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RCMP Report From Country Thunder

Saskatchewan RCMP police officers responded to 105 calls for service related to the Country Thunder musical festival between Wednesday, July 12 and 7:00 a.m. Monday, July 17, which resulted in 26 in custody. For comparison purposes, last year

Saskatchewan RCMP received 126 calls for services, which resulted in 32 in custody. Below is a summary of the calls for service and results of pro-active patrols by the Saskatchewan RCMP over the Country Thunder festival. Officers were dedicated to road safety for the duration of the festival and responding to any calls for service in the area.

Generally, the calls for service included:

· 27 calls for disturbing the peace/causing a disturbance (Section 175(1) of the Criminal Code)

· 24 liquor act offences (ex. AGRA tickets issued, public intoxication)

· 14 roadside suspension for alcohol impairment –3 day and 60 day suspensions

· 7 calls to assist the general public (ex. assisting until EMS arrives on scene)

· 4 operating motor vehicle while impaired, over .08mg% limit (Section 320(1)(a),(1)(b) of the Criminal Code)

· 3 reports of items lost/ found (ex. driver’s licences, wallet)

· 3 mischiefs, damage to or obstruct enjoyment of property (Section 430(3) and (4) of the Criminal Code)

· 2 reports of an assault (Section 266 of the Criminal Code)

· 2 calls to report impaired drivers

· 2 calls to assist non-RCMP agency (ex. executing warrants)

· 2 motor vehicle insurance coverage violations (ex. driving without registration)

· 1 report of an assault with weapon or causing bodily harm (Section 267 of the Criminal Code)

· 1 roadside suspension for drug impairment – 60 day suspension

· 1 mental health act (ex. assisting Regina Police Service with locating an individual)

· 1 obstructing justice (Section 139(2) of the Criminal Code)

· 1 report of a family dispute

· 1 report of a theft under $5,000 (ex. a generator)

· 1 person in possession of cocaine

· 1 cannabis act offense (ex. consuming cannabis in public place)

· 1 report of a suspicious person/vehicle

· 1 report of credit card being stolen

· 1 call to complete a well- being check

Of these calls for service, 15 individuals received suspended driver’s licences due to alcohol or drug impairment, four of which are also facing criminal charges. On Saturday and Sunday, the Saskatchewan RCMP conducted a proactive traffic initiative in partnership with Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) to ensure impaired drivers were taken off Saskatchewan roadways.

“I am proud of the collaboration amongst all officers and representatives present during the event,” says S/Sgt. Tim Sartison from the South District Management Team. “Our officers ensured they were accessible to respond to calls for services and maintained traffic safety. We assisted and worked closely with our partners, some of which include, Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency, Saskatchewan Highway Patrol, Saskatchewan Government Insurance, Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority, event organizers, and on-site festival security to ensure a safe weekend.”

Advanced and pro-active planning is a crucial part of the Saskatchewan RCMP’s operational plans to identify potential risks and reduce concerns for public safety, specifically for busy weekends and larger events, such as Country Thunder. The Saskatchewan RCMP would like to thank the public for following police direction over the weekend and for helping to keep Saskatchewan roadways safe.

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