Vol. 104 No. 19
Box 40, 102 3rd Ave West, Biggar, Saskatchewan S0K 0M0
THURSDAY,, MAY 9, 2013
email: tip@sasktel.net
24 pages
Phone: 306-948-3344
Top high school rodeo stars hit Rec Valley this Friday
by Kevin Brautigam of The Independent
Club to Recreation Valley to individual residents, have shown how much they want the event here and how much they want it to succeed. They are still looking for more volunteers.
“The sponsorships from this community and surrounding communities has been fantastic, as well,” she stressed. In addition to the rodeo and shooting events, a farm
safety day will be held for local schools on Friday, giving around 150 kids a fun day of ATV safety, healthy lifestyle information, bike, auger, PTO and fire safety demonstrations, and much
T he
top high school rodeo athletes will be at the Biggar Recreation Valley this Friday for the Saskatchewan High School Rodeo Association (SHSRA) penultimate round of the season. “It’s going to be big,” said Monika Schultz, one of the organizers of this year’s event, May 10-12. The SHSRA season runs the length of the school year, and the Biggar stop is the second last before provincials/finals. From finals, a select few will move on to nationals. That makes it crunch time for cowgirls and cowboys coming to Biggar this weekend. The weekend will also feature a shooting event at the Bear Hills Range and Gun Club - a provincial qualifier. The two competitions nearly didn’t happen due to the inclement weather. “The amount of time and effort that our community has given to pump out the valley, for one - I could send you pictures of the river running through the valley!” a relieved Schultz said of the Biggar Recreation Valley efforts to get the grounds up and running this year. “They’ve just wrapped their arms around us basically, and said this event can go.” Schultz also tips her hat to Mike Plysiuk and Dwight Smith of the Bear Hills Range and Gun Club for getting their facility ready. “They’ve been phenomenal,” she added. “Our kids are just so grateful. Usually we just have someone with a handthrower, throwing the skeets into the air, but this [the Bear Hills range] is a very luxurious set-up, and it really prepares them for nationals - we’re just not used to having a real gun range to go to!” Schultz said the volunteer support for a premier event that goes into a SHSRA event is huge, and Biggar - from Gun
Ready to start . . . Biggar Central School hosted some prospective students as kindergarten registration took place, May 1. Not only are there new students for next year, but a new teacher, Mrs. Carolin Kapiniak, here leading her new charges on a tour through the school. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
High winds fan Perdue blaze . . . Smoking, charred grass and fence were all that remained after a fire Tuesday morning east of Perdue. Perdue firefighters had their hands full with high winds fanning the
more. There are many local cowgirls, cowboys and shooters competing this weekend: Colby Ellis, Jenna Boisvert, Justine Leschinski, Wil Auton, Cassidy Burton, Gordie May, Kenzie Oesch, Kayla Domashovitz, and many more. Friday night, the ladies take to the Rec Valley ring for some jackpot open barrel racing, starting at 5 p.m. A 4 p.m. shooting clinic will be held at the gun range. Saturday morning starts with a 7 a.m. pancake breakfast, followed by a shooting clinic at 8 a.m. with junior rodeo at 10 a.m., a 12 noon lunch, followed by a 1 p.m. high school senior rodeo, a 2 p.m. junior shooting competition, a 6 p.m. catered supper, a 7 p.m. rodeo competitors versus dads football game in the arena, winding up with an 8 to 11 p.m. dance. Sunday starts early with breakfast (6:30-9:30 a.m.), junior rodeo (8 a.m.), high school shooting (9 a.m.), ‘Little Buckaroo and Buckaretts Rodeo’ (12
noon), senior high school rodeo (1 p.m.). There will be the usual food booths through out the event. Bouncy castles, penny pit, all kinds of distractions for the kids. “A big thank you to everyone who helped, because it looked pretty hopeless,” Schultz said of the snow and the resulting runoff, turning the grounds into a near fine boating area, not so terrific rodeo facility. “It’s always good to have this kind of event. All the kids who were here last year were chomping at the bit to come back, they really thought Biggar was a great event.” A huge thank you to Dawson Boisvert and Fred Boisvert for loaning equipment to get the snow out of the way. Without that level of help, Schultz said the water-logged grounds may have meant cancellation of the Biggar SHSRA event. Boisvert’s equipment was the difference between making the event a go, or giving everyone water-wings, and possibly cancelling.
blaze, but had it all contained in short order. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Canada and Saskatchewan invest $65 million for Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program Support for long-term Water Infrastructure to benefit producers and grow the industry Friday, Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and S a s k a t c h e w a n Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart announced $65 million over five years for the Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program (FRWIP). “Our government is focused on helping create jobs, growth, and long-term prosperity for Saskatchewan’s hardworking producers,” said Ritz. “I am pleased that Saskatchewan producers will continue to have access to this program as another tool in their toolbox to help build their operations and our overall economy. Building farm and ranch water infrastructure is an important way to increase producer profitability and secure a safe future for provincial water supplies and our producers’ livelihoods.” “Establishing a secure source of water is crucial to the long-term success of Saskatchewan’s farmers and ranchers,” Stewart
said. “This investment in long-term water infrastructure such as wells, dugouts, pipelines and irrigation infill, is essential to the future growth of Saskatchewan’s agriculture industry and our economy.” FRWIP, which was first introduced in 2008, helps farmers, ranchers, First Nation bands, rural municipalities and irrigation districts develop long-term, reliable sources of water and the related infrastructure necessary to support their agriculture businesses. Since 2008, more than $49 million in federalprovincial funding has been invested through FRWIP to help establish nearly 5,500 wells, dugouts and pipelines. In addition, since 2007, the federal and provincial governments have provided $20 million for infill funding which has increased irrigation capacity by nearly 12,000 acres. The program has now been enhanced to include a new component for Agricultural Business Development for
Thank you, Mom! . . . Some really special ladies were honoured Tuesday at the Prairie Branches (formerly Biggar Community Connections) Mother’s Day Tea at the Biggar Community Hall. The tea raises money for the Biggar residents of the group intensive livestock and horticultural operations. As well, value-added agricultural businesses and non-district irrigators are now eligible for funding. “SARM appreciates the continuation of this investment in rural Saskatchewan,” SARM President David Marit said. “We look forward to the development of many more community wells, on-farm wells and dugouts that will ensure a reliable source of water for the agriculture industry for years to come.” “FRWIP has been a valuable program for livestock producers
Showing the ropes to the new kid . . . St. Gabriel School Kindergarten registration had a current students showing next year’s group the classroom, May 1. The kids were pretty excited to set forth on their new adventure. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
in Saskatchewan,” Saskatchewan Stock Growers President Harold Martens said. “Many wells, dugouts and pipelines have been developed and we thank the federal and provincial governments for continuing this program.”
home, and this year recognized nominees (from left to right): Ann Muc, Willa McIlwain, Bonnie Roesch, Sharon Fisher, Lois Pedrotti, Linda Dyck, Denise Pek and Joyce Wirachowsky. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
“We appreciate the long-term commitment to develop more irrigated acres in Saskatchewan,” Saskatchewan Irrigation Projects Association Chair Roger Pederson said. “Irrigation not only adds value to farmers’ and ranchers’ bottom lines
but it also contributes to the provincial economy as a whole.” Funding for the Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program is provided under the federal-provincial Growing Forward 2 framework.
Enforcement authorities launch international Internet Privacy Sweep A group of 19 privacy enforcement authorities from around the globe – including the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada – are participating in the first annual international Internet Privacy Sweep. The Sweep is an initiative of the Global Privacy Enforcement Network, which connects privacy enforcement authorities to promote and support cooperation in cross-border enforcement of laws protecting privacy. “Privacy issues have become global and they require a global response,” says Privacy Commissioner of Canada Jennifer Stoddart Monday. “It is critical that privacy enforcement authorities work together to help protect the privacy rights of people around
the world.” The first Internet Privacy Sweep, which runs from May 6-12, includes authorities from: Australia, Canada, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Macao, Macedonia,New Zealand, Norway, United Kingdom and the United States. In Canada, the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia is also taking part. During the week, participating authorities will dedicate individuals within their organization to search the Internet in a coordinated effort to assess privacy issues related to a common theme. The theme selected for the first Sweep is Privacy Practice Transparency. “Transparency is one
of the privacy basics; organizations need to be open and clear with people about how they collect, use and disclose personal information,” says Commissioner Stoddart, whose Office is acting as international Sweep coordinator for this inaugural year. “ I m p r o v i n g transparency is especially important in the online world, where researchers have estimated it can take people up to 250 hours to read all of the privacy policies they encounter in a year. Long, legalistic privacy policies can be almost impossible to understand and navigate, therefore making it extremely difficult for individuals to make meaningful and informed decisions about …See Internet, pg 19
Opinions ........................................................... 4 Sports ...............................................................10 Agriculture ......................................................11 Classifieds ................................................16 - 18 Business & Professional Directories ........19 - 21
Sask Party’s dismissive attitude unacceptable, say NDP Cam Broten and the NDP MLAs ended last week in the Legislature by calling on the Sask Party government to stop dismissing the concerns of real people. “The Sask Party is putting politics ahead of people,” said Broten May 3. “A flood of people have been willing to speak out – especially on the unacceptable state of seniors care in Saskatchewan – and the Sask Party has stubbornly dug in their heels and refused to acknowledge the real concerns of people right in front of them.” Lynne Seaborne and Carrie Klassen spoke on the conditions in seniors care facilities. Both women and a “growing chorus of Saskatchewan families” said Broten, say that mandating a minimum staffing level in seniors care homes could help put a stop to call buttons ringing unanswered while residents are left on toilets for hours and miss meals when there aren’t enough staff to feed them. Both women were dismissed by the Sask Party, Broten added, which says it is not interested in mandating a maximum numbers of residents for each staffer. The Sask Party has brushed aside a number of serious concerns, refusing to listen or take action when the NDP and Saskatchewan people raise them, including:
A report from St. Paul’s Hospital which shows on a single day alone the hospital was 47 patients overcapacity; Multiple families who say they’re waiting for services for intellectually disabled family members, despite the Sask Party’s claims that no one is on a waiting list; The story of Barbara Blyth, a senior with cancer and a broken foot who was sent to a women’s shelter because there was no space in the hospital or a seniors care facility; and The plight of Michael Lilley and hundreds of others who need home care to keep them out of the hospital or long-term care facilities. Lilley and the others had their home care services cut off and were sent a letter telling them to check “the yellow-pages” for help. Among the concerns, Broten says, being brushed aside by the Sask Party are those of the independent provincial auditor, who released a special report last week showing the Sask Party is keeping two sets of books in order to mislead the public on the state of the provincial finances. “The Sask Party is stubborn and is refusing to admit mistakes,” said Broten. “I think people want their elected representatives to listen and to prioritize doing the right thing for people ahead of the slick press conferences and photo ops.”
Little Lady Smile . . . This cute one lets fly a smile to melt hearts during the Mother of the Year Tea at the Biggar Community Hall. The Prairie Branches (formerly Biggar Community Connections) annual fund raisers featured entertainment, raffle prizes,
good food and even better company. This Tiny Tot Nursery performer, no doubt, was reserving her smile for that special mom in the audience. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
CCA submits request for approval of beef irradiation to Health Canada The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) is pleased to announce it has submitted the necessary paperwork requested by Health Canada to restart the process for approval of beef irradiation in Canada. The CCA expects it will take a minimum of a year for irradiation to be approved, following the submission of the documents to Health Canada on May 3. Irradiation is an effective technology already approved for other foods in Canada and used as a normal course of
business in 50 countries around the world to improve food safety for consumers. The ability of irradiation to reduce E.coli O157 and other pathogenic E.coli is well established. When combined with food safety interventions already in use, irradiation could essentially eliminate E.coli related illness associated with ground beef. The CCA believes this is reason enough to support making this choice available to Canadians that wish to purchase irradiated food products. Beef irradiation can be performed using electricity to create energy which can destroy harmful bacteria. This process, called E-beam, is routinely used in the U.S. where irradiated beef products have been available to consumers
Condo officially opens . . . Town of Biggar Mayor Ray Sadler, left, gives a thumbs up with Central Park Place president, Emil Itterman, May 1. The pair were suitably equipped with shovels, officially opening the Second Avenue East location. (Independent Photo by Daryl Hasein)
since May of 2000. The approval of irradiation for beef in Canada would provide consumers here with the same choice. Canadian cattle producers strongly support making this an informed choice with labelling and other educational initiatives. The Health Canada scientific review process has confirmed that irradiation causes minor changes to food, similar to cooking, and does not lead to any change in beef that would have an adverse effect on human health or that would significantly diminish its nutritional value. The safety of irradiated foods
has been endorsed by many groups including the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The path toward approval of beef irradiation in Canada began in 1998 with the CCA’s submission of the original petition. The CCA’s ongoing efforts between then and now to amend the regulation reflects the association’s steadfast commitment to enhancing food safety and to providing Canadians the choice to purchase beef treated with this proven intervention.
GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… Wednesday, May 8, 11:30 a.m. (stations randomly selected)
Biggar .............................................125.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock .........................117.9¢/L Perdue… .........................................124.9¢/L Landis… .........................................123.9¢/L Rosetown… ....................................117.9¢/L North Battleford….........................118.9¢/L Unity...............................................118.9¢/L Saskatoon .......................................125.9¢/L Humboldt .......................................114.9¢/L Lloydminster ..................................109.9¢/L Kindersley ......................................117.9¢/L Swift Current .................................118.9¢/L
Lottery Numbers
649 - Sat., May 4 09, 28, 35, 36, 48, 49 Bonus 06 Extra 2423451 649 - Wed., May 1 10, 20, 30, 38, 41, 44 Bonus 15 Extra 5329609 Western 649 - Sat., May 4 06, 11, 16, 20, 29, 41 Bonus 36
Western 649 - Wed., May 1 03, 17, 25, 26, 30, 32 Bonus 43 Lotto Max - Friday, May 3 10, 13, 15, 18, 25, 36, 47 Bonus 40 Extra 3392910 Western Lotto Max - Fri., May 3 10, 12, 18, 25, 32, 42, 43 Bonus 35
Transparency and accountability good for everyone In 2009, when the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) called for a new law that would require Canada’s aboriginal reserves to post their chief and council’s pay online, many snickered. “Good luck,” we were told pessimistically by several skeptics. They just didn’t believe the federal government could be convinced to table a bill requiring aboriginal chiefs and councillors on reserves to disclose their pay to the public. After all, some chiefs and councillors are known for threatening blockades. The skeptics doubted we could we get Ottawa to muster up the courage to table a bill that would ruffle many chiefs’ feathers; even though politicians off reserve all have to routinely disclose their pay. After a three-year push to require the annual disclosure of chiefs and councillors’ pay, the govern-
ment not only tabled a bill to do precisely what we urged, it recently became law. Yes, as of this year, annual audited statements from each reserve will be disclosed to the public on the federal government’s web site. The same site will also disclose pay information for each chief and councillor in Canada. Make no mistake, many chiefs and councilors are already transparent. For them the law won’t really change much. However, in communities like the Squamish First Nation, where band officials have tried to suggest they are “prohibited by law” from releasing details on the chief ’s salary, it’ll be a welcome improvement. So how did we go from a situation three years ago where no politician in Ottawa would say ‘boo’ about sky-high chief and council pay to actually passing a disclosure law for every reserve in Canada?
The answer is simple – brave men and women on reserves and people living off reserve speaking out. As the grassroots kept speaking out, so did people off reserve as well. Comments online and on radio talk shows were overwhelmingly in favour of improved transparency. While the Harper government got the message it’s too bad opposition parties voted against such a common sense law. This legislation won’t solve all the problems on reserves; the whole situation is complex and many of the policy ideas out there are divisive. But it will shine a light on where the money is going. Thumbs up to those who spoke out and to the Harper government for listening. Colin Craig Saskatchewan Taxpayers Federation
Universities doing little to solve Canada’s “jobs without skills” problem But they are making a great contribution to our “skills without jobs” problem by Gwyn Morgan, Columnist, Troy Media Distributed by Troy Media, www.troymedia.com Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty is doing it. Canadian Council of Chief Executives President John Manley is doing it. CIBC Deputy Chief Economist Benjamin Tal is doing it. What are they doing? They are talking about the need for a comprehensive strategy in Canada to better align education and training to the skills employers need. But what would the components of a “comprehensive strategy” be? Clearly, the first step must be identification of “the skills employers need” through educator/ employer consultation. The second step is for educational institutions to give resource allocation priority to teaching those skills. This may sound obvious and simple. But at public universities, the dominant players in our country’s educational establishment, both consulting with business and allocating resources to skills-short fields runs
completely counter to an entrenched “academic freedom” culture. University faculty unions fiercely defend an insular, professor-centered paradigm that turns away thousands of students applying to skillsshort fields, while graduating huge numbers of students in programs with dismal employment prospects. The net result of this dysfunctional situation is that the taxpayer money universities spend is doing little to solve our “jobs without skills” problem, while contributing greatly to our “skills without jobs” problem. OECD data shows that, while Canada has one of the world’s highest rates of university attendance: we rank second last in producing graduates able to find “high skill level” employment. Fortunately, the picture is much more positive at the ivory tower free side of our post-secondary educational system, Canada’s 130 community colleges, institutes and polytechnics. In a letter to the Toronto Globe and Mail last October, Association of Canadian Com-
munity Colleges (ACCC) President and CEO James Knight wrote “. . . Canada’s public colleges . . . are mandated to meet the demand for highly skilled business, technical, health and trades professionals required by employers. Higher education in colleges is characterized by close ties with industry, exceptional student and employer satisfaction and high placement rates (85 to 95 per cent within six months of graduation)”. This enlightened approach to help solve the skills gap by consulting with employers and allocating resources to where the jobs are is good news indeed. But there is also bad news. Our community colleges are seriously short of resources. Thousands of qualified students are turned away each semester because there aren’t enough spaces. The ratio of applicants to acceptances for some of the most indemand programs range from five to 10 to one. Ironically, an increasing number of those applicants are university graduates who discover there is no market for
their costly university training. They then have to “double-dip” taxpayer funds to get a job. Given this perplexing picture, how can our country’s skills shortage be alleviated? The answer to that question is not more taxpayer dollars. Education is primarily a provincial responsibility and most provinces are already running unsustainably high deficits. The federal government is tightening spending as it strives to eliminate its deficit. So the only place the funds can come from is existing education budgets. Universities receive the bulk of that money, giving them ample ability to re-allocate funds to skills-short fields. It’s past time for provincial education ministers to step up to the plate and make this happen. CIBC Deputy Chief Economist Benjamin Tal, author of a report on the mismatch between skills and jobs, recently told Maclean’s: “We need to make sure what universities are producing is more relevant to tomorrow’s labour markets.
If it means reducing subsides for occupations that are not relevant, so be it” But where do community colleges get the money they need to expand training spaces? ACCC’s recent pre-budget brief disclosed that its members need $6 billion in new facilities to house expanded capacity. What about re-allocating some of the $6 billion per year going to university research, the great bulk of which is for academic
interest with little or no chance of yielding useful results? These may sound like radical measures, but the economic future of the country is at stake. And so is the ability for young people across Canada to get the training needed for a fulfilling and productive career. Gwyn Morgan is a retired Canadian business leader who has been a director of five global corporations.
Phone: 306-948-3344
Fax: 306-948-2133
Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Monday at the office of publication, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Delta Fay Cruickshank
E-mail: tip@sasktel.net
P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
The second Sunday in May is always a bit more special than the others. Yes, it is Mother’s Day. The day when mothers are put on a pedestal and treated royally. They are taken out, given roses, chocolates and those very special gifts made by their school age children. I thought I would do some research on the history of this day only to find there are some sketchy details. All agree that the tradition is centuries old but that’s where it ends. The earliest can be traced back to ancient Greece when a celebration held in the spring honoured Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. In the 1600s the early Christians in England choose a day to honour Mary, the mother of Christ. The holiday was later expanded to include all mothers and was officially named Mothering Sunday and was celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent. At this time, servants were given the day off and encouraged to return home to spend the day with their mothers. Often a special cake, called the mothering cake, was baked. The spread of Christianity brought another change and the day came to be known as one to honour Mother Church. Slowly this church festival coincided with Mothering Sunday. In the Americas Mother’s Day took some of its early beginnings
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from British settlers. It was after the American Civil War when Julia Ward Howe began a peace crusade. Howe was a social activist and appealed to “womanhood” to rise against war. One of her missions was to issue a manifesto for peace at international peace conferences in London and Paris. She went to London and promoted the idea of a Mother’s Day for Peace Day of observance. She was successful in having the observance initiated in Boston at a mass the second Sunday in June. It became an annual event and lasted for 10 years. Because of her actions women in 18 American cities held a Mother’s Day Peace gathering. Howe continued her crusade and in 1988 a stamp was issued in her honour. Howe’s actions are considered to be the precursor to today’s modern day Mother’s Day. Another prominent figure in Mother’s Day history is Ann Marie Reeves Jarvis. She was an Appalachian homemaker who attempted to improve sanitation through a Mother’s Friendship Day. Again, it was Civil War days and Jarvis organized women to work for better sanitary conditions. She is credited with saving thousands of lives by teaching women proper sanitation and nursing
basics through the Mother’s Friendship Clubs. It was Jarvis’ daughter, Anna, who was instrumental in introducing Mother’s Day as we now know it. Anna was a teacher and spent many years looking after her ailing mother and after her death missed her terribly. Anna felt children did not often appreciate their mothers so she started a day to honour them. She and her friends started a letter writing campaign to ministers, businessmen and congressmen. The idea caught on and in 1912 the Mother’s Day International Association started. In 1914 a Presidential proclamation declared the second Sunday of May would be observed as Mother’s Day. Today we take Mom out for a meal, give her flowers, lots of hugs and maybe even some chocolates. And Grandma’s Too While we honour all our mothers with words of love and praise. While we tell about their goodness and their kind and loving ways. We should also think of Grandma, she’s a mother too, you see . . . For she mothered my dear mother as my mother mothers me. Author Unknown
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The Independent Printers 102-3rd Ave. w., Biggar • 948.3344 Biggar School of Dance would like to thank everyone who contributed to making our 18th Annual Dance Festival a success! Platinum Sponsors… Biggar & District Credit Union, Biggar Shop Easy Prairie Malt Limited/Cargill Cares, Tim Hammond Realty, Viterra Biggar/Landis/Perdue. Gold Sponsors… AGI-Envirotank, Biggar Insurance Services, Biggar Subway, Duperow Co-op, Hannigans, Kurulak Investment and Insurance Corp., Patricia and Carl Nicholls, Quick Stop, Re/Max Realty/Duane Neufeldt, SaskTel, West Field Equipment Ltd., Westwinds Motor Hotel. Silver Sponsors… Annette’s School of Dance, APA Innovations Inc., Biggar Kayette Club, Custom Roofing Inc., Grondin Funeral Services, Biggar, Landis Rec Board, Leslie’s Drugstore/PharmaChoice, Madge Contraccting Ltd., Monarch Meats, North American Lumber, Pharmasave, Royal Canadian Legion/Biggar, Ruth Rankin Memorial, Super A Foods. Bronze Sponsors… 1st Avenue Collision Centre, 4-K Fuels/Petro Canada, Anderson Accounting, Angie’s Hair Salon, Ron and Linda Belak, Biggar Accounting Services, Biggar Courier, Biggar CWL, Biggar Esso 414, Biggar Flower & Gift Shop, Biggar Hotel, Biggar Leisure Centre, Biggar Museum & Gallery, Biggar New Horizons, Biggar Veterinary Clinic, Busse Law Professional Corporation, CDTA Sask. Branch, CST Consultants Inc., Custom Signs & Designs, Dance 101, Dance Street, de Moissac Jewellers, Designs by Ann, Elmer Dove Chartered Accountant, Excell Tire, Homestead Family Restaurant, Glenda Horner, Kelly’s Kitchen, Landis Credit Union, Lynda’s Hair Design, MacLeods True Value, Mane Essence Hair Boutique, Martin’s Eexcavating, Monarch Meats, More, NAPA Auto Parts, Nevada’s Cutting Room, New Creation Community Players, Leanne Garchinski/Partylite, Natalie Chupik/Partylite, Perdue Feudal Co-op, Photos by Jocelyn, Pizzeria Adria, Red Apple, Rolling H Farms Ltd., Silhouette Ladies Wear, Snow White Family Restaurant, Spyder Autobody, Tyle Station & Spa, Sunshine Girls, The Independent Printers, Thur-0 Janitorial Services, Western Sales.
A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU TO… Biggar & District Credit Union, Biggar Leisure Centre, Christina & Rocky Prpick, Doreen Dubreuil, St. Gabriel School, Tim Hammond Realty, Town of Biggar, Majestic Theatre Board and Volunteers, YMVA, all the parents and local volunteers who helped make it a success. We truly appreciate you giving us your time. Without the support and generosity of individuals and businesses in this wonderful community, this event would not be possible.
Please accept the heartfelt thanks of the Biggar Schoool of Dance parents, teachers and dancers!
by Bob Mason
We were happy then To the reader it may seem a little crazy (well, crazier than usual!) for a fellow to write things like this, when we live in such an affluent society. But darn it all everyone has to have a way to relax - and this is mine! Besides that, Yours Truly thinks he has a point! There are probably a few (if not quite a few) “Lucky” people who are interested and relaxed at their jobs. I dunno, but this piece isn’t about them! It is about the “television watching” iPod fondling, radio listening rest of us! Mebbe it is this 2013 weather that brings these thoughts on! We haven’t been snowed in like this for years! Heck, on most years by this time the greenhouse takes up a lot of our time and YT thinks of trotting out his No. 3 iron again (touch wood!). But no! He just sits up here at the old desk, pen in hand, waiting for that mythical muse to perch on his shoulder and whisper a few important nothings in his ear! Although writing
and golfing are great pastimes, YT sure wouldn’t trade either of them for that time, years ago, when we rushed down the old school steps at 3:30 p.m., drove home and rushed out into the big pasture to hunt for a few crows eggs and snare a few gophers! Ours may not have been a millionaire family (it was in the 1930’s), but we didn’t have a care in the world! Even as we grew older, that same enthusiastic urge to do something that we liked, filled our days, and as we scouted the river hills and swam in the local sloughs, it never occured to us that someone else could entertain us any better! Babe Ruth may have been the greatest ballplayer of the time, but he never enjoyed a communtiy game any ore then we did! In a far-out kind of way I think we were stealing some of Buddha’s smoke, for some years earlier he had found complete peace while sitting under a tree by a rushing river, way back in the Himalayan hills somewhere! Mebbe we didn’t
experience “complete” peace, like mentioned, it was during the Great Depression! But on looking back, what we did find wasn’t a heck of a lot different! Although we think and talk about them quite a bit, YT often wonders what we oldsters (having graduated from “The Good Old Days”) are going to do about the future! That “Peace” that we almost found when we were young has somehow eluded us as we grew older! It seems a long, long time since we heard young lips whistle a familiar tune - and a little longer since we heard someone humming while they worked! The plans and ideas that our generation had about that future are rapidly being replaced by the plans and ideas of our descendants, in what to our view seems a complicated, madhouse ratrace! A journey that one time used to take two days to make, now takes only a few hours. But aling the road are a whole bunch of unsmelled roses! Thinking about things like this, often makes we older types wonder about our lives! Mebbe in the rush and roar of things, our young people will find a tree by a river to go and sit under! Everywhere that YT goes, he finds people being eintertained “Hollywood” style, and he can almost envision
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himself up there othe stage jumping around screaming “Wow baby, wow baby, wow!” Just before the crowd hustled him off to a padded cell! Our parents (and Rudyard Kipling) told us: “If you can talk to crowds and keep your virtue” (If you have a dictionary handy, look that word up!) And it seemed to me that, even in the army, most of us did, but I turned on the television the other night to “@#*@” and wondeered where all that “virtue” went! How can a virtuous society ever survive in an environment that allows casual comments like that?! Especially in one that doesn’t seem to care or even entertain itself?! Sometimes YT is glad he is kind of old and won’t be around to see what the results are! These oddball opinions
were formed during some of the worst years this country has ever seen! And though the word “worst” can be used quite a few different ways, let’s just call those years “trails”, eh? Nevertheless, I think, they were some of the best formative times of our life, and we can’t blame young people for not knowing about experiences that they never had! With the introduction of perfection in everything artistic, the gift of self-entertainment has almost disappeared! Now, huge stadiums house the millionaire players, actors and songsters that our unfulfilled society flicks to see and hear - and there is no need for us to sing anymore! Or is there? YT knows that to many this comparison doesn’t sound right, but he just can’t drum up the right one.
“It isn’t the voice so much that sings as it is the heart!” And the “heart” is a huge part of our well-being, eh? None of us know what the future holds, but we can look back! And when the “hard times” come again, we had better be prepared . . . Mebbe Rome, and the many other affluent societies before it, aren’t an exact example, but we did have the “Dark Ages”! And “man” has survived through them all. Albert Einstein claims that time, in a ways, is a complete circle. YT isn’t up on all that scientific stuff, but let’s just hope that it brings back “The Good Old Days” on its next time around! Mebbe we didn’t become millionaires back then, but even as we entertained ourselves, we enjoyed life a lot more!
Governments invest in future agriculture industry leaders Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart announced $500,000 in funding over the next five years for the Youth Leadership and Mentorship Program. This program will provide support to help industry associations mentor young producers into future industry leaders. “To keep Canadian agriculture innovative and vibrant, we need to make sure that we build on the knowledge base that’s currently out there,” said Ritz May 2. “Our government is proud to partner in these types of investments that will help young producers develop into the leaders of tomorrow.” “The future success of Saskatchewan’s agriculture industry is in the hands of today’s young farmers and ranchers,” Stewart said. “This program will provide young producers who display leadership potential with the opportunity to learn from highly-regarded industry leaders.” The program is designed to help young producers gain the leadership skills and
provide the networking opportunities needed to become future industry leaders. No provincial program aimed at developing leadership capacity for all sectors of the agriculture industry existed until now. Through the program, industry associations are eligible to receive up to $4,000 per mentorship, to a maximum of $20,000 per industry association. Eligible activities include travel expenses for industry events and meeting registration fees. “A structured leadership and mentorship program is a new concept for the crops sector in Saskatchewan,” S a s k a t c h e w a n Oat Development Commission Executive Director Shawna Mathieson said. “This program will be vital in increasing the talent of our young producers and the agricultural sector as a whole.” “This program will create opportunities for young people to become more involved in the agriculture industry,” Youth Advisory Committee Chair Derek Tallon said. “Building a network and having the guidance of current
industry leaders is a benefit to young producers.” This new initiative addresses a recommendation from the Saskatchewan Agriculture Youth Advisory Committee to increase leadership skills and opportunities for our youth. The program is modelled after the Cattlemen’s Young Leaders Program administered by the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. “You cannot measure the value of a good mentor when it comes to learning,” Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association Board Member Levi Hull said. “The livestock industry in Saskatchewan will be well-served by the addition of this program. It will complement the national Cattlemen’s Young Leaders Program and provide more opportunities for livestock producers to be mentored in the province.” Funding for the Youth Leadership and Mentorship Program is provided under the federal-provincial Growing Forward 2 framework.
Diamond Lodge News
Another lucky Museum toonie draw winner . . . Mary Lee Sapsford hands Jean Redlich, right, a cheque for $75, all part of the Biggar Museum and Gallery’s monthly toonie draw. Check out businesses around town for your chance to win! Congratulations, Jean! (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
Building permits set record Construction across Saskatchewan has picked up according to the latest building permit numbers released by Statistics Canada Monday. In March 2013, building permits in the province totalled $270 million, the highest on record for the month of March. This was a 22.6 per cent rise from March 2012, the third highest percentage increase in the nation. “In spite of less than ideal weather conditions,
Saskatchewan’s construction businesses were still able to make progress,” Economy Minister Bill Boyd said. “That says a lot about the quality of the companies and the skilled workers who make up one of our economy’s most important sectors.” Non-residential building permits were up by 32.7 per cent on a yearover year basis, while residential permits were up 14.5 per cent over the
same period. On a month-over-month basis, building permits were up by 26.6 per cent between February 2013 and March 2013 on a seasonally adjusted basis. “Saskatchewan’s economy is making gains at a steady pace,” Boyd said. “It’s the growth in residential and non-residential projects that’s making the difference, and that’s creating jobs and impacting overall economic growth.”
BCS News by Taylor Darroch & Sabrina Yurchak Well I think spring has finally sprung! This past weekend we sent Clarke in boys singles and Edyn and Ceejay in girls doubles to Saskatoon to compete at the regional level in badminton. They played well with Ceejay and Edyn placing third. As only the first two places progress to provincials, that’s it for our badminton season. H o w e v e r, our students are rarely without extracurricular opportunity, and true to form, track circuit training is well u n d e r way. Wi t h t h i s weather I bet they will even venture outside this week! Next week our school is hosting another spirit week for our students so we can send you off into the long weekend in style! Monday is PJ Day, Tuesday will be Hat Day, Wednesday is Jersey Day, and Thursday will be Neon Day! We hope you have some fun with those themes. Students
can also look forward to treats each morning. This year’s SRC has had their last meeting and we have said goodbye t o C z a r i n a , B a i l e y, and Edyn. Thanks for everything you’ve done for our school! A new SRC will be brought in next week to finish up
activities this year and plan for next year. The grads of 2014 have already chosen grad clothing styles. Wa t c h f o r a s i z i n g announcement for both grad wear and general Blazer wear with a date in mid-June to place orders for fall delivery.
Hunting for Bargains? They are in the Classifieds!
Well it was a nice weekend here in our lovely town of Biggar. Hopefully the warm weather stays and the farmers will start seeding. On Monday at Diamond Lodge we had exercises and bean bag toss. Tuesday morning, Donna did current events and in the afternoon the residents got to enjoy Beat the Dice. Wednesday was our monthly birthday party night. Leon and Bernard Ochs played at the party while the Perdue UCW supplied the lunch. T h u r s d ay m o r n i n g the residents had their second round of exercises for the week. Then we had a big group out for bingo. Everyone enjoys playing this fun game. Friday we had 10 residents in the Activity Room for lunch. They enjoyed the smell of the barbecue floating around. The burgers and hot dogs were delicious. To end Friday the residents had sing-along.
Saturday morning was Home Sweet Home Bingo. On the weekends the residents enjoy playing some sort of picture bingo. The Saturday movie for this week was “Dreamer.” Anything to do with animals is always a thumbs up from the residents.
Sunday morning was one on one time. Arelee did the service at church this week. After church a few of the residents spent time outside on our patio. Was a perfect day to get some Vitamin D. Have a wonderful day to our family and friends of Biggar!
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BCS2000 Pr Principal’s report by Terry Braman I love this time of year. The sun has finally made an appearance for a few days, NHL hockey playoffs are in full swing and BCS 2000 is buzzing with spring fever. The staff and students are all very busy and are working hard towards a much deserved summer vacation. I believe the saying involved for this would something to do with a light and the end of a tunnel. Furthermore, some very exciting news that I know everyone will be talking about . . . The Toronto Maple Leafs are in the playoffs and they won a game! If they keep this up I just might have to unpack and dust off the jersey. I might even leave the embarrassment bag I have been wearing over my head for the last decade at home but that is a big step for me.
The Authors’ Showcase Committee would like to thank all of the staff and students who helped with the planning, set up and take down of our event. Everyone should be very proud of all of their hard work. Students from Pk to Grade 6 were treated to a puppet show based on Robert Munsch books by Wide Open Puppet Theatre; K-5 students had an opportunity to listen to Jaylene Duckworth talk about her story while Grade 6-12 students had a book talk from Arthur Slade. A few art students got to spend an hour with tattoo artist (and illustrator for Jaylene’s story) Topher Quring and learn a few tips on drawing. Both of our authors, Arthur Slade and Jaylene Duckworth were impressed with not only the displays and decorations in the
Kids Mental Health All children, even very young ones, can experience stress. It affects their physical health, makes it difficult to concentrate, to learn and get along with others. Work with your kids to find healthy coping skills that work for them. Ask what is bothering them and try to understand how they feel. Help them find solutions of their own. Do things together. Being active is a great way to relieve stress no matter the age. Don’t forget hugs and words of encouragement.
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commons area, but of the quality of work and effort the students put into their art and writing. Jaylene was blown away by the warm reception and the questions the students asked her about her book A Fraidy Pants Liar. I want to thank our Author’s Showcase organizing committee for putting on another fantastic event. This event has become a tradition in our school and I have always been impressed with it every year. A big thank you to Ms. Chupik and Mrs. Isinger for all the work they do. I really hope Mrs. Isinger will answer the phone next spring when Ms. Chupik calls her and asks her to help organize while she is enjoying the retirement life! In the wise and somewhat funny words of one Kimberly Fick, “Holy Surveys Batman”. We appreciate all of our families participation in the surveys that we are asking you to complete lately. This is very important feedback for the school division to make important decisions for the future. A big thank you from everyone here at the school for your help. Here is this week’s quote. “You miss 100 per cent of the shots you don’t take.” Wayne Gretzky Have a great week!
For Health Sake! Allergies by Carmen McGregor, B.S.P., Biggar Pharmasave People are breathing a sigh of relief that winter has finally come to an end a warmer weather is on the horizon. But spring brings with it the beginning of what can be a long and agonizing season for allergy sufferers. Allergic rhinitis, also called hay fever or pollinosis, literally means “allergic nose inflammation.” Allergic rhinitis affects about 20 per cent of Canadians. Sufferers typically experience symptoms including sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, and itchy eyes and throat. Most people with allergic rhinitis know they have it, although it can sometimes be confused with the common cold. Allergic Rhinitis symptoms are typically present for greater than seven days and associated with exposure to an irritant or allergen. Spring attacks are
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usually due to snow mould followed by tree pollen, while grass pollens dominate in the summer and weed pollens in the autumn. Most people with allergic rhinitis are sensitive to more than one allergen.
It is important to check with your pharmacist before selecting a product as some prescription medications and medical conditions may interact with these agents. Often these treatments work best if started before
“Spring attacks are usually due to snow mould followed by tree pollen . . .” The best way to prevent allergic rhinitis is to avoid the allergen. Keep in mind that it is not always possible to control the environment or to eliminate or avoid allergens, especially those that are airborne. Many people need medication treatment for relief. Fortunately, most people respond well to medications. The therapy of choice will depend on your symptoms, the severity of your symptoms, your past response to medications, and other medical conditions that you have, if any. Treatment for mild symptoms is usually antihistamines taken orally. Decongestants may also be helpful shortterm to alleviate nasal congestion symptoms.
allergy season and used on a regular basis for the duration of the allergy season or exposure. A corticosteroid nose spray can be tried if antihistamines aren’t working. Corticosteroid sprays can be used if rhinitis symptoms are chronic or if symptoms are moderate to severe. Your pharmacist can assess your allergy symptoms and, if deemed appropriate, may prescribe one of these agents without you having to pay a visit to your doctor’s office. If you need help managing your allergy symptoms this season don’t hesitate to come into your local pharmacy where your friendly, knowledgeable pharmacist is eager to help you breathe easier!
Report from the Legislature by Randy Weekes, MLA, Biggar (1 May, 2013) Saskatchewan will soon be home to the four brand-new private liquor stores. The stores will open by summer 2014 – two in Regina and two in Saskatoon. Sobeys will operate outlets in Saskatoon’s Stonebridge neighbourhood and on Rochdale Boulevard in northwest Regina. The other Regina store will be run by Willow Park Wines and Spirits in the south Regina neighbourhood of Harbour Landing. The fourth store will be operated by the Saskatoon Co-op in the Blairmore neighbourhood. Currently, Saskatchewan’s liquor retail system is a mix of public and private operators: 79 public liquor stores, about 185 private businesses operating as rural liquor franchises and approximately 440 private off-sale outlets. The serious problems of bullying and cyberbullying were the focus of an important debate held recently in the Saskatchewan legislature. Legislators from both sides of the House united in their support of the efforts of the federal, provincial and territorial Justice Ministers to protect our kids from cyber-bullying, including making it illegal to share intimate images without consent. This kind of activity played a tragic role in the deaths of two teenage girls on opposite sides of Canada in recent months. Our government has also created a new, Web-based resource for anti-bullying information: education. gov.sk.ca/Anti-Bullying.
This site contains links to information and resources for educators, families, children and youth. It will be kept up to date as Legislative Secretary to the Minister of Education (Anti-bullying Initiative) Saskatoon Fairview MLA Jennifer Campeau begins her important work this spring and summer. Ms. Campeau will host public consultations and meet with interest groups and individuals. She will use the information she gathers to make recommendations to the Minister of Education for an anti-bullying strategy for the province. We need to do more to not only protect our children from bullying and harassment, but to drive home the point that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. An important milestone has been reached on the road to the province’s first Children’s Hospital. The Government of Saskatchewan has approved detailed plans for the hospital which were designed with the input of patients, families, staff and physicians. Another example of putting patients first, this announcement builds on the early design of the hospital approved last July by including details on things like how patient rooms and family areas will be set up. After months of intensive work, the Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan project team created a detailed design that will best meet the needs of patients and health care professionals, while incorporating detailed population forecasting
Need a service . . . any service, check out the
to ensure the facility will meet the needs of a growing city and province. The project team will now focus on the final mechanical, electrical and structural details so that the contractors can start building the hospital. Construction is expected to start in early 2014 with a completion date of late 2016. With the spring melt now underway, the Saskatchewan Water Security Agency (WSA) is actively supporting hundreds of communities and groups working hard to prevent and control flooding. If you
need support and/or assistance with activities such as sandbagging, installing culverts, clearing channels or building berms, please contact the WSA at 1-866-727-5420. Their Web site: wsask.ca is also a great source of information. The mobile version of the site allows you to check daily river and lake levels. Other services being provided include free bacteriological testing of your well or cistern water by the Saskatchewan Disease Control Laboratory – to see if you’re eligible for testing and to get forms and sample containers,
go to at health.gov.sk.ca/ flooded-private-wellsfact-sheet. And with how quickly flood conditions change, the Highway Hotline will be staffed 24-7 until the threat of flooding subsides. Road closures and traffic restrictions will be on the Highway Hotline Web site and provided via social media. By working together, we will ensure that you and your family stay safe. When you filed your taxes this year, it’s likely you paid a lot less in provincial income tax. Tax cuts made by our government 2007 have
Biggar Rec. Valley High School Rodeo & Farm Safety Day -- everything located in Biggar Rec. Valley
y a M 2 1 10
• Pancake Breakfast, 7 to 10 a.m. • JR. HIGH DIVISION starts at 9 a.m. Shooting Clinic at Gun Range • 8 a.m. • One hour lunch featuring the “Build a Cowboy” program and Buckaroo/Bucharett Rodeo • JR. HIGH SHOOTING EVENT everyone meet at the Entry Gates, 1 p.m. • HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION RODEO to follow, approx. 1 p.m.
pages 19, 20, 21
gres Far sive Ag ric m Frid Safety ulture ay, M Day ay 10
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resulted in big savings for many families and individuals in Saskatchewan. For example, a family of four making $50,000 in 2013 will pay just $207 in provincial income tax, compared to $2,032 in 2007. That’s more than $1,800 that stays in your pocket. As outlined in the Plan for Growth, our government will continue to cut taxes as long as those reductions are affordable and sustainable, within a balanced budget. If you have a question about this Legislative report or any other matter, just contact Randy.
• Pancake Breakfast, 6:30 to 9:30 a.m. • JR. HIGH DIVSION starts at 8 a.m. • SR. HIGH SHOOTING EVENT, everyone meet at the Entry Gates, 8:30 a.m. • One hour lunch featuring the “Build a Cowboy” program and Buckaroo/Bucharett Rodeo • HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION RODEO to follow, approx. 12 noon
Friday, May 10 OPEN BARREL JACKPOT Reg. @ 3:30 Starts @ 4:30 Enjoy your weekend Local Rodeo entries and Jackpot inquiries Call Monika @
Happy and Safe Trails Home to Everyone
Perdue Community Bowl season wrap up Mixed Bowling League LHS - 228 - Joyce Broeckel; LHT - 504 Joan Edmison; LHA - 175 - Joey Levitt; Ladies Most Improved - Deb Broeckel - +20. MHS - 301 - George Bartley; MHT - 707 Dennis Notschke; MHA - 189 Al Levitt; Mens Most Improved - Calvin McMahon - +14. League Champs - Smiling Five - 85390, George Bartley, Joey Levitt, Al Levitt, Arlene Bartley, Lorie Reichert.
Club 55+ LHS - 216 - Elizabeth McMahon; LHT - 552 - Dot Curtiss and Most Improved - +4; LHA - 163 - Kay Munro; MHS - 278 - Gerald Nicholls; MHT- 670 - Tom Davies; MHA - 195 - Al Levitt and Most Improved - +6; League Champs - Bee Gees - 84521, Bob Mason, Jim Brown, Tom Davies, Dot Curtiss, Elizabeth McMahon
Mens League HS, 283, George Bartley; HT, 68z, Dennis Notschke; HA, 186, Al Levitt; Mens Most Improved, Bob Lemon, +10; Mens League Champs, Jag- 59347, Jim Nicholls, Al Levitt, George Bartley.
Ladies League HS, 278, Donna Eaton; HT, 669, Joey Levitt; HA, 184, Dorrie Laberswieler; Ladies Most Improved, Arlene Bartley - +13; Ladies League Champs, Zeros - 84307, Joey Levitt, Erma Bettschen, Joan Dolan, Arlene Bartley, Ruth May.
Blazers Junior Badminton The Junior Badminton team had a good second half of the season. They attended tournaments in Maidstone, Outlook, and Rosetown. Highlights include Teagon Polsfut and Tyrelle Hooper winning the boys doubles at the Rosetown tournament.
Intrasectionals were held at BCS on April 17 where BCS played off against Landis and St. Gabriel schools. The Blazers managed to move onto Sectionals in seven of 16 spots. Sectionals were at BCS on April 24 with the top teams from Rosetown and Plenty in attendance. Danessa
Hollman (girls singles) and Teagon Polsfut and Tyrelle Hooper (boys doubles) advanced to Districts in Kindersley on Saturday, April 27 where Danessa finished third, and Teagon and Tyrelle finished fourth. Thank you to all Junior Badminton players for a great season!
Blazer Senior Badminton Wrap Up Well the season is over and this was another great year of Senior Badminton at BCS 2000. The team attended tournaments in Wilkie, Rosetown, North B a t t l e f o r d , U n i t y, Maidstone as well as hosting our own. Throughout the year there were many great finishes. The team started their end of the year playoff run by Hosting Intrasectionals on April 16. Here the Blazer team took 13 of the 16 available spots including
four first place finishes. Next, those 13 athletes attended Sectional play in Rosetown on April 23. Here the Blazers took nine of the 16 available spots, with three first place finishes. These nine athletes qualified for District playoffs at LCBI in Outlook on Saturday, April 27. All our teams p l ay e d w e l l b u t t h e highlights were Clarke Sopczak finishing first in Boys Singles and Ceejay Lehnert and Edyn Keith finishing first in Girls Doubles. This allowed Clarke, Ceejay and Edyn
to compete in Regional Playoffs on Saturday May 4 at Walter Murray in Sakatoon. Here they all played well with Ceejay and Edyn finishing third. Special thanks to all of the teachers, students, and parents who made this another successful year. Good luck to our all our graduating grade 12s, Edyn, Ceejay, Devin, Bailey, Kyle, Catlin, and Jared. Keep playing badminton whenever you can.
YBC Bowlers Skylar Elliot - Bantam Girls HA- 91; Brayden Wilkinson - Junior Boys HS - 222; Danielle Munro - Jr. Girls HA- 164; Dakota Anderson - Junior Girls HS- 158. Team Trophy - YBC T r y s t y n We g w i t z , Brayden Wilkinson, Adam Munro, Emmett Hamilton, Wyatt Pavloff - Bantam Boys HD - 198; Emmett Hamilton - Bantam Boys HS - 148 and Most Improved Bowler - +22 Adam MunroBantam Boys HA - 111; Linden Pavloff - Bowlasaurus HS - 72; Haydyn Wegwitz-Bowlasaurus HS - 64; Trystyn Wegwitz - Bantam Girls HS - 102; Cadence Watson - Bantam Girls HD - 159.
Bowler of the Year - Sandra Pavloff
Sci-Fi and agriculture make strange partners In addition to holding basically a lifetime interest in agriculture I also happen to be a fan of science fiction. The two areas of interest occasionally converge, and frankly I am never sure if that is a good thing, or a bad one. On the one hand there is the Gene Roddenberry vision of science fiction exemplified by his Star Trek works. Not everything in the world
of scientific development is without its bumps in the Star Trek world, smaller bumps were seen pre-Hollywood, but humankind always dealt with such bumps in a way which left our species enjoying a rather enlightened future. George Orwell in A Brave New World didn’t see things as rosily as R o d d e n b e r r y, a n d i t would seem most science fiction writers fall into
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the Orwell camp in terms of what lies ahead, even if many ultimately see the human spirit triumphing. So by now, as a reader, you are wondering what this has to do with farming. Well regular readers will know I am a pretty big proponent of genetic modification in agriculture, and that view hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t changed. In a perfect world we might not need GMO but our species has long ago made sure Earth is far from perfect anymore. And a bit like locusts and lemmings, we continue to wildly grow world population, leaving us few options but to look for innovative ways to feed everyone. That is why I shudder at a development such as the so-called â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;terminator geneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; technology which would have crops producing essentially sterile grain. It puts too much control of food production in commercial hands and takes it away from everyday people. Now I read about Monsantoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s research and development work on RNA interference (RNAi) for pest management. Apparently RNA interference is a process to turn down or shut off the expression of certain genes, which suppresses the production of a specific protein in an organism, which Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll admit is a concept well
above Grade 12 biology taken 35 years ago even if Jim Weseen was a fine instructor. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In the case of crop pests, RNAi could potentially shut down proteins related to metabolism or reproduction, thus killing or disabling target insects,â&#x20AC;? related a recent Western Producer article. â&#x20AC;&#x153;. . . RNA interference is alluring because it can be tailored to a specific pest, unlike pesticides that kill harmful and beneficial insects alike.â&#x20AC;? So, yes I can see the faces of researcherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and even those of farmers lighting up. The ability to attack particular insects with a specific RNAi created application, and have it be effective sounds great. We are, after all, aware that when you spray for a certain bad bug, you generally take all its beneficial cousins with it. But there are inherent concerns which come with such science.
by Calvin Daniels
Nature has a way of mutating organisms, and we know too organisms inherently adapt, that is why some poisons now effects rats less than they once did, germs become resistant to certain medications, and weeds to certain herbicides. How nature might adapt to RNA changes over the long term is a mystery which harkening back to my science fiction interest, might not be particularly good. There is also the issue that while in its purest form science is neither good, nor bad, people are far more white and black.
One should always worry at least a little about what sort of applications a science might be being adapted for in a few military bunkers and madman labs out there. We might like to think such things are merely the stuff of fiction, but we only need to look at some of the research being undertaken in Nazi Germany to know science can be easily twisted. The more that science flirts with changing the building blocks of life, the more diligent we need to be before accepting even the first step down such an uncertain road.
Record exports in March Saskatchewan exports reached another record in March 2013, totalling $3.16 billion, the highest ever for the month and up 8.7 per cent from last year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Exports are one of the main staples of the Sas-
katchewan economy,â&#x20AC;? Minister responsible for Trade Tim McMillan said May 2. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Saskatchewan is an investment friendly province and our competitive environment allows companies to grow their business and develop
the products in demand world-wide.â&#x20AC;? Compared to last March, exports were up in a number of key areas including farm, fishing and food, up 5.0 per cent, metal ores and non-metallic minerals, up 36.9 per cent, metal and non-metallic mineral products, up 39.5 per cent and consumer goods up 109.8 per cent. Merchandise exports continue to climb in 2013, up 7.8 per cent in the first three months of the year when compared to the same period last year, the highest percentage increase among the provinces. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Right now Saskatchewan is the envy of many other jurisdictions because of the diversity of our exports,â&#x20AC;? McMillan said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are a secure and stable supplier of food and other products which has attracted customers in emerging markets and bodes well for the future of this important area of our economy.â&#x20AC;?
planting, pruning & puttering . . . planting by Delta Fay Cruickshank of The Independent
I grew leeks last year and shared them with my neighbours. I gave the bigger ones to my neighbours, and kept the smaller ones. I promised that this year, I too will get big leeks to add to my soups and turkey pot pie! I have started looking into how to grow bigger leeks. The first thing of course is to buy seeds that produce big plants! But, because I do not have an area to start plants, I am at the mercy of the garden centre’s choice in leek varieties. So far, I am late in creating a perfect bed for the leeks. All I have found suggests digging up the plot and fertilizing with a well-rotted manure, in the fall! Well, I haven’t done that! I want to talk about the well-rotted manure versus compost debate! I have always found it hard to get well-rotted manure . . . manure that has lain, covered for a couple of years. The pile must get hot enough to heat up and kill the weed seeds. A manure pile that steams all winter long, is a good beginning for well-rotted manure! If the manure is not cooked well, weeds will be a real problem! The compost that we can get at our dump, is great. But, you must take it from the bottom, inside the pile, then you know that it good and cooked and all the weed seeds are baked! I have compost bins at home, and have no weeds in it, but then, it makes such small quantities, I save it for pots. My neighbours garden has very few weeds, and his soil comes from the inside bottom of the piles at the dump! This service is exceptional, please don’t abuse it by throwing nonbiodegradable things into the piles you leave in the alley! Don’t make your neighbours shift out all that nasty stuff to get to the gold! Back to learning more about getting bigger
Leftover turkey and leeks, in a rich sauce, covered with puff pastry, so good! One method of planting leek plants is to use a ‘dibbler’, right photo. leeks! They prefer a very sunny spot, right, but, I have to look at what was planted there previously. To avoid the introduction of pests and disease, I will not grow them in the same spot as last year. Research suggests that they do well following last year’s crop of cabbage, lettuce or peas. Now, maybe where I grew the sweet peas last year will do just fine . . . lots of sunshine, well-drained . . . will be along the path into the garden. There are two ways to plant the leek plants. Before each method, water the bed the day before. In one method use a dibbler and make holes six inches deep and six-nine inches apart, the further the distance b e t w e e n p l a n t s, t h e larger they will become! Cut a bit of the roots of the plant to one inch, and the top and drop into the hole. Fill the hole gently with water. As the water recedes, enough soil will collapse around the root to keep them upright. As hoeing for weeds goes on the hole will gradually fill up with soil. The other way is to dig a one foot deep trench. In the bottom of this trench, add three inches of well rotted garden compost and then six inches of good top soil. Plant the baby leeks 10 inches apart and upright on top of this and water well. Keep the area well watered, and fertilize regularly with manure or compost teas. Hoeing frequently will create
a dust that helps to conserve moisture. In mid-August, it is time to start blanching the leeks. Blanching means to create an environment where light is prevented from turning a portion of the stem green and tough. It will stay white and more tender, perfect for slicing for that turkey pot pie! Use dry, fine textured soil and fill in the trench to the bottom of the lowest leaves. Continue this until the plants stop growing. If I decide to plant in the method using a dibbler, push soil up two inches each time during hoeing. Of course, one can buy collars to help blanch the stems too, maybe collars could be made with something free; brown paper tied up with string? Even with the collars, continue hoeing the soil up around the stem and if it is necessary, add more collars. This collaring will probably keep out a lot of the soil that gets in and is hard to wash out. Worth a try there! Leeks will be the last crop out of the garden. They will withstand all kinds of frost. I actually dug some out last year just as the soil was beginning to freeze, in time for the Thanksgiving turkey leftovers! Next year, bigger leeks in Biggar!
I would like leeks next fall . . . big leeks! The people from Wales use the leek to represent their country and in soups. I use them with pork, in soups, meat pies, stews and as gifts to my wonderful neighbours! There is just nothing as satisfying as handing someone you admire a basket of beautiful vegetables you have grown yourself. To make the basket even better, tuck in your favourite recipe using the vegetable. (Photos from google.com/images)
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Landis Locals Helen Buxton 658-2115 On Saturday, April 28, Ruby Lehnert’s family gathered at the home of her daughter, Judy and Jim Ochs, to celebrate Ruby’s 90th birthday. About 45 family members were there, and enjoyed a barbecue, and get-together. People came from Saskatoon, Nipawin, Kindersley and local areas. Ruby’s sisters, Maggie Lindgren and Jean Elliot were among the guests. One grandson, Dean Lehnert was not able to be there. Congratulations, Ruby, upon reaching such a great milestone! There was a good crowd out for the Mother-of-theyear bingo, sponsored by the Porter Communtiy Club on April 30. Our representative for Landis area this year is Denise Pek. On behalf of the Porter Club, Lois Leinenweber presented Denise with a gift, as did Wanda Sittler on behalf of the C.W.L. The bingo brought in over $600 which will be presented to Biggar Com-
munity Living on May 7, at their tea in Biggar. My house was a very busy place this past weekend. My sister Muriel and her husband Alcide Masson of Makwa and my sister Phyllis Munton and her daughter, Theresa Johnson of Brooks, Alberta were here. My daughter, Carol Stevenot joined us, and took over most of the kitchen duties for me (including roasting a turkey and baking pies). We spent quite a lot of time sorting through old family snapshots, trying to figure out who’s who, and updating the family history book that Theresa is compiling. The Munton-Bassett family are planning to hold a family reunion at Clearwater Lake in late July. It is wonderful to see the snow disappearing, and to have temperatures in the high 20s the past few days. Six months of winter are more that even the most avid skier or hockey player could want.
Auspicious day for Biggar! . . . The day finally arrived as the new senior apartment complex, Central Park Place, held their sod turning ceremony, May 1 at the Second Avenue East location. On hand for the event were, left to right: Sjoerd Huese, VP Bridge Road, George Fast, Gary Faye, Mildred Fast, Sharon Faye, Ray Sadler, Ken Rempel, Bridge Road, Brenda Anderson, Emil Itterman, Murray Anderson, Jean Itterman, Charlie Martin, Cheryl Desrosiers. (Independent Photo by Daryl Hasein)
Emergency Preparedness Week May 5-11 Know the Risks, Make a Plan, Get an Emergency Kit
Government Relations Minister Jim Reiter highlights the importance of emergency preparedness as several communities are responding to flooding. “A number of communities throughout the province are responding to flooding conditions right now and volunteers, local
2005 Chev Impala LS, white, 180,976km, StkT13194B ............................. $ 5,900 2006 Ford F-350 Supercrew Lariat, black, 134,703km, StkT13298B ....... $23,900 2006 Volkswagon Golf GLS TD1, silver, 142,740km StkR4922 ............... $12,900 2006 Chev Colorado crew 4x4, 151,961km ............................................... $14,962 2006 Chrysler PT Cruiser convertible, gray, 46,027km StkT13207A ......... $11,457 2007 Buick Allure CXL, blue, 72,882km StkC1325A ........................... $13,956 2007 GMC SLE ½ crew 4x4, gray, 165,011km, StkT13356A ........... $18,900
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and provincial governments are pulling together to respond to the task at hand,” Reiter said Friday. “It reinforces the need to be prepared for emergencies year-round.” One of the best ways that families can prepare for an emergency is to put together a simple emergency kit with enough provisions and supplies to last for 72 hours. Basic kits include items like: • Food that won’t spoil;
• Two litres of water, per person, per day; • First aid kit; • Flashlights and extra batteries; • A windup radio; • Prescription medications, infant formula or equipment for people with disabilities; • A copy of your family’s emergency plan. Emergency Preparedness Week is a national awareness initiative that has taken place annually since 1996. It is a collabor-
ative event undertaken by provincial and territorial emergency management organizations supporting activities at the local level. For more information about Emergency Preparedness Week, visit Public Safety Canada’s Web site at getprepared. ca. Information about flood preparedness and keeping yourself and your family safe can be found at gov.sk.ca/flood.
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National Road Safety Week:
Safety on the road ahead Learning to drive is a significant milestone in a young person’s life. While it can mark the start of true independence, a teen cannot become a safe driver without support and meaningful d r i v i n g e x p e r i e n c e s. Each new driver needs resources and training to safely navigate the road ahead. This National Road Safety Week, May 14 to 20, the Canada Safety Council is pleased to announce our partnership with Bridgestone to launch Canadian content for TeensDriveSmart. ca. The launch date will be announced later this summer. T h i s n e w We b s i t e will offer resources for teens and their parents, educators and even younger siblings on how they can support new drivers in becoming safe drivers. Through holistic education, our goal is to help reduced the number of injuries and deaths among young Canadian
drivers. According to Transport Canada, young driver and passenger fatalities continue to be very noticeable in motor vehicle collision statistics. Nearly 23 per cent of motor vehicle fatalities were 15 to 24 year olds in 2010, even though this age group makes up only 13 per cent of the Canadian population. Put another way, over 500 young people are killed each year in road crashes in Canada and a further 40,000 are injured, many seriously. Areas to focus on improving safety among young drivers include seatbelt use, impaired driving and distracted driving. Seatbelt use Seatbelt use has been documented to reduce the risk of serious injury and death. Transport Canada reports that while 93 per cent of Canadians buckle up, the seven per cent who don’t account for almost 40 per cent
of fatalities in vehicle c o l l i s i o n s. S e a t b e l t s save about 1,000 lives a year in Canada. More lives could be saved if everyone buckled up for every trip. Seatbelt use requires the active participation of the driver or passenger, and it is a habit that needs to be formed early and reinforced often. This is especially important for teens since they tend to be involved in collisions more often than more experienced drivers. In addition, it is important to know that in the event of a crash, unbuckled drivers and passengers can become projectiles and injure other vehicle occupants. The message is simple: when in a passenger vehicle, buckle up! Should a teen driver forget or neglect to buckle up, we ask other passengers to remind the driver to fasten his or her seatbelt. Impaired driving Impairment can have
Crop Inputs Shed Now Open Need to change seeding plans? We have a good stock of early maturing canola varieties. L120, DEKALB 73-15, Canterra 1990 and more!!! Call
Office located at 220 Main St., Biggar, Sask.
many causes – these include alcohol, drugs and fatigue. Young drivers between 16 and 24 lead the way in fatalities that involved alcohol and/or drugs. According to statistics from the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, 27.6 per cent of fatalities among this age group were impaired by alcohol. Compare this with 26.9 per cent of fatalities who were impaired by drugs. Teens need to recognize their limitations and understand the consequences of driving while impaired. These consequences range from the loss of driving privileges and hefty financial costs, to lifechanging serious injuries and death. Impaired drivers don’t just endanger their own lives – they endanger the lives of their passengers and other road users as well. Impaired driving is preventable and needs
to stop. The solutions are simple: don’t become impaired in the first place. Make alternate transportation arrangements if you are not in good condition to drive. Call a sober friend or parent. Take public transportation or call a cab. Stay overnight. Distracted driving In an April 2013 release, the Traffic Injury Research Foundation reports that drivers under 25 are far more likely than older drivers to send text messages or e-mails while driving. Among 16 to 25 year old respondents to a recent national survey, about 70 per cent admitted to sending text messages or e-mails while driving compared to 14 per cent of all respondents. Texting while driving increase the chances of being in a collision by 23 times. Hands-free texting has not been documented
to reduce this risk. The Canada Safety Council therefore recommends against the use of a cell phone while driving. Put the phone away out of reach so you won’t be tempted to check your messages while on the road. If you need to make a call or send a message, find a safe place to pull over and stop before reaching for your phone. Distraction comes in many other forms, i n cl u d i n g t a l k i n g t o passengers, programming a GPS, changing the radio station or your music settings or even eating or applying make-up behind the wheel! Be responsible – focus entirely on the driving task at hand. For the road ahead Teens are encouraged to take driver training and to access the many available resources on safe teen driving. Talk about, think about it and stay safe!
call: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 email: tip@sasktel.net www.biggarindependent.ca Box 40, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
A celebration of Eva’s life will be held at a future date. Arrangements in care of Saskatoon Funeral Home, (306) 244-5577. 19c1
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OBITUARIES Eva Evanisky It is with our deepest sadness we are announcing the passing of Eva Evanisky, 85, of Saskatoon, Sask. on Sunday, May 5th, 2013 at Royal University Hospital. Eva was born and grew up on a farm in the Arelee, Saskatchewan area. Eva was married to Nick Evanisky, October,16, 1949. Nick and Eva farmed for several years in the Biggar, Sask. area until 1978, when they moved to Saskatoon. In Saskatoon, Nick and Eva worked together at the Saskatoon Airport in the Airport Security area for many years. Eva also worked at Luther Sunset Nursing home and Horizon College and Seminary, formerly Central Pentecostal College. After retiring Nick and Eva’s love was spending time with their family and going to “the lake” fishing. Eva (Baba) was the one who always caught the most fish and still holds the family record for the largest fish. They enjoyed visiting with friends and playing cards for hours. Eva was involved in curling in Biggar and Saskatoon and in her later years took up bowling. Eva (Baba) loved cooking and always had something freshly made, whether it was her bread, borscht, perogies or a pie, you would never leave her house hungry. Eva is survived by her loving husband, Nick; son, Wayne (Marilyn) Evanisky and their children, Trent (Meridith Burles), Lyle, Krista Evanisky and Krista’s husband, Julian Yeo; daughter, Laura (Brian) Brownlee and their children, Heather (Jason Arntsen) Brownlee, Warren (Natpawee) Brownlee and their daughter Neesa Brownlee; daughter, Carol (Kim) Huffman their children, Nicole (Jordan) Hannigan and Bryce Huffman; as well as numerous nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be given to an organization of your choice.
Elizabeth Carter May 6, 1946 - May 4, 2013 It is with great sadness that the family announces the passing of Elizabeth Carter (nee Phillips) on May 4, 2013. Elizabeth left us while her loving family was by her side. Elizabeth lived in Thunder Bay, Ont. where she raised her three sons, before moving to Biggar, Sask., when she met her husband Howard Carter. Elizabeth loved her gardens, and was a wonderful cook, cooking for church and community functions. She loved being creative, crocheting and making quilts for all the children in her family. She loved being surrounded by family and friends. Elizabeth is survived by her sons, Ronald Everett (Carmen) of Martensville, Sask., Glen Everett (Cindy) of Saskatoon, Sask., and Morgan Everett (Bev) of Winnipeg, Man.; grandchildren, Britteny, Stacey, Shane and Derek. She is also survived by her brothers, Lloyd Phillips of Campbell River, B.C. and Charles Hillman of Winnipeg, Man.; sisters, Lorraine Hobley of Winnipeg, Man., Holly Daiter of Nakina, Ont., Eva Harman and Elta Lynch of Thunder Bay, Ont., and Sherry Hillman in England, UK; and numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, aunt and uncles survive Elizabeth. Elizabeth was predeceased by her husband, Howard Carter; her parents, Samuel Phillips, Dorothy Hillman; and stepfather, Leonard hillman; in-laws, Ronald and Lillian Everett; and many aunts and uncles. Her family and friends will forever miss her. God looked around his garden and found an empty space, then he looked down upon earth and saw your tired face. He put his arms around you and he lifted you to rest. God’s garden must be beautiful. He only takes the best! Funeral Services will be held on THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2013 at the Biggar United Church, Biggar, Sask. at 2:00 p.m., interment will proceed the service in Kelfield Cemetery, Kelfield, Sask. at 12:30 p.m. with Rev. Jane Gallagher officiating. Grondin Funeral Services, Biggar entrusted with arrangements, “Our family serving your family for 50 years”. gfsc1
For FAX service, see us at The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar
May 15, 2009 “Just eight years and four years ago Since our sad sorrows fell, But in our hearts we mourn the loss Of those we loved so well. The world may change from year to year And our friends from day to day, But never shall the ones we love From memory fade away.” Always cherished and remembered by Allan, Roy, Murray, Leanne, Kevin, Gerry and families
SATURDAY, MAY 18: You are invited to a bridal shower for Karla Link, bride-elect of Travis Poletz, in the Lutheran Church basement, 7th Ave. E., Biggar starting at 2:30 p.m. Cards in the drugstores. 19p2
Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at www.swna.com. tfn
SW 17-28-29W1 RM of Shell River, MB 80 acres Hay/Pasture/Bush For Farm/Recreation/ Acreage
Thank you to my neighbours and Biggar Fire Department for their help in containing the grass fire in my yard. All the help was greatly appreciated. Jim Kerr 19p1
Highest or any Tender not necessarily accepted.
COMING EVENTS SUNDAYS in May: Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans will be worshipping at St. Paul’s Anglican Church at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, May 26, guest speaker Maryann Assailly followed by potluck lunch. Everyone welcome. For pastoral services or information, please contact Pastor Mark Kleiner at 306-951-7122 or leave a message at the office, 306-9483731. 48/10tfn SUNDAYS… You are invited to the weekly services of Biggar Associated Gospel Church, corner Quebec St. and 8th Ave. West; Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.; Worship Service at 10:50 a.m. Everyone is welcome to join us. Contact our church office 306-948-3424, Tuesday through Thursday. 36tfn SATURDAY, MAY 11: #300 Fisher Air Cadets Squadron bottle drive, 9 a.m. - 12 noon. 18c2 MONDAY, MAY 13: Biggar & District Family Centre Annual General Meeting, 7 p.m. at the Biggar Family Centre. All people who are interested are welcome to attend. 17c3 JULY 8 - AUGUST 16: Biggar & District Family Centre’s Summer Preschool Program, Monday Fridays, 1 - 3 p.m. at BCS 2000. Cost $75 per child. If you have any questions or to register your child, call Georgina at 306948-5623 leave message. *This program is open to 3 and 4 year olds and 5 year olds that have not attended Kindergarten. 18c3
Closes 05/17/2013 204-937-7054 (Roy)
Katie Elizabeth Sagon, born April 9, 2013 at Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon, Sask. weighing 6 lb. 13 oz. and measuring 19.5 inches. Proud parents are Steven and Lindsay Sagon, proud grand parents are Jean and Doug Silvernagle of Biggar, Sask., Jean Cameron of Stoney Plain, Alta., and Ted Sagon of Tisdale, Sask.; proud great-grandparents are Gabe and Doreen Silvernagle, and Kate and Victor Sagon, all of Biggar, Sask.
NOTICE Families, clubs, churches and businesses are invited to do a Heritage Page to be on permanent display at Biggar Museum. Share your history! For more information call 9483451 or visit museum 1 - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. 7tfn This newspaper accepts advertisements in good faith. We advise that it is in your interest to investigate offers personally. Publications by this paper should not be taken as an endorsement of the product or service offered. tfn
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WANTED Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Landfill OR contact Quentin Sittler at 306-658-2132 3tfn Main Street Garage Sale is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 306-948-1773 or 306-948-5393. Pickup available. 32tfn Wanted All Wild Fur. Shed antlers and old traps. Call Phil (306) 278-2299 or Bryon (306) 278-7756.
CARS & TRUCKS WRECKING TRUCKS all makes, all models ..Dodge.. GMC..Ford.. Imports. Lots of 4X4 stuff...Diesel..Gas.. Trucks up to 3 tons.. We ship anywhere. CALL 306-821-0260 Bill... (lloydminster) reply text.....email...call blackdog2010doc@ hotmail.com... We ship same day bus..dhl... transport Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514. www.yourapprovedonline.com.
RECREATION 23 ft. Fifth-wheel Rustler, new fridge, one year ago, air conditioning, very nice shape, $6,000 O.B.O. Phone 306-9517501 18p3 1981 Econoline camper van, 24,000 original miles, fridge, stove, bathroom, very nice shape, $4,000 obo. Phone 306951-7501 18p3 1985 Yamaha Virago, 1,000 cc, new rubber, carbs and forks redone. Phone 948-7521. 36tfn 1985 Honda Goldwing, new rubber, shocks redone this spring, new battery, $3500 obo; phone 948-3344 34tfn
MACHINERY FLOODING - SPRING RUN OFF Protect your property with dewatering pumps from DSG Daily, weekly, monthly rental rates or easy purchase plans Call PJ 1-888-920-1507 www. dieselservices.com Located in Saskatoon.
Classifieds Work Phone 306-948-3344
(cell) 306-932-7771
High Quality Canadian Built Modular Homes & Cottages Over 175 Plans to Choose from. 60-90 Day Turnkey 10 Year Warranty Regina, SK Toll Free: 1-(855)-494-4743 Visit us online: www.prairiebilt.com
(fax) 306-932-4403
Buying/Selling FEED GRAINS heated / damaged CANOLA/FLAX Top price paid FOB FARM
Western Commodities 877-695-6461 Visit our website @ www.westerncommodities.ca
REAL ESTATE ONLY A FEW UNITS LEFT! 55 PLUS ADULT COMMUNITY. Ground Level Ranchers. www. diamondplace.ca 306 241 0123 WARMAN, SK Two serviced lots, side by side in Biggar, 100’x140’, $79,900. Call 717-4681 (cell) 5tfn
LAND for SALE FARMLAND WANTED NO FEES OR COMMISSIONS! Thanks again Doug for buying our property. Dealing with you and your company, Freshwater Land Holdings Co. Ltd., made the sale quick and efficient. It was a tough transaction, but you came through and kept all of the promises you made at teh beginning of our talks. I would recommend you to anyone who’s interested in selling quickly and efficiently. I will pass on your name to ayone who’s interested. Thanks again. Leo and Linda
SUMMARY OF SOLD PROPERTIES Central - 62 1/4’s South Central - 17 1/4’s East Central - 74 1/4’s South - 70 1/4’s South East - 22 1/4’s South West 58 1/4’s North - 6 1/4’s North West - 8 1/4’s East - 39 1/4’s FARM AND PASTURE LAND AVAILABLE TO RENT
Move in ready house located in Biggar, Sask. House features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a large upgraded kitchen/ dining room. Located on a nicely landscaped corner lot in a friendly neighbourhood with a new fenced yard and a beautiful underground pond. Also includes a garden shed and a new large 2-car detached garage. Serious inquiries call 306-948-2533 (leave a message if no answer). 14tfn
ADULT BASIC EDUCATION PROGRAM Great Plains College offers Adult 10, Adult 12 and GED prep programming in a welcoming, safe, adult classroom environment. ADULT 10 Study communications, life-work skills mathematics, science and social studies. Graduates are prepared to advance into the Adult 12 program or may apply to enter some post-secondary programs. ADULT 12 Designed to help you obtain a credential that is recognized by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education as equivalent to a 24-credit Grade 12 diploma. GED The GED test provides individuals with the opportunity to earn a credential recognized as demonstrating the knowledge and skills of a high school graduate—but gained in a different way. Full-time and part-time learning options are available. Apply today!
Biggar Program Centre (306) 948.3363 701 Dominion Street
CANADIAN MANUFACTURED backed by 10 year warranty -multi family, single section, motel style homes -Qualify for C.M.H.C.Financing FOR MORE INFO CALL 1.800.249.3969 www.medallion-homes.ca Hwy 2 South Prince Albert
One bedroom house for sale. All appliances included. Move in ready; $65,000. 216 - 2nd Ave. East, Biggar. Call for appointment, 306-948-2585 14tfn Three-bedroom home, completely renovated. Fully modern, energy package. Quiet neighbourhood. Close to school. Priced to sell. For viewing call: 306-948-9517 or 306-948-5627. 38tfn
Modular, Manufactured or RTM homes. A variety of homes in production or ready to ship Regina,SK 1-866-838-7744 Estevan, SK 1-877-378-7744 www.sherwoodhome.ca
ABE newspaper ad February 15 2013.indd 1
1.866.296.2472 info@greatplainscollege.ca
4/24/2013 4:56:58 PM
MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION RATED #2 for work-at-home. Train with the top-rated accredited school in Canada. Financing and student loans available. Contact CanScribe today at 1-800-466-1535 www. canscribe.com
FOR RENT Charter/ Sherwood Apartments 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundry facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwashers, air conditioning, parking with plug-ins. For more information call: Karen/Kevin • 948-9115 302 - 8th Ave. W. • Biggar
Nice Mullet! Does your “Barber” know you’ve gone “Silver”?
Happy 50th Birthday!
“18 years old with 22 years of experience!”
HOUSES FOR RENT 101-4th Ave. West, Biggar: 3 bedroom, 1-½ baths, no smoking, no pets. $950/month. Contact Harvey at 306-9487895 19c1 Two and three bedroom homes available for rent with fridge and stove included. For viewing, call 306-948-3674; 306-948-9517; 306-948-7022. 19tfn Stop in to… 1st Ave. West, Biggar 948-2700
If YOU are… • Moving • Expecting a Baby • Planning a Wedding • Anticipating Retirement Call WELCOME WAGON at
948-2563 - Lisa Haynes We have gifts and information www.welcomewagon.ca L A R O C H E L L E CONTRACTING: build fences and decks. For all your fence and deck needs, give me a call… 306-948-7390 19p3
General labourers needed for new Parrish & Heimbecker Elevator Carpenters, concrete work, and general construction Drop off Resumes at P&H OfÀce 220 Main St. Biggar, Sask. Or mail to: Dwight Teale Box 760, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 Call 306-873-9969
Western Sales, a growing John Deere dealership with locations in Biggar, Central Butte, Davidson, Elrose, Outlook and Rosetown is hiring permanent full time
Apprentice/Journeyman Service Technicians for our Biggar location situated at 101 Hwy 14 East. We require individuals to repair, troubleshoot, adjust, overhaul and maintain heavy duty Ag equipment including combines, tractors, seeders and sprayers. â&#x20AC;˘ Must be thoroughly familiar with tractors and farm equipment and have the knowledge and skill to make repairs properly. â&#x20AC;˘ Full job description available on request. â&#x20AC;˘ Must be able to work extended hours during spring and fall. â&#x20AC;˘ Compensation, $24 - $35 - rate is based on level of experience. â&#x20AC;˘ Required work experience, 3 - 5 years. We offer a full beneĂ&#x20AC;t package which includes medical, dental, disability, life insurance and matched pension. E-mail resumes toâ&#x20AC;Ś Attn: Rome Molsberry, careers@westernsales.ca or by fax to 1-306-882-3389. For more information you can also contact me at 1-306-882-4291 Only qualiĂ&#x20AC;ed applicants will be contacted.
HELP WANTED A & W Rosetown is accepting applications for the following positions: 1. Full time Cook - Needed immediately 2. One Position for 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Monday - Friday 3. Full-time and Part-time Staff
Quick Stop & Fas Gas Convenience Store Full/part-time CASHIERS needed at Quick Stop. Resumes can be dropped off or mailed to Box 452, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0
M & N Repair Ltd. Administrative Assistant Are you looking for part-time ofĂ&#x20AC;ce work? We are looking for a mature individual to work 2-3 days a week at a busy truck and trailer ship in Biggar, Sask. You need to be out-going, organized, dependable, efĂ&#x20AC;cient, and possibly bondable. You must have a valid driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license. This position would report to the business owner. Duties would include greeting customers, answering the phone, booking appointments, entering inventory, restocking parts, entering work orders, preparing invoices, collecting A/R, and general ofĂ&#x20AC;ce duties. Quickbooks experience is an asset. Please e-mail resume to mnrepair@sasktel.net or mail to M & N Repair, Box 418, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0. Only those considered will be contacted.
VILLAGE OF LANDIS seeks Administrator
t &YQFSJFODF QSFGFSSFE t $PNQFUJUJWF 4BMBSZ BOE #FOFĂĽUT HIRING IMMEDIATELY Please drop off resumĂŠ Attention Rick or send to Box 1090 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0 or email rfarrell.aw@sasktel.net 29-31c
TOWN OF BIGGAR, Saskatchewan EQUIPMENT OPERATOR POSITION The Town of Biggar is accepting applications for an in scope equipment operator position. QualiďŹ cations: Must be capable of and have the skill to operate and maintain all Town equipment including the grader, backhoe with loader, street sweepers, etc. Duties also include daily maintenance and record keeping for the equipment, monitor repairs associated with the equipment plus any other assigned duties. The applicant must possess a valid driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license with no restriction on license. Applicant must also possess a valid air brake ticket on license to be able to operate garbage truck and tandems. Knowledge of street maintenance, installation of water and sewer lines; ďŹ re hydrants and valves, and other municipal construction requirements is necessary.
The Village of Landis is accepting applications for the position of Administrator. The successful candidate will be responsible for preparation of tax and assessment rolls, handling residentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inquiries, accounts payable and receivables, payroll and other accounting functions associated with municipal government. QualiĂ&#x20AC;cations: 1. Preference will be given to those who hold a CertiĂ&#x20AC;cate of Local Government Administration. 2. Prior municipal experience and knowledge of the Munisoft computer system would be a deĂ&#x20AC;nite asset. 3. Prior accounting experience would be an asset. 4. ProĂ&#x20AC;cient in use of Microsoft OfĂ&#x20AC;ce applications. 5. Must be bondable. All potential employees are required to provide the Village with a criminal record check. If interested, please submit a detailed resume, with cover letter stating expected salary to: Village of Landis Box 153 Landis, SK S0K 2K0 Fax: 306-658-2156 Email: villageoĂ andis@sasktel.net Closing Date until Ă&#x20AC;lled.
The Town of Biggar would like to thank all who apply; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Contact US for oďŹ&#x192;ce supplies, forms and servicesâ&#x20AC;Ś â&#x20AC;˘ Photocopies â&#x20AC;˘ Faxing â&#x20AC;˘ Business Cards â&#x20AC;˘ Posters â&#x20AC;˘ Flyers â&#x20AC;˘ Rubber Stamps â&#x20AC;˘ Invoices â&#x20AC;˘ Envelopes â&#x20AC;˘ Letterheads â&#x20AC;˘ Phamphlets â&#x20AC;˘ Social Tickets â&#x20AC;˘ Draw Tickets â&#x20AC;˘ Programs â&#x20AC;˘ File Folders â&#x20AC;˘ Statements â&#x20AC;˘ Receipts â&#x20AC;˘ Menus â&#x20AC;˘ Resumes â&#x20AC;˘ Calendars and Day Planners â&#x20AC;˘ Address Labels â&#x20AC;˘ Sticky Labels â&#x20AC;˘ Christmas Letters
NEWSSTANDS @ â&#x20AC;˘ Esso â&#x20AC;˘ Leslieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Drugstore â&#x20AC;˘ Pharmasave â&#x20AC;˘ Quick Stop â&#x20AC;˘ Super A Foods â&#x20AC;˘ Shop Easy Food â&#x20AC;˘ Weasieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Gourmet Blends â&#x20AC;˘ Feudal Co-op, Perdue â&#x20AC;˘ The Store, Perdue
Call now for your FREE quote on all your printing needs. Ph: 306-948-3344 fax: 306-948-2133 email: tip@sasktel.net Box 40, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Please arrange to pick up your photos that have been submitted for publication.
... thanks, The Independent
SUBSCRIBE & SAVE â&#x20AC;Ś Get ALL the local news & coming events today!
Call The Independent â&#x20AC;˘ 306-948-3344 â&#x20AC;˘
Salary Rate: As per Union Agreement Further information can be obtained about this position from Barb or Marty at 306-948-3317. Applications including resume and references will be received in the OďŹ&#x192;ce of the Town Administrator, Town of Biggar, Box 489, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 24, 2013.
When you have something to sell, a classiďŹ ed ad is always working for you. So whether your prospect opens up the paper with his morning coffee or before bed, your ad is ready and waiting, and that could mean some quick cash for you. WHY NOT GET DOWN TO BUSINESS BY PLACING YOUR CLASSIFIED AD, TODAY! CALL 306ď&#x161;ş948ď&#x161;ş3344
DEADLINE For news, classifieds and ad copy MONDAYS â&#x20AC;˘ 5 P.M. for publication on thursday
Operation Overdrive targets impaired drivers Law enforcement across the province are taking part in a traffic safety blitz targeting impaired driving this week. Operation Overdrive, taking place May 8 and 9 province-wide, will see police going into overdrive to apprehend drivers impaired by drugs or alcohol. As the number one contributing factor to fatal collisions, impaired driving is a serious traffic safety issue in Saskatchewan. “With so many options available to get home safely, there’s simply no excuse to risk killing yourself or another innocent road user by driving impaired,“ said Andrew Cartmell, President and CEO of SGI. “Plan a safe ride home. Choose a designated driver, call a designated driving service, call a cab, take the bus or use SGI’s free Safe Ride App.” Last year in Saskatchewan, impaired driving contributed to nearly 1,300 collisions, resulting in 59 deaths
and more than 700 injuries.* “People who drink and drive aren’t just choosing for themselves; their decisions and actions can take someone else’s life or change it forever,” said Chief Troy Hagen, President of the Saskatchewan
Association of Chiefs of Police. “With our partners, we will continue diligent enforcement of the laws, but true progress comes with changing attitude toward drinking and driving and making this recklessness forever unacceptable.”
Operation Overdrive will be held in conjunction with a Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) event occurring in Weyburn, resulting in a concentrated effort in that area. During the Operation Overdrive blitz last May, law enforcement issued
more than 1,300 tickets, including 50 impaired driving charges. Now that spring is finally here, motorists are reminded there will be more vehicles on the road, including bicycles, motorcycles and campers, so please
take extra care, drive safely and never drink and drive. * 2012 numbers are preliminary. Impaired driving collision statistics include collisions where alcohol or drug use was a contributing factor.
Documents Act (PIPEDA), which applies to commercial activities in the Atlantic provinces, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and the Territories. Quebec, Alberta and British Columbia each has its own law covering the
private sector. Even in these provinces, PIPEDA continues to apply to the federally regulated private sector and to personal information in interprovincial and international transactions.
… Internet, cont. from page 2 protecting their privacy.” Some of the issues that Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada will consider when it examines a few hundred Web sites as part of the Internet Privacy Sweep include: • Does the site have a privacy policy? • How difficult is it to find information about the site’s privacy practices? • Is contact information for addressing privacy questions and concerns readily available? • How readable is the information about privacy practices?
The goals of the initiative include: increasing public and business awareness of privacy rights and responsibilities; encouraging compliance with privacy legislation; identifying concerns which may result in follow up actions such as targeted education and/or enforcement; and enhancing cooperation amongst privacy enforcement authorities. The Privacy Commissioner of Canada is mandated by Parliament to act as an ombudsman and guardian of
privacy in Canada. The Commissioner enforces two federal laws for the protection of personal information: the Privacy Act, which applies to the federal public sector; and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic
ADVERTISING doesn’t cost ...
Please arrange to pick up photos that have been used for publications.
…Thanks, The Independent
Tim Hammond Realty
Mortgage Associate
Licenced for:
Saskatoon - Biggar Office
113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar
DUANE NEUFELDT Licensed For: • Residential • Acreage • Farm
306-948-5052 (office) Cell 306-948-9168
403 Main St., Biggar
306-948-8055 Fax: 306-948-2763 www.DuaneNeufeldt.com
Proud sponsor of Children’s Wish Foundation
Tim Hammond,
www.TimHammond.ca www.FarmsofCanada.com
BSA, P.Ag., Broker
Proud to handle Biggar’s Real Estate Needs
Tim Hammond Realty of The Battlefords Independently Owned and Operated
FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS… • Selling/Buying • Residental • Farm/Acreage • Commercial • Recreational
FOR RENT BIGGAR HOUSING AUTHORITY Housing for families and seniors Rent based on income
Call: 306-948-2101
FAX SERVICE at The Independent
Wally Lorenz
Broker License #316322
•Farm •Residential •Commercial •Acreage
403 Main St., Biggar direct. 306.948.5200 cell. 306.303.9025 The Mortgage toll free phone. 1.877.734.3216 Group toll free fax. 1.877.734.3219 License #315872 email. kevin.kurulak@mortgagegroup.com
Licenced for: •Residential
Sales Associate 1391 - 100th St. North Battleford, SK S9A 0V9 Day or Night
Cell: (306) 843-7898 Bus: (306) 446-8800 znerol.w@sasktel.net
113 - 3rd Ave. W., Biggar
306-948-5052 (office) Cell 306-948-7995 Cari McCarty
www.TimHammond.ca http://Cari.TimHammond.ca
Residential Sales
Biggar’s Top Performing Residential Agent This space in this directory is available for only
$161.20 plus gst…
Tim Hammond Realty Licenced for: •Farm •Acreage •Residential • Commercial rd
113 - 3 Ave. W., Biggar
one column x 2 inches for 26-week prepaid commitment (regular price is $19.88 per week = $516.88 plus gst)
Call 306-948-3344
306-948-5052 (office) Cell 306-948-4478 Dave Molberg
www.TimHammond.ca www.FarmsofCanada.com
Exposure, Experience and Effort.
¾ Auto & Home Insurance ¾ Farm & Commercial Insurance ¾ Health & Travel Insurance ¾ Life Insurance & Investments ¾ Farm Succession & Estate Planning ¾ Notary Publics Landis Of¿ce Hours: Biggar Of¿ce Hours…
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wednesday, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
304 Main St., Biggar Phone: 306-948-2204 Toll Free: 1-855-948-2204 Website: www.biggarinsurance.ca Email: biggar@biggarinsurance.ca
100 - 2nd Ave. W., Landis Phone: 306-658-2044 Toll Free: 1-855-658-2044 Website: www.landisinsurance.ca Email: landis@landisinsurance.ca
“We’ll getcha covered”
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bear Hills Rural Development Corporation Box 327 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
Helping you Help yourself Phone:
306-948-2295 Fax: 306-948-5050 ELECTRICAL
AURORA CONSTRUCTION & HAPPY AMPER SERVICES • Sewer • Water • Power • Drainage • Footings
Electrical Installation & Maintenance
Authorized Appliance Depot Electrical Wiring Trenching Licensed Journeyman Adrian de Haan
PHILLIPS ELECTRIC • Residence • Commercial Wiring For free estimates Ph: 306-948-5393
Cell: 306-221-6888
For all your home, business and rural needs Owners/Operators • Travis Young • Dallas Young • Claude Young
Biggar, Sask.
Biggar Professional Building, 223 Main Street, Biggar
For appointments… 1-855-651-3311
Licenced Journeyman Carpenters Troy McCarty 306-948-5627 (H) 306-948-9280 (C) Mitch McCarty 306-373-8254 (H) Serving Biggar ... Since 1968
Biggar, Sask.
• painting & finishing • decks & small buildings • light plumbing • windows & doors • laminate & hardwood floors • general repairs
Call Jim @ 306-948-3333
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
• residential or acreage • FREE estimates and fence designing • full service or premade for the do-it-yourself handyman • tongue and groove style
306-951-7666, Murray; 306-948-2953, Walter (h)
306-948-4565 (c)
LAROCHELLE CONTRACTING Build fences and decks For all your fence and deck needs, give me a call…
Posters Menus Programs and Booklets Phamphlets Christmas letters File Folders Sticky Labels Address Labels Social Tickets Draw Tickets
Call us now for your FREE quote on all your printing needs.
Phone: 306-948-3344 Email: tip@sasktel.net Box 40, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
jacklinandrews@ gmail.com
306-918-7264 Your Healthy Living
Weight Loss & Wellness Centre
Consultant & Coach Anne G. Livingston •Ideal Protein Weight Loss Clinic •Epicure Selections •Walden Farms Products •Young Living Essential Oils •Beauticontrol Skin Care www.beautipage.ca/annelivingston
Located in Angie’s Hair Salon 219 Main St., Biggar Call 948-7274 or 948-3696
Michelle Spuzak, R.M.T. (NHPC member) Located @ New Beginnings Wellness Centre, 114 - 2nd Ave. W., BIGGAR
Services available…
• Shamanic Healing • Psychosomatic Therapy • Massage • Emotional Release Therapy
- together with -
30 min. Circuit Gym
Northland Foaming
Spray Foam Insulation
306-948-2805 Cell: 306-948-6062 Email: northland83@yourlink.ca Want to insulate your quonset, farm/commercial buildings, house or cabin? Lower your heating and cooling costs and add strength to your buildings!
For FAX service, see us at The Independent, 102 - 3rd Ave. West, Biggar
Canadian Seed Institute Accredited Pedigree, Commercial & Custom Cleaning FULL line of Cleaning Equipment including Gravity Table
Excellent Quality at a Reasonable Price! For all your Cereal and Pulse Cleaning Call: Bill: Dale:
306- 948-2807 or 948-5609 948-5394
Plant located 8 miles south of Biggar on Hwy #4, ¼ mile west on Triumph Rd.
McNULTY’S MOBILE SEED CLEANING Custom Cleaning of H.R.S. & C.P. S. Wheat
Phone: 306-948-5678
will clean wheat, barley, durum, CPS wheat, oats, peas and lentils.
Reasonable rates For bookings, call Jason
306-948-2887 or cell 948-6969
BIGGAR DENTAL CLINIC 104 - 6th Ave. East, Biggar, Sask. Southeast entrance of Nova Wood Bldg. Hours… Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
…owned and operated by Brett Barber
Located in the Nova Wood Centre (back entrance) 104 - 6th Ave. E., Biggar
(306) 948-3776 cell: (306) 260-6503
Mundt’s Mobile Custom Grain Cleaning
Ladies Only
New Stucco & Restoration…
Calendars and Day Planners Presentations and more…
Wylie Farms Ltd.
Email: nix1@sasktel.net
interior & exterior painting, textured ceilings, drywall, mud & tape
; ;
Dan… 306-281-5090 Chad… 306-280-1524
modernlookhomerenos@gmail.com www.facebook.com/modern.look.35
Jacklin Andrews, MSW, Counsellor
• Five Inch Seamless • Fascia
acrylic Ànish, full system foam, paper/ wire, pargings/ICF blocks, custom pillars & battons, repair/service
~ Gift Certificates ~
Nick Maguire 948-3325 (home) 948-4558 (cell)
Evening, Saturday and in-home appointments available. 306-948-2548 or 948-9710
- Handyman Services - Labour Hire Service FREE quotes Prompt Honest Service
Wood and Steel Buildings Floor & Trusses
Portraits, Family, Weddings & Sports Photography
Faxing Photocopies Envelopes Letterheads Business Cards Receipts Invoices Statements Rubber Stamps Flyers Resumes
Photos by Jocelyn
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
• framing • additions • windows & door sales • siding • rooÄng • drywall & Änishing
Exterior Painting
Kirk Ewen
In Biggar Every Tuesday.
“Big or Small -We Do Them All”
NCM Home Maintenance - Interior and
Journeymen Plumber, Gas Fitter, & Electrician on staff
Doctor of Optometry
• Commercial • Residential • Design Builder • Insurance Claims • Renovations • Drafting Service
available to do…
for all your electrical needs
Dion Harrabek 306-948-2657 cell: 306-948-9136
For all your roofing needs… ¬New Construction ¬Metal ¬Torch-on ¬Re-roofs ¬Tile ¬Asphalt ¬All repairs ¬Shakes We offer 10 Year Workmanship Warranty and Liability/Torch On Insurance Excellent Local References For a FREE estimate please call… 306-948-5453
DMH ELECTRIC Construction, consulting and Maintenance Licensed Journeyman
www.madgeroofing.com Biggar, Sask.
Electrical… 306-658-3004 Excavation… 306-951-7667 BIGGAR ELECTRICAL & REFRIGERATION SERVICES
• Commercial • Industrial • Residential
New Beginnings Wellness Centre “Putting PERSONAL back into fitness training!” Wayne Baldwin, PFT, CPTA, CNHC
Specializing in Exclusive Seasonal Personal Training Sessions! …for weight loss, body sculpting, strength training.
Offering… One-on-One Rehab & Therapy Sessions * Limited Memberships available to fully equipped Private Fitness Studio & Cardio Room Gift Certificates available
Visit us @ 114- 2nd Ave. W., Biggar Where you can feel right at home! Phone… 306-948-2548 Cell… 306-948-8048
115 - 1st Ave. W. Rosetown, Sask.
OFFICE HOURS Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone: 882-2123 Emergency (after hours) 882-2006
NEWSSTANDS @ • Esso • Leslie’s Drugstore • Pharmasave • Quick Stop • Super A Foods • Shop Easy Food • Weasie’s Gourmet Blends • Feudal Co-op, Perdue • The Store, Perdue
BUSSE LAW PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Barristers & Solicitors Stuart A. Busse, QC Larry A. Kirk, LL.B. Bonnie L. Reddekopp, JD 302 Main Street, Biggar, SK
306-948-3346 …serving your community since 1972
Chartered Accountant Notary Public 201B-2nd Ave. West
P. O. Box 1480 Biggar, Sask.
Phone: 306-948-5133
after hours George: 948-4042 Corner of Main Street & 1st Avenue West, Biggar
¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Criminal Law Commercial Law Real Estate Law Wills and Estate Law and our lawyers, William Roe, Q.C. Jason Peszko Lisa Watson look forward to assisting you and can be contacted at:
223 Main Street Biggar Box 580 Biggar, SK SOK OMO
OPEN: Mon.-Fri. • 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday • 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
948-2700 Your Auto Parts and Accessories Dealer Open: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. • 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
948-2183 Email: ddolack@sasktel.net Website: www.hrblock.ca
A small firm that provides quality professional services to our clients on a personalized and timely basis.
Services include:
Roderick B. Campbell, CMA • Bookkeeping • Tax Returns • Financial Statements
•Auditing and Accounting •Corporate and Personal Tax •Financial Statement Preparation •Farm Tax and Agristability We are accepting new clients in Saskatoon and surrounding area. 624 Duchess St. Saskatoon, SK S7K 0R1
Ph: 306-933-2970
Ph: 306-948-4430 or 306-948-4460
rod.campbell@sasktel.net Box 988, Biggar, SK
Jeff Gorman, C.A. Spencer Beaulieu, C.A.
INVESTMENTS For all your investment needs, Visit…
Rosetown, Sask.
Small moves and deliveries with ½ ton truck
Ph/fax: 306-948-3856 or cell: 306-948-7896
701 - 4 Ave. E., Biggar
Robert Hoesgen, CFP
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc.
227 - 1st Ave. East, Biggar
Owned & operated by Kevin Fick
YH Truck, Ag & Auto
Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc., and mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities Inc. ®Credential is a registered mark owned by Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license.
Financial Planning Estate Planning Life Insurance 222 Main Street 306 948 5377
info@twhfinancial.ca www.twhfinancial.ca
Panasonic, Samsung,
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Canada and Saskatchewan invest $65 million for Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program Support for long-term Water Infrastructure to benefit producers and grow the industry Friday, Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and S a s k a t c h e w a n Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart announced $65 million over five years for the Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program (FRWIP). “Our government is focused on helping create jobs, growth, and long-term prosperity for Saskatchewan’s hardworking producers,” said Ritz. “I am pleased that Saskatchewan producers will continue to have access to this program as another tool in their toolbox to help build their operations and our overall economy. Building farm and ranch water infrastructure is an important way to increase producer profitability and secure a safe future for provincial water supplies and our producers’ livelihoods.” “Establishing a secure source of water is crucial to the long-term success of Saskatchewan’s farmers and ranchers,” Stewart
said. “This investment in long-term water infrastructure such as wells, dugouts, pipelines and irrigation infill, is essential to the future growth of Saskatchewan’s agriculture industry and our economy.” FRWIP, which was first introduced in 2008, helps farmers, ranchers, First Nation bands, rural municipalities and irrigation districts develop long-term, reliable sources of water and the related infrastructure necessary to support their agriculture businesses. Since 2008, more than $49 million in federalprovincial funding has been invested through FRWIP to help establish nearly 5,500 wells, dugouts and pipelines. In addition, since 2007, the federal and provincial governments have provided $20 million for infill funding which has increased irrigation capacity by nearly 12,000 acres. The program has now been enhanced to include a new component for Agricultural Business Development for
Thank you, Mom! . . . Some really special ladies were honoured Tuesday at the Prairie Branches (formerly Biggar Community Connections) Mother’s Day Tea at the Biggar Community Hall. The tea raises money for the Biggar residents of the group intensive livestock and horticultural operations. As well, value-added agricultural businesses and non-district irrigators are now eligible for funding. “SARM appreciates the continuation of this investment in rural Saskatchewan,” SARM President David Marit said. “We look forward to the development of many more community wells, on-farm wells and dugouts that will ensure a reliable source of water for the agriculture industry for years to come.” “FRWIP has been a valuable program for livestock producers
Showing the ropes to the new kid . . . St. Gabriel School Kindergarten registration had a current students showing next year’s group the classroom, May 1. The kids were pretty excited to set forth on their new adventure. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
in Saskatchewan,” Saskatchewan Stock Growers President Harold Martens said. “Many wells, dugouts and pipelines have been developed and we thank the federal and provincial governments for continuing this program.”
home, and this year recognized nominees (from left to right): Ann Muc, Willa McIlwain, Bonnie Roesch, Sharon Fisher, Lois Pedrotti, Linda Dyck, Denise Pek and Joyce Wirachowsky. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)
“We appreciate the long-term commitment to develop more irrigated acres in Saskatchewan,” Saskatchewan Irrigation Projects Association Chair Roger Pederson said. “Irrigation not only adds value to farmers’ and ranchers’ bottom lines
but it also contributes to the provincial economy as a whole.” Funding for the Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program is provided under the federal-provincial Growing Forward 2 framework.
Enforcement authorities launch international Internet Privacy Sweep A group of 19 privacy enforcement authorities from around the globe – including the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada – are participating in the first annual international Internet Privacy Sweep. The Sweep is an initiative of the Global Privacy Enforcement Network, which connects privacy enforcement authorities to promote and support cooperation in cross-border enforcement of laws protecting privacy. “Privacy issues have become global and they require a global response,” says Privacy Commissioner of Canada Jennifer Stoddart Monday. “It is critical that privacy enforcement authorities work together to help protect the privacy rights of people around
the world.” The first Internet Privacy Sweep, which runs from May 6-12, includes authorities from: Australia, Canada, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Macao, Macedonia,New Zealand, Norway, United Kingdom and the United States. In Canada, the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia is also taking part. During the week, participating authorities will dedicate individuals within their organization to search the Internet in a coordinated effort to assess privacy issues related to a common theme. The theme selected for the first Sweep is Privacy Practice Transparency. “Transparency is one
of the privacy basics; organizations need to be open and clear with people about how they collect, use and disclose personal information,” says Commissioner Stoddart, whose Office is acting as international Sweep coordinator for this inaugural year. “ I m p r o v i n g transparency is especially important in the online world, where researchers have estimated it can take people up to 250 hours to read all of the privacy policies they encounter in a year. Long, legalistic privacy policies can be almost impossible to understand and navigate, therefore making it extremely difficult for individuals to make meaningful and informed decisions about …See Internet, pg 19
Opinions ........................................................... 4 Sports ...............................................................10 Agriculture ......................................................11 Classifieds ................................................16 - 18 Business & Professional Directories ........19 - 21
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Gov’t approves detailed design of Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan G o v e r n m e n t demonstrated its continued support for the Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan with design development approval April 30. After months of intensive work, the Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan project team created a detailed design that will best meet the needs of patients and health care professionals, while incorporating detailed population forecasting to ensure the facility will meet the needs of a growing city and province. The work completed during design development builds on the early design of the hospital approved last July and adds in the details such as how patient rooms and family areas will be set up throughout the hospital. When parent Tara Johnson first sat down with staff, doctors and architects to begin designing the details for the new maternal and children’s hospital, she had a long list of wants. The project team spent eight months working with design teams in Saskatoon which included staff, physicians and families. Four weeklong sessions had teams closely examining the layout of each room in the building to determine how each would be set up, from location of gases and clinical equipment to family space within the room. Teams of families also worked on the layout of the lobby and the numerous dedicated family spaces throughout the hospital. To ensure the hospital truly reflected the needs and wants of Saskatchewan, the project team had reached out provincially to gather input from children, teenagers and families through classroombased and mail-in design activities, community design sessions, on-line surveys and an open house. Design ideas were also gathered from current pediatric patients at Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon and members of Saskatoon’s newcomers’
community. “What we learned through this phase of work was remarkable, and this input helped shape the interior and exterior design,” Saskatoon Health Region’s VP Integrated Health Services and executive sponsor of Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan Jackie Mann said. “We learned children, teenagers and families want to feel some of ‘home’ in the building while incorporating natural light with bright colours and patterns. We also learned that what’s important in this hospital went beyond paint colours and images. We were clearly told it’s the quality of care patients and families receive, the respect they are shown and the ability to include families as part of the care team that will truly make this hospital exceptional.” Today, work continues to move the design forward for additional approvals. The new facility will sit on University of Saskatchewan lands and will border the river valley. In March, the project team received Development Review approval from Meewasin Valley Authority. The project team will also be taking the Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan project for Development Review approval to the June 2013 meeting of the University of Saskatchewan Board of Governors. Through the rest of 2013, the project team will complete construction documents from the design plans. These will add the final mechanical, electrical and structural details and will give contractors the information they need to build the hospital. The team will also be working with staff, physicians and families to finalize the interior colours and textures. This work will provide the last details needed to create the final image of the new hospital. Construction is scheduled to start early 2014 with completion late 2016. The approved project budget remains at the July 2012 governmentapproved funding of $229.9 million.
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ROAD SHOW RETURNS TO BIGGAR AFTER DISCOVERING HUGE TREASURE Canada’s largest appraiser and buyer of silver coins and gold estate jewellery uncovered a massive collection of gold and silver during their stop in Biggar last year. The Canadian Treasures Road Shows two day stop in Biggar last year was nothing out of the ordinary with local folks coming into the show selling their silver and gold coins and unwanted or unused gold jewellery. People usually have a few hundred dollars cooming to them from the sale of their items reports Road Show manager Amy Luccianio; however, we were in shock when a gentleman walked into the show with a dolly loaded with ice cream pails and tobacco cans full of silver coins. When we began to sort through the coins it became very obvious that this would take several hours as there was thousands and thousands of coins both Canadian and U.S. The huge collection was accumulated over 50 years by the now current owners grandfather, Kevin Scott, who himself just recently retired. Mr. Scott shared his amazing story of how his grandfather found mot of the coin while working at the municipal dump in Brandon, Manitoba. Papa was the only employee at the dump for 33 years and during that time he set up a small car washing and cleaning side business at the dump and it was free of charge in exchange for any pop bottles or beer bottles the customers would donate. Papa also offered a free interior vacuum service with the car wash and he would always Ànd a few coins in the ashtray or on the Áoor and most of the time his customers would tell him to keep the coins. For 30 some years, Papa would come home each day and put the few coins in a glass jar and over the years the collection turned into hundreds of jars of silver coins. I can clearly remember my grandfather saying, “someday we will be rich, rich, rich when I sell my coins” and then he would break into a big belly laugh that would rattle the dishes in Grandmother’s china cabinet. Papa never did cash in his coins however he spent many a night picking out what he thought would someday become rare or collector coins and would tell me someday this coin or that coin would be worth a fortune. My grandfather passed on many years ago and left his collection to my sister and I. Now with us retiring, we decided we would see what the collection would be worth so we brought them to a coin collector in Edmonton and they offered us only a few hundred dollars however we declined his offer and when we learned The Canadian Treasures Road Show was coming to Biggar, we loaded them in the car and brought them there and we are sure thrilled we did, said Mr. Scott. After several hours of going through the coins, the road show staff had in fact discovered 21 U.S. silver dollars that had the rare mint mark from the San Francisco Mint and these coins alone are worth $1,600. They also uncovered one half ounce gold coin and seven 1/4 ounce gold coins. The gold coins I decided to keep and give to our grandchildren; however, as none of our children or grandchildren have an interest in coin collecting, we decided to sell the bulk of Papa’s silver coins as they were worth many times their face value as the price of silver is at world record highs. The total weight of the coins was 102 lbs. and the Road Show staff offered us a fantastic price of… well let’s just say Papa was right when he said someday we would be, rich. It was sad to hand over Papa’s coins but we are sure he would get a huge belly laugh if he knew his silver coins earned us enough to pay for a big part of his great grandchildren’s schooling.
The Road Show is returning to Biggar at the MacPherson Hall FRIDAY, MAY 17TH 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
These rolls of coins are worth $200.00 at the Bank. We will pay you $725.00
These pails of coins are worth $800.00 at the Bank. We will pay you $2,400.00
These bags of coins are worth $1,400.00 at the Bank. We will pay you $3,600.00
WHAT’S IN YOUR TREASURE CHEST? We also provide discrete private in-home appraisals. Please call Amy or Gloria FREE at 1-250-819-4050
No Amount too Small or Too Big We buy it all “CASH ONLY” Sponsored by Canadian Gold & Silver Exchange since 1932 Proud sponsors of the 2013 Veteran’s Society of Canada Fund helping those who helped us.
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