Kaleb and I joined the 4-H hunting and trapping project this year. John Domes and Corey Solanik are the leaders of our project. At the meetings we have been learning about different kinds of traps. Some traps that we talked about are muskrat traps, gopher traps and coyote traps. We have also learned about wild animals and what they eat. At one of our meetings a Conservation Officer from North Battleford came and talked to us about his job of keeping hunters and animals safe. He also talked about fishing and gave each member a special fish hook. We have also been able to shoot pellet guns at targets when we were out at the Domes’ farm for a meeting. The leaders of our 4-H group would like to take us on a trap line for muskrats. I sure hope it warms up soon so we will be able to go trapping. Each member is given a set of 4-H books to work on. We spend some time at each meeting working on them. 4-H hunting and trapping is lots of fun and I look forward to learning a lot of stuff that I will be able to use when I am older and can go hunting with my dad.
Monarch Multiple 4-H Public Speaking award winners, left to right, back row: Taylor Phillips, Tanner Zagoruy, Kylah Gray, Wyatt Aman. Front: Jared Little, Jesse Tavanetz, Landon Boisvert, Annica Evanisky. (Submitted Photo)
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RECEIVE UP TO $2.00 PER ACRE BACK Success doesn’t just happen — it’s the result of hard work and careful planning. Tomorrow’s profits depend on the input decisions you make today. Let us help you make the return on your input investment grow. Contract your wheat or durum with Parrish & Heimbecker and purchase select crop input products that work best for you and we’ll reward you with up to $2 back per acre next year. Now that’s good planning!
Contact Jim Charlene or Stacey at 306-948-1990 Contact or Stacey at 306-948-1990 220 Main St, Biggar SK. REWARDS PROGRAM
April Travel Voucher winners announced . . . The Biggar Recreation Board’s April Travel Voucher winner was Kirby Sarvas and Brent Heitt. Wanda Schell won the $100. Congratulations! (Submitted Photo)
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505 Hwy. 7 West, Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0 OPEN: Monday - Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CLOSED: Sundays
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Financial Advice to make a positive difference by Kim Inglis, BCom, CIM, PFP, FCSI, AIFP | Investment Advisor and Portfolio Manager Canaccord Wealth Management Recent technology sector events, such as King Digital Entertainment’s IPO and Facebook’s $19 billion acquisition of WhatsApp, have investors
talking about a bubble. Price-earnings ratios in the sector are certainly high, and some valuations may not be realistic, but data show the sector itself is in much better shape than 14 years ago. PwC reports that 64 technology companies around the globe went public in the fourth quar-
ter of 2013 (issue size greater US$40 million), garnering US$11.4 billion in total proceeds. American firms led with 35 IPOs representing 66 per cent of total proceeds. The U.S. also recorded the top five IPOs of the year including Twitter Inc.’s US$1 billion IPO. These numbers seem
This is the Ànal week to nominate & vote in the CAA Saskatchewan’s Worst Roads Campaign It’s the final week in CAA Saskatchewan’s Worst Roads campaign and the numbers of votes have steadily increased. To date, over 3700 votes have been received, which far surpasses total votes recorded for the 2012 and 2013 Worst Roads Campaigns. The current top ten leading worst roads are: 1) Saskatchewan 24, Leoville; 2) Saskatchewan 155, LaLoche; 3) Saskatchewan 21, Paradise Hill; 4) Saskatchewan 44, Eston; 5) Saskatchewan 51, Major; 6) Northern Woods and Water Route, Carrot River; 7) Saskatchewan 908; Île-à-la-Crosse; 8) Saskatchewan 918, Patuanak; 9) Saskatchewan 123, Cumberland House; 10) Saskatchewan 51, Kerrobert. The CAA 2014 Worst Roads Campaign, which started April 1, invites
motorists to nominate and vote for what they believe is the worst road they’ve travelled on recently in the province. Votes can be recorded online at caask.ca/worstroads until April 25. A road qualifies as a “worst” if it is in general disrepair with potholes, severe rutting, cracks, has poor signage or congestion or is too narrow for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists to share safely. At the close of the campaign, the list of top ten roads will be sent to the appropriate government agencies and will also be available online at caask.ca. Working towards better roads and driving safety is a priority for CAA Saskatchewan. The Worst Roads Campaign helps put a spotlight on troublesome and even dangerous road conditions in the province and is one tool to help address those roads in most need of attention.
Alley Katz Bowling Scores April 14-18, 2014 Tuesday Mixed League: MHS – Jason Rachke, 287;MHT – Jason Rachke, 747; WHS – Leisha Desrosiers, 202; WHT – Leisha Desrosiers, 492. New Horizons League: MHS – Jack Eckart, 266; MHT – Glen Shockey, 624; WHT – June Hoppe, 180; WHT
– June Hoppe, 501. Thursday Senior’s League: MHS – Jack Eckart, 246; MHT – Jack Eckart, 595; WHS – Dorothy McCarty, 214; WHT – Dianna Meger, 537. Y.B.C. League: Bowlasaurus: High Score – Sawyer Heimbecker, 77. Pee
Wee: High Score – Alara Ormiston, 85; High Score Double – Jailynn Irwin, 152. Bantam: High Score – Cassie Raschke, 128; High Score Triple, Tristan Otterson, 287. Juniors: High Score – Justin Otterson, 123; High Score Triple – Justin Otterson, 335.
large but are smaller than previous years. In comparison, 2011 saw 87 global IPOs with US$15.9 billion total proceeds and 2012 brought 69 IPOs with US$23.2 billion total proceeds whereas, in 1999 alone, 308 technology companies went public. As well as fewer IPOs than prior years, the companies going public now are generally more stable. Facebook Inc, who raised $US16 billion in its May 2012 IPO, reported revenues of US$2.59 billion in the fourth quarter of 2013, a 63 per cent increase year over year. The company has 1.23 billion active users and boasts adjusted operating margins of 56 per cent. Technology sector heavy hitters include Apple Inc who recently reported revenues of US$57.6 billion and Google Inc at US$16.9 billion. Facebook, Apple, and Google clearly have a more sustainable business model than the headline makers of the dot-com boom, and the sector as a whole has grown remarkably since then.
Cisco Systems Inc reports that last year’s mobile data traffic was nearly 18 times the size of the entire global Internet in 2000. A single exabyte of traffic traversed the global Internet in 2000, in contrast with 2013 when mobile networks carried nearly 18 exabytes of traffic. Cisco predicts that by 2018 global mobile data traffic will increase almost 11fold, reaching 15.9 exabytes per month. The sector also has corporate side support as businesses use more information technology. Research provider Gartner Inc, says worldwide IT spending is projected to total $3.8 trillion in 2014, a 3.1 per cent increase over the year prior. Enterprise software spending growth ranks the strongest at an expected growth rate of 6.8 per cent. Those seeking individual equity exposure may wish to revisit established names like Cisco, Intel and Microsoft. According to Canaccord Genuity analyst Martin Roberge, rising capex intentions, improving global growth
prospects and more demanding market valuations will likely cause investors to re-enter those names. Roberge notes that while these companies are still reinventing themselves, investors are paid nicely to wait for the turnaround via dividends on average 3.3 per cent. The shares should provide a solid margin of safety trading at 12.5x one-year forward EPS. Investors wanting a risk-adjusted way of accessing the space can opt for an exchange-traded fund. First Asset has a Tech Giants Covered Call ETF (TSX: TXF) that provides exposure to the 25 largest technology companies and incorporates a covered call option writing program to provide downside protection and income. Kim Inglis, CIM, PFP, FCSI, AIFP is an Investment Advisor and Portfolio Manager with Canaccord Wealth Management, a division of Canaccord Genuity Corp., Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund, reynoldsinglis.ca. The views in this column are solely those of the author.
2005 Chev Tahoe 4x4, silver, 197,368km, StkT14182BB ...............................................................................$ 9,900 2006 GMC ½ Crew Denali, white, 160,000km, SOLD StkT14288B ...........................................................$19,900 2007 Buick Allure CX, white, 157,197km, StkT14295B ..............................................................................$ 9,900 2007 Chev Silverado ½ Reg Cab Z71, white, 181,302km, StkT14424A ...........................................................$10,900 2007 Dodge Dakota SLT Crew, red, 152,977km, StkT14372B ...................................................... $13,900 SOLD 2007 GMC ½ SLT Crew 4x4, white, 141,088km, StkT14362A............................................$22,900 2007 Chev Silverado Ext ½ 4x4, silver, 180,792km, StkT14372A .......................................$11,900 SOLD 2008 Pontiac G6 SE, black, 85,306km, StkT13546C ...........................................................$11,900 2008 Honda Ridgeline RTL, blue, 102,286km, StkT14340A ................................................$21,900 2009 GMC ½ Ext 4x4 SLE, red, 41,565km, StkT14555A ....................................................$20,900 2009 Chev Silverado ½ Ext 4x4, silver, 75,242km, StkT14182A ........................................$19,900 2009 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4, white, 123,310km, StkT14573A...........................................$20,300 2009 Chev Silverado ¾ Crew 6.6T, white, 136,452km, StkT1510A................................. $29,900 2009 GMC ½ Crew SLE 4x4, crimson, 140,282km, StkT14480A ........................................$19,900 2009 Dodge Ram 2500 SLT Crew 6.7T, black, 134,216km, StkT14515B............................$29,900 2010 Chev Silverado ½ Reg Cab Shortbox, silver, 46,000km, StkT14318A ........................$22,900 2010 GMC Acadia AWD, silver, 100,703km, StkT14264A ...................................................$24,900 2010 Cadillac Escalade Luxury, silver, 78,142km, StkT14422A ...........................................$46,900 2010 Toyota Corolla, charcoal, 93,890km, StkT14338A ......................................................$12,900 2010 Honda CRV AWD, black, 50,141km, StkR5053A ........................................................$24,900 2011 Chev ½ Silverado Crew LTZ, white, 91,382km, StkT14491B.....................................$31,900 2011 Chev Equinox LT AWD, silver, 67,426km, StkT14357B .............................................$21,900 2011 Chev Silverado ½ Crew 4x4, silver, 66,274km, StkT14370A ......................................$28,900 SOLD 2012 Chev ¾ Ext Silverado 6.0L gas, white, 58,117km, StkT14244A ............................. $34,900 2012 GMC ½ Crew Denali, white, 81,559km, StkT14476A ................................................$41,900 2012 Dodge Ram Laramie Longhorn ¾ Crew, pewter, 34,894km, StkT1507A ................ $52,900 SOLD $32,900 2013 Ford Edge SEL, AWD, red, 331,307km, StkT13546B ............................................
2013 Yukon Denali AWD white diamond, 26,000km, StkR5079
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Report from the Legislature by Randy Weekes, MLA, Biggar (16 April, 2014) As Canadians we are free to speak without fear, worship in our own way, oppose what we feel is wrong and choose who should govern us. These freedoms, which we often take for granted, were put in perspective recently as 47 people from 22 countries gathered at the Legislative Building in Regina. They took the oath of citizenship, officially becoming Canadian citizens. These 47 people, now Canadi-
ans, can now claim all of these freedoms for themselves. This ceremony gave us an understanding of what it might be like to learn a new language and culture. It was also an opportunity to see our country through the eyes of our grandparents, greatgrandparents and all others who came before us – a valuable experience for those born and raised here as we can sometimes lose touch with what it truly means to be Canadian.
With smiles on their faces and our national and provincial flags in their hands, our newest citizens took great pride pledging the oath of citizenship to our country, reminding us that our greatest resource has always been our people and that our greatest currency will always be our freedom. With that freedom comes opportunity and, in Saskatchewan, there are many examples of how that opportunity continues to be realized each and every day.
It is encouraging to see newcomers to our country choose to build a better life in Saskatchewan. Their hope, optimism and hard work plays a vital role in maintaining our energy, building on our momentum, growing our population, our economy and, at the end of each day, leaving our province just a little bit better off than it was the day before. One of the key requirements for our strong, export-based economy is safe, modern and efficient highways connecting our
SaskTel, the Red Cross and the ‘Riders partner for ‘Imagine No Bullying School’ Tours SaskTel, the Canadian Red Cross and the Saskatchewan Roughriders announced Thursday the creation of a formidable team to tackle bullying throughout the Province of Saskatchewan. SaskTel, the Red Cross and the Saskatchewan Roughriders will partner to present Imagine No Bullying School Tours with school presentations featuring Christ Getzlaf, Scott McHenry and Neal Hughes, as well as former Saskatchewan Roughriders Luc Mullinder and Keith Shologan. “SaskTel understands that the products and
services we well, when utilized inappropriately, can perpetuate the act of bullying and in particular cyber bullying and through our I am Stronger initiative we are encouraging people to take a stand,” said Rory Styles, SaskTel President and CEO. “As a socially responsible organization we are extremely pleased to join forces with the Red Cross and Riders to make a difference and provide a call to action to stop bullying and cyber bullying in our communities.” “The Canadian Red Cross is committed to ending bullying, not only
in schools, but in online spaces and in other areas where children and youth connect,” said Valerie Peacson, Red Cross manager of Violence, Bullying and Abuse Prevention in Saskatchewan. “This partnership is timely to continue building momentum from the recent Red Cross Day of Pink and it will go a long way to raise awareness of this issue and encourage schools, businesses and communities to speak out against bullying.” “The Canadian Red Cross has instilled the trust of the Saskatchewan Roughriders to help deliver their violence
and abuse prevention (RespectED) program to schools across Saskatchewan,” said Jim Hopson, Saskatchewan Roughriders President. “Our players are trained to deliver bullying prevention education and they are passionate about delivering a strong and empowering message to youth in the hopes that they became involved and engaged in changing bullying behaviour throughout their communities.” For more information about the Imagine No Bullying School Tours, contact the Red Cross at 306-721-1608.
Creating for a cause . . . Kathleen May, Janet Mair, McKenna Mair, Gillian Massie, Bronwyn Massie, Emily Goring and Mary Ann Nostbakken all pose with some of the baby bundles that will go to Lutheran World Relief. The ladies were sewing the bundles on Tuesday, getting them ready for the charitable cause and, more importantly, helping a wee one in a Third World country get a healthy start on life. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
products with markets around the world. This is a priority of our government. Funding for 2014-15, consistent with last year’s budget, will result in 80 road, bridge and culvert projects through the Municipal Roads for the Economy Program (MREP). Since 2008, our government has invested a record $4.3 billion in transportation infrastructure. Our investment in MREP supports 64 individual municipalities and plays an important part in our government’s plan for growth. Program grants cover up to 50 per cent of the cost of road projects and 30 to 90 per cent of the costs associated with bridge and culvert projects. According to the latest figures our economy is doing well, particularly the construction and manufacturing sectors. Non-residential construction totalled a re-
cord $466.1 million in the first quarter of 2014. This activity, typically larger projects of an industrial, commercial or institutional nature, is up by 4.9 per cent over the previous quarter at the end of 2013. Meanwhile, manufacturing sales in February were up 12.8 per cent yearover-year – nearly four times greater than the national average. It says a lot about the state of our economy when so many of our primary sectors are experiencing gains in the early part of 2014. These are key revenue generators and, when they expand, we all benefit. Economic growth not only supports investments in infrastructure but also investments in people. If you have a question about this Legislative report or any other matter, just contact Randy.
call: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 email: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca Box 40, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
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DEADLINE for classiÅeds, ad copy, and news is MONDAY at 5 p.m.
OBITUARIES Matt Webster 1920 - 2014 We are deeply saddened with the passing of Matt Webster on April 10, 2014, just short of his 94th birthday. He was predeceased by his wife of nearly 70 years, Jennie (2010); daughter, Phyllis Harris (2005); son, David Webster (2012); and daughter-in-law, Judy Webster (2013). He is survived by his children… Isabell Stark (Brian) of Calgary, Alta.; Matt of Saskatoon, Sask.; daughter-in-law, Gail Webster of Langley, B.C.; and son-in-law, Joe Harris of Biggar, Sask.; grandchildren, Donald (Ann Marie) Webster, Troy (Annette) Webster, Neil Start, Tracy Stark, Michael (Zhenya) Webster, Stephen (Colette) Webster, Andra (Tyler) Mackenzie; great-grandchildren, Eric and Kyle Webster, Anya and Sasha Webster, Abby and Aniken Mackenzie; and his last remaining sibling, Isabell Scobie of Edmonton, Alta. Dad was born April 23, 1920 in New Westminster, B.C. to David and Elizabeth Webster. At the age of 14, he started working on the Bob Thompson farm south of Biggar. A number of years later, he bought a farm in the Monarch district. He had many stories about driving a team of horses in the dead of winter to Lizard Lake to pick up ¿re wood; and also working in the mines around Sudbury during the winter. After leaving farming in the late 1940s, the family moved to Biggar where he worked as a mechanic on the railroad for a number of years. Following this, he operated the Biggar Recreation Club for many years and he also ran a taxi service. Later in life, he worked for the Town of Biggar until his retirement. He loved to travel and put many thousands of miles on the numerous Volkswagon bugs and other cars he owned over the years. He was a frequent visitor to Las Vegas from the early days up until he was no longer able to travel. These trips also took him to every horse race track in western Canada and the United States. The family is planning to remember Matt’s life with a Graveside
OBITUARIES Memorial Service on SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1:30 p.m. at Biggar Cemetery. Reception to follow at Westwinds Centennial Room. Grondin Funeral Services entrusted with arrangements, 306-948-2669.
COMING EVENTS SUNDAYS in APRIL: Presbyterians, Anglicans and Lutherans (PALs) will be worshipping at Redeemer Lutheran Church at 10:30 a.m. Potluck after service on the 27th. Everyone is welcome. For more information or pastoral services, phone Pastor Mark Kleiner at 306-948-3731 or 306-951-7122. 48/10tfn SUNDAYS… You are invited to the weekly services of Biggar Associated Gospel Church, corner of 8th and Quebec Street @ 10:50 a.m.; Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Everyone is welcome to join us. Pastor Wicks can be reached in the of¿ce at 306948-3424, Tuesday through Thursday. 36tfn THURSDAY, APRIL 24: Biggar & District Arts Council presents… “GORDIE MacKEEMAN and HIS RHYTHM BOYS”, 7:30 p.m. at The Majestic Theatre, Biggar. Adults/Seniors, $25 (advance, $20); students, 13 and older, $15; children, 12 and under, $5. Advance and Season tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar, 306-9482452. 11c6 APRIL 25, 26 & 27: Plenty & District Community Players present their Annual Dinner Theater… “Aprons”, a comedy by Gary Ray Stapp. Cocktails, 5:30; Dinner, 6:30, Show 8 p.m. Tickets on sale April 3 from 1- 4 p.m. at Plenty Community Hall. After that, please call Sylvia or Larry @ 306-932-4734. Tickets, $30 per person for dinner and show. Reserved seating only. 14c4 SUNDAY, APRIL 27: 1 - 4:30 p.m., Biggar Air Cadets Annual Bottle Drive…if you are not going to be home, please leave your bottles by your front door or a note on the door advising where the bottles are. If you have a large amount, live out of town or need bottles picked up on another day, please call Tisha Keeler, 306-951-7718 to make arrangements. 17c1
COMING EVENTS TUESDAY, MAY 6: 2 p.m., “Mother of the Year Tea” at Biggar Community Hall, Sponsored by Prairie Branches Enterprise. Entertainment, rafÀe, door prizes, bake table. Silver Collection. Come honour the Mothers of the Year. Open to everyone. 15c4 FRIDAY, MAY 9: PALS is hosting a Garage and Bake Sale at St. Paul’s Anglican from 5 to 9 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 10, a Breakfast and the Garage and Bake Sale continues at St. Paul’s Anglican from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. To donate, or for more information, phone Shirley Bennett at 306-948-2852. Proceeds to Outreach. 15c5
GARAGE SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 25 and SATURDAY, APRIL 26: Biggar United Church Garage & Bake Sale, 907 Quebec St., Biggar. Use basement entrance. Friday, 5 - 8 p.m., BBQ starting @ 4 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., PANCAKE Breakfast starts @ 9 a.m. (Drop off items and baking Thursday, 12 - 5 p.m. and Friday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.) Contact Jim or Linda Tapp, 306-948-2856. All donations gratefully accepted. 14p4 FRIDAY, MAY 9 and SATURDAY, MAY 10: Biggar’s TOWN-WIDE GARAGE SALE. Addresses posted on boards located by Main St. Bulletin Board. 17p3
AUCTIONS WELDING & FABRICATION. Innovative Solutions, Hayter, Alberta, Fri., May 2, 10 a.m. Selling trucks, trailers, hydrovac tanks, Bobcat versa handler, forklifts, shears, lathes, brakes, benders, welders and shop equipment. Online available: bidspotter.com or www. montgomeryauctions.com. 1-800-371-6963.
COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 10, 2014 Prairieland Park Convention Centre 503 Ruth St. West Saskatoon, SK.
Now Accepting Consignments. Don’t Delay Consign Today!
Biggar & District Health Services Foundation
David 306-631-7207 306-693-4411 PL # 329773 www.thecollector cargroup.com
MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014 7:00 p.m. at Biggar Town Council Chambers
NEW MEMBERS WELCOME WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30: St. Paul’s ACW Tea and Bake Sale at Biggar New Horizons, 2 - 3:30 p.m. Living Books in attendance. Everyone Welcome! 15p3 THURSDAY, MAY 1, FRIDAY, MAY 2, SATURDAY, MAY 3: CWL Clothing Drive in church basement. Dropoff Thursday/ Friday, 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. SHOPPING: Thursday, 1 to 4 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; and Saturday, 9 to 10:30 a.m. Proceeds to KidSport and Food Bank. 15c3
NOTICE This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our web site at www.swna.com. tfn
Biggar United Church is offering for Sale tree seedlings… 1 - 2 year old Pincherry, European Mountain Ash, Green Alder and White Spruce seedlings, $6 each. Please place orders by May 4th to Ben Bernier @ 306-386-7216. All proceeds to Biggar United Church, “A Little Green for The Church”. • Help the Environment • Beautify Your Yard • Donate to north section of Sandra Schmirler Olympic Gold Park, church property or green space in town (receipts will be issued on donated trees). 17c3 BIG SALE in the Past and Presents Gift Shop at the Biggar Museum! T-shirts have all been drastically reduced. Open Monday-Friday, 1 - 5 p.m. 15c3 COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE: $1.49/each for a box of 270 ($402.30). Also full range of trees, shrubs, cherries & berries. Free shipping. Replacement guarantee. 1-866-873-3846 or treetime.ca.
Four Bourgault Titan II packer arms, 306-948-3474 40tfn Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Land¿ll OR contact Quentin Sittler at 306-658-2132 3tfn Main Street Garage Sale is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 306-948-1773 or 306-948-5393. Pickup available. 32tfn
FASTER IN THE FIELD! Get more work done faster AND save on fuel. Chip Tuning SAFELY gives you 15% more power. AG equipment, Semis. 1-888-9201351. Dieselservices.com P R O V I N C E - W I CLASSIFIEDS. Reach 550,000 readers weekly. this newspaper NOW or 649.1400 for details.
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Restless Leg Syndrome & Leg Cramps? Fast Relief In One Hour. Sleep At Night. Proven For Over 32 Years. www.allcalm. com Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800765-8660 RURAL WATER TREATMENT. Patented iron ¿lters, softeners, distillers, “Kontinuous Shock” Chlorinator, IronEater. Patented whole house reverse osmosis. Payment plan. 1-800-BIG-IRON (244-4766); www.BigIronDrilling. com. View our 29 patented & patent pending inventions. Since 1957. STEEL BUILDINGS... HOT SAVINGS SPRING SALE! 20X24 $4,348. 25X24 $4,539. 30X30 $6,197. 32X36 $7,746. 40X46 $12,116. 47X72 $17,779. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. www. pioneersteel.ca STEEL BUILDINGS/ METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca
Check out…
CARS & TRUCKS Wrecking auto-trucks: Parts to ¿t over 500 trucks. Lots of Dodge, GMC, Ford, imports... We ship anywhere. Lots of Dodge, diesel, 4x4 stuff... Trucks up to 3 tons. North-East Recyclers 780-8750270 (Lloydminster). Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514. www.yourapprovedonline.com.
LIVESTOCK Registered yearling and 2-yr. old Black Angus bulls for sale. Moderate birth weights, quiet and easy to handle. Contact Mark Haynes, 306-948-2563 or 306-948-7621, Haynes Angus, Biggar, Sask. 15c6
SEED & FEED Boyer oats, 99% germ, $5.50 bushel, cleaned, 306-329-4324 or 306-222-3753. 15p3 Forage seed for sale: Organic and conventional: Sweet Clover, Alfalfa, Red Clover, Smooth Brome, Meadow Brome, Crested Wheatgrass, Timothy, etc. Free Delivery! Birch Rose Acres Ltd. 306-863-2900
Seed & Feed
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LAND for RENT Pasture Land for Rent… RM Glenside #377, 130 acres, good water, 4 wire fencing. Call 306948-4045. 17p3
LAND FOR SALE FARMLAND WANTED NO FEES OR COMMISSIONS! SUMMARY OF SOLD PROPERTIES Central - 201 1/4’s South - 75 1/4’s South East - 40 1/4’s South West - 65 1/4’s North - 8 1/4’s North West - 12 1/4’s East - 51 1/4’s FARM AND PASTURE AVAILABLE
CANADIAN MANUFACTURED backed by 10 year warranty -multi family, single section, motel style homes -Qualify for C.M.H.C. Financing CALL NOW for Special Spring Pricing Ask us about how you can receive up to to $1500 on upgrades! 1.800.249.3969 www.medallion-homes.ca Hwy 2 South Prince Albert
HOUSES for SALE Mechanic Special. House for sale as is, $31,000. Phone 306-951-7501 for viewing appointment. 15p3 House for sale in Landis, Sask. Double corner lot, directly across from the school. Three bedrooms, full basement, good size kitchen with lots of cupboards; washer, dryer, fridge, stove, built in dishwasher and microwave included. Large shed with good garden spot; deck on back of house. REDUCED to $40,000 obo. Would make a great starter home or retirement home. For more information call (306) 948-7161. 38tfn
SPRING SALE ON NOW! Canadian built by Moduline 1520 sq. ft. Temora $99,900 1216 sq. ft. Oasis/Villa $79,900 960 sq. ft. Tuscan $69,900 Call Stan 306-496-7538 1-888-699-9280
If YOU are… • Moving • Expecting a Baby • Planning a Wedding • Anticipating Retirement Call WELCOME WAGON at
306.948.4141 - Sherry Thompson We have gifts and information www.welcomewagon.ca Biggar & District Arts Council are available for bar tending services at your functions/events. Contact Denise at 306-948-2452. 40tfn CUSTOM ROOFING INC. Full Service Roo¿ng. Great Rates! Residential & Commercial. 50 Years in Sask. Shingle - Tar & Gravel - Torch On Repairs. Full Liability & WCB - BBB Member FREE ESTIMATES 306-2444343
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Two-bedroom house for rent, fridge/stove/washer/dryer included. $700/month. Phone 306-948-2284 17c3 Three-bedroom, one bathroom with garage for rent; some furnishings in kitchen, living room and one bedroom, ¿ve appliances. Damage deposit required. Renter to pay utilities, non-smoking, no pets, mature adults preferred. Available May 1st. Phone 306-948-3676. 16p3 Two and Three-bedroom houses for rent. Close to downtown and school. Fridge and stove included. For viewing call 306948-3674 or 306-948-9517 or 306-948-7022. 50tfn
FOR RENT Charter/ Sherwood Apartments 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins.
SARCAN is seeking individuals to ¿ll casual positions on a call in basis. There is potential for more hours throughout the busy season. Please mail resumes to Box 1060, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 16c2 Reporter / Photographer required. Willing to train on the job, must have a valid driver’s license and a reliable vehicle. Full-time or part-time, wages commensurate with experience and education. Gas allowance, group bene¿ts and company pension plan.Send resume to Weyburn Review, Box 400, Weyburn, Sk S4H 2K4, email: dward@weyburnreview.com or fax 306-842-0282. HIRING AUTO Technicians, Auto Service Advisers, Parts Assistants, Sales Representative. For busy Dodge Dealership in northern Alberta. Competitive wages, great bene¿ts, and great working environment. Call Tammy at 1-780-623-4019. Email: tarrt@ telus.net. Fax 1-780-623-3412. Tarrabain Motors. RAIL SITE LEADER wanted in Lanigan. Must be willing to work in all weather conditions & during any shift. Competitive pay & comprehensive bene¿ts package available. E-mail resume/CV to hr@railserve.biz OR fax to (770) 996-6830. Sales rep required to sell advertising and special promotions, up to 40 hours per week. Send resume to D. Ward Box 400, Weyburn, Sk S4H 2K4 or email dward@weyburnreview. com.
Come Join our Team. Crop Production Services Canada is a division of Agrium (www.Agrium.com), and one of the largest farm market retailers in North America. We are currently recruiting for a FT Warehouse / Operations Support to join our team at our Biggar, SK location. The successful candidate must have a valid driver’s license, solid customer service skills and a Áexible working schedule. Experience is a deÀnite asset, but will train. The individual will be responsible for warehouse and fertilizer plant operations, associated paperwork, yard maintenance, general repairs, and delivery of fertilizer and crop input products. Interested applicants should apply with their resume online at www.cpsagu.com/careers or fax to (519) 268-3484. Start Date: April 22, 2014
Prairie Malt Limited is now accepting applications for a Groundskeeper, effective May 1, 2014. The successful candidate will be responsible for the PML plant/admin ofÀce and PML house grounds. Duties include: grass cutting, Áower/lawn care, pruning, lawn equipment maintenance, chemical spraying. Contract may include winter maintenance duties at the PML house. Negotiable wages paid on an hourly basis. Candidate must have WCB coverage and $2 million liability insurance. PML will provide the necessary equipment. For further information, contact Clyde Jones, 306-948-1640. Mail applications to: Prairie Malt Limited, Box 1150, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 Fax applications to: 306-948-5035
Lilydale Inc - A Sofina Foods Company Is currently seeking full-time Production Workers for their chicken plant in Wynyard, Sask. Starting wage is 13.84/ hr with a comprehensive benefits package and pension program. All applicants welcome!
Call Linda @ (306) 554-2555 EXT 238 for more info Send Resumes to: Linda Karakochuk Sofina Foods Inc Box 760 Wynyard, SK SOA 4T0 Fax: (306) 554-3958 Email: LKarakochuk@sofinafoods.com
Please arrange to pick up your photos that have been submitted for publication. ... thanks, The Independent
For more information call: Karen/Kevin • 948-9115 302 - 8th Ave. W. • Biggar
TRAVEL GRIZZLY BEAR TOUR. Experience a unique one day charter Àight and cruise ship adventure to Khutzeymateen, BC this summer. Calgary and Edmonton departures. 1-866-460-1415; www. classiccanadiantours.com. Stop in to… 1st Ave. West, Biggar 948-2700
The T h Biggar Independent has moved…
122 Main St., Biggar next to Post OfÔce
National Summer Safety Week – Keep your cool in the heat After months of chilly Canadian weather, we are more than ready for some summer heat! But too much sun and heat exposure can lead to serious heatrelated illness. Heatrelated illnesses include heat stress, heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Symptoms can range from painful muscle spasms to fainting, seizures, unconsciousness and even death. This National Summer Safety Week, from May 1-7, the Canada Safety Council encourages Canadians to take proactive safety measures to protect themselves, their children and pets while enjoying the heat of the summer months. Preventing heat illness • During heat waves, schedule outdoor activities during the morning or evening whenever possible to minimize time spent outdoors during peak heat hours.
• Avoid drinks with caffeine and alcohol – they are natural diuretics and will dehydrate you. • Eat a balanced diet and consider sports drinks that contain electrolytes to replenish your body. • Plan ahead and bring drinking water with you when you travel, when you are on the job site, et cetera. • When out in the sun, wear light-coloured, loose fitting, and longsleeved clothing, and a hat with a brim. • If you experience symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, blurred vision or nausea, stop what you are doing and find a place to rest. Protecting workers Young men in manual occupations are the most vulnerable to extreme heat and heat-illnesses according to an Ontario study by the Institute for Work and Health. Inexperienced workers are especially at risk, because it takes time for the body to become
used to working in hot conditions. In its ‘Heat Stress Awareness Guide,’ the Occupational Health and Safety Council of Ontario offers the following recommendations to employers for managing the risk of heat stress: • Train workers to recognize the signs and symptoms of heat stress and to know how to avoid them. • Provide water nearby on the job site and ensure everyone drinks about one cup of water every 20 to 30 minutes, even if they’re not thirsty. • Establish a firstair response system with trained first-aid providers and a means to record and report heat stress incidents. • Allow time for workers to acclimatize to heat and the work. This usually takes about two weeks. • Encourage workers to use a buddy system – each buddy looks out for early signs and symptoms of head stress in the other.
Kids and cars. Even on days that seem relatively mild, 20 minutes is all it take for the interior of a vehicle to reach extreme temperatures. Exposure to these conditions can cause a child to overheat, go into shock and sustain vital organ failure. Tragedies like these happen every year in Canada; yet, they are entirely preventable. Parents and caregivers need to be aware of and recognize the inherent dangers of leaving a child unattended, especially in a confined space such as a car on a hot day. The advice is simple: never leave a child along in a vehicle – not even for a minute. Children are especially sensitive to heat exposure because their sweat glands are not fully developed, which means their bodies are not capable of cooling down quickly. When exposed to heat, a child’s body temperature rises
three times faster than an adult in the same conditions. Incidents of children being forgotten in a vehicle can occur in otherwise responsible parents and caregivers are distracted, fatigued or if there is a break in daily routine. However, extra care and vigilance is all it takes to ensure the safety of children and all other vehicle
occupants, such as pets and elderly persons. Develop the habit of consciously checking that all occupants are out of the vehicle before it is parked and locked. For example, lock your vehicle using your key, rather than a remote. Use these few seconds to scan the interior of the vehicle to make sure that no one has been left behind.
Advertising doesn’t cost…it cost…it
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Leslie’s Drugstore Monday -•Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wednesday, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. • Pharmasave 304 Main St., Biggar 100 - 2nd Ave. W., Landis • Quick Stop Phone: 306-948-2204 Phone: 306-658-2044 • Super A Foods Toll Free: 1-855-658-2044 Toll Free: 1-855-948-2204
Website: •www.biggarinsurance.ca Shop Easy FoodWebsite: www.landisinsurance.ca Email: biggar@biggarinsurance.ca Email: landis@landisinsurance.ca
• Weasie’s Gourmet “We’ll getcha covered” Blends • Feudal Co-op, Perdue • The Store, Perdue
Check this DEADLINE For news, week·s classifieds and ad copy Monday, classiÀ eds, March 17 photos/videos • 5 P.M.@• online for publication on biggarindependent.ca biggarindependent.ca Thursday, March 20 biggarindependent.ca
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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation Box 327 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
ELECTRICAL BIGGAR ELECTRICAL & REFRIGERATION SERVICES Authorized Appliance Depot Electrical Wiring Trenching Licensed Journeyman Adrian de Haan
DMH ELECTRIC for all your electrical needs Construction, consulting and Maintenance Licensed Journeyman
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Helping you Help yourself Phone:
306-948-2295 Fax: 306-948-5050
• Residence • Commercial Wiring For free estimates Ph: 306-948-5393
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Nick Maguire 306-948-3325 (home) 306-948-4558 (cell)
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306-951-7666, Murray; 306-948-2953, Walter (h)
306-948-4565 (c)
- together with -
OFFICE HOURS Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone:306.882.2123 Emergency (after hours) 306.882.2006
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…owned and operated by Brett Barber
102 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar
Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK
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Hair Salons
Christina Prpick of
Garry A. Faye
P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, Sask.
• Taking appointments Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays. (Saturday and evenings on request) Contact Christina @
Phone: 306-948-5133
Chartered Accountant Notary Public 201B-2nd Ave. West
Mane Essence Hair Salon
223 Main Street Biggar Box 580 Biggar, SK SOK OMO
OPEN: Tues.-Fri. • 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
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Photos by Jocelyn Portraits, Family, Weddings & Sports Photography Biggar, Sask.
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Kirk Ewen
Pat Wicks,
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For appointments… 1-855-651-3311
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Ph: 306-948-4430 or 306-948-4460 rod.campbell@sasktel.net Box 988, Biggar, SK
Please arrange to pick up your photos that have been submitted for publication. .…thanks, The Independent 122 Main St., Biggar
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Mutual Fund Investment Specialist, Wealth Consultant Credential Asset Management Inc.
Cell: 306-948-7524
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M & N REPAIR 701 - 4th Ave. E., Biggar
Financial Planning Estate Planning Life Insurance 222 Main Street 306 948 5377
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306.948.3996 Open Monday-Friday Mike Nahorney, Interprovincial
Heavy Truck Repair
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Phone: 306-948-5678
Your Auto Parts and Accessories Dealer
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Hwy 14 East, Biggar 306-948-2109
Toll Free: 866-403-2298
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Rebel Landscaping
• Driveways • Concrete • Garage Pads • Pruning • Planting
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SEED CLEANING Canadian Seed Institute Accredited Pedigree, Commercial & Custom Cleaning FULL line of Cleaning Equipment including Gravity Table
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• custom slaughter, cut and wrapping • sausage making, curing and smoking
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Bob Kobelsky
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For appointments and inquiries, call
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Phone: 306-948-5600 A Sign of
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Modern Licenced Abbatoir
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306-948-3376 Corner of Main Street & 1st Avenue West, Biggar
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306-948-2879, evenings 306-948-7207, daytime Ed Kolenosky
SGI Safety Inspection Auto Repair
100% handwash
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ADVERTISING is an investment in your business.
Chef Dez on cooking
Cooking with or without adding water
How many recipes have you seen that list water as an ingredient? A pasta sauce recipe, for example, may say to add a cup of water. How much flavour does water have? Nothing. I am always preaching to be innovative while cooking and add ingredients other than water such as wine, broth, beer, juice, et cetera because they have more flavour. Although most can, some recipes cannot adapt to this type of modification. It will usually depend on the amount of seasonings/flavour already in the dish. The first thing to examine is the amount of water the recipe suggests. If the amount is of minuscule proportion, then typically replacing the water shouldn’t be a concern. The choice of distinctive liquid would accent the existing flavours without risk of overpowering of the dish. If the recipe states a large quantity of water, then
one must examine what the other ingredients are and how much flavour they will impart on their own. This is not as complicated as it may sound. The most effective way to determine if a recipe can accept any variation is to make it the way it is written first and then listen to your taste buds. Could it use more flavour? If so, what would compliment it and how pungent/mellow can the liquid be? Maybe just replacing a portion of the water would be the solution or leaving the recipe in its original state is just fine. Make notes in your cookbooks for future reference. Rice cooked in chicken stock, for example, has more flavour than if it was cooked in only water. I know that may seem quite obvious, so let me give you some ideas with the following liquids: • Red Wine or Dark Beer are great additions to red meat and tomato dishes, such as pasta sauce, gravies, chili, stir-fry’s, soups, stews, et cetera. A general ‘rule of thumb’ is the stronger the flavours in a certain dish, then the more robust wine/beer it can handle as an ingredient. • White Wine is better suited to cream sauces, poultry gravies, lighter soups, and seafood. • Broth, Stock, or Vegetable Juices can be paired up with certain dishes, based on the flavours you want to impart, albeit chicken, beef or vegetable. Broth/stock is an option for almost any savoury dish. • Fruit Juices can also be used in savoury dishes (savoury is the opposite of sweet). A delicious example would be an orange ginger stir-fry made
Government disappointed with Keystone delay The Government of Saskatchewan is deeply concerned with the United States (U.S.) State Department’s announcement that it will delay its final decision on the proposed TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline, even though the project has already passed the State Department’s own rigorous environmental impact assessment. “This decision by the U.S. government is a major disappointment,” Premier Brad Wall said. “The Keystone XL pipeline has been studied long and hard. The pipeline will create thousands of jobs on both sides of the border, offers a safe and efficient method of moving large volumes of oil, and according to the State Department will not contribute to a net increase in greenhouse gas emissions. This delay represents a major blow to the energy industry in Saskatchewan and in Canada and will place unnecessary strain on relations with our largest trading partner.” Last Friday, the State Department announced it would delay approval of the 2,700 kilometre pipeline in order to provide eight federal agencies additional time to review the proposed project and clear any legal challenges to the Nebraska leg of the pipeline. A portion of the Key-
stone XL project would run through the province – providing jobs to Saskatchewan people and freeing-up pipeline capacity so that more Saskatchewan oil can enter the North American pipeline system. Approval of the Keystone XL pipeline is especially important for Saskatchewan, considering the grain transportation challenges Saskatchewan producers are facing because a large number of rail cars have been diverted to ship oil. “Saskatchewan grain, potash, and other commodities suffer every day the Keystone XL pipeline is not being built,” Wall said. “The United States needs to quit wavering and make a decision based on the facts, which support the construction of Keystone. These politically motivated decisions are hurting the Saskatchewan economy, the U.S. economy, and our ability to develop new markets and support North America energy sustainability.” Wall noted that news of another delay in the Keystone approval process comes as rail shipments of crude oil throughout North America continue to grow, along with the environmental hazards associated with those shipments. In the U.S., rail shipments of oil grew by more than 4,000 per cent
from 2008 to 2013 - from 9,500 carloads to an estimated 400,000 carloads in just five years, according to the Association of American Railroads. In 2013, more crude oil - 4.35 million litres - was spilled in U.S. railway incidents than in the past 37 years combined, according to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.
Monday at 5:00 p.m. is the deadline for ads and classiÀeds
Advertising doesn’t cost . . . it pays!
THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 2014 from orange juice. These are only suggestions as there are countless options and combinations to try. Keep tasting and taking notes. Your cookbooks may turn our looking like high-school textbooks, but for the sake of better eating - it is worth it. Dear Chef Dez: If I don’t have white wine and a recipe calls for it as an ingredient, what can I use instead? Tim M. Nanaimo, B.C. Dear Tim: If you want to keep the recipe tasting as close to the way it was written then I would suggest white grape juice or apple juice, as long as the quantity is minimal. The main consideration with fruit juices is their higher sugar content could drastically affect the outcome of the recipe. Therefore it is better to use them in smaller quantities, unless your goal is a sweet finish. Darker berry and grape juices can also be used in small amounts in place of red wine. Send your food/cooking questions to dez@chefdez. com or P.O. Box 2674, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6R4. SOLD Chef Dez is a Food Columnist, Culinary Instructor and Cookbook Author. Visit him at chefdez.com.
REDUCED Randy We eekes, MLA Biggar Co onstituency Office 10 06 - 3rd Ave. West, Bo ox 1413, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Find Randy on
Toll oll Fre ee: ee: 1-877-948-4880 1 877 948-4880 Phon ne: 1-306-948-4880 Faax: 1-306-948-4882
www.randyweekes.ca randyweekes.mla@accesscomm.ca
Duane Neufeldt
Saskatoon/Biggar 403 Main Street, Biggar
Maurice/Loretta Singer Acreage, RM Rosemount, 80 acres, 2200 sq. ft. bungalow, 4 bd, 3 bath ....MLS $450,000 McCrea Acreage, RM Biggar, 72 acres, 1858 sq ft bungalow, 4 bd, 2 bath .........................................MLS $399,000 Martin Acreage, RM Biggar, 149 acres, 1435 sq ft. bungalow, 4 bd, 4 bath ........................................MLS $384.900 NE 4-35-16-W3rd, RM Biggar ................................................................................................ SOLD 413 - 6th Ave. E., Biggar, 1766 sq. ft., 2-storey, 4 bd, 4 bath................................................................MLS $329,900 East Land, RM Marriott, 3 quarters ........................................................................................................MLS $300,000 419 - 6th Ave. E., Biggar, 1326 sq. ft.. 4-level split, 5 bd, 2 bath ..........................................................MLS $299,000 119 Wright Cres., Biggar, 1204 sq. ft.. 4-level split, 3 bd, 3 bath ........................................................MLS $239,000 REDUCED Perdue… 913 N Ave., 1136 sq ft. bungalow, 4 bd, 3 bath ....................................................................MLS $199,000 Perdue… 905 - 9th St., 1071 sq ft bungalow, 3 bd, 1 bath ..................................................................MLS $189,000 402 - 3rd Ave. E, Biggar, 1034 sq. ft. bungalow, 4 bd, 3 bath ..............................................................MLS $159,000 103 - 5th Ave. E., Biggar, 1440 sq. ft. 1-¾ storey character home, 4 bd, 1 bath ...............................MLS $157,000 #2 Plaza Park, RM Biggar, 1140 sq ft., 3bd, 2 bath modular home ..................................................MLS $139,000 SW 20-36-15-W3rd, R.M. Biggar, acreage development .....................................................................MLS $125,000 213 5th Ave. W., Biggar, 1277 sq ft bungalow, 2 bd 2 bath ..................................................................MLS $ 99,000 309 - 4th Ave. W., Biggar, 851 sq. ft. bungalow, 2 bd, 1 bath ..............................................................MLS $ 92,000 302 - 5th Ave. E., Biggar, 1450 sq. ft., 1-3/4 storey, 5 bd, 1 bath ......................................................... MLS $ 85,000 SE 06-35-14-W3rd, RM Biggar, acreage development ......................................................................... $ 59,000 SE 13-35-15-W3rd, RM Biggar, pasture land .......................................................................................MLS $ 50,000 SW 35-37-16-W3rd, RM Rosemount, pasture ......................................................................................MLS $ 35,000
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