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Little Big Stars . . . Biggar Minor Hockey hosted an Initiation tournament for the future stars, Saturday at the Jubilee. Hockey players from the area hosted players from surrounding communities, making for a pretty fun day on the ice. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Vol. 108 No. 02


16 pages




Biggar Central School Senior Blazers hosted their home tournament, January 6-7. Blazers were dominant on the weekend taking wins from Rosetown on Friday, keeping their momentum on Saturday, defeating Delisle then Davidson by six points in the final. (Independent Photos by Kevin Brautigam)



Government announces move to single provincial health authority Change will reduce administration while improving coordination of health services

Health Minister Jim Reiter accepted all of the recommendations of the Saskatchewan Advisory Panel on Health System Structure, January 4, and announced the province will consolidate the 12 existing Regional Health Authorities (RHAs) into one single Provincial Health Authority. “One Provincial Health Authority that is focussed on better coordination of health services across the province will improve the quality of care patients receive,” Reiter said. “It will also reduce administration and duplication across the health system. “This change represents a consolidation of administration, not a centralization of services. Our government remains committed to providing highquality health services in every part of the province. Our goal is better coordination between the health services provided in different areas of the province.” Along with the recommendation to move to a single Provincial Health Authority, the Advisory Panel recommends the appointment of a single Board of Directors to govern the new Authority. The report also recommends systemwide improvements that include consolidation of health system

administrative support functions and some clinical services such as laboratory and diagnostic imaging, and the planning, dispatch and delivery of Emergency Medical Services (EMS). “We recognize the changes we are recommending are significant,” Advisory Panel member Dr. Dennis Kendel said. “The AdviThree on one . . . Biggar National Initiation this age the only strategy is to put smiles on sory Panel encourages players get a bit bunched up as they push into faces, and by the looks of the players, misthe provincial governthe offensive zone during their home tourney, sion accomplished! (Independent Photo by Kevin ment and senior leadSaturday, January 7. It didn’t matter - at Brautigam) ers within the health system to take the time required to ensure a out the transition to the new Provincial ations. smooth transition.” While the date the new Provincial Health Authority, our number one goal This is a significant change, and it will take time to create a new Provincial Health Authority will come into being is will be to ensure patients receive the Health Authority. Work on implementa- still to be determined, it is anticipated same or better care. “I thank the Advisory Panel for its tion planning has already begun at the to occur in fall 2017. “We want to do this quickly, but it thoughtful report,” Reiter said. “I am Ministry of Health. A comprehensive plan is being developed that will work is important to do this right,” Reiter confident that implementing these recthrough critical implementation details, said. “The priority will be planning ommendations will result in the most including legislation, governance, finan- for a smooth transition and ensuring effective and efficient health care struccial and change management consider- patients are always the focus. Through- ture for Saskatchewan.”

2017 Clothing Exchange in full swing! by Chanda Newton The Biggar Family Center Clothing Exchange program is a fee service that provides practical assistance to community members of all income levels. Run entirely by volunteers and donations, the exchange carries seasonal clothing and footwear for the family. Currently, upwards of

30 people frequent out location on exchange dates. Parents stop by to trade gently-used sneakers and clothes for the next size. New mothers gather to share their supplies and experiences. Community members meet for coffee and clothes. And all infant blankets are passed along to an anonymous community member who

creates beautiful memorial projects for stillborn babies in Saskatchewan. Items are $0.25 each; all money directly impacts Family Center programs. Straight trade is practiced for visitors bringing items for donation. Those in need are invited to take what they require of donated clothing, diapers and baby toiletries,

at their preferred discretion. Our thanks to the community individuals and organizations who continue to donate high quality items to our program! As per request, the centre now accepts toys, kid’s books and diapers. New items are coming in daily, made possible in part by a grant from

SaskEnergy. Having a clean, easily accessible, high standard of stock allows donors and volunteers to feel comfortable and confident in keeping these

resources in rural Saskatchewan. We care about the quality of our merchandise and believe that wealth should not be a condition for respect.

GAS PRICES AT THE PUMP… WEDNESDAY, JAN. 11, 2017… noon (stations randomly selected)

Biggar ...............................................105.9.9¢/L Duperow Cardlock ...........................106.9¢/L Perdue… ...........................................106.9¢/L Landis Cardlock… ............................106.9¢/L Wilkie ...............................................107.9¢/L Unity .................................................107.9¢/L North Battleford… ............................102.9¢/L Rosetown… .......................................106.9¢/L Saskatoon .........................................104.4¢/L Kindersley ........................................101.9¢/L Lloydminster ....................................105.9¢/L Humboldt .........................................100.9¢/L Swift Current ....................................105.9¢/L

Lottery Numbers 649 - Sat., January 07 01, 10, 18, 19, 23, 27 Bonus 48 Extra 6214040 649 - Wed., January 04 02, 11, 13, 23, 35, 48 Bonus 30 Extra 4276733 Western 649 - Sat., Jan. 07 14, 18, 27, 37, 40, 41 Bonus 28

Western 649 - Wed., Jan. 04 06, 10, 26, 35, 47, 49 Bonus 30 Lotto Max - Friday, January 06 10, 13, 18, 19, 38, 47, 48 Bonus 42 Extra 4971645 Western Lotto Max - Fri., Jan. 06 16, 20, 27, 33, 40, 45, 49 Bonus 36

This We Th Week . . . Snow Shower . . . Nat netminder, Laurie Flasch, gets a face full of snow from a pair of Eatonia Huskies, Saturday at the Jubilee. Flasch did pretty good

between the pipes on the evening, but penalties killed the Nats as they fell 5-4 in OT. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

Opinions ....................................... 4 Agriculture .................................... 7 Sports ........................................... 9 Classifieds .................................... 11 - 12 Business & Professional Directory .. 13 - 14



Our farmers are Canada’s farmers So . . . Mr. Trudeau thinks the farmers belong to Brad Wall and Saskatchewan. Or so the Prime Minister claimed in an interview recently. Wall was quick to point out that the farmers in this province actually are Canada’s farmers. Let’s just check out a few facts from the Ag Canada website. The agriculture and agri-food system contributes $106.9 billion dollars to the Canadian economy (2013) and employs 2.2 million Canadians. Food processing is a huge industry in Central and Eastern Canada but without the farmers in Western Canada producing the crops in the first place those jobs wouldn’t exist. In fact, the food and beverage processing industry is the largest of all manufacturing industries in Canada. Shipments of this industry were valued at $98.8 billion in 2013 (the latest year statistics are available). As for feeding Canadians, consumers spent $189.1 billion on food and beverages. In short, according to the website, “the agriculture and agri-food industry contributes over $100 billion annually to Canada’s gross domestic product. That’s more than the national GDP of 2/3 of the world’s countries.” But, the Prime Minister wants to levy a carbon tax on farmers. I wonder if it should be pointed out to him the next time he sits down to a meal where the bread on his plate comes from, or the eggs or bacon or the steak he is eating. As the PM is embarking on a cross country tour, perhaps one stop should be at a rural community in Saskatchewan. Let him look down Main Street and take note of the vehicles parked there. The farmers buy Ford, GM and Dodge trucks -- the Big Three who have manufacturing plants in Ontario. Yes, Saskatchewan is proud of its farmers. But, Canada should be as well.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are welcome. They MUST be signed, approximately 300 words in length and are subject to editing.


Canada’s openness can be an advantage in the age of Trump by Glen Hodgson, Senior Fellow and Danielle Goldfarb, Director Global Commerce Centre, Conference Board of Canada President-elect Donald Trump’s likely isolationist approach to economic policy offers Canada an opportunity to capitalize by attracting top international talent, capital and ideas. Should the Trump administration close its doors to people and trade, Canada could take actions to counteract this by being open to the world. Key parts of the Trump administration’s economic policy agenda include: punishing imports and outward investment; restricting labour markets primarily to U.S. workers; massive business and personal tax cuts; and increased infrastructure spending. To be sure, some Canadian analysts are concerned that Mr. Trump’s policies could increase the stress on Canada’s economy. The future of Canada-U.S. trade is front and centre, although Mr. Trump’s objections to the North American free-trade agreement (NAFTA) are focused on Mexico. Canada has the benefit of a fallback position, since even in the unlikely event that NAFTA is abandoned, the previous Canada-U.S. freetrade agreement comes into play. Aggressive business-tax reform and much lower U.S. corporate and personal income-tax rates would present another challenge; Canada may need to respond to ensure we continue to have a competitive business and personal income-

tax system. While a more favourable U.S. tax environment could make it more attractive to live in the United States, Mr. Trump’s closed attitudes toward a number of groups might counteract that, helping Canada benefit from a brain gain. The United States has already raised subtle barriers to entry for people through the attitudes and language of the lengthy election period, and those barriers may get formalized in a Trump administration. Higher U.S. immigration barriers would create opportunities for Canada to attract top talent with the best ideas. If the United States adopts policies and attitudes unfriendly to foreign students, Canada could attract more international students to our universities, colleges and high schools. Attracting international students is arguably one of the smartest forms of immigration policy, since young people can quickly adapt to Canadian culture and languages while they develop their knowledge and job skills. International students also bring important revenues into our educational system. Similarly, we could attract more leading academics to Canadian universities and colleges, including Canadians now teaching in the United States. The same argument would apply to international knowledge workers that face barriers, even subtle ones, to working in the United States. Microsoft has already expanded its research facilities in Canada. Other global companies

Korea, and pursue new agreements with Asia-Pacific partners. Japan should be at the top of the list. Free-trade discussions with India are already taking place (although moving slowly), and there are other options to explore, including with China. Moreover, if U.S. climate-change and environmental policy goes backward, Canada could step forward on global green initiatives. Canada’s carbon policies will create incentives to develop low-carbon technology and services for countries that are investing in renewable energy, such as China. The U.S. low-carbon and green-tech market may become more limited in the near term under a Trump administration, but the global market is growing rapidly. The Conference Board of Canada is conducting research to understand better the low-carbon business and trade opportunities for Canadian firms. Unfortunately, many European countries—and now China—are more advanced in their low-carbon policy framework and the business activity in these countries’ green sectors bears this out. Thus, many Canadian businesses are in a catch-up position in the green tech space. As the Trump administration tilts toward closing U.S. borders to people and economic activity, Canada should do the opposite—creating a competitive advantage through openness to trade and investment.


the he Phone: 306-948-3344

could be encouraged to follow, especially from key parts of the knowledge economy such as Silicon Valley. Next, Canada could actively position itself as a hub for global and North American investment, and for openness to trade. Because it has the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and tariff-free access into the U.S. market, Canada will soon offer foreign investors from Asia and other markets a significant free-trade market advantage. Canada could capture a larger share of new Asian and European foreign direct investment. To be sure, Mr. Trump’s protectionist threats and deal-making could mean that companies keen on serving the U.S. market do their direct investment in the United States rather than abroad. But Canada’s stable, rules-based approach and openness to both trade and investment could help this country win even a small portion of new foreign direct investment intended for the United States, which would be a big gain for Canada. The federal government has already expressed a desire to attract more FDI, and the Trump trade policy agenda may provide Canada with an unintended opportunity. Canada could also recommit itself to free trade, particularly with Asia-Pacific—in spite of the expected demise of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. We could invest more time and energy in existing free-trade deals, such as with South

Fax: 306-948-2133

Publications Mail Registrations No. 0008535 Published by THE INDEPENDENT PRINTERS LTD. and issued every Thursday at the office of publication, 122 Main Street, Biggar, Saskatchewan, S0K 0M0 Publishers - Margaret and Daryl Hasein Editor - Kevin Brautigam Advertising Consultant - Urla Tyler Composition - Anastasiia Krasnova

E-mail: tip@sasktel.net

P. O. Box 40 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

COPYRIGHT The contents of The Independent are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of the publisher. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Biggar Independent invites the public to participate in its letters to the Editor section. All letters must be signed. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.



Desmond News

The Majestic Theatre Biggar



ipalities. For example, the Rural Municipality of Usborne No. 310 plans to resurface 22 kilometres of PG 668, which connects three communities, two potash mines and a large aggregate reserve. The Rural Municipality of Waverley No. 44 intends to replace two small bridges with large culverts to provide safe, all-season access. Also, the Rural Municipality of Big Arm No. 251 plans to replace Code Bridge with a single-span 12-metre bridge to avoid future road closures due to flooding and to provide

an efficient and reliable transportation route for the movement of grain, livestock and other agricultural goods. “The Government of Saskatchewan supports projects that invest in the local roads and bridges in our rural municipalities,� Government Relations Minister Donna Harpauer said. “A safe and efficient transportation system is the foundation of our province’s infrastructure that keeps Saskatchewan strong and makes life better for our citizens.�

“SARM is very appreciative of the Gas Tax Fund which is a predictable and dependable source of funding that the federal government has made available to Saskatchewan rural municipalities,� SARM President Ray Orb said. “Rural municipalities take the opportunity to use their GTF allocations to complete various infrastructure projects and SARM is still very hopeful that the current rural infrastructure funding gaps will be addressed in Phase 2 of the New Building Canada Fund.�


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Improving local roads and bridges in Saskatchewan’s rural municipalities Investing in infrastructure is vital to strengthening the middle class and growing the economy. Modern and efficient community infrastructure like roads and bridges contributes to a high quality of life by helping connect people to jobs, supporting local businesses, and ensuring Canadians can spend less time on the road and more time with their families. Based on project planning in 2016, the federal Gas Tax Fund (GTF) supported 309 local road and bridge projects in Saskatchewan’s rural munic-

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Neighbourly News

Board of Canada -- Long Road to Justice: The Viola Desmond Story. Her sister wrote a book about activism, which is a family trait. A song was written about her and she was portrayed on a commemorative stamp. Historica Canada dedicated a one minute clip to her. Desmond was granted a posthumous pardon in 2010 by the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia who invoked the Royal Prerogative of Mercy. It was the first such pardon to be granted in Canada. This pardon is granted only in the rarest circumstances and it was the first to be granted posthumously. This pardon recognizes that the conviction was an error. The Government of Nova Scotia also apologized and there was public acknowledgment of the injustice that was done. The first Nova Scotia Heritage Day was declared in Desmond’s honour. Her portrait hangs in Government House in Halifax.


Saint-Jean was instrurefused to leave the mental in obtaining the “white only� section and right for women to vote sit in the black section in Quebec. of the theRosenfeld atre. She was an was conOlympian victed of a who won tax violaa silver tion that medal for was used, the 100 at the time, metre to enforce dash. segregaDesmond tion. It fought was the against start of the discrimicivil rights nation. movement The winin Canada. ner was The story announced of her Peggy Hasein on Decemarrest was ber 8 so carried by now we know it was in The Clarion, a newsViola Desmond that was paper owned by a black chosen. She will appear person. Carrie Best, the on the Canadian $10 publisher, had previously banknote when the next published stories about series goes into circulasegregation and had contion in 2018. fronted the same theatre Since then we have in the past. Desmond heard a bit of her hishired a lawyer to repretory. She hails from Nova sent her in criminal trials Scotia, a black business but it was a lost cause. woman who went to a The story of Desmond movie one evening in was the subject of a 1946. Like American documentary produced Rosa Parks, Desmond by the National Film


Last year the Prime Minister announced that it was time to honour Canadian women, and one would be chosen to appear on a banknote. That started a round of nominations -- all very worthy women -- who contributed in their own way to Canadian culture. Some were activists, some were artists, some were achievers. In all there were 461 nominations and it was a challenge to whittle the list down. In the end five made the short list -- Viola Desmond, Pauline Johnson, Elizabeth MacGill, Fanny Rosenfeld and Idola Saint-Jean. If you are not familiar with the names, don’t worry, chances are many in Canada do not know either. A brief rundown . . . Johnson was the daughter of a Mohawk chief and poet. MacGill was the first woman to receive an electrical engineering degree and helped to build a fighter plane used in the war.

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Stuck! Sometimes I can’t see how anyone can read their stuff. After all, we’ve all been stuck sometimes during our lives! Sometimes I feel that The Independent people will give me the axe if I don’t do better! Actually, there are a lot of ways of being “stuck”. One of them being in an easy-chair (electrically adjusted!) staring at the ceiling (electricallit) and doing nothing! Having recently been “stuck” that way, and fearing that this column will end up “blahblah-blah!”, Yours Truly just picked up his almost dry pen and decided mebbe he should scrawl a few lines about being “stuck”. A good laugh at this time will do me a world of good - a good laugh at any time will do us good! But looking back I think of Joe (our neighbour) when he got stuck with his old Model T Ford. Mebbe this report of being stuck never happened to Y.T., but it is mebbe a bit more memo-

rable. Just after the war, as Phyllis and myself were living on the adjacent land, Joe our bachelor neighbour came down in his old car to see me. We were quite taken with Joe, and it seemed much that way to him too, so when we said “goodbye”, he climbed into his car and Y.T. went to milk the cows.

I was just going into the stable door when I heard a loud roar of an engine and saw a great cloud of steam rising down by the house, and ran back to see what it was. Joe had locked his old Model T back clean across the road and into the ditch into two feet of the spring water. I never could figure out the gears on an old Model T, and it obviously seemed that he didn’t

either. Joe climbed casually into the water. “I gave her everything she had”, he said. “But you know, Bob, it still couldn’t come out!” Like mentioned above, Y.T. never could figure out the transmission of a Model T. As a matter of fact, while driving the neighbour’s modern, satellite controlled machines, Y.T. would haller “Whoa” quite a few times before he finally drove them into the local lake! Also we mentioned about having a good laugh, but we never laughed at Joe for all his unknowledge (Hey, there’s a new word, eh?!) about driving one of those new fangled Model Ts. We just soberly walked up to our stable, got a team of horses, and pulled him out. The laugh came a lot later! Incident No 2: (The readers can stop here if they are tired of reading this stuff!) Two unmentionable, “would-be” feed-lotters, once asked Y.T. (the only real sucker they could find, I guess!) if he could

dig a well for them on a creek-bed east of Perdue. They had rounded up a few old gasoline barrels (30’’ inches in diameter) for cribbing, and down we went! The first few feet down were quite easy, but when we put the first barrel in for cribbing, Y.T., shovel in hand, had to really squeeze in. As there was barely room to move in there, Y.T. had to let the dirt pail down past his face, stand on it upside down and let them wind it into the ground. They always complained how heavy it was, but they never came down to see! When we had dug down 20 feet or so, all of a sudden I felt my feet getting wet inside my rubber boots. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I was sinking into some quicksand. Y.T. wrapped his arms around the

rope and yelled “Pull me up!”. Water and sand stopped flowing into the top of my boots, but they never moved when the boys above strained at the rope. I was stuck! Mebbe it’s a good thing that claustrophobia never Bob Mason showed up, for Yours Truly was in a good condition to go a little crazy. Instead, I tried to keep calm! A few drops of rain fell into the well and fell on

Notable Notes

my upturned face. “Is it raining up there?” I casually asked. One of the men above made a shabby reply. “A little,” he replied, “but that is really some of our sweat when we realized we had to bury you down there.” That did it! There was no choice! Y.T. straightened his toes a bit in his rubber boots, pulled his wet feet out of them, and they pulled me up. Whew! If the reader needs a nice new pair of rubber boots, he will find some No 12 sized ones at the bottom of an old abandoned well just east of Perdue. And as they drive by on their way to Saskatoon, they may hear a ghostly voice hollering: “Pull me up! Pull me up!” Note: I often think that our “society” in its excesses is worshipping the wrong thing. But again, having thought thing over. Y.T. knows that he is part of that “society”, and mebbe shouldn’t even be writing this! Note 2: But then again when we think of the many times that we have been “stuck”, mebbe there is a way out, eh?

HONEY BEE SEPTIC SERVICES… I have sold my business to Nathen Keller. Nathen will be making the same runs as I have been making for the last 27 years. I would like to say THANK YOU for your loyal support. Wishing you all well in 2017! …Bob Kobelsky Nathen Keller’s phone number is 306-843-8177 Wilkie or call me Bob at 306658-4474 and I will pass the message on to him. Once again, THANK YOU for all your support …Bob Kobelsky

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Price becoming more important than quality Canadian agriculture in the marketplace. producers have long Bakers desired Canaprided themselves in dian wheat for its milling being among the best in quality. The production the world. was tarIn terms geted to of dryland premium farming there markets. is little doubt T h a t Canadians s e e m s producers less an are good at advantage getting the today. most bushels Of course out of every as conacre. sumers we Certainly too tend to the technollook less at ogy is there. the quality There are of food, or numerous at least companies we tend Calvin Daniels to balance working to create ever that conbetter varieties to grow, sideration with price. not to mention working The idea of non-brand on the nutrient concoc- name products on the tions to optimize produc- store shelves seems to be tion, and of course the increasing. We are even chemicals to combat dis- now seeing store-speease, fungus and weed cific label lines, getting issues. aggressive ad campaigns, At one point the produc- even though they are tion of the highest quality often marketed as lower grains was a definite edge cost options.


The cost is definitely more of a factor on many levels today. Recently Farm Credit Canada (FCC), noted Canadian agriculture benefited from a relatively low dollar throughout 2016 and this trend is expected to continue into 2017. That was report at least according to J.P. Gervais, FCC’s chief agricultural economist. “There are certainly other factors that could influence Canadian agriculture, such as the global economy, the investment landscape, commodity and energy prices,” said Gervais in a release. He was speaking to his top five agriculture economic trends to watch in 2017. “The Canadian dollar, however, has been a major driver for profitability in the last couple of years and could have the biggest influence on the overall success of Canada’s agriculture industry in 2017.”

Gervais is forecasting the dollar will hover around the 75-cent mark and will remain below its five-year average value relative to the U.S. dollar in 2017, potentially making the loonie the most significant economic driver to watch in Canadian agriculture this year. The dollar means Canadian production can be purchased at a lower real cost. Marketers can walk into a foreign purchasing agent offering the usual quality we are known for, but at a price made lower by the dollar. There is of course a flipside to that dollar, as anyone who turns to online sources such as Amazon and ebay will recognize at present. And, a lower Canadian dollar will make a number of farm inputs more expensive, at least those imported to this country. It does come down to a trade-off, determining if the low dollar stimulates

sales enough to offset increased input costs. Gervias says it will. “Given the choice, producers are better off with a low-dollar than one that’s relatively strong

compared to the U.S. dollar,” he said. Whether those same economic realities will extent to the non-farming Canadian is perhaps less clear though.

Report from the Legislature (5 January, 2017) Government announces move to single provincial health authority

Our government has accepted all of the recommendations of the Saskatchewan Advisory Panel on Health System Structure, and announced this week that the province will consolidate the 12 existing Regional Health Authorities (RHAs) into one single Provincial Health Authority. Our government is committed to providing high quality health services across Saskatchewan and our goal is better coordination between the health services provided in different parts of the province. This change will also reduce administration and duplication across the health system. The Advisory Panel has recommended the appointment of a single Board of Directors to govern the new Authority as well as systemwide improvements that include consolidation of

administrative support part of an array of meafunctions, some clinical sures aimed at accomservices, plishing and the just that. planning, All Sasdispatch katchand delivewan ery of income EMS. tax A combrackets prehenand tax sive plan credit is being amounts developed will once that will again be work indexed through in 2017. critical This impleRandy Weekes, MLA, Biggar- means mentation Sask Valley indidetails, vidual including taxpaylegislation, governance, ers now pay no Saskatchfinancial and change ewan income tax on their management considerfirst $19,490 of income ations. While there is while a family of four no firm timeline for the pays no Saskatchewan establishment of the new income tax on their first Authority, it is anticipat$50,495 of income. ed to occur in Fall 2017. This is the highest taxSaskatchewan taxpayers free income threshold will save through indexfor a family of four in ation Canada. Our government is With these annual savcommitted to keeping ings, combined with Saskatchewan’s tax systhe income tax cuts we tem fair and competitive, introduced in 2008, that and yearly indexation is means: A single person

with a $25,000 annual income saves almost $1,000 each year; A family of four with $50,000 combined income saves $2,694 each year; and A family of four with $75,000 combined income saves $2,484 each year. Various reductions to personal income taxes will save Saskatchewan people more than $490 million in 2017, and have resulted in about 112,000 low-income residents being removed from the income tax rolls entirely. We will continue working to protect your pocketbook and keep taxes low. Tougher impaired and distracted driving laws now in effect Tougher impaired driving legislation was passed in the fall, with strengthened laws taking effect January 1, 2017. • Experienced drivers who are charged for the first time with having a blood alcohol content (BAC) over .04 will have their vehicle seized for

three days; • There will be zero tolerance for drugs and alcohol for all drivers 21 and under and all new drivers; and • Ignition interlock laws will be the strongest in Canada, with mandatory ignition interlock for drivers who register a BAC of .16 or greater or refuse to provide a breath sample (first offence - two years; second offence - five years; third and subsequent offence - 10 years). To help prevent distracted driving, the cellphone law has expanded from “using” a cellphone while driving to “holding, viewing, using or manipulating” a cellphone while driving. The following applies

under both the current and new cellphone law: • All drivers are prohibited from using hand-held cellphones. • Experienced drivers can use handsfree devices, but new drivers can’t. • If the cellphone is mounted on the dash, clipped to the visor or in a cradle, it’s considered handsfree and it’s okay for an experienced driver to use it, provided they can access the phone with one touch of a button or voice commands. You can visit SGI’s Web site at sgi.sk.ca for more information about these changes. If you have a question about this Legislative report or any other matter, just contact Randy.

Jim Reiter, MLA

Rosetown-Elrose Constituency 215 Main Street, Rosetown Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 5:00 Tel: 306-882-4105 Fax: 306-882-4108 Toll free; 1-855-762-2233 E-mail: jimreitermla@sasktel.net Box 278, Rosetown SK S0L 2V0 Please call with questions or concerns



Biggar Nationals vs Eatonia Huskies Biggar Nationals Player Stats #




4 7 9 11 12 14 15 18 27 51 61 89

Liam Boyle Gage Gray Kevin Fick Mike Ferguson Travis Granbois Keaton Silvernagle Derek Argue Curtis Piecowye Joe Bristow Kyle Dilosa Dylan Haynes Matt Bourgeois

0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 2 0

0 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 0

0 0 4 0 6 0 0 0 4 2 0 0

Biggar Nationals Goalie Stats # 1

Player Laurie Flasch (L)

MIN 62:46

SH 34

SV 29




35 Cruz McNulty (B)

National Kyle Dilosa puts it just a bit wide on Eatonia Huskie goalie, Ryan Knapton, Saturday in a 5-4 OT loss. Dilosa recorded a goal on the night and a goal and an assist the previous night in Wilkie. Dilosa, unfortunately, will be suspended for one game after a brouhaha in the OT period versus the Huskies, Saturday. (Independent Photo by Kevin Brautigam)

January 7 Scoring Summary Period 1: Nationals, 1:28 - Mike Ferguson (Dylan Haynes, Keaton Silvernagle). Period 2: Nationals, 19:02 - Kyle Dilosa (Travis Granbois, Joe Bristow); Nationals, 18:12 - Mike Ferguson (Keaton Silvernagle, Dylan Haynes); Huskies, 15:55 - Matt Mckinnon (Adam Antkowiak, Kenton Dulle); Huskies, 1:59

- Matt Mckinnon (David Brown, Jesse Duchscherer); Huskies, 0:43 - Troy Boisjoli (Kenton Dulle, Adam Antkowiak). Period 3: Huskies at 15:50 - Adam Antkowiak (Troy Boisjoli); Nationals, 0:55 - Derek Argue (Travis Granbois, Curtis Piecowye). Overtime Period 1: Huskies, 3:14 - David Brown (Kenton Dulle, Jesse Duchscherer). Penalty Summary

Period 1: Nationals, 13:17 - Travis Granbois, slashing (2); Huskies, 10:38 - Kenton Dulle, slashing (2). Period 2: Nationals, 11:19 - Kevin Fick, interference (2); Nationals, 3:58 - Kevin Fick, holding (2); Nationals, 2:24 - Travis Granbois, slashing (2). Period 3: Huskies, 13:37 - Adam Antkowial, roughing (2); Huskies, 11:24 - Kenton Dulle,

misconduct (10); Huskies 11:24 - Ken Patzack, misconduct (10); Huskies, 11:24 - Adam Antkowiak, unsportsmanlike conduct (2); Huskies, 11:24 - Ken Patzack, unsportsmanlike conduct (2); Huskies, 11:24 Kenton Dulle, head contact (2); Nationals 11:24 - Joe Bristow, unsportsmanlike conduct (2); Nationals,11:24 - Travis Granbois, unsportsmanlike conduct (2); Huslies,







Nationals Huskies

1 0

2 3

1 1

0 1

4 5







Nationals Huskies

13 9

14 10

9 13

1 2

37 34

Power Plays Nationals Huskies 1:23 - David Brown, interference (2). Overtime Period 1: Nationals, 3:33 - Joe Bristow, goaltender interference (2); Nation-

0 for 8 0 for 9 als, 3:33 - Kyle Dilosa, checking from behind (2); Nationals, 3:33 Kyle Dilosa, game misconduct.

Biggar Nationals vs Wilkie Outlaws Biggar Nationals Player Stats #




4 7 9 11 12 14 15 16 18 27 51 61 89

Liam Boyle Gage Gray Kevin Fick Mike Ferguson Travis Granbois Keaton Silvernagle Derek Argue Kyle Endicott Curtis Piecowye Joe Bristow Kyle Dilosa Dylan Haynes Matt Bourgeois

1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 2

1 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 2

0 0 0 0 2 2 4 2 0 0 4 0 2


35 Cruz McNulty (L)





Nationals Outlaws

1 4

1 4

3 4

5 12






Nationals Outlaws

17 15

18 17

19 20

54 52

Power Plays Nationals Outlaws

Biggar Nationals Goalie Stats #








January 6 Scoring Summary Period 1: Nationals, 18:28 - Kyle Dilosa (unassisted); Outlaws, 16:22 - Rory Gregoire (Brock Harrison, Rob Cey); Outlaws 11:28 Dustin Glackin (Mitch Suchan, Ryne Keller); Outlaws, 6:18 - Andrew Herle (Ryne Keller); Outlaws, 4:02 - Garett

0 for 7 0 for 8 Cameron (Rory Gregoire, Brock Harrison). Period 2: Nationals, 18:32 - Mike Ferguson (Keaton Silvernagle, Matt Bourgeois); Outlaws, 15:22 - Garett Cameron (Ryne Keller, Dustin Glackin); Outlaws, 13:55 - Andrew Herle (Lorne Griffiths, Rory Gregoire); Outlaws, 8:15 - Mitch

Suchan (Rob Cey, Ryne Keller); Outlaws, 6:11 - Rory Gregoire (Derek Keller, Garett Cameron). Period 3: Nationals, 17:02 - Liam Boyle (Derek Argue, Kevin Fick); Outlaws, 13:47 - Derek Keller (Lorne Griffiths, Mike Sittler); Nationals, 12:10 - Travis Granbois (Kyle Dilosa, Joe Bristow); Outlaws, 6:04 - Brock Harrison (Garett Cameron, Rory Gregoire); Outlaws, 3:20 - Garett Cameron (Rory Gregoire, Reece Fenrich); Outlaws, 2:48 - Rory Gregoire (Garett Cameron, Brock Harrison); Nationals, 2:20 - Travis Granbois (Matt Bourgeois, Joe Bristow). Penalty Summary Period 1: Nationals, 7:03 - Kyle Endicott, hooking (2); Nationals, 6:08 - Derek Argue, holding (2); Nationals

0:43 - Derek Argue, unsportsmanlike conduct (2); Outlaws 0:42 - Ryne Keller, tripping (2). Period 2: Outlaws, 12:42 - Mitch Suchan, elbowing (2); Outlaws, 5:00 - Rob Cey, boarding (2). Period 3: Outlaws, 12:10 - Reece Fenrich, roughing (2); Nationals, 12:10 - Kyle Dilosa, roughing (2); Nationals, 5:00 - Keaton Silverangle, boarding (2); Outlaws 1:30 - Andrew Herle, cross checking (2); Nationals, 1:30 - Matt Bourgeois, roughing (2); Outlaws, 1:18 - Team Penalty for bench minor (2); Nationals, 1:02 Kyle Dilosa, unsportsmanlike conduct (2); Outlaws, 0:34 - Bruce Yockey, interference (2); Nationals 0:02 - Travis Granbois, slashing (2).



Brady, Patriots rolling toward another Super Bowl That Tom Brady will one day be a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame is a foregone conclusion. But whether he’ll be honoured as a four-, five-, six-time (or more) Super Bowl winner remains to be seen. Brady, who was suspended for four games at the start of this season due to the infamous ‘deflategate’ scandal and still led his club to a 14-2 record, is the odds-on favourite to be the Super Bowl winning QB when the game is played February 5 in Houston. And since Brady says he sees no reason why he can’t continue to play at a high level until his mid40s, an unprecedented age for a starting quarterback, it’s possible he may set an SB-winning standard future NFL quarterbacks will never be able to reach. Brady, almost an afterthought of a draft choice (sixth round) in 2000 by the Patriots following an undistinguished career at the University of Michigan, goes for his fifth Super Bowl title this

year. New England went 3-1 during the 39-yearold Brady’s four-game absence, and lost only once in the 12 games he started. The Patriots were the No. 1 seed in the American Football Conference, giving them a firstround bye and home-field advantage throughout the playoffs. Experts give only a couple of teams a chance to derail the Patriot train as it rolls toward Houston. Pittsburgh Steelers won the last seven games of the regular season and are considered the biggest AFC threat to the Patriots. In the NFC, Green Bay had a similar run to end the season (six wins in a row), the rejuvenated Dallas Cowboys earned the No. 1 seed and the playoff-hardened Seattle Seahawks are always

tough foes. But it will be a surprise if Brady, coach Bill Belichick and owner Robert Kraft aren’t standing on the post-game podium in Houston hoisting the Super Bowl late in the evening of Feb. 5. N e w England won most g a m e s with ease, racking up, by far, the best Bruce Penton points foragainst ratio in the league (plus 191). The loss to injury of key players, such as receiver Rob Gronkowski, has had little effect on the Patriots’ success. The loss of Brady might be a different story, however. The player who may go down in NFL history as the best ever to play the quarterback position might be the most irreplaceable Patriot.

Penton on sports

The football world is likely to see his legend grow through January and on Feb. 5. • Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: “Saying ‘there’s lots of pictures of baseball players dressed up as Disney princesses,’ Major League Baseball announced a crackdown on rookie hazings. Fortunately for Minnesota, being forced to dress in a Twins uniform isn’t included in the ban.” • User aim4apex, on Instagram, sharing a picture of a Zamboni at the drive-up window of a Tim Hortons in Stony Plain, Alberta: “This was probably the most Canadian thing I’ve ever seen in my 26 years of life.” • Seth Meyers of NBC’s Late Night: “According to a recent study, Pokémon go players have collectively walked 5.7 billion miles while using the app. They’ve walked everywhere except into a job interview.” • Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg: “Russia is admitting to an institutional conspiracy to dope their athletes. This was

Biggar Bowling Scores

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WWE Hall of Fame.” • Dwight Perry of Seattle Times again: “A man in Germany made a shocking discovery when he opened his front door: Someone had built a brick wall in his doorway overnight. Rams RB Todd Gurley had the same recurring dream all season.” • Jets receiver Brandon Marshall, to Showtime’s “Inside the NFL,” on his team’s 5-11 season: “The best way I can describe it is having a diaper on and never changing it. And just sitting in that diaper the whole year.” • Brad Dickson of the Omaha World-Herald: “Washington was in the College Football Playoff and Colorado had a surprisingly strong season. Who knew the key to football success was legal marijuana?” • Dickson again: “LeBron James arrived at a game in a full Cubs uniform after losing a World Series bet. Pete Rose: ‘You too?’” Care to comment? E-mail brucepenton2003@ yahoo.ca.

Cari Perih, REALTOR®


December 21 Monday Mixed: MHS, Jason Raschke, 278; WHS, Brett Dorosh, 238; MHT, Jason Raschke, 704; WHT, Brett Dorosh, 683. January 5 Thursday afternoon Seniors: MHS, Glen Shokey, 225; WHS, Joan Suchan, 168; MHT, Glen Shockey, 580; WHT, Donna Eckart, 454. YBC January 4-5 Bowlasaurus: HS, Cash Danskin, 89. Pee Wee: HS, Zuri Bailey, 106; HD, Zuri Bailey, 188. Bantam: HS, Jordan Rorick, 117; HT, Jordan Rorick, 326. Junior Boys: HS, Julian Heimbecker, 198; HT, Julian Heimbecker, 483. Junior Girls: HS, Cassie Raschke, 206; HT, Cassie Raschke, 559.

not a shock after their women’s hockey team tested positive for testicles.” • Norman Chad on Twitter: “Before most games, Patriots find the guy working at the nearest Radio Shack, sign him as a wide receiver and Tom Brady throws him a TD pass.” • Janice Hough of leftcoastsportsbabe.com: “Someone changed the name of the Browns training facility on Google Maps to “Cleveland Clowns”, prompting demands for an apology, from real clowns.” • @RandyTurner15 of the Winnipeg Free Press, on Twitter: “Patrik Laine, 18, just cashed in $212,500 for scoring 20th NHL goal. In related story, at 18 I cashed in my empties for six-pack of Molson.” • Bob Molinaro of pilotonline.com, Hampton, Va.: “Remember when Chip Kelly was the smartest guy in the room? Either the room got a lot larger or Kelly shrunk.” • Headline at TheKicker. com: “Chairs voted into

4 bedroom, 2 bath bungalow. Renovated kitchen and bathrooms. Detached garage. Fenced yard.

Well maintained 4 bedroom 2 bathroom family home. Single attached garage. Impressive exterior overhaul. Call to view.

Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Biggar Landis

Address 202 8th Ave West 135 Wright Cres. 408 5th Ave East 419 5th Ave West 112 8th Ave West 120 Wright Cres 421 4th Ave West 106 5th Ave West McCarty Acreage 527 8th Ave West 410 4th Ave West 409 3rd Ave East 110 6th Ave West 305 3rd Ave East 313 6th Ave West 303 4th Ave West 103 5th Ave East 220 3rd Ave West 602 Main Street 216 4th Ave West 305 & 307 4th Ave West 230 2nd Ave East 107 5th Ave West 305 3rd Ave West 201 5th Ave East Out of town properties... 102 2nd Ave West

Price $360,000 $349,900 $348,000 $333,000 $299,000 $299,000 $260,000 $249,900 $244,500 $230,000 $219,900 $215,000 $199,000 $194,000 $169,000 $129,000 $124,900 $121,000 $ 99,900 $ 79,500 $ 79,000 $ 65,000 $ 63,000 $ 47,000 $ 35,000 $ 55,000

Shoreline Realty Office: 306-867-8380/306-856-0066 Not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale. Each office is independently owned and operated.



Traditions thrive in Biggar

“My History, My Tradition”, an OSAC show now on display in the Credit Union Gallery.

The first hospital in Biggar. (Photos courtesy of the Biggar Museum and Gallery)

by Delta Fay Cruichshank for the Biggar Museum and Gallery Well, the holidays are over, the Christmas decorations have been put away, the New Year is here, and I have to remember to put 2017 on my correspondence... so far I haven’t! The tradition carries on! The tradition of something always happening at the Biggar Museum and Gallery continues! It is with much enthusiasm 2017 is entered! It is going to be a great year! All the regular events will be happening, of course; Valentine Day Pie Sale, Student Art Exhibit, Adjudicated Art Show, Barbecue, Cookie Sale, Hay Rides and Christmas Magic are planned. 2017 will also bring Canada 150! Canada’s 150th year of confederation, celebrations all over the country, and Biggar will be having their own celebrations as well! Here at the museum expect a great timeline display, a tea and a pancake breakfast! There will be a parade, park activities, food, displays all throughout the town on July 1 and fireworks

the night before! One hundred and fifty years ago, immigrants came to this wild land, and made it their own. They brought with them the dreams to create a land that was safe for their families. Safe from starvation, prejudice, equality, and tyranny. I believe they have created just that land. Immigrants still come to this land looking for the same things, and they will find it! In the Credit Union Gallery we have the new exhibit called “My History, My Tradition”. Two female artists use beading and portraiture to represent their Metis and Dene history and traditions. Biggar has a great tradition of creating musicals every year. The New Creation Community Players have a 35-year history of artists from our community creating hours of pure entertainment! This year the NCCP presentation will be “Sister Act”. In honour of this, the Biggar Museum has changed up Mr. Martin’s classroom. Now in the exhibit are some of Mr. Martin’s nun dolls. He made the costumes for over 140 dolls! He

did this to help bring alive history for his students! Nuns had a very important role in the history of our town. The Grey Nuns came in 1923 to open our first hospital. It was in a building that was where the SaskPower building is now, across from Shop Easy. Eventually a brand new hospital was build and the nuns nursed in there until 1967. The Sisters of Assumption were the teachers at St. Theresa’s Academy, a separate school. Music was important to the nuns; many got their first musical instruction by nuns, and went on to make music their career. We have a brand new video in the Majestic Theatre Exhibit and from it you will learn the history of hospitals, churches and schools in Biggar. Another grand tradition that Biggar has is its generosity. Our Christmas Magic was successful again this year. Donators, volunteers and bidders have been generous with their time, and their money. This generosity assures another year of the museum continuing to preserve and present the history of Biggar to all ages.


ÊÄÝ® Ù ÊîĦ ®Ù ãÊÙ Bii ggar & District Biggar Diistrii ct Credit Credii t Union Uniion will be accepting nominations for vacant positions on the

ŽĂƌĚ ŽĨ ŝƌĞĐƚŽƌƐ ĨƌŽŵ &ĞďƌƵĂƌLJ ϵ Ͳ Ϯϯ͕ ϮϬϭϳ ĞĂĚůŝŶĞ ĨŽƌ ŶŽŵŝŶĂƟŽŶƐ ŝƐ dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJ͕ &ĞďƌƵĂƌLJ Ϯϯ͕ ϮϬϭϳ Ăƚ ϰ͗ϯϬ Ɖŵ &Žƌ ŵŽƌĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͕ ǀŝƐŝƚ ǁǁǁ͘ďŝŐŐĂƌĐƵ͘ĐŽŵ Žƌ ĚƌŽƉ ŝŶ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ŝŐŐĂƌ Žƌ WĞƌĚƵĞ ƌĂŶĐŚ

Many students had their introduction to musical careers at St. Theresa’s Academy in Biggar.


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MEMORIAM SILVERNAGLE, Larry: September 28, 1956 - January 13, 2015. “Everyday we think of you Forever missed and loved.� Mom; Karen; Trent and Anita; Derek and Sandi; and your nephews and nieces. 2p1

CARDS OF THANKS The family of Merle Newton would like to express their deep gratitude and appreciation for all of the phone calls, food, flowers, cards, visits to the house, text messages, donations to Ronald McDonald House in her memory, emails and hugs we received with her recent passing. Thank you to Krista and John, Biggar Ambulance attendants and Bob and Ed from Grondin Funeral Services for their assistance. She is in a better, more peaceful place watching over all of us. Ken; Brenda; Jim (Barb), Brett, Brooklyn, and Chilly. God bless! 2p1



SUNDAY, JANUARY 15: Please join us for a bridal shower honouring Kirby Sarvas (bride-elect of Brent Heitt of Unity) at 2:00 p.m. in the Westwinds Motor Hotel Centennial Room. Cards have been placed in the drugstores. 51p3

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MONDAY, JANUARY 30: Donors Choice Annual meeting, 7 p.m. at New Horizons boardroom. Donors Choice Board Members and a Representative from local organizations supported by Donors Choice, please, please attend. We need your support! 2c3 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11: Biggar & District Health Services Foundation fundraiser and auction presents‌ “A Red Carpet Eveningâ€?, cocktails @ 5:30 p.m.; dinner @ 6:30 p.m; Live Dance music duo‌ “Better Than Nothingâ€?, at Biggar Community Hall. Live & Silent Auctions. Ticket purchase = chance to win 1 of 2-$1000 cash prizes. Tickets, $50. Available at The Biggar Independent, 122 Main St., Biggar. 48c6


CELEBRATE CANADA 150 WITH SASKATCHEWAN EXPRESS! Singers and dancers needed for our 2017 Oh! Canada Summer Tour

FOR SALE P ROV I N C E WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 550,000 readers weekly. Call this newspaper NOW or 306-649.1405 for details.

Performers must be 15 years of age or older. Summer includes extensive touring.

Coming BIGGAR ASSOCIATED GOSPEL CHURCH corner of 8th Ave.W. and Quebec St., Biggar

Sunday Worship • 10:50 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Ladies Bible Study, Wednesdays, 9:45 a.m. Church office phone, 306-948-3424

BIGGAR UNITED CHURCH 907 Quebec St./corner Turnbull Ave., Biggar FRIDAY, JANUARY 13: Biggar & District Arts Council presents‌ “Andino Sunsâ€?, 7:30 p.m., Majestic Theatre, Biggar. Adults/Seniors $25 (advance $20); Students, 13 and older, $15 (advance $12); children 12 and under, $5. Advance tickets available at de Moissac Jewellers, Biggar, 306948-2452 or online www.ticketpro.ca 50c3 Saskatoon Farm Toy and Collectible Show JANUARY 13 - 15,2017 at the German Cultural Centre, Saskatoon, SK. Friday 5pm-9pm, Saturday 10am5pm, Sunday 10am-4pm. Special features include farm toys and scenes, construction equipment, vintage toys, die-cast models, collectibles, replacement parts and more!


Sunday Worship Service • 11 a.m. Coffee and fellowship to follow service. Church office phone, 306-948-2280

PRESBYTERIANS, ANGLICANS AND LUTHERANS (PALS) WORSHIP @ ST. PAUL’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Corner of 4th Ave. E. & King St. • 10:30 a.m. except Sunday, Jan. 29 @ Redeemer Lutheran, potluck to follow

For more information/pastoral services, phone Cindy Hoppe @306948-2947; Rev. Jessica Latshaw @ 306-261-9906, Sundays & Saturdays.

ST. GABRIEL ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 109 - 7th Ave. W, Biggar Father Michel Bedard Parish Phone: 306-948-3330

MASS TIME 3UNDAY s A M Sunday School during service



JESUS MIRACLE CRUSADE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY %6%29 35.$!9 3%26)#% s ! - 0 - -)$7%%+ 3%26)#% s 7%$.%3$!93 0 - /6%2.)'(4 02!9%2 s &2)$!93 0 - ! - 207 MAIN STREET, BIGGAR

CONTACT RAMIL, MARILYN OR ORLANDO, 306-948-2023 OR 306-951-0095 OR 306-948-3021

Everyone Welcome!

A selection of MEMORIAL VERSES is available for you to choose from in memory of your loved one(s)‌ @ The Biggar Independent. Stop in at 122 Main St., Biggar.

Applications at www.saskatchewan express.com or contact Michele Glaze at 306.522.3403 michele@ saskatchewanexpress.com for further information.

FOR SALE Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at www.swna.com. HARDY TREE, SHRUB, and berry seedlings delivered. Order online at www. treetime.ca or call 1-866-8733846. New growth guaranteed. STEEL BUILDING SALE ...�REALLY BIG SALE IS BACK EXTRA WINTER DISCOUNT ON NOW!� 20X19 $5,145 25X27 $5,997 28x27 $6,773 30X31 $8,110 35X33 $11,37640X43 $13,978. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-855-212-7036 w w w. p i o n e e r steel.ca

REACH OVER 500,000 Saskatchewan Readers Each Week! )SHURL[ *SHZZPĂ„LKZ HYL JHYYPLK PU 79 community UL^ZWHWLYZ ^OPJO YLHJO V]LY JVTT\UP[PLZ PUJS\KPUN JP[PLZ 7! ,! JSHZZPĂ„LKZ'Z^UH JVT >! ^^^ Z^UH JVT The Strength is in Community Newspapers!

WANTED Old battery collection, Fisher #300 Cadet Squadron. Drop off at the Biggar Landfill OR contact Quentin Sittler at 306-6582132 tfn MAIN STREET GARAGE SALE is accepting donations of all items in clean and working condition. Please phone 306-9481773 or 306-9485393. Pick-up available. tfn Wanted coyote, fox, whole frozen animals. Must have Sask fur license or treaty#. Call for pickup. Darold 306-852-8802. madtrapper@ hotmail.com. Dealer #6120.

AUTO PARTS Wrecking over 250 units... cars and trucks. Lots of trucks... Dodge... GMC... Ford... Imports... 1/2 ton to 3 tons... We ship anywhere... Call or text 306-821-0260. Lloydminster.




NORTH EAST PRAIRIE GRAIN INC. Currently Buying: Soybeans, Feed Barley, Wheat and Oats. OFFERING: Competitive Prices, On Farm Pickup & Prompt Payment! CALL: 1-306-873-3551, W E B S I T E : neprairiegrain. com Buying/Selling FEED GRAINS heated / damaged CANOLA/FLAX Top price paid FOB FARM

Western Commodities 877-695-6461 Visit our website @ www.westerncommodities.ca

NutraSun Foods Ltd of Regina wants to buy your Organic Hard Red Spring and Conventional Hard White Wheat. Please contact Abe Ens at 306-751-2440.

LAND FOR SALE FARMLAND WANTED NO FEES OR COMMISSIONS! SUMMARY OF SOLD PROPERTIES North - 10 1/4’s North East - 14 1/4’s North West - 12 1/4’s East - 57 1/4’s West - 50 1/4’s Central - 219 1/4’s South - 100 1/4’s South East - 46 1/4’s South West - 65 1/4’s PURCHASING: SINGLE TO LARGE BLOCKS OF LAND. RENT BACK AVAILABLE Call DOUG 306-955-2266 saskfarms@shaw.ca

For FAX service, see us at The Independent, 122 Main Street, Biggar

LAND FOR SALE PrairieSky Royalty Ltd. is a publicly-traded company in Calgary that acquires oil & gas fee title and royalty interests at fair market value. To receive a cash offer, call 587293-4055 or visit www.prairiesky. com/SellingYour-Royalties.



LAND FOR RENT… RM of Reford, NW-35 -38-18-W3rd, 160 acre; RM of Rosemount, NE-4-39-17-W3rd, 80 acres; RM of Rosemount, SE-4 -39-17-W3rd, 160 acres. Tenders close January 31, 2017. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Payment to be made twice a year, May 1st and Dec. 1st. Send tenders to Ken Kobelsky, Box 602, Biggar, SK, S0K 0M0 1c3

LAND FOR RENT LAND RENT, in R.M. Creek. details, 9186.

FOR pasture of Eagle Call for 306-948tfn


For Rent: 2 bedroom house, partially furnished and close to downtown. N/S. Available immediately, $600/ month + utilities. Reduced rate with lease. 306-948-8052 51c3

FOR RENT Charter/ Sherwood Apartments 1 Bedroom, 2 Bedroom Heat and water supplied, wired for cable TV and satellite systems, laundr y facilities, appliances, some suites with dishwasher s, air conditioning, parking with plugins. For more information call: Karen/Kevin 306-948-9115 302 - 8th Ave. W. Biggar

HEALTH & WELLNESS CANADA BENEFIT GROUP - Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888511-2250 or www. canadabenefit. ca/free-assessment


If YOU are… • NEW to our communities of Biggar/Landis/Perdue • Have a new baby

It’s time to renew your subscription!


WAGON at 306-948-3837

Sheila Itterman We have gifts and information www. welcomewagon.ca

Biggar & District ARTS Council are available for bar tending services at your functions/ events. Contact Denise @ 306948-2452 19tfn

Contact US

for professional printing of office supplies, forms and services. The Biggar Independent 122 Main St., Biggar 306-9483344 ALL Subscriptions expired Dec. 31, 2016 RENEW or SUBSCRIBE TODAY!!!

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If you DO NOT receive your Independent in a timely manner, please call your local post office or Canada Post @ 1-866-607-6301

Pkg. of 8.5x11 white bond paper, $5.99 @ The Independent122 Main St., Biggar



Black Bean Soup Here we are in January. This is the time of year that is filled with healthy resolutions, but because of the cold temperatures and still limited daylight hours, we also yearn for comfort food. Allow me to help you satisfy both in a single recipe. During my trips to the grocery store I always see people s t o c k ing up on canned soups. Although I do realize that making a soup from scratch requires more effort that a few turns of a can opener, the rewards are much greater. Not only are you in control of your ingredients, but the flavour and texture can be so much better. This recipe is the perfect solution because the cut sizes doesn’t really matter too much since the whole soup is pureed anyway. Less cutting means less effort on your part. There is an abundance of fresh vegetables in this soup and black beans are a great source of pro-

tein and dietary fibre among other nutritional aspects. Yes, I do realize that the first ingredient is bacon, but this can easily be replaced with a bit of coconut oil or other healthy cooking oil. However, if you feel that your diet regimen can handle some bacon moderation, this is less than a third of a pound of bacon for 10 cups of soup. This recipe can also be found on page 55 of my latest cookbook “The Best In Your Kitchen” available from my Web site or worldwide through Amazon. H a p p y Chef Dez Cooking! Black Bean Soup - Makes approximately 10 cups “The cut sizes for the bacon and vegetables really doesn’t matter too much as the whole soup is pureed with a hand blender anyway.” 125g bacon slices, cut into smaller pieces. 1 small onion, chopped. 1 green bell pepper, chopped. 1 large carrot, chopped. 1 celery stalk, chopped. 2 jalapenos, chopped -

Chef Dez on cooking

seeds and membrane removed for mild. 3 to 4 garlic cloves, chopped. 2 - 540 ml cans of black beans, drained and rinsed. 3 to 4 cups chicken stock. 1 small bunch fresh cilantro, chopped (reserve some for garnish). 1 medium tomato, chopped. 2 tsp ground cumin. 1/2 cup jarred salsa of your choice. Salt and pepper to taste. 1/2 cup sour cream, for garnish, optional. 1.) Add the bacon pieces to a large heavy bottomed pot over medium high heat and cook until fat has been rendered from the bacon. Cooked but not necessarily crisp, stirring occasionally. 2.) Turn the heat down to medium and add the diced onions, green peppers, carrots, celery, jalapenos, garlic, and some salt and pepper to the bacon and bacon fat. Cover and cook until the vegetables are mostly soft, approximately five to seven minutes. 3.) Add the black beans and three cups of the chicken stock. 4.) Add the cilantro, tomatoes, cumin, and salsa. Puree with a hand blender until smooth. Use the remaining one cup of chicken stock to thin the soup to your desired consistency while pureeing.

Top money management tips for snowbirds and retirees (NC) Stretching savings dollars is more important than ever for baby boomers as they leave the workforce to become snowbirds and retirees. Use these money management tips to stay on top of matters while living life to the fullest. 1. Travelling. As many retirees use new-found leisure time to travel, you can benefit from a more flexible schedule by booking trips during offpeak seasons or by booking last minute. Take advantage of discounts and explore deals for seniors for hotels, planes, trains, and entertainment, as well as specials that you may qualify for, like veteran rates or CAA member pricing. 2. Shopping. Check out the many discounts that can start as early as age 55, available at grocery stores, pharmacies, and other retailers. You can also sign up for

emails from your favourite chains or browse their flyers and shop earlier in the day during sales for the best selection and fewer crowds. 3. Downsizing. This term can sounds scary, but it doesn’t have to mean a big negative change to your lifestyle. Trade in your gas-guzzling SUV or minivan for a more eco-friendly and fuel-efficient car. Need less space at home or want the convenience of no stairs, amenities and not needing to mow your lawn or shovel snow? Consider condo living. If that sounds too drastic, save on home expenses by choosing greener appliances, programming your thermostat and caulking doors and windows to prevent drafts. 4. Planning. Work with a qualified financial advisor to determine how to invest as you get older and the best way

to take money from your savings. Consider designating someone you trust as your power of attorney in the event that you become unable to make financial decisions. 5. Banking. Ask your financial institution about discount banking available for seniors. You can also get your Canadian Pension Plan, Old Age Security, and tax-related payments deposited straight into your bank account by signing up for direct deposit. It’s the fastest, safest and greenest way to get your payments. Love seeing your teller every week? You can still do all your other banking as you normally would — direct deposit just means you don’t have the extra hassle of one more cheque to cash. This way, even if you decide to travel down south for winter, you’ll still have access to your money.

Season with salt and pepper to taste. 5.) Heat to desired temperature and serve each bowl garnished with an optional dollop of sour

cream and/or a sprig of cilantro Send your food/cooking questions to dez@ chefdez.com or P.O. Box 2674, Abbotsford, B.C.,

V2T 6R4. Chef Dez is a Food Columnist, Culinary Travel Host and Cookbook Author. Visit him at chefdez.com.

New Year Tour 2017 Monday, January 16 Dinsmore from 8:30—9:30 a.m. at the Old Pool Room (on Main Street) Wiseton from 9:45—10:30 a.m. at Roosters Roadhouse (on Main Street) Conquest from 11:30—1:00 at the Community Centre (old school)

Tuesday, January 17 Wakaw from 7:30—8:30 a.m. at Crossroads Restaurant (at Hwy 2 and 41) Cudworth from 9:00—10:00 a.m. at Apple Wood Restaurant (119 Main Street) Prud’homme from 10:30—11:30 a.m. at Shop ‘n Stay Grocery (12 Railway Ave)

Wednesday, January 18 Hafford from 8:00—8:45 a.m. at A&M Bistro (217 Railway Avenue West) Radisson from 9:15—10:00 a.m. at the Red Bull (on Hwy 16) Borden from 10:15—11:00 at the Corner Café (401 Railway Avenue)

Thursday, January 19 Bruno from 9:00—9:30 at the Bruno Café (513 Main Street) Muenster from 10:15—11:30 at the Seniors Centre (on Main Street) Lake Lenore from 3:00—4:00 p.m. at the Lake Lenore Hotel (107 Main Street)

Friday, January 20 Rosthern from 8:30—9:15 a.m. at Kings Chicken & Pizza (1018 6th Street) Leask from 10:15—11:00 a.m. at Leask Cafeteria (10 Main Street) Blaine Lake from 2:00—3:00 at Ron’s Café (117 Main Street)

Come for a coffee and visit at one of these loca ons! Kelly Block M.P. Carlton Trail-Eagle Creek www.kellyblockmp.ca



Unemployment rate drops in December Saskatchewan recorded a 6.5 per cent unemployment rate (seasonally adjusted) in December 2016, down from 6.8 per cent in November 2016. There were 563,000 people employed in the province in December 2016. Year-over-year, there was a decrease of 7,900 jobs. Over the same period, Alberta recorded a loss of 17,300 jobs, while Newfoundland and Labrador recorded a loss of 5,700 jobs. All three oil producing provinces recorded the highest job losses in Canada. “We are pleased to see the unemployment rate drop for the second consecutive month,” Economy Minister Jeremy Harrison said. “It should be noted that the largest job losses recorded in 2016 were in the three oil producing provinces. This clearly indicates now is not the time for a job-killing carbon tax.”

Saskatchewan had the fourth lowest unemployment rate in the country, below the national average of 6.9 per cent (seasonally adjusted). Other December 2016 highlights include: • Major year-over-year gains were reported for trade up 5,200; professional, scientific and technical services up 4,500; public administration up 2,300. • Off-reserve Aboriginal employment was up 4,600 for six consecutive months of year-overyear increases. • Saskatchewan’s youth unemployment rate was 10.3 per cent (seasonally adjusted), second lowest among the provinces, behind British Columbia (8.5 per cent), and below the national rate of 12.6 per cent. • Aboriginal youth employment was up 1,500 for eight consecutive months of yearover-year increases.

New Horizons Activities

2007 F-150 XL 2WD, REG CAB, V6 AUTO, ONLY 16,000 2011 FORD EXPLORER XLT, ONLY 92,000KMS, VERY ORIGINAL KMS, SK TAX PD, WITH TOPPER............... $11,900 GOOD!........................................................... $24,500 2004 F-150 2WD, 5.4 AUTO, 76,000KMS, ECO. FRIENDLY, NATURAL GAS .................................................. $ 6,900 2004 F-150 2WD, 5.4 AUTO, ONLY 65,000KMS, FRESH 2005 GRAND MARQUIS LS, ONLY 120,000KMS, LOCAL .................................................................... $ 5,900 SAFETY, ECO. FRIENDLY, NATURAL GAS, SERVICE TOPPER, COSTS 10 CENTS/KM TO OPERATE!................................ $ 6,900


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$6,900 2006 FREIGHTLINER DAYCAB, S/A 455HP DETROIT, 10 SPD, FRESH SAFETY .................................................. $24,900 HAVE TWO UNITS… 2010 IHC PROSTAR, CUMMINS 485HP, 18 SPD, 46,000 REAR, FRESH SAFETY, NEW 24” DRIVERS ............. $52,900 1995 IHC 4900 GRAVEL TRUCK, 275HP, 466 ENGINE, 8LL TRANS ..................................................... $24,900

2006 CHEV 2500, REG CAB, 4X4, 8.1 V8 STD TRANS, ONLY 100,000KMS, GRAVEL WORK TRUCK, HAS BUILT IN BOX .......................................................... $10,900 2002 CHEV 2500 CREW 4X4 LONG BOX, 6.0 AUTO, ONLY 70,000KMS, VERY GOOD! ................................. $12,900 2000 FL 70, 300HP CAT, AUTO TRANS, FRESH SAFETY .................................................................... $22,900


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Jean Tweddle in third. On January 4 Carmen from Pharmasave gave a presentation on Restless Leg Syndrome and night time leg cramps. Our monthly Pharmasave presentations have been getting some great turnouts. Have a great week!

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RM 347 Biggar 4 BR, 2 BA Lindal Cedar Log home. Quonset, horse barn, and shop. Full 1/4 negotiable.


RM 317 Marriott Located between Biggar and Rosetown. 1,600 sq. ft. 2 story home with 5 BR and 2 BA.



Perdue, Sask.

Turner, Doreen Phillips and Florence Hammond. The second place team was Emily Liska, Gail Herzberg, Marie Roesch, Mildred Henne and Jean Tweddle. We had shuffleboard on January 4. The winners were Marie Roesch in first place, Mildred Henne in second and

Acreage 15 Acres Dave Molberg

Acreage 10 Acres Dave Molberg



by Chasity Kreutzer Happy New Year! We had a quiet week at New Horizons the first week of January. Everyone must have been recovering from the holiday festivities! Carpet bowling started up again on January 3. The first place team was Dinah Kegler, Pat

RM 347 Biggar Incredible 1,812 sq. ft. 6 BR, 2 BA home with recent updates. Barn and shop.


RM 347 Biggar Mainly cultivated farmland. Located 13 miles southeast of Biggar.


Acreage 9.79 Acres Dave Molberg

Grain Land 155 Acres Dave Molberg

Saskatchewan’s Ag Real Estate Professionals Dave Molberg Salesperson

306 9484478 Dave.Molberg@HammondRealty.ca

For the most up-to-date listings, please visit our website


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